SENATORS' LIVING EXPENSES IN THE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION (NCR) GUIDELINES Primary Residence Declaration In order to claim living expenses in the National Capital Region (area within 100 kilometres of Parliament Hill), a senator must file with the Clerk, and keep up to date, a declaration designating a primary residence in the province or territory represented by the senator. Eligibility Senators who come to Ottawa to carry out their parliamentary functions, and who are more than 100 kilometres from their registered residence, are on travel status in Ottawa and are entitled to be reimbursed for the expenses incurred by them that are allowed under these terms and conditions. These guidelines apply to senators only and to expenses incurred by a senator only. Maximum Reimbursement Amounts The maximum total amount that can be reimbursed to each senator for the fiscal year under these guidelines is $20,000. Expenditures above this limit may however be charged to the Miscellaneous Expenditures Account portion of the Senator's Research and Office Expense Budget. Reimbursement rates for meals and accommodations are found in chapter 6:01 of the Senate Administrative Rules or in the Senators' Travel Guidelines, Appendix A. These rates are reviewed periodically. and senators are notified when changes are made. Eligible Accommodation Expenses Senators on travel status in the NCR will be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the NCR for one of the following categories of accommodation: • Commercial Accommodation in the NCR A senator on travel status in the NCR will be reimbursed for hotel, motel, rooming or other commercial innkeeper expenses in the NCR, up to the maximum amount set per night (plus applicable taxes) upon provision of receipts. The rate is set out in chapter 6:01 of the Senate Administrative Rules or in the Senators' Travel Guidelines, Appendix A. Revised: June 17, 2010 1

Senators' Living Expenses in NCR Guidelines (2010)

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Guidelines for members of the Senate of Canada wishing to claim living expenses for time spent in the Ottawa region. Filed as an exhibit at the 2015 criminal trial of suspended senator Mike Duffy.

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    Primary Residence Declaration

    In order to claim living expenses in the National Capital Region (area within 100 kilometres of Parliament Hill), a senator must file with the Clerk, and keep up to date, a declaration designating a primary residence in the province or territory represented by the senator.


    Senators who come to Ottawa to carry out their parliamentary functions, and who are more than 100 kilometres from their registered residence, are on travel status in Ottawa and are entitled to be reimbursed for the expenses incurred by them that are allowed under these terms and conditions. These guidelines apply to senators only and to expenses incurred by a senator only.

    Maximum Reimbursement Amounts

    The maximum total amount that can be reimbursed to each senator for the fiscal year under these guidelines is $20,000. Expenditures above this limit may however be charged to the Miscellaneous Expenditures Account portion of the Senator's Research and Office Expense Budget.

    Reimbursement rates for meals and accommodations are found in chapter 6:01 of the Senate Administrative Rules or in the Senators' Travel Guidelines, Appendix A. These rates are reviewed periodically. and senators are notified when changes are made.

    Eligible Accommodation Expenses

    Senators on travel status in the NCR will be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the NCR for one of the following categories of accommodation:

    Commercial Accommodation in the NCR

    A senator on travel status in the NCR will be reimbursed for hotel, motel, rooming or other commercial innkeeper expenses in the NCR, up to the maximum amount set per night (plus applicable taxes) upon provision of receipts. The rate is set out in chapter 6:01 of the Senate Administrative Rules or in the Senators' Travel Guidelines, Appendix A.

    Revised: June 17, 2010 1

  • Rented or leased accommodation in the NCR

    A senator, who rents or leases an accommodation in the NCR, will be reimbursed for the rent by providing a copy of the lease and proof of payment.

    The senator is required to submit a Declaration of Primary and Secondary Residences form on a yearly basis (at the beginning of each fiscal year) to attest that:

    a) the lessor is not a "family member" as defined in the Senate Administrative Rules (chapter 1:03, section 1);

    b) the lease will not further the private interests of the senator or those of his or her "family member"; and

    c) no senator or his or her "family member" shall have an interest in a partnership or private corporation that is a party to such lease under which the partnership or corporation receives a benefit.

    Ownership of a secondary residence in the NCR

    A senator who owns a secondary residence in the NCR may be reimbursed for accommodation expenses at the rate set out in chapter 6:01 of the Senate Administrative Rules or in the Senator's Travel Guidelines for each day such residence is available for the senator's occupancy, and providing that during such time it is not rented to another person or claimed as an expense by another senator.

    The senator is required to submit a proof of ownership of that secondary residence with the Declaration of Primary and Secondary Residences form on a yearly basis (at the beginning of each fiscal year).

    Eligible meal allowance and incidental expenses

    Senators on travel status in Ottawa will be reimbursed at the per diem rates set by the Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration which follows the rates set by Treasury Board Secretariat meal allowance and incidental expenses incurred by public servants on travel status. These allowances are included in chapter 6:01 of the Senate Administrative Rules or in the Senators' Travel Guidelines, Appendix A.

    Per diems claimed on both the day of arrival and departure from Ottawa will be charged to the 64-point travel system rather than to the Living Expenses budget.

    Revised: June 17, 2010 2



    Senators must file a Declaration of Primary and Secondary Residences form designating a primary residence in the province or territory they represent in order to claim expenses.

    Senators' spouse and alternates may not incur or claim expenses under these guidelines. These guidelines apply to senators only and to expenses incurred by a senator only.

    Original receipts or certified copies must be produced for all expenses to be reimbursed, except where receipts are expressly said not to be required.

    Claims for hotel or motel must be supported by receipts and are reimbursable up to the maximum amount set per night (plus applicable taxes). The hotel rate can be found in chapter 6:01 of the Senate Administrative Rules or in the Senators' Travel Guidelines, Appendix A.

    Claims for rented or leased accommodation must be supported by a copy of the lease agreement and cancelled cheques or receipts issued by the landlord.

    Senators who share an apartment, and the lease is not in their name, must attach to their claim an attestation of occupancy from the senator accompanied by cancelled cheques or receipts issued by the co-lessee.

    Senators cannot claim expenses for a weekend unless parliamentary functions are being performed on that weekend day by the senator.

    Senators who stay in rented accommodation can claim a whole month's rent.

    Senators who own a secondary residence in the National Capital Region can claim the daily rate for private accommodation as found in chapter 6:01 of the Senate Administrative Rules or in the Senators' Travel Guidelines, Appendix A, for each day it is available for the senator's occupancy and that is not rented to any other person or claimed as an expense by another senator. A proof of ownership is required on a yearly basis.

    Incidentals and meal allowances, claimed on both the day of arrival and departure from the National Capital Region, are charged to the 64-point travel system rather than to the Living Expenses budget.

    Accommodation and meal expenses in the National Capital Region must be submitted on a Travel Expense Claim, with transportation expenses to and from Ottawa, no later than sixty (60) days after completion of the trip.

    Revised: June 17, 2010

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    Declaration de la residence principale

    Pour demander le remboursement des frais de subsistance dans la region de la capitale nationale (region dans un rayon de 100 kilometres de la colline du Parlement), le senateur doit foumir au greffier du Sena une declaration a jour dans laquelle it design une residence principale dans la province ou le territoire qu'il represente.


    Les senateurs qui se rendent a Ottawa pour executer leurs fonctions parlementaires et qui se trouvent A plus de 100 kilometres de leur residence principale sont en &placement a Ottawa et ils ont droit au remboursement des depenses autorisees par les presentes modalites. Les presentes lignes directrices s'appliquent aux senateurs seulement et aux depenses effectuees par eux.

    Montants maximaux remboursables

    Le montant maximum remboursable au senateur pour chaque armee financiere en vertu des presentes lignes directrices s'eleve a 20 000 $. Les depenses excedant le plafond de ce montant peuvent cependant etre portees a la portion du compte de frais divers du budget de depenses de bureau et de recherche des senateurs.

    Les taux de remboursement des repas et de l'hebergement figurent au chapitre 6:01 du Reglement administratif du Senat ou a l'annexe A des lignes directrices regissant les deplacements des senateurs. Ces taux sont reexamines periodiquement et les senateurs sont alors avises des changements.

    Frais d'hibergement

    Les senateurs admissibles qui sont en &placement dans la RCN peuvent etre defrayes des depenses effectuees dans la region de la capitale nationale au titre d'un des modes d'hebergement suivants :

    Frais d'hebergement commercial dans la RCN

    Le senateur admissible qui est en &placement dans la RCN peut etre rembourse pour les frais d'hebergement a l'hotel, au motel ou dans un autre etablissement commercial dans la RCN jusqu'a concurrence du maximum etabli par nuitee (plus taxes) sur presentation de recus. Le taux figure au chapitre 6 :01 du Reglement administratif du Senat ou a l'annexe A des Lignes directrices regissant les deplacements des senateurs.

    Rtvise : Le 17 juin 2010 1

  • Logement locatif dans la RCN

    Le senateur qui loue une residence secondaire dans la RCN peut obtenir le remboursement du Toyer en fournissant une copie du bail et une preuve de paiement de ce Toyer.

    Le senateur dolt soumettre le formulaire de la Declaration de residences principale et secondaire sur une base annuelle (au debut de chaque armee financiere) afin d'attester :

    a) que le locateur n'est pas un membre de la famille selon la definition contenue dans le Reglement administratif du Senat (chapitre 1:03, section 1);

    b) que le bail de location ne favorise pas ses interets personnels ou ceux d'un membre de Ia famille ;

    c) que ni Iui ni les membres de la famille n'ont d'interet dans tine societe de personnes ou une societe privee qui est partie au bail de location aux termes duquel la societe de personnes ou la societe privee recoit avantage.

    Possession d'une residence secondaire dans la RCN

    Le senateur qui possede une residence secondaire dans Ia RCN peut obtenir le remboursement des frais d'hebergement au tarif accord& pour un hebergement prive selon la chapitre 6:01 du Reglement administratif du Senat ou les Lignes directrices regissant les deplacements des senateurs pour chaque jour oil la residence est disponible pour ('usage du senateur et pourvu que pendant cette periode, celle-ci ne soit pas Iouee a une autre personne ou ne false pas l'objet d'une reclamation a titre de depense par un autre senateur.

    Le senateur doit foumir une preuve de propriete avec le formulaire de la Declaration de residences principale et secondaire sur une base annuelle (au debut de chaque annee financiere).

    Les indemnites de repas et de faux frais remboursables

    Les senateurs en &placement a Ottawa pourront se faire rembourser, au taux quotidien etabli par le Com& permanent de la regie interne, des budgets et de ]'administration lequel suit le taux etabli par le Secretariat du Conseil du Tresor pour les indemnites de repas et de faux frais des fonctionnaires en &placement. Les indemnites de repas et de faux frais figurent au chapitre 6:01 du Reglement administratif du Senat ou a I' annexe A des Lignes directrices regissant les deplacements des senateurs.

    Les indemnites quotidiennes reclamees le jour de l'arrivee a Ottawa et le jour du depart seront imputees au systeme des 64 points, plutot qu'au budget des frais de subsistance.

    Revise : Le 17 juin 2010 2



    Primary Residence Declaration

    In order to claim living expenses in the National Capital Region (area within 100 kilometres of Parliament Hill), a senator must file with the Clerk, and keep up to date, a declaration designating a primary residence in the province or territory represented by the senator.


    Senators who come to Ottawa to carry out their parliamentary functions, and who are more than 100 kilometres from their registered residence, are on travel status in Ottawa and are entitled to be reimbursed for the expenses incurred by them that are allowed under these terms and conditions. This policy applies to senators only and to expenses incurred by a senator only.

    Maximum Reimbursement Amounts

    The maximum total amount that can be reimbursed to each senator for the fiscal year under this policy is $20,000 1

    . Reimbursement rates for meals and accommodations are found in the Senators' Travel Policy, Appendix A. These rates are reviewed periodically and published at least semi-annually on April l s` and October 1 st .

    Eligible Accommodation Expenses

    Senators on travel status in Ottawa will be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the National Capital Region for one of the following categories of accommodation:

    Hotel, motel, rooming or other commercial innkeeper expenses are reimbursable up to the maximum amount set per night (plus applicable taxes) upon provision of receipts. The rate is set out in the Senators' Travel Policy, Appendix A.

    Rented or leased accommodation, supported by a copy of the lease agreement and proof of payment; or

    Private accommodation within the NCR will be reimbursed at the daily rate as found in the Senators' Travel Policy, Appendix A.

    Revised: November 25, 2009

  • Eligible meal expenses

    Senators on travel status in Ottawa will be reimbursed at the per diem rates set by the Treasury Board Secretariat for meal expenses incurred by public servants on travel status. Meal allowances are included in the Senators' Travel Policy, Appendix A.

    Per diems claimed on both the day of arrival and departure from Ottawa will be charged to the 64-point travel system rather than to the Living Expenses budget.

    It is recommended that the Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration approve the following: Allow that expenditures above the limit provided in the Living in the NCR Budget ($20,000) be charged to the Miscellaneous Expenditures Account portion of the Senator's Research and Office Expense Budget, for the current fiscal year i.e. 2009-2010.

    Revised: November 25, 2009 2

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