17/3/04 PE 342.517/POJ EN EN Session document DRAFT AGENDA 29 MARCH - 1 APRIL 2004 STRASBOURG

Session document - European Parliament€¦ · Session document DRAFT AGENDA 29 MARCH - 1 APRIL 2004 STRASBOURG. Explanation of procedures Unless Parliament decides otherwise, texts

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17/3/04 PE 342.517/POJ


Session document


29 MARCH - 1 APRIL 2004


Explanation of procedures

Unless Parliament decides otherwise, texts taken in plenary will be put to the vote in the following order

1. Third reading

- Codecision procedure (***III) majority of votes cast to approve a joint text

2. Assent

- Assent procedure (***) majority of Parliament's component Members under Article 49 of EU Treaty and Article 190 of EC Treaty to adopt or reject a decision giving assent

3. Second reading

- Codecision procedure (***II) majority of Parliament's component Members to reject or amend a common position; majority of votes cast to approve a common position

- Cooperation procedure (**II) majority of Parliament's component Members to reject or amend a common position; majority of votes cast to approve a common position

4. Parliament's Rules of Procedure

- Amendments to Rules of Procedure majority of Parliament's component Members to adopt amendments majority of votes cast to adopt a proposal for a decision

5. First reading

- Codecision procedure (***I) majority of votes cast to approve or amend a legislative proposal majority of votes cast to adopt a draft legislative resolution

- Cooperation procedure (**I) majority of votes cast to approve or amend a legislative proposal majority of votes cast to adopt a draft legislative resolution

6. Assent

- Assent procedure (***) majority of votes cast under Articles 105, 107, 161 and 300 of EC Treaty to adopt or reject a decision giving assent

7. Other procedures

- Consultation procedure (*) majority of votes cast to approve or amend a legislative proposal majority of votes cast to adopt a draft legislative resolution

- Others (statements, oral questions, own-initiative reports, waiver of immunity) majority of votes cast to adopt a motion for a resolution or a proposal for a decision

3 Contents 3

342.517/POJ 342.517/POJ \\epades\public\seance_pleniere\ordre_du_jour\projet\ INTERNET: http://www.europarl.eu.int/agenda/en INTRANET: http://www.europarl.ep.ec/agenda/en


Monday 29 March 2004..........................................................................................................................................................7

17:00 - 22:00 ............................................................................................................................................................................7

Opening of part-session and order of business ..................................................................................................................7 Report: Peter William Skinner (A5-0079/2004) - Transparency for securities traded on a regulated market ...................7 Recommendation for second reading: Theresa Villiers (A5-0114/2004) - Markets in financial instruments....................7 Report: Pervenche Berès (A5- /2004) - Temporary tax reductions for energy ..................................................................7 Report: José Manuel García-Margallo y Marfil (A5- /2004) - EC-Swiss agreement on taxation of savings.....................8 Report: Christa Randzio-Plath (A5- /2004) - New financial services committee organisational structure........................8 Report: Othmar Karas (A5- /2004) - Taxation of interest and royalty payments in different Member States...................8 (possibly) Report: Manuel Medina Ortega (A5- /2004) - European Civil Service Tribunal..............................................8 Joint debate - Court of Justice, Court of First Instance......................................................................................................8

Report: José María Gil-Robles Gil-Delgado (A5-0128/2004) - Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice ........8 Report: José María Gil-Robles Gil-Delgado (A5-0127/2004) - Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice governing languages ...................................................................................................................................................9 Report: José María Gil-Robles Gil-Delgado (A5-0126/2004) - Rules of Procedure of the Court of First Instance governing the language of proceedings ......................................................................................................................9

End of joint debate.............................................................................................................................................................9 Report: Herbert Bösch (A5-0135/2004) - Fight against fraud and protection of the financial interests of the Communities (2002) ..........................................................................................................................................................9 (possibly) Report: Terence Wynn (A5- /2004) - Mobilisation of the Solidarity Fund.......................................................9 Joint debate - Amending budgets for the 2004 financial year............................................................................................9

(possibly) Report: Jan Mulder Neena Gill (A5- /2004) - Draft amending budget 3/2004 ..........................................9 (possibly) Report: Jan Mulder Neena Gill (A5- /2004) - Draft amending budget 4/2004 ........................................10 (possibly) Report: Jan Mulder (A5- /2004) - Draft amending budget 5/2004 ..........................................................10

End of joint debate...........................................................................................................................................................10

Tuesday 30 March 2004........................................................................................................................................................11

09:00 - 12:00, 17:30 - 19:00, 21:00 - 24:00...........................................................................................................................11

(possibly) Votes on requests for urgent procedure (Rule 112) ........................................................................................11 (possibly) Report: Evelyne Gebhardt (A5- /2004) - Consumer protection laws..............................................................11 Joint debate - Food hygiene .............................................................................................................................................11

Recommendation for second reading: Horst Schnellhardt (A5-0131/2004) - Hygiene of foodstuffs.......................11 Recommendation for second reading: Horst Schnellhardt (A5-0129/2004) - Hygiene rules for food of animal origin ........................................................................................................................................................................11 Recommendation for second reading: Horst Schnellhardt (A5-0130/2004) - Production and marketing of food of animal origin.............................................................................................................................................................11 Recommendation for second reading: Horst Schnellhardt (A5-0138/2004) - Official controls on food of animal origin ........................................................................................................................................................................12

End of joint debate...........................................................................................................................................................12 Report: Albert Jan Maat (A5- /2004) - Protection of animals..........................................................................................12 Report: Astrid Thors (A5-0147/2004) - Materials and articles intended to come into contact with food........................12 (possibly) Report: Avril Doyle (A5- /2004) - Imports of live ungulate animals..............................................................12

4 Contents 4

342.517/POJ 342.517/POJ \\epades\public\seance_pleniere\ordre_du_jour\projet\ INTERNET: http://www.europarl.eu.int/agenda/en INTRANET: http://www.europarl.ep.ec/agenda/en

(possibly) Recommendation for second reading: Ingo Schmitt (A5- /2004) - Air service agreements ...........................12 Report: Nelly Maes (A5-0125/2004) - Safety of third countries aircraft using Community airports ..............................13 Recommendation for second reading: Franz Turchi (A5-0134/2004) - Rules for Community financial aid in the field of trans-European networks .............................................................................................................................................13 Report: Astrid Thors (A5- /2004) - Eco-design requirements for energy-using products ..............................................13 (possibly) Report: Alexander Radwan (A5- /2004) - European satellite radionavigation programme ............................13 Report: Richard Corbett (A5-0152/2004) - Requests for European agencies' opinions...................................................13 Report: Hedwig Keppelhoff-Wiechert (A5-0133/2004) - Feed hygiene .........................................................................13 Recommendation for second reading: Giorgio Lisi (A5-0136/2004) - Emissions of volatile organic compounds .........14 (possibly) Report: Robert Goodwill (A5- /2004) - Fluorinated greenhouse gases ..........................................................14 (possibly) Report: Marit Paulsen (A5- /2004) - Environment and health strategy ..........................................................14 Joint debate - Arhus Convention......................................................................................................................................14

(possibly) Report: Eija-Riitta Anneli Korhola (A5- /2004) - Conclusion of the Arhus Convention ........................14 (possibly) Report: Eija-Riitta Anneli Korhola (A5- /2004) - Application of the Arhus Convention........................14 (possibly) Report: Inger Schörling (A5- /2004) - Access to justice in environmental matters .................................15

End of joint debate...........................................................................................................................................................15 Report: Toine Manders (A5-0139/2004) - Environmental liability .................................................................................15 (possibly) Report: Karl-Heinz Florenz (A5- /2004) - Waste prevention and recycling...................................................15 Report: Jonas Sjöstedt (A5- /2004) - Management of waste from the extractive industries............................................15 Report: Michel Rocard (A5-0148/2004) - European Capital of Culture 2005 - 2019 .....................................................15 Report: Astrid Lulling (A5- /2004) - Data on the quarterly government debt .................................................................15 Report: Astrid Lulling (A5- /2004) - Quarterly non-financial accounts by institutional sector.......................................16 (possibly) Recommendation for second reading: Manuel Pérez Álvarez (A5- /2004) - Exposure of workers to the risks arising from electromagnetic fields .................................................................................................................................16 Recommendation for second reading: Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (A5- /2004) - Organisations working towards equality between men and women...................................................................................................................................16 Report: Christa Prets (A5-0155/2004) - Equality of access to and supply of goods and services ...................................16 Report: Olga Zrihen (A5- /2004) - Gender equality in development co-operation..........................................................16

12:00 - 13:00 ..........................................................................................................................................................................17

Votes................................................................................................................................................................................17 Pursuant to Rule 158(1) ............................................................................................................................................17 Recommendation: Luis Berenguer Fuster (A5- /2004) - Engines in agricultural and forestry tractors and non-road mobile machinery .....................................................................................................................................................17 Recommendation: Luis Berenguer Fuster (A5- /2004) - Cornering lamps for power-driven vehicles.....................17 (possibly) Report: Avril Doyle (A5- /2004) - Directive repealing Directive 72/462/EEC .......................................17 Pursuant to Rule 158 (2) ...........................................................................................................................................17 (possibly) Report: Luis Berenguer Fuster (A5- /2004) - Macro-financial assistance to Albania..............................17 Texts on which debate is closed (order shown on page 2)........................................................................................17

15:00 - 17:30 ..........................................................................................................................................................................17

Council and Commission statements - Peace, stability and democracy throughout the Middle East ..............................17

Wednesday 31 March 2004 ..................................................................................................................................................18

9:00 - 12:00, 15:00 - 19:00, 21:00 - 24:00.............................................................................................................................18

European Council report and Commission statement - European Council meeting (Brussels, 25/26 March 2004)......18 (possibly) Report: Arie M. Oostlander (A5- /2004) - Progress towards accession by Turkey ........................................18

5 Contents 5

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(possibly) Report: Alexandros Baltas (A5- /2004) - Application by Croatia for accession to the EU.............................18 Joint debate - Human rights .............................................................................................................................................18

(possibly) Report: Véronique De Keyser (A5- /2004) - Human rights (2003) and EU human rights policy ...........18 (possibly) Report: Alima Boumediene-Thiery (A5- /2004) - Fundamental rights in the European Union (2003)...18

End of joint debate...........................................................................................................................................................18 Joint debate - Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreements with Central America and the Andean Community .....19

Report: Raimon Obiols i Germà (A5-0120/2004) - Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement with Central America ....................................................................................................................................................................19 Report: José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra (A5-0119/2004) - Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement with the Andean Community....................................................................................................................................19

End of joint debate...........................................................................................................................................................19 Joint debate - Data protection ..........................................................................................................................................19

(possibly) Report: Johanna L.A. Boogerd-Quaak (A5- /2004) - Passenger name records .......................................19 (possibly) Report: Ingo Schmitt (A5- /2004) - Obligation of carriers to communicate passenger data....................19

End of joint debate...........................................................................................................................................................19 (possibly) Report: Carlos Coelho (A5- /2004) - SIS - registration certificates for vehicles ............................................20 (possibly) Report: Elena Ornella Paciotti (A5- /2004) - European Evidence Warrant ...................................................20 (possibly) Report: Marieke Sanders-ten Holte (A5- /2004) - Governance in the European Union's development policy20 Report: Nelly Maes (A5-0132/2004) - Development cooperation with South Africa .....................................................20 Report: Michel-Ange Scarbonchi (A5-0143/2004) - Budgetisation of the EDF .............................................................20 (possibly) Report: Reimer Böge (A5- /2004) - Community surveys on agricultural holdings after enlargement ...........20 (possibly) Report: Esko Olavi Seppänen (A5- /2004) - Guarantee Fund for external actions .........................................21 (possibly) Report: Reimer Böge (A5- /2004) - New Neighbourhood policy...................................................................21 (possibly) Recommendation for second reading: Joachim Wuermeling (A5- /2004) - European enforcement order for uncontested claims...........................................................................................................................................................21 Report: Gianfranco Dell'Alba (A5- /2004) - General rules on multilingualism...............................................................21 (possibly) Reports under Rule 112 ..................................................................................................................................21

12:00 - 13:00 ..........................................................................................................................................................................21

Votes on texts on which debate is closed (order shown on page 2).................................................................................21

Thursday 1 April 2004..........................................................................................................................................................22

10:00 - 12:00, 15:00 - 17:00..................................................................................................................................................22

Report: Friedrich-Wilhelm Graefe zu Baringdorf (A5-0149/2004) - Use of genetic resources in agriculture ................22 Report: Rosa Miguélez Ramos (A5-0060/2004) - EC-Denmark/Greenland fisheries agreement ...................................22 (possibly) Report: Struan Stevenson (A5- /2004) - EC-Guinea-Bissau fisheries agreement...........................................22 (possibly) Report: Giorgio Lisi (A5- /2004) - Sustainable exploitation of fishery resources in the Mediterranean ........22 (possibly) Report: Seán Ó Neachtain (A5- /2004) - Regional Advisory Councils under the Common Fisheries Policy23 (possibly) Report: Hugues Martin (A5- /2004) - Community structural assistance in the fisheries sector......................23 (possibly) Report: Elspeth Attwooll (A5- /2004) - Community financial contribution to fisheries control programmes23 (possibly) Report: Niels Busk (A5- /2004) - Community fishing vessels operating in the NAFO Regulatory Area .....23 (possibly) Recommendation: Rosa Miguélez Ramos (A5- /2004) - Conservation and management of highly migratory fish stocks ........................................................................................................................................................................23 (possibly) Report: Patricia McKenna (A5- /2004) - EC-Guinea fisheries agreement......................................................24

12:00 .......................................................................................................................................................................................24

Votes on texts on which debate is closed (order shown on page 2).................................................................................24

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17:00 [or at the end of the preceding debates]....................................................................................................................24

Votes on texts on which debate is closed (order shown on page 2).................................................................................24

Speaking time (Rule 120)......................................................................................................................................................27

Deadlines ............................................................................................................................................................................29

A deadline concerning an item on the agenda is indicated by the symbol: . Deadlines for each item are given at the end of the agenda.

7 Monday 29 March 2004 7

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The Conference of Presidents has adopted the following draft agenda, pursuant to Rule 110.

Monday 29 March 2004

17:00 - 22:00

1 Opening of part-session and order of business

2 I Report: Peter William Skinner (A5-0079/2004) - Transparency for securities traded on a regulated market on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council directive on the harmonisation of transparency requirements with regard to information about issuers whose securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market and amending Directive 2001/34/EC (Enhanced cooperation between committees - Rule 162a) [COM(2003) 138 - C5-0151/2003 - 2003/0045(COD)] Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs Draftsman of an opinion (Rule 162a): Klaus-Heiner Lehne, Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market

3 II Recommendation for second reading: Theresa Villiers (A5-0114/2004) - Markets in financial instruments on the common position adopted by the Council with a view to adopting a European Parliament and Council directive on markets in financial instruments, amending Council Directives 85/611/EEC and 93/6/EEC and Directive 2000/12/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Council Directive 93/22/EEC [13421/3/2003 - C5-0015/2004 - 2002/0269(COD)] Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

4 Report: Pervenche Berès (A5- /2004) - Temporary tax reductions for energy on the proposal for a Council directive amending Directive 2003/96/EC as regards the possibility for certain Member States to apply, in respect of energy products and electricity, temporary exemptions or reductions in the levels of taxation [COM(2004) 42 - C5-0090/2004 - 2004/0016(CNS)] Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

8 Monday 29 March 2004 8

342.517/POJ 342.517/POJ \\epades\public\seance_pleniere\ordre_du_jour\projet\ INTERNET: http://www.europarl.eu.int/agenda/en INTRANET: http://www.europarl.ep.ec/agenda/en

5 Report: José Manuel García-Margallo y Marfil (A5- /2004) - EC-Swiss agreement on taxation of savings on the proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion of the Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation providing for measures equivalent to those laid down in Council Directive 2003/48/EC of 3 June 2003 on taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments and the accompanying Memorandum of Understanding [COM(2004) 75 - C5-0103/2004 - 2004/0027(CNS)] Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

6 I Report: Christa Randzio-Plath (A5- /2004) - New financial services committee organisational structure on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directives 73/239/EEC, 85/611/EEC, 91/675/EEC, 93/6/EEC and 94/19/EC and Directives 2000/12/EC, 2002/83/EC and 2002/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, in order to establish a new financial services committee organisational structure [COM(2003) 659 - C5-0520/2003 - 2003/0263(COD)] Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

7 Report: Othmar Karas (A5- /2004) - Taxation of interest and royalty payments in different Member States on the proposal for a Council directive amending Directive 2003/49/EC on a common system of taxation applicable to interest and royalty payments made between associated companies of different Member States [COM(2003) 841 - C5-0054/2004 - 2003/0331(CNS)] Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

8 (possibly) Report: Manuel Medina Ortega (A5- /2004) - European Civil Service Tribunal on the proposal for a Council decision establishing the European Civil Service Tribunal [COM(2003) 705 - C5-0581/2003 - 2003/0280(CNS)] Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market

Joint debate - Court of Justice, Court of First Instance

9 Report: José María Gil-Robles Gil-Delgado (A5-0128/2004) - Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice on the draft Council decision amending Articles 16 en 17 of the Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice [14617/2003 - C5-0579/2003 - 2003/0823(CNS)] Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market

9 Monday 29 March 2004 9

342.517/POJ 342.517/POJ \\epades\public\seance_pleniere\ordre_du_jour\projet\ INTERNET: http://www.europarl.eu.int/agenda/en INTRANET: http://www.europarl.ep.ec/agenda/en

10 Report: José María Gil-Robles Gil-Delgado (A5-0127/2004) - Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice governing languages on the draft Council decision amending the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice with regard to the rules governing languages (Article 29) [15167/2003 - C5-0585/2003 - 2003/0824(CNS)] Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market

11 Report: José María Gil-Robles Gil-Delgado (A5-0126/2004) - Rules of Procedure of the Court of First Instance governing the language of proceedings on the draft Council decision amending Article 35 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of First Instance with regard to the language of proceedings, with a view to the new division of jurisdiction in direct actions and the enlargement of the Union [15738/2003 - C5-0625/2003 - 2003/0825(CNS)] Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market

End of joint debate

12 Report: Herbert Bösch (A5-0135/2004) - Fight against fraud and protection of the financial interests of the Communities (2002) on the fight against fraud and protection of the financial interests of the Communities - annual Commission report 2002 [COM(2003) 445 - C5-0593/2003 - 2003/2248(INI)] Committee on Budgetary Control

13 (possibly) Report: Terence Wynn (A5- /2004) - Mobilisation of the Solidarity Fund on the proposal for a Parliament and Council decision on the mobilisation of the EU Solidarity Fund in accordance with point 3 of the interinstitutional agreement of 7 November 2002 between Parliament, the Council and the Commission on the financing of the European Union Solidarity Fund, supplementing the interinstitutional agreement of 6 May 1999 on budgetary discipline and improvement of the budgetary procedure [COM(2004) 168 - - 2004/2025(ACI)] Committee on Budgets

Joint debate - Amending budgets for the 2004 financial year

14 (possibly) Report: Jan Mulder, Neena Gill (A5- /2004) - Draft amending budget 3/2004 on draft amending budget No.3 for the 2004 financial year: Section III [2004/2021(BUD)] Committee on Budgets

10 Monday 29 March 2004 10

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15 (possibly) Report: Jan Mulder, Neena Gill (A5- /2004) - Draft amending budget 4/2004 on draft amending budget No.4 for the 2004 financial year: Section III [2004/2022(BUD)] Committee on Budgets

16 (possibly) Report: Jan Mulder (A5- /2004) - Draft amending budget 5/2004 on draft amending budget No.5 for the 2004 financial year: Section III [2004/2023(BUD)] Committee on Budgets

End of joint debate

11 Tuesday 30 March 2004 11

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Tuesday 30 March 2004

09:00 - 12:00, 17:30 - 19:00, 21:00 - 24:00

17 (possibly) Votes on requests for urgent procedure (Rule 112)

18 I (possibly) Report: Evelyne Gebhardt (A5- /2004) - Consumer protection laws on the draft Council decision amending Articles 16 en 17 of the Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice on cooperation between national authorities responsible for the enforcement of consumer protection laws ("the regulation on consumer protection cooperation") [COM(2003) 443 - C5-0335/2003 - 2003/0162(COD)] Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market

Joint debate - Food hygiene

19 II Recommendation for second reading: Horst Schnellhardt (A5-0131/2004) - Hygiene of foodstuffs on the common position adopted by the Council with a view to adopting a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the hygiene of foodstuffs [10543/2/2002 - C5-0008/2004 - 2000/0178(COD)] Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy

20 II Recommendation for second reading: Horst Schnellhardt (A5-0129/2004) - Hygiene rules for food of animal origin on the common position adopted by the Council with a view to adopting a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin [5420/2/2003 - C5-0009/2004 - 2000/0179(COD)] Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy

21 II Recommendation for second reading: Horst Schnellhardt (A5-0130/2004) - Production and marketing of food of animal origin on the common position adopted by the Council with a view to adopting a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council repealing certain directives concerning food hygiene and health conditions for the production and placing on the market of certain products of animal origin intended for human consumption and amending Council Directives 89/662/EEC and 92/118/EEC and Council Decision 95/408/EC [11584/1/2003 - C5-0010/2004 - 2000/0182(COD)] Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy

12 Tuesday 30 March 2004 12

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22 II Recommendation for second reading: Horst Schnellhardt (A5-0138/2004) - Official controls on food of animal origin on the common position adopted by the Council with a view to adopting a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down specific rules for the organisation of official controls on products of animal origin intended for human consumption [11583/1/2003 - C5-0011/2004 - 2002/0141(COD)] Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy

End of joint debate

23 Report: Albert Jan Maat (A5- /2004) - Protection of animals on the proposal for a Council regulation on the protection of animals during transport and related operations and amending Directives 64/432/EEC and 93/119/EEC [COM(2003) 425 - C5-0438/2003 - 2003/0171(CNS)] Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

24 I Report: Astrid Thors (A5-0147/2004) - Materials and articles intended to come into contact with food on the proposal from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on materials and articles intended to come into contact with food [2003/0272(COD)] Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy

25 (possibly) Report: Avril Doyle (A5- /2004) - Imports of live ungulate animals on the proposal for a Council directive laying down animal health rules for the importation into the Community of certain live ungulate animals, and amending Directives 90/426/EEC and 92/65/EEC [COM(2003) 570 - C5-0483/2003 - 2003/0224(CNS)] Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy

26 II (possibly) Recommendation for second reading: Ingo Schmitt (A5- /2004) - Air service agreements on the common position of the Council with a view to adopting a European Parliament and Council regulation on the negotiation and implementation of air service agreements between Member States and third countries [13732/1/2003 - C5-0013/2004 - 2003/0044(COD)] Committee on Regional Policy, Transport and Tourism

13 Tuesday 30 March 2004 13

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27 III Report: Nelly Maes (A5-0125/2004) - Safety of third countries aircraft using Community airports on the joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee on a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the safety of third countries aircraft using Community airports [3616/2004 - C5-0062/2004 - 2002/0014(COD)] Parliament's delegation to the Conciliation Committee

28 II Recommendation for second reading: Franz Turchi (A5-0134/2004) - Rules for Community financial aid in the field of trans-European networks on the common position of the Council with a view to adopting a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) No 2236/95 laying down general rules for the granting of Community financial aid in the field of trans-European networks [5633/1/2004 - C5-0095/2004 - 2001/0226(COD)] Committee on Budgets

29 I Report: Astrid Thors (A5- /2004) - Eco-design requirements for energy-using products on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on establishing a framework for the setting of Eco-design requirements for Energy-Using Products and amending Council Directive 92/42/EEC [COM(2003) 453 - C5-0369/2003 - 2003/0172(COD)] Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy

30 (possibly) Report: Alexander Radwan (A5- /2004) - European satellite radionavigation programme on the proposal for a Council regulation on the establishment of structures for the management of the European satellite radionavigation programme [COM(2003) 471 - C5-0391/2003 - 2003/0177(CNS)] Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy

31 Report: Richard Corbett (A5-0152/2004) - Requests for European agencies' opinions on Parliament's Rules of Procedure: requests for European agencies' opinions [2004/2008(REG)] Committee on Constitutional Affairs

32 I Report: Hedwig Keppelhoff-Wiechert (A5-0133/2004) - Feed hygiene on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down requirements for feed hygiene [COM(2003) 180 - C5-0175/2003 - 2003/0071(COD)] Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy

14 Tuesday 30 March 2004 14

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33 II Recommendation for second reading: Giorgio Lisi (A5-0136/2004) - Emissions of volatile organic compounds on the common position of the Council with a view to adopting a European Parliament and Council directive on the limitation of emissions of volatile organic compounds due to the use of organic solvents in decorative paints and varnishes and vehicle refinishing products and amending Directive 1999/13/EC [14780/2/2003 - C5-0019/2004 - 2002/0301(COD)] Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy

34 I (possibly) Report: Robert Goodwill (A5- /2004) - Fluorinated greenhouse gases on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases [COM(2003) 492 - C5-0397/2003 - 2003/0189(COD)] Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy

35 (possibly) Report: Marit Paulsen (A5- /2004) - Environment and health strategy on a European environment and health strategy [2003/2222(INI)] Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy

Joint debate - Arhus Convention

36 (possibly) Report: Eija-Riitta Anneli Korhola (A5- /2004) - Conclusion of the Arhus Convention on the proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Community, of the Convention on access to information, public participation in decision making and access to justice regarding environmental matters [COM(2003) 625 - C5-0526/2003 - 2003/0249(CNS)] Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy

37 I (possibly) Report: Eija-Riitta Anneli Korhola (A5- /2004) - Application of the Arhus Convention on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the application of the provisions of the Århus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters to EC institutions and bodies [COM(2003) 622 - C5-0505/2003 - 2003/0242(COD)] Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy

15 Tuesday 30 March 2004 15

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38 I (possibly) Report: Inger Schörling (A5- /2004) - Access to justice in environmental matters on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on access to justice in environmental matters [COM(2003) 624 - C5-0513/2003 - 2003/0246(COD)] Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy

End of joint debate

39 III Report: Toine Manders (A5-0139/2004) - Environmental liability on the common position of the Council with a view to adopting a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage [3622/2004 - C5-0079/2004 - 2002/0021(COD)] Parliament's delegation to the Conciliation Committee

40 (possibly) Report: Karl-Heinz Florenz (A5- /2004) - Waste prevention and recycling on the communication from the Commission on a thematic strategy for the prevention and recycling of waste [COM(2003) 301 - C5-0385/2003 - 2003/2145(INI)] Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy

41 I Report: Jonas Sjöstedt (A5- /2004) - Management of waste from the extractive industries on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the management of waste from the extractive industries [COM(2003) 319 - C5-0256/2003 - 2003/0107(COD)] Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy

42 I Report: Michel Rocard (A5-0148/2004) - European Capital of Culture 2005 - 2019 on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Decision 1419/1999/EC establishing a Community action for the "European Capital of Culture" event for the years 2005 to 2019 [COM(2003) 700 - C5-0548/2003 - 2003/0274(COD)] Committee on Culture, Youth, Education, the Media and Sport

43 Report: Astrid Lulling (A5- /2004) - Data on the quarterly government debt on the proposal for a Council regulation concerning the compilation and transmission of data on the quarterly government debt [COM(2003) 761 - C5-0649/2003 - 2003/0295(CNS)] Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

16 Tuesday 30 March 2004 16

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44 I Report: Astrid Lulling (A5- /2004) - Quarterly non-financial accounts by institutional sector on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the compilation of quarterly non-financial accounts by institutional sector [COM(2003) 789 - C5-0645/2003 - 2003/0296(COD)] Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

45 II (possibly) Recommendation for second reading: Manuel Pérez Álvarez (A5- /2004) - Exposure of workers to the risks arising from electromagnetic fields on the common position of the Council with a view to adopting a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (electromagnetic fields) (18th individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC) [13599/1/2003 - C5-0016/2004 - 1992/0449(COD)] Committee on Employment and Social Affairs

46 II Recommendation for second reading: Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (A5- /2004) - Organisations working towards equality between men and women on the common position of the Council with a view to adopting a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a Community action programme to promote organisations active at European level in the field of equality between men and women [16185/1/2003 - C5-0068/2004 - 2003/0109(COD)] Committee on Women's Rights and Equal Opportunities

47 Report: Christa Prets (A5-0155/2004) - Equality of access to and supply of goods and services on the proposal for a Council directive implementing the principle of equal treatment between women and men in the access to and supply of goods and services [COM(2003) 657 - C5-0654/2003 - 2003/0265(CNS)] Committee on Women's Rights and Equal Opportunities

48 II Report: Olga Zrihen (A5- /2004) - Gender equality in development co-operation on the common position of the Council with a view to adopting a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on promoting gender equality in development co-operation [5402/1/2004 - C5-0093/2004 - 2003/0176(COD)] Committee on Women's Rights and Equal Opportunities

17 Tuesday 30 March 2004 17

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12:00 - 13:00

49 Votes

Pursuant to Rule 158(1)

50 - Recommendation: Luis Berenguer Fuster (A5- /2004) - Engines in agricultural and forestry tractors and non-road mobile machinery on the Council decision on the position of the European Community on the draft regulation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe concerning the uniform prescriptions applicable to the approval of internal combustion engines to be installed in agricultural and forestry tractors and in non-road mobile machinery, with regard to their net power, net torque and specific fuel consumption [COM(2003) 414 - COM(2003) 414 - 2003/0155(AVC)] Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy Rule 158(1)

51 - Recommendation: Luis Berenguer Fuster (A5- /2004) - Cornering lamps for power-driven vehicles on the proposal for a Council decision on the position of the European Community on the draft regulation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe on uniform prescriptions concerning the approval of cornering lamps for power-driven vehicles [5925/2004 - C5-0113/2004 - 2003/0188(AVC)] Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy Rule 158(1)

52 - (possibly) Report: Avril Doyle (A5- /2004) - Directive repealing Directive 72/462/EEC on the proposal for a Council directive repealing Directive 72/462/EEC [COM(2004) 71 - C5-0110/2004 - 2004/0022(CNS)] Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy Rule 158(1)

Pursuant to Rule 158 (2)

53 - (possibly) Report: Luis Berenguer Fuster (A5- /2004) - Macro-financial assistance to Albania on the proposal for a Council decision providing macro-financial assistance to Albania and repealing Decision 1999/282/EC [COM(2003) 834 - C5-0048/2004 - 2003/0330(CNS)] Committee on Industry, External Trade, Research and Energy Rule 158(2)

54 - Texts on which debate is closed (order shown on page 2)

15:00 - 17:30

55 Council and Commission statements - Peace, stability and democracy throughout the Middle East

18 Wednesday 31 March 2004 18

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Wednesday 31 March 2004

9:00 - 12:00, 15:00 - 19:00, 21:00 - 24:00

56 European Council report and Commission statement - European Council meeting (Brussels, 25/26 March 2004)

57 (possibly) Report: Arie M. Oostlander (A5- /2004) - Progress towards accession by Turkey on the progress towards accession by Turkey [COM(2003) 676 - C5-0535/2003 - 2003/2204(INI)] Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy

58 (possibly) Report: Alexandros Baltas (A5- /2004) - Application by Croatia for accession to the EU on the application by Croatia for accession to the EU [2003/2254(INI)] Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy

Joint debate - Human rights

59 (possibly) Report: Véronique De Keyser (A5- /2004) - Human rights (2003) and EU human rights policy on the annual report on human rights in the world in 2003 and the EU's human rights policy [2003/2005(INI)] Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy

60 (possibly) Report: Alima Boumediene-Thiery (A5- /2004) - Fundamental rights in the European Union (2003) on the situation as regards fundamental rights in the European Union (2003) [2003/2006(INI)] Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs

End of joint debate

19 Wednesday 31 March 2004 19

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Joint debate - Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreements with Central America and the Andean Community

61 Report: Raimon Obiols i Germà (A5-0120/2004) - Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement with Central America on the proposal for a Council decision on the signature of a Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republics of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama [COM(2003) 677 - C5-0658/2003 - 2003/0266(CNS)] Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy

62 Report: José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra (A5-0119/2004) - Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement with the Andean Community on the proposal for a Council decision on the conclusion of a Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and its Member States, of the one part, and the Andean Community and its member countries, the Republics of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, of the other part [COM(2003) 695 - C5-0657/2003 - 2003/0268(CNS)] Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy

End of joint debate

Joint debate - Data protection

63 (possibly) Report: Johanna L.A. Boogerd-Quaak (A5- /2004) - Passenger name records on the level of protection provided by the USA on air passenger name records (PNR) [2004/2011(INI)] Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs

64 (possibly) Report: Ingo Schmitt (A5- /2004) - Obligation of carriers to communicate passenger data on the initiative of the Kingdom of Spain with a view to adopting a Council directive on the obligation of carriers to communicate passenger data [7161/2003 - C5-0164/2003 - 2003/0809(CNS)] Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs

End of joint debate

20 Wednesday 31 March 2004 20

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65 I (possibly) Report: Carlos Coelho (A5- /2004) - SIS - registration certificates for vehicles on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 on the gradual abolition of checks at common borders as regards access to the Schengen Information System by the services in the Member States responsible for issuing registration certificates for vehicles [COM(2003) 510 - C5-0412/2003 - 2003/0198(COD)] Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs

66 (possibly) Report: Elena Ornella Paciotti (A5- /2004) - European Evidence Warrant on the proposal for a Council framework decision on the European evidence warrant for obtaining objects, documents and data for use in proceedings in criminal matters [COM(2003) 688 - C5-0609/2003 - 2003/0270(CNS)] Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs

67 (possibly) Report: Marieke Sanders-ten Holte (A5- /2004) - Governance in the European Union's development policy on governance in the European Union's development policy [2003/2164(INI)] Committee on Development and Cooperation

68 I Report: Nelly Maes (A5-0132/2004) - Development cooperation with South Africa on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) no 1726/2000 on development cooperation with South Africa [COM(2003) 627 - C5-0495/2003 - 2003/0245(COD)] Committee on Development and Cooperation

69 Report: Michel-Ange Scarbonchi (A5-0143/2004) - Budgetisation of the EDF on budgetisation of the European Development Fund (EDF) [2003/2163(INI)] Committee on Development and Cooperation

70 I (possibly) Report: Reimer Böge (A5- /2004) - Community surveys on agricultural holdings after enlargement on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 571/88 on the organisation of Community surveys on the structure of agricultural holdings after enlargement [COM(2003) 605 - C5-0477/2003 - 2003/0234(COD)] Committee on Budgets

21 Wednesday 31 March 2004 21

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71 (possibly) Report: Esko Olavi Seppänen (A5- /2004) - Guarantee Fund for external actions on the proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2728/94 establishing a Guarantee Fund for external actions [COM(2003) 604 - C5-0502/2003 - 2003/0233(CNS)] Committee on Budgets

72 (possibly) Report: Reimer Böge (A5- /2004) - New Neighbourhood policy on the proposal for a Council decision amending Decision 2000/24/EC to take into account the enlargement of the European Union and the EU's Wider Europe - New Neighbourhood policy [COM(2003) 603 - C5-0501/2003 - 2003/0232(CNS)] Committee on Budgets

73 II (possibly) Recommendation for second reading: Joachim Wuermeling (A5- /2004) - European enforcement order for uncontested claims on the common position of the Council with a view to adopting a Council regulation creating a European enforcement order for uncontested claims [16041/1/2003 - C5-0067/2004 - 2002/0090(COD)] Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market

74 Report: Gianfranco Dell'Alba (A5- /2004) - General rules on multilingualism on Rules 117 and 139: precautionary measures for application of the general rules on multilingualism [2003/2227(REG)] Committee on Constitutional Affairs

75 (possibly) Reports under Rule 112

12:00 - 13:00

76 Votes on texts on which debate is closed (order shown on page 2)

22 Thursday 1 April 2004 22

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Thursday 1 April 2004

10:00 - 12:00, 15:00 - 17:00

77 Report: Friedrich-Wilhelm Graefe zu Baringdorf (A5-0149/2004) - Use of genetic resources in agriculture on the proposal for a Council regulation establishing a Community programme on the conservation, characterisation, collection and utilisation of genetic resources in agriculture [COM(2003) 817 - C5-0025/2004 - 2003/0321(CNS)] Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

78 Report: Rosa Miguélez Ramos (A5-0060/2004) - EC-Denmark/Greenland fisheries agreement on the proposal for a Council regulation on the conclusion of the Protocol modifying the Fourth Protocol laying down the conditions relating to fishing provided for in the Agreement on fisheries between the European Economic Community, on the one hand, and the Government of Denmark and the Local Government of Greenland, on the other [COM(2003) 609 - C5-0514/2003 - 2003/0236(CNS)] Committee on Fisheries

79 (possibly) Report: Struan Stevenson (A5- /2004) - EC-Guinea-Bissau fisheries agreement on the proposal for a Council regulation on the conclusion of the Agreement in the form of an Exchange of Letters concerning the provisional application of amendments to the Protocol establishing the fishing opportunities and the compensation provided for in the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on fishing off the coast of Guinea-Bissau for the period 16 June 2001 to 15 June 2006, and Council Decision of 26 February 2001 setting the terms for financial support to Guinea-Bissau in the fisheries sector [COM(2003) 593 - C5-0498/2003 - 2003/0227(CNS)] Committee on Fisheries

80 (possibly) Report: Giorgio Lisi (A5- /2004) - Sustainable exploitation of fishery resources in the Mediterranean on the proposal for a Council regulation concerning management measures for the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources in the Mediterranean Sea and amending Regulations (EC) No 2847/93 and (EC) No 973/2001 [COM(2003) 589 - C5-0480/2003 - 2003/0229(CNS)] Committee on Fisheries

23 Thursday 1 April 2004 23

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81 (possibly) Report: Seán Ó Neachtain (A5- /2004) - Regional Advisory Councils under the Common Fisheries Policy on the proposal for a Council decision establishing Regional Advisory Councils under the Common Fisheries Policy [COM(2003) 607 - C5-0504/2003 - 2003/0238(CNS)] Committee on Fisheries

82 (possibly) Report: Hugues Martin (A5- /2004) - Community structural assistance in the fisheries sector on the proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 2792/1999 laying down the detailed rules and arrangements regarding Community structural assistance in the fisheries sector [COM(2003) 658 - C5-0547/2003 - 2003/0261(CNS)] Committee on Fisheries

83 (possibly) Report: Elspeth Attwooll (A5- /2004) - Community financial contribution to fisheries control programmes on the proposal for a Council decision on a Community financial contribution towards Member States fisheries control programmes [COM(2003) 706 - C5-0602/2003 - 2003/0281(CNS)] Committee on Fisheries

84 (possibly) Report: Niels Busk (A5- /2004) - Community fishing vessels operating in the NAFO Regulatory Area on the proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 3069/95 establishing a European Community observer scheme applicable to Community fishing vessels operating in the Regulatory Area of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO) [COM(2003) 611 - C5-0515/2003 - 2003/0237(CNS)] Committee on Fisheries

85 (possibly) Recommendation: Rosa Miguélez Ramos (A5- /2004) - Conservation and management of highly migratory fish stocks on the draft Council decision on the accession of the Community to the Convention on the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean [COM(2003) 855 - - 2003/0332(AVC)] Committee on Fisheries

24 Thursday 1 April 2004 24

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86 (possibly) Report: Patricia McKenna (A5- /2004) - EC-Guinea fisheries agreement on the proposal for a Council regulation on the conclusion of the Protocol defining for the period 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2008 the fishing opportunities and the financial contribution provided for in the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Government of the Republic of Guinea on fishing off the Guinean coast [COM(2003) 765 - C5-0024/2004 - 2003/0290(CNS)] Committee on Fisheries


87 Votes on texts on which debate is closed (order shown on page 2)

17:00 [or at the end of the preceding debates]

88 Votes on texts on which debate is closed (order shown on page 2)

25 25

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Speaking time (Rule 120) Deadlines

27 Speaking time (Rule 120) 27

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Speaking time (Rule 120)

Monday 29 March 2004

17:00 - 22:00

Rapporteurs (15 x 5') : 75' Draftsmen (2 x 2') : 4' Commission (including replies) : 75' Members : 90'

PPE-DE : 30 PSE : 23 ELDR : 8 GUE/NGL : 8 Verts/ALE : 7 UEN : 4 EDD : 4 NI : 6

Tuesday 30 March 2004

09:00 - 12:00, 17:30 - 19:00, 21:00 - 24:00

Rapporteurs (31 x 5') : 155' Draftsmen (18 x 1') : 18' Commission (including replies) : 150' Members : 75'

PPE-DE : 24 PSE : 18 ELDR : 7 GUE/NGL : 7 Verts/ALE : 6 UEN : 4 EDD : 4 NI : 5

15:00 - 17:30

Council (including replies) : 20' Commission (including replies) : 15' Members : 90'

PPE-DE : 30 PSE : 23 ELDR : 8 GUE/NGL : 8 Verts/ALE : 7 UEN : 4 EDD : 4 NI : 6

Wednesday 31 March 2004

9:00 - 12:00, 15:00 - 19:00, 21:00 - 24:00

Council (including replies) : 40' Commission (including replies) : 100' Rapporteurs (18 x 5') : 90' Draftsmen (19 x 1') : 19' Members : 270'

PPE-DE : 97 PSE : 73 ELDR : 23 GUE/NGL : 22 Verts/ALE : 20 UEN : 11 EDD : 9 NI : 15

28 Speaking time (Rule 120) 28

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Thursday 1 April 2004

10:00 - 12:00, 15:00 - 17:00

Rapporteurs (10 x 5') : 50' Draftsmen (9 x 2') : 18' Commission (including replies) : 50' Members : 90'

PPE-DE : 30 PSE : 23 ELDR : 8 GUE/NGL : 8 Verts/ALE : 7 UEN : 4 EDD : 4 NI : 6

29 Deadlines 29

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Monday 29 March 2004

2 Report: Peter William Skinner (A5-0079/2004) - Transparency for securities traded on a regulated market

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

3 Recommendation for second reading: Theresa Villiers (A5-0114/2004) - Markets in financial instruments

- Amendments; rejection Thursday 25 March, 12:00

4 Report: Pervenche Berès (A5- /2004) - Temporary tax reductions for energy - Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

5 Report: José Manuel García-Margallo y Marfil (A5- /2004) - EC-Swiss agreement on taxation of savings

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

6 Report: Christa Randzio-Plath (A5- /2004) - New financial services committee organisational structure

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

7 Report: Othmar Karas (A5- /2004) - Taxation of interest and royalty payments in different Member States

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

8 (possibly) Report: Manuel Medina Ortega (A5- /2004) - European Civil Service Tribunal

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

9 Report: José María Gil-Robles Gil-Delgado (A5-0128/2004) - Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

10 Report: José María Gil-Robles Gil-Delgado (A5-0127/2004) - Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice governing languages

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

11 Report: José María Gil-Robles Gil-Delgado (A5-0126/2004) - Rules of Procedure of the Court of First Instance governing the language of proceedings

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

12 Report: Herbert Bösch (A5-0135/2004) - Fight against fraud and protection of the financial interests of the Communities (2002)

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

13 (possibly) Report: Terence Wynn (A5- /2004) - Mobilisation of the Solidarity Fund - Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

Tuesday 30 March 2004

18 (possibly) Report: Evelyne Gebhardt (A5- /2004) - Consumer protection laws - Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

30 Deadlines 30

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19 Recommendation for second reading: Horst Schnellhardt (A5-0131/2004) - Hygiene of foodstuffs

- Amendments; rejection Thursday 25 March, 12:00

20 Recommendation for second reading: Horst Schnellhardt (A5-0129/2004) - Hygiene rules for food of animal origin

- Amendments; rejection Thursday 25 March, 12:00

21 Recommendation for second reading: Horst Schnellhardt (A5-0130/2004) - Production and marketing of food of animal origin

- Amendments; rejection Thursday 25 March, 12:00

22 Recommendation for second reading: Horst Schnellhardt (A5-0138/2004) - Official controls on food of animal origin

- Amendments; rejection Thursday 25 March, 12:00

23 Report: Albert Jan Maat (A5- /2004) - Protection of animals - Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

24 Report: Astrid Thors (A5-0147/2004) - Materials and articles intended to come into contact with food

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

25 (possibly) Report: Avril Doyle (A5- /2004) - Imports of live ungulate animals - Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

26 (possibly) Recommendation for second reading: Ingo Schmitt (A5- /2004) - Air service agreements

- Amendments; rejection Thursday 25 March, 12:00

28 Recommendation for second reading: Franz Turchi (A5-0134/2004) - Rules for Community financial aid in the field of trans-European networks

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

29 Report: Astrid Thors (A5- /2004) - Eco-design requirements for energy-using products

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

30 (possibly) Report: Alexander Radwan (A5- /2004) - European satellite radionavigation programme

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

31 Report: Richard Corbett (A5-0152/2004) - Requests for European agencies' opinions - Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

32 Report: Hedwig Keppelhoff-Wiechert (A5-0133/2004) - Feed hygiene - Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

33 Recommendation for second reading: Giorgio Lisi (A5-0136/2004) - Emissions of volatile organic compounds

- Amendments; rejection Thursday 25 March, 12:00

34 (possibly) Report: Robert Goodwill (A5- /2004) - Fluorinated greenhouse gases - Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

31 Deadlines 31

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35 (possibly) Report: Marit Paulsen (A5- /2004) - Environment and health strategy - Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

36 (possibly) Report: Eija-Riitta Anneli Korhola (A5- /2004) - Conclusion of the Arhus Convention

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

37 (possibly) Report: Eija-Riitta Anneli Korhola (A5- /2004) - Application of the Arhus Convention

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

38 (possibly) Report: Inger Schörling (A5- /2004) - Access to justice in environmental matters

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

40 (possibly) Report: Karl-Heinz Florenz (A5- /2004) - Waste prevention and recycling - Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

41 Report: Jonas Sjöstedt (A5- /2004) - Management of waste from the extractive industries

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

42 Report: Michel Rocard (A5-0148/2004) - European Capital of Culture 2005 - 2019 - Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

43 Report: Astrid Lulling (A5- /2004) - Data on the quarterly government debt - Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

44 Report: Astrid Lulling (A5- /2004) - Quarterly non-financial accounts by institutional sector

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

45 (possibly) Recommendation for second reading: Manuel Pérez Álvarez (A5- /2004) - Exposure of workers to the risks arising from electromagnetic fields

- Amendments; rejection Thursday 25 March, 12:00

46 Recommendation for second reading: Rodi Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou (A5- /2004) - Organisations working towards equality between men and women

- Amendments; rejection Thursday 25 March, 12:00

47 Report: Christa Prets (A5-0155/2004) - Equality of access to and supply of goods and services

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

48 Report: Olga Zrihen (A5- /2004) - Gender equality in development co-operation - Amendments; rejection Thursday 25 March, 12:00

55 Council and Commission statements - Peace, stability and democracy throughout the Middle East

- Motions for resolutions Thursday 25 March, 12:00 - Amendments and joint motions for resolutions Monday 29 March, 19:00

32 Deadlines 32

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Wednesday 31 March 2004

56 European Council report and Commission statement - European Council meeting (Brussels, 25/26 March 2004)

- Motions for resolutions Monday 29 March, 19:00 - Amendments and joint motions for resolutions Wednesday 31 March, 10:00

57 (possibly) Report: Arie M. Oostlander (A5- /2004) - Progress towards accession by Turkey

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

58 (possibly) Report: Alexandros Baltas (A5- /2004) - Application by Croatia for accession to the EU

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

59 (possibly) Report: Véronique De Keyser (A5- /2004) - Human rights (2003) and EU human rights policy

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

60 (possibly) Report: Alima Boumediene-Thiery (A5- /2004) - Fundamental rights in the European Union (2003)

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

63 (possibly) Report: Johanna L.A. Boogerd-Quaak (A5- /2004) - Passenger name records

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

64 (possibly) Report: Ingo Schmitt (A5- /2004) - Obligation of carriers to communicate passenger data

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

65 (possibly) Report: Carlos Coelho (A5- /2004) - SIS - registration certificates for vehicles

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

66 (possibly) Report: Elena Ornella Paciotti (A5- /2004) - European Evidence Warrant - Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

67 (possibly) Report: Marieke Sanders-ten Holte (A5- /2004) - Governance in the European Union's development policy

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

68 Report: Nelly Maes (A5-0132/2004) - Development cooperation with South Africa - Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

69 Report: Michel-Ange Scarbonchi (A5-0143/2004) - Budgetisation of the EDF - Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

70 (possibly) Report: Reimer Böge (A5- /2004) - Community surveys on agricultural holdings after enlargement

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

71 (possibly) Report: Esko Olavi Seppänen (A5- /2004) - Guarantee Fund for external actions

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

33 Deadlines 33

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72 (possibly) Report: Reimer Böge (A5- /2004) - New Neighbourhood policy - Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

73 (possibly) Recommendation for second reading: Joachim Wuermeling (A5- /2004) - European enforcement order for uncontested claims

- Amendments; rejection Thursday 25 March, 12:00

74 Report: Gianfranco Dell'Alba (A5- /2004) - General rules on multilingualism - Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

Thursday 1 April 2004

77 Report: Friedrich-Wilhelm Graefe zu Baringdorf (A5-0149/2004) - Use of genetic resources in agriculture

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

78 Report: Rosa Miguélez Ramos (A5-0060/2004) - EC-Denmark/Greenland fisheries agreement

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

79 (possibly) Report: Struan Stevenson (A5- /2004) - EC-Guinea-Bissau fisheries agreement

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

80 (possibly) Report: Giorgio Lisi (A5- /2004) - Sustainable exploitation of fishery resources in the Mediterranean

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

81 (possibly) Report: Seán Ó Neachtain (A5- /2004) - Regional Advisory Councils under the Common Fisheries Policy

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

82 (possibly) Report: Hugues Martin (A5- /2004) - Community structural assistance in the fisheries sector

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

83 (possibly) Report: Elspeth Attwooll (A5- /2004) - Community financial contribution to fisheries control programmes

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

84 (possibly) Report: Niels Busk (A5- /2004) - Community fishing vessels operating in the NAFO Regulatory Area

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

85 (possibly) Recommendation: Rosa Miguélez Ramos (A5- /2004) - Conservation and management of highly migratory fish stocks

- Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

86 (possibly) Report: Patricia McKenna (A5- /2004) - EC-Guinea fisheries agreement - Amendments Thursday 25 March, 12:00

34 Deadlines 34

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Separate votes - Split votes - Roll-call votes

- Texts put to the vote on Tuesday Monday 29 March, 19:00 - Texts put to the vote on Wednesday Tuesday 30 March, 21:00 - Texts put to the vote on Thursday Wednesday 31 March, 21:00