She Could Tell Instantly From the Way He Nursed His Scotch That He Was From Money

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  • 8/2/2019 She Could Tell Instantly From the Way He Nursed His Scotch That He Was From Money


    She could tell instantly from the way he nursed his scotch that he was from money. It wasn't thefact that he was currently slouched at the bar in a crumpled Gucci suit or his 500$ shoes werehighly polished but it was the way he failed to take any notice of the cheap women that flutteredby him looking for a cheap flirt and speak easy evening with a rich gentleman and instead took care in taking long deep sips of the golden liquid that was gradually draining from his glass.

    As she sat afar in her secluded booth, she couldn't help but notice the lonely look he had in hiseyes. It wasn't a look of dismay or annoyance but a look of regret and longing that seemed tomake her grow cold and wonder who this man was.

    Walking over to the bar where he was slouched, she gestured for the bar tender and waitedcalmly, not saying a word but glancing occasionally around the room and a few times to himwho hadn't even flinched at her presence, as if she was just another woman alone in a bar lookingfor something interesting to satiate her for the night.

    "Martini, please." she pressed as the bartender nodded, quickly fixing the young lady her drink.

    The sound of her voice instantly snapped him to attention, needing to know who this powerfuland unfamiliar sound was coming from. Looking up, his eyes were met with the sight of brunette.

    He had been with a lot of women, every shape, ethnicity and colour you could think of yet hehad never come a across someone so alluring as the women stood next to him, innocently takinga small sip from her martini glass.

    "It's on me." he immediately insisted as he nodded in the direction of the bartender who waitedfor some sort of confirmation from the brunette.

    "As kind as that may be, I can buy my own drinks."

    "I'm don't doubt that for a second but-" he started before being cut off by her quick tongue.

    "Then you'll have no problem understanding that I don't accept drinks from strangers." shecorrected, only finally looking at him fully as she turned her head so they were both looking headon.

    "Then tell me why you're drinking alone in a bar swarming with enough men to ply you withdrinks all night?" he offered, straightening his posture somewhat as he took another sip of his

    scotch.She shrugged, looking away and taking another sip of her clear poison.

    He couldn't help but let his eyes draw from her slender shoulders down the length of her bodyover her perfectly accentuated curves that were covered by a tasteful plum evening gown as shesupported her stance with her forearms that protected her drink while she endlessly swirled herolive in the liquid.

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    "I have a taste for brooding alone in bars and it seems you do too..." she commented, looking upto him once more as a nod of approval graced his demeanor.

    "How observant of you..." he drawled with a finishing sip of his scotch.

    When he saw no evident reply forming from her, he wondered why such a beautiful woman wasalone in a bar. He came here often and yet had never seen her or noticed her before.

    Glancing at her left hand he noticed it bare; curious as to why someone like her hadn't alreadybeen snapped up.

    He knew a high-class call girl when he saw one and she was anything but. The way she lookedso peaceful but at the same time solemn was a mystery to him; how she could be so firm whenshe spoke, so confident and undignified.

    "Have a good evening." She finally spoke, breaking the eerie silence between them as she picked

    up her drink and began to walk away."Got some hot date lined up or do you usually attend your brooding in full length cocktaildresses?" He asked quickly before she had chance to get far.

    Stopping in her tracks with her back turned to the gentleman, she smirked inwardly at his effortsto make her stay before turning around to be greeted with a welcoming tilt of the head as hebrushed his fingers through his dark brown, disheveled hair.

    "Do you usually sit at bars and wait for an unsuspecting woman to question about her eveningattire?" she shot back, keeping her feet firmly planted as she raised her glass to her lips with one

    hand while her other found establishment on her left hip."No. This is my first time actually. Normally there is a lot less talking." he insinuated andsmirked a little, wondering what her reaction would be.

    Without giving reason, she felt herself blush, the feeling curiosity getting the better of her as shestayed exactly where she was, watching his piercing smirk as she calculated her next move.

    He didn't have to wait long until she raised her eyebrows in distaste and opened her cupid bowlips to speak again.

    "Let me guess. You own a successful business and you just lost a big deal. Combined with thefact that the only women you are able to bed are air headed, gold-digging bimbos who just wanta night of passion with a rich boy toy, you're brooding because you want a release from yourstressful lifestyle and you think the only way of achieving that goal is chatting up women in barslike me who look lonely and ready for a good time."

    Smirking at her bluntness, he turned to see her waiting for a response and he couldn't help butlove the way she stood confidently and spoke with such power.

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    "Close. But I was actually more worried about the fact that such a gorgeous woman like yourself was sat alone in a booth, vulnerable to old groping men ogling you all evening... especially theman in the far corner who looks very willing to make his move as soon as you seat yourself...Iwas just being courteous..." he wagered, shrugging his shoulders with the most knowing of looks.

    She blushed a little at his compliment but brushed it off quickly as she blew caution to the windand turned a little to see the man he was referring to. She nearly choked on her drink when heraised his eyebrows at her in a suggestive manner, not even realising she had stepped closer tothe bar, as if she was finding some security in the stranger.

    She had known womanizers, she had played to them most of her life but although the man sat infront of her had all the right things to say, she couldn't help but see something else in him. Itwasn't his flirtatious manner but the way he used it as some sort as defense. She was allured tofind out what he was defending. He was like an addiction.

    "Now let me guess... blind date gone wrong so you slipped out under the pretence of going to thebathroom but found yourself here...or you were stood up, although I can't imagine anyone whowould have the audacity to do such a thing to someone so enchanting..." he guessed, filling everyfree space with an understated compliment.

    Swallowing hard, she bit her bottom lip and took the seat at the bar she was originally stood nextto. Next to him.

    "Do you rehearse lines like that in front of the mirror every morning or...?" she teased, playingwith her cocktail stick that had the lonely olive still waiting to be claimed.

    Laughing lightly at her sharp wit, he titled his head her way and spoke softly."Not at all. I was inspired in the moment..."

    Rolling her eyes in her head, she wondered why she had never met this character before.

    Although he was sat in a crumpled suit and his hair was in dismay, he must have been one of themost gorgeous men she had ever seen. He wasn't a pretty looking man with perfect features and aBaywatch body but from looking at him under this dim light, she couldn't help but feel anattraction to the way his freshly shaven jaw line was so perfect for his face and the way he wasbuilt so masculine. She didn't imagined him to have toned muscles hidden under his suit but a

    strong natural body shape that made you feel protected by just standing near him. He wasbeautiful and she fought to keep her eyes away.

    "Which one was it then?" he questioned, snapping her out of her reverie as she now focused ontohis deep brown waiting orbs that seemed to trap her gaze for longer than intended.

    "You may have been very close the first time..."

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    Nodding in victory, he took a fresh sip of his newly topped up scotch that the bartender had justplaced in front of him.

    "And you? Was I right?..." she pressed, more than thankful that he had kept her in aconversation.

    "Million dollar deal. Dead." he muttered grumpily as he looked away from her and down to herdrink.

    "Ouch. I'm sorry..." she said with as much sympathy she could given under the circumstances of only just meeting this man.

    "Nothing a stiff drink can't fix."

    Just as she was about to respond, there was a beep coming from her clutch. Easing the phone outof her purse, he watched her as she grunted in annoyance.

    Tapping a few buttons on the phone, she sighed deeply closing her eyes tightly before throwingit back in her purse and pushing it to the side of her.

    He continued to look at her in question and when she turned to him and smiled a sad smile, hefelt inclined to say something but the words wouldn't form on his lips. He took mental note thateven in misery she looked stunning and there was something about her that he couldn't quite puthis finger on.

    "Penny for your thoughts?..." he smiled as he sat up straighter, tapping his index absently againstthe dark wood of the bar.

    "The blind date I ran out on...not very fianc..." she mumbled under her breath, notable to look at him as she downed her new glass of alcohol.

    Slightly taken aback by her honesty and strangely disappointed at her confession he waited forher to proceed.

    Glancing at the beautiful man sat next to her, she saw the misjudgment in his eyes.

    " mother thought I would fall for a man who she deemed respectable for me. Old money, pretty boy, very intelligent but I don't know...I wanted to make her happy and wellI'm not

    getting any younger!" she laughed bitterly as he watched her, his features calming somewhat."You look perfectly youthful to me." he added in a calm tone and wondering why he felt soinclined to find out more about this beautiful women he had stumbled upon.

    "Do you love him?"

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    Shaking her head solemnly, she caught his gaze again, almost needing him to know the truth. Itseemed wrong, having only just met the stranger, yet she felt she had known him before they hadmet.

    "Not in the way I should have." she posed gingerly, biting her lower lips before continuing.

    "He gave me more attention than I could have asked for, he was sweet, thoughtful and I hadsecurity, I was...I thought I was set...but I just couldn't- I- they expected me to be some trophywife who stayed at home and reared beautiful children but..."

    She felt guilt wracking over herself and had to pause in any effort to regain composure.

    "I needed to be me. I'm nothing without my career; I'm not just someone's wife"

    She laughed bitterly at her own confession this time. Wondering why she found herself here.

    "it got closer and closer to the wedding, I knew I would regret being tied to such a wonderfulman, lying to him everyday and wanting I broke his heart instead..." she added finally,letting a tear drop from her prison buy quickly wiping it away with her thumb.

    He was stunned. He opened his mouth multiple times but nothing seemed to form and instead hesupplemented the silence with a large gulp of scotch.

    "Ha! Sorry! I'm sure you didn't come here to be harassed by someone else's problems!"

    "I don't mind actually. It takes the worry away from my own." He said, thankful she had finallylightened the mood.

    She shrugged, smiling a little in appreciation as she regained composure and looked to thebartender for a refill.

    "If I was your fianc, I wouldn't dream of hiding you away at home... you're captivating..." heslipped, making sure to look away from her gaze.

    She felt herself tingle, mentally reassuring herself that it was just the buzz she was getting fromthe alcohol.

    When he didn't look he way but co tinned to brood into his drink, she took it as her turn to speak.

    "I couldn't marry a man who wasn't my soul mate..." she almost whispered, feeling embarrassedabout her confession.

    "Do you honestly believe in that sort of misguidance?" he laughed more bitterly than intended asshe watched him.

    "Why shouldn't I? I'm entitled to my beliefs", she shot this time, feeling defensive of her opinion.

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    For a moment he wanted to apologise because the look in her eyes seemed so hopeful. He wasn'tone for many words and the majority of his life he had jumped passed the emotional crap, nevercommitting to anything other than business deals while women stayed in the background.

    And now, this fascinating creature had graced him with her presence and it felt like he had beenhit over the head. He played out his usual attitude when talking to women, but something in theway she spoke and her presenceit made him want to say more, know more. He felt his guardslipping, just looking into her doe eyes but then he would remember. He had never felt anythinglike it.

    "Anyway, it's late. I should be getting home." she uttered, glancing at the time.

    She hadn't even noticed the look on his face when she finally spoke. It was like he was confusedbut contently so.

    Her soft voice immediately snapped him from his thoughts.

    "I'll give you a ride." he demanded more than offered out of politeness.

    "Oh, I'm sure you will! But I have a car waiting. Thank you anyway." she replied courteouslywith a small grin before standing up and correcting her dress.

    He laughed honestly at her wit and the moment he did, she couldn't help but feel warmth spreadthrough her. It was the first real thing she had got out of him this evening and she relished in thefeeling.

    She had no idea why she did it but before she could stop herself; her hand was covering his onthe bar as their eyes caught gazes.

    "I wouldn't worry about your business deal. Why live in the past?"

    She suggested calmly, swallowing hard to make the tingle of electricity that shot through her armless evident, even though she was pretty sure he felt it to, the look in his eyes and the shock of the touch, linking their sights.

    "Thank you for listening." she finished as she made her attempts to leave, removing her hand

    from his but only for him to catch her arm before she could get far.He felt it too. He had never felt such a random connection to a stranger and yet he felt inclined toknow more about her, to make her stay a while longer.

    "Wait. What's your name?" he almost pleaded as she locked his gaze, unable to lie.

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    Pulling free from his soft strong arms that had already marred her arm with his touch, she turnedto look at him one last time.

    "Blair." she announced above a whisper swiftly before her feet began to carry her from the barand out into the street, just a pair of dark caramel eyes watching her and longing as she left him

    with nothing but a single name.He didn't say anything; not able to take his eyes off the door, but hoping she would come back.

    As the cold Manhattan air hit her blushed cheeks, she took a deep breath, shaking a little fromwhatever that was. She didn't look back but his scent and touch was etched in her mind, on herskin.

    Pushing the thought away, she knew she would never see him again and instead slipped into herawaiting town car.

    He couldn't bring his mind to flicker away from the sight that had just beheld him. It wasengraved in his mind and he felt compelled to see her again. He knew they would meet again,however that was achieved. If anyone could find a mystery girl in New York, it was Chuck Bass.