HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr mlifif{ fCf~(fr{ifCf -IHlln;li ~t~~Cf f<Nflf J;ffa-~ f~ift~ 11 ~t: 1'99'1 ~l9'ItT BTolifiTofrr o 58/mcr o /tA'I," 3·09/97.--'1T'W ~ ~fcra-fif ~ ~~ 309 <i t:ro'~~ ifnJ sr~rr lifil' iJi WfCfCfIl"T lifiT srlitlT lifi~~ Q~' ~~r ri ~q'ffi, ~tf~ rrrr. f<iror'J'fJ Ofi'rlfT~p ~f~r1JfT (~q' 'i) ijqor if ~ O1ffoM~ 0fi'1' '1~ff (f~r ij'crr ctff mrl 'fiT fCffi'fl1f;rcr Ifi~ Cfm f;:n:;:rrefw ~ ifi'mf i, q'~Yq:-- .'fJTlf I -BT~~ 1. If f;;;:rl1, f'f('(fr,!'f(f ctrrl'T~'lf ~fmJ'1JTT (~q' t.f) ij'CfT f;:rzrlf, 1 997, Ifi~ ~ iff1l' I 'I;jj' ~lifiit ~. I (err) "~frerl' ~1" ij' m\lSl'J'll' ~, lifi){ ~I' f;.T!Jf~, \if) ~r if ij' ~Tr.tfCi ~r f~1' ~r~ ~lifi~ ~r '1r~~"( lifi'1' . rn if ~~ ?i ~i' ~iT f~1' ~&Ti\' air ~Tifr"a-(O'f ij' ~T ;tT ~ ~) j (V) "l:~<rT~ If>Tll~l1'' ij' ~f~lf t, tf~T if 1{ f~ l:flriTl'"( ctrrllT~~ ; (ff) "fcr(crrTffi Q;<f trf;{Cf" ij' ~srTlf ~,f~crr<tiFf Q;cf ~r"ifCf, tftql'lf m.3\Tt~ WiI'~ fCfmlT; (t.f) "~f"( ij' ~ t, ~r~~ fcrq'ftf if ~1.11'O'f1 ~T~, (6') "ti~~T" ij' q'f~J'll' t,~- (i) ~~O'fr ~T;<f if ~rtt.. f~ iRr 'Ill rfq'Cl' ifilt ttlT; lfr - -~:;. ;'-~-. c" (ii) ~if f~T air ~ iftft .~am: Q.r~r llff'Zf(ff 5f'(tCl'~ :'-~·~IItT; . ('if) "~<t;.'fa' ~f"ifCf" ij' ~fmrT~ ~, tf<t;.iFf m"ifCf t~~ fCf'l'"". ~lfrlJir trotil't" - . , (~) "~ififct7 <{Ti" ij' ffM-srTlf t, ~~, '{f'l'lf~ifCtI if"Ti, {r~; (Gf) "r;<n':~ ~_flt.srr~ t!J~nr\"Ri' i1fTiiT~lf; ~f~,UfT :(~q',,) ij'q-f; (a) "~crt~fq-if"~ qfi:rsrrll ~, ifCf"( ~f'il" ifuIUfT ~Wf~, ~ mtrlTl-

Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr

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Page 1: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr

HARYANA GOVT OAZAUO 121997 1049 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

~~rOTr mlifif


~t~~Cf fltNflf


f~ift~ 11 ~t 1991

~l9ItT BTolifiTofrro 58mcrotAI 3middot0997--1TW ~ ~fcra-fif ~ ~~ 309 lti tro~~ ifnJ sr~rr lifil iJi WfCfCfIlT lifiT srlitlT lifi~~ Q~ ~~r ri ~qffi ~tf~ rrrr fltirorJfJ OfirlfT~p ~f~r1JfT (~q i) ijqor if ~ O1ffoM~

0fi11~ff(f~r ijcrr ctff mrl fiT fCffifl1frcr Ifi~ Cfm fnrrefw ~ ifimf i q~Yq--

fJTlf I-BT~~

1 If frl1 ff((frf(f ctrrlT~lf ~fmJ1JTT (~q tf) ijCfT frzrlf 1 997 Ifi~ ~ iff1l I Ijj ~lifiit~ I

(err) ~frerl ~1 ij mlSlJll ~ lifi) ~I fTJf~ if) ~r if ij ~TrtfCi ~r f~1 ~r~ ~lifi~ ~r 1r~~( lifi1rn if ~~ i ~i~iT f~1 ~ampTi air ~Tifra-(Of ij ~T tT ~ ~) j

(V) l~ltrT~ IfgtTll~l1 ij ~f~lf t tf~T if 1 f~ lflriTl(


(ff) fcr(crrTffi Qltf trfCf ij ~srTlf ~f~crrlttiFf Qcf ~rifCf tftqllf m3Tt~ WiI~ fCfmlT

(tf) ~f( ij ~ t ~r~~ fcrqftf if ~111Of1~T~ (6) ti~~T ij qf~Jll t~-

(i) ~~Ofr ~Tltf if ~rttf~ iRr Ill rfqCl ifilt ttlT lfr

- -~ -~- c (ii) ~if f~T air ~ iftft ~am Qr~r llffZf(ff 5f(tCl~


(if) ~lttfa ~fifCf ij ~fmrT~ ~ tflttiFfmifCf t~~ fCfl ~lfrlJir

trotilt - (~) ~ififct7 ltTi ij ffM-srTlf t~~ fllf~ifCtI ifTi r~

(Gf) rltn~~_fltsrr~tJ~nrRi i1fTiiT~lf ~f~UfT (~q)ijq-f

(a) ~crt~fq-if~ qfirsrrll ~ ifCf( ~fil ifuIUfT ~Wf~ ~ mtrlTl-

1050 HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

mif II-middotmiddot~r fi mrT

3 ~crr if ~rr frnrr ct1 qf-f1Jlie 1li if amrll ~ ~ ~ffl

q~~ ~rr frtlmT co) col iTT emr ~~ q~T m ~~ if crf4 lIf ampfi1fT~ lTfbull fcrfwrr ~T ~tt ~CA1ITrrTemf ~ qi ~JTlrTwrltrf ~M ~q ~ ~ ~

~~ ct1 WCifff~ mCT~ IT 5f+fTCf~r sTcffifT I

~ fi ~nrT 4 (1) col iTTOlffiffi ~ it f1li~T qG IT Ciif Ci1lifiliiif~rr flffZll fA Ill ~iJT fOfQlfgtfcp ~ f~~r rr ~r--QRr~ff ifi)~ta0l C~) tfR a ltiil ifrifflt1li lTf mltnij aIT (la) fITrVl coT gtiGlf IT~UII

(I ) errr co) 5fJIf lTf

(ltI) f~ CfiT ~M fT ~T GJilltr(T 1962 ~ ~ tfTm

if ~IfTI1)~q ij-lFf ct1JTTllflT ~ ~flIT I ~T lTf

(1=) tfrom 1iVl fii Olffiffi fT qrfiifCifrr orm 9[~Ifi CiQr mrrzn ~~ ~GIlfrrr oj laquo~CfCi if1JT~ Pll ( ~ltf eTtrrrrT1lir in~ ffTcm) Gfr~f if~ltrl Gfilfi ~1tlfTflTlfr ~ fm tihr~ltit ~w ij- 5fltrTImr ~T~ +fro - flfTlTT~ ij- of~ ~ IIlllflT ij- mliT

~t ~

5f-cm (~)

(rr) (if) CitTr (6=) ~ ijuifercr ~ijf iiliffa ~mr

f~ ~ if mQ ij1liT- [Tlt 1Tf1m em 5flfJGT-tfeI GIl~) flffZll

rrli ~T I ( 2) co) ~ GlffCfCifGfijCiTGl11lif 1Tr~ ~ 5fifr1lT-q~ mCWTItf ~ mff

STrfCTCfi~am ~~~ liT ijf~Kqn ~ fRlttsrf~ flffZll GIT ~r ~

fep~ fifliffi em 5fWrq~~~~lt [ro f(mff 5flfJGTge( ~) femf rri ~

iffG ~ fGlTtrnT~ ~ I

(3) lttilttfTlffiffi~ ~ f~) qi q ~nrT ~1 aTr f~ (I flPlJJ ~rrr iIi(ltPilfli q~ ~fT-~furif~qf~IffCi ci f~crf~ ~crumlf fafU1lllT lTr ~IfT ~ mGli1 ~T 5ICTrrr1ll~Cfi ~fCT~~T ij- crfUl 5IlfJGT-tfeI q-~ GT

~~WlI f~m ntfltRfI1T ij- ~ iri ~~QT r f~ ~~ ~qltf flq-r

it ~~ tfV)-tfmf qfltf=ltffl ~T ~tt ~~f~GNIffiZf~CRlmlf fCRlmlf

1fJ ~~l1 ~ ijaifw rr QT ~) 5f~ ~ 5IlfJGT-tfeI~ r~ I

5 - cpT ~l olfffi( ~orr ~ fltti~) q(( q~ ~frit tfOT ar~r rflfltfCf ~ fllllf

~T1liJTfTf~fffimiddot5Ir~l lttiT ~rmSffirCi ~ lil fa-fvr coT lIT ~~ q~~

~~ ~ ~ ~ lIT tfCll~ ~ ~ mClil ~TlI fif r ~ I


HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 1051 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA) I

7 ~ ~ lRffGffi ~~ fm fr q~ middot1iif 1i1i frl~ if~ Pirlfr iifr~

iliI 01 q ~nft Rff lifil m if Jtif fif2Prl ~ qf(f~ V ~ wm 3 if titT ~lVlmiddot1iffmiddott~ f~ ~T~ if tr~ ~ ct lIlRf if ~a ~rtt o~f ~ it ~~ ampT

q~~ ~ +1mrnr fiPlfltRi ct em ~ ~Ilftt~ if ~ mf~1Jf ~ f~ ~ fw~ ~ FIJq~frtT aIT ~T~ ~ H m~ ~~ltmT q ~~ fu~ Atd~Q fZCf1i q~TopT TVl ~ f~~ ifijrampl~i~~

~ ~~ ifiT rn~~~~ r ff ~ij1~ ~ fuQ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ti I

8 ltmi ~ ollfCRT -

(ltfi) fi3WcTJfY~ q-ful~ ftt ~ ~ f~ ~ f~ t 111

f~ ct tfcro ~~) l t ~__ w

(v) f~ 1ffQ~l ~ sftf~ ~Rfi~fm W74 aqf~ ~ fom~ IIn f~ ~ 1fT f~ opT tf~ am ~r t iiTit ~ ~ If(

f~ 1fT qf~ ~ ~M

f~ l~ ~~fiI~ en)- ~Ctfisa ~ if(q Tru ~~ orITiffi QtlT ~~~ ~

tl ~l ~ttr fqf~~ tjaR ~m fltrqr~vj~tramp ~T ~~ ti~

~ ~ wraT IT ~ ctf ~ ft1~n ~ ~f ~~ frrilf ~ llTlJ ~~ ~ c ~ ~T~ I

(1) ~~ mft fiW1f~f~1i~r~ ltfir~Tiil--

(cti) qitlti~~qfle~nl~

(i) ~11i q~1gro illiCfT

(ii) fltt1~) ~~ ~Tlt ~ltfr ~~~~ qi) mrr if ~ ~~ ~q f~~ ~lmfi~ ~l1Gfr SIf1iftQ ~ ~T~r

(~) ~q-lt qiTam-r 1lbull-

(i) lttiQf1fT tt ~ qtlFIfcr gT~T ~fGfT

- (ii) ff~frltT~ ~~lt iI~~ ~T~f1 ~ltfT 1fi1 ~Cfr ~tf~ ij ~1 ~

f~~)~~~~~~~rrrla~ ill1~ ~fCJfif1ifij~T~ i

1052- HARYANA GOVT OAZ AUGl21997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

(i) ~T hTCfC~11~q~Fiffa ~~T ~~ltfl

(ii) rlf~ ~lnr~T~ ~iff lronramprt~ rn if bullbull ~ ~T~ J f1fi~ litHf~T~1~~~~~ ~~ltfT 00 jsrfiiftllflobull

~m-middot~ (oq) f~Ti f~IiiG6flf WIt~-

(i) ~(mT if ~ q~)ifro n~T q~qr

(ii)- f-t1~J1_f~~cpr~ $l~qr +IT~ mCiTfiT ~GH if ~ cent~~~

~ qT~)~ ~~Rr~o~ $l~qr srfoflt1ffl lIru -e

( ) ((lfrtlTflf CV1Jif --

(i) 9trJr11 ii ~ cttfifQ lIT~ _ A~qf

(ii) ~ UilI ij~r( ~~ lifT +ITQ ~ (CFr en) ~r il qii~ ~ euro ~~ bull f~ litatqr1f lti ~~TiromiddottlT i(~cif srfof~fqlti gTU

- (q) ~ q14lliTr( Iifif ~wr ~ bullbullbullbull

(i) bullbulllcfim( t ~ q(t1flti QT(f ~~Cfr

- (ii) ftmt U~ mm 9tltfT +IT(i ~r(ifi-~qr-lf--~~ ~ ~r - -~~ ffi~)lifi1iifTtf cti ~rr~d~ $l~qT SIfufoll fur QTl

(i9) ~qrltT 6flf ~QlT If-~

(i) ~laf ~a1~T(Tmiddot ~~n -_ (ii) ftl~)~ ~( Tq-qT ltfiff mq7TltfiT ~Cff il q~~ ~ ~) ~~

fcti~ ~ifT- ~ ~qTir~Q(1I $t 1fqf ffufilt fcfo ~lltt

- (i) ~fafitmiddotaT ~ro~ ~~qr ii)r~(f~~-ll~T~T-a- trvm(6flt itiT -laquo q~ ~~ij ~

f~ ctiliifTtl Cf1~~rr~a(1lTt~ltiT srfaflt1ffliHf $lqiffbullbull 00 bullbull

(i) r9~~f ctit~Qlr~ ~-

~_ _(i)~aTa1nu_$l~~~j~ ~(iQfbVt ~~Ulqcrr ~ror~T( _~t ~ -q- ~~ ~ ~

- ~ -- -- ~fiUif mf~ ci ~~IJf WNT srtGf~~ffl 1lT(f

HARYANA GOVr GAZAUG121997 1053 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

lt bull 01

(i) ~ftcf~a1ero ~irCIT

(ii) fltti~ttr~ ~( ~trCff~ lrta~~T~ffr mrr i q~~ ~ ~

f~~)~qqrft F ~Tifra~ tIyenfCIT srfmifllfRt aT~bull ~ t bullV (c) qR1m-lt q) ltrWf if~middot-

(i) ~fl~1+f~1 gtr~crT lrTU

(ii) fCfl~l ~ tftOtillt ~yenfqf ~T~~T~ q1 ~Cfr ii q~~U ~1~ij

fCfi~l~fqn)i ~Tltrltf(1Jl tIyenfCff SIfafifllffa ~rf ~yenfCfTbull

(0) ejlr Ifh Efn Gwr if

-di) ~)~ftl~ff anr ~~crr

(ii) fct~iltr~1f ~Tlt Jf~Cfr l1roi ~lt qt Ucrr if q~~~ ~t ~iT flti~l ctl4qTot lti ~qTfra(lJT ~~CfT 51fafifllfcrcr a T

(2) ~GfijCfgt tI~~f ~ilflO r ~T ij~l q~rrrQlftllSliOffi rci il1t~rr~ ITITltq( 9l1 ilTiliTt ij~roilcm- ~~liom~l ~~1 qiirrfG1lToil f~~ 9lli tlfalgt1lt SIGTif ~rCfgtilrl I

( 3) ~iI fnmT if ~q Gctl tJi1t~fa-trGffaG r ~TUcrf if _1iGf ~l fili fUctG

mil ~ ~~qr ~R crrrr ~mt ~ ~Tfif3fCfaSITrllCi)rOT-~~~fffqG Cfgt~1fT fCfl q~

rct1~ lIiT ~ +1(l iilT~iT) I

10 (1) ~ ~ fCf~l~ft qGrrlt frRf ~~ ~ ~lal~~1am qfltft~T ~iRI ftlfTiflTT ~)a)~~) Cf4 ft tliffa ~ f~~hftltrfG qrqTfifiOffi fCfllfT ~r~)

h~if7 Cf~ fiT qGJfa ~ fu~ qrltltTeifT q( ~1fT

~---(it) ~~lf~fCffi ~ GlTGfltt~T 1~~q ~r _~qCi( ~ rrlt SIfCt~ifOffi rrlt

Clfa1cr ltfiT iff fint qcrfa ~1~T ltfi1 1crfl if fiTil1 iiT~iT1

(v) ~jIr~ltOI rrl1r~1~~Cfff Gwr if ~ if fm 11 R If

fpififfi ij- ~ fmmtCfilff _~r 3~qcnIT~ q~ f~ ~ ~IqlttIT~)f qqftr fiflfltfO srrftlilif(1--ci fqf~IfJ ~~ f~ ~ mWr fl1ffi

qflaquor~~CJfw ~r~ fm ~ GfT ijltiffT t ~h

1054 HARYANA GOVT GAZ AuG 121991 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

(q) ~[AfIFf am fiflfCKlctt tiT ifqftl-lff~rm ~ ~ iIl1 ~ ~

ct ~ 11 flRr iIlliqr f~ Cfl~~ ilIfRf fm ~ ~1ifTttiir

if CfiTq fCfillT~ trfTciTm ~rfcrf~~l ~ -U ampFrmiddot ~ lIf~ q f~~ ~ tn f~Gffi if f~T mn~~ fpqiiFffiT ~


( 2) lIfq- fnif1fO gtrrf~Tr CfllTlI 11 qf~~ Cfll~w ~ j~ lIfffi ifir ifirzl lfT ifTf1JJ~~fi if ~T ampT oT q-

(fi) ~ ~~n amprfCRf ijTa-l 101 ern f~CKI ffilfT iflfT ~ f a-ij~ bull ~1 ~ ti~middot1fit~rt i ~TC

(fSI) lfR ~m 0lff0Rl~Im-ra1 ~ ~i~r fif1RJ fq1lfT l11IT ~ m--(i) a-ij ~~ cf ~ q~ Slfaltlf~ Fffl ~~ lfT

(ii ) ~~ ~er if f~~Y~ Rlr ~)fcr ~ ~~~ ~r ~ ~T ~I ~ f~crcr i fl~ ~tClTff~ Itl~1

( 3) f~l ilffRr Cfrlqfwefr ~qrti ~ft ~ACrt ~flCf $IlfulllTil-

(IF) ll~ ~WFT itlzj lfT ~~ ~~I ~Tll if ~ff~~ ~I ~Tm--[i) ~~ oqfCRftiT lfR ~ P1T~ fdifCf In fr~CRi ftilfT fIlIT ~T ~

oT ~~r f~ff tiT fmQ ~ ~c ~ ~Ifim ~ lfT

(ii) ~~ C7JforcrfiT l1fG q~ f~r if~ft~ fflcr q~ f~~1fcr fEfillT

irltfT~Tcrj PrT~fu~ ~)~ CiiTfcrff ~ ~ ~ ~crr ~~ m

(iii) llR ifi~ ~ fltf1fcr if ~ of IEfTfqcr~lt ijfiffi ~ f~ ta~ ~f qf~aTT ~ f~ ~~T~iff1 iitrmiddot ~ ctIfi ~iT~ lfT

(J lffq- ~~T FTif lff ~Tltn1lT ~~rctff~ if ~crfqJifll _if~T ~) _ ~_ - - c - - bull - bull -

( i) llR ~ ~mT1fcrr rnr mr ~ ~Tm- ~~ ~rf~iffi

~lifl ~ ~11q ~ ijCfiat ~~ llfq- ~~ ft1iiRT ~T ~ ~crT ~ ~~i Cf-ltt ~ If gtrfucrfcrcr ~ ~ ~ trT 1ri ~ltra- if f~~T ~~T~ill (tfa if rm-~ iIit ~crr ~ if)

i3tl~T 1ct fiflfiffi ~ f~erif ol1ri A~ lti1i liT

(ii) ~~T q-f~Tamp1T ~fa- ~ ~T ~ ifT~ ~~ ifF it~if~

~~~T ~ ~) ~ Iff~cfMT CfilSTfl ~ Cfil~Tftij q-~

~middotm-t fT

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 toss (SRVN21 1919 SAKA)

tro~qf~cftamp1TenT~ lfCffUfrri ~~ ~ fCffaft 7fm ~ ~)

wrflffi ~ ~R ~ ij- lffUenOf~l ~)rrT I

11 ij-lT lti ~~Hr fiT CfltfCflt~ii~~r ftltTT m ~ Cf~ ~lti ~T I

~mmij-Cf~ ci ~rn ffm enT ~m ro~ jf~r rCfrif flflirOf ~rq~rCf~r~cn SlCOlfli ~CflT ~ f~ ~rr-laquo(1q

r fir~ enT IroltrT

f Cflti~~ 11 laquo~flff tiT ~WT if ~~T fiff~~bullbull fii laquoTerTli~1 [T~T fr~~

L ~ ~1f7f (ljjrrr~ tiftffiilT ~~ ~T~lf ~fijti Gft~ (ltiCf~ ~Cicrof ~flEfiT ltt1

r f~) ~T llFlRfT ~I ~l fiilfT IrolJTlfCfITTflta ~rr

~~~~~ Rr~ CflT frlfRf crT lfT ltit ij- lffUti ~~

lfil ~T ii ~ltllgt1 ~~aT fI1rr~ ~q ~frllfra tiT ifroql -

( ti) laquoTm liciT [T1T fi ~~CT ~if tfltWOffultIT fiITir~Gf iRT

frrli ltfa ~I 1 ~ ~ISO ~qT

(~) cr~t1fa [TV fiilfJ tI~Fi f~rrfat1f [TU fi-iCifCl ~

~ i~ ~Fn - -(rr) Cf~)ilfa~Rr laquolJCfT~lJTrr~~Gf lf11Tf~ ~~ 6l ltWT ~

iq6Qar ~~fr flfltf~lfT if it ~ ~ltflfT tilom ~ 1i~

ffifla- etf IrC(lTt t~if~ r Cf~tq llY prri(rr~lfltaflllq rrq ~ q-l~

(I) f~ifVCftTT ~ HHrra~ iIro f ~T lil ~wr ~ ~rltfil~r rniT c5 wrtrr~ fiff~ til ilIQrrl~fulTl ll~ ~ Ii) fltltrr ilIQrrTif) ~Cfrrl ~~ Ii) f~lffl if ~~( ~ tn crnltr ~ ltlt1 fT lfl~1dlt flaquolof ~ m ~ ~ 1f) ~

~ laquol~rltfir middotf~ifR~Tif ~ ~if~ laquocrr~ ~ ~ 1lt liflt ~ ~fir~ 1f) ~Jfrltr ~) Q) ~1 if ~ ~ ~ ~ ij- ~o fTrrr I

12 (1) ~ In lift q) ~ fltrVctasrrfilm) are ~T ~

if q1Iqf ~ ~ fm FTflf ~ ~ ~ ~ f~ ~w ~ rrl -n ~m Ifi~ ~ ~ tr~ramp)lfr I

(2) ~ ~ ffilaquo) ~~~ )i) ~crr ri f~ frr+ltr firfia ei mtTif SJfdrwtfR fiIrlrrn ~ tc

I (i) ~ ~rT m 11l Cl1f~-f~rlirt q f~) J~ fil~iVf jqf 11l vfvllrtw rt=crrf~~ lfr ~


1056 HARYANA GOVr OAZ AUG 12 1997 (SRVN 211919 SAKlA)

~~lfruri ~Tiilf ~ 1fJij ~ ~fltlfT1JfT~r~ ltir qrn~ ifq~

ffq~ lff ~ullti snferfroJf ~fCfi f~~laquomlf lfT

(ii) 4r=~Tlfij~~(~ lfr fijT liPrT ~rlr 1Ir ilfflle ff~rlf qr~~

ffqf~(f ~T lIr f f~ij~r ~crT- lIr ~raelirlf Frrf~c lfr fpriiIJl~1lf ~~~ lt6 qfij QT - ~~rr

( Hi) li~ Wt rn ~~ wcro~llti ~1Oi ~cr fmlf fijlaquo~r I

fifliQI1JTij~m fi qrij if QT ~lfr lT~-ij~Iiltt fifiifll

n~~r ~ foOOT 1ft ij~ liT1~T ij~fcr ~ fiiflllllls (ii) ltT lSl1I~(Hi) if ferfiff~e ~iltr lIrflitTIWll ~filI ijm~ lIr flilaquoT laquo1Oif lIr fltWTlIq ~r ~ ~ f~ ~fcrfifIfifCfl fCflllrfl~r I

ltrnil~T filii 13 mi~)iiTifcrlfT ijm- Wt ~~mm~~ffimTif CffT WlI q1ffi I ~qIe ~q ~ ~lT ~ fCflllIlrlfr~ ~ i1 ~ ~~ fifl11rTCflfTfcrfrlnrTrnr

fifltT~ QTiT iSlTijfif ~Tfrmir am ~cr ~ mermi ~ ~erTrr ~lferT mll

fcnrrrr li~ aT~r iif~Ii criT 1ij ijlflf ~llT fliijT ferfer ~ $fftr $fqiTa-Ifr

iififr~ ~ i21 ~CfT ~~ ~ WRTlt lfr iifiTq GfT1t I

4IfR ~rmrlff 14 (1) ~ijiI IftTftcrlfT ~crlfT ~IlfT tr1ifa-cr qfli~T if ~ltrr ~ ij(~

~ ~m I ijlilf -ijlil ~ lflfT trlfTfampCTQf~rarr fijf~ ~CfT (iUi crlfT~t11) fllIq 19 i 7

am fpiftrcr l

qVg ~laquot TrtlcrlfTffT ~~q 3JT111ri ~r ijliCfT~ ~ Trf~t ~ml Ii ~ ijIfCRf srrftriflril CflfTwmr ~rf~r~ ~cr ~ mCftfTif ~ wrii 309

~ ~if iif~ ~ ffilaquot f~fS lfT fif~ cf 1qqelT~ mfttr ~ ~~ ~ l fT

~ fifl11rT~ qf(fllllSe 1 if fcrfrf~ i I

( 2) ~(lfrurr fm~ ~err (~ ~T ~~) fiflijJ 1987 cf f~ 9 ci ~-f~ (1) ~~ (~) lfT ~i (f) ci mftrr- fitl ~ ~ mlll srrf~ (f1IT~ SIiN~ro m- ~ ~IJTSf)~ fifll1JTci q-f~fuISe ~ if

frlltIf~~ I

IT tNA I -15 ~ IliT SR~ifi ~ fiif ~~ fm fm ~ ~ sr~T

Im ~el f~ ~i em ViIbullbull~n crSITlil e~ ~I~iIi(iI I

~f1friflSir iii) 16 ~ ~ sreifCfl ~ ij jfiI Clifi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ smt(f1lT fCfffl lINr I rro 3(fT ~ froT ~ mcnrR ci srfcr lRfltf1iOT Cfgt1l1M1fif ~ ~ e) ttm

Irol tit rnn ~ I

bullbull aYANA GOV1 GAZ AUG 12 1997 (SRN 21 1919 SAKA)

1 7 ~ ~ 1111 UlI if ~ f~ c6 fCflm- ~Ir if t)lr ln ~ ~~ 111ft

~1If 3fr Iff~ ~) ~ q ~ f~ ~ m T 04fcfaq) c6 fw1 ~ I

~ 3fT m bullbull ~if ~mfi ~1tl

18 ~~1 if f~ ifffi ~~ ~~ f1f~~ 5fTf~ ~ q flrn~ t f~ srmr if ffl~A oyenT fi ~ffiIT ~o m 0) ~ qm ~

nmt I

19 ~ fflflff if ltft ttimiddot~ amf ~TRf~R am ~ m if ~- ~ I

~ ~ GIrit fwA 1A srr~T ci ~ WiWbullbullo arrfoit~ IlfiCl ~

ffoAff w~ ~ ~ f~i1r ~fcfaif ~ illfGfOlif ~ fllllaquoT ~ ltf1T 3fT sr~ iJi) M ~ Iffif ~ ~T OIT ~ f~ 1fl1 srmfCffl If ~

qi~ ~J ~ ~ f~~ srm=rur crft ~ srfumroTf~1 1ft ~ cmf srfumr~ mfTti ~ ~

2~ ~fiI Ulf (~ti ~1) ~ ~ 1963 ~ftlfT1itr tliIt f~wn ~1TU~~f~1(~nti ~~ I

q~ ~ SIItf[ Mmr ~ ~ mfrt fitnn ~ ~ mQ II

11ft Ii IMtift(~~T ~ l1l~ ~T ~ q1ft flllm M vrft IqIIflttT 1Ir1Iff ~t ~1 GI ro~11

lOS8 HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG ll 1997middot-(SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

1 CfT(m -

2 ~m

a ~~ --- -~ -

4 fWT~~

5 illifGT(

V-- 6 ~ q1~1ltU1

7 ~CfTqn

8 1fi(T~

9 ~m~fr

bull- - -- -r 1~

3 1 4

5 11 16

13 2 15

3 _ bull3

1 1

bull58 61 119

2 2

1 1

1 2

950--20--- H 6~Tampf~

1400~ 30~o fm~~c 800~- 15--101 Obull-ltelanTa-- 201150 illf 3 0~ 0 fero~ cQii

80(-~15~1olHh1tttffi- [-i8 1150~ 3~~oliriq ieuroA

800middot-_1 Sl 01o-~~(~a-20-middot-1150~t-30~~frQ1~ c~f

- 0 lt~h- ~ ~ ~~c

8 0 0middotmiddotmiddotmiddot bull15-10t 0 ~61~Tfli~ (1 11 5 0 iilff 3 0 ~ 0 fqiftf cTffOi ~

775--12-- 956~QT~m--14--

1 OZ5 iilif 30~o fclT~ ~~

750middotmiddot 12- - 870 a~arflg--14-940 iJIf 3 0 ~ 0 fltril~C~

7 5 )-middotbull1 2 bullbullbull8 7 o--a~ltInTa--14-940 iqf 30~o ~ cor

750-12-870--~~Ta--14--940 ~r 30~o fcmtf cfOil

3 750--12--870- -~~m--14-940 ~r 30~o fcriTlSfCltIi+ 6 5 ~ 0 fcriT1Sfq~T

5 750~-12~-87o-~~Tu--14- - 940tqr 30~ 0 f~~ cfo

1 750-12--870 bull-a~Ter bull-14-940 ~ 30~o fcmlSf cl5f



HARYANA-GOVT GAZ AUG_12 1997 I 1059 (SRVN 21 1919SAKA) ~

- bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull-_bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull- __ --- _-- - __ bull-------lIflo ~~ ~ftlllaT ~ ~ ~o 1lT~f~ ~J-nRrrif~T

tll1G1 lffa tf1~ ~ I-~-~~_u _middot ~- bullbullbullbull bullbullbullI1-1 It IIaoodW~iilRRmiddot

1 2 3

(i) tf1Tm~ if tI~ 0

CT 0 tI~ 0 ill ~nrr

~ltfl ~ tllOcff qJ~

~l ~~ij ~cff qJ~

J~~ ilTOql lT~

V 10 Bt)r~~cj f1tf1m~ f~~l~Cf tlTOC(T qJ~

~ fitJT~~

12 Ii- qeR~ cm~lt6l ~TIr$~ltF~bullbull~__~k_~~middot____ ~~~~~_~~_~f=~ amp iI II It bullbullbullbull Aoa4 bullbullbullbullbullbull

bullbullbullbull--- bull- __ -------ampool-~O-~l~l ml ~ tI~ fillmmiddot ~ fm Wamplfurct7 lITnrmii CMT ~l1G1

ltfu T~~ UJlod~I-ooILoaJ 11bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull_


(i) ~l ~T ~hhrl1lltT ~ ~TI (ii) ltRT~qc( Fi ~ 112 eMCfiT


(i) f~l ~t ~laquoif)

~lltT tf1T~TI i

(ii) ~~T ef1~ if ~m ~ ltliT~l1cr

(i) ~T ~~ ~iifl ItlltT~~ (ii) f~ ~ ef1 ~ iftfcP ~

fiT ~ltq _ - (i) f~l Cfqf ~l3ft~1ltT Gtil~fr (ii) ~~~ It1 ~ if tfr~ ~ ~


(i) f~l CMT~~~T~(II(Tlt6T~(lj _

(ii ) ~~ ~ ~ if tftf qrf ~T

tIllq (i) f~T CMT~~T ilTqT Cffl~TI (ii) IrfiM c ~ ~q if tftq~ ~T


~1 ~l oi) ~l ~fr~ amp- c If - 8 ~ tI~ mocr qJ1I -

~l ~~1I1Ocfttft~

~T ~ tlTOctT tfHI

~r ~ ml lttiT~Tii I__ bullbullbullbullbullbullIIbullbullbullbull It I k bullbullbull J __ __ ~_~_ k r1s t w bull _

Jtt~ ~J


1060 HARYANA GOVT OAZ AUO 121991 (StVN 211919 SAU)

~~ 14(1)]

bullbullbull fi~~ IIr bullbullbullbull middot~middot


srrftilltf~ ~CfiT(~

~---~--------------------------------------~-------1middot ------ middot2 - 5 bull 1 ~~-

Vltf~ ~Tffi fcrCdl$RI

(1) ~~ mfCf ~fqr - (~qwl)

~mm~~ (ii) bullbullfWfltIl

(iii) ~~ ~)tr I (iv) ~amp1T ~ ~~m~~1l

11U IPittr ~ lttiT

~ itfl 1Pff a qT ClI~

r~ rtf ~ ~~~~

fIi q frqfinr ~ fl ~ Grt bullbull bull

mtqTm~~~ ~ IImtil~f rro ~

~ ~ Sli ftiifl(li ~

8 C(qr ftlaquo bullbull fillClI4 Cfft If ~ a- ~ff~~~m

I~ J1 11ft ~~ ~If (v) ~f1n1fmiddotmt m~ bull ~)IfiIl i 2 qt tliT~-

vi) ~ srm~ m~ m ~trt 11 i(~ ~J

(ri) ~tirfii11 nf ~

~ (IIfMI1~

~ 9[qrftr ~

it~ ~ ~1 ~r~ro jI -~ bullbull

bull lt



~ q~ ~ ~ fcnn1r


R1ib 14 ~2008

mtmmiddot~ocmo fro 1~o3Fo S09l2009-IJTffi ~ ~ ~ ~ 309

~ampRT ~ ~ ltffl UltfTrr m~ ~ ~~ ~ ampRT filfllgCRf

~ ~ (WI tr) ~~ 1997 em 3lfI1 ~ CfRllc)r ~ fllfBRsit1 fJltm


1 ~ 00 Fcr~lgltRI~ ~ ltwr tr) ~ (~ fWr 2009 ~ iT


2 Fcrt1Iyenf1~ ~ (WI tr) ~ filtrir 1997 ~ ~ ~ ~

~ 4 c)r -M Uiif ~ 7 t~ ~~ ~ CfiT ~~ ~ ~ R

bullbull ~ ~ 3l1Olff lffi1 ~~ ~ ~ I

~FTTtt Fcr~I$ffi~ lmFr~ ~ mcPR

~ C1llT 31TQGT ~ ~ I

bull bull


- c

1 4

It) 51

~~ ~~ ~ltAftr11ft ~ ~~

-t ~~rf ~qf ~~ wt1Rrbull 1fT ilaT ~T~ m

- ~ma it tfli If~ q~ ~ ~(J ~f

mrft m ~Ifi




(viii) fll1=re~iffi~ rlie IR qT hr c~ ~ iTiAftr 11) ~ mrtr ~ ~ ~ ~6ttffl ll~ N ~r ~f- Ii ~ ~ -wrRr ftflqT ~ ~

tR~rf(J ~ ~

VTtrrorI6 ~- ~t itm ~-h tK ~

Rr ~~ mro-~ flll1fr ~T lIT ~ q ~ ~

Iill wIIf i~ ~

W iI ~ tf1~ q

~ ~rt if wlaquot ~m~~l~ ~ 111 wri f4rr~

(is) ~ rn ~j

(x) ~ t ~ ~ ~~~ ~fWq~bull~

(raquof) W~ ~ bull 1ITltft ~ at 8iR tffIllIl1 j ~

tatmiddot aa ~ ~i ---_~

1062 HARYANA GOVT6AZ bull AOO Hlfl (SRVN 21 119 SAlA)

--_------------------------------_ -------------------fflfur ~l ltt1 ltft faatll f~ij~ rnw~ ~ sTTf~t srrfClll~1

- I

7IN lili ~ -------- ~ bull__r ~_r~)_) _

1 2 3 4 6 6

-----------------------~--~----------------------(i) ~ fiT f~~ qrof 41ffl fTtlnrT ~~ fltmTll

ill ~)r ~~~l ~~q

mafcRr liwrrifiT qfwjl$1 ~lIr 1vn


(ii) a~ ma crfJm ~ ftrlf frrmr ~~8fiq ~~ 1ft ~ I -


6 ~ ifjctf~T~


8 tlitTllT

9 ~~ff1

1 0 ~ltQltf ~lt

11 qTm

1 2 itil Cfilt

-~-----------------------~--~---------~-----------~ 0 jfT CflfT

f~qt~ ~cf ~ laquofltctruIT ~ ~ fiIIR I


-----------------------------~----------~~~--~~~ r Autborised English Translation)




The 17th July 1~7

No GS R 58Const Art 30997-ln exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the constitution of India the Governor of Haryana hereby makes the following rules regulating the recruit-ment and conditions of service of person appointed to the HaryanaFinancial Commissioners Office (Group D) Service namely-


1 Tllese rules may be called_the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rule 1997-

2 In these rules unless the context otherwise requires -

(a) Udlrect recruitment means an appolntment made other-wise than by promotion from within the service or bytransfer of an official already in the Service of the Government of India or any State Government

(b) employment exchange means the employment ~exchange situated in Haryana

(c) Financial Cc-mmissioner~ means Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government Haryana Revenue Depart-menti

(d) ~GoveiilDlent~means the Haryana- Government- in the - AdministratiVe Department

(0) institutions means -

~i -aAy inStitUiCionestablished -hl Jaw in force in the State _~ of Ha~lJa ~t- (11)any otherinstttuti-drr i-eampigmsed by - the GoverDIDCDtpoundor

tie putposo()f tbtgtsC rules - _ -_ __

-t)-loirif S~cietarPnieans 10int Secretary -to Government Haryana Revenue Department

(g) Rajya Sainik Board rnean~ the office of the Secretary~ --RajyaSaihikBpatQflalaiut- r bullbull~ - bullbull ~ - bull - bull -- -- - - bullbullbullbullbullbullbulllJy ~

C(hrc~~Service means the middotHaqana Financial -Co1Pmi~Sioners office (Group D) Service _ -

_(ij UnderS~~ae-Ymiddot-l1lns the Under Secretary to Government Haryal1tl h~~eniieDepartment

Short title


1064 IAllYANA OQYT oAt AVGli 1i11 (SRVN n 1919 ampuA)


Nunl)er an 3middot The Srvioe shall oomprise tkc poIt 1M Ia AppeHIamp A Cluracter cf to ebes ruls

- POtts

Provided that nothing in those rUNSshall tfoat tho Inbrrout ript ot Oov~nment to make additions to or redaatiolls In the UUDlbcr of suoh posts or to oroate new pous whh dUCbullbull nt deslaatlGlls and scale of pay eitber permanently or temporarily

Natonality 4 (1) No person shall be appointed 10 bullbull Y pobullbull In tbo ServltIIdomicile and unless he Is-character or candidates app lnted to (a) a citizen of india 81 Service

(b) a subject of Nepal 01

Ce) a subject of Bhutan or

(d) a Tibetan refuee who came over to India 1MIfore thl 1st day of January 1962 Withthe intentioll of prmlllatly senHo in India i or

(0) a person of Indian origin who has m1ilattd from PatlstaB Burma Sri Lanka or any of the Bast African CeWltrles of Knya Ulanda Tho Unittd IltpubUf Taua bullbull (formerly Tanpnyika and Zanzibar) Zami Malawi Zaire and Bthopia with the intentloB of permaneoU sottliBI In India

Provided that a person belollJlua te any of tlae cate bullbull ribullbull lt)(0) (d) or (e) shall be a person In wkbullbull favour bull mlficate of eUgibility has been issued by the Gemment

(2) A person in whose case a certificate of eliJibility is DeetSSary maybe admitted to an examination or interview coaduttd by Silo recruitina authority but the offer of Ippeintatmay be given only after the necessary oliamplbiUty Cortlftcato has beeJl Issued to him by the Government

(3)No person shall be appolnt04to any bullbull dID iIInI direea recruitment unle he produeel a eortUloate of bullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull tile Principal Aoademic Offioer of the 8bullbullbull 1 01 institution last atteudod if any and similar Certlffcate fiea olher rtspOnsib1ep8lsonl no beina his relativos bullbullbullbull ate woll teuW with him in his private Uf and aN 1IBIOaow16 JaIl School or Institution

Art ~ 5middot No person ahan be appointed to an oat ill tM $enla bl clirN naruitment 0 is 1181thao sbtllD )rJ1II or I80N tliaR t~fl YArs 6f a ~I before tk date flllUbttlloa faPltn bullbull bullbullbull apPointinl authoJity

App)intfna 6 All appOlnlmenSto the po -In tile ittM _0 be bullbullbull Authority

~hc Under SecIetalYbullbull

bull iIARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 1065 (SRVN 211919 SAKA)

7 No person shall be appointed to any post in the Service unless Quallbtatloai he Is In possession of qualifications and experience specified In column 3 of Appendix B to these rules in tire case of direct recruitment and those specified in column 4 of tile aforesaid Appendix In the case of persons appointed other than by direct reeruitment f

Provided that in t he case of ap po1ntmert by direct recruitment the qualifications regarding experience shall be relaxable to the extent of SO at the discretion of the recruiting authority in case sufficient number of candidates belongillg-toSchMiUlcd Castbullbullbull Backward Classes Ex-Servicemen and Physically Handicappedcategories possessing the requisite experience are notavailable to fill up tho vacancies reserved for them after recording reasons for so doing in writing

8 No personc- DisqualifJcationl

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living or

(b) nho having a spouse living bas entered Into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eUgib10 for appointmentto any post In the Service

Provided that the Government may if satisfied that such marriage Is permissible under the personal law applicable to such personand the other party to the marriage and there other groundsfor so doing exempt any person from the oPeration of this rule

9 (1) Recruitment to the Service shall be made- Met1Iocl of recruitment

(a) in the case of Carpenter -

(i) by direct recruitment Of

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case of Stamper-

(i) by promotion from amonlStDaftri or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an otficial already in the service of any State Government or tlie Government -of India

(c) in the case of Daftri-

- (i) by promotion-from amongst Record Lifter or (ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service

of any ~tate Gowrpmmtt --or the Government of India

(d) in the case of Record Lifter-(i) by promotion tromamo~gst Peon (ii) by transfer -of depmatiQlJ dan official already in the service

of any State Oovtmment -orthe Governmentof India J

HARYAN AGOVT GAZ~t 1997bullljmiddot~~12J(SRVN21 1919SAKAj

(e) in the case of Jamooar-

(i) by promotion from am ngst Peon or

(ii) by transfer or (~eputation of an official already in tile service of any State Government or the Government of India

(f) inthe case of Head OilOwkkar-

(i) by promotion from amongst Ot10Wkifar (gt

(ii) by transfer cot dcpqttltbJl of an 0ffici~1alr~ y ir the service of ampDYmiddot SUttte Qo~mell( or tne Government of India

(g) in the case of Peon-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case dFrash-

(i) by direct recruitment laquor

(ii) by transfer or ceputation of an official already in thesetvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(i) ill the ca~~of Khalasi-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of allY State GovelPmellt orthe G)verumentoflooia

(j) in the case ofsweeper-cum-Ohowkidar-

(i) by direct recruitment of

(ii) by transfer of ueputation of an official alrerdy in the-scrvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(k) intn~ tase ot Qh()wkQaT~

(i) by direct recruitment or ~ bull ~

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official ~headyir th~ service of anYStato GotlertlllWlt ~tbe GoveilunenloUndla

- bullbullbull bull ~ ~(l))iJ the CampS~()tdit~eWQrk~r~~-~middot

- ~ (i) by direct recruitment or

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 121997 1067 (SRVN21 1919SAKA)

(2) All promotions unless otherwise provided shall be made on Seniority-eum-fitness basis and seniority alone shall not confer anyright to suer promotions

(3) Unless otJaerwise provided in this rule whenever any vaeaaay ocwra or iabout to occur In the Servicebullbull the appointing authority shall aetermine the manner in which it shall De filled in

10 (1) A peraon appointed to any poet in the Service shall remain on pro batten for a period oftwo years jf appointed by direct recruitment and one year If appointed otherwise ~

Provided that-(a) any period aftmo such appointment spent on deputation

on a corrasponding or a highm-post shall count towards the period of probation

(b) any period of work in equivalent or higher rank prior to appointment to any post in She Service may in the ca of an appointment by transfer at the discretion of tho appointinl authority be allowed to count towards tlto pet of probation fixed undtl this rule and

(e) any period of officiating appointment Ihall be reckoned as pariod spont on probation but no person who has so officiated shall on the oomplotion of tho proscribedperiod of probation be entitlod to be confirmed unloss he is appointed against a permanent vacancy

(2) If in the opinion of tho appointing authority tho work or conduet of a person during the period of probation is not satisfactory it may-

(a) if such person is appointed by direct recruitment dlspensowtth his Services and

(b) if IUch porion is appointed otherwise Ihan by dirocc recrult-ment-

(1) revert him to his former post or (ii) deal with him in such other manner as the terms and

conditions of the previous appointment permit (3) On the completion of the period of probation of a person

the appointing authority may-(a) if his work or conduct h~ In its opinion been

sa tisfactory-(I) confirm such person from the date of his appointment

if appointed against a permanent vacancy or (ii) confirm such person from the date from which a

permanent vacancy occurs if appointed against a tempo-rary vacancy or

(Hi) declare that he has Completed his probation satisfactorilyif there is no permanent vacancy of

(b) if his work or conduct has in its opinion been not satisfactory-laquo

(i) dispense withhil Services if appointed by direct recruitment if appointed otherwise revert him to his former post or dea 1 with him In such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous appointmentpermit or




(U) extend his period of probationand -thereafterpass such

older as it Could have passed~9n~t~ eipfry-o( t~ ]~lst period of probatig~ -

Provided that (he total period Qf prp~tiou in~l~d~~g-lif~lSJ~n

if any shall not exceed three years

11 Seniority inter se of the members uftheService shaU be

determined by the length of Continuou~ service on any past -in the Service

Provided that where there are different cadr-es in the Service the serUorityshal b~t~erli~~rj~y for each cadre - -

Provided further that in the case -d members appinted by direct J~c1iiitinenpoundtheorder of tho merit determined by the employment exchange

or Rajya Sainik Board (for Ex-serviceman only) shall not be

disturbed in fixing the seniority

Provided further that in the case vf two or more- members -aPpointed

on the same date their seniority shall be determined as follows -

(a) a member appointed by direct recruitment- shall be senior to -a member appointed by promotion or by transfer

(b) a member appointed by promotion shall be senioito -a member appointed by transfer

(e) in the case of member appolnteltr by-promotion or by transfer seniority shall be determined according to the seniority

of such members in the appointments from which they

were promoted or transferred and

-(d) in the case of members appointed by transfer from different

cadres thelr seniority shall-be determined according

to pay preference being givento a member who was

drawing a higher rate of payIn his previous appoint-ment and If the rates of pay drawn are also the same then

by their length of their Service in the appointments and if the- Ie-ngth of such Service is alsorthe same the older member shall be senior tltdliC You-nger member

12 (1) A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at anyJJebiUl7 to aenemiddot place whether within oroutside the State of Haryana on being ordered

so to do by the appointing authority

(2) A member of the Service may also be deputed to serve under -

(j) II company an associ tion or a bod y of Individuals whether -_]i~ip~ni~__J~r not which Is wholly or substa ntialJy


HARYANA GOVT OAZAUG 12 1997 1069 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

owned or controlled by theSta te Government a Municipal corporation or a local authority or university within the

~-Stateof Haryana -_ --_~-~

- eii) The Central Government or l company an aHOCt~tionor a body of individuals whetllor incorporated or Dot which is wholly or substantially owned controlled by theltII

Central Government or

(Hi) Any other State Government an int8lBamptiona1-orgaJllsation and autonomous bidy not controlled by the Government or

_a private body

Provided that no member of the Service shall be deputed to serve the Central or any other State Government or anyorganisation or body referred to in clauses (ii) or clause (ill) except with his consent ~ -

13 In respect of pay leave pension and all other matters not ex-pressly provided for in these rules the members of the Service shall be grvar ned by such rules and regulations as may have been or may here-after be adopted or made by the competent authority under the Oonsritu-tion of India or under any law for the time being inforce made by the State Legislature

14 (I) In matters relating to discipline penalties and appealsmembers of the Service shall be gJ verned by the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules 1987 as amended from time to time

Provided that the nature of p_enalties which may be imposed the authority empowered to impose such penalties and appellate authorityshall subject to the provisions of any law or rules made under Article 309 of the Oonstitution of India be such as are specified in Appendix 0 to these rules

(2) Phe authority competent to pass all order under clause (c) or clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punish-ment and Appeal) Rules 1987 and appellate authoriryshall be as specified in Appendix D to these rules

15 Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and re-vaccinated as and when the GOVernment so directs by a special or generalorder

16 Bvery member of the Service unless he has already done so shall he required to take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established

17 Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so it may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions of these rules with respsct to any class or category of persons

18 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the appointing authority may Impose special terms and conditions in the orden of appointment if it is deemed upedient to do so

Pay leavepension and other matters

Disciplinepenalties and appeals


Oath of allegiance

Power of relaxation


1070 HARYANA OOVT GAZAUG12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

Rbullbullbullbull tfooa

Repeal and SaiDls

19 Nothing contained In these rul bullbullbull llall ailect naenetlou aod other ooaeeaaions req1llred to be provided fa tlw 8eIledule4 Gastea BackwMd CIuaes Bx-servicemen Physically )aandt capped personl or any other amp1188 or eateaery of persons In ucordanct with tho orders illued by the State Government Inthla regard from time to timel

ProvJded that the total porcentage of roservationl 10 madohall not old 50 ~ of any time

20 The Punjab State (Class-IV) Service Rules 1963 in their application to the State of Hatyanaj are hueby repeaJod bull

Previded that any order made or action taken under tho rules so repealed shall be dNDled to havo been made or taken under the C01108-

pending provisions of these rulos -I

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 2: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr

1050 HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

mif II-middotmiddot~r fi mrT

3 ~crr if ~rr frnrr ct1 qf-f1Jlie 1li if amrll ~ ~ ~ffl

q~~ ~rr frtlmT co) col iTT emr ~~ q~T m ~~ if crf4 lIf ampfi1fT~ lTfbull fcrfwrr ~T ~tt ~CA1ITrrTemf ~ qi ~JTlrTwrltrf ~M ~q ~ ~ ~

~~ ct1 WCifff~ mCT~ IT 5f+fTCf~r sTcffifT I

~ fi ~nrT 4 (1) col iTTOlffiffi ~ it f1li~T qG IT Ciif Ci1lifiliiif~rr flffZll fA Ill ~iJT fOfQlfgtfcp ~ f~~r rr ~r--QRr~ff ifi)~ta0l C~) tfR a ltiil ifrifflt1li lTf mltnij aIT (la) fITrVl coT gtiGlf IT~UII

(I ) errr co) 5fJIf lTf

(ltI) f~ CfiT ~M fT ~T GJilltr(T 1962 ~ ~ tfTm

if ~IfTI1)~q ij-lFf ct1JTTllflT ~ ~flIT I ~T lTf

(1=) tfrom 1iVl fii Olffiffi fT qrfiifCifrr orm 9[~Ifi CiQr mrrzn ~~ ~GIlfrrr oj laquo~CfCi if1JT~ Pll ( ~ltf eTtrrrrT1lir in~ ffTcm) Gfr~f if~ltrl Gfilfi ~1tlfTflTlfr ~ fm tihr~ltit ~w ij- 5fltrTImr ~T~ +fro - flfTlTT~ ij- of~ ~ IIlllflT ij- mliT

~t ~

5f-cm (~)

(rr) (if) CitTr (6=) ~ ijuifercr ~ijf iiliffa ~mr

f~ ~ if mQ ij1liT- [Tlt 1Tf1m em 5flfJGT-tfeI GIl~) flffZll

rrli ~T I ( 2) co) ~ GlffCfCifGfijCiTGl11lif 1Tr~ ~ 5fifr1lT-q~ mCWTItf ~ mff

STrfCTCfi~am ~~~ liT ijf~Kqn ~ fRlttsrf~ flffZll GIT ~r ~

fep~ fifliffi em 5fWrq~~~~lt [ro f(mff 5flfJGTge( ~) femf rri ~

iffG ~ fGlTtrnT~ ~ I

(3) lttilttfTlffiffi~ ~ f~) qi q ~nrT ~1 aTr f~ (I flPlJJ ~rrr iIi(ltPilfli q~ ~fT-~furif~qf~IffCi ci f~crf~ ~crumlf fafU1lllT lTr ~IfT ~ mGli1 ~T 5ICTrrr1ll~Cfi ~fCT~~T ij- crfUl 5IlfJGT-tfeI q-~ GT

~~WlI f~m ntfltRfI1T ij- ~ iri ~~QT r f~ ~~ ~qltf flq-r

it ~~ tfV)-tfmf qfltf=ltffl ~T ~tt ~~f~GNIffiZf~CRlmlf fCRlmlf

1fJ ~~l1 ~ ijaifw rr QT ~) 5f~ ~ 5IlfJGT-tfeI~ r~ I

5 - cpT ~l olfffi( ~orr ~ fltti~) q(( q~ ~frit tfOT ar~r rflfltfCf ~ fllllf

~T1liJTfTf~fffimiddot5Ir~l lttiT ~rmSffirCi ~ lil fa-fvr coT lIT ~~ q~~

~~ ~ ~ ~ lIT tfCll~ ~ ~ mClil ~TlI fif r ~ I


HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 1051 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA) I

7 ~ ~ lRffGffi ~~ fm fr q~ middot1iif 1i1i frl~ if~ Pirlfr iifr~

iliI 01 q ~nft Rff lifil m if Jtif fif2Prl ~ qf(f~ V ~ wm 3 if titT ~lVlmiddot1iffmiddott~ f~ ~T~ if tr~ ~ ct lIlRf if ~a ~rtt o~f ~ it ~~ ampT

q~~ ~ +1mrnr fiPlfltRi ct em ~ ~Ilftt~ if ~ mf~1Jf ~ f~ ~ fw~ ~ FIJq~frtT aIT ~T~ ~ H m~ ~~ltmT q ~~ fu~ Atd~Q fZCf1i q~TopT TVl ~ f~~ ifijrampl~i~~

~ ~~ ifiT rn~~~~ r ff ~ij1~ ~ fuQ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ti I

8 ltmi ~ ollfCRT -

(ltfi) fi3WcTJfY~ q-ful~ ftt ~ ~ f~ ~ f~ t 111

f~ ct tfcro ~~) l t ~__ w

(v) f~ 1ffQ~l ~ sftf~ ~Rfi~fm W74 aqf~ ~ fom~ IIn f~ ~ 1fT f~ opT tf~ am ~r t iiTit ~ ~ If(

f~ 1fT qf~ ~ ~M

f~ l~ ~~fiI~ en)- ~Ctfisa ~ if(q Tru ~~ orITiffi QtlT ~~~ ~

tl ~l ~ttr fqf~~ tjaR ~m fltrqr~vj~tramp ~T ~~ ti~

~ ~ wraT IT ~ ctf ~ ft1~n ~ ~f ~~ frrilf ~ llTlJ ~~ ~ c ~ ~T~ I

(1) ~~ mft fiW1f~f~1i~r~ ltfir~Tiil--

(cti) qitlti~~qfle~nl~

(i) ~11i q~1gro illiCfT

(ii) fltt1~) ~~ ~Tlt ~ltfr ~~~~ qi) mrr if ~ ~~ ~q f~~ ~lmfi~ ~l1Gfr SIf1iftQ ~ ~T~r

(~) ~q-lt qiTam-r 1lbull-

(i) lttiQf1fT tt ~ qtlFIfcr gT~T ~fGfT

- (ii) ff~frltT~ ~~lt iI~~ ~T~f1 ~ltfT 1fi1 ~Cfr ~tf~ ij ~1 ~

f~~)~~~~~~~rrrla~ ill1~ ~fCJfif1ifij~T~ i

1052- HARYANA GOVT OAZ AUGl21997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

(i) ~T hTCfC~11~q~Fiffa ~~T ~~ltfl

(ii) rlf~ ~lnr~T~ ~iff lronramprt~ rn if bullbull ~ ~T~ J f1fi~ litHf~T~1~~~~~ ~~ltfT 00 jsrfiiftllflobull

~m-middot~ (oq) f~Ti f~IiiG6flf WIt~-

(i) ~(mT if ~ q~)ifro n~T q~qr

(ii)- f-t1~J1_f~~cpr~ $l~qr +IT~ mCiTfiT ~GH if ~ cent~~~

~ qT~)~ ~~Rr~o~ $l~qr srfoflt1ffl lIru -e

( ) ((lfrtlTflf CV1Jif --

(i) 9trJr11 ii ~ cttfifQ lIT~ _ A~qf

(ii) ~ UilI ij~r( ~~ lifT +ITQ ~ (CFr en) ~r il qii~ ~ euro ~~ bull f~ litatqr1f lti ~~TiromiddottlT i(~cif srfof~fqlti gTU

- (q) ~ q14lliTr( Iifif ~wr ~ bullbullbullbull

(i) bullbulllcfim( t ~ q(t1flti QT(f ~~Cfr

- (ii) ftmt U~ mm 9tltfT +IT(i ~r(ifi-~qr-lf--~~ ~ ~r - -~~ ffi~)lifi1iifTtf cti ~rr~d~ $l~qT SIfufoll fur QTl

(i9) ~qrltT 6flf ~QlT If-~

(i) ~laf ~a1~T(Tmiddot ~~n -_ (ii) ftl~)~ ~( Tq-qT ltfiff mq7TltfiT ~Cff il q~~ ~ ~) ~~

fcti~ ~ifT- ~ ~qTir~Q(1I $t 1fqf ffufilt fcfo ~lltt

- (i) ~fafitmiddotaT ~ro~ ~~qr ii)r~(f~~-ll~T~T-a- trvm(6flt itiT -laquo q~ ~~ij ~

f~ ctiliifTtl Cf1~~rr~a(1lTt~ltiT srfaflt1ffliHf $lqiffbullbull 00 bullbull

(i) r9~~f ctit~Qlr~ ~-

~_ _(i)~aTa1nu_$l~~~j~ ~(iQfbVt ~~Ulqcrr ~ror~T( _~t ~ -q- ~~ ~ ~

- ~ -- -- ~fiUif mf~ ci ~~IJf WNT srtGf~~ffl 1lT(f

HARYANA GOVr GAZAUG121997 1053 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

lt bull 01

(i) ~ftcf~a1ero ~irCIT

(ii) fltti~ttr~ ~( ~trCff~ lrta~~T~ffr mrr i q~~ ~ ~

f~~)~qqrft F ~Tifra~ tIyenfCIT srfmifllfRt aT~bull ~ t bullV (c) qR1m-lt q) ltrWf if~middot-

(i) ~fl~1+f~1 gtr~crT lrTU

(ii) fCfl~l ~ tftOtillt ~yenfqf ~T~~T~ q1 ~Cfr ii q~~U ~1~ij

fCfi~l~fqn)i ~Tltrltf(1Jl tIyenfCff SIfafifllffa ~rf ~yenfCfTbull

(0) ejlr Ifh Efn Gwr if

-di) ~)~ftl~ff anr ~~crr

(ii) fct~iltr~1f ~Tlt Jf~Cfr l1roi ~lt qt Ucrr if q~~~ ~t ~iT flti~l ctl4qTot lti ~qTfra(lJT ~~CfT 51fafifllfcrcr a T

(2) ~GfijCfgt tI~~f ~ilflO r ~T ij~l q~rrrQlftllSliOffi rci il1t~rr~ ITITltq( 9l1 ilTiliTt ij~roilcm- ~~liom~l ~~1 qiirrfG1lToil f~~ 9lli tlfalgt1lt SIGTif ~rCfgtilrl I

( 3) ~iI fnmT if ~q Gctl tJi1t~fa-trGffaG r ~TUcrf if _1iGf ~l fili fUctG

mil ~ ~~qr ~R crrrr ~mt ~ ~Tfif3fCfaSITrllCi)rOT-~~~fffqG Cfgt~1fT fCfl q~

rct1~ lIiT ~ +1(l iilT~iT) I

10 (1) ~ ~ fCf~l~ft qGrrlt frRf ~~ ~ ~lal~~1am qfltft~T ~iRI ftlfTiflTT ~)a)~~) Cf4 ft tliffa ~ f~~hftltrfG qrqTfifiOffi fCfllfT ~r~)

h~if7 Cf~ fiT qGJfa ~ fu~ qrltltTeifT q( ~1fT

~---(it) ~~lf~fCffi ~ GlTGfltt~T 1~~q ~r _~qCi( ~ rrlt SIfCt~ifOffi rrlt

Clfa1cr ltfiT iff fint qcrfa ~1~T ltfi1 1crfl if fiTil1 iiT~iT1

(v) ~jIr~ltOI rrl1r~1~~Cfff Gwr if ~ if fm 11 R If

fpififfi ij- ~ fmmtCfilff _~r 3~qcnIT~ q~ f~ ~ ~IqlttIT~)f qqftr fiflfltfO srrftlilif(1--ci fqf~IfJ ~~ f~ ~ mWr fl1ffi

qflaquor~~CJfw ~r~ fm ~ GfT ijltiffT t ~h

1054 HARYANA GOVT GAZ AuG 121991 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

(q) ~[AfIFf am fiflfCKlctt tiT ifqftl-lff~rm ~ ~ iIl1 ~ ~

ct ~ 11 flRr iIlliqr f~ Cfl~~ ilIfRf fm ~ ~1ifTttiir

if CfiTq fCfillT~ trfTciTm ~rfcrf~~l ~ -U ampFrmiddot ~ lIf~ q f~~ ~ tn f~Gffi if f~T mn~~ fpqiiFffiT ~


( 2) lIfq- fnif1fO gtrrf~Tr CfllTlI 11 qf~~ Cfll~w ~ j~ lIfffi ifir ifirzl lfT ifTf1JJ~~fi if ~T ampT oT q-

(fi) ~ ~~n amprfCRf ijTa-l 101 ern f~CKI ffilfT iflfT ~ f a-ij~ bull ~1 ~ ti~middot1fit~rt i ~TC

(fSI) lfR ~m 0lff0Rl~Im-ra1 ~ ~i~r fif1RJ fq1lfT l11IT ~ m--(i) a-ij ~~ cf ~ q~ Slfaltlf~ Fffl ~~ lfT

(ii ) ~~ ~er if f~~Y~ Rlr ~)fcr ~ ~~~ ~r ~ ~T ~I ~ f~crcr i fl~ ~tClTff~ Itl~1

( 3) f~l ilffRr Cfrlqfwefr ~qrti ~ft ~ACrt ~flCf $IlfulllTil-

(IF) ll~ ~WFT itlzj lfT ~~ ~~I ~Tll if ~ff~~ ~I ~Tm--[i) ~~ oqfCRftiT lfR ~ P1T~ fdifCf In fr~CRi ftilfT fIlIT ~T ~

oT ~~r f~ff tiT fmQ ~ ~c ~ ~Ifim ~ lfT

(ii) ~~ C7JforcrfiT l1fG q~ f~r if~ft~ fflcr q~ f~~1fcr fEfillT

irltfT~Tcrj PrT~fu~ ~)~ CiiTfcrff ~ ~ ~ ~crr ~~ m

(iii) llR ifi~ ~ fltf1fcr if ~ of IEfTfqcr~lt ijfiffi ~ f~ ta~ ~f qf~aTT ~ f~ ~~T~iff1 iitrmiddot ~ ctIfi ~iT~ lfT

(J lffq- ~~T FTif lff ~Tltn1lT ~~rctff~ if ~crfqJifll _if~T ~) _ ~_ - - c - - bull - bull -

( i) llR ~ ~mT1fcrr rnr mr ~ ~Tm- ~~ ~rf~iffi

~lifl ~ ~11q ~ ijCfiat ~~ llfq- ~~ ft1iiRT ~T ~ ~crT ~ ~~i Cf-ltt ~ If gtrfucrfcrcr ~ ~ ~ trT 1ri ~ltra- if f~~T ~~T~ill (tfa if rm-~ iIit ~crr ~ if)

i3tl~T 1ct fiflfiffi ~ f~erif ol1ri A~ lti1i liT

(ii) ~~T q-f~Tamp1T ~fa- ~ ~T ~ ifT~ ~~ ifF it~if~

~~~T ~ ~) ~ Iff~cfMT CfilSTfl ~ Cfil~Tftij q-~

~middotm-t fT

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 toss (SRVN21 1919 SAKA)

tro~qf~cftamp1TenT~ lfCffUfrri ~~ ~ fCffaft 7fm ~ ~)

wrflffi ~ ~R ~ ij- lffUenOf~l ~)rrT I

11 ij-lT lti ~~Hr fiT CfltfCflt~ii~~r ftltTT m ~ Cf~ ~lti ~T I

~mmij-Cf~ ci ~rn ffm enT ~m ro~ jf~r rCfrif flflirOf ~rq~rCf~r~cn SlCOlfli ~CflT ~ f~ ~rr-laquo(1q

r fir~ enT IroltrT

f Cflti~~ 11 laquo~flff tiT ~WT if ~~T fiff~~bullbull fii laquoTerTli~1 [T~T fr~~

L ~ ~1f7f (ljjrrr~ tiftffiilT ~~ ~T~lf ~fijti Gft~ (ltiCf~ ~Cicrof ~flEfiT ltt1

r f~) ~T llFlRfT ~I ~l fiilfT IrolJTlfCfITTflta ~rr

~~~~~ Rr~ CflT frlfRf crT lfT ltit ij- lffUti ~~

lfil ~T ii ~ltllgt1 ~~aT fI1rr~ ~q ~frllfra tiT ifroql -

( ti) laquoTm liciT [T1T fi ~~CT ~if tfltWOffultIT fiITir~Gf iRT

frrli ltfa ~I 1 ~ ~ISO ~qT

(~) cr~t1fa [TV fiilfJ tI~Fi f~rrfat1f [TU fi-iCifCl ~

~ i~ ~Fn - -(rr) Cf~)ilfa~Rr laquolJCfT~lJTrr~~Gf lf11Tf~ ~~ 6l ltWT ~

iq6Qar ~~fr flfltf~lfT if it ~ ~ltflfT tilom ~ 1i~

ffifla- etf IrC(lTt t~if~ r Cf~tq llY prri(rr~lfltaflllq rrq ~ q-l~

(I) f~ifVCftTT ~ HHrra~ iIro f ~T lil ~wr ~ ~rltfil~r rniT c5 wrtrr~ fiff~ til ilIQrrl~fulTl ll~ ~ Ii) fltltrr ilIQrrTif) ~Cfrrl ~~ Ii) f~lffl if ~~( ~ tn crnltr ~ ltlt1 fT lfl~1dlt flaquolof ~ m ~ ~ 1f) ~

~ laquol~rltfir middotf~ifR~Tif ~ ~if~ laquocrr~ ~ ~ 1lt liflt ~ ~fir~ 1f) ~Jfrltr ~) Q) ~1 if ~ ~ ~ ~ ij- ~o fTrrr I

12 (1) ~ In lift q) ~ fltrVctasrrfilm) are ~T ~

if q1Iqf ~ ~ fm FTflf ~ ~ ~ ~ f~ ~w ~ rrl -n ~m Ifi~ ~ ~ tr~ramp)lfr I

(2) ~ ~ ffilaquo) ~~~ )i) ~crr ri f~ frr+ltr firfia ei mtTif SJfdrwtfR fiIrlrrn ~ tc

I (i) ~ ~rT m 11l Cl1f~-f~rlirt q f~) J~ fil~iVf jqf 11l vfvllrtw rt=crrf~~ lfr ~


1056 HARYANA GOVr OAZ AUG 12 1997 (SRVN 211919 SAKlA)

~~lfruri ~Tiilf ~ 1fJij ~ ~fltlfT1JfT~r~ ltir qrn~ ifq~

ffq~ lff ~ullti snferfroJf ~fCfi f~~laquomlf lfT

(ii) 4r=~Tlfij~~(~ lfr fijT liPrT ~rlr 1Ir ilfflle ff~rlf qr~~

ffqf~(f ~T lIr f f~ij~r ~crT- lIr ~raelirlf Frrf~c lfr fpriiIJl~1lf ~~~ lt6 qfij QT - ~~rr

( Hi) li~ Wt rn ~~ wcro~llti ~1Oi ~cr fmlf fijlaquo~r I

fifliQI1JTij~m fi qrij if QT ~lfr lT~-ij~Iiltt fifiifll

n~~r ~ foOOT 1ft ij~ liT1~T ij~fcr ~ fiiflllllls (ii) ltT lSl1I~(Hi) if ferfiff~e ~iltr lIrflitTIWll ~filI ijm~ lIr flilaquoT laquo1Oif lIr fltWTlIq ~r ~ ~ f~ ~fcrfifIfifCfl fCflllrfl~r I

ltrnil~T filii 13 mi~)iiTifcrlfT ijm- Wt ~~mm~~ffimTif CffT WlI q1ffi I ~qIe ~q ~ ~lT ~ fCflllIlrlfr~ ~ i1 ~ ~~ fifl11rTCflfTfcrfrlnrTrnr

fifltT~ QTiT iSlTijfif ~Tfrmir am ~cr ~ mermi ~ ~erTrr ~lferT mll

fcnrrrr li~ aT~r iif~Ii criT 1ij ijlflf ~llT fliijT ferfer ~ $fftr $fqiTa-Ifr

iififr~ ~ i21 ~CfT ~~ ~ WRTlt lfr iifiTq GfT1t I

4IfR ~rmrlff 14 (1) ~ijiI IftTftcrlfT ~crlfT ~IlfT tr1ifa-cr qfli~T if ~ltrr ~ ij(~

~ ~m I ijlilf -ijlil ~ lflfT trlfTfampCTQf~rarr fijf~ ~CfT (iUi crlfT~t11) fllIq 19 i 7

am fpiftrcr l

qVg ~laquot TrtlcrlfTffT ~~q 3JT111ri ~r ijliCfT~ ~ Trf~t ~ml Ii ~ ijIfCRf srrftriflril CflfTwmr ~rf~r~ ~cr ~ mCftfTif ~ wrii 309

~ ~if iif~ ~ ffilaquot f~fS lfT fif~ cf 1qqelT~ mfttr ~ ~~ ~ l fT

~ fifl11rT~ qf(fllllSe 1 if fcrfrf~ i I

( 2) ~(lfrurr fm~ ~err (~ ~T ~~) fiflijJ 1987 cf f~ 9 ci ~-f~ (1) ~~ (~) lfT ~i (f) ci mftrr- fitl ~ ~ mlll srrf~ (f1IT~ SIiN~ro m- ~ ~IJTSf)~ fifll1JTci q-f~fuISe ~ if

frlltIf~~ I

IT tNA I -15 ~ IliT SR~ifi ~ fiif ~~ fm fm ~ ~ sr~T

Im ~el f~ ~i em ViIbullbull~n crSITlil e~ ~I~iIi(iI I

~f1friflSir iii) 16 ~ ~ sreifCfl ~ ij jfiI Clifi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ smt(f1lT fCfffl lINr I rro 3(fT ~ froT ~ mcnrR ci srfcr lRfltf1iOT Cfgt1l1M1fif ~ ~ e) ttm

Irol tit rnn ~ I

bullbull aYANA GOV1 GAZ AUG 12 1997 (SRN 21 1919 SAKA)

1 7 ~ ~ 1111 UlI if ~ f~ c6 fCflm- ~Ir if t)lr ln ~ ~~ 111ft

~1If 3fr Iff~ ~) ~ q ~ f~ ~ m T 04fcfaq) c6 fw1 ~ I

~ 3fT m bullbull ~if ~mfi ~1tl

18 ~~1 if f~ ifffi ~~ ~~ f1f~~ 5fTf~ ~ q flrn~ t f~ srmr if ffl~A oyenT fi ~ffiIT ~o m 0) ~ qm ~

nmt I

19 ~ fflflff if ltft ttimiddot~ amf ~TRf~R am ~ m if ~- ~ I

~ ~ GIrit fwA 1A srr~T ci ~ WiWbullbullo arrfoit~ IlfiCl ~

ffoAff w~ ~ ~ f~i1r ~fcfaif ~ illfGfOlif ~ fllllaquoT ~ ltf1T 3fT sr~ iJi) M ~ Iffif ~ ~T OIT ~ f~ 1fl1 srmfCffl If ~

qi~ ~J ~ ~ f~~ srm=rur crft ~ srfumroTf~1 1ft ~ cmf srfumr~ mfTti ~ ~

2~ ~fiI Ulf (~ti ~1) ~ ~ 1963 ~ftlfT1itr tliIt f~wn ~1TU~~f~1(~nti ~~ I

q~ ~ SIItf[ Mmr ~ ~ mfrt fitnn ~ ~ mQ II

11ft Ii IMtift(~~T ~ l1l~ ~T ~ q1ft flllm M vrft IqIIflttT 1Ir1Iff ~t ~1 GI ro~11

lOS8 HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG ll 1997middot-(SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

1 CfT(m -

2 ~m

a ~~ --- -~ -

4 fWT~~

5 illifGT(

V-- 6 ~ q1~1ltU1

7 ~CfTqn

8 1fi(T~

9 ~m~fr

bull- - -- -r 1~

3 1 4

5 11 16

13 2 15

3 _ bull3

1 1

bull58 61 119

2 2

1 1

1 2

950--20--- H 6~Tampf~

1400~ 30~o fm~~c 800~- 15--101 Obull-ltelanTa-- 201150 illf 3 0~ 0 fero~ cQii

80(-~15~1olHh1tttffi- [-i8 1150~ 3~~oliriq ieuroA

800middot-_1 Sl 01o-~~(~a-20-middot-1150~t-30~~frQ1~ c~f

- 0 lt~h- ~ ~ ~~c

8 0 0middotmiddotmiddotmiddot bull15-10t 0 ~61~Tfli~ (1 11 5 0 iilff 3 0 ~ 0 fqiftf cTffOi ~

775--12-- 956~QT~m--14--

1 OZ5 iilif 30~o fclT~ ~~

750middotmiddot 12- - 870 a~arflg--14-940 iJIf 3 0 ~ 0 fltril~C~

7 5 )-middotbull1 2 bullbullbull8 7 o--a~ltInTa--14-940 iqf 30~o ~ cor

750-12-870--~~Ta--14--940 ~r 30~o fcmtf cfOil

3 750--12--870- -~~m--14-940 ~r 30~o fcriTlSfCltIi+ 6 5 ~ 0 fcriT1Sfq~T

5 750~-12~-87o-~~Tu--14- - 940tqr 30~ 0 f~~ cfo

1 750-12--870 bull-a~Ter bull-14-940 ~ 30~o fcmlSf cl5f



HARYANA-GOVT GAZ AUG_12 1997 I 1059 (SRVN 21 1919SAKA) ~

- bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull-_bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull- __ --- _-- - __ bull-------lIflo ~~ ~ftlllaT ~ ~ ~o 1lT~f~ ~J-nRrrif~T

tll1G1 lffa tf1~ ~ I-~-~~_u _middot ~- bullbullbullbull bullbullbullI1-1 It IIaoodW~iilRRmiddot

1 2 3

(i) tf1Tm~ if tI~ 0

CT 0 tI~ 0 ill ~nrr

~ltfl ~ tllOcff qJ~

~l ~~ij ~cff qJ~

J~~ ilTOql lT~

V 10 Bt)r~~cj f1tf1m~ f~~l~Cf tlTOC(T qJ~

~ fitJT~~

12 Ii- qeR~ cm~lt6l ~TIr$~ltF~bullbull~__~k_~~middot____ ~~~~~_~~_~f=~ amp iI II It bullbullbullbull Aoa4 bullbullbullbullbullbull

bullbullbullbull--- bull- __ -------ampool-~O-~l~l ml ~ tI~ fillmmiddot ~ fm Wamplfurct7 lITnrmii CMT ~l1G1

ltfu T~~ UJlod~I-ooILoaJ 11bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull_


(i) ~l ~T ~hhrl1lltT ~ ~TI (ii) ltRT~qc( Fi ~ 112 eMCfiT


(i) f~l ~t ~laquoif)

~lltT tf1T~TI i

(ii) ~~T ef1~ if ~m ~ ltliT~l1cr

(i) ~T ~~ ~iifl ItlltT~~ (ii) f~ ~ ef1 ~ iftfcP ~

fiT ~ltq _ - (i) f~l Cfqf ~l3ft~1ltT Gtil~fr (ii) ~~~ It1 ~ if tfr~ ~ ~


(i) f~l CMT~~~T~(II(Tlt6T~(lj _

(ii ) ~~ ~ ~ if tftf qrf ~T

tIllq (i) f~T CMT~~T ilTqT Cffl~TI (ii) IrfiM c ~ ~q if tftq~ ~T


~1 ~l oi) ~l ~fr~ amp- c If - 8 ~ tI~ mocr qJ1I -

~l ~~1I1Ocfttft~

~T ~ tlTOctT tfHI

~r ~ ml lttiT~Tii I__ bullbullbullbullbullbullIIbullbullbullbull It I k bullbullbull J __ __ ~_~_ k r1s t w bull _

Jtt~ ~J


1060 HARYANA GOVT OAZ AUO 121991 (StVN 211919 SAU)

~~ 14(1)]

bullbullbull fi~~ IIr bullbullbullbull middot~middot


srrftilltf~ ~CfiT(~

~---~--------------------------------------~-------1middot ------ middot2 - 5 bull 1 ~~-

Vltf~ ~Tffi fcrCdl$RI

(1) ~~ mfCf ~fqr - (~qwl)

~mm~~ (ii) bullbullfWfltIl

(iii) ~~ ~)tr I (iv) ~amp1T ~ ~~m~~1l

11U IPittr ~ lttiT

~ itfl 1Pff a qT ClI~

r~ rtf ~ ~~~~

fIi q frqfinr ~ fl ~ Grt bullbull bull

mtqTm~~~ ~ IImtil~f rro ~

~ ~ Sli ftiifl(li ~

8 C(qr ftlaquo bullbull fillClI4 Cfft If ~ a- ~ff~~~m

I~ J1 11ft ~~ ~If (v) ~f1n1fmiddotmt m~ bull ~)IfiIl i 2 qt tliT~-

vi) ~ srm~ m~ m ~trt 11 i(~ ~J

(ri) ~tirfii11 nf ~

~ (IIfMI1~

~ 9[qrftr ~

it~ ~ ~1 ~r~ro jI -~ bullbull

bull lt



~ q~ ~ ~ fcnn1r


R1ib 14 ~2008

mtmmiddot~ocmo fro 1~o3Fo S09l2009-IJTffi ~ ~ ~ ~ 309

~ampRT ~ ~ ltffl UltfTrr m~ ~ ~~ ~ ampRT filfllgCRf

~ ~ (WI tr) ~~ 1997 em 3lfI1 ~ CfRllc)r ~ fllfBRsit1 fJltm


1 ~ 00 Fcr~lgltRI~ ~ ltwr tr) ~ (~ fWr 2009 ~ iT


2 Fcrt1Iyenf1~ ~ (WI tr) ~ filtrir 1997 ~ ~ ~ ~

~ 4 c)r -M Uiif ~ 7 t~ ~~ ~ CfiT ~~ ~ ~ R

bullbull ~ ~ 3l1Olff lffi1 ~~ ~ ~ I

~FTTtt Fcr~I$ffi~ lmFr~ ~ mcPR

~ C1llT 31TQGT ~ ~ I

bull bull


- c

1 4

It) 51

~~ ~~ ~ltAftr11ft ~ ~~

-t ~~rf ~qf ~~ wt1Rrbull 1fT ilaT ~T~ m

- ~ma it tfli If~ q~ ~ ~(J ~f

mrft m ~Ifi




(viii) fll1=re~iffi~ rlie IR qT hr c~ ~ iTiAftr 11) ~ mrtr ~ ~ ~ ~6ttffl ll~ N ~r ~f- Ii ~ ~ -wrRr ftflqT ~ ~

tR~rf(J ~ ~

VTtrrorI6 ~- ~t itm ~-h tK ~

Rr ~~ mro-~ flll1fr ~T lIT ~ q ~ ~

Iill wIIf i~ ~

W iI ~ tf1~ q

~ ~rt if wlaquot ~m~~l~ ~ 111 wri f4rr~

(is) ~ rn ~j

(x) ~ t ~ ~ ~~~ ~fWq~bull~

(raquof) W~ ~ bull 1ITltft ~ at 8iR tffIllIl1 j ~

tatmiddot aa ~ ~i ---_~

1062 HARYANA GOVT6AZ bull AOO Hlfl (SRVN 21 119 SAlA)

--_------------------------------_ -------------------fflfur ~l ltt1 ltft faatll f~ij~ rnw~ ~ sTTf~t srrfClll~1

- I

7IN lili ~ -------- ~ bull__r ~_r~)_) _

1 2 3 4 6 6

-----------------------~--~----------------------(i) ~ fiT f~~ qrof 41ffl fTtlnrT ~~ fltmTll

ill ~)r ~~~l ~~q

mafcRr liwrrifiT qfwjl$1 ~lIr 1vn


(ii) a~ ma crfJm ~ ftrlf frrmr ~~8fiq ~~ 1ft ~ I -


6 ~ ifjctf~T~


8 tlitTllT

9 ~~ff1

1 0 ~ltQltf ~lt

11 qTm

1 2 itil Cfilt

-~-----------------------~--~---------~-----------~ 0 jfT CflfT

f~qt~ ~cf ~ laquofltctruIT ~ ~ fiIIR I


-----------------------------~----------~~~--~~~ r Autborised English Translation)




The 17th July 1~7

No GS R 58Const Art 30997-ln exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the constitution of India the Governor of Haryana hereby makes the following rules regulating the recruit-ment and conditions of service of person appointed to the HaryanaFinancial Commissioners Office (Group D) Service namely-


1 Tllese rules may be called_the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rule 1997-

2 In these rules unless the context otherwise requires -

(a) Udlrect recruitment means an appolntment made other-wise than by promotion from within the service or bytransfer of an official already in the Service of the Government of India or any State Government

(b) employment exchange means the employment ~exchange situated in Haryana

(c) Financial Cc-mmissioner~ means Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government Haryana Revenue Depart-menti

(d) ~GoveiilDlent~means the Haryana- Government- in the - AdministratiVe Department

(0) institutions means -

~i -aAy inStitUiCionestablished -hl Jaw in force in the State _~ of Ha~lJa ~t- (11)any otherinstttuti-drr i-eampigmsed by - the GoverDIDCDtpoundor

tie putposo()f tbtgtsC rules - _ -_ __

-t)-loirif S~cietarPnieans 10int Secretary -to Government Haryana Revenue Department

(g) Rajya Sainik Board rnean~ the office of the Secretary~ --RajyaSaihikBpatQflalaiut- r bullbull~ - bullbull ~ - bull - bull -- -- - - bullbullbullbullbullbullbulllJy ~

C(hrc~~Service means the middotHaqana Financial -Co1Pmi~Sioners office (Group D) Service _ -

_(ij UnderS~~ae-Ymiddot-l1lns the Under Secretary to Government Haryal1tl h~~eniieDepartment

Short title


1064 IAllYANA OQYT oAt AVGli 1i11 (SRVN n 1919 ampuA)


Nunl)er an 3middot The Srvioe shall oomprise tkc poIt 1M Ia AppeHIamp A Cluracter cf to ebes ruls

- POtts

Provided that nothing in those rUNSshall tfoat tho Inbrrout ript ot Oov~nment to make additions to or redaatiolls In the UUDlbcr of suoh posts or to oroate new pous whh dUCbullbull nt deslaatlGlls and scale of pay eitber permanently or temporarily

Natonality 4 (1) No person shall be appointed 10 bullbull Y pobullbull In tbo ServltIIdomicile and unless he Is-character or candidates app lnted to (a) a citizen of india 81 Service

(b) a subject of Nepal 01

Ce) a subject of Bhutan or

(d) a Tibetan refuee who came over to India 1MIfore thl 1st day of January 1962 Withthe intentioll of prmlllatly senHo in India i or

(0) a person of Indian origin who has m1ilattd from PatlstaB Burma Sri Lanka or any of the Bast African CeWltrles of Knya Ulanda Tho Unittd IltpubUf Taua bullbull (formerly Tanpnyika and Zanzibar) Zami Malawi Zaire and Bthopia with the intentloB of permaneoU sottliBI In India

Provided that a person belollJlua te any of tlae cate bullbull ribullbull lt)(0) (d) or (e) shall be a person In wkbullbull favour bull mlficate of eUgibility has been issued by the Gemment

(2) A person in whose case a certificate of eliJibility is DeetSSary maybe admitted to an examination or interview coaduttd by Silo recruitina authority but the offer of Ippeintatmay be given only after the necessary oliamplbiUty Cortlftcato has beeJl Issued to him by the Government

(3)No person shall be appolnt04to any bullbull dID iIInI direea recruitment unle he produeel a eortUloate of bullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull tile Principal Aoademic Offioer of the 8bullbullbull 1 01 institution last atteudod if any and similar Certlffcate fiea olher rtspOnsib1ep8lsonl no beina his relativos bullbullbullbull ate woll teuW with him in his private Uf and aN 1IBIOaow16 JaIl School or Institution

Art ~ 5middot No person ahan be appointed to an oat ill tM $enla bl clirN naruitment 0 is 1181thao sbtllD )rJ1II or I80N tliaR t~fl YArs 6f a ~I before tk date flllUbttlloa faPltn bullbull bullbullbull apPointinl authoJity

App)intfna 6 All appOlnlmenSto the po -In tile ittM _0 be bullbullbull Authority

~hc Under SecIetalYbullbull

bull iIARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 1065 (SRVN 211919 SAKA)

7 No person shall be appointed to any post in the Service unless Quallbtatloai he Is In possession of qualifications and experience specified In column 3 of Appendix B to these rules in tire case of direct recruitment and those specified in column 4 of tile aforesaid Appendix In the case of persons appointed other than by direct reeruitment f

Provided that in t he case of ap po1ntmert by direct recruitment the qualifications regarding experience shall be relaxable to the extent of SO at the discretion of the recruiting authority in case sufficient number of candidates belongillg-toSchMiUlcd Castbullbullbull Backward Classes Ex-Servicemen and Physically Handicappedcategories possessing the requisite experience are notavailable to fill up tho vacancies reserved for them after recording reasons for so doing in writing

8 No personc- DisqualifJcationl

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living or

(b) nho having a spouse living bas entered Into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eUgib10 for appointmentto any post In the Service

Provided that the Government may if satisfied that such marriage Is permissible under the personal law applicable to such personand the other party to the marriage and there other groundsfor so doing exempt any person from the oPeration of this rule

9 (1) Recruitment to the Service shall be made- Met1Iocl of recruitment

(a) in the case of Carpenter -

(i) by direct recruitment Of

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case of Stamper-

(i) by promotion from amonlStDaftri or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an otficial already in the service of any State Government or tlie Government -of India

(c) in the case of Daftri-

- (i) by promotion-from amongst Record Lifter or (ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service

of any ~tate Gowrpmmtt --or the Government of India

(d) in the case of Record Lifter-(i) by promotion tromamo~gst Peon (ii) by transfer -of depmatiQlJ dan official already in the service

of any State Oovtmment -orthe Governmentof India J

HARYAN AGOVT GAZ~t 1997bullljmiddot~~12J(SRVN21 1919SAKAj

(e) in the case of Jamooar-

(i) by promotion from am ngst Peon or

(ii) by transfer or (~eputation of an official already in tile service of any State Government or the Government of India

(f) inthe case of Head OilOwkkar-

(i) by promotion from amongst Ot10Wkifar (gt

(ii) by transfer cot dcpqttltbJl of an 0ffici~1alr~ y ir the service of ampDYmiddot SUttte Qo~mell( or tne Government of India

(g) in the case of Peon-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case dFrash-

(i) by direct recruitment laquor

(ii) by transfer or ceputation of an official already in thesetvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(i) ill the ca~~of Khalasi-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of allY State GovelPmellt orthe G)verumentoflooia

(j) in the case ofsweeper-cum-Ohowkidar-

(i) by direct recruitment of

(ii) by transfer of ueputation of an official alrerdy in the-scrvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(k) intn~ tase ot Qh()wkQaT~

(i) by direct recruitment or ~ bull ~

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official ~headyir th~ service of anYStato GotlertlllWlt ~tbe GoveilunenloUndla

- bullbullbull bull ~ ~(l))iJ the CampS~()tdit~eWQrk~r~~-~middot

- ~ (i) by direct recruitment or

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 121997 1067 (SRVN21 1919SAKA)

(2) All promotions unless otherwise provided shall be made on Seniority-eum-fitness basis and seniority alone shall not confer anyright to suer promotions

(3) Unless otJaerwise provided in this rule whenever any vaeaaay ocwra or iabout to occur In the Servicebullbull the appointing authority shall aetermine the manner in which it shall De filled in

10 (1) A peraon appointed to any poet in the Service shall remain on pro batten for a period oftwo years jf appointed by direct recruitment and one year If appointed otherwise ~

Provided that-(a) any period aftmo such appointment spent on deputation

on a corrasponding or a highm-post shall count towards the period of probation

(b) any period of work in equivalent or higher rank prior to appointment to any post in She Service may in the ca of an appointment by transfer at the discretion of tho appointinl authority be allowed to count towards tlto pet of probation fixed undtl this rule and

(e) any period of officiating appointment Ihall be reckoned as pariod spont on probation but no person who has so officiated shall on the oomplotion of tho proscribedperiod of probation be entitlod to be confirmed unloss he is appointed against a permanent vacancy

(2) If in the opinion of tho appointing authority tho work or conduet of a person during the period of probation is not satisfactory it may-

(a) if such person is appointed by direct recruitment dlspensowtth his Services and

(b) if IUch porion is appointed otherwise Ihan by dirocc recrult-ment-

(1) revert him to his former post or (ii) deal with him in such other manner as the terms and

conditions of the previous appointment permit (3) On the completion of the period of probation of a person

the appointing authority may-(a) if his work or conduct h~ In its opinion been

sa tisfactory-(I) confirm such person from the date of his appointment

if appointed against a permanent vacancy or (ii) confirm such person from the date from which a

permanent vacancy occurs if appointed against a tempo-rary vacancy or

(Hi) declare that he has Completed his probation satisfactorilyif there is no permanent vacancy of

(b) if his work or conduct has in its opinion been not satisfactory-laquo

(i) dispense withhil Services if appointed by direct recruitment if appointed otherwise revert him to his former post or dea 1 with him In such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous appointmentpermit or




(U) extend his period of probationand -thereafterpass such

older as it Could have passed~9n~t~ eipfry-o( t~ ]~lst period of probatig~ -

Provided that (he total period Qf prp~tiou in~l~d~~g-lif~lSJ~n

if any shall not exceed three years

11 Seniority inter se of the members uftheService shaU be

determined by the length of Continuou~ service on any past -in the Service

Provided that where there are different cadr-es in the Service the serUorityshal b~t~erli~~rj~y for each cadre - -

Provided further that in the case -d members appinted by direct J~c1iiitinenpoundtheorder of tho merit determined by the employment exchange

or Rajya Sainik Board (for Ex-serviceman only) shall not be

disturbed in fixing the seniority

Provided further that in the case vf two or more- members -aPpointed

on the same date their seniority shall be determined as follows -

(a) a member appointed by direct recruitment- shall be senior to -a member appointed by promotion or by transfer

(b) a member appointed by promotion shall be senioito -a member appointed by transfer

(e) in the case of member appolnteltr by-promotion or by transfer seniority shall be determined according to the seniority

of such members in the appointments from which they

were promoted or transferred and

-(d) in the case of members appointed by transfer from different

cadres thelr seniority shall-be determined according

to pay preference being givento a member who was

drawing a higher rate of payIn his previous appoint-ment and If the rates of pay drawn are also the same then

by their length of their Service in the appointments and if the- Ie-ngth of such Service is alsorthe same the older member shall be senior tltdliC You-nger member

12 (1) A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at anyJJebiUl7 to aenemiddot place whether within oroutside the State of Haryana on being ordered

so to do by the appointing authority

(2) A member of the Service may also be deputed to serve under -

(j) II company an associ tion or a bod y of Individuals whether -_]i~ip~ni~__J~r not which Is wholly or substa ntialJy


HARYANA GOVT OAZAUG 12 1997 1069 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

owned or controlled by theSta te Government a Municipal corporation or a local authority or university within the

~-Stateof Haryana -_ --_~-~

- eii) The Central Government or l company an aHOCt~tionor a body of individuals whetllor incorporated or Dot which is wholly or substantially owned controlled by theltII

Central Government or

(Hi) Any other State Government an int8lBamptiona1-orgaJllsation and autonomous bidy not controlled by the Government or

_a private body

Provided that no member of the Service shall be deputed to serve the Central or any other State Government or anyorganisation or body referred to in clauses (ii) or clause (ill) except with his consent ~ -

13 In respect of pay leave pension and all other matters not ex-pressly provided for in these rules the members of the Service shall be grvar ned by such rules and regulations as may have been or may here-after be adopted or made by the competent authority under the Oonsritu-tion of India or under any law for the time being inforce made by the State Legislature

14 (I) In matters relating to discipline penalties and appealsmembers of the Service shall be gJ verned by the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules 1987 as amended from time to time

Provided that the nature of p_enalties which may be imposed the authority empowered to impose such penalties and appellate authorityshall subject to the provisions of any law or rules made under Article 309 of the Oonstitution of India be such as are specified in Appendix 0 to these rules

(2) Phe authority competent to pass all order under clause (c) or clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punish-ment and Appeal) Rules 1987 and appellate authoriryshall be as specified in Appendix D to these rules

15 Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and re-vaccinated as and when the GOVernment so directs by a special or generalorder

16 Bvery member of the Service unless he has already done so shall he required to take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established

17 Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so it may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions of these rules with respsct to any class or category of persons

18 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the appointing authority may Impose special terms and conditions in the orden of appointment if it is deemed upedient to do so

Pay leavepension and other matters

Disciplinepenalties and appeals


Oath of allegiance

Power of relaxation


1070 HARYANA OOVT GAZAUG12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

Rbullbullbullbull tfooa

Repeal and SaiDls

19 Nothing contained In these rul bullbullbull llall ailect naenetlou aod other ooaeeaaions req1llred to be provided fa tlw 8eIledule4 Gastea BackwMd CIuaes Bx-servicemen Physically )aandt capped personl or any other amp1188 or eateaery of persons In ucordanct with tho orders illued by the State Government Inthla regard from time to timel

ProvJded that the total porcentage of roservationl 10 madohall not old 50 ~ of any time

20 The Punjab State (Class-IV) Service Rules 1963 in their application to the State of Hatyanaj are hueby repeaJod bull

Previded that any order made or action taken under tho rules so repealed shall be dNDled to havo been made or taken under the C01108-

pending provisions of these rulos -I

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 3: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr


HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 1051 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA) I

7 ~ ~ lRffGffi ~~ fm fr q~ middot1iif 1i1i frl~ if~ Pirlfr iifr~

iliI 01 q ~nft Rff lifil m if Jtif fif2Prl ~ qf(f~ V ~ wm 3 if titT ~lVlmiddot1iffmiddott~ f~ ~T~ if tr~ ~ ct lIlRf if ~a ~rtt o~f ~ it ~~ ampT

q~~ ~ +1mrnr fiPlfltRi ct em ~ ~Ilftt~ if ~ mf~1Jf ~ f~ ~ fw~ ~ FIJq~frtT aIT ~T~ ~ H m~ ~~ltmT q ~~ fu~ Atd~Q fZCf1i q~TopT TVl ~ f~~ ifijrampl~i~~

~ ~~ ifiT rn~~~~ r ff ~ij1~ ~ fuQ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ti I

8 ltmi ~ ollfCRT -

(ltfi) fi3WcTJfY~ q-ful~ ftt ~ ~ f~ ~ f~ t 111

f~ ct tfcro ~~) l t ~__ w

(v) f~ 1ffQ~l ~ sftf~ ~Rfi~fm W74 aqf~ ~ fom~ IIn f~ ~ 1fT f~ opT tf~ am ~r t iiTit ~ ~ If(

f~ 1fT qf~ ~ ~M

f~ l~ ~~fiI~ en)- ~Ctfisa ~ if(q Tru ~~ orITiffi QtlT ~~~ ~

tl ~l ~ttr fqf~~ tjaR ~m fltrqr~vj~tramp ~T ~~ ti~

~ ~ wraT IT ~ ctf ~ ft1~n ~ ~f ~~ frrilf ~ llTlJ ~~ ~ c ~ ~T~ I

(1) ~~ mft fiW1f~f~1i~r~ ltfir~Tiil--

(cti) qitlti~~qfle~nl~

(i) ~11i q~1gro illiCfT

(ii) fltt1~) ~~ ~Tlt ~ltfr ~~~~ qi) mrr if ~ ~~ ~q f~~ ~lmfi~ ~l1Gfr SIf1iftQ ~ ~T~r

(~) ~q-lt qiTam-r 1lbull-

(i) lttiQf1fT tt ~ qtlFIfcr gT~T ~fGfT

- (ii) ff~frltT~ ~~lt iI~~ ~T~f1 ~ltfT 1fi1 ~Cfr ~tf~ ij ~1 ~

f~~)~~~~~~~rrrla~ ill1~ ~fCJfif1ifij~T~ i

1052- HARYANA GOVT OAZ AUGl21997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

(i) ~T hTCfC~11~q~Fiffa ~~T ~~ltfl

(ii) rlf~ ~lnr~T~ ~iff lronramprt~ rn if bullbull ~ ~T~ J f1fi~ litHf~T~1~~~~~ ~~ltfT 00 jsrfiiftllflobull

~m-middot~ (oq) f~Ti f~IiiG6flf WIt~-

(i) ~(mT if ~ q~)ifro n~T q~qr

(ii)- f-t1~J1_f~~cpr~ $l~qr +IT~ mCiTfiT ~GH if ~ cent~~~

~ qT~)~ ~~Rr~o~ $l~qr srfoflt1ffl lIru -e

( ) ((lfrtlTflf CV1Jif --

(i) 9trJr11 ii ~ cttfifQ lIT~ _ A~qf

(ii) ~ UilI ij~r( ~~ lifT +ITQ ~ (CFr en) ~r il qii~ ~ euro ~~ bull f~ litatqr1f lti ~~TiromiddottlT i(~cif srfof~fqlti gTU

- (q) ~ q14lliTr( Iifif ~wr ~ bullbullbullbull

(i) bullbulllcfim( t ~ q(t1flti QT(f ~~Cfr

- (ii) ftmt U~ mm 9tltfT +IT(i ~r(ifi-~qr-lf--~~ ~ ~r - -~~ ffi~)lifi1iifTtf cti ~rr~d~ $l~qT SIfufoll fur QTl

(i9) ~qrltT 6flf ~QlT If-~

(i) ~laf ~a1~T(Tmiddot ~~n -_ (ii) ftl~)~ ~( Tq-qT ltfiff mq7TltfiT ~Cff il q~~ ~ ~) ~~

fcti~ ~ifT- ~ ~qTir~Q(1I $t 1fqf ffufilt fcfo ~lltt

- (i) ~fafitmiddotaT ~ro~ ~~qr ii)r~(f~~-ll~T~T-a- trvm(6flt itiT -laquo q~ ~~ij ~

f~ ctiliifTtl Cf1~~rr~a(1lTt~ltiT srfaflt1ffliHf $lqiffbullbull 00 bullbull

(i) r9~~f ctit~Qlr~ ~-

~_ _(i)~aTa1nu_$l~~~j~ ~(iQfbVt ~~Ulqcrr ~ror~T( _~t ~ -q- ~~ ~ ~

- ~ -- -- ~fiUif mf~ ci ~~IJf WNT srtGf~~ffl 1lT(f

HARYANA GOVr GAZAUG121997 1053 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

lt bull 01

(i) ~ftcf~a1ero ~irCIT

(ii) fltti~ttr~ ~( ~trCff~ lrta~~T~ffr mrr i q~~ ~ ~

f~~)~qqrft F ~Tifra~ tIyenfCIT srfmifllfRt aT~bull ~ t bullV (c) qR1m-lt q) ltrWf if~middot-

(i) ~fl~1+f~1 gtr~crT lrTU

(ii) fCfl~l ~ tftOtillt ~yenfqf ~T~~T~ q1 ~Cfr ii q~~U ~1~ij

fCfi~l~fqn)i ~Tltrltf(1Jl tIyenfCff SIfafifllffa ~rf ~yenfCfTbull

(0) ejlr Ifh Efn Gwr if

-di) ~)~ftl~ff anr ~~crr

(ii) fct~iltr~1f ~Tlt Jf~Cfr l1roi ~lt qt Ucrr if q~~~ ~t ~iT flti~l ctl4qTot lti ~qTfra(lJT ~~CfT 51fafifllfcrcr a T

(2) ~GfijCfgt tI~~f ~ilflO r ~T ij~l q~rrrQlftllSliOffi rci il1t~rr~ ITITltq( 9l1 ilTiliTt ij~roilcm- ~~liom~l ~~1 qiirrfG1lToil f~~ 9lli tlfalgt1lt SIGTif ~rCfgtilrl I

( 3) ~iI fnmT if ~q Gctl tJi1t~fa-trGffaG r ~TUcrf if _1iGf ~l fili fUctG

mil ~ ~~qr ~R crrrr ~mt ~ ~Tfif3fCfaSITrllCi)rOT-~~~fffqG Cfgt~1fT fCfl q~

rct1~ lIiT ~ +1(l iilT~iT) I

10 (1) ~ ~ fCf~l~ft qGrrlt frRf ~~ ~ ~lal~~1am qfltft~T ~iRI ftlfTiflTT ~)a)~~) Cf4 ft tliffa ~ f~~hftltrfG qrqTfifiOffi fCfllfT ~r~)

h~if7 Cf~ fiT qGJfa ~ fu~ qrltltTeifT q( ~1fT

~---(it) ~~lf~fCffi ~ GlTGfltt~T 1~~q ~r _~qCi( ~ rrlt SIfCt~ifOffi rrlt

Clfa1cr ltfiT iff fint qcrfa ~1~T ltfi1 1crfl if fiTil1 iiT~iT1

(v) ~jIr~ltOI rrl1r~1~~Cfff Gwr if ~ if fm 11 R If

fpififfi ij- ~ fmmtCfilff _~r 3~qcnIT~ q~ f~ ~ ~IqlttIT~)f qqftr fiflfltfO srrftlilif(1--ci fqf~IfJ ~~ f~ ~ mWr fl1ffi

qflaquor~~CJfw ~r~ fm ~ GfT ijltiffT t ~h

1054 HARYANA GOVT GAZ AuG 121991 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

(q) ~[AfIFf am fiflfCKlctt tiT ifqftl-lff~rm ~ ~ iIl1 ~ ~

ct ~ 11 flRr iIlliqr f~ Cfl~~ ilIfRf fm ~ ~1ifTttiir

if CfiTq fCfillT~ trfTciTm ~rfcrf~~l ~ -U ampFrmiddot ~ lIf~ q f~~ ~ tn f~Gffi if f~T mn~~ fpqiiFffiT ~


( 2) lIfq- fnif1fO gtrrf~Tr CfllTlI 11 qf~~ Cfll~w ~ j~ lIfffi ifir ifirzl lfT ifTf1JJ~~fi if ~T ampT oT q-

(fi) ~ ~~n amprfCRf ijTa-l 101 ern f~CKI ffilfT iflfT ~ f a-ij~ bull ~1 ~ ti~middot1fit~rt i ~TC

(fSI) lfR ~m 0lff0Rl~Im-ra1 ~ ~i~r fif1RJ fq1lfT l11IT ~ m--(i) a-ij ~~ cf ~ q~ Slfaltlf~ Fffl ~~ lfT

(ii ) ~~ ~er if f~~Y~ Rlr ~)fcr ~ ~~~ ~r ~ ~T ~I ~ f~crcr i fl~ ~tClTff~ Itl~1

( 3) f~l ilffRr Cfrlqfwefr ~qrti ~ft ~ACrt ~flCf $IlfulllTil-

(IF) ll~ ~WFT itlzj lfT ~~ ~~I ~Tll if ~ff~~ ~I ~Tm--[i) ~~ oqfCRftiT lfR ~ P1T~ fdifCf In fr~CRi ftilfT fIlIT ~T ~

oT ~~r f~ff tiT fmQ ~ ~c ~ ~Ifim ~ lfT

(ii) ~~ C7JforcrfiT l1fG q~ f~r if~ft~ fflcr q~ f~~1fcr fEfillT

irltfT~Tcrj PrT~fu~ ~)~ CiiTfcrff ~ ~ ~ ~crr ~~ m

(iii) llR ifi~ ~ fltf1fcr if ~ of IEfTfqcr~lt ijfiffi ~ f~ ta~ ~f qf~aTT ~ f~ ~~T~iff1 iitrmiddot ~ ctIfi ~iT~ lfT

(J lffq- ~~T FTif lff ~Tltn1lT ~~rctff~ if ~crfqJifll _if~T ~) _ ~_ - - c - - bull - bull -

( i) llR ~ ~mT1fcrr rnr mr ~ ~Tm- ~~ ~rf~iffi

~lifl ~ ~11q ~ ijCfiat ~~ llfq- ~~ ft1iiRT ~T ~ ~crT ~ ~~i Cf-ltt ~ If gtrfucrfcrcr ~ ~ ~ trT 1ri ~ltra- if f~~T ~~T~ill (tfa if rm-~ iIit ~crr ~ if)

i3tl~T 1ct fiflfiffi ~ f~erif ol1ri A~ lti1i liT

(ii) ~~T q-f~Tamp1T ~fa- ~ ~T ~ ifT~ ~~ ifF it~if~

~~~T ~ ~) ~ Iff~cfMT CfilSTfl ~ Cfil~Tftij q-~

~middotm-t fT

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 toss (SRVN21 1919 SAKA)

tro~qf~cftamp1TenT~ lfCffUfrri ~~ ~ fCffaft 7fm ~ ~)

wrflffi ~ ~R ~ ij- lffUenOf~l ~)rrT I

11 ij-lT lti ~~Hr fiT CfltfCflt~ii~~r ftltTT m ~ Cf~ ~lti ~T I

~mmij-Cf~ ci ~rn ffm enT ~m ro~ jf~r rCfrif flflirOf ~rq~rCf~r~cn SlCOlfli ~CflT ~ f~ ~rr-laquo(1q

r fir~ enT IroltrT

f Cflti~~ 11 laquo~flff tiT ~WT if ~~T fiff~~bullbull fii laquoTerTli~1 [T~T fr~~

L ~ ~1f7f (ljjrrr~ tiftffiilT ~~ ~T~lf ~fijti Gft~ (ltiCf~ ~Cicrof ~flEfiT ltt1

r f~) ~T llFlRfT ~I ~l fiilfT IrolJTlfCfITTflta ~rr

~~~~~ Rr~ CflT frlfRf crT lfT ltit ij- lffUti ~~

lfil ~T ii ~ltllgt1 ~~aT fI1rr~ ~q ~frllfra tiT ifroql -

( ti) laquoTm liciT [T1T fi ~~CT ~if tfltWOffultIT fiITir~Gf iRT

frrli ltfa ~I 1 ~ ~ISO ~qT

(~) cr~t1fa [TV fiilfJ tI~Fi f~rrfat1f [TU fi-iCifCl ~

~ i~ ~Fn - -(rr) Cf~)ilfa~Rr laquolJCfT~lJTrr~~Gf lf11Tf~ ~~ 6l ltWT ~

iq6Qar ~~fr flfltf~lfT if it ~ ~ltflfT tilom ~ 1i~

ffifla- etf IrC(lTt t~if~ r Cf~tq llY prri(rr~lfltaflllq rrq ~ q-l~

(I) f~ifVCftTT ~ HHrra~ iIro f ~T lil ~wr ~ ~rltfil~r rniT c5 wrtrr~ fiff~ til ilIQrrl~fulTl ll~ ~ Ii) fltltrr ilIQrrTif) ~Cfrrl ~~ Ii) f~lffl if ~~( ~ tn crnltr ~ ltlt1 fT lfl~1dlt flaquolof ~ m ~ ~ 1f) ~

~ laquol~rltfir middotf~ifR~Tif ~ ~if~ laquocrr~ ~ ~ 1lt liflt ~ ~fir~ 1f) ~Jfrltr ~) Q) ~1 if ~ ~ ~ ~ ij- ~o fTrrr I

12 (1) ~ In lift q) ~ fltrVctasrrfilm) are ~T ~

if q1Iqf ~ ~ fm FTflf ~ ~ ~ ~ f~ ~w ~ rrl -n ~m Ifi~ ~ ~ tr~ramp)lfr I

(2) ~ ~ ffilaquo) ~~~ )i) ~crr ri f~ frr+ltr firfia ei mtTif SJfdrwtfR fiIrlrrn ~ tc

I (i) ~ ~rT m 11l Cl1f~-f~rlirt q f~) J~ fil~iVf jqf 11l vfvllrtw rt=crrf~~ lfr ~


1056 HARYANA GOVr OAZ AUG 12 1997 (SRVN 211919 SAKlA)

~~lfruri ~Tiilf ~ 1fJij ~ ~fltlfT1JfT~r~ ltir qrn~ ifq~

ffq~ lff ~ullti snferfroJf ~fCfi f~~laquomlf lfT

(ii) 4r=~Tlfij~~(~ lfr fijT liPrT ~rlr 1Ir ilfflle ff~rlf qr~~

ffqf~(f ~T lIr f f~ij~r ~crT- lIr ~raelirlf Frrf~c lfr fpriiIJl~1lf ~~~ lt6 qfij QT - ~~rr

( Hi) li~ Wt rn ~~ wcro~llti ~1Oi ~cr fmlf fijlaquo~r I

fifliQI1JTij~m fi qrij if QT ~lfr lT~-ij~Iiltt fifiifll

n~~r ~ foOOT 1ft ij~ liT1~T ij~fcr ~ fiiflllllls (ii) ltT lSl1I~(Hi) if ferfiff~e ~iltr lIrflitTIWll ~filI ijm~ lIr flilaquoT laquo1Oif lIr fltWTlIq ~r ~ ~ f~ ~fcrfifIfifCfl fCflllrfl~r I

ltrnil~T filii 13 mi~)iiTifcrlfT ijm- Wt ~~mm~~ffimTif CffT WlI q1ffi I ~qIe ~q ~ ~lT ~ fCflllIlrlfr~ ~ i1 ~ ~~ fifl11rTCflfTfcrfrlnrTrnr

fifltT~ QTiT iSlTijfif ~Tfrmir am ~cr ~ mermi ~ ~erTrr ~lferT mll

fcnrrrr li~ aT~r iif~Ii criT 1ij ijlflf ~llT fliijT ferfer ~ $fftr $fqiTa-Ifr

iififr~ ~ i21 ~CfT ~~ ~ WRTlt lfr iifiTq GfT1t I

4IfR ~rmrlff 14 (1) ~ijiI IftTftcrlfT ~crlfT ~IlfT tr1ifa-cr qfli~T if ~ltrr ~ ij(~

~ ~m I ijlilf -ijlil ~ lflfT trlfTfampCTQf~rarr fijf~ ~CfT (iUi crlfT~t11) fllIq 19 i 7

am fpiftrcr l

qVg ~laquot TrtlcrlfTffT ~~q 3JT111ri ~r ijliCfT~ ~ Trf~t ~ml Ii ~ ijIfCRf srrftriflril CflfTwmr ~rf~r~ ~cr ~ mCftfTif ~ wrii 309

~ ~if iif~ ~ ffilaquot f~fS lfT fif~ cf 1qqelT~ mfttr ~ ~~ ~ l fT

~ fifl11rT~ qf(fllllSe 1 if fcrfrf~ i I

( 2) ~(lfrurr fm~ ~err (~ ~T ~~) fiflijJ 1987 cf f~ 9 ci ~-f~ (1) ~~ (~) lfT ~i (f) ci mftrr- fitl ~ ~ mlll srrf~ (f1IT~ SIiN~ro m- ~ ~IJTSf)~ fifll1JTci q-f~fuISe ~ if

frlltIf~~ I

IT tNA I -15 ~ IliT SR~ifi ~ fiif ~~ fm fm ~ ~ sr~T

Im ~el f~ ~i em ViIbullbull~n crSITlil e~ ~I~iIi(iI I

~f1friflSir iii) 16 ~ ~ sreifCfl ~ ij jfiI Clifi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ smt(f1lT fCfffl lINr I rro 3(fT ~ froT ~ mcnrR ci srfcr lRfltf1iOT Cfgt1l1M1fif ~ ~ e) ttm

Irol tit rnn ~ I

bullbull aYANA GOV1 GAZ AUG 12 1997 (SRN 21 1919 SAKA)

1 7 ~ ~ 1111 UlI if ~ f~ c6 fCflm- ~Ir if t)lr ln ~ ~~ 111ft

~1If 3fr Iff~ ~) ~ q ~ f~ ~ m T 04fcfaq) c6 fw1 ~ I

~ 3fT m bullbull ~if ~mfi ~1tl

18 ~~1 if f~ ifffi ~~ ~~ f1f~~ 5fTf~ ~ q flrn~ t f~ srmr if ffl~A oyenT fi ~ffiIT ~o m 0) ~ qm ~

nmt I

19 ~ fflflff if ltft ttimiddot~ amf ~TRf~R am ~ m if ~- ~ I

~ ~ GIrit fwA 1A srr~T ci ~ WiWbullbullo arrfoit~ IlfiCl ~

ffoAff w~ ~ ~ f~i1r ~fcfaif ~ illfGfOlif ~ fllllaquoT ~ ltf1T 3fT sr~ iJi) M ~ Iffif ~ ~T OIT ~ f~ 1fl1 srmfCffl If ~

qi~ ~J ~ ~ f~~ srm=rur crft ~ srfumroTf~1 1ft ~ cmf srfumr~ mfTti ~ ~

2~ ~fiI Ulf (~ti ~1) ~ ~ 1963 ~ftlfT1itr tliIt f~wn ~1TU~~f~1(~nti ~~ I

q~ ~ SIItf[ Mmr ~ ~ mfrt fitnn ~ ~ mQ II

11ft Ii IMtift(~~T ~ l1l~ ~T ~ q1ft flllm M vrft IqIIflttT 1Ir1Iff ~t ~1 GI ro~11

lOS8 HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG ll 1997middot-(SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

1 CfT(m -

2 ~m

a ~~ --- -~ -

4 fWT~~

5 illifGT(

V-- 6 ~ q1~1ltU1

7 ~CfTqn

8 1fi(T~

9 ~m~fr

bull- - -- -r 1~

3 1 4

5 11 16

13 2 15

3 _ bull3

1 1

bull58 61 119

2 2

1 1

1 2

950--20--- H 6~Tampf~

1400~ 30~o fm~~c 800~- 15--101 Obull-ltelanTa-- 201150 illf 3 0~ 0 fero~ cQii

80(-~15~1olHh1tttffi- [-i8 1150~ 3~~oliriq ieuroA

800middot-_1 Sl 01o-~~(~a-20-middot-1150~t-30~~frQ1~ c~f

- 0 lt~h- ~ ~ ~~c

8 0 0middotmiddotmiddotmiddot bull15-10t 0 ~61~Tfli~ (1 11 5 0 iilff 3 0 ~ 0 fqiftf cTffOi ~

775--12-- 956~QT~m--14--

1 OZ5 iilif 30~o fclT~ ~~

750middotmiddot 12- - 870 a~arflg--14-940 iJIf 3 0 ~ 0 fltril~C~

7 5 )-middotbull1 2 bullbullbull8 7 o--a~ltInTa--14-940 iqf 30~o ~ cor

750-12-870--~~Ta--14--940 ~r 30~o fcmtf cfOil

3 750--12--870- -~~m--14-940 ~r 30~o fcriTlSfCltIi+ 6 5 ~ 0 fcriT1Sfq~T

5 750~-12~-87o-~~Tu--14- - 940tqr 30~ 0 f~~ cfo

1 750-12--870 bull-a~Ter bull-14-940 ~ 30~o fcmlSf cl5f



HARYANA-GOVT GAZ AUG_12 1997 I 1059 (SRVN 21 1919SAKA) ~

- bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull-_bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull- __ --- _-- - __ bull-------lIflo ~~ ~ftlllaT ~ ~ ~o 1lT~f~ ~J-nRrrif~T

tll1G1 lffa tf1~ ~ I-~-~~_u _middot ~- bullbullbullbull bullbullbullI1-1 It IIaoodW~iilRRmiddot

1 2 3

(i) tf1Tm~ if tI~ 0

CT 0 tI~ 0 ill ~nrr

~ltfl ~ tllOcff qJ~

~l ~~ij ~cff qJ~

J~~ ilTOql lT~

V 10 Bt)r~~cj f1tf1m~ f~~l~Cf tlTOC(T qJ~

~ fitJT~~

12 Ii- qeR~ cm~lt6l ~TIr$~ltF~bullbull~__~k_~~middot____ ~~~~~_~~_~f=~ amp iI II It bullbullbullbull Aoa4 bullbullbullbullbullbull

bullbullbullbull--- bull- __ -------ampool-~O-~l~l ml ~ tI~ fillmmiddot ~ fm Wamplfurct7 lITnrmii CMT ~l1G1

ltfu T~~ UJlod~I-ooILoaJ 11bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull_


(i) ~l ~T ~hhrl1lltT ~ ~TI (ii) ltRT~qc( Fi ~ 112 eMCfiT


(i) f~l ~t ~laquoif)

~lltT tf1T~TI i

(ii) ~~T ef1~ if ~m ~ ltliT~l1cr

(i) ~T ~~ ~iifl ItlltT~~ (ii) f~ ~ ef1 ~ iftfcP ~

fiT ~ltq _ - (i) f~l Cfqf ~l3ft~1ltT Gtil~fr (ii) ~~~ It1 ~ if tfr~ ~ ~


(i) f~l CMT~~~T~(II(Tlt6T~(lj _

(ii ) ~~ ~ ~ if tftf qrf ~T

tIllq (i) f~T CMT~~T ilTqT Cffl~TI (ii) IrfiM c ~ ~q if tftq~ ~T


~1 ~l oi) ~l ~fr~ amp- c If - 8 ~ tI~ mocr qJ1I -

~l ~~1I1Ocfttft~

~T ~ tlTOctT tfHI

~r ~ ml lttiT~Tii I__ bullbullbullbullbullbullIIbullbullbullbull It I k bullbullbull J __ __ ~_~_ k r1s t w bull _

Jtt~ ~J


1060 HARYANA GOVT OAZ AUO 121991 (StVN 211919 SAU)

~~ 14(1)]

bullbullbull fi~~ IIr bullbullbullbull middot~middot


srrftilltf~ ~CfiT(~

~---~--------------------------------------~-------1middot ------ middot2 - 5 bull 1 ~~-

Vltf~ ~Tffi fcrCdl$RI

(1) ~~ mfCf ~fqr - (~qwl)

~mm~~ (ii) bullbullfWfltIl

(iii) ~~ ~)tr I (iv) ~amp1T ~ ~~m~~1l

11U IPittr ~ lttiT

~ itfl 1Pff a qT ClI~

r~ rtf ~ ~~~~

fIi q frqfinr ~ fl ~ Grt bullbull bull

mtqTm~~~ ~ IImtil~f rro ~

~ ~ Sli ftiifl(li ~

8 C(qr ftlaquo bullbull fillClI4 Cfft If ~ a- ~ff~~~m

I~ J1 11ft ~~ ~If (v) ~f1n1fmiddotmt m~ bull ~)IfiIl i 2 qt tliT~-

vi) ~ srm~ m~ m ~trt 11 i(~ ~J

(ri) ~tirfii11 nf ~

~ (IIfMI1~

~ 9[qrftr ~

it~ ~ ~1 ~r~ro jI -~ bullbull

bull lt



~ q~ ~ ~ fcnn1r


R1ib 14 ~2008

mtmmiddot~ocmo fro 1~o3Fo S09l2009-IJTffi ~ ~ ~ ~ 309

~ampRT ~ ~ ltffl UltfTrr m~ ~ ~~ ~ ampRT filfllgCRf

~ ~ (WI tr) ~~ 1997 em 3lfI1 ~ CfRllc)r ~ fllfBRsit1 fJltm


1 ~ 00 Fcr~lgltRI~ ~ ltwr tr) ~ (~ fWr 2009 ~ iT


2 Fcrt1Iyenf1~ ~ (WI tr) ~ filtrir 1997 ~ ~ ~ ~

~ 4 c)r -M Uiif ~ 7 t~ ~~ ~ CfiT ~~ ~ ~ R

bullbull ~ ~ 3l1Olff lffi1 ~~ ~ ~ I

~FTTtt Fcr~I$ffi~ lmFr~ ~ mcPR

~ C1llT 31TQGT ~ ~ I

bull bull


- c

1 4

It) 51

~~ ~~ ~ltAftr11ft ~ ~~

-t ~~rf ~qf ~~ wt1Rrbull 1fT ilaT ~T~ m

- ~ma it tfli If~ q~ ~ ~(J ~f

mrft m ~Ifi




(viii) fll1=re~iffi~ rlie IR qT hr c~ ~ iTiAftr 11) ~ mrtr ~ ~ ~ ~6ttffl ll~ N ~r ~f- Ii ~ ~ -wrRr ftflqT ~ ~

tR~rf(J ~ ~

VTtrrorI6 ~- ~t itm ~-h tK ~

Rr ~~ mro-~ flll1fr ~T lIT ~ q ~ ~

Iill wIIf i~ ~

W iI ~ tf1~ q

~ ~rt if wlaquot ~m~~l~ ~ 111 wri f4rr~

(is) ~ rn ~j

(x) ~ t ~ ~ ~~~ ~fWq~bull~

(raquof) W~ ~ bull 1ITltft ~ at 8iR tffIllIl1 j ~

tatmiddot aa ~ ~i ---_~

1062 HARYANA GOVT6AZ bull AOO Hlfl (SRVN 21 119 SAlA)

--_------------------------------_ -------------------fflfur ~l ltt1 ltft faatll f~ij~ rnw~ ~ sTTf~t srrfClll~1

- I

7IN lili ~ -------- ~ bull__r ~_r~)_) _

1 2 3 4 6 6

-----------------------~--~----------------------(i) ~ fiT f~~ qrof 41ffl fTtlnrT ~~ fltmTll

ill ~)r ~~~l ~~q

mafcRr liwrrifiT qfwjl$1 ~lIr 1vn


(ii) a~ ma crfJm ~ ftrlf frrmr ~~8fiq ~~ 1ft ~ I -


6 ~ ifjctf~T~


8 tlitTllT

9 ~~ff1

1 0 ~ltQltf ~lt

11 qTm

1 2 itil Cfilt

-~-----------------------~--~---------~-----------~ 0 jfT CflfT

f~qt~ ~cf ~ laquofltctruIT ~ ~ fiIIR I


-----------------------------~----------~~~--~~~ r Autborised English Translation)




The 17th July 1~7

No GS R 58Const Art 30997-ln exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the constitution of India the Governor of Haryana hereby makes the following rules regulating the recruit-ment and conditions of service of person appointed to the HaryanaFinancial Commissioners Office (Group D) Service namely-


1 Tllese rules may be called_the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rule 1997-

2 In these rules unless the context otherwise requires -

(a) Udlrect recruitment means an appolntment made other-wise than by promotion from within the service or bytransfer of an official already in the Service of the Government of India or any State Government

(b) employment exchange means the employment ~exchange situated in Haryana

(c) Financial Cc-mmissioner~ means Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government Haryana Revenue Depart-menti

(d) ~GoveiilDlent~means the Haryana- Government- in the - AdministratiVe Department

(0) institutions means -

~i -aAy inStitUiCionestablished -hl Jaw in force in the State _~ of Ha~lJa ~t- (11)any otherinstttuti-drr i-eampigmsed by - the GoverDIDCDtpoundor

tie putposo()f tbtgtsC rules - _ -_ __

-t)-loirif S~cietarPnieans 10int Secretary -to Government Haryana Revenue Department

(g) Rajya Sainik Board rnean~ the office of the Secretary~ --RajyaSaihikBpatQflalaiut- r bullbull~ - bullbull ~ - bull - bull -- -- - - bullbullbullbullbullbullbulllJy ~

C(hrc~~Service means the middotHaqana Financial -Co1Pmi~Sioners office (Group D) Service _ -

_(ij UnderS~~ae-Ymiddot-l1lns the Under Secretary to Government Haryal1tl h~~eniieDepartment

Short title


1064 IAllYANA OQYT oAt AVGli 1i11 (SRVN n 1919 ampuA)


Nunl)er an 3middot The Srvioe shall oomprise tkc poIt 1M Ia AppeHIamp A Cluracter cf to ebes ruls

- POtts

Provided that nothing in those rUNSshall tfoat tho Inbrrout ript ot Oov~nment to make additions to or redaatiolls In the UUDlbcr of suoh posts or to oroate new pous whh dUCbullbull nt deslaatlGlls and scale of pay eitber permanently or temporarily

Natonality 4 (1) No person shall be appointed 10 bullbull Y pobullbull In tbo ServltIIdomicile and unless he Is-character or candidates app lnted to (a) a citizen of india 81 Service

(b) a subject of Nepal 01

Ce) a subject of Bhutan or

(d) a Tibetan refuee who came over to India 1MIfore thl 1st day of January 1962 Withthe intentioll of prmlllatly senHo in India i or

(0) a person of Indian origin who has m1ilattd from PatlstaB Burma Sri Lanka or any of the Bast African CeWltrles of Knya Ulanda Tho Unittd IltpubUf Taua bullbull (formerly Tanpnyika and Zanzibar) Zami Malawi Zaire and Bthopia with the intentloB of permaneoU sottliBI In India

Provided that a person belollJlua te any of tlae cate bullbull ribullbull lt)(0) (d) or (e) shall be a person In wkbullbull favour bull mlficate of eUgibility has been issued by the Gemment

(2) A person in whose case a certificate of eliJibility is DeetSSary maybe admitted to an examination or interview coaduttd by Silo recruitina authority but the offer of Ippeintatmay be given only after the necessary oliamplbiUty Cortlftcato has beeJl Issued to him by the Government

(3)No person shall be appolnt04to any bullbull dID iIInI direea recruitment unle he produeel a eortUloate of bullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull tile Principal Aoademic Offioer of the 8bullbullbull 1 01 institution last atteudod if any and similar Certlffcate fiea olher rtspOnsib1ep8lsonl no beina his relativos bullbullbullbull ate woll teuW with him in his private Uf and aN 1IBIOaow16 JaIl School or Institution

Art ~ 5middot No person ahan be appointed to an oat ill tM $enla bl clirN naruitment 0 is 1181thao sbtllD )rJ1II or I80N tliaR t~fl YArs 6f a ~I before tk date flllUbttlloa faPltn bullbull bullbullbull apPointinl authoJity

App)intfna 6 All appOlnlmenSto the po -In tile ittM _0 be bullbullbull Authority

~hc Under SecIetalYbullbull

bull iIARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 1065 (SRVN 211919 SAKA)

7 No person shall be appointed to any post in the Service unless Quallbtatloai he Is In possession of qualifications and experience specified In column 3 of Appendix B to these rules in tire case of direct recruitment and those specified in column 4 of tile aforesaid Appendix In the case of persons appointed other than by direct reeruitment f

Provided that in t he case of ap po1ntmert by direct recruitment the qualifications regarding experience shall be relaxable to the extent of SO at the discretion of the recruiting authority in case sufficient number of candidates belongillg-toSchMiUlcd Castbullbullbull Backward Classes Ex-Servicemen and Physically Handicappedcategories possessing the requisite experience are notavailable to fill up tho vacancies reserved for them after recording reasons for so doing in writing

8 No personc- DisqualifJcationl

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living or

(b) nho having a spouse living bas entered Into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eUgib10 for appointmentto any post In the Service

Provided that the Government may if satisfied that such marriage Is permissible under the personal law applicable to such personand the other party to the marriage and there other groundsfor so doing exempt any person from the oPeration of this rule

9 (1) Recruitment to the Service shall be made- Met1Iocl of recruitment

(a) in the case of Carpenter -

(i) by direct recruitment Of

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case of Stamper-

(i) by promotion from amonlStDaftri or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an otficial already in the service of any State Government or tlie Government -of India

(c) in the case of Daftri-

- (i) by promotion-from amongst Record Lifter or (ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service

of any ~tate Gowrpmmtt --or the Government of India

(d) in the case of Record Lifter-(i) by promotion tromamo~gst Peon (ii) by transfer -of depmatiQlJ dan official already in the service

of any State Oovtmment -orthe Governmentof India J

HARYAN AGOVT GAZ~t 1997bullljmiddot~~12J(SRVN21 1919SAKAj

(e) in the case of Jamooar-

(i) by promotion from am ngst Peon or

(ii) by transfer or (~eputation of an official already in tile service of any State Government or the Government of India

(f) inthe case of Head OilOwkkar-

(i) by promotion from amongst Ot10Wkifar (gt

(ii) by transfer cot dcpqttltbJl of an 0ffici~1alr~ y ir the service of ampDYmiddot SUttte Qo~mell( or tne Government of India

(g) in the case of Peon-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case dFrash-

(i) by direct recruitment laquor

(ii) by transfer or ceputation of an official already in thesetvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(i) ill the ca~~of Khalasi-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of allY State GovelPmellt orthe G)verumentoflooia

(j) in the case ofsweeper-cum-Ohowkidar-

(i) by direct recruitment of

(ii) by transfer of ueputation of an official alrerdy in the-scrvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(k) intn~ tase ot Qh()wkQaT~

(i) by direct recruitment or ~ bull ~

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official ~headyir th~ service of anYStato GotlertlllWlt ~tbe GoveilunenloUndla

- bullbullbull bull ~ ~(l))iJ the CampS~()tdit~eWQrk~r~~-~middot

- ~ (i) by direct recruitment or

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 121997 1067 (SRVN21 1919SAKA)

(2) All promotions unless otherwise provided shall be made on Seniority-eum-fitness basis and seniority alone shall not confer anyright to suer promotions

(3) Unless otJaerwise provided in this rule whenever any vaeaaay ocwra or iabout to occur In the Servicebullbull the appointing authority shall aetermine the manner in which it shall De filled in

10 (1) A peraon appointed to any poet in the Service shall remain on pro batten for a period oftwo years jf appointed by direct recruitment and one year If appointed otherwise ~

Provided that-(a) any period aftmo such appointment spent on deputation

on a corrasponding or a highm-post shall count towards the period of probation

(b) any period of work in equivalent or higher rank prior to appointment to any post in She Service may in the ca of an appointment by transfer at the discretion of tho appointinl authority be allowed to count towards tlto pet of probation fixed undtl this rule and

(e) any period of officiating appointment Ihall be reckoned as pariod spont on probation but no person who has so officiated shall on the oomplotion of tho proscribedperiod of probation be entitlod to be confirmed unloss he is appointed against a permanent vacancy

(2) If in the opinion of tho appointing authority tho work or conduet of a person during the period of probation is not satisfactory it may-

(a) if such person is appointed by direct recruitment dlspensowtth his Services and

(b) if IUch porion is appointed otherwise Ihan by dirocc recrult-ment-

(1) revert him to his former post or (ii) deal with him in such other manner as the terms and

conditions of the previous appointment permit (3) On the completion of the period of probation of a person

the appointing authority may-(a) if his work or conduct h~ In its opinion been

sa tisfactory-(I) confirm such person from the date of his appointment

if appointed against a permanent vacancy or (ii) confirm such person from the date from which a

permanent vacancy occurs if appointed against a tempo-rary vacancy or

(Hi) declare that he has Completed his probation satisfactorilyif there is no permanent vacancy of

(b) if his work or conduct has in its opinion been not satisfactory-laquo

(i) dispense withhil Services if appointed by direct recruitment if appointed otherwise revert him to his former post or dea 1 with him In such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous appointmentpermit or




(U) extend his period of probationand -thereafterpass such

older as it Could have passed~9n~t~ eipfry-o( t~ ]~lst period of probatig~ -

Provided that (he total period Qf prp~tiou in~l~d~~g-lif~lSJ~n

if any shall not exceed three years

11 Seniority inter se of the members uftheService shaU be

determined by the length of Continuou~ service on any past -in the Service

Provided that where there are different cadr-es in the Service the serUorityshal b~t~erli~~rj~y for each cadre - -

Provided further that in the case -d members appinted by direct J~c1iiitinenpoundtheorder of tho merit determined by the employment exchange

or Rajya Sainik Board (for Ex-serviceman only) shall not be

disturbed in fixing the seniority

Provided further that in the case vf two or more- members -aPpointed

on the same date their seniority shall be determined as follows -

(a) a member appointed by direct recruitment- shall be senior to -a member appointed by promotion or by transfer

(b) a member appointed by promotion shall be senioito -a member appointed by transfer

(e) in the case of member appolnteltr by-promotion or by transfer seniority shall be determined according to the seniority

of such members in the appointments from which they

were promoted or transferred and

-(d) in the case of members appointed by transfer from different

cadres thelr seniority shall-be determined according

to pay preference being givento a member who was

drawing a higher rate of payIn his previous appoint-ment and If the rates of pay drawn are also the same then

by their length of their Service in the appointments and if the- Ie-ngth of such Service is alsorthe same the older member shall be senior tltdliC You-nger member

12 (1) A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at anyJJebiUl7 to aenemiddot place whether within oroutside the State of Haryana on being ordered

so to do by the appointing authority

(2) A member of the Service may also be deputed to serve under -

(j) II company an associ tion or a bod y of Individuals whether -_]i~ip~ni~__J~r not which Is wholly or substa ntialJy


HARYANA GOVT OAZAUG 12 1997 1069 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

owned or controlled by theSta te Government a Municipal corporation or a local authority or university within the

~-Stateof Haryana -_ --_~-~

- eii) The Central Government or l company an aHOCt~tionor a body of individuals whetllor incorporated or Dot which is wholly or substantially owned controlled by theltII

Central Government or

(Hi) Any other State Government an int8lBamptiona1-orgaJllsation and autonomous bidy not controlled by the Government or

_a private body

Provided that no member of the Service shall be deputed to serve the Central or any other State Government or anyorganisation or body referred to in clauses (ii) or clause (ill) except with his consent ~ -

13 In respect of pay leave pension and all other matters not ex-pressly provided for in these rules the members of the Service shall be grvar ned by such rules and regulations as may have been or may here-after be adopted or made by the competent authority under the Oonsritu-tion of India or under any law for the time being inforce made by the State Legislature

14 (I) In matters relating to discipline penalties and appealsmembers of the Service shall be gJ verned by the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules 1987 as amended from time to time

Provided that the nature of p_enalties which may be imposed the authority empowered to impose such penalties and appellate authorityshall subject to the provisions of any law or rules made under Article 309 of the Oonstitution of India be such as are specified in Appendix 0 to these rules

(2) Phe authority competent to pass all order under clause (c) or clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punish-ment and Appeal) Rules 1987 and appellate authoriryshall be as specified in Appendix D to these rules

15 Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and re-vaccinated as and when the GOVernment so directs by a special or generalorder

16 Bvery member of the Service unless he has already done so shall he required to take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established

17 Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so it may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions of these rules with respsct to any class or category of persons

18 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the appointing authority may Impose special terms and conditions in the orden of appointment if it is deemed upedient to do so

Pay leavepension and other matters

Disciplinepenalties and appeals


Oath of allegiance

Power of relaxation


1070 HARYANA OOVT GAZAUG12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

Rbullbullbullbull tfooa

Repeal and SaiDls

19 Nothing contained In these rul bullbullbull llall ailect naenetlou aod other ooaeeaaions req1llred to be provided fa tlw 8eIledule4 Gastea BackwMd CIuaes Bx-servicemen Physically )aandt capped personl or any other amp1188 or eateaery of persons In ucordanct with tho orders illued by the State Government Inthla regard from time to timel

ProvJded that the total porcentage of roservationl 10 madohall not old 50 ~ of any time

20 The Punjab State (Class-IV) Service Rules 1963 in their application to the State of Hatyanaj are hueby repeaJod bull

Previded that any order made or action taken under tho rules so repealed shall be dNDled to havo been made or taken under the C01108-

pending provisions of these rulos -I

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 4: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr

1052- HARYANA GOVT OAZ AUGl21997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

(i) ~T hTCfC~11~q~Fiffa ~~T ~~ltfl

(ii) rlf~ ~lnr~T~ ~iff lronramprt~ rn if bullbull ~ ~T~ J f1fi~ litHf~T~1~~~~~ ~~ltfT 00 jsrfiiftllflobull

~m-middot~ (oq) f~Ti f~IiiG6flf WIt~-

(i) ~(mT if ~ q~)ifro n~T q~qr

(ii)- f-t1~J1_f~~cpr~ $l~qr +IT~ mCiTfiT ~GH if ~ cent~~~

~ qT~)~ ~~Rr~o~ $l~qr srfoflt1ffl lIru -e

( ) ((lfrtlTflf CV1Jif --

(i) 9trJr11 ii ~ cttfifQ lIT~ _ A~qf

(ii) ~ UilI ij~r( ~~ lifT +ITQ ~ (CFr en) ~r il qii~ ~ euro ~~ bull f~ litatqr1f lti ~~TiromiddottlT i(~cif srfof~fqlti gTU

- (q) ~ q14lliTr( Iifif ~wr ~ bullbullbullbull

(i) bullbulllcfim( t ~ q(t1flti QT(f ~~Cfr

- (ii) ftmt U~ mm 9tltfT +IT(i ~r(ifi-~qr-lf--~~ ~ ~r - -~~ ffi~)lifi1iifTtf cti ~rr~d~ $l~qT SIfufoll fur QTl

(i9) ~qrltT 6flf ~QlT If-~

(i) ~laf ~a1~T(Tmiddot ~~n -_ (ii) ftl~)~ ~( Tq-qT ltfiff mq7TltfiT ~Cff il q~~ ~ ~) ~~

fcti~ ~ifT- ~ ~qTir~Q(1I $t 1fqf ffufilt fcfo ~lltt

- (i) ~fafitmiddotaT ~ro~ ~~qr ii)r~(f~~-ll~T~T-a- trvm(6flt itiT -laquo q~ ~~ij ~

f~ ctiliifTtl Cf1~~rr~a(1lTt~ltiT srfaflt1ffliHf $lqiffbullbull 00 bullbull

(i) r9~~f ctit~Qlr~ ~-

~_ _(i)~aTa1nu_$l~~~j~ ~(iQfbVt ~~Ulqcrr ~ror~T( _~t ~ -q- ~~ ~ ~

- ~ -- -- ~fiUif mf~ ci ~~IJf WNT srtGf~~ffl 1lT(f

HARYANA GOVr GAZAUG121997 1053 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

lt bull 01

(i) ~ftcf~a1ero ~irCIT

(ii) fltti~ttr~ ~( ~trCff~ lrta~~T~ffr mrr i q~~ ~ ~

f~~)~qqrft F ~Tifra~ tIyenfCIT srfmifllfRt aT~bull ~ t bullV (c) qR1m-lt q) ltrWf if~middot-

(i) ~fl~1+f~1 gtr~crT lrTU

(ii) fCfl~l ~ tftOtillt ~yenfqf ~T~~T~ q1 ~Cfr ii q~~U ~1~ij

fCfi~l~fqn)i ~Tltrltf(1Jl tIyenfCff SIfafifllffa ~rf ~yenfCfTbull

(0) ejlr Ifh Efn Gwr if

-di) ~)~ftl~ff anr ~~crr

(ii) fct~iltr~1f ~Tlt Jf~Cfr l1roi ~lt qt Ucrr if q~~~ ~t ~iT flti~l ctl4qTot lti ~qTfra(lJT ~~CfT 51fafifllfcrcr a T

(2) ~GfijCfgt tI~~f ~ilflO r ~T ij~l q~rrrQlftllSliOffi rci il1t~rr~ ITITltq( 9l1 ilTiliTt ij~roilcm- ~~liom~l ~~1 qiirrfG1lToil f~~ 9lli tlfalgt1lt SIGTif ~rCfgtilrl I

( 3) ~iI fnmT if ~q Gctl tJi1t~fa-trGffaG r ~TUcrf if _1iGf ~l fili fUctG

mil ~ ~~qr ~R crrrr ~mt ~ ~Tfif3fCfaSITrllCi)rOT-~~~fffqG Cfgt~1fT fCfl q~

rct1~ lIiT ~ +1(l iilT~iT) I

10 (1) ~ ~ fCf~l~ft qGrrlt frRf ~~ ~ ~lal~~1am qfltft~T ~iRI ftlfTiflTT ~)a)~~) Cf4 ft tliffa ~ f~~hftltrfG qrqTfifiOffi fCfllfT ~r~)

h~if7 Cf~ fiT qGJfa ~ fu~ qrltltTeifT q( ~1fT

~---(it) ~~lf~fCffi ~ GlTGfltt~T 1~~q ~r _~qCi( ~ rrlt SIfCt~ifOffi rrlt

Clfa1cr ltfiT iff fint qcrfa ~1~T ltfi1 1crfl if fiTil1 iiT~iT1

(v) ~jIr~ltOI rrl1r~1~~Cfff Gwr if ~ if fm 11 R If

fpififfi ij- ~ fmmtCfilff _~r 3~qcnIT~ q~ f~ ~ ~IqlttIT~)f qqftr fiflfltfO srrftlilif(1--ci fqf~IfJ ~~ f~ ~ mWr fl1ffi

qflaquor~~CJfw ~r~ fm ~ GfT ijltiffT t ~h

1054 HARYANA GOVT GAZ AuG 121991 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

(q) ~[AfIFf am fiflfCKlctt tiT ifqftl-lff~rm ~ ~ iIl1 ~ ~

ct ~ 11 flRr iIlliqr f~ Cfl~~ ilIfRf fm ~ ~1ifTttiir

if CfiTq fCfillT~ trfTciTm ~rfcrf~~l ~ -U ampFrmiddot ~ lIf~ q f~~ ~ tn f~Gffi if f~T mn~~ fpqiiFffiT ~


( 2) lIfq- fnif1fO gtrrf~Tr CfllTlI 11 qf~~ Cfll~w ~ j~ lIfffi ifir ifirzl lfT ifTf1JJ~~fi if ~T ampT oT q-

(fi) ~ ~~n amprfCRf ijTa-l 101 ern f~CKI ffilfT iflfT ~ f a-ij~ bull ~1 ~ ti~middot1fit~rt i ~TC

(fSI) lfR ~m 0lff0Rl~Im-ra1 ~ ~i~r fif1RJ fq1lfT l11IT ~ m--(i) a-ij ~~ cf ~ q~ Slfaltlf~ Fffl ~~ lfT

(ii ) ~~ ~er if f~~Y~ Rlr ~)fcr ~ ~~~ ~r ~ ~T ~I ~ f~crcr i fl~ ~tClTff~ Itl~1

( 3) f~l ilffRr Cfrlqfwefr ~qrti ~ft ~ACrt ~flCf $IlfulllTil-

(IF) ll~ ~WFT itlzj lfT ~~ ~~I ~Tll if ~ff~~ ~I ~Tm--[i) ~~ oqfCRftiT lfR ~ P1T~ fdifCf In fr~CRi ftilfT fIlIT ~T ~

oT ~~r f~ff tiT fmQ ~ ~c ~ ~Ifim ~ lfT

(ii) ~~ C7JforcrfiT l1fG q~ f~r if~ft~ fflcr q~ f~~1fcr fEfillT

irltfT~Tcrj PrT~fu~ ~)~ CiiTfcrff ~ ~ ~ ~crr ~~ m

(iii) llR ifi~ ~ fltf1fcr if ~ of IEfTfqcr~lt ijfiffi ~ f~ ta~ ~f qf~aTT ~ f~ ~~T~iff1 iitrmiddot ~ ctIfi ~iT~ lfT

(J lffq- ~~T FTif lff ~Tltn1lT ~~rctff~ if ~crfqJifll _if~T ~) _ ~_ - - c - - bull - bull -

( i) llR ~ ~mT1fcrr rnr mr ~ ~Tm- ~~ ~rf~iffi

~lifl ~ ~11q ~ ijCfiat ~~ llfq- ~~ ft1iiRT ~T ~ ~crT ~ ~~i Cf-ltt ~ If gtrfucrfcrcr ~ ~ ~ trT 1ri ~ltra- if f~~T ~~T~ill (tfa if rm-~ iIit ~crr ~ if)

i3tl~T 1ct fiflfiffi ~ f~erif ol1ri A~ lti1i liT

(ii) ~~T q-f~Tamp1T ~fa- ~ ~T ~ ifT~ ~~ ifF it~if~

~~~T ~ ~) ~ Iff~cfMT CfilSTfl ~ Cfil~Tftij q-~

~middotm-t fT

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 toss (SRVN21 1919 SAKA)

tro~qf~cftamp1TenT~ lfCffUfrri ~~ ~ fCffaft 7fm ~ ~)

wrflffi ~ ~R ~ ij- lffUenOf~l ~)rrT I

11 ij-lT lti ~~Hr fiT CfltfCflt~ii~~r ftltTT m ~ Cf~ ~lti ~T I

~mmij-Cf~ ci ~rn ffm enT ~m ro~ jf~r rCfrif flflirOf ~rq~rCf~r~cn SlCOlfli ~CflT ~ f~ ~rr-laquo(1q

r fir~ enT IroltrT

f Cflti~~ 11 laquo~flff tiT ~WT if ~~T fiff~~bullbull fii laquoTerTli~1 [T~T fr~~

L ~ ~1f7f (ljjrrr~ tiftffiilT ~~ ~T~lf ~fijti Gft~ (ltiCf~ ~Cicrof ~flEfiT ltt1

r f~) ~T llFlRfT ~I ~l fiilfT IrolJTlfCfITTflta ~rr

~~~~~ Rr~ CflT frlfRf crT lfT ltit ij- lffUti ~~

lfil ~T ii ~ltllgt1 ~~aT fI1rr~ ~q ~frllfra tiT ifroql -

( ti) laquoTm liciT [T1T fi ~~CT ~if tfltWOffultIT fiITir~Gf iRT

frrli ltfa ~I 1 ~ ~ISO ~qT

(~) cr~t1fa [TV fiilfJ tI~Fi f~rrfat1f [TU fi-iCifCl ~

~ i~ ~Fn - -(rr) Cf~)ilfa~Rr laquolJCfT~lJTrr~~Gf lf11Tf~ ~~ 6l ltWT ~

iq6Qar ~~fr flfltf~lfT if it ~ ~ltflfT tilom ~ 1i~

ffifla- etf IrC(lTt t~if~ r Cf~tq llY prri(rr~lfltaflllq rrq ~ q-l~

(I) f~ifVCftTT ~ HHrra~ iIro f ~T lil ~wr ~ ~rltfil~r rniT c5 wrtrr~ fiff~ til ilIQrrl~fulTl ll~ ~ Ii) fltltrr ilIQrrTif) ~Cfrrl ~~ Ii) f~lffl if ~~( ~ tn crnltr ~ ltlt1 fT lfl~1dlt flaquolof ~ m ~ ~ 1f) ~

~ laquol~rltfir middotf~ifR~Tif ~ ~if~ laquocrr~ ~ ~ 1lt liflt ~ ~fir~ 1f) ~Jfrltr ~) Q) ~1 if ~ ~ ~ ~ ij- ~o fTrrr I

12 (1) ~ In lift q) ~ fltrVctasrrfilm) are ~T ~

if q1Iqf ~ ~ fm FTflf ~ ~ ~ ~ f~ ~w ~ rrl -n ~m Ifi~ ~ ~ tr~ramp)lfr I

(2) ~ ~ ffilaquo) ~~~ )i) ~crr ri f~ frr+ltr firfia ei mtTif SJfdrwtfR fiIrlrrn ~ tc

I (i) ~ ~rT m 11l Cl1f~-f~rlirt q f~) J~ fil~iVf jqf 11l vfvllrtw rt=crrf~~ lfr ~


1056 HARYANA GOVr OAZ AUG 12 1997 (SRVN 211919 SAKlA)

~~lfruri ~Tiilf ~ 1fJij ~ ~fltlfT1JfT~r~ ltir qrn~ ifq~

ffq~ lff ~ullti snferfroJf ~fCfi f~~laquomlf lfT

(ii) 4r=~Tlfij~~(~ lfr fijT liPrT ~rlr 1Ir ilfflle ff~rlf qr~~

ffqf~(f ~T lIr f f~ij~r ~crT- lIr ~raelirlf Frrf~c lfr fpriiIJl~1lf ~~~ lt6 qfij QT - ~~rr

( Hi) li~ Wt rn ~~ wcro~llti ~1Oi ~cr fmlf fijlaquo~r I

fifliQI1JTij~m fi qrij if QT ~lfr lT~-ij~Iiltt fifiifll

n~~r ~ foOOT 1ft ij~ liT1~T ij~fcr ~ fiiflllllls (ii) ltT lSl1I~(Hi) if ferfiff~e ~iltr lIrflitTIWll ~filI ijm~ lIr flilaquoT laquo1Oif lIr fltWTlIq ~r ~ ~ f~ ~fcrfifIfifCfl fCflllrfl~r I

ltrnil~T filii 13 mi~)iiTifcrlfT ijm- Wt ~~mm~~ffimTif CffT WlI q1ffi I ~qIe ~q ~ ~lT ~ fCflllIlrlfr~ ~ i1 ~ ~~ fifl11rTCflfTfcrfrlnrTrnr

fifltT~ QTiT iSlTijfif ~Tfrmir am ~cr ~ mermi ~ ~erTrr ~lferT mll

fcnrrrr li~ aT~r iif~Ii criT 1ij ijlflf ~llT fliijT ferfer ~ $fftr $fqiTa-Ifr

iififr~ ~ i21 ~CfT ~~ ~ WRTlt lfr iifiTq GfT1t I

4IfR ~rmrlff 14 (1) ~ijiI IftTftcrlfT ~crlfT ~IlfT tr1ifa-cr qfli~T if ~ltrr ~ ij(~

~ ~m I ijlilf -ijlil ~ lflfT trlfTfampCTQf~rarr fijf~ ~CfT (iUi crlfT~t11) fllIq 19 i 7

am fpiftrcr l

qVg ~laquot TrtlcrlfTffT ~~q 3JT111ri ~r ijliCfT~ ~ Trf~t ~ml Ii ~ ijIfCRf srrftriflril CflfTwmr ~rf~r~ ~cr ~ mCftfTif ~ wrii 309

~ ~if iif~ ~ ffilaquot f~fS lfT fif~ cf 1qqelT~ mfttr ~ ~~ ~ l fT

~ fifl11rT~ qf(fllllSe 1 if fcrfrf~ i I

( 2) ~(lfrurr fm~ ~err (~ ~T ~~) fiflijJ 1987 cf f~ 9 ci ~-f~ (1) ~~ (~) lfT ~i (f) ci mftrr- fitl ~ ~ mlll srrf~ (f1IT~ SIiN~ro m- ~ ~IJTSf)~ fifll1JTci q-f~fuISe ~ if

frlltIf~~ I

IT tNA I -15 ~ IliT SR~ifi ~ fiif ~~ fm fm ~ ~ sr~T

Im ~el f~ ~i em ViIbullbull~n crSITlil e~ ~I~iIi(iI I

~f1friflSir iii) 16 ~ ~ sreifCfl ~ ij jfiI Clifi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ smt(f1lT fCfffl lINr I rro 3(fT ~ froT ~ mcnrR ci srfcr lRfltf1iOT Cfgt1l1M1fif ~ ~ e) ttm

Irol tit rnn ~ I

bullbull aYANA GOV1 GAZ AUG 12 1997 (SRN 21 1919 SAKA)

1 7 ~ ~ 1111 UlI if ~ f~ c6 fCflm- ~Ir if t)lr ln ~ ~~ 111ft

~1If 3fr Iff~ ~) ~ q ~ f~ ~ m T 04fcfaq) c6 fw1 ~ I

~ 3fT m bullbull ~if ~mfi ~1tl

18 ~~1 if f~ ifffi ~~ ~~ f1f~~ 5fTf~ ~ q flrn~ t f~ srmr if ffl~A oyenT fi ~ffiIT ~o m 0) ~ qm ~

nmt I

19 ~ fflflff if ltft ttimiddot~ amf ~TRf~R am ~ m if ~- ~ I

~ ~ GIrit fwA 1A srr~T ci ~ WiWbullbullo arrfoit~ IlfiCl ~

ffoAff w~ ~ ~ f~i1r ~fcfaif ~ illfGfOlif ~ fllllaquoT ~ ltf1T 3fT sr~ iJi) M ~ Iffif ~ ~T OIT ~ f~ 1fl1 srmfCffl If ~

qi~ ~J ~ ~ f~~ srm=rur crft ~ srfumroTf~1 1ft ~ cmf srfumr~ mfTti ~ ~

2~ ~fiI Ulf (~ti ~1) ~ ~ 1963 ~ftlfT1itr tliIt f~wn ~1TU~~f~1(~nti ~~ I

q~ ~ SIItf[ Mmr ~ ~ mfrt fitnn ~ ~ mQ II

11ft Ii IMtift(~~T ~ l1l~ ~T ~ q1ft flllm M vrft IqIIflttT 1Ir1Iff ~t ~1 GI ro~11

lOS8 HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG ll 1997middot-(SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

1 CfT(m -

2 ~m

a ~~ --- -~ -

4 fWT~~

5 illifGT(

V-- 6 ~ q1~1ltU1

7 ~CfTqn

8 1fi(T~

9 ~m~fr

bull- - -- -r 1~

3 1 4

5 11 16

13 2 15

3 _ bull3

1 1

bull58 61 119

2 2

1 1

1 2

950--20--- H 6~Tampf~

1400~ 30~o fm~~c 800~- 15--101 Obull-ltelanTa-- 201150 illf 3 0~ 0 fero~ cQii

80(-~15~1olHh1tttffi- [-i8 1150~ 3~~oliriq ieuroA

800middot-_1 Sl 01o-~~(~a-20-middot-1150~t-30~~frQ1~ c~f

- 0 lt~h- ~ ~ ~~c

8 0 0middotmiddotmiddotmiddot bull15-10t 0 ~61~Tfli~ (1 11 5 0 iilff 3 0 ~ 0 fqiftf cTffOi ~

775--12-- 956~QT~m--14--

1 OZ5 iilif 30~o fclT~ ~~

750middotmiddot 12- - 870 a~arflg--14-940 iJIf 3 0 ~ 0 fltril~C~

7 5 )-middotbull1 2 bullbullbull8 7 o--a~ltInTa--14-940 iqf 30~o ~ cor

750-12-870--~~Ta--14--940 ~r 30~o fcmtf cfOil

3 750--12--870- -~~m--14-940 ~r 30~o fcriTlSfCltIi+ 6 5 ~ 0 fcriT1Sfq~T

5 750~-12~-87o-~~Tu--14- - 940tqr 30~ 0 f~~ cfo

1 750-12--870 bull-a~Ter bull-14-940 ~ 30~o fcmlSf cl5f



HARYANA-GOVT GAZ AUG_12 1997 I 1059 (SRVN 21 1919SAKA) ~

- bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull-_bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull- __ --- _-- - __ bull-------lIflo ~~ ~ftlllaT ~ ~ ~o 1lT~f~ ~J-nRrrif~T

tll1G1 lffa tf1~ ~ I-~-~~_u _middot ~- bullbullbullbull bullbullbullI1-1 It IIaoodW~iilRRmiddot

1 2 3

(i) tf1Tm~ if tI~ 0

CT 0 tI~ 0 ill ~nrr

~ltfl ~ tllOcff qJ~

~l ~~ij ~cff qJ~

J~~ ilTOql lT~

V 10 Bt)r~~cj f1tf1m~ f~~l~Cf tlTOC(T qJ~

~ fitJT~~

12 Ii- qeR~ cm~lt6l ~TIr$~ltF~bullbull~__~k_~~middot____ ~~~~~_~~_~f=~ amp iI II It bullbullbullbull Aoa4 bullbullbullbullbullbull

bullbullbullbull--- bull- __ -------ampool-~O-~l~l ml ~ tI~ fillmmiddot ~ fm Wamplfurct7 lITnrmii CMT ~l1G1

ltfu T~~ UJlod~I-ooILoaJ 11bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull_


(i) ~l ~T ~hhrl1lltT ~ ~TI (ii) ltRT~qc( Fi ~ 112 eMCfiT


(i) f~l ~t ~laquoif)

~lltT tf1T~TI i

(ii) ~~T ef1~ if ~m ~ ltliT~l1cr

(i) ~T ~~ ~iifl ItlltT~~ (ii) f~ ~ ef1 ~ iftfcP ~

fiT ~ltq _ - (i) f~l Cfqf ~l3ft~1ltT Gtil~fr (ii) ~~~ It1 ~ if tfr~ ~ ~


(i) f~l CMT~~~T~(II(Tlt6T~(lj _

(ii ) ~~ ~ ~ if tftf qrf ~T

tIllq (i) f~T CMT~~T ilTqT Cffl~TI (ii) IrfiM c ~ ~q if tftq~ ~T


~1 ~l oi) ~l ~fr~ amp- c If - 8 ~ tI~ mocr qJ1I -

~l ~~1I1Ocfttft~

~T ~ tlTOctT tfHI

~r ~ ml lttiT~Tii I__ bullbullbullbullbullbullIIbullbullbullbull It I k bullbullbull J __ __ ~_~_ k r1s t w bull _

Jtt~ ~J


1060 HARYANA GOVT OAZ AUO 121991 (StVN 211919 SAU)

~~ 14(1)]

bullbullbull fi~~ IIr bullbullbullbull middot~middot


srrftilltf~ ~CfiT(~

~---~--------------------------------------~-------1middot ------ middot2 - 5 bull 1 ~~-

Vltf~ ~Tffi fcrCdl$RI

(1) ~~ mfCf ~fqr - (~qwl)

~mm~~ (ii) bullbullfWfltIl

(iii) ~~ ~)tr I (iv) ~amp1T ~ ~~m~~1l

11U IPittr ~ lttiT

~ itfl 1Pff a qT ClI~

r~ rtf ~ ~~~~

fIi q frqfinr ~ fl ~ Grt bullbull bull

mtqTm~~~ ~ IImtil~f rro ~

~ ~ Sli ftiifl(li ~

8 C(qr ftlaquo bullbull fillClI4 Cfft If ~ a- ~ff~~~m

I~ J1 11ft ~~ ~If (v) ~f1n1fmiddotmt m~ bull ~)IfiIl i 2 qt tliT~-

vi) ~ srm~ m~ m ~trt 11 i(~ ~J

(ri) ~tirfii11 nf ~

~ (IIfMI1~

~ 9[qrftr ~

it~ ~ ~1 ~r~ro jI -~ bullbull

bull lt



~ q~ ~ ~ fcnn1r


R1ib 14 ~2008

mtmmiddot~ocmo fro 1~o3Fo S09l2009-IJTffi ~ ~ ~ ~ 309

~ampRT ~ ~ ltffl UltfTrr m~ ~ ~~ ~ ampRT filfllgCRf

~ ~ (WI tr) ~~ 1997 em 3lfI1 ~ CfRllc)r ~ fllfBRsit1 fJltm


1 ~ 00 Fcr~lgltRI~ ~ ltwr tr) ~ (~ fWr 2009 ~ iT


2 Fcrt1Iyenf1~ ~ (WI tr) ~ filtrir 1997 ~ ~ ~ ~

~ 4 c)r -M Uiif ~ 7 t~ ~~ ~ CfiT ~~ ~ ~ R

bullbull ~ ~ 3l1Olff lffi1 ~~ ~ ~ I

~FTTtt Fcr~I$ffi~ lmFr~ ~ mcPR

~ C1llT 31TQGT ~ ~ I

bull bull


- c

1 4

It) 51

~~ ~~ ~ltAftr11ft ~ ~~

-t ~~rf ~qf ~~ wt1Rrbull 1fT ilaT ~T~ m

- ~ma it tfli If~ q~ ~ ~(J ~f

mrft m ~Ifi




(viii) fll1=re~iffi~ rlie IR qT hr c~ ~ iTiAftr 11) ~ mrtr ~ ~ ~ ~6ttffl ll~ N ~r ~f- Ii ~ ~ -wrRr ftflqT ~ ~

tR~rf(J ~ ~

VTtrrorI6 ~- ~t itm ~-h tK ~

Rr ~~ mro-~ flll1fr ~T lIT ~ q ~ ~

Iill wIIf i~ ~

W iI ~ tf1~ q

~ ~rt if wlaquot ~m~~l~ ~ 111 wri f4rr~

(is) ~ rn ~j

(x) ~ t ~ ~ ~~~ ~fWq~bull~

(raquof) W~ ~ bull 1ITltft ~ at 8iR tffIllIl1 j ~

tatmiddot aa ~ ~i ---_~

1062 HARYANA GOVT6AZ bull AOO Hlfl (SRVN 21 119 SAlA)

--_------------------------------_ -------------------fflfur ~l ltt1 ltft faatll f~ij~ rnw~ ~ sTTf~t srrfClll~1

- I

7IN lili ~ -------- ~ bull__r ~_r~)_) _

1 2 3 4 6 6

-----------------------~--~----------------------(i) ~ fiT f~~ qrof 41ffl fTtlnrT ~~ fltmTll

ill ~)r ~~~l ~~q

mafcRr liwrrifiT qfwjl$1 ~lIr 1vn


(ii) a~ ma crfJm ~ ftrlf frrmr ~~8fiq ~~ 1ft ~ I -


6 ~ ifjctf~T~


8 tlitTllT

9 ~~ff1

1 0 ~ltQltf ~lt

11 qTm

1 2 itil Cfilt

-~-----------------------~--~---------~-----------~ 0 jfT CflfT

f~qt~ ~cf ~ laquofltctruIT ~ ~ fiIIR I


-----------------------------~----------~~~--~~~ r Autborised English Translation)




The 17th July 1~7

No GS R 58Const Art 30997-ln exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the constitution of India the Governor of Haryana hereby makes the following rules regulating the recruit-ment and conditions of service of person appointed to the HaryanaFinancial Commissioners Office (Group D) Service namely-


1 Tllese rules may be called_the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rule 1997-

2 In these rules unless the context otherwise requires -

(a) Udlrect recruitment means an appolntment made other-wise than by promotion from within the service or bytransfer of an official already in the Service of the Government of India or any State Government

(b) employment exchange means the employment ~exchange situated in Haryana

(c) Financial Cc-mmissioner~ means Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government Haryana Revenue Depart-menti

(d) ~GoveiilDlent~means the Haryana- Government- in the - AdministratiVe Department

(0) institutions means -

~i -aAy inStitUiCionestablished -hl Jaw in force in the State _~ of Ha~lJa ~t- (11)any otherinstttuti-drr i-eampigmsed by - the GoverDIDCDtpoundor

tie putposo()f tbtgtsC rules - _ -_ __

-t)-loirif S~cietarPnieans 10int Secretary -to Government Haryana Revenue Department

(g) Rajya Sainik Board rnean~ the office of the Secretary~ --RajyaSaihikBpatQflalaiut- r bullbull~ - bullbull ~ - bull - bull -- -- - - bullbullbullbullbullbullbulllJy ~

C(hrc~~Service means the middotHaqana Financial -Co1Pmi~Sioners office (Group D) Service _ -

_(ij UnderS~~ae-Ymiddot-l1lns the Under Secretary to Government Haryal1tl h~~eniieDepartment

Short title


1064 IAllYANA OQYT oAt AVGli 1i11 (SRVN n 1919 ampuA)


Nunl)er an 3middot The Srvioe shall oomprise tkc poIt 1M Ia AppeHIamp A Cluracter cf to ebes ruls

- POtts

Provided that nothing in those rUNSshall tfoat tho Inbrrout ript ot Oov~nment to make additions to or redaatiolls In the UUDlbcr of suoh posts or to oroate new pous whh dUCbullbull nt deslaatlGlls and scale of pay eitber permanently or temporarily

Natonality 4 (1) No person shall be appointed 10 bullbull Y pobullbull In tbo ServltIIdomicile and unless he Is-character or candidates app lnted to (a) a citizen of india 81 Service

(b) a subject of Nepal 01

Ce) a subject of Bhutan or

(d) a Tibetan refuee who came over to India 1MIfore thl 1st day of January 1962 Withthe intentioll of prmlllatly senHo in India i or

(0) a person of Indian origin who has m1ilattd from PatlstaB Burma Sri Lanka or any of the Bast African CeWltrles of Knya Ulanda Tho Unittd IltpubUf Taua bullbull (formerly Tanpnyika and Zanzibar) Zami Malawi Zaire and Bthopia with the intentloB of permaneoU sottliBI In India

Provided that a person belollJlua te any of tlae cate bullbull ribullbull lt)(0) (d) or (e) shall be a person In wkbullbull favour bull mlficate of eUgibility has been issued by the Gemment

(2) A person in whose case a certificate of eliJibility is DeetSSary maybe admitted to an examination or interview coaduttd by Silo recruitina authority but the offer of Ippeintatmay be given only after the necessary oliamplbiUty Cortlftcato has beeJl Issued to him by the Government

(3)No person shall be appolnt04to any bullbull dID iIInI direea recruitment unle he produeel a eortUloate of bullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull tile Principal Aoademic Offioer of the 8bullbullbull 1 01 institution last atteudod if any and similar Certlffcate fiea olher rtspOnsib1ep8lsonl no beina his relativos bullbullbullbull ate woll teuW with him in his private Uf and aN 1IBIOaow16 JaIl School or Institution

Art ~ 5middot No person ahan be appointed to an oat ill tM $enla bl clirN naruitment 0 is 1181thao sbtllD )rJ1II or I80N tliaR t~fl YArs 6f a ~I before tk date flllUbttlloa faPltn bullbull bullbullbull apPointinl authoJity

App)intfna 6 All appOlnlmenSto the po -In tile ittM _0 be bullbullbull Authority

~hc Under SecIetalYbullbull

bull iIARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 1065 (SRVN 211919 SAKA)

7 No person shall be appointed to any post in the Service unless Quallbtatloai he Is In possession of qualifications and experience specified In column 3 of Appendix B to these rules in tire case of direct recruitment and those specified in column 4 of tile aforesaid Appendix In the case of persons appointed other than by direct reeruitment f

Provided that in t he case of ap po1ntmert by direct recruitment the qualifications regarding experience shall be relaxable to the extent of SO at the discretion of the recruiting authority in case sufficient number of candidates belongillg-toSchMiUlcd Castbullbullbull Backward Classes Ex-Servicemen and Physically Handicappedcategories possessing the requisite experience are notavailable to fill up tho vacancies reserved for them after recording reasons for so doing in writing

8 No personc- DisqualifJcationl

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living or

(b) nho having a spouse living bas entered Into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eUgib10 for appointmentto any post In the Service

Provided that the Government may if satisfied that such marriage Is permissible under the personal law applicable to such personand the other party to the marriage and there other groundsfor so doing exempt any person from the oPeration of this rule

9 (1) Recruitment to the Service shall be made- Met1Iocl of recruitment

(a) in the case of Carpenter -

(i) by direct recruitment Of

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case of Stamper-

(i) by promotion from amonlStDaftri or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an otficial already in the service of any State Government or tlie Government -of India

(c) in the case of Daftri-

- (i) by promotion-from amongst Record Lifter or (ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service

of any ~tate Gowrpmmtt --or the Government of India

(d) in the case of Record Lifter-(i) by promotion tromamo~gst Peon (ii) by transfer -of depmatiQlJ dan official already in the service

of any State Oovtmment -orthe Governmentof India J

HARYAN AGOVT GAZ~t 1997bullljmiddot~~12J(SRVN21 1919SAKAj

(e) in the case of Jamooar-

(i) by promotion from am ngst Peon or

(ii) by transfer or (~eputation of an official already in tile service of any State Government or the Government of India

(f) inthe case of Head OilOwkkar-

(i) by promotion from amongst Ot10Wkifar (gt

(ii) by transfer cot dcpqttltbJl of an 0ffici~1alr~ y ir the service of ampDYmiddot SUttte Qo~mell( or tne Government of India

(g) in the case of Peon-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case dFrash-

(i) by direct recruitment laquor

(ii) by transfer or ceputation of an official already in thesetvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(i) ill the ca~~of Khalasi-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of allY State GovelPmellt orthe G)verumentoflooia

(j) in the case ofsweeper-cum-Ohowkidar-

(i) by direct recruitment of

(ii) by transfer of ueputation of an official alrerdy in the-scrvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(k) intn~ tase ot Qh()wkQaT~

(i) by direct recruitment or ~ bull ~

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official ~headyir th~ service of anYStato GotlertlllWlt ~tbe GoveilunenloUndla

- bullbullbull bull ~ ~(l))iJ the CampS~()tdit~eWQrk~r~~-~middot

- ~ (i) by direct recruitment or

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 121997 1067 (SRVN21 1919SAKA)

(2) All promotions unless otherwise provided shall be made on Seniority-eum-fitness basis and seniority alone shall not confer anyright to suer promotions

(3) Unless otJaerwise provided in this rule whenever any vaeaaay ocwra or iabout to occur In the Servicebullbull the appointing authority shall aetermine the manner in which it shall De filled in

10 (1) A peraon appointed to any poet in the Service shall remain on pro batten for a period oftwo years jf appointed by direct recruitment and one year If appointed otherwise ~

Provided that-(a) any period aftmo such appointment spent on deputation

on a corrasponding or a highm-post shall count towards the period of probation

(b) any period of work in equivalent or higher rank prior to appointment to any post in She Service may in the ca of an appointment by transfer at the discretion of tho appointinl authority be allowed to count towards tlto pet of probation fixed undtl this rule and

(e) any period of officiating appointment Ihall be reckoned as pariod spont on probation but no person who has so officiated shall on the oomplotion of tho proscribedperiod of probation be entitlod to be confirmed unloss he is appointed against a permanent vacancy

(2) If in the opinion of tho appointing authority tho work or conduet of a person during the period of probation is not satisfactory it may-

(a) if such person is appointed by direct recruitment dlspensowtth his Services and

(b) if IUch porion is appointed otherwise Ihan by dirocc recrult-ment-

(1) revert him to his former post or (ii) deal with him in such other manner as the terms and

conditions of the previous appointment permit (3) On the completion of the period of probation of a person

the appointing authority may-(a) if his work or conduct h~ In its opinion been

sa tisfactory-(I) confirm such person from the date of his appointment

if appointed against a permanent vacancy or (ii) confirm such person from the date from which a

permanent vacancy occurs if appointed against a tempo-rary vacancy or

(Hi) declare that he has Completed his probation satisfactorilyif there is no permanent vacancy of

(b) if his work or conduct has in its opinion been not satisfactory-laquo

(i) dispense withhil Services if appointed by direct recruitment if appointed otherwise revert him to his former post or dea 1 with him In such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous appointmentpermit or




(U) extend his period of probationand -thereafterpass such

older as it Could have passed~9n~t~ eipfry-o( t~ ]~lst period of probatig~ -

Provided that (he total period Qf prp~tiou in~l~d~~g-lif~lSJ~n

if any shall not exceed three years

11 Seniority inter se of the members uftheService shaU be

determined by the length of Continuou~ service on any past -in the Service

Provided that where there are different cadr-es in the Service the serUorityshal b~t~erli~~rj~y for each cadre - -

Provided further that in the case -d members appinted by direct J~c1iiitinenpoundtheorder of tho merit determined by the employment exchange

or Rajya Sainik Board (for Ex-serviceman only) shall not be

disturbed in fixing the seniority

Provided further that in the case vf two or more- members -aPpointed

on the same date their seniority shall be determined as follows -

(a) a member appointed by direct recruitment- shall be senior to -a member appointed by promotion or by transfer

(b) a member appointed by promotion shall be senioito -a member appointed by transfer

(e) in the case of member appolnteltr by-promotion or by transfer seniority shall be determined according to the seniority

of such members in the appointments from which they

were promoted or transferred and

-(d) in the case of members appointed by transfer from different

cadres thelr seniority shall-be determined according

to pay preference being givento a member who was

drawing a higher rate of payIn his previous appoint-ment and If the rates of pay drawn are also the same then

by their length of their Service in the appointments and if the- Ie-ngth of such Service is alsorthe same the older member shall be senior tltdliC You-nger member

12 (1) A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at anyJJebiUl7 to aenemiddot place whether within oroutside the State of Haryana on being ordered

so to do by the appointing authority

(2) A member of the Service may also be deputed to serve under -

(j) II company an associ tion or a bod y of Individuals whether -_]i~ip~ni~__J~r not which Is wholly or substa ntialJy


HARYANA GOVT OAZAUG 12 1997 1069 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

owned or controlled by theSta te Government a Municipal corporation or a local authority or university within the

~-Stateof Haryana -_ --_~-~

- eii) The Central Government or l company an aHOCt~tionor a body of individuals whetllor incorporated or Dot which is wholly or substantially owned controlled by theltII

Central Government or

(Hi) Any other State Government an int8lBamptiona1-orgaJllsation and autonomous bidy not controlled by the Government or

_a private body

Provided that no member of the Service shall be deputed to serve the Central or any other State Government or anyorganisation or body referred to in clauses (ii) or clause (ill) except with his consent ~ -

13 In respect of pay leave pension and all other matters not ex-pressly provided for in these rules the members of the Service shall be grvar ned by such rules and regulations as may have been or may here-after be adopted or made by the competent authority under the Oonsritu-tion of India or under any law for the time being inforce made by the State Legislature

14 (I) In matters relating to discipline penalties and appealsmembers of the Service shall be gJ verned by the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules 1987 as amended from time to time

Provided that the nature of p_enalties which may be imposed the authority empowered to impose such penalties and appellate authorityshall subject to the provisions of any law or rules made under Article 309 of the Oonstitution of India be such as are specified in Appendix 0 to these rules

(2) Phe authority competent to pass all order under clause (c) or clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punish-ment and Appeal) Rules 1987 and appellate authoriryshall be as specified in Appendix D to these rules

15 Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and re-vaccinated as and when the GOVernment so directs by a special or generalorder

16 Bvery member of the Service unless he has already done so shall he required to take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established

17 Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so it may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions of these rules with respsct to any class or category of persons

18 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the appointing authority may Impose special terms and conditions in the orden of appointment if it is deemed upedient to do so

Pay leavepension and other matters

Disciplinepenalties and appeals


Oath of allegiance

Power of relaxation


1070 HARYANA OOVT GAZAUG12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

Rbullbullbullbull tfooa

Repeal and SaiDls

19 Nothing contained In these rul bullbullbull llall ailect naenetlou aod other ooaeeaaions req1llred to be provided fa tlw 8eIledule4 Gastea BackwMd CIuaes Bx-servicemen Physically )aandt capped personl or any other amp1188 or eateaery of persons In ucordanct with tho orders illued by the State Government Inthla regard from time to timel

ProvJded that the total porcentage of roservationl 10 madohall not old 50 ~ of any time

20 The Punjab State (Class-IV) Service Rules 1963 in their application to the State of Hatyanaj are hueby repeaJod bull

Previded that any order made or action taken under tho rules so repealed shall be dNDled to havo been made or taken under the C01108-

pending provisions of these rulos -I

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 5: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr

HARYANA GOVr GAZAUG121997 1053 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

lt bull 01

(i) ~ftcf~a1ero ~irCIT

(ii) fltti~ttr~ ~( ~trCff~ lrta~~T~ffr mrr i q~~ ~ ~

f~~)~qqrft F ~Tifra~ tIyenfCIT srfmifllfRt aT~bull ~ t bullV (c) qR1m-lt q) ltrWf if~middot-

(i) ~fl~1+f~1 gtr~crT lrTU

(ii) fCfl~l ~ tftOtillt ~yenfqf ~T~~T~ q1 ~Cfr ii q~~U ~1~ij

fCfi~l~fqn)i ~Tltrltf(1Jl tIyenfCff SIfafifllffa ~rf ~yenfCfTbull

(0) ejlr Ifh Efn Gwr if

-di) ~)~ftl~ff anr ~~crr

(ii) fct~iltr~1f ~Tlt Jf~Cfr l1roi ~lt qt Ucrr if q~~~ ~t ~iT flti~l ctl4qTot lti ~qTfra(lJT ~~CfT 51fafifllfcrcr a T

(2) ~GfijCfgt tI~~f ~ilflO r ~T ij~l q~rrrQlftllSliOffi rci il1t~rr~ ITITltq( 9l1 ilTiliTt ij~roilcm- ~~liom~l ~~1 qiirrfG1lToil f~~ 9lli tlfalgt1lt SIGTif ~rCfgtilrl I

( 3) ~iI fnmT if ~q Gctl tJi1t~fa-trGffaG r ~TUcrf if _1iGf ~l fili fUctG

mil ~ ~~qr ~R crrrr ~mt ~ ~Tfif3fCfaSITrllCi)rOT-~~~fffqG Cfgt~1fT fCfl q~

rct1~ lIiT ~ +1(l iilT~iT) I

10 (1) ~ ~ fCf~l~ft qGrrlt frRf ~~ ~ ~lal~~1am qfltft~T ~iRI ftlfTiflTT ~)a)~~) Cf4 ft tliffa ~ f~~hftltrfG qrqTfifiOffi fCfllfT ~r~)

h~if7 Cf~ fiT qGJfa ~ fu~ qrltltTeifT q( ~1fT

~---(it) ~~lf~fCffi ~ GlTGfltt~T 1~~q ~r _~qCi( ~ rrlt SIfCt~ifOffi rrlt

Clfa1cr ltfiT iff fint qcrfa ~1~T ltfi1 1crfl if fiTil1 iiT~iT1

(v) ~jIr~ltOI rrl1r~1~~Cfff Gwr if ~ if fm 11 R If

fpififfi ij- ~ fmmtCfilff _~r 3~qcnIT~ q~ f~ ~ ~IqlttIT~)f qqftr fiflfltfO srrftlilif(1--ci fqf~IfJ ~~ f~ ~ mWr fl1ffi

qflaquor~~CJfw ~r~ fm ~ GfT ijltiffT t ~h

1054 HARYANA GOVT GAZ AuG 121991 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

(q) ~[AfIFf am fiflfCKlctt tiT ifqftl-lff~rm ~ ~ iIl1 ~ ~

ct ~ 11 flRr iIlliqr f~ Cfl~~ ilIfRf fm ~ ~1ifTttiir

if CfiTq fCfillT~ trfTciTm ~rfcrf~~l ~ -U ampFrmiddot ~ lIf~ q f~~ ~ tn f~Gffi if f~T mn~~ fpqiiFffiT ~


( 2) lIfq- fnif1fO gtrrf~Tr CfllTlI 11 qf~~ Cfll~w ~ j~ lIfffi ifir ifirzl lfT ifTf1JJ~~fi if ~T ampT oT q-

(fi) ~ ~~n amprfCRf ijTa-l 101 ern f~CKI ffilfT iflfT ~ f a-ij~ bull ~1 ~ ti~middot1fit~rt i ~TC

(fSI) lfR ~m 0lff0Rl~Im-ra1 ~ ~i~r fif1RJ fq1lfT l11IT ~ m--(i) a-ij ~~ cf ~ q~ Slfaltlf~ Fffl ~~ lfT

(ii ) ~~ ~er if f~~Y~ Rlr ~)fcr ~ ~~~ ~r ~ ~T ~I ~ f~crcr i fl~ ~tClTff~ Itl~1

( 3) f~l ilffRr Cfrlqfwefr ~qrti ~ft ~ACrt ~flCf $IlfulllTil-

(IF) ll~ ~WFT itlzj lfT ~~ ~~I ~Tll if ~ff~~ ~I ~Tm--[i) ~~ oqfCRftiT lfR ~ P1T~ fdifCf In fr~CRi ftilfT fIlIT ~T ~

oT ~~r f~ff tiT fmQ ~ ~c ~ ~Ifim ~ lfT

(ii) ~~ C7JforcrfiT l1fG q~ f~r if~ft~ fflcr q~ f~~1fcr fEfillT

irltfT~Tcrj PrT~fu~ ~)~ CiiTfcrff ~ ~ ~ ~crr ~~ m

(iii) llR ifi~ ~ fltf1fcr if ~ of IEfTfqcr~lt ijfiffi ~ f~ ta~ ~f qf~aTT ~ f~ ~~T~iff1 iitrmiddot ~ ctIfi ~iT~ lfT

(J lffq- ~~T FTif lff ~Tltn1lT ~~rctff~ if ~crfqJifll _if~T ~) _ ~_ - - c - - bull - bull -

( i) llR ~ ~mT1fcrr rnr mr ~ ~Tm- ~~ ~rf~iffi

~lifl ~ ~11q ~ ijCfiat ~~ llfq- ~~ ft1iiRT ~T ~ ~crT ~ ~~i Cf-ltt ~ If gtrfucrfcrcr ~ ~ ~ trT 1ri ~ltra- if f~~T ~~T~ill (tfa if rm-~ iIit ~crr ~ if)

i3tl~T 1ct fiflfiffi ~ f~erif ol1ri A~ lti1i liT

(ii) ~~T q-f~Tamp1T ~fa- ~ ~T ~ ifT~ ~~ ifF it~if~

~~~T ~ ~) ~ Iff~cfMT CfilSTfl ~ Cfil~Tftij q-~

~middotm-t fT

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 toss (SRVN21 1919 SAKA)

tro~qf~cftamp1TenT~ lfCffUfrri ~~ ~ fCffaft 7fm ~ ~)

wrflffi ~ ~R ~ ij- lffUenOf~l ~)rrT I

11 ij-lT lti ~~Hr fiT CfltfCflt~ii~~r ftltTT m ~ Cf~ ~lti ~T I

~mmij-Cf~ ci ~rn ffm enT ~m ro~ jf~r rCfrif flflirOf ~rq~rCf~r~cn SlCOlfli ~CflT ~ f~ ~rr-laquo(1q

r fir~ enT IroltrT

f Cflti~~ 11 laquo~flff tiT ~WT if ~~T fiff~~bullbull fii laquoTerTli~1 [T~T fr~~

L ~ ~1f7f (ljjrrr~ tiftffiilT ~~ ~T~lf ~fijti Gft~ (ltiCf~ ~Cicrof ~flEfiT ltt1

r f~) ~T llFlRfT ~I ~l fiilfT IrolJTlfCfITTflta ~rr

~~~~~ Rr~ CflT frlfRf crT lfT ltit ij- lffUti ~~

lfil ~T ii ~ltllgt1 ~~aT fI1rr~ ~q ~frllfra tiT ifroql -

( ti) laquoTm liciT [T1T fi ~~CT ~if tfltWOffultIT fiITir~Gf iRT

frrli ltfa ~I 1 ~ ~ISO ~qT

(~) cr~t1fa [TV fiilfJ tI~Fi f~rrfat1f [TU fi-iCifCl ~

~ i~ ~Fn - -(rr) Cf~)ilfa~Rr laquolJCfT~lJTrr~~Gf lf11Tf~ ~~ 6l ltWT ~

iq6Qar ~~fr flfltf~lfT if it ~ ~ltflfT tilom ~ 1i~

ffifla- etf IrC(lTt t~if~ r Cf~tq llY prri(rr~lfltaflllq rrq ~ q-l~

(I) f~ifVCftTT ~ HHrra~ iIro f ~T lil ~wr ~ ~rltfil~r rniT c5 wrtrr~ fiff~ til ilIQrrl~fulTl ll~ ~ Ii) fltltrr ilIQrrTif) ~Cfrrl ~~ Ii) f~lffl if ~~( ~ tn crnltr ~ ltlt1 fT lfl~1dlt flaquolof ~ m ~ ~ 1f) ~

~ laquol~rltfir middotf~ifR~Tif ~ ~if~ laquocrr~ ~ ~ 1lt liflt ~ ~fir~ 1f) ~Jfrltr ~) Q) ~1 if ~ ~ ~ ~ ij- ~o fTrrr I

12 (1) ~ In lift q) ~ fltrVctasrrfilm) are ~T ~

if q1Iqf ~ ~ fm FTflf ~ ~ ~ ~ f~ ~w ~ rrl -n ~m Ifi~ ~ ~ tr~ramp)lfr I

(2) ~ ~ ffilaquo) ~~~ )i) ~crr ri f~ frr+ltr firfia ei mtTif SJfdrwtfR fiIrlrrn ~ tc

I (i) ~ ~rT m 11l Cl1f~-f~rlirt q f~) J~ fil~iVf jqf 11l vfvllrtw rt=crrf~~ lfr ~


1056 HARYANA GOVr OAZ AUG 12 1997 (SRVN 211919 SAKlA)

~~lfruri ~Tiilf ~ 1fJij ~ ~fltlfT1JfT~r~ ltir qrn~ ifq~

ffq~ lff ~ullti snferfroJf ~fCfi f~~laquomlf lfT

(ii) 4r=~Tlfij~~(~ lfr fijT liPrT ~rlr 1Ir ilfflle ff~rlf qr~~

ffqf~(f ~T lIr f f~ij~r ~crT- lIr ~raelirlf Frrf~c lfr fpriiIJl~1lf ~~~ lt6 qfij QT - ~~rr

( Hi) li~ Wt rn ~~ wcro~llti ~1Oi ~cr fmlf fijlaquo~r I

fifliQI1JTij~m fi qrij if QT ~lfr lT~-ij~Iiltt fifiifll

n~~r ~ foOOT 1ft ij~ liT1~T ij~fcr ~ fiiflllllls (ii) ltT lSl1I~(Hi) if ferfiff~e ~iltr lIrflitTIWll ~filI ijm~ lIr flilaquoT laquo1Oif lIr fltWTlIq ~r ~ ~ f~ ~fcrfifIfifCfl fCflllrfl~r I

ltrnil~T filii 13 mi~)iiTifcrlfT ijm- Wt ~~mm~~ffimTif CffT WlI q1ffi I ~qIe ~q ~ ~lT ~ fCflllIlrlfr~ ~ i1 ~ ~~ fifl11rTCflfTfcrfrlnrTrnr

fifltT~ QTiT iSlTijfif ~Tfrmir am ~cr ~ mermi ~ ~erTrr ~lferT mll

fcnrrrr li~ aT~r iif~Ii criT 1ij ijlflf ~llT fliijT ferfer ~ $fftr $fqiTa-Ifr

iififr~ ~ i21 ~CfT ~~ ~ WRTlt lfr iifiTq GfT1t I

4IfR ~rmrlff 14 (1) ~ijiI IftTftcrlfT ~crlfT ~IlfT tr1ifa-cr qfli~T if ~ltrr ~ ij(~

~ ~m I ijlilf -ijlil ~ lflfT trlfTfampCTQf~rarr fijf~ ~CfT (iUi crlfT~t11) fllIq 19 i 7

am fpiftrcr l

qVg ~laquot TrtlcrlfTffT ~~q 3JT111ri ~r ijliCfT~ ~ Trf~t ~ml Ii ~ ijIfCRf srrftriflril CflfTwmr ~rf~r~ ~cr ~ mCftfTif ~ wrii 309

~ ~if iif~ ~ ffilaquot f~fS lfT fif~ cf 1qqelT~ mfttr ~ ~~ ~ l fT

~ fifl11rT~ qf(fllllSe 1 if fcrfrf~ i I

( 2) ~(lfrurr fm~ ~err (~ ~T ~~) fiflijJ 1987 cf f~ 9 ci ~-f~ (1) ~~ (~) lfT ~i (f) ci mftrr- fitl ~ ~ mlll srrf~ (f1IT~ SIiN~ro m- ~ ~IJTSf)~ fifll1JTci q-f~fuISe ~ if

frlltIf~~ I

IT tNA I -15 ~ IliT SR~ifi ~ fiif ~~ fm fm ~ ~ sr~T

Im ~el f~ ~i em ViIbullbull~n crSITlil e~ ~I~iIi(iI I

~f1friflSir iii) 16 ~ ~ sreifCfl ~ ij jfiI Clifi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ smt(f1lT fCfffl lINr I rro 3(fT ~ froT ~ mcnrR ci srfcr lRfltf1iOT Cfgt1l1M1fif ~ ~ e) ttm

Irol tit rnn ~ I

bullbull aYANA GOV1 GAZ AUG 12 1997 (SRN 21 1919 SAKA)

1 7 ~ ~ 1111 UlI if ~ f~ c6 fCflm- ~Ir if t)lr ln ~ ~~ 111ft

~1If 3fr Iff~ ~) ~ q ~ f~ ~ m T 04fcfaq) c6 fw1 ~ I

~ 3fT m bullbull ~if ~mfi ~1tl

18 ~~1 if f~ ifffi ~~ ~~ f1f~~ 5fTf~ ~ q flrn~ t f~ srmr if ffl~A oyenT fi ~ffiIT ~o m 0) ~ qm ~

nmt I

19 ~ fflflff if ltft ttimiddot~ amf ~TRf~R am ~ m if ~- ~ I

~ ~ GIrit fwA 1A srr~T ci ~ WiWbullbullo arrfoit~ IlfiCl ~

ffoAff w~ ~ ~ f~i1r ~fcfaif ~ illfGfOlif ~ fllllaquoT ~ ltf1T 3fT sr~ iJi) M ~ Iffif ~ ~T OIT ~ f~ 1fl1 srmfCffl If ~

qi~ ~J ~ ~ f~~ srm=rur crft ~ srfumroTf~1 1ft ~ cmf srfumr~ mfTti ~ ~

2~ ~fiI Ulf (~ti ~1) ~ ~ 1963 ~ftlfT1itr tliIt f~wn ~1TU~~f~1(~nti ~~ I

q~ ~ SIItf[ Mmr ~ ~ mfrt fitnn ~ ~ mQ II

11ft Ii IMtift(~~T ~ l1l~ ~T ~ q1ft flllm M vrft IqIIflttT 1Ir1Iff ~t ~1 GI ro~11

lOS8 HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG ll 1997middot-(SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

1 CfT(m -

2 ~m

a ~~ --- -~ -

4 fWT~~

5 illifGT(

V-- 6 ~ q1~1ltU1

7 ~CfTqn

8 1fi(T~

9 ~m~fr

bull- - -- -r 1~

3 1 4

5 11 16

13 2 15

3 _ bull3

1 1

bull58 61 119

2 2

1 1

1 2

950--20--- H 6~Tampf~

1400~ 30~o fm~~c 800~- 15--101 Obull-ltelanTa-- 201150 illf 3 0~ 0 fero~ cQii

80(-~15~1olHh1tttffi- [-i8 1150~ 3~~oliriq ieuroA

800middot-_1 Sl 01o-~~(~a-20-middot-1150~t-30~~frQ1~ c~f

- 0 lt~h- ~ ~ ~~c

8 0 0middotmiddotmiddotmiddot bull15-10t 0 ~61~Tfli~ (1 11 5 0 iilff 3 0 ~ 0 fqiftf cTffOi ~

775--12-- 956~QT~m--14--

1 OZ5 iilif 30~o fclT~ ~~

750middotmiddot 12- - 870 a~arflg--14-940 iJIf 3 0 ~ 0 fltril~C~

7 5 )-middotbull1 2 bullbullbull8 7 o--a~ltInTa--14-940 iqf 30~o ~ cor

750-12-870--~~Ta--14--940 ~r 30~o fcmtf cfOil

3 750--12--870- -~~m--14-940 ~r 30~o fcriTlSfCltIi+ 6 5 ~ 0 fcriT1Sfq~T

5 750~-12~-87o-~~Tu--14- - 940tqr 30~ 0 f~~ cfo

1 750-12--870 bull-a~Ter bull-14-940 ~ 30~o fcmlSf cl5f



HARYANA-GOVT GAZ AUG_12 1997 I 1059 (SRVN 21 1919SAKA) ~

- bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull-_bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull- __ --- _-- - __ bull-------lIflo ~~ ~ftlllaT ~ ~ ~o 1lT~f~ ~J-nRrrif~T

tll1G1 lffa tf1~ ~ I-~-~~_u _middot ~- bullbullbullbull bullbullbullI1-1 It IIaoodW~iilRRmiddot

1 2 3

(i) tf1Tm~ if tI~ 0

CT 0 tI~ 0 ill ~nrr

~ltfl ~ tllOcff qJ~

~l ~~ij ~cff qJ~

J~~ ilTOql lT~

V 10 Bt)r~~cj f1tf1m~ f~~l~Cf tlTOC(T qJ~

~ fitJT~~

12 Ii- qeR~ cm~lt6l ~TIr$~ltF~bullbull~__~k_~~middot____ ~~~~~_~~_~f=~ amp iI II It bullbullbullbull Aoa4 bullbullbullbullbullbull

bullbullbullbull--- bull- __ -------ampool-~O-~l~l ml ~ tI~ fillmmiddot ~ fm Wamplfurct7 lITnrmii CMT ~l1G1

ltfu T~~ UJlod~I-ooILoaJ 11bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull_


(i) ~l ~T ~hhrl1lltT ~ ~TI (ii) ltRT~qc( Fi ~ 112 eMCfiT


(i) f~l ~t ~laquoif)

~lltT tf1T~TI i

(ii) ~~T ef1~ if ~m ~ ltliT~l1cr

(i) ~T ~~ ~iifl ItlltT~~ (ii) f~ ~ ef1 ~ iftfcP ~

fiT ~ltq _ - (i) f~l Cfqf ~l3ft~1ltT Gtil~fr (ii) ~~~ It1 ~ if tfr~ ~ ~


(i) f~l CMT~~~T~(II(Tlt6T~(lj _

(ii ) ~~ ~ ~ if tftf qrf ~T

tIllq (i) f~T CMT~~T ilTqT Cffl~TI (ii) IrfiM c ~ ~q if tftq~ ~T


~1 ~l oi) ~l ~fr~ amp- c If - 8 ~ tI~ mocr qJ1I -

~l ~~1I1Ocfttft~

~T ~ tlTOctT tfHI

~r ~ ml lttiT~Tii I__ bullbullbullbullbullbullIIbullbullbullbull It I k bullbullbull J __ __ ~_~_ k r1s t w bull _

Jtt~ ~J


1060 HARYANA GOVT OAZ AUO 121991 (StVN 211919 SAU)

~~ 14(1)]

bullbullbull fi~~ IIr bullbullbullbull middot~middot


srrftilltf~ ~CfiT(~

~---~--------------------------------------~-------1middot ------ middot2 - 5 bull 1 ~~-

Vltf~ ~Tffi fcrCdl$RI

(1) ~~ mfCf ~fqr - (~qwl)

~mm~~ (ii) bullbullfWfltIl

(iii) ~~ ~)tr I (iv) ~amp1T ~ ~~m~~1l

11U IPittr ~ lttiT

~ itfl 1Pff a qT ClI~

r~ rtf ~ ~~~~

fIi q frqfinr ~ fl ~ Grt bullbull bull

mtqTm~~~ ~ IImtil~f rro ~

~ ~ Sli ftiifl(li ~

8 C(qr ftlaquo bullbull fillClI4 Cfft If ~ a- ~ff~~~m

I~ J1 11ft ~~ ~If (v) ~f1n1fmiddotmt m~ bull ~)IfiIl i 2 qt tliT~-

vi) ~ srm~ m~ m ~trt 11 i(~ ~J

(ri) ~tirfii11 nf ~

~ (IIfMI1~

~ 9[qrftr ~

it~ ~ ~1 ~r~ro jI -~ bullbull

bull lt



~ q~ ~ ~ fcnn1r


R1ib 14 ~2008

mtmmiddot~ocmo fro 1~o3Fo S09l2009-IJTffi ~ ~ ~ ~ 309

~ampRT ~ ~ ltffl UltfTrr m~ ~ ~~ ~ ampRT filfllgCRf

~ ~ (WI tr) ~~ 1997 em 3lfI1 ~ CfRllc)r ~ fllfBRsit1 fJltm


1 ~ 00 Fcr~lgltRI~ ~ ltwr tr) ~ (~ fWr 2009 ~ iT


2 Fcrt1Iyenf1~ ~ (WI tr) ~ filtrir 1997 ~ ~ ~ ~

~ 4 c)r -M Uiif ~ 7 t~ ~~ ~ CfiT ~~ ~ ~ R

bullbull ~ ~ 3l1Olff lffi1 ~~ ~ ~ I

~FTTtt Fcr~I$ffi~ lmFr~ ~ mcPR

~ C1llT 31TQGT ~ ~ I

bull bull


- c

1 4

It) 51

~~ ~~ ~ltAftr11ft ~ ~~

-t ~~rf ~qf ~~ wt1Rrbull 1fT ilaT ~T~ m

- ~ma it tfli If~ q~ ~ ~(J ~f

mrft m ~Ifi




(viii) fll1=re~iffi~ rlie IR qT hr c~ ~ iTiAftr 11) ~ mrtr ~ ~ ~ ~6ttffl ll~ N ~r ~f- Ii ~ ~ -wrRr ftflqT ~ ~

tR~rf(J ~ ~

VTtrrorI6 ~- ~t itm ~-h tK ~

Rr ~~ mro-~ flll1fr ~T lIT ~ q ~ ~

Iill wIIf i~ ~

W iI ~ tf1~ q

~ ~rt if wlaquot ~m~~l~ ~ 111 wri f4rr~

(is) ~ rn ~j

(x) ~ t ~ ~ ~~~ ~fWq~bull~

(raquof) W~ ~ bull 1ITltft ~ at 8iR tffIllIl1 j ~

tatmiddot aa ~ ~i ---_~

1062 HARYANA GOVT6AZ bull AOO Hlfl (SRVN 21 119 SAlA)

--_------------------------------_ -------------------fflfur ~l ltt1 ltft faatll f~ij~ rnw~ ~ sTTf~t srrfClll~1

- I

7IN lili ~ -------- ~ bull__r ~_r~)_) _

1 2 3 4 6 6

-----------------------~--~----------------------(i) ~ fiT f~~ qrof 41ffl fTtlnrT ~~ fltmTll

ill ~)r ~~~l ~~q

mafcRr liwrrifiT qfwjl$1 ~lIr 1vn


(ii) a~ ma crfJm ~ ftrlf frrmr ~~8fiq ~~ 1ft ~ I -


6 ~ ifjctf~T~


8 tlitTllT

9 ~~ff1

1 0 ~ltQltf ~lt

11 qTm

1 2 itil Cfilt

-~-----------------------~--~---------~-----------~ 0 jfT CflfT

f~qt~ ~cf ~ laquofltctruIT ~ ~ fiIIR I


-----------------------------~----------~~~--~~~ r Autborised English Translation)




The 17th July 1~7

No GS R 58Const Art 30997-ln exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the constitution of India the Governor of Haryana hereby makes the following rules regulating the recruit-ment and conditions of service of person appointed to the HaryanaFinancial Commissioners Office (Group D) Service namely-


1 Tllese rules may be called_the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rule 1997-

2 In these rules unless the context otherwise requires -

(a) Udlrect recruitment means an appolntment made other-wise than by promotion from within the service or bytransfer of an official already in the Service of the Government of India or any State Government

(b) employment exchange means the employment ~exchange situated in Haryana

(c) Financial Cc-mmissioner~ means Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government Haryana Revenue Depart-menti

(d) ~GoveiilDlent~means the Haryana- Government- in the - AdministratiVe Department

(0) institutions means -

~i -aAy inStitUiCionestablished -hl Jaw in force in the State _~ of Ha~lJa ~t- (11)any otherinstttuti-drr i-eampigmsed by - the GoverDIDCDtpoundor

tie putposo()f tbtgtsC rules - _ -_ __

-t)-loirif S~cietarPnieans 10int Secretary -to Government Haryana Revenue Department

(g) Rajya Sainik Board rnean~ the office of the Secretary~ --RajyaSaihikBpatQflalaiut- r bullbull~ - bullbull ~ - bull - bull -- -- - - bullbullbullbullbullbullbulllJy ~

C(hrc~~Service means the middotHaqana Financial -Co1Pmi~Sioners office (Group D) Service _ -

_(ij UnderS~~ae-Ymiddot-l1lns the Under Secretary to Government Haryal1tl h~~eniieDepartment

Short title


1064 IAllYANA OQYT oAt AVGli 1i11 (SRVN n 1919 ampuA)


Nunl)er an 3middot The Srvioe shall oomprise tkc poIt 1M Ia AppeHIamp A Cluracter cf to ebes ruls

- POtts

Provided that nothing in those rUNSshall tfoat tho Inbrrout ript ot Oov~nment to make additions to or redaatiolls In the UUDlbcr of suoh posts or to oroate new pous whh dUCbullbull nt deslaatlGlls and scale of pay eitber permanently or temporarily

Natonality 4 (1) No person shall be appointed 10 bullbull Y pobullbull In tbo ServltIIdomicile and unless he Is-character or candidates app lnted to (a) a citizen of india 81 Service

(b) a subject of Nepal 01

Ce) a subject of Bhutan or

(d) a Tibetan refuee who came over to India 1MIfore thl 1st day of January 1962 Withthe intentioll of prmlllatly senHo in India i or

(0) a person of Indian origin who has m1ilattd from PatlstaB Burma Sri Lanka or any of the Bast African CeWltrles of Knya Ulanda Tho Unittd IltpubUf Taua bullbull (formerly Tanpnyika and Zanzibar) Zami Malawi Zaire and Bthopia with the intentloB of permaneoU sottliBI In India

Provided that a person belollJlua te any of tlae cate bullbull ribullbull lt)(0) (d) or (e) shall be a person In wkbullbull favour bull mlficate of eUgibility has been issued by the Gemment

(2) A person in whose case a certificate of eliJibility is DeetSSary maybe admitted to an examination or interview coaduttd by Silo recruitina authority but the offer of Ippeintatmay be given only after the necessary oliamplbiUty Cortlftcato has beeJl Issued to him by the Government

(3)No person shall be appolnt04to any bullbull dID iIInI direea recruitment unle he produeel a eortUloate of bullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull tile Principal Aoademic Offioer of the 8bullbullbull 1 01 institution last atteudod if any and similar Certlffcate fiea olher rtspOnsib1ep8lsonl no beina his relativos bullbullbullbull ate woll teuW with him in his private Uf and aN 1IBIOaow16 JaIl School or Institution

Art ~ 5middot No person ahan be appointed to an oat ill tM $enla bl clirN naruitment 0 is 1181thao sbtllD )rJ1II or I80N tliaR t~fl YArs 6f a ~I before tk date flllUbttlloa faPltn bullbull bullbullbull apPointinl authoJity

App)intfna 6 All appOlnlmenSto the po -In tile ittM _0 be bullbullbull Authority

~hc Under SecIetalYbullbull

bull iIARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 1065 (SRVN 211919 SAKA)

7 No person shall be appointed to any post in the Service unless Quallbtatloai he Is In possession of qualifications and experience specified In column 3 of Appendix B to these rules in tire case of direct recruitment and those specified in column 4 of tile aforesaid Appendix In the case of persons appointed other than by direct reeruitment f

Provided that in t he case of ap po1ntmert by direct recruitment the qualifications regarding experience shall be relaxable to the extent of SO at the discretion of the recruiting authority in case sufficient number of candidates belongillg-toSchMiUlcd Castbullbullbull Backward Classes Ex-Servicemen and Physically Handicappedcategories possessing the requisite experience are notavailable to fill up tho vacancies reserved for them after recording reasons for so doing in writing

8 No personc- DisqualifJcationl

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living or

(b) nho having a spouse living bas entered Into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eUgib10 for appointmentto any post In the Service

Provided that the Government may if satisfied that such marriage Is permissible under the personal law applicable to such personand the other party to the marriage and there other groundsfor so doing exempt any person from the oPeration of this rule

9 (1) Recruitment to the Service shall be made- Met1Iocl of recruitment

(a) in the case of Carpenter -

(i) by direct recruitment Of

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case of Stamper-

(i) by promotion from amonlStDaftri or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an otficial already in the service of any State Government or tlie Government -of India

(c) in the case of Daftri-

- (i) by promotion-from amongst Record Lifter or (ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service

of any ~tate Gowrpmmtt --or the Government of India

(d) in the case of Record Lifter-(i) by promotion tromamo~gst Peon (ii) by transfer -of depmatiQlJ dan official already in the service

of any State Oovtmment -orthe Governmentof India J

HARYAN AGOVT GAZ~t 1997bullljmiddot~~12J(SRVN21 1919SAKAj

(e) in the case of Jamooar-

(i) by promotion from am ngst Peon or

(ii) by transfer or (~eputation of an official already in tile service of any State Government or the Government of India

(f) inthe case of Head OilOwkkar-

(i) by promotion from amongst Ot10Wkifar (gt

(ii) by transfer cot dcpqttltbJl of an 0ffici~1alr~ y ir the service of ampDYmiddot SUttte Qo~mell( or tne Government of India

(g) in the case of Peon-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case dFrash-

(i) by direct recruitment laquor

(ii) by transfer or ceputation of an official already in thesetvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(i) ill the ca~~of Khalasi-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of allY State GovelPmellt orthe G)verumentoflooia

(j) in the case ofsweeper-cum-Ohowkidar-

(i) by direct recruitment of

(ii) by transfer of ueputation of an official alrerdy in the-scrvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(k) intn~ tase ot Qh()wkQaT~

(i) by direct recruitment or ~ bull ~

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official ~headyir th~ service of anYStato GotlertlllWlt ~tbe GoveilunenloUndla

- bullbullbull bull ~ ~(l))iJ the CampS~()tdit~eWQrk~r~~-~middot

- ~ (i) by direct recruitment or

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 121997 1067 (SRVN21 1919SAKA)

(2) All promotions unless otherwise provided shall be made on Seniority-eum-fitness basis and seniority alone shall not confer anyright to suer promotions

(3) Unless otJaerwise provided in this rule whenever any vaeaaay ocwra or iabout to occur In the Servicebullbull the appointing authority shall aetermine the manner in which it shall De filled in

10 (1) A peraon appointed to any poet in the Service shall remain on pro batten for a period oftwo years jf appointed by direct recruitment and one year If appointed otherwise ~

Provided that-(a) any period aftmo such appointment spent on deputation

on a corrasponding or a highm-post shall count towards the period of probation

(b) any period of work in equivalent or higher rank prior to appointment to any post in She Service may in the ca of an appointment by transfer at the discretion of tho appointinl authority be allowed to count towards tlto pet of probation fixed undtl this rule and

(e) any period of officiating appointment Ihall be reckoned as pariod spont on probation but no person who has so officiated shall on the oomplotion of tho proscribedperiod of probation be entitlod to be confirmed unloss he is appointed against a permanent vacancy

(2) If in the opinion of tho appointing authority tho work or conduet of a person during the period of probation is not satisfactory it may-

(a) if such person is appointed by direct recruitment dlspensowtth his Services and

(b) if IUch porion is appointed otherwise Ihan by dirocc recrult-ment-

(1) revert him to his former post or (ii) deal with him in such other manner as the terms and

conditions of the previous appointment permit (3) On the completion of the period of probation of a person

the appointing authority may-(a) if his work or conduct h~ In its opinion been

sa tisfactory-(I) confirm such person from the date of his appointment

if appointed against a permanent vacancy or (ii) confirm such person from the date from which a

permanent vacancy occurs if appointed against a tempo-rary vacancy or

(Hi) declare that he has Completed his probation satisfactorilyif there is no permanent vacancy of

(b) if his work or conduct has in its opinion been not satisfactory-laquo

(i) dispense withhil Services if appointed by direct recruitment if appointed otherwise revert him to his former post or dea 1 with him In such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous appointmentpermit or




(U) extend his period of probationand -thereafterpass such

older as it Could have passed~9n~t~ eipfry-o( t~ ]~lst period of probatig~ -

Provided that (he total period Qf prp~tiou in~l~d~~g-lif~lSJ~n

if any shall not exceed three years

11 Seniority inter se of the members uftheService shaU be

determined by the length of Continuou~ service on any past -in the Service

Provided that where there are different cadr-es in the Service the serUorityshal b~t~erli~~rj~y for each cadre - -

Provided further that in the case -d members appinted by direct J~c1iiitinenpoundtheorder of tho merit determined by the employment exchange

or Rajya Sainik Board (for Ex-serviceman only) shall not be

disturbed in fixing the seniority

Provided further that in the case vf two or more- members -aPpointed

on the same date their seniority shall be determined as follows -

(a) a member appointed by direct recruitment- shall be senior to -a member appointed by promotion or by transfer

(b) a member appointed by promotion shall be senioito -a member appointed by transfer

(e) in the case of member appolnteltr by-promotion or by transfer seniority shall be determined according to the seniority

of such members in the appointments from which they

were promoted or transferred and

-(d) in the case of members appointed by transfer from different

cadres thelr seniority shall-be determined according

to pay preference being givento a member who was

drawing a higher rate of payIn his previous appoint-ment and If the rates of pay drawn are also the same then

by their length of their Service in the appointments and if the- Ie-ngth of such Service is alsorthe same the older member shall be senior tltdliC You-nger member

12 (1) A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at anyJJebiUl7 to aenemiddot place whether within oroutside the State of Haryana on being ordered

so to do by the appointing authority

(2) A member of the Service may also be deputed to serve under -

(j) II company an associ tion or a bod y of Individuals whether -_]i~ip~ni~__J~r not which Is wholly or substa ntialJy


HARYANA GOVT OAZAUG 12 1997 1069 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

owned or controlled by theSta te Government a Municipal corporation or a local authority or university within the

~-Stateof Haryana -_ --_~-~

- eii) The Central Government or l company an aHOCt~tionor a body of individuals whetllor incorporated or Dot which is wholly or substantially owned controlled by theltII

Central Government or

(Hi) Any other State Government an int8lBamptiona1-orgaJllsation and autonomous bidy not controlled by the Government or

_a private body

Provided that no member of the Service shall be deputed to serve the Central or any other State Government or anyorganisation or body referred to in clauses (ii) or clause (ill) except with his consent ~ -

13 In respect of pay leave pension and all other matters not ex-pressly provided for in these rules the members of the Service shall be grvar ned by such rules and regulations as may have been or may here-after be adopted or made by the competent authority under the Oonsritu-tion of India or under any law for the time being inforce made by the State Legislature

14 (I) In matters relating to discipline penalties and appealsmembers of the Service shall be gJ verned by the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules 1987 as amended from time to time

Provided that the nature of p_enalties which may be imposed the authority empowered to impose such penalties and appellate authorityshall subject to the provisions of any law or rules made under Article 309 of the Oonstitution of India be such as are specified in Appendix 0 to these rules

(2) Phe authority competent to pass all order under clause (c) or clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punish-ment and Appeal) Rules 1987 and appellate authoriryshall be as specified in Appendix D to these rules

15 Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and re-vaccinated as and when the GOVernment so directs by a special or generalorder

16 Bvery member of the Service unless he has already done so shall he required to take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established

17 Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so it may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions of these rules with respsct to any class or category of persons

18 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the appointing authority may Impose special terms and conditions in the orden of appointment if it is deemed upedient to do so

Pay leavepension and other matters

Disciplinepenalties and appeals


Oath of allegiance

Power of relaxation


1070 HARYANA OOVT GAZAUG12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

Rbullbullbullbull tfooa

Repeal and SaiDls

19 Nothing contained In these rul bullbullbull llall ailect naenetlou aod other ooaeeaaions req1llred to be provided fa tlw 8eIledule4 Gastea BackwMd CIuaes Bx-servicemen Physically )aandt capped personl or any other amp1188 or eateaery of persons In ucordanct with tho orders illued by the State Government Inthla regard from time to timel

ProvJded that the total porcentage of roservationl 10 madohall not old 50 ~ of any time

20 The Punjab State (Class-IV) Service Rules 1963 in their application to the State of Hatyanaj are hueby repeaJod bull

Previded that any order made or action taken under tho rules so repealed shall be dNDled to havo been made or taken under the C01108-

pending provisions of these rulos -I

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 6: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr

1054 HARYANA GOVT GAZ AuG 121991 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

(q) ~[AfIFf am fiflfCKlctt tiT ifqftl-lff~rm ~ ~ iIl1 ~ ~

ct ~ 11 flRr iIlliqr f~ Cfl~~ ilIfRf fm ~ ~1ifTttiir

if CfiTq fCfillT~ trfTciTm ~rfcrf~~l ~ -U ampFrmiddot ~ lIf~ q f~~ ~ tn f~Gffi if f~T mn~~ fpqiiFffiT ~


( 2) lIfq- fnif1fO gtrrf~Tr CfllTlI 11 qf~~ Cfll~w ~ j~ lIfffi ifir ifirzl lfT ifTf1JJ~~fi if ~T ampT oT q-

(fi) ~ ~~n amprfCRf ijTa-l 101 ern f~CKI ffilfT iflfT ~ f a-ij~ bull ~1 ~ ti~middot1fit~rt i ~TC

(fSI) lfR ~m 0lff0Rl~Im-ra1 ~ ~i~r fif1RJ fq1lfT l11IT ~ m--(i) a-ij ~~ cf ~ q~ Slfaltlf~ Fffl ~~ lfT

(ii ) ~~ ~er if f~~Y~ Rlr ~)fcr ~ ~~~ ~r ~ ~T ~I ~ f~crcr i fl~ ~tClTff~ Itl~1

( 3) f~l ilffRr Cfrlqfwefr ~qrti ~ft ~ACrt ~flCf $IlfulllTil-

(IF) ll~ ~WFT itlzj lfT ~~ ~~I ~Tll if ~ff~~ ~I ~Tm--[i) ~~ oqfCRftiT lfR ~ P1T~ fdifCf In fr~CRi ftilfT fIlIT ~T ~

oT ~~r f~ff tiT fmQ ~ ~c ~ ~Ifim ~ lfT

(ii) ~~ C7JforcrfiT l1fG q~ f~r if~ft~ fflcr q~ f~~1fcr fEfillT

irltfT~Tcrj PrT~fu~ ~)~ CiiTfcrff ~ ~ ~ ~crr ~~ m

(iii) llR ifi~ ~ fltf1fcr if ~ of IEfTfqcr~lt ijfiffi ~ f~ ta~ ~f qf~aTT ~ f~ ~~T~iff1 iitrmiddot ~ ctIfi ~iT~ lfT

(J lffq- ~~T FTif lff ~Tltn1lT ~~rctff~ if ~crfqJifll _if~T ~) _ ~_ - - c - - bull - bull -

( i) llR ~ ~mT1fcrr rnr mr ~ ~Tm- ~~ ~rf~iffi

~lifl ~ ~11q ~ ijCfiat ~~ llfq- ~~ ft1iiRT ~T ~ ~crT ~ ~~i Cf-ltt ~ If gtrfucrfcrcr ~ ~ ~ trT 1ri ~ltra- if f~~T ~~T~ill (tfa if rm-~ iIit ~crr ~ if)

i3tl~T 1ct fiflfiffi ~ f~erif ol1ri A~ lti1i liT

(ii) ~~T q-f~Tamp1T ~fa- ~ ~T ~ ifT~ ~~ ifF it~if~

~~~T ~ ~) ~ Iff~cfMT CfilSTfl ~ Cfil~Tftij q-~

~middotm-t fT

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 toss (SRVN21 1919 SAKA)

tro~qf~cftamp1TenT~ lfCffUfrri ~~ ~ fCffaft 7fm ~ ~)

wrflffi ~ ~R ~ ij- lffUenOf~l ~)rrT I

11 ij-lT lti ~~Hr fiT CfltfCflt~ii~~r ftltTT m ~ Cf~ ~lti ~T I

~mmij-Cf~ ci ~rn ffm enT ~m ro~ jf~r rCfrif flflirOf ~rq~rCf~r~cn SlCOlfli ~CflT ~ f~ ~rr-laquo(1q

r fir~ enT IroltrT

f Cflti~~ 11 laquo~flff tiT ~WT if ~~T fiff~~bullbull fii laquoTerTli~1 [T~T fr~~

L ~ ~1f7f (ljjrrr~ tiftffiilT ~~ ~T~lf ~fijti Gft~ (ltiCf~ ~Cicrof ~flEfiT ltt1

r f~) ~T llFlRfT ~I ~l fiilfT IrolJTlfCfITTflta ~rr

~~~~~ Rr~ CflT frlfRf crT lfT ltit ij- lffUti ~~

lfil ~T ii ~ltllgt1 ~~aT fI1rr~ ~q ~frllfra tiT ifroql -

( ti) laquoTm liciT [T1T fi ~~CT ~if tfltWOffultIT fiITir~Gf iRT

frrli ltfa ~I 1 ~ ~ISO ~qT

(~) cr~t1fa [TV fiilfJ tI~Fi f~rrfat1f [TU fi-iCifCl ~

~ i~ ~Fn - -(rr) Cf~)ilfa~Rr laquolJCfT~lJTrr~~Gf lf11Tf~ ~~ 6l ltWT ~

iq6Qar ~~fr flfltf~lfT if it ~ ~ltflfT tilom ~ 1i~

ffifla- etf IrC(lTt t~if~ r Cf~tq llY prri(rr~lfltaflllq rrq ~ q-l~

(I) f~ifVCftTT ~ HHrra~ iIro f ~T lil ~wr ~ ~rltfil~r rniT c5 wrtrr~ fiff~ til ilIQrrl~fulTl ll~ ~ Ii) fltltrr ilIQrrTif) ~Cfrrl ~~ Ii) f~lffl if ~~( ~ tn crnltr ~ ltlt1 fT lfl~1dlt flaquolof ~ m ~ ~ 1f) ~

~ laquol~rltfir middotf~ifR~Tif ~ ~if~ laquocrr~ ~ ~ 1lt liflt ~ ~fir~ 1f) ~Jfrltr ~) Q) ~1 if ~ ~ ~ ~ ij- ~o fTrrr I

12 (1) ~ In lift q) ~ fltrVctasrrfilm) are ~T ~

if q1Iqf ~ ~ fm FTflf ~ ~ ~ ~ f~ ~w ~ rrl -n ~m Ifi~ ~ ~ tr~ramp)lfr I

(2) ~ ~ ffilaquo) ~~~ )i) ~crr ri f~ frr+ltr firfia ei mtTif SJfdrwtfR fiIrlrrn ~ tc

I (i) ~ ~rT m 11l Cl1f~-f~rlirt q f~) J~ fil~iVf jqf 11l vfvllrtw rt=crrf~~ lfr ~


1056 HARYANA GOVr OAZ AUG 12 1997 (SRVN 211919 SAKlA)

~~lfruri ~Tiilf ~ 1fJij ~ ~fltlfT1JfT~r~ ltir qrn~ ifq~

ffq~ lff ~ullti snferfroJf ~fCfi f~~laquomlf lfT

(ii) 4r=~Tlfij~~(~ lfr fijT liPrT ~rlr 1Ir ilfflle ff~rlf qr~~

ffqf~(f ~T lIr f f~ij~r ~crT- lIr ~raelirlf Frrf~c lfr fpriiIJl~1lf ~~~ lt6 qfij QT - ~~rr

( Hi) li~ Wt rn ~~ wcro~llti ~1Oi ~cr fmlf fijlaquo~r I

fifliQI1JTij~m fi qrij if QT ~lfr lT~-ij~Iiltt fifiifll

n~~r ~ foOOT 1ft ij~ liT1~T ij~fcr ~ fiiflllllls (ii) ltT lSl1I~(Hi) if ferfiff~e ~iltr lIrflitTIWll ~filI ijm~ lIr flilaquoT laquo1Oif lIr fltWTlIq ~r ~ ~ f~ ~fcrfifIfifCfl fCflllrfl~r I

ltrnil~T filii 13 mi~)iiTifcrlfT ijm- Wt ~~mm~~ffimTif CffT WlI q1ffi I ~qIe ~q ~ ~lT ~ fCflllIlrlfr~ ~ i1 ~ ~~ fifl11rTCflfTfcrfrlnrTrnr

fifltT~ QTiT iSlTijfif ~Tfrmir am ~cr ~ mermi ~ ~erTrr ~lferT mll

fcnrrrr li~ aT~r iif~Ii criT 1ij ijlflf ~llT fliijT ferfer ~ $fftr $fqiTa-Ifr

iififr~ ~ i21 ~CfT ~~ ~ WRTlt lfr iifiTq GfT1t I

4IfR ~rmrlff 14 (1) ~ijiI IftTftcrlfT ~crlfT ~IlfT tr1ifa-cr qfli~T if ~ltrr ~ ij(~

~ ~m I ijlilf -ijlil ~ lflfT trlfTfampCTQf~rarr fijf~ ~CfT (iUi crlfT~t11) fllIq 19 i 7

am fpiftrcr l

qVg ~laquot TrtlcrlfTffT ~~q 3JT111ri ~r ijliCfT~ ~ Trf~t ~ml Ii ~ ijIfCRf srrftriflril CflfTwmr ~rf~r~ ~cr ~ mCftfTif ~ wrii 309

~ ~if iif~ ~ ffilaquot f~fS lfT fif~ cf 1qqelT~ mfttr ~ ~~ ~ l fT

~ fifl11rT~ qf(fllllSe 1 if fcrfrf~ i I

( 2) ~(lfrurr fm~ ~err (~ ~T ~~) fiflijJ 1987 cf f~ 9 ci ~-f~ (1) ~~ (~) lfT ~i (f) ci mftrr- fitl ~ ~ mlll srrf~ (f1IT~ SIiN~ro m- ~ ~IJTSf)~ fifll1JTci q-f~fuISe ~ if

frlltIf~~ I

IT tNA I -15 ~ IliT SR~ifi ~ fiif ~~ fm fm ~ ~ sr~T

Im ~el f~ ~i em ViIbullbull~n crSITlil e~ ~I~iIi(iI I

~f1friflSir iii) 16 ~ ~ sreifCfl ~ ij jfiI Clifi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ smt(f1lT fCfffl lINr I rro 3(fT ~ froT ~ mcnrR ci srfcr lRfltf1iOT Cfgt1l1M1fif ~ ~ e) ttm

Irol tit rnn ~ I

bullbull aYANA GOV1 GAZ AUG 12 1997 (SRN 21 1919 SAKA)

1 7 ~ ~ 1111 UlI if ~ f~ c6 fCflm- ~Ir if t)lr ln ~ ~~ 111ft

~1If 3fr Iff~ ~) ~ q ~ f~ ~ m T 04fcfaq) c6 fw1 ~ I

~ 3fT m bullbull ~if ~mfi ~1tl

18 ~~1 if f~ ifffi ~~ ~~ f1f~~ 5fTf~ ~ q flrn~ t f~ srmr if ffl~A oyenT fi ~ffiIT ~o m 0) ~ qm ~

nmt I

19 ~ fflflff if ltft ttimiddot~ amf ~TRf~R am ~ m if ~- ~ I

~ ~ GIrit fwA 1A srr~T ci ~ WiWbullbullo arrfoit~ IlfiCl ~

ffoAff w~ ~ ~ f~i1r ~fcfaif ~ illfGfOlif ~ fllllaquoT ~ ltf1T 3fT sr~ iJi) M ~ Iffif ~ ~T OIT ~ f~ 1fl1 srmfCffl If ~

qi~ ~J ~ ~ f~~ srm=rur crft ~ srfumroTf~1 1ft ~ cmf srfumr~ mfTti ~ ~

2~ ~fiI Ulf (~ti ~1) ~ ~ 1963 ~ftlfT1itr tliIt f~wn ~1TU~~f~1(~nti ~~ I

q~ ~ SIItf[ Mmr ~ ~ mfrt fitnn ~ ~ mQ II

11ft Ii IMtift(~~T ~ l1l~ ~T ~ q1ft flllm M vrft IqIIflttT 1Ir1Iff ~t ~1 GI ro~11

lOS8 HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG ll 1997middot-(SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

1 CfT(m -

2 ~m

a ~~ --- -~ -

4 fWT~~

5 illifGT(

V-- 6 ~ q1~1ltU1

7 ~CfTqn

8 1fi(T~

9 ~m~fr

bull- - -- -r 1~

3 1 4

5 11 16

13 2 15

3 _ bull3

1 1

bull58 61 119

2 2

1 1

1 2

950--20--- H 6~Tampf~

1400~ 30~o fm~~c 800~- 15--101 Obull-ltelanTa-- 201150 illf 3 0~ 0 fero~ cQii

80(-~15~1olHh1tttffi- [-i8 1150~ 3~~oliriq ieuroA

800middot-_1 Sl 01o-~~(~a-20-middot-1150~t-30~~frQ1~ c~f

- 0 lt~h- ~ ~ ~~c

8 0 0middotmiddotmiddotmiddot bull15-10t 0 ~61~Tfli~ (1 11 5 0 iilff 3 0 ~ 0 fqiftf cTffOi ~

775--12-- 956~QT~m--14--

1 OZ5 iilif 30~o fclT~ ~~

750middotmiddot 12- - 870 a~arflg--14-940 iJIf 3 0 ~ 0 fltril~C~

7 5 )-middotbull1 2 bullbullbull8 7 o--a~ltInTa--14-940 iqf 30~o ~ cor

750-12-870--~~Ta--14--940 ~r 30~o fcmtf cfOil

3 750--12--870- -~~m--14-940 ~r 30~o fcriTlSfCltIi+ 6 5 ~ 0 fcriT1Sfq~T

5 750~-12~-87o-~~Tu--14- - 940tqr 30~ 0 f~~ cfo

1 750-12--870 bull-a~Ter bull-14-940 ~ 30~o fcmlSf cl5f



HARYANA-GOVT GAZ AUG_12 1997 I 1059 (SRVN 21 1919SAKA) ~

- bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull-_bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull- __ --- _-- - __ bull-------lIflo ~~ ~ftlllaT ~ ~ ~o 1lT~f~ ~J-nRrrif~T

tll1G1 lffa tf1~ ~ I-~-~~_u _middot ~- bullbullbullbull bullbullbullI1-1 It IIaoodW~iilRRmiddot

1 2 3

(i) tf1Tm~ if tI~ 0

CT 0 tI~ 0 ill ~nrr

~ltfl ~ tllOcff qJ~

~l ~~ij ~cff qJ~

J~~ ilTOql lT~

V 10 Bt)r~~cj f1tf1m~ f~~l~Cf tlTOC(T qJ~

~ fitJT~~

12 Ii- qeR~ cm~lt6l ~TIr$~ltF~bullbull~__~k_~~middot____ ~~~~~_~~_~f=~ amp iI II It bullbullbullbull Aoa4 bullbullbullbullbullbull

bullbullbullbull--- bull- __ -------ampool-~O-~l~l ml ~ tI~ fillmmiddot ~ fm Wamplfurct7 lITnrmii CMT ~l1G1

ltfu T~~ UJlod~I-ooILoaJ 11bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull_


(i) ~l ~T ~hhrl1lltT ~ ~TI (ii) ltRT~qc( Fi ~ 112 eMCfiT


(i) f~l ~t ~laquoif)

~lltT tf1T~TI i

(ii) ~~T ef1~ if ~m ~ ltliT~l1cr

(i) ~T ~~ ~iifl ItlltT~~ (ii) f~ ~ ef1 ~ iftfcP ~

fiT ~ltq _ - (i) f~l Cfqf ~l3ft~1ltT Gtil~fr (ii) ~~~ It1 ~ if tfr~ ~ ~


(i) f~l CMT~~~T~(II(Tlt6T~(lj _

(ii ) ~~ ~ ~ if tftf qrf ~T

tIllq (i) f~T CMT~~T ilTqT Cffl~TI (ii) IrfiM c ~ ~q if tftq~ ~T


~1 ~l oi) ~l ~fr~ amp- c If - 8 ~ tI~ mocr qJ1I -

~l ~~1I1Ocfttft~

~T ~ tlTOctT tfHI

~r ~ ml lttiT~Tii I__ bullbullbullbullbullbullIIbullbullbullbull It I k bullbullbull J __ __ ~_~_ k r1s t w bull _

Jtt~ ~J


1060 HARYANA GOVT OAZ AUO 121991 (StVN 211919 SAU)

~~ 14(1)]

bullbullbull fi~~ IIr bullbullbullbull middot~middot


srrftilltf~ ~CfiT(~

~---~--------------------------------------~-------1middot ------ middot2 - 5 bull 1 ~~-

Vltf~ ~Tffi fcrCdl$RI

(1) ~~ mfCf ~fqr - (~qwl)

~mm~~ (ii) bullbullfWfltIl

(iii) ~~ ~)tr I (iv) ~amp1T ~ ~~m~~1l

11U IPittr ~ lttiT

~ itfl 1Pff a qT ClI~

r~ rtf ~ ~~~~

fIi q frqfinr ~ fl ~ Grt bullbull bull

mtqTm~~~ ~ IImtil~f rro ~

~ ~ Sli ftiifl(li ~

8 C(qr ftlaquo bullbull fillClI4 Cfft If ~ a- ~ff~~~m

I~ J1 11ft ~~ ~If (v) ~f1n1fmiddotmt m~ bull ~)IfiIl i 2 qt tliT~-

vi) ~ srm~ m~ m ~trt 11 i(~ ~J

(ri) ~tirfii11 nf ~

~ (IIfMI1~

~ 9[qrftr ~

it~ ~ ~1 ~r~ro jI -~ bullbull

bull lt



~ q~ ~ ~ fcnn1r


R1ib 14 ~2008

mtmmiddot~ocmo fro 1~o3Fo S09l2009-IJTffi ~ ~ ~ ~ 309

~ampRT ~ ~ ltffl UltfTrr m~ ~ ~~ ~ ampRT filfllgCRf

~ ~ (WI tr) ~~ 1997 em 3lfI1 ~ CfRllc)r ~ fllfBRsit1 fJltm


1 ~ 00 Fcr~lgltRI~ ~ ltwr tr) ~ (~ fWr 2009 ~ iT


2 Fcrt1Iyenf1~ ~ (WI tr) ~ filtrir 1997 ~ ~ ~ ~

~ 4 c)r -M Uiif ~ 7 t~ ~~ ~ CfiT ~~ ~ ~ R

bullbull ~ ~ 3l1Olff lffi1 ~~ ~ ~ I

~FTTtt Fcr~I$ffi~ lmFr~ ~ mcPR

~ C1llT 31TQGT ~ ~ I

bull bull


- c

1 4

It) 51

~~ ~~ ~ltAftr11ft ~ ~~

-t ~~rf ~qf ~~ wt1Rrbull 1fT ilaT ~T~ m

- ~ma it tfli If~ q~ ~ ~(J ~f

mrft m ~Ifi




(viii) fll1=re~iffi~ rlie IR qT hr c~ ~ iTiAftr 11) ~ mrtr ~ ~ ~ ~6ttffl ll~ N ~r ~f- Ii ~ ~ -wrRr ftflqT ~ ~

tR~rf(J ~ ~

VTtrrorI6 ~- ~t itm ~-h tK ~

Rr ~~ mro-~ flll1fr ~T lIT ~ q ~ ~

Iill wIIf i~ ~

W iI ~ tf1~ q

~ ~rt if wlaquot ~m~~l~ ~ 111 wri f4rr~

(is) ~ rn ~j

(x) ~ t ~ ~ ~~~ ~fWq~bull~

(raquof) W~ ~ bull 1ITltft ~ at 8iR tffIllIl1 j ~

tatmiddot aa ~ ~i ---_~

1062 HARYANA GOVT6AZ bull AOO Hlfl (SRVN 21 119 SAlA)

--_------------------------------_ -------------------fflfur ~l ltt1 ltft faatll f~ij~ rnw~ ~ sTTf~t srrfClll~1

- I

7IN lili ~ -------- ~ bull__r ~_r~)_) _

1 2 3 4 6 6

-----------------------~--~----------------------(i) ~ fiT f~~ qrof 41ffl fTtlnrT ~~ fltmTll

ill ~)r ~~~l ~~q

mafcRr liwrrifiT qfwjl$1 ~lIr 1vn


(ii) a~ ma crfJm ~ ftrlf frrmr ~~8fiq ~~ 1ft ~ I -


6 ~ ifjctf~T~


8 tlitTllT

9 ~~ff1

1 0 ~ltQltf ~lt

11 qTm

1 2 itil Cfilt

-~-----------------------~--~---------~-----------~ 0 jfT CflfT

f~qt~ ~cf ~ laquofltctruIT ~ ~ fiIIR I


-----------------------------~----------~~~--~~~ r Autborised English Translation)




The 17th July 1~7

No GS R 58Const Art 30997-ln exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the constitution of India the Governor of Haryana hereby makes the following rules regulating the recruit-ment and conditions of service of person appointed to the HaryanaFinancial Commissioners Office (Group D) Service namely-


1 Tllese rules may be called_the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rule 1997-

2 In these rules unless the context otherwise requires -

(a) Udlrect recruitment means an appolntment made other-wise than by promotion from within the service or bytransfer of an official already in the Service of the Government of India or any State Government

(b) employment exchange means the employment ~exchange situated in Haryana

(c) Financial Cc-mmissioner~ means Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government Haryana Revenue Depart-menti

(d) ~GoveiilDlent~means the Haryana- Government- in the - AdministratiVe Department

(0) institutions means -

~i -aAy inStitUiCionestablished -hl Jaw in force in the State _~ of Ha~lJa ~t- (11)any otherinstttuti-drr i-eampigmsed by - the GoverDIDCDtpoundor

tie putposo()f tbtgtsC rules - _ -_ __

-t)-loirif S~cietarPnieans 10int Secretary -to Government Haryana Revenue Department

(g) Rajya Sainik Board rnean~ the office of the Secretary~ --RajyaSaihikBpatQflalaiut- r bullbull~ - bullbull ~ - bull - bull -- -- - - bullbullbullbullbullbullbulllJy ~

C(hrc~~Service means the middotHaqana Financial -Co1Pmi~Sioners office (Group D) Service _ -

_(ij UnderS~~ae-Ymiddot-l1lns the Under Secretary to Government Haryal1tl h~~eniieDepartment

Short title


1064 IAllYANA OQYT oAt AVGli 1i11 (SRVN n 1919 ampuA)


Nunl)er an 3middot The Srvioe shall oomprise tkc poIt 1M Ia AppeHIamp A Cluracter cf to ebes ruls

- POtts

Provided that nothing in those rUNSshall tfoat tho Inbrrout ript ot Oov~nment to make additions to or redaatiolls In the UUDlbcr of suoh posts or to oroate new pous whh dUCbullbull nt deslaatlGlls and scale of pay eitber permanently or temporarily

Natonality 4 (1) No person shall be appointed 10 bullbull Y pobullbull In tbo ServltIIdomicile and unless he Is-character or candidates app lnted to (a) a citizen of india 81 Service

(b) a subject of Nepal 01

Ce) a subject of Bhutan or

(d) a Tibetan refuee who came over to India 1MIfore thl 1st day of January 1962 Withthe intentioll of prmlllatly senHo in India i or

(0) a person of Indian origin who has m1ilattd from PatlstaB Burma Sri Lanka or any of the Bast African CeWltrles of Knya Ulanda Tho Unittd IltpubUf Taua bullbull (formerly Tanpnyika and Zanzibar) Zami Malawi Zaire and Bthopia with the intentloB of permaneoU sottliBI In India

Provided that a person belollJlua te any of tlae cate bullbull ribullbull lt)(0) (d) or (e) shall be a person In wkbullbull favour bull mlficate of eUgibility has been issued by the Gemment

(2) A person in whose case a certificate of eliJibility is DeetSSary maybe admitted to an examination or interview coaduttd by Silo recruitina authority but the offer of Ippeintatmay be given only after the necessary oliamplbiUty Cortlftcato has beeJl Issued to him by the Government

(3)No person shall be appolnt04to any bullbull dID iIInI direea recruitment unle he produeel a eortUloate of bullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull tile Principal Aoademic Offioer of the 8bullbullbull 1 01 institution last atteudod if any and similar Certlffcate fiea olher rtspOnsib1ep8lsonl no beina his relativos bullbullbullbull ate woll teuW with him in his private Uf and aN 1IBIOaow16 JaIl School or Institution

Art ~ 5middot No person ahan be appointed to an oat ill tM $enla bl clirN naruitment 0 is 1181thao sbtllD )rJ1II or I80N tliaR t~fl YArs 6f a ~I before tk date flllUbttlloa faPltn bullbull bullbullbull apPointinl authoJity

App)intfna 6 All appOlnlmenSto the po -In tile ittM _0 be bullbullbull Authority

~hc Under SecIetalYbullbull

bull iIARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 1065 (SRVN 211919 SAKA)

7 No person shall be appointed to any post in the Service unless Quallbtatloai he Is In possession of qualifications and experience specified In column 3 of Appendix B to these rules in tire case of direct recruitment and those specified in column 4 of tile aforesaid Appendix In the case of persons appointed other than by direct reeruitment f

Provided that in t he case of ap po1ntmert by direct recruitment the qualifications regarding experience shall be relaxable to the extent of SO at the discretion of the recruiting authority in case sufficient number of candidates belongillg-toSchMiUlcd Castbullbullbull Backward Classes Ex-Servicemen and Physically Handicappedcategories possessing the requisite experience are notavailable to fill up tho vacancies reserved for them after recording reasons for so doing in writing

8 No personc- DisqualifJcationl

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living or

(b) nho having a spouse living bas entered Into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eUgib10 for appointmentto any post In the Service

Provided that the Government may if satisfied that such marriage Is permissible under the personal law applicable to such personand the other party to the marriage and there other groundsfor so doing exempt any person from the oPeration of this rule

9 (1) Recruitment to the Service shall be made- Met1Iocl of recruitment

(a) in the case of Carpenter -

(i) by direct recruitment Of

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case of Stamper-

(i) by promotion from amonlStDaftri or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an otficial already in the service of any State Government or tlie Government -of India

(c) in the case of Daftri-

- (i) by promotion-from amongst Record Lifter or (ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service

of any ~tate Gowrpmmtt --or the Government of India

(d) in the case of Record Lifter-(i) by promotion tromamo~gst Peon (ii) by transfer -of depmatiQlJ dan official already in the service

of any State Oovtmment -orthe Governmentof India J

HARYAN AGOVT GAZ~t 1997bullljmiddot~~12J(SRVN21 1919SAKAj

(e) in the case of Jamooar-

(i) by promotion from am ngst Peon or

(ii) by transfer or (~eputation of an official already in tile service of any State Government or the Government of India

(f) inthe case of Head OilOwkkar-

(i) by promotion from amongst Ot10Wkifar (gt

(ii) by transfer cot dcpqttltbJl of an 0ffici~1alr~ y ir the service of ampDYmiddot SUttte Qo~mell( or tne Government of India

(g) in the case of Peon-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case dFrash-

(i) by direct recruitment laquor

(ii) by transfer or ceputation of an official already in thesetvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(i) ill the ca~~of Khalasi-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of allY State GovelPmellt orthe G)verumentoflooia

(j) in the case ofsweeper-cum-Ohowkidar-

(i) by direct recruitment of

(ii) by transfer of ueputation of an official alrerdy in the-scrvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(k) intn~ tase ot Qh()wkQaT~

(i) by direct recruitment or ~ bull ~

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official ~headyir th~ service of anYStato GotlertlllWlt ~tbe GoveilunenloUndla

- bullbullbull bull ~ ~(l))iJ the CampS~()tdit~eWQrk~r~~-~middot

- ~ (i) by direct recruitment or

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 121997 1067 (SRVN21 1919SAKA)

(2) All promotions unless otherwise provided shall be made on Seniority-eum-fitness basis and seniority alone shall not confer anyright to suer promotions

(3) Unless otJaerwise provided in this rule whenever any vaeaaay ocwra or iabout to occur In the Servicebullbull the appointing authority shall aetermine the manner in which it shall De filled in

10 (1) A peraon appointed to any poet in the Service shall remain on pro batten for a period oftwo years jf appointed by direct recruitment and one year If appointed otherwise ~

Provided that-(a) any period aftmo such appointment spent on deputation

on a corrasponding or a highm-post shall count towards the period of probation

(b) any period of work in equivalent or higher rank prior to appointment to any post in She Service may in the ca of an appointment by transfer at the discretion of tho appointinl authority be allowed to count towards tlto pet of probation fixed undtl this rule and

(e) any period of officiating appointment Ihall be reckoned as pariod spont on probation but no person who has so officiated shall on the oomplotion of tho proscribedperiod of probation be entitlod to be confirmed unloss he is appointed against a permanent vacancy

(2) If in the opinion of tho appointing authority tho work or conduet of a person during the period of probation is not satisfactory it may-

(a) if such person is appointed by direct recruitment dlspensowtth his Services and

(b) if IUch porion is appointed otherwise Ihan by dirocc recrult-ment-

(1) revert him to his former post or (ii) deal with him in such other manner as the terms and

conditions of the previous appointment permit (3) On the completion of the period of probation of a person

the appointing authority may-(a) if his work or conduct h~ In its opinion been

sa tisfactory-(I) confirm such person from the date of his appointment

if appointed against a permanent vacancy or (ii) confirm such person from the date from which a

permanent vacancy occurs if appointed against a tempo-rary vacancy or

(Hi) declare that he has Completed his probation satisfactorilyif there is no permanent vacancy of

(b) if his work or conduct has in its opinion been not satisfactory-laquo

(i) dispense withhil Services if appointed by direct recruitment if appointed otherwise revert him to his former post or dea 1 with him In such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous appointmentpermit or




(U) extend his period of probationand -thereafterpass such

older as it Could have passed~9n~t~ eipfry-o( t~ ]~lst period of probatig~ -

Provided that (he total period Qf prp~tiou in~l~d~~g-lif~lSJ~n

if any shall not exceed three years

11 Seniority inter se of the members uftheService shaU be

determined by the length of Continuou~ service on any past -in the Service

Provided that where there are different cadr-es in the Service the serUorityshal b~t~erli~~rj~y for each cadre - -

Provided further that in the case -d members appinted by direct J~c1iiitinenpoundtheorder of tho merit determined by the employment exchange

or Rajya Sainik Board (for Ex-serviceman only) shall not be

disturbed in fixing the seniority

Provided further that in the case vf two or more- members -aPpointed

on the same date their seniority shall be determined as follows -

(a) a member appointed by direct recruitment- shall be senior to -a member appointed by promotion or by transfer

(b) a member appointed by promotion shall be senioito -a member appointed by transfer

(e) in the case of member appolnteltr by-promotion or by transfer seniority shall be determined according to the seniority

of such members in the appointments from which they

were promoted or transferred and

-(d) in the case of members appointed by transfer from different

cadres thelr seniority shall-be determined according

to pay preference being givento a member who was

drawing a higher rate of payIn his previous appoint-ment and If the rates of pay drawn are also the same then

by their length of their Service in the appointments and if the- Ie-ngth of such Service is alsorthe same the older member shall be senior tltdliC You-nger member

12 (1) A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at anyJJebiUl7 to aenemiddot place whether within oroutside the State of Haryana on being ordered

so to do by the appointing authority

(2) A member of the Service may also be deputed to serve under -

(j) II company an associ tion or a bod y of Individuals whether -_]i~ip~ni~__J~r not which Is wholly or substa ntialJy


HARYANA GOVT OAZAUG 12 1997 1069 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

owned or controlled by theSta te Government a Municipal corporation or a local authority or university within the

~-Stateof Haryana -_ --_~-~

- eii) The Central Government or l company an aHOCt~tionor a body of individuals whetllor incorporated or Dot which is wholly or substantially owned controlled by theltII

Central Government or

(Hi) Any other State Government an int8lBamptiona1-orgaJllsation and autonomous bidy not controlled by the Government or

_a private body

Provided that no member of the Service shall be deputed to serve the Central or any other State Government or anyorganisation or body referred to in clauses (ii) or clause (ill) except with his consent ~ -

13 In respect of pay leave pension and all other matters not ex-pressly provided for in these rules the members of the Service shall be grvar ned by such rules and regulations as may have been or may here-after be adopted or made by the competent authority under the Oonsritu-tion of India or under any law for the time being inforce made by the State Legislature

14 (I) In matters relating to discipline penalties and appealsmembers of the Service shall be gJ verned by the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules 1987 as amended from time to time

Provided that the nature of p_enalties which may be imposed the authority empowered to impose such penalties and appellate authorityshall subject to the provisions of any law or rules made under Article 309 of the Oonstitution of India be such as are specified in Appendix 0 to these rules

(2) Phe authority competent to pass all order under clause (c) or clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punish-ment and Appeal) Rules 1987 and appellate authoriryshall be as specified in Appendix D to these rules

15 Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and re-vaccinated as and when the GOVernment so directs by a special or generalorder

16 Bvery member of the Service unless he has already done so shall he required to take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established

17 Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so it may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions of these rules with respsct to any class or category of persons

18 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the appointing authority may Impose special terms and conditions in the orden of appointment if it is deemed upedient to do so

Pay leavepension and other matters

Disciplinepenalties and appeals


Oath of allegiance

Power of relaxation


1070 HARYANA OOVT GAZAUG12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

Rbullbullbullbull tfooa

Repeal and SaiDls

19 Nothing contained In these rul bullbullbull llall ailect naenetlou aod other ooaeeaaions req1llred to be provided fa tlw 8eIledule4 Gastea BackwMd CIuaes Bx-servicemen Physically )aandt capped personl or any other amp1188 or eateaery of persons In ucordanct with tho orders illued by the State Government Inthla regard from time to timel

ProvJded that the total porcentage of roservationl 10 madohall not old 50 ~ of any time

20 The Punjab State (Class-IV) Service Rules 1963 in their application to the State of Hatyanaj are hueby repeaJod bull

Previded that any order made or action taken under tho rules so repealed shall be dNDled to havo been made or taken under the C01108-

pending provisions of these rulos -I

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 7: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 toss (SRVN21 1919 SAKA)

tro~qf~cftamp1TenT~ lfCffUfrri ~~ ~ fCffaft 7fm ~ ~)

wrflffi ~ ~R ~ ij- lffUenOf~l ~)rrT I

11 ij-lT lti ~~Hr fiT CfltfCflt~ii~~r ftltTT m ~ Cf~ ~lti ~T I

~mmij-Cf~ ci ~rn ffm enT ~m ro~ jf~r rCfrif flflirOf ~rq~rCf~r~cn SlCOlfli ~CflT ~ f~ ~rr-laquo(1q

r fir~ enT IroltrT

f Cflti~~ 11 laquo~flff tiT ~WT if ~~T fiff~~bullbull fii laquoTerTli~1 [T~T fr~~

L ~ ~1f7f (ljjrrr~ tiftffiilT ~~ ~T~lf ~fijti Gft~ (ltiCf~ ~Cicrof ~flEfiT ltt1

r f~) ~T llFlRfT ~I ~l fiilfT IrolJTlfCfITTflta ~rr

~~~~~ Rr~ CflT frlfRf crT lfT ltit ij- lffUti ~~

lfil ~T ii ~ltllgt1 ~~aT fI1rr~ ~q ~frllfra tiT ifroql -

( ti) laquoTm liciT [T1T fi ~~CT ~if tfltWOffultIT fiITir~Gf iRT

frrli ltfa ~I 1 ~ ~ISO ~qT

(~) cr~t1fa [TV fiilfJ tI~Fi f~rrfat1f [TU fi-iCifCl ~

~ i~ ~Fn - -(rr) Cf~)ilfa~Rr laquolJCfT~lJTrr~~Gf lf11Tf~ ~~ 6l ltWT ~

iq6Qar ~~fr flfltf~lfT if it ~ ~ltflfT tilom ~ 1i~

ffifla- etf IrC(lTt t~if~ r Cf~tq llY prri(rr~lfltaflllq rrq ~ q-l~

(I) f~ifVCftTT ~ HHrra~ iIro f ~T lil ~wr ~ ~rltfil~r rniT c5 wrtrr~ fiff~ til ilIQrrl~fulTl ll~ ~ Ii) fltltrr ilIQrrTif) ~Cfrrl ~~ Ii) f~lffl if ~~( ~ tn crnltr ~ ltlt1 fT lfl~1dlt flaquolof ~ m ~ ~ 1f) ~

~ laquol~rltfir middotf~ifR~Tif ~ ~if~ laquocrr~ ~ ~ 1lt liflt ~ ~fir~ 1f) ~Jfrltr ~) Q) ~1 if ~ ~ ~ ~ ij- ~o fTrrr I

12 (1) ~ In lift q) ~ fltrVctasrrfilm) are ~T ~

if q1Iqf ~ ~ fm FTflf ~ ~ ~ ~ f~ ~w ~ rrl -n ~m Ifi~ ~ ~ tr~ramp)lfr I

(2) ~ ~ ffilaquo) ~~~ )i) ~crr ri f~ frr+ltr firfia ei mtTif SJfdrwtfR fiIrlrrn ~ tc

I (i) ~ ~rT m 11l Cl1f~-f~rlirt q f~) J~ fil~iVf jqf 11l vfvllrtw rt=crrf~~ lfr ~


1056 HARYANA GOVr OAZ AUG 12 1997 (SRVN 211919 SAKlA)

~~lfruri ~Tiilf ~ 1fJij ~ ~fltlfT1JfT~r~ ltir qrn~ ifq~

ffq~ lff ~ullti snferfroJf ~fCfi f~~laquomlf lfT

(ii) 4r=~Tlfij~~(~ lfr fijT liPrT ~rlr 1Ir ilfflle ff~rlf qr~~

ffqf~(f ~T lIr f f~ij~r ~crT- lIr ~raelirlf Frrf~c lfr fpriiIJl~1lf ~~~ lt6 qfij QT - ~~rr

( Hi) li~ Wt rn ~~ wcro~llti ~1Oi ~cr fmlf fijlaquo~r I

fifliQI1JTij~m fi qrij if QT ~lfr lT~-ij~Iiltt fifiifll

n~~r ~ foOOT 1ft ij~ liT1~T ij~fcr ~ fiiflllllls (ii) ltT lSl1I~(Hi) if ferfiff~e ~iltr lIrflitTIWll ~filI ijm~ lIr flilaquoT laquo1Oif lIr fltWTlIq ~r ~ ~ f~ ~fcrfifIfifCfl fCflllrfl~r I

ltrnil~T filii 13 mi~)iiTifcrlfT ijm- Wt ~~mm~~ffimTif CffT WlI q1ffi I ~qIe ~q ~ ~lT ~ fCflllIlrlfr~ ~ i1 ~ ~~ fifl11rTCflfTfcrfrlnrTrnr

fifltT~ QTiT iSlTijfif ~Tfrmir am ~cr ~ mermi ~ ~erTrr ~lferT mll

fcnrrrr li~ aT~r iif~Ii criT 1ij ijlflf ~llT fliijT ferfer ~ $fftr $fqiTa-Ifr

iififr~ ~ i21 ~CfT ~~ ~ WRTlt lfr iifiTq GfT1t I

4IfR ~rmrlff 14 (1) ~ijiI IftTftcrlfT ~crlfT ~IlfT tr1ifa-cr qfli~T if ~ltrr ~ ij(~

~ ~m I ijlilf -ijlil ~ lflfT trlfTfampCTQf~rarr fijf~ ~CfT (iUi crlfT~t11) fllIq 19 i 7

am fpiftrcr l

qVg ~laquot TrtlcrlfTffT ~~q 3JT111ri ~r ijliCfT~ ~ Trf~t ~ml Ii ~ ijIfCRf srrftriflril CflfTwmr ~rf~r~ ~cr ~ mCftfTif ~ wrii 309

~ ~if iif~ ~ ffilaquot f~fS lfT fif~ cf 1qqelT~ mfttr ~ ~~ ~ l fT

~ fifl11rT~ qf(fllllSe 1 if fcrfrf~ i I

( 2) ~(lfrurr fm~ ~err (~ ~T ~~) fiflijJ 1987 cf f~ 9 ci ~-f~ (1) ~~ (~) lfT ~i (f) ci mftrr- fitl ~ ~ mlll srrf~ (f1IT~ SIiN~ro m- ~ ~IJTSf)~ fifll1JTci q-f~fuISe ~ if

frlltIf~~ I

IT tNA I -15 ~ IliT SR~ifi ~ fiif ~~ fm fm ~ ~ sr~T

Im ~el f~ ~i em ViIbullbull~n crSITlil e~ ~I~iIi(iI I

~f1friflSir iii) 16 ~ ~ sreifCfl ~ ij jfiI Clifi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ smt(f1lT fCfffl lINr I rro 3(fT ~ froT ~ mcnrR ci srfcr lRfltf1iOT Cfgt1l1M1fif ~ ~ e) ttm

Irol tit rnn ~ I

bullbull aYANA GOV1 GAZ AUG 12 1997 (SRN 21 1919 SAKA)

1 7 ~ ~ 1111 UlI if ~ f~ c6 fCflm- ~Ir if t)lr ln ~ ~~ 111ft

~1If 3fr Iff~ ~) ~ q ~ f~ ~ m T 04fcfaq) c6 fw1 ~ I

~ 3fT m bullbull ~if ~mfi ~1tl

18 ~~1 if f~ ifffi ~~ ~~ f1f~~ 5fTf~ ~ q flrn~ t f~ srmr if ffl~A oyenT fi ~ffiIT ~o m 0) ~ qm ~

nmt I

19 ~ fflflff if ltft ttimiddot~ amf ~TRf~R am ~ m if ~- ~ I

~ ~ GIrit fwA 1A srr~T ci ~ WiWbullbullo arrfoit~ IlfiCl ~

ffoAff w~ ~ ~ f~i1r ~fcfaif ~ illfGfOlif ~ fllllaquoT ~ ltf1T 3fT sr~ iJi) M ~ Iffif ~ ~T OIT ~ f~ 1fl1 srmfCffl If ~

qi~ ~J ~ ~ f~~ srm=rur crft ~ srfumroTf~1 1ft ~ cmf srfumr~ mfTti ~ ~

2~ ~fiI Ulf (~ti ~1) ~ ~ 1963 ~ftlfT1itr tliIt f~wn ~1TU~~f~1(~nti ~~ I

q~ ~ SIItf[ Mmr ~ ~ mfrt fitnn ~ ~ mQ II

11ft Ii IMtift(~~T ~ l1l~ ~T ~ q1ft flllm M vrft IqIIflttT 1Ir1Iff ~t ~1 GI ro~11

lOS8 HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG ll 1997middot-(SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

1 CfT(m -

2 ~m

a ~~ --- -~ -

4 fWT~~

5 illifGT(

V-- 6 ~ q1~1ltU1

7 ~CfTqn

8 1fi(T~

9 ~m~fr

bull- - -- -r 1~

3 1 4

5 11 16

13 2 15

3 _ bull3

1 1

bull58 61 119

2 2

1 1

1 2

950--20--- H 6~Tampf~

1400~ 30~o fm~~c 800~- 15--101 Obull-ltelanTa-- 201150 illf 3 0~ 0 fero~ cQii

80(-~15~1olHh1tttffi- [-i8 1150~ 3~~oliriq ieuroA

800middot-_1 Sl 01o-~~(~a-20-middot-1150~t-30~~frQ1~ c~f

- 0 lt~h- ~ ~ ~~c

8 0 0middotmiddotmiddotmiddot bull15-10t 0 ~61~Tfli~ (1 11 5 0 iilff 3 0 ~ 0 fqiftf cTffOi ~

775--12-- 956~QT~m--14--

1 OZ5 iilif 30~o fclT~ ~~

750middotmiddot 12- - 870 a~arflg--14-940 iJIf 3 0 ~ 0 fltril~C~

7 5 )-middotbull1 2 bullbullbull8 7 o--a~ltInTa--14-940 iqf 30~o ~ cor

750-12-870--~~Ta--14--940 ~r 30~o fcmtf cfOil

3 750--12--870- -~~m--14-940 ~r 30~o fcriTlSfCltIi+ 6 5 ~ 0 fcriT1Sfq~T

5 750~-12~-87o-~~Tu--14- - 940tqr 30~ 0 f~~ cfo

1 750-12--870 bull-a~Ter bull-14-940 ~ 30~o fcmlSf cl5f



HARYANA-GOVT GAZ AUG_12 1997 I 1059 (SRVN 21 1919SAKA) ~

- bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull-_bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull- __ --- _-- - __ bull-------lIflo ~~ ~ftlllaT ~ ~ ~o 1lT~f~ ~J-nRrrif~T

tll1G1 lffa tf1~ ~ I-~-~~_u _middot ~- bullbullbullbull bullbullbullI1-1 It IIaoodW~iilRRmiddot

1 2 3

(i) tf1Tm~ if tI~ 0

CT 0 tI~ 0 ill ~nrr

~ltfl ~ tllOcff qJ~

~l ~~ij ~cff qJ~

J~~ ilTOql lT~

V 10 Bt)r~~cj f1tf1m~ f~~l~Cf tlTOC(T qJ~

~ fitJT~~

12 Ii- qeR~ cm~lt6l ~TIr$~ltF~bullbull~__~k_~~middot____ ~~~~~_~~_~f=~ amp iI II It bullbullbullbull Aoa4 bullbullbullbullbullbull

bullbullbullbull--- bull- __ -------ampool-~O-~l~l ml ~ tI~ fillmmiddot ~ fm Wamplfurct7 lITnrmii CMT ~l1G1

ltfu T~~ UJlod~I-ooILoaJ 11bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull_


(i) ~l ~T ~hhrl1lltT ~ ~TI (ii) ltRT~qc( Fi ~ 112 eMCfiT


(i) f~l ~t ~laquoif)

~lltT tf1T~TI i

(ii) ~~T ef1~ if ~m ~ ltliT~l1cr

(i) ~T ~~ ~iifl ItlltT~~ (ii) f~ ~ ef1 ~ iftfcP ~

fiT ~ltq _ - (i) f~l Cfqf ~l3ft~1ltT Gtil~fr (ii) ~~~ It1 ~ if tfr~ ~ ~


(i) f~l CMT~~~T~(II(Tlt6T~(lj _

(ii ) ~~ ~ ~ if tftf qrf ~T

tIllq (i) f~T CMT~~T ilTqT Cffl~TI (ii) IrfiM c ~ ~q if tftq~ ~T


~1 ~l oi) ~l ~fr~ amp- c If - 8 ~ tI~ mocr qJ1I -

~l ~~1I1Ocfttft~

~T ~ tlTOctT tfHI

~r ~ ml lttiT~Tii I__ bullbullbullbullbullbullIIbullbullbullbull It I k bullbullbull J __ __ ~_~_ k r1s t w bull _

Jtt~ ~J


1060 HARYANA GOVT OAZ AUO 121991 (StVN 211919 SAU)

~~ 14(1)]

bullbullbull fi~~ IIr bullbullbullbull middot~middot


srrftilltf~ ~CfiT(~

~---~--------------------------------------~-------1middot ------ middot2 - 5 bull 1 ~~-

Vltf~ ~Tffi fcrCdl$RI

(1) ~~ mfCf ~fqr - (~qwl)

~mm~~ (ii) bullbullfWfltIl

(iii) ~~ ~)tr I (iv) ~amp1T ~ ~~m~~1l

11U IPittr ~ lttiT

~ itfl 1Pff a qT ClI~

r~ rtf ~ ~~~~

fIi q frqfinr ~ fl ~ Grt bullbull bull

mtqTm~~~ ~ IImtil~f rro ~

~ ~ Sli ftiifl(li ~

8 C(qr ftlaquo bullbull fillClI4 Cfft If ~ a- ~ff~~~m

I~ J1 11ft ~~ ~If (v) ~f1n1fmiddotmt m~ bull ~)IfiIl i 2 qt tliT~-

vi) ~ srm~ m~ m ~trt 11 i(~ ~J

(ri) ~tirfii11 nf ~

~ (IIfMI1~

~ 9[qrftr ~

it~ ~ ~1 ~r~ro jI -~ bullbull

bull lt



~ q~ ~ ~ fcnn1r


R1ib 14 ~2008

mtmmiddot~ocmo fro 1~o3Fo S09l2009-IJTffi ~ ~ ~ ~ 309

~ampRT ~ ~ ltffl UltfTrr m~ ~ ~~ ~ ampRT filfllgCRf

~ ~ (WI tr) ~~ 1997 em 3lfI1 ~ CfRllc)r ~ fllfBRsit1 fJltm


1 ~ 00 Fcr~lgltRI~ ~ ltwr tr) ~ (~ fWr 2009 ~ iT


2 Fcrt1Iyenf1~ ~ (WI tr) ~ filtrir 1997 ~ ~ ~ ~

~ 4 c)r -M Uiif ~ 7 t~ ~~ ~ CfiT ~~ ~ ~ R

bullbull ~ ~ 3l1Olff lffi1 ~~ ~ ~ I

~FTTtt Fcr~I$ffi~ lmFr~ ~ mcPR

~ C1llT 31TQGT ~ ~ I

bull bull


- c

1 4

It) 51

~~ ~~ ~ltAftr11ft ~ ~~

-t ~~rf ~qf ~~ wt1Rrbull 1fT ilaT ~T~ m

- ~ma it tfli If~ q~ ~ ~(J ~f

mrft m ~Ifi




(viii) fll1=re~iffi~ rlie IR qT hr c~ ~ iTiAftr 11) ~ mrtr ~ ~ ~ ~6ttffl ll~ N ~r ~f- Ii ~ ~ -wrRr ftflqT ~ ~

tR~rf(J ~ ~

VTtrrorI6 ~- ~t itm ~-h tK ~

Rr ~~ mro-~ flll1fr ~T lIT ~ q ~ ~

Iill wIIf i~ ~

W iI ~ tf1~ q

~ ~rt if wlaquot ~m~~l~ ~ 111 wri f4rr~

(is) ~ rn ~j

(x) ~ t ~ ~ ~~~ ~fWq~bull~

(raquof) W~ ~ bull 1ITltft ~ at 8iR tffIllIl1 j ~

tatmiddot aa ~ ~i ---_~

1062 HARYANA GOVT6AZ bull AOO Hlfl (SRVN 21 119 SAlA)

--_------------------------------_ -------------------fflfur ~l ltt1 ltft faatll f~ij~ rnw~ ~ sTTf~t srrfClll~1

- I

7IN lili ~ -------- ~ bull__r ~_r~)_) _

1 2 3 4 6 6

-----------------------~--~----------------------(i) ~ fiT f~~ qrof 41ffl fTtlnrT ~~ fltmTll

ill ~)r ~~~l ~~q

mafcRr liwrrifiT qfwjl$1 ~lIr 1vn


(ii) a~ ma crfJm ~ ftrlf frrmr ~~8fiq ~~ 1ft ~ I -


6 ~ ifjctf~T~


8 tlitTllT

9 ~~ff1

1 0 ~ltQltf ~lt

11 qTm

1 2 itil Cfilt

-~-----------------------~--~---------~-----------~ 0 jfT CflfT

f~qt~ ~cf ~ laquofltctruIT ~ ~ fiIIR I


-----------------------------~----------~~~--~~~ r Autborised English Translation)




The 17th July 1~7

No GS R 58Const Art 30997-ln exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the constitution of India the Governor of Haryana hereby makes the following rules regulating the recruit-ment and conditions of service of person appointed to the HaryanaFinancial Commissioners Office (Group D) Service namely-


1 Tllese rules may be called_the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rule 1997-

2 In these rules unless the context otherwise requires -

(a) Udlrect recruitment means an appolntment made other-wise than by promotion from within the service or bytransfer of an official already in the Service of the Government of India or any State Government

(b) employment exchange means the employment ~exchange situated in Haryana

(c) Financial Cc-mmissioner~ means Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government Haryana Revenue Depart-menti

(d) ~GoveiilDlent~means the Haryana- Government- in the - AdministratiVe Department

(0) institutions means -

~i -aAy inStitUiCionestablished -hl Jaw in force in the State _~ of Ha~lJa ~t- (11)any otherinstttuti-drr i-eampigmsed by - the GoverDIDCDtpoundor

tie putposo()f tbtgtsC rules - _ -_ __

-t)-loirif S~cietarPnieans 10int Secretary -to Government Haryana Revenue Department

(g) Rajya Sainik Board rnean~ the office of the Secretary~ --RajyaSaihikBpatQflalaiut- r bullbull~ - bullbull ~ - bull - bull -- -- - - bullbullbullbullbullbullbulllJy ~

C(hrc~~Service means the middotHaqana Financial -Co1Pmi~Sioners office (Group D) Service _ -

_(ij UnderS~~ae-Ymiddot-l1lns the Under Secretary to Government Haryal1tl h~~eniieDepartment

Short title


1064 IAllYANA OQYT oAt AVGli 1i11 (SRVN n 1919 ampuA)


Nunl)er an 3middot The Srvioe shall oomprise tkc poIt 1M Ia AppeHIamp A Cluracter cf to ebes ruls

- POtts

Provided that nothing in those rUNSshall tfoat tho Inbrrout ript ot Oov~nment to make additions to or redaatiolls In the UUDlbcr of suoh posts or to oroate new pous whh dUCbullbull nt deslaatlGlls and scale of pay eitber permanently or temporarily

Natonality 4 (1) No person shall be appointed 10 bullbull Y pobullbull In tbo ServltIIdomicile and unless he Is-character or candidates app lnted to (a) a citizen of india 81 Service

(b) a subject of Nepal 01

Ce) a subject of Bhutan or

(d) a Tibetan refuee who came over to India 1MIfore thl 1st day of January 1962 Withthe intentioll of prmlllatly senHo in India i or

(0) a person of Indian origin who has m1ilattd from PatlstaB Burma Sri Lanka or any of the Bast African CeWltrles of Knya Ulanda Tho Unittd IltpubUf Taua bullbull (formerly Tanpnyika and Zanzibar) Zami Malawi Zaire and Bthopia with the intentloB of permaneoU sottliBI In India

Provided that a person belollJlua te any of tlae cate bullbull ribullbull lt)(0) (d) or (e) shall be a person In wkbullbull favour bull mlficate of eUgibility has been issued by the Gemment

(2) A person in whose case a certificate of eliJibility is DeetSSary maybe admitted to an examination or interview coaduttd by Silo recruitina authority but the offer of Ippeintatmay be given only after the necessary oliamplbiUty Cortlftcato has beeJl Issued to him by the Government

(3)No person shall be appolnt04to any bullbull dID iIInI direea recruitment unle he produeel a eortUloate of bullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull tile Principal Aoademic Offioer of the 8bullbullbull 1 01 institution last atteudod if any and similar Certlffcate fiea olher rtspOnsib1ep8lsonl no beina his relativos bullbullbullbull ate woll teuW with him in his private Uf and aN 1IBIOaow16 JaIl School or Institution

Art ~ 5middot No person ahan be appointed to an oat ill tM $enla bl clirN naruitment 0 is 1181thao sbtllD )rJ1II or I80N tliaR t~fl YArs 6f a ~I before tk date flllUbttlloa faPltn bullbull bullbullbull apPointinl authoJity

App)intfna 6 All appOlnlmenSto the po -In tile ittM _0 be bullbullbull Authority

~hc Under SecIetalYbullbull

bull iIARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 1065 (SRVN 211919 SAKA)

7 No person shall be appointed to any post in the Service unless Quallbtatloai he Is In possession of qualifications and experience specified In column 3 of Appendix B to these rules in tire case of direct recruitment and those specified in column 4 of tile aforesaid Appendix In the case of persons appointed other than by direct reeruitment f

Provided that in t he case of ap po1ntmert by direct recruitment the qualifications regarding experience shall be relaxable to the extent of SO at the discretion of the recruiting authority in case sufficient number of candidates belongillg-toSchMiUlcd Castbullbullbull Backward Classes Ex-Servicemen and Physically Handicappedcategories possessing the requisite experience are notavailable to fill up tho vacancies reserved for them after recording reasons for so doing in writing

8 No personc- DisqualifJcationl

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living or

(b) nho having a spouse living bas entered Into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eUgib10 for appointmentto any post In the Service

Provided that the Government may if satisfied that such marriage Is permissible under the personal law applicable to such personand the other party to the marriage and there other groundsfor so doing exempt any person from the oPeration of this rule

9 (1) Recruitment to the Service shall be made- Met1Iocl of recruitment

(a) in the case of Carpenter -

(i) by direct recruitment Of

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case of Stamper-

(i) by promotion from amonlStDaftri or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an otficial already in the service of any State Government or tlie Government -of India

(c) in the case of Daftri-

- (i) by promotion-from amongst Record Lifter or (ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service

of any ~tate Gowrpmmtt --or the Government of India

(d) in the case of Record Lifter-(i) by promotion tromamo~gst Peon (ii) by transfer -of depmatiQlJ dan official already in the service

of any State Oovtmment -orthe Governmentof India J

HARYAN AGOVT GAZ~t 1997bullljmiddot~~12J(SRVN21 1919SAKAj

(e) in the case of Jamooar-

(i) by promotion from am ngst Peon or

(ii) by transfer or (~eputation of an official already in tile service of any State Government or the Government of India

(f) inthe case of Head OilOwkkar-

(i) by promotion from amongst Ot10Wkifar (gt

(ii) by transfer cot dcpqttltbJl of an 0ffici~1alr~ y ir the service of ampDYmiddot SUttte Qo~mell( or tne Government of India

(g) in the case of Peon-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case dFrash-

(i) by direct recruitment laquor

(ii) by transfer or ceputation of an official already in thesetvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(i) ill the ca~~of Khalasi-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of allY State GovelPmellt orthe G)verumentoflooia

(j) in the case ofsweeper-cum-Ohowkidar-

(i) by direct recruitment of

(ii) by transfer of ueputation of an official alrerdy in the-scrvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(k) intn~ tase ot Qh()wkQaT~

(i) by direct recruitment or ~ bull ~

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official ~headyir th~ service of anYStato GotlertlllWlt ~tbe GoveilunenloUndla

- bullbullbull bull ~ ~(l))iJ the CampS~()tdit~eWQrk~r~~-~middot

- ~ (i) by direct recruitment or

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 121997 1067 (SRVN21 1919SAKA)

(2) All promotions unless otherwise provided shall be made on Seniority-eum-fitness basis and seniority alone shall not confer anyright to suer promotions

(3) Unless otJaerwise provided in this rule whenever any vaeaaay ocwra or iabout to occur In the Servicebullbull the appointing authority shall aetermine the manner in which it shall De filled in

10 (1) A peraon appointed to any poet in the Service shall remain on pro batten for a period oftwo years jf appointed by direct recruitment and one year If appointed otherwise ~

Provided that-(a) any period aftmo such appointment spent on deputation

on a corrasponding or a highm-post shall count towards the period of probation

(b) any period of work in equivalent or higher rank prior to appointment to any post in She Service may in the ca of an appointment by transfer at the discretion of tho appointinl authority be allowed to count towards tlto pet of probation fixed undtl this rule and

(e) any period of officiating appointment Ihall be reckoned as pariod spont on probation but no person who has so officiated shall on the oomplotion of tho proscribedperiod of probation be entitlod to be confirmed unloss he is appointed against a permanent vacancy

(2) If in the opinion of tho appointing authority tho work or conduet of a person during the period of probation is not satisfactory it may-

(a) if such person is appointed by direct recruitment dlspensowtth his Services and

(b) if IUch porion is appointed otherwise Ihan by dirocc recrult-ment-

(1) revert him to his former post or (ii) deal with him in such other manner as the terms and

conditions of the previous appointment permit (3) On the completion of the period of probation of a person

the appointing authority may-(a) if his work or conduct h~ In its opinion been

sa tisfactory-(I) confirm such person from the date of his appointment

if appointed against a permanent vacancy or (ii) confirm such person from the date from which a

permanent vacancy occurs if appointed against a tempo-rary vacancy or

(Hi) declare that he has Completed his probation satisfactorilyif there is no permanent vacancy of

(b) if his work or conduct has in its opinion been not satisfactory-laquo

(i) dispense withhil Services if appointed by direct recruitment if appointed otherwise revert him to his former post or dea 1 with him In such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous appointmentpermit or




(U) extend his period of probationand -thereafterpass such

older as it Could have passed~9n~t~ eipfry-o( t~ ]~lst period of probatig~ -

Provided that (he total period Qf prp~tiou in~l~d~~g-lif~lSJ~n

if any shall not exceed three years

11 Seniority inter se of the members uftheService shaU be

determined by the length of Continuou~ service on any past -in the Service

Provided that where there are different cadr-es in the Service the serUorityshal b~t~erli~~rj~y for each cadre - -

Provided further that in the case -d members appinted by direct J~c1iiitinenpoundtheorder of tho merit determined by the employment exchange

or Rajya Sainik Board (for Ex-serviceman only) shall not be

disturbed in fixing the seniority

Provided further that in the case vf two or more- members -aPpointed

on the same date their seniority shall be determined as follows -

(a) a member appointed by direct recruitment- shall be senior to -a member appointed by promotion or by transfer

(b) a member appointed by promotion shall be senioito -a member appointed by transfer

(e) in the case of member appolnteltr by-promotion or by transfer seniority shall be determined according to the seniority

of such members in the appointments from which they

were promoted or transferred and

-(d) in the case of members appointed by transfer from different

cadres thelr seniority shall-be determined according

to pay preference being givento a member who was

drawing a higher rate of payIn his previous appoint-ment and If the rates of pay drawn are also the same then

by their length of their Service in the appointments and if the- Ie-ngth of such Service is alsorthe same the older member shall be senior tltdliC You-nger member

12 (1) A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at anyJJebiUl7 to aenemiddot place whether within oroutside the State of Haryana on being ordered

so to do by the appointing authority

(2) A member of the Service may also be deputed to serve under -

(j) II company an associ tion or a bod y of Individuals whether -_]i~ip~ni~__J~r not which Is wholly or substa ntialJy


HARYANA GOVT OAZAUG 12 1997 1069 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

owned or controlled by theSta te Government a Municipal corporation or a local authority or university within the

~-Stateof Haryana -_ --_~-~

- eii) The Central Government or l company an aHOCt~tionor a body of individuals whetllor incorporated or Dot which is wholly or substantially owned controlled by theltII

Central Government or

(Hi) Any other State Government an int8lBamptiona1-orgaJllsation and autonomous bidy not controlled by the Government or

_a private body

Provided that no member of the Service shall be deputed to serve the Central or any other State Government or anyorganisation or body referred to in clauses (ii) or clause (ill) except with his consent ~ -

13 In respect of pay leave pension and all other matters not ex-pressly provided for in these rules the members of the Service shall be grvar ned by such rules and regulations as may have been or may here-after be adopted or made by the competent authority under the Oonsritu-tion of India or under any law for the time being inforce made by the State Legislature

14 (I) In matters relating to discipline penalties and appealsmembers of the Service shall be gJ verned by the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules 1987 as amended from time to time

Provided that the nature of p_enalties which may be imposed the authority empowered to impose such penalties and appellate authorityshall subject to the provisions of any law or rules made under Article 309 of the Oonstitution of India be such as are specified in Appendix 0 to these rules

(2) Phe authority competent to pass all order under clause (c) or clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punish-ment and Appeal) Rules 1987 and appellate authoriryshall be as specified in Appendix D to these rules

15 Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and re-vaccinated as and when the GOVernment so directs by a special or generalorder

16 Bvery member of the Service unless he has already done so shall he required to take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established

17 Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so it may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions of these rules with respsct to any class or category of persons

18 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the appointing authority may Impose special terms and conditions in the orden of appointment if it is deemed upedient to do so

Pay leavepension and other matters

Disciplinepenalties and appeals


Oath of allegiance

Power of relaxation


1070 HARYANA OOVT GAZAUG12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

Rbullbullbullbull tfooa

Repeal and SaiDls

19 Nothing contained In these rul bullbullbull llall ailect naenetlou aod other ooaeeaaions req1llred to be provided fa tlw 8eIledule4 Gastea BackwMd CIuaes Bx-servicemen Physically )aandt capped personl or any other amp1188 or eateaery of persons In ucordanct with tho orders illued by the State Government Inthla regard from time to timel

ProvJded that the total porcentage of roservationl 10 madohall not old 50 ~ of any time

20 The Punjab State (Class-IV) Service Rules 1963 in their application to the State of Hatyanaj are hueby repeaJod bull

Previded that any order made or action taken under tho rules so repealed shall be dNDled to havo been made or taken under the C01108-

pending provisions of these rulos -I

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 8: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr


1056 HARYANA GOVr OAZ AUG 12 1997 (SRVN 211919 SAKlA)

~~lfruri ~Tiilf ~ 1fJij ~ ~fltlfT1JfT~r~ ltir qrn~ ifq~

ffq~ lff ~ullti snferfroJf ~fCfi f~~laquomlf lfT

(ii) 4r=~Tlfij~~(~ lfr fijT liPrT ~rlr 1Ir ilfflle ff~rlf qr~~

ffqf~(f ~T lIr f f~ij~r ~crT- lIr ~raelirlf Frrf~c lfr fpriiIJl~1lf ~~~ lt6 qfij QT - ~~rr

( Hi) li~ Wt rn ~~ wcro~llti ~1Oi ~cr fmlf fijlaquo~r I

fifliQI1JTij~m fi qrij if QT ~lfr lT~-ij~Iiltt fifiifll

n~~r ~ foOOT 1ft ij~ liT1~T ij~fcr ~ fiiflllllls (ii) ltT lSl1I~(Hi) if ferfiff~e ~iltr lIrflitTIWll ~filI ijm~ lIr flilaquoT laquo1Oif lIr fltWTlIq ~r ~ ~ f~ ~fcrfifIfifCfl fCflllrfl~r I

ltrnil~T filii 13 mi~)iiTifcrlfT ijm- Wt ~~mm~~ffimTif CffT WlI q1ffi I ~qIe ~q ~ ~lT ~ fCflllIlrlfr~ ~ i1 ~ ~~ fifl11rTCflfTfcrfrlnrTrnr

fifltT~ QTiT iSlTijfif ~Tfrmir am ~cr ~ mermi ~ ~erTrr ~lferT mll

fcnrrrr li~ aT~r iif~Ii criT 1ij ijlflf ~llT fliijT ferfer ~ $fftr $fqiTa-Ifr

iififr~ ~ i21 ~CfT ~~ ~ WRTlt lfr iifiTq GfT1t I

4IfR ~rmrlff 14 (1) ~ijiI IftTftcrlfT ~crlfT ~IlfT tr1ifa-cr qfli~T if ~ltrr ~ ij(~

~ ~m I ijlilf -ijlil ~ lflfT trlfTfampCTQf~rarr fijf~ ~CfT (iUi crlfT~t11) fllIq 19 i 7

am fpiftrcr l

qVg ~laquot TrtlcrlfTffT ~~q 3JT111ri ~r ijliCfT~ ~ Trf~t ~ml Ii ~ ijIfCRf srrftriflril CflfTwmr ~rf~r~ ~cr ~ mCftfTif ~ wrii 309

~ ~if iif~ ~ ffilaquot f~fS lfT fif~ cf 1qqelT~ mfttr ~ ~~ ~ l fT

~ fifl11rT~ qf(fllllSe 1 if fcrfrf~ i I

( 2) ~(lfrurr fm~ ~err (~ ~T ~~) fiflijJ 1987 cf f~ 9 ci ~-f~ (1) ~~ (~) lfT ~i (f) ci mftrr- fitl ~ ~ mlll srrf~ (f1IT~ SIiN~ro m- ~ ~IJTSf)~ fifll1JTci q-f~fuISe ~ if

frlltIf~~ I

IT tNA I -15 ~ IliT SR~ifi ~ fiif ~~ fm fm ~ ~ sr~T

Im ~el f~ ~i em ViIbullbull~n crSITlil e~ ~I~iIi(iI I

~f1friflSir iii) 16 ~ ~ sreifCfl ~ ij jfiI Clifi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ smt(f1lT fCfffl lINr I rro 3(fT ~ froT ~ mcnrR ci srfcr lRfltf1iOT Cfgt1l1M1fif ~ ~ e) ttm

Irol tit rnn ~ I

bullbull aYANA GOV1 GAZ AUG 12 1997 (SRN 21 1919 SAKA)

1 7 ~ ~ 1111 UlI if ~ f~ c6 fCflm- ~Ir if t)lr ln ~ ~~ 111ft

~1If 3fr Iff~ ~) ~ q ~ f~ ~ m T 04fcfaq) c6 fw1 ~ I

~ 3fT m bullbull ~if ~mfi ~1tl

18 ~~1 if f~ ifffi ~~ ~~ f1f~~ 5fTf~ ~ q flrn~ t f~ srmr if ffl~A oyenT fi ~ffiIT ~o m 0) ~ qm ~

nmt I

19 ~ fflflff if ltft ttimiddot~ amf ~TRf~R am ~ m if ~- ~ I

~ ~ GIrit fwA 1A srr~T ci ~ WiWbullbullo arrfoit~ IlfiCl ~

ffoAff w~ ~ ~ f~i1r ~fcfaif ~ illfGfOlif ~ fllllaquoT ~ ltf1T 3fT sr~ iJi) M ~ Iffif ~ ~T OIT ~ f~ 1fl1 srmfCffl If ~

qi~ ~J ~ ~ f~~ srm=rur crft ~ srfumroTf~1 1ft ~ cmf srfumr~ mfTti ~ ~

2~ ~fiI Ulf (~ti ~1) ~ ~ 1963 ~ftlfT1itr tliIt f~wn ~1TU~~f~1(~nti ~~ I

q~ ~ SIItf[ Mmr ~ ~ mfrt fitnn ~ ~ mQ II

11ft Ii IMtift(~~T ~ l1l~ ~T ~ q1ft flllm M vrft IqIIflttT 1Ir1Iff ~t ~1 GI ro~11

lOS8 HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG ll 1997middot-(SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

1 CfT(m -

2 ~m

a ~~ --- -~ -

4 fWT~~

5 illifGT(

V-- 6 ~ q1~1ltU1

7 ~CfTqn

8 1fi(T~

9 ~m~fr

bull- - -- -r 1~

3 1 4

5 11 16

13 2 15

3 _ bull3

1 1

bull58 61 119

2 2

1 1

1 2

950--20--- H 6~Tampf~

1400~ 30~o fm~~c 800~- 15--101 Obull-ltelanTa-- 201150 illf 3 0~ 0 fero~ cQii

80(-~15~1olHh1tttffi- [-i8 1150~ 3~~oliriq ieuroA

800middot-_1 Sl 01o-~~(~a-20-middot-1150~t-30~~frQ1~ c~f

- 0 lt~h- ~ ~ ~~c

8 0 0middotmiddotmiddotmiddot bull15-10t 0 ~61~Tfli~ (1 11 5 0 iilff 3 0 ~ 0 fqiftf cTffOi ~

775--12-- 956~QT~m--14--

1 OZ5 iilif 30~o fclT~ ~~

750middotmiddot 12- - 870 a~arflg--14-940 iJIf 3 0 ~ 0 fltril~C~

7 5 )-middotbull1 2 bullbullbull8 7 o--a~ltInTa--14-940 iqf 30~o ~ cor

750-12-870--~~Ta--14--940 ~r 30~o fcmtf cfOil

3 750--12--870- -~~m--14-940 ~r 30~o fcriTlSfCltIi+ 6 5 ~ 0 fcriT1Sfq~T

5 750~-12~-87o-~~Tu--14- - 940tqr 30~ 0 f~~ cfo

1 750-12--870 bull-a~Ter bull-14-940 ~ 30~o fcmlSf cl5f



HARYANA-GOVT GAZ AUG_12 1997 I 1059 (SRVN 21 1919SAKA) ~

- bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull-_bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull- __ --- _-- - __ bull-------lIflo ~~ ~ftlllaT ~ ~ ~o 1lT~f~ ~J-nRrrif~T

tll1G1 lffa tf1~ ~ I-~-~~_u _middot ~- bullbullbullbull bullbullbullI1-1 It IIaoodW~iilRRmiddot

1 2 3

(i) tf1Tm~ if tI~ 0

CT 0 tI~ 0 ill ~nrr

~ltfl ~ tllOcff qJ~

~l ~~ij ~cff qJ~

J~~ ilTOql lT~

V 10 Bt)r~~cj f1tf1m~ f~~l~Cf tlTOC(T qJ~

~ fitJT~~

12 Ii- qeR~ cm~lt6l ~TIr$~ltF~bullbull~__~k_~~middot____ ~~~~~_~~_~f=~ amp iI II It bullbullbullbull Aoa4 bullbullbullbullbullbull

bullbullbullbull--- bull- __ -------ampool-~O-~l~l ml ~ tI~ fillmmiddot ~ fm Wamplfurct7 lITnrmii CMT ~l1G1

ltfu T~~ UJlod~I-ooILoaJ 11bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull_


(i) ~l ~T ~hhrl1lltT ~ ~TI (ii) ltRT~qc( Fi ~ 112 eMCfiT


(i) f~l ~t ~laquoif)

~lltT tf1T~TI i

(ii) ~~T ef1~ if ~m ~ ltliT~l1cr

(i) ~T ~~ ~iifl ItlltT~~ (ii) f~ ~ ef1 ~ iftfcP ~

fiT ~ltq _ - (i) f~l Cfqf ~l3ft~1ltT Gtil~fr (ii) ~~~ It1 ~ if tfr~ ~ ~


(i) f~l CMT~~~T~(II(Tlt6T~(lj _

(ii ) ~~ ~ ~ if tftf qrf ~T

tIllq (i) f~T CMT~~T ilTqT Cffl~TI (ii) IrfiM c ~ ~q if tftq~ ~T


~1 ~l oi) ~l ~fr~ amp- c If - 8 ~ tI~ mocr qJ1I -

~l ~~1I1Ocfttft~

~T ~ tlTOctT tfHI

~r ~ ml lttiT~Tii I__ bullbullbullbullbullbullIIbullbullbullbull It I k bullbullbull J __ __ ~_~_ k r1s t w bull _

Jtt~ ~J


1060 HARYANA GOVT OAZ AUO 121991 (StVN 211919 SAU)

~~ 14(1)]

bullbullbull fi~~ IIr bullbullbullbull middot~middot


srrftilltf~ ~CfiT(~

~---~--------------------------------------~-------1middot ------ middot2 - 5 bull 1 ~~-

Vltf~ ~Tffi fcrCdl$RI

(1) ~~ mfCf ~fqr - (~qwl)

~mm~~ (ii) bullbullfWfltIl

(iii) ~~ ~)tr I (iv) ~amp1T ~ ~~m~~1l

11U IPittr ~ lttiT

~ itfl 1Pff a qT ClI~

r~ rtf ~ ~~~~

fIi q frqfinr ~ fl ~ Grt bullbull bull

mtqTm~~~ ~ IImtil~f rro ~

~ ~ Sli ftiifl(li ~

8 C(qr ftlaquo bullbull fillClI4 Cfft If ~ a- ~ff~~~m

I~ J1 11ft ~~ ~If (v) ~f1n1fmiddotmt m~ bull ~)IfiIl i 2 qt tliT~-

vi) ~ srm~ m~ m ~trt 11 i(~ ~J

(ri) ~tirfii11 nf ~

~ (IIfMI1~

~ 9[qrftr ~

it~ ~ ~1 ~r~ro jI -~ bullbull

bull lt



~ q~ ~ ~ fcnn1r


R1ib 14 ~2008

mtmmiddot~ocmo fro 1~o3Fo S09l2009-IJTffi ~ ~ ~ ~ 309

~ampRT ~ ~ ltffl UltfTrr m~ ~ ~~ ~ ampRT filfllgCRf

~ ~ (WI tr) ~~ 1997 em 3lfI1 ~ CfRllc)r ~ fllfBRsit1 fJltm


1 ~ 00 Fcr~lgltRI~ ~ ltwr tr) ~ (~ fWr 2009 ~ iT


2 Fcrt1Iyenf1~ ~ (WI tr) ~ filtrir 1997 ~ ~ ~ ~

~ 4 c)r -M Uiif ~ 7 t~ ~~ ~ CfiT ~~ ~ ~ R

bullbull ~ ~ 3l1Olff lffi1 ~~ ~ ~ I

~FTTtt Fcr~I$ffi~ lmFr~ ~ mcPR

~ C1llT 31TQGT ~ ~ I

bull bull


- c

1 4

It) 51

~~ ~~ ~ltAftr11ft ~ ~~

-t ~~rf ~qf ~~ wt1Rrbull 1fT ilaT ~T~ m

- ~ma it tfli If~ q~ ~ ~(J ~f

mrft m ~Ifi




(viii) fll1=re~iffi~ rlie IR qT hr c~ ~ iTiAftr 11) ~ mrtr ~ ~ ~ ~6ttffl ll~ N ~r ~f- Ii ~ ~ -wrRr ftflqT ~ ~

tR~rf(J ~ ~

VTtrrorI6 ~- ~t itm ~-h tK ~

Rr ~~ mro-~ flll1fr ~T lIT ~ q ~ ~

Iill wIIf i~ ~

W iI ~ tf1~ q

~ ~rt if wlaquot ~m~~l~ ~ 111 wri f4rr~

(is) ~ rn ~j

(x) ~ t ~ ~ ~~~ ~fWq~bull~

(raquof) W~ ~ bull 1ITltft ~ at 8iR tffIllIl1 j ~

tatmiddot aa ~ ~i ---_~

1062 HARYANA GOVT6AZ bull AOO Hlfl (SRVN 21 119 SAlA)

--_------------------------------_ -------------------fflfur ~l ltt1 ltft faatll f~ij~ rnw~ ~ sTTf~t srrfClll~1

- I

7IN lili ~ -------- ~ bull__r ~_r~)_) _

1 2 3 4 6 6

-----------------------~--~----------------------(i) ~ fiT f~~ qrof 41ffl fTtlnrT ~~ fltmTll

ill ~)r ~~~l ~~q

mafcRr liwrrifiT qfwjl$1 ~lIr 1vn


(ii) a~ ma crfJm ~ ftrlf frrmr ~~8fiq ~~ 1ft ~ I -


6 ~ ifjctf~T~


8 tlitTllT

9 ~~ff1

1 0 ~ltQltf ~lt

11 qTm

1 2 itil Cfilt

-~-----------------------~--~---------~-----------~ 0 jfT CflfT

f~qt~ ~cf ~ laquofltctruIT ~ ~ fiIIR I


-----------------------------~----------~~~--~~~ r Autborised English Translation)




The 17th July 1~7

No GS R 58Const Art 30997-ln exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the constitution of India the Governor of Haryana hereby makes the following rules regulating the recruit-ment and conditions of service of person appointed to the HaryanaFinancial Commissioners Office (Group D) Service namely-


1 Tllese rules may be called_the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rule 1997-

2 In these rules unless the context otherwise requires -

(a) Udlrect recruitment means an appolntment made other-wise than by promotion from within the service or bytransfer of an official already in the Service of the Government of India or any State Government

(b) employment exchange means the employment ~exchange situated in Haryana

(c) Financial Cc-mmissioner~ means Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government Haryana Revenue Depart-menti

(d) ~GoveiilDlent~means the Haryana- Government- in the - AdministratiVe Department

(0) institutions means -

~i -aAy inStitUiCionestablished -hl Jaw in force in the State _~ of Ha~lJa ~t- (11)any otherinstttuti-drr i-eampigmsed by - the GoverDIDCDtpoundor

tie putposo()f tbtgtsC rules - _ -_ __

-t)-loirif S~cietarPnieans 10int Secretary -to Government Haryana Revenue Department

(g) Rajya Sainik Board rnean~ the office of the Secretary~ --RajyaSaihikBpatQflalaiut- r bullbull~ - bullbull ~ - bull - bull -- -- - - bullbullbullbullbullbullbulllJy ~

C(hrc~~Service means the middotHaqana Financial -Co1Pmi~Sioners office (Group D) Service _ -

_(ij UnderS~~ae-Ymiddot-l1lns the Under Secretary to Government Haryal1tl h~~eniieDepartment

Short title


1064 IAllYANA OQYT oAt AVGli 1i11 (SRVN n 1919 ampuA)


Nunl)er an 3middot The Srvioe shall oomprise tkc poIt 1M Ia AppeHIamp A Cluracter cf to ebes ruls

- POtts

Provided that nothing in those rUNSshall tfoat tho Inbrrout ript ot Oov~nment to make additions to or redaatiolls In the UUDlbcr of suoh posts or to oroate new pous whh dUCbullbull nt deslaatlGlls and scale of pay eitber permanently or temporarily

Natonality 4 (1) No person shall be appointed 10 bullbull Y pobullbull In tbo ServltIIdomicile and unless he Is-character or candidates app lnted to (a) a citizen of india 81 Service

(b) a subject of Nepal 01

Ce) a subject of Bhutan or

(d) a Tibetan refuee who came over to India 1MIfore thl 1st day of January 1962 Withthe intentioll of prmlllatly senHo in India i or

(0) a person of Indian origin who has m1ilattd from PatlstaB Burma Sri Lanka or any of the Bast African CeWltrles of Knya Ulanda Tho Unittd IltpubUf Taua bullbull (formerly Tanpnyika and Zanzibar) Zami Malawi Zaire and Bthopia with the intentloB of permaneoU sottliBI In India

Provided that a person belollJlua te any of tlae cate bullbull ribullbull lt)(0) (d) or (e) shall be a person In wkbullbull favour bull mlficate of eUgibility has been issued by the Gemment

(2) A person in whose case a certificate of eliJibility is DeetSSary maybe admitted to an examination or interview coaduttd by Silo recruitina authority but the offer of Ippeintatmay be given only after the necessary oliamplbiUty Cortlftcato has beeJl Issued to him by the Government

(3)No person shall be appolnt04to any bullbull dID iIInI direea recruitment unle he produeel a eortUloate of bullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull tile Principal Aoademic Offioer of the 8bullbullbull 1 01 institution last atteudod if any and similar Certlffcate fiea olher rtspOnsib1ep8lsonl no beina his relativos bullbullbullbull ate woll teuW with him in his private Uf and aN 1IBIOaow16 JaIl School or Institution

Art ~ 5middot No person ahan be appointed to an oat ill tM $enla bl clirN naruitment 0 is 1181thao sbtllD )rJ1II or I80N tliaR t~fl YArs 6f a ~I before tk date flllUbttlloa faPltn bullbull bullbullbull apPointinl authoJity

App)intfna 6 All appOlnlmenSto the po -In tile ittM _0 be bullbullbull Authority

~hc Under SecIetalYbullbull

bull iIARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 1065 (SRVN 211919 SAKA)

7 No person shall be appointed to any post in the Service unless Quallbtatloai he Is In possession of qualifications and experience specified In column 3 of Appendix B to these rules in tire case of direct recruitment and those specified in column 4 of tile aforesaid Appendix In the case of persons appointed other than by direct reeruitment f

Provided that in t he case of ap po1ntmert by direct recruitment the qualifications regarding experience shall be relaxable to the extent of SO at the discretion of the recruiting authority in case sufficient number of candidates belongillg-toSchMiUlcd Castbullbullbull Backward Classes Ex-Servicemen and Physically Handicappedcategories possessing the requisite experience are notavailable to fill up tho vacancies reserved for them after recording reasons for so doing in writing

8 No personc- DisqualifJcationl

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living or

(b) nho having a spouse living bas entered Into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eUgib10 for appointmentto any post In the Service

Provided that the Government may if satisfied that such marriage Is permissible under the personal law applicable to such personand the other party to the marriage and there other groundsfor so doing exempt any person from the oPeration of this rule

9 (1) Recruitment to the Service shall be made- Met1Iocl of recruitment

(a) in the case of Carpenter -

(i) by direct recruitment Of

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case of Stamper-

(i) by promotion from amonlStDaftri or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an otficial already in the service of any State Government or tlie Government -of India

(c) in the case of Daftri-

- (i) by promotion-from amongst Record Lifter or (ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service

of any ~tate Gowrpmmtt --or the Government of India

(d) in the case of Record Lifter-(i) by promotion tromamo~gst Peon (ii) by transfer -of depmatiQlJ dan official already in the service

of any State Oovtmment -orthe Governmentof India J

HARYAN AGOVT GAZ~t 1997bullljmiddot~~12J(SRVN21 1919SAKAj

(e) in the case of Jamooar-

(i) by promotion from am ngst Peon or

(ii) by transfer or (~eputation of an official already in tile service of any State Government or the Government of India

(f) inthe case of Head OilOwkkar-

(i) by promotion from amongst Ot10Wkifar (gt

(ii) by transfer cot dcpqttltbJl of an 0ffici~1alr~ y ir the service of ampDYmiddot SUttte Qo~mell( or tne Government of India

(g) in the case of Peon-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case dFrash-

(i) by direct recruitment laquor

(ii) by transfer or ceputation of an official already in thesetvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(i) ill the ca~~of Khalasi-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of allY State GovelPmellt orthe G)verumentoflooia

(j) in the case ofsweeper-cum-Ohowkidar-

(i) by direct recruitment of

(ii) by transfer of ueputation of an official alrerdy in the-scrvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(k) intn~ tase ot Qh()wkQaT~

(i) by direct recruitment or ~ bull ~

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official ~headyir th~ service of anYStato GotlertlllWlt ~tbe GoveilunenloUndla

- bullbullbull bull ~ ~(l))iJ the CampS~()tdit~eWQrk~r~~-~middot

- ~ (i) by direct recruitment or

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 121997 1067 (SRVN21 1919SAKA)

(2) All promotions unless otherwise provided shall be made on Seniority-eum-fitness basis and seniority alone shall not confer anyright to suer promotions

(3) Unless otJaerwise provided in this rule whenever any vaeaaay ocwra or iabout to occur In the Servicebullbull the appointing authority shall aetermine the manner in which it shall De filled in

10 (1) A peraon appointed to any poet in the Service shall remain on pro batten for a period oftwo years jf appointed by direct recruitment and one year If appointed otherwise ~

Provided that-(a) any period aftmo such appointment spent on deputation

on a corrasponding or a highm-post shall count towards the period of probation

(b) any period of work in equivalent or higher rank prior to appointment to any post in She Service may in the ca of an appointment by transfer at the discretion of tho appointinl authority be allowed to count towards tlto pet of probation fixed undtl this rule and

(e) any period of officiating appointment Ihall be reckoned as pariod spont on probation but no person who has so officiated shall on the oomplotion of tho proscribedperiod of probation be entitlod to be confirmed unloss he is appointed against a permanent vacancy

(2) If in the opinion of tho appointing authority tho work or conduet of a person during the period of probation is not satisfactory it may-

(a) if such person is appointed by direct recruitment dlspensowtth his Services and

(b) if IUch porion is appointed otherwise Ihan by dirocc recrult-ment-

(1) revert him to his former post or (ii) deal with him in such other manner as the terms and

conditions of the previous appointment permit (3) On the completion of the period of probation of a person

the appointing authority may-(a) if his work or conduct h~ In its opinion been

sa tisfactory-(I) confirm such person from the date of his appointment

if appointed against a permanent vacancy or (ii) confirm such person from the date from which a

permanent vacancy occurs if appointed against a tempo-rary vacancy or

(Hi) declare that he has Completed his probation satisfactorilyif there is no permanent vacancy of

(b) if his work or conduct has in its opinion been not satisfactory-laquo

(i) dispense withhil Services if appointed by direct recruitment if appointed otherwise revert him to his former post or dea 1 with him In such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous appointmentpermit or




(U) extend his period of probationand -thereafterpass such

older as it Could have passed~9n~t~ eipfry-o( t~ ]~lst period of probatig~ -

Provided that (he total period Qf prp~tiou in~l~d~~g-lif~lSJ~n

if any shall not exceed three years

11 Seniority inter se of the members uftheService shaU be

determined by the length of Continuou~ service on any past -in the Service

Provided that where there are different cadr-es in the Service the serUorityshal b~t~erli~~rj~y for each cadre - -

Provided further that in the case -d members appinted by direct J~c1iiitinenpoundtheorder of tho merit determined by the employment exchange

or Rajya Sainik Board (for Ex-serviceman only) shall not be

disturbed in fixing the seniority

Provided further that in the case vf two or more- members -aPpointed

on the same date their seniority shall be determined as follows -

(a) a member appointed by direct recruitment- shall be senior to -a member appointed by promotion or by transfer

(b) a member appointed by promotion shall be senioito -a member appointed by transfer

(e) in the case of member appolnteltr by-promotion or by transfer seniority shall be determined according to the seniority

of such members in the appointments from which they

were promoted or transferred and

-(d) in the case of members appointed by transfer from different

cadres thelr seniority shall-be determined according

to pay preference being givento a member who was

drawing a higher rate of payIn his previous appoint-ment and If the rates of pay drawn are also the same then

by their length of their Service in the appointments and if the- Ie-ngth of such Service is alsorthe same the older member shall be senior tltdliC You-nger member

12 (1) A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at anyJJebiUl7 to aenemiddot place whether within oroutside the State of Haryana on being ordered

so to do by the appointing authority

(2) A member of the Service may also be deputed to serve under -

(j) II company an associ tion or a bod y of Individuals whether -_]i~ip~ni~__J~r not which Is wholly or substa ntialJy


HARYANA GOVT OAZAUG 12 1997 1069 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

owned or controlled by theSta te Government a Municipal corporation or a local authority or university within the

~-Stateof Haryana -_ --_~-~

- eii) The Central Government or l company an aHOCt~tionor a body of individuals whetllor incorporated or Dot which is wholly or substantially owned controlled by theltII

Central Government or

(Hi) Any other State Government an int8lBamptiona1-orgaJllsation and autonomous bidy not controlled by the Government or

_a private body

Provided that no member of the Service shall be deputed to serve the Central or any other State Government or anyorganisation or body referred to in clauses (ii) or clause (ill) except with his consent ~ -

13 In respect of pay leave pension and all other matters not ex-pressly provided for in these rules the members of the Service shall be grvar ned by such rules and regulations as may have been or may here-after be adopted or made by the competent authority under the Oonsritu-tion of India or under any law for the time being inforce made by the State Legislature

14 (I) In matters relating to discipline penalties and appealsmembers of the Service shall be gJ verned by the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules 1987 as amended from time to time

Provided that the nature of p_enalties which may be imposed the authority empowered to impose such penalties and appellate authorityshall subject to the provisions of any law or rules made under Article 309 of the Oonstitution of India be such as are specified in Appendix 0 to these rules

(2) Phe authority competent to pass all order under clause (c) or clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punish-ment and Appeal) Rules 1987 and appellate authoriryshall be as specified in Appendix D to these rules

15 Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and re-vaccinated as and when the GOVernment so directs by a special or generalorder

16 Bvery member of the Service unless he has already done so shall he required to take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established

17 Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so it may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions of these rules with respsct to any class or category of persons

18 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the appointing authority may Impose special terms and conditions in the orden of appointment if it is deemed upedient to do so

Pay leavepension and other matters

Disciplinepenalties and appeals


Oath of allegiance

Power of relaxation


1070 HARYANA OOVT GAZAUG12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

Rbullbullbullbull tfooa

Repeal and SaiDls

19 Nothing contained In these rul bullbullbull llall ailect naenetlou aod other ooaeeaaions req1llred to be provided fa tlw 8eIledule4 Gastea BackwMd CIuaes Bx-servicemen Physically )aandt capped personl or any other amp1188 or eateaery of persons In ucordanct with tho orders illued by the State Government Inthla regard from time to timel

ProvJded that the total porcentage of roservationl 10 madohall not old 50 ~ of any time

20 The Punjab State (Class-IV) Service Rules 1963 in their application to the State of Hatyanaj are hueby repeaJod bull

Previded that any order made or action taken under tho rules so repealed shall be dNDled to havo been made or taken under the C01108-

pending provisions of these rulos -I

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 9: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr

bullbull aYANA GOV1 GAZ AUG 12 1997 (SRN 21 1919 SAKA)

1 7 ~ ~ 1111 UlI if ~ f~ c6 fCflm- ~Ir if t)lr ln ~ ~~ 111ft

~1If 3fr Iff~ ~) ~ q ~ f~ ~ m T 04fcfaq) c6 fw1 ~ I

~ 3fT m bullbull ~if ~mfi ~1tl

18 ~~1 if f~ ifffi ~~ ~~ f1f~~ 5fTf~ ~ q flrn~ t f~ srmr if ffl~A oyenT fi ~ffiIT ~o m 0) ~ qm ~

nmt I

19 ~ fflflff if ltft ttimiddot~ amf ~TRf~R am ~ m if ~- ~ I

~ ~ GIrit fwA 1A srr~T ci ~ WiWbullbullo arrfoit~ IlfiCl ~

ffoAff w~ ~ ~ f~i1r ~fcfaif ~ illfGfOlif ~ fllllaquoT ~ ltf1T 3fT sr~ iJi) M ~ Iffif ~ ~T OIT ~ f~ 1fl1 srmfCffl If ~

qi~ ~J ~ ~ f~~ srm=rur crft ~ srfumroTf~1 1ft ~ cmf srfumr~ mfTti ~ ~

2~ ~fiI Ulf (~ti ~1) ~ ~ 1963 ~ftlfT1itr tliIt f~wn ~1TU~~f~1(~nti ~~ I

q~ ~ SIItf[ Mmr ~ ~ mfrt fitnn ~ ~ mQ II

11ft Ii IMtift(~~T ~ l1l~ ~T ~ q1ft flllm M vrft IqIIflttT 1Ir1Iff ~t ~1 GI ro~11

lOS8 HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG ll 1997middot-(SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

1 CfT(m -

2 ~m

a ~~ --- -~ -

4 fWT~~

5 illifGT(

V-- 6 ~ q1~1ltU1

7 ~CfTqn

8 1fi(T~

9 ~m~fr

bull- - -- -r 1~

3 1 4

5 11 16

13 2 15

3 _ bull3

1 1

bull58 61 119

2 2

1 1

1 2

950--20--- H 6~Tampf~

1400~ 30~o fm~~c 800~- 15--101 Obull-ltelanTa-- 201150 illf 3 0~ 0 fero~ cQii

80(-~15~1olHh1tttffi- [-i8 1150~ 3~~oliriq ieuroA

800middot-_1 Sl 01o-~~(~a-20-middot-1150~t-30~~frQ1~ c~f

- 0 lt~h- ~ ~ ~~c

8 0 0middotmiddotmiddotmiddot bull15-10t 0 ~61~Tfli~ (1 11 5 0 iilff 3 0 ~ 0 fqiftf cTffOi ~

775--12-- 956~QT~m--14--

1 OZ5 iilif 30~o fclT~ ~~

750middotmiddot 12- - 870 a~arflg--14-940 iJIf 3 0 ~ 0 fltril~C~

7 5 )-middotbull1 2 bullbullbull8 7 o--a~ltInTa--14-940 iqf 30~o ~ cor

750-12-870--~~Ta--14--940 ~r 30~o fcmtf cfOil

3 750--12--870- -~~m--14-940 ~r 30~o fcriTlSfCltIi+ 6 5 ~ 0 fcriT1Sfq~T

5 750~-12~-87o-~~Tu--14- - 940tqr 30~ 0 f~~ cfo

1 750-12--870 bull-a~Ter bull-14-940 ~ 30~o fcmlSf cl5f



HARYANA-GOVT GAZ AUG_12 1997 I 1059 (SRVN 21 1919SAKA) ~

- bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull-_bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull- __ --- _-- - __ bull-------lIflo ~~ ~ftlllaT ~ ~ ~o 1lT~f~ ~J-nRrrif~T

tll1G1 lffa tf1~ ~ I-~-~~_u _middot ~- bullbullbullbull bullbullbullI1-1 It IIaoodW~iilRRmiddot

1 2 3

(i) tf1Tm~ if tI~ 0

CT 0 tI~ 0 ill ~nrr

~ltfl ~ tllOcff qJ~

~l ~~ij ~cff qJ~

J~~ ilTOql lT~

V 10 Bt)r~~cj f1tf1m~ f~~l~Cf tlTOC(T qJ~

~ fitJT~~

12 Ii- qeR~ cm~lt6l ~TIr$~ltF~bullbull~__~k_~~middot____ ~~~~~_~~_~f=~ amp iI II It bullbullbullbull Aoa4 bullbullbullbullbullbull

bullbullbullbull--- bull- __ -------ampool-~O-~l~l ml ~ tI~ fillmmiddot ~ fm Wamplfurct7 lITnrmii CMT ~l1G1

ltfu T~~ UJlod~I-ooILoaJ 11bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull_


(i) ~l ~T ~hhrl1lltT ~ ~TI (ii) ltRT~qc( Fi ~ 112 eMCfiT


(i) f~l ~t ~laquoif)

~lltT tf1T~TI i

(ii) ~~T ef1~ if ~m ~ ltliT~l1cr

(i) ~T ~~ ~iifl ItlltT~~ (ii) f~ ~ ef1 ~ iftfcP ~

fiT ~ltq _ - (i) f~l Cfqf ~l3ft~1ltT Gtil~fr (ii) ~~~ It1 ~ if tfr~ ~ ~


(i) f~l CMT~~~T~(II(Tlt6T~(lj _

(ii ) ~~ ~ ~ if tftf qrf ~T

tIllq (i) f~T CMT~~T ilTqT Cffl~TI (ii) IrfiM c ~ ~q if tftq~ ~T


~1 ~l oi) ~l ~fr~ amp- c If - 8 ~ tI~ mocr qJ1I -

~l ~~1I1Ocfttft~

~T ~ tlTOctT tfHI

~r ~ ml lttiT~Tii I__ bullbullbullbullbullbullIIbullbullbullbull It I k bullbullbull J __ __ ~_~_ k r1s t w bull _

Jtt~ ~J


1060 HARYANA GOVT OAZ AUO 121991 (StVN 211919 SAU)

~~ 14(1)]

bullbullbull fi~~ IIr bullbullbullbull middot~middot


srrftilltf~ ~CfiT(~

~---~--------------------------------------~-------1middot ------ middot2 - 5 bull 1 ~~-

Vltf~ ~Tffi fcrCdl$RI

(1) ~~ mfCf ~fqr - (~qwl)

~mm~~ (ii) bullbullfWfltIl

(iii) ~~ ~)tr I (iv) ~amp1T ~ ~~m~~1l

11U IPittr ~ lttiT

~ itfl 1Pff a qT ClI~

r~ rtf ~ ~~~~

fIi q frqfinr ~ fl ~ Grt bullbull bull

mtqTm~~~ ~ IImtil~f rro ~

~ ~ Sli ftiifl(li ~

8 C(qr ftlaquo bullbull fillClI4 Cfft If ~ a- ~ff~~~m

I~ J1 11ft ~~ ~If (v) ~f1n1fmiddotmt m~ bull ~)IfiIl i 2 qt tliT~-

vi) ~ srm~ m~ m ~trt 11 i(~ ~J

(ri) ~tirfii11 nf ~

~ (IIfMI1~

~ 9[qrftr ~

it~ ~ ~1 ~r~ro jI -~ bullbull

bull lt



~ q~ ~ ~ fcnn1r


R1ib 14 ~2008

mtmmiddot~ocmo fro 1~o3Fo S09l2009-IJTffi ~ ~ ~ ~ 309

~ampRT ~ ~ ltffl UltfTrr m~ ~ ~~ ~ ampRT filfllgCRf

~ ~ (WI tr) ~~ 1997 em 3lfI1 ~ CfRllc)r ~ fllfBRsit1 fJltm


1 ~ 00 Fcr~lgltRI~ ~ ltwr tr) ~ (~ fWr 2009 ~ iT


2 Fcrt1Iyenf1~ ~ (WI tr) ~ filtrir 1997 ~ ~ ~ ~

~ 4 c)r -M Uiif ~ 7 t~ ~~ ~ CfiT ~~ ~ ~ R

bullbull ~ ~ 3l1Olff lffi1 ~~ ~ ~ I

~FTTtt Fcr~I$ffi~ lmFr~ ~ mcPR

~ C1llT 31TQGT ~ ~ I

bull bull


- c

1 4

It) 51

~~ ~~ ~ltAftr11ft ~ ~~

-t ~~rf ~qf ~~ wt1Rrbull 1fT ilaT ~T~ m

- ~ma it tfli If~ q~ ~ ~(J ~f

mrft m ~Ifi




(viii) fll1=re~iffi~ rlie IR qT hr c~ ~ iTiAftr 11) ~ mrtr ~ ~ ~ ~6ttffl ll~ N ~r ~f- Ii ~ ~ -wrRr ftflqT ~ ~

tR~rf(J ~ ~

VTtrrorI6 ~- ~t itm ~-h tK ~

Rr ~~ mro-~ flll1fr ~T lIT ~ q ~ ~

Iill wIIf i~ ~

W iI ~ tf1~ q

~ ~rt if wlaquot ~m~~l~ ~ 111 wri f4rr~

(is) ~ rn ~j

(x) ~ t ~ ~ ~~~ ~fWq~bull~

(raquof) W~ ~ bull 1ITltft ~ at 8iR tffIllIl1 j ~

tatmiddot aa ~ ~i ---_~

1062 HARYANA GOVT6AZ bull AOO Hlfl (SRVN 21 119 SAlA)

--_------------------------------_ -------------------fflfur ~l ltt1 ltft faatll f~ij~ rnw~ ~ sTTf~t srrfClll~1

- I

7IN lili ~ -------- ~ bull__r ~_r~)_) _

1 2 3 4 6 6

-----------------------~--~----------------------(i) ~ fiT f~~ qrof 41ffl fTtlnrT ~~ fltmTll

ill ~)r ~~~l ~~q

mafcRr liwrrifiT qfwjl$1 ~lIr 1vn


(ii) a~ ma crfJm ~ ftrlf frrmr ~~8fiq ~~ 1ft ~ I -


6 ~ ifjctf~T~


8 tlitTllT

9 ~~ff1

1 0 ~ltQltf ~lt

11 qTm

1 2 itil Cfilt

-~-----------------------~--~---------~-----------~ 0 jfT CflfT

f~qt~ ~cf ~ laquofltctruIT ~ ~ fiIIR I


-----------------------------~----------~~~--~~~ r Autborised English Translation)




The 17th July 1~7

No GS R 58Const Art 30997-ln exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the constitution of India the Governor of Haryana hereby makes the following rules regulating the recruit-ment and conditions of service of person appointed to the HaryanaFinancial Commissioners Office (Group D) Service namely-


1 Tllese rules may be called_the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rule 1997-

2 In these rules unless the context otherwise requires -

(a) Udlrect recruitment means an appolntment made other-wise than by promotion from within the service or bytransfer of an official already in the Service of the Government of India or any State Government

(b) employment exchange means the employment ~exchange situated in Haryana

(c) Financial Cc-mmissioner~ means Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government Haryana Revenue Depart-menti

(d) ~GoveiilDlent~means the Haryana- Government- in the - AdministratiVe Department

(0) institutions means -

~i -aAy inStitUiCionestablished -hl Jaw in force in the State _~ of Ha~lJa ~t- (11)any otherinstttuti-drr i-eampigmsed by - the GoverDIDCDtpoundor

tie putposo()f tbtgtsC rules - _ -_ __

-t)-loirif S~cietarPnieans 10int Secretary -to Government Haryana Revenue Department

(g) Rajya Sainik Board rnean~ the office of the Secretary~ --RajyaSaihikBpatQflalaiut- r bullbull~ - bullbull ~ - bull - bull -- -- - - bullbullbullbullbullbullbulllJy ~

C(hrc~~Service means the middotHaqana Financial -Co1Pmi~Sioners office (Group D) Service _ -

_(ij UnderS~~ae-Ymiddot-l1lns the Under Secretary to Government Haryal1tl h~~eniieDepartment

Short title


1064 IAllYANA OQYT oAt AVGli 1i11 (SRVN n 1919 ampuA)


Nunl)er an 3middot The Srvioe shall oomprise tkc poIt 1M Ia AppeHIamp A Cluracter cf to ebes ruls

- POtts

Provided that nothing in those rUNSshall tfoat tho Inbrrout ript ot Oov~nment to make additions to or redaatiolls In the UUDlbcr of suoh posts or to oroate new pous whh dUCbullbull nt deslaatlGlls and scale of pay eitber permanently or temporarily

Natonality 4 (1) No person shall be appointed 10 bullbull Y pobullbull In tbo ServltIIdomicile and unless he Is-character or candidates app lnted to (a) a citizen of india 81 Service

(b) a subject of Nepal 01

Ce) a subject of Bhutan or

(d) a Tibetan refuee who came over to India 1MIfore thl 1st day of January 1962 Withthe intentioll of prmlllatly senHo in India i or

(0) a person of Indian origin who has m1ilattd from PatlstaB Burma Sri Lanka or any of the Bast African CeWltrles of Knya Ulanda Tho Unittd IltpubUf Taua bullbull (formerly Tanpnyika and Zanzibar) Zami Malawi Zaire and Bthopia with the intentloB of permaneoU sottliBI In India

Provided that a person belollJlua te any of tlae cate bullbull ribullbull lt)(0) (d) or (e) shall be a person In wkbullbull favour bull mlficate of eUgibility has been issued by the Gemment

(2) A person in whose case a certificate of eliJibility is DeetSSary maybe admitted to an examination or interview coaduttd by Silo recruitina authority but the offer of Ippeintatmay be given only after the necessary oliamplbiUty Cortlftcato has beeJl Issued to him by the Government

(3)No person shall be appolnt04to any bullbull dID iIInI direea recruitment unle he produeel a eortUloate of bullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull tile Principal Aoademic Offioer of the 8bullbullbull 1 01 institution last atteudod if any and similar Certlffcate fiea olher rtspOnsib1ep8lsonl no beina his relativos bullbullbullbull ate woll teuW with him in his private Uf and aN 1IBIOaow16 JaIl School or Institution

Art ~ 5middot No person ahan be appointed to an oat ill tM $enla bl clirN naruitment 0 is 1181thao sbtllD )rJ1II or I80N tliaR t~fl YArs 6f a ~I before tk date flllUbttlloa faPltn bullbull bullbullbull apPointinl authoJity

App)intfna 6 All appOlnlmenSto the po -In tile ittM _0 be bullbullbull Authority

~hc Under SecIetalYbullbull

bull iIARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 1065 (SRVN 211919 SAKA)

7 No person shall be appointed to any post in the Service unless Quallbtatloai he Is In possession of qualifications and experience specified In column 3 of Appendix B to these rules in tire case of direct recruitment and those specified in column 4 of tile aforesaid Appendix In the case of persons appointed other than by direct reeruitment f

Provided that in t he case of ap po1ntmert by direct recruitment the qualifications regarding experience shall be relaxable to the extent of SO at the discretion of the recruiting authority in case sufficient number of candidates belongillg-toSchMiUlcd Castbullbullbull Backward Classes Ex-Servicemen and Physically Handicappedcategories possessing the requisite experience are notavailable to fill up tho vacancies reserved for them after recording reasons for so doing in writing

8 No personc- DisqualifJcationl

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living or

(b) nho having a spouse living bas entered Into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eUgib10 for appointmentto any post In the Service

Provided that the Government may if satisfied that such marriage Is permissible under the personal law applicable to such personand the other party to the marriage and there other groundsfor so doing exempt any person from the oPeration of this rule

9 (1) Recruitment to the Service shall be made- Met1Iocl of recruitment

(a) in the case of Carpenter -

(i) by direct recruitment Of

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case of Stamper-

(i) by promotion from amonlStDaftri or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an otficial already in the service of any State Government or tlie Government -of India

(c) in the case of Daftri-

- (i) by promotion-from amongst Record Lifter or (ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service

of any ~tate Gowrpmmtt --or the Government of India

(d) in the case of Record Lifter-(i) by promotion tromamo~gst Peon (ii) by transfer -of depmatiQlJ dan official already in the service

of any State Oovtmment -orthe Governmentof India J

HARYAN AGOVT GAZ~t 1997bullljmiddot~~12J(SRVN21 1919SAKAj

(e) in the case of Jamooar-

(i) by promotion from am ngst Peon or

(ii) by transfer or (~eputation of an official already in tile service of any State Government or the Government of India

(f) inthe case of Head OilOwkkar-

(i) by promotion from amongst Ot10Wkifar (gt

(ii) by transfer cot dcpqttltbJl of an 0ffici~1alr~ y ir the service of ampDYmiddot SUttte Qo~mell( or tne Government of India

(g) in the case of Peon-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case dFrash-

(i) by direct recruitment laquor

(ii) by transfer or ceputation of an official already in thesetvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(i) ill the ca~~of Khalasi-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of allY State GovelPmellt orthe G)verumentoflooia

(j) in the case ofsweeper-cum-Ohowkidar-

(i) by direct recruitment of

(ii) by transfer of ueputation of an official alrerdy in the-scrvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(k) intn~ tase ot Qh()wkQaT~

(i) by direct recruitment or ~ bull ~

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official ~headyir th~ service of anYStato GotlertlllWlt ~tbe GoveilunenloUndla

- bullbullbull bull ~ ~(l))iJ the CampS~()tdit~eWQrk~r~~-~middot

- ~ (i) by direct recruitment or

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 121997 1067 (SRVN21 1919SAKA)

(2) All promotions unless otherwise provided shall be made on Seniority-eum-fitness basis and seniority alone shall not confer anyright to suer promotions

(3) Unless otJaerwise provided in this rule whenever any vaeaaay ocwra or iabout to occur In the Servicebullbull the appointing authority shall aetermine the manner in which it shall De filled in

10 (1) A peraon appointed to any poet in the Service shall remain on pro batten for a period oftwo years jf appointed by direct recruitment and one year If appointed otherwise ~

Provided that-(a) any period aftmo such appointment spent on deputation

on a corrasponding or a highm-post shall count towards the period of probation

(b) any period of work in equivalent or higher rank prior to appointment to any post in She Service may in the ca of an appointment by transfer at the discretion of tho appointinl authority be allowed to count towards tlto pet of probation fixed undtl this rule and

(e) any period of officiating appointment Ihall be reckoned as pariod spont on probation but no person who has so officiated shall on the oomplotion of tho proscribedperiod of probation be entitlod to be confirmed unloss he is appointed against a permanent vacancy

(2) If in the opinion of tho appointing authority tho work or conduet of a person during the period of probation is not satisfactory it may-

(a) if such person is appointed by direct recruitment dlspensowtth his Services and

(b) if IUch porion is appointed otherwise Ihan by dirocc recrult-ment-

(1) revert him to his former post or (ii) deal with him in such other manner as the terms and

conditions of the previous appointment permit (3) On the completion of the period of probation of a person

the appointing authority may-(a) if his work or conduct h~ In its opinion been

sa tisfactory-(I) confirm such person from the date of his appointment

if appointed against a permanent vacancy or (ii) confirm such person from the date from which a

permanent vacancy occurs if appointed against a tempo-rary vacancy or

(Hi) declare that he has Completed his probation satisfactorilyif there is no permanent vacancy of

(b) if his work or conduct has in its opinion been not satisfactory-laquo

(i) dispense withhil Services if appointed by direct recruitment if appointed otherwise revert him to his former post or dea 1 with him In such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous appointmentpermit or




(U) extend his period of probationand -thereafterpass such

older as it Could have passed~9n~t~ eipfry-o( t~ ]~lst period of probatig~ -

Provided that (he total period Qf prp~tiou in~l~d~~g-lif~lSJ~n

if any shall not exceed three years

11 Seniority inter se of the members uftheService shaU be

determined by the length of Continuou~ service on any past -in the Service

Provided that where there are different cadr-es in the Service the serUorityshal b~t~erli~~rj~y for each cadre - -

Provided further that in the case -d members appinted by direct J~c1iiitinenpoundtheorder of tho merit determined by the employment exchange

or Rajya Sainik Board (for Ex-serviceman only) shall not be

disturbed in fixing the seniority

Provided further that in the case vf two or more- members -aPpointed

on the same date their seniority shall be determined as follows -

(a) a member appointed by direct recruitment- shall be senior to -a member appointed by promotion or by transfer

(b) a member appointed by promotion shall be senioito -a member appointed by transfer

(e) in the case of member appolnteltr by-promotion or by transfer seniority shall be determined according to the seniority

of such members in the appointments from which they

were promoted or transferred and

-(d) in the case of members appointed by transfer from different

cadres thelr seniority shall-be determined according

to pay preference being givento a member who was

drawing a higher rate of payIn his previous appoint-ment and If the rates of pay drawn are also the same then

by their length of their Service in the appointments and if the- Ie-ngth of such Service is alsorthe same the older member shall be senior tltdliC You-nger member

12 (1) A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at anyJJebiUl7 to aenemiddot place whether within oroutside the State of Haryana on being ordered

so to do by the appointing authority

(2) A member of the Service may also be deputed to serve under -

(j) II company an associ tion or a bod y of Individuals whether -_]i~ip~ni~__J~r not which Is wholly or substa ntialJy


HARYANA GOVT OAZAUG 12 1997 1069 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

owned or controlled by theSta te Government a Municipal corporation or a local authority or university within the

~-Stateof Haryana -_ --_~-~

- eii) The Central Government or l company an aHOCt~tionor a body of individuals whetllor incorporated or Dot which is wholly or substantially owned controlled by theltII

Central Government or

(Hi) Any other State Government an int8lBamptiona1-orgaJllsation and autonomous bidy not controlled by the Government or

_a private body

Provided that no member of the Service shall be deputed to serve the Central or any other State Government or anyorganisation or body referred to in clauses (ii) or clause (ill) except with his consent ~ -

13 In respect of pay leave pension and all other matters not ex-pressly provided for in these rules the members of the Service shall be grvar ned by such rules and regulations as may have been or may here-after be adopted or made by the competent authority under the Oonsritu-tion of India or under any law for the time being inforce made by the State Legislature

14 (I) In matters relating to discipline penalties and appealsmembers of the Service shall be gJ verned by the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules 1987 as amended from time to time

Provided that the nature of p_enalties which may be imposed the authority empowered to impose such penalties and appellate authorityshall subject to the provisions of any law or rules made under Article 309 of the Oonstitution of India be such as are specified in Appendix 0 to these rules

(2) Phe authority competent to pass all order under clause (c) or clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punish-ment and Appeal) Rules 1987 and appellate authoriryshall be as specified in Appendix D to these rules

15 Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and re-vaccinated as and when the GOVernment so directs by a special or generalorder

16 Bvery member of the Service unless he has already done so shall he required to take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established

17 Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so it may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions of these rules with respsct to any class or category of persons

18 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the appointing authority may Impose special terms and conditions in the orden of appointment if it is deemed upedient to do so

Pay leavepension and other matters

Disciplinepenalties and appeals


Oath of allegiance

Power of relaxation


1070 HARYANA OOVT GAZAUG12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

Rbullbullbullbull tfooa

Repeal and SaiDls

19 Nothing contained In these rul bullbullbull llall ailect naenetlou aod other ooaeeaaions req1llred to be provided fa tlw 8eIledule4 Gastea BackwMd CIuaes Bx-servicemen Physically )aandt capped personl or any other amp1188 or eateaery of persons In ucordanct with tho orders illued by the State Government Inthla regard from time to timel

ProvJded that the total porcentage of roservationl 10 madohall not old 50 ~ of any time

20 The Punjab State (Class-IV) Service Rules 1963 in their application to the State of Hatyanaj are hueby repeaJod bull

Previded that any order made or action taken under tho rules so repealed shall be dNDled to havo been made or taken under the C01108-

pending provisions of these rulos -I

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 10: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr

lOS8 HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG ll 1997middot-(SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

1 CfT(m -

2 ~m

a ~~ --- -~ -

4 fWT~~

5 illifGT(

V-- 6 ~ q1~1ltU1

7 ~CfTqn

8 1fi(T~

9 ~m~fr

bull- - -- -r 1~

3 1 4

5 11 16

13 2 15

3 _ bull3

1 1

bull58 61 119

2 2

1 1

1 2

950--20--- H 6~Tampf~

1400~ 30~o fm~~c 800~- 15--101 Obull-ltelanTa-- 201150 illf 3 0~ 0 fero~ cQii

80(-~15~1olHh1tttffi- [-i8 1150~ 3~~oliriq ieuroA

800middot-_1 Sl 01o-~~(~a-20-middot-1150~t-30~~frQ1~ c~f

- 0 lt~h- ~ ~ ~~c

8 0 0middotmiddotmiddotmiddot bull15-10t 0 ~61~Tfli~ (1 11 5 0 iilff 3 0 ~ 0 fqiftf cTffOi ~

775--12-- 956~QT~m--14--

1 OZ5 iilif 30~o fclT~ ~~

750middotmiddot 12- - 870 a~arflg--14-940 iJIf 3 0 ~ 0 fltril~C~

7 5 )-middotbull1 2 bullbullbull8 7 o--a~ltInTa--14-940 iqf 30~o ~ cor

750-12-870--~~Ta--14--940 ~r 30~o fcmtf cfOil

3 750--12--870- -~~m--14-940 ~r 30~o fcriTlSfCltIi+ 6 5 ~ 0 fcriT1Sfq~T

5 750~-12~-87o-~~Tu--14- - 940tqr 30~ 0 f~~ cfo

1 750-12--870 bull-a~Ter bull-14-940 ~ 30~o fcmlSf cl5f



HARYANA-GOVT GAZ AUG_12 1997 I 1059 (SRVN 21 1919SAKA) ~

- bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull-_bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull- __ --- _-- - __ bull-------lIflo ~~ ~ftlllaT ~ ~ ~o 1lT~f~ ~J-nRrrif~T

tll1G1 lffa tf1~ ~ I-~-~~_u _middot ~- bullbullbullbull bullbullbullI1-1 It IIaoodW~iilRRmiddot

1 2 3

(i) tf1Tm~ if tI~ 0

CT 0 tI~ 0 ill ~nrr

~ltfl ~ tllOcff qJ~

~l ~~ij ~cff qJ~

J~~ ilTOql lT~

V 10 Bt)r~~cj f1tf1m~ f~~l~Cf tlTOC(T qJ~

~ fitJT~~

12 Ii- qeR~ cm~lt6l ~TIr$~ltF~bullbull~__~k_~~middot____ ~~~~~_~~_~f=~ amp iI II It bullbullbullbull Aoa4 bullbullbullbullbullbull

bullbullbullbull--- bull- __ -------ampool-~O-~l~l ml ~ tI~ fillmmiddot ~ fm Wamplfurct7 lITnrmii CMT ~l1G1

ltfu T~~ UJlod~I-ooILoaJ 11bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull_


(i) ~l ~T ~hhrl1lltT ~ ~TI (ii) ltRT~qc( Fi ~ 112 eMCfiT


(i) f~l ~t ~laquoif)

~lltT tf1T~TI i

(ii) ~~T ef1~ if ~m ~ ltliT~l1cr

(i) ~T ~~ ~iifl ItlltT~~ (ii) f~ ~ ef1 ~ iftfcP ~

fiT ~ltq _ - (i) f~l Cfqf ~l3ft~1ltT Gtil~fr (ii) ~~~ It1 ~ if tfr~ ~ ~


(i) f~l CMT~~~T~(II(Tlt6T~(lj _

(ii ) ~~ ~ ~ if tftf qrf ~T

tIllq (i) f~T CMT~~T ilTqT Cffl~TI (ii) IrfiM c ~ ~q if tftq~ ~T


~1 ~l oi) ~l ~fr~ amp- c If - 8 ~ tI~ mocr qJ1I -

~l ~~1I1Ocfttft~

~T ~ tlTOctT tfHI

~r ~ ml lttiT~Tii I__ bullbullbullbullbullbullIIbullbullbullbull It I k bullbullbull J __ __ ~_~_ k r1s t w bull _

Jtt~ ~J


1060 HARYANA GOVT OAZ AUO 121991 (StVN 211919 SAU)

~~ 14(1)]

bullbullbull fi~~ IIr bullbullbullbull middot~middot


srrftilltf~ ~CfiT(~

~---~--------------------------------------~-------1middot ------ middot2 - 5 bull 1 ~~-

Vltf~ ~Tffi fcrCdl$RI

(1) ~~ mfCf ~fqr - (~qwl)

~mm~~ (ii) bullbullfWfltIl

(iii) ~~ ~)tr I (iv) ~amp1T ~ ~~m~~1l

11U IPittr ~ lttiT

~ itfl 1Pff a qT ClI~

r~ rtf ~ ~~~~

fIi q frqfinr ~ fl ~ Grt bullbull bull

mtqTm~~~ ~ IImtil~f rro ~

~ ~ Sli ftiifl(li ~

8 C(qr ftlaquo bullbull fillClI4 Cfft If ~ a- ~ff~~~m

I~ J1 11ft ~~ ~If (v) ~f1n1fmiddotmt m~ bull ~)IfiIl i 2 qt tliT~-

vi) ~ srm~ m~ m ~trt 11 i(~ ~J

(ri) ~tirfii11 nf ~

~ (IIfMI1~

~ 9[qrftr ~

it~ ~ ~1 ~r~ro jI -~ bullbull

bull lt



~ q~ ~ ~ fcnn1r


R1ib 14 ~2008

mtmmiddot~ocmo fro 1~o3Fo S09l2009-IJTffi ~ ~ ~ ~ 309

~ampRT ~ ~ ltffl UltfTrr m~ ~ ~~ ~ ampRT filfllgCRf

~ ~ (WI tr) ~~ 1997 em 3lfI1 ~ CfRllc)r ~ fllfBRsit1 fJltm


1 ~ 00 Fcr~lgltRI~ ~ ltwr tr) ~ (~ fWr 2009 ~ iT


2 Fcrt1Iyenf1~ ~ (WI tr) ~ filtrir 1997 ~ ~ ~ ~

~ 4 c)r -M Uiif ~ 7 t~ ~~ ~ CfiT ~~ ~ ~ R

bullbull ~ ~ 3l1Olff lffi1 ~~ ~ ~ I

~FTTtt Fcr~I$ffi~ lmFr~ ~ mcPR

~ C1llT 31TQGT ~ ~ I

bull bull


- c

1 4

It) 51

~~ ~~ ~ltAftr11ft ~ ~~

-t ~~rf ~qf ~~ wt1Rrbull 1fT ilaT ~T~ m

- ~ma it tfli If~ q~ ~ ~(J ~f

mrft m ~Ifi




(viii) fll1=re~iffi~ rlie IR qT hr c~ ~ iTiAftr 11) ~ mrtr ~ ~ ~ ~6ttffl ll~ N ~r ~f- Ii ~ ~ -wrRr ftflqT ~ ~

tR~rf(J ~ ~

VTtrrorI6 ~- ~t itm ~-h tK ~

Rr ~~ mro-~ flll1fr ~T lIT ~ q ~ ~

Iill wIIf i~ ~

W iI ~ tf1~ q

~ ~rt if wlaquot ~m~~l~ ~ 111 wri f4rr~

(is) ~ rn ~j

(x) ~ t ~ ~ ~~~ ~fWq~bull~

(raquof) W~ ~ bull 1ITltft ~ at 8iR tffIllIl1 j ~

tatmiddot aa ~ ~i ---_~

1062 HARYANA GOVT6AZ bull AOO Hlfl (SRVN 21 119 SAlA)

--_------------------------------_ -------------------fflfur ~l ltt1 ltft faatll f~ij~ rnw~ ~ sTTf~t srrfClll~1

- I

7IN lili ~ -------- ~ bull__r ~_r~)_) _

1 2 3 4 6 6

-----------------------~--~----------------------(i) ~ fiT f~~ qrof 41ffl fTtlnrT ~~ fltmTll

ill ~)r ~~~l ~~q

mafcRr liwrrifiT qfwjl$1 ~lIr 1vn


(ii) a~ ma crfJm ~ ftrlf frrmr ~~8fiq ~~ 1ft ~ I -


6 ~ ifjctf~T~


8 tlitTllT

9 ~~ff1

1 0 ~ltQltf ~lt

11 qTm

1 2 itil Cfilt

-~-----------------------~--~---------~-----------~ 0 jfT CflfT

f~qt~ ~cf ~ laquofltctruIT ~ ~ fiIIR I


-----------------------------~----------~~~--~~~ r Autborised English Translation)




The 17th July 1~7

No GS R 58Const Art 30997-ln exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the constitution of India the Governor of Haryana hereby makes the following rules regulating the recruit-ment and conditions of service of person appointed to the HaryanaFinancial Commissioners Office (Group D) Service namely-


1 Tllese rules may be called_the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rule 1997-

2 In these rules unless the context otherwise requires -

(a) Udlrect recruitment means an appolntment made other-wise than by promotion from within the service or bytransfer of an official already in the Service of the Government of India or any State Government

(b) employment exchange means the employment ~exchange situated in Haryana

(c) Financial Cc-mmissioner~ means Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government Haryana Revenue Depart-menti

(d) ~GoveiilDlent~means the Haryana- Government- in the - AdministratiVe Department

(0) institutions means -

~i -aAy inStitUiCionestablished -hl Jaw in force in the State _~ of Ha~lJa ~t- (11)any otherinstttuti-drr i-eampigmsed by - the GoverDIDCDtpoundor

tie putposo()f tbtgtsC rules - _ -_ __

-t)-loirif S~cietarPnieans 10int Secretary -to Government Haryana Revenue Department

(g) Rajya Sainik Board rnean~ the office of the Secretary~ --RajyaSaihikBpatQflalaiut- r bullbull~ - bullbull ~ - bull - bull -- -- - - bullbullbullbullbullbullbulllJy ~

C(hrc~~Service means the middotHaqana Financial -Co1Pmi~Sioners office (Group D) Service _ -

_(ij UnderS~~ae-Ymiddot-l1lns the Under Secretary to Government Haryal1tl h~~eniieDepartment

Short title


1064 IAllYANA OQYT oAt AVGli 1i11 (SRVN n 1919 ampuA)


Nunl)er an 3middot The Srvioe shall oomprise tkc poIt 1M Ia AppeHIamp A Cluracter cf to ebes ruls

- POtts

Provided that nothing in those rUNSshall tfoat tho Inbrrout ript ot Oov~nment to make additions to or redaatiolls In the UUDlbcr of suoh posts or to oroate new pous whh dUCbullbull nt deslaatlGlls and scale of pay eitber permanently or temporarily

Natonality 4 (1) No person shall be appointed 10 bullbull Y pobullbull In tbo ServltIIdomicile and unless he Is-character or candidates app lnted to (a) a citizen of india 81 Service

(b) a subject of Nepal 01

Ce) a subject of Bhutan or

(d) a Tibetan refuee who came over to India 1MIfore thl 1st day of January 1962 Withthe intentioll of prmlllatly senHo in India i or

(0) a person of Indian origin who has m1ilattd from PatlstaB Burma Sri Lanka or any of the Bast African CeWltrles of Knya Ulanda Tho Unittd IltpubUf Taua bullbull (formerly Tanpnyika and Zanzibar) Zami Malawi Zaire and Bthopia with the intentloB of permaneoU sottliBI In India

Provided that a person belollJlua te any of tlae cate bullbull ribullbull lt)(0) (d) or (e) shall be a person In wkbullbull favour bull mlficate of eUgibility has been issued by the Gemment

(2) A person in whose case a certificate of eliJibility is DeetSSary maybe admitted to an examination or interview coaduttd by Silo recruitina authority but the offer of Ippeintatmay be given only after the necessary oliamplbiUty Cortlftcato has beeJl Issued to him by the Government

(3)No person shall be appolnt04to any bullbull dID iIInI direea recruitment unle he produeel a eortUloate of bullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull tile Principal Aoademic Offioer of the 8bullbullbull 1 01 institution last atteudod if any and similar Certlffcate fiea olher rtspOnsib1ep8lsonl no beina his relativos bullbullbullbull ate woll teuW with him in his private Uf and aN 1IBIOaow16 JaIl School or Institution

Art ~ 5middot No person ahan be appointed to an oat ill tM $enla bl clirN naruitment 0 is 1181thao sbtllD )rJ1II or I80N tliaR t~fl YArs 6f a ~I before tk date flllUbttlloa faPltn bullbull bullbullbull apPointinl authoJity

App)intfna 6 All appOlnlmenSto the po -In tile ittM _0 be bullbullbull Authority

~hc Under SecIetalYbullbull

bull iIARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 1065 (SRVN 211919 SAKA)

7 No person shall be appointed to any post in the Service unless Quallbtatloai he Is In possession of qualifications and experience specified In column 3 of Appendix B to these rules in tire case of direct recruitment and those specified in column 4 of tile aforesaid Appendix In the case of persons appointed other than by direct reeruitment f

Provided that in t he case of ap po1ntmert by direct recruitment the qualifications regarding experience shall be relaxable to the extent of SO at the discretion of the recruiting authority in case sufficient number of candidates belongillg-toSchMiUlcd Castbullbullbull Backward Classes Ex-Servicemen and Physically Handicappedcategories possessing the requisite experience are notavailable to fill up tho vacancies reserved for them after recording reasons for so doing in writing

8 No personc- DisqualifJcationl

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living or

(b) nho having a spouse living bas entered Into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eUgib10 for appointmentto any post In the Service

Provided that the Government may if satisfied that such marriage Is permissible under the personal law applicable to such personand the other party to the marriage and there other groundsfor so doing exempt any person from the oPeration of this rule

9 (1) Recruitment to the Service shall be made- Met1Iocl of recruitment

(a) in the case of Carpenter -

(i) by direct recruitment Of

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case of Stamper-

(i) by promotion from amonlStDaftri or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an otficial already in the service of any State Government or tlie Government -of India

(c) in the case of Daftri-

- (i) by promotion-from amongst Record Lifter or (ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service

of any ~tate Gowrpmmtt --or the Government of India

(d) in the case of Record Lifter-(i) by promotion tromamo~gst Peon (ii) by transfer -of depmatiQlJ dan official already in the service

of any State Oovtmment -orthe Governmentof India J

HARYAN AGOVT GAZ~t 1997bullljmiddot~~12J(SRVN21 1919SAKAj

(e) in the case of Jamooar-

(i) by promotion from am ngst Peon or

(ii) by transfer or (~eputation of an official already in tile service of any State Government or the Government of India

(f) inthe case of Head OilOwkkar-

(i) by promotion from amongst Ot10Wkifar (gt

(ii) by transfer cot dcpqttltbJl of an 0ffici~1alr~ y ir the service of ampDYmiddot SUttte Qo~mell( or tne Government of India

(g) in the case of Peon-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case dFrash-

(i) by direct recruitment laquor

(ii) by transfer or ceputation of an official already in thesetvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(i) ill the ca~~of Khalasi-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of allY State GovelPmellt orthe G)verumentoflooia

(j) in the case ofsweeper-cum-Ohowkidar-

(i) by direct recruitment of

(ii) by transfer of ueputation of an official alrerdy in the-scrvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(k) intn~ tase ot Qh()wkQaT~

(i) by direct recruitment or ~ bull ~

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official ~headyir th~ service of anYStato GotlertlllWlt ~tbe GoveilunenloUndla

- bullbullbull bull ~ ~(l))iJ the CampS~()tdit~eWQrk~r~~-~middot

- ~ (i) by direct recruitment or

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 121997 1067 (SRVN21 1919SAKA)

(2) All promotions unless otherwise provided shall be made on Seniority-eum-fitness basis and seniority alone shall not confer anyright to suer promotions

(3) Unless otJaerwise provided in this rule whenever any vaeaaay ocwra or iabout to occur In the Servicebullbull the appointing authority shall aetermine the manner in which it shall De filled in

10 (1) A peraon appointed to any poet in the Service shall remain on pro batten for a period oftwo years jf appointed by direct recruitment and one year If appointed otherwise ~

Provided that-(a) any period aftmo such appointment spent on deputation

on a corrasponding or a highm-post shall count towards the period of probation

(b) any period of work in equivalent or higher rank prior to appointment to any post in She Service may in the ca of an appointment by transfer at the discretion of tho appointinl authority be allowed to count towards tlto pet of probation fixed undtl this rule and

(e) any period of officiating appointment Ihall be reckoned as pariod spont on probation but no person who has so officiated shall on the oomplotion of tho proscribedperiod of probation be entitlod to be confirmed unloss he is appointed against a permanent vacancy

(2) If in the opinion of tho appointing authority tho work or conduet of a person during the period of probation is not satisfactory it may-

(a) if such person is appointed by direct recruitment dlspensowtth his Services and

(b) if IUch porion is appointed otherwise Ihan by dirocc recrult-ment-

(1) revert him to his former post or (ii) deal with him in such other manner as the terms and

conditions of the previous appointment permit (3) On the completion of the period of probation of a person

the appointing authority may-(a) if his work or conduct h~ In its opinion been

sa tisfactory-(I) confirm such person from the date of his appointment

if appointed against a permanent vacancy or (ii) confirm such person from the date from which a

permanent vacancy occurs if appointed against a tempo-rary vacancy or

(Hi) declare that he has Completed his probation satisfactorilyif there is no permanent vacancy of

(b) if his work or conduct has in its opinion been not satisfactory-laquo

(i) dispense withhil Services if appointed by direct recruitment if appointed otherwise revert him to his former post or dea 1 with him In such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous appointmentpermit or




(U) extend his period of probationand -thereafterpass such

older as it Could have passed~9n~t~ eipfry-o( t~ ]~lst period of probatig~ -

Provided that (he total period Qf prp~tiou in~l~d~~g-lif~lSJ~n

if any shall not exceed three years

11 Seniority inter se of the members uftheService shaU be

determined by the length of Continuou~ service on any past -in the Service

Provided that where there are different cadr-es in the Service the serUorityshal b~t~erli~~rj~y for each cadre - -

Provided further that in the case -d members appinted by direct J~c1iiitinenpoundtheorder of tho merit determined by the employment exchange

or Rajya Sainik Board (for Ex-serviceman only) shall not be

disturbed in fixing the seniority

Provided further that in the case vf two or more- members -aPpointed

on the same date their seniority shall be determined as follows -

(a) a member appointed by direct recruitment- shall be senior to -a member appointed by promotion or by transfer

(b) a member appointed by promotion shall be senioito -a member appointed by transfer

(e) in the case of member appolnteltr by-promotion or by transfer seniority shall be determined according to the seniority

of such members in the appointments from which they

were promoted or transferred and

-(d) in the case of members appointed by transfer from different

cadres thelr seniority shall-be determined according

to pay preference being givento a member who was

drawing a higher rate of payIn his previous appoint-ment and If the rates of pay drawn are also the same then

by their length of their Service in the appointments and if the- Ie-ngth of such Service is alsorthe same the older member shall be senior tltdliC You-nger member

12 (1) A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at anyJJebiUl7 to aenemiddot place whether within oroutside the State of Haryana on being ordered

so to do by the appointing authority

(2) A member of the Service may also be deputed to serve under -

(j) II company an associ tion or a bod y of Individuals whether -_]i~ip~ni~__J~r not which Is wholly or substa ntialJy


HARYANA GOVT OAZAUG 12 1997 1069 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

owned or controlled by theSta te Government a Municipal corporation or a local authority or university within the

~-Stateof Haryana -_ --_~-~

- eii) The Central Government or l company an aHOCt~tionor a body of individuals whetllor incorporated or Dot which is wholly or substantially owned controlled by theltII

Central Government or

(Hi) Any other State Government an int8lBamptiona1-orgaJllsation and autonomous bidy not controlled by the Government or

_a private body

Provided that no member of the Service shall be deputed to serve the Central or any other State Government or anyorganisation or body referred to in clauses (ii) or clause (ill) except with his consent ~ -

13 In respect of pay leave pension and all other matters not ex-pressly provided for in these rules the members of the Service shall be grvar ned by such rules and regulations as may have been or may here-after be adopted or made by the competent authority under the Oonsritu-tion of India or under any law for the time being inforce made by the State Legislature

14 (I) In matters relating to discipline penalties and appealsmembers of the Service shall be gJ verned by the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules 1987 as amended from time to time

Provided that the nature of p_enalties which may be imposed the authority empowered to impose such penalties and appellate authorityshall subject to the provisions of any law or rules made under Article 309 of the Oonstitution of India be such as are specified in Appendix 0 to these rules

(2) Phe authority competent to pass all order under clause (c) or clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punish-ment and Appeal) Rules 1987 and appellate authoriryshall be as specified in Appendix D to these rules

15 Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and re-vaccinated as and when the GOVernment so directs by a special or generalorder

16 Bvery member of the Service unless he has already done so shall he required to take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established

17 Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so it may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions of these rules with respsct to any class or category of persons

18 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the appointing authority may Impose special terms and conditions in the orden of appointment if it is deemed upedient to do so

Pay leavepension and other matters

Disciplinepenalties and appeals


Oath of allegiance

Power of relaxation


1070 HARYANA OOVT GAZAUG12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

Rbullbullbullbull tfooa

Repeal and SaiDls

19 Nothing contained In these rul bullbullbull llall ailect naenetlou aod other ooaeeaaions req1llred to be provided fa tlw 8eIledule4 Gastea BackwMd CIuaes Bx-servicemen Physically )aandt capped personl or any other amp1188 or eateaery of persons In ucordanct with tho orders illued by the State Government Inthla regard from time to timel

ProvJded that the total porcentage of roservationl 10 madohall not old 50 ~ of any time

20 The Punjab State (Class-IV) Service Rules 1963 in their application to the State of Hatyanaj are hueby repeaJod bull

Previded that any order made or action taken under tho rules so repealed shall be dNDled to havo been made or taken under the C01108-

pending provisions of these rulos -I

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 11: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr

HARYANA-GOVT GAZ AUG_12 1997 I 1059 (SRVN 21 1919SAKA) ~

- bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull-_bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull- __ --- _-- - __ bull-------lIflo ~~ ~ftlllaT ~ ~ ~o 1lT~f~ ~J-nRrrif~T

tll1G1 lffa tf1~ ~ I-~-~~_u _middot ~- bullbullbullbull bullbullbullI1-1 It IIaoodW~iilRRmiddot

1 2 3

(i) tf1Tm~ if tI~ 0

CT 0 tI~ 0 ill ~nrr

~ltfl ~ tllOcff qJ~

~l ~~ij ~cff qJ~

J~~ ilTOql lT~

V 10 Bt)r~~cj f1tf1m~ f~~l~Cf tlTOC(T qJ~

~ fitJT~~

12 Ii- qeR~ cm~lt6l ~TIr$~ltF~bullbull~__~k_~~middot____ ~~~~~_~~_~f=~ amp iI II It bullbullbullbull Aoa4 bullbullbullbullbullbull

bullbullbullbull--- bull- __ -------ampool-~O-~l~l ml ~ tI~ fillmmiddot ~ fm Wamplfurct7 lITnrmii CMT ~l1G1

ltfu T~~ UJlod~I-ooILoaJ 11bullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull_


(i) ~l ~T ~hhrl1lltT ~ ~TI (ii) ltRT~qc( Fi ~ 112 eMCfiT


(i) f~l ~t ~laquoif)

~lltT tf1T~TI i

(ii) ~~T ef1~ if ~m ~ ltliT~l1cr

(i) ~T ~~ ~iifl ItlltT~~ (ii) f~ ~ ef1 ~ iftfcP ~

fiT ~ltq _ - (i) f~l Cfqf ~l3ft~1ltT Gtil~fr (ii) ~~~ It1 ~ if tfr~ ~ ~


(i) f~l CMT~~~T~(II(Tlt6T~(lj _

(ii ) ~~ ~ ~ if tftf qrf ~T

tIllq (i) f~T CMT~~T ilTqT Cffl~TI (ii) IrfiM c ~ ~q if tftq~ ~T


~1 ~l oi) ~l ~fr~ amp- c If - 8 ~ tI~ mocr qJ1I -

~l ~~1I1Ocfttft~

~T ~ tlTOctT tfHI

~r ~ ml lttiT~Tii I__ bullbullbullbullbullbullIIbullbullbullbull It I k bullbullbull J __ __ ~_~_ k r1s t w bull _

Jtt~ ~J


1060 HARYANA GOVT OAZ AUO 121991 (StVN 211919 SAU)

~~ 14(1)]

bullbullbull fi~~ IIr bullbullbullbull middot~middot


srrftilltf~ ~CfiT(~

~---~--------------------------------------~-------1middot ------ middot2 - 5 bull 1 ~~-

Vltf~ ~Tffi fcrCdl$RI

(1) ~~ mfCf ~fqr - (~qwl)

~mm~~ (ii) bullbullfWfltIl

(iii) ~~ ~)tr I (iv) ~amp1T ~ ~~m~~1l

11U IPittr ~ lttiT

~ itfl 1Pff a qT ClI~

r~ rtf ~ ~~~~

fIi q frqfinr ~ fl ~ Grt bullbull bull

mtqTm~~~ ~ IImtil~f rro ~

~ ~ Sli ftiifl(li ~

8 C(qr ftlaquo bullbull fillClI4 Cfft If ~ a- ~ff~~~m

I~ J1 11ft ~~ ~If (v) ~f1n1fmiddotmt m~ bull ~)IfiIl i 2 qt tliT~-

vi) ~ srm~ m~ m ~trt 11 i(~ ~J

(ri) ~tirfii11 nf ~

~ (IIfMI1~

~ 9[qrftr ~

it~ ~ ~1 ~r~ro jI -~ bullbull

bull lt



~ q~ ~ ~ fcnn1r


R1ib 14 ~2008

mtmmiddot~ocmo fro 1~o3Fo S09l2009-IJTffi ~ ~ ~ ~ 309

~ampRT ~ ~ ltffl UltfTrr m~ ~ ~~ ~ ampRT filfllgCRf

~ ~ (WI tr) ~~ 1997 em 3lfI1 ~ CfRllc)r ~ fllfBRsit1 fJltm


1 ~ 00 Fcr~lgltRI~ ~ ltwr tr) ~ (~ fWr 2009 ~ iT


2 Fcrt1Iyenf1~ ~ (WI tr) ~ filtrir 1997 ~ ~ ~ ~

~ 4 c)r -M Uiif ~ 7 t~ ~~ ~ CfiT ~~ ~ ~ R

bullbull ~ ~ 3l1Olff lffi1 ~~ ~ ~ I

~FTTtt Fcr~I$ffi~ lmFr~ ~ mcPR

~ C1llT 31TQGT ~ ~ I

bull bull


- c

1 4

It) 51

~~ ~~ ~ltAftr11ft ~ ~~

-t ~~rf ~qf ~~ wt1Rrbull 1fT ilaT ~T~ m

- ~ma it tfli If~ q~ ~ ~(J ~f

mrft m ~Ifi




(viii) fll1=re~iffi~ rlie IR qT hr c~ ~ iTiAftr 11) ~ mrtr ~ ~ ~ ~6ttffl ll~ N ~r ~f- Ii ~ ~ -wrRr ftflqT ~ ~

tR~rf(J ~ ~

VTtrrorI6 ~- ~t itm ~-h tK ~

Rr ~~ mro-~ flll1fr ~T lIT ~ q ~ ~

Iill wIIf i~ ~

W iI ~ tf1~ q

~ ~rt if wlaquot ~m~~l~ ~ 111 wri f4rr~

(is) ~ rn ~j

(x) ~ t ~ ~ ~~~ ~fWq~bull~

(raquof) W~ ~ bull 1ITltft ~ at 8iR tffIllIl1 j ~

tatmiddot aa ~ ~i ---_~

1062 HARYANA GOVT6AZ bull AOO Hlfl (SRVN 21 119 SAlA)

--_------------------------------_ -------------------fflfur ~l ltt1 ltft faatll f~ij~ rnw~ ~ sTTf~t srrfClll~1

- I

7IN lili ~ -------- ~ bull__r ~_r~)_) _

1 2 3 4 6 6

-----------------------~--~----------------------(i) ~ fiT f~~ qrof 41ffl fTtlnrT ~~ fltmTll

ill ~)r ~~~l ~~q

mafcRr liwrrifiT qfwjl$1 ~lIr 1vn


(ii) a~ ma crfJm ~ ftrlf frrmr ~~8fiq ~~ 1ft ~ I -


6 ~ ifjctf~T~


8 tlitTllT

9 ~~ff1

1 0 ~ltQltf ~lt

11 qTm

1 2 itil Cfilt

-~-----------------------~--~---------~-----------~ 0 jfT CflfT

f~qt~ ~cf ~ laquofltctruIT ~ ~ fiIIR I


-----------------------------~----------~~~--~~~ r Autborised English Translation)




The 17th July 1~7

No GS R 58Const Art 30997-ln exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the constitution of India the Governor of Haryana hereby makes the following rules regulating the recruit-ment and conditions of service of person appointed to the HaryanaFinancial Commissioners Office (Group D) Service namely-


1 Tllese rules may be called_the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rule 1997-

2 In these rules unless the context otherwise requires -

(a) Udlrect recruitment means an appolntment made other-wise than by promotion from within the service or bytransfer of an official already in the Service of the Government of India or any State Government

(b) employment exchange means the employment ~exchange situated in Haryana

(c) Financial Cc-mmissioner~ means Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government Haryana Revenue Depart-menti

(d) ~GoveiilDlent~means the Haryana- Government- in the - AdministratiVe Department

(0) institutions means -

~i -aAy inStitUiCionestablished -hl Jaw in force in the State _~ of Ha~lJa ~t- (11)any otherinstttuti-drr i-eampigmsed by - the GoverDIDCDtpoundor

tie putposo()f tbtgtsC rules - _ -_ __

-t)-loirif S~cietarPnieans 10int Secretary -to Government Haryana Revenue Department

(g) Rajya Sainik Board rnean~ the office of the Secretary~ --RajyaSaihikBpatQflalaiut- r bullbull~ - bullbull ~ - bull - bull -- -- - - bullbullbullbullbullbullbulllJy ~

C(hrc~~Service means the middotHaqana Financial -Co1Pmi~Sioners office (Group D) Service _ -

_(ij UnderS~~ae-Ymiddot-l1lns the Under Secretary to Government Haryal1tl h~~eniieDepartment

Short title


1064 IAllYANA OQYT oAt AVGli 1i11 (SRVN n 1919 ampuA)


Nunl)er an 3middot The Srvioe shall oomprise tkc poIt 1M Ia AppeHIamp A Cluracter cf to ebes ruls

- POtts

Provided that nothing in those rUNSshall tfoat tho Inbrrout ript ot Oov~nment to make additions to or redaatiolls In the UUDlbcr of suoh posts or to oroate new pous whh dUCbullbull nt deslaatlGlls and scale of pay eitber permanently or temporarily

Natonality 4 (1) No person shall be appointed 10 bullbull Y pobullbull In tbo ServltIIdomicile and unless he Is-character or candidates app lnted to (a) a citizen of india 81 Service

(b) a subject of Nepal 01

Ce) a subject of Bhutan or

(d) a Tibetan refuee who came over to India 1MIfore thl 1st day of January 1962 Withthe intentioll of prmlllatly senHo in India i or

(0) a person of Indian origin who has m1ilattd from PatlstaB Burma Sri Lanka or any of the Bast African CeWltrles of Knya Ulanda Tho Unittd IltpubUf Taua bullbull (formerly Tanpnyika and Zanzibar) Zami Malawi Zaire and Bthopia with the intentloB of permaneoU sottliBI In India

Provided that a person belollJlua te any of tlae cate bullbull ribullbull lt)(0) (d) or (e) shall be a person In wkbullbull favour bull mlficate of eUgibility has been issued by the Gemment

(2) A person in whose case a certificate of eliJibility is DeetSSary maybe admitted to an examination or interview coaduttd by Silo recruitina authority but the offer of Ippeintatmay be given only after the necessary oliamplbiUty Cortlftcato has beeJl Issued to him by the Government

(3)No person shall be appolnt04to any bullbull dID iIInI direea recruitment unle he produeel a eortUloate of bullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull tile Principal Aoademic Offioer of the 8bullbullbull 1 01 institution last atteudod if any and similar Certlffcate fiea olher rtspOnsib1ep8lsonl no beina his relativos bullbullbullbull ate woll teuW with him in his private Uf and aN 1IBIOaow16 JaIl School or Institution

Art ~ 5middot No person ahan be appointed to an oat ill tM $enla bl clirN naruitment 0 is 1181thao sbtllD )rJ1II or I80N tliaR t~fl YArs 6f a ~I before tk date flllUbttlloa faPltn bullbull bullbullbull apPointinl authoJity

App)intfna 6 All appOlnlmenSto the po -In tile ittM _0 be bullbullbull Authority

~hc Under SecIetalYbullbull

bull iIARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 1065 (SRVN 211919 SAKA)

7 No person shall be appointed to any post in the Service unless Quallbtatloai he Is In possession of qualifications and experience specified In column 3 of Appendix B to these rules in tire case of direct recruitment and those specified in column 4 of tile aforesaid Appendix In the case of persons appointed other than by direct reeruitment f

Provided that in t he case of ap po1ntmert by direct recruitment the qualifications regarding experience shall be relaxable to the extent of SO at the discretion of the recruiting authority in case sufficient number of candidates belongillg-toSchMiUlcd Castbullbullbull Backward Classes Ex-Servicemen and Physically Handicappedcategories possessing the requisite experience are notavailable to fill up tho vacancies reserved for them after recording reasons for so doing in writing

8 No personc- DisqualifJcationl

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living or

(b) nho having a spouse living bas entered Into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eUgib10 for appointmentto any post In the Service

Provided that the Government may if satisfied that such marriage Is permissible under the personal law applicable to such personand the other party to the marriage and there other groundsfor so doing exempt any person from the oPeration of this rule

9 (1) Recruitment to the Service shall be made- Met1Iocl of recruitment

(a) in the case of Carpenter -

(i) by direct recruitment Of

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case of Stamper-

(i) by promotion from amonlStDaftri or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an otficial already in the service of any State Government or tlie Government -of India

(c) in the case of Daftri-

- (i) by promotion-from amongst Record Lifter or (ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service

of any ~tate Gowrpmmtt --or the Government of India

(d) in the case of Record Lifter-(i) by promotion tromamo~gst Peon (ii) by transfer -of depmatiQlJ dan official already in the service

of any State Oovtmment -orthe Governmentof India J

HARYAN AGOVT GAZ~t 1997bullljmiddot~~12J(SRVN21 1919SAKAj

(e) in the case of Jamooar-

(i) by promotion from am ngst Peon or

(ii) by transfer or (~eputation of an official already in tile service of any State Government or the Government of India

(f) inthe case of Head OilOwkkar-

(i) by promotion from amongst Ot10Wkifar (gt

(ii) by transfer cot dcpqttltbJl of an 0ffici~1alr~ y ir the service of ampDYmiddot SUttte Qo~mell( or tne Government of India

(g) in the case of Peon-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case dFrash-

(i) by direct recruitment laquor

(ii) by transfer or ceputation of an official already in thesetvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(i) ill the ca~~of Khalasi-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of allY State GovelPmellt orthe G)verumentoflooia

(j) in the case ofsweeper-cum-Ohowkidar-

(i) by direct recruitment of

(ii) by transfer of ueputation of an official alrerdy in the-scrvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(k) intn~ tase ot Qh()wkQaT~

(i) by direct recruitment or ~ bull ~

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official ~headyir th~ service of anYStato GotlertlllWlt ~tbe GoveilunenloUndla

- bullbullbull bull ~ ~(l))iJ the CampS~()tdit~eWQrk~r~~-~middot

- ~ (i) by direct recruitment or

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 121997 1067 (SRVN21 1919SAKA)

(2) All promotions unless otherwise provided shall be made on Seniority-eum-fitness basis and seniority alone shall not confer anyright to suer promotions

(3) Unless otJaerwise provided in this rule whenever any vaeaaay ocwra or iabout to occur In the Servicebullbull the appointing authority shall aetermine the manner in which it shall De filled in

10 (1) A peraon appointed to any poet in the Service shall remain on pro batten for a period oftwo years jf appointed by direct recruitment and one year If appointed otherwise ~

Provided that-(a) any period aftmo such appointment spent on deputation

on a corrasponding or a highm-post shall count towards the period of probation

(b) any period of work in equivalent or higher rank prior to appointment to any post in She Service may in the ca of an appointment by transfer at the discretion of tho appointinl authority be allowed to count towards tlto pet of probation fixed undtl this rule and

(e) any period of officiating appointment Ihall be reckoned as pariod spont on probation but no person who has so officiated shall on the oomplotion of tho proscribedperiod of probation be entitlod to be confirmed unloss he is appointed against a permanent vacancy

(2) If in the opinion of tho appointing authority tho work or conduet of a person during the period of probation is not satisfactory it may-

(a) if such person is appointed by direct recruitment dlspensowtth his Services and

(b) if IUch porion is appointed otherwise Ihan by dirocc recrult-ment-

(1) revert him to his former post or (ii) deal with him in such other manner as the terms and

conditions of the previous appointment permit (3) On the completion of the period of probation of a person

the appointing authority may-(a) if his work or conduct h~ In its opinion been

sa tisfactory-(I) confirm such person from the date of his appointment

if appointed against a permanent vacancy or (ii) confirm such person from the date from which a

permanent vacancy occurs if appointed against a tempo-rary vacancy or

(Hi) declare that he has Completed his probation satisfactorilyif there is no permanent vacancy of

(b) if his work or conduct has in its opinion been not satisfactory-laquo

(i) dispense withhil Services if appointed by direct recruitment if appointed otherwise revert him to his former post or dea 1 with him In such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous appointmentpermit or




(U) extend his period of probationand -thereafterpass such

older as it Could have passed~9n~t~ eipfry-o( t~ ]~lst period of probatig~ -

Provided that (he total period Qf prp~tiou in~l~d~~g-lif~lSJ~n

if any shall not exceed three years

11 Seniority inter se of the members uftheService shaU be

determined by the length of Continuou~ service on any past -in the Service

Provided that where there are different cadr-es in the Service the serUorityshal b~t~erli~~rj~y for each cadre - -

Provided further that in the case -d members appinted by direct J~c1iiitinenpoundtheorder of tho merit determined by the employment exchange

or Rajya Sainik Board (for Ex-serviceman only) shall not be

disturbed in fixing the seniority

Provided further that in the case vf two or more- members -aPpointed

on the same date their seniority shall be determined as follows -

(a) a member appointed by direct recruitment- shall be senior to -a member appointed by promotion or by transfer

(b) a member appointed by promotion shall be senioito -a member appointed by transfer

(e) in the case of member appolnteltr by-promotion or by transfer seniority shall be determined according to the seniority

of such members in the appointments from which they

were promoted or transferred and

-(d) in the case of members appointed by transfer from different

cadres thelr seniority shall-be determined according

to pay preference being givento a member who was

drawing a higher rate of payIn his previous appoint-ment and If the rates of pay drawn are also the same then

by their length of their Service in the appointments and if the- Ie-ngth of such Service is alsorthe same the older member shall be senior tltdliC You-nger member

12 (1) A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at anyJJebiUl7 to aenemiddot place whether within oroutside the State of Haryana on being ordered

so to do by the appointing authority

(2) A member of the Service may also be deputed to serve under -

(j) II company an associ tion or a bod y of Individuals whether -_]i~ip~ni~__J~r not which Is wholly or substa ntialJy


HARYANA GOVT OAZAUG 12 1997 1069 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

owned or controlled by theSta te Government a Municipal corporation or a local authority or university within the

~-Stateof Haryana -_ --_~-~

- eii) The Central Government or l company an aHOCt~tionor a body of individuals whetllor incorporated or Dot which is wholly or substantially owned controlled by theltII

Central Government or

(Hi) Any other State Government an int8lBamptiona1-orgaJllsation and autonomous bidy not controlled by the Government or

_a private body

Provided that no member of the Service shall be deputed to serve the Central or any other State Government or anyorganisation or body referred to in clauses (ii) or clause (ill) except with his consent ~ -

13 In respect of pay leave pension and all other matters not ex-pressly provided for in these rules the members of the Service shall be grvar ned by such rules and regulations as may have been or may here-after be adopted or made by the competent authority under the Oonsritu-tion of India or under any law for the time being inforce made by the State Legislature

14 (I) In matters relating to discipline penalties and appealsmembers of the Service shall be gJ verned by the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules 1987 as amended from time to time

Provided that the nature of p_enalties which may be imposed the authority empowered to impose such penalties and appellate authorityshall subject to the provisions of any law or rules made under Article 309 of the Oonstitution of India be such as are specified in Appendix 0 to these rules

(2) Phe authority competent to pass all order under clause (c) or clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punish-ment and Appeal) Rules 1987 and appellate authoriryshall be as specified in Appendix D to these rules

15 Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and re-vaccinated as and when the GOVernment so directs by a special or generalorder

16 Bvery member of the Service unless he has already done so shall he required to take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established

17 Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so it may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions of these rules with respsct to any class or category of persons

18 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the appointing authority may Impose special terms and conditions in the orden of appointment if it is deemed upedient to do so

Pay leavepension and other matters

Disciplinepenalties and appeals


Oath of allegiance

Power of relaxation


1070 HARYANA OOVT GAZAUG12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

Rbullbullbullbull tfooa

Repeal and SaiDls

19 Nothing contained In these rul bullbullbull llall ailect naenetlou aod other ooaeeaaions req1llred to be provided fa tlw 8eIledule4 Gastea BackwMd CIuaes Bx-servicemen Physically )aandt capped personl or any other amp1188 or eateaery of persons In ucordanct with tho orders illued by the State Government Inthla regard from time to timel

ProvJded that the total porcentage of roservationl 10 madohall not old 50 ~ of any time

20 The Punjab State (Class-IV) Service Rules 1963 in their application to the State of Hatyanaj are hueby repeaJod bull

Previded that any order made or action taken under tho rules so repealed shall be dNDled to havo been made or taken under the C01108-

pending provisions of these rulos -I

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 12: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr


1060 HARYANA GOVT OAZ AUO 121991 (StVN 211919 SAU)

~~ 14(1)]

bullbullbull fi~~ IIr bullbullbullbull middot~middot


srrftilltf~ ~CfiT(~

~---~--------------------------------------~-------1middot ------ middot2 - 5 bull 1 ~~-

Vltf~ ~Tffi fcrCdl$RI

(1) ~~ mfCf ~fqr - (~qwl)

~mm~~ (ii) bullbullfWfltIl

(iii) ~~ ~)tr I (iv) ~amp1T ~ ~~m~~1l

11U IPittr ~ lttiT

~ itfl 1Pff a qT ClI~

r~ rtf ~ ~~~~

fIi q frqfinr ~ fl ~ Grt bullbull bull

mtqTm~~~ ~ IImtil~f rro ~

~ ~ Sli ftiifl(li ~

8 C(qr ftlaquo bullbull fillClI4 Cfft If ~ a- ~ff~~~m

I~ J1 11ft ~~ ~If (v) ~f1n1fmiddotmt m~ bull ~)IfiIl i 2 qt tliT~-

vi) ~ srm~ m~ m ~trt 11 i(~ ~J

(ri) ~tirfii11 nf ~

~ (IIfMI1~

~ 9[qrftr ~

it~ ~ ~1 ~r~ro jI -~ bullbull

bull lt



~ q~ ~ ~ fcnn1r


R1ib 14 ~2008

mtmmiddot~ocmo fro 1~o3Fo S09l2009-IJTffi ~ ~ ~ ~ 309

~ampRT ~ ~ ltffl UltfTrr m~ ~ ~~ ~ ampRT filfllgCRf

~ ~ (WI tr) ~~ 1997 em 3lfI1 ~ CfRllc)r ~ fllfBRsit1 fJltm


1 ~ 00 Fcr~lgltRI~ ~ ltwr tr) ~ (~ fWr 2009 ~ iT


2 Fcrt1Iyenf1~ ~ (WI tr) ~ filtrir 1997 ~ ~ ~ ~

~ 4 c)r -M Uiif ~ 7 t~ ~~ ~ CfiT ~~ ~ ~ R

bullbull ~ ~ 3l1Olff lffi1 ~~ ~ ~ I

~FTTtt Fcr~I$ffi~ lmFr~ ~ mcPR

~ C1llT 31TQGT ~ ~ I

bull bull


- c

1 4

It) 51

~~ ~~ ~ltAftr11ft ~ ~~

-t ~~rf ~qf ~~ wt1Rrbull 1fT ilaT ~T~ m

- ~ma it tfli If~ q~ ~ ~(J ~f

mrft m ~Ifi




(viii) fll1=re~iffi~ rlie IR qT hr c~ ~ iTiAftr 11) ~ mrtr ~ ~ ~ ~6ttffl ll~ N ~r ~f- Ii ~ ~ -wrRr ftflqT ~ ~

tR~rf(J ~ ~

VTtrrorI6 ~- ~t itm ~-h tK ~

Rr ~~ mro-~ flll1fr ~T lIT ~ q ~ ~

Iill wIIf i~ ~

W iI ~ tf1~ q

~ ~rt if wlaquot ~m~~l~ ~ 111 wri f4rr~

(is) ~ rn ~j

(x) ~ t ~ ~ ~~~ ~fWq~bull~

(raquof) W~ ~ bull 1ITltft ~ at 8iR tffIllIl1 j ~

tatmiddot aa ~ ~i ---_~

1062 HARYANA GOVT6AZ bull AOO Hlfl (SRVN 21 119 SAlA)

--_------------------------------_ -------------------fflfur ~l ltt1 ltft faatll f~ij~ rnw~ ~ sTTf~t srrfClll~1

- I

7IN lili ~ -------- ~ bull__r ~_r~)_) _

1 2 3 4 6 6

-----------------------~--~----------------------(i) ~ fiT f~~ qrof 41ffl fTtlnrT ~~ fltmTll

ill ~)r ~~~l ~~q

mafcRr liwrrifiT qfwjl$1 ~lIr 1vn


(ii) a~ ma crfJm ~ ftrlf frrmr ~~8fiq ~~ 1ft ~ I -


6 ~ ifjctf~T~


8 tlitTllT

9 ~~ff1

1 0 ~ltQltf ~lt

11 qTm

1 2 itil Cfilt

-~-----------------------~--~---------~-----------~ 0 jfT CflfT

f~qt~ ~cf ~ laquofltctruIT ~ ~ fiIIR I


-----------------------------~----------~~~--~~~ r Autborised English Translation)




The 17th July 1~7

No GS R 58Const Art 30997-ln exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the constitution of India the Governor of Haryana hereby makes the following rules regulating the recruit-ment and conditions of service of person appointed to the HaryanaFinancial Commissioners Office (Group D) Service namely-


1 Tllese rules may be called_the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rule 1997-

2 In these rules unless the context otherwise requires -

(a) Udlrect recruitment means an appolntment made other-wise than by promotion from within the service or bytransfer of an official already in the Service of the Government of India or any State Government

(b) employment exchange means the employment ~exchange situated in Haryana

(c) Financial Cc-mmissioner~ means Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government Haryana Revenue Depart-menti

(d) ~GoveiilDlent~means the Haryana- Government- in the - AdministratiVe Department

(0) institutions means -

~i -aAy inStitUiCionestablished -hl Jaw in force in the State _~ of Ha~lJa ~t- (11)any otherinstttuti-drr i-eampigmsed by - the GoverDIDCDtpoundor

tie putposo()f tbtgtsC rules - _ -_ __

-t)-loirif S~cietarPnieans 10int Secretary -to Government Haryana Revenue Department

(g) Rajya Sainik Board rnean~ the office of the Secretary~ --RajyaSaihikBpatQflalaiut- r bullbull~ - bullbull ~ - bull - bull -- -- - - bullbullbullbullbullbullbulllJy ~

C(hrc~~Service means the middotHaqana Financial -Co1Pmi~Sioners office (Group D) Service _ -

_(ij UnderS~~ae-Ymiddot-l1lns the Under Secretary to Government Haryal1tl h~~eniieDepartment

Short title


1064 IAllYANA OQYT oAt AVGli 1i11 (SRVN n 1919 ampuA)


Nunl)er an 3middot The Srvioe shall oomprise tkc poIt 1M Ia AppeHIamp A Cluracter cf to ebes ruls

- POtts

Provided that nothing in those rUNSshall tfoat tho Inbrrout ript ot Oov~nment to make additions to or redaatiolls In the UUDlbcr of suoh posts or to oroate new pous whh dUCbullbull nt deslaatlGlls and scale of pay eitber permanently or temporarily

Natonality 4 (1) No person shall be appointed 10 bullbull Y pobullbull In tbo ServltIIdomicile and unless he Is-character or candidates app lnted to (a) a citizen of india 81 Service

(b) a subject of Nepal 01

Ce) a subject of Bhutan or

(d) a Tibetan refuee who came over to India 1MIfore thl 1st day of January 1962 Withthe intentioll of prmlllatly senHo in India i or

(0) a person of Indian origin who has m1ilattd from PatlstaB Burma Sri Lanka or any of the Bast African CeWltrles of Knya Ulanda Tho Unittd IltpubUf Taua bullbull (formerly Tanpnyika and Zanzibar) Zami Malawi Zaire and Bthopia with the intentloB of permaneoU sottliBI In India

Provided that a person belollJlua te any of tlae cate bullbull ribullbull lt)(0) (d) or (e) shall be a person In wkbullbull favour bull mlficate of eUgibility has been issued by the Gemment

(2) A person in whose case a certificate of eliJibility is DeetSSary maybe admitted to an examination or interview coaduttd by Silo recruitina authority but the offer of Ippeintatmay be given only after the necessary oliamplbiUty Cortlftcato has beeJl Issued to him by the Government

(3)No person shall be appolnt04to any bullbull dID iIInI direea recruitment unle he produeel a eortUloate of bullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull tile Principal Aoademic Offioer of the 8bullbullbull 1 01 institution last atteudod if any and similar Certlffcate fiea olher rtspOnsib1ep8lsonl no beina his relativos bullbullbullbull ate woll teuW with him in his private Uf and aN 1IBIOaow16 JaIl School or Institution

Art ~ 5middot No person ahan be appointed to an oat ill tM $enla bl clirN naruitment 0 is 1181thao sbtllD )rJ1II or I80N tliaR t~fl YArs 6f a ~I before tk date flllUbttlloa faPltn bullbull bullbullbull apPointinl authoJity

App)intfna 6 All appOlnlmenSto the po -In tile ittM _0 be bullbullbull Authority

~hc Under SecIetalYbullbull

bull iIARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 1065 (SRVN 211919 SAKA)

7 No person shall be appointed to any post in the Service unless Quallbtatloai he Is In possession of qualifications and experience specified In column 3 of Appendix B to these rules in tire case of direct recruitment and those specified in column 4 of tile aforesaid Appendix In the case of persons appointed other than by direct reeruitment f

Provided that in t he case of ap po1ntmert by direct recruitment the qualifications regarding experience shall be relaxable to the extent of SO at the discretion of the recruiting authority in case sufficient number of candidates belongillg-toSchMiUlcd Castbullbullbull Backward Classes Ex-Servicemen and Physically Handicappedcategories possessing the requisite experience are notavailable to fill up tho vacancies reserved for them after recording reasons for so doing in writing

8 No personc- DisqualifJcationl

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living or

(b) nho having a spouse living bas entered Into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eUgib10 for appointmentto any post In the Service

Provided that the Government may if satisfied that such marriage Is permissible under the personal law applicable to such personand the other party to the marriage and there other groundsfor so doing exempt any person from the oPeration of this rule

9 (1) Recruitment to the Service shall be made- Met1Iocl of recruitment

(a) in the case of Carpenter -

(i) by direct recruitment Of

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case of Stamper-

(i) by promotion from amonlStDaftri or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an otficial already in the service of any State Government or tlie Government -of India

(c) in the case of Daftri-

- (i) by promotion-from amongst Record Lifter or (ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service

of any ~tate Gowrpmmtt --or the Government of India

(d) in the case of Record Lifter-(i) by promotion tromamo~gst Peon (ii) by transfer -of depmatiQlJ dan official already in the service

of any State Oovtmment -orthe Governmentof India J

HARYAN AGOVT GAZ~t 1997bullljmiddot~~12J(SRVN21 1919SAKAj

(e) in the case of Jamooar-

(i) by promotion from am ngst Peon or

(ii) by transfer or (~eputation of an official already in tile service of any State Government or the Government of India

(f) inthe case of Head OilOwkkar-

(i) by promotion from amongst Ot10Wkifar (gt

(ii) by transfer cot dcpqttltbJl of an 0ffici~1alr~ y ir the service of ampDYmiddot SUttte Qo~mell( or tne Government of India

(g) in the case of Peon-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case dFrash-

(i) by direct recruitment laquor

(ii) by transfer or ceputation of an official already in thesetvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(i) ill the ca~~of Khalasi-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of allY State GovelPmellt orthe G)verumentoflooia

(j) in the case ofsweeper-cum-Ohowkidar-

(i) by direct recruitment of

(ii) by transfer of ueputation of an official alrerdy in the-scrvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(k) intn~ tase ot Qh()wkQaT~

(i) by direct recruitment or ~ bull ~

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official ~headyir th~ service of anYStato GotlertlllWlt ~tbe GoveilunenloUndla

- bullbullbull bull ~ ~(l))iJ the CampS~()tdit~eWQrk~r~~-~middot

- ~ (i) by direct recruitment or

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 121997 1067 (SRVN21 1919SAKA)

(2) All promotions unless otherwise provided shall be made on Seniority-eum-fitness basis and seniority alone shall not confer anyright to suer promotions

(3) Unless otJaerwise provided in this rule whenever any vaeaaay ocwra or iabout to occur In the Servicebullbull the appointing authority shall aetermine the manner in which it shall De filled in

10 (1) A peraon appointed to any poet in the Service shall remain on pro batten for a period oftwo years jf appointed by direct recruitment and one year If appointed otherwise ~

Provided that-(a) any period aftmo such appointment spent on deputation

on a corrasponding or a highm-post shall count towards the period of probation

(b) any period of work in equivalent or higher rank prior to appointment to any post in She Service may in the ca of an appointment by transfer at the discretion of tho appointinl authority be allowed to count towards tlto pet of probation fixed undtl this rule and

(e) any period of officiating appointment Ihall be reckoned as pariod spont on probation but no person who has so officiated shall on the oomplotion of tho proscribedperiod of probation be entitlod to be confirmed unloss he is appointed against a permanent vacancy

(2) If in the opinion of tho appointing authority tho work or conduet of a person during the period of probation is not satisfactory it may-

(a) if such person is appointed by direct recruitment dlspensowtth his Services and

(b) if IUch porion is appointed otherwise Ihan by dirocc recrult-ment-

(1) revert him to his former post or (ii) deal with him in such other manner as the terms and

conditions of the previous appointment permit (3) On the completion of the period of probation of a person

the appointing authority may-(a) if his work or conduct h~ In its opinion been

sa tisfactory-(I) confirm such person from the date of his appointment

if appointed against a permanent vacancy or (ii) confirm such person from the date from which a

permanent vacancy occurs if appointed against a tempo-rary vacancy or

(Hi) declare that he has Completed his probation satisfactorilyif there is no permanent vacancy of

(b) if his work or conduct has in its opinion been not satisfactory-laquo

(i) dispense withhil Services if appointed by direct recruitment if appointed otherwise revert him to his former post or dea 1 with him In such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous appointmentpermit or




(U) extend his period of probationand -thereafterpass such

older as it Could have passed~9n~t~ eipfry-o( t~ ]~lst period of probatig~ -

Provided that (he total period Qf prp~tiou in~l~d~~g-lif~lSJ~n

if any shall not exceed three years

11 Seniority inter se of the members uftheService shaU be

determined by the length of Continuou~ service on any past -in the Service

Provided that where there are different cadr-es in the Service the serUorityshal b~t~erli~~rj~y for each cadre - -

Provided further that in the case -d members appinted by direct J~c1iiitinenpoundtheorder of tho merit determined by the employment exchange

or Rajya Sainik Board (for Ex-serviceman only) shall not be

disturbed in fixing the seniority

Provided further that in the case vf two or more- members -aPpointed

on the same date their seniority shall be determined as follows -

(a) a member appointed by direct recruitment- shall be senior to -a member appointed by promotion or by transfer

(b) a member appointed by promotion shall be senioito -a member appointed by transfer

(e) in the case of member appolnteltr by-promotion or by transfer seniority shall be determined according to the seniority

of such members in the appointments from which they

were promoted or transferred and

-(d) in the case of members appointed by transfer from different

cadres thelr seniority shall-be determined according

to pay preference being givento a member who was

drawing a higher rate of payIn his previous appoint-ment and If the rates of pay drawn are also the same then

by their length of their Service in the appointments and if the- Ie-ngth of such Service is alsorthe same the older member shall be senior tltdliC You-nger member

12 (1) A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at anyJJebiUl7 to aenemiddot place whether within oroutside the State of Haryana on being ordered

so to do by the appointing authority

(2) A member of the Service may also be deputed to serve under -

(j) II company an associ tion or a bod y of Individuals whether -_]i~ip~ni~__J~r not which Is wholly or substa ntialJy


HARYANA GOVT OAZAUG 12 1997 1069 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

owned or controlled by theSta te Government a Municipal corporation or a local authority or university within the

~-Stateof Haryana -_ --_~-~

- eii) The Central Government or l company an aHOCt~tionor a body of individuals whetllor incorporated or Dot which is wholly or substantially owned controlled by theltII

Central Government or

(Hi) Any other State Government an int8lBamptiona1-orgaJllsation and autonomous bidy not controlled by the Government or

_a private body

Provided that no member of the Service shall be deputed to serve the Central or any other State Government or anyorganisation or body referred to in clauses (ii) or clause (ill) except with his consent ~ -

13 In respect of pay leave pension and all other matters not ex-pressly provided for in these rules the members of the Service shall be grvar ned by such rules and regulations as may have been or may here-after be adopted or made by the competent authority under the Oonsritu-tion of India or under any law for the time being inforce made by the State Legislature

14 (I) In matters relating to discipline penalties and appealsmembers of the Service shall be gJ verned by the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules 1987 as amended from time to time

Provided that the nature of p_enalties which may be imposed the authority empowered to impose such penalties and appellate authorityshall subject to the provisions of any law or rules made under Article 309 of the Oonstitution of India be such as are specified in Appendix 0 to these rules

(2) Phe authority competent to pass all order under clause (c) or clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punish-ment and Appeal) Rules 1987 and appellate authoriryshall be as specified in Appendix D to these rules

15 Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and re-vaccinated as and when the GOVernment so directs by a special or generalorder

16 Bvery member of the Service unless he has already done so shall he required to take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established

17 Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so it may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions of these rules with respsct to any class or category of persons

18 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the appointing authority may Impose special terms and conditions in the orden of appointment if it is deemed upedient to do so

Pay leavepension and other matters

Disciplinepenalties and appeals


Oath of allegiance

Power of relaxation


1070 HARYANA OOVT GAZAUG12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

Rbullbullbullbull tfooa

Repeal and SaiDls

19 Nothing contained In these rul bullbullbull llall ailect naenetlou aod other ooaeeaaions req1llred to be provided fa tlw 8eIledule4 Gastea BackwMd CIuaes Bx-servicemen Physically )aandt capped personl or any other amp1188 or eateaery of persons In ucordanct with tho orders illued by the State Government Inthla regard from time to timel

ProvJded that the total porcentage of roservationl 10 madohall not old 50 ~ of any time

20 The Punjab State (Class-IV) Service Rules 1963 in their application to the State of Hatyanaj are hueby repeaJod bull

Previded that any order made or action taken under tho rules so repealed shall be dNDled to havo been made or taken under the C01108-

pending provisions of these rulos -I

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 13: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr

bull lt



~ q~ ~ ~ fcnn1r


R1ib 14 ~2008

mtmmiddot~ocmo fro 1~o3Fo S09l2009-IJTffi ~ ~ ~ ~ 309

~ampRT ~ ~ ltffl UltfTrr m~ ~ ~~ ~ ampRT filfllgCRf

~ ~ (WI tr) ~~ 1997 em 3lfI1 ~ CfRllc)r ~ fllfBRsit1 fJltm


1 ~ 00 Fcr~lgltRI~ ~ ltwr tr) ~ (~ fWr 2009 ~ iT


2 Fcrt1Iyenf1~ ~ (WI tr) ~ filtrir 1997 ~ ~ ~ ~

~ 4 c)r -M Uiif ~ 7 t~ ~~ ~ CfiT ~~ ~ ~ R

bullbull ~ ~ 3l1Olff lffi1 ~~ ~ ~ I

~FTTtt Fcr~I$ffi~ lmFr~ ~ mcPR

~ C1llT 31TQGT ~ ~ I

bull bull


- c

1 4

It) 51

~~ ~~ ~ltAftr11ft ~ ~~

-t ~~rf ~qf ~~ wt1Rrbull 1fT ilaT ~T~ m

- ~ma it tfli If~ q~ ~ ~(J ~f

mrft m ~Ifi




(viii) fll1=re~iffi~ rlie IR qT hr c~ ~ iTiAftr 11) ~ mrtr ~ ~ ~ ~6ttffl ll~ N ~r ~f- Ii ~ ~ -wrRr ftflqT ~ ~

tR~rf(J ~ ~

VTtrrorI6 ~- ~t itm ~-h tK ~

Rr ~~ mro-~ flll1fr ~T lIT ~ q ~ ~

Iill wIIf i~ ~

W iI ~ tf1~ q

~ ~rt if wlaquot ~m~~l~ ~ 111 wri f4rr~

(is) ~ rn ~j

(x) ~ t ~ ~ ~~~ ~fWq~bull~

(raquof) W~ ~ bull 1ITltft ~ at 8iR tffIllIl1 j ~

tatmiddot aa ~ ~i ---_~

1062 HARYANA GOVT6AZ bull AOO Hlfl (SRVN 21 119 SAlA)

--_------------------------------_ -------------------fflfur ~l ltt1 ltft faatll f~ij~ rnw~ ~ sTTf~t srrfClll~1

- I

7IN lili ~ -------- ~ bull__r ~_r~)_) _

1 2 3 4 6 6

-----------------------~--~----------------------(i) ~ fiT f~~ qrof 41ffl fTtlnrT ~~ fltmTll

ill ~)r ~~~l ~~q

mafcRr liwrrifiT qfwjl$1 ~lIr 1vn


(ii) a~ ma crfJm ~ ftrlf frrmr ~~8fiq ~~ 1ft ~ I -


6 ~ ifjctf~T~


8 tlitTllT

9 ~~ff1

1 0 ~ltQltf ~lt

11 qTm

1 2 itil Cfilt

-~-----------------------~--~---------~-----------~ 0 jfT CflfT

f~qt~ ~cf ~ laquofltctruIT ~ ~ fiIIR I


-----------------------------~----------~~~--~~~ r Autborised English Translation)




The 17th July 1~7

No GS R 58Const Art 30997-ln exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the constitution of India the Governor of Haryana hereby makes the following rules regulating the recruit-ment and conditions of service of person appointed to the HaryanaFinancial Commissioners Office (Group D) Service namely-


1 Tllese rules may be called_the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rule 1997-

2 In these rules unless the context otherwise requires -

(a) Udlrect recruitment means an appolntment made other-wise than by promotion from within the service or bytransfer of an official already in the Service of the Government of India or any State Government

(b) employment exchange means the employment ~exchange situated in Haryana

(c) Financial Cc-mmissioner~ means Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government Haryana Revenue Depart-menti

(d) ~GoveiilDlent~means the Haryana- Government- in the - AdministratiVe Department

(0) institutions means -

~i -aAy inStitUiCionestablished -hl Jaw in force in the State _~ of Ha~lJa ~t- (11)any otherinstttuti-drr i-eampigmsed by - the GoverDIDCDtpoundor

tie putposo()f tbtgtsC rules - _ -_ __

-t)-loirif S~cietarPnieans 10int Secretary -to Government Haryana Revenue Department

(g) Rajya Sainik Board rnean~ the office of the Secretary~ --RajyaSaihikBpatQflalaiut- r bullbull~ - bullbull ~ - bull - bull -- -- - - bullbullbullbullbullbullbulllJy ~

C(hrc~~Service means the middotHaqana Financial -Co1Pmi~Sioners office (Group D) Service _ -

_(ij UnderS~~ae-Ymiddot-l1lns the Under Secretary to Government Haryal1tl h~~eniieDepartment

Short title


1064 IAllYANA OQYT oAt AVGli 1i11 (SRVN n 1919 ampuA)


Nunl)er an 3middot The Srvioe shall oomprise tkc poIt 1M Ia AppeHIamp A Cluracter cf to ebes ruls

- POtts

Provided that nothing in those rUNSshall tfoat tho Inbrrout ript ot Oov~nment to make additions to or redaatiolls In the UUDlbcr of suoh posts or to oroate new pous whh dUCbullbull nt deslaatlGlls and scale of pay eitber permanently or temporarily

Natonality 4 (1) No person shall be appointed 10 bullbull Y pobullbull In tbo ServltIIdomicile and unless he Is-character or candidates app lnted to (a) a citizen of india 81 Service

(b) a subject of Nepal 01

Ce) a subject of Bhutan or

(d) a Tibetan refuee who came over to India 1MIfore thl 1st day of January 1962 Withthe intentioll of prmlllatly senHo in India i or

(0) a person of Indian origin who has m1ilattd from PatlstaB Burma Sri Lanka or any of the Bast African CeWltrles of Knya Ulanda Tho Unittd IltpubUf Taua bullbull (formerly Tanpnyika and Zanzibar) Zami Malawi Zaire and Bthopia with the intentloB of permaneoU sottliBI In India

Provided that a person belollJlua te any of tlae cate bullbull ribullbull lt)(0) (d) or (e) shall be a person In wkbullbull favour bull mlficate of eUgibility has been issued by the Gemment

(2) A person in whose case a certificate of eliJibility is DeetSSary maybe admitted to an examination or interview coaduttd by Silo recruitina authority but the offer of Ippeintatmay be given only after the necessary oliamplbiUty Cortlftcato has beeJl Issued to him by the Government

(3)No person shall be appolnt04to any bullbull dID iIInI direea recruitment unle he produeel a eortUloate of bullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull tile Principal Aoademic Offioer of the 8bullbullbull 1 01 institution last atteudod if any and similar Certlffcate fiea olher rtspOnsib1ep8lsonl no beina his relativos bullbullbullbull ate woll teuW with him in his private Uf and aN 1IBIOaow16 JaIl School or Institution

Art ~ 5middot No person ahan be appointed to an oat ill tM $enla bl clirN naruitment 0 is 1181thao sbtllD )rJ1II or I80N tliaR t~fl YArs 6f a ~I before tk date flllUbttlloa faPltn bullbull bullbullbull apPointinl authoJity

App)intfna 6 All appOlnlmenSto the po -In tile ittM _0 be bullbullbull Authority

~hc Under SecIetalYbullbull

bull iIARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 1065 (SRVN 211919 SAKA)

7 No person shall be appointed to any post in the Service unless Quallbtatloai he Is In possession of qualifications and experience specified In column 3 of Appendix B to these rules in tire case of direct recruitment and those specified in column 4 of tile aforesaid Appendix In the case of persons appointed other than by direct reeruitment f

Provided that in t he case of ap po1ntmert by direct recruitment the qualifications regarding experience shall be relaxable to the extent of SO at the discretion of the recruiting authority in case sufficient number of candidates belongillg-toSchMiUlcd Castbullbullbull Backward Classes Ex-Servicemen and Physically Handicappedcategories possessing the requisite experience are notavailable to fill up tho vacancies reserved for them after recording reasons for so doing in writing

8 No personc- DisqualifJcationl

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living or

(b) nho having a spouse living bas entered Into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eUgib10 for appointmentto any post In the Service

Provided that the Government may if satisfied that such marriage Is permissible under the personal law applicable to such personand the other party to the marriage and there other groundsfor so doing exempt any person from the oPeration of this rule

9 (1) Recruitment to the Service shall be made- Met1Iocl of recruitment

(a) in the case of Carpenter -

(i) by direct recruitment Of

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case of Stamper-

(i) by promotion from amonlStDaftri or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an otficial already in the service of any State Government or tlie Government -of India

(c) in the case of Daftri-

- (i) by promotion-from amongst Record Lifter or (ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service

of any ~tate Gowrpmmtt --or the Government of India

(d) in the case of Record Lifter-(i) by promotion tromamo~gst Peon (ii) by transfer -of depmatiQlJ dan official already in the service

of any State Oovtmment -orthe Governmentof India J

HARYAN AGOVT GAZ~t 1997bullljmiddot~~12J(SRVN21 1919SAKAj

(e) in the case of Jamooar-

(i) by promotion from am ngst Peon or

(ii) by transfer or (~eputation of an official already in tile service of any State Government or the Government of India

(f) inthe case of Head OilOwkkar-

(i) by promotion from amongst Ot10Wkifar (gt

(ii) by transfer cot dcpqttltbJl of an 0ffici~1alr~ y ir the service of ampDYmiddot SUttte Qo~mell( or tne Government of India

(g) in the case of Peon-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case dFrash-

(i) by direct recruitment laquor

(ii) by transfer or ceputation of an official already in thesetvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(i) ill the ca~~of Khalasi-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of allY State GovelPmellt orthe G)verumentoflooia

(j) in the case ofsweeper-cum-Ohowkidar-

(i) by direct recruitment of

(ii) by transfer of ueputation of an official alrerdy in the-scrvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(k) intn~ tase ot Qh()wkQaT~

(i) by direct recruitment or ~ bull ~

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official ~headyir th~ service of anYStato GotlertlllWlt ~tbe GoveilunenloUndla

- bullbullbull bull ~ ~(l))iJ the CampS~()tdit~eWQrk~r~~-~middot

- ~ (i) by direct recruitment or

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 121997 1067 (SRVN21 1919SAKA)

(2) All promotions unless otherwise provided shall be made on Seniority-eum-fitness basis and seniority alone shall not confer anyright to suer promotions

(3) Unless otJaerwise provided in this rule whenever any vaeaaay ocwra or iabout to occur In the Servicebullbull the appointing authority shall aetermine the manner in which it shall De filled in

10 (1) A peraon appointed to any poet in the Service shall remain on pro batten for a period oftwo years jf appointed by direct recruitment and one year If appointed otherwise ~

Provided that-(a) any period aftmo such appointment spent on deputation

on a corrasponding or a highm-post shall count towards the period of probation

(b) any period of work in equivalent or higher rank prior to appointment to any post in She Service may in the ca of an appointment by transfer at the discretion of tho appointinl authority be allowed to count towards tlto pet of probation fixed undtl this rule and

(e) any period of officiating appointment Ihall be reckoned as pariod spont on probation but no person who has so officiated shall on the oomplotion of tho proscribedperiod of probation be entitlod to be confirmed unloss he is appointed against a permanent vacancy

(2) If in the opinion of tho appointing authority tho work or conduet of a person during the period of probation is not satisfactory it may-

(a) if such person is appointed by direct recruitment dlspensowtth his Services and

(b) if IUch porion is appointed otherwise Ihan by dirocc recrult-ment-

(1) revert him to his former post or (ii) deal with him in such other manner as the terms and

conditions of the previous appointment permit (3) On the completion of the period of probation of a person

the appointing authority may-(a) if his work or conduct h~ In its opinion been

sa tisfactory-(I) confirm such person from the date of his appointment

if appointed against a permanent vacancy or (ii) confirm such person from the date from which a

permanent vacancy occurs if appointed against a tempo-rary vacancy or

(Hi) declare that he has Completed his probation satisfactorilyif there is no permanent vacancy of

(b) if his work or conduct has in its opinion been not satisfactory-laquo

(i) dispense withhil Services if appointed by direct recruitment if appointed otherwise revert him to his former post or dea 1 with him In such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous appointmentpermit or




(U) extend his period of probationand -thereafterpass such

older as it Could have passed~9n~t~ eipfry-o( t~ ]~lst period of probatig~ -

Provided that (he total period Qf prp~tiou in~l~d~~g-lif~lSJ~n

if any shall not exceed three years

11 Seniority inter se of the members uftheService shaU be

determined by the length of Continuou~ service on any past -in the Service

Provided that where there are different cadr-es in the Service the serUorityshal b~t~erli~~rj~y for each cadre - -

Provided further that in the case -d members appinted by direct J~c1iiitinenpoundtheorder of tho merit determined by the employment exchange

or Rajya Sainik Board (for Ex-serviceman only) shall not be

disturbed in fixing the seniority

Provided further that in the case vf two or more- members -aPpointed

on the same date their seniority shall be determined as follows -

(a) a member appointed by direct recruitment- shall be senior to -a member appointed by promotion or by transfer

(b) a member appointed by promotion shall be senioito -a member appointed by transfer

(e) in the case of member appolnteltr by-promotion or by transfer seniority shall be determined according to the seniority

of such members in the appointments from which they

were promoted or transferred and

-(d) in the case of members appointed by transfer from different

cadres thelr seniority shall-be determined according

to pay preference being givento a member who was

drawing a higher rate of payIn his previous appoint-ment and If the rates of pay drawn are also the same then

by their length of their Service in the appointments and if the- Ie-ngth of such Service is alsorthe same the older member shall be senior tltdliC You-nger member

12 (1) A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at anyJJebiUl7 to aenemiddot place whether within oroutside the State of Haryana on being ordered

so to do by the appointing authority

(2) A member of the Service may also be deputed to serve under -

(j) II company an associ tion or a bod y of Individuals whether -_]i~ip~ni~__J~r not which Is wholly or substa ntialJy


HARYANA GOVT OAZAUG 12 1997 1069 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

owned or controlled by theSta te Government a Municipal corporation or a local authority or university within the

~-Stateof Haryana -_ --_~-~

- eii) The Central Government or l company an aHOCt~tionor a body of individuals whetllor incorporated or Dot which is wholly or substantially owned controlled by theltII

Central Government or

(Hi) Any other State Government an int8lBamptiona1-orgaJllsation and autonomous bidy not controlled by the Government or

_a private body

Provided that no member of the Service shall be deputed to serve the Central or any other State Government or anyorganisation or body referred to in clauses (ii) or clause (ill) except with his consent ~ -

13 In respect of pay leave pension and all other matters not ex-pressly provided for in these rules the members of the Service shall be grvar ned by such rules and regulations as may have been or may here-after be adopted or made by the competent authority under the Oonsritu-tion of India or under any law for the time being inforce made by the State Legislature

14 (I) In matters relating to discipline penalties and appealsmembers of the Service shall be gJ verned by the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules 1987 as amended from time to time

Provided that the nature of p_enalties which may be imposed the authority empowered to impose such penalties and appellate authorityshall subject to the provisions of any law or rules made under Article 309 of the Oonstitution of India be such as are specified in Appendix 0 to these rules

(2) Phe authority competent to pass all order under clause (c) or clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punish-ment and Appeal) Rules 1987 and appellate authoriryshall be as specified in Appendix D to these rules

15 Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and re-vaccinated as and when the GOVernment so directs by a special or generalorder

16 Bvery member of the Service unless he has already done so shall he required to take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established

17 Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so it may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions of these rules with respsct to any class or category of persons

18 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the appointing authority may Impose special terms and conditions in the orden of appointment if it is deemed upedient to do so

Pay leavepension and other matters

Disciplinepenalties and appeals


Oath of allegiance

Power of relaxation


1070 HARYANA OOVT GAZAUG12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

Rbullbullbullbull tfooa

Repeal and SaiDls

19 Nothing contained In these rul bullbullbull llall ailect naenetlou aod other ooaeeaaions req1llred to be provided fa tlw 8eIledule4 Gastea BackwMd CIuaes Bx-servicemen Physically )aandt capped personl or any other amp1188 or eateaery of persons In ucordanct with tho orders illued by the State Government Inthla regard from time to timel

ProvJded that the total porcentage of roservationl 10 madohall not old 50 ~ of any time

20 The Punjab State (Class-IV) Service Rules 1963 in their application to the State of Hatyanaj are hueby repeaJod bull

Previded that any order made or action taken under tho rules so repealed shall be dNDled to havo been made or taken under the C01108-

pending provisions of these rulos -I

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 14: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr

bull bull


- c

1 4

It) 51

~~ ~~ ~ltAftr11ft ~ ~~

-t ~~rf ~qf ~~ wt1Rrbull 1fT ilaT ~T~ m

- ~ma it tfli If~ q~ ~ ~(J ~f

mrft m ~Ifi




(viii) fll1=re~iffi~ rlie IR qT hr c~ ~ iTiAftr 11) ~ mrtr ~ ~ ~ ~6ttffl ll~ N ~r ~f- Ii ~ ~ -wrRr ftflqT ~ ~

tR~rf(J ~ ~

VTtrrorI6 ~- ~t itm ~-h tK ~

Rr ~~ mro-~ flll1fr ~T lIT ~ q ~ ~

Iill wIIf i~ ~

W iI ~ tf1~ q

~ ~rt if wlaquot ~m~~l~ ~ 111 wri f4rr~

(is) ~ rn ~j

(x) ~ t ~ ~ ~~~ ~fWq~bull~

(raquof) W~ ~ bull 1ITltft ~ at 8iR tffIllIl1 j ~

tatmiddot aa ~ ~i ---_~

1062 HARYANA GOVT6AZ bull AOO Hlfl (SRVN 21 119 SAlA)

--_------------------------------_ -------------------fflfur ~l ltt1 ltft faatll f~ij~ rnw~ ~ sTTf~t srrfClll~1

- I

7IN lili ~ -------- ~ bull__r ~_r~)_) _

1 2 3 4 6 6

-----------------------~--~----------------------(i) ~ fiT f~~ qrof 41ffl fTtlnrT ~~ fltmTll

ill ~)r ~~~l ~~q

mafcRr liwrrifiT qfwjl$1 ~lIr 1vn


(ii) a~ ma crfJm ~ ftrlf frrmr ~~8fiq ~~ 1ft ~ I -


6 ~ ifjctf~T~


8 tlitTllT

9 ~~ff1

1 0 ~ltQltf ~lt

11 qTm

1 2 itil Cfilt

-~-----------------------~--~---------~-----------~ 0 jfT CflfT

f~qt~ ~cf ~ laquofltctruIT ~ ~ fiIIR I


-----------------------------~----------~~~--~~~ r Autborised English Translation)




The 17th July 1~7

No GS R 58Const Art 30997-ln exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the constitution of India the Governor of Haryana hereby makes the following rules regulating the recruit-ment and conditions of service of person appointed to the HaryanaFinancial Commissioners Office (Group D) Service namely-


1 Tllese rules may be called_the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rule 1997-

2 In these rules unless the context otherwise requires -

(a) Udlrect recruitment means an appolntment made other-wise than by promotion from within the service or bytransfer of an official already in the Service of the Government of India or any State Government

(b) employment exchange means the employment ~exchange situated in Haryana

(c) Financial Cc-mmissioner~ means Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government Haryana Revenue Depart-menti

(d) ~GoveiilDlent~means the Haryana- Government- in the - AdministratiVe Department

(0) institutions means -

~i -aAy inStitUiCionestablished -hl Jaw in force in the State _~ of Ha~lJa ~t- (11)any otherinstttuti-drr i-eampigmsed by - the GoverDIDCDtpoundor

tie putposo()f tbtgtsC rules - _ -_ __

-t)-loirif S~cietarPnieans 10int Secretary -to Government Haryana Revenue Department

(g) Rajya Sainik Board rnean~ the office of the Secretary~ --RajyaSaihikBpatQflalaiut- r bullbull~ - bullbull ~ - bull - bull -- -- - - bullbullbullbullbullbullbulllJy ~

C(hrc~~Service means the middotHaqana Financial -Co1Pmi~Sioners office (Group D) Service _ -

_(ij UnderS~~ae-Ymiddot-l1lns the Under Secretary to Government Haryal1tl h~~eniieDepartment

Short title


1064 IAllYANA OQYT oAt AVGli 1i11 (SRVN n 1919 ampuA)


Nunl)er an 3middot The Srvioe shall oomprise tkc poIt 1M Ia AppeHIamp A Cluracter cf to ebes ruls

- POtts

Provided that nothing in those rUNSshall tfoat tho Inbrrout ript ot Oov~nment to make additions to or redaatiolls In the UUDlbcr of suoh posts or to oroate new pous whh dUCbullbull nt deslaatlGlls and scale of pay eitber permanently or temporarily

Natonality 4 (1) No person shall be appointed 10 bullbull Y pobullbull In tbo ServltIIdomicile and unless he Is-character or candidates app lnted to (a) a citizen of india 81 Service

(b) a subject of Nepal 01

Ce) a subject of Bhutan or

(d) a Tibetan refuee who came over to India 1MIfore thl 1st day of January 1962 Withthe intentioll of prmlllatly senHo in India i or

(0) a person of Indian origin who has m1ilattd from PatlstaB Burma Sri Lanka or any of the Bast African CeWltrles of Knya Ulanda Tho Unittd IltpubUf Taua bullbull (formerly Tanpnyika and Zanzibar) Zami Malawi Zaire and Bthopia with the intentloB of permaneoU sottliBI In India

Provided that a person belollJlua te any of tlae cate bullbull ribullbull lt)(0) (d) or (e) shall be a person In wkbullbull favour bull mlficate of eUgibility has been issued by the Gemment

(2) A person in whose case a certificate of eliJibility is DeetSSary maybe admitted to an examination or interview coaduttd by Silo recruitina authority but the offer of Ippeintatmay be given only after the necessary oliamplbiUty Cortlftcato has beeJl Issued to him by the Government

(3)No person shall be appolnt04to any bullbull dID iIInI direea recruitment unle he produeel a eortUloate of bullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull tile Principal Aoademic Offioer of the 8bullbullbull 1 01 institution last atteudod if any and similar Certlffcate fiea olher rtspOnsib1ep8lsonl no beina his relativos bullbullbullbull ate woll teuW with him in his private Uf and aN 1IBIOaow16 JaIl School or Institution

Art ~ 5middot No person ahan be appointed to an oat ill tM $enla bl clirN naruitment 0 is 1181thao sbtllD )rJ1II or I80N tliaR t~fl YArs 6f a ~I before tk date flllUbttlloa faPltn bullbull bullbullbull apPointinl authoJity

App)intfna 6 All appOlnlmenSto the po -In tile ittM _0 be bullbullbull Authority

~hc Under SecIetalYbullbull

bull iIARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 1065 (SRVN 211919 SAKA)

7 No person shall be appointed to any post in the Service unless Quallbtatloai he Is In possession of qualifications and experience specified In column 3 of Appendix B to these rules in tire case of direct recruitment and those specified in column 4 of tile aforesaid Appendix In the case of persons appointed other than by direct reeruitment f

Provided that in t he case of ap po1ntmert by direct recruitment the qualifications regarding experience shall be relaxable to the extent of SO at the discretion of the recruiting authority in case sufficient number of candidates belongillg-toSchMiUlcd Castbullbullbull Backward Classes Ex-Servicemen and Physically Handicappedcategories possessing the requisite experience are notavailable to fill up tho vacancies reserved for them after recording reasons for so doing in writing

8 No personc- DisqualifJcationl

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living or

(b) nho having a spouse living bas entered Into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eUgib10 for appointmentto any post In the Service

Provided that the Government may if satisfied that such marriage Is permissible under the personal law applicable to such personand the other party to the marriage and there other groundsfor so doing exempt any person from the oPeration of this rule

9 (1) Recruitment to the Service shall be made- Met1Iocl of recruitment

(a) in the case of Carpenter -

(i) by direct recruitment Of

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case of Stamper-

(i) by promotion from amonlStDaftri or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an otficial already in the service of any State Government or tlie Government -of India

(c) in the case of Daftri-

- (i) by promotion-from amongst Record Lifter or (ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service

of any ~tate Gowrpmmtt --or the Government of India

(d) in the case of Record Lifter-(i) by promotion tromamo~gst Peon (ii) by transfer -of depmatiQlJ dan official already in the service

of any State Oovtmment -orthe Governmentof India J

HARYAN AGOVT GAZ~t 1997bullljmiddot~~12J(SRVN21 1919SAKAj

(e) in the case of Jamooar-

(i) by promotion from am ngst Peon or

(ii) by transfer or (~eputation of an official already in tile service of any State Government or the Government of India

(f) inthe case of Head OilOwkkar-

(i) by promotion from amongst Ot10Wkifar (gt

(ii) by transfer cot dcpqttltbJl of an 0ffici~1alr~ y ir the service of ampDYmiddot SUttte Qo~mell( or tne Government of India

(g) in the case of Peon-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case dFrash-

(i) by direct recruitment laquor

(ii) by transfer or ceputation of an official already in thesetvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(i) ill the ca~~of Khalasi-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of allY State GovelPmellt orthe G)verumentoflooia

(j) in the case ofsweeper-cum-Ohowkidar-

(i) by direct recruitment of

(ii) by transfer of ueputation of an official alrerdy in the-scrvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(k) intn~ tase ot Qh()wkQaT~

(i) by direct recruitment or ~ bull ~

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official ~headyir th~ service of anYStato GotlertlllWlt ~tbe GoveilunenloUndla

- bullbullbull bull ~ ~(l))iJ the CampS~()tdit~eWQrk~r~~-~middot

- ~ (i) by direct recruitment or

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 121997 1067 (SRVN21 1919SAKA)

(2) All promotions unless otherwise provided shall be made on Seniority-eum-fitness basis and seniority alone shall not confer anyright to suer promotions

(3) Unless otJaerwise provided in this rule whenever any vaeaaay ocwra or iabout to occur In the Servicebullbull the appointing authority shall aetermine the manner in which it shall De filled in

10 (1) A peraon appointed to any poet in the Service shall remain on pro batten for a period oftwo years jf appointed by direct recruitment and one year If appointed otherwise ~

Provided that-(a) any period aftmo such appointment spent on deputation

on a corrasponding or a highm-post shall count towards the period of probation

(b) any period of work in equivalent or higher rank prior to appointment to any post in She Service may in the ca of an appointment by transfer at the discretion of tho appointinl authority be allowed to count towards tlto pet of probation fixed undtl this rule and

(e) any period of officiating appointment Ihall be reckoned as pariod spont on probation but no person who has so officiated shall on the oomplotion of tho proscribedperiod of probation be entitlod to be confirmed unloss he is appointed against a permanent vacancy

(2) If in the opinion of tho appointing authority tho work or conduet of a person during the period of probation is not satisfactory it may-

(a) if such person is appointed by direct recruitment dlspensowtth his Services and

(b) if IUch porion is appointed otherwise Ihan by dirocc recrult-ment-

(1) revert him to his former post or (ii) deal with him in such other manner as the terms and

conditions of the previous appointment permit (3) On the completion of the period of probation of a person

the appointing authority may-(a) if his work or conduct h~ In its opinion been

sa tisfactory-(I) confirm such person from the date of his appointment

if appointed against a permanent vacancy or (ii) confirm such person from the date from which a

permanent vacancy occurs if appointed against a tempo-rary vacancy or

(Hi) declare that he has Completed his probation satisfactorilyif there is no permanent vacancy of

(b) if his work or conduct has in its opinion been not satisfactory-laquo

(i) dispense withhil Services if appointed by direct recruitment if appointed otherwise revert him to his former post or dea 1 with him In such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous appointmentpermit or




(U) extend his period of probationand -thereafterpass such

older as it Could have passed~9n~t~ eipfry-o( t~ ]~lst period of probatig~ -

Provided that (he total period Qf prp~tiou in~l~d~~g-lif~lSJ~n

if any shall not exceed three years

11 Seniority inter se of the members uftheService shaU be

determined by the length of Continuou~ service on any past -in the Service

Provided that where there are different cadr-es in the Service the serUorityshal b~t~erli~~rj~y for each cadre - -

Provided further that in the case -d members appinted by direct J~c1iiitinenpoundtheorder of tho merit determined by the employment exchange

or Rajya Sainik Board (for Ex-serviceman only) shall not be

disturbed in fixing the seniority

Provided further that in the case vf two or more- members -aPpointed

on the same date their seniority shall be determined as follows -

(a) a member appointed by direct recruitment- shall be senior to -a member appointed by promotion or by transfer

(b) a member appointed by promotion shall be senioito -a member appointed by transfer

(e) in the case of member appolnteltr by-promotion or by transfer seniority shall be determined according to the seniority

of such members in the appointments from which they

were promoted or transferred and

-(d) in the case of members appointed by transfer from different

cadres thelr seniority shall-be determined according

to pay preference being givento a member who was

drawing a higher rate of payIn his previous appoint-ment and If the rates of pay drawn are also the same then

by their length of their Service in the appointments and if the- Ie-ngth of such Service is alsorthe same the older member shall be senior tltdliC You-nger member

12 (1) A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at anyJJebiUl7 to aenemiddot place whether within oroutside the State of Haryana on being ordered

so to do by the appointing authority

(2) A member of the Service may also be deputed to serve under -

(j) II company an associ tion or a bod y of Individuals whether -_]i~ip~ni~__J~r not which Is wholly or substa ntialJy


HARYANA GOVT OAZAUG 12 1997 1069 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

owned or controlled by theSta te Government a Municipal corporation or a local authority or university within the

~-Stateof Haryana -_ --_~-~

- eii) The Central Government or l company an aHOCt~tionor a body of individuals whetllor incorporated or Dot which is wholly or substantially owned controlled by theltII

Central Government or

(Hi) Any other State Government an int8lBamptiona1-orgaJllsation and autonomous bidy not controlled by the Government or

_a private body

Provided that no member of the Service shall be deputed to serve the Central or any other State Government or anyorganisation or body referred to in clauses (ii) or clause (ill) except with his consent ~ -

13 In respect of pay leave pension and all other matters not ex-pressly provided for in these rules the members of the Service shall be grvar ned by such rules and regulations as may have been or may here-after be adopted or made by the competent authority under the Oonsritu-tion of India or under any law for the time being inforce made by the State Legislature

14 (I) In matters relating to discipline penalties and appealsmembers of the Service shall be gJ verned by the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules 1987 as amended from time to time

Provided that the nature of p_enalties which may be imposed the authority empowered to impose such penalties and appellate authorityshall subject to the provisions of any law or rules made under Article 309 of the Oonstitution of India be such as are specified in Appendix 0 to these rules

(2) Phe authority competent to pass all order under clause (c) or clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punish-ment and Appeal) Rules 1987 and appellate authoriryshall be as specified in Appendix D to these rules

15 Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and re-vaccinated as and when the GOVernment so directs by a special or generalorder

16 Bvery member of the Service unless he has already done so shall he required to take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established

17 Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so it may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions of these rules with respsct to any class or category of persons

18 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the appointing authority may Impose special terms and conditions in the orden of appointment if it is deemed upedient to do so

Pay leavepension and other matters

Disciplinepenalties and appeals


Oath of allegiance

Power of relaxation


1070 HARYANA OOVT GAZAUG12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

Rbullbullbullbull tfooa

Repeal and SaiDls

19 Nothing contained In these rul bullbullbull llall ailect naenetlou aod other ooaeeaaions req1llred to be provided fa tlw 8eIledule4 Gastea BackwMd CIuaes Bx-servicemen Physically )aandt capped personl or any other amp1188 or eateaery of persons In ucordanct with tho orders illued by the State Government Inthla regard from time to timel

ProvJded that the total porcentage of roservationl 10 madohall not old 50 ~ of any time

20 The Punjab State (Class-IV) Service Rules 1963 in their application to the State of Hatyanaj are hueby repeaJod bull

Previded that any order made or action taken under tho rules so repealed shall be dNDled to havo been made or taken under the C01108-

pending provisions of these rulos -I

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 15: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr

1062 HARYANA GOVT6AZ bull AOO Hlfl (SRVN 21 119 SAlA)

--_------------------------------_ -------------------fflfur ~l ltt1 ltft faatll f~ij~ rnw~ ~ sTTf~t srrfClll~1

- I

7IN lili ~ -------- ~ bull__r ~_r~)_) _

1 2 3 4 6 6

-----------------------~--~----------------------(i) ~ fiT f~~ qrof 41ffl fTtlnrT ~~ fltmTll

ill ~)r ~~~l ~~q

mafcRr liwrrifiT qfwjl$1 ~lIr 1vn


(ii) a~ ma crfJm ~ ftrlf frrmr ~~8fiq ~~ 1ft ~ I -


6 ~ ifjctf~T~


8 tlitTllT

9 ~~ff1

1 0 ~ltQltf ~lt

11 qTm

1 2 itil Cfilt

-~-----------------------~--~---------~-----------~ 0 jfT CflfT

f~qt~ ~cf ~ laquofltctruIT ~ ~ fiIIR I


-----------------------------~----------~~~--~~~ r Autborised English Translation)




The 17th July 1~7

No GS R 58Const Art 30997-ln exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the constitution of India the Governor of Haryana hereby makes the following rules regulating the recruit-ment and conditions of service of person appointed to the HaryanaFinancial Commissioners Office (Group D) Service namely-


1 Tllese rules may be called_the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rule 1997-

2 In these rules unless the context otherwise requires -

(a) Udlrect recruitment means an appolntment made other-wise than by promotion from within the service or bytransfer of an official already in the Service of the Government of India or any State Government

(b) employment exchange means the employment ~exchange situated in Haryana

(c) Financial Cc-mmissioner~ means Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government Haryana Revenue Depart-menti

(d) ~GoveiilDlent~means the Haryana- Government- in the - AdministratiVe Department

(0) institutions means -

~i -aAy inStitUiCionestablished -hl Jaw in force in the State _~ of Ha~lJa ~t- (11)any otherinstttuti-drr i-eampigmsed by - the GoverDIDCDtpoundor

tie putposo()f tbtgtsC rules - _ -_ __

-t)-loirif S~cietarPnieans 10int Secretary -to Government Haryana Revenue Department

(g) Rajya Sainik Board rnean~ the office of the Secretary~ --RajyaSaihikBpatQflalaiut- r bullbull~ - bullbull ~ - bull - bull -- -- - - bullbullbullbullbullbullbulllJy ~

C(hrc~~Service means the middotHaqana Financial -Co1Pmi~Sioners office (Group D) Service _ -

_(ij UnderS~~ae-Ymiddot-l1lns the Under Secretary to Government Haryal1tl h~~eniieDepartment

Short title


1064 IAllYANA OQYT oAt AVGli 1i11 (SRVN n 1919 ampuA)


Nunl)er an 3middot The Srvioe shall oomprise tkc poIt 1M Ia AppeHIamp A Cluracter cf to ebes ruls

- POtts

Provided that nothing in those rUNSshall tfoat tho Inbrrout ript ot Oov~nment to make additions to or redaatiolls In the UUDlbcr of suoh posts or to oroate new pous whh dUCbullbull nt deslaatlGlls and scale of pay eitber permanently or temporarily

Natonality 4 (1) No person shall be appointed 10 bullbull Y pobullbull In tbo ServltIIdomicile and unless he Is-character or candidates app lnted to (a) a citizen of india 81 Service

(b) a subject of Nepal 01

Ce) a subject of Bhutan or

(d) a Tibetan refuee who came over to India 1MIfore thl 1st day of January 1962 Withthe intentioll of prmlllatly senHo in India i or

(0) a person of Indian origin who has m1ilattd from PatlstaB Burma Sri Lanka or any of the Bast African CeWltrles of Knya Ulanda Tho Unittd IltpubUf Taua bullbull (formerly Tanpnyika and Zanzibar) Zami Malawi Zaire and Bthopia with the intentloB of permaneoU sottliBI In India

Provided that a person belollJlua te any of tlae cate bullbull ribullbull lt)(0) (d) or (e) shall be a person In wkbullbull favour bull mlficate of eUgibility has been issued by the Gemment

(2) A person in whose case a certificate of eliJibility is DeetSSary maybe admitted to an examination or interview coaduttd by Silo recruitina authority but the offer of Ippeintatmay be given only after the necessary oliamplbiUty Cortlftcato has beeJl Issued to him by the Government

(3)No person shall be appolnt04to any bullbull dID iIInI direea recruitment unle he produeel a eortUloate of bullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull tile Principal Aoademic Offioer of the 8bullbullbull 1 01 institution last atteudod if any and similar Certlffcate fiea olher rtspOnsib1ep8lsonl no beina his relativos bullbullbullbull ate woll teuW with him in his private Uf and aN 1IBIOaow16 JaIl School or Institution

Art ~ 5middot No person ahan be appointed to an oat ill tM $enla bl clirN naruitment 0 is 1181thao sbtllD )rJ1II or I80N tliaR t~fl YArs 6f a ~I before tk date flllUbttlloa faPltn bullbull bullbullbull apPointinl authoJity

App)intfna 6 All appOlnlmenSto the po -In tile ittM _0 be bullbullbull Authority

~hc Under SecIetalYbullbull

bull iIARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 1065 (SRVN 211919 SAKA)

7 No person shall be appointed to any post in the Service unless Quallbtatloai he Is In possession of qualifications and experience specified In column 3 of Appendix B to these rules in tire case of direct recruitment and those specified in column 4 of tile aforesaid Appendix In the case of persons appointed other than by direct reeruitment f

Provided that in t he case of ap po1ntmert by direct recruitment the qualifications regarding experience shall be relaxable to the extent of SO at the discretion of the recruiting authority in case sufficient number of candidates belongillg-toSchMiUlcd Castbullbullbull Backward Classes Ex-Servicemen and Physically Handicappedcategories possessing the requisite experience are notavailable to fill up tho vacancies reserved for them after recording reasons for so doing in writing

8 No personc- DisqualifJcationl

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living or

(b) nho having a spouse living bas entered Into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eUgib10 for appointmentto any post In the Service

Provided that the Government may if satisfied that such marriage Is permissible under the personal law applicable to such personand the other party to the marriage and there other groundsfor so doing exempt any person from the oPeration of this rule

9 (1) Recruitment to the Service shall be made- Met1Iocl of recruitment

(a) in the case of Carpenter -

(i) by direct recruitment Of

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case of Stamper-

(i) by promotion from amonlStDaftri or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an otficial already in the service of any State Government or tlie Government -of India

(c) in the case of Daftri-

- (i) by promotion-from amongst Record Lifter or (ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service

of any ~tate Gowrpmmtt --or the Government of India

(d) in the case of Record Lifter-(i) by promotion tromamo~gst Peon (ii) by transfer -of depmatiQlJ dan official already in the service

of any State Oovtmment -orthe Governmentof India J

HARYAN AGOVT GAZ~t 1997bullljmiddot~~12J(SRVN21 1919SAKAj

(e) in the case of Jamooar-

(i) by promotion from am ngst Peon or

(ii) by transfer or (~eputation of an official already in tile service of any State Government or the Government of India

(f) inthe case of Head OilOwkkar-

(i) by promotion from amongst Ot10Wkifar (gt

(ii) by transfer cot dcpqttltbJl of an 0ffici~1alr~ y ir the service of ampDYmiddot SUttte Qo~mell( or tne Government of India

(g) in the case of Peon-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case dFrash-

(i) by direct recruitment laquor

(ii) by transfer or ceputation of an official already in thesetvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(i) ill the ca~~of Khalasi-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of allY State GovelPmellt orthe G)verumentoflooia

(j) in the case ofsweeper-cum-Ohowkidar-

(i) by direct recruitment of

(ii) by transfer of ueputation of an official alrerdy in the-scrvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(k) intn~ tase ot Qh()wkQaT~

(i) by direct recruitment or ~ bull ~

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official ~headyir th~ service of anYStato GotlertlllWlt ~tbe GoveilunenloUndla

- bullbullbull bull ~ ~(l))iJ the CampS~()tdit~eWQrk~r~~-~middot

- ~ (i) by direct recruitment or

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 121997 1067 (SRVN21 1919SAKA)

(2) All promotions unless otherwise provided shall be made on Seniority-eum-fitness basis and seniority alone shall not confer anyright to suer promotions

(3) Unless otJaerwise provided in this rule whenever any vaeaaay ocwra or iabout to occur In the Servicebullbull the appointing authority shall aetermine the manner in which it shall De filled in

10 (1) A peraon appointed to any poet in the Service shall remain on pro batten for a period oftwo years jf appointed by direct recruitment and one year If appointed otherwise ~

Provided that-(a) any period aftmo such appointment spent on deputation

on a corrasponding or a highm-post shall count towards the period of probation

(b) any period of work in equivalent or higher rank prior to appointment to any post in She Service may in the ca of an appointment by transfer at the discretion of tho appointinl authority be allowed to count towards tlto pet of probation fixed undtl this rule and

(e) any period of officiating appointment Ihall be reckoned as pariod spont on probation but no person who has so officiated shall on the oomplotion of tho proscribedperiod of probation be entitlod to be confirmed unloss he is appointed against a permanent vacancy

(2) If in the opinion of tho appointing authority tho work or conduet of a person during the period of probation is not satisfactory it may-

(a) if such person is appointed by direct recruitment dlspensowtth his Services and

(b) if IUch porion is appointed otherwise Ihan by dirocc recrult-ment-

(1) revert him to his former post or (ii) deal with him in such other manner as the terms and

conditions of the previous appointment permit (3) On the completion of the period of probation of a person

the appointing authority may-(a) if his work or conduct h~ In its opinion been

sa tisfactory-(I) confirm such person from the date of his appointment

if appointed against a permanent vacancy or (ii) confirm such person from the date from which a

permanent vacancy occurs if appointed against a tempo-rary vacancy or

(Hi) declare that he has Completed his probation satisfactorilyif there is no permanent vacancy of

(b) if his work or conduct has in its opinion been not satisfactory-laquo

(i) dispense withhil Services if appointed by direct recruitment if appointed otherwise revert him to his former post or dea 1 with him In such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous appointmentpermit or




(U) extend his period of probationand -thereafterpass such

older as it Could have passed~9n~t~ eipfry-o( t~ ]~lst period of probatig~ -

Provided that (he total period Qf prp~tiou in~l~d~~g-lif~lSJ~n

if any shall not exceed three years

11 Seniority inter se of the members uftheService shaU be

determined by the length of Continuou~ service on any past -in the Service

Provided that where there are different cadr-es in the Service the serUorityshal b~t~erli~~rj~y for each cadre - -

Provided further that in the case -d members appinted by direct J~c1iiitinenpoundtheorder of tho merit determined by the employment exchange

or Rajya Sainik Board (for Ex-serviceman only) shall not be

disturbed in fixing the seniority

Provided further that in the case vf two or more- members -aPpointed

on the same date their seniority shall be determined as follows -

(a) a member appointed by direct recruitment- shall be senior to -a member appointed by promotion or by transfer

(b) a member appointed by promotion shall be senioito -a member appointed by transfer

(e) in the case of member appolnteltr by-promotion or by transfer seniority shall be determined according to the seniority

of such members in the appointments from which they

were promoted or transferred and

-(d) in the case of members appointed by transfer from different

cadres thelr seniority shall-be determined according

to pay preference being givento a member who was

drawing a higher rate of payIn his previous appoint-ment and If the rates of pay drawn are also the same then

by their length of their Service in the appointments and if the- Ie-ngth of such Service is alsorthe same the older member shall be senior tltdliC You-nger member

12 (1) A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at anyJJebiUl7 to aenemiddot place whether within oroutside the State of Haryana on being ordered

so to do by the appointing authority

(2) A member of the Service may also be deputed to serve under -

(j) II company an associ tion or a bod y of Individuals whether -_]i~ip~ni~__J~r not which Is wholly or substa ntialJy


HARYANA GOVT OAZAUG 12 1997 1069 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

owned or controlled by theSta te Government a Municipal corporation or a local authority or university within the

~-Stateof Haryana -_ --_~-~

- eii) The Central Government or l company an aHOCt~tionor a body of individuals whetllor incorporated or Dot which is wholly or substantially owned controlled by theltII

Central Government or

(Hi) Any other State Government an int8lBamptiona1-orgaJllsation and autonomous bidy not controlled by the Government or

_a private body

Provided that no member of the Service shall be deputed to serve the Central or any other State Government or anyorganisation or body referred to in clauses (ii) or clause (ill) except with his consent ~ -

13 In respect of pay leave pension and all other matters not ex-pressly provided for in these rules the members of the Service shall be grvar ned by such rules and regulations as may have been or may here-after be adopted or made by the competent authority under the Oonsritu-tion of India or under any law for the time being inforce made by the State Legislature

14 (I) In matters relating to discipline penalties and appealsmembers of the Service shall be gJ verned by the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules 1987 as amended from time to time

Provided that the nature of p_enalties which may be imposed the authority empowered to impose such penalties and appellate authorityshall subject to the provisions of any law or rules made under Article 309 of the Oonstitution of India be such as are specified in Appendix 0 to these rules

(2) Phe authority competent to pass all order under clause (c) or clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punish-ment and Appeal) Rules 1987 and appellate authoriryshall be as specified in Appendix D to these rules

15 Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and re-vaccinated as and when the GOVernment so directs by a special or generalorder

16 Bvery member of the Service unless he has already done so shall he required to take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established

17 Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so it may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions of these rules with respsct to any class or category of persons

18 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the appointing authority may Impose special terms and conditions in the orden of appointment if it is deemed upedient to do so

Pay leavepension and other matters

Disciplinepenalties and appeals


Oath of allegiance

Power of relaxation


1070 HARYANA OOVT GAZAUG12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

Rbullbullbullbull tfooa

Repeal and SaiDls

19 Nothing contained In these rul bullbullbull llall ailect naenetlou aod other ooaeeaaions req1llred to be provided fa tlw 8eIledule4 Gastea BackwMd CIuaes Bx-servicemen Physically )aandt capped personl or any other amp1188 or eateaery of persons In ucordanct with tho orders illued by the State Government Inthla regard from time to timel

ProvJded that the total porcentage of roservationl 10 madohall not old 50 ~ of any time

20 The Punjab State (Class-IV) Service Rules 1963 in their application to the State of Hatyanaj are hueby repeaJod bull

Previded that any order made or action taken under tho rules so repealed shall be dNDled to havo been made or taken under the C01108-

pending provisions of these rulos -I

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 16: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr


-----------------------------~----------~~~--~~~ r Autborised English Translation)




The 17th July 1~7

No GS R 58Const Art 30997-ln exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the constitution of India the Governor of Haryana hereby makes the following rules regulating the recruit-ment and conditions of service of person appointed to the HaryanaFinancial Commissioners Office (Group D) Service namely-


1 Tllese rules may be called_the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rule 1997-

2 In these rules unless the context otherwise requires -

(a) Udlrect recruitment means an appolntment made other-wise than by promotion from within the service or bytransfer of an official already in the Service of the Government of India or any State Government

(b) employment exchange means the employment ~exchange situated in Haryana

(c) Financial Cc-mmissioner~ means Financial Commissioner and Secretary to Government Haryana Revenue Depart-menti

(d) ~GoveiilDlent~means the Haryana- Government- in the - AdministratiVe Department

(0) institutions means -

~i -aAy inStitUiCionestablished -hl Jaw in force in the State _~ of Ha~lJa ~t- (11)any otherinstttuti-drr i-eampigmsed by - the GoverDIDCDtpoundor

tie putposo()f tbtgtsC rules - _ -_ __

-t)-loirif S~cietarPnieans 10int Secretary -to Government Haryana Revenue Department

(g) Rajya Sainik Board rnean~ the office of the Secretary~ --RajyaSaihikBpatQflalaiut- r bullbull~ - bullbull ~ - bull - bull -- -- - - bullbullbullbullbullbullbulllJy ~

C(hrc~~Service means the middotHaqana Financial -Co1Pmi~Sioners office (Group D) Service _ -

_(ij UnderS~~ae-Ymiddot-l1lns the Under Secretary to Government Haryal1tl h~~eniieDepartment

Short title


1064 IAllYANA OQYT oAt AVGli 1i11 (SRVN n 1919 ampuA)


Nunl)er an 3middot The Srvioe shall oomprise tkc poIt 1M Ia AppeHIamp A Cluracter cf to ebes ruls

- POtts

Provided that nothing in those rUNSshall tfoat tho Inbrrout ript ot Oov~nment to make additions to or redaatiolls In the UUDlbcr of suoh posts or to oroate new pous whh dUCbullbull nt deslaatlGlls and scale of pay eitber permanently or temporarily

Natonality 4 (1) No person shall be appointed 10 bullbull Y pobullbull In tbo ServltIIdomicile and unless he Is-character or candidates app lnted to (a) a citizen of india 81 Service

(b) a subject of Nepal 01

Ce) a subject of Bhutan or

(d) a Tibetan refuee who came over to India 1MIfore thl 1st day of January 1962 Withthe intentioll of prmlllatly senHo in India i or

(0) a person of Indian origin who has m1ilattd from PatlstaB Burma Sri Lanka or any of the Bast African CeWltrles of Knya Ulanda Tho Unittd IltpubUf Taua bullbull (formerly Tanpnyika and Zanzibar) Zami Malawi Zaire and Bthopia with the intentloB of permaneoU sottliBI In India

Provided that a person belollJlua te any of tlae cate bullbull ribullbull lt)(0) (d) or (e) shall be a person In wkbullbull favour bull mlficate of eUgibility has been issued by the Gemment

(2) A person in whose case a certificate of eliJibility is DeetSSary maybe admitted to an examination or interview coaduttd by Silo recruitina authority but the offer of Ippeintatmay be given only after the necessary oliamplbiUty Cortlftcato has beeJl Issued to him by the Government

(3)No person shall be appolnt04to any bullbull dID iIInI direea recruitment unle he produeel a eortUloate of bullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull tile Principal Aoademic Offioer of the 8bullbullbull 1 01 institution last atteudod if any and similar Certlffcate fiea olher rtspOnsib1ep8lsonl no beina his relativos bullbullbullbull ate woll teuW with him in his private Uf and aN 1IBIOaow16 JaIl School or Institution

Art ~ 5middot No person ahan be appointed to an oat ill tM $enla bl clirN naruitment 0 is 1181thao sbtllD )rJ1II or I80N tliaR t~fl YArs 6f a ~I before tk date flllUbttlloa faPltn bullbull bullbullbull apPointinl authoJity

App)intfna 6 All appOlnlmenSto the po -In tile ittM _0 be bullbullbull Authority

~hc Under SecIetalYbullbull

bull iIARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 1065 (SRVN 211919 SAKA)

7 No person shall be appointed to any post in the Service unless Quallbtatloai he Is In possession of qualifications and experience specified In column 3 of Appendix B to these rules in tire case of direct recruitment and those specified in column 4 of tile aforesaid Appendix In the case of persons appointed other than by direct reeruitment f

Provided that in t he case of ap po1ntmert by direct recruitment the qualifications regarding experience shall be relaxable to the extent of SO at the discretion of the recruiting authority in case sufficient number of candidates belongillg-toSchMiUlcd Castbullbullbull Backward Classes Ex-Servicemen and Physically Handicappedcategories possessing the requisite experience are notavailable to fill up tho vacancies reserved for them after recording reasons for so doing in writing

8 No personc- DisqualifJcationl

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living or

(b) nho having a spouse living bas entered Into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eUgib10 for appointmentto any post In the Service

Provided that the Government may if satisfied that such marriage Is permissible under the personal law applicable to such personand the other party to the marriage and there other groundsfor so doing exempt any person from the oPeration of this rule

9 (1) Recruitment to the Service shall be made- Met1Iocl of recruitment

(a) in the case of Carpenter -

(i) by direct recruitment Of

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case of Stamper-

(i) by promotion from amonlStDaftri or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an otficial already in the service of any State Government or tlie Government -of India

(c) in the case of Daftri-

- (i) by promotion-from amongst Record Lifter or (ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service

of any ~tate Gowrpmmtt --or the Government of India

(d) in the case of Record Lifter-(i) by promotion tromamo~gst Peon (ii) by transfer -of depmatiQlJ dan official already in the service

of any State Oovtmment -orthe Governmentof India J

HARYAN AGOVT GAZ~t 1997bullljmiddot~~12J(SRVN21 1919SAKAj

(e) in the case of Jamooar-

(i) by promotion from am ngst Peon or

(ii) by transfer or (~eputation of an official already in tile service of any State Government or the Government of India

(f) inthe case of Head OilOwkkar-

(i) by promotion from amongst Ot10Wkifar (gt

(ii) by transfer cot dcpqttltbJl of an 0ffici~1alr~ y ir the service of ampDYmiddot SUttte Qo~mell( or tne Government of India

(g) in the case of Peon-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case dFrash-

(i) by direct recruitment laquor

(ii) by transfer or ceputation of an official already in thesetvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(i) ill the ca~~of Khalasi-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of allY State GovelPmellt orthe G)verumentoflooia

(j) in the case ofsweeper-cum-Ohowkidar-

(i) by direct recruitment of

(ii) by transfer of ueputation of an official alrerdy in the-scrvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(k) intn~ tase ot Qh()wkQaT~

(i) by direct recruitment or ~ bull ~

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official ~headyir th~ service of anYStato GotlertlllWlt ~tbe GoveilunenloUndla

- bullbullbull bull ~ ~(l))iJ the CampS~()tdit~eWQrk~r~~-~middot

- ~ (i) by direct recruitment or

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 121997 1067 (SRVN21 1919SAKA)

(2) All promotions unless otherwise provided shall be made on Seniority-eum-fitness basis and seniority alone shall not confer anyright to suer promotions

(3) Unless otJaerwise provided in this rule whenever any vaeaaay ocwra or iabout to occur In the Servicebullbull the appointing authority shall aetermine the manner in which it shall De filled in

10 (1) A peraon appointed to any poet in the Service shall remain on pro batten for a period oftwo years jf appointed by direct recruitment and one year If appointed otherwise ~

Provided that-(a) any period aftmo such appointment spent on deputation

on a corrasponding or a highm-post shall count towards the period of probation

(b) any period of work in equivalent or higher rank prior to appointment to any post in She Service may in the ca of an appointment by transfer at the discretion of tho appointinl authority be allowed to count towards tlto pet of probation fixed undtl this rule and

(e) any period of officiating appointment Ihall be reckoned as pariod spont on probation but no person who has so officiated shall on the oomplotion of tho proscribedperiod of probation be entitlod to be confirmed unloss he is appointed against a permanent vacancy

(2) If in the opinion of tho appointing authority tho work or conduet of a person during the period of probation is not satisfactory it may-

(a) if such person is appointed by direct recruitment dlspensowtth his Services and

(b) if IUch porion is appointed otherwise Ihan by dirocc recrult-ment-

(1) revert him to his former post or (ii) deal with him in such other manner as the terms and

conditions of the previous appointment permit (3) On the completion of the period of probation of a person

the appointing authority may-(a) if his work or conduct h~ In its opinion been

sa tisfactory-(I) confirm such person from the date of his appointment

if appointed against a permanent vacancy or (ii) confirm such person from the date from which a

permanent vacancy occurs if appointed against a tempo-rary vacancy or

(Hi) declare that he has Completed his probation satisfactorilyif there is no permanent vacancy of

(b) if his work or conduct has in its opinion been not satisfactory-laquo

(i) dispense withhil Services if appointed by direct recruitment if appointed otherwise revert him to his former post or dea 1 with him In such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous appointmentpermit or




(U) extend his period of probationand -thereafterpass such

older as it Could have passed~9n~t~ eipfry-o( t~ ]~lst period of probatig~ -

Provided that (he total period Qf prp~tiou in~l~d~~g-lif~lSJ~n

if any shall not exceed three years

11 Seniority inter se of the members uftheService shaU be

determined by the length of Continuou~ service on any past -in the Service

Provided that where there are different cadr-es in the Service the serUorityshal b~t~erli~~rj~y for each cadre - -

Provided further that in the case -d members appinted by direct J~c1iiitinenpoundtheorder of tho merit determined by the employment exchange

or Rajya Sainik Board (for Ex-serviceman only) shall not be

disturbed in fixing the seniority

Provided further that in the case vf two or more- members -aPpointed

on the same date their seniority shall be determined as follows -

(a) a member appointed by direct recruitment- shall be senior to -a member appointed by promotion or by transfer

(b) a member appointed by promotion shall be senioito -a member appointed by transfer

(e) in the case of member appolnteltr by-promotion or by transfer seniority shall be determined according to the seniority

of such members in the appointments from which they

were promoted or transferred and

-(d) in the case of members appointed by transfer from different

cadres thelr seniority shall-be determined according

to pay preference being givento a member who was

drawing a higher rate of payIn his previous appoint-ment and If the rates of pay drawn are also the same then

by their length of their Service in the appointments and if the- Ie-ngth of such Service is alsorthe same the older member shall be senior tltdliC You-nger member

12 (1) A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at anyJJebiUl7 to aenemiddot place whether within oroutside the State of Haryana on being ordered

so to do by the appointing authority

(2) A member of the Service may also be deputed to serve under -

(j) II company an associ tion or a bod y of Individuals whether -_]i~ip~ni~__J~r not which Is wholly or substa ntialJy


HARYANA GOVT OAZAUG 12 1997 1069 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

owned or controlled by theSta te Government a Municipal corporation or a local authority or university within the

~-Stateof Haryana -_ --_~-~

- eii) The Central Government or l company an aHOCt~tionor a body of individuals whetllor incorporated or Dot which is wholly or substantially owned controlled by theltII

Central Government or

(Hi) Any other State Government an int8lBamptiona1-orgaJllsation and autonomous bidy not controlled by the Government or

_a private body

Provided that no member of the Service shall be deputed to serve the Central or any other State Government or anyorganisation or body referred to in clauses (ii) or clause (ill) except with his consent ~ -

13 In respect of pay leave pension and all other matters not ex-pressly provided for in these rules the members of the Service shall be grvar ned by such rules and regulations as may have been or may here-after be adopted or made by the competent authority under the Oonsritu-tion of India or under any law for the time being inforce made by the State Legislature

14 (I) In matters relating to discipline penalties and appealsmembers of the Service shall be gJ verned by the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules 1987 as amended from time to time

Provided that the nature of p_enalties which may be imposed the authority empowered to impose such penalties and appellate authorityshall subject to the provisions of any law or rules made under Article 309 of the Oonstitution of India be such as are specified in Appendix 0 to these rules

(2) Phe authority competent to pass all order under clause (c) or clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punish-ment and Appeal) Rules 1987 and appellate authoriryshall be as specified in Appendix D to these rules

15 Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and re-vaccinated as and when the GOVernment so directs by a special or generalorder

16 Bvery member of the Service unless he has already done so shall he required to take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established

17 Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so it may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions of these rules with respsct to any class or category of persons

18 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the appointing authority may Impose special terms and conditions in the orden of appointment if it is deemed upedient to do so

Pay leavepension and other matters

Disciplinepenalties and appeals


Oath of allegiance

Power of relaxation


1070 HARYANA OOVT GAZAUG12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

Rbullbullbullbull tfooa

Repeal and SaiDls

19 Nothing contained In these rul bullbullbull llall ailect naenetlou aod other ooaeeaaions req1llred to be provided fa tlw 8eIledule4 Gastea BackwMd CIuaes Bx-servicemen Physically )aandt capped personl or any other amp1188 or eateaery of persons In ucordanct with tho orders illued by the State Government Inthla regard from time to timel

ProvJded that the total porcentage of roservationl 10 madohall not old 50 ~ of any time

20 The Punjab State (Class-IV) Service Rules 1963 in their application to the State of Hatyanaj are hueby repeaJod bull

Previded that any order made or action taken under tho rules so repealed shall be dNDled to havo been made or taken under the C01108-

pending provisions of these rulos -I

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 17: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr

1064 IAllYANA OQYT oAt AVGli 1i11 (SRVN n 1919 ampuA)


Nunl)er an 3middot The Srvioe shall oomprise tkc poIt 1M Ia AppeHIamp A Cluracter cf to ebes ruls

- POtts

Provided that nothing in those rUNSshall tfoat tho Inbrrout ript ot Oov~nment to make additions to or redaatiolls In the UUDlbcr of suoh posts or to oroate new pous whh dUCbullbull nt deslaatlGlls and scale of pay eitber permanently or temporarily

Natonality 4 (1) No person shall be appointed 10 bullbull Y pobullbull In tbo ServltIIdomicile and unless he Is-character or candidates app lnted to (a) a citizen of india 81 Service

(b) a subject of Nepal 01

Ce) a subject of Bhutan or

(d) a Tibetan refuee who came over to India 1MIfore thl 1st day of January 1962 Withthe intentioll of prmlllatly senHo in India i or

(0) a person of Indian origin who has m1ilattd from PatlstaB Burma Sri Lanka or any of the Bast African CeWltrles of Knya Ulanda Tho Unittd IltpubUf Taua bullbull (formerly Tanpnyika and Zanzibar) Zami Malawi Zaire and Bthopia with the intentloB of permaneoU sottliBI In India

Provided that a person belollJlua te any of tlae cate bullbull ribullbull lt)(0) (d) or (e) shall be a person In wkbullbull favour bull mlficate of eUgibility has been issued by the Gemment

(2) A person in whose case a certificate of eliJibility is DeetSSary maybe admitted to an examination or interview coaduttd by Silo recruitina authority but the offer of Ippeintatmay be given only after the necessary oliamplbiUty Cortlftcato has beeJl Issued to him by the Government

(3)No person shall be appolnt04to any bullbull dID iIInI direea recruitment unle he produeel a eortUloate of bullbullbullbullbullbull bullbull tile Principal Aoademic Offioer of the 8bullbullbull 1 01 institution last atteudod if any and similar Certlffcate fiea olher rtspOnsib1ep8lsonl no beina his relativos bullbullbullbull ate woll teuW with him in his private Uf and aN 1IBIOaow16 JaIl School or Institution

Art ~ 5middot No person ahan be appointed to an oat ill tM $enla bl clirN naruitment 0 is 1181thao sbtllD )rJ1II or I80N tliaR t~fl YArs 6f a ~I before tk date flllUbttlloa faPltn bullbull bullbullbull apPointinl authoJity

App)intfna 6 All appOlnlmenSto the po -In tile ittM _0 be bullbullbull Authority

~hc Under SecIetalYbullbull

bull iIARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 1065 (SRVN 211919 SAKA)

7 No person shall be appointed to any post in the Service unless Quallbtatloai he Is In possession of qualifications and experience specified In column 3 of Appendix B to these rules in tire case of direct recruitment and those specified in column 4 of tile aforesaid Appendix In the case of persons appointed other than by direct reeruitment f

Provided that in t he case of ap po1ntmert by direct recruitment the qualifications regarding experience shall be relaxable to the extent of SO at the discretion of the recruiting authority in case sufficient number of candidates belongillg-toSchMiUlcd Castbullbullbull Backward Classes Ex-Servicemen and Physically Handicappedcategories possessing the requisite experience are notavailable to fill up tho vacancies reserved for them after recording reasons for so doing in writing

8 No personc- DisqualifJcationl

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living or

(b) nho having a spouse living bas entered Into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eUgib10 for appointmentto any post In the Service

Provided that the Government may if satisfied that such marriage Is permissible under the personal law applicable to such personand the other party to the marriage and there other groundsfor so doing exempt any person from the oPeration of this rule

9 (1) Recruitment to the Service shall be made- Met1Iocl of recruitment

(a) in the case of Carpenter -

(i) by direct recruitment Of

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case of Stamper-

(i) by promotion from amonlStDaftri or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an otficial already in the service of any State Government or tlie Government -of India

(c) in the case of Daftri-

- (i) by promotion-from amongst Record Lifter or (ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service

of any ~tate Gowrpmmtt --or the Government of India

(d) in the case of Record Lifter-(i) by promotion tromamo~gst Peon (ii) by transfer -of depmatiQlJ dan official already in the service

of any State Oovtmment -orthe Governmentof India J

HARYAN AGOVT GAZ~t 1997bullljmiddot~~12J(SRVN21 1919SAKAj

(e) in the case of Jamooar-

(i) by promotion from am ngst Peon or

(ii) by transfer or (~eputation of an official already in tile service of any State Government or the Government of India

(f) inthe case of Head OilOwkkar-

(i) by promotion from amongst Ot10Wkifar (gt

(ii) by transfer cot dcpqttltbJl of an 0ffici~1alr~ y ir the service of ampDYmiddot SUttte Qo~mell( or tne Government of India

(g) in the case of Peon-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case dFrash-

(i) by direct recruitment laquor

(ii) by transfer or ceputation of an official already in thesetvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(i) ill the ca~~of Khalasi-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of allY State GovelPmellt orthe G)verumentoflooia

(j) in the case ofsweeper-cum-Ohowkidar-

(i) by direct recruitment of

(ii) by transfer of ueputation of an official alrerdy in the-scrvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(k) intn~ tase ot Qh()wkQaT~

(i) by direct recruitment or ~ bull ~

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official ~headyir th~ service of anYStato GotlertlllWlt ~tbe GoveilunenloUndla

- bullbullbull bull ~ ~(l))iJ the CampS~()tdit~eWQrk~r~~-~middot

- ~ (i) by direct recruitment or

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 121997 1067 (SRVN21 1919SAKA)

(2) All promotions unless otherwise provided shall be made on Seniority-eum-fitness basis and seniority alone shall not confer anyright to suer promotions

(3) Unless otJaerwise provided in this rule whenever any vaeaaay ocwra or iabout to occur In the Servicebullbull the appointing authority shall aetermine the manner in which it shall De filled in

10 (1) A peraon appointed to any poet in the Service shall remain on pro batten for a period oftwo years jf appointed by direct recruitment and one year If appointed otherwise ~

Provided that-(a) any period aftmo such appointment spent on deputation

on a corrasponding or a highm-post shall count towards the period of probation

(b) any period of work in equivalent or higher rank prior to appointment to any post in She Service may in the ca of an appointment by transfer at the discretion of tho appointinl authority be allowed to count towards tlto pet of probation fixed undtl this rule and

(e) any period of officiating appointment Ihall be reckoned as pariod spont on probation but no person who has so officiated shall on the oomplotion of tho proscribedperiod of probation be entitlod to be confirmed unloss he is appointed against a permanent vacancy

(2) If in the opinion of tho appointing authority tho work or conduet of a person during the period of probation is not satisfactory it may-

(a) if such person is appointed by direct recruitment dlspensowtth his Services and

(b) if IUch porion is appointed otherwise Ihan by dirocc recrult-ment-

(1) revert him to his former post or (ii) deal with him in such other manner as the terms and

conditions of the previous appointment permit (3) On the completion of the period of probation of a person

the appointing authority may-(a) if his work or conduct h~ In its opinion been

sa tisfactory-(I) confirm such person from the date of his appointment

if appointed against a permanent vacancy or (ii) confirm such person from the date from which a

permanent vacancy occurs if appointed against a tempo-rary vacancy or

(Hi) declare that he has Completed his probation satisfactorilyif there is no permanent vacancy of

(b) if his work or conduct has in its opinion been not satisfactory-laquo

(i) dispense withhil Services if appointed by direct recruitment if appointed otherwise revert him to his former post or dea 1 with him In such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous appointmentpermit or




(U) extend his period of probationand -thereafterpass such

older as it Could have passed~9n~t~ eipfry-o( t~ ]~lst period of probatig~ -

Provided that (he total period Qf prp~tiou in~l~d~~g-lif~lSJ~n

if any shall not exceed three years

11 Seniority inter se of the members uftheService shaU be

determined by the length of Continuou~ service on any past -in the Service

Provided that where there are different cadr-es in the Service the serUorityshal b~t~erli~~rj~y for each cadre - -

Provided further that in the case -d members appinted by direct J~c1iiitinenpoundtheorder of tho merit determined by the employment exchange

or Rajya Sainik Board (for Ex-serviceman only) shall not be

disturbed in fixing the seniority

Provided further that in the case vf two or more- members -aPpointed

on the same date their seniority shall be determined as follows -

(a) a member appointed by direct recruitment- shall be senior to -a member appointed by promotion or by transfer

(b) a member appointed by promotion shall be senioito -a member appointed by transfer

(e) in the case of member appolnteltr by-promotion or by transfer seniority shall be determined according to the seniority

of such members in the appointments from which they

were promoted or transferred and

-(d) in the case of members appointed by transfer from different

cadres thelr seniority shall-be determined according

to pay preference being givento a member who was

drawing a higher rate of payIn his previous appoint-ment and If the rates of pay drawn are also the same then

by their length of their Service in the appointments and if the- Ie-ngth of such Service is alsorthe same the older member shall be senior tltdliC You-nger member

12 (1) A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at anyJJebiUl7 to aenemiddot place whether within oroutside the State of Haryana on being ordered

so to do by the appointing authority

(2) A member of the Service may also be deputed to serve under -

(j) II company an associ tion or a bod y of Individuals whether -_]i~ip~ni~__J~r not which Is wholly or substa ntialJy


HARYANA GOVT OAZAUG 12 1997 1069 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

owned or controlled by theSta te Government a Municipal corporation or a local authority or university within the

~-Stateof Haryana -_ --_~-~

- eii) The Central Government or l company an aHOCt~tionor a body of individuals whetllor incorporated or Dot which is wholly or substantially owned controlled by theltII

Central Government or

(Hi) Any other State Government an int8lBamptiona1-orgaJllsation and autonomous bidy not controlled by the Government or

_a private body

Provided that no member of the Service shall be deputed to serve the Central or any other State Government or anyorganisation or body referred to in clauses (ii) or clause (ill) except with his consent ~ -

13 In respect of pay leave pension and all other matters not ex-pressly provided for in these rules the members of the Service shall be grvar ned by such rules and regulations as may have been or may here-after be adopted or made by the competent authority under the Oonsritu-tion of India or under any law for the time being inforce made by the State Legislature

14 (I) In matters relating to discipline penalties and appealsmembers of the Service shall be gJ verned by the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules 1987 as amended from time to time

Provided that the nature of p_enalties which may be imposed the authority empowered to impose such penalties and appellate authorityshall subject to the provisions of any law or rules made under Article 309 of the Oonstitution of India be such as are specified in Appendix 0 to these rules

(2) Phe authority competent to pass all order under clause (c) or clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punish-ment and Appeal) Rules 1987 and appellate authoriryshall be as specified in Appendix D to these rules

15 Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and re-vaccinated as and when the GOVernment so directs by a special or generalorder

16 Bvery member of the Service unless he has already done so shall he required to take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established

17 Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so it may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions of these rules with respsct to any class or category of persons

18 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the appointing authority may Impose special terms and conditions in the orden of appointment if it is deemed upedient to do so

Pay leavepension and other matters

Disciplinepenalties and appeals


Oath of allegiance

Power of relaxation


1070 HARYANA OOVT GAZAUG12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

Rbullbullbullbull tfooa

Repeal and SaiDls

19 Nothing contained In these rul bullbullbull llall ailect naenetlou aod other ooaeeaaions req1llred to be provided fa tlw 8eIledule4 Gastea BackwMd CIuaes Bx-servicemen Physically )aandt capped personl or any other amp1188 or eateaery of persons In ucordanct with tho orders illued by the State Government Inthla regard from time to timel

ProvJded that the total porcentage of roservationl 10 madohall not old 50 ~ of any time

20 The Punjab State (Class-IV) Service Rules 1963 in their application to the State of Hatyanaj are hueby repeaJod bull

Previded that any order made or action taken under tho rules so repealed shall be dNDled to havo been made or taken under the C01108-

pending provisions of these rulos -I

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 18: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr

bull iIARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997 1065 (SRVN 211919 SAKA)

7 No person shall be appointed to any post in the Service unless Quallbtatloai he Is In possession of qualifications and experience specified In column 3 of Appendix B to these rules in tire case of direct recruitment and those specified in column 4 of tile aforesaid Appendix In the case of persons appointed other than by direct reeruitment f

Provided that in t he case of ap po1ntmert by direct recruitment the qualifications regarding experience shall be relaxable to the extent of SO at the discretion of the recruiting authority in case sufficient number of candidates belongillg-toSchMiUlcd Castbullbullbull Backward Classes Ex-Servicemen and Physically Handicappedcategories possessing the requisite experience are notavailable to fill up tho vacancies reserved for them after recording reasons for so doing in writing

8 No personc- DisqualifJcationl

(a) who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living or

(b) nho having a spouse living bas entered Into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be eUgib10 for appointmentto any post In the Service

Provided that the Government may if satisfied that such marriage Is permissible under the personal law applicable to such personand the other party to the marriage and there other groundsfor so doing exempt any person from the oPeration of this rule

9 (1) Recruitment to the Service shall be made- Met1Iocl of recruitment

(a) in the case of Carpenter -

(i) by direct recruitment Of

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case of Stamper-

(i) by promotion from amonlStDaftri or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an otficial already in the service of any State Government or tlie Government -of India

(c) in the case of Daftri-

- (i) by promotion-from amongst Record Lifter or (ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service

of any ~tate Gowrpmmtt --or the Government of India

(d) in the case of Record Lifter-(i) by promotion tromamo~gst Peon (ii) by transfer -of depmatiQlJ dan official already in the service

of any State Oovtmment -orthe Governmentof India J

HARYAN AGOVT GAZ~t 1997bullljmiddot~~12J(SRVN21 1919SAKAj

(e) in the case of Jamooar-

(i) by promotion from am ngst Peon or

(ii) by transfer or (~eputation of an official already in tile service of any State Government or the Government of India

(f) inthe case of Head OilOwkkar-

(i) by promotion from amongst Ot10Wkifar (gt

(ii) by transfer cot dcpqttltbJl of an 0ffici~1alr~ y ir the service of ampDYmiddot SUttte Qo~mell( or tne Government of India

(g) in the case of Peon-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case dFrash-

(i) by direct recruitment laquor

(ii) by transfer or ceputation of an official already in thesetvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(i) ill the ca~~of Khalasi-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of allY State GovelPmellt orthe G)verumentoflooia

(j) in the case ofsweeper-cum-Ohowkidar-

(i) by direct recruitment of

(ii) by transfer of ueputation of an official alrerdy in the-scrvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(k) intn~ tase ot Qh()wkQaT~

(i) by direct recruitment or ~ bull ~

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official ~headyir th~ service of anYStato GotlertlllWlt ~tbe GoveilunenloUndla

- bullbullbull bull ~ ~(l))iJ the CampS~()tdit~eWQrk~r~~-~middot

- ~ (i) by direct recruitment or

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 121997 1067 (SRVN21 1919SAKA)

(2) All promotions unless otherwise provided shall be made on Seniority-eum-fitness basis and seniority alone shall not confer anyright to suer promotions

(3) Unless otJaerwise provided in this rule whenever any vaeaaay ocwra or iabout to occur In the Servicebullbull the appointing authority shall aetermine the manner in which it shall De filled in

10 (1) A peraon appointed to any poet in the Service shall remain on pro batten for a period oftwo years jf appointed by direct recruitment and one year If appointed otherwise ~

Provided that-(a) any period aftmo such appointment spent on deputation

on a corrasponding or a highm-post shall count towards the period of probation

(b) any period of work in equivalent or higher rank prior to appointment to any post in She Service may in the ca of an appointment by transfer at the discretion of tho appointinl authority be allowed to count towards tlto pet of probation fixed undtl this rule and

(e) any period of officiating appointment Ihall be reckoned as pariod spont on probation but no person who has so officiated shall on the oomplotion of tho proscribedperiod of probation be entitlod to be confirmed unloss he is appointed against a permanent vacancy

(2) If in the opinion of tho appointing authority tho work or conduet of a person during the period of probation is not satisfactory it may-

(a) if such person is appointed by direct recruitment dlspensowtth his Services and

(b) if IUch porion is appointed otherwise Ihan by dirocc recrult-ment-

(1) revert him to his former post or (ii) deal with him in such other manner as the terms and

conditions of the previous appointment permit (3) On the completion of the period of probation of a person

the appointing authority may-(a) if his work or conduct h~ In its opinion been

sa tisfactory-(I) confirm such person from the date of his appointment

if appointed against a permanent vacancy or (ii) confirm such person from the date from which a

permanent vacancy occurs if appointed against a tempo-rary vacancy or

(Hi) declare that he has Completed his probation satisfactorilyif there is no permanent vacancy of

(b) if his work or conduct has in its opinion been not satisfactory-laquo

(i) dispense withhil Services if appointed by direct recruitment if appointed otherwise revert him to his former post or dea 1 with him In such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous appointmentpermit or




(U) extend his period of probationand -thereafterpass such

older as it Could have passed~9n~t~ eipfry-o( t~ ]~lst period of probatig~ -

Provided that (he total period Qf prp~tiou in~l~d~~g-lif~lSJ~n

if any shall not exceed three years

11 Seniority inter se of the members uftheService shaU be

determined by the length of Continuou~ service on any past -in the Service

Provided that where there are different cadr-es in the Service the serUorityshal b~t~erli~~rj~y for each cadre - -

Provided further that in the case -d members appinted by direct J~c1iiitinenpoundtheorder of tho merit determined by the employment exchange

or Rajya Sainik Board (for Ex-serviceman only) shall not be

disturbed in fixing the seniority

Provided further that in the case vf two or more- members -aPpointed

on the same date their seniority shall be determined as follows -

(a) a member appointed by direct recruitment- shall be senior to -a member appointed by promotion or by transfer

(b) a member appointed by promotion shall be senioito -a member appointed by transfer

(e) in the case of member appolnteltr by-promotion or by transfer seniority shall be determined according to the seniority

of such members in the appointments from which they

were promoted or transferred and

-(d) in the case of members appointed by transfer from different

cadres thelr seniority shall-be determined according

to pay preference being givento a member who was

drawing a higher rate of payIn his previous appoint-ment and If the rates of pay drawn are also the same then

by their length of their Service in the appointments and if the- Ie-ngth of such Service is alsorthe same the older member shall be senior tltdliC You-nger member

12 (1) A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at anyJJebiUl7 to aenemiddot place whether within oroutside the State of Haryana on being ordered

so to do by the appointing authority

(2) A member of the Service may also be deputed to serve under -

(j) II company an associ tion or a bod y of Individuals whether -_]i~ip~ni~__J~r not which Is wholly or substa ntialJy


HARYANA GOVT OAZAUG 12 1997 1069 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

owned or controlled by theSta te Government a Municipal corporation or a local authority or university within the

~-Stateof Haryana -_ --_~-~

- eii) The Central Government or l company an aHOCt~tionor a body of individuals whetllor incorporated or Dot which is wholly or substantially owned controlled by theltII

Central Government or

(Hi) Any other State Government an int8lBamptiona1-orgaJllsation and autonomous bidy not controlled by the Government or

_a private body

Provided that no member of the Service shall be deputed to serve the Central or any other State Government or anyorganisation or body referred to in clauses (ii) or clause (ill) except with his consent ~ -

13 In respect of pay leave pension and all other matters not ex-pressly provided for in these rules the members of the Service shall be grvar ned by such rules and regulations as may have been or may here-after be adopted or made by the competent authority under the Oonsritu-tion of India or under any law for the time being inforce made by the State Legislature

14 (I) In matters relating to discipline penalties and appealsmembers of the Service shall be gJ verned by the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules 1987 as amended from time to time

Provided that the nature of p_enalties which may be imposed the authority empowered to impose such penalties and appellate authorityshall subject to the provisions of any law or rules made under Article 309 of the Oonstitution of India be such as are specified in Appendix 0 to these rules

(2) Phe authority competent to pass all order under clause (c) or clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punish-ment and Appeal) Rules 1987 and appellate authoriryshall be as specified in Appendix D to these rules

15 Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and re-vaccinated as and when the GOVernment so directs by a special or generalorder

16 Bvery member of the Service unless he has already done so shall he required to take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established

17 Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so it may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions of these rules with respsct to any class or category of persons

18 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the appointing authority may Impose special terms and conditions in the orden of appointment if it is deemed upedient to do so

Pay leavepension and other matters

Disciplinepenalties and appeals


Oath of allegiance

Power of relaxation


1070 HARYANA OOVT GAZAUG12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

Rbullbullbullbull tfooa

Repeal and SaiDls

19 Nothing contained In these rul bullbullbull llall ailect naenetlou aod other ooaeeaaions req1llred to be provided fa tlw 8eIledule4 Gastea BackwMd CIuaes Bx-servicemen Physically )aandt capped personl or any other amp1188 or eateaery of persons In ucordanct with tho orders illued by the State Government Inthla regard from time to timel

ProvJded that the total porcentage of roservationl 10 madohall not old 50 ~ of any time

20 The Punjab State (Class-IV) Service Rules 1963 in their application to the State of Hatyanaj are hueby repeaJod bull

Previded that any order made or action taken under tho rules so repealed shall be dNDled to havo been made or taken under the C01108-

pending provisions of these rulos -I

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 19: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr

HARYAN AGOVT GAZ~t 1997bullljmiddot~~12J(SRVN21 1919SAKAj

(e) in the case of Jamooar-

(i) by promotion from am ngst Peon or

(ii) by transfer or (~eputation of an official already in tile service of any State Government or the Government of India

(f) inthe case of Head OilOwkkar-

(i) by promotion from amongst Ot10Wkifar (gt

(ii) by transfer cot dcpqttltbJl of an 0ffici~1alr~ y ir the service of ampDYmiddot SUttte Qo~mell( or tne Government of India

(g) in the case of Peon-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of any State Government or the Government of India

(b) in the case dFrash-

(i) by direct recruitment laquor

(ii) by transfer or ceputation of an official already in thesetvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(i) ill the ca~~of Khalasi-

(i) by direct recruitment or

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official already in the service of allY State GovelPmellt orthe G)verumentoflooia

(j) in the case ofsweeper-cum-Ohowkidar-

(i) by direct recruitment of

(ii) by transfer of ueputation of an official alrerdy in the-scrvice of any State Government or the Government of India

(k) intn~ tase ot Qh()wkQaT~

(i) by direct recruitment or ~ bull ~

(ii) by transfer or deputation of an official ~headyir th~ service of anYStato GotlertlllWlt ~tbe GoveilunenloUndla

- bullbullbull bull ~ ~(l))iJ the CampS~()tdit~eWQrk~r~~-~middot

- ~ (i) by direct recruitment or

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 121997 1067 (SRVN21 1919SAKA)

(2) All promotions unless otherwise provided shall be made on Seniority-eum-fitness basis and seniority alone shall not confer anyright to suer promotions

(3) Unless otJaerwise provided in this rule whenever any vaeaaay ocwra or iabout to occur In the Servicebullbull the appointing authority shall aetermine the manner in which it shall De filled in

10 (1) A peraon appointed to any poet in the Service shall remain on pro batten for a period oftwo years jf appointed by direct recruitment and one year If appointed otherwise ~

Provided that-(a) any period aftmo such appointment spent on deputation

on a corrasponding or a highm-post shall count towards the period of probation

(b) any period of work in equivalent or higher rank prior to appointment to any post in She Service may in the ca of an appointment by transfer at the discretion of tho appointinl authority be allowed to count towards tlto pet of probation fixed undtl this rule and

(e) any period of officiating appointment Ihall be reckoned as pariod spont on probation but no person who has so officiated shall on the oomplotion of tho proscribedperiod of probation be entitlod to be confirmed unloss he is appointed against a permanent vacancy

(2) If in the opinion of tho appointing authority tho work or conduet of a person during the period of probation is not satisfactory it may-

(a) if such person is appointed by direct recruitment dlspensowtth his Services and

(b) if IUch porion is appointed otherwise Ihan by dirocc recrult-ment-

(1) revert him to his former post or (ii) deal with him in such other manner as the terms and

conditions of the previous appointment permit (3) On the completion of the period of probation of a person

the appointing authority may-(a) if his work or conduct h~ In its opinion been

sa tisfactory-(I) confirm such person from the date of his appointment

if appointed against a permanent vacancy or (ii) confirm such person from the date from which a

permanent vacancy occurs if appointed against a tempo-rary vacancy or

(Hi) declare that he has Completed his probation satisfactorilyif there is no permanent vacancy of

(b) if his work or conduct has in its opinion been not satisfactory-laquo

(i) dispense withhil Services if appointed by direct recruitment if appointed otherwise revert him to his former post or dea 1 with him In such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous appointmentpermit or




(U) extend his period of probationand -thereafterpass such

older as it Could have passed~9n~t~ eipfry-o( t~ ]~lst period of probatig~ -

Provided that (he total period Qf prp~tiou in~l~d~~g-lif~lSJ~n

if any shall not exceed three years

11 Seniority inter se of the members uftheService shaU be

determined by the length of Continuou~ service on any past -in the Service

Provided that where there are different cadr-es in the Service the serUorityshal b~t~erli~~rj~y for each cadre - -

Provided further that in the case -d members appinted by direct J~c1iiitinenpoundtheorder of tho merit determined by the employment exchange

or Rajya Sainik Board (for Ex-serviceman only) shall not be

disturbed in fixing the seniority

Provided further that in the case vf two or more- members -aPpointed

on the same date their seniority shall be determined as follows -

(a) a member appointed by direct recruitment- shall be senior to -a member appointed by promotion or by transfer

(b) a member appointed by promotion shall be senioito -a member appointed by transfer

(e) in the case of member appolnteltr by-promotion or by transfer seniority shall be determined according to the seniority

of such members in the appointments from which they

were promoted or transferred and

-(d) in the case of members appointed by transfer from different

cadres thelr seniority shall-be determined according

to pay preference being givento a member who was

drawing a higher rate of payIn his previous appoint-ment and If the rates of pay drawn are also the same then

by their length of their Service in the appointments and if the- Ie-ngth of such Service is alsorthe same the older member shall be senior tltdliC You-nger member

12 (1) A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at anyJJebiUl7 to aenemiddot place whether within oroutside the State of Haryana on being ordered

so to do by the appointing authority

(2) A member of the Service may also be deputed to serve under -

(j) II company an associ tion or a bod y of Individuals whether -_]i~ip~ni~__J~r not which Is wholly or substa ntialJy


HARYANA GOVT OAZAUG 12 1997 1069 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

owned or controlled by theSta te Government a Municipal corporation or a local authority or university within the

~-Stateof Haryana -_ --_~-~

- eii) The Central Government or l company an aHOCt~tionor a body of individuals whetllor incorporated or Dot which is wholly or substantially owned controlled by theltII

Central Government or

(Hi) Any other State Government an int8lBamptiona1-orgaJllsation and autonomous bidy not controlled by the Government or

_a private body

Provided that no member of the Service shall be deputed to serve the Central or any other State Government or anyorganisation or body referred to in clauses (ii) or clause (ill) except with his consent ~ -

13 In respect of pay leave pension and all other matters not ex-pressly provided for in these rules the members of the Service shall be grvar ned by such rules and regulations as may have been or may here-after be adopted or made by the competent authority under the Oonsritu-tion of India or under any law for the time being inforce made by the State Legislature

14 (I) In matters relating to discipline penalties and appealsmembers of the Service shall be gJ verned by the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules 1987 as amended from time to time

Provided that the nature of p_enalties which may be imposed the authority empowered to impose such penalties and appellate authorityshall subject to the provisions of any law or rules made under Article 309 of the Oonstitution of India be such as are specified in Appendix 0 to these rules

(2) Phe authority competent to pass all order under clause (c) or clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punish-ment and Appeal) Rules 1987 and appellate authoriryshall be as specified in Appendix D to these rules

15 Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and re-vaccinated as and when the GOVernment so directs by a special or generalorder

16 Bvery member of the Service unless he has already done so shall he required to take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established

17 Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so it may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions of these rules with respsct to any class or category of persons

18 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the appointing authority may Impose special terms and conditions in the orden of appointment if it is deemed upedient to do so

Pay leavepension and other matters

Disciplinepenalties and appeals


Oath of allegiance

Power of relaxation


1070 HARYANA OOVT GAZAUG12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

Rbullbullbullbull tfooa

Repeal and SaiDls

19 Nothing contained In these rul bullbullbull llall ailect naenetlou aod other ooaeeaaions req1llred to be provided fa tlw 8eIledule4 Gastea BackwMd CIuaes Bx-servicemen Physically )aandt capped personl or any other amp1188 or eateaery of persons In ucordanct with tho orders illued by the State Government Inthla regard from time to timel

ProvJded that the total porcentage of roservationl 10 madohall not old 50 ~ of any time

20 The Punjab State (Class-IV) Service Rules 1963 in their application to the State of Hatyanaj are hueby repeaJod bull

Previded that any order made or action taken under tho rules so repealed shall be dNDled to havo been made or taken under the C01108-

pending provisions of these rulos -I

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 20: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 121997 1067 (SRVN21 1919SAKA)

(2) All promotions unless otherwise provided shall be made on Seniority-eum-fitness basis and seniority alone shall not confer anyright to suer promotions

(3) Unless otJaerwise provided in this rule whenever any vaeaaay ocwra or iabout to occur In the Servicebullbull the appointing authority shall aetermine the manner in which it shall De filled in

10 (1) A peraon appointed to any poet in the Service shall remain on pro batten for a period oftwo years jf appointed by direct recruitment and one year If appointed otherwise ~

Provided that-(a) any period aftmo such appointment spent on deputation

on a corrasponding or a highm-post shall count towards the period of probation

(b) any period of work in equivalent or higher rank prior to appointment to any post in She Service may in the ca of an appointment by transfer at the discretion of tho appointinl authority be allowed to count towards tlto pet of probation fixed undtl this rule and

(e) any period of officiating appointment Ihall be reckoned as pariod spont on probation but no person who has so officiated shall on the oomplotion of tho proscribedperiod of probation be entitlod to be confirmed unloss he is appointed against a permanent vacancy

(2) If in the opinion of tho appointing authority tho work or conduet of a person during the period of probation is not satisfactory it may-

(a) if such person is appointed by direct recruitment dlspensowtth his Services and

(b) if IUch porion is appointed otherwise Ihan by dirocc recrult-ment-

(1) revert him to his former post or (ii) deal with him in such other manner as the terms and

conditions of the previous appointment permit (3) On the completion of the period of probation of a person

the appointing authority may-(a) if his work or conduct h~ In its opinion been

sa tisfactory-(I) confirm such person from the date of his appointment

if appointed against a permanent vacancy or (ii) confirm such person from the date from which a

permanent vacancy occurs if appointed against a tempo-rary vacancy or

(Hi) declare that he has Completed his probation satisfactorilyif there is no permanent vacancy of

(b) if his work or conduct has in its opinion been not satisfactory-laquo

(i) dispense withhil Services if appointed by direct recruitment if appointed otherwise revert him to his former post or dea 1 with him In such other manner as the terms and conditions of his previous appointmentpermit or




(U) extend his period of probationand -thereafterpass such

older as it Could have passed~9n~t~ eipfry-o( t~ ]~lst period of probatig~ -

Provided that (he total period Qf prp~tiou in~l~d~~g-lif~lSJ~n

if any shall not exceed three years

11 Seniority inter se of the members uftheService shaU be

determined by the length of Continuou~ service on any past -in the Service

Provided that where there are different cadr-es in the Service the serUorityshal b~t~erli~~rj~y for each cadre - -

Provided further that in the case -d members appinted by direct J~c1iiitinenpoundtheorder of tho merit determined by the employment exchange

or Rajya Sainik Board (for Ex-serviceman only) shall not be

disturbed in fixing the seniority

Provided further that in the case vf two or more- members -aPpointed

on the same date their seniority shall be determined as follows -

(a) a member appointed by direct recruitment- shall be senior to -a member appointed by promotion or by transfer

(b) a member appointed by promotion shall be senioito -a member appointed by transfer

(e) in the case of member appolnteltr by-promotion or by transfer seniority shall be determined according to the seniority

of such members in the appointments from which they

were promoted or transferred and

-(d) in the case of members appointed by transfer from different

cadres thelr seniority shall-be determined according

to pay preference being givento a member who was

drawing a higher rate of payIn his previous appoint-ment and If the rates of pay drawn are also the same then

by their length of their Service in the appointments and if the- Ie-ngth of such Service is alsorthe same the older member shall be senior tltdliC You-nger member

12 (1) A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at anyJJebiUl7 to aenemiddot place whether within oroutside the State of Haryana on being ordered

so to do by the appointing authority

(2) A member of the Service may also be deputed to serve under -

(j) II company an associ tion or a bod y of Individuals whether -_]i~ip~ni~__J~r not which Is wholly or substa ntialJy


HARYANA GOVT OAZAUG 12 1997 1069 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

owned or controlled by theSta te Government a Municipal corporation or a local authority or university within the

~-Stateof Haryana -_ --_~-~

- eii) The Central Government or l company an aHOCt~tionor a body of individuals whetllor incorporated or Dot which is wholly or substantially owned controlled by theltII

Central Government or

(Hi) Any other State Government an int8lBamptiona1-orgaJllsation and autonomous bidy not controlled by the Government or

_a private body

Provided that no member of the Service shall be deputed to serve the Central or any other State Government or anyorganisation or body referred to in clauses (ii) or clause (ill) except with his consent ~ -

13 In respect of pay leave pension and all other matters not ex-pressly provided for in these rules the members of the Service shall be grvar ned by such rules and regulations as may have been or may here-after be adopted or made by the competent authority under the Oonsritu-tion of India or under any law for the time being inforce made by the State Legislature

14 (I) In matters relating to discipline penalties and appealsmembers of the Service shall be gJ verned by the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules 1987 as amended from time to time

Provided that the nature of p_enalties which may be imposed the authority empowered to impose such penalties and appellate authorityshall subject to the provisions of any law or rules made under Article 309 of the Oonstitution of India be such as are specified in Appendix 0 to these rules

(2) Phe authority competent to pass all order under clause (c) or clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punish-ment and Appeal) Rules 1987 and appellate authoriryshall be as specified in Appendix D to these rules

15 Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and re-vaccinated as and when the GOVernment so directs by a special or generalorder

16 Bvery member of the Service unless he has already done so shall he required to take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established

17 Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so it may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions of these rules with respsct to any class or category of persons

18 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the appointing authority may Impose special terms and conditions in the orden of appointment if it is deemed upedient to do so

Pay leavepension and other matters

Disciplinepenalties and appeals


Oath of allegiance

Power of relaxation


1070 HARYANA OOVT GAZAUG12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

Rbullbullbullbull tfooa

Repeal and SaiDls

19 Nothing contained In these rul bullbullbull llall ailect naenetlou aod other ooaeeaaions req1llred to be provided fa tlw 8eIledule4 Gastea BackwMd CIuaes Bx-servicemen Physically )aandt capped personl or any other amp1188 or eateaery of persons In ucordanct with tho orders illued by the State Government Inthla regard from time to timel

ProvJded that the total porcentage of roservationl 10 madohall not old 50 ~ of any time

20 The Punjab State (Class-IV) Service Rules 1963 in their application to the State of Hatyanaj are hueby repeaJod bull

Previded that any order made or action taken under tho rules so repealed shall be dNDled to havo been made or taken under the C01108-

pending provisions of these rulos -I

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 21: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr



(U) extend his period of probationand -thereafterpass such

older as it Could have passed~9n~t~ eipfry-o( t~ ]~lst period of probatig~ -

Provided that (he total period Qf prp~tiou in~l~d~~g-lif~lSJ~n

if any shall not exceed three years

11 Seniority inter se of the members uftheService shaU be

determined by the length of Continuou~ service on any past -in the Service

Provided that where there are different cadr-es in the Service the serUorityshal b~t~erli~~rj~y for each cadre - -

Provided further that in the case -d members appinted by direct J~c1iiitinenpoundtheorder of tho merit determined by the employment exchange

or Rajya Sainik Board (for Ex-serviceman only) shall not be

disturbed in fixing the seniority

Provided further that in the case vf two or more- members -aPpointed

on the same date their seniority shall be determined as follows -

(a) a member appointed by direct recruitment- shall be senior to -a member appointed by promotion or by transfer

(b) a member appointed by promotion shall be senioito -a member appointed by transfer

(e) in the case of member appolnteltr by-promotion or by transfer seniority shall be determined according to the seniority

of such members in the appointments from which they

were promoted or transferred and

-(d) in the case of members appointed by transfer from different

cadres thelr seniority shall-be determined according

to pay preference being givento a member who was

drawing a higher rate of payIn his previous appoint-ment and If the rates of pay drawn are also the same then

by their length of their Service in the appointments and if the- Ie-ngth of such Service is alsorthe same the older member shall be senior tltdliC You-nger member

12 (1) A member of the Service shall be liable to serve at anyJJebiUl7 to aenemiddot place whether within oroutside the State of Haryana on being ordered

so to do by the appointing authority

(2) A member of the Service may also be deputed to serve under -

(j) II company an associ tion or a bod y of Individuals whether -_]i~ip~ni~__J~r not which Is wholly or substa ntialJy


HARYANA GOVT OAZAUG 12 1997 1069 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

owned or controlled by theSta te Government a Municipal corporation or a local authority or university within the

~-Stateof Haryana -_ --_~-~

- eii) The Central Government or l company an aHOCt~tionor a body of individuals whetllor incorporated or Dot which is wholly or substantially owned controlled by theltII

Central Government or

(Hi) Any other State Government an int8lBamptiona1-orgaJllsation and autonomous bidy not controlled by the Government or

_a private body

Provided that no member of the Service shall be deputed to serve the Central or any other State Government or anyorganisation or body referred to in clauses (ii) or clause (ill) except with his consent ~ -

13 In respect of pay leave pension and all other matters not ex-pressly provided for in these rules the members of the Service shall be grvar ned by such rules and regulations as may have been or may here-after be adopted or made by the competent authority under the Oonsritu-tion of India or under any law for the time being inforce made by the State Legislature

14 (I) In matters relating to discipline penalties and appealsmembers of the Service shall be gJ verned by the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules 1987 as amended from time to time

Provided that the nature of p_enalties which may be imposed the authority empowered to impose such penalties and appellate authorityshall subject to the provisions of any law or rules made under Article 309 of the Oonstitution of India be such as are specified in Appendix 0 to these rules

(2) Phe authority competent to pass all order under clause (c) or clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punish-ment and Appeal) Rules 1987 and appellate authoriryshall be as specified in Appendix D to these rules

15 Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and re-vaccinated as and when the GOVernment so directs by a special or generalorder

16 Bvery member of the Service unless he has already done so shall he required to take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established

17 Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so it may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions of these rules with respsct to any class or category of persons

18 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the appointing authority may Impose special terms and conditions in the orden of appointment if it is deemed upedient to do so

Pay leavepension and other matters

Disciplinepenalties and appeals


Oath of allegiance

Power of relaxation


1070 HARYANA OOVT GAZAUG12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

Rbullbullbullbull tfooa

Repeal and SaiDls

19 Nothing contained In these rul bullbullbull llall ailect naenetlou aod other ooaeeaaions req1llred to be provided fa tlw 8eIledule4 Gastea BackwMd CIuaes Bx-servicemen Physically )aandt capped personl or any other amp1188 or eateaery of persons In ucordanct with tho orders illued by the State Government Inthla regard from time to timel

ProvJded that the total porcentage of roservationl 10 madohall not old 50 ~ of any time

20 The Punjab State (Class-IV) Service Rules 1963 in their application to the State of Hatyanaj are hueby repeaJod bull

Previded that any order made or action taken under tho rules so repealed shall be dNDled to havo been made or taken under the C01108-

pending provisions of these rulos -I

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 22: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr

HARYANA GOVT OAZAUG 12 1997 1069 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

owned or controlled by theSta te Government a Municipal corporation or a local authority or university within the

~-Stateof Haryana -_ --_~-~

- eii) The Central Government or l company an aHOCt~tionor a body of individuals whetllor incorporated or Dot which is wholly or substantially owned controlled by theltII

Central Government or

(Hi) Any other State Government an int8lBamptiona1-orgaJllsation and autonomous bidy not controlled by the Government or

_a private body

Provided that no member of the Service shall be deputed to serve the Central or any other State Government or anyorganisation or body referred to in clauses (ii) or clause (ill) except with his consent ~ -

13 In respect of pay leave pension and all other matters not ex-pressly provided for in these rules the members of the Service shall be grvar ned by such rules and regulations as may have been or may here-after be adopted or made by the competent authority under the Oonsritu-tion of India or under any law for the time being inforce made by the State Legislature

14 (I) In matters relating to discipline penalties and appealsmembers of the Service shall be gJ verned by the Haryana Civil Services (Punishment and Appeal) Rules 1987 as amended from time to time

Provided that the nature of p_enalties which may be imposed the authority empowered to impose such penalties and appellate authorityshall subject to the provisions of any law or rules made under Article 309 of the Oonstitution of India be such as are specified in Appendix 0 to these rules

(2) Phe authority competent to pass all order under clause (c) or clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Haryana Civil Services (Punish-ment and Appeal) Rules 1987 and appellate authoriryshall be as specified in Appendix D to these rules

15 Every member of the Service shall get himself vaccinated and re-vaccinated as and when the GOVernment so directs by a special or generalorder

16 Bvery member of the Service unless he has already done so shall he required to take the oath of allegiance to India and to the Constitution of India as by law established

17 Where the Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient to do so it may by order for reasons to be recorded in writing relax any of the provisions of these rules with respsct to any class or category of persons

18 Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the appointing authority may Impose special terms and conditions in the orden of appointment if it is deemed upedient to do so

Pay leavepension and other matters

Disciplinepenalties and appeals


Oath of allegiance

Power of relaxation


1070 HARYANA OOVT GAZAUG12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

Rbullbullbullbull tfooa

Repeal and SaiDls

19 Nothing contained In these rul bullbullbull llall ailect naenetlou aod other ooaeeaaions req1llred to be provided fa tlw 8eIledule4 Gastea BackwMd CIuaes Bx-servicemen Physically )aandt capped personl or any other amp1188 or eateaery of persons In ucordanct with tho orders illued by the State Government Inthla regard from time to timel

ProvJded that the total porcentage of roservationl 10 madohall not old 50 ~ of any time

20 The Punjab State (Class-IV) Service Rules 1963 in their application to the State of Hatyanaj are hueby repeaJod bull

Previded that any order made or action taken under tho rules so repealed shall be dNDled to havo been made or taken under the C01108-

pending provisions of these rulos -I

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 23: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr

1070 HARYANA OOVT GAZAUG12 1997 (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

Rbullbullbullbull tfooa

Repeal and SaiDls

19 Nothing contained In these rul bullbullbull llall ailect naenetlou aod other ooaeeaaions req1llred to be provided fa tlw 8eIledule4 Gastea BackwMd CIuaes Bx-servicemen Physically )aandt capped personl or any other amp1188 or eateaery of persons In ucordanct with tho orders illued by the State Government Inthla regard from time to timel

ProvJded that the total porcentage of roservationl 10 madohall not old 50 ~ of any time

20 The Punjab State (Class-IV) Service Rules 1963 in their application to the State of Hatyanaj are hueby repeaJod bull

Previded that any order made or action taken under tho rules so repealed shall be dNDled to havo been made or taken under the C01108-

pending provisions of these rulos -I

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 24: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr

HARYANA GOVT GAZ AUG 12 1997SRVN 21 1919 ~



(See rule 3)

-------------- ------- ---- -----------~---bullScalo of -paySerial Designation Number of posts

No middotofposts - ~_-~bull___ __4 __ ~_ bullbull~- bullbull__ bullbull

Permanent Temporary Total

1 2 3 4______ _ bull_ bull_ bull__ ___ _-4 ___--~ _bull_~ bull_ bull_ bull__ _ ___ _

5----_ - _ _ --_ -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - bull-_-- - bull_ _---- -----------I - Carpenter 1

- 3 -

13 2

3 1

5 11

2 Stamper

3 lgtaftri

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamadar

6 Head Obowkidar

7 Peonlt

58 61


-1 - -

- 1 2

~ Fra8h~

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Ohowkidar

11 OhcwkidB1- lt --~ s-

12 Oane~Wol~ 1

Rs 950--20-1150 - BB-2S- - 1400+30 SIecial pay

3- Ri -000-15-1010- EB- 20-1150+30 Special pay

15 Rs 800-c-15-1OIO-BB-20-1150+30 Selcial pay -

4 Rs 800-15-1010- BB--20-1150+30 Slecial pay

16 Rs 800-15-1010- EB- 20-1lso-t30 Special pay

1 Rs 775-12- 955~EB- 14- 940+30 Special pay

119 Rs 7~ 12----870--EB-14-9401-30 Special paY

2 Rs 750--12- 870- EB-I4-940+30 Special pay

1 - Rs 750-120-870-8B-14-940+30 SI-eclal pay

3 Rs 750- 12- 870- 8B-14-940+30 Steclal Pay+65

Special- allowance


Ramp 7S~I2-870-BB-14-940+30 Speciall=ay

Rs 750--12- 870- EB- 14-940+30 SPecial pay

----------- -----~------ ----------

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 25: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr

kARYANA oovr GAt AUG ii1991 1~ (SRVN 21 1919 SAKA)

APPBNDIX - B (See rule 7)

----------- -----~-- -------------- ---- -- -

Serial Designation of Academic qualifications Academic qualifications and Number posts and experienCe if sny experience if any for appoint-

for dir(ct recruitment ment other than by direct recrui1r-mentmiddot

_____________ ~_I _ ____ltII 4__ - - _

1 2

4 3

1 Oarpenter -(i) IT1 Diploma in (i) fwo y(-ars experienCe inOarPentery Oarpentary

(ii) Middle pess in Hindi (ii) Kn0wledge of Hindi anlt1English

2 Stamper (i) One Year experience ~sl1aftri (ii) Knowledg( of Hindi an(


3 Daftri (i) One yoar exporienee 80S Record Lifter _ _

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi aU0 English

4 RecordLifter (i) FiVe YeatS eX1erienee as Peon (ii) Kncwledge of Hindi and


S Jamadar (i) Five Years (xperience as Peon (ii) KnowJeltge of Hincli and


6 HeadOhowkiC ar (i) FiVe Years experienCe as Ohowkidar ~

(ii) Knowledge of Hindi and English

kA~p~ ~r~ru~U- [(Middle Pass with Hindi tnowJelt1 ge of Hinol - and Bnglish _1 ~~eOl1

ii ~ -8 Fra~ _Milt1dle pass vfitb HiICi Middle pass wit)gtHinoi bull

9 tKhatasi~ - Middle taSS with Hindi Mivdle PIlSS witb Hindi

10 Sweel-er-eum bullbull~_-MKi(llepass Witb Hindi Mid(lk pass with Hindi Onowkidar - - --

11 Obowkidar Midltle tasS witb m-ndC Middle pass wit Hindi

12 Oane worker Know1od~ of cane workius Knowledge of care working---- ------ ---------------------------


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 26: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr


470 HARY ANA GOVT GAZ (EXTRA) JULY 14 2009 (ASAR 23 1931 SAKA)

[Authorised English Translation]




The 14th July 2001J

No GSRlSConstJArt 30912009-1n exercise of the powers conferred

by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India the Governor of Haryana

hereby makes the fol1owing rules further to amend the Haryana Financial

Commissioners Office (Group D) Services Rules 1997namely -

1 These rules may be called the Haryana Financial Commissioners

Office (Group D) Services (Amendment) Rules 2009

2 In the Haryana Financial Commissioners Office (Group D) Services

Rules 1997 in Appendix B under Column 4 against serial number 7 for the

words knowledge of Hindi and English the words Middle pass with Hindi

shall be substituted


Financial Commissioner and Principal Secretary to Government Haryana

Revenue and Disaster Management Department




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 27: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr




( See rule 14(1)]

Sr Doaianation Appointing Nature of penalty Authority Appellate Second andNo of posts allthority empowered authority final appel-

to impose late autho-penalty fity if any

-----1 2 3 4 5 6 7

-------+1 Carpenter Under 1 Minor Penaltlel Under Joint Financial

Secretary Secretary Secretary Commissioner2 Stamper (i) warning with a COKY

in the personal f le3 Daftri (Character roll)

4 Record Lifter

5 Jamada

6 HeadChowkidar

7 Peon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

11 Chowkidar

12 Cane Worker

(ii) censure

(iii) withholding of promotion

(iv) recovery from pay of thewhole or part of anypecuniary loss causedby negligence orbreach of orders tothe Central Govern-ment or a StateGovernment or to a com-pany and A~clanonor a body ofindividualswhether incorporatedor not which is whollyor substantially ownedor controlled by the

Government or a 10 calauthority or univorsityset up by an Act ofParliament or of theLegislature of a State and

(v) withholding of incrementsof pay without cumu-lative effect

2 Majol Peaa1t1e8

(vi) withholding of iurementsof pampy with cumu-lative effect


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 28: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr


2 3 4 5 6

(vii) reduction to a lower stagein the time scale of payfor a specified periodwith further directions as to whether or Dot ~beGovernment employeewiJTearn increments of pay during the period of such reduction and whether on theexpicyof such period~ ttre reduction Wfirot Will not have the effect of postponing the future increments of his pa~

(viii) reduction to a scale of pay grade or service which

lower post shall

ordinarily be a bar to the promotion of the Govern-ment employee to the timescale of pay grade post orservice frommiddot which he was redUced with or bullj

11 ~1

without further directions regarding conditions of restoration to t~ grIkIe~~ Or post or service from which the Government empfOyeewas reduced and his seniority and pay on such restoration to that gradeservice

post or


(Ix) compulsory retirement (x) removal- from service

which shalLnot be a disqualifiCaHoniOtfutUreemployment under tne Government

(xi) diSJnissalfrom service wliichsliallordinanly bull be a disqualliicatiOn formiddot future emploYment -1uidel the Gov~ - h

~L_ 7)~~~-~-


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department

Page 29: Service Rules GroupD - Revenue & Disaster Management …revenueharyana.gov.in/Portals/0/Service_Rules_GroupD.pdf · HARYANA GOVT OAZ.,AUO; 12.1997 1049 (SRVN. 21, 1919 SAKA) ~~rOTr


(Se~ rule 14 (2)]

Sr 111111111No tion of


Nature of order Authorityompoweredto makethe orGer


Secondand finalappellateauthorityif any

1 2 s 1 Carpenter

2 Stamper-~-oaftri

4 Record Lifter

S Jamadar

6 Head Chowkidar

7 Pon

8 Frash

9 Khalasi

10 Sweeper-cum-Chowkidar

middot11 Chowkidar

J2 Cane Worker

(i) reducing or with-holdiDl the amount ofordinary or additIonalpensfon adnlissibleunder the rules overn-ina pension

(ii) terminating the appoint-ment otherwise thanupon his attaining theage fixed for super-annuation

bullUnder Joint FinancialSecretary Secretary Commissioner


rmiddotmiddotmiddot--_middot_- ------ - ----~--------------i



Financial Commissioner and Seoretary to Govrnment HaryanaRevenue Department