DE C APR AU G 15 20 02 200 3 20 04 18 captures 29 May 01 - 18 Feb 05 Clos Self-Reference and Computational Complexity © 2001 by Christopher Michael Langan [This paper contains background information on the P?NP problem. Being the first part of a much longer work-in- progress, it is for introductory purposes only. If anyone finds any errors – and there are sure to be a few, given the time crunch under which this was written – kindly let me know. The bibliography can wait for a future installment (meanwhile, thanks to Stephen Cook, A.K. Dewdney and Robert Rogers).] Introduction Undecidability Computation Theory Incomputability P?NP Oracles Introduction: The Problematic Role of Self-Reference in Mathematics Self-reference is an ever-popular topic in recreational mathematics, where it is usually characterized as a pathological rarity that must be treated with great care in order to avoid vicious paradoxes like this statement is false. To some extent, this reflects the history of mathematics; scarcely had Bertrand Russell presented his eponymous paradox in set theory, namely "the set of all sets that do not include themselves as elements", than he proposed to outlaw it with a stupefyingly complex theory that boiled down to a blanket prohibition on self- http://w ww Go

Self-Reference and Computational Complexity Chris Langan

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18 captures29 May 01 - 18 Feb 05


Self-Reference and Computational Complexity

© 2001 by Christopher Michael Langan

[This paper contains background information on the P?NP problem. Being the first part of a much longer work-in-progress, it is for introductory purposes only. If anyone finds any errors – and there are sure to be a few, given the time crunch under which this was written – kindly let me know. The bibliography can wait for a future installment (meanwhile, thanks to Stephen Cook, A.K. Dewdney and Robert Rogers).]

Introduction   Undecidability   Computation Theory   Incomputability   P?NP   Oracles

Introduction: The Problematic Role of Self-Reference in Mathematics

Self-reference is an ever-popular topic in recreational mathematics, where it is usually characterized as a pathological rarity that must be treated with great care in order to avoid vicious paradoxes like this statement is false. To some extent, this reflects the history of mathematics; scarcely had Bertrand Russell presented his eponymous paradox in set theory, namely "the set of all sets that do not include themselves as elements", than he proposed to outlaw it with a stupefyingly complex theory that boiled down to a blanket prohibition on self-inclusion and its semantic equivalent, self-reference. Since then, mathematicians have regarded themselves as having two choices with regard to self-reference: follow Russell’s prescription and avoid it, or use it (with great care) for the express purpose of extracting paradoxical inconsistencies from, and thereby disproving, certain especially problematic conjectures.

Mathematical reasoning equates to the direct or indirect derivation of theorems from primitive axioms. Ordinarily, a mathematical conjecture is proven correct by direct (deductive or inductive) derivation within an axiomatic system, or by showing that its negation leads to a contradiction or an absurdity within the system; similarly, a conjecture is proven incorrect by either directly deriving its negation, finding a counterexample, or showing that it leads to a contradiction or an absurdity, again

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within a single axiomatic system. Where each of these maneuvers is confined to a formal axiomatic system, and where the symbols, formulae and rules of inference of a formal system are taken to refer only to each other, they unavoidably involve self-reference. Indeed, any algebraically closed language treated apart from external meaning is self-referential by definition, and so is any process relying on the properties of such a language. To the extent that mathematics consists of such languages, mathematical reasoning is such a process. It follows that mathematics as a whole is implicitly self-referential in nature.

But certain limits are maintained nonetheless. For example, in order to avoid introducing a forbidden subjective component into what is supposed to be an objective enterprise (the quest for "absolute" mathematical truth), at no point is a mathematician ever supposed to be caught referring to himself or his own thought processes as part of a mathematical proof. Even when deliberately employing self-reference in proving a conjecture, the mathematician must punctiliously externalize and thereby objectivize it, hygienically confining it to a formula or abstract machine model. By confining self-reference to the object level of discourse, the mathematician hopes to ensure the noncircularity of a higher level of discourse from which the predicates true and false can be downwardly assigned with no troublesome rebound…a level hopefully inhabited by the mathematician himself. By avoiding self-reference on the "business" level of discourse, he hopes to avoid having his own reasoning falsified "from above" on the basis of what would otherwise be its circularity. In short, the trapper does not propose to be caught in his trap.

Unfortunately, this is a philosophically dubious position. It begins to unravel as we approach the foundations of mathematics, where the object is to trace the roots and account for the very origins of mathematical reasoning. At this stage of explanation, it becomes impossible to avoid the realization that in order to be consistent, mathematics must possess a kind of algebraic closure, and to this extent must be globally self-referential. Concisely, closure equals self-containment with respect to a relation or predicate, and this equates to self-reference. E.g., the self-consistency of a system ultimately equates to the closure of that system with respect to consistency, and this describes a scenario in which every part of the system refers consistently to other parts of the system (and only thereto). At every internal point (mathematical datum) of the system mathematics, the following circularity applies: "mathematics refers consistently to mathematics". So mathematics is distributively self-referential, and if this makes it globally vulnerable to some kind of implacable "meta-mathematical" paradox, all we can do in response is learn to live with the danger. Fortunately, it turns out that we can reason our way out of such doubts…but only by admitting that self-reference is the name of the game.

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When a language self-refers, it stratifies or separates into levels, with reference flowing directionally from metalanguage to language. E.g., each the following statements – "this statement is about itself", "the subject of this statement is this statement", and "this formula x is a description of x" – is actually a statement and the object of a statement, with statement and object occupying the metalanguage and object levels respectively. The operative rule in such cases is that reference never flows upward from object to statement, but only downward (from metalanguage to object) or laterally (from object to object, by virtue of the expression of these objects within a higher-level metalanguage mediating their mutual influence). This stratification is very important from a proof-theoretic standpoint, as the following example shows.

Theorem: "This statement is false" is false.

Proof: If the statement in quotes is indeed false, then it is true. On the other hand, if it is true, then it is false. This is a contradiction. Since the quoted statement generates a contradiction, it is logically inconsistent and therefore false. (Q.E.D.)

But wait! Unfortunately, if the quoted statement is false, then it is true (as stated in the proof). This would seem to contradict not only the overall statement including the quoted statement, i.e. the "theorem", but the proof as well…unless we have a rule saying that the statement in quotes can refer to neither the overall statement of which it is part, nor to the proof of the overall statement. In that case, it can invalidate only itself, which is exactly what it is taken to be doing, and can do so only within a metalanguage capable of expressing the reflexive self-invalidating relationship. It should be noted that technically, "this statement is false" is invalid on purely formal grounds; it is in fact a forbidden instance of self-reference. But since it is analogous to any statement that implies its own negation in an axiomatic context - and such statements are routinely dealt with in mathematics without immediate concern for their "bad syntax" - its clarity makes it valuable for illustrative purposes.

In the above example, self-reference is confined to a formula that pronounces itself false. Because this formula refers negatively to its own veracity, it is a self-contained paradox attempting to double as its own falsifying metalanguage and thus possessing a whole new level of "falsehood". But aside from true or false, what else could a formula say about itself? Could it pronounce itself, say, unprovable? Let’s try it: "This formula is unprovable". If the given formula is in fact unprovable, then it is true (and therefore a theorem). But sadly, we cannot recognize it as such without a proof. On the other hand, suppose it is provable. Then it is false (because its provability contradicts what it states of itself) and yet true (because provable)! It seems that we still have the makings of a paradox…a statement that is "provably unprovable" and therefore absurd.

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But what if we now introduce a distinction between levels of proof, calling one level the basic or "language" level and the other (higher) level the "metalanguage" level? Then we would have either a statement that can be metalinguistically proven to be linguistically unprovable, and thus recognizable as a theorem conveying valuable information about the limitations of the basic language, or a statement that cannot be metalinguistically proven to be linguistically unprovable, which, though uninformative, is at least not a paradox. Presto: self-reference without the possibility of paradox! In the year 1931, an Austrian mathematical logician named Kurt Godel actually performed this magic trick for the entertainment and edification of the mathematical world.

Undecidability: the Power of Paradox

As part of his Erlangen Program for 20th century mathematics, the eminent German mathematician David Hilbert had wanted to ascertain that mathematics is "complete" when formalized in a system like the predicate calculus…i.e., that all true theorems (and no false ones) can be proven. But after helpfully setting out to show that every true formula expressed in the predicate calculus is provable, Kurt Godel sadly arrived at a different conclusion. As it turns out, not even arithmetic is complete in this sense. In any consistent formal system containing arithmetic, there are true but unprovable statements. Although their truth can be directly apprehended, they cannot be formally derived from a finite set of axioms in a stepwise fashion.

First, Godel posited axioms and rules of inference for deriving new true formulas from true formulas already in hand. These were just the axioms and rules of the first-order predicate calculus, comprising the logic of proof throughout the mathematical world. To these he adjoined the Peano postulates of standard arithmetic, a set of axioms and rules for the natural numbers. These consist of 6 basic axioms incorporating the equality symbol "=", 3 additional axioms to define the meaning of that symbol, and a rule of induction corresponding to the meta-level rule of inference adjoined to the six basic axioms of the predicate calculus. The predicate calculus and the Peano postulates, together comprising 15 axioms and 2 rules of inference, define a powerful and comprehensive system for the expression and proof of arithmetical truth.

After defining his arithmetical system, Godel’s next step was to enable the formulation of self-referential statements within it. Because arithmetic refers to numbers, this meant assigning numbers to arithmetical formulae. He accomplished this by (1) assigning a natural number or "code number"  {1,2,…,15} to each of the 15 distinct logical and arithmetical symbols employed in the system; (2) numbering the symbols in each formula from left to right with the consecutive prime "placeholder" numbers 2,3,5,7,…; (3) raising each prime placeholder number to a power equal to the code number of the symbol in that place; and (4) multiplying all of

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the resulting (large but computable) numbers together to get theGodel number of the formula (note that this procedure is reversible; given any Godel number, one may compute the expression it encodes by factoring it into a unique set of prime factors). In addition, Godel numbered proofs and partial derivations, i.e. deductive sequences of r consecutive formulae, with the products of r numbers 2m  3n  5p  …, where the bases are the first r primes and the exponents m, n, p,… are the Godel numbers of the first, second, third,… formulae in the sequence.

In this way, every arithmetical predicate expressible by a formula or sequence of formulae is Godel-numbered, including the predicate "is a proof of (some formula)" and "(this formula) cannot be proven" [equivalent formulations with universal and existential quantifiers: "for all numbers x, x is not the Godel number of a proof of (this formula)"; "there does not exist a number…that is the Godel number of a proof of (this formula)"]. It is important to realize that these predicates actually correspond to real numeric relationships "isomorphically hybridized" with logical relationships. The biological flavor of this terminology is not accidental, for the isomorphism guarantees that numeric relationships areheritable as their logical isomorphs are derived. When one logical formula is derived by substitution from another, they become numerically related in such a way that a distinctive numeric predicate of the Godel number of the ancestral formula is effectively inherited by the Godel number of the descendant formula. This maintains a basis for consistency, ensuring that the negation of the numeric predicate of a formula cannot be derived from the numeric predicate of the formula itself.

Let us be a bit more specific. Godel’s idea was to express the logical syntax of arithmetic, which is ordinarily formulated in terms of logical and arithmetical symbols, in terms of pure numeric relationships. To do this, the various logical relationships within and among syntactic formulae must be mirrored by numeric relationships among the (Godel-numeric) images of these formulae under Godel’s logic-to-number mapping. The key property that allows this mirroring to occur is called representability. An n-ary numeric relation R(x1,…,xn) is representable in the first-order Peano arithmetic N iff there is in N a formula A(a1,…,an) with n free variables such that for all natural numbers k1,…,kn, the following conditions hold:

1. If R(k1,…,kn) holds, then |--NA(k1,…,kn), i.e. A(k1,…,kn) is provable in N

2. If R(k1,…,kn) does not hold, then |--N~A(k1,…,kn)

In this case, we say that A(a1,…,an) represents the numeric relation R. E.g., let R be the "less than" relation among natural numbers. Then R is representable in N because there is a formula x<y with two free variables (x and y) such that for any natural numbers k1 and k2, (1) k1<k2 is provable in N whenever k1 is less than k2, and (2) not-

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( k1<k2) is provable in N whenever k1 is not less than k2. Representability is similarly defined for numeric functions (as opposed to relations).

Now consider the predicate "Proof(x,y,z)", meaning "x is the Godel number of a proof X of a formula Y which has one free variable, Godel number y, and the integer z substituted for its free variable". This predicate corresponds to a rather long expression which includes several computable procedures reducible to formulae, including (1) given an integer, find the string of which it is the Godel number; (2) given a string, determine whether it is a formula (i.e., syntactically well-formed); and (3) given a sequence of formulae, determine whether it is a proof for the last formula in the sequence.

Suppose that the Godel number y of a formula Y is substituted for its one free variable, resulting in the formula "Proof(x,y,y)", and construct an expression which denies the existence of a proof of this formula within formal arithmetic: ~xProof(x,y,y) ("x is the Godel number of a proof X of a formula Y which has one free variable, Godel number y, and its own Godel number y substituted for its free variable"). This formula G, which already makes a statement about the "self-referential" formula Y, obviously has a Godel number g; to make the entire formula G "self-refer" like Y, we need merely write ~xProof(x,g,g) = G’, where G’ has Godel number g’ (G’ is a logical descendant of G whose Godel number is related to that of G in a distinctive way). This leads to

Godel’s theorem: ~xProof(x,g,g) is true but unprovable in formal arithmetic.

Metamathematical Proof: Suppose there is a proof P for ~xProof(x,g,g). If so, let its Godel number be p, so that Proof(p,g’,g’) is true. But this contradicts the content of the formula


represented by g, which is the ancestor of ~xProof(x,g,g), an integral part of Godel’s theorem that inherits its characteristic arithmetical attribute. The contradiction is not merely formal; Proof(p,g’,g’) expresses an arithmetical relationship that is the negation of that expressed by ~xProof(x,g,g). Consequently, P cannot exist; it lacks (and in fact negates) the required arithmetical attribute. Form is out of sync with content; in the variable g’, P = Proof(p,g’,g’) contains its antithesis, ~xProof(x,g,g). But this is just the content of the theorem to be proven. (Q.E.D.)

Notice that Godel utilizes the same levels of reference that we utilized in proving the theorem "This sentence is false" is false. The statement ~xProof(x,g,g) corresponds to "This sentence is false"; the metastatement ~xProof(x,g,g) is true but unprovable

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in formal arithmeticcorresponds to "This sentence is false" is false; and the proof of each metastatement resides on a higher level still (the genius of Godel’s proof is the way in which all of these levels of "metamathematical" discourse, including formal arithmetic, are mapped into the number system, thus letting the number system serve as the logical metalanguage of its own arithmetical syntax). Godel’s proof is called metamathematicalbecause it effectively refers to every part of mathematics not incorporating the principle of transfinite induction. I.e., in proving that there exists a true but axiomatically unprovable theorem of arithmetic, it is proven that constructivist mathematics as a whole contains such theorems. This is just what David Hilbert and many other mathematicians had not wanted to hear.

Concisely, Godel was able to show that if his formula ~xProof(x,g,g) were provable, then its negation or "formal contradictory" would be provable as well; conversely, if the negation were provable, then so would be the formula. But any set of axioms from which both a formula and its negation can be derived is inconsistent. So if the axioms of formal arithmetic are consistent, then neither the formula nor its negation is demonstrable. In other words, mathematics – which includes formal arithmetic - cannot be both complete and consistent; if it is consistent, then it is necessarily incomplete (note that the converse is not implied; consistency does not necessarily follow from incompleteness). The technical name for this eternal tug-of-war between consistency and completeness is undecidability. As we have just seen, the predicate undecidable, as applied to individual formulae, is synonymous with "true but unprovable" within a given formal system, implying that the system in question is consistent but incomplete.

In some respects, proving a theorem is like solving a problem. Indeed, the proof of a theorem is merely the "solution" of the "problem" of how to derive the theorem, and the rules of proof, i.e. of derivation from axioms, thus define a problem-solving procedure or "algorithm". Conversely, using an algorithm to find a solution Y for any problem X amounts to deriving a theorem stating that Y is a solution of X. Prior to Godel, it had been thought that all theorems were axiomatically provable, and thus that all problems were algorithmically soluble. But with Godel’s results came the realization that problems can to some extent be classified according to their "degree of solubility". Obviously, those problems whose solutions were not axiomatically (or algorithmically) derivable comprised a new and previously unknown class, that of undecidable problems in general.

Loosely, a complexity class is a set of distinct but similar problems sharing the same worst-case requirements for computing a solution (at the time of Godel’s proof, there was no obvious way to express these requirements, and thus a shortage of distinct complexity classes). In effect, Godel’s proof was a diagonalization taking all

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members of the complexity class of solvable or decidable problems, constructing an element differing from each of these members (~xProof(x,g,g)), and adjoining this element to the original class in order to create an extension thereof. By the nature of the construction of this element, it clearly belongs to a new and distinct complexity class…the one embodied by the extension. This gives rise to new kind of theorem, a separation theorem asserting the distinctness of two complexity classes, those of decidable and undecidable problems respectively. Since Godel’s day, many other separation theorems and related conjectures have been introduced. But to follow the action, we need to know how to formulate the computational requirements for solving problems.

Computation Theory

Ordinarily, we think of computation as "what computers do", and thus as an objective mechanical process independent of the specific nature of that which is to be computed. This is reflected in an actual computer’s ability to accept any kind of program and any appropriate set of inputs. But for certain purposes, this view is not entirely adequate; ultimately, the terms problem, solution and computation are mutually defined. Simplistically, computation is an input-to-output transformation relating certain configurations of data and information, namely problems and their solutions; problems are mathematical objects presented as input to computational entities which then yield solutions as output; andsolutions comprise a subset of the terminal outputs of these computational entities upon being presented with problems as input.

While these definitions can naturally be refined, the point is that none of the defined concepts is meaningful without the others. In particular, computers are problem-solving entities and therefore essentially algorithmic in nature; if there were no problems to be solved, and no algorithmic computer programs to solve them, there would be nothing to compute (an algorithm is a step-by-step procedure that solves a problem or produces a desired result). At best, there would be only a random, aimless processing of data to which the notion of "computational requirements" would be irrelevant. The structure of any computer, including its architecture and the full range of compatible software, is thus that of a "generalized self-executing algorithm". It was in this utilitarian form, with no explicit hardware-software distinction, that modern computers were first conceived.

Like any process, computation requires a model. A model of computation is just an "abstract computer" with respect to which it is possible to express computational requirements like execution time and memory space for various problem-algorithm combinations. Different models of computation differ in "computing power", including the kind of computations that can be performed and their costs in time and

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space (i.e., in the numbers of computational steps and the amounts of memory they require). However, because these differences are a matter of various "mechanical constraints" built into the abstract models themselves – e.g., rules about how memory is accessed, the orders in which various operations can be performed, and how many things can be processed at once - the requirements for one model can generally be translated into those of another simply by modifying the constraints and monitoring the consequences.

The standard model of computation is the Turing machine, a "read-write" automaton whose design incorporates one or more tapes from which input is read and to which output is written. Such a machine has internal structure and programming in terms of which its input is interpreted as a problem, and through the dynamics and execution of which the solution is (or cannot be) delivered as output. Where a solution is delivered, the machine halts in an affirmative state; where not, it halts in a negative state (or in the event of "incomputability", never halts). Given a Turing machine M, there are two cases in which a solution cannot be delivered and M halts in a negative state: (1) M cannot interpret its input I as a meaningful problem in terms of its architecture and programming (hard and soft structure), and therefore cannot accept orrecognize it; (2) after accepting I as a meaningful problem, M cannot go on to accept I or one of its transforms as a soluble problem, and therefore terminates its computation without having reached a solution.

Information consists of patterns of data with locative or predictive value. Like human mathematicians, Turing machines are information transducers that convert one form of information to another…i.e., problems into solutions. The tape(s) are analogous to a mathematician’s scratch pad, containing cells in which symbols can be read, written or erased; its movable read and write/erase heads are analogous to his eyes and pencil; and its state transitions are analogous to his mental processes as he pursues his calculations. What is written on the tape is informative with respect to not just the tape’s own contents, but the internal states of the machine – the output of each successive step complements the machine’s own structure and programming as a basis for predicting the next state - and the machine’s stepwise passage through a sequence of intermediate internal and external (machine and tape) states is information transduction. That is, a Turing machine is an "information transducer". If a given property holds for information transducers, it holds a fortiori for Turing machines, and in order to prove something true of Turing machines, it suffices to prove it for information transducers.

Now let us refine the model a bit. A Turing machine, which can assume any of a finite number of internal states, consists of a read/write head and one or more (finite or infinite) tapes divided into squares that each contains a 0 or a 1. Beginning in an

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initial state, the machine scans a square, erases what it finds there, prints a 0 or 1, moves to an adjacent square and enters a new state. All information on its behavior is contained in three parameters: its state, the number in the square being scanned, and a finite instruction table called its state transition function. For each state-input combination, the table tells the machine what to write, in which direction to move, and what state to enter (the machine’s functional states are implicitly defined by their occurrences in the table). A Turing machine with one state transition per state-input pair is deterministic; one with several possible transitions is nondeterministic; one whose table gives probabilities for various possible transitions is probabilistic; and one that can query a hidden set on whether it contains a given item is oracular. A deterministic Turing machine, whose software-like abstractness lets it be implemented in various physical devices, can compute any computable function given enough time and tape.

Like computation theory in general, Turing machines have one foot in the realm of abstract mathematical objects and one foot in the world of concrete physical devices. This is what makes them so useful as models of practical, real-world mathematical computation. So it is natural to ask whether self reference and diagonalization can be extended to the realm of Turing machines. The answer was provided by their inventor, the British mathematician Alan Turing, in his celebrated attack on the Halting problem. The Halting Problem is a refined form of Hilbert’sDecision Problem, which in turn was closely related to his Completeness Problem as solved by Godel. The Decision Problem asks for a yes-or-no answer to the question of whether there is one effective procedure for predicting whether or not a given conclusion follows from a given set of assumptions… i.e., whether there is a single master algorithm that can solve all problems or decide all mathematical questions. Unfortunately, even after the labors of Godel, it was not entirely clear what a so-called "effective procedure" should look like. Turing’s contribution was to provide a model of computation in terms of which to define effective procedures, and then to reformulate and solve the Decision Problem in terms of this model and definition.


The Halting Problem asks whether or not there exists a Turing Machine TD which, when given an input tape holding a description dT of another Turing machine T and a duplicate of its arbitrary semi-infinite tape t, can decide whether T halts on t. If TD exists, then it has just two possible halting states:

1. If T halts on t, then TD says YES and transitions from a penultimate state qi to an affirmative halting state qh. (YES: qi qh)

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2. If T does not halt on t, then TD says NO and transitions from a penultimate state qj to a negative halting state qk. (NO: qj qk)

Can TD decide whether T halts on a self-description, i.e. a tape containing dT? Suppose that TD contains a "copying machine" TC which converts TD’s semi-infinite tape, with contents dT and t, to a compact tape containing only dT, and then transitions from its own final state ("finished copying dT") to TD’s initial state. Let T’D be the compound machine formed by grafting the copying machine TC onto TD: T’D = {TC, TD} (notice that T’D has the same halting transitions 1 and 2 as TD.) Now transform T’D to T"D by modifying, i.e. bypassing, the halting transitions 1 and 2 as follows:

            T’D                  T"D

    (YES:qiqh)  (qiqn/loop) [the affirmative halting state qh of T’D is bypassed in T"D]

    (NO:qj qk)  (qj qy) [the negative halting state qk of T’D is bypassed in T"D]]

That is, once T"D attains state qn, there is a looping transition back to qn for every possible state/input combination, i.e. configuration, of T’D. Thus, once in state qn, T"D will never halt. Once in state qy, however, T"D halts (because qy is by definition a halting state). In other words, T"D is a machine that halts iff it determines that TD does not halt on T, and does not halt otherwise (note that this Turing machine T"D , despite its contrary behavior in not halting when T’D halts, is defined in a perfectly legitimate way, without breaking any of the rules governing such devices).

What happens when T"D is given the tape dT"D (as opposed to the "generic" tape dT)? If T"D halts on dT"D, then it transitions from the penultimate state qi of TD and T’D to the looping state qn and cycles forever; i.e. if T"D halts on dT"D, then T"D does not halt on dT"D. Similarly, if T"D does not halt on dT"D, then it transitions from the penultimate state qj of TD and T’D to the halting state qy and halts; i.e. if T"Ddoes not halt on dT"D, then T"D does halt on dT"D. These contradictions imply that no such machine as TD exists.

Notice the way self-reference is used to effect diagonalization. Self-reference occurs when T"D is given a self-description (the tape dT"D), and diagonalization occurs when this instance of self-reference leads to a contradiction implying the existence of an incomputable "halting function" that accepts a Turing machine and its tape as arguments and outputs a yes-or-no decision on whether or not that machine will halt on that tape. Turing’s proof diagonalized the set of computable functions (algorithms) to produce an element not included in that set (the halting function), thus

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distinguishing a whole new set of incomputable functions. Because the set of computable functions and the set of incomputable functions are complexity classes - sets of problems, algorithms or functions sharing the same worst-case computational requirements - Turing’s proof gives rise to a separation theorem asserting their distinctness. Just as Godel had (in effect) classified problem solutions as decidable or undecidable by derivation from axioms, Turing classified functions as computable or incomputable by means of effective procedures.

Thanks to Turing and an American counterpart named Alonzo Church (who managed to achieve parallel results by defining effective procedures arithmetically rather than in terms of a machine model), self-reference and diagonalization were taken to a whole new level…a level uniting the abstract and the concrete. The power of paradox had been harnessed as never before. So great was this achievement that it might have seemed the end of the line for this particular route to mathematical knowledge, at least in terms of major insights. But as is often the case in mathematics, new insight eventually became a platform for new problems and unforeseen investigations. For once we have a distinction between the decidable and the undecidable, and the computable and the incomputable, we have the makings of a scale spanning each pair of poles…a scale requiring calibration in degrees of decidability and computability respectively. With respect to the difficulty of mathematical problems, the computational complexity parameter is called tractability.


For practical purposes, the classes of undecidable problems and incomputable functions mark the upper end of the tractability scale. No matter how big our computer or how long we let it work on an undecidable problem or incomputable function, a solution will never be algorithmically produced. Even were a solution handed to us, it could not be checked and validated. On the other hand, what we find down towards the middle of the scale are problems considerably more tractable in nature. Even in the worst possible case, algorithmically computing an exact solution for one of these "tractable" problems requires a number of computational steps and/or an amount of memory that can be expressed as a polynomial function of the number of variables it contains.

But here ends the simplicity. For between the middle and the upper extreme of the scale, there resides a species of problem that can only be called intractable. While the solutions of such problems, should we be lucky enough to guess them, can always be checked for correctness by a polynomial algorithm, they cannot be polynomially computed. While exact solutions for intractable problems can be computed byexhaustion algorithms that check all possibilities at every decisive juncture, the costs of using such an algorithm are prohibitive in time and memory. In

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the worst case, using such an algorithm requires a number of computational steps and/or an amount of memory that cannot be expressed as a polynomial function of the number of variables in the problem. Bigger, faster-growing functions, e.g. exponential or factorial functions, seem to be required. Unfortunately, such functions expand so rapidly that it is not uncommon for the requirements they express to exceed the capacity of a computer bigger and older than the physical universe! Where the only available algorithm is exhaustive, the only way to get an exact solution in polynomial time is to let a nondeterministic Turing machine "guess" it and then use a polynomial-time "checking function" to see if the guess was right.

Among the problems whose solutions can be checked in polynomial time and are thus known to be in the class NP, some are known to be "universal" in the sense that all other problems in the genre can be reduced to them in polynomial time. That is, any instance of any problem in the class NP can be polynomially converted into an instance of the universal problem in such a way that if the reduced instance is solved, the solution can be polynomially translated back into a solution of the original problem. These universal problems are called NP-complete. Because of this reducibility, an algorithm that can solve any NP-complete problem in polynomial time can in principle solve any problem in the class. All we would have to do is graft a set of polynomial reduction algorithms onto the main NP-complete algorithm, convert any NP problem we might encounter to the one solved by the main algorithm, solve the reduction, and then translate the solution back into the language of the original problem. But reducibility works the other way as well. Were we to prove that any NP-complete problem is not polynomially solvable, we would know the same of every problem in the class. (If nothing else, this would tell us not to feel guilty for concentrating on the development of fast approximation algorithms.)

That which seems to be true is not always true in fact, and this applies as often in mathematics as in everyday life. So in the absence of hard mathematical proof, mathematicians are reluctant to assume that the classes of tractable and intractable problems are really different. Instead, they consider two possibilities. (1) All problems are ultimately tractable, but we haven’t found good (polynomial) algorithms for all of them yet. (2) Some problems, being innately intractable, have no good algorithms; thus, while we can always trust to luck and use a nondeterministic Turing machine to guess and check their solutions in polynomial time, we cannot do so reliably by using a deterministic algorithm. Where we call the complexity class of tractable problems P (for Polynomial, as in "solvable in polynomial time and space by a deterministic Turing machine") and the class containing both tractable and intractable-but-checkable problems NP (for Nondeterministic Polynomial, as in "solvable in polynomial time and space by a nondeterministic Turing machine"), these possibilities can be formulated as follows: (1) P=NP; (2) P NP. Because the true

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relation sign is unknown, the problem of deciding between these two hypotheses can be written P?NP. P?NP is widely considered one of the most urgent open problems of mathematics.

When trying to solve hard problems, it usually pays to try methods that have worked against similar problems in the past. Because P NP would amount to a separation theorem distinguishing between two disjoint complexity classes, namely P and (NP–P), it is only natural to try the same method used to prove other separation theorems: self-reference and diagonalization. As we have seen, this was the technique successfully employed by Godel and Turing to build the scale of complexity on which the boundary between tractability (P) and intractability (NP-P) would be a critical division. However, there are certain differences. The separation theorems thereby established were of an all-or-nothing variety; where no algorithms exist, algorithmic efficiency is irrelevant. From the original perspectives of Godel and Turing, making distinctions regarding algorithmic efficiency would probably have amounted to hairsplitting. So it is by no means assured that diagonalization and reduction will work on P?NP. And as we are about to see, recent work on the problem provides no special hope that it will.

Oracles and Relativization

A favorite technique of mathematicians everywhere is to assume that a difficult unsolved problem can be solved, and then develop the implications of this assumption in the hope of identifying some of the properties a solution would have if it existed. In the field of computational complexity, this often boils down to the invocation of oracles. An oracle is a set, encoded on a special tape in an OTM (Oracle Turing Machine), to which the machine can issue queries. Essentially, the oracle is just what its name implies: a fund of easy answers for questions that would otherwise be difficult or impossible for the machine to answer. Thus, if an OTM needs to know whether a particular instance of a particular problem is solvable, all it needs to do is ask an oracle containing all solvable instances of that problem whether or not it contains that instance. Where the oracle can answer instantaneously, the total time required for this operation is just the time needed to access the oracle and issue the query, plus the time needed to receive the answer. So as long as both of these times are polynomial, the entire process can be completed in polynomial time. If a polynomial-time solution exists given this oracle, then the intractable part of the problem has been conveniently isolated within the oracle.

A certain general relationship obtains between oracles and the worst-case lower bounds on computation established by diagonalization and reduction: in general, such bounds relativize, i.e. continue to apply in a context in which membership queries can be made to an arbitrary oracle set. This kind of relativizability can be regarded as a

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"measure of robustness" of such results; for example, Turing’s solution of the Halting problem relativizes because it is "too strong" to be affected by any particular choice of oracle. Unfortunately, hopes that the P?NP problem would be solved by diagonalization with reduction were dampened by the 1975 paper of Baker, Gill and Solovay, which employed an oracle set relative to which P=NP (as well as another relative to which P NP). This suggests that the two classes P and (NP-P) cannot be separated by diagonalization and reduction, much as a pair of Siamese twins cannot be separated with a chainsaw. This, of course, throws into doubt the prospect that the P?NP problem can be resolved at all, giving rise to another hard question: where next?

The answer: nobody seems to know. In fact, one of the current trends is to shift attention away from Turing machines to a new model of computation involving acyclic Boolean circuits or "language processors". To understand how these work, we need a bit more background. Just as functions generalize the concept of algorithms, languages are generalizations of problems. Where a language is a set of strings over some fixed alphabet, and a problem is a set of instances (input strings) to be fed to an algorithm, the set of languages clearly includes the set of problems. So instead of asking whether a problem can be solved, we can ask whether its language – i.e., its set of YES instances - can be recognized by a given computational model (Turing machine, Boolean circuit). E.g., instead of asking if there exists an algorithm to solve the NP-complete problem of determining whether a graph can be colored with 3 colors so that no two adjacent vertices have the same color, we can ask if any Turing machine or Boolean circuit can "recognize the language" consisting of all 3-colorable graphs.

A Boolean circuit is a finite acyclic graph with n input nodes and one output node, where each non-input node is a "logic gate" typically functioning as one of the three Boolean connectives AND, OR, NOT (in most contexts, "acyclic" is synonymous with "non-self-referential"). The input nodes are labeled with the names x1,…,xn of variables comprising an instance of a problem to be solved – e.g., the |V|C2 possible edges of a |V|-vertex graph to be 3-colored - and for each assignment of 1 or 0 to each variable, the circuit computes a bit value at each gate (including the output gate). In effect, the structure of Bn is that of an algorithm which computes truth values for strings of length n on any assignment of truth values to its input variables (e.g., on any prospective "instance" of G3C or Graph 3-Colorability). Equivalently, Bn is a hard-wired recognition algorithm for the language L consisting of strings {s} in n variables for which the output of Bn is 1. If L is a language over {0,1} in complexity class P, then there is a polynomial-size family {Bn} of Boolean circuits such that Bn has n inputs, and for each input string s of length n, the output bit of Bn is 1 iff s  L (when s is applied to the inputs of Bn). In this case, it is fair to say that Bn computes L. Because of the relationship between the complexity of a problem and the size of its family of

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Boolean circuits, establishing an exponential lower bound on the size of the family of circuits corresponding to any NP-complete problem would effectively prove that P NP.

Unfortunately, the Boolean circuit model has proven less fruitful than was hoped for establishing computational bounds. As a result, researchers now find themselves as needful as ever of a breakthrough in computation theory. In all likelihood, many of these researchers continue to wonder whether the diagonalization concept can somehow be taken farther than it already has been…whether the brilliant successes of Godel and Turing can be repeated. This interesting question will be the topic of a future paper.

Chris Langan