Second Order Systtem Sttep Response.pdf

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  • 8/16/2019 Second Order Systtem Sttep Response.pdf


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    Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved. Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners. 


    In this chapter, we address the case in which the input to a second order system consists of thesudden application of a constant voltage or current to the circuit; this type of input can be modeled asa step function. The response of a system to this type of input is called the step response  of thesystem.

    The material presented in this chapter will emphasize the development of qualitative relationshipbetween the damping ratio and natural frequency of a system and the system’s time-domainresponse. We will also see that we can quantitatively relate several specific response parameters tothe system’s damping ratio and natural frequency. This approach allows us to infer a great deal aboutthe expected system response directly from the damping ratio and natural frequency of the system,without explicitly solving the differential equation governing the system.

    Before beginning this chapter, you shouldbe able to:

    After completing this chapter, you should beable to:

    •  Define damping ratio and naturalfrequency from the coefficients of asecond order differential equation(Chapter 2.5.1)

    •  Write the form of the natural response ofa second order system (Chapter 2.5.2)

    •  Classify overdamped , underdamped ,and critically damped  systems

    according to their damping ratio(Chapter 2.5.4)

    •  Identify the expected shape of thenatural response of over-, under-, andcritically damped systems (Chapter2.5.4)

    •  State from memory the definition of anunderdamped second order system’sovershoot, rise time, and steady-stateresponse

    •  Use the coefficients of a second ordersystem’s governing equation to estimate thesystem’s overshoot, rise time, and steady-state response

    This chapter requires: 

    •  N/A

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    2.5.5: Second Order System Step Response page 2 of 4 

    Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved. Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners. 

    In chapter 2.5.1, we wrote a general differential equation governing a second order system as:

    )t ( f )t ( ydt 

    )t (dy


    )t ( yd nn   =++




    2   ω ςω    (1)

    where y(t) is any system parameter of interest (for example, a voltage or current in an electrical

    circuit), nω   and ζ are the undamped natural frequency  and the damping ratio  of the system,

    respectively, and f(t) is a forcing function applied to the system.

    In this chapter, we restrict our attention to the specific case in which )t ( f   is a step function. Thus,

    the forcing function to the system can be written as





    0t  , A

    t  ,)t ( Au)t ( f    (2)

    Thus, the differential equation governing the system becomes:

    )t ( Au)t ( ydt 

    )t (dy


    )t ( yd nn   0




    2   =++   ω ςω    (3)

    In addition to the above restriction on the forcing function, we will assume that the initial conditions areall zero (we sometimes say that the system is initially relaxed ). Thus, for the second-order systemabove, our initial conditions will be






    =t dt )t (dy

    )t ( y


    Solving equation (3) with the initial conditions provided in equations (4) results in the step response  ofthe system.

    As in our discussion of forced first order system responses in chapter 2.5.1, we write the overallsolution of the differential equation of equation (3) as the sum of a particular solution and ahomogeneous solution. Thus,

    )t ( y)t ( y)t ( y  ph   +=  

    The homogeneous solution of second order differential equations has been discussed in chapters2.5.1 and 2.5.4 and will not be repeated here. The particular solution of the differential equation (4)can be obtained by examining the solution to the equation after the homogeneous solution has died

    out. Letting t →∞  in equation (3) and noting that the forcing function is a constant as t →∞  allows us to

    set 02





    )t (dy


    )t ( yd  and thus,

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    2.5.5: Second Order System Step Response page 3 of 4 

    Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved. Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners. 





     A)t ( y A)t ( y

    ω ω    =⇒=   (5)

    Combining the particular and homogeneous solutions, assuming the system is underdamped (   1

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    2.5.5: Second Order System Step Response page 4 of 4 

    Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved. Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners. 

    Time (sec)

         A    m    p     l     i     t    u     d    e


    Figure 1. Underdamped second order system step response.