Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)

Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?

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Page 1: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?

Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)

Page 2: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?

Animals and the countries they are from

Where are these animals from?

Page 3: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?

They come from …

Page 4: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?

Where are pandas from?

They are from ________.China

Page 5: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?

Where are koalas from?

They are from ___________.Australia

Page 6: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?

They are from ________.Africa

Where are giraffes from?

Page 7: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?

Where are elephants from?

They are from ________.Africa

Page 8: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?

Where are lions from?

They are from ____________.South Africa

Page 9: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?

Where are tigers from?

They are from ______.India

Page 10: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?

Why do you like pandas? Because they’re kind of interesting.

Why does John like koalas?

Because they’re very cute.

Why don’t you like tigers? Because they’re really scary.

Where are lions from? They’re from South Africa.



Page 11: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?

smart fun interesting lazy

精明的 乐趣 有趣的 懒怠的

beautiful cute scary boring

美丽的 可爱的 吓人的 无聊的


Page 12: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?

A: ________are lions from?B: ________ from South Africa. Do you ____lions.?A: No, I don’t.B: Why _______ you like lions?A: Because they’re really scary. But I like giraffes.B: Really? ______ do you like giraffes?A: Well, _______ they’re kind of interesting. Do you

like pandas?B: Yes, I do. But I like tigers a lot.A: Tigers? Why _____ you like tigers?B: They’re really _____!

3a. Fill in the blanks and practice. Where

They’re like






Page 13: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?

I like ________ because they’re cute.

3b. Write names of animals.

I like ________ because they’re smart.

I like ________ because they’re interesting.

I don’t like ________ because they’re lazy.





Page 14: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?

3c. Think of an animal. Ask and answer questions with your partner to guess each other’s animal.

A: Is the animal big?B: Yes, it is.A: Where is the animal from?B: It’s from China.A: Is it black and white?B: Yes, it is.A: It’s a panda!B: Yes, you’re right!

Page 15: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?

It’s yellow and brown.

It’s beautiful.

It has very long neck.

A guessing game!

Page 16: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?


It’s big and fat.

It’s from China.

It’s black and white.

Page 17: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?

It’s big and scary.

It looks like a cat.

It’s orange, black and white.

Page 18: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?

1. --What animals are from Australia? -- _____?

A. Lions B. Pandas C. Koalas D. Dolphins

2. --Are ____ from China? --Yes, they are.

A. lions B. pandas C. koalas D. dolphins

3. --Do you like giraffe? -- _____ .

A. Yes, I am B. Yes, I do C. Yes, I can

D. Yes, I will

Ⅱ. 单项选择。C



Page 19: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?

4. --Why do you like pandas?

--Because they’re ____.

A. sorry B. tired C. quiet D. cute

5. --Where are the lions from? --_____.

A. China B. Australia C. South Africa


6. Let’s _____ during the day.

A. sleeps B. to sleep C. sleeping D. sleep




Page 20: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?

7. --What other animals do you like?

--I like ______.

A. dogs B. books C. bikes D. red

8. She likes _____ during the day.

A. to sleeping B. sleeping C. sleep D. to sleeps

9. There are ______ hours in a day.

A. seven B. twelve C. twenty-four

D. forty– eight




Page 21: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?

1. Koalas are kind ____ interesting.

2. She likes to play _____ her friends.

3. Bill gets up _____ nine.

4. Lingling sleeps _______ the day.

5. Lions are ______ the South Africa.

6. We’re in USA now, but we’re ______ China.






Ⅲ. 用适当的介词填空。


Page 22: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?

Animals are our friends.

We live ( 居住 ) in the same ( 相同 )

small world ( 世界 ).

To love animals is to love

ourselves ( 我们自己 ).

Page 23: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?

Protecting animals means protecting ourselves.

Don’t hurt animals.

Page 24: Section A(Grammar Focus-3c). Animals and the countries they are from Where are these animals from?


Describe one of your favorite animals.

Copy the new words in Section , Then read them aloud.