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Season 1, Episode 4 Dead Man Dating

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Page 1: Season 1, Episode 4 Dead Man Dating

00:00:11:Andy, hi.00:00:13:I was nowhere near the neighbourhood,|thought I'd stop by.00:00:17:Honest man. I like that.00:00:21:So...00:00:24:...I had a great time last night.|- Yeah, me too.00:00:29:But I forgot to give you something|very important. Happy birthday.00:00:33:- But it's not my birthday till next week.|- Consider this a preview.00:00:40:- A key?|- To the Calistoga Spa.00:00:43:We leave Friday night after work.00:00:48:- Don't worry, I got us adjoining rooms.|- Adjoining rooms?00:00:52:I wouldn't want to assume something|I'm not supposed to be assuming.00:00:55:Although, it has been|over a month since we...00:00:58:Then decided to take it slow.00:01:01:But no pressure.|I just want to be with you, away.00:01:06:Together.00:01:08:- Think about it.|- Okay.00:01:19:Let me know. Bye.00:01:29:Happy birthday to me.00:01:31:Give me a break, Mom.00:01:38:You're like the Chinese|Shirley MacLaine, you know?00:01:42:- I'll risk it.|- You should have more respect00:01:44:for Ghost Month.|If your grandmother were here...00:01:47:She'd warn me about all the|evil spirits walking the streets00:01:49:of Chinatown, I know. I know.00:01:52:You should take this.00:01:55:For protection.00:02:00:Maybe the ghosts|need protection from me.00:02:08:I'll be okay, Mom. I'm 23 now.|I can take care of myself, okay?00:02:13:- I gotta go.|- Happy birthday, Mark.00:02:15:Thanks.00:02:20:- Hi, Mark.|- Hey, how are you?00:02:47:- This the guy?|- That's him.00:02:51:- Today your birthday?|- Who are you? What do you want?00:02:55:You. Make a wish.00:03:22:Perfect fit.00:03:24:Come on, now, douse him.00:03:29:Come on. Hurry up.00:03:36:What are you doing?00:03:37:Hey, wait. No!00:03:42:Let's get out of here.|Let's go. Come on.00:05:25:Good morning.|What are you doing?00:05:28:Prue's coming down,|put those away.00:05:30:Phoebe, you were supposed to send|these invitations last week.00:05:33:- The party is Friday.|- We're right on schedule.00:05:36:The restaurant's reserved, the menu's|selected, the cake has been ordered.00:05:40:That's because I did all those things.00:05:43:At least tell me you've managed|to buy Prue something00:05:45:other than your|traditional birthday gift.00:05:48:- What's my traditional gift?|- A card, three days late.00:05:51:Yeah, well, I decided to break|that tradition and start a new one.00:05:56:You bought Prue a gift?00:05:58:Where did you get|the money to pay for it?00:06:01:- Morning.|- Morning.00:06:03:Hey, I forgot to ask,|how was your date with Andy?00:06:06:Great. Until he asked me to|spend my birthday at a spa with him.00:06:10:- Oh, I hate it when they do that.|- For this weekend?00:06:13:- You didn't say yes, did you?|- My body did, screamed it actually.00:06:17:But I don't know.|I have to think about it.00:06:19:A weekend of rest, rubdowns and|room service, what's to think about?

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00:06:24:I mean, you could be right.00:06:27:Going away with a guy is like...00:06:30:It's like bringing them home to meet|the parents. Changes everything.00:06:33:And if you're not sure if you're ready to|make a commitment or not, you know,00:06:36:you don't wanna send|the wrong signal.00:06:38:You need a week to prepare|for a weekend away.00:06:40:I mean, there's lingerie shopping,|waxing, manicure, pedicure.00:06:43:I mean, it's basically a full-time job,|and you've already got one.00:06:47:So you'll never be ready. Not even|if you started packing this second.00:06:52:Bottom line. Unless you're ready|to put your toothbrush next to his,00:06:56:you shouldn't go.00:06:58:You guys aren't trying to plan|another surprise party for me, are you?00:07:01:No, never.00:07:03:No, we've given up on|trying to surprise you, Prue.00:07:06:Well, that's good, because you|both know how much I hate surprises.00:07:11:Damn it, Phoebe.|If you had sent Andy his invitation,00:07:13:we wouldn't be in this mess.00:07:15:Okay, what are you talking about?|You heard Prue,00:07:17:she doesn't want a party.|You should be glad that I flaked.00:07:20:Besides, you know as well as I do|she's gonna go away with Andy.00:07:24:Now, if you'll excuse me,|I have a present to pay for.00:07:30:Which means I have a job interview.00:07:37:No other hotel does psychic readings|at the bar, it's kind of our trademark.00:07:41:Well, that's why I'm here.|I saw your ad in the Chronicle.00:07:44:- I am a natural-born psychic.|- Yeah, right.00:07:48:So, what's your act? Tea leaves,|tarot cards, crystal balls, what?00:07:51:No, I can see the future.00:07:54:I mean, I can't always see it. I never|actually know when it's gonna work.00:07:58:Usually, when I touch someone,00:08:00:or I'm in the same general area|as them.00:08:02:It's kind of hard to explain.00:08:05:- Next.|- No, wait! Frankie, hold it. I see it.00:08:10:You're having dinner|with a blond woman.00:08:12:She's gorgeous, all over you.00:08:16:Then some redhead shows up.|You look surprised.00:08:21:She looks pissed. Your wife?00:08:29:When can you start?00:08:33:So have you made your|mind up about Calistoga?00:08:36:I don't know.|I keep thinking it's a bad idea,00:08:38:then I think, what's the big deal?|It's not like we haven't slept together.00:08:41:I think you should go. On Saturday.00:08:44:On Saturday, why?00:08:46:Piper, you promised.|No surprise party.00:08:48:It's not what you think. It's Phoebe.|She bought you a present.00:08:52:Phoebe doesn't give presents,|she gives cards, three days late.00:08:55:Not this year. Surprise.00:08:58:And she really wants to|give it to you Friday,00:09:00:so could you please just ask Andy|about leaving on Saturday instead?00:09:03:You have no idea how much Phoebe|has put herself through. She even...00:09:07:She even got a job and everything.00:09:10:Okay, I'll ask. If I decide to go.00:09:12:- So, what kind of job did Phoebe get?|- Don't know. Gotta go. Ciao.00:09:27:You're in a large room,|with lots of other people.00:09:31:- With lots of other women.|- Go on.00:09:35:You're standing at a podium.|No, wait, you're on a scale.00:09:43:It's a Weight Watchers meeting.

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00:09:46:Honey, it looks like|you've gained some weight.00:09:50:That's impossible.|I only cheated once this week.00:09:54:No, no, I'm not judging.|I'm just seeing.00:09:56:You're a fraud, that's what you are.|I've never been so insulted in my life.00:10:00:- I want my $20 back.|- No way. I saw you.00:10:03:You know I saw you.00:10:07:Hey, you want me to lie next time?|Just say so.00:10:10:- Phoebe.|- Piper.00:10:14:I am so busted, aren't I?00:10:17:- Are you out of your mind again?|- No, I'm the Amazing Phoebe.00:10:22:This is not funny. Our powers|are supposed to be a secret,00:10:25:not a marketable job skill.00:10:26:Relax, they didn't hire me|because they think I'm a witch,00:10:29:they hired me|because they think I'm a psychic.00:10:31:Hairsplitting. You know you can't|use your powers for personal gain.00:10:34:- Not without consequences.|- No, but it's for Prue. It's not for me.00:10:38:It's to pay for her present.|It's completely selfless.00:10:41:Besides, this is the last place00:10:43:anyone would expect to find|a real psychic, believe me.00:10:46:Which one of you is the psychic?00:10:47:- She is.|- Oh, I am.00:10:49:You can see me? Both of you?00:10:52:Of course we can see you.|Now back off.00:10:55:Thank God. I've tried communicating|with every psychic in the city.00:10:58:You were my last chance.00:11:00:Phoebe, what are you doing?|We got customers waiting.00:11:03:Okay, listen to me, you're the|only ones who can help me.00:11:06:Excuse us? We're trying|to have an argument here.00:11:13:Who are you?00:11:15:She's just leaving.00:11:18:Bye. Go. Now.00:11:22:- Wait a minute. I need your help.|- Yeah? Talk to the psychic.00:11:26:Please, I'm begging you. I was|murdered last night, I can prove it.00:11:29:Stop harassing me, buddy.00:11:31:Please, I'm desperate.|You gotta help me.00:11:33:Leave me alone or I'll call the police.|Can you believe this guy?00:11:37:All you have to do is come with me|to Chinatown and see for yourself.00:11:41:All right, that's it.|Look, either back off or...00:11:43:Look out!00:11:51:Now do you believe me?00:11:53:Oh, my God.|I can see you, but no one else can?00:11:57:I'm dead. I'm a ghost.00:12:05:Would you like another one?00:12:16:So she goes, "Okay."00:12:17:So he leans over|and gives her a kiss.00:12:19:- Right on the cheek...|- Hi.00:12:22:Prue.00:12:23:I tried calling the station house for you.|They said that you'd probably be here.00:12:27:- Hi.|- Hi.00:12:30:- Oh, Prue, this is...|- Susan Trudeau. Nice to meet you.00:12:35:- Pleasure.|- Trudeau?00:12:37:- Sister?|- No, actually...00:12:39:Wife.00:12:42:Ex-wife.00:12:43:- Prue, wait, I can explain.|- Don't bother.00:12:48:It's not what you think.|We divorced over...00:12:57:Thanks for helping me.00:12:58:When you wouldn't leave my doorstep,|you didn't leave me much of a choi

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ce.00:13:02:- Maybe this isn't such a good idea.|- Please, I don't have much time.00:13:06:Somebody has to find my body|before it's too late.00:13:09:Too late for what?00:13:11:It's a Chinese myth, or at least|I always thought it was a myth.00:13:15:It's called Da Jui.|When the gates of hell open.00:13:18:- We're almost there.|- The gates of hell? I don't understand.00:13:21:If the gatekeeper, Yama, captures my|soul before my body's properly buried,00:13:26:he'll take me to hell. Forever.00:13:28:But you said you were murdered.|How can...?00:13:29:Yama doesn't care about good or evil.|He just wants souls.00:13:34:I should've listened to my mother.00:13:40:Is that you?00:13:48:- Yama.|- Yama?00:13:53:- Run.|- It's too late. You'd better go. Run!00:14:02:- What happened?|- I'm a good witch, remember?00:14:05:- But how?|- I don't know.00:14:08:I panic, I put up both hands,|and bad things tend to freeze.00:14:11:- For how long?|- Not very. Let's go.00:14:40:Prue, you can't do this.|Piper's gonna be crushed.00:14:44:- I'm gonna be crushed?|- The surprise party is off.00:14:48:- What party?|- She's onto us.00:14:50:The restaurant called|while we were out.00:14:53:Is that why you were|so upset earlier?00:14:54:Let's just say|it hasn't been a great day.00:14:56:Does it have anything to do with|why Andy's been calling all night?00:15:00:Piper, where did you say|today's paper was?00:15:02:Hey, I'm practically naked here.00:15:05:Sorry.00:15:06:What's the drunk|from the hotel doing here?00:15:08:- The name's Mark. I'm not a drunk.|- He's a ghost.00:15:11:- Excuse me? A what?|- A ghost.00:15:14:He was murdered,|and he obviously needs our help.00:15:16:Why else would we|be able to see him?00:15:18:- Well, he can see us, that's for sure.|- Hey!00:15:21:- Of all the days to be a dead man.|- You sure this guy's really a ghost?00:15:28:Positive.00:15:31:So how do we know that the guy|doesn't really belong in hell?00:15:35:Because we can see him. He's one|of the innocent we have to protect.00:15:39:Protect from what? He's dead.00:15:41:All we have to do is get Mark's family|to give him a proper burial,00:15:44:and then he can move on|to wherever it is he moves on to.00:15:49:Okay, so call the police|and let them know where the body is.00:15:53:I already did. I just wanna give them|a little time to notify Mark's mom00:15:56:- before I go and I talk to her.|- Talk to her? And tell her what?00:16:00:That you're a witch in touch|with the ghost of her dead son?00:16:03:No, I'm just gonna try|and get her to have a funeral00:16:05:as soon as possible,|before Yama gets Mark's spirit.00:16:12:Hello?00:16:15:Hi, I can't really talk right now.00:16:18:It's important?|Okay, I'll be at the hotel in a little while.00:16:21:All right, bye. That was my|new boss calling, I gotta run.00:16:27:Okay, so when you called the police,|you didn't talk to Andy, did you?00:16:32:No, it was anonymous.00:16:34:Why, did you decide|to not to go away with him?00:16:37:Actually, I decided to go.00:16:39:Until I went to tell him and found him|having dinner with his ex-wife.

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00:16:43:- His what?|- Yeah. I mean,00:16:45:you'd think that|he would have remembered00:16:48:to reveal that little fact|before we jumped in the sack.00:16:52:Well, what did he say?|Why didn't he tell you?00:16:54:I don't know. I didn't hang around|long enough to ask.00:16:58:How's it going in there?00:17:02:Sorry.00:17:04:You know?00:17:06:Don't these guys knock?00:17:11:The guy's staying in the grand suite.|Could be a sultan, I'm not sure.00:17:14:Anyway, that's why I called.00:17:15:Let's make this bozo's night.|Read his future.00:17:18:Tell him something good|and he'll extend his stay, guaranteed.00:17:21:Look, like I said, I don't always know|when my psychic switch00:17:24:is gonna be in the up position.00:17:25:Look, I have the utmost confidence|in you, Phoebe, baby.00:17:28:I don't know how you do it,|but keep it up00:17:30:and you'll always have work here.00:17:36:Excuse me, sir! You forgot you're...00:18:03:You okay? What's the matter?00:18:06:Nothing. I...00:18:10:Nothing.00:18:33:Still new to me.|I keep forgetting I'm...00:18:40:- Those for me?|- Yeah. Stupid question:00:18:44:- Do ghosts sleep?|- I don't even get cold anymore.00:18:47:- Sorry.|- Oh, it's okay.00:18:49:It's the thought that counts.00:18:52:I guess it's finally sinking in.00:18:57:What's really happened.00:19:00:What I've lost.00:19:01:No more sucking down a bucket|of oysters at the Wharf.00:19:05:Playing pickup ball with friends.00:19:08:Coming home and hearing|my mother's voice on the machine,00:19:13:nagging because I haven't|married a nice Chinese girl.00:19:19:Your mom means a lot to you, huh?00:19:21:She's a great friend.00:19:25:Was.00:19:33:It was just me and her|after my father died.00:19:37:Taught me everything I know.00:19:40:Especially how to cook.00:19:42:- Mom's a great cook.|- My Grams taught me how to cook.00:19:45:- I loved it so much I became a chef.|- Really?00:19:49:- Ever make a Peking duck?|- No. You?00:19:53:It's a piece of cake.00:19:54:Mom told me|I could've been a great chef,00:19:56:if I hadn't sold out to the|molecular biology program at Stanford.00:20:00:So you can make Peking duck|and clone DNA.00:20:04:The duck's harder.00:20:07:Well, I can talk about food|all night long.00:20:11:Yeah? Well, I can|talk about it forever.00:20:25:Oh, Mr Correy, thank goodness.|I need to talk to you.00:20:28:- You do? Me?|- Yeah.00:20:30:- Hey, you're that psychic, right?|- Yeah, right. Look...00:20:33:- Is that how you knew my name?|- No. Yes.00:20:36:Did you get the note|that I left for you?00:20:38:That note warning me|not to go outside? That was you?00:20:42:You get your jollies|out of trying to scare people?00:20:45:Or is that how|you drum up business?00:20:47:What? You don't understand...00:20:49:Honey, where do you|want to eat break...?

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00:20:52:- Hi.|- What's she doing here?00:20:54:- She sent the note.|- It's not what you think.00:20:56:Look here.|When I picked up your wallet...00:20:58:- You stole my wallet?|- I didn't steal your wallet.00:21:02:I don't know what you want, but just|stay away from us, you understand?00:21:07:But he's going to die.00:21:10:That didn't come out right.|Look, I can't tell you how I know this,00:21:14:but I swear, if you go outside,|you're gonna get run over by a pink...00:21:20:Wait, you don't have your briefcase.00:21:23:That's good, that's really good. It|doesn't happen without your briefcase.00:21:26:You leave us alone,|or I'm gonna call hotel security.00:21:52:Hi.00:21:54:You of all people should know|that bribery is a crime.00:21:57:Apologizing isn't, is it?00:22:00:Look, Prue, I'm sorry I didn't tell you|I was married before. I should have.00:22:04:- I was going to.|- Really? When?00:22:08:Before or after the door|to our adjoining rooms00:22:10:- swung open this weekend?|- Okay, I deserve that.00:22:13:I don't understand how you|couldn't have found the time to tell me.00:22:17:Unless you really were|trying to hide it from me.00:22:19:Come on, Prue,|you know me better than that.00:22:21:- Do I?|- It was an innocent dinner, that's all.00:22:24:I've got an ex-wife and I don't|hate her, is that so horrible?00:22:27:No. No, it's not.00:22:30:But not being honest|and telling me up front is.00:22:33:Which I've already apologized for.00:22:37:Why are you trying to turn this|into something it's not?00:22:44:What's really bugging you, Prue?00:22:50:Looks like I'm not the only one|trying to hide a secret.00:23:03:Are you sure this is going to work?00:23:05:If you speak her language,|she'll trust you.00:23:07:Can I help you?00:23:31:She asked if you know where I am.00:23:33:- Wait, you don't?|- No. And I'm worried sick.00:23:38:I haven't heard from him|since his birthday.00:23:41:- The police haven't notified her yet?|- How's that possible?00:23:46:- I mean, that he hasn't called yet?|- I don't know, it's not like him.00:23:51:When did you last see him?00:23:55:Well...00:23:57:Piper, you have to tell her.00:24:00:You have to tell her where|my body is so she can bury me.00:24:03:I can't.00:24:05:I can't remember|the last time, actually.00:24:09:But if I see him or hear from him,|I'll let you know.00:24:13:Thank you. Thank you.00:24:15:You can't walk away, Piper.|You have to tell her.00:24:18:Mom. No!00:24:23:- What happened?|- She's got the house protected00:24:25:against ghosts.00:24:26:All the Chinese fairy tales|she told me growing up are true.00:24:30:And I'm gonna burn in hell.00:24:39:- Man trouble?|- I don't wanna talk about it.00:24:42:By the way,|where were you last night?00:24:46:- Something wrong?|- I don't wanna talk about it.00:24:55:Okay.00:24:58:You never clean, and you'll talk|about anything. What's up?00:25:01:Nothing.00:25:04:Phoebe.

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00:25:07:Okay, I had a premonition.|A really bad one too.00:25:10:I saw a guy getting run over|by a pink Cadillac.00:25:13:- Pink Cadillac?|- I know it sounds ridiculous,00:25:16:but it's true. I saw it,|and I don't know what to do about it.00:25:20:Did you warn him?00:25:22:Yeah, I tried.|He thought I was out of my mind.00:25:24:Thought I was stalking him|or something.00:25:27:How do you tell a complete stranger|that you know they're gonna die?00:25:30:Where is he now?00:25:33:The Hotel Neptune.00:25:36:- And what were you doing there?|- I knew you were gonna ask that.00:25:40:I wanted to get you|a really great birthday present00:25:43:to make up for all those cards.00:25:46:So I got a job at the hotel|as their lounge psychic.00:25:50:Go ahead, yell at me.00:25:53:Phoebe, you have to save him.|You can't let him out of your sight.00:25:56:Don't worry,|I waited until he went to sleep,00:25:58:and then I broke a key off|in his door to lock him in.00:26:01:He's safe till morning.00:26:06:Hey, wait. That's it?00:26:08:You're not gonna get mad at me?00:26:11:You were trying to do|something good.00:26:14:And now you're gonna get to do|something wonderful.00:26:18:I couldn't ask for a better|birthday present than that.00:26:24:- You guys have to see this.|- They found my body.00:26:28:Although police reported that the body|was burned beyond recognition...00:26:31:It's finally over.00:26:32:... personal effects found at the scene|preliminarily identify him00:26:35:as Tony Wong,|head of the Chinatown Triads.00:26:39:That can't be.|That's the guy who killed me.00:26:41:Police sources say Wong,|who was a suspect in...00:26:51:Wait, I see him.|Wong. He's still alive.00:26:56:Of course he's still alive.|That's me they found.00:26:58:Can you see where he is now?00:27:07:I see a sign. Quick, give me a pen.00:27:10:I don't understand why Wong|would wanna kill me.00:27:12:- I never did anything to him.|- Yeah, but you look a lot like him.00:27:15:Maybe he used you|to fake his own death.00:27:20:What does that mean?00:27:21:Wu Han lmports.|It's a warehouse over in Chinatown.00:27:36:I don't know about this, Piper.|I think it's too dangerous.00:27:40:It's your only chance.00:27:42:Piper, listen to me.|You don't wanna go up there.00:27:44:Those men pulled the trigger on me|without even thinking.00:27:47:- They'll kill you.|- I can freeze things, remember?00:27:50:- But there are three thugs in there.|- Keep talking.00:27:53:- With guns.|- Even better.00:27:54:Wait, wait, wait. He's got an amulet|on the door. I can't go in.00:28:01:Never mind.00:28:03:- Aren't you scared?|- Terrified.00:28:05:Trust me, that's a good thing.00:28:11:Okay. We gotta hurry.00:28:18:Say, "cheese."00:28:23:Run!00:28:26:- Come on.|- Let's get her.00:28:37:Move, move!00:29:08:Okay, all set.00:29:10:I snuck the photograph|into Andy's interoffice mail.00:29:13:My afterlife's in the hands|of a cop named Andy.00:29:17:He's an inspector|and he's very good, Mark.

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00:29:19:After he sees Wong is alive,|he'll know exactly what to do.00:29:24:Busts Wong maybe,|but that doesn't help me.00:29:26:They won't have any way|of identifying the body as mine.00:29:29:I put your name in with the picture.00:29:31:Andy will get dental records|or something and match it up.00:29:34:All we have to do is keep|Yama away from you until then.00:29:38:- I don't know what to say.|- Don't say anything.00:29:41:I made you a promise, didn't I?00:29:50:As much as I like you,|I have no intention of joining you.00:29:52:Talking to yourself, huh?00:29:57:Andy. Hi.00:29:59:Yeah, it's an old habit,|I do it all the time.00:30:03:My mom used to call it|"interesting conversations00:30:05:- with an interesting person."|- Yeah? Interesting.00:30:08:Very.00:30:09:Not that it's not a pleasure,|but what are you doing?00:30:12:Oh, nothing, you know.|Just passing by.00:30:15:- Prue tell you what's going on?|- No.00:30:18:Well, yeah, I mean, sort of.|Kind of screwed up, huh?00:30:23:- Any idea what I should do?|- That Andy.00:30:25:Yeah.00:30:28:I mean, yeah.00:30:30:Just give her some space,|let her work it through.00:30:34:Yeah, okay.00:30:40:Thanks.00:30:42:- Take care.|- You too.00:30:46:What?00:30:48:You're a really sweet person,|you know that?00:30:51:No, I mean that.|I wanna take you somewhere.00:30:54:There's something|I wanna do for you.00:31:09:- Oh, Mr Correy...|- Stay away.00:31:11:Please, you have got|to believe me.00:31:13:You locked me in my room,|didn't you?00:31:15:Just for your own protection.00:31:16:What do you want? Money?|Is that what this is, a shakedown?00:31:19:No, I'm trying to save your life,|for God's sakes. Listen to me.00:31:23:You're crazy.00:31:29:If you walk out that door,|you're a dead man!00:31:32:- Call security.|- Mr Correy, don't do it!00:31:38:Watch out!00:31:49:Nick!00:31:51:That'll be 20 dollars, tip not included.00:32:11:This is your place?00:32:12:- It's beautiful.|- Thanks.00:32:17:Camus. I'm impressed.00:32:20:Wish I had a chance to finish it.00:32:22:Of course, I can say that|about almost everything, I guess.00:32:25:"A loveless world is a dead world,00:32:27:and always there comes an hour|when one is weary of prisons,00:32:31:and all one craves for|is a warm face,00:32:34:the warmth and wonder|of a loving heart."00:32:37:- I like that part.|- Me too.00:32:41:Listen, if your cop friend|comes through,00:32:44:maybe I'll get a chance to ask|Camus himself how it turns out.00:32:49:I want you to reach for something.00:32:58:Go ahead, open it.00:33:06:- What are they?|- My grandfather's recipes.00:33:10:My dad translated them|when I was born.00:33:12:They've been serving these|in my family's restaurant for decades.00:33:17:They're yours.

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00:33:19:But they belong in your family.00:33:21:I want you to have them.|For everything you've done for me.00:33:26:I just ask one favour.00:33:29:Use them for your sister's|surprise birthday party.00:33:32:- Prue doesn't want a party.|- Birthdays are important.00:33:37:I know.00:33:39:I walked out of my last one...00:33:41:...and it never occurred to me|that I wouldn't get another.00:33:46:She may not know it, but she needs|to celebrate her birthday.00:33:50:You all do.00:33:53:Don't take it for granted.00:34:04:Prue? What are you doing?00:34:08:- Just flicking through channels.|- You don't flick. You never flick.00:34:12:Well, I flick now.00:34:15:- Are you okay? You look...|- Awful? I know. But I feel fine.00:34:20:- Did you warn that guy?|- I did better than that.00:34:24:I saved that guy.00:34:26:And it was great too.00:34:28:I mean, I knew doing it|would be good for him,00:34:30:but I had no idea what a rush it|would be for me. I felt so good.00:34:35:And not just about myself,|but about everything.00:34:39:That even in my own little way,|I can make a difference.00:34:43:Can you believe it's me saying this?00:34:47:What can I say?|It's been a week full of surprises.00:34:52:Yeah, speaking of surprises,|what are you gonna do about Andy?00:34:55:I don't know.00:34:57:Andy kept something from me,00:34:59:but the truth is|I keep something from him every day.00:35:04:And it's not like I'll ever be able to tell|him our secret, so, what's the point?00:35:08:We're the charmed ones, Prue,|not the doomed ones.00:35:12:We have lives like everyone else.00:35:14:Call him. Go see him.|Do something.00:35:18:Give to get. That is the secret of life.00:35:23:Not our powers.00:35:38:- You okay?|- Yeah.00:35:41:I was just thinking,|walking under the stars,00:35:44:what's really up there?00:35:47:- What's waiting for me?|- I don't know.00:35:49:Maybe you can give me a hint|when you get there.00:35:52:I don't want this night to ever end.00:35:56:I'm not ready to say goodbye, Piper.00:36:05:Close your eyes.00:36:10:Pretend you can feel my hand|on your skin.00:36:14:That my touch gives you comfort.00:36:19:No.00:36:21:Just close your eyes.00:36:40:Where were you my whole life?00:36:44:No. Piper!00:36:47:No! Somebody help! Help!00:36:54:- What's wrong? What happened?|- They took her.00:36:56:- Wong's men took Piper.|- Do you know where they took her?00:37:01:- I'm calling 911.|- No, do it from the car. Let's go.00:37:03:- We've got to find her.|- Even if it takes all night.00:37:14:First time I saw you,|I thought you were a ghost.00:37:21:You know, these ropes are really tight.|If you could just untie my hands.00:37:26:- Why did you kill Mark?|- I needed his identity.00:37:30:Who else knows I'm alive?00:37:37:I had plans.

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00:37:39:I had a boat ready|to take me to Hong Kong.00:37:41:I had a whole new life,|but you screwed it all up.00:37:53:Thanks.00:38:12:Quick, they have her upstairs.|Look out!00:38:19:I'll take her. You shoot anyone|who comes through that door.00:38:29:Look out!00:38:38:Thanks, sis.00:38:42:- Right back at you, sis.|- How long's this last again?00:38:45:Not very.00:38:50:Who are you people?00:39:05:Police! Freeze!00:39:20:I've never seen|anybody killed before.00:39:22:- Jeremy.|- Javna.00:39:24:I mean humans.00:39:26:Come on, we need to get out of here|before Andy sees us.00:40:00:Wong.00:40:04:But you're dead.00:40:07:Yeah, so are you.00:40:11:Mark, I think you should|get out of here.00:40:21:Make a wish, you bastard.00:40:24:No!00:40:37:No! You can't take him.00:40:39:He's a good man.|He doesn't belong with you.00:40:59:Let us remember,|though we gather in sorrow,00:41:03:we are here to celebrate|the joy of Mark's life.00:41:10:And the redemption|of his spiritual journey.00:41:25:All those stories.00:41:28:All those legends you taught me.|They saved my soul, Mom.00:41:34:You were right.00:41:44:Take it from me, Prue.00:41:46:Don't miss your birthday,|not any of them.00:41:50:They're precious.00:41:52:I won't.00:41:59:I wish...00:42:03:I know. Me too.00:42:19:I'm gonna miss you, Piper.00:42:29:Who's that man?00:42:35:That's my dad.00:42:39:I guess this really is goodbye.00:43:11:Leave it to me to fall for a dead guy.00:43:15:It's an improvement.00:43:17:- At least he wasn't a warlock.|- Yeah.00:43:24:You know what?|I've changed my mind.00:43:27:Maybe we should|have a party, after all.00:43:29:Are you serious?00:43:31:Yeah, why not?|I mean, Mark is right.00:43:34:Well, Prue,|I'm glad you said that, because...00:43:38:Surprise!00:43:44:- Did I get you? I got you.|- Yeah, you got me.00:43:47:And an actual present too.|And it's paid for.00:43:51:- I hope you like it.|- I'm speechless.00:43:53:- Thank you.|- Happy birthday.