Imagine • You are a poor family in Russia • You can’t afford your rent, or to feed your young children • A friend of a friend tells you they know someone looking for a waitress in a neighboring country, and can guarantee you a job • They offer to accompany you in your trip and tell you that in a short time you will be able to send money back to your family • Would you accept? How many would allow their sisters, wife, or daughters to go?

Sex Trafficking

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Page 1: Sex Trafficking


• You are a poor family in Russia• You can’t afford your rent, or to feed your young children• A friend of a friend tells you they know someone looking

for a waitress in a neighboring country, and can guarantee you a job

• They offer to accompany you in your trip and tell you that in a short time you will be able to send money back to your family

• Would you accept? How many would allow their sisters, wife, or daughters to go?

Page 2: Sex Trafficking

Living in FearSex Trafficking Around the World

BY: Jenna Lunger and Katey Martinez

Page 3: Sex Trafficking

Who Are the Victims?• 27 Million People are Enslaved Today- over twice as many as in the 17 and 18 hundreds

• The majority are women and children

• Children as young as 4

• Trafficking is a worldwide business

• The average slave costs $90-(factors)

Page 4: Sex Trafficking

How Does This Happen?

• Overseas people are tricked into thinking they are getting work

• Exotic dancers are targeted • Street children are often abducted and sold• U.S Tourists can be abducted as well- Less

common, but still happens

• In U.S more sophisticated schemes- modeling, acting, dancing etc…

Page 5: Sex Trafficking

The Traffickers• 75% of the time, the women know the person that sells them

into slavery• Usually an acquaintance, but can also be family members

(Father, Brother, Boyfriend etc…)• Trafficker only responsible for girls while in their control, then

they never hear about them again.

Page 6: Sex Trafficking

Where Does This Happen?


• Massage parlors, tanning salons, hotels, homes, and warehouses

• San Francisco is one of the main places for trafficking IN THE WORLD

• Sacramento on its way!

• Costal areas and states that border Canada/Mexico

Page 7: Sex Trafficking

Whose willing to pay?• Majority 15-90 yr. old men

• Mostly married men

• Fathers bring sons to Show them a “good time”

• Pay more for younger girls, and “clean” girls

• Once the money is paid and the door is shut, the “pimp” doesn’t care what goes on

Page 8: Sex Trafficking

Government Enablers?

• Customs officials often paid off for illegal entry of slaves

• Blackmailed into cooperating• Low priority for government officials• Costs lots of money to start a raid or open a

case• Little punishment for those convicted

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What is being done?

• In 2006 raids on the East Coast and San Francisco• Only 31 arrests in a raid of 5 East Coast states• 41 arrests in San Francisco raid• Currently the U.S Government has a committee to combat

human trafficking “which assesses global trends, provides training and technical assistance, and advocates for an end to modern slavery”

• Overseas governments and private organizations are working to educate young women and girls about trafficking

• President’s Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQr00L81lL0

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• When they become “worthless” to traffickers, women are thrown out on the streets

• Many die while in slavery due to diseases, and drug overdoses

• If they are not on drugs during slavery, many turn to drugs after the fact

• Less than 5% get help after the fact

Page 11: Sex Trafficking

How Can I Help?

• Get involved with S.T.O.P here on campus(http://www.csuchico.edu/stop/index.php)

• Find out what the U.S Government is doing to combat trafficking here: http://www.state.gov/g/tip/

• Write a letter to Luis CdeBaca -Ambassador-at-Large Office to monitor and combat trafficking in persons

expressing your concerns about the involvement of the government on this issue

• Share your knowledge of the subject with others

Page 12: Sex Trafficking


• What were your impressions of trafficking before this presentation?

• What is something you learned during this presentation that surprised you?

• What are your feelings about this subject after seeing this presentation?

Page 13: Sex Trafficking

Sources1) 06, October. "SEX TRAFFICKING / San Francisco Is A Major Center For International Crime Networks That Smuggle And Enslave / FIRST OF A FOUR PART

SPECIAL REPORT - SFGate." Featured Articles From The SFGate. Web. 01 Mar. 2010. <http://articles.sfgate.com/2006-10-06/news/17316911_1_trafficking-victims-human-trafficking-new-owners>.

2) Bales, Kevin, and Ron Soodalter. The Slave next Door: Human Trafficking and Slavery in America Today. Berkeley: University of California, 2009. Print. 3) "The Case of the Snakehead Queen." The Case of the Snakeheaded Queen. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Web. 03 Mar. 2010.

<fbi.gov/page2/march06/sisterping031706.htm>. 4) Farr, Kathryn. Sex Trafficking: the Global Market in Women and Children. New York, NY: Worth, 2005. Print. 5) National Trafficking Resource Center. Sex Trafficking Fact Sheet. National Trafficking Resource Center. Web. 02 Feb. 2010. 6) <http://www.acf.hhs.gov/trafficking/about/fact_sex.pdf>.Sage, Jesse, and Liora Kasten. Enslaved: True Stories of Modern Day Slavery. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. Print.

7) ABC news. “Teen girl’s stories of sex trafficking in U.S.”

8) Fraundt, Tina. “Enslaved in America: Sex Trafficking in the United States.” Womens funding network.org. Womens Funding Organization, n.d. web.

9) Hughes, Donna. “The Demand for Victims of Sex Trafficking.” Uri.edu. (2007):1-65. web

10) Hughes, Donna, Raymond, Janice. “Sex Trafficking of Women in the United States.” Uri.edu. n.p. March 2001: 1-141. Web.

11) Shelley, Louise. “Trafficking in Women: The Business Model Approach.” Brown Journal of World of Affairs, 10.1 (2003): 1-14

12) World Hope International. “Sex Trafficking in Cambodia.” You tube.com. 2006. Web.Academic search paper EBSCO. Web.