SELECTION OF MASTER PLANNING CONSULTANT … Master Planning IT CIT… · Quality and Cost based Selection (QCBS) ... “Selection Process/ Tender Process”) for selection of a Consultant,

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May 2018


Table of Contents

Section Description Page No.

I Letter of Invitation 5

II Instructions to Applicants 8

III Data Sheet 11

IV Preparation, Submission and Evaluation of Proposals 14

V Terms of Reference 20

VI Formats for Proposal Submission (Annexure) 29

VII Work Order 37



The below schedule is tentative. APUIAML reserves the right to modify the said schedule of Selection

Process at any time during the Selection Process at its sole discretion without assigning any reason or

being liable for the same in any manner whatsoever.

Any addendum / corrigendum to the RFP Document shall be intimidated to all the

applicants / Bidders through e-mail.

Event Description Scheduled Date

Tender Notice No: APUIAML/VUDA/ITCITY/01

RFP Issue / Start Date 10.05.2018

Date and Time for Pre-Bid Meeting 10:30 Hrs (IST) on 16.05.2018

Due date for Receipt of Proposals/ Bids (Proposal Submission Date

or Proposal Due Date) 16:00 Hrs (IST) on 24.05.2018

Date and Time of Opening Bids (Outer Envelope & Envelope-1) 16:30 Hrs (IST) on 24.05.2018,

or any other date as intimated by


Date and Time of Presentation Will be intimated to the qualified


Opening of Envelope II (Financial Proposal) Will be intimated to the qualified




1. The information contained in this Request for Proposal document ("RFP Document") or

subsequently provided to Applicants (Bidders/ Applicants), whether verbally or in documentary or

any other form by or on behalf of Andhra Pradesh Urban Infrastructure Asset Management

Limited (APUIAML) (herein after referred to as “Client” or any of its employees/ officers/

representatives, is provided to Applicants on the terms and conditions set out in this RFP and such

other terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided.

2. This RFP is neither an agreement nor an offer by the Client to the prospective Applicants or any

other person. The purpose of this RFP is to provide interested parties with the information that

may be useful to them in the formulation & submission of their Proposals pursuant to this RFP.

3. This RFP includes statements, which reflect various assumptions and assessments arrived at by the

Client in relation to the Consultancy / assignment proposed to be awarded pursuant to this RFP.

Such assumptions, assessments and statements do not purport to contain all the information that

each Applicant may require.

4. This RFP may not be appropriate for all persons, and it is not possible for the Client and its

employees/ consultants/ representatives /officials to consider the objectives, technical expertise

and particular needs of each party who reads or uses this RFP. The assumptions, assessments,

statements and information contained in this RFP, may not be complete, accurate, adequate or

correct. Each Applicant should, therefore, conduct its own investigations and analysis and should

check the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability and completeness of the assumptions,

assessments and information contained in this RFP and obtain independent advice from

appropriate sources. Information provided in this RFP to the Applicants may be on a wide range of

matters, some of which may depend upon interpretation of law. The information given is not

intended to be an exhaustive account of statutory requirements and should not be regarded as a

complete or authoritative statement of law. The Client accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or

otherwise for any interpretation or opinion on the law expressed herein.

5. The Client and its employees/ officers/ advisors make no representation or warranty and shall have

no liability to any person including any Applicant under any law, statute, rules or regulations or

tort, principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, damages, cost or

expense which may arise from or be incurred or suffered on account of anything contained in this

RFP or otherwise, including the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability or completeness of the

RFP and any assessment, assumption, statement or information contained therein or deemed to

form part of this RFP or arising in any way in this Selection Process / Tender Process (hereinafter


6. The possession or use of this RFP in any manner contrary to any applicable law is expressly

prohibited. The Applicants shall inform themselves concerning, and shall observe any applicable

legal requirements. The information does not purport to be comprehensive or to have been

independently verified. Nothing in this RFP shall be construed as legal, financial or tax advice.

7. The Client also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or otherwise

however caused arising from reliance of any Applicant upon the statements and information

contained in this RFP.


8. The Client may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, update,

amend or supplement the information, assessment or assumption contained in this RFP.

9. The issue of this RFP does not imply that Client is bound to select an Applicant or to appoint the

Selected Applicant/ Selected Bidder, as the case may be, for the Consultancy and the Client

reserves the right to reject all or any of the Proposals without assigning any reasons whatsoever.

10. Laws of the Republic of India are applicable to this RFP.






Whom so ever it is communicated by the authorize on behalf of APUIAML

Dear Madam / Sir,

Andhra Pradesh Urban Infrastructure Asset Management Limited (“APUIAML” or “Client”) intends

to select a Master Planning Consultant ("hereinafter referred to as the "Consultant") for the

development of IT City in Visakhapatnam for preparation of Integrated master plan for the 22.19

Acres of land located in Sy.No.394, 395/p, 396/p & 397/p of Madhurwada, Visakhapatnam with

supporting Commercial, Social, Residential and Recreational infrastructure in order to support


The details of the site for development of I.T City project in Visakhapatnam for VUDA / SPV

(hereinafter referred to as the "Assignment / Consultancy") are as below:

1. Proposed IT city in 22.19 Acres in Sy.No.394, 395/p, 396/p & 397/p at Madhurawada,


1.1 The RFP documents would be uploaded on the website of APUIAML

(http://www.apurban.com/) after issuing an advertisement in a national daily. Bids shall be

submitted by means of Hard Copy only. Details of the services required to be provided by the

Selected Applicant and the details of the sites are provided in the Terms of Reference (TOR) of

this Request for Proposal (RFP).

1.2 Proposal submissions must be received no later than the Proposal Due Date specified in the

“Schedule of Tender Process” in the manner specified in the RFP Document at the address

given below clearly mentioning the name of the assignment.




The CEO,

Andhra Pradesh Urban Infrastructure Asset Management Limited (APUIAML),

4thFloor, RTC House, Pandit Nehru Bus Station,

Vijayawada-520013, Andhra Pradesh

1.3 This RFP has following sections*:

Section – 1 Letter of Invitation

Section – 2 Instructions to Applicants

Section – 3 Data Sheet


Section – 4 Preparation, Submission and Evaluation of Proposals

Section – 5 Terms of Reference

Section – 6 Formats for Proposal Submission (Annexures)

* This RFP includes Draft Work Order for the assignment.

1.4 The Consultant for providing its services for the said Assignment will be selected on the basis of

Quality and Cost based Selection (QCBS) method as described in this RFP. The technical

proposals of only those Applicants, who qualify the minimum eligibility criteria (Pre-

Qualification stage) shall only be opened for evaluation, failing which the proposal shall be

treated as non-responsive and deemed to be disqualified. The Financial Proposals (Price

Proposals) of only those eligible Applicants (In the pre-qualification stage), who score the

minimum of 70% in the technical evaluation as per the criteria prescribed in the RFP shall only

be opened for final evaluation under QCBS approach as described in the RFP. The proposals of

those eligible Applicants who fail to meet the minimum of 70% in the technical evaluation stage

shall be returned un-opened and deemed to be disqualified from the selection process. The

Applicant with the Highest Score (H1) in the QCBS process as outlined in the RFP shall be

declared as the “Preferred / Selected Bidder” and shall be processed further for negotiations and

issue of LoI.

1.5 The Proposals shall be filled in English and all entries must be typed and written in blue/black

ink. Initials of the Authorized representative of the Applicant must attest all erasures and

alterations made while filling the Proposal. Over writing of figures in the Financial Proposal is

not permitted. Failure to comply with any of these conditions may render the Proposal invalid.

1.6 The Client shall not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by the Applicant in

connection with the preparation and delivery of Proposals, including costs and expenses related

to visit to the site. The Client reserves the rights to cancel, terminate, change or modify this

Procurement /Tender Process and /or requirements of proposal as stated in the RFP at its sole

discretion, without assigning any reason or providing any notice and without being liable in any

manner for the same.

1.7 The Proposal shall be valid for a period of not less than One hundred and eighty (180) days from

the Proposal Due Date (the "PDD"). In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiry of the

original proposal validity period, the Client may request the Applicants to extend the period of

validity for a specified additional period. The request for the extension shall be made in writing.

However, Applicants will not be permitted to modify their submitted proposals.

Date: 10.05.2018

For Andhra Pradesh Urban Infrastructure Asset Management Limited






2. INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS 2.1 The Client has adopted a Single-stage Two-envelope process (hereinafter referred to as the

“Selection Process/ Tender Process”) for selection of a Consultant, for award of the

Assignment. The Proposal submission is envisaged in two parts - Technical Proposal and

Financial Proposal. The Applicants may submit their Proposals in response to this RFP, in

accordance with the provisions of this RFP ("Applicants"). The Technical Proposals to be

submitted by Applicants shall comprise of technical and financial capability documents and

other requisite documents/clarifications as per the terms of this RFP. The Financial Proposals of

only those Applicants whose Technical Proposal qualify the evaluation process, as per terms

hereof, shall be opened for selecting the Consultant.

2.2 Applicants are encouraged to inform themselves fully about the Assignment and the local site

conditions before submitting their Proposals.

2.3 Broad description of the objectives, scope of services, Deliverables, and other requirements

relating to this project are specified in this RFP. In case an applicant possesses the requisite

experience and capabilities required for undertaking the project, it is invited to participate in the

Selection Process either individually (the “Sole Firm”) or as a consortium of firms (the

“Consortium”), where it is to be noted that the Applicants bidding individually cannot be a

member of a Consortium or vice versa. The entity claiming experience under eligibility criteria

(as mentioned in the data sheet) should have held, in the company owing the Eligible

Assignment, a minimum of 26% (twenty six per cent) equity during the entire assignment

duration for which Eligible Experience is being claimed. In the case of a Consortium, any of the

members of the Consortium must have the mentioned / required experience as stipulated in this

RFP and such member shall hold an equity not less than 26% in the Consortium at all times

during the assignment Period. The experience/qualifications of the parent/subsidiary firm of any

of the members will not be relevant.

2.4 Proposals shall be prepared and submitted in the manner elaborated in this RFP as per the

formats/annexures provided.

2.5 No Applicant or its Associate shall submit more than one Proposal for the Assignment.

2.6 Any entity which has been barred by any agency of the Central Government, any State

Government, any Statutory Authority or any public sector undertaking, as the case may be, from

participating in any project, and the bar subsists as on the date of the Proposal, would not be

eligible to submit a Proposal either by itself or through its Associate.

2.7 The Client reserves the right to terminate an Applicant’s participation in the Tender Process at

any time, should the Client consider that an Applicant has, without the prior consent, failed to

comply with any of the procedures and requirements prescribed in the RFP.

2.8 Each Applicant shall submit a Power of Attorney as per the format at Annexure: 6authorizing

the signatory of the Proposal to commit and bind the Applicant.

2.9 It shall be deemed that by submitting the Proposal, the Applicant has:

a. made a complete and careful examination of the RFP;

b. received all relevant information requested from the Client;


c. accepted the risk of inadequacy, error or mistake in the information provided in the

RFP or furnished by or on behalf of the Client or relating to any of the matters

referred to in the RFP;

d. satisfied itself about all matters, things and information, including matters referred

herein, necessary and required for submitting an informed Application and

performance of all of its obligations there under;

e. acknowledged that it does not have a Conflict of Interest;

f. Agreed to be bound by the undertaking and all other documents provided by it under

and in terms hereof; And

g. Satisfied itself about the site conditions and its existing topography and made a

complete and careful examination of the same.

2.10 The Client shall not be liable for any omission, mistake or error in respect of any of the above or

on account of any matter or thing arising out of or concerning or relating to RFP or the Selection

Process, including any error or mistake therein or in any information or data given by the Client.

2.11 The Proposal of an Applicant shall be liable for disqualification in the event of the following:

a. If the Applicant refuses to accept the correction of errors in its Proposal, (or)

b. at any time, a misrepresentation is made or uncovered or a suppressed fact is

uncovered, (or)

c. the Applicant does not provide, within the time specified by the Client, the

supplemental information sought by the Client for evaluation of the Proposal or does

not respond to any queries raised by the Client, (or)

d. If the Applicant submits a conditional Proposal which would affect unfairly the

competitive provision of other firms who submitted substantially responsive proposal

and/or is not accepted by the Client.

e. If the Applicant submits multiple proposals for the subject Assignment.


The Applicants are requested to study this entire tender document in detail. If the Applicants

have any queries related to the RFP or on the proposed project, they may submit such queries to

the Client in writing at least Ten (10) days before the Proposal Due Date as specified in the

“Data Sheet” through e-mail to the given mail Id: [email protected].

Clarifications for all such queries received by / before Ten (10) days from the Proposal Due

Date only would be provided by the Client at least Four (04) days before the Proposal Due Date

and time of this RFP as mentioned in the data sheet. All such queries received and clarifications

by the Client shall be mailed to all the Applicants without identifying the names of the



a. At any time prior to the Proposal Due Date for submission of Proposal, the Client

may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or otherwise, modify the RFP

Document by issuing Addendum/ Amendment.


b. In order to provide the Applicants with reasonable time for taking an amendment into

account, or for any other reason, APUIAML may, in its sole discretion, extend the


c. The above changes & amendments, if any, will be notified from time to time on the

website of APUIAML.


a. The Client requires that the Consultant provides professional, objective, and impartial

advice and at all times hold Client's interests paramount, avoid conflicts with other

assignments or its own interests, and act without any consideration for future work.

The Consultant shall not accept or engage in any assignment that would be in conflict

with its prior or current obligations to other clients, or that may place it in a position

of not being able to carry out the assignment in the best interests of the Client.

b. An Applicant shall not have a conflict of interest that may affect the Selection Process

or the Consultancy (the "Conflict of Interest"). Any Applicant found to have a

Conflict of Interest shall be disqualified.

c. An Applicant shall be deemed to have a Conflict of Interest affecting the Selection

Process, if:

i. a constituent of such Applicant is also a constituent of another Applicant; (or)

ii. such Applicant or its Associate receives or has received any direct or indirect

subsidy or grant from any other Applicant or its Associate; (or)

iii. such Applicant has the same legal representative for purposes of this

Application as any other Applicant; (or)

iv. if an Applicant is engaged by the Client to provide goods or works or services

and if the Associate/s of such firm is engaged for providing consulting

services for the same project and vice versa.


2.15.1 The Applicant may modify, substitute or withdraw its Proposal after submission,

provided that written notice of the modification, substitution or withdrawal is received

by the Client prior to the PDD. No Proposal shall be modified, substituted or withdrawn

by the Applicant on or after the PDD.

2.15.2 The modification, substitution or withdrawal notice shall be prepared, sealed, marked and

delivered with the envelopes being additionally marked “MODIFICATION”,

“SUBSTITUTION” or “WITHDRAWAL”, as appropriate.

2.15.3 Any alteration/ modification in the Bid or additional information supplied subsequent to

the PDD, unless the same has been expressly sought for by the Client shall be




2.16.1 Notwithstanding anything contained in this RFP, the Client reserves the right to reject

any Proposals and to annul the Tender Process and reject all Proposals at any time

without any liability or any obligation for such acceptance, rejection or annulment, and

without assigning any reasons. In the event that the Client rejects or annuls all the

Proposals , it may, in its discretion, invite all eligible Applicants to submit fresh

Proposals hereunder or may take such other steps as it may deem fit in its sole

discretion as per applicable laws without being liable for the same in any manner.

2.16.2 The Client reserves the right not to proceed with the Tender Process at any time,

without notice or liability, and to reject any Proposals without assigning any reasons and

without being liable for the same in any manner.

2.16.3. If the Applicant has submitting any documents, created or originating from outside the

Republic of India, such as work experience certificate(s), financial detail(s), power of

attorney(s), undertaking(s), documentary evidence(s), qualifying document(s), etc.

(collectively “Foreign Documents”) then the Applicant, before any such Foreign

Document(s) are sent to India for the purpose of applying towards this Project/

Assignment, shall be required to get each and every page of such Foreign Document(s),

duly authenticated/ embossed/ legalized/ notarized from the Indian Embassy/Indian

High Commission situated in the country from where such Foreign Document(s) were

created or are originating from. Such authentication/ embossment/ legalization/

notarization from the Indian Embassy/Indian High Commission shall also apply to all

such document(s) that are in a language other than English, which shall compulsorily be

required to be translated (as the true translated copies of the original) by a duly certified/

authorized /qualified translator, supported by the affidavit of the said translator,

certifying the correctness of the English translation. In case of any inconsistency

between the original Foreign Document and its English translation, the latter shall

prevail and be held binding on such Applicant. However, in the case of Foreign

Document(s) created or originating from countries that have signed, ratified and have

made operational the Hague Convention abolishing the requirement of legalization for

foreign public documents, 5 October, 1961 - "Hague Legalization Convention, 1961",

the Applicants may affix an 'Apostle" sticker on each and every page of their Foreign

Document(s) [including all commercial document(s) duly notarized]. Thereafter, the

Applicant shall be compulsorily required to get all such "Apostilled" Foreign

Document(s) approved, certified and attested from the Indian Embassy /Indian High

Commission in that country where the 'Foreign Document(s)' were created or are

originated from or the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi

and the Bidder/s shall follow any other norms/guidelines laid by the Ministry of

External Affairs, Government of India.





S.No. Key Information Details

RFP Details

1. Project/Assignment/




2. Organization / Client Andhra Pradesh Urban Infrastructure Asset Management Limited


3. Project Site Details Enclosed in the TOR

4. Name and contacts of

the Bid Coordinator

Name:- Mr. A. Narayana Reddy

Email id: [email protected]

Cell No.: 9100826720

Proposal Conditions and Evaluation

5. Proposal Validity The Proposal shall be unconditional, firm and irrevocable and shall

be valid for a period of 180 (one hundred and eighty) days from the

Proposal Due Date (PDD)

6. Minimum Eligibility


The Applicant must meet all the following minimum eligibility


1. Average Turnover of INR Four Crores (Rs. 4,00,00,000) from

the consultancy services in the last 3 consecutive financial years

preceding the Proposal Due Date (PDD) as per the audited

balance sheets.

2. Experience:

a) Should be a registered firm with a minimum experience of

five (5) years in consultancy.

b) Should have executed Three (3) Eligible assignments, with

the Project cost each not less than Rupees Two Hundred and

Fifty Crores (Rs. 250 Cr) in the last 5 Yrs.

Note: The projects shown under eligibility should have been implemented

(Completed). Projects executed as sub-consultant/outsourced are not

considered for eligibility.

Eligible Assignments For the purposes of determining of eligibility

and for evaluating the proposals under this RFP, the eligible

assignments (the “Eligible Assignments”) shall mean IT/ITeS Park /

Area based development project (with more than 50% IT Space ) /

Integrated IT Parks

3. Team composition as mentioned in clause 4.7 (e) of this RFP.

4. The Applicant should not have suffered bankruptcy/insolvency


S.No. Key Information Details

in the last five years. A solvency certificate as a proof from any

nationalized bank issued not older than one year should also be


5. The Firm should not be blacklisted by any Governmental

Organization. Self-certified document printed on Firm Letter

head to be submitted

The entity claiming the experience should have held, in the company

owing the eligible project, a minimum of 26% equity during the

entire project period for which the eligible experience is being

claimed and shall hold an equity not less than 26% in the Consortium

at all times during the assignment Period.

(Proof of experience from the previous client for which the

project is shown under eligibility is a must for the above


7. Proposal Evaluation Technical Proposal of only those Applicants meeting the

minimum eligibility criteria will be considered and undertaken

for evaluation. Applicants not meeting the minimum eligibility

criteria are deemed to be disqualified from further evaluation


Financial Evaluation: Price bids of only those consultants who

score minimum of 70% in the technical evaluation stage shall be

opened and the proposals below the score of 70% shall be

returned un-opened and deemed to be disqualified from the

selection process.

The sole criteria for the selection of Master Planning consultant

shall be Quality and Cost based Selection (QCBS). The

Technically qualified consultants shall be evaluated for Highest

Score in the manner as prescribed in this RFP.

8. Criteria for selection of

Consultant (Proposal


The Applicant with the Highest Score (H1) in the QCBS process

as outlined in the RFP.

Proposal Submissions

9. Outer Envelope Envelope 1 & Envelope 2 as detailed in section 4

10. Envelope 1: Proposal

for Eligibility

Qualification and

Technical Evaluation

Signed RFP Document

Checklist of Submissions ~ Annexure 1

Covering Letter ~ Annexure 2

Similar Experience towards minimum eligibility ~ Annexure 3

Details of team members along with CVs as required towards

minimum eligibility ~ Annexure 4

Financial Experience towards minimum. Eligibility ~ Annexure


Power of Authority ~ Annexure 6


S.No. Key Information Details

Power of Attorney and MoU for Consortium ~ Annexure 7

(if required)

Comments and Suggestions on ToR ~ Annexure 8

Description of Approach, Methodology and Work plan for

performing the assignment ~ Annexure 9

Solvency Certificate not older than one year.

11. Envelope 2:Financial


The Applicants shall be required to submit their Financial Proposal

in the format (Annexure A) as provided in the RFP duly filled and










a. The Applicants shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of

its Proposal, including site visits, field investigations, data collection, analysis, etc. as

also any discussions/negotiations. The Client shall not be responsible or liable for any

such costs incurred.

b. An Applicant shall be a Legal entity. An Applicant may be a natural person born in

India or abroad or a private entity, a company, a partnership firm or a body corporate,

an LLP or a Consortium incorporated in India or as per applicable laws of the country

of its origin. A consortium of 2-3 firms / Agencies can participate in this Tender


c. Adherence to formats, wherever prescribed, is required. Non-adherence to formats

might be a ground for declaring a proposal non-responsive.

d. All communication and information shall be provided in writing and in English

language only.

e. All communication and information provided should be legible, and wherever the

information is given in figures, the same should also be mentioned in words. In case

of conflict between amounts stated in figures and words, the amount stated in words

will be taken as correct and final.


a. The Proposals shall be prepared in separate envelopes as under.


a) Envelope I : Technical Proposal

b) Envelope II : Price Proposal/ Financial Proposal

Outer Envelope shall be sealed, labelled as:





The Envelope I shall contain the following documents.

a. Signed RFP Document

b. Checklist of Submissions as per Annexure 1

c. Covering Letter as per Annexure 2

d. Similar Experience of the Applicant towards minimum eligibility: Details of

experience of the Applicant as stipulated in data sheet in the format enclosed as

Annexure 3.


e. Team Composition: Details of key personnel for engagement in this assignment in

the format as enclosed as Annexure 4.Majority of the proposed team shall be regular

employees of the bidding entity exhibiting at least 12 months of tenure from the date

of proposal submission (as required and mentioned in Clause 4.7 (e) of this RFP).

f. Turnover/ Financial Eligibility as per Annexure 5.

g. Power of Authority as per Annexure 6

h. Power of Attorney and MoU for Consortium ~ Annexure 7 (if required)

i. Comments and Suggestions on ToR ~ Annexure 8

j. Description of Approach, Methodology and Work plan for performing the

assignment ~ Annexure 9

k. Solvency Certificate not older than one year.

Envelope I (Technical Proposal) shall be sealed, labelled as:





The Financial Proposal shall contain the Professional Fee (i.e. the price quote) of the Applicant

towards its fee for undertaking and executing the Assignment in in terms of INR so as to execute

the assignment for whole of the contract period of Ten (10) Weeks from the commencement date;

that is inclusive of transportation, printing and stationery and all other expenses except applicable

taxes. The Financial Proposal shall be submitted in the format enclosed as Annexure A.

Envelope II (Financial Proposal) shall be sealed, labelled as:




The Authorized Signatory shall sign or initial each page of the proposal documents along with the

stamp of the Applicant. They should also sign & stamp each page of the RFP & return the same

along with Proposal to APUIAML. Each Applicant shall submit a Power of Authority as per the

format at Annexure 6; authorizing the signatory of the Proposal to commit and bind the Applicant.


a. Proposals received on or before the ProposalDue Date (PDD) and time and in sealed

condition will only be considered for opening and evaluation. Proposals other than the

above will be summarily rejected.

b. Those Applicantswhichhave submitted the proposals will be duly intimated the date, time

and venue for opening the proposals received as above. Authorized representatives of the

participating Applicants are requested to be present during the proposal opening.

c. The details of the authorized representatives (who choose to attend) present will be


d. Name of the Applicants that have submitted the Proposals will be read aloud in the

presence of firm’s representatives and will be recorded.



a. Envelope I will be opened and Annexure 3, 4,5and solvency certificate audits

supporting documents will be evaluated for Minimum Eligibility Criteria as per the

Data Sheet stipulated in this RFP.

b. Only those proposals meeting the Minimum Eligibility Criteria, will be considered for

further evaluation.

c. Applicants not meeting the minimum eligibility criteria will be deemed to be

disqualified and will not be considered for further evaluation. No correspondence or

representation will be entertained in this regard and the Client’s decision will be final

in this regard.

d. The eligible Proposals will be checked for all the mandatory documents and

submissions (Annexures 1 to 9 & Solvency certificate and their supporting documents

if any) duly signed as per the list provided above and in the prescribed formats. The

client shall take a decision at its sole discretion with regard to proposals without any

of the said documents or documents submitted in any other format other than the


e. Team Composition:

Team Leader

Educational Qualification Architect with Masters in Urban Planning / Master in Architect

Essential Experience Member of Council of Architecture for a minimum period of 20

years as on the Proposal Due Date

Minimum 10 years in the field of Urban Planning

Minimum 3 years working experience (as on Proposal Due Date)

with the Applicant firm as a full time permanent rolls basis

Should have experience as Team Leader (Master Planning) on at

least 2 Similar Projects.

Job responsibilities He will lead, coordinate and supervise the Team for delivering the

assignment in a timely manner as envisaged in this RFP. He shall attend

all meetings with the Client and shall not delegate his responsibilities

except with the prior written approval of the Authority.

Urban and Regional Planner

1.1.1. Educational Qualification Masters in Urban / Regional Planning / Master in Architect

Essential Experience Minimum 10 years in the field of Urban/ Regional Planning //

Master in Architect

Should have experience in the field of urban & regional planning

on at least 1 Similar Project.


Job responsibilities He will be responsible for assisting the Team Leader in overall planning

of the proposed Temple City.

Infrastructure Planning Expert

Educational Qualification Civil Engineer with Masters in Infrastructure Planning/Engineering

Essential Experience 15 years in the field of Infrastructure planning

Should have experience of infrastructure planning of large cities /

regions with allied infrastructure or at least 1 Similar Project

Job responsibilities He will prepare the site and infrastructure plans for the Project

Infrastructure Design Expert

Educational Qualification Civil Engineering / Masters in Civil Engineering

Essential Experience 15 years of experience as an Expert in designing of Infrastructure

Projects such as Roads / Water Supply / Sewerage Projects

Should have experience as an Infrastructure design expert for at

least 1 Similar Project.

Job responsibilities Responsible for Engineering Design of Infrastructure Components of the


In addition to the above key personnel, the Consultants are expected to deploy adequate number

of support technical staff from various disciplines such as Urban, Traffic Engineering,

Architecture, Urban Planning, Environment Planning, Infrastructure Planning, Quantity

Surveying, CAD Engineers, Bid Process Management Personnel, Market Survey Specialist, Legal

Expert, etc as required to perform the scope of services defined in the TOR for all activities.

In the technical proposal, the details of support technical staff proposed for the assignment shall

be provided in a statement format with name, expertise and their role in the assignment.


4.8.1 In the first stage, the Technical Proposal will be evaluated on the basis of Bidders experience,

its understanding of TOR, proposed methodology and work plan, and the experience of Key

Personnel as furnished in Annexure – 3, 4, 5, 8 & 9.

4.8.2 Each Technical Bid will be assigned a Technical Score out of a maximum of 100 points.

Only the Bidders who get Technical Score of more than or equal to 70% in Technical

Evaluation will qualify for Commercial Evaluation stage.

In this stage, the Technical Proposal will be evaluated on the basis of Bidders experience, its

understanding of TOR, proposed methodology and work plan, and the experience of Key

Personnel. Any Bidder whose Technical Proposal scores less than 70 marks out of 100 shall be

liable to be rejected, and the other Technical Proposals shall be ranked from highest to the lowest

on the basis of their technical score (ST) i.e., Only Bidders scoring ≥ 70 marks (equal to or

greater than 70 marks) out of total 100 marks qualify for financial bid opening.

4.8.3 The scoring criteria to be used for evaluation shall be as follows.



Parameter Maximum




Bidders details – Firm’s relevant


10 Consultancy firm’s experience

(Yrs.) Marks

5 - 10 5

>10 10

2. Association with International


10 Associate International firm should have minimum of 5 years of International Experience and

have completed at least one eligible project.

3. International Eligible

Consultancy Assignment by the


10 Should have completed one International Assignment

4. Eligible Consultancy Assignment 10 Eligible consultancy Assignments (No.s)


5 - 10 5

>10 10

5. A brief note with the requirements

Shall be indicated on the following


Based on the write up submitted by the Bidder a. Appreciation of project 5

b. Approach & Methodology, work

Schedule 5


Relevant experience of Key

Personnel proposed for the post/



Based on the CVs of the Key Personnel

7. Financial Details 10

Consultancy firm’s average annual turnover in the last 3 consecutive

financial years preceding the Proposal Due Date (PDD) (Rs. in Crores)


4,00,00,000 – 8,00,00,000 5

>800,00,000 10

8 Presentation with Conceptual Plan 20 Based on the presentation by the Bidder

Grand Total 100

4.8.4 For the purposes of evaluation of CVs of Key Personnel, the marks assigned to each Key

Personnel are as set out in the table below. For the purposes of evaluation, the marks allocated to

support team shall be based on the maximum utilization number of such Personnel required

optimally to be deployed under such designation during the assignment.


Designation of the Key


Total Marks


1. Team Leader 7

2. Urban & Regional Planner 5

3. Infrastructure Planning Expert 4

4. Infrastructure Design Expert 4

Total 20

4.8.5. The parameters of evaluation of the CVs of Key Personnel and the respective weightages


allotted to such parameters are as set out in the table below.

S.No Particulars Weightages

1. Number of Eligible Assignments the respective Key

Personnel have worked on.


2. Comparative size of the assignments a Key Personnel has

Worked on.


3. Qualification and the experience of the Key Personnel. 40%

Total 100%

Minimum score required for technical qualification is 70 marks (max. marks = 100). Only those firms

qualified in technical evaluation stage shall be preceded to the financial evaluation stage, failing which

the bids shall be returned to the bidders leaving the financial covers unopened.


a. The Envelope II (Financial Proposal) of those Applicants who have qualified the

Technical Evaluation stage i.e.,scored minimum of 70 marks will only be opened.

b. The Financial proposals shall be checked for substantial compliance. If the submission

is in substantial compliance with the Price Proposal (Annexure – A), then, the review and

evaluation of the same would be undertaken. If the submission does not satisfy the criteria,

the submission will be rejected and such Applicant will be eliminated from further

evaluation process.

c. Requirements for Substantial Compliance: Prior to the detailed evaluation of the

Price Proposal, it would be determined whether each Price Proposal:

i. Has been properly signed and contains the required representations or


ii. Is presented in a manner that conforms with the requirements of the RFP

including the specified format;

d. Material Deviation: A material deviation or reservation is one

i. Which affects in any substantial way the requirements of the RFP and

performance of the Project; or

ii. Which is substantially inconsistent with the requirements of the RFP.

iii. Whose rectification would affect unfairly the competitive provision of other

competing Applicants presenting substantially responsive proposals.

e. Evaluation: The commercial bids for the technically qualified bidders shall then be

opened on the notified date and time and reviewed to determine whether the

commercial bids are substantially responsive. Bids that are not substantially

responsive are liable to be disqualified at Authority’s discretion.


The bid price shall inclusive of all costs and excluding applicable taxes and levies

and shall be in Indian Rupees (INR).

The responsive price bids only shall be evaluated.


Financial Evaluation: Price bids of technically qualified firms will only be opened. Lowest Price

Quote will be awarded 100 marks and remaining proposals will be marked proportionately in

reference to lowest quote.

The Bidder that has the lowest number (L1) among all the other Fee proposals opened shall be

given one hundred (100) marks. The remaining (L2, L3, L4, etc.) will be marked in reference to

L1. For Example, if L1’s quote / absolute number is ‘A’ and L2 is ‘B’, then L1 = 100 marks and

L2 = A/B*100 marks).

Combined Evaluation (Technical & Financial): Quality and Cost Based System (QCBS)

evaluation criteria in the ratio of 70: 30 (70% technical and 30% financial weightage) as detailed

in RFP.( S = St x 0.70 + Sf x 0.30).

This is the final stage of proposal evaluation. As per the predefined QCBS evaluation criteria, 70%

weightage will be given to technical score and 30% to the financial score. Accordingly, 70% of the

technical marks and 30% of the financial marks will be combined/ summed up to arrive at the final

marking. For example, if the technical score of a particular firm is 80 marks and financial score is

90 marks, then the combined technical and financial score in the ratio of 70:30 will be as

computed below.

70 percent of technical score = 0.7 * 80 = 56 marks

30 percent of financial score = 0.3 * 90 = 27 marks

Total combined score = 83 marks

a) The financial Bid would be assessed on the basis of the QCBS for the project.

b) Generally, the Highest score Bidder shall be the “Selected Bidder”. The remaining Bidders

shall be kept in reserve and may be invited for negotiations in case such Bidder withdraws

or is not selected for any reason.

c) In the event that the Highest Score Bidder withdraws or is not selected for any reason in the

first instance, the Authority may invite the second Highest Score bidder for negotiation. If

the event, if second highest score bidder also withdraws or is not selected for any reason,

then the next Highest score bidder shall be invited for the negotiations and so on.

In the event that the Authority rejects or annuls all the Bids, it may, in its discretion, invite all

eligible Bidders to submit fresh Bids hereunder.


Bidding shall be open to Applicants (which include companies, partnerships, and

proprietary concerns, LLPs), duly registered consortiums. In case of a consortium, the


lead firm / Applicant (which shall be single entity) shall be specified and fully

empowered to represent the consortium. The lead member shall have a minimum stake

of 26% in the consortium and other members who claim the eligible experience should

have not less than 26% at all times during the project duration.

The following conditions for consortiums shall apply:

A consortium contract which specifies the exact members of the consortium, to a

maximum of three.

Bidders are allowed to participate in the bidding through a consortium structure with a

cap of three members. The members of the consortium are to be clearly identified at the

time of bidding and any business/shareholding/other relationship between them is to be

made clear.

Bidding Consortium is required to nominate a Lead Member for the purposes of

interacting with JETDCL. The nomination of the Lead Member shall be supported by

notarized copies of Memorandum of Understanding and Power of Attorney signed by all

the members on a stamp paper of Rs 1000/- (One Thousand only), the formats for which

are supplied in Annexure C with this TENDER DOCUMENT.

The Consortium contract shall clearly specify the exact role and responsibility of each

of the consortium members.

In case of the selected agency being a consortium, the members of the consortium shall

be required to incorporate a company under the Companies Act, 2013. The work order

in such a case would be signed with the newly incorporated Company. The lead member

of the consortium would be required to hold, initially and at all times during the duration

period of the assignment, not less than 26% of the aggregate shareholding of the newly

incorporated consortium company. The other member of the consortium who claim the

eligible experience would be required to hold, initially and at all times for during the

duration of the assignment, not less than 26% of the aggregate shareholding of the

newly incorporated consortium company.

A member cannot be a member of more than one bidding consortium. An individual

applying as a Single Bidder cannot at the same time be member of any Consortium

bidding under this TENDER DOCUMENT.

Each member of the Consortium shall be jointly and severally liable for the due

implementation of the Project.


Any changes and deviation of roles and responsibilities after the submission of Bid and

before the execution of the Work Order shall entitle APUIAML to reject the Bid in its

sole discretion.

APUIAML reserves the right to reject the Bid in case of change in the constitution of

the consortium after the submission of Bid and before the issue of the Work Order.

The Bidding firms / Applicants shall not be allowed to submit multiple proposals and

such Applicants who submit such proposals shall be treated as non-responsive and be

barred from the process.

Applicants are to be noted that APUIAML reserves the right to reject the Bid or annul

the Bidding process at any time.


The Applicant shall submit one original and one soft copy (Editable format) of the Envelope -

B separately, clearly marking each "Technical Proposal – Original" and "Technical Proposal –

Soft Copy", as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy between the original and the soft

copy, the original shall govern.

An Applicant shall submit only one original of the Financial Proposal, clearly marking the

same as "Financial Proposal” in Envelope - C.


Failure of the Applicant to comply with the requirements set forth in this RFP Document and /

or the provisions of the Work Order shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the



APUIAML reserves the right to accept or reject any Proposal in its sole discretion, and to annul

the Tender Process or reject all proposals without assigning any reason whatsoever at its sole

discretion at any time before issuance of a Letter of Award without incurring any liability.






Visakhapatnam is the largest city in Andhra Pradesh with a population of around 20mn and it is the

8th largest city in India in terms of its GDP estimated at USD 48 mn driven mostly by Industries

(49%) and Services (47%).The services sector is dominated largely by the IT industry due to which

Government of Andhra Pradesh is focusing its attention on developing the city as a prominent IT hub.

To realize the Hon’ble Chief Minister’s vision to place the Visakhapatnam in the IT map of the

Country and accelerate the growth of the State, a MoU has been signed on 26-02-2018 between the

VUDA and Dept. of IT, GoAP and has envisaged for development of IT city Project (“IT City” or “the

Project”) in the 22.19 Acres of land located in Sy.No.394, 395/p, 396/p & 397/p of Madhurwada,

Visakhapatnam consisting of IT/ITeS Built Up Spaces with supporting Commercial, Social,

Residential and Recreational infrastructure.

The total built up area envisaged is approx. 4 Mn Sq Ft, which is to developed in phased manner based

on demand.

VUDA proposes to take up the project development activities through APUIAML, which is End to

End service provider.

APUIAML in this context has decided to engage a Master Planning consultant for the purpose of this


*Indicative details of the above project sites are annexed (Annexure - 9) for reference purposes only

5.2. Scope of Services, Tasks and Expected Deliverables

5.2.1. General

The Scope of Services of the Consultant includes a detailed study of the existing situation in

terms of existing site condition (22.19 Acres) located in Sy.No.394, 395/p, 396/p & 397/p

of Madhurwada, Visakhapatnam as a whole and specifically in the Project on review of

documents, reconnaissance and discussions with officials of VUDA & APUIAML.

Where the Services are broadly divided into two parts: Part A & Part B

Part A (Horizontal development for 22.19 Acres)

Preparation, Presentation & Submission of three (3) Conceptual Master plan complying

to applicable GOs/Govt. norms/Guidelines and working out the optimum cost of each

option with an aim of arriving at the best option for client.

Submission of Final Master Plan consisting of zoning, Area Statement & BUA as per

Building regulations/G.O’s. for Statutory Authority approvals.

Study of last mile connectivity of External Infrastructure i.e., Power, Water, Sewerage

and Road network and submission of block estimates along with routing.

Preparation of detailed Cost Estimates & Technical Specifications for Trunk

Infrastructure and Services.


Part B (Vertical Development for 4 Million Sft BUA)

Preparation, Presentation & Submission of Building plans & Elevations complying to

Building guidelines /G.O’s for Statutory Authority approvals..

Submission of Final Building plan in 3D for Statutory Authority approvals.

Submission of detailed drawings, Cost estimates and Technical Specifications for built-

up area along with internal infrastructure.

5.2.2. Detailed Scope of Services

Part A (Horizontal development for 22.19 Acres)

The Consultancy services for Part A will be completed in following stages:

a. Stage – 1:Conceptual Master Plans minimum of three (but not limited)

b. Stage – 2:Submission of Final Master Plan

c. Stage –3:Preparation of Detailed Master Plan for Approved Conceptual plan

including Infrastructure and Services

d. Stage – 4:External Linkages

e. Stage – 5: Detailed Cost Estimates & Technical Specifications for Infrastructure &


STAGE -1: Conceptual Master Plans minimum of three (but not limited)

The services envisaged under this category are as follows:

i) Reconnaissance survey

ii) Field Surveys and Investigations

iii) Site Base Map

iv) Infrastructure Gap Assessment

v) Study of External Linkage Options (road, water, power etc.) in coordination with

Client, concerned line departments and stakeholders

vi) Land Use Zoning Plan

vii) Preparation Conceptual Site Master Plan for the entire project area of over ~22.19

Acres with Infrastructure and Services

viii) Preparation of infrastructure plan and estimation of Preliminary Project Cost


Site Visits, Data Collection and Stakeholder Consultations

i) The Consultant's Team shall make field visits to the Site and carry out a reconnaissance

survey to ascertain the physical aspects of the Site, Setting, characteristics, terrain, etc.

(The site reconnaissance and review has been envisaged to gain complete understanding

of the subject site and conditions so as to ensure that the recommendations of the

Consultant are practical and implementable. Also, the Consultant may identify certain

limitations / special characteristics of the land / area that could be capitalized for design


and cost efficiencies, etc.).

ii) The Consultant shall collect all necessary secondary data to carry out the Study. The

Client shall provide necessary assistance to obtain the necessary data.

iii) The Consultant's Team shall hold Stakeholder Consultations (APUIAML and other

Stakeholders) to understand Client’s Vision and Client Expectations for the project.

iv) Analyze the existing infrastructure status – covering water supply, power supply, storm

water drainage, connectivity links, solid waste management, wastewater management


v) Assess the environmental and social aspects of the Site that would have a bearing on the

project planning, implementation and operation.

vi) Study of existing land use in and around the Project area.

vii) Study of contextual issues, socio-cultural aspects, landscape features and built form etc.

viii) Prepare report on site evaluation, state of existing buildings, if any; and analysis with

basic approach to circulation, activity distribution, interconnectivity and external

linkages including rough estimate of project cost based on allowable FAR /

re‐development objectives.

ix) Assessment of impact of development/ re‐development plan on the project area and its

immediate environs.

x) Furnish report on measures required to be taken to mitigate the adverse impact, if any, of

the existing and/ or proposed development /re-development on its immediate environs.

Field Surveys & Investigations

Topographic Survey:

Topographic Survey including the survey map with the contours at every 1mx1m, cross

–sections at different intervals, boundary details etc. shall be carried out by the

Consultant for use in preparation of master plan, designs etc. The Consultant shall also

utilize the data to identify physical features like damp areas, pits, rocky areas,

hillocks/hills, natural drains, streams, HT/LT Lines, any other buildings, Treesand

other water bodies etc., and built-up features, if any as required by Master Plan


Geo-Technical Investigations:

The Consultant shall carry out geo-technical investigations as required for the

preparation of project designs and estimates.

Preparation of Base Map

Base Map for the Project Site shall be prepared (CAD and GIS formats) showing the

(i) Site boundary as obtained from the Topographic Survey and co-related with the

Cadastral Maps of the Site,

(ii) Existing settlements in the vicinity and within the Site (if any),

(iii) Existing road network within and in the vicinity of the Site, if any,

(iv) Existing physical features such as water bodies, streams, hills/hillocks, rocky

areas, Forests etc.,


(v) Administrative boundaries of villages that fall within the Site,

(vi) Built up features such as temples/shrines etc., If any.

Preparation of Conceptual Master Plan:

The Consultant shall prepare the Conceptual Site Master Plan considering the Vision

for the project, client requirements, best planning principles, the project needs and the

project setting / environment, etc. The Site Master Plan shall address the needs of the

various project components both in terms of access to physical/social infrastructure, as

well as the physical environment needs.

i) The Consultant shall prepare at least minimum 3 Conceptual Master Plan options, each

of which shall constitute following:

Land use zoning plan, Amenity zones, Utility zones, IT Sector Green areas,

primary/secondary road network and other project components

Proposed external linkages covering – road, water, power and sewage etc.

Area showing circulation pattern, zoning of various land uses and relevant details,

development/re-development strategy.

The salient features of each of the options shall be listed out, to differentiate /

compare the options with objectivity

APUIAML and/or client shall select one preferred option out of the options for further

detailing or may require to prepare more options in case the options prepared are not

deemed fit by the client.

STAGE 2: Preparation of Final Master Plan

i) The Consultant shall further improve upon the selected option with requisite details.

The Master Plan options shall also incorporate principles of water conservation, use of

non-conventional energy sources, energy conservation and efficiency, low pollution,

water recycling, zero discharge, hazard / disaster mitigation integrated into master


ii) Infrastructure demand assessments shall be carried out for all identified

infrastructure components

iii) Carry out preliminary planning and sizing of identified external infrastructure

links/components and prepare block cost estimates for the same

iv) Carry out broad internal infrastructure planning for identified infrastructure


v) Preparation of walk through presentation, AV’s and PPTs etc.


STAGE 3: Preparation of Detailed Master Plan

The objective of this Stage is: (i) to prepare the Detailed Site Master Plan including

Infrastructure & Service Designs for the project. (ii) to prepare the Detailed Designs &

Drawings and Cost Estimates for Infrastructure & Services in 22.19 acres of land to enable

the Client to proceed with physical development of the Site w.r.t project implementation;

(iii) to provide necessary details that will enable the Client to bid out various project

development packages; (iv) to provide necessary drawings / details to enable the Client to

commence the Space allotment process.

Preparation of Detailed Site Master Plan Layout

Consultant shall prepare the Detailed Site Master Plan Layout for the approved/preferred

Conceptual Site Master Plan covering the following

i) Preparation of Detailed Master Plan for the project, duly earmarking various Project

Components and its related facilities.

ii) Land use Plan covering various developments such as IT/ITeS Activities,

Hospitality, Mall & Commercial Spaces, Residential & Social Infra, Public

Infrastructure, Utilities, green areas, social / public infrastructure, recreational

zones, primary/secondary road network and other project components.

iii) Plot Parcellation Plan showing the plot parcellation of all the zones of the Site (as

per requirement and confirmed by APUIAML) with development guidelines

indicated on the same.

iv) Preparation of drawings showing schematic network of services – Power, water

supply, sewerage, storm water drainage, fire hydrants, internal roads, smart street

lighting, illumination schemes, ICT network, Surveillance & safety, rain water

harvesting, electrical system, entry- exit plans, landscape design, public mobility

plan, crowd management and other specialized services as per the requirement and

compliance with national and local standards.

v) Preparation of Infrastructure Plan Report for all infrastructure Components

vi) Integration with Trunk Infrastructure (External Linkages), wherever necessary, in

co-ordination with concerned government departments and other agencies

vii) Furnish urban design report including implementation strategy.

viii) Prepare disaster management plan for the Hazards to which project may be exposed

to such as rain, fire, earth quake etc.

ix) Presentations of the urban design study to APUIAML / statutory authorities for

approval and ensure compliance with codes, standards and legislation, as applicable

and carry out necessary changes as may be required.

x) Detailed Road Network Map showing the alternative city entry / exit roads,

primary, secondary and tertiary roads

xi) Detailed Infrastructure Map showing all identified infrastructure components (such

as water supply, power supply, storm water drainage, stream supply, solid waste

management etc.).


xii) Green Areas Map showing all the proposed green belts, green buffers

xiii) Comprehensive Site Master Plan illustrating all of the above

xiv) Preparation of drawings showing Architectural controls/ guidelines, features and


STAGE 4: External Linkages

i) The Consultant shall study the existing external linkages, assess the requirement of

the external linkages for the project and furnish detailed reports for each of the

external infrastructure covering but not limited to the following:

External road links

Power feeder lines, sub stations and other power linkage infrastructure

Water sourcing, pumping, conveyance, storage and treatment

Storm water disposal

And all other identified external links for the Project

ii) The Consultant shall coordinate with the concerned line Departments of the

Government of Andhra Pradesh, Client and also take inputs from Stakeholders while

assessing the external infrastructure linkages for the project. The broad design basis

for the proposed external linkages shall be prepared and submitted along with block

estimate of cost. (The detailed designs, engineering drawings for execution (GFC),

BoQs, Detailed Estimates, Technical specifications shall be got prepared by the

concerned line department. The Consultant shall effectively coordinate /assist the

Authority in getting the external infrastructure done by the concerned line

department, unless specifically included in the scope of the Consultant vide a written

communication by the client).

iii) An external linkages map showing all the identified external links for the entire


Support to APUIAML in Environmental Clearances, GoAP & Other GoI Approvals

The Consultant shall provide all the necessary details related to the Project Planning &

design and support APUIAML towards getting expeditious Environmental Clearances

from Statutory Authorities. The consultant shall also coordinate with ESIA Consultant;

attend expert appraisal committee meetings (ToR, EC, Public Hearing etc.,) Provide

clarifications on Planning & Design Related aspects of the project to statutory

authorities while getting the clearances.

STAGE-5: Detailed Cost Estimates & Technical Specifications for Infrastructure & Services

Preparation of Detail design for all Infrastructure services like Sewerage system, water

supply, Storm water system, High Side/ Low Side (HT/LT) Electrical system, ICT Data


Network/ Broadband Connectivity, Fire Fighting, Irrigation etc. and shall be submitted

to vetting agencies for their approvals.

The Consultant shall attend meetings with Client, Government, and Stakeholders etc.

and make presentation(s) on the above as required by the Client. The consultant shall

also provide all the necessary assistance to client while getting the requisite approvals

from the concerned authorities/departments for timely implementation of the project.

The Consultant shall prepare Detailed BoQs, Cost Estimates for all the infrastructure

and Services covering civil, electrical and mechanical items.

Carry out Rate Analysis and prepare detailed cost estimates as per prevailing Standard

Schedule of Rates (SSR)/AP SoR and Standard data of GoAP. Comparative quotes (at

least 3) shall be provided for the items those are not available in the SSR.

Detailed technical specifications shall be prepared and the Consultant shall provide

assistance to client while preparation of tender Documents for works.

Assisting APUIAML in preparation of IBM (Internal Bench Mark) value and getting

approved by statutory authority/ Concerned Govt Department.

Assisting APUIAML to invite, receive , Preparation of PQ criteria & tender documents

and analyze tenders; advise APUIAML on appointment of contractors

Part B (Vertical Development for 4 Million Sft BUA)

The Consultancy services for Part B will be completed in following stages:

a. Stage – 1: Conceptual Building Layout Plans minimum of three.

b. Stage – 2: Design & Detailing Engineering of Building & related Services

(MEP, HVAC & BMS etc.) for Final Building Layout Plan.

c. Stage – 3: Preparation of Detailed Cost Estimates & Technical Specifications of

the Project i.e., Building & related Services (MEP, HVAC & BMS etc.)

STAGE - 1: Conceptual Building Layout Plans minimum of three (but not limited)

The services envisaged under this category are as follows:

Building Layout Plan

Stilt/Basement Floor Plan

Typical Floor plan

Terrace Floor plan


Sectional Elevation

3D Views/Perspective Views

Typical Service drawings


Built-up Area Statement including all project components (Parking Area, Green

Area etc.,) complying Govt. Guidelines/G.O’s.

STAGE-2: Design & Detailing Engineering of Building & related Services for Final Building

Layout plan

The Consultant shall carry out detailed Design and Engineering for Final Building Layout Plan

along with all identified building and its related infrastructure components using Autodesk Revit

BIM covering but not limited to:

Compound wall, gates, etc.

IT/ITeS Activities, Hospitality, Malls & Commercial Spaces and Residential & Social


Preparation of drawings showing landscape, street furniture and graphic signage.

Water Supply System design (conveyance systems for fresh water, fire water, recycled

water) supported with detailed network drawings and design specifications

Power Supply System design supported by detailed distribution drawings for the project.

Wastewater Conveyance System (Sewage) design supported with detailed drawings, line

diagrams of proposed treatment systems

Storm Water Management System design supported with necessary drawings –

including treatment before outfall; to also specify the outfall details.

FAS/FS/PA System design supported by detailed distribution drawings for the project.

The Consultant shall furnish line estimates of cost for all the above buildings & its

related infrastructure components

Preparation of Design Basis Report (DBR) for building and its utility services according

to best practices and standards/ guidelines provided by the state or central government.

Submission of 3D views and walk through drawings.

STAGE-3: Detailed Cost Estimates & Technical Specifications

The Consultant shall prepare Detailed BoQs, Cost Estimates for all the basic

infrastructure and building components covering civil, electrical and mechanical items.

Carry out Rate Analysis and prepare detailed cost estimates as per prevailing Standard

Schedule of Rates (SSR)/AP SoR and Standard data of GoAP. Comparative statement

with quotes (at least 3) shall be provided for the items those are not available in the SSR.

Detailed technical specifications shall be prepared and the Consultant shall provide

assistance to client while preparation of tender Documents for works

Preparation of Detail design for all Infrastructure services like Sewerage system, water

supply, Storm water system, High Side (HT) Electrical system, ICT Data Network/

Broadband Connectivity, Fire Fighting, Fire Alarm, HVAC, LIFTS etc. and shall be


submitted to vetting agencies for their approvals.

The Consultant shall attend meetings with Client, Government, and Stakeholders etc.

and make presentation(s) on the above as required by the Client. The consultant shall

also provide all the necessary assistance to client while getting the requisite approvals

from the concerned authorities/departments for timely implementation of the project.

Assisting APUIAML in preparation of IBM (Internal Bench Mark) value and getting

approved by statutory authority/ Concerned Govt Department.

Assisting APUIAML to invite, receive , Preparation of PQ criteria & tender documents

and analyze tenders; advise APUIAML on appointment of contractors

5.2. DELIVERABLES, TIME LINES AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE In pursuance of this TOR the Consultant shall prepare the Reports as a part of this Consultancy.

The Consultant shall submit the reports to APUIAML as per the schedule given here under. Upon

submission of draft report, APUIAML will scrutinize the draft reports and convey its observations

to the consultant for the final submission.

The Consultant shall be entitled to the following Consultancy Fees upon approval of the same by

the client and the authority (VUDA) and the consultant shall raise the invoices for each of the

aforementioned deliverable / stage upon completion and approval by the Authority thereof.


D- Start Date of Assignment- Date of signing for the agreement / Issue of LOA

S. No. Details Time Duration (in weeks)

Part A (Horizontal development for 22.19 Acres)

2 Conceptual Master Plan D+2

3 Draft Detailed Master Plan including Infrastructure Plan D+4

4 Acceptance of Final Master Plan and Infrastructure Plan

Report after presentation to Client

Design Basis Report for Infrastructure


5 Infrastructure planning and designs

Cost estimates and technical specifications


Part B (Vertical Development for 4 Million Sft BUA)

1 Acceptance of Conceptual Building Layout options 3 Minimum D*+4

2 Design & Detailing Engineering of Building & its related

Services (MEP, HVAC & BMS etc.) relevant to IT/ITeS



3 Final Building planning, designs, Cost estimates and technical

(Complete in all aspects)


4 Selection of Contractor During Bid Process

Deliverables shall be in the form of 5 hard +2 soft copy MS Word & PDF format for Reports and

AUTOCAD DWG & PDF formats for drawings/plans; Shape file format (GIS format) for spatial



S.No. Payment Milestones Apportion


Fee % of Part


Cumulative fee

% of Part A

01 Part A (Horizontal development

for 22.19 Acres)


a Acceptance of Conceptual Master Plan

(Minimum of three options)

15% 15%

b Acceptance of Final Master Plan 20% 35%

c Acceptance of Detailed Final Master

Plan and Infrastructure Plan Report

25% 60%

d Final Infrastructure plans, Designs,

Cost estimates and Technical


30% 90%

e Selection of Contractor 10% 100%

02 Part B (Vertical Development for

4 Million Sft BUA)

80% Fee % of Part


Cumulative fee

% of Part B

a Acceptance of Conceptual Building

Layout options 3 Minimum

15% 15%

b Design & Detailing Engineering of

Building & its related Services (MEP,

HVAC & BMS etc.) for Final

Building Layout Plan



c Final Building planning, designs, Cost

estimates and technical specifications

40% 90%

d Selection of Contractor 10% 100%

5.2.1. Completion of Services

All the study outputs including primary data shall be compiled, classified and submitted by the

Consultant to APUIAML in soft form a part from the reports. The study outputs shall remain the

property of the APUIAML and shall not be used for any purpose other than that intended under

these Terms of Reference without the permission of the APUIAML.The Consultancy shall stand

completed on acceptance by APUIAML of all the Deliverables


CONSULTANT 5.3.1. The Professional Fee as quoted by the Selected Bidder for the Assignment plus

applicable tax shall be paid by APUIAML as per the milestones defined in section 5.2

of this RFP.

5.3.2. The payment to the Consultant shall be made for two parts, i.e., part A and Part B.


The fee quoted by the Consultant corresponds to development of entire project area, i.e., 22.19 Acres,

which is 4 Mn Sq feet. The percentage quoted by the consultant under Part B will be applicable in case

entire 4 Mn Sq feet built up area is proposed to be taken up. In case if the proposed built up area is less

than 4 Mn Sq ft, then the fee payable to Consultant under Part B would be decided on pro-rata basis of

BUA and shall be paid accordingly.

An example of calculation of fee is given below for understanding:

S No Activity Total Fee quoted

by Consultant (Bid


Fee payable to Consultant

1 Part A Rs. X 20% of X

2 Part B 80% of X (payable on pro rata basis considering 4 Mn Sqft as

maximum built up area. For ex, if 1 Mn Sqft is only considered,

then the payment would be (1mn Sqft /4mn Sqft)*80% of X

5.4.1 The fee payment will be paid / released to the consultant by the Client (APUIAML)

within Seven (07) days after receiving corresponding payment from the authority

(VUDA) subject to any statutory and other deductions. Notwithstanding any other

provision contained herein to the contrary or otherwise, no payment shall be made to

the consultant unless corresponding payment has been received by the Client from the



The Applicant, by submitting its proposal pursuant to this RFP, shall be deemed to have

acknowledged and accepted that the Client shall retain from each payment due to the consultant at

10% of bill amount as a performance security until completion of whole of the assignment. This

retention money will be released to the Consultant along with the final bill which can be paid after

completion of job assigned in full in terms of the conditions of the Work Order. The Performance

Security shall be forfeited as Damages without prejudice to any other right or remedy that may be

available to the Client under the tender Documents or otherwise, under the following conditions:

In the case of Selected Applicant/ Selected Bidder, if it fails to fulfill the assignment as mentioned

in the ToR of this RFP.

In the case of Selected Applicant/ Selected Bidder, if it fails within the specified time limit to

conclude the Assignment as per the deliverables agreed with the Client in the agreement.






Format for


S.No. Enclosures to the Proposal


(Submitted /




1. Signed RFP Document

2. Financial Proposal (Annexure A)

3. Covering Letter (Annexure 2)

4. Experience Details (Annexure 3)

5. Team Composition (Annexure 4)

6. Financial Eligibility (Annexure 5)

7. Power of Authority (Annexure – 6)

8. Power of Attorney and MoU for Consortium

(Annexure – 7)

9. Comments and Suggestions on ToR (Annexure – 8)

10. Description of Approach, Methodology and Work

plan for performing the assignment (Annexure – 9)

11. Solvency Certificate


Annexure 2

Format for


(On Applicant’s Letter Head)

To, Date:

The CEO,

Andhra Pradesh Urban Infrastructure Asset Management Limited (APUIAML),

4thFloor, RTC House, Pandit Nehru Bus Station,

Vijayawada-520013, Andhra Pradesh



With reference to your RFP Document dated _______________,I / We, having examined all relevant

documents and understood their contents, hereby submit our Proposal for selection of consultant (the

"Consultant") for the subject assignment. The proposal is unconditional and unqualified.

2. I/We acknowledge that APUIAML will be relying on the information provided in the Proposal and

the documents accompanying the Proposal for selection of the Consultant, and we certify that all

information provided in the Proposal and in the Appendices are true and correct, nothing has been

omitted which renders such information misleading; and all documents accompanying such Proposal

are true copies of their respective originals.

3. This statement is made for the express purpose of appointment as the Consultant for the aforesaid


4. I / We shall make available to APUIAML any additional information it may deem necessary or

require for supplementing or authenticating the Proposal.

5. I / We acknowledge the right of APUIAML to reject our application without assigning any reason

or otherwise and hereby waive our right to challenge the same on any account whatsoever.

6. I / We certify that in the last five years, we have neither failed to perform on any contract, as

evidenced by imposition of a penalty by an arbitral or judicial authority or a judicial pronouncement or

arbitration award against the Applicant, nor been expelled from any project or contract by any public

authority nor have had any contract terminated by any public authority for breach on our part.

7. I/We declare that:

(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the RFP Document, including any Addendum

issued by APUIAML;

(b) I / We do not have any conflict of interest as mentioned in the RFP Document;

(c) I / We have not directly or indirectly or through an agent engaged or indulged in any corrupt

practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice in respect of

any tender or request for proposal issued by or any agreement entered into with APUIAML or any

other public sector enterprise or any government, Central or State; and


(d) I/We hereby certify that we have taken steps to ensure that in conformity with the provisions of

this RFP, no person acting for us or on our behalf will engage in any corrupt practice, fraudulent

practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice.

8. I / We understand that you may cancel the Selection Process at any time and that you are neither

bound to accept any Proposal that you may receive nor to select the Consultant, without incurring any

liability to the Applicants in accordance with the RFP Document.

9. I/We certify that in regard to matters other than security and integrity of the country, we or any of

our Associates have not been convicted by a Court of Law or indicted or adverse orders passed by a

regulatory authority which would cast a doubt on our ability to undertake the Consultancy for the

Project or which relates to a grave offence that outrages the moral sense of the community.

10. I / We further certify that in regard to matters relating to security and integrity of the country, we

have not been charge-sheeted by any agency of the Government or convicted by a Court of Law for

any offence committed by us or by any of our Associates.

11. 1/We hereby irrevocably waive any right or remedy which we may have at any stage at law or

howsoever otherwise arising to challenge or question any decision taken by APUIAML (and/ or the

Government of India) in connection with the selection of Consultant or in connection with the

Selection Process itself in respect of the above mentioned Project.

12. I/We agree and understand that the proposal is subject to the provisions of the RFP Document. In

no case, shall I/we have any claim or right of whatsoever nature if the Consultancy for the Project is

not awarded to me/us or our proposal is not opened or rejected.

13. I / We agree to keep this offer valid for 180 (One hundred and eighty) days from the PDD

specified in the RFP.

14. In the event of my/our firm being selected as the Consultant, I/we agree and undertake to provide

the services of the Consultant in accordance with the provisions of the RFP and that the Team Leader

shall be responsible for providing the agreed services himself and not through any other person or


15. I/We have studied RFP and all other documents carefully. We understand that we shall have no

claim, right or title arising out of any documents or information provided to us by APUIAML or in

respect of any matter arising out of or concerning or relating to the Selection Process including the

award of Consultancy.

16. The Technical and Financial Proposals are being submitted in separate covers along with

Annexure-A to prove our financial details. The contents provided in Envelopes I & II shall constitute

the Application which shall be binding on us.

17. I/We agree and undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions of the RFP Document. In

witness thereof, I/we submit this Proposal under and in accordance with the terms of the RFP


Yours faithfully,

(Signature, name and designation of the authorized signatory)

(Name and seal of the Applicant)


Annexure 3

Format for



1. The applicant shall submit the above data along with the supporting documents as a proof

of project execution and completion

2. The projects so executed as a sub consultant or out sourced are not considered under this section


Signature ______________________

Name ______________________


Company ______________________

Date _________________________


S# Name







Project Details

including type of

professional services



Cost (Rs.




in last 5








Status of


Details of


submitted as








Annexure 4

Format for


1 Proposed Designation:

2 Name :

3 Date of Birth:

4 Nationality:

5 Key Expertise:

6 Proposed Role/ Responsibilities:

7 Educational Qualifications (including Year of Completion):

8 No. of Years of Professional Experience:

S# Organization Designation Period

starting from


Ending date


Duration of


(Years Months)



9 Relevant Experiences:

S# Year of


Project Name Project Cost (Rs.


Client Role of Key





1. I am willing to work on the Project and I will be available for entire duration

of the Project assignment as required.

2. I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV

correctly describes my qualifications, my experience and me.

(Signature of the Key Expert /Authorised Signatory)



1. The Key personnel’s profile shall be restricted to above details only.

2. Use separate form for each Key Personnel



In support of Minimum Eligibility Criteria

Format for


TURNOVER RELATED DATA (All figures in INR Crores)

Financial Year: 1st April to 31st March or the particular accounting year followed and



1. The applicant shall submit Audited Balance Sheets/ Annual Reports

2. The annual Turnover data should be certified by a practising Charted Accountant.

SIGNATURE ___________________

NAME _________________________

DESIGNATION ___________________

COMPANY SEAL COMPANY ___________________

DATE ___________________


Yr 01 Yr 02 Yr 03

Consultancy Revenue

(add) Other Revenue

Total Turnover



Format for


(On a Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 100 duly attested by notary public)

Know all men by these presents, We, _____________, a company / firm registered under

_________________ and having its Registered Office at _______________ do hereby constitute,

nominate, appoint and authorize _______________ and presently residing at ___________________

as our true and lawful attorney (hereinafter referred to as the “Authorized Representative”) to do in

our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things as are necessary or required in connection

with or incidental to submission of our Proposal for ___________________________ including but

not limited to signing and submission of all applications, proposals and other documents and writings,

participating in pre-bid and other conference and providing information/ responses to the APUIAML,

representing us in all matters before the APUIAML, signing and execution of all contracts and

undertakings consequent to acceptance of our proposal and generally dealing with the APUIAML in

all matters in connection with or relating to or arising out of our Proposal for the said Project and/or

upon award thereof to us till the entering into of the Agreement with the APUIAML.

AND, we do hereby agree to ratify and confirm all acts, deeds and things lawfully done or caused to

be done by our said Authorized Representative pursuant to and in exercise of the powers conferred by

this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our said Authorized Representative

in exercise of the powers hereby conferred shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us.




(Signature, name, designation and address)







(Signature, name destination and address of the Attorney)


The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure, if any,

laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executant(s) and when it is so

required the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the required procedure.

The Power of Attorney should be executed on a Non- Judicial stamp paper of Rs 100/-(one hundred)

and duly notarized by a notary public.

Wherever required, the Applicant should submit for verification the extract of the charter documents

and other documents such as a resolution/power of attorney in favour of the person executing this


Power of Attorney for the delegation of power hereunder on behalf of the Applicant.

For a Power of Attorney executed and issued overseas, the documents will also have to be legalized by

the Indian Embassy and notarized in the jurisdiction where the Power of Attorney is being issued.

However, the Power of Attorney provided by Applicants from countries that have signed The Hague

Legislation Convention, 1961 are not required to be legalized by the Indian Embassy if it carries a

conforming Apostille certificate.


Annexure 7

Format for



Power of Attorney

Dated this day of 2017

Know all persons by these present that We and (here in after

collectively referred to “the consortium / joint venture”) hereby appoint and authorize

as our attorney.

Whereas the Andhra Pradesh Urban Infrastructure Asset Management Limited

(“APUIAML”) has invited applications from interested parties for the Master Planning of IT

City project at Madhurawada in Visakhapatnam (hereinafter referred to as “the Assignment”),

Whereas the members of the consortium/joint venture are interested in bidding for this project

in accordance with the terms and conditions of this tender along with its amendments, addenda

and related documents,

And whereas it is necessary for the members of the consortium/joint venture to appoint and

authorize one of them to do all acts, deeds and things in connection with the aforesaid Project,

We hereby nominate and authorize as our constituted attorney in our

name and on our behalf to do or execute all or any of the acts or things in connection with

making an application to APUIAML, to follow up with APUIAML and thereafter to do all

acts, deeds and things on our behalf until culmination of the process of bidding and thereafter

till the license contract is entered into with the Selected agency.

And we hereby agree that all acts, deeds and things done by our said attorney shall be

construed as acts, deeds and things done by us and we undertake to ratify and confirm all and

whatsoever that our said attorney shall do or cause to be done for us by virtue of the power

hereby given.

All the members of this consortium will be jointly and severally liable for execution of this

assignment in all respects.

In witness hereof we have signed this deed on this day of 2017.


For and on behalf of



Memorandum of Understanding

Know all men by these present that we, and (herein after collectively referred to “the

consortium”) for execution of tender. Whereas the APUIAML has invited tenders from the

interested parties for the Master Planning of I.T City project at Madhurawada in Jakkampudi

(hereinafter referred to as “the Assignment”).

Whereas the members of the consortium are interested in bidding for the work of in

accordance with the terms and conditions of the TENDER DOCUMENT.

This Consortium contract is executed to undertake the work and role and responsibility of the

firms as .

And whereas it is necessary under the conditions of the TENDER DOCUMENT for the

members of the consortium to appoint and authorize one of them as Lead Member to do all

acts, deeds and things in connection with the aforesaid tender is the Lead Member of the


We hereby nominate and authorize as our constituted attorney in our name and on our

behalf to do or executive all or any of the acts or things in connection with the execution of

this Tender and thereafter to do all acts, deeds and things on our behalf and thereafter till the

satisfactory completion of work.

And we hereby agree that all acts, deeds and things done by our said attorney shall be

construed as acts, deeds and things done by us and we undertake to ratify and confirm all and

whatsoever that my said attorney shall do or cause to be done for us by virtue of the power

hereby given. All the members of this consortium will be jointly and severally liable for

execution of this assignment in all respects.

In witness hereof we have signed this deed on this day of . [Signature]

By the with named through its duly constituted attorneys in the presence of . [Signature]

By the with named through its duly constituted attorneys in the presence of


For the purposes of Memorandum of Understanding and Power of Attorney:

The contracts are to be executed by the all members in case of a Consortium.

The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure,

if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executants and when

it is so required the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the

required procedure.

Also, wherever required, the Bidder should submit for verification the

extract of the charter documents and documents such as a

resolution/power of attorney in favour of the Person executing this

Power of Attorney for the delegation of power hereunder on behalf of

the Bidder.

In case the Application is signed by an authorized Director / Partner or


Proprietor of the Applicant, a certified copy of the appropriate resolution

/ document conveying such authority may be enclosed in lieu of the

Power of Attorney.


Annexure 8

Comments or Suggestions on the Terms of Reference and Support to

be provided by the Client

Please provide here, comments and suggestions on the Terms of Reference that could improve

the quality/effectiveness of the assignment.

Also list out support in terms of data, background reports, introduction to Owner (ULB /

concerned authority for whom the technical services are being provided), etc. expected to be

provided by the Client


Annexure 8

Description of the Approach, Methodology and Work Plan for

performing the Assignment

Provide a description of the approach, methodology and work plan for performing the

assignment, including:

a. Proposed Technical Approach & Methodology: Please explain your understanding of the

objectives of the Assignment as outlined in the Terms of Reference (TORs), the technical

approach, and the methodology you would adopt for implementing the tasks to deliver the

expected output(s), and the degree of detail of such output. Please do not repeat/copy the

TORs in here.

b. Work plan: Please outline the plan for the implementation of the main activities/tasks of

the assignment, their content and duration, phasing and interrelations, milestones

(including interim approvals by the Client), and tentative delivery dates of the reports.

The proposed work plan should be consistent with the technical approach and

methodology, showing your understanding of the TOR and ability to translate them into a

feasible working plan. A list of the final documents (including reports) to be delivered as

final output(s) should be included here. The work plan should be consistent with the

Work Schedule Form provided below.

Work Schedule Form



Key Activity /



1 2 3 4 … N Total


Annexure A

Format for


[On the Letter head of the Firm]


The CEO,

Andhra Pradesh Urban Infrastructure Asset Management Limited (APUIAML),

4thFloor, RTC House, Pandit Nehru Bus Station,

Vijayawada-520013, Andhra Pradesh





As a part of the Proposal for providing consultancy services for the subject assignment, we hereby

submit the following Professional Fee quotation to the APUIAML.

We quote our proposal in terms of INR for the whole of assignment for a period of Ten Weeks.

In figures: ______________

In words: ______________________________

And this is inclusive of transport, printing and stationery and all other expenses except applicable

taxes towards our Professional fee for the subject assignment to be paid as per payment schedule

specified in this RFP.

We shall abide by the above quote, terms and conditions of this RFP, if APUIAML selects us as the

Consultant for this particular project.

We also understand that, in case any difference between the quoted amount in words and figures, the

quote in words will be taken as final.

We agree that this offer shall remain valid for a period of one hundred and eighty (180 days) from the

Proposal Due Date or such further period as may be mutually agreed upon.

Yours faithfully,


(Signature of Authorised Signatory)

(Name, Title, Address, Date)

Note: The financial proposal to be submitted strictly as per the above format. Noncompliance to the

above format shall disqualify the firm’s proposal


Annexure 9

Indicative details of the project site



(Note: Kindly note that this work order is very concise and sketchy. Request you to go through the the

standard work order shared with you and see if it suits your requirements)





Kind Attn: ..……….



Sub: Work Order

Dear Sir,

This is with reference to the Letter of Intent (LOI) issued to you vide our letter Ref No,

APUIAML/…………; dated ……..2018 and the acceptance received from you there upon.

Accordingly, we are pleased to issue the work order as per the details given below:

Details of the Assignment: To prepare and submit the Detailed Project Report in accordance with the

detailed scope as provided by the client in the ToR - section 5 of this RFP Document for the

development of the project at the specified location as given in the section 5.2 of this RFP Document.

The Consultant needs to perform the Assignment as mentioned in the TOR of the RFP in order to

achieve the required deliverables as mentioned in section 5.3 of the RFP and the same is attached in the

Appendix 1 of this work order.

Total time period shall be Eight (08) Weeks for completion of the Assignment which includes the

MASTER PLANNING study and submission of draft report and final reportof the subject projects to

the Client from the date of issue of the work order.

a. The date of start of assignment is ……. 2018

b. The fee for the assignment shall be …….. + Taxes as applicable

b. The timelines and the fee payable for the deliverables of the Assignment shall be as below:



S. No. Details Time Duration

(in weeks)

Part A (Horizontal development for 22.19 Acres)

2 Conceptual Master Plan D+2

3 Draft Detailed Master Plan including Infrastructure Plan D+4

4 Acceptance of Final Master Plan and Infrastructure Plan

Report after presentation to Client

Design Basis Report for Infrastructure


5 Basic infrastructure planning and designs

Cost estimates and technical specifications


Part B (Vertical Development for 4 Million Sft BUA)

1 Acceptance of Conceptual Building Layout options 3 Minimum D*+4

2 Design & Detailing Engineering of Building & its related

Services (MEP, HVAC & BMS etc.) for Final Building


3 Final Building planning, designs, Cost estimates and technical

(Complete in all aspects)


4 Selection of Contractor During Bid Process

Deliverables shall be in the form of 5 hard +2 soft copy MS Word & PDF format for Reports and

AUTOCAD DWG & PDF formats for drawings/plans; Shape file format (GIS format) for spatial


*D- Start Date of Assignment- Date of signing for the agreement / Issue of LOA



Payment Milestones Apportion


Fee % of Part A Cumulative fee

% of Part A

01 Part A (Horizontal development for

22.19 Acres)


a Acceptance of Conceptual Master

Plan (Minimum of three options)

15% 15%

b Acceptance of Final Master Plan 20% 35%

c Acceptance of Detailed Final Master

Plan and Infrastructure Plan Report

25% 60%

d Final Basic infrastructure plans,

Designs, Cost estimates and Technical


30% 90%


e Selection of Contractor 10% 100%

02 Part B (Vertical Development for 4

Million Sft BUA)

80% Fee % of Part B Cumulative fee

% of Part B

a Acceptance of Conceptual Building

Layout options 3 Minimum

15% 15%

b Design & Detailing Engineering of

Building & its related Services

(MEP, HVAC & BMS etc.) for Final

Building Layout Plan



c Final Building planning, designs, Cost

estimates and technical specifications

40% 90%

d Selection of Contractor 10% 100%

d. The fee payment will be paid / released to the Consultant by the Client (APUIAML) within

Seven (07) days after receiving corresponding payment from the Authority (VUDA) subject to

any statutory and other deductions. Notwithstanding any other provision contained herein to

the contrary or otherwise, no payment shall be made to the consultant unless corresponding

payment has been received by the Client from the authority.

e. The Client reserves its right to withhold payments due to the Consultant, if the Consultant has

failed to perform in accordance with the terms and conditions as stipulated in this RFP &

Work Order

f. The work order can be terminated by either party by giving seven (7) days’ notice to the other


g. In case of delay in completion of the Deliverables/Milestones within the timelines, so

respectively prescribed under clause C herein above, a penalty equal to 0.5% of the total

Consultancy Fees per day subject to a maximum of 10 % of the total Consultancy Fees will be

imposed and shall be recovered from the payments due.

h. The Consultant hereby agrees that he shall abide to the Clause 5.5 of the RFP Document for the

retention of amounts payable towards performance security.

i. Any dispute between the Consultant and the Client as to matters arising out of or in connection

with the Assignment and/or this Work Order or the interpretation thereof shall, by use of best

efforts of the Parties, be settled amicably.

j. Any dispute between the Parties as to matters arising pursuant to this Assignment and/or this

Work Order or the interpretation thereof which cannot be settled amicably within ten (10) days

after receipt by one party of the other party's request for such amicable settlement may be

settled by arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the Arbitration & Conciliation Act

1996 by a sole arbitrator, to be appointed jointly by the parties. In case the parties are unable to

appoint the sole arbitrator within 30 (thirty) days of a request made by one of the parties for


appointment of the sole arbitrator, the parties may initiate appropriate proceedings under

Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 for appointment of such arbitrator. The decision of the

arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties. The parties shall bear their respective costs

of arbitration and the final sharing of the arbitration cost shall be as per the award given by the


k. The venue of such arbitration shall be Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh only, and the language of

arbitration proceedings shall be English.

l. This Work Order and the rights and obligations of the parties shall remain in full force and

effect, pending the Award in any Arbitration proceedings hereunder.

m. The Consultant acknowledges that the key personnel involved for the Assignment are qualified

and experienced Personnel as required by the client to carry out the Assignment and the

consultant shall carry out the said assignment through the same key personnel throughout the

Assignment period as submitted by him. (Annexure - 4 of submissions).

The scope of work shall be as per the TOR issued for the Assignment (Appendix – 1).

You are requested to submit the work order duly signed and return the same to our office as a proof of


Thanking You

Chief Executive Officer - APUIAML


………………………….(Selected Applicant)

Appendix 1: Description of Services

Appendix 2: Mandate Form



Note: This Appendix will include the final Terms of Reference worked out by the

―Client‖ and the Consultants, dates for completion of various tasks, place of performance for different

tasks/activities, specific tasks/activities/outcome to be reviewed, tested and approved by ―Client‖, etc.


























I hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. If the transaction is

delayed or not effected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information I would not hold the

user instruction responsible. I have read the option invitation letter and agree to discharge

responsibility expected of me as a participant under the Scheme.


Signature of Consultant

Certified that the particulars furnished above are correct as per our records.


Signature of Consultant

1. Please attach a photocopy of cheque along with the verification obtained from the bank.

2. IncaseyourBranchispresentlynot―RTGSenabled‖thenuponitsup-gradationto―RTGS Enabled

branch. Please submit the information again in the above proforma to the Department atthe earliest.