Bethlehem Messenger Website: www.bethlehem-umc.org Church 336/998-5083 Fax 336/940-5502 Preschool 336/998-6820 September 2019 MISSION STATEMENT: We are here to ignite the light of Christ! We exist to be and make disciples so that we will transform our community and world for Christ. VISION STATEMENT: Bethlehem UMC is excited and joyful about being alive in Christ! CORE VALUES: Share the Love of Christ Live and Relate with Integrity Strive to Glorify God Act in Faith and Love Encourage Spiritual Growth

September 2019 - Amazon S3...Bethlehem Messenger Website: Church 336/998-5083 Fax 336/940-5502 Preschool 336/998-6820 September 2019 MISSION STATEMENT: We are here to ignite the light

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Page 1: September 2019 - Amazon S3...Bethlehem Messenger Website: Church 336/998-5083 Fax 336/940-5502 Preschool 336/998-6820 September 2019 MISSION STATEMENT: We are here to ignite the light

Bethlehem Messenger

Website: www.bethlehem-umc.org

Church 336/998-5083

Fax 336/940-5502

Preschool 336/998-6820

September 2019


here to ignite the light of Christ! We exist to be and make disciples so that we will transform our community and world for Christ.


Bethlehem UMC is excited and joyful about being alive in Christ!

CORE VALUES: Share the Love of Christ Live and Relate with Integrity Strive to Glorify God Act in Faith and Love Encourage Spiritual Growth

Page 2: September 2019 - Amazon S3...Bethlehem Messenger Website: Church 336/998-5083 Fax 336/940-5502 Preschool 336/998-6820 September 2019 MISSION STATEMENT: We are here to ignite the light

Press On with Christ … There’s Always Room for Advancement

Calvin Coolidge was the 30th president of the United States. After he issued his famous “I do not choose to run” statement, he received an onslaught of questions by reporters wanting details. One persisted in asking, “Exactly why don’t you want to be president again?” “Because,” Coolidge jokingly replied, “there’s no room for advancement!” While Coolidge spoke this in humor, his answer hints at the letdown we sometimes feel in the aftermath of reaching a high goal in life. When a goal is reached, the excited anticipation as-sociated with it is gone. Even though we experience let-downs, Christians never come to the place where there is no room for growth. For example, the apostle Paul described himself as spiritually mature, but he also ad-mitted that he wasn’t perfect. Whether he was enduring adversity or enjoying prosperity, his aim in life was becoming like Christ. And he was well aware that attaining the goal of even becoming close to Christlikeness takes a lifetime. So we, too, are challenged to keep pressing on. Unlike be-coming president, when it comes to becoming like Christ, there’s al-ways room for advancement. That’s why Paul shared about his own Christian journey: “Not that I have already … been made perfect … I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Php 3:12-14) Press on with Christ … There’s always room for advancement.” Grace and peace, Chuck

FROM THE PASTOR In Memory Of: Given by: Fund:


Terri Lossman Steve & Peggy Isenhour Good Neighbor Fund

David & Donna Powell Good Neighbor Fund

Homer Potts Steve & Peggy Isenhour Good Neighbor Fund

Gary & Teresa Holt Good Neighbor Fund

Mike & Elizabeth Flynn Good Neighbor Fund

Jerry & Gail Howard Good Neighbor Fund

Larry & Sue Riddle Good Neighbor Fund

David & Judy Darby Choir Fund

Jean Harpe Forever Fund

Ken & Virginia Burnette Book Bags of Hope

Marshall & Betty Kohnen Good Neighbor Fund

David & Donna Powell Good Neighbor Fund

Bill Beam Gary & Teresa Holt Good Neighbor Fund

Jean Harpe Forever Fund

James & Pauline Howard Primary Ministry Fund

Joe Galloway David & Donna Powell Good Neighbor Fund

Theresa Huddleston David & Donna Powell Good Neighbor Fund

Dr. Chuck Baker Derek & Pam Harpe Good Neighbor Fund

Shannon Wombaugh Derek & Pam Harpe Good Neighbor Fund

Gary & Ivey Jo Smith Ima Jean Smith Good Neighbor Fund


In Honor Of: Given by: Fund:

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Kevin Allen: Autumn Care Nursing Home, 1007 Howard Street, Room 214, Mocksville, 27028

Maxine Boger: Bermuda Commons, 316 NC Hwy 801 S, Advance, 27006

Marie Fesperman: Trinity Elms, 3750 Harper Road, Room 912, Clem-mons, 27012

Marian Funderburk: 1351 Suzanna Wesley Drive #134, Winston-Salem, 27104

Shirley Griffin: Trinity Elms, 3750 Harper Road, Room 504, Clem-mons, 27012

Peggy Frances Smith: Somerset Court, 1635 East 5th Street, Room 120, Winston-Salem, 27101

Ruby Smith: Trinity Elms, 3750 Harper Road, Room 403, Clemmons, 27012


COFFEE TIME... Join us in the Family Life Center at 9:30 am on Sundays for coffee and a danish while we fellowship prior to the

Sunday school hour

TRANSPORTATION... If anyone who no longer drives would like to come to Sunday school, worship, and/or any night events, you may call the church office and someone from the men’s class will pick you up in the church bus

CHUCK’S CHUCKLES: “A cheerful heart is good medicine.” (Prov. 17:22a)

A woman brought a very limp duck to a veterinary sur-geon. As she laid her pet on the table, the vet pulled

out his stethoscope and listened to the bird's chest. After a moment or two, the vet shook his head and sadly said, "I'm sorry, your duck, Cuddles, has passed away." The distressed woman wailed, "Are you sure?" "Yes, I’m sure. Your duck is dead," replied the vet. "How can you be so sure?" she protested. "You haven't done any testing on him or anything. He might just be in a coma or something."

The vet rolled his eyes, turned around and left the room. He returned a few minutes later with a black Labrador Retriever. As the duck's owner looked on in amazement, the put his front paws on the examination table and sniffed the duck from top to bottom. He then looked up at the vet with sad eyes and shook his head.

The vet patted the dog on the head and took it out of the room. A few minutes later, he returned with a cat. The cat jumped on the table and also delicately sniffed the bird from head to foot. The cat shook its head, meowed softly, and strolled out of the room. The vet looked at the woman and said, "I'm sorry, but as I said, this is most definitely – 100% certifiably – a dead duck."

The vet turned to his computer, hit a few keys and produced a bill, which he handed to the woman. The duck's owner, still in shock, took the bill … "$150! just to tell me my duck is dead!" The vet shrugged, "I'm sorry. If you had just taken my word for it, the bill would have just been $20, but with the ‘Lab’ Report and the ‘Cat’ Scan, it's now $150."


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We are excited to begin the 2019-2020 Preschool year at Bethlehem Angels! Teachers began preparing their classrooms the week of August 26 ending with our Open House on Thursday, August 29. We are pleased to welcome many new and returning families to our Pro-gram on Tuesday, September 3. We do have a wait list

for most of our classes, but if you or someone you know is in need of a Preschool, please contact Ashley Everett in the Preschool office (336-998-6820 or by email [email protected]). Pre-school information and enrollment forms are always available on the Preschool website: www.bethlehemangelspreschool.com . Our Fall Consignment Sale will be held on Friday, September 13 and Saturday, September 14. If you would like to consign or volun-teer, send an email to Annie Stroud at [email protected].


HOPE CIRCLE: Meeting at 7 pm on Tuesday, September 3 at

the home of Sue Riddle, 1704 Yadkin Valley Road. We will resume our study of world religions with the chapter on Judaism. Hope all can attend!

JOY CIRCLE: Meeting at the home of Donna Powell on Thursday, September 5 at 7 pm. Look forward to seeing everyone after our summer break.

ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD: The next meeting is scheduled for Sun-day, November 10 at 6 pm in classroom 14


Pastor: Dr. Chuck Baker [email protected] Administrative Assistant: Shannon Wombaugh [email protected] Director of Preschool: Ashley Everett [email protected] Director of Music Ministries: Peggy Nuckolls [email protected] Financial Secretary: Peggy Isenhour [email protected] Finance Office: Jean Harpe & Sandra Sofley [email protected]

FINANCE TEAM: The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, No-vember 10 at 5 pm in classroom 13


MARK YOUR CALENDARS… The Staff Parish Relations Committee would like to meet with the Education Committee and parents of all children and youth Tuesday, September 3 at 6:30 pm in classroom 14. We will meet to get ideas and input for the Children/Youth program. Please plan to attend this very important meeting.


CHARGE CONFERENCE... Sunday, October 6 at 3 pm at Elbaville UMC

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CELL PHONE DONATIONS… Do you have old, unused cell phones lying around the house? Put them to good use by donating them to Davie Domestic Violence Services & Rape Crisis Center. Do-nated phones are either refurbished for reimbursement for client services or reactivated for client use. Safety is a key issue for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault; a cell phone activated with 911 telephone service can be extremely necessary and even life-saving. Please place your old cell phones (with charger if you have it) in the designated box in the Missions Room. For questions, please contact Virginia Burnette (336-409-8721)

MISSIONS (continued)

Good Neighbor Report and Information About GNBBQ As of August 9, this year, the Good Neighbor Fund has spent $15,776.31 on people that were in need in our community. We have helped 51 individuals with 10 of these people being helped twice or more in the last eight month period. We have helped people in the community 61 different times. The following is a breakdown of how the money was spent: 15 power bills (partial and full), 1 oil bill, 1 hair-cut for a church senior in a nursing home, 1 purchase of Ensure, 38 rental payments, 1 water/sewer bill, 1 medical bill, and 3 gas cards. The Good Neighbor Fund has made a huge monetary contribution in our community so far in 2019. Our annual Good Neighbor BBQ will be on Friday, September 27. There have been some changes in our BBQ this year. We will still have chicken and BBQ on the menu, but the chicken will be cooked by our members. We will still take orders from community members. We will continue to have 2 sites, the sat-ellite and the Family Life Center. This year the Family Life Center will be open for lunch from 11 am to 1 pm. We will no longer have a meal at night. Please come to the family life center for lunch. We need your continued volunteer help in many areas. You will be hearing more about volunteer opportunities in the coming weeks!



BREAKFAST: 2nd Sunday of the month. Next meeting will be

in October—join us on Sunday, October 13 at 7:30 am in the Family Life Center. Hope to see you there!

PINE NEEDLES... Only $5 per bale. Contact a member of UMM or call the church office for pick-up

Upcoming Events Wednesday, September 4 - Trip to Cody Creek, open to first 25 to sign up. Bus leaves church at 3 pm. Tuesday, October 8 - Senior Day at the Dixie Classic Fair. If enough interest, we’ll leave the church at 9:30 am and return about 3:30 pm. Saturday, October 19 - Chicken Stew at Betty Burton’s house, 143 Parsonage Dr., beginning at 3 pm. Open to everyone, just bring a dessert, bowl, spoon and chair. Wednesday, November 13 - Thanksgiving luncheon in the Family Life Center, beginning at 11:30 am. Bring “covered dish” and dessert. Eve-rything else provided. Tuesday, November 19 - Christmas Show at Rudy Theater, Selma, NC. Saturday, December 7 - Christmas Party in the Family Life Center, be-ginning at 1 pm. Details to follow.


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Thank you for the flowers, food, visits and prayers. Please continue to keep our family in your prayers. ~Roy & Sandra Sofley

Thank you for the cards, phone calls, visits and my flower. ~Helen Lanier

Bethlehem Family, Thank you for the lovely rose that was sent while I was in the hospi-tal. Onald Sprouse

Bethlehem Church Family, Thank you so much for all the love and support in the passing of Dad-dy, Homer Potts. Your cards, visits and food have meant so much to the family. May God bless you all for your kindness. We love our church family. Blessings, Derek & Pam Harpe

I want to thank my church family and friends for the prayers and the beautiful flower that I received while I was in the hospital. My loves goes out to each and every one of you. May God bless you. Love, Cleo Bertini

Thank you Bethlehem Family for your prayers, cards, the red rose and your support during my time of need. ~Susan Bowman

Book Bags of Hope This school year Bethlehem is partnering with Smith

Grove UMC on the Book Bags of Hope project for Pinebrook Ele-mentary & North Davie Middle Schools. This project donates a bag of food every Friday to a child for the weekend. These chil-dren would normally have very little, or no food to eat on the weekend. There are about 75+ bags given out each Friday. All foods are individually wrapped, single servings, and require mini-mal cooking.

Help us by donating food to this worthy cause. Some food items are alternated throughout the year, but the items on this list are collected all year long. Purchase items on the list be-low, and donate items in the boxes provided around the church (Missions Room, FLC, CAC). <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><<>< <><

*Oatmeal *Chex Mix *Grits *Chef Boyardee Variety 7.5 oz. *Pop Tarts microwavable *Nutri-Grain bars *Raisins *Pudding cups *Del Monte Fruit Cups *Cheez-It snack packs *Campbell’s Chicken Noodle or Tomato soup *Rice Crispy Squares – 1.3 oz. (larger size) *Cheese Nabs or Wheat and cheese (No peanut butter due to allergies)

Contact Christin Howard (336-978-9326) or Virginia Burnette (336-409-8721) for more information, of if you would like to help

pack the bags! If you’d like to donate money, designate your check to Book Bags of Hope.

Don’t forget this is a yearlong commitment – we need your


MISSIONS (continued)

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MISSIONS (continued)


NEED… It’s time to start gathering school supplies to donate to lo-cal students in need. These children are identified through Davie County Social Services and “A Storehouse for Jesus.” The requested items are: pencils, pens, highlighters, block erasers, crayons (24 pack), colored pencils, glue sticks, pocket folders, divider sheets, wide ruled notebook paper, 3-ring binders (1”, 1 ½” and 2”), zippered pouches for pencils and pens, backpacks (no rollers), calculators (TI30-XIIS, TI83 or TI84) and composition books. Items will be col-lected here at Bethlehem UMC through mid-September and taken to Storehouse for distribution. Please place donated items in the desig-nated box in the Missions Room. For questions or more information, contact Virginia Burnette (336-409-8721)

Operation Christmas Child Mission Project It’s time to start collecting items for Operation Christmas Child shoe-boxes! Please start praying for this mission project as you begin to gather small gifts for a boy or girl (ages 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14) that will fit inside a shoebox. Brochures with instructions and suggestions for gifts will be available on Sunday, September 8 for pickup in the Mis-sions Room and Family Life Center. Please note that no toothpaste or candy is allowed in shoeboxes this year due to customs regula-tions. Filled shoeboxes need to be returned to Bethlehem by Sunday, Octo-ber 6. You may bring them back sooner if you wish and place them in the Missions Room. We have chosen October 6, World Commun-ion Sunday, to dedicate our shoeboxes. This special day will empha-size our ties to global missions and our commitment to mission efforts around the world. Last year, we filled 215 shoeboxes. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could do just as well this year?! For questions, please call Virginia Burnette (336-409-8721)

Judy Tucker, Frances Smith, LeGrand Dunn, Billie Collins, Susan Bow-man, Gene Rivers, Paisley Speas (friend of Brittany Tugwell), Heather

Egger (daughter of Steve & Judy McDowell), Judy Bailey (friend of Barry & Susan Bowman), Parker Bailey (friend of Barry & Susan Bow-man), Stacey Fisher (friend of Bethlehem), Ann Hash (friend of Barry & Susan Bowman), Jennifer Roberts (friend of Karen Powers), Cora

Grace (great-granddaughter of Barbara Thornton), JR Alderson (brother of Dreama Rhodes), Johnny Allen, John Golloway (brother of Linda Spry), Joe Brown (friend of Derek & Pam Harpe), Cleo Ber-

tini, Hazel Garwood (mother of Susan Sidden), Doris Tucker, Roy Sofley, Onald Sprouse, Melissa Bowles (daughter of Roy & Sandra

Sofley), Rhonda Darby (daughter of David & Judy Darby), Karen Willard, Peggy Smith, Renee Shelton (daughter of Pat Stanley), Ar-

lene Walter


Sympathy extended to: Robert & Virginia Peurifoy and family in the passing of their daughter, Rebekah Peurifoy, on Saturday, July

20. Derek & Pam Harpe and family in the passing of her father, Homer Potts, on Sunday, July 21. The family of Bill Beam who passed away Monday, July 22. Robert & Carolyn Cornelius and family in the passing of his brother, Richard Cornelius, who passed away Thurs-

day, August 8.

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NEWSLETTER ARTICLES… October articles are due to the church office by Tuesday, September 17

ATTENDANCE: 7-21 7-28 8-4 8-11 8-18

8:45 Worship 30 28 36 30 37

Sunday School 49 64 51 57 57

11:00 Worship 78 92 68 87 94

Total Worship 108 120 104 117 131


AL-ANON GROUP… An AL-ANON family group is meeting at Mac-edonia Moravian Church, Advance on Sunday nights at 8 pm. The meetings will be downstairs in the fellowship hall. AL-ANON is a group to help families and friends of alcoholics. We welcome and share hope for those who are in need of help

SAFE SANCTUARIES TRAINING: Sunday, September 8 at 10 am in the sanctuary. Everyone who works with youth under the age of 18 or who transports youth either in their personal vehicles or drives the bus needs to take the training. Even if you don’t work with children or youth, you are invited to attend the training

NEW OFFICE HOURS… Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8-4 pm and Wednesday 8-12 pm. Closed for lunch

Youth Mission Experience For our youth mission trip this year, we headed to Virginia Beach to Regency Christian College where we met Team Effort and several other churches who came together for worship and missions throughout the week. Our project was to help build and paint a shed to be used for dona-tions for a place called Love and Caring Ministries. This place helped provide food, shelter and clothes for single mothers and their chil-dren. They raise farm animals like chickens, goats and sheep and sold them to get money to support the families in need. They also accepted donations from the community which is why we were building a shed. We learned about this new ministry, as well as each other, as we worked together and became closer in our walk as friends and with God. There were times we were hot, tired and hungry yet we pulled together to find ways we could work together to complete the shed. I remember getting frustrated one day when I could not get a nail in this wrapped board so I ended up yelling at my team to hold the board harder. In looking down, what I realized is they were already there for me I just could not see it because I was so frustrated. Later in our group devotions we discussed this and it made us all realize that sometimes we are so close to our problems that we cannot see God in them. I saw God during our week, through worship, friends, Team Effort and our Leader. Thank you Bethlehem for giving us the opportunity to not only hear about God, but go out in the world and experience Him as well! Richard Nuckolls


SAVE THE DATE… Saturday, November 2 9-12 pm in the Christian Ac-tivity Center. Rise Against Hunger (formerly known as Stop Hunger Now). Contact Virginia Burnette with questions at 336-409-8721.


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GIFTS: 7-21 7-28 8-4 8-11 8-18

Primary Ministry

$3,529.00 $5,752.00 $9,214.00 $5,482.00 $3,597.00

Youth Fund - - - 5.00 5.00 Cemetery Fund

100.00 - - - -

Good Neighbor

- 335.00 165.00 - 25.00

Missions Fund

50.00 35.00 25.00 25.00 -

Children’s Fund

- - - 10.00 -

Book Bags of Hope

- 25.00 - - -

Forever Fund

- 60.00 - - 25.00

Choir Fund - 25.00 - - 100.00

CONTRIBUTING STOCKS/BONDS: BUMC has a brokerage account at Wells Fargo. If you have negotiable instruments that you would like to donate to Bethlehem, have your broker transfer direct-ly to Wells Fargo, using account number 17083592; our DTC number is 0141. If you have any questions, please call Ken Lard (336-407-7718)


DONATIONS: When fundraising events are held at our church, donations that include a meal or a service are NOT tax deductible. In order to receive a tax deduction, a separate check should be made out to the church that does not include the cost of the meal or ser-vice. That donation can be mailed to the church or put in the offer-ing plate on Sunday morning. Donations at the site of the fundrais-ing event will not be tax deductible. If you have any questions, please contact Peggy Isenhour at [email protected]. This is a law mandated by the IRS and if not followed, our church can lose the tax-exempt status.

Volunteers for September

11:00 am Acolyte 11:00 am Slideshow

1 Clara Phelps 1 Walt Myers 8 Ryan Nuckolls 8 Jack Newman 15 Bella Russell 15 Lance White

22 Richard Nuckolls 22 Walt Myers 29 Jonathan Gunter 29 Jack Newman

Rotational Greeters Nursery 1 Sue Riddle 1 Marcia Sexton

8 Debbie Crutchfield 8 Sue Riddle 15 Susan Long 15 Debbie Crutchfield

22 Virginia Burnette 22 Susan Long 29 Carl Moser 29 Judy McDowell

8:45 am Slideshow Weekly Greeters Kyle Laird William Clontz & Larry Riddle

8:45 am Ushers Church Sign Hal Davis, Don Hanes, Joe Myers Barry Bowman & Lance White

11:00 am Ushers 1 Jack Newman, David Darby, Steve Sexton, Gary Holt

8 Larry & Sue Riddle, Tim & Michelle Hoffman 15 David & Jane Simpson

22 James Howard, Carl Moser, Steve Kauff 29 Youth

NEWSLETTER TEAM: Team members Pat Sprouse, Jean West, Jean Harpe, Helen Lanier and Sharon Moser will assemble the Octo-ber newsletter on Thursday, September 26 at 9:30 am in the Chris-tian Activity Center. Please feel free to join us!