C C ATHEDRAL ATHEDRAL N N EWS EWS September 2012 Volume 18 Issue 2 Tulsa, Oklahoma Holy Family Back to School! Back to School! Back to School! Back to School! Great things are happening at the Cathedral School Great things are happening at the Cathedral School Great things are happening at the Cathedral School Great things are happening at the Cathedral School

September 2012

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Monsignor Gier addresses recent vandalism. The Knights & Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre plan a convention in Tulsa. The Council of Catholic Women will visit several of the "Painted Churches" of Texas.

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Page 1: September 2012

CCATHEDRALATHEDRAL N NEWSEWS September 2012 Volume 18 Issue 2 Tulsa, Oklahoma

Holy Family

Back to School!Back to School!Back to School!Back to School! Great things are happening at the Cathedral SchoolGreat things are happening at the Cathedral SchoolGreat things are happening at the Cathedral SchoolGreat things are happening at the Cathedral School

Page 2: September 2012


From the RectorFrom the Rector

Dear People of Holy Family,

By now you may have heard that our sacristy was vandalized on Saturday evening, August

25th. Luckily nothing was taken from the building and the tabernacle was not violated in

anyway. The cabinets in the sacristy were emptied on the floor; the wine was consumed; the

water and juice in the refrigerator was drunk; and the ciboria and chalices were stacked into

the collection baskets but not taken from the building. Vestments were thrown on the floor and

a general mess was about the place. No permanent damage was done.

As Father Grant announced at Mass Sunday, we must pray for this poor soul who came into

our place of worship and worked his chaos. Bishop Slattery has asked us to pray the rosary in

reparation for this event. Bishop Slattery has asked me to lead a public recitation of the Rosary

in the Cathedral in the evening of Friday , September 14, the Feast to the Exaltation of the Holy

Cross. He is also asking the people of the diocese to join us in this public act of reparation.

This vandalism happened just two days after we had refinished the floors in the sacristy. We

have removed the very old indoor-outdoor carpeting and found again the beautiful hardwood

floors. The finish on the floors had not finally cured before this happened. Again no permanent

harm was done.

Once again I can hear our beloved Msgr. Halpine calling out, “Lock the doors, lock the doors,

lock the doors!”

Again I would like to thank you for your generous response to our need to increase the

Sunday collections. If we can continue on the present path all will be well.

Sincerely in the Holy Family,

Msgr. Gregory A. Gier


Identification Statement: The Cathedral News Issue 1 September 2012 (USPS 022-729) is published 10 x per year (monthly, except for June and July) by Holy Family Cathedral at 122 W 8th St., Tulsa OK 74119-1402. Periodicals postage paid at Tulsa, OK. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: CATHEDRAL NEWS, PO BOX 3204, Tulsa, OK 74101-3204.


Page 3: September 2012


Cathedral News deadlines: Please submit articles and announcements to the Cathedral News by the 15th of the preceding month.

Email [email protected] or send your article to Mike Malcom at the parish office.

Greetings Parishioners,

I am thrilled to be writing to you as the principal of Holy Family Cathedral School, and

pleased to report on all of the exciting things that are happening at our school this year.

As many of you know, we had several teachers retire last year. However, we were

blessed with tremendous individuals to fill their posts. This year we are happy to intro-


Elizabeth Browne as our Pre-K 3 teacher. Liz is a member of Christ the King parish,

and she has been working hard this summer to ensure that our income 3yr olds

have a great year.

Christie Coughlin as our 2nd Grade teacher. Christie comes to us from Notre Dame

University. Christie is working toward her Master’s Degree in Education and is anxious

to meet her new students.

Alicia Detter as our 3rd Grade teacher. Alicia is a member of the parish of St. Mary,

and is a seasoned educator. Mrs. Detter’s class will be out of this world...you may

have to see her room to understand what I mean.

Dorothy Wire as our 5th Grade teacher. Mrs. Wire is a long time member of our parish

and has many years of experience as a teacher and RE instructor. Mrs. Wire’s warmth

and compassion will no doubt help our 5th graders make the transition from elemen-

tary to middle school status with ease.

Kathryn Pickens as our middle school Math and Science instructor, Kathryn grew up

in the Oklahoma City area and graduated from the University of Tulsa. For the last

year Kathryn has been working with troubled inner city youth, and displays a

strength of faith and character not frequently seen in a person of her age.

With a strong faculty and exciting programs in place to meet all our students’ needs,

we are looking forward to a great year at Holy Family Cathedral School. We thank all of

you for supporting us, and we invite you to drop in anytime to see what

you have made possible for the families we serve. It is truly my privi-

lege and pleasure to be a part of the Holy Family community. May God

richly bless you, and keep you.

Sincerely yours in Christ,






Leveled Reading Instruction - geared to

maximize the amount of direct instruc-

tional time that teachers are able to devote

to students in the critical area of reading.

We will be using a daily 90 minute Read-

ing/Language Arts block to allow students

to experience Reading to Self, Reading to

Others, Listening to Reading, Word Work,

and Writing every day.

Accelerated Math - will be used to insure

that all students are allowed to achieve

their own maximum potential. AM allows

teachers to assess and target every stu-

dent’s strengths and weakness and use

this information to differentiate instruction.

Keyboard Instruction - will be incorporated

into our music program. Brain research

shows that learning to play the piano in-

creases student math comprehension and

overall cognition.

Middle School Fitness and Wellness - this

program will focus on increasing student

knowledge of lifetime sports, nutrition,

physiology and etiquette.

Schoolwide Incentivized Reading & Math

Facts Program - The Super Bowl of Read-

ing & Math Madness programs are de-

signed to set attainable, individualized

goals for students that will encourage

them to increase their reading stamina and

knowledge of basic math facts.

Academic Bowl - this after school activity,

in conjunction with Math Counts, gives our

students who excel academically the op-

portunity to compete and be recognized in

the same manner as their peers who are

gifted athletically.

Page 4: September 2012


Prayed to God for rain or shower

and a cool front so to please!

Nell, the rain came for an hour

and we enjoyed a northern breeze!

I thanked God for what He sent

and prayed we needed more:

"Oh, God! would You please relent

and let the heavens pour"!

Well, we did have a few "teaser" show-

ers as of this writing - but not enough to

refill the moat - though the few days of

cool, cool mornings and not quite so hot

days were and are a Godsend! when

Tulsa makes the national news as the

hottest place in the continental U.S. you

just know that it is HOT! HOT! HOT! The

Annual Council Priest Appreciation Dinner

on the 14th was a resounding success

with sixty some attendees - Knights with

kith and kin included - in Heiring Hall.

Everyone feasted on ribs and beans and

salad greens to their hearts — and stom-

achs - content. The Council prefers an

earlier date in the month but to accom-

modate our new Assistant Pastor, Fr.

John Grant, who took a well deserved

week off prior to hitting the aisles of the

Cathedral, we opted for a later date rather

than none at all.

As usual it would not be a Knights of

Columbus shindig without a door prize or

two and this year we had three to stir up

the crowd. Tim Healey, a/k/a/ Timmy,

won the TreeHaus Hood Shoppe 75

Piece Castle Blocks from which

he can now construct his

own castle; Turning the

table on the cook

Helga Gorman won the

dinner gift card for On

The Border, For the uniniti-

ated Helga is the parish

"Everywoman" and that includes

any activity that involves a stove,

oven, and pots and pans. (You haven't

lived until you have tasted her scalloped

potatos!) The auto glove compartment kit

comprised of a pen light, tire pressure

gauge, and a ball point pen was won by a

lady whom I am not acquainted. Hono-

rariums went to Monsignor Gier and Fa-

ther Grant in thanks for their respec-

tive current and anticipated cares

and concerns for the souls

and salvation of the parish


Thus it is that we

wrapped up the month of

August but we hit the draw-

bridge running on the 1st. of Sep-

tember loaded with the larder for our

Notes from the Knightstand BY MA RT I N REI D Y

monthly dinner for the denizens of the

Day Center for the Homeless. As it hap-

pens that is/was also Labor Day weekend

so the Council is grateful to those who

donated part of their holiday for the “tears

of Christ". Others were busily occupied

dusting off the grill for “Jim's Gems” on

the 16th — pancakes and sausage. Jim

Gray and his understudies will be firing up

the grill for you and yours so come on

down and have breakfast in Heiring Hall

on the 16th!

So, as the lazy days of summer fade

into the breezy days of Fall we wish well

to one and all - and come see us on Pan-

cake Sunday! Pax!

Page 5: September 2012


The summer RCIA inquiry has had a

successful run. Topics discussed in-

cluded the authority of the Church includ-

ing how the Pope communicates the faith

to the faithful. The basics of belief in the

Creed and the Mass were followed by

learning about holy things, sacramentals,

the liturgical year and Holy Days. The last

few sessions are detailed below.

Luke’s Annunciation account (1:26-38)

shows us Mary’s humble answer in coop-

erating with God’s plan. The Constitution

of the Church of Vatican II describes

Mary’s role: “...in suffering with Him as he

did on the cross, she cooperated in the

work of the Savior, in an altogether singu-

lar way, by obedience, faith, hope and

Regular RCIA Sessions Follow the Summer Inquiry BY T H E RCIA MI N I ST RY T EAM

burning love.” The Church teaches that

every man and woman is made in the

image and likeness of God and by Bap-

tism they become adopted children of

God, thus all human beings are called to

holiness. The saints have answered

God’s call to holiness by way of obedi-

ence, faith, and love just like Mary.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church

indicates that “the seven sacraments

instituted by Christ touch all stages and

all the important moments of Christian

life…There is thus a certain resemblance

between the stages of natural life and the

stages of the spiritual life.”

The sacraments of Christian initiation

include Baptism, Confirmation and

Eucharist which lay the foundation of

every Christian life. During this stage,

man receives the new life of Christ. Jesus

Christ has willed that his Church, in the

power of the Holy Spirit, to continue his

work of healing and salvation. The sacra-

ments of healing are Penance and

Anointing of the Sick. The sacraments at

the service of communion which direct

towards salvation of others are Holy Or-

ders and Matrimony. Salvation involves

the transformation of human nature. The

process starts with Baptism and contin-

ues until we attain the beatific vision.

Purgatory is the final step in this process

where we are prepared to be in heaven

forever. The Church, the sacraments,

Mary and the communion of saints are

part of God’s plan for the salvation of


Our Summer Inquiry Sessions ended

with an overview of what we have to be-

lieve in order to be Catholic. These basic

concepts are reinforced by the require-

ments of Mass attendance, Eucharist

reception and confession. The session

also included guidance on what the

church teaches about major moral issues

such as abortion, euthanasia, capital

punishment and war.

Monsignor Gregory Gier, Father John

Grant and Deacon Jerry Mattox are some

of the speakers for the RCIA sessions

beginning on Wednesday, September 5,

2012. This will be in the main Cathedral at

7 pm for an introductory session. The

following week we will meet downstairs in

the Halpine Room and will continue to

meet there at 7 pm each Wednesday eve-

ning until Easter. These classes are for

anyone curious about the Catholic

Church, and also for anyone who has

been distant from the Church and wishes

to reconnect.


Page 6: September 2012


tection of the Holy See, whose

principal mission is to reinforce

the practice of Christian life by its

members, to sustain and assist

the religious, spiritual, charitable

and social works of the Catholic

Church in the Holy Land, and to

conserve and propagate the

Christian faith. The Order does

not accept direct petitions for

admission. Usually, though not

always, candidates are put for-

ward by an existing Member.

They must be practicing Catho-

lics of good character who are

recommended by their local Ordi-

nary, approved by the Order's

Grand Magisterium in Rome and,

upon the issuance of written con-

firming appointment by the Vati-

can Secretary of State, admitted

by way of formal Investiture con-

ducted once a year. Admission

presumes a lifetime commitment

to the Order's apostolate.

“The Holy Sepulchre Order is com-

posed of approximately 24,000 men and

women, about 10% of whom are ordained

religious, divided among 52 Lieutenancies

in Europe, North America, Latin America,

Australia and the far east. The Grand

Master, who is appointed directly by the

Holy Father to lead and govern these

Lieutenancies, is assisted by a consulta-

tive body, the Grand Magisterium, whose

task it is to identify and agree with the

Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem which

programs to be undertaken each year to

provide for Christian institutions and

communities in the Holy Land. Each indi-

vidual Lieutenancy is internally structured

along the lines of the international or-

ganization with a Lieutenant as head,

officers serving as a consultative body

and sections encompassing particular

geographic areas within the Lieuten-

ancy's assigned jurisdiction.

The Diocese of Tulsa will host the 2012

Annual Investiture of the Knights and

Ladies of the Equestrian Order of the Holy

Sepulchre of Jerusalem. The mid-October

convention will draw attendees from the

Southwestern Lieutenancy, including

members from Oklahoma, Arkansas, New

Mexico and Texas.

The Order helps the Church in the Holy

Land, specifically aiding in the Church’s

charitable, cultural and social works. The

Order is working on building and improv-

ing a number of schools in Jordan and


Tulsa hosted the 2001 Investiture to

great praise from all involved. Holy Family

Cathedral’s Monsignor Gier, himself a

Knight, and parishioners Kay Keith and

Judy Smith were key to the success of

the event. Parishioners Steven and Linda

Pinion are major organizers of the 2012


This year’s convention includes trips to

St. Francis Xavier, Gilcrease Museum, and

a number of Masses and prayer services

at the Cathedral.

According to the Order’s history:

“The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sep-

ulchre of Jerusalem is a major Catholic

Order of Knighthood, under the direct pro-

Knights & Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre to have Convention



“The Order has a very long history with

roots extending to the activities of early

Christians and their pilgrimages to Jeru-

salem. Pilgrimages to the Holy Land were

a common if dangerous practice from

shortly after the crucifixion of Jesus to

throughout the Middle Ages. Numerous

detailed commentaries have survived as

evidence of this early Christian devo-

tional. While there were many places the

pious visited during their travels, the one

most cherished was the Church of the

Holy Sepulchre, first constructed by Con-

stantine the Great in the fourth century

AD. It is said that a local tradition, begun

long before the Crusades, provided for the

bestowing of knighthood upon worthy

men by the custodians of the Church of

the Holy Sepulchre. It was this tradition

that served as the basis for the Order's

existence and it remains today a central

feature of its existence.

Page 7: September 2012


While parents are the primary and most important

teachers of the Faith,

Holy Family Cathedral’s

Religious Education program

is ready to help!

Download a registration

form from the parish

website. Return it to Mrs.

Monika Davis at the

parish office or mail it to

her at PO Box 3204,

Tulsa, OK 74101

Classes begin on

September 9 at 8:50 a.m.

in the Cathedral School

building. Get more

information on the parish



5th Annual Tulsa CCW Bus Trip Austin, Texas

October 15-18, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

• Depart Church of the Madalene at 8:00 a.m.

• Arrive at St. William Church, Durant

• Arrive at hotel, Austin

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

• Breakfast at hotel

• Visit Sts. Cyril & Methodius Church, Shiner, Texas

• Travel to Praha, High Hill, Ammansville

• Happy Hour at hotel

• Dinner at Italian Ristorante

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

• Breakfast at hotel

• Travel to Fredricksburg

• Mass and Tour at St. Mary’s Church

• Explore Fredricksburg

• Happy Hour at hotel

• Dinner at a Cafe

Thursday, October 18, 2012

• Breakfast at hotel

• Depart for Tulsa

• Stop in Dallas at Cistercian Abbey and Prep School

We hope to go to the cathedral in Austin and possibly have Mass there.

It will depend on where we can get it into the schedule.

Want to go? The registration form is available at the entrances to the

Cathedral or found on the Cathedral’s website.

Cathedral Collegian: Patrick Wilborn

Patrick Wilborn is famil-

iar to those who attend 8:00

a.m. Mass on Sunday

mornings. Patrick and his

older sister Holly served

that Mass for years and


Patrick is attending Roo-

sevelt University in Chicago

and a part of the Chicago

College of Performing Arts.

He is studying musical


The Cathedral News highlights Cathedral parish-

ioners who are off to college. If you are the parent

of a student heading off to college, email a photo

of your child, his course of study, and his school

to [email protected]

Page 8: September 2012


Holy Family Cathedral

P.O. Box 3204

Tulsa, OK 74101-3204


The Cathedral School’s

Eighth Grade


Boulder Beat TV

now in its fourth season every Thursday evening.