SETH ANAND RAM JAIPURIA SCHOOL VASUNDHRA , GHAZIABAD SESSION 2017-18 CLASS-XI HOLIDAY HOMEWORK ENGLISH 1) Revise the given syllabus for revision test. 2) Pick up any 5 reports from the newspaper covering all the areas, cut and paste them in your class register. 3) Complete the given worksheets on Integrated Grammar Note making The Canterville Ghost MATHS 1) Prepare the chapters Trigonometric functions and Complex numbers for Unit Test 2 and Class test. 2) Attempt the assigned worksheet on Trigonometric Functions . PHYSICS 1) Complete the assigned worksheet of Chapters 3 and 4. 2) Complete the practical record . 3) Make a working model based on your syllabus. CHEMISTRY 1) Complete Question Answers of Chapter 2, NCERT Textbook (Q1 -67) and given assignment on Chapter 2. 2) Prepare for UT -2 on Chapter 2. 3) Make a Mind –Map on “Classification of Elements”. Refer to text books of grade X and XI and any relevant matter on the internet. 4) Complete your practical record. BIOLOGY 1) Make descriptive flow charts for i) Haplontic , Diplontic and Haplodiplontic life cycle by taking examples of Byyophytes. Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms ii) Stem, root, leaf modifications 2) Complete the assigned worksheets. BUSINESS STUDIES 1) Revise the given syllabus for Unit Test-2.

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ENGLISH1) Revise the given syllabus for revision test.2) Pick up any 5 reports from the newspaper covering all the areas, cut and paste them in your class register.3) Complete the given worksheets on

Integrated GrammarNote making The Canterville Ghost

MATHS 1) Prepare the chapters Trigonometric functions and Complex numbers for Unit Test 2

and Class test.2) Attempt the assigned worksheet on Trigonometric Functions .

PHYSICS1) Complete the assigned worksheet of Chapters 3 and 4. 2) Complete the practical record .3) Make a working model based on your syllabus.


1) Complete Question Answers of Chapter 2, NCERT Textbook (Q1 -67) and given assignment on Chapter 2.

2) Prepare for UT -2 on Chapter 2. 3) Make a Mind –Map on “Classification of Elements”. Refer to text books of grade X

and XI and any relevant matter on the internet. 4) Complete your practical record.


1) Make descriptive flow charts for i) Haplontic , Diplontic and Haplodiplontic life cycle by taking examples of

Byyophytes. Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiospermsii) Stem, root, leaf modifications

2) Complete the assigned worksheets.


1) Revise the given syllabus for Unit Test-2.

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2) Complete the Assignment provided on(Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Cooperative society, Hindu undivided family & joint Stock Company)

3) Read the Newspaper and collect Clippings on currents affairs and paste it in a file. List down the CEO’s of top ten companies of India & the world with their pictures.

4) Review the budget and examine the various aspects /provision affecting business and that of an individual. Prepare a detailed Project Report.

ACCOUNTANCY1) Revise the given syllabus for Unit Test. ( Ch 2,5& 6 – basic Accounting term,

Accounting equation & Rules of debit and Credit)2) Prepare a Project file :

a) Collect information on the window dressing adopted by companies.b) Collect the information on different types of virtual wallets. Prepare a Chart. Paste their photos.

3) Complete the questions given in the Text Book & scanner on the topic taught in the class for Ch 2,5 & 6


Prepare projects which have primary and secondary data that are collected from one of the following organizations.

1) A report on demographic structure of neighborhood. 2) Consumer awareness amongst households.3) Changing prices of a few vegetables in your market.4) Study of a cooperative institution e.g. milk cooperatives.


1) Revise the given syllabus for Revision Test. (Chapters 3,4)2) Prepare a report on 3 most important constitutional amendment. 3) Collect newspaper reports on controversies regarding the “Freedom of Speech”.

HISTORY1) Revise the given syllabus for revision test.2) Read a historical fiction and write down a summary of the same in your own words

(discussed in class).3) Write a brief life sketch on the following :

(i) Prophet Muhammad(ii) Genghis Khan

COMPUTER SCIENCE1. Complete the assigned worksheet ( C++ concepts/ Operators and expressions)

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1) Prepare a project report as follows:a) Select a business according to your interest. b) Identify your role model(For details refer NCERT )

2) Revise the given syllabus for revision test. (Chapter 1 and 2)

PSYCHOLOGY Prepare chapter-2 for Unit Test-2 and complete the assigned worksheet.


1) 3-Still life (pencil shading) A-2 size2) 3 -Sketches of daily life(picture composition) A-2 size

3) 1-Still life (water colour) A-2 size


1) Make a model on any one of the game.2) Complete your practical file 3) Prepare all the given chapters for the revision test.

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CLASS- XI (2017-2018)


Q.1 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

1. The tests of life are its plus factors. Overcoming illness and suffering is a plus factor, for it moulds character. Steel is iron plus fire; soil is rock plus heat. So let’s include the plus factors in our lives.

2 Sometimes, the plus factor is more readily seen by the simple-hearted. Myers tells the story of a mother who brought into her home - as a companion to her own son - a little boy who happened to have a hunchback. She had warned her son to be careful not to refer to his disability,and to go right on playing with him as if he were like any other boy.

3 The boys were playing and after a few minutes, she overheard her son say to his companion: "Do you know what you have got on your back?" The little boy was embarrassed, but before he could reply, his playmate continued : "It is the box in which your wings are and some day God is going to cut it open and then you will fly away and be an angel."

4 Often it takes a third eye, or a change in focus, to see the plus factor. Walking along the corridors of a hospital recently where patients were struggling with fear of pain and tests, I was perturbed. What gave me fresh perspective were the sayings put up everywhere, intended to uplift. One saying made me conscious of the beauty of the universe in the midst of pain, suffering and struggle. The other saying assured me that God was with me when I was in deep water and that no troubles would overwhelm me. 5. The import of those sayings also made me aware of the nether springs that flow into people's lives when they touch rock bottom or when they feel lonely, or even deserted. The nether springs make recovery possible, and they bring peace and patience in the midst of pain and distress.

6. The forces of death and destruction are not so much physical as they are psychic and psychological. When malice, hate and hard-heartedness prevail, they get channelled as forces of destruction. Where openness, peace and goodheartedness prevail, the forces of life gush forth to regenerate hope and joy.

7. The life-force is triumphant when love overcomes fear. Both fear and love are deep mysteries, but the effect of love is to build whereas fear tends to destroy. Love is often the plus factor that helps build character. It helps us to accept and to overcome suffering. It creates lasting bonds andits reach is infinite.

8. It is true that there is no shortage of destructive elements, forces and people who seek to destroy others and in the process, destroy themselves – but at the same time, there are signs of

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love and life everywhere that are constantly enabling us to overcome setbacks. So let's not look only at gloom and doom – let’s seek out positivity and happiness; because it is when you seek, that you will find what is waiting to be discovered.

1.1 On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it, using headings and sub-headings. Use recognizable abbreviations, wherever necessary.

1.2 Write a brief summary of the above passage.

Q2. You participated in a career counselling organised by Career India. You had the opportunity of listening to professionals from various fields like food technology, fashion technology, media management etc. Write a report of the programme for Career Times in about 150-200 words.

Q3. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Identify the wrong word and write it with the correct word in your answer sheet.

Teenage is a spring of man’s life a) _______ _______

It is perceive as the most joyful b)_______ _______

and exciting period of a individual’s c) _______ _______

life. Teenagers are bubble with life. d)_______ _______

Everything smell of freshness and fitness. e) _______ _______

There are aspiration and expectancy in life, f)_______ _______

But, the teenagers of today are live g) _______ _______

under the pressure of a competitive world. h)_______ _______

Q4. Change the direct speech to reported speech:

1. “I've never been to Brazil.”

2. “She has visited Paris three times.”

3. “He has read ‘War and Peace’.”

4. “I haven't seen Julie for ages.”

5. “He hasn't been to school this week.”

6. “We haven't seen ‘The Lord of the Rings’.”

7. “They've eaten in a lot of different restaurants.”

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8. “I've never tried skateboarding.”

9. “Lucy has drunk six cups of coffee today.”

10. “Mr Black has written three books.”

Q5. Answer the following questions based on your reading of the novel ‘Canterville Ghost’.

i)What idea do you form of Lord Canterville’s character from your study of ‘The Canterville Ghost’?

ii)How did the twins trouble the ghost?

iii)The novel Canterville Ghost is full of humour. Justify.

iv)People who have a practical outlook often face adversities boldly. Justify.

v)Compassionate human beings understand the others and help to emancipate them. Justify the statement with reference to the character Virginia.

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Wholemeal Breads is a market that distributes and sells food products, such as bread and other confectionery items. The store sells bread in the following three sizes:

Big bread Medium Bread Small Bread

For all preceeding categories, the shop offers the following unit price to its customers:Big bread for Rs 15Medium bread for Rs 8.Small Bread for Rs.5The market has a separate shops for retail and wholesale buying. The customers who buy bread in wholesale get 20% discount on the total price. The retails buyers do n’t get any discount.An entry is made for each category of bread in stock every morning. When a customer arrives, the choice for the purchase is recorded .If the purchase is made, the total amount that the customer must pay is calculated. You are assigned the task to automate the preceding steps by creating a C++ program.

Write a program that generates the following:-Main Menu1. Retail Buyer2. Wholesale buyer

Enter the category (1-2)Retail buyer1. Enter the number of big Breads:2. Enter the number of medium Breads:3. Enter the number of small Breads:Amount for big breads:Amount for big breads:Amount for big breads:Amount payable:Wholesale buyer4. Enter the number of big Breads:5. Enter the number of medium Breads:6. Enter the number of small Breads:Amount for big breads:Amount for big breads:Amount for big breads:Discount:Amount payable:

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Planning and ImplementationCreate a program for the above requirements by first planning i.e. (Algorithm) and then writing code. Implement the program using C++ language.

Identify the variable to be defined. Identify the data type of the variables. Identify the mechanism for displaying and accepting the user input. Program should be menu driven Implement the program. Execute the program. Enter the sample data and test the program.

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Find the Output:

AssignmentClass XI

1. int a=10, b=20, c=30 2. int a=20 5. int a=3,b=3,c=-5find a,b & c after every statement a+=a++ + ++a; float x=8.8,y=3.5,z=-5.2a=++a + ++b –c-- i. a%c ii. a*b/c iii. (a*c)%ba=++a + --b – c++ 3. int a,mb=2,k=4 iv. x/y v. x/(x+y)a= ++b + b++ a=mb*3/4+k/4+8-mb+5/8 vi. int (x)%int (y)a=--b + b--a=++a + ++b - ++c 4. int i=100,j=9; 6. int ch=20;

cout<<i/j<<endl; cout<<++ch<<”\n”<<ch<<”\n”;7. int val,res,n=1000; 8. if i=10 10. int a=6,b=2,ccin>>val; i. ++i<=10 ii. i++<=10 float d=2.5,fres=n+val>1750?400:200; i. c=(d++)*(a++)+bcout<<res; 9. char y=’A’; ii. c=(a++)*d+a

int z; iii. c=(++b)*b-ai. if val=2000 ii. if val=1000 z=’y’ + y; cout<<z;iii. if val=50011. int a=20,b=7,c; 12. int i=10; 13. int j=44;float d; i++; cout<<j++<<’\t’<<j<<”\t”<<++j;c=a/b; d=a/b; i+=1; cout<<endl<<j<<endl;cout<<c<<’,’<<d; cout<<”i=”<<i--;

14. if j=5 i. (5*++j)%6 ii. (5*j++)%614. void main( ) 15. void main( ) 16.num=109; 17. void main( ){ int x,y=1; { int x,y=1; (num!=(num=--num)? { int x,y=0;

if(y=x=0) if((x=y)!=0) cout<<”ok”:cout<<”not ok”) if((x=y=1)= =1)cout<<”\nwelcome”; cout<<x<<” cout<<x<<”,”<<y;else “<<y; }

cout<<”\n students”;} }18.Find output if a=7, 19.int x=5, y=5; 20. int i=67; 22. int a=4, b=5;a=5 cout<<x--; cout<<(i++)<<++i<<i++; int c=a+b/a; cout<<c;if(a=5) cout<< --x;cout<<”five”; cout<<++y<<y++; 21. int a=5,b=2; 23.int i=1,a=3;

else float f=(float)(a/b); cout<<f; cout<<i=++a;cout<<”not five”;

1. What happens in the absence of break statement in switch case? Give example 2. What is the need of default in switch case? Give example 3. What is the range of values that a unsigned short int variable can store? 4. An unsigned int can be twice as large as the signed int. Explain. 5. Name the header file, to which the following built in functions belong: 6. (i)isalpha() (ii)setprecision() (iii)fabs() (iv) strcmp() (v) fflush() (vi)malloc()

(vii)isupper() (viii)exit() (ix)getche() (x)strlen()7. What is the difference between ‘=’ and ‘= =’ ? 8. How is exit() different from break? Give example. 9. How many bytes of memory are used by writing the statement: long double z;10.Define the term type casting and type compatibility. Give example of each. 11. What is sizeof() operator? 12.What are different data type modifiers in c++? Explain their significance. 13.Explain the various type of errors in c++ with example. 14.Why is char often treated as integer data type? 15.Given the values of a,b,c evaluate the following (x>=y)||(!(z==y)&&(z<x)) x=10, y=5, z=11

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Class XI


MCQ Questions

1. What is the correct value to return to the operating system upon the successful completion of a program?A. -1 B. 1 C. 0 D. Programs do not return a value.

2. What is the only function all C++ programs must contain?A. start() B. system() C. main() D. program()

3. What punctuation is used to signal the beginning and end of code blocks?A. { } B. -> and <- C. BEGIN and END D. ( and )

4. What punctuation ends most lines of C++ code?A. . B. ; C. : D. '

5. Which of the following is a correct comment?A. */ Comments */ B. ** Comment **C. /* Comment */ D. { Comment }

6. Which of the following is not a correct variable type?A. float B. realC. int D. double

7. Which of the following is the correct operator to compare two variables?A. := B. =C. equal D. ==

8. Evaluate a) !(1&&1 || 1 && 0) b) 22%5

9. Give an equivalent statement of following statement:- P=2x+3y/6z

10. Convert following if to conditional operator





11. Evaluate (i). (a+5>c-2) &&(a-5<c+5) (ii). b=++a + c++ if a=10 and


If (a>10) B=a+10;else if (a>5)B=a+20;elseB=a+5;

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12. What will be the output of following statements:-

(i) cout<<a = =20; (ii) cout<<a>20; if a=30;

13. Find output

#include <iostream.h>#include <conio.h>void main(){ clrscr(); cout <<"\n************* EVALUATION OF EXPRESSIONS********** \n\n"; int a=10,b=20,c=30; cout<<"a="<<a<<" b="<<b<<" c="<<c; int z=(a++)*c/a+b; cout <<"\nz=(a++ )*c/a+b”<<z; getch(); cout<<z; clrscr(); cout <<"\n************* EVALUATION OF EXPRESSIONS************\n\n"; a=10,b=20,c=30; cout<<"a="<<a<<" b="<<b<<" c="<<c; z=++a*c/a+b; cout <<"\nz=++a*c/a+b = "<<z; getch(); cout<<z; clrscr(); cout <<"\n************* EVALUATION OF EXPRESSIONS ***********\n\n"; a=1,b=2,c=3; cout<<"a="<<a<<" b="<<b<<" c="<<c; z= b+ c%a * ++b ; cout<<z; clrscr(); cout <<"\n************* EVALUATION OF EXPRESSIONS ***********\n\n"; z=45; int q=45; cout<<"\nq="<<q; cout<<"\n-q--="<<-q--; cout<<"q= " <<q; getch(); clrscr(); cout <<"\n************* EVALUATION OF EXPRESSIONS ***********\n\n"; cout <<"\n\nz="<<z; cout <<"\nz--:"<<z--; cout <<"\n--z:"<<--z; cout <<"\nz="<<z; int qq=-- z - z++; cout <<"\n--z-z++ = "<<qq; cout <<"\nz="<<z; cout <<"\n"; getch();

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clrscr(); cout <<"\n************* EVALUATION OF EXPRESSIONS ***********\n\n"; z=45; cout <<"\nz="<<z; cout <<"\nz++:"<<z++; cout <<"\n++z:"<<++z; cout <<"\n++z+z++ = "<<++z+z++; getch(); clrscr(); cout <<"\n************* EVALUATION OF EXPRESSIONS ***********\n\n"; z=45; cout <<"\nz="<<z; cout <<"\n(++z)--:"<<(++z)--; cout <<"\n++z:"<<++z; getch();}

Q give the output of : cout<< a==4; 2>3 || 3>5 4>5 && 5>6 2>5 || 5>2 ! 3>4 0 || 1 0 && 1 4 && 6>3

Long Answer

Q. Why main() is an important function? What will happen if the program has no main()?Q What is the importance of iostream.h?Q What is the purpose of header file in a program?Q What do you understand by ‘code generator’?Q What is the importance of header file? Give header file of :

cin, getch(), setw(), pow()Q What do you understand by comment entry in C++? Give example of types of comment?Q Define Indentation. Q Define and Give example of syntax, logical and run-time error.Q How many ways are there in C++ to represent an integer constant? Give example of each.Q What are the sizes of the following constants:1. ‘\a’ 2. “\a” 3”Reema\’s \\ Copy “ 4 ‘9’Q Define the following and give example:1. Identifier2. Literal3. Keyword4. OperatorQ Write a single cout statement to display the following output:

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Program=20Document=23Logic=21Flow chart=18Q Write a program to accept the radius of a circle and display its area and circumference.Q How many bytes are allocated to long int, long float and long double variable?Q What is the difference between 33 and 33L?Q What is a reference variable? Give example.Q Find the error in following:1. const int x; x=20;2. int x=3=b;3. char ch=’as’;4. int 3=b;5. int &y=30;

Q What is the order of evaluation of following expression:1. a>b || b<d2. a==y && y>m || k<l

3. a>b && b<c || c<! d+3

Q What is the result of following expression if (i) check = 3 cout<<!check;(ii) check=0; cout<<!check; (iii) check=-3; cout<<!check;

Q What is the result of following expression a>=b && (a+b_>a when(i) a=3,b=0 (ii) a=7,b=7

Q Identify the ordr of evaluation in the following expression(i) 4*5+7*2-8%3+4(ii) (4+5) && 4/2 -1 +4 || 2-4(iii) (9-9) || (4-5) &&(6*5)

Q What will the value of x if (i) ans=700, val=300 (ii) ans=800,val=700 x=((ans-val)<500)?150:50

Q Given the following code fragement:int ch=20;cout<<++ch<<”\n”<<ch<<”\n”;(i) What will be output of following code?(ii) What is the effect of replacing ++ch with ch++;?(iii) What is the effect of replacing ++ch with ch+1;

Q What will be the result of following two expression if i=10 intially?(i) i++<10 (ii) ++i<10

Q Given the two expression(i) val=3 (ii) val==3

a) How are these two different?b) What will be the resultant value of val if the initial value of val is 5?

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Subject: Physics Session 2017-18 Prepared by-

Topic: U-2 Kinematics CLASS XI Deepak Bhatnagar

Q1. A car travells the first third of a distance at a speed of 10km/h, the second third distance at

a speed of 20 km/h and the last third at a speed of 30km/h.Determine the average speed

of the car over the entire distance.


Q2. Two trains each of length 100m ,are running on parallel track .One overtake the other in

20 sec. and one crosses the other in 10 sec. Calculate the speed of each train.A(15,5 m/s )

Q3. The two ends of a train , moving with a constant acceleration ,pass a certain point with

velocities u and v .Show that the velocity with which the middle point of the passes the

same point is √(u2 +v


Q4. The driver of a train moving with a speed of v1 sight another train at a distance d,ahed of

him moving in the same direction with a slower speed v2 .He applies a brakes give constant

decleration a to his train ,show that there will be no collision if d>(v1- v2)2/2a

Q5. Two balls are thrown simultaneously, A vertically upward with a speed of 20m/sfrom the

ground B vertically downward fronm a height of 40m with same speed and along the same

line of motion .At what point do the two ball colide? A(15.1mfrom ground after 1 sec)

Q6. The speed of a of atrain increases at constant rate α form zero to v then remains constant

for an intreval and finally decreased to zero at constant rate β.If l be the total length

described ,prove that total time taken is 𝑙

𝑣 +


2(1/α +1/β)

Q7. A particle moves along a straight line such that its displacement is given by s =(t3 – 6t

2 + 3t

+4)m.Find the velocity when accleration is zero . A(-9m/s)

Q8. A balloonrises from rest on the ground with constant accelaration g/8.A stown is droped

when the balloon has risen to a height H meters.Show that the time taken by the stone to

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reach the ground is given by 2√H/g.

Q9. A train moving with a velocity of 30 km/h due East and a car is moving with a velocity of

40km/h due north.What is the velocity of car as it appear to apassenger in the train?

A(5 km/h,36052’)

Q10 Show that vectors A=3i -2j+ k and B =i-3j +k and C = 2i+ j -4 k form a right angled


Q11. Show that the vectors A = 2i -3j – k and B = -6j+9k+3k are parallel.

Q12. Find the value of m such that A =mi -2 j + k and B =2mi +mj -4k are perpendicular.

Q13. Find a unit vector which is perpendicular to both the vectors 2i +j –k and 3i+ 4j –k

Q14. A footballis kicked 20m/s at a projection angle of 450 .A receiver on the goal line 25m

away in the direction of the kick runs the same instant to meet the ball. What must be his

speed if he is to catchthe ball before it hit the ground? A (5.5m/s)

Q15. Two balls are thrown with the same initial velocity at an angle θ and (90 - θ) with the

horizontal.What will be the ratio of (a)maximum height attained and (b)horizontal

ranges? A (Tan2θ:1 , 1:1)

Q16. A stone is thrown from the ground so as to just clear a wall 6 m high at a distance of 4m

.Find the speed and angle of projection of the stone. A (11.43m/s, 71.60)

Q17. A bird is sitting at a distance of 100m from a hunter.If the bullet leaves the gun horizontal

with velocity of 500m/s what will be vertical deflection of the bullet at the site of bird?

Q18. Show that the motion of one projectile as seen from other projectile will always be a

straight line .

Q19. A projectile can have the same range R for two angles of projection. If t1 and t2 be the time

of flight in the two cases, then prove that t1t2 = 2R/g

Q20. Show theat a given gun will shoot three times as high when elevated at angle of 600 as

when fired at angle of 300 but will carry the same distance on a horizontal plan.