INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2001; 16: 702±708. DOI: 10.1002/gps.425 Secondary prevention of depressive symptoms in elderly inhabitants of residential homes Pim Cuijpers* and Paula van Lammeren Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction, Trimbos Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands SUMMARY The effects of a multifaceted secondary prevention intervention in residential homes in the Netherlands were examined, using a quasi-experimental design. In ®ve experimental residential homes, the caregivers received three training sessions on detecting depression and on supporting depressed residents. Furthermore, an information session was organized for all personnel, a further session was organized for residents and their relatives, and several group interventions were offered. 213 residents participated in the study. 211 residents of ®ve other residential homes, matched on basic variables, served as a comparison group. Effects on depressive symptoms geriatric depression scale) and health related quality of life MOS- SF-36) were measured at pretest and after the intervention, one year later. Because the drop-out rate was high and drop-outs differed signi®cantly from the remaining population, the scores of drop-outs were imputed. Since we used a quasi- experimental design, we controlled for confounding variables. Regression analyses resulted in signi®cant effects of the inter- vention on the GDS and on role functioning in the total population. When the analyses were limited to those scoring high on the GDS at pretest, signi®cant effects were found on the GDS, and on four domains of health-related quality of life: psychological distress, role functioning, pain and social functioning. The improvement in GDS scores in GDS cases was signi®cantly larger than in other subjects. Our results suggest that general approaches aimed at a residential home are capable of in¯uencing depressive symptoms in inhabitants. Possibly, it may not be necessary to wait until depressive symptoms have escalated and inhabitants need extensive treatment. Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. key words Ð secondary prevention; depression; elderly; residential homes INTRODUCTION Major or minor depression is estimated to affect up to 38 per cent of the residents of long-term care facil- ities, while the prevalence of depression among elderly people in the community is 5 to 15 per cent Beekman et al., 1995; Friedhoff, 1994). Depression in residential care is often unrecognized, chronic, not treated adequately, and is possibly associated with increased mortality Friedhoff, 1994; Llewellyn- Jones et al., 1999). Aspects that have been suggested as being related to the high depression rates in resi- dential settings include the high prevalence rates of chronic diseases in these homes, loss of autonomy and loss of social support, increasing awareness of one's mortality and institutional demands for passiv- ity Masand, 1995). There is some evidence that depression is somewhat more prevalent among newly admitted residents Rovner and Rabins, 1985; Snowdon and Donnelly, 1986). Several interventions have proven effective in the treatment of depression in residential care, such as pharmacological treatment, exercise and reminis- cence therapy Katz et al., 1990; McMurdo and Rennie, 1993; Rattenbury and Stones, 1989). However, these treatments are aimed at depressed individuals living in residential homes. The availability of these interventions does not solve the problem that many depressions are not recognized by staff members, that most depressed inhabitants are very reluctant to seek help, and that psychosocial Received 26 September 2000 Copyright # 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Accepted 18 December 2000 *Correspondence to: Pim Cuijpers, Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction, Trimbos Institute, P.O. Box 725, 3500 AS Utrecht, The Netherlands. Tel: +31-30-2971100. Fax: +31-30- 2971111. E-mail: [email protected]

Secondary prevention of depressive symptoms in elderly inhabitants of residential homes

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