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Season 1, Episode 15 is There a Woogy in the House

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Page 1: Season 1, Episode 15 is There a Woogy in the House

00:00:20:Oh, God. Not another aftershock.00:00:22:At least they're getting smaller.|What was the main one, 4.3?00:00:25:- Radio said 4.5.|- There you go, Grams.00:00:30:- Earthquakes give me the jeebies.|- Would that be the Phoebe-jeebies?00:00:34:Oh, you know, the comedy stylings|of Prue Halliwell.00:00:36:The only Halliwell that|actually likes earthquakes.00:00:38:I don't like them, but I don't go|running through the house naked,00:00:41:screaming, "Run for you life," either.00:00:43:Okay, that is such an exaggeration.00:00:45:I was wearing slippers.00:00:48:Okay. Okay. Okay.|Does anybody smell that?00:00:52:Yeah. I caught a whiff of it|first thing this morning.00:00:55:- I think it's coming from the basement.|- Gas leak?00:00:58:I don't know. I called someone|to come and check.00:01:00:They should be here any...00:01:02:Now. I'll get it.00:01:07:- We're never gonna pull this off.|- Everything's gonna be fine.00:01:10:Yeah, until the house blows up.00:01:12:Look, this Buckland's VIP|specifically requested00:01:14:for the dinner party to be here.00:01:16:Now, Claire may have prodded me|into agreeing.00:01:18:- But the point is, I did agree and...|- Nothing has changed.00:01:22:Piper's gonna cook a feast.|I will serve with grace.00:01:25:And Claire will kiss your ass.00:01:27:- Tronomical talents.00:01:28:Morning, ladies.00:01:30:Wow, that's the smell.00:01:32:Doesn't really smell like gas.00:01:34:Yeah. But if it is,|we can't light the stove.00:01:36:No stove. No dinner.00:01:38:Relax. I can have it cooked|at the restaurant and brought here.00:01:42:Well, let me check it out,|see what's up.00:01:44:Great. Thanks.|The basement is thataway.00:01:46:Okay. Thanks.00:01:53:Look, Phoebe. He's going|into the basement. Alone.00:01:56:Don't even start.00:01:58:What if, dare I say it,|the bogeyman gets him?00:02:02:I believe Phoebe|pronounced it "Woogyman."00:02:05:Or was that just the buckteeth?00:02:08:Okay, I was 5 years old, you guys.00:02:09:Oh, so, what, now you're over it?00:02:12:Which is, I guess, why you haven't|been down there in what, 18 years?00:02:15:Okay. You guys were not there.00:02:18:- It was real. It was this...|- A story.00:02:21:Grams told you she got rid|of the Woogyman in the basement00:02:23:so you could sleep better.00:03:03:What the...?00:03:07:You have freed me.00:03:10:And now you'll help|take back the house.00:03:22:Who is Chanda Lier?00:03:25:Oh, that's me. I ordered some CDs.00:03:27:Using a fake name|to score some free CDs?00:03:30:Isn't that a little dishonest?00:03:32:Phoebe's dark side|rearing its ugly head?00:03:34:I do not have a dark side,|thank you very much.00:03:36:Just because I protect the innocent,00:03:38:doesn't mean I have to be innocent|all of the time.00:03:41:Oh, I don't know.00:03:42:Still believing in the Woogyman|is pretty innocent.00:03:45:And it's very cute too.

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00:03:46:You didn't think it was so cute|when we were all sharing a room00:03:49:and she kept you up all night.00:03:51:It was scary and it was real.00:03:56:So, what's the verdict?00:03:58:Bad.00:04:00:Bad as in destroying|my entire dinner party?00:04:03:Or bad as in you can fix it quickly,00:04:05:it'll just cost more than|my entire education?00:04:07:By tonight, there will be|no more problems.00:04:16:Okay. I'm off.00:04:18:I gotta go too.|I'm going to the wine store.00:04:20:- Here, for you.|- Thanks.00:04:35:Which one do you want?00:04:37:I'll just be upstairs if you need me.00:04:47:Phoebe.00:06:53:A little down on the left.00:06:56:Thanks.00:07:00:So was this your first quake?00:07:03:And hopefully my last.|I prefer my ceilings above me.00:07:07:All right.00:07:09:This is the final guest list for tonight.00:07:11:All important clients to me,|to Buckland's,00:07:14:and therefore to you.|And at the top of the list...00:07:16:Professor Whittlesey.|Didn't she just buy the Calder?00:07:19:Well, her family did, and they can|afford to buy much, much more.00:07:22:And for whatever reason,|she's fascinated with your house,00:07:26:so your job is to keep her happy.00:07:28:Excuse me. Claire, I will be bringing|a guest, if that's all right.00:07:32:Of course. Prue, tonight's going to be|five plus one.00:07:35:- It's your home, then.|- Yeah.00:07:38:Oh, Prue Halliwell,|Professor Whittlesey.00:07:41:Beth. I can't tell you how excited I am00:07:43:to be spending the evening|in a house with such history.00:07:47:I understand you know a lot|about the Halliwell history?00:07:49:I'm better versed on the|house's structure than its inhabitants.00:07:52:The professor's tenured at Berkeley.00:07:54:Architectural history.00:07:56:As a matter of fact, I use your house|as an example in one of my lectures.00:08:00:Really? Do you mention the leaky roof|and the limited hot water?00:08:04:Oh, the original house that stood|on that spot was a masterpiece.00:08:09:But it had to be rebuilt|after the earthquake of 190600:08:11:when it was completely destroyed.00:08:13:That's the time my great-grandparents|moved in.00:08:15:Metaphysicists believe the land|to be what they call a spiritual nexus.00:08:19:But it's still standing|after this morning's rumble.00:08:23:So okay, gotta go. Gotta go.00:08:25:See you at 7.00:08:27:Plus one.00:08:36:- Hello?|- Hey. How's my favourite sister?00:08:39:You want something.|I know you want something.00:08:42:Look, my boss just told me|it's plus one. I am so sorry.00:08:46:Plus one? But I've already|bought the...00:08:50:Oh, whatever. You owe me.00:09:00:Excuse me. That's...00:09:01:Calera Jensen, '93. Last bottle.00:09:05:- Mine.|Look, why don't you try this.00:09:07:It's got a robust flavour.00:09:09:Good nose. Great vintage.00:09:10:It's probably better than the Calera.

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00:09:12:I'm impressed.00:09:14:But why do you want it so bad?00:09:16:Because it's got a great body.00:09:20:Look, I'm making coq au vin,00:09:21:and I need that bottle|more than you do.00:09:24:Look, I'm sorry, but I've already been|to three wine stores,00:09:27:lunch break is long over, and I was told|that this was the bottle to get.00:09:33:- Told?|- The woman who recommended this00:09:35:grew up on a vineyard,00:09:37:and she does know|how to choose wine.00:09:39:Yeah. Well, I grew up in a house|with two sisters,00:09:42:and I know how to do this:00:09:45:I can't... I can't use my powers|for personal gain.00:09:48:But it's not really personal gain exactly.00:09:54:Damn! You can keep the wine.00:10:15:Help me!00:10:19:- Help me!|- Where are you?00:10:22:Please. Help me.00:10:34:- What's wrong?|- I fell.00:10:38:I think I might have sprained|something.00:10:39:My ankle.|I could really use a hand down here.00:10:44:Right.00:10:46:A hand.00:10:48:Okay. I'm okay.00:10:52:I'm coming!00:10:56:Grams?00:10:58:Phoebe! Go on back to bed, honey.00:11:00:Go on.00:11:07:The Woogyman.00:11:12:You know, I think I'm just gonna call|somebody for some help.00:11:16:No, please.00:11:17:I need your help.00:11:22:Okay.00:11:37:Hello?00:11:47:Where are you?00:11:52:I thought you said that you were...00:11:54:Phoebe.00:11:59:No.00:12:00:Your nightmares are true. I exist.00:12:04:I'm a good witch.00:12:05:- You can't take me.|- You'll fight me at first.00:12:08:But in the end,|you'll do everything I ask.00:12:23:Don't worry.|I can handle it all myself.00:12:26:It's me, the culinary pachyderm.00:12:31:Phoebe? Maybe we should call|someone to check the electricity too.00:12:40:Kit? Hey!00:12:43:Pheebs?00:12:54:Oh, God! Oh, God, you scared me.00:12:58:Is everything okay with the house?00:13:00:- It will be.|- Good. Could I get a ETA?00:13:03:Because I'm gonna have|one very stressed out sister.00:13:06:Have you seen my sister?00:13:11:Phoebe!00:13:14:Phoebe!00:13:25:Phoebe. He just...00:13:27:It's okay. It's okay.00:13:29:I thought he was gonna kill me.00:13:30:I didn't even have a chance|to freeze him.00:13:33:Where did you get the bat?

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00:13:36:I don't know. It just sort of appeared.00:13:39:What do you mean, it appeared?|You opened the closet and found it?00:13:43:Or appeared like you thought bat|and there it was?00:13:45:Yeah. Door number two.00:13:47:I can't explain it,00:13:50:but something weird happened to me|down in the...00:13:53:What? Phoebe, spill.|How did you make the bat materialise?00:13:59:Safety first. Witchcraft later.|We gotta call 911.00:14:03:- This doesn't track.|- What's that?00:14:06:I just got background on the gasman.|He doesn't have a record,00:14:09:not even a parking ticket.00:14:11:He's a family man, church volunteer,|Little League coach.00:14:15:When Good Coaches Go Bad.|Next week on Fox.00:14:18:- Andy, what's going on?|- Everything's fine.00:14:20:An incident involving the gasman|checking your house.00:14:22:He got a little rough with Piper.00:14:24:Prue.00:14:28:Hey. Piper, are you okay?|Are you hurt?00:14:31:No. Yeah, I'm fine.00:14:33:He attacked me.00:14:35:And then Phoebe stopped him.00:14:39:Go on, show her.00:14:40:I told you, I can't do it now.00:14:43:Do what?00:14:44:Phoebe has a new power.|She thinks of something,00:14:48:and, poof, it appears.00:14:50:I just did it once.00:14:52:And it saved my life.|I would think that you would be thrilled.00:14:55:You've always wanted an active power.00:14:58:Whatever.00:14:59:Wait a second. Timeout.00:15:01:Our powers are supposed to progress,|not grow at random.00:15:05:And if it did grow, I would think00:15:06:that it would be at least be|premonition-esque.00:15:12:I smell Book of Shadows.|Did you do something?00:15:15:Okay, I just saved Piper's ass.|Where were you?00:15:17:- Phoebe.|- Prue's just pissy because this time00:15:20:she didn't get to play|Wonder Woman.00:15:23:I'm not in the mood|to soothe your ego.00:15:32:Well, tonight's gonna be fun.00:15:34:She'll be fine.|And everything will be fine.00:15:54:Thanks for my new power.00:15:56:You must not fail me again.00:15:58:You must use your powers|against your sisters.00:16:03:Please don't make me do this.00:16:07:I don't wanna hurt them.00:16:09:Phoebe,00:16:11:you are not strong enough|to fight me.00:16:29:It is almost time, Phoebe.00:16:36:Use the powers.00:16:47:Flour.00:16:48:Hey, there is lava water spewing|from the showerheads.00:16:52:Did you turn up the|water heater again?00:16:54:No. No, I...00:16:58:All right. The earthquake must have|messed up the wiring or something.00:17:02:Try cooking a feast when|your own kitchen is attacking you.00:17:05:Okay, just relax.|We still have an hour before...00:17:09:It's 7:00? How can that be?00:17:12:The clock on the microwave says...00:17:17:Something weird is going on.

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00:17:19:Is anyone gonna answer that?00:17:23:Phoebe?00:17:25:Wait. Am I seeing things,00:17:27:or did you just come|from the basement?00:17:29:What about the Woogyman?00:17:31:That was just a story, remember?00:17:34:You should probably|finish getting ready.00:17:44:Welcome to Halliwell manor.00:17:46:My name is Phoebe.|I'll be your cruise director this evening.00:17:57:Everything is fine. This is fine.00:18:03:This is utter disaster.00:18:06:I am a good person.|What did I do to deserve this?00:18:10:Prue told me to give this to the chef.00:18:14:You.00:18:15:Most people call me Josh. I...00:18:20:I work for Professor Whittlesey.00:18:22:You're the plus one.00:18:24:And I stole your wine.00:18:27:Truce?00:18:29:Calera Jensen. What a surprise.00:18:31:Last bottle.00:18:33:You have...00:18:35:...flour on your... Right...00:18:42:Perfect.00:18:46:Are you planning on feeding|the people in the living room?00:18:49:Of course. I've got...00:18:51:What have I got?00:18:53:- What's in there?|- Duck medallions.00:18:56:But... No, no.|That's supposed to be part of dinner.00:18:59:Okay. Now I guess it's an appetiser.00:19:02:Okay. Go. Go. Go.|Mingle. Mingle. Mingle.00:19:05:The manor's been beautifully restored.|Really quite magnificent.00:19:08:Prue. There you are.00:19:10:Anyone hungry?00:19:12:Well, what do we have here?00:19:15:Duck medallions.00:19:19:Sans medallions.00:19:24:That's my sister, the magician.|Usually it's a dove or a rabbit.00:19:33:Lightly simmering.00:19:36:Okay. Okay. Okay.00:19:39:Sabotage. I am being sabotaged.00:19:42:What seems to be the problem?00:19:44:There is something terribly wrong|with the house.00:19:50:Oh, my God. Oh, my God.|Call a plumber.00:19:54:This is a complete and total disaster.00:19:56:Somebody just kill me now|and spare me the agony of cleanup.00:20:00:Ask and you shall receive.00:20:02:Everything all right in here?00:20:07:And people pay you to do this?00:20:09:Phoebe, could you please escort|Mr Congeniality out of here?00:20:14:Please, now.00:20:18:And get Prue.|Tell her it's an emergency.00:20:21:There's no other house|in the city quite like yours.00:20:24:- Because of its architecture?|- Because of its location.00:20:27:Right, you mentioned that. Something|about some sort of a spiritual...00:20:30:Nexus. It's mythology, really.00:20:33:But it's believed that when|a geographical point is equidistant00:20:36:to the five spiritual elements,|it's a place of great power.00:20:43:Power failure.00:20:45:Look, I don't know what's going on,

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00:20:48:- but I apologise for any inconvenience.|- Prue, Piper needs you in the kitchen.00:20:53:No, don't worry.|I'll take very good care of your guest.00:21:03:You came to see the house.00:21:05:Would you like the grand tour?00:21:15:Okay, aren't you the same girl|who said, and I quote,00:21:19:- "Everything will be fine"?|- Yep.00:21:22:- And?|- It's not. I don't know what it is,00:21:24:but it's like the house is possessed.00:21:27:No, no.|It is Phoebe and her new powers.00:21:30:Look, I know she's been acting|really weird lately, but she wouldn't...00:21:34:I would argue|if I could think of another option.00:21:39:Prue?00:21:47:May I speak to you for a second?00:21:49:Yes. I'll be out in one second, Claire.00:21:53:What do we do?00:21:54:I don't know, but I can't cook this meal.|Not in this kitchen.00:21:58:And it's too late to get it from Quake.00:22:00:Okay. Let's just end it now|before it gets any worse.00:22:04:Be my wingman?00:22:14:Really, I don't need|to see the basement.00:22:16:Are you kidding?00:22:18:It's the best part of the house.00:22:21:After you.00:22:27:Well, as hostess,00:22:28:it's sometimes helpful|to be present at the party.00:22:32:Claire, I am so sorry, but I'm|gonna have to cut this evening short.00:22:36:We're experiencing|some technical difficulties.00:22:39:What?|Do you realise what you're doing?00:22:42:Yes, and I think I'm doing it|just in time.00:22:44:There is a table waiting for all of you|at Quake. On the house.00:22:48:- There is?|- There will be.00:22:53:- Where's Phoebe?|- I think she's giving the professor a...00:22:56:Tour.00:22:59:She showed me the bedrooms,|the solarium.00:23:02:I found the basement|particularly intriguing.00:23:05:- Are you okay?|- Fine.00:23:09:Okay. Dinner has been changed.00:23:12:We're having it|somewhere else, okay?00:23:15:Oh, professor.00:23:17:I'm sorry you didn't get to spend|more time in the house.00:23:19:My time was well-spent.00:23:34:I'm looking forward to hearing|your explanation of tonight's events.00:23:38:- Need a ride?|- I just have to tie up00:23:40:a few loose ends here.|I'll try and make it.00:23:42:Try hard.00:23:47:Now what?00:23:48:Interrogation.00:23:50:Are you looking for me?00:23:52:Why are you doing this?00:23:54:Because he asked me to.00:23:56:Who asked you to?00:23:59:Okay.00:24:01:That is it. We need to...00:24:07:Prue. Prue, are you okay?00:24:12:Phoebe! What's wrong with you?|Why won't you let us in?00:24:16:No, you can't.00:24:19:You shouldn't.00:24:23:You don't live here anymore.00:24:27:He does.

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00:24:42:Okay. We have been up all night.|We've tried everything.00:24:45:If our powers can't get us|into the house, what can?00:24:58:That helped.00:25:00:You know, yesterday I got shocked|when I walked through the front door.00:25:03:Me too. Do you think that's when|this all started?00:25:07:Define "this."00:25:08:Our house has turned against us|and so has our sister.00:25:13:This is more than just Phoebe.|She said that he told her to do this.00:25:17:So who is he, and what does he want|with Phoebe?00:25:20:Maybe that's the problem.|We've been focusing on Phoebe.00:25:22:Maybe that's not the point.00:25:24:- Then what is?|- Location.00:25:28:Whatever has the house has her too.00:25:30:And it's not letting us in for a reason.00:25:32:And we can't get to The Book|of Shadows to find out what it is.00:25:35:- So we know nothing.|- Yes, we do.00:25:38:There's someone who knows|the house better than we do. Come on.00:25:52:Yes, I would like a pizza|delivered to my home.00:25:56:Well, whenever you do open, then.00:25:59:I don't care what you put on the thing.00:26:02:Just make sure somebody delivers it.00:26:06:1329 Prescott Street.00:26:09:I'll be waiting.00:26:21:Let's go. Please, ma'am.00:26:25:Hey! What happened?00:26:27:I don't know.00:26:29:Professor Whittlesey|had just begun her seminar00:26:31:when she turned|and suddenly started choking me.00:26:34:And if one of her students|hadn't pulled her off...00:26:36:Oh, my God. Are you okay?00:26:38:Yeah. I just...00:26:40:I don't know why|she snapped like that.00:26:42:Okay. Josh, do you know anything|about what she said to Claire?00:26:45:It's something about|a spiritual nexus.00:26:47:She brought that up?00:26:49:The professor doesn't usually go in|for that sort of00:26:52:metaphysical mythology.00:26:53:You know Claire, once she gets|her claws into something,00:26:56:she can't seem to forget about it.00:26:58:You know, I've met people like that.00:27:01:A spiritual nexus is a point|of incredible energy.00:27:06:Equidistant from the|five spiritual elements.00:27:09:That's right. A place or thing|that could be swayed either way.00:27:12:- Either way?|- Yeah. Either to be a source00:27:14:of undeniable good or undeniable evil.00:27:21:Ladies, I'm gonna follow her|and make sure she's okay.00:27:23:Now, feel free to browse around|in our office if you think it'll help.00:27:31:Okay, to find a way back in, we have to|know what we're up against.00:27:35:The professor said|that a true spiritual nexus00:27:38:sits equidistant from|the five basal elements.00:27:41:So that's earth, fire, water,|wood and metal.00:27:46:Okey-dokey. Equidistant.00:27:49:Here is the manor.00:27:52:All right.00:27:55:Let's see. The bay, water.00:28:02:Natural hot springs?00:28:04:Fire.00:28:05:What about wood? That park that|Mom used to take us to, Kenwood.00:28:10:Named after the type of tree that|grew there when it was still a forest.

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00:28:14:Okay.00:28:17:Three out of five. Earth.00:28:21:Twin Peaks. Highest point in the city.00:28:24:And last but not least, metal.00:28:26:- Tiffany's.|- Cute. Natural metal.00:28:29:Okay. Fourth grade, field trip.00:28:32:We panned for gold.|Where was that?00:28:37:Okay.00:28:54:Our house was built|in the centre of a pentagram.00:28:58:Looks like it's not just on a|spiritual nexus,00:29:02:but a Wiccan one as well.00:29:05:Which means it's a battleground|for good and evil.00:29:08:And what happens|once evil has the house?00:29:11:It spreads.00:29:14:We'd have to check|The Book of Shadows to be sure,00:29:16:but I'd bet that there's a reason why|our family built the house there,00:29:20:to reclaim the spot for good.00:29:22:And now I'm thinking|evil wants it back.00:29:26:Yeah, and it's taking Phoebe with it.00:29:41:Why does it feel like we live here?00:29:49:- Which one you want?|- I'll take that one.00:29:51:- I could use a change of scenery.|- See you back here.00:29:53:- Next to you.00:29:58:Hello, inspector.00:30:00:Phoebe.00:30:01:- Hey, I stopped by to...|- Just in time.00:30:05:I think there might be a gas leak.00:30:08:And I'm home all alone.00:30:12:Do you think you could look it over?00:30:16:Sure.00:30:23:It's down in the basement.00:30:30:So he came out of his house,|walked over here00:30:33:and started throwing things?00:30:35:No. Not out of his house.00:30:37:Out of the Halliwells'.00:30:39:Really?00:30:41:Hey, Morris, neighbourhood watch?00:30:44:Had a woman brought into|the station house today.00:30:47:Wasn't feeling too well,|spent last night at your house.00:30:50:- Professor Beth Whittlesey?|- Is she okay?00:30:53:Not at the moment.|She's under observation.00:30:56:Paul, what is the matter with you?00:30:57:- Nothing.|- I'm occupied right now.00:30:59:Andy would like to ask you|a few questions. He's inside.00:31:02:I told you to keep your trash cans|off my driveway.00:31:04:Wait. If Andy is in the house|and Paul was in the house,00:31:07:- there must be a way for us to get in.|- We better hope so.00:31:10:Otherwise, there's no way to|get to The Book of Shadows.00:31:17:- Freeze him.|- No, wait.00:31:18:What are you doing?00:31:22:- What was that?|- The house is letting him out, right?00:31:25:This is the only second|that its guard is down.00:31:28:- You're brilliant.|- Thank you.00:31:37:Oh, my. She's frozen.00:31:40:- Good.|- No, no, no.00:31:42:Remember? Our powers don't work|on good witches?00:31:45:- Oh, that means she's...|- We've lost her.00:31:49:Okay. Let's go get her back.00:31:52:Run.00:32:00:- I never liked living next door to him.|- Don't do it again!

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00:32:04:Wanna give me hand here, partner?00:32:05:Whoa, whoa, whoa. Andy!00:32:11:What the hell was that?00:32:13:What?00:32:16:I have no idea.00:32:20:- Faster would be good.|- There is nothing here.00:32:22:We don't even know|what we're fighting.00:32:24:- Our sister.|- No, it's more than that.00:32:26:All right. When in doubt,|start at the beginning.00:32:28:What happened first?00:32:30:- Gasman attacked me.|- Before that.00:32:33:The earthquake, which is why|the gasman was here,00:32:35:to check the leak in the basement.00:32:37:All right, and before|Professor Whittlesey freaked out,00:32:39:she took a tour of the house|including the basement.00:32:44:Noises don't help.00:32:45:The gasman said|that's where Phoebe was.00:32:49:And we know she's been down there.00:32:51:No. Piper it was just a story.00:32:53:Are you so sure?|We've seen monsters and demons00:32:56:from the past and the future.00:32:57:How can you be so certain that|Phoebe's childhood monster isn't real?00:33:01:The Woogyman in the basement?00:33:03:Phoebe swore she saw something|down there.00:33:05:That's when Grams|started telling us the story...00:33:08:Of how to destroy it.00:33:10:And there was an earthquake|that night too, remember?00:33:12:Maybe that's how it gets out.00:33:14:We've been looking|in the wrong place.00:33:17:How to vanquish the demon|isn't in The Book of Shadows.00:33:20:It's in Grams' story.00:33:23:So it wasn't a story.|It was a spell?00:33:26:All right,|the Woogyman is a real demon.00:33:28:So Phoebe was right.|Now, how did it go?00:33:31:Something about a Woogyman,|and Grams fought it.00:33:36:- That's all that you remember?|- Well, don't you remember anything?00:33:39:I remember that it was|sort of like a rhyme.00:33:42:Sounded like a children's song.00:33:43:Well, we'd better figure it out fast,|or we're gonna have a whole lot of...00:33:57:Prue!00:33:59:Prue!00:34:00:- Phoebe?|- Any fantasies00:34:02:about how you wanna die?00:34:04:Phoebe, listen to me. This isn't you.00:34:07:- Give the girl a prize.|- Prue!00:34:10:Look, whatever is doing this|hasn't completely beaten you.00:34:14:Otherwise, we would be dead by now.00:34:16:- Really?|- Phoebe?00:34:18:- Phoebe, you were stronger than him.|- I mean it!00:34:22:No, I wasn't.00:34:24:That's why he chose me.00:34:26:- But now I'm stronger than you.|- Prue! Phoebe!00:34:34:Prue!00:34:38:Go!00:34:47:Piper, where are you going?00:34:49:It's just not Phoebe we're fighting.|It's the house.00:34:52:Piper, don't!00:34:55:Oh, God.00:34:57:- Are you okay?|- No, I'm not.

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00:35:00:Neither are you.|We're locked in this house,00:35:02:and our sister is trying to kill us.00:35:14:All right, the answer must be|in Grams' Woogyman story.00:35:18:- Which neither one of us remembers.|- Yeah, but we have to keep trying.00:35:32:There has to be a way out of here.00:35:34:We've tried everything, Piper.00:35:36:Besides, the only way to help Phoebe|is from inside.00:35:41:Help her kill us maybe.00:35:42:- Yeah, well, we have to keep trying.|- Prue! Piper! Help me!00:35:48:Do you think...?00:35:50:Please? You gotta help me.|I'm down in the basement.00:35:55:- Trap.|- Yeah, well, what else can we do?00:35:58:We could not go to the basement.|I'd vote for that.00:36:00:Grams must have thought|that this evil might come back.00:36:03:And that's why she told us the story.00:36:05:How do we remember the words?|I never believed in the Woogyman.00:36:08:No, but Phoebe did.|She knows the story by heart.00:36:11:Something tells me|she's not in the mood to share.00:36:14:All right. We know that the source|of his power is in the basement.00:36:19:So if we can weaken him,00:36:22:then maybe we can weaken his hold|on Phoebe.00:36:24:At least long enough|for her to tell us the spell.00:36:27:How do we do that? We don't|even know what it is or how to fight it.00:36:31:Help! Please, I need you.00:36:41:Okay.00:36:44:We have no choice,|so we're gonna need a...00:36:47:Light.00:36:52:No. The light.|Grams' story, remember?00:36:56:She said something about using it|to guide you through the shadow.00:37:00:Or was it to the shadow?00:37:02:That doesn't make sense.|Using a light to find a shadow.00:37:04:Shadows retreat from the light.00:37:07:And they thrive in the darkness.00:37:11:Kind of like this.00:37:13:Or in the basement.00:37:16:Maybe that's what we're fighting, Prue.|A shadow.00:37:20:Okay.00:37:22:Let's fight it.00:37:31:Phoebe?00:37:39:Okay. There, see that?00:37:47:What took you so long?00:37:53:One evil at a time.00:37:55:Okay. Freeze it.00:37:59:It's not working. Can't you...?00:38:04:No, my powers|aren't working on it either.00:38:08:Phoebe, you've got to listen to us.00:38:11:You're in no position|to tell me what to do.00:38:14:Remember Grams' story? The one|about the Woogyman? About the light?00:38:19:Come on, Phoebe. Try.00:38:23:I can't.00:38:26:Don't make me.00:38:28:Don't like the basement.00:38:30:It's no use. Your sister's evil now.00:38:33:Come on, Phoebe.|You've got to fight it. You're good.00:38:39:- Grams?|- Phoebe. Go on back to bed, honey.00:38:42:Go on.00:38:51:Phoebe, please. Remember the story.|What did Grams say?00:38:54:Hurry, Phoebe, please.00:39:00:I am light

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00:39:06:I am one too strong to fight00:39:09:Return to dark|Where shadows dwell00:39:14:You cannot have this Halliwell00:39:17:Keep it going, Phoebe.00:39:19:Go away and leave my sight00:39:22:What are you doing?00:39:24:And take with you this endless night00:39:27:Phoebe, no!00:40:15:Anybody home?00:40:16:Office hours aren't until 5.00:40:20:Piper. What are you doing here?00:40:24:Oh, I just came by to see how you...00:40:26:Professor Whittlesey was doing.00:40:28:She seems better.|Hasn't choked anybody lately.00:40:31:Good. So you'd say|she's back to normal?00:40:34:Yeah. Although she's being|censured for her behaviour.00:40:37:You know, has to sit before|the university board, and for now,00:40:41:well, it looks like|I'm covering her classes.00:40:43:Oh, that's too bad. I mean...00:40:46:- I don't mean you. I mean...|- I know what you mean. Yeah.00:40:50:You know, by the way,|I have something for you.00:41:01:Calera Jensen, '93.00:41:03:Battles have been waged|over this wine.00:41:05:Not today. I'm too tired.00:41:08:That's actually very nice.00:41:10:Don't sound so surprised. You know,|I am capable of a kind act or two.00:41:15:It's good to know.00:41:20:So Morris said that it was only|a two-week suspension.00:41:23:Doesn't seem fair.|It wasn't really Andy's fault.00:41:25:Well, what was he gonna do,|plead shadowed?00:41:29:Anyway, everyone seems|to be back to normal,00:41:31:but that doesn't erase their actions.00:41:33:Yeah, well, I wish it did.00:41:35:Get me off of Claire's bad side,|as if she had a good one.00:41:38:I'm beginning to wonder|if I have a good one.00:41:44:Well, I am.00:41:45:I mean, up until now,|I didn't even think I had a dark side.00:41:48:I mean, not any more so|than anyone else.00:41:51:Yeah, well, the important thing|is that the good side won out.00:41:54:Yeah, but I must have been more|susceptible than either one of you.00:41:57:Otherwise, he wouldn't have|chosen me, right?00:42:03:Right.00:42:05:You were the only one|that was born in the house.00:42:07:That makes you more connected to it.|It's that spiritual nexus thing.00:42:10:That's exactly my point.|I could go either way.00:42:13:Good or evil. It's kind of freaky.00:42:17:I do have to tell you I am gonna|miss that new power, though.00:42:21:It was so fun.00:42:25:If Grams put away the shadow|and it came back...00:42:30:It means he can come back again.00:42:33:Okay, it's time.00:42:36:Every witch before us|has added to The Book of Shadows.00:42:39:We need to warn who comes next.|It's our turn.00:42:42:Who should do it?