Worship Schedule September 2 Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost Adult Forum at 9:00 a.m. Worship at 10:00 a.m. Fellowship at 11:00 a.m. September 9 Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost Adult Forum at 9:00 a.m. Eucharist at 10:00 a.m. Fellowship at 11:00 a.m. Rejoicing Spirits at 4:00 p.m. September 16 Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost Adult Forum at 9:00 a.m. Eucharist at 10:00 a.m. Fellowship at 11:00 a.m. September 23 Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost Adult Forum at 9:00 a.m. Eucharist at 10:00 a.m. Fellowship at 11:00 a.m. September 30 Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost Adult Forum at 9:00 a.m. Worship at 10:00 a.m. Fellowship at 11:00 a.m. Special Sundays in September Sept. 2 nd : Our very own Deacon Marlene Natali will be preaching! Sept. 9 th : Grandparents Day: Honoring Emmanuel’s Grandparents and Great-Grandparents! Sept. 16 th : Holy Eucharist with Pastor Guiser Sept. 23 rd : Holy Eucharist with Pastor Guiser Sept. 30 th : Our very own Deacon Marlene Natali will be preaching! Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church September 2018 In This Issue Pastor’s Letter------------------------------------------------------2 Director of Music--------------------------------------------------3 Choir Schedules----------------------------------------------------3 Church Office------------------------------------------------------4 Confirmation Class Schedule------------------------------------4 Rejoicing Spirits---------------------------------------------------6 Prayer Shawl-------------------------------------------------------5 Community Breakfast--------------------------------------------5 Ladies Book Club-------------------------------------------------6 Bible Study Schedules--------------------------------------------5 Lunch Bunch-------------------------------------------------------6 Emmanuel’s Family-----------------------------------------------7 Emmanuel’s Ministries-------------------------------------------10 Worship Assistant Schedules------------------------------------11 God’s Work Our Hand’s Flyer-----------------------------------8 Keystone Opportunity Center Thank You Letter-----------------------9

September 2018 Special Sundays in September Worship Scheduleemmanuellutheranchurch.net › wp-content › uploads › 2018 › ... · Art Show at Peter Becker Community The Peaceful

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Worship Schedule

September 2

Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Adult Forum at 9:00 a.m.

Worship at 10:00 a.m.

Fellowship at 11:00 a.m.

September 9

Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Adult Forum at 9:00 a.m.

Eucharist at 10:00 a.m.

Fellowship at 11:00 a.m.

Rejoicing Spirits at 4:00 p.m.

September 16

Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

Adult Forum at 9:00 a.m.

Eucharist at 10:00 a.m.

Fellowship at 11:00 a.m.

September 23

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Adult Forum at 9:00 a.m.

Eucharist at 10:00 a.m.

Fellowship at 11:00 a.m.

September 30 Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Adult Forum at 9:00 a.m.

Worship at 10:00 a.m.

Fellowship at 11:00 a.m.

Special Sundays in September

Sept. 2nd: Our very own Deacon Marlene Natali

will be preaching!

Sept. 9th: Grandparents Day: Honoring

Emmanuel’s Grandparents and


Sept. 16th: Holy Eucharist with Pastor Guiser

Sept. 23rd: Holy Eucharist with Pastor Guiser

Sept. 30th: Our very own Deacon Marlene Natali

will be preaching!

Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church

September 2018

In This Issue

Pastor’s Letter------------------------------------------------------2

Director of Music--------------------------------------------------3

Choir Schedules----------------------------------------------------3

Church Office------------------------------------------------------4

Confirmation Class Schedule------------------------------------4

Rejoicing Spirits---------------------------------------------------6

Prayer Shawl-------------------------------------------------------5

Community Breakfast--------------------------------------------5

Ladies Book Club-------------------------------------------------6

Bible Study Schedules--------------------------------------------5

Lunch Bunch-------------------------------------------------------6

Emmanuel’s Family-----------------------------------------------7

Emmanuel’s Ministries-------------------------------------------10

Worship Assistant Schedules------------------------------------11

God’s Work Our Hand’s Flyer-----------------------------------8 Keystone Opportunity Center Thank You Letter-----------------------9

A Pastoral Letter in September

Dear Christian Friends at Emmanuel,

As September begins many of us return to familiar routines and schedules that we vacationed from

over the summer. At Emmanuel, children return to public school, the Y-Care pre-school program

resumes, Choirs begin their rehearsals, Bible Study & Adult Sunday School resume and the

Confirmation Program resumes on Sundays. And while it seems that we are returning to business as

usual, there will be changes this fall.

First of all, the Emmanuel Call Committee will be resuming its interview process in search of a new

pastor for Emmanuel. There will be new candidates to interview and hopefully recommend to the

congregation. Please pray for God to send Emmanuel a Spirit filled pastor.

Secondly, as I begin this third year at Emmanuel, I will be stepping back from leading Sunday

Morning Worship in November. The Church Council will be selecting a “Bridge Pastor” to serve

between November and the calling of the new Pastor in 2019. I may remain as a “Visitation Pastor”

to care for the sick, homebound and elderly, if the Church Council desires this ministry to continue.

The third change or transition this year will be the Confirmation of eleven young Christians in their

baptism on Sunday, June 9th, 2019 - Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost is the celebration of the outpouring

of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus’s chosen disciples. In Confirmation, the Church’s aim is to stir up the

Holy Spirit given to each child in Baptism, so that they may live out their faith. This can be quite a

change because often it is seen as a “graduation” from Church attendance. The opposite is our aim.

A final change or project in view this year will be a replacement of the entire roof on the Sunday

School wing of our building complex. The flat roof is growing old and has had significant leaks over

the summer. The Emmanuel property Committee and Council will be securing bids for its

replacement. This is an important project because it is still our hope that we will be leasing the

second floor of the Sunday School building to Peaceful Living or another charity in support of our


The upcoming programmatic year looks to be a year full of changes. But what does not change is

the fact that Jesus is with us, his Spirit is poured out upon us and we all have gifts of the Spirit to use

in serving Him. Perhaps this is a good year to look at where you are using your gifts and talents and

money to serve Jesus. The opportunity to serve Jesus never changes.

God bless you and Keep you,

Pastor Guiser

From the Director of Music

Below are five good reasons why you should

join one of our choirs this season:

♪ To be a part of a Christian group that serves

and praises God.

♪ To express yourself and your faith through


♪ To experience and learn Christian principles

from the songs we sing.

♪ To participate in and better understand the

Lutheran worship service.

♪ To develop basic music skills. Music is an

ideal way for enhancing perceptual abilities

and creative problem solving – essential

components for individual fulfillment,

success and imagination. (Research has

shown that exposing children to quality

music at an early age leads them to better

spatial reasoning and math skills.)

Please review the rehearsal schedule for

information about each group. If you have any

questions, please ask me or another choir


Thank you,

Steve Eisenhart

Fall 2018 Rehearsal Schedule

Youth Choir

6th thru 12th grade

Rehearses Sunday mornings from 11:15 to


Sings on festivals and other various occasions

Rehearsals begin September 23

Chancel Choir

High school age and older

Rehearses Sunday mornings from 11:30 to


Sings each Sunday

Rehearsals begin September 9

Handbell Choir

High school age and older

Rehearses Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to


Rings on festivals and other various occasions

Watch the bulletin for beginning rehearsal


From the Church Office

REMINDER: The deadline to submit all

articles, schedules, etc. for

October is Friday,

September 14th. Nothing

will be accepted after this

date. Thank you for your

help keeping the congregation informed!

*In observance of Labor

Day, the Church Office

will be closed on

Monday, September 3rd.

Altar Flower Sponsors Wanted

If you would like to sponsor Altar flowers,

please sign up on the Altar Flower Chart

hanging on the bulletin board in the Gathering

Space to reserve your

Sunday. Each line

represents each Sunday

during the month

(Example: 1st line – 1st

Sunday of that month,

2nd line - 2nd Sunday of

that month, and so on…). Please fill out the

Altar Flower Memorial Request sheet to write

your dedication and information for the church

office and put in the office mailbox slot

(located in the office door) at least 2 weeks in

advance of your chosen Sunday to have the

dedication in the bulletin. The cost is

approximately $50 for both vases – Fredericks

Flowers will bill you directly, no money will be

collected from the church.

Second Year Confirmation Class

Please note the upcoming dates:

Sept. 8th:

8:30 AM: Community Breakfast – ALL

Confirmands Serve

Sept. 16th: Confirmation Class Begins

10:00 AM: Church

11:15 AM: Music Rehearsal

11:30 AM: Lunch*

12:00 Noon: Class

Sept. 23rd: Confirmation Class

10:00 AM: Church

11:15 AM: Music Rehearsal

11:30 AM: Lunch*

12:00 Noon: Class

Sept. 30th: Confirmation Class

10:00 AM: Church

11:15 AM: Music Rehearsal

11:30 AM: Lunch*

12:00 Noon: Class

*Please check the Worship Assistant Schedule

each week to see which Family is responsible for

pizza and who the Crucifer is for each Sunday (

after the Confirmands name).

Art Show at Peter Becker Community

The Peaceful Living Art Program is now

showing recent selected works at the Peter

Becker Community Main Gallery, 800 Maple

Ave., Harleysville, PA. Please come out and

view the works from the program, part of

which is located at Emmanuel Lutheran

Church. To create the art on display, artist

Elena Drosdova collaborates with people with

intellectual disabilities. The show runs from

August 1 to September 30, 2018. Paintings are

available for purchase by contacting Elena

Drosdova at Peaceful Living: 610-287-1200.

Mid-Week Bible Study Is Back

Starting on Wednesday, September 12th, Mid-

Week Bible Study will be

back! Join us in the Parlor

from 6 PM – 7 PM. Any

questions or for more

information, contact Fred

Crouthamel at 215-721-1953.

Prayer Shawl

Prayer Shawl meets on the first Sunday of each

month at 1:00 PM in the Church Parlor to knit

Prayer Shawls for

those who are sick,

depressed or just

need to be wrapped

in prayers and love.

If you don’t know how to knit-NO PROBLEM!

We are always happy to teach and give help to

those who want a few tips! All are welcome!

Our next meeting is September 2nd.

Men in Mission-Community Breakfast

Join us for our “Free Community Breakfast”

every second Saturday of each month from

8:30 AM -10:00 AM. This month’s Free

Breakfast will be held on September 8th.

Everyone is welcome!

Sunday Morning Adult Alpha Class

Please join us each Sunday Morning in the

Church Parlor at 9:00 AM for an Adult Alpha

Bible Reflection. This class is

led by Pastor Guiser and

class members.

September 9 - New Class

Curriculum Begins –

Christianity, Cults & Religions-

Determine the differences between Christianity

and other religions. Surveying the beliefs of

Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormonism,

Scientology, Islam, Wicca, Buddhism and


*Please sign up on the clip boards before 9/2

Our Mission Statement… …is to share the Gospel of Jesus

Christ through worship, nurture,

service and outreach

Ladies Book Club

The Ladies Book Club

selections for Fall are:

September ~ The Alice

Network by Kate Quinn

and October~ Waiting for

Snow in Havana by Carlos

Eire. The Ladies Book

Club meets the 3rd Monday

of each month in the Church Parlor at 7:00 PM.

All are welcome! Contact Mary Anne Morral

at [email protected] with any questions!

Lunch Bunch

The Lunch Bunch will go to O’Grady’s in

September which will be on the 19th at 12:00 noon. Everyone

will be called to

get the count and



Join us for food,

fun and fellowship. Hope to see all of you and

maybe we’ll have some Fall weather that day.

Contact Gloria Heckler: 215-779-2264 for

more information.

Rejoicing Spirits

Please join us on September 9th at 4:00 P.M.

at our joyful, inclusive worship as we lift the

name of Jesus together.

Rejoicing Spirits serves those

with intellectual disabilities.

We start at 3:30 p.m. with

Sunday School and craft

time. Worship starts at 4:00

p.m. in the sanctuary and

refreshments are served immediately after the

service. If you need transportation, please

contact the church office at 215-723-7514.

Come Rejoice With Us!

A Back to School Prayer

LORD, thank you for the unique gifts of every

child as they transition into a new school year.

Fill each student with fresh enthusiasm and a

heart that is excited to learn and grow. Cover

them with your enduring love, give them

confidence and grade, and equip them with the

ability to persevere through trials. Bless their

teachers with wisdom, understanding, and a

heart to serve, as they embark on the journey

together! Amen. Have a great School Year


September Birthdays:

2 Betty Frese

Colton Snyder

5 Bruce Alderfer

6 Monie Cole

Steven Pierce

Robert Ziegler

8 Stephanie Steinly

9 Deborah Powis

Shirley Treichler

11 Adam Kaelin

Don Zebrauskas

12 Madison Stein

Lynne Walsh

13 Floyd Yothers Jr.

15 Henry Foley

17 Brooke Ahart

18 Victoria Henry

Andrew McCaslin

Kara Stover

19 Audrey Bucher

Heather Renner

Vincent Wenger

20 Gerry Blaich

Paul Bond

Michael Shoemaker

Ruth Yothers

21 Keith Ahart

Michael Baskin

Charles Miller

Andrew Niemczyk

Jarrett Reinhard

22 Katarina Brickajlik

Jason Campolei

Daniel Natali

23 Tim MacBain

William Morral

25 Rebecca Bernardo

Jason Gibson

Anita Vogel

26 Merril Christman

Robert Rounay

27 Robert Wellington

28 Kevin Schrauger

Christopher Stein

Liesl Stroup

29 Michael Geiger

Emmanuel’s Family

Prayer List

*In order to keep our Prayer List up to date, please inform the office

of any changes

Health and Healing


Elaine Cash, Keira Drissel, William and Mary Frank, Craig

Freed, Louella Gehringer, John Kemmerer, Kitty Kramer,

Craig Kulp, Richard Landis, Jane Niemczyk, Joseph & Anita

Sykes, Faye Wetzel, Ruth Yothers, Robert Ziegler

Friends of the Congregation:

Heather Belott (friend of Marlene Natali), Donna Clemens (Friend of Janel

and Barry Gibson), Luca Condo (friend of Ruth Miller), Sabrina Haap (Ruth

Miller’s niece), Donald Heller (Shirley’s brother-in-law), Erik Heckler (Gloria

& Gerry’s Grandson), Dixie Kephart (Darlene Mother), Steve & Stewart

Schrauger (Julie Freed’s brothers), Michael Smith (friend of Cheryl Starke),

Levi Nicholson (Bill and Mary Anne Morral’s Grandson), Pam Valenti (Lou

Gehringer’s Sister)

Comfort for the Bereaved The Family of Mildred Lukens

Serving in the Armed Forces Senior Airman Justin Lesko (Neal and Toni Quinn’s grandson)

Homebound Members Current addresses for our homebound are posted in the Gathering Space

Doris Alderfer, Evelyn Billger, William and Helen DeTurk,

Norma Detweiler, Rita Fritz, Dorothy Kober, Kitty Kramer,

Martha Magargal, Gismunt Sutkaitis

Congratulations to Tyler McGrath &

Christine Atkins on their Wedding Day ~

September 29th. Best Wishes to the new

Mr. & Mrs. McGrath!

Emmanuel’s Ministries September 2018 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


9:00a Bushi Karate

2 Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

9:00a Adult Forum

10:00a Worship

11:00a Fellowship Hour

1:00p Prayer Shawl


Labor Day

Office Closed


5:30p Bushi Karate

7:30p AA Step Group


11:00a Staff Meeting

5:30p Bushi Karate


5:30p Bushi Karate



8:30a Men in Mission


9:00a Bushi Karate

9 Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

9:00a Adult Forum

10:00a Worship

11:00a Fellowship Hour

2:30p God’s Work, Our Hands

@ Little Zion & St. Andrew’s

4:00p Rejoicing Spirits


5:30p Bushi Karate

7:00p Council

8:00p AA Group


5:30p Bushi Karate

7:30p AA Step Group


5:30p Bushi Karate

6:00p Bible Study


5:30p Bushi Karate





9:00a Bushi Karate

16 Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

9:00a Adult Forum

10:00a Worship

11:00a Fellowship

12:00p Confirmation Class


5:30p Bushi Karate 7:00p Ladies Book Club

8:00p AA Group


5:30p Bushi Karate

7:30p AA Step Group


12:00p Lunch Bunch

@ O’Grady’s

5:30p Bushi Karate

6:00p Bible Study


5:30p Bushi Karate


22 Autumn Begins

9:00a Bushi Karate

23 Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

9:00a Adult Forum

10:00a Worship

11:00a Fellowship Hour

12:00p Confirmation Class


5:30p Bushi Karate

7:00p Property

8:00p AA Group


5:30p Bushi Karate

7:30p AA Step Group


5:30p Bushi Karate

6:00p Bible Study


5:30p Bushi Karate


29 9:00a Bushi Karate

McGrath/Atkins Wedding

30 Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

9:00a Adult Forum

10:00a Worship

11:00a Fellowship Hour

12:00p Confirmation Class

Worship Assistants September 2018


Date and








Cup Bearer




Set Up Counting Team Greeters Lay Reader Usher Team


10:00 a.m.

Macey Coll

Keira Drissel Abram Vasey

Dave Blaich Pat




Team 3

Bill Morral &

Cheryl Starke


Barry Gibson

Brian Pifer Anita Vogel

Team 5

Cory Gilbert



10:00 a.m.

Cole Pifer Julia Bealer

Lily Pifer


Natali Brenda Nace

Toni Quinn

Chris Harubin

Kathy Becker

Sharon Cassel

Susan Cassel

Team 3

Bill Morral &

Cheryl Starke


Cory & Michelle

Gilbert Brian Pifer

Team 1

Daniel Vogel



10:00 a.m.

Krieg Pierce Abram Vasey

Keira Drissel

Pizza: Bealers

Jen Casta Gerald


Craig Freed

Jane Vogel

Becky Hartman

Melinda Ferrara

Mary Anne Morral

Blythe Bealer

Team 3

Bill Morral &

Cheryl Starke


Gloria & Gerry


Roy Becker

Team 2

John Wellington



10:00 a.m.

Dylan Drissel

Jacob Gilbert Julia Bealer

Pizza: Pierces

Brian Pifer Rich Landis Harry Seeley

Cindy Crouthamel

Joan Hallman

Elaine Cash

Debbie McElwee

Pat Conard

Team 3

Bill Morral &

Cheryl Starke


Barry & Fran

Hunsicker Pat Frankenfield

Team 3

Bill Morral



10:00 a.m.

Hannah Vasey

Jack Pifer Sadie Hanish

Pizza: Vaseys

Dave Blaich Brenda Nace N/A N/A

Team 3

Bill Morral &

Cheryl Starke


Bill & Mary Anne

Morral Pete Harubin

Team 4

David Natali



10:00 a.m.

Keira Drissel Macey Coll

Jacob Gilbert Pizza: Drissels





Team 4

Carole Darragh &

Michelle Gilbert


David & Marlene



Team 5

Cory Gilbert


Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church 69 West Broad Street

Souderton, PA 18969


September 2018

Sunday Schedule:

9:00 a.m. Faith Formation for all ages

10:00 a.m. Worship Service The Sacrament of Holy Communion

is offered every Sunday.

11:00 a.m. Fellowship Hour Refreshments served

Wheelchair Accessible

Large Print Bulletins and

Hearing Devices Available


Reverend Kim D. Guiser

Facilities Manager

Michael B. Geiger

Parish Administrative Assistant

Richelle L. Jones

Director of Music

Steven C. Eisenhart

Church Office

Phone: 215-723-7514

Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Monday-Friday

E-Mail: [email protected]

Web site: www.emmanuellutheranchurch.net