383 Selec~ed Bi announcements of rele pubhcatmns to Dr. Ce~ero. All articles~. the Bibliography are m the English language unless o%herwise stated. In %he latter cases {he ~es o~ the ~cles have~ beJn tra~s1~t~dinto En~a~ ~e~ bv ~ author(s)orby Me Abstracters. Reviews ~--209. of pain ~heumo Boureau, F., Wfiler, J.C. and Dehen, H., The action of acupuncture on pain. PhyMo~ogicM basis (French -- English abstract). Nouv. Presse m4d., 6 (1977) 1371--1874. Bowsher, D., Role of the reticular formation in responses to noxious stimulation. Pain, 2 (1976) 361--378. Chahl, LoA. and Kirk, E.J.~ Toxins which produce pain. Pain, 1 (1975} 3--49° Chapman, C.R., Sensory decmion theory methods in pMn research: a reply to RoHman Pain, 3 (1977) 295--305. De Sousa, C. and Wallace, R.B., Pain: a review and interpretation. Int. J. Neurosci.~ 7 application (French -- EngINh -- English = at~tract). belg., 77 stgrad, Med., 82 (1977) 159--165. of hypothalamic neurons. PhyMol. pain by hypnosis. Pain, 1 (1975} 213--231. ~taglandins and rai~rame. Headache, 17 (t977) 113wl17o bstrates of nociception in the ~pinal cord. Pain, ~ ~1975) Spencer, P.S., Antideplessants and pain: a review of the pharmacologic~ data VcNcs in chronic pain. J. intern. Med. Res, 5 (i977} ical ulation in ~he nervous system: ~ne c~r~'ent the nervous system for relief of pain. Pain~ ! (1975} ce, D.Do, CentrM nervous system mechanisms of analgesia. Pain~, 2

Selected bibliography

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Page 1: Selected bibliography


Selec~ed Bi

announcements of rele pubhcatmns to Dr. Ce~ero. All articles ~. the Bibliography are m the English language unless o%herwise stated. In %he latter

cases {he ~es o~ the ~cles have ~ beJn tra~s1~t~d into En~a~ ~e~ bv ~ author(s) orby Me Abstracters.


~--209. of pain


Boureau, F., Wfiler, J.C. and Dehen, H., The action of acupuncture on pain. PhyMo~ogicM basis (French -- English abstract). Nouv. Presse m4d., 6 (1977) 1371--1874.

Bowsher, D., Role of the reticular formation in responses to noxious stimulation. Pain, 2 (1976) 361--378.

Chahl, LoA. and Kirk, E.J.~ Toxins which produce pain. Pain, 1 (1975} 3--49° Chapman, C.R., Sensory decmion theory methods in pMn research: a reply to RoHman

Pain, 3 (1977) 295--305. De Sousa, C. and Wallace, R.B., Pain: a review and interpretation. Int. J. Neurosci.~ 7

application (French -- EngINh

-- English = at~tract).

belg., 77

stgrad, Med., 82 (1977) 159--165. of hypothalamic neurons. PhyMol.

pain by hypnosis. Pain, 1 (1975} 213--231. ~taglandins and rai~rame. Headache, 17 ( t977) 113wl17o bstrates of nociception in the ~pinal cord. Pain, ~ ~1975)

Spencer, P.S., Antideplessants and pain: a review of the pharmacologic~ data VcNcs in chronic pain. J. intern. Med. Res, 5 (i977}

ical ulation in ~he nervous system: ~ne c~r~'ent the nervous system for relief of pain. Pain~ ! (1975}

ce, D.Do, CentrM nervous system mechanisms of analgesia. Pain~, 2

Page 2: Selected bibliography

0~, ~ ....

Melzack, R., Stiitwell, D.M, and Fox, E,J., Triigger points andacupunct~eforp~n: iations and implications. Pain, 3 (1977) 3--23.

Mor, J. and Cartoon, A., Laser emitted radiant heat for pain research~ Pain, I ( !975) 233--~:37.

NSumford, J,M, ar tar reference tc

Niurphy, T.M, and Bonica, J,J,, Acupuncture an~gesia and an~thesiai 2 (1977) 895--90 ,

N ath an, P.W., P ain. Bri t. me d. B utl., 33 ( 197 7 ) 14 9 ~ 1 : : : Perrett, G. and McDonnell. D., Neurosurgical control with Cancer:

Curr. Probl. Cancer, I (].977) 1--27, .... Price, D.D. and Dubner, R,, Mechanisms of first and second pain in the peripheral and

eent rv /nervo~ systems. J. invest. Derm., 69 (1977) 167--171, Price~ D.D. and Dubber, R., Neurons that subserve the sensory-discriminative aspec~ of

~ain. Pain, 3 (1977) 307--338. Raf!'ensperger, J.G., Acute abdominal pain. Comprehens. Ther., 3 (1977) 48--53. Rolb:aan, G.B., Signal detection theory measurement of pain: a review and critique.

Pan , 3 (1977) 187--211. Rosentha], S.R., Histamine as the chemical mediator for cutaneous pain. J. invest.

De,re., a9 (1977) 98--105. Rub;,., P., Therapeutic acupuncture: a selective review. Sth. reed, J. (Bgham, Ala.),

7r~ (1977) 974--977. Sche:lenberg, J.C. and S nppan, P.:. Current data on epidural analgesia in vaginal delivery

(} rench). Rev. todd. Suisse tom., 97 (1977) 107--120. Ven~ er, C.P., The pharmaeologica~ management of postoperative pa~n. S.Afr. reed. J,, 52

(1977) 21--27.

Fhysio]ogy and Biocheraistry

Boudreau, J.C., Oravec, J., White, T.D., Madigan, C. and Chu, S.P., Geniculate neuralgia and facial nerve se~;lsory systems. Arch. Otolaryng., 103 (1977) 473--481.

Bulaev, V.M. and Chickenkov, G.N., Effect of morphine and azidomorphine on the neurona activity of the cerebral cortex {Russian -- English abstract). Byu|l. 4ksp. Biol. Med., 83 (1977) 698--699.

Calvin, W.H., Loeser, J.D. and Howe, J,F., A neurophysiological theory for the main mechaeisms of tic douioureux. Pain, 3 (1977) 147--154.

Cervero, F., tggo, A. and Ogawa, H., Nociceptor-driven dorsal horn neurones in the lum- bar spinal cord of t;he cat. Pain~ 2 (1976) 5--24.

Crockett, R.S., Born~chein, R.L. and Smith, R.P., Diurnai variation in response to ther- mal stimulation: mouse-hotplate test. Fhysioi. Behav., 18 (19'77) 193--196.

Croze, S., Duclaux, R.. and Russek, M., Constancy of heat pain characteristics to changes in skin and body t,:mperature. Brain Res., 131 (1977) 367--3'72.

EdwaH, L. and OlgarL L., A new technique for recording of iintradenta] sensory nerve activity in man. Pain, 3 (1977) I21--125.

Fields, H.L., Basbaum, A.L, Clanton, C.H. and Andemon, S.D., Nucleus raphe magnus inhibition of spinal cord dorsal horn neurons. Brain Res., 126 (1977) 441--453.

Giesler, Jr., G.J. and Liebeskind, J.C., Inhibition of viscera] pain by electricad stimulation of the pe~aqueductal gray ~att.er. Fain, 2 (1976) 43--48.

HandwerkeL H.O., tggo, A. and Zimmermann, M., Segmental and supraspinal actions on dorsal horn neurons responding to noxious and non-noxious skin stimuli. Pain, 1 (1975) !47--1G5°

Henderson~ R.S.~ Endogenous opiates -- a progress report. Anaesth. Intensive Care, 5 (!977) !40--145.

Hernandez, A .... Ruiz, S., Perez~ H. and Soto Moyano~ R., Effect.~ of electrical stimulation

Page 3: Selected bibliography


of ~ r i aqueduc ta l gray matter on evoked potentials recorded in the primary somesthe- i t , . ~ / t c cortmal . . . . . areas of the rat. Expenentla. (Basel), 33 ( t9 ~ 7) 1049--1051.

H~J. R,G. and Pepper, C.M., A novel population of neurones in the rat thalamus which ,,19 ~ 7) 3 t--38P.

nmunohistochemicat esia: enkephalin and

al stimu|ation of the central: gray matter in humans and its reversal by naioxone. Science, t97 (1977) 183-- 186.

Howe, J.F., Loeser, J.D. and Calvin, W.H., Mechanosensitivity of dorsal root ganglia and chronically injured axons: a physiological basis for the radicular pain of nerve roo~ compression. Pain, 3 (1977) 25--41.

Ignatov, lu.D., Effect of analgesics on the background and evoked activity of neurones o f the posterior horn of the spinal cord in intact and spinal cats (Russian -- EngSsh abstract). FarmakoI. i Toksikol., 40 (1977) 267--272.

Ignatov, Iu.D. and Dmitriev~ A.V., Change in the nociceptive reactions by dental pulp stimulation during excitation of the midbrain (Russian English abstract). Byut!. ~ksp. Biol. Med., 82 (1976) 1158--1t61.

mtgesia following electrostimulation of mid- of spins1 origin (Russian -- English abstract).

Byull. ~ksp. Biol. Med., 84 (1977) 16--19. Isakova, L.S. and Danilov, G.E., Hemodynamics during combined nociceptive stimulation

and stimulation o f the amygdaloid compIex following treatment of the sensorimotor cortex ( R u s s i a n - English abstract). Fiziol. Zh. (Mosk.), 88 (1977) 988--998.

Kaelber, W.W., Subthalaraic nociceptive stimulation in the cat: effect of secondary lesions and rostral fiber projections. Exp. Neurol., 56 (1977 ) 574~597.

Kenton, B., Crue, B.L. and Carregal, J.A., The role of cutaneous mechanoreceptors in thermal sensation and p~".n. Pain, 2 (1976) 119~140.

Knyihar, E. and Csillik, B., Regional distributior~ of acid phosphat~e-positive axona~ systems in t:he rat spinal cord and medulla, representing central terminals of cu r;ar~eou~ and visceral nociceptive neurons. J. Neural Transm., 40 (1977) 227~2340

Kruchenko, ah.A. and Taran, G.A., Responses of neurons in the s~conflary somat)oe,~ s o ~ zone of the cat cortex during elaboration o~" a defensive conditioned ~eflea ( R ~ s s i a n - Engl~h abstract }. Nevrofiziologiya, 9 ( 1977 ) 232--238.

Lahoda, P.., Stacher~ G. and Bauer, P., Eper i~ent~ ly induced pain: measurement of~ain threshold and pain tolerance using a new apparatus for electricai s t im~at ion o~ ~:he

, • . t ~ 5 skm. InL a. chn. Pharmacol. Blopharm., 15 (±977) 5 i - - 6. Lenkov, D.N, and Vasileva, L.A., Inhibition in t h e sensorimotor cortex of ca~s

(Russian -- English abstract). Nevrofiziotogiya, 9 (I977) 227--281. Long, R.R., Se~itiv~gy of cutaneous cold fibers to noxious heat: paradoxiced cold dis-

charge~ a. Neurophysiol., 40 (1977) 489--5{)2. Lynn, B. and Perl, E.R., A comparison of four tes~ for assessing ~he pain sensitivity of

different subjec~ and ~est are~. Pain, 3 (1977) a 5 a - a ~ 5 . Mayer, D.J . , Price, D,D. and Becket, D.P., - Neurophysiolog~cal characterizagion of ~he

anterola~,eral spinal cord neurons ~ontribu~ing to pain perception in man. Pain, 1 ( !975) 51--58.

Mens% S., Nervous outflow ~ ~rorn skeleta! muscle fo!lowing chemical noxious stimula{:~on. a. Physiol. (Lond.), 287 (1977) 75--88.

~igcheH~ D: and HeHon~ ~.F., Neuronal and behavioura] responses in ra{>s dunng noxious, s~mula~ion of ~he ~a~I* Proc. roy. Joe. B, 197 (1977) !~9--194.

Price, D.D., Hu, J.W., Dubner, lg. and OraceIy, R.H., Peripherai suppress/on of first ~:~a~n and central, summation of second pain evoked by noxious heat pulses° Pain, 3 ( i~77) 57--~8.

Pear1, G.S. and Anderson, K.V., Effect of high-frequency peripheral nerve and dorsal

Page 4: Selected bibliography

336 . . . . . .

column s~imulation on neuronal responses in fetine nucleus after nocicep~ve electrical s~imulation: Exp: Neurol:,

Price, D.D. and Mayer, D.J,, Neurophysiotogical characterization of the anterolateral quadrant neurons subserving pain in M. mulat~a, Pain, 1 (1975) 59~72.

(1977) 147--152, Sternbach, R.A., The need for an animal model of chronic pain, Pain~ 2 (!976) 2--4~ Stowell, H., Cerebral slow waves related to the perception of pain in man. Brain Res.

Bull., 2 (1977} 23--30. Verritlo, R.T. and EckeL A.D., Effects of root or nerve destruct, ion on vibrotactile sensi-

tivity in trigeminal neuralgia. Pain, 3 (1977) 239--25~. Watson, S.J., Akfl, H. and Barchas, J.D., A possible role for the dorsal periventricular

catecholamine bundle in stimulation produced analgesia: a behavioral and histochemi- cal study. Brain Res., 130 { 1977) 335--342.

WitleL J.C., Comparative study of perceived pain and:nociceptive flexion reflex in man. Pain, 3 (1977) 69--80.



Beaver, W.T. and Feise, G.A.~ Twin crossover relative potency analgesic assays in man. I. MorFhine vs. morphine. J. olin. PharmacoL, !7 (1977) 461--479.

Beaver, W.T. and Feise, G.A., Twin crossover relative potency analgesic assays in man. II. Morphine vs. 8-methoxycyclazocine. J. olin. Pharmacol., 17 {1977)480~489,

Bernston, G.G. and Walker, J.M., Effect of opiate receptor blockade on pain sensitivity in the rat. Brain Res. Bull., 2 {1977) 157--159.

Bleeh~en, T. and Keele, C.A., Observations on the algogenic actions of adenosine com- ~,67 377. pounds on t.he human blister base preparation. Pain, 3 (1977) '~' '

Borges, J. and Zavaleta, C., Study of a new analgesic compound iin the treatment of Sen-- sion headache° J. intern. Med. Res., 4 (1976) 74--78.

Cohen, A. and Hernandez, C.M., Nefopam hydrochloride: new analgesic agent. J. intern. Med. Res.~ 4 (1976) 138-=143.

Ghose, K., CopDen, A, and Carol , D., intravenous and during t reatment with indoramin, Brit: medi J i , :

Gilbert, M S Forman R S Moylan, D S and Ca~uso~ F ~ , Butorphanol ' adouble ,bhnd comparison with moderate to severe pain: J: intern. Med, Res,~: 4

Gruber, Jr., C°M., Codeine and propoxyphene A two-dose ev~ua+ , 2734--273 tion. J. ,~nler. reed. Ass. 237 (1977) ' 5

Kantor~ T.G., Streem, A. and Laska, E., Estimates of doses of ant i , inf iammato~ drugs in man by testing for analgesic potency. L 1-~sopropyl~4~7'methyl~2 ( i l l )quinazolone versus aspirin. Arthr. and Rheum., 20 (1977) 1381--1387,

Komendantova, M.V. and Milogradova+ G,P., Effect of ~hyroca]citonin on the pa~n sen- s~iv~y in animals {Russian -- English abstract). Farrnakol, i Toksikol., 39 (1976) 413--417.

Lomas~ D.M.~ Gay, J.~ Midha, R.N. and Pos~lethwa~te, D.L., A double-blind comparative clinical tr~a~ of floctafenine and four other analgesics conducted in general practice. J. intern. ~vled. Res.~ 4 (197~) 179--182.

PfannemuHer, M°, Experience with an approved mo~ph~ne-saving spasmo,analget]c (German). ZFA (S~u%g,), 53 {1977)1128--1131.

Rega!ado, R.G.~ Anai'ranit in She managemen~ of iong-~erm pa~n~: a prel iminary report. J. ~ntern. Med0 Res., 4 ( !97~) 54--55.

~ ~ ~ ° Rega~ado~ R.G.~ c~om~pram~ne (Anafran]l) and musculo-skeleta! pain in genera] practice: a pilo~ open, non,comparative s~udy of ~on~°standing rheumatic pain. J, intern. Med. Res.~ 5 (1977) 72--77.

Page 5: Selected bibliography


Shima K Sakurada S and Kisara K Analgesic effect of pentazocine and its action on nociceptive afferent pathway (Japanese- English abstract). Folia pharmaco|° jap°~ 78 ( i977) t 35"142 .

Wilier, J;C. and Bathien, N., Pharmacological modulations on the nociceptive flexion

d wska, M., A double- md paracetamol + caffeine Ther. Exp. (Warszawa), 25

(1977) 175--179.

Medicine and Neurology

Altukhov, A.I., Autonomic-vascular and visceral crises in patients with climacteric spondylopathy (Russian -- English abstract). Zh. Nevropat. Psikhiat., 77 ( 1977 ) 4 c 499.

Anschutz, F., Pain: analysis of syndromes and evaluation of pain described u~ing the angina pectoris model (German). Verh. dtsch. Ges. inn. Med., 82 (1976) 524--536.

Areskog, M., Tibbling, L. and Wranne, B., Oesophagea] acid perfusion test a3 a comple o pain. Acta reed. scand., 201 (1977) 559--5G2.

Au ;, D., Headache and brain tumour (German). 3.

]~e A. and Wilkinson, J.C., Peiv~c pain in women. Amer. J. 0bstet. Gynec., 128 (1977) 566--570.

Belkin, S.C. and Quigley, T.B., Finding the cause of low back pain. Med. Times, 105 (1977) 59--63.

Bernstein, A., A postmyocardial infarction syndrome of Dressier. Brit. J ~4~,~p. Med.~ 17 (1977) 560--571.

Bonafe, J.L., Rumeau, H., Durand, J.R., Bou~ombei, Fo, Courret, B., Carles~ P°, Armand~ J.P. and Jover, A., Action of L-Dopa cn the eruption and pain of zone /letter)

(French). Nouv. Presse todd., 6 (1977) 2061. Christiansen, F.T., Owen, E.T., Dawkins, R.L. and Hanrahan, P., Sympton~s ~nd signs

among relatives of patients with HLA B27 ankylosing spondy|itis: correlation bev~Jeen back pain, spinal movement~ sacroflitis, and HLA antigens. J. Rheumato~.° 4 (~977t

Conl;erilD~j.~--- " Smith, R.Bo and Gillespie, L., Dramatic palliation for painful, fixed bladder squamous cell carcinoma with 5-fihorouraci] infusion. J. Urol., 118 (I977)483-~434.

Cook, A.Wi, Electrical stimulation in multiple sclerosis. Hosp. Pract.~ 11 (1976) 51--53. Digie~i, V', Bart01i, V. and Dorigo, B:, Effect on a protei~ase inhibito; on integmittent

Claudicafion or on pain at rest in patients with peripheral arterial disease. Pain. 1 ( 1975) 385-3s9.

Dvflansky, A., Rishpon, S., Nathan, L, Zolotow, Z. and Korczyn, A.D., Release of p!ate o let 5-hydroxyt~ptamine by plasma taken from patients during and between m~graine attacks. Pain, 2 ( !976) 315--318.

Ekbom, K. and Zetterman, M., Oxprenolol in the treatment of migraine. Acta neuro|. scand, 56 1977) 181--184.

Etfinger, Jr., W.H., Arnett, Jr., F.C. and Stevens, M.B., ]rntervertebral disc space infection: another low back syndrome of the young. Johns Hopk. reed. J., 14t (1977) 23~27.

Fester, J.B., Differentiating causes of headache. Geriatrics, 32 (!977) i 15--1 t8. ~ _ . ~ T ~ ~ r ~ , ~ - ~ T. R ~ , ~ , ~ a and Failer G H The ~ainful heel. Comparauve study in rheumatoid arthritis, ankylos~ng spondy!itis, Reiter's ~yndrome~ and genera.~- ized osteoarthros~s. Ann. fheumo Dis., 38 (!977) 84g-°348°

Green, J.E., A survey ofraigtaine iD England 1975--1976. Headache, 17 (1977) ~7--68. Oze!~shvfli, M.S. and Shindian, M°A., Catecholamine excretion ~ an index of ~he effec o

t~vene~ of treatment in radiculitis patient~ with a pain syndrome (Russian ~ English

Page 6: Selected bibliography


abstract). Zh. Nevropat. Psikhiat., 77 (1977) 499--503. Hatfalvi, B.I, Thz dynamics of post-spinal headache. Headache, 17 (1977) 64--66. Hot do~ff. B., Sinn, M. and Roth, G., Protran~ol f2r p T h ~ ; of mis~aine (author's

translJ) (German -- English absl~ract). M,,!~ d, Kiln.,: ~, (i'! ~'7)::{!~[ :i!i~i: : ,: :i: !; ~i~:! :: King, J.S., Jewet~, D.L., Rutkin, B. and Wilson, C.B., On a~te~pting ~ecf ive b ioc~de o f

do~al root C fibers in t he treatment of chronic pain pr~Mems, Exp. N L; ~ 56 (1977) 241--251.

Kohler, H., Uehlinger, E., Kutzner, J. and West, T.B., Sternocostocta~cu!ar hyperostosis: painful swelling of the sternum, clavicles, and upper ribs. Report of two new cases. Ann. intern. Med., 87 (1977) ~92--197.

Lindblom, U and Meyerson, B.A., Influence on touch, vibration and cutaneous pain of dorsal column stimulation in man. Pain, 1 (1975) 257--270.

Littman, A., Welch, R., Fruin, R.C. and Aronson, A.R., Controlled trials of aluminum hydroxide gels for peptic ulcer. Gastroenterology, 73 (~.977) 6--19.

Macie'ek, Z. and Chmielewski, H., Biochemical and endocrinological aspects of headache (Polish). Wind. lek., 39 (1977) 1209--12].3.

Maddb~on~ T.G., Recurrent abdominal pain in children. Med. J. Aust., 1 (1977) 798--719. Menders, K.L., Treatment of chronic pain in a Comraunity Hospital Rehabilitation

Center, J. Indiana reed. Ass., 70 (1977) 589--590. Medina, J.L. and Diamond, S., The clinic'a] link between migraine and cluster headaches.

Arch. Neurol. (Chic.), 34 (1977) 470--472. Morley, J.B., Chronic pain syndromes in the elderly. Aust. Faro. Physician, 6 (1977)

643--i348. Morley, '~ ~., Migraine: a generalized vasomotor dysfunction? A critical review of evidence.

Headache, 17 (1977) 71~74. Ohnhaus, E.E. and Adler, R., Methodological problems in the measurement of pain: a

comparison between the verbal rating scale and the visual analogue scale. Pain, 1 (!975) 379--384.

Orgogozo, J.M., Ver~hiet, J., Henry, P., Constant, P., Remu, A.M~ and Caille, J.M., Low and fast components of cerebral blood flow during ar.d after migraine attacks. Reac o tivity to metabolic depression. Acta neurol, stand., 56 (~ '77) 200~201.

Osterman, P.O., A comparison between placebo, pizotifen and 1-isopropyl-3-hydroxy-5- semicarbazono-6-oxo-2,3,5,G-tetrahydroiadol (Divascan) in migraine prophylaxis. Acta neurol, scan&, 56 (1977) I7--28.

Procacci, P., Francini, F., Zoppi, M. and Maresca, M., Cutaneous pain threshold changes after sympathetic b~ock in reflex dystrophies. Pain, 1 (1975) 167--t75,

Procacci, Po, Zoppi. M., Padetitfi, I~. and Maresca, M., My&attila1 infarction without pain. A study o? £he sensory function of the upper limbs. Pain, 2 (i976) 309--313.

Saurugg, D. and Hodkewigsch, E., Clinical experiences with an analgesic-acting infusion solution in neurological uainful conditions iGerman). Wien. reed. Wschr., 127 (t977) 490--492.

Schrottner, O. and Lanner, G., Modulation of chronic pain by means of transcutaneous nerve stimulation (German). Wien. reed. Wschr., 127 (1977) 265--267.

Sicuteri, F., DopamAne, tile second putative protagonis¢ in headache. Headache, 17 (1977) 129--131.

Sternbach, R.A., Deems, L.M., Timmerraans, G and Huey, L.Y., On the sensitivity o~ the t~urnique~: pain tesL Pai~, 3 (1977) 105--110.

'rwycross, R.G., The measurement of pain in terminal carcinoma. J. intern. Med. Res., 4 (1976) 58--67.

Reading, A.E. and Newton, J.R., A comparison of primary dysmenorrhoea and i~.trau~er- ine device re}aged pain. Pain, 3 (1977) 265--27g.

Ruble, D.N., PrernenstruN symptoms -- a reinterpretation. Science, 197 (!977) 291~292. Ziegler, D.K. and Stewart, R., Failure of t;yramine go induce migraine. Neurology

(Minneap.}, 27 (1977) 725--726.

Page 7: Selected bibliography


Surg ; N e u r g e ~ and Or~op cs

i m a n .




. [ndi-

of posterior radicu]ectomy (][~alian). Minerva rned.~ {58 (!977)

Choi, C.R. and Umbach, W., Combined stereotaxic surgery for relief of intractable pain. Ne 20 (1977) 84--87.

Cook Y., Commi~ural myelotomy. J. Neurosurg., 47 (1977) 1--B. Levy, B.A., Diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic nerve blocks. Arch. Surg., i12 (1977)

870--879. FeIsoory, A. and Crue, B.L., Resul~ of 19 years' experience with sacral rhizotomy for

pe~ineal and perianM cancer pain. Pain, 2 ( I976)431--433. Goldha~hn, W.E,, SUr~ry of therapy-resistant pain due to peripheral nerve injury

( G e r m a n - English abstract). Psychiat. Neurol. ]ned. Psychol. (Lpz.), 29 (19~7) 65-- 76.

Hickey, R.F. and Tregonning, G.D., Denervation of spinal facet joints for treatment of chronic low back pain. N.Z. reed. J., 85 (1977) 96--99.

Ignelzi, R.J ' , Sternbach, R.A. and Timmermans, G°, The pain ward follow-up analyses. Pain, 3 {1977) 277--280.

Jannetta, P,J., Observations on the etiolpgy of trigeminal neuralgia, hemifaciai spasm, acoustic nerve dysfunction and g]ossopharyngeai neuralgia. Definitive microsurgica] treatment and resu!ts in 117 patients. Neurochirurgia (Stuttg.), 20 (t 977 ) 145--i 54.

Kessel, L. and Watson, M., The painfu~ are syndrome. Clinical c~assff~cat!o ~ a gu ~ ~o management. J. Bone Jr. Surg., 59 (1977) 16g--t72.

Neorl., 8 (1977) 280--282. Linchitz, R., Nursing care of the patient with brain stimulation for pain control. AORN

J., 25 (1977) 651--657. Loeser, J.D., The management of tic douloureux. Pain, 8 (1977) 155--162. Loeser, J.D., Neurosurgical control of chronic pain. Arch. Surg., 112 (1977 ) 880--883. Long, D.M., Electrical stimulation for the control of pain. Arch. Surg., !12 (1977) 884--

888. . Maigne~ R., Interscapular dorsa~gia~ manifestation of pain in the ~ower cervica~ spine.

~rv~ca] point of the back (French -- English abstract)° 8emo II5p. Paris, 58 (1977}

2v1ant]e, M.J., Greenwood, R.h~° and Cu~ey~ H°L°, Backache in wegnancy° Rheu ~*~ Rehab , 1B (1977) 95--101.

. . ; ~ B~ ~.e ~- D Transampm ay ~ep~ec~om~ f~r pos~;-- J~ood' o F.G.° Berenson, M.M. ann M~o.~ y, .,

cholecvstectomy pare. Ann. burg., 18B (1917 j 418--42 .

Page 8: Selected bibliography


Nelson, A.W., The painful neuroma: the regenerating axon versus the epineurai sheath~ J. Surg. Res., 23 ( t977) 215--221.

p Noordenbos, W. and Wail, ,D., Diverse sensor,'/ functions with an almost totally divided spin~d cord. A case of spinal cord transection with preservation of part of one antero- lateral quadrant. Pain, 2 (1976) 185--195. ,, ,,

Ogsbury, III, J,S., Simoh, R.H.:and Lehman, R.A.,Facet denervation in the treatmen:t of low back syndrome. Pain, 3 (1977) 257--263,

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Psychology and Fsychiat~y

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Barnard, J.D. and Lloyd, J.W., Cryoa~algesia. Nuts. Tirnes~ 7 3 ( 1977 ) 397--399. i 5 year.~ of research oa pain

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and Parmiey, R.T., Sympathetic recovery folio ;ring lumbar epiduraJ and spinals_ analgesia, A~testh. Analg. Curt. Nee., 56(1977) 352--355.

of pain by brief, intense transcutaneous:ooma~ic stimula-

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Page 10: Selected bibliography

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current applications to human volunteers to produce general ~ -~ Anesth. Ar~alg. Curt. Res., 56 (1977) 678--685. ~. +

L - and T ~ m m e r ~ s G ~t ~' ~ u ~ e e

Stets, V.R., Role of oxygen deficiency in the

65--67. It Stitz, R.J., Carton, H. and Sanders, D.B., Reflex sympathetic dyst;ro~ y in a 6;.ye~-e[d: successful treatment by ~ranscutaneous nerve stimulation. Anes,th. ~ ~nalg, Cu~. ~Res., 56 (1977) 438--443.

Tammisto, T. and Tigerstedt, I., Comparison of the analgesic eff~:./~ of intravenous nalbuphine and pentazocine in patients with postoperative pain..~c~a anaesth, scand., 21 (1977) 390-394.

Wand, J.K., Antinociceptive effect of intra~hecally administered se~(~onin. Anesthesiol- ogy, 47 (1977) 269--271.

Widrich, W.C., S!nger, R.J. and Bobbins, A.H., The use of intra-ar~;+~ia~ lidoeaine to con- trol pain due ~o aortofemoral arteriography. Radiology, 124 (197~) 37--41.


Haegerstam, G. and Edwall, L., Sodium acetylsalicylate and the role af prostaglandins in the mechanisms of ingradental pain. Acta odont, stand., 35 (1977) G3-~67.

Harkins, S.W. arid Chapman, C.R., The perception of induced denta! ~ain in yoL~ng and elderly women. J, Gerontol., 32 (1977) 428--435.

Matthe~s, B. and Searle, B.N., Electrical stimulation of teeth. Pain, 2 {i1976) 245--251. Senia, E.S. and Bales, D.J., Dental pain of galvanic origin: report o case. J. Endod., 3

(1977) 2a0-281. Sbeliklao,/, V.N. and Samko, lu.M., Possible routes and mechanist ~.s of the effect of

too~.hache or brain function (Russ ian- English abstract). S~.omat~tc@ya (Mos.!~.), 56 (1977~ 1--5.

Amer. veL reed. Ass., 171 (19~' e ) 193--19 . Clifford, D.H., Lee, M.O. and Lee, D.C., Cardiov?cular effects of agr,~ine on acupunc-

ture, need]ing with electrosti~r~ulafion, at Tsu,SamLi (St-~6)in di}~s. Amer: J. vet. Res., 38 (1977) 845--849. ~

Owen R R Moo;e, J N , HopMns, J B and krthur D, Dystrophic rn~ odegenerafion in ad~lt horles. ;~:~Araer.'vet. reed. Ass.,'171 ({977) a4a'--a49. 8[


Chapman, C.R., Chen, A.C. and Bonita, J.J., Effects of intrasegmental +:;ectrica~ acupunc- ture on den:;a] pain: ~valuation by threshold estimation and sensory decMoa t h e o l . Pain~ 3 (1~7 ~ 2t3--227o

Chauman, C.R., Witson~ M°E. and Behrig, J.D°, Comp~afiv t.ranscuganeous=, stim~lation~ on ~he ~rCepti0n of painful 265--283,

Ching-Cheng, Y., Ta-Hsien, L., Shih-Hsiang, W. and Kang, T., A .~ady ~r~ the release of

Page 11: Selected bibliography


brain during acupuncture and morphine analgesia.

; C O r t 2 ~

and chronic pain

p a i n b y acupur~cture and


ing p a i n and acupuncture.

H.L:, Observations on the analgesic effects of needle 97G) t49--159o acupuncture to produce localized analgesia° Pain, 3

)me pharmacological observations on tile Pain, 3 (t977} 229--238.

1 in the mechanism of acupuncture analge-

plane analysis of transient ~EE Trans. biomed. Engng,

, Comparison of the effecta Anesth. Analg. Curv. Res.,

Toomey, T:C., Ghia, J.M., Mao, W. and G.regg, J.M., Acupuncture and chronic pain mechanisms: the moderating effec~ of affect, personality and stress on response to treatment. Pain, 3 (1977) 137--145o