1 Research and Analysis Project Session 1 – Jan 2020 Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan 2 Registered Mentor with the Oxford Brookes University and supported students successfully graduate with flying colours via his dedicated mentorship. The passion towards the mentorship and active engagement with students and members have not only contributed towards the success of the mentorship but also focus on continuous improvement.

Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan · Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan 2 Registered Mentor with the Oxford Brookes University and supported students successfully graduate with flying colours

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Page 1: Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan · Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan 2 Registered Mentor with the Oxford Brookes University and supported students successfully graduate with flying colours


Research and Analysis Project

Session 1 – Jan 2020

Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan


Registered Mentor with the Oxford Brookes University and supported

students successfully graduate with flying colours via his dedicated


The passion towards the mentorship and active engagement with

students and members have not only contributed towards the success of

the mentorship but also focus on continuous improvement.

Page 2: Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan · Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan 2 Registered Mentor with the Oxford Brookes University and supported students successfully graduate with flying colours



➢ Introduction to the Degree Program

➢ Eligibility Requirements

➢Assessment Criteria & Deliverables

➢ Selection of Topic & Organisation

➢ Report Structure


Oxford Brookes University

• Oxford Brookes University, being a public university, has

degree awarding powers in the UK

• The degree is quality assured by the Quality Assurance Agency

(QAA) in the UK

• Outside of the UK the degree is widely recognised by

governments across the world

• Consistently ranked as the best vocational / professional

practice based UK university


Page 3: Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan · Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan 2 Registered Mentor with the Oxford Brookes University and supported students successfully graduate with flying colours


Oxford Brookes University

• It will significantly improve your position in a very

competitive global labour market

• Development of research and soft skills not covered in ACCA

professional examinations

• Better prepared for further qualifications

• UK degrees are among the highest regarded internationally

• Only university to have such a collaborative link with ACCA


Oxford Brookes University

Cost / Fees:


Page 4: Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan · Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan 2 Registered Mentor with the Oxford Brookes University and supported students successfully graduate with flying colours



1. Pass Skill Level FR, AA and FM papers and successfully

complete all Knowledge Level and Skill Level papers, 2

months before the start of the submission period.

2. Complete the ACCA Ethics and Professional Skills module

/Professional Ethics module before the relevant deadline.

3. Complete and pass the Research and Analysis Project.

4. The degree must be completed within 10 years of the earliest

of the date of your first ACCA examination pass or the date of

your first ACCA exemption being granted.



5. Be up-to-date with the subscription fees, in order to maintain

the status as an ACCA Student / Affiliate / Member

Contact ACCA @ [email protected] for any clarifications

➢Recommended to have an email confirmation from ACCA on the

last eligible submission period


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1. Research Report (“RR”) - 7,000 - 7,500 words

2. List of Reference in accordance with Harvard Referencing

3. Skills and Learning Statement (“SLS”) - 1,800 - 2,000 words

4. 15 minute Presentation on the project to your project mentor

and the submission of the slides to OBU

5. Excel spreadsheet with necessary workings to evidence your

IT skills



6. A viva may be undertaken face to face or by other medium

such as Skype, expected to last around 15 minutes and students

could be asked about any aspect of their submission


Page 7: Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan · Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan 2 Registered Mentor with the Oxford Brookes University and supported students successfully graduate with flying colours


Assessment Criteria


1. Understanding of accountancy / business models

Evidence of wider reading by use of highly appropriate theory / concepts /

business models.

Demonstrates thorough understanding of the theory / concepts / business

models by fully explaining / reviewing / evaluating the theory / concepts /

business models chosen.

Links theory / concepts / business models appropriately to organisation studied.

Identification and full discussion of the limitations of the application of theories

in the chosen context.

Assessment Criteria


2. Application of accountancy / business models

Insightful and critical application of theory / concepts/business models to the

project topic.

Theory/concepts /business models applied appropriately to the research

approach (e.g. for primary research questionnaires / interview questions or for

secondary research justified use of effective and relevant comparator


Very few errors in the calculations or other aspects of application of the

theory/concepts/business models.

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Assessment Criteria


3. Evaluation of information, analysis and conclusions

High level of critical thought shown in the analysis and a rigorous approach to

the evaluation of information.

Full, clear and accurate analysis of the evidence gathered against the theories


Identification and analysis of trends relating to wider factors and / or corporate

/organisational strategy.

Clear conclusions are well reasoned referring to the research aim, supported by

the models used and the evidence gathered in the chosen context.

Where relevant, well reasoned practical recommendations made.

Assessment Criteria


4. Presentation of project findings

Can engage reader in a highly professional manner and produce a relevant and

coherent project report with appropriate structure.

Good structure using appropriate headings and sub headings appropriate to

subject and audience.

Graphs/charts used very effectively to convey findings in a manner suitable for

a business audience.

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Assessment Criteria


5. Communication

Use of language generally appropriate, meaning is mostly clear.

Grammar, spelling and punctuation mainly accurate.

Style is acceptable to a business audience.

Assessment Criteria


6. Information gathering and referencing

Clear evidence of a range of relevant information sources. At least 2 types of

source e.g. text books / journal articles / company sources /newspapers/business

journals. Some on line sources must be used.

Clear evidence of the use of systematic referencing. Harvard referencing is the

Oxford Brookes standard, other recognised methodologies are acceptable if

applied methodically. The list of references includes the references cited in the

body of the text and no others. All citations used in the body of the text are

included in the reference list and can be traced to source.

For primary research, appropriate choice of sources, justifiable sample strategy

with relevant permissions.

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Assessment Criteria


7. Information technology

Shows clear evidence of having accessed online information sources and

having created and submitted a spreadsheet file (which incorporates and clearly

demonstrates use of varied formulae).

Shows clear evidence of use of other relevant software in preparing the project


Assessment Criteria


8. Self reflection

Makes a reasonable attempt to address all four questions.

Shows ability to reflect on judgements made / actions taken during project


Evidence of recognising and identifying own strengths and weaknesses and

personal development.

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Assessment Criteria


9. Communication skills

A copy of the presentation to the Mentor is included.

The presentation summarises the findings, analysis and conclusions of the

research report.

The presentation should consist of 10-20 slides which are capable of being

delivered in 15 minutes at an acceptable pace.

Presentation has appropriate structure and the content is clearly linked to

project report findings.

Topic & Organisation


How to choose a Research and Analysis Project?

Page 12: Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan · Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan 2 Registered Mentor with the Oxford Brookes University and supported students successfully graduate with flying colours


Topic & Organisation

1. List of available topics

2. Access to information

3. Period of consideration

4. Applicable industry classification for T8 & T15

5. Examiners’ articles and guidance

6. Most popular topics

7. Career objectives & personal preference


Topic & Organisation

List of available topics:

➢ Refer to page 13-14 of the Information Pack for the approved

list of topics.

➢ Students have to remain within the listed topic areas and are

not able to request to undertake a RAP based on a different



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Topic & Organisation

List of available topics:


Topic & Organisation

Access to information:

➢ There is no requirement to conduct primary research although

in selecting your topic and organisation and setting your

objectives you must consider whether or not you will need

some primary information.

➢ Information on target organisation, competitor(s) and industry

for critical analysis and evaluation.

➢ Clear evidence of a range of relevant information sources.


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Topic & Organisation

Period of consideration:

➢ All topics except 8, 15, 17 and 20, to be based on

organisational activity took place in the preceding 3 calendar


➢ Topic 17 and 20 are based on the weak CG structures / CSR

practices identified in the preceding 5 calendar years.

➢ Topics 8 and 15, to use the most current 3 year financial

statements i.e. Company results published (in any form) 90

days before the start of submission period (1 May / 1 Nov).


Topic & Organisation

Period of consideration:


Annual financial statements published (in any form) 90 days before the start of

submission period i.e. ~1 Feb (May Submission) / ~1 Aug (Nov Submission)

Start of the submission period→ 1 May / 1 Nov

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Topic & Organisation

Applicable Industry Classification for T8 & T15:


Topic & Organisation

Examiners’ articles and guidance:




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Topic & Organisation

Most popular topics:





T8 T6 Others

T06: Motivation

T08: Financial and Business Analysis

T14: Strategic Investment Decision

T19: Merges and Acquisitions

T18: Marketing

T17: Corporate Governance

T20: Corporate Social Responsibility

Topic & Organisation

Career objectives & personal preference:

➢ Career objective and roles and responsibilities in the


➢ Personal preference


Page 17: Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan · Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan 2 Registered Mentor with the Oxford Brookes University and supported students successfully graduate with flying colours


Report Structure

1. Research Report (RR)

➢ Title Page

➢ Table of Contents

➢ Part 1

➢ Part 2

➢ Part 3

2. List of References

3. Appendices


Report Structure

Oxford Brookes University

Research and Analysis Report

An analysis and evaluation of the business and financial performance of

BreadTalk Group Limited, between 1 Jan 2014 and 31 Dec 2016

ACCA No: 1234567 7,310 words


Title page:

Page 18: Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan · Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan 2 Registered Mentor with the Oxford Brookes University and supported students successfully graduate with flying colours


Report Structure

Table of content:

➢ Part 1 & 2 to follow the recommended structure

➢ Part 3 to be based on the research questions

➢ Concise and within a page

➢ Recommended to use the MS Word function


Report Structure

PART 1 - Project objectives and overall research approach:

1.1 Reasons for choosing the topic and the organisation

1.2 Project objectives and research questions

1.3 Overall research approach.


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Report Structure

PART 2 - Information gathering and accounting / business


2.1 Sources of information

2.2 Methods used to collect information

2.3 Limitations of information gathering

2.4 Ethical issues

2.5 Accounting and business techniques


Report Structure

PART 3 - Results, analysis, conclusions and recommendations:

➢ A description of the results you have obtained and any limitations

➢ Presentation of your results in an appropriate form e.g. tables,

graphs, pie charts

➢ A critical analysis / evaluation of your results which includes an

explanation of your significant findings

➢ Your conclusions about your research findings and how well you

have met your project objectives and research questions

➢ ONLY IF APPROPRIATE: recommendations on specific courses

of action to identified individuals within your chosen



Page 20: Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan · Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan 2 Registered Mentor with the Oxford Brookes University and supported students successfully graduate with flying colours


Report Structure

Word Count Limit:

RR: 7,000 – 7,500

SLS: 1,800 – 2,000

Submissions out of the above range are UNLIKELY TO PASS


Report Structure


➢ Word Processed using A4 size pages

➢ Black Text on a white background

➢ Avoid background graphics & pictures behind the text

➢ Arial font with a size of 11 or 12

➢ Line spacing not exceeding 1.5


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Report Structure

List of references :

➢ In accordance with the Harvard Referencing System

➢ Citation Vs List of Reference

➢ List of Reference Vs Bibliography

➢ Use the MS Word function


Report Structure


➢ Evidence of the use of Information Technology

➢ Computations of Financial Ratios/Indicators, preparation of

Charts, Graphs & Tables

➢ Record & analysis of questionnaire findings

➢ Relevant financial statements extracts of the target

organisation and the competitor to be included for T8 & T15.


Page 22: Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan · Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan 2 Registered Mentor with the Oxford Brookes University and supported students successfully graduate with flying colours


Suggested Timeline


Useful Links

ACCA: https://www.accaglobal.com/sg/en/student/exam-entry-and-


OBU: https://www.brookes.ac.uk/business/undergraduate/bsc-applied-


OBU BSc in Applied Accounting: https://www.brookes.ac.uk/acca/

WriteCheck: http://en.writecheck.com/


Page 23: Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan · Shan - Bhavani Shanmugabalan 2 Registered Mentor with the Oxford Brookes University and supported students successfully graduate with flying colours


Thank You!


Shan – Bhavani Shanmugabalan

FCCA, CA Singapore, BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: +65 9022 6425

Web Page: https://www.obumentorship.com/

FB Page: www.facebook.com/OBUMentorship