Selected Projects

Selected projects 2014

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Selected Projects

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Page 3: Selected projects 2014


4-15 Utopia Arkitekter 4-5 KomBo 6-7 Körsbärsvägen 8-9 Drottning Kristinas väg 10-11 Juvelen 12-13 Hornsbruksgatan 14-15 Sorgenfri16-25 The Borderland 26-27 Na Obloze28-29 Space port Sweden30-31 Internship32-37 Bachelor’s project38-39 Concept and contamination40-41 The wooden project42-43 Experience design44-49 Miscellaneous


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0 1 2 3 4 5m 1:100 (A3)

Program: Residential, 25 apartments in SundbybergSize: 2700 m2 BOACircumstances: New living konceptClient: JärntorgetMy role: Plan design, image responsibility, presentation



Project descriptionThe collective has long been an attractive form of housing and the last couple of years the interest in this way of living has increased drasticly. The KomBo koncept can contain three-, four-, or five-room apartments. It contains several toilets and bathrooms, one smaller refrigerator and freezer per tenant and the bedroom walls are well soundproof. KomBo is an opportunity to make it right from the start, to optimize the design of the apartments as collectives from day one.


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Project descriptionNew design for student apartments in central Stockholm on top of an existing building. The goal has been to design surface efficient apartments in a rational structure that connects with the existing building in a natural way.

Program: 40 Student apartments in StockholmSize: 987 m2 BOACircumstances: One week competitionClient: SSSBMy role: Image responsibility, presentation

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0 1 2 3 4 5m 1:100 (A3)

0 1 2 3 4 5m 1:100 (A3)


Drottning Kristinas vag

Project descriptionTogeather with the client and the municipality we arrived at a proposal that is well fitted in the context and at the same time has a contemporary expression to clearly point out that it is a new addition to the campus environment. The buildings has a facade made out of corrugated steel. To create variation and detail the joints have a profile of varying length and width.

Program: 98 Student apartments in StockholmSize: 5187 m2 BOACircumstances: Development for a local planClient: ByggVestaMy role: Coordination, design, presentation

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Project descriptionThe idea is with Juvelen was to create an interesting meeting point that would represent the values that Uppsala stands for. The building will reach the second highest LEED-score in europe when finished and will be clad in solar cells and have a green roof.


Program: Office in UppsalaSize: 10 000 m2 BTACircumstances: Competition, 1st priceClient: SkanskaMy role: Design, presentation

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Project descriptionWe proposed three buildings containing 29 residences in total, 17 townhouses and 12 apartments. The height of the buildings will be two to three floors and the roof will work as an extension of Högalidsparken. The houses are both beautiful and functional as well as well fitted for this perticular site and its conditions. The brick forecourts of the houses will have plantations of climbing plants that will eventually meet the greenery in the park above. The seperate entrances of the town houses togeather with the stores on each corner will help to create a living street environment. The facades are broken up with oriels, balconies and shifting outer wall to create variation and meet the conditions of the site.


Program: Town houses and apartments in StockholmSize: 10 000 m2 BTACircumstances: Local plan, extremely hard acousticsClient: Veidekke BostadMy role: Design, coordination, presentation

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Project descriptionThis is a competition for affordable student accomodation. Togeather with the client we wanted to create a new type of contract called friend-contract that is a compact three room apartments on 40 m2. Here you can have your own apartment at an affordable price and not abstain quality. We created a number of versions (see four of them below) that all have a maximized possibility to storage and standard. The wide gallery becomes an extenstion of the living room with places for dining and hanging out with the neighbours.

Program: Student housing in MalmöSize: 10 000 m2 BTACircumstances: Competition, 1st priceClient: ByggVestaMy role: Design, coordination, presentation

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Program: Art gallery and Artist ResidenceSize: 1510 m2

Site: Ravlunda Shooting range, Skåne SWECircumstances: Master Thesis project, 10th semester in LundTutors: David Garcia, Abelardo Gonzales Critics: John Ross, Peter Kjaer, Nina AronssonVideo: https://vimeo.com/hanneskarlsson

The Borderland

Project descriptionThe Borderland is a proposal for a gallery and artist in residence program in the south of Sweden. A place for artists to engage in the theme of nature and violence set in a beautiful region with rich history. The premises of the project is to challenge a ballistic landscape through architecture, and specifically, through the fragility of an art gallery topology.

The notion of time is highly present on the site and the same place that was just a smoking inferno with bullets flying through the air could the next day be a fantastic scenery with artworks and grazing cattle along the shoreline.

I was interested in the psychological aspects the proposal would have on the visitors, the artists and also on the military using the site as a shooting ground.

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Perforated concrete and corten steel targets

The bunkers are left-overs from the second world war, never used but still they serve as a remembrance of the past. I propose to situate artists residences on top of these structures. The residence balance its light construction on top of the monolith. It slowly adapts and adjusts to the movements of its heavy foundations as they erode slowly by the force of the ocean waves.

InspirationWith time an obsession for the site grew and I studied everything from its more than 2000 year old history to its flora and fauna. During my visits I observed shooting targets used by the military that would change and get more and more perforated between the visits. What if these targets could be incorporated in the concept of a building, or what if they could create a building?

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Dmax 3 000 m

Amin 100 m Am

ax 300 m

700 m

Dmax 1 300 m

Amin 200 m Am

ax 400 m


278 m


Y 940 m

Dmax 10 000 m

Amin 1 000 m Am

ax 1 500 m

Dmax 10 700 m

Amin 6 000 m

Amax 8 000 m


Y 3000 m

Dmax 3 000 m

Amin 100 m Am

ax 300 m

700 m

Dmax 1 300 m

Amin 200 m Am

ax 400 m


278 m


Y 940 m

Dmax 10 000 m

Amin 1 000 m Am

ax 1 500 m

Dmax 10 700 m

Amin 6 000 m

Amax 8 000 m


Y 3000 m

Dmax 3 000 m

Amin 100 m Am

ax 300 m

700 m

Dmax 1 300 m

Amin 200 m Am

ax 400 m


278 m


Y 940 m

Dmax 10 000 m

Amin 1 000 m Am

ax 1 500 m

Dmax 10 700 m

Amin 6 000 m

Amax 8 000 m


Y 3000 m


ax 3 000 m


in 100 m Am

ax 300 m

700 m


ax 1 300 m


in 200 m Am

ax 400 m


278 m


Y 940 m


ax 10 000 m


in 1 000 m Am

ax 1 500 m


ax 10 700 m


in 6 000 mA

max 8 000 m


Y 3000 m


Trajectories of the different kinds of projectiles were studied in order to find the optimal placement of the construction on the shooting range. These trajectories were of high importance when designing the exterior of the building as well as the protective landscape around it since they would inform the shape to be of a deflecting or absorbing character.

Further studies in what happened to target and projectile upon impact showed that with the heaviest armament used on the site nothing would withstand its powers. This led me to placing the most vital program underground but still expose some parts.

Studies of the climate as well as the usage of the site and region informed the functions in the building. The opening hours are restricted to when the shooting range is free from military usage. Activities in the art gallery would be of seasonal character and mostly used during the summer months.

ResearchFrom the bunkers along the coast of the shooting range I created a typology to inform the spaces inside the art gallery. Narrow corridors, bevelled edges and embrasures were some of the characteristics I investigated in and tried to incorporate in the new construction in order to relate to the history of the site. (Left: Bunker Typology)

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SketchesThe research phase was followed by an intense sketch phase in which several designs were explored both with pen paper, in 3D and as physical models.

Right: Volume studies exploring a shielding language combined with a deflecting language. These forms were derived from the research and have the optimal angles and thicknesses for the type of projectiles used on the site of the shooting range.

Below: Sketches of plans and sections incorporating the angles of deflection and absorption according to function.

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Model studies that show surfaces with varied thickness depending on the angle of attack and the type of projectile on that specific location.

I propose to situate moving pavilions for art that gets dragged along the ground. In this way the unique vegetation on the site is kept alive since it is dependent on regular disturbance.

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ProposalThe roof plan shows the landscape created through using a shielding and deflecting language to protect the parts of the art gallery that is above ground. The landscape is made out of concrete plinths and corten steel plates up to 2.2 m high. Between these sheets of concrete and corten the ground will be of changing height, offering you various views and performing as protection for what might be behind. With time the landscape will change through getting more and more perforated by projectiles, creating new passageways and lookouts.

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CirculationThe circulation is generated by the arrangement and linking of spaces and determines the quality of the museum experience to at least as great extent as the form or character of the individual spaces. It is strongly driven to have a connection with the outside. You arrive in the foyer (A.) that is directly connected with the museum (B.) and has a parallel path to the shoreline connecting all the exhibition spaces as well as an inner courtyard (C.) and finally leads you to the bistro or outside through a stair (F.).

B. C. D.


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Program: Restoration of an 400 year old church into a TheatreSize: 2100 m2Site: St: Anna’s church, Prague CZCircumstances: Competition made during the 9th semester in Lund, 2010 Tutors: Abelardo Gonzales, John Ross, David Wolthers

Na Obloze

Project descriptionNa Obloze is Czech for “In the Sky” and in this student competition I focused on an architecture that respects the old and positions the new on top of it.

BackgroundIn central Prague, the old city is a church called St:Anna’s. It was built for nuns during the 14th century. Its walls bare witness of centuries of use, not only for church activities but as storage space for timber and other kinds of use. This church was the site for the 2010 OISTAT student competition with the brief to construct a space for performing arts.

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ProposalI chose to accept the superiority of the shoe box layout of a theatre and created such a theatre on top of the old church walls to create a grand foyer space out of the old church hall. To reach the theatre you then ascend through this amazing space on escalators to finally reach the theatre space on the top.

With a theatre on top of the Prague skyline you gain the ability of converging and distributing sight lines across the city which was a driving concept of mine through the process. Combined with the shape of the building and the placement of program the service areas are seen from nearby streets. Important sight lines in Prague are carefully framed from the upper lobby and restaurant space to give the visitors a unique experience.

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Program: Space PortSize: 1200 m2Site: Kiruna SWECircumstances: Extreme Studio 8th semester at RMIT in Melbourne AU, 2010Tutors: Tom KovacCritics: Leon van Schaik, Tom Kovac, Pia Ednie BrownVideo: https://vimeo.com/hanneskarlsson

Space Por t Sweden

Project descriptionThis project was about creating the ultimate experience - a travel to space. Through investigations in the technical aspects of constructing a space port I created a proposal in the north of Sweden close to the city of Kiruna. Each visitor would get a customized visit, tailor made after their needs. Through separating the functions and having an adaptable skin on the building with apertures opening and closing total adaptability would be made possible.

Exterior and Interior shots showing the apertures changing in size working as natural ventilator and light intake. A breathing building.

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Work experience

Working at CRABstudio I got an insight in how a small London based firm operated, the studio is run with an international profile by Gavin Robotham and Peter Cook. My time at the office would be characterized by late nights and early mornings working on a 21.000 m2 law school and administration building in the outskirts of Vienna. Since the office was still quite small I got to work on various parts of the project and got to do everything from window placement and the design of the external sun shades to floor plans and construction drawings.

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Concer t hall , Hotel and Congress centre

Project descriptionThe last project of the 3rd year was based on a competition announced in October 2008. The site was located in the centre of Malmö and the brief was to design a concert hall, a hotel and a congress centre. The total program area was in excess of 25.000 m2.

The purpose of my proposal was to enrich the cultural life of the city and to create a meeting point for all the inhabitants of Malmö as it is a quite a divided city. I wanted to create a building that could retransmit and interpret the activities inside to the public space. The building should stimulate all senses through material, sound, movement and sequence. I wanted the building to be flexible and almost unfinished in character to urge a constant change. I also wanted it to look beautiful in contrast to most other architecture in Malmö.

Program: Concert hall, Congress centre and HotelSize: 25.500 m2Site: Malmö SWECircumstances: Bachelors Project at Lund University, 2009Tutors: Abelardo Gonzalez, Erick Carcamo, Ricordo de OstosCritics: P. Cook, T. Sarantoglou, F. Rosenberg, P. Szychalski

Model studies of the site strategy with the concept being derived from a radial grid.

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Diagram showing the conceptual evolution of the proposal starting with one single sound source distributing a radial grid across the site.

Diagram showing the evolution of the building.

Upper left: Top of the congress centre looking out over the plaza and concert hall.Bottom left: Interior of foyer space.

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East facade of concert hall and section through the congress hall.

Section through the hotel and concert hall looking west.

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Concept and Contamination

Background Today’s oil dependency is greater than ever. But the heydays are counted and in a near future oil will be the energy of yesterday. The oil fields that represent an era of astounding technological evolution will stand empty. Vast areas of contaminated, toxic land will be the sad remains.

Project descriptionThe most abundant chemical in the oil process and in the ground findings are sulphuric acid and hydrogen sulphide. By letting the sulphuric acid, water and extremophile bacteria react to the abundant limestone a solution is created. This is led on to a created system of pipes and spread through tiny holes. Over time gypsum crystal will cover the pipe skeleton in a growing manner. It will stand as a monument over departed glory and symbolize new, growing prosperity. In a second stage moss and micro bacteria will germinate in the pore texture and clean the air. At the same time toxic eating plants will be introduced on the now shaded ground. The last toxins will be sucked up from the ground and as the construction is moving along and spreading over time it leaves clean soils behind.

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Program: Decontamination strategy for oil fields in SudanSite: North SudanCircumstances: Two week group work, two other participant, 2009Tutors: Theo Sarantoglou, Dora Sweijd

Pipe section evolution.


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Program: Bird watching hutSite: Landskrona, SWESize: 16 m2

Circumstances: Two week workshop with wood theme, 2008Tutors: Tomas Tägil, Marcus Andäng

The wooden project

Background The purpose of this workshop was to understand the qualities and possibilities as well as get a deeper knowledge about the combination of technique and material around wood.

Project descriptionThe hut is made for bird watching and is located by the coastline in tall thatch. In an attempt to play with the verticality of the thatch I designed the facade out of vertical timber placed in a irregular arrangement to create dynamics. Its circular shape gives the possibility of having lookouts in several directions.

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Experience design group

BackgroundThe Experience Design group is a Master’s Program at Konstfack which I attended in the fall of 2011 and the spring 2012. This spread will briefly describe some of the topics that we investigated during the first year of the program.

The Art of Memory, first experience of architectureBased on the phenomena of the “hut” as a child’s first expression of the need for creating a space and take place in the world my objective was to recreate an experience from my memory. By singling out characteristics of the memory like; secrecy, journey, individual experience, natural materials, bright light and waves, I created a space at Konstfack that had similar qualities.

Messages was delivered anonymous to all participants. Inside the messages was a set time and a sequence of notes including maps with instructions describing how to get to the hut. The participant had to crawl inside the hut that had cloth covered floors and walls with a water mirror reflected towards one side and a faint sound of ocean waves.

Interior of the hut.

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EmpathyCould you have empathy with objects? - With that question we created an “Object transformation service” were you could bring objects that had a sentimental value but that you wanted to throw away. We experimented with adopting human services to the world of objects to create empathy. Through interviewing each participants we got a background of the relationship between object and participant to then mass customize the design of a transformation of each object.

Experience design event.

We placed the machine unsupervised at the corridor of Konstfack. This image shows the pattern of a man standing in front of the sensor and performing a dance when noticing that the machine responded to his movements.

Interviews of participants. Objects for transformation.

Play as transformative experienceWith the aim of creating an architecture that experiences we prototyped a drawing machine that responded to proximity. The initial though was to have the building updating its climate to a twitter feed and have it communicate through that media. Using physical computing and a arduino board the result was a drawing machine that responded to proximity and created a suggestive pattern.

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SketchesI use sketching as a method of working , to remember and to explore. A small scribble or a watercolour painting can be the start of a project or just a decoration on the wall.

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Scribbles of volumes.

During quick sketches of bunkers I eventually learnt the language of the concrete monoliths.

Drawings of surface envelopes for space port sweden worked as base for my 3D-models.

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Borrominis “San carlo alle Quattro fontane” in Rome.

PhotographyI have always been fascinated by the art of photography and how to capture a feeling or experience and transmit it to an observer through an image. I got my first camera very young and used it as a tool to learn more about my surroundings through taking pictures. Ever since I started studying architecture I have realized that both deal a lot with light and texture as well as composition and structure.

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WWII bunker.

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Thank you!

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Hannes [email protected]

+46 (0) 709 556 799