Complete Exam Practice for AS Use of English (Third Edition) SET 1 – SECTION A ANSWER KEY SET 1 – SECTION A Part 1 The problem (9 marks) 1. Name of the charity organisation Jane and Steven work for: H elp H ong K ong’s H omeless  2. Why they focus on homelessness: (a) (b) (c) 3. Increase in the number of homeless people in the last ten years: (Tick the correct box.) 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Over 50% 4. Sue’s reaction to the increase: (Tick the correct box.) angry shocked frightened confused 5. The typical path to homelessness: (Complete the steps.) i. (1) Unemployment   ii. (1) Financial problems   iii. (1) Serious debt iv. Homelessness  Marks: 0 9 (1) There are many homeless people (in Hong Kong). (1) There are not many organisations that help homeless people (in Hong Kong). (1) Other organisations do not do enough (to solve the problem). 3 (1) 3 (1) (1)

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Complete Exam Practice for AS Use of English (Third Edition) SET 1 – SECTION A ANSWER KEY 


Part 1

The problem (9 marks)

1. Name of the charity organisation Jane and Steven work for:

H  elp H  ong K  ong’s H  omeless  

2. Why they focus on homelessness:




3. Increase in the number of homeless people in the last ten years: (Tick the correct box.)

10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Over 50%

4. Sue’s reaction to the increase: (Tick the correct box.)

angry shocked frightened confused 

5. The typical path to homelessness: (Complete the steps.)

i. (1) Unemployment


ii. (1) Financial problems


iii. (1) Serious debt

iv. Homelessness


Marks: 0 9

(1) There are many homeless people (in Hong Kong).

(1) There are not many organisations that help homeless people (in Hong Kong).

(1) Other organisations do not do enough (to solve the problem).

3 (1)

3 (1)


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  (6 marks)

6. Breakdown of the types of people who are homeless:

   Match the sections of the pie chart with the types of people. Write the correct letter — A, B, C, D, E or F — in the

boxes under the pictures.

Hong Kong’s homeless

F. 6%

A. 29%

B. 27%C. 19%

D. 11%

E. 8%

0 6

(1) F (1) A (1) E

(1) B (1) D (1) C

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  (10 marks)

7. Problems resulting from being homeless:





8. What makes the problem worse:


9. How homeless people are regarded:

 by the public by the charity organisation

(1) as a nuisance (1) as normal people in need of help

10. How homeless people feel about help:

11. The organisation aims to help by: (Tick the correct box.) 

giving money to the homeless

giving food to the homeless

helping the homeless to find jobs

helping the homeless to help themselves

 providing a free place for the homeless to stay


Total Marks for Part 1:


1 0

2 5

(1) They cannot get a job.

(1) They suffer from poor health.

(1) They are exposed to danger.

(1) They must steal to survive.

(1) the attitude of others

(1) They do not want handouts.

(1) They want the chance to get back on their feet.

3 (1)

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Part 2

The project (11 marks)

12.  Identify the important parts of the newspaper article according to the speakers’ instructions.

Home for the Homeless

Homelessness has long been a problem in Hong

Kong, and yet it remains an invisible problem. Most

of us turn a blind eye to the homeless people we

see on the streets and, indeed, to the problem in

general. At best, we think it an unfortunate situation;

at worst, we ignore it completely.

Now, however, one charity organisation is attempting

to tackle this problem. Help Hong Kong’s Homeless,

better known as HHKH, is planning to build a ‘home

for the homeless’ in Hong Kong, in the form of a

homeless shelter that will provide not only food and

shelter, but also many other services and facilities.

The HHKH shelter is to be built in Tai Wai, and is

expected to mark a turning point in the approach to

homelessness in Hong Kong and to better the lives

of so many people currently without a home.

However, this will be no ordinary homeless shelter.

The HHKH shelter, which is scheduled to begin

construction on 18 January, aims to provide a great

deal more than just a refuge for those living on the


In fact, the HHKH aims to provide everything that is

necessary to help homeless people get back on

their feet, back into the work-force, and back into

society. Specifical ly, that means career guidance,

 job training programmes, counselling services and

so on.

The project is estimated to cost as much as

HK$5,000,000 and the HHKH is launching a huge

campaign to raise the funds to cover these costs.

With this project, due for completion on 30

November, the HHKH is bringing the issue of 

homelessness into the limelight, and taking what we

all hope to be a great first step in tackling this often

overlooked but very real problem.

13. What Daniel wants to know about the funding for the project:


14. Steven’s response: (Complete the four sentences.) 


Forty-five per cent of the money (1) was raised by HHKH .

Twenty-five per cent of the money (1) was donated by the Government .

Twenty per cent of the money (1) was donated by private donors .

Ten per cent of the money (1) is still needed .

15. How much money is still needed: (Tick the correct box.)

HK$500,000 HK$50,000 HK$10,000 HK$5,000





1 1

3 (1)






(1) where it is coming from

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  (6 marks)

16. How the organisation raised money: (Tick the three correct boxes.)




17. What Sue wants to know about the remaining money:


18. Jane’s response:


19. How Sue feels about that idea: (Tick the correct box.)

amused surprised anxious unconvinced 

Marks: 0

(1) how HHKH will raise it

(1) HHKH hopes the public will help.







3 (1)


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Total Marks for Part 2:


  (16 marks)

20. Sue’s concerns about the project:


Whether Steven thinks

it is a problem

(Circle the correct word.)


The shelter will get too full. Yes NoMaybe i.

(1) People will leave when they

find jobs.

(1) The shelter will run out of money.Yes No


i. (1) People will continue to  

make donations.

ii. (1) Donations may stop.


(1) The shelter will not have enough


Yes No


i. (1) Residents will do a lot of   

the work.  

ii. (1) Local students will help.

21. Maximum number of shelter users: (Write the correct number in each box.) 

Long-term residents Short-term residents Day users

22. Which factors are relevant to who can use the shelter: (Tick the two correct boxes.)

Age Sex Money Home Length of time homeless Job

23. Daniel’s reaction to the selection process: (Tick the correct box.) 

He thinks it is fair.

He thinks it is unfair.

He is not sure about it.

1 6

3 3




50 (1) 25 (1) 50 (1)

3 (1) 3 (1)

3 (1)

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Total Marks for Part 3:


  (7 marks)

28. Which ONE of the following does Steven say is the shelter’s BEST feature? (Tick the correct box.)




29. The floor plan of the shelter: (Write the missing labels in the rooms on the floor plan.)

  Ground floor


(1) Careers CentreStairs to the First Floor

Canteen(1) Kitchen

Reception Area


Communal Area (1) Quiet Room

  First floor


Male Bathroom (1) Stairs to the Ground Floor (1) Female Bathroom

(1) Male Dormitory Landing Area Female Dormitory


2 6


