Seabe sa Motswana Mongwe le Mongwe

Seabe sa Motswana Mongwe le Mongwe. Community leaders operate closer to communities Historic role of community leaders acknowledged; fading/or adapting?

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Seabe sa Motswana Mongwe le Mongwe

Community leaders operate closer to communities

Historic role of community leaders acknowledged; fading/or adapting?

Communities changing:◦ Continually urbanizing ◦ HIV/AIDS◦ Entrepreneurship ◦ Unemployment poverty, crime

•To determine level of ownership among community leaders

•To determine capacity needs of leaders to better drive Vision 2016

•To identify challenges community leaders are faced with in driving Vision 2016

•To obtain specific recommendations on the role the Vision council can play to better facilitate in effort made by leaders

Two approaches used: ◦Survey and ◦Case Study Approach

Technical assistance from govt departments Donations by villagers/leaders Provision of market outlets for produce Exchange of resources with other

organisations Reaching out to foreign donors for funding

Lack of permanent staff Cultural: lack of business acumen Poor coordination with relevant government

department(s) Lack of project proposal writing skills Vandalism of projects