SELENA THÉ MR. KYLE BURCHETT PHI 380 001 DEATH, DYING, AND THE QUALITY OF LIFE MONDAY JANUARY 27, 2014 Death’s Distinctive Harm Written By Stephan Blatti

SELENA THÉ MR. KYLE BURCHETT PHI 380 001 DEATH, DYING, AND THE QUALITY OF LIFE MONDAY JANUARY 27, 2014 Death’s Distinctive Harm Written By Stephan Blatti

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Death’s Distinctive HarmWritten By Stephan Blatti



Stephan Blatti Biography

Article Overview

Article Excerpts

Relatable Topics


Stephan Blatti Biography

Attended Ohio State University and the University of Oxford

Previously taught at the University of North Carolina and Duke University

Currently at the University of Memphis Department of Philosophy

Metaphysics Animalist theory of personal

identity, material constitution, and deathhttp://memphis.edu/philosophy/bios/blatti.php

Article Overview- The Harm Thesis

The Harm Thesis- death can harm the one who dies.

Two Challenges 1. Timing issue- If HT is

true, when is death’s harm exposed to oneself?

2. Harm issue- If HT is true, what is the nature of the harm brought about by death?

(Blatti, 317)http://www.bubblews.com/news/51610-death

The Harm Thesis The Epicurean

“Death can harm the one who dies.”

“The most awful of evils,” as Epicurus notoriously put it in his Letter to Menoeceus, “is nothing to us, seeing that, when we are, death is not come, and, when death is come, we are not.”

(Blatti, 317)

Article Excerpts- The Harm Thesis vs. The Epicurean

Article Overview- The Timing Issue

The Timing Issue Eternalism Priorism Concurrentism Subsequentism Indefinitism

(Blatti, 317)


Article Overview- The Harm Issue

The Harm Issue “When bad, death’s

badness consists in depriving us of life’s goods.”

The Deprivation View

(Blatti, 317)https://life.babson.edu/organization/netimpact/calendar/details/


Article Excerpt- The Deprivation View

“The discussion unfolds in three steps. In section 1 we consider the priorist answer to

the timing question, see how it works with DV, and entertain a couple of misgivings. Section 2 presents DV in greater detail, highlighting its advantages and drawing out the respects in

which it is incomplete. Section 3 offers a proposal for how to understand the aspect of

mortal harm (Restriction Harm) that DV overlooks. This account accords with priorism and avoids the objections raised in section 1.”

(Blatti, 318)

Article Overview- Priorism

The victim of deaths harm are not the dead, but the living.

One’s future death

may constitute an injury to one’s present self. Yankees vs. the Red

Sox Ferdinand Magellan

(Blatti, 318-319)


Article Excerpt- Priorism

“S’s death at t2 constitutes a harm to S at t1 by depriving S at t1 of goods that S would have

enjoyed had she continued living. Put differently, if S’s death at t2 will render her

efforts at t1 ineffectual (by precluding completion of a significant project, for

instance), then S’s death at t2 harms S at t1 by making S at t1 comparatively worse off than

she would have been had she not attempted to complete her project in the first place.”

(Blatti, 319)

Article Overview- Deprivation Harm

Deprivation Harm- death deprives a person of possible goods that would come from a longer life

Deprivationist approach- some deaths are worse than others and death might not be overall bad for some of those who die Suicide Euthanasia Ceteris paribus

(Blatti, 321)



Article Excerpt- Deprivation Harm

“We can and should agree that there are circumstances in which suicide may be rational and euthanasia justified. But from the fact that some lives are not worth continuing, it does not

follow that the subjects of these lives go unharmed by their deaths—even when those

deaths are elective.”

(Blatti, 323)

Ceteris Paribus


Article Overview- Restriction Harm

Every exercise of a subject’s autonomy is possibly thwarted by her death.

The Termination Thesis

“An autonomous human being is necessarily restriction-harmed by her future death so long as she remains autonomous.”

(Blatti, 323-324)http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/featured/most-mindblowing-


Article Overview- Conclusion

“Death’s harm is not homogenous, but multifaceted; not entirely contingent, but partly necessary.”

“Each and every autonomous, living subject who dies is harmed because her every exercise of autonomy is possibly undermined by death.”

“Not only can death in fact harm the one who dies, it always does so—whether or not

the death is overall good for that individual.”

(Blatti, 326)

Relatable Topics


Active Passive Physician Assisted

Ceteris ParibusDNRs



Works Cited

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