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  • 7/30/2019 sen essay


    In the past years, air travel was only for the rich, the powerful,and the privileged people.

    Today, hundreds of millions of people are able to travel around the world for work or pleasure. It is

    widely accepted that air travel benefits not only International Transportation but also its passengers by

    offering convenient traveling services on a wide variety of charge. As Air Asias slogan puts it: Now

    everyone can fly, by Sen Ze,Jayne Ng.Now Everyone Can Fly - The Air-Asia Story.American

    InternationalAssurance Bhd.E-Learning.

    option=com_content & view=article & id=125:now-everyone-can-fly & catid=79 .However, the price

    to be paid for this easier travel may be damage to the environment. In this essay, I will discuss on the

    environmental problem caused by air travels and the increase in fares to discourage people from flying

    of cheap air travels.

    Due to vigorous development of aviation, airways constantly continue to expand their

    market by providing low-cost air travels for low-income passengers. Affordable airfares allow ordinary

    people to save time and travel long distances .For example, many overseas students prefer to choose

    cheaper travels to save their money for their tuition fees. In addition,cheaper travels could be a good

    factor of employments increment. The reason is many travel agencies would be widened and urged to

    employ many employees to occupy the travel volumes. Travel expenses will no longer be viewed as a

    huge barrier to low-income class and air travel shall be more accessible than ever.

    However, other people may think that cheap air travels are not quite good. Their evidence

    for their belief is that cheap air travels could pollute the environment. Critics of budget air travel claim

    that the emissions from jet fuel are damaging the atmosphere. This is particularly serious at the higher

    levels of the atmosphere where modern jets fly. A single short flight from Dubai to Mumbai can

    produce as much carbon dioxide as one months driving for a family. The environmental cost continues

    when the tourists land, as hotels, leisure and other facilities are very significant polluters and consume a
  • 7/30/2019 sen essay


    lot of resources. Furthermore, deforestation and river clearance to offer space for airport expansion or

    news airports still stir deep public concerns among its ecological influences. Therefore, low-cost air

    travels certainly put national administration under pressure to balance its enormous benefits against the

    environmental effect.

    However, the proponents of cheap air travel, such as Irelands Michael OLeary, have their

    own powerful counterclaims. First, they reject the allegation that jets contribute significantly to global

    warming. They point out that modern jets are much quieter and much more fuel-efficient than in the

    past. Secondly, many countries already have carbon taxes or levies included in the price of the airline

    ticket or aviation fuel. This can offset the carbon produced during the flight. In addition, most of the

    arguments against cheap flights are based on the belief that it is acceptable for certain people to fly, but

    not for ordinary people. In other words, the wealthy or powerful would like to deprive ordinary people

    of the right to travel, to see new places and meet new people. By increasing the fares it certainly makes

    no difference to the higher class or rich people but it could affect the poor.

    In conclusion, the necessity of cheap air travel is undeniable in modern world. However,

    inevitable environment impacts of cheap air travel travel should be cautiously taken into account and

    sorted out effectively to perfect this beneficial business.Airlines would need to be innovative and

    creative in order to continue to be profitable, and sustainable as a business, without compromising on

    service levels, reliability and affordability, by Najib.Najib announces setting up of new low-cost brief, Bernama on Monash University.September 11, 2012 .

    new-low-cost-airline/ . In my opinion, everyone should have the opportunity to travel, but we do need

    some monitoring of the effect on the environment, both in the air and on the ground.
  • 7/30/2019 sen essay
