September From Me to Thee by Vikki T (9/2016) Welcome to September! Back to school time for some; with any luck, the end of the hot weather for all of us. The Northwest had unusually high temperatures in August, and since we're so unaccustomed to it, we (guess I should say I) didn't fare too well. Of course, the hottest days were also concert dates. I got to see Heart, Cheap Trick, Joan Jett and Lynyrd Skynyrd and you just have to ignore thermometers at moments like that. That being said, the news showed so much worse weather issues for most of the country, what with fires and floods—hope you're all comfortable and well now! Speaking of schools, this is so basic and yet so radical suggestion was sent to me. Check it out: www.greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/what_if_schools_taught_kindness What if Schools Taught Kindness? February 1, 2016, Greater Good Every school teaches math and reading, but what about mindfulness and kindness? Twice a week for 20 minutes, pre-kindergarten kids were introduced to stories and practices for paying attention, regulating their emotions, and cultivating kindness. The initial results of our research... suggest that this program can improve kids’ grades, cognitive abilities, and relationship skills. Having classrooms full of mindful, kind kids completely changes the school environment. Imagine entire schools - entire districts - where kindness is emphasized. That would be truly powerful. Teaching kindness is a way to bubble up widespread transformation that doesn’t require big policy changes or extensive administrative involvement. If you had visited one of our classrooms during the 12-week program, you might have seen a poster on the wall called “Kindness Garden.” When kids performed an act of kindness or benefited from one, they added a sticker to the poster. The idea is that friendship is like a seed - it needs to be nurtured and taken care of in order to grow. Through that exercise, we got students talking about ... how we might grow more friendship in the classroom. Students who went through the curriculum showed more empathy and kindness and a greater ability to calm themselves down when they felt upset, according to teachers’ ratings. They earned higher grades at the end of the year in certain areas (notably for social and emotional development), and they showed improvement in the ability to think flexibly and delay gratification, skills that have been linked to health and success later in life. I spent a lot of time enjoying the Olympics in August as well. I look forward to the opening and closing ceremonies, track and field and gymnastics especially, but usually check out other events at least in passing. There is always the downside talk about the games, but watching athletes at their best is inspiring to me—well, not enough to do MUCH more exercise, but you know what I mean (smile). Harvesting out of the garden was healthy and tasty—mostly green beans, squash, Red Russian kale, spinach, and cabbage to come. Minutes between harvest and table is the best!

September From Me to Thee by Vikki T (9/2016)

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September From Me to Theeby Vikki T (9/2016)

Welcome to September! Back to school time for some; with anyluck, the end of the hot weather for all of us. The Northwest hadunusually high temperatures in August, and since we're sounaccustomed to it, we (guess I should say I) didn't fare too well.Of course, the hottest days were also concert dates. I got to seeHeart, Cheap Trick, Joan Jett and Lynyrd Skynyrd and you justhave to ignore thermometers at moments like that. That beingsaid, the news showed so much worse weather issues for most ofthe country, what with fires and floods—hope you're allcomfortable and well now!

Speaking of schools, this is so basic and yet so radical suggestion was sent to me. Check it out:


What if Schools Taught Kindness?February 1, 2016, Greater Good

Every school teaches math and reading, but what about mindfulness and kindness? Twice a week for 20 minutes, pre-kindergarten kids were introduced to stories and practices for paying attention, regulating their emotions, and cultivating kindness. The initial results of our research... suggest that this program can improve kids’ grades, cognitive abilities, and relationship skills.

Having classrooms full of mindful, kind kids completely changes the school environment. Imagine entireschools - entire districts - where kindness is emphasized. That would be truly powerful. Teaching kindness is a way to bubble up widespread transformation that doesn’t require big policy changes or extensive administrative involvement. If you had visited one of our classrooms during the 12-week program, you might have seen a poster on the wall called “Kindness Garden.” When kids performed an act of kindness or benefited from one, they added a sticker to the poster. The idea is that friendship is like a seed - it needs to be nurtured and taken care of in order to grow. Through that exercise, we got students talking about ... how we might grow more friendship in the classroom. Students who went through the curriculum showed more empathy and kindness and a greater ability to calm themselves down when they felt upset, according to teachers’ ratings. They earned higher grades at the end of the year in certain areas (notably for social and emotional development), and they showed improvement in the ability to think flexibly and delay gratification, skills that have been linked to health and success later in life.

I spent a lot of time enjoying the Olympics in August as well. I look forward to the opening and closing ceremonies, track and field and gymnastics especially, but usually check out other events at least in passing. There is always the downside talk about the games, but watching athletes at their best is inspiring to me—well, not enough to do MUCH more exercise, but you know what I mean (smile).

Harvesting out of the garden was healthy and tasty—mostly green beans, squash, Red Russian kale, spinach, and cabbage to come. Minutes between harvest and table is the best!

I've had some requests for books and information for the study of Ho'oponopono, the Hawaiian healing technique discussed by Awareness through Michelle, our current interpreter, since the beginning of 2016. So I asked Michelle for her recommendations.

We have now create a page on our web site that includes a list of the resources that she has sent to us.

GO TO http://cosmicawareness.info/free-materials/hooponopono/

A word from our Correspondence Secretary: In regard to the Matthew messages, since our deadline and when they post do not line up well, today's “Thee” will have older posted items from their site --- put out July 29 and we'll continue from that point….sorry for the delay, but we'll get there.

In No Particular Order: The Accident that Wasn't

In 1968, There was with a young man I knew casually, and he wanted to show me some waterfront his family owned about 25 miles from here. It was a nice day and we were walking around the property, admiring the view, when I got an uneasy feeling that we needed to get back to Olympia. I brushed it off at first, but it kept getting more and more intense and insistent, I finally said to him, “We have to leave—NOW”. He asked why and I could only tell him “If we don't go now, we'll be in a car wreck. I know it sounds crazy, but I just KNOW it.” He was not happy about that since we'd only been there a minute ortwo. Turns out he also had had a bad driving record, so felt a personal affront, but my sense of urgency didn't seem to have anything to do with his driving skills. At any rate, we left then and he got me back to my apartment safe and sound, muttering all the way.

When he let me out of the car, he said “See, I got you home safe and sound.” And I answered, “Yes, but if we'd been later, we wouldn't have.” Not surprisingly, I never heard from him again.

Fast forward to 20-some years later when I thought to ask Sam Millar's tarot cards about it, since it had always stuck in my mind as an odd thing. I didn't give him any details about why I'd asked to be taken home early, just that I had. He laid out the cards, then announced “If you hadn't left when you did,you would have been in a serious car accident.”

So if I get a nagging warning feeling, I'll be listening and acting on it!-----------I got a renewal payment and a letter I just 'have' to share. It warmed the cockles of my heart. Thank you, Martha!

“Dear Vikki,

I first heard of CAC through the publication “Scoopified”. It arrived in the mail one day. I had never heard of it and have no idea of how they got my name. It, in turn, led to you and changed my life.

The best thing CAC has done for me was to open my mind—WIDE open. I had thought I was an open-minded person, but not so much as I thought. I could go on and on about this, but I'll spare you. I don't believe all that I read in CAC; however, I don't dis-believe either—just keep open to all and any possibilities. CAC has also led me to reading in many areas I previously would not have.

I so look forward to each issue. That's why I'm sending $77 instead of $52. Money's tight, but it is so worth it. I read each issue over and over to try to better understand 'Awareness'.”…... MS-------------------I found this to be very interesting:

GENEVA—Physicists affiliated with the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) released a report Wednesday revealing that classical music exists in a field of reality entirely removed from the four-dimensional space-time inhabited by human beings.

Scientists were performing a routine search for fifth-dimensional activity using the Large Hadron Collider, the immense particle accelerator famous for proving the existence of the Higgs Boson, when they came across the entire corpus of Western classical music from 9th-century plainchant to Nico Muhly.

According to the report, the innumerable works making up this body of repertoire exist in a continuum that resides just beyond the limits of human perception.

“Classical music transcends both the linear, forward flow of time and the Euclidean space we are used to,” said Rolf-Dieter Heuer, the director general of CERN. “A musical work is a mysterious entity whose essence totally eludes our senses.”

Physicists claim that any given performance or recording of a classical music piece is a kind of audible hologram projected into our everyday reality by the true musical work, which vibrates eternally in an ethereal medium floating in and around us at all times.

“Think about Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony. Sure, maybe you’ve looked at the score, and maybe you’ve heard thisor that orchestra play it. But have you ever encountered it in its pure form?” Heuer asked. “When you leave a museum, you know the paintings are still there. But where does Beethoven’s Fifth go when you’re not around? Now we know.”

While scientists have measured classical music’s density and charge and tracked its position in the cosmos, its role in the universe still cannot be explained.

Some astrophysicists have speculated that the Western classical canon may in fact be the so-called “dark matter” that is thought to account for 95% of the matter in the universe. Others are less sure.

“Classical music exists in a dimension impenetrable to human beings, so we may never fully comprehend it,” saidStanford theoretical physicist Leonard Susskind.

“It’s exciting that science has finally proven that classical music inhabits an independent, autonomous realm, detached from our mundane experience,” he continued. “But the question remains, what is classical music even doing in our universe in the first place?”

The following is also is of interest (at least is to me):

Focus Sessions

Pokemon Go

Posted: 25 Jul 2016 03:14 PM PDT

Q. What is up with this Pokemon Go game that so many people are playing?

Look at the Economist Magazine cover. Is this game another example of how we are following blindly in the world of virtual reality? Is this a secret weapon for PTB / PTW? Are they recording all the housing, geographic location info with no cost to the information gatherer?

A. I see this Iphone / Android game as a couple things. First, it is a huge distraction. I see the targeted audience of this game having a lot of power, influence and also vulnerability (like if they used their efforts for good, they could create so much positive change). This upcoming powerful demographic could pose a threat if they created a shift that opposed the current agendas in play. That is why they are being manipulated and led down a different path.

We are also a society that is becoming more and more awake. The collective conscious is on the rise, and [the word I hear is] "mind numbing" distractions keep vibrations lower. I also see that subliminal controlling messages will be encoded into this game, which leaves the user vulnerable. These messages look to be delivered by a "flash" of an image. I keep seeing a screen of a map, and then a "glitch" effect occurs in which an image shows for just fractions of a second, and then thescreen resumes it's map.

The last main thing I see is that this game makers earn revenue (by encouraging business owners to pay for a "hot spot" of Pokemon characters inside their establishment) while extracting data from the user. I see a group of executives sitting in a conference room giving each other "high fives" andsaying that this is simply genius. People are disclosing where they are, we know what they are doing, and "somewhat" controlling what they are thinking.

I do see the virtual reality visor and Pied Piper having relevance to this. We have a section of society being led astray through virtual means.

I am left with one final thought -Games are fun and can be stress relieving, but be cautious of what you are getting trapped into (and is the trade worth the reward). Sometimes the answer is yes, but sometimes it is no, and be true to that.

And that is all I have for this reading. Thank you. Love and light-

I love Abraham's work. Here's a quote by way of example:

If you don't meet resistance with resistance, it dissipates dramatically. It just softens. Try it! Next time somebody says to you, "I'm right, and you're wrong," say, "Pfftt, you're right. You are right.You're right." And mean it. In other words, don't mock them. Don't be sarcastic. "You're right." And then watch how, all of a sudden, their legs almost go right out from under them. They don't have theenergy to blast you, because you just took the fuel away from the fire.


And A Happy Closing I Hope You Enjoy:

Heavens to Murgatroyd!Would you believe the email spell checker did not recognize the word murgatroyd?

Lost Words from our childhood: Words gone as fast as the buggy whip! Sad really!

The other day a not so elderly (65) (I say 75) lady said something to her son about driving a Jalopy and he looked at her quizzically and said "What the heck is a Jalopy?

OMG (new) phrase! He never heard of the word jalopy!! She knew she was old but not that old.

Well, I hope you are Hunky Dory after you read this and chuckle.

About a month ago, I illuminated some old expressions that have become obsolete because of the inexorable march of technology.

These phrases included:"Don't touch that dial""Carbon copy,""You sound like a broken record"and "Hung out to dry."

Back in the olden days we had a lot of moxie.We'd put on our best bib and tucker to straighten up and fly right.

Heavens to Betsy!Gee whillikers!Jumping Jehoshaphat!Holy moley!

We were in like Flynn and living the life of Riley, and even a regular guy couldn't accuse us of being a knucklehead, a nincompoop or a pill. Not for all the tea in China!

Back in the olden days, life used to be swell, but when's the last time anything was swell?

Swell has gone the way of beehives, pageboys and the D.A.; of spats, knickers, fedoras, poodle skirts, saddle shoes and pedal pushers. Oh, my aching back. Kilroy was here, but he isn't anymore.

We wake up from what surely has been just a short nap, and before we can say, "well I'll be a monkey's uncle!" or, "This is a fine kettle of fish!" we discover that the words we grew up with, the words that seemed omnipresent, as oxygen, have vanished with scarcely a notice from our tongues and our pens and our keyboards

Poof, go the words of our youth, the words we've left behind We blink, and they're gone. Where have all thosephrases gone?

Long gone:

Pshaw,The milkman did it.Hey! It's your nickel.

Don't forget to pull the chain.Knee high to a grasshopper.

Well, Fiddlesticks!Going like sixty.I'll see you in the funny papers.Don't take any wooden nickels.

It turns out there are more of these lost words and expressions than Carter has liver pills.This can be disturbing stuff!

We of a certain age have been blessed to live in changeable times. For a child each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age. We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there are words that once did not exist and there were words that once strutted their hour upon the earthly stage and now are heard no more, except in our collective memory. It's one of the greatest advantages of aging.

See ya later, alligator!

We're not really getting older, we just get more realistic. Here's some examples:

----My goal for 2016 was to lose just 10 pounds. Only 15 to go.----I am not one to brag but......I did finish my 14-day diet in 3 hours and 20 minutes.----Ate salad for dinner last night! Mostly croutons & tomatoes. Really just one big, round crouton covered with tomato sauce. And cheese. FINE, it was a pizza. I ate a pizza. It was really good pizza.----How to prepare Tofu: 1. Throw it in the trash. 2. Grill some Meat.----I just did a week's worth of cardio after walking into a spider web.----I read a recent insurance industry study that found that women who carry a little extra weight live longer than men who mention it.----Kids today! They don't know how easy they have it. When I was young, I had to slog through 9 feet of extra heavy shag carpet just to change the TV channel.----Senility has been a smooth transition for me.----I may not be that funny or athletic or good looking or smart or talented....I forgot where I was going with this.----I love being over 60. I learn something new every day.......and forget 5 others.----A thief broke into my house last week....... I woke up and he said he was searching for money. I started to search with him.----My dentist told me I need a crown. I thought: I KNOW THAT !

Sending love and light and looking forward to Fall, I am

Vikki T,for CAC

July 29, 2016

Cause of increased violence; US presidency; BREXIT, European Union in Illuminati context; light; refugees;natural disasters; alternative healthcare practitioners, whistleblowers; damaged souls; auras

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Your concerns about a number of issues are shared by many around the world, particularly the frequency of terrorist acts and mass shootings. As sad as it is to see our Earth brothers and sisters killing one another, we anticipated the increase in those kinds of incidents. They are the natural result of your linear time crunching up and energy levels that have intensified all personal characteristics, including mental instability, and corresponding behavior --- those two powerful forces working in tandem is accelerating the activity of energy streamers with violent attachments.

We hasten to add that those forces are affecting everything on the planet, and situations propelled by beneficial attachments are steaming toward soundly-reasoned resolutions. An example is The Hague's ruling pertaining to the South China Sea. China's grumbling is not unexpected, but nothing in the energy field of potential indicates a strenuous objection that could lead to open conflict.

Of special interest in the United States and, because of its international influence, in other countries as well, is that nation's two major political parties' presidential nominees. We stated in previous messages that prevailing vibrations were not supporting candidates who lack moral and spiritual integrity, but the voters will decide who wins. Each party's nominee has staunch supporters; however, the energy momentum of the electorate's widespread dissatisfaction with both has become too strong for either to be elected.

Earth's monitors in Nirvana tell us that the energy awhirl could manifest any of various possibilities that will put Senator Bernie Sanders in the White House. Souls at this station are apolitical, so it is not on a partisan basis that we will welcomehis presidency, but rather that his wisdom, personal qualities and leadership will enable his country and your world to continue progressing toward Gaia's vision for all life on her planetary body.

"So UK leaves EU. Now what?"

The Illuminati's dominoes will keep falling. It is not that countries cooperating to offer their citizens enhanced trade, employment and educational opportunities is not a grand idea --- indeed, it is! But never was the purpose of the EuropeanUnion to benefit the people, it was to put them squarely under the thumb of the Illuminati. When vibrations reached a rate wherein an organization built on a foundation of dark intent could not much longer stand, it became a matter of when the first domino in the EU would fall.

Let us put this into its larger context. The Illuminati --- also now known as the cabal, global elite, shadow government, One World Order, One World Government --- began as a group of individuals who felt that they were the most intelligent and learned people in the world, thus they were entitled to rule everyone else. Over time, others with the same superior attitude were drawn into the fold of this secret society, egos grew, tempers flared, and two competing factions emerged with the same goal, world domination.

Now we fast forward to sixty-some years ago, when the Rockefeller faction that operates out of New York and Washington, DC, was expanding its tentacles far westward and into Latin America. The Rothschild faction, headquartered in London and the Vatican, saw their territorial influence meager in comparison, so they buffed up their Council of Europeby establishing the European Union, European Central Bank and euro currency. The Union was put under the Council's flag and shares its anthem --- such a duplicitous choice, Beethoven's "Ode to Joy." With the first few countries buckled in by their EU belt, so to say, the Rothschilds and their minions set off on their expansion course; they moved into the new state of Israel, then throughout the Mideast, and more recently, northern Africa and some countries formerly within the Soviet Union.

All along both factions have used strategies in the original plan to reach their goal. They infiltrated governments, military forces, intelligence agencies, multinational corporations, law enforcement and justice systems, religious hierarchies, entertainment industry, medical and educational fields. They garnered fortunes by manipulating the global economy through stock markets, banking and lending institutions, usurious interest rates and unfair taxation. They initiated civil wars, wars between adjoining countries, and World Wars I and II; assassinated or imprisoned opposition; formed terrorist groups; suppressed and misused technologies; controlled mainstream media and the illegal drug trade; and took over natural resources wherever they went.

The original plan also included what they have failed to do --- reduce the population by several billions via nuclear weaponry, toxic pollution, and pandemics caused by laboratory-designed viruses. All attempts toward that diabolical end have been thwarted by members of your universal family in your skies or living among you. Still, the two factions kept adding to their respective lines of dominoes and each felt that the world was coming within its grasp.

What they hadn't taken into account is the light. After millennia of being held captive by the darkness that enshrouded the planet, the peoples started responding to the light beamed to Earth by spiritually evolved civilizations. The more enlightened they became, the more determined they were to throw off the yoke of oppression and persecution, and voices for freedom grew in numbers and volume. All the while, the intensifying light also was exposing the Illuminati's global network of corruption and ruthlessness, and their dominoes started falling.

BREXIT is the most recent. Few individuals who voted to leave know of the Illuminati or the real purpose of the Union; what they knew is that benefits they had been led to believe they would derive had not materialized. Few who voted to remain know of the Illuminati or what the Union really was about, but they were faring well or were leery about what would happen if the United Kingdom set out on its own. Few know that the outcome of BREXIT was more than the vote count --- it was influenced by vibrations that are undergirding activities leading toward a world of peace, honest governance, justness, and a fair share of Earth's abundance for all peoples.

There will be some frayed nerves and bumpy patches as the EU unravels; more truths emerge; the economy fluctuates as the Illuminati --- some at the peak of both factions have joined forces --- futilely try to hold onto their ill-gotten wealth; and violence runs out its energetic course. Every happening in this moment and forthcoming is moving society closer to that aforementioned world. Beloved family, we know how eager you are for that to come about, and your steadfastness as lightworkers is helping to bring ever closer in linear time that which is fait accompli in the continuum.

"I am distressed about countries not wanting to accept immigrants from violence-torn areas and prejudice growing against them in countries that have taken them in. How can we ever live in harmony with prejudice increasing?”

First let us say that fear --- a highly magnified energy form that is the major tool and fuel of dark minds and hearts --- is the root of prejudice in all its pernicious forms and the source of all actions stemming from the illusion of separateness.

For the eons that Earth was stuck in deep third density, prejudice was the motivator of the violence and injustices that let countless souls complete their chosen karmic lessons. Now that the society is moving out of that density with its karmic merry-go-round, what is perceived as prejudice increasing actually is putting this basest aspect of humankind into the glare of a global spotlight so its destructive divisiveness can be clearly seen. As vibrations keep rising, healing, harmony and peace will come as love and mutual respect unify the peoples in the Oneness of All.

"Managing millions and millions of refugees seems an insurmountable problem. What will happen to all these desperate people?"

The plight of the millions in hastily arranged camps will ease somewhat as aid organizations gain strength in numbers, and donations of monies, food, water, medical supplies and other essential equipment increase. The light radiated by the many aid-givers along with the light in worldwide compassion and the massive amount beamed to the planet is helping to sustain the refugees' endurance and hopefulness.

As tyrannical regimes fall and warring ends, repatriation of people who fled those areas can begin. Financial and reconstruction assistance will be given in communities where this is practical; where villages and towns are too severely damaged to rebuild, the same assistance will be given to former residents so they can start anew in other locations. Immigrants in countries that gave them sanctuary will assimilate into those populations with benefits for all or choose to return to their native lands.

Please remember that the majority of refugees chose these life-changing circumstances to complete third density karma and evolve; also in keeping with contract choices, not all will survive their traumatic ordeal. People whose experiences aredirer than chosen or who die prior to their contracts' life span receive extraordinary opportunities for advancement in soul evolution, and advancement is the goal of every soul in every lifetime.

Some readers questioned whether loss of life and vast destruction due to wildfires, flooding and earthquakes creates negativity or is part of Earth's cleansing process. It does both. While all of those events do create negativity, the cleansingeffects for Earth are much greater --- that is, negativity created by all other sources is released by natural disasters in far greater measure than the amount produced by those events.

"Do soul contracts of alternative healthcare practitioners and whistleblowers include being killed because of their efforts to do good?"

Some contracts do. Practitioners who have been killed to prevent them from healing with natural therapies chose that fate to shed light on the collusion of the medical establishment with vaccine manufacturers and pharmaceutical and insurance companies; those whose services led to being professionally discredited and perhaps incarcerated or who fled to other countries agreed to those disruptions in their lives. It is the same with whistleblowers who have exposed many other situations that also adversely affect your lives. The numbers of individuals who experience or are threatened with one or another of the nefarious means whereby the Illuminati deal with anyone who jeopardizes their money-based interests havedecreased as public awareness has increased.

Our explanation of why there will be no nuclear explosions in space prompted questions about the people who were damaged in such occurrences. First, this doesn't apply to bodies, but to souls, and those that have been damaged were living as free spirits that didn't embody, souls in civilizations so highly evolved that they have no density, or souls in astraltravel. When a soul is shattered in a nuclear explosion, it doesn't separate into whole personages, but rather into fragments that contain bits and pieces of memories of all lifetimes and whatever was remembered about the Beginnings in Creator. Traumatized by abrupt separation from the wholeness, most fragments drift throughout space, lost and confused, but somefind their way into a body --- this isn't "possession," it is an act of love on the part of the occupant soul.

Specially-trained teams search the heavens for the fragments, which emit vibrations on a unique bandwidth, and when oneis found, it is transported to a healing facility where it is lovingly nurtured. When all fragments are located --- in linear time this may take millennia --- an intricate process is undertaken to restore the soul to its wholeness with every aspect of each lifetime in proper sequence. The diligent search and complex restoration show the infinite, eternal importance of each and every soul to Creator and, in this universe, to God.

"Can the soul be seen in a Kirlian photograph?"

No. What is seen is the aura, light emanating from a body's electromagnetic field that reflects the person's spiritual status, emotional make-up, convictions and physical condition at the moment the photograph is taken.

Auras change in accordance with changes in the person. A healthy individual living in godly ways has a glowing aura that extends a fair way out from the body and may be multihued; the more spiritually evolved the individual, the brighter and broader the aura. If a person with those qualities becomes seriously ill or injured, the aura narrows and dims; its former status returns as healing occurs. A healthy individual whose mind is closed has a thin, dull aura; if that individual opens to spiritual and conscious enlightenment, the aura grows correspondingly wider and brighter. Someone whose greedy, angry, demanding or deceitful nature causes hardships for others outside their pre-birth agreement has a narrow murky border around the body; and a person who consistently ignores conscience and willfully causes suffering to others doesn't have enough light for even an outline.

It is the collective auras of Earth's humankind, animals and plant life that we see when we look at the planet in its entirety.Dear ones, if you could see what we do, you would be both joyous and awestricken by the panorama of love and enlightenment sparkling around the globe. Keep your light shining brilliantly!

All along your Earth journey you have been accompanied and supported by the unequaled power of love from light beingsthroughout this universe.


Suzanne Ward

[email protected]


The Truth About Cancer – URGENT: CDC Attempts Unconstitutional 'Power Grab'

September 15, 2016: On August 15th, 2016, in an unbelievably draconian attempt to claim control over YOUR body, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued 'Control of Communicable Diseases – Notice of Proposed Rulemaking' (published in Federal Register Number: 2016-18103)... this proposed rule would give the CDC the power to apprehend, detain, and vaccinate YOU against your will and without your consent!...If you read between the lines, you'll see that if this goes into effect, anyone in the USA who is 'suspected' of carrying a communicable disease can be detained, quarantined, and 'medically treated' (i.e. forcibly vaccinated). All under the guise of 'protecting' us from some new strain of virus (like Zika) or some phony pandemic (like Ebola or West Nile or Swine Flu)... PLEASE GO TO Federal Register Number: 2016-18103 TO FILE YOUR COMMENTS BEFORE OCTOBER 14, 2016. Click the green button near the top right that says 'Submit a Formal Comment' and express your CONCERN / DISAPPROVAL / OUTRAGE over this proposal...


Mercola - URGENT: CDC Moves to Amend Public Health Service Act to Expand Power to Eliminate Measles – What You Need To Know And Do Now

September 13, 2016: During the last days of summer, while we were vacationing... Public health officials at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were quietly publishing a very long Notice of ProposedRulemaking (NPRM) in the August 15, 2016, Federal Register to amend federal public health law... You only have until October 14, 2016, to make a public comment to the CDC and contact your legislators in Congress, soplease take this seriously because what the CDC is proposing applies to all Americans... you and your children could be vulnerable to detention and quarantine if health officials decide you are, or could become, a transmitterof measles or other infections because, for example, your electronic medical records reveal you have not gotten every dose of every CDC recommended vaccine...


The Guardian: US beekeepers fear for livelihoods as anti-Zika toxin kills 2.5m bees

September 4, 2016: Huddled around their hives, beekeepers around the south-eastern US fear a new threat to their livelihood: a fine mist beaded with neurotoxin, sprayed from the sky by officials at war with mosquitoes that carry the Zika virus. Earlier this week, South Carolina beekeepers found millions of dead honey bees carpeting their apiaries, killed by an insecticide. Video posted by a beekeeper to Facebook showed thousands of dead insects heaped around hives, while a few survivors struggled to move the bodies of fellow bees. 'This is what's left of Flowertown Bees,' a despondent keeper says in the video. Company co-owner Juanita Stanley toldthe Associated Press her farm looked 'like it's been nuked' and estimated 2.5 million bees were killed. In anotherFacebook post, South Carolina hobbyist Andrew Macke wrote that he had lost 'thousands upon thousands of bees' and that the spraying had devastated his business. 'Have we lost our mind?' he wrote, 'spraying poison from the sky?'...


Mercola: CDC – Corrupt Disaster Center

September 13, 2016: In 2013, a Gallup poll on public perceptions of U.S. agencies found Americans are most positive toward the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Sixty percent of those polled believed the CDC was doing an excellent or good job while only 8 percent rated them poorly. There is clearly a disconnect between the CDC's perceived image and the actual state of the agency... CDC's Cozy Ties With Coca-Cola... Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: CDC a 'Cesspool of Corruption'... Safety Oversights That Could Allow Dangerous Pathogens to Reach the Public... Putting Your Blind Faith in the CDC Could Be Dangerous...


Alliance for Natural Health – Coca-Crony: Sweet Ties to the CDC

August 22, 2016: We recently reported that a high-ranking official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had resigned after extensive ties to Coca-Cola were exposed. Dr. Barbara Bowman, director of the Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention, was helping Coca-Cola influence the World Health Organization, which had published new guidelines on sugar consumption that were unwelcome to the beverage industry. Now it appears that Coca-Cola has ties to another CDC official, Michael Pratt, senior adviser for Global Health in the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Pratt has a history of conducting and promoting research funded by Coca-Cola, and works closely with a beverage industry front group, the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI). ILSI's North American branch includes members such as PepsiCo, Dr. Pepper, Snapple Group, Coca-Cola, and dozens of other Big Food members...


YouTube: Take Back Your Power – FCC: intimidating press, suppressing science at '5G'rollout

July 26, 2016: Is there a clandestine force working behind the scenes in the United States, censoring truth aboutthe '5G' roll-out?


The Firearm Blog: Witness a CRIME with a FIREARM? There's an App for That!


September 21, 2016: Our current society of tech savvy individuals is continually pushing for more use of our phones in everyday tasks, and we love our apps! The ATF is looking to capitalize on this by getting an app to help report crime. They have created an application for iPhones and Androids dubbed Report It where you can report crimes involving firearms, arson, explosives, and/or violence... The ATF is hoping because of this they can receive more information related to crimes....

The Truth About Cancer – Bayer-Monsanto: A 'Marriage Made in Hell'?

September 16, 2016: Monsanto has agreed to be sold to Bayer for... a deal worth a total of $66 billion... The combined company would be the world's largest seller of both seeds and agrochemicals. Monsanto, arguably themost loathed GMO company on the face of the earth,... has lobbied widely and even filed lawsuits to prohibit labeling of GMO products and bury the World Health Organization's report listing glyphosate as a probable carcinogen. If Monsanto joins forces with Bayer, one of the most hated Big Pharma companies in the world, theresulting 'marriage made in hell' would be a drug-seed-pesticide company that controls almost 1/3 of the world'sseed market and almost 1/4 of the pesticide market...


Bloomberg – Heroin, Nazis, and Agent Orange: Inside the $66 Billion Merger of the Year

September 14, 2016: These companies used to sell heroin and Agent Orange. Now, they want to form the world's largest supplier of seeds and pesticides... The deal would be the biggest ever in agriculture, but it's not a sure thing. There could be antitrust hurdles. A combined Bayer-Monsanto would be the biggest player in an industry with only three mega-companies left standing. Plus, the deal could face a backlash in Germany, where the majority of citizens question the safety of eating and growing genetically modified food. The mistrust is so deep, it's illegal to grow GMO crops for food there. Monsanto is considered a poster child for evil American corporations in Germany, and its pesticide has been blamed for deaths of monarch butterflies in North America.


EcoWatch – Bayer-Monsanto Merger a '5-Alarm Threat to Our Food Supply'

September 23, 2016: It's been about a week since Monsanto and Bayer confirmed their intention to say 'I do'... Is anyone out there still buying the line that Monsanto and Bayer are in the business of feeding the world?... Even if that claim weren't ludicrous, who thinks it's a good idea to entrust the job of 'feeding the world' to the likes of Bayer, a company that – as part of the I.G. Farben cartel in the 1940s – produced the poison gas for the Nazi concentration camps, and more recently sold HIV-infected drugs to parents of hemophiliacs in foreign countries, causing thousands of children to die of AIDS?... The sordid, unethical, greedy, monopolizing and downright criminal histories of both Monsanto and Bayer have been well documented...Without question, this deal, which strengthens the ties between Big Pharma, Big Food and Big Bio-tech, will hurt farmers and consumers – not to mention an ecosystem already on the brink...


Mercola – Transgenic Wars: How GMOs Impact Livestock and Human Health Around the Globe

September 24, 2016:...an award-winning film by French investigative journalist Paul Moreira, takes us on a journey through Europe and Latin America, looking at the effects of genetically engineered (GE) crops, both on livestock and human health... It also delves into tangential concerns, such as the increased use of glyphosate-based herbicides, atrazine and 2,4-D, the latter of which was an ingredient in the devastating defoliant Agent Orange, used during the Vietnam War... Monsanto was a leading producer of Agent Orange during the war, and its war contributions, which began with its involvement in the Manhattan Project and the creation of the atomic bomb, help explain how Monsanto has managed to secure such staunch allegiance from the U.S. government...


Mental Floss – 12 Natural and Organic Brands Owned By Big Food

January 13, 2016: A significant (and growing) number of shoppers have spurned traditional food and drink brands in favor of 'better' choices. Instead of Tropicana and Tostitos, they're reaching for Naked Juice and Garden of Eatin' all-natural chips. Instead of Ball Park franks, they're opting for Applegate Farms nitrite and nitrate free hot dogs. These alternatives cost more but people are willing to pay, in large part because they see these brands as being smaller, healthier, more responsible choices. What many don't realize, though, is that a lot of these 'niche' companies are owned and operated by the very corporations many shoppers are trying to avoid. Healthy, environmentally aware brands have seen huge sales growth in recent years, and big names like Coca-Cola, General Mills and Purdue all want a piece of the action. Their ownership of once-independent brands isn't a secret, but it isn't actively promoted either... big companies tend to tinker with formulas to make them easier tomass-produce. And then there's the issue of a parent company reflecting negatively on its subsidiaries, as when General Mills, Kellogg's and others funded opposition efforts to California's GMO labeling proposition at the same time that some of their 'natural' brands were promoting the non-use of GM ingredients... here are some natural and organic brands that have gone big in recent years...


Sitcher: The Corbett Report – Newsbud Roundtable on Turkey And Multi-Polar Chess

September 4, 2016:...Sibel Edmonds, James Corbett and Spiro Skouras discuss Vice President Joe Biden's recent trip to Turkey. What kind of back room deals were reached in Biden's meeting with Turkish and Kurdish officials? What's the prize behind the multi-polar decision on further incursion into Northern Syria? What kind of prize would benefit Russia, US, Turkey, Syria and Iran? Our trio also talks about the status of Fethullah Gulen's extradition, President Erdogan's choices, and of course, the interests of the people versus the Deep Stateand Military Industrial Complex...


Global Research: The Third World War Has Never Been So Close... 'US Preparing to Wage War on Russia. How will Russia Respond?' A Russian Viewpoint

September 21, 2016:...Two days ago, on Saturday, September 17th, the likelihood of this war was breathtakingly high. As we know, American troops, who no one ever invited to Syria, bombed the positions of the Syrian army at Deir ez-Zor. As a result of the bombing, 60 Syrian soldiers were killed. This strike was extremely important for ISIS militants, whom the US is informally advising and arming while supposedly fighting them. This crossed the line. Bombing Syrian soldiers is one thing, but this means declaring war not only against Syria, but also Russia, which is fighting in Syria on Assad's side... Sure, the US leadership immediately reported that the airstrike was a mistake and warned the Russian leadership not to express any emotions. But Americans can only be lying, as modern technology allows satellite objects to be seen from a desktop. Theoretically, American bombers could not have simply confused such a strike. And what's most important: if they had told you that they were preparing to bomb you, and you said nothing, then does that meanyou agree?...


The Intercept – INSIDE MENWITH HILL: The NSA's British Base at the Heart of U.S. Targeted Killing

September 6, 2016: The narrow roads are quiet and winding, surrounded by rolling green fields and few visible signs of life beyond the occasional herd of sheep. But on the horizon, massive white golf ball-like domes protrude from the earth, protected behind a perimeter fence that is topped with piercing razor wire. Here, in the heart of the tranquil English countryside, is the National Security Agency's largest overseas spying base... Originally used to monitor Soviet communications through the Cold War, its focus has since dramatically shifted, and today it is a vital part of the NSA's sprawling global surveillance network... MENWITH HILL'S PREVIOUSLY undisclosed role aiding the so-called targeted killing of terror suspects highlights the extent of the British government's apparent complicity in controversial U.S. attacks - and raises questions about the legality of the secret operations carried out from the base...


Reuters – Special Report: Massacre reports show U.S. inability to curb Iraq militias

August 23, 2016: Shi'ite militias in Iraq detained, tortured and abused far more Sunni civilians during the American-backed capture of the town of Falluja in June than U.S. officials have publicly acknowledged, Reuters has found. More than 700 Sunni men and boys are still missing more than two months after the Islamic State stronghold fell. The abuses occurred despite U.S. efforts to restrict the militias' role in the operation, including threatening to withdraw American air support, according to U.S. and Iraqi officials. The U.S. efforts had little effect. Shi'ite militias did not pull back from Falluja, participated in looting there and now vow to defyany American effort to limit their role in coming operations against Islamic State...


YouTube: Project Camelot - KERRY CASSIDY & SIMONPARKES

Interview Thursday, September 1, 2016, 10 AM Pacific Time, RE: Ramping Up Of Military Action... The Banksters Are Running Out OfTime For The Financial Reset and need to get WWIII going to make Their plans for One Word Government and One World Military a reality.


Colorado Public Television: 9/11 FOCUS

August 2016: As an independent PBS station, CPT12 offers diverse and opposing viewpoints. This collection ofcontroversial films questions the official story of September 11, 2001.


YouTube: Vatican Crimes – Vatican, Owner of World's Biggest Banks and Top Global Companies Exposed

August 18, 2012: This is a very clear and easy to understand expose that ties together the roles of Vatican City, Washington DC and The City Of London within the Global Order of The Controllers. Only 10 Minutes And Very Informative – HOWEVER A WARNING – DO NOT CLICK ON ANY OF THE LINKS IN THE DESCRIPTION!!! The web site vaticancrimes.us appears to be HACKED! If you go there accidentally, IMMEDIATELY, Close The Page, Clear Your Browser's Cache, Close Your Browser, then Scan Your System With An Up To Date Anti-Virus Program to be sure your system is not infected!


YouTube: HeartMath Institute – Mysteries of the Heart

February 6, 2012:...It's important to take a pause and really consider what our emotions are contributing to our environment and to other people. The true nature of human emotion is one of care and love. By focusing on these core heart-felt emotions, it can enhance one's connection with others, and that this connection extends far beyond the individual...


Forbes – New Clues Into How Meditation May Boost The Immune System

September 6, 2016: Most people are aware of the fact that meditation, in its many forms, can tweak the brain and body in a number of beneficial ways. It's been shown to increase volume in certain brain regions, to reduce anxiety and depression, and even to improve immunity. Of course, exactly how meditation is doing all these things isn't totally understood. But a new study, in the journal Translational Psychiatry, helps suss out the molecular mechanisms behind meditation's effects on the immune system. And it turns out that the effects are more than from just the relaxation element there seems to be something intrinsic about meditation itself that canshift gene expression and even boost mood over time...


Kim Komando – Do we live in an alternate reality? Bank of America claims it's probable

September 15, 2016: 'There is no spoon,' says Neo, the protagonist of the 1999 sci-fi classic 'The Matrix,' after finally accepting the fact that his whole version of reality is just a computer simulation created by sentient machines in the future. For us, at least in the way we perceive this world, our spoons are tangibly real. And so are all the material and physical manifestations of objects around us. Our personal reality is the ultimate reality because it's the only one that matters to us. But what if this subjective reality is not that one true reality? Get ready to take that red pill. According to Bank of America, there is a 20 to 50 percent chance we are living in a Matrix-style simulation crafted by our descendants. In a report about 'Future Reality' sent to their clients, Bank of America's Merrill Lynch highlighted key statistics about the growing popularity of augmented and virtual reality technology. One of the entries is the probability that we are already living in a simulated world... We think this whole report is just a promotional tool for Bank Of America anyway. Who knows? Maybe they are developing an upcoming augmented reality/virtual 360 banking app they will want to launch soon. What do youthink? Are we already in the Matrix?


Well.Org: We're talking Near Death Experiences

September 1, 2016:...Dr. Rajiv Parti is a world renowned specialist in pain management and had heard about these 'near death experiences' before, even from his own cardiac patients, but never really paid attention to it because it was too far out. But when he had to have an emergency surgery himself back in 2008, everything changed. He describes his out-of-body experience as going through different realms where at one point, he was floating above himself and heard the anesthesiologist tell a joke, and then he repeated the joke to him in the recovery room...


The Urban Monk: Living Your Best Life, On Purpose

August 11, 2016:...Many people in the West come to a point where they experience anxiety over the absence of purpose and meaning in their lives. Dr. Strecher points out that this is a centuries-old struggle and that while 'meaning' has been elusive for most, purpose can be developed by everyone. Dr. Strecher says that when you have goals developed around things that you deeply value and they become operationalized, then you are on thepath to living a life on purpose. Start by asking yourself, 'What do I care about most?'...


The Urban Monk: Face your shadow to reclaim your power

September 8, 2016:...As we start to do personal work and get out of our own way, things come up that may be uncomfortable, shameful, or just down-right unbearable. That's normal. Carl Jung spoke frequently of the unconscious and, today, there's so much we've swept under the rug that are shadows are empowered and fortified. What does all this mean? We're talking about the parts of ourselves that have been suppressed and tucked away. The guilt, fear, shame, pain that we couldn't deal with then so we stuffed it away for a rainy day...


YouTube: Zero Limits by Joe Vitale – Entire Audiobook

7 2/3 hours


YouTube: Anaiis Salles – Connect the Dots: Black Men, Pipe Bombs, HRC, Your Cell Phone and X Marks the Spot

September 21, 2016:...9, 22, 23, 24 frequently used numbers in 'casting' ritual human sacrifice... The Archons/Annunaki are running short of 'loosh' -- time for another shot of TERROR-FARMING... Rumors of asteroid hitting earth. Big time terror-farming when nothing else is working and the machinery has broken downand is squealing to a stop in the 4th Dimensional lower realm 'loosh' factory... What does this mean for you? How well can you hold steady the vibration of 5D because Gaia-Sophia has left the 3D station! So buckle your seat belts or fire up your jet packs....


YouTube: Fusion – Dakota Access Pipeline: Protectors not Protesters

September 8, 2016: Women are at the forefront of the #NoDAPL (No Dakota Access Pipeline) movement and they say it's anything but a protest. 'That label of protester...could never describe the protectors that are here.'


Riverkeeper – Crude Oil Transport

With very little public awareness and no study of environmental impacts, the oil industry has made the Hudson Valley into one arm of a dangerous 'virtual pipeline' for crude oil that snakes thousands of miles by rail, barge and ship from oil fields in North Dakota, Canada and elsewhere, to refineries on both coasts. The New York State segment of this 'virtual pipeline' primarily moves a particularly volatile crude oil by rail from the Bakken shale formation of North Dakota and nearby states and provinces, where oil production has doubled in three years, to the Port of Albany. There, billions of gallons of crude oil can be offloaded onto barges and ships destined for East Coast refineries. Additional trains loaded with crude oil destined for refineries to the south continue along the west side of the Hudson River, through communities in Greene, Ulster, Orange and Rocklandcounties. Some of these trains carry Canadian tar sands crude bitumen, and there are proposals that would facilitate the shipment of heavy crudes like this by barge as well...


Sierra Club: Atlantic Chapter – Proposal for Massive New Barge Anchorages ThreatensHudson River


The Truth About Cancer - 10 Questions to Ask BEFORE Accepting Radiation Therapy for Cancer

February 29, 2016: Radiation therapy cancer treatment uses high-powered X-rays with the intention to kill cancer cells. While in the past researchers believed that radiation could actually kill cancer cells, researchers arenow discovering that radiation treatment creates more cancer! While radiation appears to target cancer cells and can regress tumors, this is only in the short-term, before the tumors regrow with a vengeance. Radiation therapycan be useful for palliative care as a method to control pain or manage other quality of life symptoms. BEFOREyou schedule any radiation therapy appointments to treat your cancer, there are 10 questions you need to ask your doctor...


August 24, 2016: A proposal to build ten 600-foot long commercial anchorages for barges and tankers in the Hudson River from Kingston to Yonkers poses major concerns for the river's ecology and local communities... These anchorages could facilitate more shipping of Bakken crude oil from North Dakota and potentially from Canadian tar sands, which are impossible to clean up. Although demand for crude oil has dropped recently due to cheaper natural gas supplies, the recent US federal government decision to allow overseas export of crude oil after many years of embargo could open the spigot to greatly increased shipping of oil down the Hudson. Some trains now leave the Albany area carrying Bakken crude to refineries down the Hudson River and beyond. Someof these trains download the oil earlier at ports south of Albany, which then continues down the river in barges and tankers. The new anchorages would provide for increased oil transport. And if shippers obtain approval to transport heavy 'tar sands' from Alberta, Canada, to Albany and other ports along the river, the impact of a spill would be catastrophic, as the heavy oil drops to the bottom of water bodies and is not recoverable...

Alliance for Natural Health – Acid Blockers Shut Down More than Stomach Acid

August 22, 2016: What you don't know about this class of drugs can ruin your health. It can even kill you... Didyou know that acid blockers don't merely shut off acid pumps in the stomach?... they also inhibit the lysosomes of every cell in our bodies! Yikes. Lysosomes are acidic compartments that act as the cell's garbage disposal. Without the ability to break down and discard cellular waste products, 'garbage' builds up and inhibits the cell's function, including energy production and detoxification...


Mercola – Sunscreen Won't Prevent Skin Cancer but Some Could Actually Cause It

August 23,2016: Does wearing sunscreen prevent skin cancer? If you listen to public health officials that urge every man, woman and child to slather on sunscreen every day, you would think the answer is an unequivocal yes... But here's the rub: wearing sunscreen may not actually protect you from cancer and, in some cases, may actually increase your risk...


NPR – Swedish Scientist Seeks To Edit DNA Of Healthy Human Embryos

September 22, 2016:...The step by the developmental biologist Fredrik Lanner makes him the first researcher known to attempt to modify the genes of healthy human embryos. That has long been considered taboo because of safety and ethical concerns. Lanner is attempting to edit genes in human embryos to learn more about how the genes regulate early embryonic development. He hopes the work could lead to new ways to treat

infertility and prevent miscarriages... the fear is that Lanner's work could open the door to others attempting to use genetically modified embryos to make babies. Making changes to the DNA in human embryos could accidentally introduce an error into the human gene pool, inadvertently creating a new disease that would be passed down for generations... Some also worry the experiments could open the door to so-called designer babies that would let parents pick and choose the traits of their children...


ZDNet – Flattering to deceive: Why narcissists are an easy target for hackers

June 8, 2016: Flattery is the latest tool in the cybercriminal arsenal – and everyone from millennials to CEOs isfalling for it... cybercriminals and hackers are getting particularly adept at taking advantage of narcissists... creating fake social media profiles which they use to befriend and manipulate targets...


NPR – Do You Read Terms Of Service Contracts? Not Many Do, Research Shows

August 23, 2016: During an experiment, people consented to sharing their private information with the NSA, and to surrendering their first-born as payment for access to a fictitious social networking site...


The Guardian – Tesla driver killed while using autopilot was watching Harry Potter, witness says

July 1, 2016: The Tesla driver killed in the first known fatal crash involving a self-driving car may have been watching a Harry Potter movie at the time of the collision in Florida, according to a truck driver involved in the crash. The truck driver... told the Associated Press that the Tesla driver... was 'playing Harry Potter on the TV screen' during the collision and... 'he went so fast through my trailer I didn't see him'...


BBC Inquiry: Who Wins in a Cashless Economy?

September 25, 2016: The death of cash has been predicted many times over the years. But in the last decade a future without coins and notes has become a real possibility thanks to the global development and adoption of cashless systems. Some banks in Scandinavia are already refusing to accept or hand out cash. And in nations with poor banking infrastructure, the growth of cashless has been explosive. Millions of people around the world now conduct their lives with hardly any cash at all and in terms of convenience, most of us are winners. But warnings are sounding about the driving forces behind this shift. Are we in danger of getting rid of our cash without really understanding the consequences?


Yahoo Finance – The Fed may be preparing for the unthinkable, negative interest rates in America

September 3, 2016: Negative interest rates are spreading like a virus. Central banks in the Eurozone, Switzerland, Sweden, and Japan all have below-zero policy rates. 'NIRP,' as economists call a negative interest rate policy, is a desperation move – but the only move those central banks have. The Federal Reserve hasn't followed – yet. When the next recession strikes, I believe Janet Yellen will choose to break the zero lower bound. The rationale was laid out in Jackson Hole. Look behind the headlines and you'll see the Fed already preparing for NIRP...


The Guardian – Inmates strike in prisons nationwide over 'slave labor' working conditions

September 9, 2016:...A nationwide prison strike over conditions and wages behind bars, which organizers tipped to be the biggest of its kind in US history, was under way in at least several correctional facilities across the country on Friday, according to prison rights advocates. Inmates from several states, who had bound together with the help of activists and organizing groups, aimed the national strikes – which had been in the making for several months – against what they said amounted to slave labor conditions amid mass incarcerationin the country. The coordinated events, which organizers targeted in as many as 24 states, occurred on the 45th anniversary of the riots at Attica prison in New York, the largest prison uprising in American history, over grievances today's protesters say are similar, including poor sanitary conditions and prison jobs that amount to forced labor.


The Guardian – Sex on campus isn't what you think: what 101 student journals taught me

August 23, 2016: Students can opt out of hooking up, and many do. But my research makes clear that they can'topt out of hookup culture... It can't be measured in sexual activity, whether high or low, because it's not a behavior, it's an ethos, an atmosphere, a milieu. A hookup culture is an environment that idealizes and promotes casual sexual encounters over other kinds, regardless of what students actually want or are doing. And it isn't a myth at all...


NPR – And The No. 1 Scrabble Nation In The World Is...

August 27, 2016: Nigeria is the English-speaking world's Scrabble superpower. Africa's most populous nation ishome not only to the global Scrabble champion, but team Nigeria ranks as the world's top Scrabble playing nation – ahead of the U.S. in second place. The Scrabble world champion is Wellington Jighere. He's 33, has a soft voice, a slow smile and a penchant for fedoras, earning him the nickname 'the Cat in the Hat.'
