90 SEMESTER-V (FROM 2011-12 SESSiON ONWARDS) BA, LL.B. 5.1 Political Science - V( Political Thought ) VMajor (Credit: 7 Full Marks: 100 [80+201 Pass marks: 45 [36+9] For distribution of marks in question paper and other instructions see le 22 of the Regulation) Time:3 hours N Detailed Syllabus Marks Unit 1: Political Philosophy of Plato Platonic theory of Justice Platonic theory of Education 16 1.1 1.2 1.3 Platonic theory of Communism of Wives & Property Plato's views on Philosopher King 1.5 Plato's views on Ideal State Plato's views on Democracy Plato's theory of Second Best State 1.4 1.6 1.7 16 Unit 2: Political Philosophy of Aristotle 2.1 Aristotle's justification of slavery 2.2 Aristotle's classification of constitution 2.3 Aristotle's views on revolution 2.4 Aristotle's views on citizenship 2.5 Aristotle's views on best state 2.6 Aristotle's views on justice Aristotle's views on democracy 2.7 16 Unit 3: Political Philosophy of Machiavelli 3.1 Machiavelli on human nature 3.2 Machiavelli's views on marality & religion 3.3 Machiavelli's views on state 16 Unit 4: Political Philosophy of T. H. Green 4.1 Green on state


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BA, LL.B. 5.1

Political Science - V( Political Thought ) VMajor (Credit: 7

Full Marks: 100 [80+201 Pass marks: 45 [36+9] For distribution of marks in question paper and other instructions see le 22 of the Regulation)

Time:3 hours


Detailed Syllabus Marks Unit 1: Political Philosophy of Plato

Platonic theory of Justice Platonic theory of Education

16 1.1 1.2

1.3 Platonic theory of Communism of Wives & Property Plato's views on Philosopher King

1.5 Plato's views on Ideal State Plato's views on Democracy Plato's theory of Second Best State


1.6 1.7

16 Unit 2: Political Philosophy of Aristotle 2.1 Aristotle's justification of slavery 2.2 Aristotle's classification of constitution

2.3 Aristotle's views on revolution

2.4 Aristotle's views on citizenship

2.5 Aristotle's views on best state

2.6 Aristotle's views on justice

Aristotle's views on democracy 2.7

16 Unit 3: Political Philosophy of Machiavelli

3.1 Machiavelli on human nature

3.2 Machiavelli's views on marality & religion

3.3 Machiavelli's views on state

16 Unit 4: Political Philosophy of T. H. Green

4.1 Green on state


91 4.2 Green on General Will Green on freedomn 4.3 4.4 Green on rights

Green on war 4.5

Unit 5: Political Philosophy- India 16 5.1 Political Philosophy of M.N. Roy 5.1.1 Democrac Democracy, Organised Democracy, Economic

5.1.2 5.1.3

M.N. Roy on Revolution M.N. Roy on Nationalism Political Philosophy of Gandhi Concept of Satyagraha Concept of state Concept of truth Concept of non violence Religion & Politics Property & Trusteeship Sarvodaya

Political Philosophy of Jawaharlal Nehru Nehru on democracy Nehru on secularism

5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.2.6 5.2.7

5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 Nehru on socialism 5.3.4 Nehru on mixed economy

20 Internal Assessment:

Recommended Books: 1. Sushila Ramaswamy & S.Mukherjee, A History of Political Thought- Plato to Marx

2. V.V. Rao, Ancient Political Thought



(Credit 7) Sociology - V[ Sociological Thought|


B.A., LL.B. 5.1

Time:3 hours

Full Marks: 100 [80+20]

Pass marks: 45 [36+9]

For distribution of marks in question paper and other instructions see Rule No.

22 of the Regulation] Marks

Detailed Syllabus


A.. / B.B.A /B. Com., LL.B. tional Law 1 S 2 Constit

Pull Marks: 100 [80+201 Pass marks: 45 [36+91

For dis listribution of marks in question paper and ot 22 of the Regulation)

(Credit: 8) Time 3 hours

other instructions see Rule No.

petailed Syllabus: Marks

stnit 1: Preamble, Indian Territory & Citizenship 1.1 Nature of state Proposed Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic Justice, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity India and its territory

16 1.2 1.3


1.5 Citizenship under the Constitution (Articles 5-11) Citizenship under the Citizenship Act, 195S (as amended upto date) The Foreigners Act, 1946 and The Foreigners Rules, 1964 The Passports Act, 1967

1.6 1.7


Unit 2: Fundamental Rights - I 16

2.1 Concept of the State (Art. 12) 2.2 Concept of Law (Art. 13)

Doctrine of Severabiiity, Eclipse and Waiver Equality (Art. 14, 15, 16, 17)



Referred Cases 1. Keshavanada Bharati Vs. State of Kerala, AIR 1973 SC 1461 2. Kihota HolBohan Vs. Zachithu, AIR 1955, SC 781, AIR 1973 SC 2.

Unit 3: Fundamental Rights- II 16 3.1 Freedoms (Art. 19, 20)

Right to life and liberty (Art. 21, 22) Right to education, Art. 21-A

Right against exploitation {Art. 23 and 24)

3.2 3.3 3.4

16 Unit 4: Fundamental Rights - III

4.1 Right to freedom of religion (Art. 25 28)

4.2 Cultural and Educational rights of minorities (Art. 29 and 30)

4.3 Saving of certain laws {Art. 31-A, 31-B, 31-C and Ninth schedule)

4.4 Right to Constitutional Remedies and Judicial Review





Referred Cases Re 1. Maneka Gandhi Vs. Union of! 2. Bandhua Mukti Morcha V 3. Hussainara Khatoon Vs. Stat

1978 Sc 597 'ia, AIR 1997 SC 2218 AIR 1979 SC 1369 4. Sunil Batra Vs. Delhi Adminis R 1980 SC 1759

pirective Principles and Fundam Wnlt S:

ynlt 5.1 Directive Principles of State ies 16

t37, Art 38, Art 39 Art 47, 48-A, Art 49, Art 51)

ing Art 51-A (K))

Art 39-A, Art 41, Art 44, Art 5.2 Fundamental Duties (Art 51

Referred Cases: 1. S.P. Gupta and others Vs. Pre 2. Janata Dal Vs. H.S. Choudhar 3. Sarbananda Sonowal Vs. Un

dia and other, AIR 1982 SC 1449

SCC 305 AIR 2005 SC 2926 3.

4. Sarla Mudgal Vs. Union of in 4. 3 SCC 635

20 tnternal Assessment:

ecommended Books: 1.J.N. Pandey - Constitutional Law »f Ind 2. V.N. Shukla - Constitutional Law of In

3. M.P. Jain - Constitutional Law of india.

4. D.D. Basu - Shorter Constitution

5. Brij Kishore Sarma - Constitutional lLa

6. Constitutional Assembly Debate Vol.

7. Granvile Austin, The Indian Con

9). tone of a Nation 1966.


99 4. Duncan M. Derrett, A Critique of Moder 5. Paras Diwan, Law of Intestate and Testamea Universal

Basu N.D., Law of Succession (2000), Universal

dern Hindu Law (1970). cession 1998).

tar 6.

Paras Diwan, Family Law: Law of mar 8. 7.

(1984)- y Law: Law of marriage and Divorce in rsal 9. A.M. Bhatt dW and Practice of Divorce in India (2000) A.M. Bhattacharjee, Hindu Law and the Constitution -house, Calcutta. 10.

aras Diwan, Law of Adoption, Minority, Guardianship anu Universal.

1994) Eastern Law

Gustody (2000)

11. Dr. Basant K. Sharma - Hindu Law. 12. Dr. Pathak - Hindu Law.

B,A./B.B.A./B. Com., LLB. 5.3 Law of Tort incl. M.V. Act& Consumer Protection Law

(Credit: 8)

INote: For 2011-12 Session this paper is not required as it wa> a 2009-10 under the earlier syllabus] Time 3 hours Full Marks: 100 [80+20]

Pass markS: 45 [36+9] No. For distribution of marks in question paper and other instructions see rue

22 of the Regulation Marks Detailed Syllabus

16 Unit 1: Definition and Nature of Tort General Principles - Definition, nature, scope, characteristics - Tort in

Bngland and Tort in India. Distinction between Tort and Crime, Tort and Breach of Contract, Tort

and Breach of Trust, Tort and Quasi Contract etc.

1.3 Essential Conditions of Liability in Tort

Damnum Sine Injuria Injuria Sine Damnum

Malice, Motive, Intention



1.4 Foundation of tortuous liability, Fault liability, Strict liability, Statutory

liability, Liability without fauit, Principles of lInsurance in tort.

Referred Cases:

1. Ashby Vs, White (1703) 2 Lord Raym 938

2. Donoghue Vs. Stevenson (1932) All ER Rep. I

3. Dr. Sharad Vaid Vs. Pentro, AlR 1992 Bombay 478


Unit 2: General Exception to Liability in Tort and Vicarious Liability

Unit 2:



njurla, Act of God, nevitable Accident, Necessity,

2.1 Volenti Non fit Injurla, Private Defence, Statutory Authority. Act of State, Plaintiff the wrongdoer, Judicial an xecutive act, Mistake, Parental and Quasi -Parent inction between


ecutive act, Mie e wrongdoer, Judicial and Quasi - Judiclal acts,

VIcarious liability - Master and Servant relatio, ment, Hospt Servant and Independent C.ontractor, Course n indepenae Cases, Common Employment, Liability for contractor, Master's duties towards servant, Master, Joint Tort Feasors.


Master, oint T T uties towards servant, Servants duties to the

ered Case: 1. Bhopal Gus lLeak Disaster cases may be discussea 2.4 2.5 Lapacity to sue - to sue and to be sued and Remedies Motor Vehicle Act, 1988- No fault liability Effect of death of parties in tort - Compensation Insurer's liability - Driving without driving licence

eerred Case: 1. K, Nandakumar Vs. M.D. Thantai Periyar Transport Corporation 1996 ACV 555 (S.C.)] (for fault liability) Recommended Book: 1, Motor Accident Compensation, Dy Bhatnagar, (Orient Law House).

Remedies -Judicial remembers, Extra judicial remedies, Ddmanges, Remoteness of damages and Nervous shock, Novus Actus Interveniens (isolated tort)


Referred Cases 1. Re Polemis and Furnace Withy & Co. (1921) 3 KB 560 (for Remoteness of damages) 2. King Vs. Berry (1970) I All ER 1074 (for Nervous Shock) 3. Martin F. D'Souza V. Mohd. Ishfag (2009) 3 SSC 1

16 Unit 3: Specific Torts

3.1 - Assault battery, mayhem - False imprisonment

Trespass to the Person

Trespass to land - its remedies

3.3 Defamation (with essentials) - Innuendo, Libel, Slander, Defences 3.2

3.4 Nuisance - Private and Public Nuisance

3.5 Negligence - Contributory Negligence 3.6 Abuse of legal procedure - Malicious Prosecution

3.7 Deceit Rule in Derry Vs. Peak 3.8 Strict liability - Rule in Rylands Vs. Fletcher

Recommended books: 1. Law of Torts by R.K. Bangia (including compensation under the Motor Vehicle Act & Consumer Protection Laws)- (Allahabad Law Agency) 2. The Law of Tort and Consumer Protection Act by M.N. Shukla (Central Law Agency) 3. Law of Torts - by Dr. S. K. Kapoor (Central Law Agency)

16 Unit 4:


101 4.1 Definition of

Consumer., Deficiency in se Complaint, Complainant, Objectives of the Consumer

nt, Recognizsed consumer Association etc. and

defects in Goods, 4.2

Protection Act, 1986 Patient is Consumer under Medical servicesReferred Cases: .Vasantha P. Nair Vs. Smt. v.P. Nair I(1991) CPo Association V.V.P. Shartha 5501 1) CPJ 685 and Indian Medical na and Qrs. I11 91985) CP|I (S.C.) : AIR 1996 S..

4.3 Restriction and Unfair Trade Practices Restrictive Trade Practice, Hazardous Goods CP.A., Position after the 1993 Amendment Act.

4.4 4.5

Unit 5: Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies 5.1

16 mposition, Jurisdiction, Powet Commission and National Commission. Making of complaints, proo District Forum, Appeals and execution of orders. Important Guidelines for protectingo

wer and Functions of District Forum, State 5.2

on receipt of complaint, Finding of the 5.3

consumer Rights. Internal Assessment:

20 Recommended Books: A landbook of Consumer Protection Law and Procedure by R.K. Bangia (publisher - Pioneer Publications). The Law of Consumer Protection: Principles and Practice, EBC, Lucknow.


BA./B.B.A. /B. Com., LL.B. 5.4 OP1 Land Laws of Assam (Credit: 7) Optional 1:Law & Agriculture Group Full Marks: 100 [80+20]

Pass marks: 45 [36+9] [For distribution of marks in question paper and other instructions see Rule No. 22 of the Regulation]

Time:3 hours

Marks Detailed Syllabus

16 Unit 1: Constitutional Provisions 1.1 History of land right in Assam.

Factors leading to land reform in Assam

Property as legal right

State ownership


1.3 1.4 1.5 Constitutional mandate of lands

16 Unit 2: The Assam Land & Revenue Regulation, 1886

2.1 Revenue Administration during Ahom Rule


102 2.2

Different kinds of land rights 2.3

ettlement operation, realization of arrear land e Mutation, partition, appeal

2.4 ue 2.5

Matter exempted from preview of civil cour Protection of Backward Classes


Unit 3: The Assam (Temporary settled Areas) Tenany ACt 3.1

16 1971 mportant Definitions Land lord, Tenant, Land Different kinds ofr Tenant and their rights under Reasons for passing of the Act Protection of tenant

3.2 3.3

e Act 3.4 3.5 Remedial provisions

Unit 4:

16 e ASsam Non-Agricultural Urban Areas Tenans Act, 1955 4.1 Application & objectives 4.2

enition - Land, permanent structure, land lord, tenant, salami

Oection from ejection, its procedure, enhancement or rent Protection/procedure for fair rent Exception of law provided under the Act.

4.3 4.4 4.5

16 Unit 5: The Assam Urban Areas Rent control Act, 1972 5.1

5.2 5.3

Fair rent, urban area, standard rent, fixation thereor Protection of tenant from arbitrary eviction Enhancement of standard rent 5.4 Deposit of rent in court Repairs etc. by tenant & recovery of costs etc. 5.5

Referred cases: Swarna Brahma Vs Assam Board of Revenue, AIR 1972 Gau - 121

Refiqunnessa Vs Lal Bahadur Chetri AlR 1964 SC. 1511 3 2

5 Satyaranjan Vs Assam Board of Revenue AlR 1999 Gau - 83 (FB)

Kali Kumar Sen Vs Moahulal Biswas AIR 1969 A8M 66 (FB). Variety Emporium Vs VRM Md. Ibrahim Novina, AlR 1985 SC. 207 4

6 V. Dhanpal Chettiar Vs Yesodal Amal, AlR 1979 SC. 1745

20 Internal Assessment:

1. Justice K.N. Saikia, Assam Land and Revenue Regulations, 1886

2. J.N. Das, Land Laws of Assam.

3. B.K. Goswami, The Assam Urban Area Rent Control Act, 1972

4. B.K. Goswami, The Assam Non - Agricultural Urban Areas Tenancy Act,


Recommended Books:
