224 224 Terrari Tartarughiere e mangimi per tartarughe Accessori tecnici per acquari Acquafriend Accessori tecnici per acquari Tetra Trattamento acqua Decorazioni per acquari Acquari in vetro Acquari in plastica Mangimi per pesci rossi e pesci tropicali QUALITÀ DALLA TESTA ALLA CODA. Supporti espositivi come cartelli, poster ed anche espositori in cartone o in metallo sono realizzati appositamente per arredare e meglio esporre ogni tipo di prodotto. Display stands like billboards, posters and also carton or metal displays are realized specifically to decorate and better exhibit any kind of product.

Sezione Pesci

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� Terrari� Tartarughiere e mangimi per tartarughe� Accessori tecnici per acquari Acquafriend� Accessori tecnici per acquari Tetra� Trattamento acqua� Decorazioni per acquari� Acquari in vetro� Acquari in plastica� Mangimi per pesci rossi e

pesci tropicali


Supporti espositivicome cartelli,

poster ed anche espositoriin cartone o in metallo

sono realizzati appositamenteper arredare

e meglio esporre ognitipo

di prodotto.Display stands like billboards,posters and also carton or metaldisplays are realized specifically

to decorate and betterexhibit any kind of product.

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Terrari in plastica - Plastic terrariums


8382.8Terrario grandeBig terrariumcm. 48 x 31 x 17 h.

8382.7Terrario piccoloSmall terrariumcm. 38 x 25 x 16 h.

7888Terrario in vetro, grandeTerrarium in glass, bigcm. 70 x 33 x 38 h.

7884Terrario in vetro, piccoloTerrarium in glass, smallcm. 42 x 22 x 33 h.

Terrari in vetro - Glass terrariums


Soluzioni interessanti a marchio Acquafriend.Terrari, tartarughiere e acquari tradizionalio particolari in plastica o vetro; per il mondo“sommerso” accessori tecnici innovativi,decorazioni che simulano i fondali,prodotti per la cura dell’acqua e mangimiper qualunque tipo di pesce.

TURTLES AND FISHESInteresting solutions of theAcquafriend brand of terrariums,turtles’ ponds, and traditionalor particular aquariums made inplastic or glass; for the “submerged”world, innovative technical items,decorations that simulate the seabottoms, products for the care ofwater and food for any type of fish.

8993Tetra Fauna Tortoise,mangime per tartarughedi terra e rettiliFood for tortoiseand reptiles500 ml. - 90 gr.

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7839.9Mix gamberetti e fiocchiMix food, prawns and flakes250 ml. - 25 gr.


Tartarughiere in plastica - Plastic turtles’ ponds



Tartarughiere in vetro - Blass turtles’ ponds

Mangimi ACQUAFRIEND per tartarughe d’acqua - ACQUAFRIEND food for water turtles

8383.9Con pompa e filtroWith pump and filtercm. 50 x 32 x 29 h.

8383.7Con pompa e filtroWith pump and filtercm. 45 x 25 x 25 h.

8382.5Con isolaWith island5,5 lt. - 27 x 15 x 18,5 h.

8382.3Rettangolare, coperta con isolaRectangular, covered with islandcm. 43 x 30

8382Capri, miniCapri, smallcm. 32 x 21 x 7

8383.6Tartarughiera in vetroBAC40 con pompa e filtroTurtles’pond with pump and filtercm. 42 x 21 x 19 h.

7840.2Composto in stickComplete food in stick1,2 lt. - 350 gr.

7840.1Composto in stickComplete food in stickml. 250 - 75 gr.

7839Mix gamberettie stickMix food, prawnsand sticks250 ml. - 50 gr.

8227Gamberetti secchiDry shrimps1,2 lt. - 120 gr.

8225Gamberetti secchiDry Shrimpsml. 250 - 31 gr.

8382.1Tartarughiera in plastica Capri, maxiCapri, largecm. 40 x 28 x 9

Mangimi TETRA per tartarughe d’acqua - TETRA food for water turtles

8997Tetra Gammarus1 lt. - 100 gr.

8994TetraGammarus100 ml.10 gr.

8995TetraGammarus250 ml.25 gr.

8999Tetra ReptoMin250 ml.55 gr.

8999.1Tetra ReptoMin1 lt.220 gr.

8999.0Tetra ReptoMinMenu250 ml.44 gr.

8998Tetra BabyReptoMin100 ml.26 gr.

8995.2TetraGammarus Mix250 ml.25 gr.

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8340Timer programmabile 24 oreProgrammable timer


Termoriscaldatori - Termo-heathers



Timer e lampade - Timers and lamps

Filtri interni e pompe - Internal filters and pumps Aerazione - Aerations

8250Pompa-filtro 270 l/hregolabilePump filter 270l/h adjustableper acquari 9-70 lt.

8251Pompa 270 l/h regolabilePump 270 l/h adjustableper acquari 16-70 lt.

8252Pompa 500 l/h regolabilePump 500 l/h adjustableper acquari 70 -120 lt.

8254Pompa 800 l/h regolabilePump 800 l/h adjustableper acquari 120-220 lt.

8250.1Pompa-filtro interno 500 l/hPump filter internal 500l/hper acquari 70-120 lt.

8261Aeratore regolabile 1 uscitaAdjustable air pump 1 exit

823625 W

8238100 W

8235RiscaldatoreNeWattino 10 WattHeathercm. 10 h. max 20 lt.

823750 W

8239150 W

8240200 W

8331.22 pietre porose corte2 short porous rocks

8333Pietra porosa lunga2 long porous rocks

8279Set accessoriper aeratoreSet accessories forareator

8616Tubo per aereatoricon regolatori e pietraTube for areator with regulatorø mm. 4 x 6,mt. 2,5

8365.1Mangiatoia automaticaper acquariAutomatic feeder for aquariums

8350Lampada bicolor ESE27 20W

8617Tubo per pompeTube for pumpø mm.12 x 16, mt. 1

8617.1Tubo per pompeTube for pumpø mm.12 x 16, mt. 20

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Test per l’acquaWater test

Materiali filtranti - Filtering materials

Materiali per il fondo degli acquari - Materials for aquariums’ bottoms



8021AspirarifiutimeccanicoRubbish mechanicalvacuum-cleaner

8341Pinze in plasticaPlastic pilerscm. 45,5

8023Pompa sifonePump siphon

8025Raschietto per acquariRake for aquariumscm. 41

8017Calamite medieper pulizia acquariMedium magnetsto clean aquarium

8016Calamite piccoleper pulizia acquariSmall magnets to cleanaquarium

8072TermometrodigitaleDigital thermometer

8073Termometrocon ventosaThermometer withsuction cup

8425BiocondizionatoreBioconditionnerml. 250

8428AntialgaAgainst weedsml. 100

8418Attivatore biologicoBiological activatorml. 125

8558Ideal PHcorrettore PH dolceCorrector sweet PHml. 500

8570.1Substrato fertileper pianteFertile substratumfor plantsKg. 2

8551.1Test GH durezza totaleTest GH Total hardness

8553.1Test NO2 NitritiTest NO2 - nitrite

8552.1Test PH dolceTest PH sweet

8610Lana filtranteFiltering woolgr. 100

8614.2Spugna grana grossaSponge - big graincm. 10 x 10 x 10

8614.1Spugna grana fineSponge - fine graincm. 10 x 10 x 10

8572.5Ghiaia biancaCARRARACARRARA white gravel9-10 mm. 1 Kg.

8050Retino nylon verdeGreen nylon net, mediumpiccolo - cm. 31,5 x 8

8051Retino nylon verdeGreen nylon net, biggrande-cm. 35 x 13

8049Retino nylon verdeGreen nylon net, smallpiccolo - cm. 31,5 x 8

8609.9Lana filtranteFiltering woolgr. 30

8612Carbone superattivo vegetale,potere adsorbente 900 mq/gr.Superactive vegetal coalgr. 200

8611Cilindretti ceramicaCeramic cilindersgr. 500

Prodotti per l’acqua e le pianteProduct for water and plants

8580Quarzo grigio-rosa, medioPink-gray quartz mediumKg. 5

8574Quarzo ceramizzato - 2 colori assortitiCeramised quartz - 2 mixed coloursKg. 2,5

8572Quarzoceramizzatomix colorCeramised quartzmixed coloursKg. 1

8573Ghiaietto TicinoRiver Ticino gravelKg. 2,5

8430Nido parto 2 in 1Birth basin 2 in 1

8020Aspirarifiuti a pileRubbish vacuum-cleanerwith batteries

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Piante sintetiche - Synthetic plants



Decorazioni varie - Various decorations

8592.1Scoglio in resina con grottaResin rock with cavecm. 18 x 12 x 12,5

8606.1Nave in resinaResin shipcm. 23

8606.22 ponti in resina2 bridges in resinda cm. 22

8620SfondoBackgroundcm. 50 x 120

8620.1SfondoBackgroundmt. 15 x 45 cm.

8595CastelloCastlecm. 14

8604Conchigliaper aeratoreShell, for areator

8603Gioco d acqua,forziere per aeratoreWater game, castle forareator

8600Anforain terracottaAmphora in terracottacm. 15

8685Composizione piante acquatiche mediePlant composition mediumDisplay da 12 pz. - cm. 25 h

8677Pianta bambù, mediaBamboo plant, mediumcm. 25 h

8680Composizione piante acquatiche extralargePlant composition extralargeDisplay da 12 pz. - cm. 35 h

8690Ornamento grande con pianteBig ornament with plantscm. 15 h - Display da 6 pz.

8660Pianta in vaso piccoloPlant in small vasecm. 15 h - Display da 24 pz.

8705Ornamento medio con pianteMedium ornament with plantscm. 15 h - Display da 12 pz.

8609.3Radice savana bicolore, piccolaBicolour root from Savana,small

8864Ludwigiacm. 26

8862Money wortcm. 20

8863Ambuliacm. 24

8861Wheat flowercm. 25

8866Piantina in setaSilk plantcm. 28 h

8606.6Pietra decorativa,diaspro rossoDecorative stone, red jasper

8606.7Pietra decorativa,ghiaccio siberianoDecorative stone, Siberian ice

8606.5Pietra decorativa,quarzo rosaDecorative stone, pink quartz

8605.5Roccia AQUA WORLDAQUA WORLD rockcm. 18 x 6 x 11

8591.5Colonne romanein poliresinaRoman columns in resincm. 6 x 4,5 x 11

8609.4Radice savana bicolore, mediaBicolour root from Savanamedium

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8588.1cm. 100 x 30


Acquari con pompa, materiale filtrante, luce e riscaldatore



Acquari con pompa e materiale filtranteAquarium with pump and filtering material

8285Planet juniorCon sabbia, decoro epannello posteriore aspecchio, top trasparenteWith sand, mirror back panel,transparent topcm. 40 x 20 - 18 lt.

8384.2Malibù 40Acquario in vetro, curvoGlass aquarium, curvedcm. 42 x 26 - 20 lt.

8385.1Challengercm. 60 x 30 - 60 lt.

8286.3TTeettrraa AAQQUUAAAARRTT con kit Tetra35 x 25 cm. - 30 lt.

8388TOP VISIONcon riscaldatorecm. 80 x 30 - 90 lt

8289Mondolifecm. 100 x 30 - 120 lt.

8588cm. 80 x 30

8587cm. 60 x 30

8384.35DECO35 rosa o blucon vetro dipintoDECO35 pink or blue with painted glasscm. 35 x 20 15 lt.

8584.6Tavolo per acquario MILO - CUBIKTable for aquarium MILO - CUBIKcm. 30 x 30 x 86 h.

8384.6MILO - CUBIK con luce e pompaWith light and pumpcm. 30 x 30 x 35 h. 25 lt.

Acquari con pompa e materiale filtrante e luceAquarium with pump, filtering material and light

Aquarium with pump, filtering material, light and termoheater

Acquari con tavoloAquarium with table

Tavolo, cm. 70 h.Aquarium with table

8384ECO 40 con sfondoWith backgroundcm. 42 x 21 - 18 lt.

8384.1Milo 43cm. 43 x 22 - 23 lt.

8388.00cm. 80 x 30 - 90 lt.

8289.00cm. 100 x 30 - 120 lt.

La base dell’acquariocorrisponde al pianodel tavolo h. cm. 70The base of the acquariumcorresponds to the surfaceof the table h. cm. 70

Esempio di abbinamento aquario 8384.6 + tavolo 8584.6Example of a matchaquarium 8384.6 + table 8584.6

8384.3PASSEPARTOUTcon filtro e vetro dipintowith filter and painted glasscm. 35 x 11 x 26 h.5 lt.

8288.20Image, acquario in vetro,curvo, grigio/blu, con tavolo grigio h. cm. 70Aquarium Image made ofglass, curvedcm. 80 x 30 - 80 lt.

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8218.9Rossi, in fiocchiGold fish food, in flakes250 ml. - 36 gr.

8210.9Tropicali in fiocchiTropical in flakes250 ml. - 36 gr.


Acquari in plastica con coperchio e fondo - Plastic aquarium with cover and bottom

Mangimi Acquafriend per pesci tropicali e rossi - Acquafriend food for tropical and goldfishes



Acquari in plastica con coperchio - Plastic aquarium with cover

Bocce in plastica Bocce in vetro


8371.1Supercm. 38 x 24 x 25lt. 14

8371Grande - Bigcm. 32 x 21 x 20lt. 9

8370Medio - Mediumcm. 25 x 17 x 16lt. 4,5

8369Piccolo - Smallcm. 21 x 13 x 14lt. 2,7

Colori: rosso, verde, azzurro, fucsia

8381Boccia in plasticaRound plastic bowlø cm. 22

8381.3Boccia in plastica con panoramaRound plastic bowl with decorationø cm. 22

8381.4Boccia in plasticaRound plastic bowlø cm. 25

8381.5Boccia in vetro BoemiaRound bowl in Bohemian glassø cm. 26

8373Medio Mediumcm.25 x 13,5 x 17lt. 3,5

8381.8Cascade Globe Tetra, boccia in vetro con filtro e ledGlass bowl with filter and ledlt. 6,8

8374Grande Bigcm. 31 x 17,5 x 20lt. 7,5

8381.7In vetro, con decoroIn glass, with decorationcm. 30 x 20 x 20 h.

8415.13 tavolette week-endutile per 3 giorni3 bars for weekend lasting 3 days20 gr.

8210Tropicali, in fiocchiTropical, in flakesml. 100 - 20 gr.

8211Tropicali, in fiocchiTropical, in flakesml. 250 - 50 gr.

8220Rossi, in fiocchiGold fish, in flakeslt. 1,2 - 120 gr.

8219Rossi, in fiocchiGold fish, in flakesml. 250 - 50 gr.

8218Rossi, in fiocchiGold fish, in flakesml. 100 - 20 gr.

8215Da fondoFor deep water fishml. 100 - 60 gr.

8217Rossi, granulareGold fish, granularml. 100 - 30 gr.


Acquari in vetro - Glass aquarium LINEA

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Filtri e pompe - Filter and pump

Materiali filtranti - Filtranting materials

Pulizia e test - Cleaning and test

Accessori tecnici per acquari - Technical accessories for aquariums

Aeratori - Air pump


Termoriscaldatori - Termoheaters


8247Tetratec EasyCrystal FilterBox 300,filtro interno300 inside filter

8394.1Tetratec EX 600, filtro esternoExternal filter

8246Tetratec EasyCrystal Filter 250,filtro interno250 inside filter

8248.1Tetratec EasyCrystal FilterPackC250/300, carbone - 3 pz.C250/300 choak 3 pcs

8618.1Tetratec CR 600/700/1200,anelli ceramicCeramic rings550 gr.

8618.2Tetratec CF 600/700/1200,carbone attivoActive coal2 x 100 gr.

8618.4Tetratec FF 1200, ovatta sinteticaSynthetic wadding2 pz.

8618.3Tetratec BB 600/700/1200, sfere filtrantiFiltering spheres315 gr.

8022.2Tetratec GravelCleaner GC40aspiratori del fondoAspirator for ground

8026Tetratec EasyWipes,fazzoletti puliscivetroWipes for glass

8260.0Tetratec APS 50,areatore ad 1 viaAir pump - 1 exit

8260.2Tetratec APS 150,areatore ad 1 viaAir pump - 1 exit

8260.3Tetratec APS 300,areatore a 2 vieAir pump - 2 exits

8331.4Tetratec AS30,pietra porosaPorous rock

8331.5Tetratec AS40,pietra porosaPorous rock

8616.2Tetratec AH 50-400tubicino per areatoriAir pump hose

8233.2Tetratec HT50,TermoriscaldatoreTermoheater50 Watt

8233.1Tetratec HT25,TermoriscaldatoreTermoheater25 Watt

8233.3Tetratec HT75,TermoriscaldatoreTermoheater75 Watt

8233.4Tetratec HT100,TermoriscaldatoreTermoheater100 Watt

8233.5Tetratec HT150,TermoriscaldatoreTermoheater150 Watt

8075Tetratec TH35 Termometroa cristalli liquidiThermometer with liquidcristals

8985Tetra Test PH dolce50 testTetra Test water PH

8988.1Tetra Test strisce 6 in 1Tetra Test strips - 6 in 1

8381.9EasyCrystal FilterPack Tetra,3 cartuccie filtranti con carboneattivo per Cascade Globe3 filter cartridges with active carbonfor Cascade Globe.

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Mangimi per pesci rossi - Food for goldfishes



Mangimi per pesci tropicali - Food for tropical fishes

Tetra Delica

Fertilizzanti e Antialghe - Fertilizers and algae inhibitors Cura dell’acqua - Water care

Mangimi per pesci da laghetto - Food for lake fishes

8902TetraMin1 lt.200 gr.

8901TetraMin250 ml.52 gr.

8901.5TetraMin500 ml.100 gr.

8903.3TetraPro250 ml.55 gr.

8900TetraMin100 ml.20 gr.

8904.0TetraMin granuliGranules250 ml.100 gr.

8907TetraRubin250 ml.20 gr.

8909TetraPhyll250 ml.52 gr.

8914.1TetraMin HolidayMangime vacanza in bloccoHoliday cake1 x 30gr. - 14 gg.

8914TetraMinWeekend20 sticks,18 gr.- 9 gg.

8919.1Tetra Guppy250 ml.75 gr.

8910.0Tetra TabiMin120 tb.36 gr.

8911TetraPlecoMin120 tb.36 gr.

8918TetraDiscus250 ml.75 gr.

8915TetraCichlidsticks500 ml.160 gr

8917TetraDiscus100 ml.30 gr.

8912Tetra Menu100 ml.25 gr.

8920Tetra MarinFlakes, in fiocchi250 ml.52 gr.

8923.1TetraDelica,larve di zanzaraMosquito grub100 ml. - 8 gr.

8925TetraFresh DelicaArtemia16 buste48 pz.

8924TetraFreshDelicaChrironomus16 buste48 pz.

8934Tetra Pond sticks1 lt. - 100 gr.

8935Tetra Pond sticks4 lt. - 450 gr.

8936.1Tetra Pond Sticks, secchiello - Bucket10 lt. - 1200 gr.

8931.1Goldfish HolidayMangime vacanza in blocchiHoliday cake2 x 12 gr. - 14 gg.

8931GoldfishWeekend40 sticks12 gr.

8929Goldfish FiocchiFlakes250 ml.52 gr.

8928Goldfish FiocchiFlakes100 ml.20 gr.

8926.2Goldfish GranuliGranules250 ml.80 pz.

8930Goldfish1 lt.200 gr.

8932Goldfish GoldColour granuliGranules100 ml.30 gr.

8932.7Tetra GoldfishColour250 ml.52 gr.

8943Goldfish AcquaSafePesci rossiGold fish100 ml.

8945TetraEasyBalance100 ml.

8946TetraEasyBalance250 ml.

8946.5TetraCrystalwater100 ml.

8948TetraPH Minus250 ml.

8941TetraAquaSafe250 ml.

8939TetraAquaSafe100 ml.

8949TetraBactozym10 cps.

8991TetraReptoSafe100 ml.

8992TetraReptoFresh100 ml.

895 6Tetraplant Co2-OptimatKit diffusoreTetraplant Co Optimat Kitdiffuser

8952Algumin100 ml.

8951Tetra FloraPride250 ml.

8954.5Tetra CompleteSubstrate5,8 Kg.

8954TetraCrypto10 tb.