Set Times Q2 2006

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ADS FOR THIS ISSUE International Day—Page 8 ICBM Conference—Page 10 Global Day of Prayer—Page 13 National Day of Prayer—Page 14 Page 7 February Breakthrough, 2006 A Letter from Drs. Stennis Remember the meaning of Resurrection Sunday. Page 15 Current Events Page 14 National Day of Prayer Page 3 Photo Credit: At the Cross, in silhouette. Page 2—The Set Times

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Page 1: Set Times Q2 2006
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Page 3 A Letter from Drs. Stennis

Remember the meaning of

Resurrection Sunday.

Page 4 The Doctorate Ceremony for

Pastors Curt and Linda Stennis

Highlights from the ceremony.

Page 7 February Breakthrough, 2006

Page 9 Having An Azusa Outpouring In

The Last Days

Karl Adair gives commentary on

the Azusa Street Revivals and its

impact today.

Page 11 Missions Report

Our missions update from Pastor

Nicholas Juste of Port-au-Prince


Page 12 Fasting—”What, When and


Drs. Stennis gives wisdom on


Page 14 National Day of Prayer

Page 15 Current Events


International Day—Page 8

ICBM Conference—Page 10

Global Day of Prayer—Page 13

National Day of Prayer—Page 14

Photo Credit: At the Cross, in silhouette.

Page 2—The Set Times

Page 3: Set Times Q2 2006

Drs. Curtis and Linda Stennis

Executive Editors

Gwendolyn Brown

Layout, Art Work and


Article Transcription

Jully Reynolds

Article Submission

Karl Adair

Cover Art Work

Curtis Stennis

Gwendolyn Brown


Supplemental Images

Additional Graphics

Azusa Centennial Website


National Day of Prayer


St. Thomas Christian College


Global Day of Prayer


Published by

EHP Creations

Hillside, Illinois


The Set Times is a quarterly publication of

Salvation and Deliverance Ministries

International, Chicago, Illinois, PO Box 51550,

1540 N. Spaulding Avenue 60651. Email:

[email protected]. General Email

Address: [email protected]. Website:

www.promise7.org. ©2006, God Always Keeps

His Promises Media Ministries. All Rights

Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part

without written permission is prohibited.

The Set Times has no subscription rate and is

supported by our Promise Partners and

Members. All donations are tax deductible.

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[email protected]

THE SET TIMES Dear Friends and Partners,

This month everyone in the

world gets another opportunity

to celebrate the most important

event of all history, the Death,

Burial, and Resurrection of

Jesus Christ. It is impossible

to celebrate without taking a

view of these historical events.

Mel Gibson’s The Passion of

the Christ is probably the

closest depiction ever

produced for film that will

help all people appreciate the

meaning of Easter. The

celebration of Palm Sunday

takes us back to the account of

Jesus’ triumphant entry into

Jerusalem (Luke 19).

The somber day we call Good Friday depicts Jesus before Pilate and the

harsh death sentence handed down by the Roman officials. Though his

punishment was brutal and inhuman,

His death was an intentional divine

strategy of victory for all mankind

(Luke 23).

On Resurrection Sunday the

celebration will conclude with singing

and discussion, rejoicing over this

Jubilee event! We will reflect on the

rolled back stone, the abandoned grave

clothes, an empty tomb, and a RISEN

Savior (Luke 24)!

When motion picture films are viewed

and the scriptures are read, we all must

concur that Jesus’ life and death are

beyond the greatest story ever told.

May you and your family reflect and

rejoice during this special season.

Drs. Curtis and Linda Stennis

Isaiah 53:5

But he was wounded and crushed for our sins. He was beaten that we

might have peace. He was whipped, and we were healed!

(New Living Translation)

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An historic event occurred at Salvation and

Deliverance on Sunday, February 12, 2006.

Dr. Zamekio Jackson, president of Saint

Thomas Christian College of Jacksonville,

Florida was sent by the Board of regents to

confer the doctor or divinity degree upon

Pastors Curt and Linda Stennis.

Dr. Curt and Dr. Linda have studied abroad,

implemented programs, traveled to other

nations, launched ministries and completed a

myriad of tasks to meet the requirements to

receive this prestigious degree.

Many came to celebrate, give thanks and share

in this special ceremony. To view more photos

and hear an audio segment from the ceremony,

visit our website at www.promise7.org.

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Highlights From The Doctoral Ceremony

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Highlights From The Doctoral Ceremony

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God First Ministries will host their Annual Heavenly Breakfast on

Saturday, April 22, 2006 at 8:00 a.m. at Chicago’s McCormick Place located at

23rd and King Drive. The Heavenly Breakfast is a unique event that brings

religious, civic and business people together for worship and fellowship. It

continues to be one of the largest meetings in Chicago.

For more information regarding tickets, you may call God First Ministries office at

773-667-5200 or visit their website at www.godfirstministries.org.

Dr. Mildred C. Harris of God First Ministries was

the guest speaker for the February 19th Breakthrough

Service. Dr. Harris supports the local and foreign

missions teams as a Salvation and Deliverance

Promise Partner. Through her generous gifts; and the

gifts of other partners we are able to “Go ye into all

the world and preach the Gospel.”

(Matthew 28:18-20.)

Dr. Harris presented a beautiful gift to Drs. Curt and

Linda commemorating their Doctor degrees. She

also ministered an anointed Word from God and

many in attendance received healing, deliverance,

salvation and an awesome breakthrough.

Photo Credits: (Top) Drs. Curt and Linda Stennis receive a congratulatory gift in

honor of their Doctorate Degree from Dr. Harris.

(Bottom): Dr. Harris greets the audience and presents her Breakthrough


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Photo Credits: (top left) Bishop William Seymour and (top right)

Charles Fox Parham were the early leaders of the “Holy Spirit

Movement” and the “Azusa Street Movement.” Bottom Center:

The Azusa Faith Gospel Church.

What took place in Los

Angeles at 312 Azusa Street

has fascinated religious

historians and scholars for

many years and has yet to be

fully understood. On April 7,

1906, this small holiness

mission birthed the mightiest

recorded outpouring of the

Holy Spirit since biblical

times. For more than three years, the Azusa Street ―Apostolic

Faith Mission‖ held three daily services everyday. This

revival was virtually non-stop. Those who met at the Azusa

Street meetings believed they were part of the new time New

Testament Christianity. These early Pentecosts believed they

were being filled with the same infilling of God’s power as

the early apostles did on the day of Pentecost. Even today,

those that are of this faith acknowledge the Book of Acts

Chapter 2, “they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and

began to speak as the Spirit gave them utterance”

(Acts 2:1-4 KJV).

At the turn of the century, many great revivals and miracles

were taking place around the world. One of the most notable

experiences prior to Azusa Revival occurred on the first day

of January 1901. A holiness teacher and former Methodist

Pastor Charles Fox Parham, with a small group of Bible

students, began a teaching concerning the discovery of the gift

of speaking in tongues. Suddenly, during one of his

teachings, a young Caucasian student named Agnes Ozman

began to experience this

spiritual phenomenon.

Pastor Parham continued this

teaching in his revivals.

In one of Parham’s revivals

in Houston, Texas, a black

evangelist named William

Seymour was baptized in the

Holy Spirit. Seymour

experienced speaking in tongues later during his very own

meetings. On an invitation to preach in a run down section of

Los Angeles, California, William Seymour agreed and arrived

on February 22, 1906. He continued to teach on holiness and

speaking in tongues. Many who heard these messages were

filled with the spirit of God. These meetings experienced

astonishing growth as a result of these fillings and times of

intense prayer. During the awesome times of prayer and

intercession, William Seymour would stick his head between

two crates and continue to pray for a mighty outpour and

visitation. It was at this time that the Azusa Street missions

were established and Seymour’s prayers answered.

As the church of today, we as Christians must pay careful

attention to every aspect the Holy Spirit takes in the

preparation for revival. Undeniably, revival is a miraculous

By Karl Adair

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work of the Almighty God. But, true revival is more than just

having good church, good preaching, and singing planned

yearly on our church calendars. It is allowing the preparation

and participation of His Spirit in our lives towards

anticipation of His outpour.

Just like the days of Azusa, the Lord is choosing His workers.

However, He is only preparing those with an

attitude of expectancy, the greatest prerequisite for a mighty

visitation. In order to achieve this, we must eliminate

distractions in our lives (things that would keep us from faith,

humility, repentance, and prayer). Remember revival does

not just happen. It is birthed through the cooperation between

believers and the Holy Spirit. One must be willing to empty

himself, develop a hunger for God, and allow the Holy Spirit

to take them through a birthing process. Are you willing for

your life to be transformed or inconvenienced in your pursuit

for revival?

The Azusa Street Revival was a catalyst for world missions.

Today, over half a billion Pentecosts and Christian believers

throughout the world exists because of the powerful spread of

this great revival. From 1906 – 1908, the mission drew

people from several races, ethnic groups, cultures and

nationalities together in worship. The results were not only a

change in hearts, but also a tearing down of walls. Our

community of faith must become global with all races,

ethnicities, and cultures coming together to embrace the

opportunity of expressive unified worship. The opportunity is

pounding at our door!

Karl Adair, serves as a Psalmist and minister at Salvation and

Deliverance. He is also president of Victory Fellowship

Ministries, an outreach to ministries in the Chicagoland area.

Along with his wife Angie, Karl manages several of Chicago’s

gospel and Christian contemporary soloists and groups. He

and Angie are the proud parents of two children.

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Our International Outreach continues to

support the work of Pastor Nicholas

Juste of Port-au-Prince Haiti. His

orphanage provides shelter, food and

clothes for the street children of Haiti.

Pastor Nicholas works 12-14 hours per

day traveling in the cities and mountains

ministering to poor families.

Drs. Curt and Linda Stennis will be

ministering in Port-au-Prince

July 5-7, 2006.

Photo Credit: Pastor Juste distributes

Bibles to the children.

For more information about Pastor Juste and the

Poor Children’s Assistant project, please visit


If you would like to sow a seed for local or international

missions, please use the enclosed envelope.

Photo Credit: Pastor Nicholas fed many children

during Christmas Dinner, 2005

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For years it has been a common practice for Christians to fast

before the Easter/ Resurrection Sunday celebration. Some

specifically observe a 40 day period (Lent) that begins in

March and ends on Palm Sunday. This year that observance

began March 1st and ends April 9th.

Fasting is not commanded in scripture, and other than in the

Old Testament on the day of Atonement. The actual first

mention of fasting in the Bible is the 40 day fast of Moses

when he met God on Mount Sinai in Exodus 34th chapter.

During this fast Moses received the directions for the

construction of the Tabernacle and the commandments on


The word fast means ―a voluntary abstinence from food.‖

Abstinence from food is not the only kind of fast. A fast can

be any self-denial that enhances spiritual growth or one’s

physical body.

Jesus during his ministry never commanded a fast but did give

instructions on the subject in Matthew 6:17. He even

launched his public ministry with a 40 day fast in Matthew

4:1-2. Many others in the New Testament fasted also.

When done with a purpose fasting brings many benefits (read

Isaiah 58:6-8). We understand from this passage that God can

and will choose a fast for us individually or corporately.

When we obey the results are great.

There are various ways to fast and several kinds of fast. Most

Christians are familiar with the Disciples Fast

(Matthew 17:21) Daniel Fast (Daniel 1:8) and the Ezra Fast

(Ezra 8:23). Any study on fasting will define these basic


ABSOLUTE/TOTAL FAST: This is a strict abstinence of

anything by mouth for a specified period of time. Usually not

recommended for extended periods because it deprives the

body of water.

NORMAL FAST: Abstaining from food for a period of time

only drinking water and or juice.

PARTIAL FAST: This fast restricts the eating of certain

foods. Commonly called a denial. Sometimes one meal per

day. Also likened to the Daniel Fast.

Fasting allows the digestive system to rest and repair

itself. Other organs including our immune system benefit also.

Of course everyone has heard of a ―sweet fast‖ (abstinence

from eating desserts) ―T.V. Fast‖ (abstinence from watching

television) and even a ―Word Fast‖ (abstinence from speaking

anything to anyone that causes wounds, hurt, or confusion.

Lastly, anyone on medication, pregnant, sick, or recovering

from surgery should use wisdom and caution when

considering a fast. Seeking Godly counsel from your Pastor

and or physician is highly recommended.

By Drs. Curtis and Linda Stennis

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Pentecost SUNDAY

June 4, 2006



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Quarter Two Calendar of Events, 2006

International Missions 2006

2006 P. C. A. Conference

Port-au-Prince, Haiti

July 5—7, 2006

Host: Pastor Nicholas Juste

Joint Outreach Evangelism Conference

Busia, Kenya

August 8—17, 2006

Host: Bishop George Odhiambo

AREAS Trade Missions Conference

September 24—29, 2006

Hong Kong, China

Palm Sunday Pre-Anniversary Concert

Sunday, April 9—4:00 p.m.

Resurrection Sunday Celebration

Sunday, April 16—11:00 a.m.

23rd Year Anniversary Celebration

Sunday, April 23—11:00 a.m.

Guest Speaker: Dr. John Long

New Life Kingdom Ministries, Chicago

Jean O. Williams Scholarship Auction

Saturday, May 20

Location and Time To Be Announced

In Covenant Ministries Conference 2006

June 15-18

Hosted by Drs. Curt and Linda Stennis


Lady Andria Hudson and Expressions Drama Ministry

“What a Man Wants, What a Woman Wants”

April 7, 2006 at 7:30 p.m.

Prayer and Faith Outreach Ministries

Presbyter William Hudson, III, Pastor


Esther Symposium Women’s Conference

Monument of Faith Church, Chicago

Elder Carolyn Henton, First Lady

May 11-14,2006



June 20—22, 2006

Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma


For these and other events, including information on our speakers, visit our website at www.promise7.org.

Event times and dates are subject to change.

Outside Events: Please call or visit the website of the sponsoring ministry for more information.

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Drs. Curtis and Linda Stennis, Senior Pastors P.O. Box 51550

1540 N. Spalding Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60651-2459 www.promise7.org

773-227-2500 or 888-227-4711