A short social issue drama that I have chosen to undertake for research is called dear dad and this short drama an issue about bullying. In this it has the recurring issue coming up as the bullies target the main character several times and it affects him to the point that he has had enough of it and decides to commit suicide. This short film can be related to real life issues of bullying that it really can affect people who are bullied ways of thinking and can change them from this. Bullying can also change people’s action and the way the behave due to bullying that is happening towards them as like in the short drama film in can cause people to commit suicide. This is from a website called mail online and what this news page on google is a description of a bullied victim that committed suicide because of the bulling. It talks about a eleven year old boy who was bullied at school and was driven to suicide. The victim’s name was Thomas Thompson and the reason for him becoming a bully was due to his intelligence in school and the cause of death was an overdose of pain killers. From this you can compare this to the short drama and that it is a real life issue about bulling leading to suicide. So by making a drama and making it realistic with the bulling can show people the effects of it and what it does to people’s life by having a short drama to show that as it would make it more emotional and realistic. This can be compared to dear dad as the main charcter gets driven to commit sucide because of the same reason as the eleven year old on the news article.

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A short social issue drama that I have chosen to undertake for research is called dear dad and this short drama an issue about bullying. In this it has the recurring issue coming up as the bullies target the main character several times and it affects him to the point that he has had enough of it and decides to commit suicide. This short film can be related to real life issues of bullying that it really can affect people who are bullied ways of thinking and can change them from this. Bullying can also change peoples action and the way the behave due to bullying that is happening towards them as like in the short drama film in can cause people to commit suicide.

This is from a website called mail online and what this news page on google is a description of a bullied victim that committed suicide because of the bulling. It talks about a eleven year old boy who was bullied at school and was driven to suicide. The victims name was Thomas Thompson and the reason for him becoming a bully was due to his intelligence in school and the cause of death was an overdose of pain killers. From this you can compare this to the short drama and that it is a real life issue about bulling leading to suicide. So by making a drama and making it realistic with the bulling can show people the effects of it and what it does to peoples life by having a short drama to show that as it would make it more emotional and realistic. This can be compared to dear dad as the main charcter gets driven to commit sucide because of the same reason as the eleven year old on the news article.

This is a magazine article that focuses on Forms of bullying such as teasing and that it is a serious subject. This magazine article talks more about verbal bullying and how words can affect people just as much as physical violence as depending on what the bullies say it can cause the same it causes pain. It also talks about how bulling can ruin someones education as bulling can sometimes be the reason why victims grades drop. It also states that getting bullied for a long period of time can last into adulthood which then interferes with their personal life and their professional one and that can be another reason of how bulling can ruin peoples lifes. The magazine also gives information to parents who fear that their child is a victim by having a list of emotions that can mean they are victims of bulling. Verbal bullying can be portrayed well in a drama and would make the scene tense with a threat towards the victim about something that would affect them. There is a scene in Dear Dad where one of the bullies says to the main character that he is a waste of space and physically bullies him as well as verbal.

This print screen is of a Book called the bullies and it is a auto biography of a therapist who worked in a secondary school and writes about what he has witnessed about bullying and it had emerged from his therapy work with the students in the secondary school that he worked in. In this book he writes about a students and how bullying has an influence over their behaviour and talks about home life about students with parents having conflict with each other and getting bullied during his school life. In dramas having a character getting bullied and having a unpleasant back ground that affects the way he is would make the drama emotional to see and would send a message that bullying will always make things worse.

This a website that I have found and it is called Bullying UK and has a set of all types of bullying and addresses of it being a very serious issues and has ways of preventing and stopping bullying from occurring.