Hampshire County Council Section 278 Technical Submission Requirements July 2016 Section 278 Technical Submission Requirements Prepared by Hampshire County Council Published July 2016 Economy, Transport and Environment Department Hampshire County Council EII Court West The Castle Winchester SO23 8UD

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Hampshire County Council Environment Department

Section 278 Technical Submission Requirements – July 2016

Section 278

Technical Submission Requirements

Prepared by Hampshire County Council

Published July 2016

Economy, Transport and Environment Department Hampshire County Council

EII Court West The Castle Winchester SO23 8UD

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Hampshire County Council Environment Department

Section 278 Technical Submission Requirements – July 2016


1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1

2. PROCEDURE OF DESIGN SUBMISSION .................................................................... 2

2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 2

2.2 Timescales ................................................................................................................................... 3

2.3 Extension of Time ....................................................................................................................... 4

2.4 Package assessment and Receipt ............................................................................................ 4

2.5 Internal consultation................................................................................................................... 5

2.6 Review Meeting ........................................................................................................................... 5

2.7 Design Report ............................................................................................................................. 6

3. DESIGN CHECK SUBMISSION STAGES ..................................................................... 7

3.1 Pre-Application Design Review ................................................................................................. 7

3.2 Section 278 Minor Works Design Check .................................................................................. 7 Type of Works ............................................................................................................................... 7 General Requirements .................................................................................................................. 8

3.3 Preliminary Design Check ......................................................................................................... 9 General Requirements .................................................................................................................. 9

3.4 Detail Design Check ................................................................................................................... 9 General Requirements .................................................................................................................. 9

3.5 Combined Design Check ......................................................................................................... 10 Type of Works ............................................................................................................................. 10 General Requirements ................................................................................................................ 10

3.6 Resubmission ........................................................................................................................... 11

4. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................... 12

4.1 Design Policies and Standards ............................................................................................... 12

4.2 Structures .................................................................................................................................. 12

4.3 Traffic Signal Installations ....................................................................................................... 13

4.4 Street Lighting ........................................................................................................................... 14

4.5 Illuminated Signs ...................................................................................................................... 15

4.6 Arboriculture ............................................................................................................................. 15

4.7 Departures from Standard ....................................................................................................... 16

4.8 Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 ................................................. 16

4.9 Road Safety Audit ..................................................................................................................... 17

4.10 Non-Motorised User Assessment ........................................................................................... 17

4.11 Standard Construction Details ................................................................................................ 17

4.12 Drawings .................................................................................................................................... 18

4.13 Specification .............................................................................................................................. 19

4.14 Conditions of Contract ............................................................................................................. 20

4.15 Road Space Booking – Traffic Management Act 2004 .......................................................... 21

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4.16 Legal Agreement ....................................................................................................................... 21


5.1 General ....................................................................................................................................... 22

5.2 Appointing a Contractor........................................................................................................... 22

5.3 Programming the Works .......................................................................................................... 23 Notifications to Interested Parties and Public Communications ................................................. 23 Traffic Management Act Noticing ................................................................................................ 23 Traffic Regulation Orders ............................................................................................................ 24 Ordinary Watercourse Consents ................................................................................................ 24

6. THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE CONTRACT (CONSTRUCTION) ........................... 26

6.1 Commencement ........................................................................................................................ 26

6.2 Inspections ................................................................................................................................ 26

6.3 Interim Meetings ....................................................................................................................... 26

6.4 Time Extensions ....................................................................................................................... 26

6.5 Temporary Traffic Management and Safety ........................................................................... 26

7. COMPLETION OF THE CONTRACT (POST CONSTRUCTION) ................................ 28

7.1 General ....................................................................................................................................... 28

7.2 Inspections ................................................................................................................................ 28 Defects ........................................................................................................................................ 28 Road Safety Audit ....................................................................................................................... 28

7.3 ITS Equipment ........................................................................................................................... 29

7.4 Traffic Calming .......................................................................................................................... 29

7.5 Landscaping .............................................................................................................................. 29

7.6 High Friction Surfacing ............................................................................................................ 30

7.7 Documentation to be supplied ................................................................................................ 30

7.8 Certificate of Completion ......................................................................................................... 30

8. END OF THE “MAINTENANCE PERIOD” .................................................................. 31

9. FINANCIAL ISSUES .................................................................................................... 32

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APPENDIX A S278 MINOR WORKS DESIGN CHECK LIST ..................................... 35

A.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 35

APPENDIX B PRELIMINARY DESIGN CHECK LIST ................................................. 37

B.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 37

APPENDIX C DETAILED DESIGN CHECK LIST ....................................................... 39

C.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 39

APPENDIX D COMBINED DESIGN CHECK LIST...................................................... 41

D.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 41

APPENDIX E DEPARTURE FROM STANDARD ........................................................ 43

E.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 43

APPENDIX F CONSTRUCTION PRE-START MEETING ......................................... 44

F.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 44

F.2 Prior to the meeting ........................................................................................................................ 44

F.3 Meeting documentation ................................................................................................................. 45

F.4 Suggested Agenda ......................................................................................................................... 45

APPENDIX G POST CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE .............................................. 48

G.1 Commencement of Maintenance Period ..................................................................................... 48

G.2 As-built drawings and Information .............................................................................................. 48

G.3 Structures ......................................................................................................................................... 49

G.4 Bills of Quantities ........................................................................................................................... 49

G.5 Traffic signals .................................................................................................................................. 49


FROM HD19/15 50


I.1 Context Assessment ...................................................................................................................... 51

I.2 Reference Documents: .................................................................................................................. 52

I.3 NMU Context Assessment prompts ............................................................................................ 52

APPENDIX J NMU CONCEPT ASSESSMENT (EXAMPLE) .................................... 55


SAFETY CASE DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................. 57

K.1 Preliminary Design Hazard Assessment .................................................................................... 57

K.2 Detailed Design Hazard Assessment .......................................................................................... 59

K.3 Case Documents - initial safety case review ............................................................................. 61

K.4 Case Documents – Designers Response ................................................................................... 62

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WORK ACT 1991 .................................................................................................................. 64

L.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 64

L.2 S54 Advance Notice – 3 Months .................................................................................................. 64

L.3 S55 Confirmation Notice – 10 Days ............................................................................................. 64

L.4 S74 In Progress and Works Closed Notices .............................................................................. 64

L.5 Responsibility .................................................................................................................................. 64

L.6 Section 58 – Advance Notification Form ‘A’ .............................................................................. 65


TESTING REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................. 66

M.1 Requirements .................................................................................................................................. 66

APPENDIX N SIGN ILLUMINATION REQUIREMENTS ........................................... 68

N.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 68

N.2 Schedule 2, Part 2 Warning Signs and associated plates ....................................................... 68

N.3 Schedule 3, Part 2 Circular signs and supplementary plates including regulatory

requirements .............................................................................................................................................. 69

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Section 278 Technical Submission Requirements – July 2016


Title Description Certificate of Completion

A certificate issued by Hampshire County Council’s Development Planning group confirming the works have been executed to their satisfaction and can be placed on maintenance.

Certificate of Maintenance

A certificate issued by Hampshire County Council’s Development Planning group after the works have been maintained to their satisfaction and the works are formally adopted back into public ownership.

Consultant The company undertaking the design works

Developer The company developing or investing in the project.

Development Planning

DP Hampshire County Council group that act as the Local Highway Authority Client in respect to S278 proposals.

Hampshire County Council

HCC The Local Authority

HANTSWEB Hampshire County Council’s website (www.hants.gov.uk)

ITS Group A group within Hampshire County Council responsible for undertaking technical checks and ordering of traffic signals & associated equipment.

Local Highway Authority

HA This is Hampshire County Council and is responsible for operating, maintaining and improving the local publically adopted road network

Local Highway Network

LHN Publically adopted highway, maintainable by the Local Highways Authority.

Maintenance Period

A period of at least 12 months following the date of the Certificate of Completion during which the Developer is responsible for the correction of any defects in the works.

National Highways Authority (Highways England)

HE Highways England is responsible for operating, maintaining and improving the strategic road network in England on behalf of the Secretary of State for Transport.

Non-Motorised User

NMU A Non-Motorised User (NMU) includes pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders.

Off-site Works the Works These are works that are undertaken on Local Highway Network (ie off-site from the “Development”).

On-site Works These are works undertaken on the Developers land (ie the “Development”).

Road Safety Audit RSA The formal safety performance examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. It qualitatively estimates and reports on potential road safety issues and identifies opportunities for improvements in safety for all road users.

Section 278 S278 Facility to allow private developers to either pay for or carry out off-site works to public highways.

Section 278 Deed of Agreement

S278 Agreement

The legal agreement allowing developers to undertake works on the highway.


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Section 278 Technical Submission Requirements – July 2016 Page 1

1. Introduction

1.1 This document replaces the document titled Section 278 Technical Submission Requirements Published June 2015.

1.2 This guidance document details the sequence of events, responsibilities and obligations of the Developer, Consultant and Highway Authority to design, approve and implement offsite works (ie works on the Highway) associated with a development.

1.3 The Developer shall appoint a competent consultant for the duration of the design submission and review period, including construction and the maintenance period to respond to any queries that may arise.

1.4 The appointment must be accompanied by a letter of competency that should be forwarded to Hampshire County Council (HCC) with the Design Check submission.

1.5 To enable HCC to assess Design Check Submissions as quickly as possible it is essential that the Developer’s Consultant refers to (and completes) the relevant Design Check Submission Checklist for the appropriate Design Check Stage. This will guide the Developer’s Consultant to ensure that they include all relevant information/documents within their Design Check Submission. Any incomplete submission packages will be returned to the Consultant together with an explanation of the reasons why the Design Check Submission is incomplete and hence why the design checking procedure cannot commence. It is therefore in the Developer’s and Consultant’s interest to ensure all required documents are submitted together in their Design Check Submission Package.

1.6 The County Council will nominate its representative within the Development Planning (DP) Section to whom all correspondence or inquiries shall be addressed. However if at the initial stages, the DP Officer is unknown submissions should be made via post marked for the attention of Highways Development Planning to Hampshire County Council, EII Court, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 8UJ. Alternatively submissions can be made electronically to [email protected]

1.7 The DP Officer will request Hampshire County Council’s Design Check Team to undertake the appropriate Design Check, who in turn will liaise with other technical specialists within the Department to review the proposals submitted. Refer to the Section 278 Guidance for Developers Document on


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2. Procedure of Design Submission

2.1 Introduction

2.1.1 Prior to any submission it is recommended that the Developer’s Consultant reads the ‘Section 278 Guidance for Developers’ document to establish the overall process and approval options together with the associated fees and timescales. Contact should also be made with Hampshire County Council’s Development Planning Team (DP) to confirm the most appropriate Technical approval route for the works proposed. This document details the steps involved in a Section 278 design check process (for both the Section 278 Minor Works and Agreement routes) including which documents need to be submitted.

2.1.2 The Section 278 design check route options are detailed in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Section 278 design check process

Design Check Process

S278 Minor Works Design Check

(Suitable for Minor Works in the form of bellmouths, footway

and uncontrolled pedestrian crossings)

S278 Agreement (Suitable for all works

not covered by a Minor Works


Preliminary Design Check

Detailed Design Check

Combined Design Check

S278 Pre-Application Design Review


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2.2 Timescales

2.2.1 The figures below detail the time scales we aim to achieve once a submission and instruction has been received by the Design Check Team (DCT) from DP. Each submission stage has a set timeframe for the check to be undertaken and for all interested bodies to comment on the proposed design. The timescales set out below are not absolutes and may vary dependent on the type and size of the scheme and the time taken for any revised information to be submitted by the Developer. If the timeframes are to be extended then the Developer’s Consultant will be notified at the earliest possible opportunity.

2.2.2 To enable the DCT to assess design check submissions as quickly as possible it is essential that the Developer’s Consultant refers to (and completes) the relevant Design Check Submission Checklist for the appropriate Design Check Stage. This will guide the Developer’s Consultant to ensure that they include all relevant information/documents within their Design Check Submission. If information is missing from the submission package, the timescale for completion of the design check will be dependant on when the Consultant submits the missing information.

Figure 2: Pre-application Review timescale

Pre-application review

Week 0 Week 1 Week 2

Engineering assessment Engineering report / comments

Figure 3: S278 Minor Works Design Check timescale

Figure 4: Preliminary Design Check timescale

Preliminary design check

Week 0 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

Pre-submission meeting with consultant

Package assessment

Engineering assessment Report returned

Receipt returned Internal consultation Review meeting

NOTE: Should the proposals include traffic signals or a Structure requiring an Approval In Principle (AIP) this timescale will be extended to 10 weeks

S278 Minor Works design check

Week 0 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Pre-submission meeting with consultant

Package assessment Engineering assessment

Receipt returned

Internal consultation Report returned

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Figure 5: Detailed Design Check timescale

Detailed design check

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

Package assessment

Engineering assessment Report returned

Receipt returned Internal consultation Review meeting

NOTE: Should the proposals include a traffic signals or a Structure requiring an Approval In Principle (AIP) this timescale will be extended to 8 weeks

Figure 6: Combined design stage timescale

Figure 7: Re-submission timescale

Re-submission timescale

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Package assessment Engineering assessment

Receipt returned Report returned

Items highlighted blue are when information will be passed to the Developer’s Consultant.

2.3 Extension of Time

2.3.1 On occasion it may be necessary to extend the engineering assessment period. This will normally be due to the complexity of the scheme such as large gyratory systems, complex structures or traffic signals. When an extension is required it will be notified to DP, who will instruct both the Developer and their Consultant of the extension and reasons why.

2.4 Package assessment and Receipt

2.4.1 When the DP team receive a submission for design checking, they will forward the package together with a request to the Design Check Team (DCT) to undertake the check. Upon receipt of the submission package and request, DCT will review the completeness of the submission package to establish if suitable information has been included to enable the design check to start. If all the information required to undertake the check has been submitted, DCT

Combined design check

Week 0 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

Pre-submission meeting with consultant

Package assessment

Engineering assessment Report returned

Receipt returned Internal consultation Review meeting

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will issue a “Receipt” to the Developer’s Consultant and DP confirming that the design check process can progress and the expected timescales for that specific scheme. However, if the submission package is incomplete or key information is missing, DCT will issue an unsuitable “Receipt” to the Developer’s Consultant and DP detailing where the package is incomplete and the missing information required to be submitted before the design check can commence. If information is missing from the submission package, the timescale for completion of the design check will be dependant on when the Consultant submits the missing information.

2.4.2 To enable the DCT to assess design check submissions as quickly as possible it is essential that the Developer’s Consultant refers to (and completes) the relevant Design Check Submission Checklist for the appropriate Design Check Stage. This will guide the Developer’s Consultant to ensure that they include all relevant information/documents within their Design Check Submission.

2.5 Internal consultation

2.5.1 This is necessary to allow all interested parties within HCC to comment on the proposed design with regards to their area of work. For example, the local Area Highway teams are consulted as they may have specific knowledge of the area with regards to drainage or potential construction issues. Furthermore, they will maintain the constructed works once complete and therefore will review the specifications for the proposed materials and equipment. A two week period is given to these teams to allow them to assess all necessary aspects relating to their areas, although extensions may be requested on complex issues. Where this affects the report return date then DP will be informed (who will in turn inform the Developer’s Consultant).

2.6 Review Meeting

2.6.1 This is a meeting to be held between the Developer, Developer’s Consultant and the overseeing DP and DCT Officers to discuss the design and raise any issues that may require the design to be amended to allow it to be acceptable. The DP Officer will arrange this meeting. Any issues raised with the submitted scheme will be issued in writing to DP, for distribution to both the Consultant and Developer. Further to this a timetable for the resubmission of the altered scheme will be discussed together with the engineering assessment time required for a report to be issued. This will be notified to all parties.

2.6.2 If the review meeting is not attended by the Developer’s team and there are issues with the design then a ‘Non-Approval’ report will be issued within week six stating the reasons why.

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2.7 Design Report

2.7.1 At the end of the review period a report will be issued to DP stating whether the proposed design is acceptable to HCC or where the design is not suitable and amendments are required. These amendments will be clearly stated.

2.7.2 The DP Officer will inform the Developer of their decision and will assist were possible to enable the Developer to produce an acceptable design.

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3. Design Check Submission Stages

3.1 Pre-Application Design Review

3.1.1 Prior to the application for Planning Permission or during the Planning Stage, Development Planning (DP) may request a Design Review to be undertaken by the Design Check Team (DCT). During this stage the DCT will advise the Developer’s Consultant on any potential conflicts that may arise and items for consideration. This will enable the Developer’s Consultant to amend the design or incorporate mitigating elements to alleviate the conflicts before applying for or gaining Planning Permission.

3.1.2 A Pre-Planning Review is more of an informal process to discuss the merits of the proposed scheme and enable HCC to guide the Developer and their Consultants enabling them to submit a technically suitable package of information for Planning and at the more formal Design Check stage(s).

3.1.3 There is not a formal design submission checklist for this stage but the list of documents below is a guide to the types of information that will assist in the Pre-Application Design Review. This is not an exhaustive list and the more information provided the more useful the report will be.

General Arrangement

Road Safety Audit

Speed Data

Traffic Data

Traffic Accident Figures

3.1.4 If a Pre-Application Review is undertaken, it is more likely that a single stage Combined Design Check can be undertaken rather than a 2-stage Preliminary and Detailed Design Check (subject to the content/complexity of the proposed scheme).

3.2 Section 278 Minor Works Design Check

Type of Works

3.2.1 There are three main types of scheme that may be considered to be undertaken as a Section 278 Minor Works rather than a full Section 278 Agreement. These are:

Bellmouths Simple bellmouths within either rural or urban locations but they must be situated away from other major infrastructure. In addition the visibility requirement of either Manual for Streets (MfS) or Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) should be met with accompanying speed checks when using MfS.

Footways and Cycleways Short lengths of footway or cycleway improvements such as resurfacing, widening, extending or in some cases new construction. However, it

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would not include footway works that incorporate pinch points or reduce the carriageway width to non-standard widths.

Uncontrolled Crossing Facilities Isolated uncontrolled pedestrian or cycle facilities situated away from roundabouts, on single lane two-way roads or less. The facilities may include a refuge island if required (as long as any signs to be installed are non-illuminated). In addition the visibility requirement of either Manual for Streets (MfS) or Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) should be met with accompanying speed checks when using MfS.

3.2.2 Projects involving traffic signals, structures or permanent Traffic Regulation Orders will not be suitable for a S278 Minor Works Check.

3.2.3 The majority of schemes progressed as a S278 Minor Works will not include Departures from Standard. However, should the scheme require any simple Departures from Standard, the duration for the Design Check will be extended to enable processing of the Departures.

3.2.4 It is highly recommended that before a formal submission is made for a Section 278 Minor Works Check, the Developer submits a simple plan and description of the works to the appropriate DP Officer to ascertain whether a S278 Minor Works Check will be suitable. This will negate any unnecessary works and enable the DCT Officer the opportunity to advise on the acceptability of a Minor Works Agreement and give guidance on the information required.

General Requirements

3.2.5 Appendix A lists the minimum level of information required for a Section 278 Minor Works Design Check. The DCT will review the proposals submitted and will only undertake the design check provided all of the required information has been supplied.

3.2.6 At the end of the review period a report will be issued to DP stating whether the proposed design is acceptable to HCC or where the design is not suitable and amendments are required. These amendments will be clearly stated. The DP Officer will inform the Developer of their decision and will assist were possible to enable the Developer to produce an acceptable design.

3.2.7 Prior to commencement of any work within the Highway;

Road Space must be booked in accordance with the Traffic Management Act 2004 (see Section 4.15), and

the temporary traffic management (and any temporary Traffic Regulation Orders required for the works) plus a programme of works must be agreed with the DCT and the local HCC NRSWA officer.

Furthermore, the S278 Minor Works Agreement, fees and Bonds need to be completed before the Road Space can be booked. For more details of the construction phase processes refer to Sections 5, 6 and 7.

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3.2.8 If the design proposals are not recommended, the reasons will be clearly stated in the Design Check Report and the DP officer will provide advice on how to address the issues.

3.3 Preliminary Design Check

General Requirements

3.3.1 For larger or more complex schemes a full Section 278 Agreement will be required. The Preliminary Design Check is the first stage in a 2-step process. Once completed a Detailed Design Check will be required.

3.3.2 Appendix B lists the minimum level of information required at this stage. The DCT will review the proposals submitted and undertake a Preliminary Design Check provided all of the required information has been supplied.

3.3.3 At the end of the review period a report will be issued to DP stating whether the proposed design is acceptable to HCC or where the design is not suitable and amendments are required. These amendments will be clearly stated. The DP Officer will inform the Developer of their decision and will assist were possible to enable the Developer to produce an acceptable design.

3.3.4 When approval has been recommended then the Developer’s Consultant may continue to the Detailed Design Check stage by submitting their Detailed Design submission to the DP Officer (see Section 3.4 below).

3.3.5 If the design proposals are not recommended, the reasons will be clearly stated in the Design Check Report and the DP officer will provide advice on how to address the issues.

3.4 Detail Design Check

General Requirements

3.4.1 The Detailed Design Check follows directly on from the Preliminary Design Check and the Developer’s Consultant is urged to refer back to the Preliminary Design Report when making a submission.

3.4.2 Appendix C lists the minimum level of information required at this stage. The DCT will review the proposals submitted and undertake a Detailed Design Check provided all of the required information has been supplied. HCC supports sustainable development together with waste minimisation and will encourage this philosophy for Developer’s highway works.

3.4.3 At the end of the review period a report will be issued to DP stating whether the proposed design is acceptable to HCC or where the design is not suitable and amendments are required. These amendments will be clearly stated. The DP Officer will inform the Developer of their decision and will assist were possible to enable the Developer to produce an acceptable design.

3.4.4 Prior to commencement of any work within the Highway;

Road Space must be booked in accordance with the Traffic Management Act 2004 (see Section 4.15), and

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the temporary traffic management (and any temporary Traffic Regulation Orders required for the works) plus a programme of works must be agreed with the DCT and the local HCC NRSWA officer.

Furthermore, the S278 Agreement, fees and Bonds need to be completed before the Road Space can be booked. For more details of the construction phase processes refer to Sections 5, 6 and 7.

3.4.5 If the design proposals are not recommended, the reasons will be clearly stated in the Design Check Report and the DP officer will provide advice on how to address the issues.

3.5 Combined Design Check

Type of Works

3.5.1 The following types of scheme may be considered for a Combined Design Check.

o The design should be of a simplistic nature.

o The works shall not include any structures or ITS equipment

o The works shall not include any reinforced earth structures or piling.

o The works shall not include any SUDS.

3.5.2 The DP Officer may recommend a scheme for a Combined Design Check rather than separate preliminary and detailed checks if the proposals have already been subject to a thorough Pre-Application Review.

3.5.3 It is highly recommended that before a formal submission is made for a Section 278 Combined Design Check, the Developer submits a simple plan and description of the works to the appropriate DP Officer to ascertain whether a combined check will be suitable. This will negate any unnecessary works and enable the DCT Officer the opportunity to advise on the acceptability of a combined check.

General Requirements

3.5.4 This Design Check combines the requirements of both the Preliminary and Detailed Design Check Stages. However, as set out above there are several characteristics that need to be met for the scheme to be deemed to be suitable for a Combined submission.

3.5.5 Appendix D lists the information required to enable a Combined Design Check to be undertaken. DCT will review the proposals submitted and undertake a Combined Design Check provided all of the required information has been supplied.

3.5.6 If the scheme requires amendments to street lighting, the Developer’s Consultant should request confirmation of the lighting category applicable to the site prior to the submission of the package for the Combined Design

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Check (to enable suitable lighting proposals to be included within the package). See Sections 4.4 and 4.5.

3.5.7 At the end of the review period a report will be issued to DP stating whether the proposed design is acceptable to HCC or where the design is not suitable and amendments are required. These amendments will be clearly stated. The DP Officer will inform the Developer of their decision and will assist were possible to enable the Developer to produce an acceptable design.

3.5.8 Prior to commencement of any work within the Highway, Road Space must be booked in accordance with the Traffic Management Act 2004 (see Section 4.15) and the temporary traffic management and programme of works must be agreed with the DCT and the local HCC NRSWA officer. Furthermore, the S278 Agreement, fees and Bonds need to be completed before the Road Space can be booked. For more details of the construction phase processes refer to Sections 5, 6 and 7.

3.5.9 If the design proposals are not recommended, the reasons will be clearly stated in the Design Check Report and the DP officer will provide advice on how to address the issues.

3.6 Resubmission

3.6.1 At this stage only the aspects that have changed within the design need to be resubmitted by the Developer’s Consultant with a clear letter listing amendments that were required and changes to drawings highlighted by revision clouds. However, dependent on the amount of time that has elapsed between submissions then a full submission may be required (this will generally be periods greater than six months).

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4. General Requirements

4.1 Design Policies and Standards

4.1.1 Design Standards shall be in accordance with the recommendations and standards contained in the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) and as amended by Highway Authority policy. Advice and standards contained within Manual for Streets (MfS) documents (MfS 1 and MfS 2) and Hampshire County Council’s Companion Guide to MfS are normally associated with Section 38 schemes (i.e. residential streets). However MfS visibility standards may be applicable to Section 278 projects where measured speeds do not exceed 60kph.

4.1.2 Manual for Streets visibility standards are NOT applied to any existing roads (or new access to them) where the recorded 85th percentile speed exceeds 60kph. In this case DMRB standards are deemed to be appropriate. Existing DMRB standards will continue to apply to roundabouts and all new and existing approaches to traffic signal controlled junctions and controlled pedestrian crossings.

4.1.3 Manual for Streets visibility standards can be applied to all existing roads (and priority junctions) where recorded speeds do not exceed 60kph unless for safety reasons a higher standard is required.. MfS visibility standards should be applied to priority junctions within all newly designed residential estates.

4.1.4 For all major/minor junctions and single lane dualling (as defined in TD 42/95) an X distance of 2.4m is required on roads subject to a 40mph speed limit or less.

4.1.5 Carriageway and footway surfacing materials should be in accordance with Hampshire County Council’s ‘Guidance Document on Surfacing Options for Highways’ which is available “on-line” at the following address http://www3.hants.gov.uk/guidance_document_on_surfacing_options.pdf

4.1.6 Use of high friction surfacing and advice on block paving and footways is also contained in HCC’s ‘Guidance Document on Surfacing Options for Highways’.

4.1.7 Capping and sub-base thickness shall be based upon ‘equilibrium’ CBR bands in accordance with IAN 73/06 Rev 1 and HD26/06. See Table B of Hampshire County Council’s Companion Document to MfS.

4.1.8 Base (roadbase), binder course & surface course (surfacing) shall have a design life of 40 years. Where a 125 Pen binder is used in lieu of a 100 Pen binder, the total design thickness of bound layers shall be increased by 12% with the additional thickness applied to base.

4.2 Structures

4.2.1 For clarification, the following shall be defined as a structure, and as such will be subject to an Approval in Principle (AIP) procedure at the Preliminary Design Check stage together with an appropriate Structure Design & Check Certificate at the Detail Design Check stage;

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Retaining walls with 1.5m or more retained height

Culverts with a diameter of 1.5m or more; however those over 900mm diameter are designed individually including associated manholes

Large soakaways

Bridge decks with a clear span of 1.5m or more

4.2.2 Please refer to the DMRB procedure BD2 ‘Technical Approval Procedures’, which contains further guidance.

4.3 Traffic Signal Installations

4.3.1 All proposals to install traffic signals, either at junctions or controlled crossing facilities, and ancillary traffic systems such as variable message signs, bus gates and enforcement devices, shall be submitted in accordance with the Code of Practice for Traffic Control and Information Systems (TA84 Volume 8 DMRB); ie ‘hazard assessment’ and ‘a developed safety case’ justifying the choice of junction, location & staging. See Appendix K for examples. The Design File shall be forwarded to the Environment Department’s ITS Group and copied to the DCT Officer, together with appropriate traffic models and layout drawings at both the Preliminary and Detail Design Check stages.

4.3.2 Submission at the Preliminary Design Check stage shall be supported by traffic signal layout drawings, traffic modelling, swept path details (for the agreed design vehicle at the agreed speed) and all intervisibility envelopes. For clarity, where design standards refer to Sight Stopping Distances, this shall be the nearside primary signal head for each traffic phase; the only exception being in relation to slip roads where the ‘main line’ SSD can be taken to the duplicate primary signal head. Where the SSD can not be achieved mitigating measures will be required and a Departure from Standard applied for. Following approval by Design Check Team (after consultation with all relevant sections of the Department) the proposals can be developed to detailed design.

4.3.3 The Consultant shall prepare fully detailed drawings showing the position of all traffic signal equipment for approval by HCC’s ITS Group. These shall include a signal head schedule, detector schedule and staging diagram. HANTSWEB contains example drawings for both Preliminary and Detail Design Check stages; http://www3.hants.gov.uk/roads/highways-developers/construction-standards.htm . The Consultant shall submit these items, together with the updated Design File. In the unlikely event that a proposal includes items requiring formal authorisation by the Department for Transport (DfT) then the County Council as Highway Authority will write to the DfT on behalf of the Consultant. Where a proposal requires formal approval by the County Council then the appropriate section of the Environment Department will prepare the necessary reports.

4.3.4 All new or modified traffic signal junctions shall include MOVA control or SCOOT control at the discretion of the ITS Group, which shall be in addition to Vehicle Actuated as the fall back mode of control. All new or modified signal junction and pedestrian crossings shall be connected to the County Council’s Traffic Signal Remote Monitoring system or Urban Traffic Control

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system. The Developer is responsible for the communications costs associated with connection to these systems.

4.3.5 Signal controlled pedestrian and cycle crossings shall include nearside pedestrian and cycle signals and have ‘on crossing’ detection.

4.3.6 All new or modified traffic signal junctions shall include the provision of CCTV either at or adjacent to the junction, at the discretion of the ITS Group. The CCTV system shall be compatible with that operated by the ITS Group. The Developer is responsible for the communications costs associated with connection of the CCTV cameras to the ITS Group’s Traffic and Travel Information Centre.

4.3.7 If so desired by the Consultant, the ITS Group will assess designs prior to the commissioning of a safety audit and independent safety case review; however a formal approval will not be granted.

4.3.8 The ITS Group shall prepare the traffic signal controller specification (TR2210) based on the approved S278 detailed design.

4.3.9 All traffic signal and pedestrian crossing equipment (pelican, puffin, toucans) shall be procured by the ITS Group using the County Council’s Term Traffic Signal Contract. On approval of S278 detailed design, the ITS Group will obtain a quote for the supply and installation of the signal equipment. On receipt of the quote these details shall be passed to the Developer/Consultant. The Developer/Consultant shall confirm in writing to the ITS Group that the traffic signal costs can be recharged to them. Following receipt of confirmation the ITS Group will place an order for the equipment; a period of approximately 3 weeks should be allowed for this process. Following this period the signal equipment will be available for delivery to the Developer/Consultant within 6 weeks.

4.3.10 The ITS Group shall undertake all factory and site acceptance tests. The County Council’s traffic signal maintenance contractor shall attend all site acceptance tests.

4.3.11 The process of commissioning and Stage 3 RSA for signal controlled junctions varies greatly from site to site. Whilst precise arrangements will be agreed during the Construction Pre-Start Meeting, it shall be acknowledged that the process could include an ‘interim’ audit or a ‘post switch-on’ review.

4.4 Street Lighting

4.4.1 The Preliminary Design Check Report will include the name of the Local Lighting Authority to be consulted at the Detail Design Check stage together with the Lighting Category applicable. If a S278 Minor Works or Combined Design Check is being undertaken, the Consultant should seek confirmation of the Local Lighting Authority and the Lighting Category applicable from the HCC prior to the submission of the Design Check package. The Consultant shall note that the type of pavement surface course approved may have an effect on lighting design due to the differing levels of reflectivity of the surfacing materials.

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4.4.2 At the final Design Check stage (ie Minor Works, Combined or Detailed), the Developer’s Consultant must supply the ‘Certificate of Approval for Illuminated Street Furniture Installation’ and the existing maintenance numbers. It should be noted that in the absence of such ‘Certificate’, SEC will refuse to undertake any service disconnection / provision.

4.4.3 Throughout the duration of the works and up to the time that the ‘street lighting system’ (including any illuminated furniture) has been adopted, the Developer will be responsible for the maintenance of all lighting and illuminated signs within the Site (it is recommended that the Developer includes this responsibility within the construction contract as one of the contractor’s duties).

4.4.4 In order that the appropriate ‘maintenance blocks’ can be raised on HCC’s maintenance system, the Consultant shall confirm the programmed start date no less than 28 days in advance.

4.4.5 The County Council’s PFI Contract lasting 25 years commenced in April 2010; key elements that will affect S278’s are as follows;

1. Flat rate charge per unit added to the inventory. This will be payable by the Developer at time of accrual to the PFI Contractor and is likely to be in the order of £100.

2. Lighting units to have been subject to full routine maintenance cleaning within 90 days of being offered for adoption.

3. Lamps & Test Certification to be less than 90 days old at time of accrual by the PFI Contractor.

4. Non compliance with Items 2 & 3 will necessitate a bulk lamp change together with re-testing & cleaning at the Developer’s cost.

4.5 Illuminated Signs

4.5.1 Traffic Signs Regulations & General Directions 2016 allows for signs that previously required to be illuminated by direct lighting can now be illuminated by the use of retroreflecting material; requirements are contained in Appendix N.

4.5.2 Any relaxation will be assessed on a ‘scheme by scheme’ basis particularly in terms of highway safety & driver awareness of the particular hazard / feature being signed.

4.5.3 Any road signs whether illuminated or non-illuminated that are proposed to be mounted on existing street lighting columns require prior approval from both HCC Street Lighting section and the County Council’s PFI Contractor.

4.6 Arboriculture

4.6.1 Consultation with the County Arboricultural Officer will be necessary when;

Existing highway tree stock is proposed for removal to facilitate the S278 proposals.

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Where existing highway tree stock is likely to be influenced by the S278 proposals.

Tree and shrub planting are proposed within the highway.

4.6.2 Proposals should clearly identify the highway limits.

4.6.3 Sub-contractors for arboricultural works shall be chosen from the Arboricultural Association’s list of Approved Contractors or approved by the County Arboricultural Officer. Similarly, consultants providing specialist advice must be on the Arboricultural Association (AA’s) list of Registered Consultants. Any other contractor or consultant shall be approved by the County Arboricultural Officer.

4.6.4 Landscape works shall only be carried out by contractors approved by the County Strategic Environmental Delivery (SED) Design & Implementation Manager or the County Arboricultural Officer.

4.6.5 Arboricultural and landscape works shall comply with the following British Standards or other current industry best practice guidelines as appropriate;

Top soiling BS 3882 : 2015 Tree Work BS 3998 : 2010 General Landscape Operations BS 4428 : 1989 Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction; BS 5837: 2012

4.6.6 In addition, all Utilities shall be reminded of their obligations under NJUG Guidelines Vol.4 “NJUG Guidelines for the Planning, Installation & Maintenance of Utility Apparatus in Proximity to Trees”

4.7 Departures from Standard

4.7.1 Where it is proposed to include any Departures from Standards, the Consultant shall provide a fully detailed case for inclusion of each element including an assessment of the risks involved in adopting such proposals by way of a Road Safety Audit, along with any mitigation measures proposed. In terms of Relaxations permitted by DMRB, the consideration process must be recorded with regard to relevant local factors. Retrospective approval of either Relaxations or Departures will NOT be acceptable. See Appendix E for templates.

4.8 Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015

4.8.1 All aspects of above Regulations relevant to the particular scheme are to be adhered to. At the preliminary design check stage, the Client shall confirm that the designer has the appropriate skills, knowledge and experience to fulfil their duties under CDM. In addition, prior to a works start, confirmation of the 'principal contractor’s' skills, knowledge and experience shall similarly be provided together with written confirmation that the ‘construction phase plan’ is suitable for the works. Where applicable, confirmation that the HSE have been formally notified by way of an ‘F10’ Notice will be required. Furthermore, if ground investigation or other intrusive processes are an early stage of a project that will include construction work which meets the criteria for notification, then the ground investigation which is part of this project will

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require Part 3 of the Regulations to be applied (regardless of whether this small package meets the notification criteria itself).

4.9 Road Safety Audit

4.9.1 All Road Safety Audits must be funded by the Developer, who is also the Project Sponsor. HCC does not require sight of the Safety Audit Brief prior to it being issued to the safety Audit Team.

4.9.2 Road Safety Audits shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of HD19/15 and the HCC local variations listed in Appendix H.

4.9.3 Road safety audits shall be provided together with a designer’s response as indicated on the appropriate design check list. HCC reserve the right to request the appointed auditors provide a road safety view in respect of any design changes that occur during the design checking process.

4.9.4 The road safety Audit Team shall consist of at least two persons and be independent from the design team. They should be the same Team throughout the Audit stages for consistency. They shall have a level of training, skills and experience in accordance with HD19/15 paragraphs 2.76 to 2.83. At least one individual within the Audit Team must hold a Certificate of Competency in Road Safety Audit in accordance with HD19/15 paragraph 2.84. Both team members should be current Fellow/Member of SORSA, in the absence of this then compliance with HD19/15 paragraphs 2.71, 2.77, 2.80, 2.83 needs to be demonstrated.

4.9.5 The members of the Audit Team must demonstrate their competency to the HCC Design Check Team by means of a road safety specific curriculum vitae.

4.9.6 Any Exception to a road safety audit recommendation must be approved by the HCC Head of Engineering Consultancy or delegated officer.

4.9.7 A representative from the HCC Design Check Team must attend the stage 3 road safety audit. The Police should also be invited.

4.10 Non-Motorised User Assessment

4.10.1 All schemes shall be subject to a Non Motorised User Context Assessment in accordance with the HCC guidance given in Appendix I. The assessment may be carried out by the design team or someone with suitable experience of non-motorised user provision.

4.11 Standard Construction Details

4.11.1 At the Detail Design Check Stage, the Consultant is to provide a list of HCC Standard Details applicable to the scheme, including revision suffix. It should be noted that:

Other than ‘scheme specific’ details, the DCT will not check / approve any other ‘typical’ construction details provided.

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There is no need for the Consultant to supply copies of the HCC Standard Details with their Design Check submission.

4.11.2 The Standard Details and Notes for Guidance, covering Carriageway, Drainage, Minor Maintenance, Street Lighting and Traffic Signals is available “on-line” at following address:


4.12 Drawings

4.12.1 Scheme details shall be submitted at A1 size or smaller; unless overriding mitigating factors exist. Scheme proposals submitted on A0 size or similar will be rejected.

4.12.2 The following table gives scales and paper sizes that shall be adhered to when producing the drawings mentioned. The Consultant is still responsible for producing a drawing at an appropriate scale and paper size. Furthermore the entire list need not be submitted within a design package as a General Arrangement may be sufficient for small schemes.

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Scales (1:n) Paper Size

Drawing Name / Type














10 A1 A3 A4

1 Location Plan

1 General Arrangement

3 Site Clearance

1 Land Plan

3 Cross-Section

3 Vertical Alignment

1 Swept Paths

3 Drainage

3 Pavement and Footways

3 Signs and Road Markings

2 Street lighting and illuminated street furniture

3 Landscaping

2 ITS Equipment

3 Geotechnical

2 Structures

Standard Details

Permitted alternatives Not permitted


1. Drawing required within all submitted design packages

2. Drawing required within design packages where features are present within design. 3. Can be incorporated into General Arrangement drawing. However, HCC may ask

for these details to be submitted as separate drawings for clarity.

4.12.3 Drawings not submitted in accordance with the table above shall be returned to the Consultant / Developer for resubmission.

4.13 Specification

4.13.1 The Specification shall be the ‘Specification for Highway Works’ (SHW) published by The Stationery Office as Volume 1 of the Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works, dated March 1998 and all current

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amendments. Any proposed local variation should be submitted to and approved by the Highway Authority. Consultants should note that although a copy of HCC’s standard Specification Appendices and alterations to the Specification can be supplied, these will need to be made ‘scheme specific’ by the Consultant. In addition, with the SHW being updated every six months with a corresponding “effective date” some five months later, it is the Consultants responsibility to ensure that the Specification proposed is based upon the version in force on the “effective date”.

4.13.2 Comments will normally only be made with respect to testing, drainage, earthworks, pavement, kerbs, traffic signs and lighting. It should not be assumed that a ‘no comment’ implies that HCC have assessed / approved other elements of the document.

4.13.3 It should be noted that Appendices 1/5 & 1/6 are written for HCC’s own regime of a mixture of ‘contractor’ and ‘in-house’ testing. The Consultants attention is drawn to Appendix M where Notes to Compilers of Contract Documents is given relating to Testing Requirements.

4.13.4 Thin Surface Courses are to be specified in accordance with the Specification Clause 942 which requires BBA / HAPAS Certification together with a five year warranty.

4.13.5 High Friction Surfaces to be in accordance with Table 9/15 of the Notes for Guidance and HCC’s Specification Clause 924SR.

4.14 Conditions of Contract

4.14.1 The Conditions of Contract between the Developer and their Contractor for the highway works shall be submitted to the HCC for approval. It is expected that major works will be undertaken under conditions issued by The Institution of Civil Engineers which allow for the direction of an Engineer. Other Contracts will be permitted providing allowance has been made within that Contract for a person with appropriate powers of direction. Works procured under a Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT) will be acceptable providing Third Party Insurance criteria are met and the Specification is referenced on the scheme drawings.

4.14.2 For construction works procured under an Institution of Civil Engineers contract the Consultant employed to design the scheme shall be required to act as Engineer during construction of those works. Other contracts will need to designate a Chartered Civil Engineer with appropriate powers. The Engineer or appointed person must be able to accept instructions from the Highways Authority (HA) on behalf of the Developer where matters of health and safety are of reasonable concern to the HA and pass those instructions on to the Contractor.

4.14.3 Contracts for the installation of traffic systems, either at junctions or controlled crossing facilities, and ancillary traffic systems such as variable message signs, bus gates and enforcement devices, where not part of the contract for the highway works, shall use the County Council’s current model form of contract for the installation of traffic light signal controlled junctions

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and associated equipment, cycle facilities, pelican, puffin and toucan crossings.

4.15 Road Space Booking – Traffic Management Act 2004

4.15.1 Under the above legislation, notices for works on the highway under Section 278 of the Highways Act can only be served by the Highway Authority on behalf of the Developer / Consultant.

4.15.2 These notices have a formal notification period as stated below and to enable the Highway Authority to process the notice it should be submitted a minimum of 10 days prior to the statutory notice periods. For further information about booking road space please refer to Appendix L.

4.16 Legal Agreement

4.16.1 The Developer may request for the Section 278 Deed of Agreement to be drafted by the Council’s Legal Practice at any point during the Submission Period. However, it may be subject to change dependant on the progression of the Design Check. The Agreement can be completed upon a recommendation of approval for a Preliminary Design Check. If a Combined Design Check is being undertaken then the Agreement can only be completed upon confirmation from the DCT officer that the drawings accurately reflect the principle of the works with accompanying Land Plan if appropriate. This Agreement will not be legally binding until the Developer and/or Consultant together with the appropriate Council Officer have signed it.

4.16.2 Once the Agreement has been signed it does not afford Developers any approval to commence any work within the Highway until:

Road Space has been booked in accordance with the Traffic Management Act 2004 and Appendix L, and

the temporary traffic management (and any temporary traffic regulation orders required for the works) plus a programme of works have been agreed by the DCT and the local NRSWA officer.

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5. Prior to the Commencement of the Contract (Pre-Construction)

5.1 General

5.1.1 When the Developer has a firm commitment to proceed they shall arrange a Construction Pre-Start meeting with the Council. To assist the Developer with the timing and to give some idea of the information that will be required to be submitted prior to the meeting please refer to Appendix F.

5.1.2 It is the responsibility of the Developer and/or Consultant to ensure that ALL issues regarding the programming of the Works are covered to achieve the proposed contract start date including deposit of Bond / Surety together with payment of all associated fees etc. The Council retains the right to change the programme at any time. All fees/Bond payments are to be arranged through the Development Planning (DP) Officer.

5.2 Appointing a Contractor

5.2.1 The following guidance is given to assist the Developer when appointing a Contractor to undertake works on the Highway: Furthermore, Hampshire County Council reserve the right to refuse any contractor that does not hold the relevant insurance, operative certifications and licences or if there are any unresolved HSE enforcement notices issued to the contractor.

a) The contractors Health & Safety Policy should be checked by the Developer to ensure that it is suitable.

b) The Developer must ensure that there are currently no unresolved HSE enforcement notices issued to the contractor.

c) The Developer should obtain two technical references from the contractor of previous work carried out of a similar nature and size to the proposed works.

d) The Contractor must have current Public Liability Insurance of £10 million (minimum).

e) The Contractor must have current Employees Liability Insurance of £5 million (minimum).

f) The Developer must ensure that any operatives undertaking works within the Highway hold the appropriate operative’s certification under the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991.

g) The Developer must ensure that all works within the Highway are supervised by a person holding the qualification of Supervisor under the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991.

5.2.2 All of the above must be held on file by the Developer for reference and be available for HCC to review during the S278 agreement period. Furthermore, items d, e, f and g must be submitted to Hampshire County Council for review prior to the Construction Pre-Start Meeting and any work being undertaken on the Highway.

5.2.3 A list of proposed sub-contractors shall be provided a minimum of seven days prior to commencement of construction. Sub-contractors employed to

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undertake any landscaping or arboricultural works shall be appointed in accordance with Section 4.6.

5.2.4 Proof of insurance for all contractors will be required for the duration of the Works; this must also be valid when remedial works leading to adoption are being carried out. The minimum requirement is for £10 million Public Liability, as set out within HCC’s Standard Section 278 Deed of Agreement.

5.3 Programming the Works

Notifications to Interested Parties and Public Communications

5.3.1 HCC Councillors will be notified by the Design Check Team Officer together with Parish / District / Borough Councils as necessary. Although the Council will arrange for the issue of any appropriate press release, the Consultant will be responsible for a letter drop to local residents/businesses/properties 7 days before the commencement of any works. All wording shall be agreed with the Design Check Team Officer prior to its issue. In addition, courtesy boards advising start date and duration shall be erected suitably in advance (a minimum of 2 weeks) unless otherwise agreed with the Design Check Team Officer.

Traffic Management Act Noticing

5.3.2 Once detail design approval has been recommended, programming of the Works can be finalised by the Developer/Consultant. Critical to this programme will be the notice procedure under the Traffic Management Act 2004 and New Roads & Street Works Act 1991 which requires that the Highways Authority (the Council for this agreement) implement the correct notice procedure for highway work as ‘Promoter’. Details of the Notice Procedure are given in Appendix L. PLEASE NOTE - NO work may commence within the public highway until these procedures have been fully complied with and all necessary agreements are in place.

5.3.3 Furthermore, NRSWA co-ordination meetings are only held quarterly for major works requiring Section 58 protection and in some circumstances a period of six months may elapse from initial notification by the Developer and/or Consultant to a permitted works start.

5.3.4 For the Council to complete the Noticing Procedure the Developer/Consultant shall inform the Council in writing specifying the date on which the Notice should come into effect; this date having been previously agreed with the Council (Design Check Team Officer and NRSWA Coordinator). Prior to any notice procedure being implemented, the Developer/Consultant shall consider and satisfy the Highway Authority about all aspects of programming including;

temporary traffic management (together with any temporary Traffic Regulation Orders that may be required for which at least six weeks notice is required);

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restricted working hours (via letter from local Environmental Health Officer);

noise levels (via letter from local Environmental Health Officer);

the start date of the contract; and

the programme of works.

The Council will advise, as necessary, on specific highway requirements.

Traffic Regulation Orders

5.3.5 It should be noted that construction of schemes reliant upon permanent Traffic Regulation Orders will not be permitted to commence until the relevant Orders have been ‘made’. As this process can take up to six months it is incumbent upon the Consultant to provide ALL supporting documentation to the relevant Head of Highways in good time who will then either liaise with the Chief Executive regarding the Order or advise if a ‘TM Agent’ will process the Order (eg District or Borough Council).

5.3.6 Similarly, where existing footways are being converted to ‘shared use’ cycle tracks, the relevant Highways & Transport Area Director shall be supplied with the appropriate plans.

5.3.7 New, altered or abandoned signal controlled crossings (eg Pelican, Puffin, Toucan crossings) on the existing highway require formal consultation. Once a proposal has received detailed design approval, Public Notices will be posted at the site by the County Council as Highway Authority as part of the public consultation and shall be displayed for a minimum of 28 days. If any unresolved public objections to the crossing exist then full Committee approval will be required. The Consultant should note that this procedure can take up to three months once Committee date cycles are considered. Notwithstanding this, construction work on the crossing will not be allowed within three months of the public notices being posted at the site.

Ordinary Watercourse Consents

5.2.8 An ordinary watercourse is any passage through which water flows which is not part of a main river. This includes rivers, streams, ditches, drains, cuts, culverts, dykes, sluices and sewers (other than public sewers). Hampshire County Council is responsible for consenting works that affect the flow of an ordinary watercourse. See the following links:



5.2.9 Main rivers are typically larger streams and rivers, but some are smaller watercourse of local significance. Main rivers are managed by the Environment Agency (EA). To identify whether your watercourse is a main river visit the EA’s website and view their flood maps (www.environment-agency.gov.uk).

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5.2.10 These are separate regulatory process from the Design Check process and it is strongly recommended that these are pursued early by the Developer’s Consultant dependant on the specific scheme proposals.

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6. The Commencement of the Contract (Construction)

6.1 Commencement

6.1.1 Highway works shall not commence until the Council has approved in writing the start date of the Contract. It is an offence to undertake any work within the highway that the Highway Authority has not approved.

6.2 Inspections

6.2.1 During the construction phase of the contract the Council reserves the right to inspect any part of Works and materials used or to be used. The Contractor / Developer shall give effect to any directions or requests to conform to the approved detailed design, specification or programme.

6.2.2 The Developer/Contractor shall not cover up any works without the prior approval of the HCC Inspector and shall allow the Inspector to examine and measure any works or foundations which will be covered up with permanent works. The Developer / Contractor shall give the Inspector reasonable notice to allow for an inspection to take place.

6.2.3 Any works that are deemed to be not in accordance with the proposed scheme, that are faulty or unsafe shall be rectified as per the Inspectors instruction and within the time limits suggested.

6.3 Interim Meetings

6.3.1 If the works are to last more than one month then progress meetings may be requested by HCC. These meetings will be held on site or at a suitable location with easy access to the site.

6.4 Time Extensions

6.4.1 The HCC Design Check Team shall be notified two weeks prior to any foreseen overruns to the dates agreed with HCC for the completion of the Works. The Developer, Consultant or Contractor shall submit in writing to HCC the request for any extension, fully detailing the reasons for the request and the anticipated completion date.

6.4.2 HCC reserve the right to refuse the extension and request that the Contractor ‘make safe’ the Works and agree a future time to allow for the Works to be completed.

6.5 Temporary Traffic Management and Safety

6.5.1 HCC reserve the right to close down a site if it is deemed to be unsafe or causing a major disruption to the highway network. All costs associated with a close down or making the site safe undertaken by HCC when the site is unoccupied e.g. weekends or at night will be recharged in full to the Developer.

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6.5.2 If working practices are deemed to be unsafe then the Inspector may inform HCC’s Health and Safety team and/or the Health and Safety Executive regarding the practices being undertaken.

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7. Completion of the Contract (Post Construction)

7.1 General

7.1.1 The Developer and/or Consultant shall notify HCC’s Design Check Team within one working day of the completion of the Works and the opening of the highway. This may only be done following the completion of the Defects Inspection, Stage 3 Road Safety Audit and completion of all items arising from both of these. Furthermore, all documentation must have been submitted to the HA for acceptance

7.2 Inspections


7.2.1 The Developer/Consultant/Contractor shall arrange to carry out a detailed inspection of the works with the HCC Inspector, Design Check Team Officer and Local Area Engineer to identify all remedial works that need to be undertaken. These works will be divided into two categories; those that require immediate attention and those that do not.

7.2.2 The defects must be completed before the “Certificate of Completion” can be issued and the bond reduced (unless otherwise agreed in writing by HCC).

7.2.3 The Arboricultural Section shall also attend the joint inspection where tree or shrub vegetation is included.

7.2.4 Where proposals include street lighting or any illuminated signs, all necessary supporting electrical test certification will be required in advance of any inspection by HCC Lighting Section. Attention is drawn to following; the constructed civil engineering works will not be accepted for maintenance or Bond / Surety reduced until all lighting issues have been addressed to the satisfaction of the Street Lighting Engineer and the ‘system of lighting’ formally adopted by HCC.

7.2.5 Where the works include the installation of a traffic system, then the HCC’s ITS Group shall attend the inspection. The Consultant shall inform the ITS Group of the proposed commissioning date no later than 5 working days in advance.

Road Safety Audit

7.2.6 The Developer/Consultant shall arrange to carry out Stage 3 Road Safety Audit leading to “substantial completion” of the civil works and must invite the Design Check Team officer. ALL outstanding works identified from the Stage 3 RSA shall be remedied before the 52 week “maintenance period” commences or exceptionally with the written approval of the Highway Authority completed during the “maintenance period”. The Developer/Consultant shall follow the “Post-Construction Procedure” for the works shown in Appendix G which includes the provision of detailed “As-

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Built” documents. It should be noted that the terms ‘substantial completion’ and ‘maintenance period’ are made in reference to the Post-Construction Procedures and not the contractual arrangements between the Developer & his Contractor which are often on differing dates. Also, without the prior written approval of the Highway Authority, application of any ‘high friction surfacing’ material will be carried out prior to accepting works for maintenance.

7.3 ITS Equipment

7.3.1 Where the contract is for the provision of traffic signals, either at junctions or controlled crossing facilities, then the equipment shall be excluded from the 52 week Maintenance Period. Following commissioning of the traffic control equipment, responsibility for maintaining the equipment will pass to the County Council’s term traffic signal contractor. Relevant ‘As-Built’ records listed in Appendix G shall be supplied within two weeks of commission.

7.3.2 Where the contract is for the provision of ancillary traffic systems such as variable message signs and enforcement devices, then this equipment shall be included in the 52 week Maintenance Period unless otherwise specified by the County Council. The supplier of that equipment shall provide on-site maintenance. The elapsed time between reporting faults and attending site, and elapsed time to effecting a full repair, shall be agreed with the ITS Group prior to tendering the installation, and shall be written into the contract.

7.3.3 In all cases, the twelve-month warranty period shall not commence until the installation has been successfully commissioned to the acceptance of the ITS Group. All site acceptance testing, including electrical certification shall be completed prior to commissioning the installation. All installation defects and omissions shall be rectified prior to the traffic signal equipment being accepted as having been commissioned. Switching on the traffic system shall not indicate commissioning, as non-safety critical defects and omissions may not prevent a system being switched on.

7.4 Traffic Calming

7.4.1 In order to assess affect of traffic calming schemes, in addition to “pre-scheme” measurements, three months after opening to traffic and once all signs advising of new / changed layout have been removed (signs removed by the developer/contractor at their expense), vehicle speeds shall be checked in locations to be agreed with the Highway Authority.

7.5 Landscaping

7.5.1 Where the main works are completed, but landscaping planting remains outstanding, the DCT will confirm that the civil works are accepted for maintenance subject to this outstanding work being completed later. On completion of the landscaping works, a separate Maintenance Period shall commence to include planting maintenance and tree condition deterioration

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due to works. This will normally be one year but may be extended to three for larger schemes or significant landscaping.

7.6 High Friction Surfacing

7.6.1 High Friction Surfacing shall be covered by a manufacturers warranty / guarantee for a total of three years from installation. Similarly Stone Mastic Asphalt’s & Thin / Ultra Thin Surface Courses shall be covered for a two year period from installation.

7.7 Documentation to be supplied

7.7.1 The Developer shall arrange for the documentation listed in Appendix G to be supplied prior to the Certificate of Completion being issued. The documentation is to be supplied in electronic format and listed as detailed.

7.8 Certificate of Completion

7.8.1 The Council shall not issue the Developer with a ‘Certificate of Completion’ until all commuted sums have been paid, the documents within Appendix G have been supplied and that the works have been signed off by the Councils representative.

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8. End of the “Maintenance Period”

8.1 The Developer/Consultant will arrange a final site inspection with the Council to agree the completed works in accordance with the “Post-Construction Procedure” mentioned above. At this stage, the results of any Stage 4 RSA Monitoring (12 months only) will be provided.

8.2 The Council will supply final written confirmation that the works are complete and acceptable for adoption upon which the Bond will be released in full. However, the Bond will not be reduced below 15% or £5,000 (which ever is the greater value) for any outstanding items on schemes with ‘extended Maintenance Periods’. Where the Works include extensive Landscape Works, 5% of Bond (or the total value of the Landscape works whichever is the higher value) will be retained for a period of three years

8.3 Schemes that include any landscaping or arboricultural works will be subject to a further inspection with the Council to agree handover of these aspects after the landscaping Maintenance Period.


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9. Financial Issues

9.1 The County Council will require reimbursement of all costs incurred in undertaking all Design Checks and approving detailed contract drawings.

9.2 The Developer shall also pay the County Council’s costs incurred in inspecting the works and shall, prior to the commencement of the Works, pay a sum equal to 5 per cent of the tender price unless otherwise agreed. The County Council reserves the right to recoup any additional costs associated with inspections and the Developer shall pay any balance due within fourteen days of receipt an invoice from the County Council.

9.3 Where the estimated value of the Works equals or exceeds the threshold identified in the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, the Developer shall comply with the European Union procurement rules including the publishing of a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union.

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A.1 Introduction

A.1.1 In order to progress the Minor Works Check to secure an ‘approval recommended’, the information detailed in this checklist must be submitted. The checklist is located at:-http://www3.hants.gov.uk/s278_minor_works_check_submission_checklist.pdf

A.1.2 The Consultant shall provide a completed Checklist with their Design Check submission package to detail all the information included in the package. Please enter “N/A” where the item in question is not applicable to the scheme specific works proposed.

A.1.3 Unless a particular item is not applicable to the works proposed, any submission that contains a ‘X’ on the checklist will be rejected by the DCT and returned to the Consultant.

A.1.4 Although the Checklist is intended to be self explanatory, the following is given to assist Consultants;

a. All drawings must be signed, dated and approved and have a North Point where appropriate.

b. All documents and drawings must be provided electronically. Files should be supplied in suitable “folders”, using the same reference numbers and descriptions as the checklist e.g. “4 Land Plan”, “15 Description of development”. In addition, a printed set of all drawings in the submission packaged must be provided.

c. The Site Location Plan is to show the surrounding area and approach roads to the site. Where options are to be considered, these shall also be submitted for approval to the County Council.

d. The Land Plan should be at 1/500 scale showing the extent of the existing Highway and development land for dedication (coloured orange for appending to the S278 Minor Works Agreement). Where third party land is required, particularly for visibility splays, this shall be clearly indicated on the plan and written proof supplied that the Developer has full control over the land in question.

e. Confirmation in writing that all SU’s have been contacted and that the position of their equipment is acceptable for the proposed highway works, or suitable arrangements for diversion and/or protection have been agreed. Impact of SU diversions on existing or new trees, either above or below ground, will need to be included within the Arboriculture Report.

f. The proposals will be assessed not only in terms of affect on vehicles but also on pedestrians, cyclists, equestrians and passenger transport facilities.

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g. The pavement design shall be supported by evaluation of equilibrium subgrade conditions and, if the development exceeds 50 dwellings or equivalent, accompanied by full traffic loading calculations to include total & commercial vehicle flows per lane per day and % OGV2. Material specification should indicate whether traditional or Heavy Duty Macadam's are proposed, HAPAS grade and colour of any ‘high friction surfacing proposed and details of any ‘asphalt reinforcement grids’ proposed.

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B.1 Introduction

B.1.1 In order to progress the Preliminary Design Check to secure an “approval recommended”, the information detailed in this checklist must be submitted. The checklist is located at:-


B.1.2 The Consultant shall provide a completed Checklist with their Design Check submission package to detail all the information included in the package. Please enter “N/A” where the item in question is “not applicable” to the scheme specific works proposed.

B.1.3 Unless a particular item is not applicable to the works proposed, any submission that contains an ‘X’ on the checklist will be rejected by the DCT and returned to the Consultant.

B.1.4 Although the Checklist is intended to be self explanatory, the following guidance is given to assist Consultants;

a. All drawings must be signed, dated and approved and have a North Point where appropriate.

b. All documents and drawings must be provided electronically. Files should be supplied in suitable “folders”, using the same reference numbers and descriptions as the checklist e.g. “4 Land Plan”, “12 Abnormal Indivisible Load / Combine Harvester Routes”.In addition, a printed set of all drawings in the submission packaged must be provided.

c. The Site Location Plan is to show the surrounding area and approach

roads to the site. Where options are to be considered, these shall also be submitted for approval to the County Council.

d. The Land Plan should be at 1/500 scale showing the extent of the

existing Highway and development land for dedication (coloured orange for appending to the S278 Agreement). Where third party land is required, particularly for visibility splays, this shall be clearly indicated on the plan and written proof supplied that the Developer has full control over the land in question.

e. Confirmation is required that the Consultant/Developer has considered the impact of the proposals in terms of Statutory Undertakers (SU’s) diversions/protection.

f. The proposals will be assessed not only in terms of affect on vehicles but also on pedestrians, cyclists, equestrians and passenger transport facilities.

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g. Environmental Issues; it is expected that all requirements would be addressed as part of the Planning process. However, if this is not the case then the Consultant may need to carry out suitable assessments in accordance with DMRB Vol 11; i.e. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Appropriate Assessment (AA).

h. The Arboricultural Report shall include a list of the information reviewed at the Outline Planning Stage regarding existing hedgerows, trees and all other vegetation affected by the Development. An Arboricultural Implications Assessment shall detail which trees are proposed for removal, the impact of works (including utilities) on retained trees (Highway & non-Highway), tress subject to Tree Preservation Orders (TPO), lengths of hedgerow proposed for removal, whether Hedgerow Regulations apply, other vegetation to be cleared and whether any existing ‘private’ trees that are to be taken into the new Highway. Information detailing limits of existing and proposed Highway is essential to assess the above. Site boundary features should be recorded to clarify the relationship with surveyed trees, hedges and other vegetation. The Report shall include a tree survey to BS5837:2012 including details of tree species, age class, dimensions, condition and recommendations for remedial work; drawing(s) indicating the Root Protection Areas shall be included. Where shrinkable clays are present an assessment shall be made of the potential risk of new and existing trees on existing and proposed buildings and Highway features. There may be a requirement to carry out pruning of trees and shrubs to achieve appropriate clearances over the Highway. Location and outline details of any proposed Highway planting should be included.

i. Street Lighting will not be assessed at this stage, but the Design Report will include a design brief and indicate requirements that need to be included at the Detail Design Check Stage, including the name of the Local Lighting Authority (LLA) to be consulted, be it the District, Borough, Town or Parish Council. Although a formal response from the LLA is not required until the Detail Design Check stage, it may be advantageous to gain early informal comments.

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C.1 Introduction

C.1.1 In order to progress the Detailed Design Check to secure an ‘approval recommended’, the information detailed in this checklist must be submitted. The checklist is located at:


C.1.2 The Consultant shall provide a completed Checklist with their Design Check submission package to detail all the information included in the package. Please enter “N/A” where the item in question is not applicable to the scheme specific works proposed.

C.1.3 Unless a particular item is not applicable to the works proposed, any submission that contains a ‘X’ on the checklist will be rejected by the DCT and returned to the Consultant.

C.1.4 Although the Checklist is intended to be self explanatory, the following is given to assist Consultants;

a. All drawings must be signed, dated and approved and have a North Point where appropriate.

b. All documents and drawings must be provided electronically. Files should be supplied in suitable “folders”, using the same reference numbers and descriptions as the checklist e.g. “5 Stage 2 Road Safety Audit”, “8 Pavement Design”. In addition, a printed set of all drawings in the submission packaged must be provided.

c. Confirmation in writing that all SU’s have been contacted and that the position of their equipment is acceptable for the proposed highway works, or suitable arrangements for diversion and/or protection have been agreed. Impact of SU diversions on existing or new trees, either above or below ground, will need to be submitted as an addendum to the Arboriculture Report if not previously assessed within the original report issued at the Preliminary Design Check.

d. Use of soakaway drainage shall be supported by details of water table levels, soil permeability testing and soakage calculations in accordance with BRE Digest 365 and supplementary requirements in HCC’s Companion Document to Manual for Streets. Where soakaways are proposed in chalk, the submission shall be accompanied by the intact dry density tests used to determine the minimum distance from the soakaways to the foundations of structures, roads or railways as required by CIRIA C574 (Engineering in Chalk). Further information is given in the Notes for Guidance that accompany the Highway Standard Details. In addition, the siting of soakaways in chalk shall be supported by a declaration from a suitably qualified geotechnical engineer that it/they pose no risk to highway structures.

e. The pavement design shall be supported by evaluation of equilibrium subgrade conditions and full traffic loading calculations to include total & commercial vehicle flows per lane per day and % OGV2. Material specification should indicate whether traditional or Heavy Duty Macadam's are proposed, HAPAS grade and colour of any ‘high friction surfacing proposed and details of any ‘asphalt reinforcement grids’ proposed.

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f. Location, extent & type of tree protective fencing shall be clearly shown on a Tree

Protection Plan.

g. An Arboricultural Method Statement shall be provided where works within the Root Protection Areas are liable to adversely affect retained trees or if it is necessary to temporarily remove tree protection fencing.

h. Full details of any planting proposals are to be submitted for approval to include specifications for ground preparation, plants and planting and for a 3 year establishment maintenance period.

i. Street Lighting requirements;

A column location plan of the road to be lit complete with supporting computer design calculations in accordance with the design brief supplied at the preliminary stage,

A plan showing location and numbering system of all existing columns & lit furniture both within the site and immediately adjacent,

A plan & schedule of all proposed traffic signs complete with illumination details.

Once the design has received technical approval, the Consultant shall provide the Design Check Team Officer with comments obtained from the LLA.

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D.1 Introduction

D.1.1 In order to progress the Combined Check to secure an ‘approval recommended’ the information detailed in this checklist must be submitted. The checklist is located at:


D.1.2 The Consultant shall provide a completed Checklist with their Design Check submission package to detail all the information included in the package. Please enter “N/A” where the item in question is not applicable to the scheme specific works proposed.

D.1.3 Unless a particular item is not applicable to the works proposed, any submission that contains a ‘X’ on the checklist will be rejected by the DCT and returned to the Consultant.

D.1.4 Although the Checklist is intended to be self explanatory, the following is given to assist Consultants;

a. All drawings must be signed, dated and approved and have a North Point where appropriate.

b. All documents and drawings must be provided electronically. Files should be supplied in suitable “folders”, using the same reference numbers and descriptions as the checklist e.g. “4 Location Plan”, “12 Departure or Relaxation’s from Standards”. In addition, a printed set of all drawings in the submission packaged must be provided.

c. The Site Location Plan is to show the surrounding area and approach roads to the site. Where options are to be considered, these shall also be submitted for approval to the County Council.

d. The Land Plan should be at 1/500 scale showing the extent of the existing Highway and development land for dedication (coloured orange for appending to the S278 Agreement). Where third party land is required, particularly for visibility splays, this shall be clearly indicated on the plan and written proof supplied that the Developer has full control over the land in question.

e. Confirmation in writing that all SU’s have been contacted and that the position of their equipment is acceptable for the proposed highway works, or suitable arrangements for diversion and/or protection have been agreed. Impact of SU diversions on existing or new trees, either above or below ground, will need to be included within the Arboriculture Report.

f. The proposals will be assessed not only in terms of affect on vehicles but also on pedestrians, cyclists, equestrians and passenger transport facilities.

g. Use of soakaway drainage shall be supported by details of water table levels, soil permeability testing and soakage calculations in accordance with BRE Digest 365 and supplementary requirements in HCC’s Companion Document to Manual for Streets. Where soakaways are proposed in chalk, the submission shall be accompanied by the intact dry density tests used to determine the minimum distance from the soakaways to the foundations of structures, roads or railways as required by CIRIA C574 (Engineering in Chalk). Further information is given in the Notes for Guidance that accompany the Highway Standard Details. In addition, the siting of soakaways in

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chalk shall be supported by a declaration from a suitably qualified geotechnical engineer that it/they pose no risk to highway structures.

h. The pavement design shall be supported by evaluation of equilibrium subgrade conditions and full traffic loading calculations to include total & commercial vehicle flows per lane per day and % OGV2. Material specification should indicate whether traditional or Heavy Duty Macadam's are proposed, HAPAS grade and colour of any ‘high friction surfacing proposed and details of any ‘asphalt reinforcement grids’ proposed.

i. The Arboricultural Report shall include a list of the information reviewed at the Outline Planning Stage regarding existing hedgerows, trees and all other vegetation affected by the Development. An Arboricultural Implications Assessment shall detail which trees are proposed for removal, the impact of works (including utilities) on retained trees (Highway & non-Highway), tress subject to Tree Preservation Orders (TPO), lengths of hedgerow proposed for removal, whether Hedgerow Regulations apply, other vegetation to be cleared and whether any existing ‘private’ trees that are to be taken into the new Highway. Information detailing limits of existing and proposed Highway is essential to assess the above. Site boundary features should be recorded to clarify the relationship with surveyed trees, hedges and other vegetation. The Report shall include a tree survey to BS5837:2012 including details of tree species, age class, dimensions, condition and recommendations for remedial work; drawing(s) indicating the Root Protection Areas shall be included. Where shrinkable clays are present an assessment shall be made of the potential risk of new and existing trees on existing and proposed buildings and Highway features. There may be a requirement to carry out pruning of trees and shrubs to achieve appropriate clearances over the Highway. Location and outline details of any proposed Highway planting should be included.

j. Location, extent & type of tree protective fencing shall be clearly shown on a Tree Protection Plan.

k. An Arboricultural Method Statement shall be provided where works within the Root Protection Areas are liable to adversely affect retained trees or if it is necessary to temporarily remove tree protection fencing.

l. Full details of any planting proposals to be submitted for approval to include specifications for ground preparation, plants and planting and for a 3 year establishment maintenance period.

m. Street Lighting requirements;

A design brief

A column location plan of the road to be lit complete with supporting computer design calculations in accordance with the design brief supplied,

A plan showing location and numbering system of all existing columns & lit furniture both within the site and immediately adjacent,

A plan & schedule of all proposed traffic signs complete with illumination details.

Once the design has received technical approval, the Consultant shall provide the Design Check Team Officer with comments obtained from the LLA.

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E.1 Introduction

E.1.1 The “Request for a Departure or Relaxation from Standard “ form must be completed and submitted in MS Word format together with a Road Safety Audit or if not identified at the audit stage a separate, signed report on headed letter from the auditors must be submitted. The word version is located at:-


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F.1 Introduction

F.1.1 The Construction Pre-Start Meeting is held after the technical approval report has been received by the Developer/Consultant. In addition the Legal Agreement and Bond should have been completed, with any outstanding costs completed. If these have not been completed then the meeting shall not be held and any road space bookings may be cancelled.

F.1.2 The meeting is to be held on site or nearby to enable the highway inspector to view the scheme prior to commencement.

F.1.3 The meeting is the responsibility of the developer/consultant to organise, arrange attendance, chair and prepare minutes.

F.2 Prior to the meeting

Consultants/Contractors responsibility

F.2.1 Prior to the meeting the following information shall be submitted to the DCT Officer in electronic format to enable circulation to HCC attendees. These must be submitted at least five working days prior to the meeting.

The Detailed Tender Sum and all Statutory Utility Costs

Traffic Management Plan

Programme of works (with critical path and NRSWA notice periods)

Construction Phase Plan

Method Statements

Copy of F10

Contractors insurance certificates

Construction issue drawings

Traffic Regulation Orders

Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders

F.2.2 The DCT Officer will inform the Consultant/Contractor of any changes that are required prior to the meeting so that amendments can be made.

F.2.3 Failure to supply the information may result in the meeting being cancelled and the road space booking may be cancelled.

F.2.4 The Consultant/Contractor shall confirm that all outstanding planning permissions and obligations have been met.

F.2.5 The Consultant shall arrange the pre-start meeting ensuring that the HCC officers are available to attend the proposed meeting date & time. The Consultant shall ensure that minutes of the meeting are taken and circulated promptly following the meeting.

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HCC DCT Officers Responsibility

F.2.6 Prior to the meeting the DCT officer will circulate the above information to the appropriate HCC specialists/consultees for comment and return comments to the Consultant/Contractor.

F.2.7 The DCT Officer will ascertain whether all fees have been paid and the Legal Agreement completed.

F.2.8 The DCT Officer will provide a list of HCC attendees required at the meeting together with their email addresses to enable the Consultant to send the appropriate meeting requests and coordinate the timing of the meeting based on availability.

F.3 Meeting documentation

F.3.1 The Consultant shall supply one full size copy of the tendered contract set of drawings and specification to the HCC Inspector for the Works at the meeting.

F.3.2 The Consultant/Contractor shall provide emergency contact details for the Contractor.

F.3.3 The Consultant/Contractor shall provide a list of sub-contractors undertaking any works within the highway, including lighting and signal installation.

F.4 Suggested Agenda

F.4.1 Below are suggested agenda items for the Construction Pre-Start Meeting. The Consultant is to minute the meeting and obtain an attendance list to enable the minutes to be circulated.

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Construction Pre-Start Meeting Agenda Items

Note: Detailed discussions concerning Traffic Management may be subject of separate meeting


Developer’s Consultant /Supervising Engineer (Chairs & organises minutes) Contractor’s Representative Police (Traffic Officer) HCC DCT Officer HCC DCT Inspector HCC Area Road Works Coordinator HCC ITS Officer (if applicable) HCC Arboriculture Officer (if applicable) Any other interested party as directed by HCC DCT Officer

1. Introductions

2. Development description (Agreement signed, Inspection Fee deposit paid and

cash deposit and/or Bond in place - Please note the works cannot start without these in places. Requirements for remaining fees, Commuted Sums prior to adoption.)

3. Description of works to be undertaken (inc planning permission &

constraints/conditions, any occupation limitations, confirmation of the Detailed Tender Costs and all Statutory Utility Costs )

4. Designer Retention & Supervision (Contact Details, Supervision of the


5. Contractor (All insurances in place for duration of Contract, Organisation & Sub-


6. Programme of works

Formal submission of agreed programme for S278 Agreement

Start date

Any phasing of the works

Statutory Undertakers (inc diversions, protection, new supplies & service

connections to development)

Tree protection & monitoring

Street lighting / lit furniture (Suspended/de-accrued blocks within site)

Traffic Signal & controlled crossing installation & associated works

Electrical supplies for the signals/lighting

Location of hoarding (Access to street lighting or de-accrual, Vis splays)

7. Traffic management & TM phasing

Formal submission of agreed TM plans for S278 Agreement

Contact details of Traffic Safety Officer (inc out-of-hours)


Temporary closures / diversion routes & associated TTRO’s

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Permanent TRO’s

Restricted hours

Road space booking

8. Emergency Numbers (General site contacts & Traffic Management, 24 hrs)

9. Approved Drawings (Contract Drawings, Current HCC Std Details, Specification)

10. Site Set-up (Access, Noise, Vibration, working hrs agreed with local Environmental

Health Officer, Security)

11. Lighting (Disconnection & Connection, Testing, Certification, Inspection, Adoption)

12. Inspections, Materials testing, Quality Control

Site Condition Survey (dated videos/photos record) prior to works

Inspections & supplier approval

Testing procedures (frequency arranged, who’s responsible, HCC to approve lab,

based upon App 1/5 & 1/6)

Sources & mix designs for all materials (to be approved by HCC)

Any alternative proposals

13. Publicity

Press Release (Need assess by DCT Officer, Consultant to draft)

Letter Drops (Consultant to arrange, wording agreed with DCT Officer)

Advance public notice of works (agreed location of black/yellow boards)

Notice Boards (“Works for (client/developer)” and “Consultants name & phone


14. Health & Safety

CDM Confirmation of Principal Designer named contact

H&S, Construction Phase Plan

Method Statements

HSE Notification

Traffic signal maintenance risk assessments

Traffic sign and controlled crossing commissioning

Road Safety Audit procedures

15. Works Monitoring Form (Works Inspector to update) – All information listed on

the WMF (including contacts)must be confirmed at the Pre-Start meeting to permit a work start.

16. Remedial Works will require

Programme of works

New roadspace booking

Valid insurances

Agreed traffic management

Qualified contractor

17. Progress meetings (Dates/frequency & attendees)

Any other business

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G.1 Commencement of Maintenance Period

G.1.1 Prior to works being accepted for maintenance and normal ‘Maintenance Period’ starting, all outstanding works as agreed with both the Inspector and the Unit/Agency staff of the Highway Authority responsible for future maintenance shall be rectified together with all items arising from the Stage 3 RSA. The Arboricultural Section shall also attend the joint inspection where tree or shrub vegetation is included.

G.1.2 Where proposals include street lighting or any illuminated signs, all necessary supporting electrical test certification will be required in advance of any inspection by HCC Lighting Section.

G.1.3 The constructed civil engineering works will not be accepted for maintenance or Bond / Surety reduced until all lighting issues have been addressed to the satisfaction of the Street Lighting Engineer and the ‘system of lighting’ formally adopted by HCC.

G.1.4 Where the works include the installation of a traffic system, then the Environment Department’s ITS Group shall attend the inspection. The Consultant shall inform the ITS Group of the proposed commissioning date no later than 5 working days in advance.

G.2 As-built drawings and Information

G.2.1 Within 3 months of the date works accepted for maintenance, the Highway Management Team via the Design Check Team, shall be provided with one copy of “As-Built” drawings at 1/500 scale together with the Inventory Details detailed below.

General road construction details and widths including thickness and types of materials used.

Services and Statutory Undertakers Information.

Street Lighting including duct runs.

Road signs including duct runs where electrical items included and ownership records (e.g. Highway Authority, PFI Contractor etc.).

Positions of all lit furniture recorded in an agreed GPS format

Drainage, layout and schedules; additionally positions of gully’s, manholes and catchpits shall be recorded in an agreed GPS format. Any approvals from local surface water drainage company for new connections of Highway Drainage any adoption of new drainage assets.

Road Markings and TROs.

Special Construction details including special products used.

Clear indication of highway boundaries.

All landscaping and planting arrangements.

Indication of highway land, HCC owned land (not highway) and private land. Also indicate responsibility for highway fences/walls/VRS etc.

Traffic signal equipment, position of any controller and maintenance bay location of ducts and drawpits, above and below ground detection, LV and ELV cable runs

Road names

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G.2.2 Immediately prior to adoption, the Developer’s Consultant shall provide one hard copy and a CD-ROM containing corresponding electronic images in AutoCAD.DWG (including all Xrefs) & PDF formats showing;

Carriageway - shaded orange;

Footways – shaded brown;

Verges – shaded green;

Landscaping areas – shaded green and cross hatched dark green;

Cycleways/Greenways – shaded mauve;

Highway Drainage easements – shaded yellow

Structure easements – shaded purple

Highway Surface Water - blue

Lighting columns – red dots

Comprehensive key describing all colours & symbols used

G.3 Structures

G.3.1 HCC Bridges “Adoption of Structures in respect of Highway Structures Constructed under Sections 38 and 278 Agreement” document QOP/SP/030, will be supplied upon request.

G.4 Bills of Quantities

G.4.1 Inventory Details based on the re-measured Bills of Quantities giving the following information should also be provided:-

Areas of landscaping, verges etc.

Street furniture including signs and columns

Gullies, soakaways etc.

Carriageway and footway areas.

G.4.2 One month before the end of the “Maintenance Period” the Consultant / Developer shall arrange a second joint inspection to be carried out prior to works being accepted for adoption upon which the Bond will be released in full; subject to paragraph 1.3 above. Furthermore, the Bond will not be reduced below 15% or £5,000 (whichever is the higher value) on schemes with ‘extended maintenance periods’ or amount equal to any outstanding items. Where proposals include Extensive Landscape Works, 5% of Bond (or the total value of the Landscape Works whichever is the higher value) will be retained for a period of three years

G.4.3 Further inspections as before may be required for schemes with extended “Maintenance Periods” or where extensive Landscape Works’ are included in the Works to assess any deterioration in tree condition due to the works.

G.5 Traffic signals

G.5.1 For traffic systems, all electrical test certificates shall be provided. NB – copies of the ‘developed safety case’ including safety review & audit, shall be forwarded to the ITS Group.

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H.1 Paragraph 2.27 – An option for a feasibility stage road safety audit has been included.

H.2 Paragraphs 2.31, 2.35 & 2.50 – Only one member of the Audit Team is required to visit the site provided both team members review the plans and documents.

H.3 Paragraph 2.39 – The Stage 3 RSA must be attended by all members of the Audit Team during which need for a night-time inspections will be considered with decision recorded within the Stage 3 RSA Report.

H.4 Paragraph 2.44 – Stage 4 road safety audits are not routinely required but may be requested if HCC is made aware of potential road safety issues during the maintenance period.

H.5 Both Team Member’s should be a current Fellow / Member of SORSA. In the absence of this, then compliance with following paragraphs of HD 19 needs to be demonstrated;

a) 2.71 Independence

b) 2.77 Current Employment

c) 2.80 & 2.83 2 days CPD

d) 2.83 10 days training

e) 2.83 2 / 4 years Road Safety Engineering

f) 2.83 5 RSA’s in last 12 / 24 months

H.6 Paragraph 2.62 – Road Safety Audits will have a shelf life of two years, the two year period starts from the date of the audit was undertaken.

H.7 Paragraph 2.84 - At least one individual within the Road Safety Audit Team is to hold a Certificate of Competency in Road Safety Audit.

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I.1 Context Assessment

I.1.1 A Non-Motorised User (NMU) Context Assessment should be carried out during the initial stages of planning for a scheme and it’s aim is to review the existing NMU provision and to identify any opportunities to improve conditions for pedestrians, disabled people, cyclists and where appropriate, equestrians. It is important to identify these issues at this early stage as this will help the designers of the scheme to achieve the best possible outcome for all non motorised users.

I.1.2 The complexity of the Context Assessment will depend on the size and type of scheme, but it need not be an excessively time consuming task, particularly for small schemes. The objective is to ensure that the design team has sufficient information to allow them to fully consider the interests of NMU’s within the scheme.

I.1.3 In order to get a full picture of the current NMU activity and assess the likely impact of the scheme, it is important to collect and analyse a variety of background data. The level of information required should reflect the size and nature of the scheme. It is also essential to visit the locality at different times of the day to view the current patterns of NMU movement.

I.1.4 Useful background Information may include:

Vehicles flows and speeds

Cycle and pedestrian flows

NMU desire lines

Carriageway and footway widths

Rights of Way

Accident data

Highway Boundaries

Trip generators

Relevant Strategies & Studies (Cycle Strategies, School Travel Plans, Accessibility Studies, land development frameworks, etc.)

I.1.5 In addition to this information, early consultation with local residents, businesses and user groups is essential as this may provide valuable local knowledge and ensure that the scheme meets the needs of the intended users.

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I.1.6 The context assessment report is a simple statement outlining the current NMU issues and setting out the overall scheme objectives for NMUs (see attached example).

I.1.7 During the assessment It is important to consider not only any conflict between NMUs and motorised vehicles, but the potential for conflict between the different types of NMU.

I.2 Reference Documents:

I.2.1 The following documents provide useful information and guidance on the requirements for non motorised users.

DfT Local Transport Note 2/08 – Cycle Infrastructure Design.

DfT Local Transport Note 1/12 – Shared Use Routes for Pedestrians and Cyclists.

DfT Inclusive Mobility

CIHT Guidelines for Providing for Journeys on Foot

I.2.2 In addition to these documents there is some useful information contained within the following sections of the ‘Design Manual for Roads & Bridges’ published by the Highway Agency.

TA 91/05 Provision for Non Motorised Users

TA 90/05 The geometric Design of Pedestrian, Cycle and Equestrian Routes

BD 29/04 Design Criteria for footbridges

TD 36/93 Subways for Pedestrians and Pedal Cyclists

I.2.3 The following prompts will help to identify the key issues relating to the different types of non motorised user. The aim of the assessment is not to answer each individual question, but to use these prompts to provide an overall picture of the current NMU conditions.

I.3 NMU Context Assessment prompts

I.3.1 It is important to bear in mind the five core design principles that are common to both pedestrians and cyclists:






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I.3.2 Pedestrians

Are all pedestrian desire lines provided for?

Is the scheme likely to sever any existing desire lines?

Are the existing routes of adequate width and free from obstructions?

Are footways linked by safe and convenient crossings?

I.3.3 Mobility and visually impaired

I.3.4 The requirements of mobility and visually impaired people will vary depending on the type and degree of impairment. However, the following issues should generally be considered in all highway schemes:



Surface quality

Barriers and Street furniture

Changes in level

Colour contrast and texture contrast


Road crossings

I.3.5 Cyclists

Does the scheme form part of an existing or proposed strategic cycle network? (Refer to District Cycle Plans available from the District Council).

If not, is there an opportunity to link the scheme with a strategic cycle network or are there any opportunities to improve conditions for existing on-road cyclists?

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Which types of cyclist are likely to use this route and what types of facility are the most appropriate for these users?

Is the carriageway suitable for on-road cycling or can measures be introduced to make the road more cycle friendly?

If not, is there scope to provide an off-carriageway facility?

Are there any issues relating to existing junctions?

Does the scheme utilise any existing footways or footpaths?

I.3.6 Equestrians

Are there any Pastures, Stables or Riding schools nearby?

Are there any equestrian desire lines crossing the scheme?

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Scheme Title: Environment Enhancement Scheme

Rumbridge Street, Totton – Phase 2

Scheme Description

The aim of the scheme is to implement the second phase of an environmental enhancement scheme along Rumbridge Street between Brokenford Lane and Junction Road. This section of Rumbridge Street is subject to a 30mph speed limit and has a 7.5 Tonne weight restriction (except for loading). The road is primarily used as a local route for eastbound traffic accessing Totton town centre, but also used as rat run by traffic trying to avoid congestion on the A35 Totton Bypass. The land use along Rumbridge Street is a mixture of retail, light industrial and residential.


The predominant flow of pedestrians on Rumbridge Street is along the northern footway, travelling east in the morning peak and west in the evening peak. This route is used by local residents and commuters/shoppers using the public car park to access the town centre and railway station.

There are currently no formalised pedestrian crossing facilities along Rumbridge Street. Due to the diverse nature of the shops it does not operate as a typical shopping high street with a high number of crossing movements, so it is difficult to identify appropriate crossing locations. The only desire line that has been identified is between the post office on the northern side and the supermarket /news agents on the southern side.

There is a pedestrian desire line across Rumbridge Street between Eiling Lane and Junction Road but there are currently no Crossing facilities at the junction.


This section of Rumbridge Street forms part of the proposed strategic cycle network linking Rushington and Hounsdown to Totton town centre and the Railway Station (refer to the Totton & Waterside Cycling Strategy – Priority Assessment report). This route is likely to be used by fast commuters and other utility cyclists but is unlikely to attract many school trips. The eastbound traffic flows are high but the traffic speeds are consistent with a 30mph limit.

Visually & Mobility Impaired

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The footway on the south side of Rumbridge Street to the east of Windsor Road is narrow and it may be difficult for wheelchair users to negotiate. There are no tactile crossing facilities across Rumbridge Street or crossing the side roads. The general condition of the footway surfacing is poor.


There is no equestrian interest in this area.

Scheme objectives:

Provide a wide pedestrian route along the north side of Rumbridge Street.

Widen the footway on the southern side of Rumbridge street as appropriate to improve assess for wheel chair users

Provide 2 or 3 designated tactile crossing points across Rumbridge Street, including a crossing point on the desire line between the post office on the northern side and the supermarket /news agents on the southern side.

Provide Tactile crossing points at each side road.

Provide pedestrian crossing facilities for all movement around the Rumbridge Street/Eiling. Lane/Junction Road Junction.

Make provision for cyclists along Rumbridge Street. It is considered that an on-carriageway route will be the most appropriate solution for the anticipated types of user.

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K.1 Preliminary Design Hazard Assessment

Traffic Systems:- Hazard Assessment

Feasibility: Preliminary: Yes Detailed:

Scheme: Assessment date: Assessed by:

Hazard Considerations Effectiveness

Vehicles exiting site access road heading towards M3 on slip road conflict with pedestrian splitter island

Cut back kerb line on pedestrian splitter island to provide 1.5 metre set back as outlined in TD50/04 section 2.38


Vegetation on north east corner of junction affects intervisibility

Remove vegetation from this area to achieve required intervisibility


U turning vehicles from new right turn lane into site access road conflict with pedestrian phase across Leigh Road eastbound carriageway

Provide Traffic Regulation Order to prohibit U turning movement

Separate staging to ensure pedestrian phase does not run concurrently with right turn traffic movement


Reduction in junction capacity would occur. Pedestrians likely to cross at this time regardless.

Visibility to site access road secondary signal head obscured by 4 lanes of passing traffic

Provide closely associated secondary signal Provide high level duplicate signal head

No suitable location available within drivers eye view Resolved

Leigh Road westbound centre lane vehicles could have restricted visibility to signals when vehicles alongside mask visibility

Provide high level duplicate signal Provide splitter island to allow an offside signal head to be provided between the ahead and right turn lane

Resolved Insufficient land available to provide a splitter island

Pedestrian splitter island too narrow for pedestrians to wait

Ensure that both pedestrian phases only run simultaneously to reduce likelihood of pedestrians waiting on the island


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Pedestrians on splitter island start crossing incorrectly as a result of misreading pedestrian crossings which run in different stages

Ensure that pedestrian phases across Leigh Road westbound carriageway may only run simultaneously.


Leigh Rd westbound ahead traffic sets off at start of stage 4 by misreading left turn signal phase.

Increase physical segregation between left turn and ahead signals Provide box signs with turn left and ahead only arrows to improve driver comprehension of signals.

Not possible due to restricted size of splitter island. Resolved

Vehicles from M3 off slip road enter site access road from 2 lanes into a single lane resulting in vehicle conflict

Provide lane marking arrows on M3 off slip road to designate a single lane to the site access road.


Rear end collisions between vehicles on approach to crossings/junction

Provide skid resistant road surfacing for 50metres. Buff colour up to the stop line and black colour between the stop line and pedestrian crossings.


Leigh Road eastbound centre lane vehicles could have restricted visibility to signals when vehicles alongside mask visibility

Provide high level duplicate signal Retain existing offside primary signal for ahead movement alongside right turn signal

Resolved Position of existing offside ahead signal may confuse drivers waiting to turn right.

Substandard intervisibility between site access road and Leigh Road pedestrian crossing

Substandard intervisibility exists across this corner on the existing signal junction. Removal of vegetation will help to lessen the degree of non-compliance. Doesn’t form a departure from standard as this scheme is a modification to existing signal junction


Substandard sight stopping distance nearside primary signal for Leigh Road left turn on to M3

Adequate sight stopping distance can be provided to the dual offside primary signal for this phase. TD50/04 requires SSD to either at least one primary signal head on each approach.


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K.2 Detailed Design Hazard Assessment

Traffic Systems:- Hazard Assessment

Feasibility: Preliminary: Detailed: Yes

Scheme: Assessment date: Assessed by:

Hazard Considerations Effectiveness

Leigh Road westbound ahead drivers observed being confused and proceeding ahead at starting amber for adjacent left turn signal on to motorway slip road.

Provide sufficient road markings to indicate lane designation. Provide 4 in line signals with box signs to indicate direction of signals.

Included. Resolved Included. Resolved

Exit from industrial estate may have restricted forward visibility to primary signal should vegetation grow on this approach.

Provide offside primary signal head Ensure that no vegetation is provided on the nearside verge.

Angle of swept path of car transporter turning left from Leigh Road would strike an offside primary signal head on the centre island. However ducting to be put in place to allow for easy installation in the future should this be required. This approach is third party land and no highway rights exist regarding the provision, or maintenance of vegetation.

Existing far side pelican signals to be replaced with nearside toucan signals which may create some confusion for regular pedestrians/cyclists

Installing some signage applicable to the pedestrians/cyclists to indicate that their signals have been altered.

Essential. To be installed by HCC ITS Group at commissioning

Existing pedestrian crossing across Leigh Road westbound was controlled as 2 separate phases.

This may cause some confusion, so installing some small signs to explain that a change has taken place may resolve this.

Essential. To be installed by HCC ITS Group at commissioning Narrow centre island is too

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New alignment will amalgamate this into a single crossing phase.

Retain existing separate crossing phases. Retain existing push button on centre island to avoid pedestrians becoming stranded.

restrictive to encourage cyclists/pedestrian to wait. The existing alignment of crossings would send pedestrians off the crossing desire line into the centre of the junction. Included. However may lead pedestrians to believe that 2 separate crossings still exist. Black out for pedestrian clearance period to be provided.

Leigh Road westbound ahead traffic in lane 2 may proceed through red signals due to obscured visibility to nearside primary signal caused by waiting high sided vehicles.

Provide high level duplicate signal.

Included. High level secondary signal provided on tall pole.

Leigh Road eastbound ahead traffic in lane 2 may proceed through red signals due to obscured visibility to nearside primary signal caused by waiting high sided vehicles.

Provide high level duplicate signal.

Included. High level secondary signal provided on tall pole.

Controller difficult to access by maintenance staff and vehicles

Provide hard standing for maintenance vehicles Provide hard standing around the controller

Excluded. No area exists to provide a vehicle hard standing. Parking exists nearby at the Travel Inn which will remove the need for staff to cross the road. Included. Resolved

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K.3 Case Documents - initial safety case review

Scheme location


This report forms an initial safety case review, and comments on the safety case developed for the proposed changes at the junction of ……………

Documents considered

Site Access – Detailed design traffic signal layout drawing, No. ref Preliminary Hazard Assessment, JAM 19/12/2005 Detailed Hazard Assessment, JAM 17/05/2006 CDM Designer’s Risk Assessment.

A site visit was undertaken on 18th October 2007.

Comment 1

It is not clear whether stages 2 and 3 are alternate stages. It may be efficient to operate them as independent stages (or introduce another stage with just the right turn into the Bakeries development) to avoid right turning traffic waiting a long time. Stage 3, or the new additional stage, could hurry call in stage 2 to stop ahead traffic (after ped min expired). This could cause problems in UTC, and it may be more effective to run a short stage min on stage 2 (ped min) and always follow it by stage 3. If this is done, it may be better to not run the ahead movement with the right turn in stage 2, and allow the peds to cross instead – this would have the advantage of providing ped progression in one direction.


This is carried forward from the original safety case review, where it was suggested that a decision regarding the staging arrangements could wait for detailed design. This would now need to be resolved with the system specification (TR2210).

Comment 2

The nearside lane on the approach from Passfield Avenue is for ahead traffic travelling towards Oakmount Road. This lane continues to be marked for an ahead movement at the Travel Inn, but beyond this junction is immediately designated as for left turning traffic (M3 northbound). This can lead to manoeuvring at the last minute.


This was carried forward from the original safety case review and has now been resolved, with the nearside lane marked M3 N’TH.

Principle Traffic Engineer

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K.4 Case Documents – Designers Response

Scheme location


This report forms Designers Response to the initial safety case review, and comments on the safety case developed for the proposed changes at the junction of …………

Documents considered

Site Access – Detailed design traffic signal layout drawing, No. ref Preliminary Hazard Assessment, JAM 19/12/2005 Detailed Hazard Assessment, JAM 17/05/2006 CDM Designer’s Risk Assessment.

Comment 1

It is not clear whether stages 2 and 3 are alternate stages. It may be efficient to operate them as independent stages (or introduce another stage with just the right turn into the Bakeries development) to avoid right turning traffic waiting a long time. Stage 3, or the new additional stage, could hurry call in stage 2 to stop ahead traffic (after ped min expired). This could cause problems in UTC, and it may be more effective to run a short stage min on stage 2 (ped min) and always follow it by stage 3. If this is done, it may be better to not run the ahead movement with the right turn in stage 2, and allow the peds to cross instead – this would have the advantage of providing ped progression in one direction.


This is carried forward from the original safety case review, where it was suggested that a decision regarding the staging arrangements could wait for detailed design. This would now need to be resolved with the system specification (TR2210).

Designers response

The staging will be considered as part of the TR2210 specification.

Comment 2

The nearside lane on the approach from Passfield Avenue is for ahead traffic travelling towards Oakmount Road. This lane continues to be marked for an ahead movement at the Travel Inn, but beyond this junction is immediately designated as for left turning traffic (M3 northbound). This can lead to manoeuvring at the last minute.


This was carried forward from the original safety case review and has now been resolved, with the nearside lane marked M3 N’TH.

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Designers response

None required.

Traffic Signal Design Engineer

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L.1 Introduction

L.1.1 For the purposes of the noticing procedure, it is assumed that all proposals are deemed ‘Major Works’; ie any planned activity that lasts 11 days or more or one requires a Temporary Traffic Order. For clarification, Standard Works are those which last between 4 and 10 days and therefore only require a 10 day S55 Confirmation Notice. The County Council’s decision on type of notice applicable for any scheme is final.

L.1.2 Under the above legislation, notices for works under Section 278 of the Highways Act must be served by the Highway Authority on behalf of the Developer / Consultant.

L.2 S54 Advance Notice – 3 Months

L.2.1 The Highway Authority must serve a notice 3 months prior to works commencing on site. Such ‘Road Space’ requests will not be submitted until unconditional detail design approval has been granted, temporary traffic management agreed by all relevant parties and HCC are content with the programme. In exceptional circumstances, the local NRSWA Coordinator may permit an earlier start; this aspect can be discussed during the Construction Pre-Start Meeting.

L.3 S55 Confirmation Notice – 10 Days

L.3.1 A confirmation notice must be served 10 working days before commencement on site.

L.4 S74 In Progress and Works Closed Notices

L.4.1 A start notice must be served within 1 working day of works commencement; similarly a stop notice must be issued within 1 working day of works finish.

L.4.2 If works are likely to overrun the planned duration, a further S74 (In Progress) Notice must be issued BEFORE the expiry of the current notice. Valid reasons for extension requested must be clearly stated; the Contractor is expected to ensure site is fully staffed as periods of inactivity will need to be fully justified.

L.5 Responsibility

L.5.1 The Developer / Consultant is responsible for requesting the County Council to initiate each step in this procedure. Should the procedure not be followed,

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any works that commence on the highway will be unauthorised and could be immediately suspended by the Highway Authority. Any claims for any disruption or delay from either the Contractor or Developer shall NOT be accepted by the Highway Authority as it is the Developer’s / Consultant’s responsibility to inform the Highway Authority in good time.

L.5.2 This procedure in no way absolves the Developer / Consultant of their responsibility to contact all Statutory Undertakers regarding location of any existing plant. Nor does it alter the Developer’s / Consultant’s responsibility with regard to the placing of orders with the Statutory Undertakers for any diversionary or protection works that may be necessary in conjunction with the works.

L.5.3 Arrangements for the diversion or protection of existing SU apparatus affected by the proposals are the sole responsibility of the Consultant. In addition, the installation of all new utility supplies to the development must be fully coordinated and programmed with the S278 highway works. Final surfacing to both carriageway and footway must only be carried out AFTER all supply & service connections have been completed; HCC reserve the right to require appropriate full width reinstatement where any final surfacing has been trenched due to lack of planning / coordination.

L.6 Section 58 – Advance Notification Form ‘A’

L.6.1 To enable ‘Major Works’ to be protected under Section 58 of the legislation, preventing non exempt utility works for a period of up to five years from works completion, the Highway Authority may consider serving a formal notice to all Statutory Undertakers. The notice, providing full works details, including accurate location information, is served three months in advance of the commencement on site. Additionally, the scheme must also be raised a minimum three months in advance at the appropriate local NRSWA coordination meeting to qualify under Section 58 of the Act.

L.6.2 The Developer’s/Consultant’s attention is drawn to Section 5.3 Programming the Works, particularly with respect to Section 58 advance notification.

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M.1 Requirements

M.1.1 The tables supplied set out Hampshire County Council’s requirements with regard to the types of testing likely to be required on Section 278 schemes and the frequencies that they should be carried out. Whether such testing is written into Appendix 1/5 (Contractor testing), or Appendix 1/6 (Samples to be supplied to the Developer for them to test), is for the compiler of the contract documents to decide. Types and frequencies of testing must satisfy Hampshire County Council that the materials, products and workmanship incorporated into the works meet its current standards before acceptance of such works can be given. Whether the Contractor, Developer, or both, are responsible is immaterial to Hampshire County Council.

M.1.2 However the testing responsibilities are allocated by the compiler, it is the ultimate responsibility of the Developer to ensure all the testing required on the scheme is undertaken to the correct frequency and quality.

M.1.3 Based on past experience the Compiler is strongly advised to require the Contractor to submit at least one recent test result for each material or product to be used clearly demonstrating it meets the contract specification. Such ‘approval’ results should be required to be submitted prior to any use in the permanent works. ‘Approval’ testing is not generally included within the following tables and does not reduce the requirements for sampling and testing noted in the attached tables.

M.1.4 The tables on testing are not intended to be all encompassing as schemes can vary considerably. Most types of test are shown but it is the Compiler’s responsibility to make the contract Appendices complete and scheme specific before submitting contract documents for approval.

M.1.5 A ‘master’ sample register shall be kept on each site clearly identifying (as a minimum) the following:

unique site sample number for every sample taken;

the specification against which they are assessed for compliance;

Ticket/Lorry No. (if appropriate);

date of sampling;

exact location of sample (road/c’way/lane/chainage/etc);

date despatched for testing;

name of test house;

date of receipt of result;

whether result was within specification;

any actions taken as a result of test results.

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M.1.6 The ‘Master’ sample register shall be kept up to date and be readily available at all times to Hampshire County Council representatives. It is expected that all test results shall be reviewed by a competent Materials Engineer.

M.1.7 Before final acceptance of Section 278 works it is the responsibility of the Developer / Consultant to provide the following to Hampshire County Council representatives-

copies of all test results from the scheme (collated);

2 copies of a report summarising the overall results to include information on:

suppliers and sources of all materials, products, etc;

compliance rates for each material/source combination;

details of any remedial actions taken;

site plan allowing test results to be located.

A table showing the quantities (tonnage, m2, m3, number, etc. as appropriate) for all materials/products used in the scheme, the ‘target’ rate of sampling, number of samples this equates to, the actual quantities used the actual number of samples taken and the actual rate of testing achieved.

M.1.8 Failure to provide the required data may result in Hampshire County Council withholding acceptance of the works and requiring additional testing (at no cost to HCC) to ascertain whether the works are of an acceptable standard.

M.1.9 The table gives an example of the way data relating to materials/products used on schemes, their quantities, the tests to be carried out and frequencies should be formatted to allow HCC representatives to check if sufficient testing has been undertaken. The table supplied is only illustrative of a very simple scheme. On a typical scheme a much more comprehensive list will be required. It is the responsibility of the staff directly supervising the Contractor to ensure all the appropriate headings, clause numbers/materials or processes, and testing data is completed fully.

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N.1 Introduction

N.1.1 Traffic Signs Regulations & General Directions 2016 have been revised so that some signs which were previously required to be illuminated by direct lighting can now be illuminated by the use of retroreflecting material. The list that follows is a guide only and any proposed signing must be checked by the consultant prior to submission to see if it requires illumination.

N.2 Schedule 2, Part 2 Warning Signs and associated plates

504.1 Crossroads ahead 505.1 T-junction ahead 506.1 Side road ahead 507.1 Staggered junction ahead 508.1 Traffic merges ahead from the left 509.1 Traffic merges ahead onto main carriageway 510 Roundabout ahead 512 Bend ahead 512.1 Junction on outside of bend ahead 512.2 Junction on inside of bend ahead 513 Double bend or series of bends ahead 516 Road narrows on both sides ahead 517 Road narrows on right (or left) ahead 521 Two-way traffic 522 Two-way traffic on route crossing ahead 523.1 Steep hill downwards ahead 524.1 Steep hill upwards ahead 528 Hump bridge ahead 529 Opening or swing bridge ahead 529.1 Tunnel ahead 544.1 544.2 545 950 548 549 550 550.1 550.2 551 551.2 553.1 552 554B 554C 554

Pedestrians in road ahead Frail or disabled pedestrians likely to cross road ahead Children going to or from school or playground ahead Cycle route ahead Cattle likely to be in road ahead Sheep likely to be in road ahead Wild horses or ponies likely to be in road ahead Accompanied horses or ponies likely to be in road ahead Horse drawn vehicles likely to be in road ahead Wild animals likely to be in road ahead Wild fowl likely to be in road ahead Agricultural vehicles likely to be in road ahead Cattle grid ahead Gate ahead Gates ahead Ford ahead

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554.1 555 555.1 556.1

Risk of brake failure ahead Quayside or river bank ahead Water course alongside road ahead Soft verges ahead

557.1 559 581 558 558.1 582 583 584 562

Road hump or series of road humps ahead Risk of falling or fallen rocks ahead Side winds likely ahead Low flying aircraft or sudden aircraft noise likely ahead Low flying helicopters or sudden helicopter noise likely ahead Slow moving military vehicles likely to be crossing or in road ahead Slow moving vehicles likely on incline ahead Traffic queues likely on road ahead Other danger ahead

N.3 Schedule 3, Part 2 Circular signs and supplementary plates including regulatory requirements

625.1 622.5 622.6

Pedestrians prohibited Horse-drawn vehicles prohibited Ridden or accompanied horses prohibited

N.4 Schedule 7, Part 2 Regulatory signs for stopping, waiting, loading and parking controls

640.5 667 668 667.1 668.1 667.2 668.2

End of designated off-road loading area Vehicles may be parked partially on the verge or footway Vehicles may be parked wholly on the verge or footway Vehicles may be parked partially on the verge or footway during the period indicated Vehicles may be parked wholly on the verge or footway during the period indicated End of area where vehicles may be parked partially on the verge or footway End of area where vehicles may be parked wholly on the verge or footway

N.5 Schedule 9, Part 2 Regulatory signs at junctions

608 778 778.1

Dual carriageway road Open railway level crossing without light signals Open tramway level crossing without light signals

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N.6 Schedule 9, Part 4 Other regulatory signs

651 960.1 960.2 960 959.1 959B 964 2602.3

Use of verge maintained in mown or ornamental condition by specified traffic prohibited One-way road with a mandatory contraflow cycle lane One-way road with contraflow pedal cycles One-way road with a contraflow bus and cycle lane With-flow cycle lane with indication of times of operation Nearside with-flow bus lane, which authorised vehicles, taxis, solo motor cycles and pedal cycles may also use, with indication of times of operation End of with-flow bus lane The number of a route for pedal cycles forming part of a national or regional cycle route network

N.7 Schedule 10, Part 2 Signs and road markings indicating speed limits


675A 675B

Entrance to a zone where a maximum speed limit of 20 mph is in force End of a 20 mph speed limit zone with indication of maximum speed limit in mph End of a 20 mph speed limit zone with indication that national speed limits apply

N.8 Schedule 11, Part 2 Advisory signs

811A & 811 B 810 814.2 & 814.4 814.1 & 814.3 816 817 821 822 818.1 818.1A 820.1 873 & 874 872.1 887 888

Beginning and end of section of road where traffic has priority over vehicles from the opposite direction One-way traffic (Sign for pedestrians) Ramped access to or from a pedestrian subway or overbridge Stepped access to and from a pedestrian subway or overbridge No through road for vehicular traffic No through road for vehicular traffic in direction indicated from junction ahead Road ahead only wide enough for one line of vehicles, and providing information about passing places Passing place on narrow road Distance to a section of dual carriageway road ahead Distance over which a short length of dual carriageway road beginning directly head extends Absence of hard shoulder for the distance shown Additional traffic joining from the left or right ahead The number of traffic lanes reduces ahead Overtaking lane ahead Indication of length of road over which an overtaking

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889 890 891 823, 824 & 825 877 820 820A 829.5 829.6 881 882 886 884 885 883 953.3 962 962.1 962.2 958 958.1 2602.2 963 963.1

lane is available on a single carriageway road, with a single traffic lane in the opposite direction Indication that only one lane of traffic, with no overtaking, is available on a single carriageway road with two traffic lanes in the opposite direction Distance ahead to a point where an overtaking lane ends on a single carriageway road Distance ahead to a point where an overtaking lane ends on a single carriageway road on the approach to a dual carriageway road with only one traffic lane in each direction Distance in hundreds of yards to a roundabout or the next point at which traffic may leave a route Appropriate traffic lanes for different manoeuvres at a junction ahead Route unsuitable for type of vehicle indicated Road unsuitable for heavy goods vehicles Area where police carry out checks on the speed of vehicles Waiting place for police or authorised vehicles only Start of a home zone designated under section 268 of the Transport Act 2000(a) End of a home zone indicated by the sign 881 Road ahead where motorists, cyclists and pedestrians should expect to share the same space Start of a quiet lane in England designated under section 268 of the Transport Act 2000 End of designated quiet lane in England Indication of the start of area with traffic calming features (within the meaning of paragraph 1(3) of the Schedule 10 General Directions) Entrance to a bus station, depot or garage Bus lane or lanes on a road at junction ahead, with indication of times of operation Cycle lane on a road at junction ahead or cycle track crossing road, with indication of times of operation Contraflow bus lane ahead on a road at a junction which pedal cycles may also use With-flow bus lane ahead which authorised vehicles, solo motor cycles, pedal cycles and taxis may also use, with indication of times of operation With-flow mandatory cycle lane ahead, with indication of times of operation Numbered route for pedal cycles forming part of a regional (blue number patch) or national (red number patch) cycle route network Direction in which pedestrians should look for approaching traffic when crossing a bus lane Direction in which pedestrians should look for approaching pedal cycles when crossing a cycle lane

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963.2 967 965 966 968 & 968.1 857.1 2943 2032 & 2130 972 857A 857B 2501 801 2713.1 2713 2714 2715 2712 878 880 880.1 827.1, 827.2 & 827.3 775 783 785.1 786 787

Direction in which pedestrians should look for approaching traffic when crossing a contraflow bus lane which pedal cycles may also use Route recommended for pedal cycles on the main carriageway of a road End of cycle lane, track or route Pedal cyclists to rejoin main carriageway or dismount at the end of, or at a break in, a cycle track or route Parking place for pedal cycles Information relating to a taxi rank for the number of taxis specified Drivers should keep or check their distance from the vehicle in front Primary route (2032) or non-primary route (2130) forming part of a ring road Stopping place for buses used for carrying tourists to allow passengers to take photographs Information for pedestrians about tourist destinations and leisure facilities in a nearby place or area Information for pedestrians about tourist destinations and leisure facilities in a nearby place or area Distance to a parking place ahead Parking place Distance ahead to emergency telephone in a parking place or emergency lay-by Direction to nearest emergency telephone on same side of the road Side of emergency telephone box Back of emergency telephone box Location of fire rendezvous point Area in which enforcement cameras are in use Speed camera ahead on a lit road and reminder of 30 mph speed limit Speed camera ahead on an unlit road and reminder that a national speed limit applies Hospital ahead Vehicular traffic must not stop within the area of a railway or tramway level crossing Drivers of long low, large or slow vehicles must telephone to obtain permission before using a railway or tramway level crossing Name of level crossing and details of telephone number for contacting railway or tramway operator Place where large, slow or long low vehicles should wait near a railway or tramway level crossing while the driver obtains permission by telephone to cross or confirms he or she has crossed Site of telephone or emergency telephone at or near a railway or tramway level crossing

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788 833, 834, 835 & 836 970 2401 2402.1 2403.1 2404 864.2 865

Direction to telephone or emergency telephone at or near a railway or tramway level crossing Signs regulating the movement of vehicular traffic into and out of premises with more than one access to a road Stopping place for buses Primary or non-primary route sign indicating the boundary of an administrative area, a ceremonial area or an historic county area Primary or non-primary route sign indicating the name of a city, town or village commencing immediately ahead Primary or non-primary route sign indicating the name of a city, town or village immediately ahead, together with extra local information Primary or non-primary route sign indicating the name of a city, town, village, an administrative area, a ceremonial area or an historic county area immediately ahead, together with phrase and image that is representative of the city, town, village or area Vehicle testing station approved by the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency Motor cycle test centre

N.9 Schedule 12, Part 26 Miscellaneous signs indicating services and local facilities

2918.1 2330

2308.1 2309.1

Sign placed on or near a motorway indicating that services are not available Sign placed on or near a primary or non-primary route indicating that services are not available on motorway ahead Junction ahead on a primary or non-primary route leading to a small town or village not on a main through route, which provides parking, public toilets, refreshments and fuel during normal shop opening hours at least Direction and distance in miles to a small town or village offering facilities indicated on the sign diagram 2330

N.10 Schedule 12, Part 28 Other directional signs


Indication of road layout at a junction ¾ mile ahead on a primary route, where the left hand lane leaves the main carriageway and where the same exit can be accessed from the centre lane

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2019.1 2010.1 & 2010.2 2123 & 2124 2141 2215 2205 2307 2301.1 2301.2 2303 2305 2703.1 2709 & 2710 2801 & 2802 2601.2 2610.2 818.4 818.5 2502

Indication of appropriate traffic lanes at a junction or at a junction ahead where the right hand lane divides into two, the additional lane on the right leading to a different destination Prohibited movement ahead on a primary route with an indication of a route avoiding that prohibition Prohibited movement ahead on a non-primary route with an indication of a route avoiding that prohibition Direction for traffic on a minor route to a destination reached along another minor route Junction ahead leading to a place or geographical area containing several tourist destinations or leisure facilities Sign on a primary or non-primary route indicating location of a Tourist Information Centre or Point Sign on a primary or non-primary route indicating distance ahead to a parking place with public toilets that has facilities for disabled persons, Tourist Information Centre or Point, public telephone, picnic area and viewpoint Sign on a primary or non-primary route indicating distance and direction to a caravan site which has at least 20 pitches Sign on a primary or non-primary route indicating distance and direction to a camping site which has at least 20 pitches Sign on a primary or non-primary route indicating distance and direction to a hostel Sign on a primary or non-primary route indicating distance and direction to a picnic area Permanently mounted sign indicating a diversion route Permanently mounted sign indicating a route for Emergency vehicles to a named emergency services incident point Sign on a primary or non-primary route indicating a route or direction to a testing station for goods vehicles Indication of a route for cyclists through a road junction ahead Direction along a public right of way, concessionary path or permissive path indicated by waymarks Nature and location of a prohibition, restriction or requirement with indication of alternative route Location of a low bridge with indication of alternative route

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N.11 Schedule 14, Part 2 Light signals, signs and road markings for the control of traffic

543 543.1 544 547.8 5012 5013 5014 5015 548.1A 7019 7022 703.1 790 545.1

Traffic signals ahead Traffic signals in the direction indicated which only operate at certain times (Supplementary plate) Zebra crossing or Parallel crossing ahead Zebra crossing, Parallel crossing, or signal-controlled crossing on a road hump, in the direction indicated (Supplementary plate) System of lane control light signals ahead Direction of a system of lane control light signals Distance to and direction of a system of lane control light signals End of a system of lane control light signals Supervised cattle crossing ahead Traffic light signals not in use Traffic joining a length of road being controlled by portable light signals is not controlled by such signals Vehicular traffic must not proceed beyond the sign when displayed for a short period during works on or near an all-purpose road (Double sided sign) New method of controlling traffic at a railway or tramway level crossing ahead – temporary sign Part-time advisory 20 mph speed limit at or near a school