The Newsletter of St. Peter Evangelical Contemporary Worship Lutheran Church Saturday 5:00 p.m. 7834 Eastern Ave. Sunday Worship Baltimore, MD 21224 10:00 a.m. 410-288-0537 Sunday School 410-284-0336 (fax) 8:45 a.m. [email protected] Rev. Vicki L. Hamel, Pastor www.stpeterlutheraneastpoint.org Valerie Adelung, Minister of Music Vol. 84 SEPTEMBER, 2012 No. 09 September 9, 2012 8:45 a.m. – Fellowship Hall Come and join us as we celebrate the beginning of a new Sunday School year. Classes for all ages. Then join us after worship service for a Pot Luck Luncheon. See some old friends and make some new!

September 9, 2012 8:45 a.m. Fellowship Hall...Baltimore, MD 21224 10:00 a.m. 410-288-0537 Sunday School 410-284-0336 (fax) 8:45 a.m. [email protected] Rev. Vicki L. Hamel, Pastor Valerie

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Page 1: September 9, 2012 8:45 a.m. Fellowship Hall...Baltimore, MD 21224 10:00 a.m. 410-288-0537 Sunday School 410-284-0336 (fax) 8:45 a.m. spelc@verizon.net Rev. Vicki L. Hamel, Pastor Valerie

The Newsletter of St. Peter Evangelical Contemporary Worship Lutheran Church Saturday 5:00 p.m. 7834 Eastern Ave. Sunday Worship Baltimore, MD 21224 10:00 a.m. 410-288-0537 Sunday School 410-284-0336 (fax) 8:45 a.m. [email protected] Rev. Vicki L. Hamel, Pastor www.stpeterlutheraneastpoint.org Valerie Adelung, Minister of Music Vol. 84 SEPTEMBER, 2012 No. 09

September 9, 2012

8:45 a.m. – Fellowship Hall

Come and join us as we celebrate the beginning of a new Sunday School year. Classes for all ages. Then join us after worship service for a Pot Luck Luncheon. See some old friends and make some new!

Page 2: September 9, 2012 8:45 a.m. Fellowship Hall...Baltimore, MD 21224 10:00 a.m. 410-288-0537 Sunday School 410-284-0336 (fax) 8:45 a.m. spelc@verizon.net Rev. Vicki L. Hamel, Pastor Valerie

Book/Movie Group We will meet on Wednesday, September 5th, 6:30 p.m., to discuss the book Peace Like a River by Leif Enger, and then convene on Wednesday.,October 10th at 5:30 p.m. (please note the time change) to watch the move Crash. Brief synopsis: Issues of race and gender cause a group of strangers in Los Angeles to physically and emotionally collide in this drama. Graham (Don_Cheadle) is a police detective whose brother is a street criminal, and it hurts him to know his mother cares more about his ne'er-do-well brother than him. Graham's partner is Ria (Jennifer Esposito), who is also his girlfriend, though she has begun to bristle at his emotional distance, as well as his occasional insensitivity over the fact he's African-American and she's Hispanic. Rick (Brendan_Fraser) is an L.A. district attorney whose wife, Jean (Sandra_Bullock), makes little secret of her fear and hatred of people unlike herself. Jean's worst imaginings about people of color are confirmed when her SUV is carjacked by two African-American men -- Anthony (Chris_Bridges, aka Ludacris), who dislikes white people as much as Jean hates blacks, and Peter (Larenz_Tate), who is more open minded. Cameron (Terrence_Howard) is a well-to-do African-American television producer with a beautiful wife, Christine (Thandie_Newton). While coming home from a party, Cameron and Christine are pulled over by Officer Ryan (Matt Dillon), who subjects them to a humiliating interrogation (and her to an inappropriate search) while his new partner, Officer Hansen (Ryan_Phillippe), looks on. Daniel (Michael_Pena) is a hard-working locksmith and dedicated father who discovers that his looks don't lead many of his customers to trust him. And Farhad (Shaun_Toub) is a Persian shopkeeper who is so constantly threatened in the wake of the 9/11 attacks that he decides he needs a gun to defend his family. This movie displays the good and bad sides of each character, and provides plenty of material for discussion.

Page 3: September 9, 2012 8:45 a.m. Fellowship Hall...Baltimore, MD 21224 10:00 a.m. 410-288-0537 Sunday School 410-284-0336 (fax) 8:45 a.m. spelc@verizon.net Rev. Vicki L. Hamel, Pastor Valerie

UPCOMING BIBLE STUDIES Our next Bible study will begin on Thursday, September 20th, with identical classes offered at 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. We will take a fresh look at the book of Revelation in a nine lesson study entitled Journeys Through Revelation: Apocalyptic Hope for Today by Barbara Rossing, professor of New Testament at the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago. She also wrote the book The Rapture Exposed: The Message of Hope in the Book of Revelation. The publisher's introduction to the Bible study states: "In recent years, an enormous prophecy industry has marketed frightening images and interpretations of the book of Revelation, leaving many Christians intimidated by this amazing, often misunderstood book. Although brimming with mysterious symbolism, Revelation is ultimately a book of hope that sustains those who are oppressed. [In this study], Barbara Rossing leads us to a renewed creation in which God comes to live with us on earth. This hope-filled vision speaks to us in the midst of the urgent crises of our day." Participants need only bring a Bible; handouts will be provided. Please inform Pastor Vicki if you plan to attend so she can prepare sufficient materials.

SUNDAY NOON BIBLE STUDY We will resume our Bible studies after church on Sunday, September 23rd. All are welcome, and no preparation is necessary for this discussion of the Sunday gospel reading. There’s always plenty of good conversation and fellowship!

Upcoming Bus Trips with St. Luke’s (Dundalk) WELCA ●Atlantic City—Thursday, Sept. 13th, 8:30 am to 6:30 pm. Cost is $34, with casino rebate. ●Harrisburg Christmas Craft Show—Thursday, Nov. 29th, 8 am to 7 pm. Cost is $35, includes admission, tip and prizes. Dinner on your own at Cracker Barrel on trip home. ●Gaylord Hotel and Ice Sculptures—Thursday, Dec. 13th, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. Cost is $75. includes show and luncheon, driver’s tip, etc. Bus leaves from and returns to St. Luke’s. A $10 deposit holds your seat, with balance due one month before the trip. For more information, call Erma at 410-284-0783.

Page 4: September 9, 2012 8:45 a.m. Fellowship Hall...Baltimore, MD 21224 10:00 a.m. 410-288-0537 Sunday School 410-284-0336 (fax) 8:45 a.m. spelc@verizon.net Rev. Vicki L. Hamel, Pastor Valerie

Bulletin and Flower Memorials

Congregation members continue to sponsor bulletin and flower memorials in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special person. Weekly Flowers (either 2 altar vases or 1 large arrangement) - $25. Open Dates are: October 21, October 28, November 4, November 11, November 18, and November 25. Weekly Bulletins - $15 – Open Dates are: October 7, October 14, October 21, November 4, and November 18.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Our next Men’s Bible Study will resume on September 3rd at 7:30 p.m. We are studying the Old Testament book of Jeremiah. His words brought to the people the will of God hundreds of years before Christ. All men are invited to join us. Tom Flink XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Thank you everyone for your gracious thoughts and prayers during my many months of recovery and thank you for the commitment you have shown with ensuring the girls can share in their growth in learning in the Lord. We appreciate everyone’s effort, help and prayers. Looking

forward to returning soon. Sincerely, Yvette Gardner On behalf of Rebuilding Together Baltimore and the communities we serve, we want to thank St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church for providing housing for our AmeriCorps NCCC volunteer team from April 16, 2012 to May 3, 2012… On Rebuilding Day, hundreds of volunteers came together to repair 31 homes and complete over 10 community beautification projects in Colgate and Pigtown… Thank you for your support of Rebuilding Together! We look forward to working with you in the future. Amanda Malone, Program Manager

Page 5: September 9, 2012 8:45 a.m. Fellowship Hall...Baltimore, MD 21224 10:00 a.m. 410-288-0537 Sunday School 410-284-0336 (fax) 8:45 a.m. spelc@verizon.net Rev. Vicki L. Hamel, Pastor Valerie

Though she isn’t paid for her church work, it almost seems a misnomer to call Lill Tomecek a volunteer. Since she regularly puts in a good 30 hours a week on church business, she essentially fulfills the function of another staff person.

With her wide-ranging skills and experience, Lill tackles a host of tasks. She brings knowledge from her former paid position as corporate accountant/office manager to her role as treasurer at the church since 1990. To name just a smattering of her responsibilities--Lill handles payroll, pays church bills, keeps track of spending and receipts and compiles monthly reports on these, manages the various church bank and investment accounts, purchases needed supplies and services (after thorough research on the best prices!), and assists the Board Directors in their various ministry areas.

As treasurer of Thrivent Financial Chapter 50920, Lill not only keeps the financial affairs of the organization in order, but also exercises her passion as an advocate for those in need. She helps evaluate grant applications, and encourages suitable candidates to apply. In fact, she received the “Thrivent Financial Golden Heart Award” in 2009 in recognition of her work. She advises Thrivent members on how to designate St. Peter or their own church for “Thrivent Choice” dollars, and assists other congregations in obtaining Thrivent matching funds for their outreach ministries.

Additionally, Lill serves on our DE-MD Synod finance committee--another unpaid but vital position. One wonders if she ever tires of number crunching and budgetary affairs for so many groups! However, Lill's church involvement goes far beyond her financial duties. She's been a VERY active member of St. Peter all her life, having been baptized, confirmed, and married here. Therefore, she is a veritable repository of information on the congregation’s history and traditions. Over the years, most every ministry at church has benefitted from Lill's participation. She’s taught Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and served on the altar guild. She continues to be involved in WELCA, helps organize the annual Women's Tea and Christmas luncheon, is a member of one of the women's circles and regular Bible study participant, heads up the craft group (utilizing her sewing expertise on many of the church banners and other projects), sings in the choir, is a worship assistant, participates in all outreach programs, and generously helps out with whatever office tasks are needed. Her care and compassion are readily evident in how she keeps up on members' needs and health concerns, always willing to help however she can. On behalf of St. Peter, Lill applied for and received a $10,000 grant from the ELCA for new windows for our building. All churches in Region 8, which encompasses a number of synods, were eligible to apply. Undaunted by the competition, she moved forward through the process and secured this considerable sum for an energy saving improvement. Amazingly, Lill is just as active in the Hawthorne Civic Association, (though St. Peter is still her first love!) For her many contributions in various organizations, in 2011 Lill received the Baltimore County "Woman Making a Difference Award," as well as legislative citations from the Baltimore County Council, Maryland State Legislature, and United States Congress.

Quite apart from her volunteer activities, this extraordinary woman is a good friend, colleague, mentor and counselor to many. How she finds time to be supportive of and involved in her children's endeavors, and maintain some semblance of family life with her devoted husband Doug, will remain a mystery. No doubt she is stretched very thin at times. Not just for what she does, but especially for who she is to us, we at St. Peter give her a standing ovation, and group hug expressing our love and appreciation. You're one of a kind, Lill!

Page 6: September 9, 2012 8:45 a.m. Fellowship Hall...Baltimore, MD 21224 10:00 a.m. 410-288-0537 Sunday School 410-284-0336 (fax) 8:45 a.m. spelc@verizon.net Rev. Vicki L. Hamel, Pastor Valerie

Rally Day Faith of a Mustard Seed Come join us and celebrate the beginning of a new Sunday School year on Sunday, September 9th @ 8:45 a.m. in fellowship hall. See

some old friends and make some new! There will also be a covered dish luncheon after service.

WE NEED YOU! Volunteers to assist with Bible schools, substitute when teachers are unable to teach and planners- people to help plan Christian Education events. If interested see Phyllis Schmitt or Nancy Hammond.

Christmas Program We are looking for people to organize and lead the children in our annual Christmas pageant. All materials will be supplied and we are also open to any new materials you may have or want to use

Fall Stewardship The students will be participating in a BIBLE TRIVIA; similar to Jeopardy but Bible questions! All proceeds will be donated to the Family Crisis Center of Dundalk. More information will be forthcoming! Please prayerfully consider working with the future leaders of our congregation! If interested or have questions please see Phyllis or Nancy! Yours in Christ, Phyllis Schmitt and Nancy Hammond Directors of Christian Education

Page 7: September 9, 2012 8:45 a.m. Fellowship Hall...Baltimore, MD 21224 10:00 a.m. 410-288-0537 Sunday School 410-284-0336 (fax) 8:45 a.m. spelc@verizon.net Rev. Vicki L. Hamel, Pastor Valerie
Page 8: September 9, 2012 8:45 a.m. Fellowship Hall...Baltimore, MD 21224 10:00 a.m. 410-288-0537 Sunday School 410-284-0336 (fax) 8:45 a.m. spelc@verizon.net Rev. Vicki L. Hamel, Pastor Valerie

September 2012 Marge Ard Craig Jones Betty Riden Richard Ard Peter Kantorsky Lou Robl Mike Barnes Mandy Kent Wayne Sautter Davis Barkley John King Marie Schehlein Anna Bowler Robin Kisselstein Garnet Stevens Margaux Chrystal Betty Knight Robert Tankersley Lynn Clark Dawn Kulczycki William Tankersley Lois Cole Dolores Lynch Rick Theiss Chris Copeland Ed Lynch Shonda Waybright Jan Albert-Elliott Marilyn Lynch Denise Heath-Winter Keith Fewster Eadie Mehring Jaxon Yeagy John Harris Pr. Carl Myers Fred Heim Laura Pharr Jaykobb Hill Michael Redman Also pray for those persons listed on the next page, who are in assisted living or nursing facilities and are no longer able to come and worship with us. All of the above persons should be lifted in prayer by members of St. Peter twice a day. If you would like to participate, just begin praying! If you have anyone you would like to add to the Prayer Chain, please fill out a “Remember in Prayer” slip in the pew rack, or call the church office, 410-288-0537. Please sign your name as the person requesting prayers in case there is a follow-up.

Page 9: September 9, 2012 8:45 a.m. Fellowship Hall...Baltimore, MD 21224 10:00 a.m. 410-288-0537 Sunday School 410-284-0336 (fax) 8:45 a.m. spelc@verizon.net Rev. Vicki L. Hamel, Pastor Valerie


Several of our members are residents of local nursing home/retirement communities. In Christian love we should keep them in our prayers, and also maintain contact with them as we are able. If you should find time and find it in your heart, please send a card or call the following members of our congregation:

Hedi Devine Ethel Donnan Augsburg Lutheran Village Riverview Care Center 6825 Campfield Rd, Apt 10-G 1 Eastern Boulevard Baltimore, MD 21207-4634 Baltimore, MD 21221 John Harris Lois Cole Heavenly Home Riverview Care Center 22 Chandelle Rd 1 Eastern Avenue, Rm 613 Baltimore MD 21220 Baltimore, MD 21221 October Issue

September 14th, 2012

Page 10: September 9, 2012 8:45 a.m. Fellowship Hall...Baltimore, MD 21224 10:00 a.m. 410-288-0537 Sunday School 410-284-0336 (fax) 8:45 a.m. spelc@verizon.net Rev. Vicki L. Hamel, Pastor Valerie

SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS 09-02 Lorraine McDowell 09-05 Deborah Miller 09-08 Patricia Hipchen 09-10 Jaydin Marshall 09-15 Courtney Ann Russell 09-19 Vivian Dixon 09-21 Leonard Besold 09-21 Renee Bollack 09-22 Gavin Mooney 09-24 Andrew F. Coleman, Jr. 09-24 Ronald Coleman 09-24 Danielle Grap 09-30 Nancy Hammond

The very Happiest of Birthdays to those “active” adults members of our church family listed here. This listing is provided so “Greetings”, “Best Wishes”, and other expressions of love may be shared. If you find an “active” adult member’s name missing, it simply means that our church records are incomplete. We will be happy to add that information as you give it to the Church Office, 410-288-0537 Our birthday list also includes the children of our Sunday School.

Page 11: September 9, 2012 8:45 a.m. Fellowship Hall...Baltimore, MD 21224 10:00 a.m. 410-288-0537 Sunday School 410-284-0336 (fax) 8:45 a.m. spelc@verizon.net Rev. Vicki L. Hamel, Pastor Valerie


2 -- (WA) Angela Carpenter (C) Valerie Adelung 9 -- (WA) Mary Flohr (C) Susan Neumeister 16 -- (WA) Brian Bichell (C) Patricia Hipchen 23 -- (WA) Jan Jones (C) Valerie Adelung 30 -- (WA) Angela Carpenter (C) Susan Neumeister ACOLYTES Mary Campbell 1-617-529-4149 2 -- (A) Gavin Mooney 9 -- (A) Courtney Russell (C) Adrianna Kinsella 16 -- (A) Sabrina Michaud (C) Tracy Michaud 23 -- (A) Hunter Jones (C) Gavin Mooney 30 -- (A) Adrianna Kinsella (C) Courtney Russell LECTORS: Mary Campbell 1-617-529-4149 2 -- Beverly Flohr 9 -- Vivian Bold 16 -- Cindy Titus 23 -- Tom Flink 30 -- George Albert If you would like to serve your Lord through any of these ministries, please call the person listed next to the ministry title.

2012 COMMUNION ASSISTANTS: Mary Campbell 1-617-529-4149 2 -- Bunny Robl 9 -- Sherri Hart 16 -- Marie Michaud 23 -- Joseph Myers 30 -- Marie Gellert GREETERS: Lorraine Ward 410-288-1013 2 -- Elaine Funk 9 -- Shirley Hisker, Chuck Sistek 16 -- Donovan Michaud 23 -- Marie Michaud 30 -- Jordan Weiser NURSERY ASSISTANTS: Mary Campbell 1-617-529-4149 2-- Phyllis Schmitt 9 -- Deborah Miller, Melissa Miller 16 -- Tracy Russell 23 -- Tracy Michaud 30 -- Donna Barnhart ALTAR GUILD: Marie Gellert 410-288-4278 2 -- Beverly Flohr, June Grap 9 -- Marie Gellert 16 -- Bea Thomas, Robin Goodwin 23 -- Bunny Robl, Jordan & Gabrielle Weiser 30 -- Mildred Albanese, Margaret Krug HOST/HOSTESS: Linda Heath 410-282-1731 2 -- No Fellowship – Labor Day 9 -- Rally Day – Covered Dish 16 -- Lil Jones, Sue Neumeister, Phil Rutledge 23 -- Jan Jones, Elaine Funk, Linda Heath 30 -- Mary Clark, Doris Huber Note: Anyone interested in becoming a Host or Hostess, we need you! See Linda Heath