Secrets of the Bible

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  • 8/17/2019 Secrets of the Bible



    HERBERT FITCH – JUNE 9, 1967


    To those of you who are here for the first time, I hope you are happy here and that

    you find a message that can help you. To those of you who were here last week,

    welcome again. We decided last week that we were going to adopt a very unusual

     procedure in reading the Bible. We were going to see Jesus not as a human form. We

    were going to see Jesus as Light. We were going to see Jesus as the fourth dimension.

    o that every time the name Jesus came to our attention, we would see not a form but

    light. !ot a three dimensional man but something of a fourth dimensional nature. o that

    the fourth dimension would be moving through three"dimensional man to teach us#

    trangely enough last unday, our theme was that life is without beginning and without

    end$that life if eternal. %nd it was &ust two days later that the world mourned the death

    of a man. It was on Tuesday I think that Bobby 'ennedy was shot. %nd it was all day

    yesterday that the world, billions, lined up in processions and on to eve, there was a

    mourning""an acceptance of death. (erhaps not in the few who had come into the

    understanding that life is truly eternal.

     !ow, if you remember, it was about !ovember of )*+ that Jack 'ennedy

    received the same bullet. %nd when it happened the world was probably in more shock

    than today for this man was already the president of the -nited tates. What was learned

    from that was very little and the repetition of it again would indicate that we are going to

    learn &ust as little now unless we are able to stand foursuare and face this immediate

    situation of assassination through the Truth taught to us by the /aster. Today we want to

    do that. We want to face what the world calls death and to see why it has no e0istence

    and then to go a step further and to find out why one individual knowing the truth about


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    HERBERT FITCH – JUNE 9, 1967

    life could accept death and what principle is in that acceptance of death which brings you

    into the reali1ation of life.

     !ow Bobby is not dead. Bobby 'ennedy could not die anymore than Jesus could

    die. 2owever, you will notice that even %be Lincoln with a little book in his pocket all

    the time was assassinated. 3ou will notice that /artin Luther 'ing who taught the Bible

    was assassinated. %nd that Jack and Bobby both very devout 4atholics were

    assassinated. %nd you must say that somewhere along the line where is 5od in the


     !ow there is a passage in (roverbs 7*8)9, here and it says this8 Where there is no

    vision, the people parish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.  We parish where there

    is no vision, we are happy when we keep the law. !ow we have thought that men like

    Lincoln, 'ennedy:s;, 'ing were men of vision, men who kept the law. But it says here

    that you don:t parish when you keep the law. %nd so we have a contradiction of our won

     beliefs. !ow it would appear that we do not know what keeping the law means. %nd it

    would also appear that the /aster who taught eternal life never reached the inner ear of

    our present civili1ation.

     !ow we have the face of a man in front of us on a cross and we see some men

    come up with a sword and pierce him and the water and the blood spurts out. We have

    merely passed that by without thinking of it in terms of our piercing the 4hrist in the

    same way. We have not thought that our civili1ation is piercing the 4hrist. But be sure

    that the symbology of the on the cross, very aptly e0presses our own ignorance. %nd in

    today:s paper you will find this funeral cortege and all the great names of our present

    civili1ation in the -nited tates present, certain famous mill"lustrous men pall"bearing.


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    HERBERT FITCH – JUNE 9, 1967

    %nd suddenly we have a situation, which brings to life a perfect headline, which Jesus

    himself wrote for this event. 2e said let the dead bury the dead  and they are doing it. 2e

    meant it, he meant it to cover those us who are unaware that death does not e0ist in our

    instead of watching a funeral

    you had watched the crucifi0ion. upposed you had watched the crucifi0ion and three

    days later you had seen the same man appear. ?o you think you get the point6 ?on:t put

    it back there. (ut it right here and now. ?o you think Bobby is going to walk back in

    three days6 What would happen if he did6 What would you think or feel6 %nd yet the

     point is that the spirit is capable of doing &ust that. The spirit is capable of walking back

    in &ust three days in the same form.

    Let:s bring our teaching back to date. %nd let:s see that no man is doing it for a

    very simple reason that we are not aware of what the /aster taught us. We are very

    much unaware and because of our unawareness, it is not only the truth of eternal life that

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    HERBERT FITCH – JUNE 9, 1967

    we are missing but we are missing the abundance, the health, the harmony, the beauty, the

    truth, the perfection of that life. We are missing the peace of that life. In these times of

    election the words are banded about that this one will bring us peace and this one will

     bring us peace. This one will bring us economic security and this one will save our face

    so that we can retrench. =ach one is e0tolling his own virtues. I have haven:t heard once

    anyone say that 5od knows the way. I haven:t heard anyone say that there is a way and it

    isn:t the way of mankind or the will of man or the mind of man. There is a total and

    complete absence of belief that there is a Living 5od. We are going to vote for this man

    or that man, this party or that party.

    =ven when Bobby hadn:t passed on what was the big worry in the mind:s of men

    in politics6 Who would get the votes if he weren:t around6 %nd if he was around and did

    recover would the votes stay with him6 That is about all that was on the mind of

     politicians. There weren:t concerned about Bobby. uddenly he:s a gentle lion, idealist,

    and a great humanitarian. /c4abe said, he wanted the presidency so much his teeth hurt.

    We change over night and the papers change over night. The papers are selling papers

    and that is all they are selling. They are not selling truth. %nd the politicians are not

    selling truth. There maybe an e0ception in this case, there may be one who is an

    e0ception but is for you to &udge. The point to be made is this, we must translate the

    world scene into a spiritual universe or we are walking in the same funeral preparing our

    own place in the coffin. There is too much of futility in the world today where there

    should be hope. Too much pessimism and fear where there should be 4omforters#

     !ow make no mistake about it when the /aster decided to teach us the meaning

    of life and give up 2is own to do it, this was a willing demonstration in which 2e


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    HERBERT FITCH – JUNE 9, 1967

     personally accepted the challenge to move through death into life to show the non"

    e0istence of death. %nd it is very important that you know this and that you know it on

     biblical authority. That you carefully trace each step he took so we must do that. We

    must establish beyond your doubt that 2e accepted crucifi0ion. That 2e wanted

    crucifi0ion and 2e wanted it in obedience to an inner command that said this is the way it

    must be done.

     !ow I will tell you why you must come to that conclusion. Because the only way

    that 2e could accept it is the only way that you can find the same confidence that 2e

    found. -nless you know 2is secret, you cannot walk the path of eternal life. %nd so you

    must find 2is secret. 3ou must know why a man could say I go but I will return.  I go to

     My Father’s house and to your Father’s house. But fear not little flock I send the

    4omforter to you.  My peace, my peace I give unto you. /y &oy I give unto you. 2e is

    walking to 2is crucifi0ion and telling them I give you /y peace and my &oy. %nd then

    2e says to the

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    HERBERT FITCH – JUNE 9, 1967

    now the /essiah has come back, 2e is going to lead us out of servitude but it wasn:t 2is

    intention to do that. It was 2is intention to lead mankind out of the servitude of

    ignorance. The message was the point not the man. I of mine own self can do nothing.

    But still don:t have the message because we still worship the man. In moments of fear

    and an0iety we still say well Jesus come to me or we turn to 5od. But we haven:t turned

    to The 5od that 2e taught us to turn to. Because that was 2is secret, that was 2is

    discovery. 2e knew where 5od was and who 5od is. %nd now great leader today hasn:t

    the slightest idea of who 5od is and where 5od is. %nd until we know that we too must

     perish# Literally we must perish to return again to search again for that which has already

     been revealed but ignored.

     !ow let:s take 2is words and not our own opinions. 2e says8 now is the

     judgment of this world. %nd 2e is speaking here about 2is &udgment of the world. 2e is

    moving toward crucifi0ion. %nd he says now is the judgment of the world.  That is the

     &udgment of the world when you get crucified you are dead. %nd 2e is going to test the

     &udgment of the world. 2e doesn:t have a human enemy. 2e is not out to show up the

    (harisees. 2e is not out to make (ilate look like a fool. 2e is not even out to defeat the

    oman =mpire. 2e is out to do something far greater and this has been 2is ma&or

    mission. 2e is out to show the &udgment of the world about death is incorrect. %nd 2e

    says so.

     ow shall the prince of this world be cast out.  We have never really understood

    who that prince was. The prince of this world shall now be cast out. 2e is going to

    e0pose the fallacy of that prince called death. I am going to e0pose that there is no death.

    I shall cast out the prince of this world. Why prince6 Because death rules this world that


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    HERBERT FITCH – JUNE 9, 1967

    is the prince. It rules this world by instilling in us fear, an0iety and insecurity. We live

    under the shadow of it. It is therefore the ruler of man, the 5od of man. ?eath itself the

    very devil but now I am going to e0pose this 2e says. The prince of this world shall be

    cast out. !ow here are some other points 2e makes very clear to us. We are in John )78

    @*"AC now.

     For I have not spoken of myself! but the Father which sent me, he gave me a

    commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.

     "nd I know that his commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak

    therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak.

     !ow 2e has been told what to do. 2e makes that statement. 2e doesn:t say a

    single word e0cept the words that he has been told to speak. In other words, 2e is under

    direct orders. ?id you see him receive any telegrams or letters6 ?id somebody come to

    2im with a wireless or a cable6 2ow did 2e receive his orders6 That is 2is ecret isn:t

    it6 ?id 2e come to teach secrets or to give you secrets6 2e is telling us the Word of

    5od, where does it come from6 The kingdom of 5od was within 2im$5od is spirit.

    The kingdom of 5od, the kingdom of pirit is within 2im. %nd within 2im he receives

    the Word of 5od. Is it important to us6 Dh yes, because 2e turns right around and says

    the kingdom of 5od is within you &ust the way I am receiving guidance from 5od so can

    you. But my kind of guidance is so incredible to the world that even though it tells me to

    out and get crucified I believe it. That is how much I believe in this communication from

    5od to me. That I am following it to the letter# %nd will I be vindicated or not6 Because

    if I fail, if this isn:t 5od:s communication to me to go and do what I am doing, I will fail.

    %nd if I can:t walk back out of this circumstance, if I fail, well three years have been


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    HERBERT FITCH – JUNE 9, 1967

    wasted and nobody will believe my message. o you see I am not only e0pressing total

    faith in the fact that 5od communicates to man from within and I am telling you that 2e

    does with you too, but I am going to prove it. 2e has told me that I will walk back again

    and I am going to do it in total faith. %nd on that proof I will rest my message. That

    would make a pretty good trial lawyer. Dne who could rest his message on that proof that

    I can walk out of this scene against the &udgment of the world that that is death and then

    walk back and even convince doubting Thomas that it is the same me. Dn that I will rest

    my case that all that I taught is true. %nd then if you see that is true, then all that I have

    taught should be of importance to you including that the kingdom of spirit is within you

    and as I receive communication from 5od from within you too.

    %nd then go a step further. If you don:t receive communication from 5od from

    within, you are dead. Because that communication from within is called the Word# %nd

    unless that Word is made into your flesh you are dead or assassinated. 3ou must live by

    the Word of 5od and it comes from within. It spins itself out like a spider and becomes

    your flesh. Take a seed put it out here on the table, &ust a seed. What happens to it6

     !othing, nothing whatsoever. It could stay there for one hundred years and will not

    grow. Why6 Because it must be put into the earth and then from inside the earth it will

    draw that which it needs. It is dead until it is put in its natural element until it is

    connected up to that earth. %nd then life within it, which is in it all the time, begins to

    come forth as a tree, as a bush or as a fruit. /an is a seed and unless that seed is

    connected to life that seed cannot grow. -nless that seed is connected to the Word of

    5od, which is life, that seed cannot grow. It is cut off$it is a branch cut off. !ow that

    seed, this 2indu mystic that Joel told us about said to his disciples bring in a fruit and


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    HERBERT FITCH – JUNE 9, 1967

    they did. 2e said cut it open and they did. What do you find6 %nd they said a seed.

    5ood, cut the seed open and they did. What do you find there6 Well nothing, nothing#

    %h, he said that is the point. What is there is life and you can:t see it. Without it you

    can:t go anywhere.

    That which you cannot see in the center of the seed is the life of the seed. %nd it

    is going to make the tree. It is going to grow that seed. This little infant is a seed, too.

    %nd the life in the center of that seed is going to grow that seed and that life in the center

    of the seed is called the Word. It can lie there &ust like a seed on this table and that seed

    won:t grow. If that word lies in that seed unnoticed you are looking at the living dead.

    3ou are looking at a living dead human race if that seed is unnoticed. If that word is not

    accepted in consciousness you do not see life you see imitation and that imitation is

    devoid of the harmony, the peace, the abundance, the fullness of 5od because there has

     been no connection between the outer man and the Living Word of 5od in the eed of

    that man.

     !ow Jesus is revealing all of this in 2is march to life after death. 2e is showing

    you that the Word of 5od in 2im is the only 5od that 2e follows. That is 2is 5od$that

    Living Word within. %nd now 2e is following it to do what no man dares to do. 2e tells

    you again. 2e says I am going to lay down my life that I may pick it up again. In

    advance I am going to lay down my life. What manner of man can do this6 I am the

    Light he says of the world. I am not in this worldF I am the light of the world. %nd 2e

     proceeds all along the way to carefully make clear that 2e is doing this of his own

    volition in complete obedience with the >oice within. This is no arbitrary human whim

    and self glory, this is complete obedience to 2is

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    HERBERT FITCH – JUNE 9, 1967

    teaching 2is disciples a great lesson about life. That the ine, one with the

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    HERBERT FITCH – JUNE 9, 1967

    follows the individual who does not turn to the Word of 5od within himself so that he be

    made whole with the Trunk, with the ?ivine, with the

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    HERBERT FITCH – JUNE 9, 1967

     #e will swallow up death in victory: and the $ord %od will wipe away tears from

    off all faces! and the rebuke of his people shall be taken away from off all the earth: for

    the $ord hath spoken it. ?o you see how the Word of 5od spoken through Isaiah is going

     become flesh$what can stop it6 ?o you see that that Word is the power6 There will be

    a day when this will be the reality we all e0perience.

     !ow Jesus was the fulfillment of that prophecy and 2e knew it. 2e said it. I am

    not of this world. But more 3e, speaking of men, &udge after the flesh. I &udge no man.

    Today you see this comes back to haunt us. 3e &udge after the flesh. 3ou look and you

    see somebody passing on or you look and you see suffering or you look and you see pain.

    3e &udge after the flesh. But &udge after the spirit and you will see my

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    HERBERT FITCH – JUNE 9, 1967

    3ou must kill this old man and you must do this by turning to the vine$the vine

    that is the life, which comes through the seed. 3ou have diverted your life from that vine.

    3ou have turned a deaf ear to that Word. 3ou have become a prodigal from the inner

    Word of 5od. Dh, &ust because everybody on earth does it, doesn:t mean that you are

    under 5od:s protection because you have done it too. It means that you are without the

    hand of 5od upon you. It means that you can be famous, successful, wealthy one

    moment and not around the ne0t. When will you learn, how many e0amples must you

    see before you see that life itself is not something you e0perience in the outer, that isn:t

    life6 That is the result of life that is the effect of life. That is the surface. Before you

    e0perience the outer, if you do not e0perience the inner, your outer is nothing. It is a twig

    in the wind. But if you labor to sow to the Word, to the spirit within that Word will set up

    the pattern of your inner life which becomes the pattern of your outer life. %nd no man

    can take that away for that is 5od itself.

     !ow the disciples are completely unaware of what is going on. %t that moment

    2e could have called his disciples, Lyndon, or Bobby or Jack. 2e could have said to

    them what 2e said 2e said to 2is own disciples, what I am doing now you don:t

    understand. But I am sending the 4omforter to you who will teach you what I am doing

    and then you will understand. %nd (eter said, don:t leave us now we don:t know what to

    do. %nd 2e talked to (eter and (eter said oh I understand now. %nd amusingly 2e

    looked at (eter and said to you really6 2ave you the slightest idea and then 2e smiled

    and said, three times you will deny me but it is alright (eter eventually you too will learn,

    you and Lyndon and Bobby and the world and every mother and every father and every

    child will learn that what I do this moment is to point out where you must go if you


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    HERBERT FITCH – JUNE 9, 1967

    would find life. If you would live instead of sleep# If you would accept me instead of

     piercing me# %nd they are still seeing Jesus the man as we still see Jesus as the man

    today. %nd right now you must read&ust your vision to see who is speaking these words.

    These words are not coming from a man. When Jesus speaks no man is talking. When

    Jesus goes on a cross no man is going on a cross. When Jesus returns in the flesh no man

    has returned.

    Life itself is making the demonstration and that life is called the 4hrist, the

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    HERBERT FITCH – JUNE 9, 1967

    your Lord and not your god, I am &ust a man who walked through death who came back

     because I knew how to live in obedience to the Word of 5od within me.

     !ow (aul was a little more advanced that Thomas. When (aul got the Word, (aul

    went out. (aul did something about it. (aul told us about that Word. 2e said don:t you

    reali1e that things seen are made of the substance of that which is unseen6 2e knew what

    the Word was. 2e knew that the Word was a reality. That there was a life in each man

    that no man suspected. %nd that Life was =ternal Life and any man touching it would

    find the self"revealing Light, which bring with it the leaving treasures of the living

    kingdom of 5od on earth. (aul went on to prove as Jesus did and yet (aul could not

    make that transition that Jesus had made into death and come back. (aul had to

    reincarnate G6H %nd his reincarnations probably gave us mystics that we were not aware

    of and reincarnation of (aul &ust as John the Baptist was a reincarnation of =li&ah.

    But you see this Truth within us, this Word, forms the very beginning of your

    fourth 5ospel. John well aware of what had happened begins his gospel with this great

    revelation of the secret of Jesus. Jesus had the Word of 5od within 2im and was

    advising us that it is within us but as a Light in the darkness, the darkness comprehending

    it not. We do not to this day comprehend that the Word dwells among us. But here and

    there one is aware and that one, that one is on the way to peace on earth in the midst of

    war, to love on earth in the midst of hate. That one is going to find that the Living Word

    of 5od in him, in her, is security, protection, life itself. !ow I am not satisfied that we

    yet have the fullness of 2is message about Life =ternal. But I do know this that if you

    think of death again you are going to have to stop and say to your self, am I not living

    7CCC years ago instead in the illuminated age6 %nd I going to be &ust another pallbearer


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    HERBERT FITCH – JUNE 9, 1967

    to falsehoods that were dead when the /aster revealed that they never e0isted or I am

    going to re&oice in the fact that my life is eternal and then go out and prove it. Then go

    out and find the

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    HERBERT FITCH – JUNE 9, 1967

    troubled I am the invisible pirit no one is going to crucify me. %nd this fellow up front

    called Jesus is letting me do the work that is why 2e is so brave. That is why 2e is so

    intelligent. 2e is letting me within 2im, the 4hrist, do the work. %nd now I am telling

    you disciples don:t be concerned because Jesus is going up there to be crucified. Because

    /e within 2im, the

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    HERBERT FITCH – JUNE 9, 1967

    this, this riddle, is telling his disciples that 2e is in 5od, 5od is in 2im. %nd then he says

    I am also in you. !ow Jesus was not in 2is disciples. But 2e is saying, I %/ in you, he

    is telling you 2is identity right there. This I that am in you is 4hrist. I am 4hrist. 3ou

    think I am Jesus but I was with Jesus until I became 4hristed. %nd now Jesus and 4hrist

    within are one and the same$one is the outer, one is the inner. %nd this inner, this 4hrist

    within me, is in you. %nd one day you shall know that and the 4hrist that is in you which

    is also in me is in the

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    HERBERT FITCH – JUNE 9, 1967

    of 5od comes through you6 % barren twig has flowers. What about a barren man or

     barren woman6 This Word is (eace. This Word is ecurity. This Word is %bundance.

    This Word is Life e0pressing Itself as things. 3our

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    HERBERT FITCH – JUNE 9, 1967

    It is a beautiful little secretF you must e0press a need for it. uppose for e0ample

    you say right now. I need Truth, well in that e0pression that I need truth you will open

    your consciousness to the need. %nd that is the secret of the Word it responds to your

    need. The moment you have e0pressed the desire, the need, the Truth, Truth responds.

    Truth moves through the invisible into your consciousness and says 2ello, here I %/.

    3ou call for me didn:t you6 3ou must e0press the need. Where does the Bible say that6

    That:s what it means when it says to you, blessed are the poor in pirit. That is precisely

    what it means. If you are poor in pirit, you have a need for pirit. What is pirit6 The

    Word# pirit becomes flesh and if you will reach in for the pirit, The Word, Truth, it

    will respond to you.

     !ow Joel 5oldsmith gave us the secret about find the Word. 2e said the Word is

    consciousness. 5enerations after generations are &ust walking blindly by this brilliant

    revelation of John. In the beginning was the Word was with 5od, and the Word was 5od.

    %nd Joel comes along and tells us how to get that Word to move up thorough your being

    like the sap in a tree. If you are not conscious of it, it is &ust a dead seed lying on the


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