H 1 0 < SEMIWEEKLY INTERIOR JOURNAL lrVOL XXVll STANFORD KY FRIDAY JANUARY 19 1900 9 A M NO 03 Mt VERNONI 11 C Jones wits appointed constable j In place tlf B M Lair deccaecd Napoleon Whltakerhas administer cd on tho estato of W il WhltaUcr Mt Vernon boost of tho best horse shoor In the mountains and a tow dC horn to muster In the newly organized company of State guards Wo understand Capt A H Evani has been appointed magistrate to lIue cecil U L Brown reellnedI W M Poynter McClure house and lot In tho Fast End Mr Me wilt go West Dr limner Miller of Austin Texas stopped oil hare on his way homo from Now York whore ho has been for tho pMt year In hospital practice II Our pcoplo will voto ns a unit Judge Uuzhcs If ho over runs for any qfllco on account of his vigorous pros tot ngalnet tho alleged solution to that VI flguro puzzlo at given In tbo 1 J last week Tho old pirtloo of Mt Vernon cem etery which has beta without protec ¬ tion from stock for the last 30 years SOW hat n substantial plank once around it erected from funds rated by tho ladlci of our place Did you over obsorvo that In four i fifth of homes thuro can not ho found a hatchet gimlet handsaw screw- driver saw augur or any of tho com ¬ mon everyday working tools Udder nro nlllo fow and powerful scattering John Myer familiarly known as Judge dropped dead Saturday night after eating supper Ho was a victim of consumption Tho burial took place Sunday afternoon near his homo John was n exemplary young man and loans a host of friend Tho Collegiate lutlluto wai never In condition Moru a more flourishing than JOO pupils are unrolled Wo uow claim to have ono ot the finest schools In tho mountains Tho trustees of tho Institution woro very fortunate In lIe curing the services of that talented In- structor Prof A B Kwcrs who Is n iplondld gentleman and manager sire II C Gentry has pneumonia Dr W T Sloan of Firth Neb and 1 Mill Cora Sloan of Mill Spring ar rived Tuesday to visit their ilnler Mr W B Smith O S Grlllln bait bought j the farm of tho late L M Houk at Marclaburg Mrs Ottlo Drown has 4 joined her husband at Lebanon June tion JT Adams was In Stanford Wednesday Mr Meoban the mono free was hero from Hazel Patch- Ed Jones Is down with typhoid fevor J W Ping ono of our deserving young men is taking n course In shorthand and typewriting In a Loulivlllo college Isabel Sullies an aged woman died at Pine Hill Saturday Rev Ewersprln clpal at the college hero preaches t once a month at Livingston and Pitts burg W U Pettu tho genial and accommodatlug railroad agent Is with home folks at Preachersvlllc Mr Lan drum having resumed duty at the depot last Tuesday Lytlo Adams drovo hit halts to Garrard and sold them Billy Sympeon of PJnovllIe has returned from Pnrkivllle Mo whore ho ho a been attending college Miss Bert Sympson U acting railroad agent nt PinG 11111 T S Miller le In from Lan ¬ caster F Krucgor Sr and Jr have returned from a trip to Hydcn A lot tor from some point In Virginia to rel ¬ ative hero says Will McForran of this place IB dangerously ill of typhoid fever CHURCHES ND PREACHERS The average salary paid to Matbodi- spreachers In tho United States Ia year was 17335 The Lancaster Record eays that Ito v II N Faulconor fold a meeting at th Presbyterian church at Wilmington 0 which resulted n 20 additions A Loulsvlllo preacher wont to a Indiana town ono Sundaypreached an was paid tho collection GO cents I cost him 00 cants to make the trip Courier Journal Tho Christian church at Paris called Rev Lloyd Darslo of Buffalo N Y and presented the retiring pastor Pro Tern Auditor Sweeney with a alive service that coat S250 A THOUSAND TOnGUES Gould not elprrea the r9tunPt Annie llprl n gel of 1113llowanl St hla 1a wben- Ihe fauna that Dr KlnxsNew IMncoTery for Co gumption had completely cured her of a hack coiiili that for many years had wade life a burde- All otherreualleauldocroncould give her help but sho orthl + loyal Cure fIt soon moved the pan In iiiychml and 1 can new al re soundly tomelbnig ran ncarrely remember doing Fefore Ifeel like toundlng Iti pralies tbruuglioul the Unlrrnd ° thrill everyone who tries lr Dlworerjr for aur tronblo of the ThrottChetorIunn Price oOo nnd 91 Trill liotllrt t1 it 1cnnji drug atop livery bottle a guanutcolSCIIOLU1S11IPFREEYou may by doing a little writing at your home so cure u scholarship free In either Draughons Practical Business Col ¬ leges Savannah Naahvlllo St Louis I Little Rock Ft Worth Galveston or Shreveport Best patronized In tbo South For full particulars address Tho Illustrated Youth and ago Nash villa Tcnn r M r Jco G I L A N E PT L IIBV OEO O 1IAKNK3 1IACIC IN FLOU IDA SANIIIKL FLA Jan ni find one small In ononlenco about our now yearly dating You cant abbreviate at with 00 but are forced to the use of four figures unless you descend to a abrldlrcmentbleh ble In these hurrying days of abort cuts to everything perhaps It ls as w ell that wo should bo compelled tot w rite one thing In full everytlme w- eat ° down to tend elf a totter And If In addition wo could regard tblll rounded- date 10 unique to all but contenna rlans as n distinct advance towards the good time comlngtbo 7ih Millen ¬ ary when labs Jesus shall reign In hU glory and supersede the govern ¬ v Imperfectile1t to exercise ovary time wo wroto its Mood frcnd John Ilanan of row eYbrk paid for my ticket to Florida which explain my presence on ou Inland I had n pleasant Journey down and ft ufo arrival lost Friday too 6th Found all well and herd at work preparing for the winter Influx of tourI seta which promises to bo large on th Gulf coast this season The yollo favor at Miami the terminus of tbo Atlantic Coast brae of railway will de- ter many from trying that sIde of th Peninsula although It Is the tavorlt- resort ot travelers on account of tho perfect hotel accommodations provided by tho farseeing Mr Flagler to whomI Florida owes so much Tboquarantlno bn< oat boon lifted from Miami and the nvorago tourist coming South for pleasure wHI decline to take chances on the terrible Yellow Jack Thl will be In our favor on tho Weston hero aodordlng to the adage It an ill wind that blows nobody goodi And once tbo stream of travel turns ibis way the Gulf side of Florida wil- emain r the favorite Tbero Is no purleon between ibo Atlantis andcomI Gull that will not redound In too latter I prcacncd In the of Iho 4 Gospels last Sunday to my usual congregation with great pleas arc The Island needs the Gospbl and and a Preacher I hope to do good this winter For the rest I dropped Into my old routine of week day service as easily as rolling off a log Old Tom and I go to iho DockI miles away lo lake too mall and bring It dally Mv of horse Is grad to get mo back I hove some consideration for his years and service In the past and drive him at a pace that suits him Other are not BO lenient and mako him go at a lU that is quite In him but vary dl tasteful lo him to matorlullzo When ho beard ny familiar voice behind bo at once fell Into a jogJrol do to him varied with u relapse Into a slow walk still dourer when a little heavier bit of sand warranted him however slightly Into going tho lardler gall Tom Is a philosopher who hr prorated by a tang experience of ma and their ways Ho regards mo as a soft snap and I Indulge him That Is all there Is of it We aro all ardent Israelites and rap course urp slightly depressed over the reverses of Ephraim in South Attic a They are learning over a costly road blood and treasure how not to flghl Door Had they prorated by our exp 0 lance In Indian warfaro many bra men now under the sad would havo been ultra So Manassch seems bent oa doing likewise In tbo Philippines Instead of prorating by tho experience of our brethren who knows best how to Train conquered heathen nallonsand bongs hi o wo arc going to find out at tho expenditure of noble lives Bovao rtl ij ten like rlpo fruit late our hands We aliked rn gt 0t Mmonftor awhile How oar lover of his kind any odvo veto of progress and onllghimoni any Christian philanthropist can wls b Southern Africa to full into tho hands 0r of our Anglo Saxon racouvor that portion of heathen dow for the cruel tyranny of the Hoer slave driver would Indeed bo to sot progressu out a tin 0 way mentioned In the Bible It would bo a cry for deliverance from a bonda worse than heathen thrall bstwele control und tho hoar trok from British authority Remember th they were British subjects as tbo Mormons frets American citizens Now lot us traco ton parallel 1 Both loft their old homes to got away Into a far countrytar what TO 13UEAK TUB LAW UNDISTUlfUED Our law said that polygamy was npt allowable Thu British law said Slavery must bo abolished Brlgham i r I J 1 < UJ f It Young and his devoted followers said Wo will not obey And they faced the trackless desert to ref away from wholesome restraint Twelve thousand Boors trekked a long lour journey to have the privilege of walloping their niggers to suit themselves as Mr Chamberlain asserted they sold not long ago from his place In Parlia- ment 2 Tho next step In both cases was their KNCOMIMSSMENT IIV AN ADVANC CIVILIZATION Our occupation of he Pacific Coast rand too onward march of settlers beyond the Mlsslsatp pi placed too Mormons between tho upper end tbo nether millstone Polygamy Comparatively Innocuous In the dim distance became a burning question close nt hued Tho Inevlta bio conflict came We required them with threats of compulsion to obey the ofg QIn passed tho lawbreaking Boer The nodr to South of tbo dumbest placed tho Bee between two Ijros Tho conlllct was Inevltablo Tho paramount power sold You must oba tbo law nottv you a oat or a dollar of money you nay have all too liberty we followedo or you to tyrannize over i of your population of our blood by compelling them unrepresented to pay j of too taxes to bo disarmed and to send their children to Dutch schools or lot them grow up In Ignorance The Mormons were not robbed of a cent Nor naB wove over Pretoria and Johannesburg But slavery will bt abolished and every man will be free 1 to own his property educate his alt accordI ° conscience but IN OUKDIEXCK TO WHOLESOME LAW Attch are more largely owned by German and French capital than by English All simplyIlIsplre went They forgot or aro blind In their hatred to the tact that tho Ro man Catholic faith they lovo and tot whlloI ruled was really Rom rule was denied them In Irelandand these discontented foreigners aro now howling Doer patriots where their religion has never been had never will Doee r art a jewel England Is shedding her choicest ilkar principal of our American revolution uno laxa Non without representation to Dna BARNES MATTERSn Henry Burdolt qf Platte City Fla killed himself because his wife qual ¬ role so much ho could not stand It Charles Henderson and Miss Belle daughter of Hon W T Karris rcpt scntaitve were mottled In Madison 1nG C Potrey three years below his majority and sites startle Elizabeth Iotroyl7 were mottled on iho 18ih voPursued by an Irate shooting father Miss Lillie Wilson eloped with a cow boy lover and rode horseback GO miles to bo married at Pierre S D i Miss Mary hooker thopreltydaugh tel of Mrs Llzzlo Hockor was married Wednesday night at her residence to Capt Win H Bagby a conductor on tho K C and a vpry pica gonilcman Rev J B Crouch outdated and Mr II K Eoaeott and Miss Leo Bobbin acted as allondanls An excellent supper was then served and at 2 A M Capt nnd Mrs Bagby lets for Covlngton tho grooms home where they attended tbo marriage of Mr Fossott last night To ¬ day they will start to Florida for a brl dal tour of a week or two carrying with them many good wishes for along and happy life GRAPEx Ullr yhim nmkcleagueroalnlpalncoatlauallg no ap > crowing weaker day by day ortunatelra my great joy and curprlM the lint tattle mado torbroo they cared my lire and robra l the grave of another UnSOcuguuantealatlenaTsdrugton goThe Womans Temple T building at Chicago will bo dufiled by tobacco tho W C T U pollcy agalnst renting any room for tobacco stores being abandon atcd for business reasons Wo wear away two trashes of hoo leather in a year A pair of shoes lhat would last a lifetime would coscqucnt ly have to to provldediwlth plea from eight to nlno feet thick > 3Jamea Wllllngton of Henderson is wanted for stealing his fathers family Bible and swapping It for whisky h rjjjiIIj L jJYJII IfII LANCASTER I am plod to learn that Col John II Miller will likely make bis homo ID this city The supervisors are still In session and judging from the work they are doing I will have several raises to re- port when they finish Within six days wo are to have five splendid entertainments San Francis ¬ co Minstrels on Saturday night 2Uth Hawthorne Sisters 22 23 and 24 and Western Stars 20th On Tuesday Mr J Wesley Walker Mnrydlulbter at tho reslpenco of Rev J C Massed Capt Mike Saltpr says that a raft of logs has been sent to Frankfort to fur- nish breast Works for tbo mountain men If trouble comes up over the con- test ¬ Miss Mosher of Pennsylvania an temperanceWork church next Sunday at aI M Every- body Is Invited especially tbo Loyal Legion The tweedy at Frankfort caused cons siderable comment here as Lt Scott was a nephew of Gov Bradley and Mrs N Mays and Col Colson h n brother of Mrs W B Moss s Tho many friends of Judge W K Walker will be glad to learn that ho Is Improving In health George Harris baa put tho electric buttons sad the an ¬ nunciator In yio now hotel I My friend D C Pullins of Paint Lick vJno can coma as near telling bow to handle a quart of whisky as any man puzzlebut Lg p Co Bold to J I Hamilton one of he handsomest Now York road wagons ever seen In this country It has wlro i bicycle wheels pneumatic tires and Is a perfect gem arrestE ande r wore 90 each and cost on tho moneyFour replevled I promise not to submit another puz- zle If you will oblige rao by publishing tbo following Pleat 10 trees In 0 rows of C trees each To too first ono who solves It without any assistance and without any previous knowledge con INTERIORd bee the conditions cityboth Is very gratifying to our people In liket our frequently knowI are that they live In town The principal reasons for this growth lie In tbo fact feltingtbo tho fact that our graded school with Its excellent faculty otters superior educational advantages and tho fact productll Fifty pupils have been added to our already full school this month making It necessary to furnish Lore seats and employ another teacher Ono of tbo Centralr French for the Continental Tobacco Co Ho la buying and prizing tobacco at the Duncan warehouse and bo is shipping 30 hogsheads per week and receiving more than that During the busy season It takes about 5000 per day to conduct tho business Mr French and R F Brazeal his secretary are intelligent affable gentlemen This ii a great benefit to the farmers as It gives them a homo market for their tobacco Tbo same could be truo of hemp and we could bavo factories which would employ ninny and at tbo same time bring better prices for tho principal farm products Let the spirit of enterprise mono along and sharao be upon those who would retard Us prog ¬ ress by word or deed A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDER orti prumlr heal Id elonsCorns I rIenor yesuse cramp colic writes K F Hess miler and general merchant Dickeys Moun tain Ia Ho had tried various f home remedies without relief As I had used Chamberlain Colic Cholera and Dlar rhoea Remedy I gave him a dose and It soon brought him out all right I never saw a follow so rejoiced Sold by Craig A HockerIrncglsts The papers say the Popo has one din ¬ mond worth 84000000 and 100 finger rings ono of which is worth 100000 Ho has thousands of gold and silver statues vessels and other ornaments and 20000000 deposited In the Bank of London J iIi i The perception of the American woman as a care ¬ ful purchaser is proverbial Women who are today wearing thet Ultra shoe show their appreciation in bar ¬ ing found the right shoe at last by bring- ing their friends and coming again for another pairand still another All Styles and Sizes One 350 per pair Pricej MQnOffPTQMMliUlMlo BESTfOR WOMEN SPECIAL SALE OF Pl CJ S sea We wish to state to the public that we are much pleased with what we have done during our special sale here and- s jj Our Time Is Limited You should See our pianos and get our special prices IW II Ginsox Spl Salesman De HI BALDWIN CO I Number One I Gets The DOLL Bring That Number And the Doll is Yours I CRAIG 8i HOOKER Stanford 000000000000000000000000000000000000 00g o 0 ° DRUGGIST STANFORD 8 gOlEUA HOUSE IILOOIC o Books Stationery 00j o ° Oils and Varnisheso gSpoclal Attention Given to tho Compounding of 1rcsclptlons Scientifically 0 and with Caro o 0 o Terms Cash Telephone No 27 g o Office Long Distance Telephone o o al 000000900000000000000000000000000000 8 s i bi V = > A y lW IJ J1DNS fIt 1 w Es WDhRlE 1 f f 1Of All Kinds IIt CLOTHINGrer ttJJ i1VV VVrl i- t IIi pf JJ I Overshoes1EJ It rTerms Cashr OBER TSls L oo h V = =3 r ner = lo keeAilz7NE vEer is THE CHEAPEST a ifjluEior711nn Q- ne 47TT- e9rapiry so 7 dlillf N W sm pendFlzlaWfuc h w ulavillelyFt LJ1U1 JtrI tlritQlra i < vtff ftjJi1rM 1r l tf

Semi-weekly interior journal.. (Springfield, KY) 1900-01 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7gxd0qsj83/data/0026.pdf · go to iho DockI miles away lo lake too mall and bring It dally Mv of horse

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Page 1: Semi-weekly interior journal.. (Springfield, KY) 1900-01 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7gxd0qsj83/data/0026.pdf · go to iho DockI miles away lo lake too mall and bring It dally Mv of horse

H1 0 <


Mt VERNONI11 C Jones wits appointed constable

jIn place tlf B M Lair deccaecd

Napoleon Whltakerhas administercd on tho estato of W il WhltaUcr

Mt Vernon boost of tho best horseshoor In the mountains and a towdChorn to muster In the newly organizedcompany of State guards

Wo understand Capt A H Evanihas been appointed magistrate to lIue

cecil U L Brown reellnedIW M PoynterMcClure house and lot In tho FastEnd Mr Me wilt go WestDr limner Miller of Austin Texas

stopped oilhare on his way homo fromNow York whore ho has been for tho

pMt year In hospital practiceIIOur pcoplo will voto ns a unit

Judge Uuzhcs If ho over runs for anyqfllco on account of his vigorous pros

tot ngalnet tho alleged solution to thatVI flguro puzzlo at given In tbo 1 Jlast week

Tho old pirtloo of Mt Vernon cemetery which has beta without protec¬

tion from stock for the last 30 yearsSOW hat n substantial plank oncearound it erected from funds rated by

tho ladlci of our placeDid you over obsorvo that In four

i fifth of homes thuro can not ho founda hatchet gimlet handsaw screw-

driver saw augur or any of tho com ¬

mon everyday working tools Uddernro nlllo fow and powerful scattering

John Myer familiarly known asJudge dropped dead Saturday nightafter eating supper Ho was a victimof consumption Tho burial took placeSunday afternoon near his homo Johnwas n exemplary young man andloans a host of friend

Tho Collegiate lutlluto wai never Incondition Morua more flourishing

than JOO pupils are unrolled Wo uow

claim to have ono ot the finest schoolsIn tho mountains Tho trustees of thoInstitution woro very fortunate In lIe

curing the services of that talented In-

structor Prof A B Kwcrs who Is n

iplondld gentleman and manager

sire II C Gentry has pneumoniaDr W T Sloan of Firth Neb and

1 Mill Cora Sloan of Mill Spring arrived Tuesday to visit their ilnler MrW B Smith O S Grlllln bait bought

j the farm of tho late L M Houk atMarclaburg Mrs Ottlo Drown has

4 joined her husband at Lebanon Junetion JT Adams was In StanfordWednesday Mr Meoban the monofree was hero from Hazel Patch-

Ed Jones Is down with typhoid fevorJ W Ping ono of our deserving youngmen is taking n course In shorthandand typewriting In a Loulivlllo collegeIsabel Sullies an aged woman died atPine Hill Saturday Rev Ewersprlnclpal at the college hero preaches

t once a month at Livingston and Pittsburg W U Pettu tho genial andaccommodatlug railroad agent Is withhome folks at Preachersvlllc Mr Landrum having resumed duty at the depotlast Tuesday Lytlo Adams drovo hithalts to Garrard and sold them BillySympeon of PJnovllIe has returnedfrom Pnrkivllle Mo whore ho hoa

been attending college Miss BertSympson U acting railroad agent ntPinG 11111 T S Miller le In from Lan ¬

caster F Krucgor Sr and Jr havereturned from a trip to Hydcn A lottor from some point In Virginia to rel¬

ative hero says Will McForran of

this place IB dangerously ill of typhoidfever


The average salary paid to Matbodi-spreachers In tho United States Iayear was 17335

The Lancaster Record eays that Itov

II N Faulconor fold a meeting at thPresbyterian church at Wilmington0 which resulted n 20 additions

A Loulsvlllo preacher wont to aIndiana town ono Sundaypreached anwas paid tho collection GO cents Icost him 00 cants to make the tripCourier Journal

Tho Christian church at Paris calledRev Lloyd Darslo of Buffalo N Yand presented the retiring pastor ProTern Auditor Sweeney with a aliveservice that coat S250

A THOUSAND TOnGUESGould not elprrea the r9tunPt Annie llprl n

gel of 1113llowanl St hla 1a wben-Ihe fauna that Dr KlnxsNew IMncoTery for Cogumption had completely cured her of a hackcoiiili that for many years had wade life a burde-All otherreualleauldocroncould give herhelp but sho orthl + loyal Cure fIt soonmoved the pan In iiiychml and 1 can new al resoundly tomelbnig ran ncarrely remember doingFefore Ifeel like toundlng Iti pralies tbruuglioulthe Unlrrnd

° thrill everyone who tries lrDlworerjr for aur tronblo of theThrottChetorIunn Price oOo nnd 91 Trillliotllrt t1 it 1cnnji drug atop livery bottle


may bydoing a little writing at your home socure u scholarship free In eitherDraughons Practical Business Col¬

leges Savannah Naahvlllo St Louis I

Little Rock Ft Worth Galveston orShreveport Best patronized In tboSouth For full particulars addressTho Illustrated Youth and ago Nashvilla Tcnn

r M r Jco


IDASANIIIKL FLA Jan ni find one

small In ononlenco about our nowyearly dating You cant abbreviateat with 00 but are forced to the use offour figures unless you descend to a

abrldlrcmentblehble In these hurrying days of abortcuts to everything perhaps It ls asw ell that wo should bo compelled totw rite one thing In full everytlme w-


down to tend elf a totter And If Inaddition wo could regard tblll rounded-date 10 unique to all but contennarlans as n distinct advance towards the

good time comlngtbo 7ih Millen ¬

ary when labs Jesus shall reign InhU glory and supersede the govern ¬

vImperfectile1t to

exercise ovary time wo wroto itsMood frcnd John Ilanan of row

eYbrk paid for my ticket to Floridawhich explain my presence on ouInland I had n pleasant Journey downand ft ufo arrival lost Friday too 6thFound all well and herd at workpreparing for the winter Influx of tourIseta which promises to bo large on thGulf coast this season The yollofavor at Miami the terminus of tboAtlantic Coast brae of railway will de-

ter many from trying that sIde of thPeninsula although It Is the tavorlt-resort ot travelers on account of thoperfect hotel accommodations providedby tho farseeing Mr Flagler to whomIFlorida owes so much Tboquarantlnobn< oat boon lifted from Miami and thenvorago tourist coming South forpleasure wHI decline to take chanceson the terrible Yellow Jack Thlwill be In our favor on tho Westonhero aodordlng to the adage Itan ill wind that blows nobody goodiAnd once tbo stream of travel turnsibis way the Gulf side of Florida wil-emainr the favorite Tbero Is no

purleon between ibo Atlantis andcomIGull that will not redound Intoo latter I prcacncd In theof Iho 4 Gospels last Sunday to myusual congregation with great pleasarc The Island needs the Gospbl andand a Preacher I hope to do good thiswinter

For the rest I dropped Into my oldroutine of week day service as easilyas rolling off a log Old Tom and Igo to iho DockI miles away lo laketoo mall and bring It dally Mv ofhorse Is grad to get mo back I hovesome consideration for his years andservice In the past and drive him at apace that suits him Other are not BO

lenient and mako him go at a lU

that is quite In him but vary dltasteful lo him to matorlullzo Whenho beard ny familiar voice behindbo at once fell Into a jogJrol doto him varied with u relapse Into aslow walk still dourer when a littleheavier bit of sand warranted himhowever slightly Into going tho lardlergall Tom Is a philosopher who hrprorated by a tang experience of maand their ways Ho regards mo as a

soft snap and I Indulge him ThatIs all there Is of it

We aro all ardent Israelites and rap

course urp slightly depressed over thereverses of Ephraim in South Attic aThey are learning over a costly roadblood and treasure how not to flghlDoor Had they prorated by our exp 0lance In Indian warfaro many bramen now under the sad would havobeen ultra So Manassch seems bentoa doing likewise In tbo PhilippinesInstead of prorating by tho experienceof our brethren who knows best howto Train conquered heathen nallonsandbongs hi

o wo arc going to findout at tho expenditure of noble livesBovao rtl

ijten like rlpo fruit late our hands Wealiked rngt0t

Mmonftor awhileHow oar lover of his kind any odvo

veto of progress and onllghimoni anyChristian philanthropist can wls bSouthern Africa to full into tho hands0rof our AngloSaxon racouvor that portion of heathendow for the cruel tyranny of the Hoerslave driver would Indeed bo to sotprogressu out

atin 0way mentioned In the Bible It wouldbo a cry for deliverance from a bondaworse than heathen thrallbstwelecontrol und tho hoar trok fromBritish authority Remember ththey were British subjects as tboMormons frets American citizens Nowlot us traco ton parallel

1 Both loft their old homes to gotaway Into a far countrytar whatTO 13UEAK TUB LAW UNDISTUlfUEDOur law said that polygamy was nptallowable Thu British law saidSlavery must bo abolished Brlgham

ir I J 1 <

UJ fIt

Young and his devoted followers saidWo will not obey And they faced

the trackless desert to ref away fromwholesome restraint Twelve thousandBoors trekked a long lour journeyto have the privilege of wallopingtheir niggers to suit themselves asMr Chamberlain asserted they soldnot long ago from his place In Parlia-ment

2 Tho next step In both cases wastheir KNCOMIMSSMENT IIV AN ADVANC

CIVILIZATION Our occupation ofhe Pacific Coast rand too onward

march of settlers beyond the Mlsslsatppi placed too Mormons between tho

upper end tbo nether millstonePolygamy Comparatively Innocuous Inthe dim distance became a burningquestion close nt hued Tho Inevltabio conflict came We required themwith threats of compulsion to obey theofgQInpassed tho lawbreaking Boer ThenodrtoSouth of tbo dumbest placed tho Beebetween two Ijros Tho conlllct wasInevltablo Tho paramount power sold

You must oba tbo lawnottvyou a oat or a dollar ofmoney you nay have all too liberty we

followedoor you to tyrannize over i of yourpopulation of our blood by compellingthem unrepresented to pay j of tootaxes to bo disarmed and to send theirchildren to Dutch schools or lot themgrow up In Ignorance The Mormonswere not robbed of a cent NornaBwove over Pretoria andJohannesburg But slavery will btabolished and every man will be free 1

to own his property educate his altaccordI° consciencebut IN OUKDIEXCK TO WHOLESOMELAWAttchare more largely owned by German andFrench capital than by English All

simplyIlIsplrewent They forgot or aro blind Intheir hatred to the tact that tho Roman Catholic faith they lovo and totwhlloIruledwas really Romrule was denied them In Irelandandthese discontented foreigners aro nowhowling Doer patriots where theirreligion has never been had never willDoee r

art a jewelEngland Is shedding her choicestilkarprincipalof our American revolution uno laxaNon without representation


MATTERSnHenry Burdolt qf Platte City Fla

killed himself because his wife qual ¬

role so much ho could not stand ItCharles Henderson and Miss Belle

daughter of Hon W T Karris rcptscntaitve were mottled In Madison

1nG C Potrey three years below hismajority and sites startle ElizabethIotroyl7 were mottled on iho 18ih

voPursued by an Irate shooting fatherMiss Lillie Wilson eloped with a cowboy lover and rode horseback GO milesto bo married at Pierre S D i

Miss Mary hooker thopreltydaughtel of Mrs Llzzlo Hockor was marriedWednesday night at her residence toCapt Win H Bagby a conductor ontho K C and a vpry pica gonilcmanRev J B Crouch outdated and Mr IIK Eoaeott and Miss Leo Bobbin actedas allondanls An excellent supper wasthen served and at 2 A M Capt nndMrs Bagby lets for Covlngton thogrooms home where they attended tbomarriage of Mr Fossott last night To ¬

day they will start to Florida for a brldal tour of a week or two carryingwith them many good wishes for alongand happy life

GRAPEx Ullryhimnmkcleagueroalnlpalncoatlauallgno ap> crowing weaker day by dayortunatelramy great joy and curprlM the lint tattle madotorbroothey cared my lire and robra l the grave of anotherUnSOcuguuantealatlenaTsdrugton

goThe Womans TempleT

building atChicago will bo dufiled by tobacco thoW C T U pollcy agalnst renting anyroom for tobacco stores being abandon

atcd for business reasons

Wo wear away two trashes of hooleather in a year A pair of shoes lhatwould last a lifetime would coscqucntly have to to provldediwlth plea fromeight to nlno feet thick


3Jamea Wllllngton of Henderson iswanted for stealing his fathers familyBible and swapping It for whisky

h rjjjiIIj L jJYJII IfII


I am plod to learn that Col John IIMiller will likely make bis homo IDthis city

The supervisors are still In sessionand judging from the work they aredoing I will have several raises to re-

port when they finishWithin six days wo are to have five

splendid entertainments San Francis ¬

co Minstrels on Saturday night 2UthHawthorne Sisters 22 23 and 24 andWestern Stars 20th

On Tuesday Mr J Wesley Walker

Mnrydlulbterat tho reslpenco of Rev J C Massed

Capt Mike Saltpr says that a raft oflogs has been sent to Frankfort to fur-nish breast Works for tbo mountainmen If trouble comes up over the con-test


Miss Mosher of Pennsylvania an

temperanceWorkchurch next Sunday at aI M Every-body Is Invited especially tbo LoyalLegion

The tweedy at Frankfort caused conssiderable comment here as Lt Scottwas a nephew of Gov Bradley andMrs N Mays and Col Colson h nbrother of Mrs W B Moss s

Tho many friends of Judge W KWalker will be glad to learn that ho IsImproving In health George Harrisbaa put tho electric buttons sad the an ¬

nunciator In yio now hotelI My friend D C Pullins of Paint

Lick vJno can coma as near telling bowto handle a quart of whisky as any manpuzzlebutLgp Co Bold to J I Hamilton one of

he handsomest Now York road wagonsever seen In this country It has wlro

i bicycle wheels pneumatic tires and Is aperfect gemarrestEanderwore 90 each and cost on tho


I promise not to submit another puz-zle If you will oblige rao by publishingtbo following Pleat 10 trees In 0 rowsof C trees each To too first ono whosolves It without any assistance andwithout any previous knowledge con

INTERIORdbee the conditionscitybothIs very gratifying to our people Inliketour frequentlyknowIarethat they live In town The principalreasons for this growth lie In tbo factfeltingtbotho fact that our graded school withIts excellent faculty otters superioreducational advantages and tho factproductllFifty pupils have been added to ouralready full school this month makingIt necessary to furnish Lore seats andemploy another teacher Ono of tbo

CentralrFrench for the Continental TobaccoCo Ho la buying and prizing tobaccoat the Duncan warehouse and bo isshipping 30 hogsheads per week andreceiving more than that During thebusy season It takes about 5000 perday to conduct tho business Mr Frenchand R F Brazeal his secretary areintelligent affable gentlemen This iia great benefit to the farmers as Itgives them a homo market for theirtobacco Tbo same could be truo ofhemp and we could bavo factorieswhich would employ ninny and at tbosame time bring better prices for thoprincipal farm products Let the spiritof enterprise mono along and sharao beupon those who would retard Us prog ¬

ress by word or deed

A FRIGHTFUL BLUNDERortiprumlr heal IdelonsCornsIrIenoryesusecramp colic writes K F Hess milerand general merchant Dickeys Mountain Ia Ho had tried various f homeremedies without relief As I had usedChamberlain Colic Cholera and Dlarrhoea Remedy I gave him a dose and Itsoon brought him out all right I neversaw a follow so rejoiced Sold by CraigA HockerIrncglsts

The papers say the Popo has one din ¬

mond worth 84000000 and 100 fingerrings ono of which is worth 100000Ho has thousands of gold and silverstatues vessels and other ornamentsand 20000000 deposited In the Bankof London

J iIi


The perception of theAmerican woman as a care¬

ful purchaser is proverbialWomen who are today wearing thetUltra shoe show their appreciation in bar¬

ing found the right shoe at last by bring-ing their friends and coming again foranother pairand still another

All Styles and Sizes One

350 per pairPricej





Pl CJSseaWe wish to state to the public that we are much pleased

with what we have done during our special sale here and-sjj

Our Time Is LimitedYou should See our pianos and get our special prices

IW II Ginsox Spl Salesman De HI BALDWIN CO I

Number OneI Gets The DOLL

Bring That NumberAnd the Doll is Yours


CRAIG 8i HOOKER Stanford00000000000000000000000000000000000000go 0° DRUGGIST STANFORD 8


o Books Stationery 00jo°

Oils and VarnishesogSpoclal Attention Given to tho Compounding of 1rcsclptlons Scientifically 0and with Caroo 0o Terms Cash Telephone No 27 go Office Long Distance Telephone oo al000000900000000000000000000000000000

8 s ibi V = > A ylW


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Es WDhRlE 1

f f1Of All Kinds IItCLOTHINGrer


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Overshoes1EJItrTerms CashrOBER TSlsL oo

h V = =3rner =lo keeAilz7NE vEer is THE CHEAPEST






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