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Season 1, Episode 7 the Fourth Sister

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Page 1: Season 1, Episode 7 the Fourth Sister

00:00:29:Come to me, Kali.00:00:32:I conjure thee, Kali.00:00:36:Come to me, Kali.00:00:38:I conjure thee, Kali.00:00:41:I'm here, Aviva.00:00:45:- It's been over a week.|- I know. Be patient, Aviva.00:00:49:But I've done everything|that you've asked.00:00:51:I've followed the Halliwell sisters.|I know their every move.00:00:54:Which will all become valuable|in good time.00:00:58:You must trust me.00:01:00:You must make them want you|as badly as you want them.00:01:07:- I talked to my mom today.|- How is she?00:01:10:I don't know.00:01:11:She's better, I think.00:01:15:I miss her.00:01:16:- She's going to be so proud of you.|- Yeah?00:01:21:I hope so.00:01:22:Are you ready|to receive your power?00:01:26:- You know I am.|- Remember, it's a sacred power.00:01:31:If I give it to you,|you must use it only as I say.00:01:35:I will. I promise.00:01:38:Very well.00:01:40:Reach for the mirror,|put out your hands,00:01:43:feel the power.00:02:05:You know what to do.00:02:06:Go to Phoebe, Piper and Prue.00:02:43:Well, I think I see... Yeah,|there's definitely something here.00:02:48:Definitely.00:02:51:My, Santa, you've changed.00:02:54:- He's looking for Kit.|- The cat. Right.00:02:57:Four legs, fur. I remember.00:03:06:Sorry. You know,|have you tried the shelter?00:03:09:- Yeah, nothing.|- Well, she had her collar on, right?00:03:11:With your number on it?00:03:13:- A very distinctive collar, actually.|- Anyway, thanks for looking.00:03:18:I'm sure you must be hungry|after all that work.00:03:20:All what work?00:03:23:Oh, that's just Piper.|She's gotta be everyone's mom.00:03:26:Think of her as your mom.|I know I do.00:03:31:Isn't she a scream?00:03:34:Well, thanks.00:03:36:Let me go put these fliers up first,|and I'll be right back, okay?00:03:40:- Oh, careful. You all right? Careful.|- Yeah, I'll just...00:03:44:- Antique.|- Thanks.00:03:46:Grandma's, yeah.00:03:50:Quite possibly the finest glutes|in the city.00:03:53:- In the state.|- In all the land.00:03:55:I saw him first.00:06:34:Here you go, Leo.|Non-fat milk, right?00:06:37:- Thanks.|- Just don't call me "Mom."00:06:41:Trust me, one hot night is all|you guys need to get back on track.00:06:44:- Yeah, I hope you're right.|- Andy's a cop, you're a witch.00:06:48:Expect complications.00:06:50:- Hey, Leo. How's it going?|- Good.00:06:53:This wall only needs two coats, then|I gotta do the moulding, and I'm done.00:06:59:Are you sure|it doesn't need three coats?00:07:02:Nice outfit for 9:00 in the morning|with no place to go.00:07:07:I'm glad you like it.00:07:11:Leo, come here.

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00:07:15:Got milk?00:07:19:Phoebe, come here.00:07:23:Phoebe!00:07:29:I think that Piper likes Leo.00:07:32:What's not to like?|He's a great guy.00:07:35:- I mean, really likes him.|- Your point being?00:07:41:- Never mind. Classic Phoebe.|- Wait, define that.00:07:44:I think you know.00:07:47:Okay, look, Prue, I think we need to|put some major closure on this,00:07:50:or we're gonna be in rocking chairs,|slurping oatmeal out of rubber spoons,00:07:54:and I'm still gonna hear|about Roger.00:07:56:Piper, am I a boyfriend thief?00:07:59:Totally.00:08:00:Besides Roger, whom again, Prue,|I never touched.00:08:04:My boyfriend, Billy Wilson.00:08:08:- Billy Wil... Eighth grade Billy Wilson?|- You kissed him at homecoming.00:08:14:No, I did not kiss him at homecoming.|I was helping him find a contact lens.00:08:19:Oh, please. You were all over him,|with your breasts all... Whatever.00:08:24:- I didn't even have breasts back then.|- Phoebe, you've always had breasts.00:08:29:So I think I'll just let you two|work this out on your own,00:08:33:but just remember, I get the house|tonight. Just Andy and me.00:08:36:No warlocks, no innocents to protect|and especially no sisters.00:08:44:So you know...00:08:45:...it's not like either one of us|has a problem finding guys.00:08:50:Please.00:08:51:So if one of us got Leo,|it'd be okay with the other one.00:08:56:Absolutely.00:08:57:So we can just consider this|a friendly competition.00:09:01:- Sibling rivalry.|- War.00:09:03:Exactly.00:09:15:Dear Diary...00:09:18:Aviva, open the door.00:09:20:...life sucks here.00:09:22:I'm gonna be late for work.00:09:26:So that part about this being my room,|that was a lie?00:09:30:It's my apartment, Aviva.00:09:32:So you keep reminding me,|Aunt Jackie.00:09:37:Why don't you get light|and air in here?00:09:39:Because I like it dark and stale.00:09:42:Why are you so antagonistic to me?00:09:45:How come you haven't called|my mom yet?00:09:47:- What?|- To see how she's doing.00:09:50:Or just to say hello.|It would help her, you know.00:09:53:I mean, it's not like|she's got a lot of family.00:09:55:She has to take responsibility|for her own actions.00:09:57:She's not in jail.|She's in rehab.00:10:00:She didn't do anything wrong|to take responsibility for.00:10:03:She's sick, and that's it.|It's nothing to be ashamed of.00:10:07:Whatever.00:10:17:Have you seen|Lethal Weapon 3?00:10:19:Not very romantic.00:10:22:Right.00:10:24:Hey, how about Double Indemnity?00:10:31:It's black and white.00:10:33:- Right.|- Video paralysis.00:10:37:Excuse me?

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00:10:38:You're probably two minutes away|from leaving without a rental.00:10:41:You mind if I help?|After all, I am a pro.00:10:46:Sure.00:10:52:Doesn't really matter|what we pick anyway.00:10:54:Probably never get around|to watching it.00:10:57:Oh, yeah?00:10:59:Pretty cocky.00:11:02:Actually, what I meant was|something always seems to come up,00:11:05:- get in our way.|- That's not true.00:11:10:Okay, well, maybe|sometimes it's true,00:11:12:but there's always|a perfectly good reason.00:11:14:Prue, there's never|a perfectly good reason.00:11:16:As a matter of fact, there's never|usually a reason at all.00:11:19:Good, bad or otherwise.00:11:21:All right.00:11:23:You, me, alone tonight.00:11:27:Nothing, and I mean nothing,|will get in our way. Guaranteed.00:11:32:I'll hold you to that.00:11:34:Okay.00:11:37:I got it.00:11:39:Body Heat.00:11:41:We'll take it.00:11:44:I conjure thee, Kali.00:11:47:I'm here, Aviva.00:11:49:I'm going crazy here, Kali.|I can't wait any longer.00:11:52:The Halliwells don't understand|our way.00:11:55:They don't yet know the full uses|and joys of their powers.00:11:59:- I'll show them.|- You must gain their trust first.00:12:02:You must let them welcome you|into their coven.00:12:05:I won't disappoint you.|I swear.00:12:08:Then it's time.00:12:20:Take the cat|back to the Halliwells.00:12:38:About done for the day?00:12:40:Just about.00:12:43:Well, Prue has a date tonight,|so we kind of gotta clear out.00:12:46:I was thinking about catching|a movie. Wanna go?00:12:48:I can't do it.00:12:50:- Okay.|- You know...00:12:55:...these are original to the house.00:12:57:I mean, they really should be sanded|down, finished off with steel wool00:13:01:and restained, not covered in paint.00:13:04:Oh, right.00:13:06:Kind of like making risotto|with Minute Rice.00:13:11:It's a cooking analogy.00:13:12:Yeah.00:13:15:Anyway...00:13:17:...I have stain samples at home|if you're interested.00:13:20:I could bring them by tomorrow and|show them to you and your sisters.00:13:23:Better yet, why don't you just|bring them by the restaurant?00:13:26:Say about lunchtime? Prue's so busy,|and Phoebe doesn't really care.00:13:29:She's more into stucco.00:13:31:- Okay.|- Okay.00:13:34:So, what time is that movie?00:13:36:I got it.00:13:39:Kit! Oh, my God! Where did you|find her? We were worried sick.00:13:43:I was just walking by,|and I saw one of your fliers,00:13:46:and poof, there she was.|Like magic.00:13:51:I can't even believe|she let you hold her.00:13:55:Welcome home, kitty.00:13:59:- You must be starving.|- I fed her.

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00:14:02:I thought you said|you just found her.00:14:04:I did. Well, a couple of hours ago,|I mean.00:14:07:And she didn't try to scratch you?00:14:09:You know, I'll take|the fliers down tomorrow.00:14:11:- Let me clean up before the movie.|- Movie? What movie?00:14:14:- A war movie.|- I love war movies.00:14:17:- Mind if I tag along?|- Sure.00:14:20:Why not? I'll be right back.00:14:24:You guys aren't going out, are you?|You just got your cat back.00:14:27:Oh, she'll be fine.|Let me get my purse.00:14:30:- What's your name?|- Oh, no, no, I don't want your money.00:14:34:- Hey, Andy.|- Hey, Andy.00:14:36:Hey.00:14:37:Hey, I thought we all|had plans tonight.00:14:39:- This girl just found our cat for us.|- Aviva.00:14:42:Well, that's great.|Is 50 bucks enough?00:14:45:I don't want a reward.|We need to talk.00:14:48:- About what?|- About Wicca.00:14:55:Andy Trudeau, this is Leo Wyatt.|You guys chat. We'll be right back.00:14:59:- Okay.|- Hey.00:15:01:- Thanks again.|- Yeah, I'm sorry you can't stay.00:15:04:I'm not leaving.00:15:06:Don't you understand?|I'm one of you.00:15:14:No!00:15:17:Very cool.00:15:23:She didn't... She didn't...|You didn't freeze.00:15:26:- It's because I'm a witch too.|- A what?00:15:30:Look, I just wanna be friends.00:15:32:Guys, we have about 20 seconds|until they unfreeze.00:15:34:How did you find out about us?00:15:36:I'm gonna need|more than 20 seconds for that.00:15:38:We need to move things|along here, Prue.00:15:40:Okay, you need|to get out of here now.00:15:41:What? Why?00:15:43:We don't know who|you really are, so just leave.00:15:45:- Okay, go, go, go.|- No, I'm not leaving.00:15:47:- I just saved your cat.|- Leave now or else.00:15:50:Or else what?00:16:04:What the hell?00:16:10:Hey, where did that girl go?00:16:13:She just...00:16:14:Left.00:16:25:Why wouldn't they accept me?00:16:27:You said if I brought them back|their cat...00:16:29:Was it the oldest?|Was it Prue who sent you away?00:16:33:- Yes.|- Avoid her.00:16:35:She's the strongest.|You must separate them.00:16:38:Together they're charmed,|impenetrable.00:16:41:- But what if they don't want me?|- Phoebe will.00:16:44:In her own way, she's searching|for someone to relate to.00:16:47:Someone to share|her witchcraft with.00:16:51:What's the problem?00:16:53:I... I don't know.00:16:55:You're the one who came to me,|remember?00:16:57:You're the one who wanted sisters.00:17:00:I know I want a family.|I don't have anybody.00:17:05:What do you get out of it? I mean,|you know, you never really said...00:17:09:Halliwell magic is old and powerful,|and I want it.00:17:14:And since they're new to the craft,|if I'm ever going to get it,00:17:17:it has to be now.|Through you.

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00:17:22:Just do as I say, Aviva.00:17:24:Make Phoebe covet your power,|then we'll both get what we want.00:17:36:It's not what you think, Andy.|It's hard to explain. It just...00:17:39:Another one of those things|you can't explain.00:17:41:It's a broken record, Prue.00:17:43:Look, I wanted you to stay.|You have to believe me.00:17:45:What happened? Why'd you|want me to leave?00:17:47:I told you, something came up.|Sister stuff.00:17:49:I can't really go into detail|without betraying someone's secret.00:17:53:- Prue...|- Look, Andy, I'm unpredictable, okay?00:17:56:That is just part of who I am,|and you have to accept that,00:17:59:because I can't change it.00:18:00:I don't want you to change, Prue.|I just...00:18:06:I just wanna have a normal date,|that's all. Is that too much to ask for?00:18:11:All right, let's just try again tonight.|Same time, same place?00:18:16:Same movie?00:18:21:Yeah.00:18:22:Okay. So, what, 8:00?00:18:25:I'll be there. Bye.00:18:27:All right, bye.00:18:30:If I ever see that little arsonist again...00:18:35:Just got done dodging Leo's questions|about her. That was close.00:18:38:Too close.|The question is, who is she?00:18:41:- And what does she want?|- Let us not forget Aviva found Kit.00:18:44:Yeah, she's probably the one|who stole the cat in the first place.00:18:47:Hello, paranoia chick.00:18:50:Phoebe, for all we know,|she's a warlock.00:18:52:- She can't be. She didn't freeze.|- Besides, she said she was a witch.00:18:56:- Okay, a bad witch maybe.|- A bad witch with a really cool power.00:19:00:- Better than mine, that's for sure.|- Why are you so quick to defend her?00:19:03:Why are you so quick|to condemn her?00:19:06:If she is a witch, a good witch,|then it might be kind of cool,00:19:09:considering she's the first|we've run across.00:19:11:- Exactly.|- Guys,00:19:13:we don't know about her.00:19:14:How she got her powers,|how she found out about us.00:19:16:She tried to tell us,|but you kicked her out.00:19:19:Yeah, she would've exposed us|if I hadn't.00:19:22:Prue, she's just a kid.00:19:24:Besides, if she's a witch, she probably|feels just as alone as we do.00:19:29:Maybe she just needs some friends.00:19:31:Or maybe she's out to destroy us.|It wouldn't be the first time.00:19:34:- Okay.|- All right,00:19:36:until we know who she really is,|let's just steer clear, okay?00:19:41:I'm late for work.00:19:44:Me too.00:19:51:Hello.00:19:54:Aviva?00:20:00:I'm so glad that you came.00:20:02:I'm glad that you called, actually.00:20:04:- Bet you got a few questions, huh?|- A few.00:20:08:- What time does school let out?|- Now.00:20:12:Whoa! Whoa!|Hey, what are you doing?00:20:14:Oh, the same thing I'm sure you did|a thousand times.00:20:18:- Am I right?|- Well...00:20:21:I am right.00:20:23:You didn't tell your bitch sister|about this, did you?00:20:25:Hey, watch your mouth.

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00:20:27:Prue had every right to be upset|with what you did.00:20:30:It's funny how you knew that I was|talking about Prue and not Piper.00:20:34:Hey, come on, let's go for a ride.00:20:37:I'll tell you everything|that you want to know.00:20:58:Table for one, sir?00:21:00:- You own this place?|- No, I just run it.00:21:06:Actually, I used to be the chef here.00:21:19:I'm impressed.00:21:21:Good. I mean,|good that you came here.00:21:25:As opposed to the house|and Phoebe.00:21:31:How about those stain samples?00:21:33:I only brought the ones authentic to|the era in which the manor was built.00:21:36:Great.00:21:39:Hungry?00:21:42:Oh, it's on the house.00:21:44:You're big on food, aren't you?00:21:47:You know, and that's good. You know,|actually, in the Mayan culture,00:21:50:the cook was second in the hierarchy|only to the medicine man.00:21:53:Mayans? You know about Mayans.00:21:56:Well, you certainly are a handyman,|aren't you?00:22:00:So does Phoebe work here too?00:22:03:Phoebe, work? No, no, no.00:22:06:She's probably at her gay and lesbian|group right about now.00:22:10:So, what will it be?00:22:17:This is the dining room.00:22:19:This is the parlour.|That's the conservatory,00:22:22:which is really just a fancy name|for family room.00:22:25:This is so totally cool.|Oh, I love it here.00:22:28:And welcome to planet Leo.00:22:32:- You are lucky Miss Leo?|- Maybe.00:22:35:Doesn't he like you? I mean, how|could he not? You are so gorgeous.00:22:40:Well, you see, Piper and I sort of have|this little competition going over him.00:22:45:So just use your powers.|Cast a spell on him or something.00:22:49:- You do have powers, don't you?|- What makes you think I do?00:22:52:Please. You're a witch.00:22:55:Yeah, which brings us back|to how do you know that?00:23:00:You promised.00:23:05:I have this teacher.00:23:08:She's great. She's like my mom.|She told me.00:23:11:- Who is she?|- Another witch.00:23:13:Like a high priestess or something.00:23:15:She said you were the coolest,|that I would like you the best.00:23:18:- She was right.|- Well, I'd like to meet her sometime.00:23:21:Yeah?00:23:24:Is your room up there?00:23:27:Come on, I wanna share something|with you.00:23:31:You're gonna love it.|I promise.00:23:33:Come on.00:23:41:I like mirrors.|They never lie to you.00:23:43:They always tell the truth|whether you like it or not.00:23:47:It's basic black.|The colour of my soul.00:23:50:- Do you wanna try it?|- Your soul's not black.00:23:53:You know the feeling that I mean.|You're different.00:23:56:You know, you'll never want|what they want.00:23:58:You belong on the edge.|We aren't pink people, Phoebe.00:24:06:You wanna see something incredible?|Better yet, do you wanna try it?00:24:09:Try what?00:24:10:I'll show you my power|if you show me yours.

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00:24:15:Anybody home?00:24:18:Better not be.00:24:21:Don't be afraid.00:24:28:- Okay, now what?|- Watch.00:24:36:- She's giving it to you too.|- Who is?00:24:39:- Giving me what?|- The power.00:24:41:Here.00:24:44:Touch this.00:24:50:It's the power of heat.|Your hand is like the sun.00:24:53:Whoa.00:24:55:That's pretty cool, huh?00:24:58:Phoebe, are you...?00:25:00:- Prue.|- What are you doing?00:25:02:- Get out. This is her room.|- Aviva...00:25:04:No. She treats you worse|than my aunt treats me.00:25:07:- It's not right.|- It's okay. Relax.00:25:21:Chianti, Body Heat.|What do you think?00:25:23:- Prue, I can explain. Oh, no.|- Oh, no.00:25:27:Let me guess, rain check?00:25:29:- Andy...|- Prue, this is...00:25:32:- It's getting ridiculous.|- I know.00:25:34:Believe me, you have every right|to be upset,00:25:36:and I can't talk about it right now,|but I will. I promise.00:25:40:Tomorrow, Quake, 1:00, please?00:25:44:Okay. Tomorrow, 1:00.00:25:52:I am so sorry. I totally forgot.00:25:55:What is she doing here?|What's the matter with you?00:25:57:This is her house too, okay?|She can do whatever she wants.00:26:00:Aviva.00:26:01:- She's not what you think she is.|- She doesn't understand, Phoebe.00:26:04:She'll never understand.00:26:17:If there were no Prue,|Phoebe would be with us now.00:26:20:I hate her,|and I wish that she were dead.00:26:23:Aviva, what's going on?|Who's in there with you?00:26:27:You skipped school today,|and I wanna know why.00:26:30:Get out of my room!00:26:31:How dare you speak to me|in that tone!00:26:34:What's going on in here?00:26:36:I said, get out of my room!|Leave me alone, or I'll...00:26:46:Aunt Jackie!00:26:50:Oh, my God!00:26:53:Aunt Jackie!00:27:14:What did you tell the police?00:27:15:That the candle caught her dress|on fire, and she fell down the stairs.00:27:19:Oh, my God. What have I done?|I didn't mean to hurt her.00:27:23:Your powers are growing.00:27:25:I know, but as soon as|Aunt Jackie wakes up,00:27:27:she'll tell them|what really happened.00:27:30:- I gotta get out of here.|- No!00:27:31:Why not?00:27:33:You must go back to the Halliwells.00:27:36:You must complete what you started.00:27:38:- But how?|- Piper won't stop you,00:27:41:and Phoebe's already an ally.|Only Prue stands in our way.00:27:46:You must use your powers.00:27:49:You must take Prue's place|in the power of three.00:27:55:Don't disappoint me, Aviva.00:27:58:You said you wanted a family.00:28:01:And now you'll have one.00:28:11:Thanks.

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00:28:12:- You poor thing, you're shivering.|- I'm okay.00:28:15:I know that you don't like me,00:28:17:and I know the last thing|you wanna do is help me,00:28:20:but I don't know where else to turn.|I don't have anybody else.00:28:23:She's telling the truth.|Her aunt was admitted to the hospital.00:28:28:How is she? Is she okay?00:28:29:She has a broken arm|and a concussion.00:28:32:- How did she fall again?|- I don't know. I...00:28:36:I heard her scream,00:28:37:and then I found her on the floor,|and I called 911.00:28:41:I promise, if you just let me spend|the night and get some sleep,00:28:45:I'll tell you everything you wanna know|about me tomorrow.00:28:48:- She can't stay alone.|- She can sleep in my room.00:28:52:- No magic.|- I swear.00:29:07:Now is the time.00:29:41:What are you doing?00:29:45:- I was just looking for the bathroom.|- Down the hall, to the right.00:29:48:Great. Thanks. Good night.00:30:11:I'm going to the hospital to see|her aunt. In an hour, I'll be back, okay?00:30:16:- Sorry, didn't know you were there.|- That's okay.00:30:19:I'm gonna see your aunt|and let her know where you are.00:30:22:- We'll talk when I get back?|- Yeah. Sure.00:30:25:- Tell her I love her.|- Okay.00:30:27:Come on, let's get something to eat.00:30:35:I don't understand.|Why is Aviva staying with you?00:30:37:I don't even know who you are.00:30:40:Well, actually,|we just met your niece.00:30:42:We lost our cat,|and she found it for us.00:30:45:- Oh, that's what she was hiding.|- Hiding?00:30:48:In the closet. She wouldn't let me|go anywhere near it.00:30:51:You're lucky she didn't sacrifice|the poor thing.00:30:54:I'm sorry?00:30:58:She's a strange kid.00:31:00:Very troubled.|Into all sorts of weird stuff.00:31:04:Black magic, voodoo,|God knows what else.00:31:07:No wonder she doesn't have|any friends.00:31:10:What makes you think|she's into black magic?00:31:14:You should see her room.00:31:16:It seems like every time I walk past,|she's in there chanting or something.00:31:22:Sometimes, I swear,|I even hear other voices.00:31:26:I know she's not happy there.00:31:29:I'm only taking care of her|until her mom gets out of rehab.00:31:34:Do you mind if I stop by your place|and pick up some things for Aviva?00:31:38:No.00:31:40:Great. Thanks.00:31:42:Feel better.00:31:51:Andy, I can't seem|to get ahold of Prue.00:31:53:I know she was going to the hospital.00:31:54:That's all right, Piper.|Thanks for trying.00:31:57:- I'm sure there's a perfectly good...|- Explanation.00:32:00:Wanna bet?00:32:48:"Kali says we're close to taking over|the Halliwell coven.00:32:51:I hate lying to them."00:33:01:- Hello.|- Phoebe, it's me.00:33:03:Prue, where are you?00:33:05:Piper called, said you were|supposed to meet Andy at Quake.00:33:08:Listen, we have a bigger problem|to deal with.00:33:10:Call her back and tell her|to come home right away.

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00:33:13:I'll explain it to you guys later.00:33:14:And Phoebe, whatever you do,|don't let Aviva out of your sight, okay?00:33:18:- Yeah, sure.|- All right. Bye.00:33:26:Prue's on her way home.00:33:27:We can have our little chat|when she gets here.00:33:29:Yeah, okay.00:33:33:Do you mind if I go upstairs|and lie down? I'm not feeling real well.00:33:37:- Sure, go ahead.|- Okay.00:34:10:This last coat of stain's gotta dry.00:34:13:I'm headed over to Fillmore|in a few minutes to do an estimate.00:34:16:Wait, you're finished already?00:34:18:Yeah, I'll be back tomorrow to make|sure everybody's happy with my work.00:34:27:What?00:34:30:Just out of curiosity...00:34:34:...are you and Aviva...?00:34:37:- I mean, Piper said that...|- Piper said what?00:34:44:Nothing. I think I need some water.00:34:58:Wait. Leo, what did Piper|say to you?00:35:02:It doesn't matter really.|Forget it.00:35:06:Well, whatever she said, you should|probably take it with a grain of salt.00:35:10:Sometimes her medication|makes her say the strangest things.00:35:15:But not to worry,|her shrinks are on it.00:35:17:Shrinks?00:35:33:Oh, my God, Aviva.00:35:36:Prue's home.00:35:38:Oh, no.00:35:46:Aviva? Aviva?!00:35:51:What the hell are you doing?00:35:56:Phoebe, I'm sorry.00:36:09:Maybe we should take you|to the hospital.00:36:12:No, it's not that bad.00:36:13:Well, how did it happen anyway?00:36:16:Candles. Aviva had some candles lit,|and I guess the sweater got too close.00:36:21:- And then she ran out of the house.|- Sure caught fire fast.00:36:26:Leo, we got this. We wouldn't|want you to be late for that estimate.00:36:29:Are you sure? I don't mind.00:36:31:No, Prue's right. I'm fine.|You go ahead.00:36:33:Okay. I'll stop by later|to see how you're doing.00:36:36:- Great.|- Great.00:36:41:Okay, so how did this happen?00:36:43:I had a premonition|that Aviva was going to hurt you,00:36:48:so I tried to stop her.|I should've listened to you, Prue.00:36:52:You were right about Aviva.|She's evil.00:36:54:No, actually, she's not,|but she is being used by an evil spirit.00:36:58:And I think I know which one,|so come on.00:37:12:- Where are you going, Aviva?|- Go away!00:37:14:I don't want anything to do with you.|I don't wanna be a witch anymore.00:37:18:But you haven't finished|what we started.00:37:21:But I'm hurting people!|Don't you understand?00:37:24:First Aunt Jackie, now Phoebe.|I have to leave.00:37:28:Aren't you going|to say goodbye first?00:37:31:Touch the mirror, Aviva.00:37:34:It's okay. I'm not upset.00:37:37:Touch the mirror,|and I'll go away too.00:37:54:Hello, Aviva.00:37:57:Kali, Kali, Kali...00:38:00:There, there.

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00:38:01:"An evil sorceress cursed|into her own dimension,00:38:04:she appears in reflections and has|the power to possess..."00:38:06:"Innocents and uses them as pawns|to steal a witch's power."00:38:09:Wait, I don't understand.00:38:11:So she was using Aviva|to try and turn us into bad witches?00:38:14:Does it say anything|about how to get rid of her?00:38:16:Yeah, to get rid of her,|shatter her reflection.00:38:18:However the hell we do that. Here.00:38:22:- Aviva.|- Hello, Phoebe.00:38:25:- How's the arm?|- You're not Aviva.00:38:28:You're not kidding.00:38:33:- Phoebe, help me!|- Never mind.00:38:42:My powers are greater|than yours, Prue.00:38:44:It's only a matter of time.00:38:46:- Time. Piper, that's it. Freeze her.|- Aviva doesn't freeze.00:38:49:Yeah, but Kali will.00:38:53:No!00:39:03:Prue, the mirror.|Get her to the mirror.00:39:09:No, no!00:39:22:No, no!00:39:30:Thanks for the dress.00:39:32:No problem. It's Prue's.00:39:35:- All set?|- Yeah, I'm all set.00:39:40:You okay?00:39:43:I don't think looking into a mirror|is ever gonna be the same.00:39:47:Yeah, well, the demon's gone,|Aviva. Forever.00:39:51:Yeah, well, unfortunately|all the other ones remain.00:39:57:- It's so hard.|- Oh, I know.00:40:00:It was hard for me too|when I was your age.00:40:04:- Yeah?|- Are you kidding?00:40:06:These are the hardest years|of your life.00:40:10:The one thing I learned|is you just gotta be yourself.00:40:15:It's easy for you to say.|What if yourself sucks?00:40:19:Well, you don't have|to worry about that.00:40:22:No, Aviva, I'm serious.|You are a great kid.00:40:25:I could totally see us hanging out|together in school.00:40:29:A couple of troublemakers.00:40:32:I'm really gonna miss being a witch|and having powers00:40:36:- and having sisters.|- Yeah, well, you've got your mom.00:40:39:And your aunt will be home|from the hospital tomorrow.00:40:43:Okay, now remember,00:40:45:do not tell anyone|about us Halliwell sisters, all right?00:40:49:It's just our little secret.00:40:50:- I promise.|- Okay.00:41:08:- Hey.|- Hey.00:41:12:- Can we talk?|- Is there really anything to talk about?00:41:14:Andy.00:41:17:- I'm sorry.|- So am I.00:41:19:What do you mean by that?00:41:21:Oh, come on, who are we|kidding? I mean, let's face it.00:41:23:One of us is more interested|in this relationship than the other.00:41:26:- That's not true.|- Isn't it?00:41:27:How come I'm always the one|left standing there like a jerk?00:41:30:- I can explain.|- No, you can't.00:41:33:Or you won't.00:41:39:Damn it, Prue, I still love you.00:41:42:I'm not saying you have to explain it all|to me, Prue. That's your prerogative.00:41:46:All I'm saying is...00:41:51:...it hurts that you don't|trust me enough.

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00:41:53:I do trust you, Andy.00:41:56:It has nothing to do with you.|It's just...00:42:02:It's just something that I don't know|if I can ever share with anybody.00:42:06:Well, I hope that's not true|for your sake.00:42:10:All I know is there's nothing more|I can say or do to reassure you00:42:13:that I'm there for you.00:42:20:Andy.00:42:25:Are you saying that you don't|wanna see me anymore?00:42:27:I don't know what I want anymore.