SHENANDOAH HERALD IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY BT JOHN H. GRABILL. ^ Cit */ ^ WOODSTOCK., VIRGINIA. FRIDAY. JULY 12, |001 COUNTY CONVENTION The R.i Ivs democratic oonventii * ¦- liokl last Monda). \V. F Mardon wasolectcd temp ran chairman and J. T. Stonewimi temporary Secretary, 'I to roll wis made np as the ort <!. ni inls were handed in. ri.-!'. .1. ll Keller was made pei in m. nt chairman ami TL T Stom burlier permanent Secretary. The folio* inc were elect- d BS mei h uf il..- County Committi e: I... District.S. 1*. Fugle, .Ino. V > .\ 11:1 .;T..!. Adams, V. S. Kerli t - Wi il runs. Aaliby.Lcm'J F.l.z..: -ut, J.j /ilk!.-, Solon Zirkle, Xoab Mille i - . 1*. nv).acker. . Ji.son.G <>. W. Win.lie, .V. 1 Grove, M. C. Gearing, A. L>. Cn; dinat. Johnston.NV IL Newman, M. V Magruder, D. I.. Shaver, \V. 1 .Muston. Stonewall .Titos. K. Stickler, .! 1*. Snarr, 1). F. Spiker, G. \V. Orn !..itJ, J H D D-vis-E. F. Mitchell, B. F. Kiel ard, B. E. linker, Harvey Miller, t li. SiUrt,Geo. II. Snnrr. The following writ elected j 1 is* t.< the Norfolk convention wit om- hal. \ ote encl) : I.e. District.T. J. A.lams, \V. 1 . » Suspp, 1 Shirley, Dr. F. E. Rice, 1 M. \\under, S. P, Fogle, M. > Wunder, C X. II kin er, C. s. Keilli Ashby.J. A. Carter, II. S. Wun l»-r, l..s. A. Zirkle, F. § Penny bael . r, 1 v. Snyder, J. P. Mi V I ison.L. T. Sioneburner, M 1.. Grove, IV. \V, Koontz, J. Mere . lui. Johnston.F. S. Anderson, W. r Marston, Al. \Y. Magruder, Ung Fravt!, J. G. Kniesley, \V. II. New man, Harry Kosi uberger. Stone wal-Dr. W. G. Ford, X. M Rhodes, Judge E. 1) Newman, J II. Duliu, W. A, Sagi r, M. I.. Wal¬ ton. Davis.B. F. Richard, Macie Stick ley, J. II. Keller, Ernesl Funk, G. I Kueialey, K. F. Mitchell, J. W. Kn dolj»h, .Joseph Sib-rt, Mason lily. The followiug resolutionfl wer< adopted: 1st, That wo hereby pledge ou suj.ji. rt to the nominee*, ot'the X'<>r- lulk convention and endorse the plat lorin of the same, and instruct ou: delegates t<> \<»t< for Montague foi Governor and Williard for Lieuten- ant-Governor. 2nd, That we hereby | li <]_-. hearty support to the nominee foi legislature ol' this conventioi and call upon all of the good pc<>|<i< ol Shenandoah county to aid in hu triumphant election. Hon. Josiah Stickily, ofStrasburg wa- nominated ai a candidate fur lix House of Delegates Tlie Convention wa* well attended every precinct ot tho county being represented. There- hs a disposition in the Con¬ stitutional Convention to sui.mn their work to a part only of the Toter* of the State. If we are t< change the Constitution of the Mate, give the people the opportunity t<. ejj.nss thew sentiments upon tim subjset The democratic pa ty is ro- Aponiibi. tor tiie existence of the Coostilutioual Convention and the paople have the ii., ito expect the Convention to deal fairly with them and their (intel ttl Any shortcuts will injure the democratic party, ABOVE TRANSIENT POLITICS. We have no patience with the narrow partisan demand that tin* constitutional convention strange and peHbrm its work with a view lok. ej. mg out of the way ..f the approach¬ ing gubernatorial campaign. Ii surprises us io see such a propo¬ sition put forth. SoSBe j-< rsons have iiv-ver been able toge! it into their heads that a convention to revise the constitution ofa state is a body whr ne importance and dignity pul it above any other power Ifl the common¬ wealth. A constitution is made tor generations not for two or four year*, aa are party platforms, The mem¬ bers of the assembly whlen frames a constitution for a state should hold themselves above pirty politics while they are discharging their grave dnlstn .Norfolk L audmark. Striking Machlnista koturnto Wotk. Richmond, Va , July 1<>..A num- l^r ot striking machinists at the Trig Shipyards Mensed to wotk to- d iy at the old rule ot 10 hours a day. Tiiis marks the complete col¬ lapse ot the strike h Reports indicate that i9 persons were killed all over the country as a result of the Fourth of J Bte cell bra- laasjb WASHINGTON l.ETTKfc. ti- (Fiore our Keguiar Correspondent.' Washington, July 8th, 1901. The IW Office Department has begun a fight in which it is clearly triglit and in which it will be support¬ ed by all the strength oi the Execu¬ tive branch ol the government, but notwithstanding those alvangtages, t must get the support of the press and of public sentiment, in order to wm a permanent viet orv. This fight is to shut the fake publications out ot the privilege of stcond ela>* mail. The government pays |60,000,000 a vcar for oirrying second class -nail and receives les* than $i,ooo,ooo t"..r it. Thal much of this loss is duo to abu* - have cr.pt int© the construction ei the law.C instructions never dreani- .1 of when the law was 1*. >ing Had¬ ed.is apparent t" even one who has become at all familiar with what con¬ stitutes a large proportion of second class mail. In fact, from an investi¬ gation, which has been going on tor months, the postal officials have been convinced that fully one-half of tin matter now mailed Bl second class, should under a strict aud perfect!v {?roper construction of the law, be . compelled to pay as third class mat . ter. A new mle for the construct ion of the law is to be issued by the 1\ st \. Office Department, for ihe especial purpose of shutting out lake publics- ii ms. When it is promulgated, look- out for squeals from the owners of tk< s and Irom sucIj legitmate publications as cn be wine I ed ->i i'. pail t<> say that the hllMiios of legit i -'. mate publication is Ik ir. j interfered with. These squeals will be worked I. tor all they are worth for their effecl upon Congress, where the fight will certainly be carried. Postal official* declare in thc most positive terms |. that the new construction of the law will not injure any legitimate publi¬ cation and count upon getting the support ol all such. Capt. L. Graven, who served as Quartermaster of the 32nd Volunteer Infantry in the Philippines, and who [. is now visiting Washington, said ol tin- opportunities offered young Americans in the Philippines: "Ma¬ nila is the center of a wi.le field ol Opportunities tor Ann ricans. While in tin- Quartermasters Departmcin theia, I had deals with many Ameri¬ can! win. went there tor business purposes. I lound that men ot qual¬ ifications, common sense and energy did well. I woul 1 advise young Americans desiring to go there to a. quire a thorough knowledge ..! Spanish and stenography. They will certainly obtain clerkships in business houses, and if solid, acti.'e workers, instead ot sharpers and schemers, they will within years be in business themselves, The Filipinos want g. us! Americans to come to theil islands and instill new business ami commercial enterprise. In ni) office lour American boys ( mp iks. They were worth $100 a month each, to corporations' in tl is country. They decided to cast their lot in Manila and remained lhere. Al! of them ;ire doing Well." .Vr. Paul Sh Mot:, a New York lawyer, who has just returned from a !cisiue*s \ i-it from ail of the islands o' the greater and Josser Antilles, xcepiing Guba and Porto Rico, was asked what the natives of the Danish West Indies thought of annexation to the V. S., which is sure to come, as the conclusion of the negotiations \ tor the purchase ol the island* from Denmark, is only a matter of time, He replied: "A lew wealthy mer¬ chants, rn s ly Danes, oppose the sale ol the island, because they are afraid of American enterprise. The \ natives of all the islands ol tho I. ll Antilles. I Mud upon special inquiry ,|were in favor ot annexation. Tiny were very anxious, the French especi- a ally. They think they are naturally t I I-... tar away from their mother countries, and say the elli rials Sent them .oe never men with authority who can take hold ami alleviate ex¬ isting evils and burdens. They say these officials never have sufficient in¬ fluence to accomplish anything reslly important. The President's proclamation de¬ claring free trade with Porto Rice on and after July 25th, uill be Maned - -n as lie receives an official copy of the resolution adopted by the hg- Mature of Porto Rico. The President's proclamation fu¬ tile mi.,.ning t,, pul,he settlement of tia- Kiowo, Commanche ano Apache Indian Reservations in Oklahoma, was issued todny. A force of thirty clerks fr.nn the General Land Office, left Washington Saturday night, t'. do 'lie work of the land offices that will be opened at Keno ami Lawton, i' t! SI ||< a w si, tl, fe The government coal pier in the retro! the- I'hauib run Hotel was partially burned y«*sierJsy. There were 100,000 fw«s ot ,. ,:t| ,*.,, j)l(. grier anti tins mimed, at Old Point, nil dav. Tut's Pills FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver deranges tbs whole system, sad produces SICK HEADACHE,..a Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheo roatism, Sallow Skin and Pies. There ls no better remedy for thea* conmen diseases tba a DR. TIT T S LIVER PILLS, es . trial wffl prove. rakeNo' 9) Bl co wi e.i BS It tn to in J* an Cs eli fii nei mt am me sal SEEKINO EARLDOM. Al.RKKT K. FAIRFAX, WALL RTRfcET RANK KR, INTIMATE 0AKBY1M el.AIM lo KIN'. KOWARI). New York, duly ?..A Booming paper printed s story to-day to the effect thal Albert K Fairfax, of 107 Forty-fifth street, who is in the banking house of Bering Bron, A Co. at 15 Wall street, ami is an American oitisen, had taken steps to pren ni a e um t<> his rijrht to "it in the house o. h»rds of (neat Britain, as Lord All.ei t Fait tax, Fail ol Culpepper. Aeeording to Jhfr, Fairfax, he has taken no step*., although he intimated that he might do so before lonjj. Mr Fairfax's claim is one that gO< s baek ni my years. Thomas, Who was the sixth Baron Fairfax, was born in England ia 1601 He manie.] Catharine, daughter of Lord Cnlpeppet, and thu*, acquired large estate- in Virginia. In 1 T**5'l he came to this conni ry Ile made the acquaintance ofOeoige Washington, when Washington was a young surveyor, and theil friend- S'lip lasted until the death of Lord Fairfax, although the latter was a pronounced loyalist in sympathy. He died in 178*^, and his title went to his brother Robert. John ('outee Fairfax, a physician wa> the eleventh representative ot the title, and the father of the present possible claimant. He died in Maryland several years ago Albert Fairfax is about .'JO years old. According to th.- published story, Albert Fairfax had drawn up ;. petition to King Edward, asking recognition as Lord Fairfax, and th* petition was referred to Lord Pauneefote at Washington. Mr. Fairfax said to day that thia was not so. Mr. Fairfax said that he had talked with Lord Paum elute about the matter, but only in an informal way. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE COnPAW mn anm ai ii nm no op stock hol¬ ers ll KU) VKSTOBDAY AM> ki bi ron 0F1 ICEBS asp A ROARIi OF DI RBI - tobs. The annual meeting ot' tho stock- holders of the Lowg Distance Tele** phone company of Virginia was held I the purpose of i Icctinf! officers, rho business of the com¬ pany was found to be in satisfactory condition The following boar-1 was elected; Dr F. M. Hanger,Andrew Bowl in:, J. >. Cochran, Hon. Edward Echols, J. Frank Clemmer, N.C Watts, Capt, J. H. Grawll, S. H. Curtis SV. V. Wison, Jr., C. W. Scott, vice-president, J. ll. Kempcr, president. Mr. Curtis of Lee Hall, takes the of Judge F. W. Sims of Louisa. This is the only change. Later in the day the l»..:.rd met ind re-elected Geerge A. Gulley, the efficient and obliging secretary. The subject of constructing more lines was considered, and it was de¬ rided to increase the stock to one a 'lr. d thousand dollars and tn luuld or to a connection with Rich- nond and Ballimore. The line to Richmond will be constructed at >nce..Staunton New-. He I oole<l The Surgeon*. All doctors told Rcnick Hamilton, »| West Jefferson, <>., alter luflTering 18 months from Rectal Fistnls, he rould die unless a costly operatieti vhs performed; but le cured hiitist ! nth five boxes of Bucklcii's Arnica Salve, tlie surest Pi'e cure on Earth, md the b st S;il\e in the World. SS tents a box. Sold by B. Schmitt, druggist. J n e e le Fought the War Over Again. Wheeling, W. Va., July 5..Rich- rd Paul of Monndsville, a veteran of he civil war, yesterday mst Luther teed, an ex-Confederate gol.lier for .h<nii he has been looking ever since BOS. Paul is known all over the Late for his geniality and his promt- enee as a G. A. H. man, but he ai¬ rs)! contended that for him the war ould not end until he had met a eu¬ lin soldier who wore the gray ami unisfa him for trying to tike lii>|\\ fe ni a skirmish. j . Comrade Paul, as he is calli d, at- uided a big Fonrtfa of July celebra- on at Sistersville yesterdsy. Ina doon Psnl lou | thc mau for whom b had be*n searching, and srkhoui word attacked him Revolvers SM drawit, hut the veterans were ii, i.h close quarters in the crowd thal icy fought S/ith fists. Paul was d - Sted. Hi* nose was broken, one ealmost put out, and his skull frae* ed, Today he WSJ in a I ri-ui imlition, but it ls thought that In iii recover. Ll li Ol ll al al T in M Di J. M Si A Cl ri N on wi ns r a.l Ol ve orl W to am SI tf via e.) Many thousands have be *n restor- to health ami happiness by th. e <.i Chamberlain'sCouirh Remedv. Billeted with any throat or lung »ul»le, give it a triai for it is certain prove beneficial. Doughs thal ve resisted all other treatments for ara, have yielded to this ri mc di tl p rfeet heath been r(stored SS H that Seemed hopeless, that tl ti mate of lamons health resorts! ^ led to benefit, have been perm:.- Nt lilly cured by its use. Bear in nd (hat every bottle m warranted 1 if it does not prove beneficial tho nea mey Hill be refunded to you For' Bro e by L. li. Irwin, Drucill. li. ( i \ Au . ii r virginia news. At Parkersburg, W. Va , Sunday Bishop II. C. .Morris»n,of the Meth¬ odist Kpiscopa' Church South, offici¬ ated at the dedication of the new edi¬ fice for St. Paul's Methodist Kpssoopal Church South. Tue h liding baa just been completed at a cost of over $.'*."> ooo. A great drouth is reported it1 set era] southside Virginia conntli s, ThepostoiRoe st Gap Run, about five miles west ot Winchester, was totally destioyed by tire on Satur- ay. The store of J. C. Hamey, the post master, in which the postoftice i' situated, with the stock of goods, was destroyed. The lo<s, indndmg the building, will amount to about $1,000. At Portsmouth, Saturd ry while a gan^ ol negro labo ers were engaged in tcarinu; «lown the obi Baptist church the walls gave away ami buried hVs of the number beneath a pile of brick* and rafter*. All of them were badly injured and two are expected to die. Saturday afternoon lightning shock- e 1 several hundred people in Horgan town, IV. Va, damaged the suspension bridgs over the Mooouga bela river, the telephone and telegrph lines, killed a number of horses in the country, ruined a lot of fine timber and burned two barns Saturday morning while the sheriff of Russell county* Virginia, was on Ins way to Richmond with a prisoner, both fell asleep just before the train reached Fannville. The negro awakened first, ami finding ibeSheriff] asleep lie jumped fl ora the train and tl d to the woods. The Sherill was awakened an I at once Started in pur suit of the higi ive, wh » i lu le 1 v ip ture. Kural free mail delivery in Rock¬ ingham county began Mond iy last. WORK OF THK OONA LNTIOV Richmond, Va, July lo.Tin tran. Ilise committee will imik" a re¬ port to the convention within the next week or ten <1 lys. None of the members will allon the use >> their ii lilies as to tile nature ..f the report, but it is hamed thal there wil l»c a p-ill-tax of not less than £\\ but ihe provisi rn of requiring owner ship and the payment of tales on at least $300 w. nh of property will not he approved hy the committee. I£ighty«cii mcinbers ot th.- eon- itlt ut Ional convention answered roll- rail today. A nuin' er ot' resolul ons w. rr iffered and referred. WAN NOT INDICT MRS. BO NINE. Dist rici Attorney Gould lum not ,. t been able io secure an indictment if Mrs. Join Ida Bon inc for the tili¬ ng o( Jamil Seymour Ayer*, the rietira ofthc Hotel Kenmore tr;*, n Washington. For mor than two veek* the ense bas been before the rrand jury and the case's delay has ;iven rise t<» reports that the grand ury had refused to Indict on the ifi lenee submitted. \ I.Ile Ami neath Fight. Mr. W. A. limns of Manchester, [a., iting of his almost miraculous scape from death, say*; >*Ex]K>sure lier uieaslea induce*] serious lung rouble, which ended in Conaumplii n had frequent hemorrhages and i ougbed night snd gay. All raj locton said I must soon die. Then 1 beean to use Dr. King's New Dis . . i ov< ry tor Consumption, which cm i letely cured nie. I would not be J rithout it even if it cosi $;, on . ottle. Hundreds have used lt on my scommendatioc and al! say that it lever fails to cine Throat, Chest and .ung troubles.'1 Regular lise 90c nd J Loo. Ti hil bottles free at B. chmitt's Drug £tore, fOUNTAIN LAKE PARK, MD. BAI rillOBB ami OHIO BA ll. BO AD. This delightful resort, high up in t. ie Allegheny Mountains, on the ft r.»ad plateau known as the Glades, " ii the .Main Line of the Baltimore u 11 Ohio Railroad, opened June 1st. ,, cl i.'Xcurson ticket* are on sile at -i I ticket offices at Very Low R iles, '. F he special attraetionn this rear will rr * I thc West Virginia State Teachers11 j. [eeting, on July '-id to 4th; th. i iter-Denoininntional Camp Mee'mg, N ilv Oth to lo; Woman's Hom- m ivsionary Society, July 20th '.un ins* Foreign MissionarySocitey, ily 27th; Chautauqua Summer I munis, August ls! p. lilli:, and tin 'I J / V ninia! Session of thc Mountain V iaiitampia, August 1st to 28t1 , . iere will be special excursi ns from . w York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, ashington aid intermediate station* .Inly Huh ami AugUat 7th tori itch speeial low rates will be med, 'or detailed inlormation, call on OT dre*. Ticket Af* nts Ballimore X do Railroad. jun 14 . lt. it A. Iii <. Ki VJ ecial Seashore Lxcursions to Atlantic City or tape May, N. J- file Southern Hallway BnOOUl ry low rates from all connon ticket ~,.' J ' I I ii lees Lynchburg, Hnrnsonbnrg, I g, srrentoa ami intel mediate stations Atlantic City or Cape May, \. .1 , 1 return, good sixteen saree, to-k- on sals for connections ot train- route as indicated on dates nam- j \\iX as follows: ( /ia Peiisylvani i K. U; Ju y 18th, ) gust 1st, 15, 95, Septemb. r Pi /ia Ballimore A Ohio M. K; July h, '.tftli, August Sib, September ret en Jo Se j 50 !|. 1 'or detailed information call on rest ticket Agent or write L S >wn, (I neral Agent* Washington, July 'lill. I i;u arrili AV . Jul) ^t^Ui*. Roanoke college. Th? fbrty*eighth yeer ol Roanoke College was i prosperous ons with s eonsstlernbty increased number «f students fi.ua fburtei n states and countries. Si v Porto Ricans and fi »ir K<-renns were eur iled, alli lattei being ll I. II. P. liwlia, seo>nd s«-ti ofthe Kmper i Kori Re m< ke has I . t volumes, a working laboratory, and au able aud » xp< i ienc< I faculty (five j.k.'cs- - having lind m yeats ..f postgrad il ile stud) in A can urn! foreign universities and two others being authors of colli booka). Th < lily claim to give superior advantage*ut sven moderate cst. Salem, with its health¬ ful climate and pictui sq > surround lng*, its aix churches snd no bar rooms, and its good moi si, social, ami religious advant iges, is an ideal college town. Tiie Cala will a sketch ol the College, view- of tl . buildings, and the Jure mimi i the Roitnoki Cob tn in y !.«. linc! free by addressing the President, Dr, Julius I). Dn her, Ssh in, V Mrs. Matthew Gilmour, who uh i girl performed the .!. in _ '.¦» .1 oi riding through ihe Federal conveying lo Col. John >. M >i> formation that enabled I lill t - the Southern Array from di feat, died suddenly in Richmond Wednesd ij night. She was iii only t.»u iniuuf- s Mr-. Gilmore was n ilaughti r ol In late Ri v. Abraham Dai -\ Pollock, ol Fsuqtiier county. During tin war, win u a mere girl, she rn le through the Federal lines ;i .1 con- rcyed to C il. John s. Mosl news th it the enemy w lt make an attack upi n the ('outed r- SteS. It turned om ill il tel- li warning h it ed ' mt hern from .'of. .at. ()n her n olin Mrs. tfilinotii a as desci nd< il fi o \a es and Washington*. Four negr .es were bango i o a illoa s at Vernon, Kl i. The Change of Is tho most Important in a wo¬ man's existence Owin methods of living, not one woman in s thousand appi lettes this }x y natural cl ; ri train ..f very times painful i\ il .m>. Tis dfu I fla* h ! ' Mai perons, nervous trouble T lashes are just io many ea ls from tatura for he p tt for assistance h- betided in tone. Lydia E tam's Vegetable Compound was pre¬ pared to meet the ne .a at this trying lt builds np tl. ry stem, and en woman I mat grand change triumi " I wa>> a very ty Change of Life. I lushea, snd fainl n - spells 1 tirald . head ate! Bach troubled me ko I .tired by Lydia E l*i Me Compound." Mas. J kn ms Xoaut, ioio Keyssw St., Germantown, Pa. OKEH PARK HOTEL, OBBB PABK M \i:vi wp. DBLn.ni n i. »; MMKB i;!> <i.: 1 IIB M I Ko Ul. Ml S. Swept hy mountain breezes, 2,«S| ll .et. soot e sea level. Alsi uv. om malaria, hay fe v e r lOsquitos. Reached without chance f ears fr., n all principal cities \ rn altimore A: Ohio Railroad. Kui) lodern convi nience. Koouis < i rile wiih private baths I .tri. igbts, Long Distance Teh phone. levator, Turkish Ruths; Swimming ools, Gol! I.uk*, Tenis Courts, owing Alleys,Jfagnilicciil Drives omplete Liver) Service, Annapo i- aval Academy Band Hotel re¬ ndel! il w illi additional conveni- ices. All cottages have heen takei r the season < Ipen fi om June .' Scpteltlh. f JlOlh. Vxv rates and infornia ion ad dre** I. K. Burwell Manager,care (£ueei ty Hotel, Cumberland, Md , nnti inc Nt. Att< i that time. I >. . . Park irrctt Count}, Md 35th ANNUAL ENCAMP.1EN1 (i. A. k Ci bi ki ano. ().. Sept. IO ro I I. tLTinORE & OHIO RAILROADJ . iis i i Ll I'iKi n BOl I B. kl I v fi ll ! ¦¦ til. h "Ult rn "ll For the Annual Encampment U K., nt <lltveland, < > . Septi rober to 11. the li iltimorc A 0 iilroad will sell iii leets Irora all mts ..n it> lines East ol t be < shin vet at the very low ra'. "I < IN I IRK for thc ROUND TRIP. .keis good gi i lg on all trait,- piembei 8 t<- I*.', inclusive, [good io urn until September l~>, inclusive, sept it' tickets are ilcpi sin <l m itl int Agi nts on Ol !>. fore noon ol 'i.-inl.i i Ifi and i11) meiil of fee ol nents, llcki ls m ly hs i xteude<l return to < tctob -. 'lian e. Jail on agent ll .Itim..'i A I >hi; llfond tor tickets an 1 fnll inform v ..July :».. 'Ot. ? \ I Tl r MC.' ll 'll [tali Bini Comnercial College. |& I'MHKULANIK Ml». W'lMII l-l ri;. \ f..r Hu tint .. Life. I > " is. Call, sn Ka or airs for partleoaw . Sis noell lo oar Hoe. No vacations. Tho c. low. ru KM HO. ' rroNldinU °ut NEEDMORIi NEWS. We bsvs bad a freal drel <»f hot sestber for tbe psst week orten « sys. 1 iie Kt.nrrh \x.\- r at..! lome >f mir people un- not quits .!< oe harvesting 3-r. The avhaai crop will be \>tv li^ht fill i. Mi ri . hog killen a lu.rt ri tut* agu by boui« rou n £ Mr. J, WT, ( len I wa- aoi \ ¦¦¦. -. < me tteud thc Koo rth, ll N'ee-li.e alni H wb spent :i i tltd with Itei grand burs;, rame houp ty evening. Miss lout;m.I.- B beck, lie g.t ot Mi-- I. ..k. Mr. and Mi Robinson and hter Ruth, <>t Powell'?, Kort I w*e ne-.I i\ || Rivi r Mr Itsy Gram and Fannie its POW ELI 'S I OR! NEWS The 5 uti nded. i .- «,; linne t'» toil- liderablc ¦! un 11 t em - om me ni ..¦! rhre I nd Monday. ll ii reg ir sp« pointn ll" I"*, nd Sutieav. The lijghtn n^ struck anil burned a shock of wheal ;ic ir J ¦¦<¦>>}» Ke i 'a ', tm. on iy, I; 1. B. Shave ol the Progressive Dunkard Church will hold an alldsjs meet in , ¦'- next Sunday, Juiy 14th. Ile exj D liere to do the | \ ll have t, lieu rim: i ":"- p A\ arkets, THE ^arcur.ar THRESHER ii cultural Implements, : < »i i.l.i Doancke EH. I' IMPORTANT Notice! donday, July 22J, I90I, v NV Vl.KKli, I I'. I KG IN I \. Tn Wu ; M lt Y. ll 1 iii.. ... (i 1111 >'. h '.ii tt<> laid ! »;»h t upi . the dc low and cnildren »-t l»;i\ i*l luhabitantd ol tin- lt is <¦¦¦.. That tb » dui p list" pro! lr Int. inc h. h spap. 1 pi |< :ili . lint)'. < tu C ii \s. . I A enpj n . dlNII ol tli. 1 lill ll' 1 1. 11 a rr y 11 .. A i [arr? Il nu \\ ill ni a IV di »n, |>. i| THF Ol FiCIAL mm bepobt OK Tl IK KGINIA < ON nn l"\ Al. CONVFXriON CAN UK I'Ol M> ONLY IN iii be thinking people «»t the Cen 1 weah h ea mud afford t-- ii isa am e >[¦ lil.- rsli ms The lits .h prints th<' . i"<-' . ¦¦'" -:- * ilhoul v. ,,,1? v,,,, ,| f,.f h ,,,,] -ont rad v\ it li the ( ii .¦.. I for the i|n r tel.IV. SUIISCRIPTION PlilCK 0 nih-, v ssh In advene*. - - . i.i<>:iLli S " -: \ ru \ s. s I<1. ol slr .ii- "¦> Hp (Mil K'N ill,- . .Ml t in arti urn ¦ll 1 |.i adi lau Tl K 0! ELECTRIC LUiHTS. The contract fi>r prating in nn eleen-<. light plain si Woodstock WM uiul. r e.»ii>i'h i itioi , I ut wi ¦'«¦-. <l si the h dir of fi lng lo press, Th«* C4»niniii t'\ lining ia! lu- s. Situations Secured S»a#*» A^^^ t'.r ^: t :¦..-.¦ W rite ^^ I i\w .md *]¦. ... fifers ¥ Massey !Sn.ngV: P. Louisville. Ky. Montgomery. Ala. "J I* Houston. Tex. Columbus. Ga. Ri hmo..rt Va Birmingham. Ala Jacksonville. Fla. I i c. it lor lil i », li ti.11 . A trial for "blasphemy." which In but otu t th* lunion law. taken | Ini v In Astit unty. A ; ' :...;. «.:i a Sutidnj \\ .:.t t«. [total and. amid siioutfiu: »nd Im uh |ira.viiur, went uf bu pt ixl lt is the si !. Ka- DON'T WAIT. If you knew how SCOTT'S EMULSION would build you up, increase your weight, strengthen your weak throat and lungs and put you in con¬ dition for next winter, you would begin to take it now. -^ i SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists. ist*. Disease Germs .Multiply with incredible rapidity, and act in enormous numbers, liven with all the study on the question, we still know but tittle about the transmission of germs ir-(in one body or locality to another. Therefore the nerd f >r disinfectants exists in everyday life as well as in times of sickness. To be safe use some refiable dis¬ infectant. We are prepared to advise you. B. SCrniTT, Druggist Woodstock, Vs. t Crude Carbolic Acid Ml cts. pt Pure Carbolic Acid 5 cts <>/ Chloride lime 15 cts. lb. Copperas. 5 cts. lb. Creolin 75 cts pt. Kromo Chloralum 50 cts. pt Lt .. S *«?.?.?. SSSSjSJSjSJ SsBSjSJ a)* e Our Loss is Yor Gain W inti J to I a- Millinery and Shoes."" j^ We must have room lor fall goods. Trimmed Intfl from >0e up. Slippers 75c up. Ri -j" ctfully, HENRYS. BAKER & CO. BANK BUILDING, S EXT TO GEARYS HOTEL. New Barbar Shop. M C. W. BROOKS, "Tm Uaruek'1 tnt. .en. i. 'I- '' FRANK ( OFFMAN. BARBER SHOP. I ur St., M t> k, Va. Warden F ravel, Propr. June II Preparatory Silo! of Law |h<>i let t*~ IO V :;. ,-« - Session of 1901-2 bogiria Oct. 2d. nilma! iii MM m\i:n> h i \\ i.M.Ntui k, \ Irgtala, tt. Tn Farmers and Breeders. UK UKS1 OPPOBTI MTV KVKK 0KFK11- i.i» HIE kkkm-kk- <-i riiisaci riON. I he tandard-bred Trotting Stallion UPREMACY RECORD 2:29 trial 2:17 i.nt brothel to ure «>t tho yr.at ronituj titt.iti Saw I land sired bj full brother t«> rc ol Th.- Abbott I.1KJ l I. The Woi I'., t . i*ord, ate. v AI*o brother in blood to Boreal 2:15 who tinda in L| fee. All r,iy. Boral moa <\ Viii make this aeason at Woodstock and ul Nkw Makk.kt, Va. ['I'KKM %C ^ Ui il bj Bbli Boi i 19 I »-<'.'! . Ul v* li. ii S \rai- re ol at...ut twentj In2-10 although iras uni up at -«s en \ ears old. i ki l£t,*ireol I*in -:.'*' list and H> t»IU,the world* irrcateftt brood mare. Mi. ul seventeen coln* nttd fifteen ol thal iium tted in i ineludini .li m. ord. Isl Jam mimi a| \ IS, bj AU ant.. I ¦.> \i*\ tlufUROHOr Wi i.k> ..'- >m <>t omi WI |q 1 ALMA V > in 2 .;... . M uulii .na ni.- .at bi<hm1 hi ire Mir. M .lam i \ , .4 kr (dam «>t 2 i . i:aoim«Ifn -.-t- dam "i td llaopj i; --. m ,»u<i iu dam of 2 in .'.»» bj ria ppj Mediums itu \ Hank* i ant] ld dam. i Mani rn .-i i*Utl fd un* >'t I*. \t. MBV RI ION, >i mau »' > Ls a rid N Baj w uh ivk point*; foalded J . Lav Him oufoi n neut, ii.Mi.1 hone, beat v muscled, unfljr built, with Ihe eal of I lound, without ,ni in* t record u>> saeaaun nf bia (breeding is " pun koold," combining tin en .( 'li in .*! prepou :it produi I form. tl '. The i.i¦. rio*aaK,'aiid'WiLKaa'famllieea*i Um at< >t ..I trot tl ns families hi ?»i Bau Cl u> i. B»:t t>" famil) -i r i -t braneh ol thc Sleet ion< I "Wilki - N * M ISfi P > in . :,. iteat bcanch nf Wilke* family. 5uprrmac> »l.|tic«* theale TWO OM NAMCBtB* Ol i \\<« ..ki- mi- ~i i mil U Th <f BC wi! .i v uni extreme speed wm formlti than can be no question of doubt. Individuality render* bira va bia bli ¦oduccrol lu-i cia** roadsters, tod horse* tpted t«' all ¦ macy ii without lt. has tittf th.- Itu.*? !i-i>- tdtlorj p. tKMS> : Sio insurance. >r full pedegTeeand partlcnlars im» I" »>r nd. I rc** EO.iW LINAWEAVER, WOODSTOCK, V \. ab % MediciDe Dentistry Phannacv] Taugh. by 56 Teachers- I- pajj . - Dr J. ALLISON HODGES Di il Universiy College of .Medicine, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA* W A N T I; I). ti *i a , li R K. riES WANTED. I will pt) bighest cs*h price f«»r Whi PEALKD CHES! SUI 0>AK J. D. GRA ..II.I.. WANT I No itment req I. Wm to li V ar* . - Ut, 1 FOR RENT OR BALE A Fossil house, in Woo FOR RENT. Elouee anJ Icsmith shop, Woodstock. A pp J L. w"i8M ill SHEEr WAN I KI». j.'.H younj stock ewes Do uol to Imvlng in -mal! lori I, H. (J KAHILI.. w*ood»to k, Vs Pttio SjniWaloT Ice. >ur lei aragon Pl UK » D :.¦.' ta '. Orderit lt arin* r wnh s.un'l li H- Speet I ll INDEPENDENT ICE CO. Maj IO -ti. J7 N. DAVIS-&~~ CO." REAL ESTATE AGENTS, WOOIHTOTK, VlRGIXIA 'arm.*. Ors sing, slinsrsl Lands own Ti pert] U m (ht, Sold, Rs IT <! Snd Kellie.I l%" Tl SJfS Bl ASOHA i < apr. Ste.tl. I un prepared t. li iild \\ Ai«< »NS, tali kinds :»t tn_\ wagon msking stablish men! on South Main street, rVAGONS. BUGGIES. Ac. Irfiiiii'il mi Sinn fioliw, \M' BY FIRST CLASS WORKMEN. all to Sff/ nu. I I bTtpsrtd t" 'lc tod WOI k and gSUU - lissV lion, segiessndwagonspsJissd sid tris** sd. £?' Wagons bossed at Kbersl rsjti -. CHARLES U FOQAL, Woni.Slo. K, Ya. l.Vtf. COAL_COAL/ All kind? of coal for pale Apply Oman's warenouse hy phone or in pel i. M. H. Hottsl' \ \11 order* left at UV R. Joe Barbell re will reeeive prompt attenlior. sa 1ft

Shenandoah Herald.(Woodstock, VA) 1901-07-12 ......paper printed s story to-day to the effect thal Albert K Fairfax, of107 Forty-fifth street, who is in the banking house of Bering

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Page 1: Shenandoah Herald.(Woodstock, VA) 1901-07-12 ......paper printed s story to-day to the effect thal Albert K Fairfax, of107 Forty-fifth street, who is in the banking house of Bering



^ Cit */


FRIDAY. JULY 12, |001


The R.i Ivs democratic oonventii* ¦- liokl last Monda).

\V. F Mardon wasolectcd tempran chairman and J. T. Stonewimitemporary Secretary,

'I to roll wis made np as the ort

<!. ni inls were handed in.ri.-!'. .1. ll Keller was made pei

inm. nt chairman ami TL T Stomburlier permanent Secretary.

The folio* inc were elect- d BS mei

h uf il..- County Committi e:

I... District.S. 1*. Fugle, .Ino. V> .\ 11:1 .;T..!. Adams, V. S. Kerli

t - Wi ilruns.

Aaliby.Lcm'J F.l.z..: -ut, J.j/ilk!.-, Solon Zirkle, Xoab Millei -

. 1*. nv).acker.. Ji.son.G <>. W. Win.lie, .V. 1

Grove, M. C. Gearing, A. L>. Cn;dinat.Johnston.NV IL Newman, M. V

Magruder, D. I.. Shaver, \V. 1.Muston.Stonewall .Titos. K. Stickler, .!

1*. Snarr, 1). F. Spiker, G. \V. Orn!..itJ, J H DD-vis-E. F. Mitchell, B. F. Kiel

ard, B. E. linker, Harvey Miller, t

li. SiUrt,Geo. II. Snnrr.The following writ elected

j 1 is* t.< the Norfolk convention wit

om- hal. \ ote encl) :

I.e. District.T. J. A.lams, \V. 1. »

Suspp, 1 Shirley, Dr. F. E. Rice, 1M. \\under, S. P, Fogle, M. >Wunder, C X. II kin er, C. s. KeilliAshby.J. A. Carter, II. S. Wun

l»-r, l..s. A. Zirkle, F. § Pennybael. r, 1 v. Snyder, J. P. MiV Iison.L. T. Sioneburner, M

1.. Grove, IV. \V, Koontz, J. Mere. lui.Johnston.F. S. Anderson, W. r

Marston, Al. \Y. Magruder, UngFravt!, J. G. Kniesley, \V. II. Newman, Harry Kosi uberger.Stonewal-Dr. W. G. Ford, X. M

Rhodes, Judge E. 1) Newman, JII. Duliu, W. A, Sagi r, M. I.. Wal¬ton.Davis.B. F. Richard, Macie Stick

ley, J. II. Keller, Ernesl Funk, G. IKueialey, K. F. Mitchell, J. W. Kn

dolj»h, .Joseph Sib-rt, Mason lily.The followiug resolutionfl wer<

adopted:1st, That wo hereby pledge ou

suj.ji. rt to the nominee*, ot'the X'<>r-lulk convention and endorse the platlorin of the same, and instruct ou:

delegates t<> \<»t< for Montague foiGovernor and Williard for Lieuten-ant-Governor.

2nd, That we hereby | li <]_-.hearty support to the nominee foi

legislature ol' this conventioiand call upon all of the good pc<>|<i<ol Shenandoah county to aid in hu

triumphant election.Hon. Josiah Stickily, ofStrasburg

wa- nominated ai a candidate fur lixHouse of Delegates

Tlie Convention wa* well attendedevery precinct ot tho county beingrepresented.

There- hs a disposition in the Con¬stitutional Convention to sui.mntheir work to a part only of theToter* of the State. If we are t<

change the Constitution of the Mate,give the people the opportunity t<.

ejj.nss thew sentiments upon tim

subjset The democratic pa ty is ro-

Aponiibi. tor tiie existence of theCoostilutioual Convention and the

paople have the ii., ito expect theConvention to deal fairly with themand their (intel ttl Any shortcutswill injure the democratic party,

ABOVE TRANSIENT POLITICS.We have no patience with the

narrow partisan demand that tin*

constitutional convention strange andpeHbrm its work with a view lok. ej.mg out of the way ..f the approach¬ing gubernatorial campaign.

Ii surprises us io see such a propo¬sition put forth. SoSBe j-< rsons haveiiv-ver been able toge! it into theirheads that a convention to revise theconstitution ofa state is a body whr ne

importance and dignity pul it above

any other power Ifl the common¬

wealth. A constitution is made torgenerations not for two or four year*,aa are party platforms, The mem¬

bers of the assembly whlen frames a

constitution for a state should holdthemselves above pirty politics while

they are discharging their gravednlstn .Norfolk Laudmark.

Striking Machlnista koturnto Wotk.Richmond, Va , July 1<>..A num-

l^r ot striking machinists at theTrig Shipyards Mensed to wotk to-

d iy at the old rule ot 10 hours a

day. Tiiis marks the complete col¬lapse ot the strike h

Reports indicate that i9 personswere killed all over the country as a

result of the Fourth of J Bte cell bra-




(Fiore our Keguiar Correspondent.'

Washington, July 8th, 1901.The IW Office Department has

begun a fight in which it is clearlytriglit and in which it will be support¬ed by all the strength oi the Execu¬tive branch ol the government, but

notwithstanding those alvangtages,t must get the support of the pressand of public sentiment, in order to

wm a permanent viet orv. This fightis to shut the fake publications out ot

the privilege of stcond ela>*mail. The government pays

|60,000,000 a vcar for oirryingsecond class -nail and receives les*than $i,ooo,ooo t"..r it. Thal muchof this loss is duo to abu* -

have cr.pt int© the construction eithe law.C instructions never dreani-

.1 of when the law was 1*. >ing Had¬

ed.is apparent t" even one who has

become at all familiar with what con¬

stitutes a large proportion of secondclass mail. In fact, from an investi¬

gation, which has been going on tor

months, the postal officials have been

convinced that fully one-half of tin

matter now mailed Bl second class,should under a strict aud perfect!v{?roper construction of the law, be

. compelled to pay as third class mat

. ter. A new mle for the construct ion

of the law is to be issued by the 1\ st

\. Office Department, for ihe especialpurpose of shutting out lake publics-ii ms. When it is promulgated, look-out for squeals from the owners of

tk< s and Irom sucIj legitmatepublications as cn be wine I ed ->i

i'. pail t<> say that the hllMiios of legit i-'. mate publication is Ik ir. j interfered

with. These squeals will be workedI. tor all they are worth for their effecl

upon Congress, where the fight willcertainly be carried. Postal official*declare in thc most positive terms

|. that the new construction of the lawwill not injure any legitimate publi¬cation and count upon getting the

support ol all such.Capt. L. Graven, who served as

Quartermaster ofthe 32nd VolunteerInfantry in the Philippines, and who

[. is now visiting Washington, said ol

tin- opportunities offered youngAmericans in the Philippines: "Ma¬nila is the center of a wi.le field ol

Opportunities tor Ann ricans. Whilein tin- Quartermasters Departmcintheia, I had deals with many Ameri¬can! win. went there tor businesspurposes. I lound that men ot qual¬ifications, common sense and energydid well. I woul 1 advise youngAmericans desiring to go there to

a. quire a thorough knowledge ..!

Spanish and stenography. They willcertainly obtain clerkships in businesshouses, and if solid, acti.'e workers,instead ot sharpers and schemers,they will within years be in businessthemselves, The Filipinos want

g. us! Americans to come to theilislands and instill new business amicommercial enterprise. In ni) office

lour American boys ( mpiks. They were worth $100 a

month each, to corporations' in tl is

country. They decided to cast theirlot in Manila and remained lhere. Al!of them ;ire doing Well."

.Vr. Paul Sh Mot:, a New Yorklawyer, who has just returned froma !cisiue*s \ i-it from ail of the islandso' the greater and Josser Antilles,xcepiing Guba and Porto Rico, was

asked what the natives of the DanishWest Indies thought of annexationto the V. S., which is sure to come,as the conclusion of the negotiations \

tor the purchase ol the island* fromDenmark, is only a matter of time,He replied: "A lew wealthy mer¬

chants, rn s ly Danes, oppose thesale ol the island, because they are

afraid of American enterprise. The \natives of all the islands ol tho I. llAntilles. I Mud upon special inquiry

,|were in favor ot annexation. Tinywere very anxious, the French especi- a

ally. They think they are naturally tII-... tar away from their mother

countries, and say the elli rials Sentthem .oe never men with authoritywho can take hold ami alleviate ex¬

isting evils and burdens. They saythese officials never have sufficient in¬fluence to accomplish anything resllyimportant.The President's proclamation de¬

claring free trade with Porto Riceon and after July 25th, uill be Maned

- -n as lie receives an official copyof the resolution adopted by the hg-Mature of Porto Rico.The President's proclamation fu¬

tile mi.,.ning t,, pul,he settlement oftia- Kiowo, Commanche ano ApacheIndian Reservations in Oklahoma,was issued todny. A force of thirtyclerks fr.nn the General Land Office,left Washington Saturday night, t'.do 'lie work of the land offices thatwill be opened at Keno ami Lawton,








The government coal pier in theretro! the- I'hauib run Hotel was

partially burned y«*sierJsy. Therewere 100,000 fw«s ot ,. ,:t| ,*.,, j)l(. grieranti tins mimed, at Old Point, nildav.


A torpid liver deranges tbs wholesystem, sad produces

SICK HEADACHE,..aDyspepsia, Costiveness,Rheoroatism, Sallow Skinand Pies.

There ls no better remedy for thea*conmen diseases tbaa DR. TITT SLIVER PILLS, es . trial wffl prove.
















New York, duly ?..A Boomingpaper printed s story to-day to the

effect thal Albert K Fairfax, of 107

Forty-fifth street, who is in the

banking house of Bering Bron, A Co.at 15 Wall street, ami is an Americanoitisen, had taken steps to pren ni a

e um t<> his rijrht to "it in the houseo. h»rds of (neat Britain, as LordAll.ei t Fait tax, Fail ol Culpepper.Aeeording to Jhfr, Fairfax, he has

taken no step*., although he intimatedthat he might do so before lonjj. MrFairfax's claim is one that gO< s baekni my years.Thomas, Who was the sixth Baron

Fairfax, was born in England ia 1601He manie.] Catharine, daughter of

Lord Cnlpeppet, and thu*, acquiredlarge estate- in Virginia.

In 1 T**5'l he came to this conni ryIle made the acquaintance ofOeoigeWashington, when Washington was

a young surveyor, and theil friend-S'lip lasted until the death of LordFairfax, although the latter was a

pronounced loyalist in sympathy.He died in 178*^, and his title went

to his brother Robert.John ('outee Fairfax, a physician

wa> the eleventh representative ot

the title, and the father of the

present possible claimant. He diedin Maryland several years agoAlbert Fairfax is about .'JO years old.

According to th.- published story,Albert Fairfax had drawn up ;.

petition to King Edward, askingrecognition as Lord Fairfax, and th*

petition was referred to LordPauneefote at Washington.

Mr. Fairfax said to day that thiawas not so. Mr. Fairfax said thathe had talked with Lord Paum eluteabout the matter, but only in an

informal way.


mn anm ai iinmno op stockhol¬


ki bi ron 0F1 ICEBS asp



The annual meeting ot' tho stock-holders of the Lowg Distance Tele**phone company of Virginia was held

I the purpose of i Icctinf!officers, rho business of the com¬

pany was found to be in satisfactoryconditionThe following boar-1 was elected;Dr F. M. Hanger,Andrew Bowl

in:, J. >. Cochran, Hon. EdwardEchols, J. Frank Clemmer, N.CWatts, Capt, J. H. Grawll, S. H.Curtis SV. V. Wison, Jr., C. W.Scott, vice-president, J. ll. Kempcr,president.

Mr. Curtis of Lee Hall, takes theof Judge F. W. Sims of

Louisa. This is the only change.Later in the day the l»..:.rd met

ind re-elected Geerge A. Gulley, theefficient and obliging secretary.The subject of constructing more

lines was considered, and it was de¬rided to increase the stock to one

a 'lr. d thousand dollars and tnluuld or to a connection with Rich-nond and Ballimore. The line toRichmond will be constructed at

>nce..Staunton New-.

He I oole<l The Surgeon*.All doctors told Rcnick Hamilton,

»| West Jefferson, <>., alter luflTering18 months from Rectal Fistnls, herould die unless a costly operatietivhs performed; but le cured hiitist !nth five boxes of Bucklcii's Arnica

Salve, tlie surest Pi'e cure on Earth,md the b st S;il\e in the World. SStents a box. Sold by B. Schmitt,druggist.




le Fought the War Over Again.Wheeling, W. Va., July 5..Rich-

rd Paul of Monndsville, a veteran of

he civil war, yesterday mst Lutherteed, an ex-Confederate gol.lier for.h<nii he has been looking ever sinceBOS. Paul is known all over theLate for his geniality and his promt-enee as a G. A. H. man, but he ai¬rs)! contended that for him the war

ould not end until he had met a eu¬

lin soldier who wore the gray amiunisfa him for trying to tike lii>|\\fe ni a skirmish. j .

Comrade Paul, as he is calli d, at-uided a big Fonrtfa of July celebra-on at Sistersville yesterdsy. Inadoon Psnl lou | thc mau for whomb had be*n searching, and srkhouiword attacked him Revolvers

SM drawit, hut the veterans were ii,i.h close quarters in the crowd thalicy fought S/ith fists. Paul was d -

Sted. Hi* nose was broken, one

ealmost put out, and his skull frae*

ed, Today he WSJ in a I ri-uiimlition, but it ls thought that Iniii recover.










SI tf


Many thousands have be *n restor-to health ami happiness by th.

e <.i Chamberlain'sCouirh Remedv.Billeted with any throat or lung»ul»le, give it a triai for it is certainprove beneficial. Doughs thal

ve resisted all other treatments forara, have yielded to this ri mcditl p rfeet heath been r(storedSS H that Seemed hopeless, that tl ti

mate of lamons health resorts! ^

led to benefit, have been perm:.- Ntlilly cured by its use. Bear innd (hat every bottle m warranted1 if it does not prove beneficial tho nea

mey Hill be refunded to you For' Broe by L. li. Irwin, Drucill. li. (



. ii


virginia news.

At Parkersburg, W. Va , SundayBishop II. C. .Morris»n,of the Meth¬odist Kpiscopa' Church South, offici¬ated at the dedication of the new edi¬fice for St. Paul's Methodist KpssoopalChurch South. Tue h liding baa justbeen completed at a cost of over $.'*.">ooo.A great drouth is reported it1 set

era] southside Virginia conntli s,ThepostoiRoe st Gap Run, about

five miles west ot Winchester, was

totally destioyed by tire on Satur-

ay. The store of J. C. Hamey, thepostmaster, in which the postoftice i'

situated, with the stock of goods,was destroyed. The lo<s, indndmgthe building, will amount to about

$1,000.At Portsmouth, Saturd ry while

a gan^ ol negro labo ers were

engaged in tcarinu; «lown the obi

Baptist church the walls gave awayami buried hVs of the numberbeneath a pile of brick* and rafter*.All of them were badly injured andtwo are expected to die.

Saturday afternoon lightning shock-e 1 several hundred people in Horgantown, IV. Va, damaged the

suspension bridgs over the Mooougabela river, the telephone and

telegrph lines, killed a number ofhorses in the country, ruined a lotof fine timber and burned two barns

Saturday morning while the sheriffof Russell county* Virginia, was on

Ins way to Richmond with a prisoner,both fell asleep just before the trainreached Fannville. The negroawakened first, ami finding ibeSheriff]asleep lie jumped fl ora the train andtl d to the woods. The Sherill was

awakened an I at once Started in pursuit of the higi ive, wh » i lu le 1 v ipture.

Kural free mail delivery in Rock¬ingham county began Mond iy last.


Richmond, Va, July lo.Tintran. Ilise committee will imik" a re¬

port to the convention within thenext week or ten <1 lys. None ofthe members will allon the use >>

their ii lilies as to tile nature ..f thereport, but it is hamed thal therewil l»c a p-ill-tax of not less than £\\but ihe provisi rn of requiring ownership and the payment of tales on atleast $300 w. nh ofproperty will nothe approved hy the committee.

I£ighty«cii mcinbers ot th.- eon-

itlt ut Ional convention answered roll-rail today.A nuin' er ot' resolul ons w. rr

iffered and referred.


Dist rici Attorney Gould lum not,. t been able io secure an indictmentif Mrs. Join Ida Bon inc for the tili¬ng o( Jamil Seymour Ayer*, therietira ofthc Hotel Kenmore tr;*,

n Washington. For mor than twoveek* the ense bas been before therrand jury and the case's delay has;iven rise t<» reports that the grandury had refused to Indict on theifi lenee submitted.

\ I.Ile Ami neath Fight.Mr. W. A. limns of Manchester,

[a., iting of his almost miraculousscape from death, say*; >*Ex]K>surelier uieaslea induce*] serious lungrouble, which ended in Conaumplii n

had frequent hemorrhages and i

ougbed night snd gay. All rajlocton said I must soon die. Then 1

beean to use Dr. King's New Dis. . i

ov< ry tor Consumption, which cm i

letely cured nie. I would not be Jrithout it even if it cosi $;, on .

ottle. Hundreds have used lt on myscommendatioc and al! say that itlever fails to cine Throat, Chest and

.ung troubles.'1 Regular lise 90cnd J Loo. Ti hil bottles free at B.chmitt's Drug £tore,

fOUNTAIN LAKE PARK, MD.BAI rillOBB ami OHIO BA ll.BOAD.This delightful resort, high up in t.

ie Allegheny Mountains, on the ftr.»ad plateau known as the Glades, "

ii the .Main Line of the Baltimore u11Ohio Railroad, opened June 1st. ,,

cl i.'Xcurson ticket* are on sile at -i

I ticket offices at Very Low R iles, '.Fhe special attraetionn this rear will


* Ithc West Virginia State Teachers11 j.

[eeting, on July '-id to 4th; th. i

iter-Denoininntional Camp Mee'mg, Nilv Oth to lo; Woman's Hom- m

ivsionary Society, July 20th'.un ins* Foreign MissionarySocitey,ily 27th; Chautauqua Summer Imunis, August ls! p. lilli:, and tin 'I

J / V

ninia! Session of thc Mountain Viaiitampia, August 1st to 28t1 , .

iere will be special excursi ns from. w York, Philadelphia, Baltimore,ashington aid intermediate station*.Inly Huh ami AugUat 7th tori

itch speeial low rates will bemed,'or detailed inlormation, call on OTdre*. Ticket Af* nts Ballimore Xdo Railroad. jun 14. lt.





ecial Seashore Lxcursions to AtlanticCity or tape May, N. J-

file Southern Hallway BnOOUl

ry low rates from all connon ticket ~,.'J' I I ii

lees Lynchburg, Hnrnsonbnrg, I g,srrentoa ami intel mediate stationsAtlantic City or Cape May, \. .1 ,

1 return, good sixteen saree, to-k-on sals for connections ot train-route as indicated on dates nam- j \\iXas follows: (/ia Peiisylvani i K. U; Ju y 18th, ) R«gust 1st, 15, 95, Septemb. r Pi/ia Ballimore A Ohio M. K; Julyh, '.tftli, August Sib, September

retenJoSe j50



'or detailed information call on

rest ticket Agent or write L S

>wn, (I neral Agent* Washington,July 'lill.


i;uarriliAV .



Roanoke college.Th? fbrty*eighth yeer ol Roanoke

College was i prosperous ons with s

eonsstlernbty increased number «fstudents fi.ua fburtei n states andcountries. Si v Porto Ricans and fi »ir

K<-renns were eur iled, alli

lattei being ll I. II. P. liwlia,seo>nd s«-ti ofthe Kmper i KoriRe m< ke has I . t

volumes, a working laboratory, andau able aud » xp< i ienc< I faculty(five j.k.'cs- - having lind m

yeats ..f postgrad il ile stud) in Acan urn! foreign universities and twoothers being authors of collibooka). Th < lily claimto give superior advantage*ut sven

moderate cst. Salem, with its health¬ful climate and pictui sq > surroundlng*, its aix churches snd no barrooms, and its good moi si, social,ami religious advant iges, is an idealcollege town. Tiie Cala willa sketch ol the College, view- of tl .

buildings, and the Jure mimi i

the Roitnoki Cob tn in y !.«. linc!free by addressing the President, Dr,Julius I). Dn her, Ssh in, V

Mrs. Matthew Gilmour, who uh i

girl performed the .!. in _'.¦» .1 oi

riding through ihe Federalconveying lo Col. John >. M >i>formation that enabled I lill t -

the Southern Array from di feat, diedsuddenly in Richmond Wednesd ijnight. She was iii only t.»u iniuuf- s

Mr-. Gilmore was n ilaughti r ol Inlate Ri v. Abraham Dai -\ Pollock,ol Fsuqtiier county. During tinwar, win u a mere girl, she rn lethrough the Federal lines ;i .1 con-

rcyed to C il. John s. Moslnews th it the enemy w ltmake an attack upi n the ('outed r-

SteS. It turned om ill il tel- liwarning h it ed ' mt hernfrom .'of. .at. ()n her n olinMrs. tfilinotii a as desci nd< il fi o\a es and Washington*.Four negr .es were bango i o

a illoa s at Vernon, Kl i.

The Change of

Is tho most Important in a wo¬

man's existence Owinmethods of living, not one woman ins thousand appi lettes this }x ynatural cl ;ri train ..f verytimes painful i\ il .m>.

Tis dfu I fla* h !



perons, nervous trouble Tlashes are just io many ea ls fromtatura for he p

tt for assistanceh- betided in tone. Lydia Etam's Vegetable Compound was pre¬pared to meet the ne

.a at this tryinglt builds np tl.

rystem, and en woman Imat grand change triumi" I wa>> a very

ty Change of Life. Ilushea, snd fainl n - spells 1tirald . head ate!Bach troubled me ko I.tired by Lydia E l*iMe Compound." Mas. Jknms Xoaut,ioio Keyssw St., Germantown, Pa.


DBLn.ni n i. »; MMKB i;!> <i.:

1 IIB M I Ko Ul. Ml S.

Swept hy mountain breezes, 2,«S| ll.et. soot e sea level. Alsi uv.

om malaria, hay fe v e r

lOsquitos. Reached without chancef ears fr., n all principal cities \ rn

altimore A: Ohio Railroad. Kui)lodern convi nience. Koouis < i

rile wiih private baths I .tri.

igbts, Long Distance Teh phone.levator, Turkish Ruths; Swimmingools, Gol! I.uk*, Tenis Courts,owing Alleys,Jfagnilicciil Drivesomplete Liver) Service, Annapo i-aval Academy Band Hotel re¬

ndel! il w illi additional conveni-ices. All cottages have heen takeir the season < Ipen fi om June .'

Scpteltlh. f JlOlh.Vxv rates and infornia ion addre**

I. K. Burwell Manager,care (£ueeity Hotel, Cumberland, Md , nntiinc Nt. Att< i that time. I >. . . Parkirrctt Count}, Md

35th ANNUAL ENCAMP.1EN1(i. A. k

Ci bi ki ano. ().. Sept. IO ro I I.tLTinORE & OHIO RAILROADJ.

iis i i Ll I'iKi n BOl I B.








For the Annual Encampment UK., nt <lltveland, < >

. Septi roberto 11. the li iltimorc A 0

iilroad will sell iii leets Irora allmts ..n it> lines East ol t be < shinvet at the very low ra'. "I < IN IIRK for thc ROUND TRIP..keis good gi i lg on all trait,-

piembei 8 t<- I*.', inclusive, [good iourn until September l~>, inclusive,sept it' tickets are ilcpi sin <l m itlint Agi nts on Ol !>. fore noon ol'i.-inl.i i Ifi and i11) meiil of fee olnents, llcki ls m ly hs i xteude<lreturn to < tctob -. 'lian e.

Jail on agent ll .Itim..'i A I >hi;llfond tor tickets an 1 fnll inform v

..July :».. 'Ot.

?\ I



ll 'll


Bini Comnercial College. |&I'MHKULANIK Ml».

W'lMII l-l ri;. \f..r Hu tint .. Life. I > "

is. Call, sn Ka or airs for partleoaw . Sisnoell lo oar Hoe. No vacations. Tho

c. low. ruKMHO. '

rroNldinU °ut

NEEDMORIi NEWS.We bsvs bad a freal drel <»f hot

sestber for tbe psst week orten « sys.1 iie Kt.nrrh \x.\- r at..! lome >f mir

people un- not quits .!< oe harvesting3-r. The avhaai crop will be \>tv li^htfill i.

Mi ri . hogkillen a lu.rt ri tut* agu by boui« rou n£

Mr. J, WT, ( len Iwa-

aoi \ ¦¦¦. -. < metteud thc Koo rth,ll N'ee-li.e alni

H wbspent :i i tltd with Itei grand

burs;, rame houp ty evening.Miss lout;m.I.- B beck,

lie g.t ot Mi-- I...k.

Mr. and Mi Robinson andhter Ruth, <>t Powell'?, Kort

I w*e ne-.I i\ || Rivi r

Mr Itsy Gram and Fannieits

POW ELI 'S I OR! NEWSThe 5 uti nded.

i.- «,; linne t'» toil-

liderablc ¦! un11 t em - omme ni ..¦! rhre

I nd Monday.ll ii reg ir sp«

pointn ll" I"*, nd Sutieav.The lijghtn n^ struck anil burned a

shock of wheal ;ic ir J ¦¦<¦>>}» Ke i 'a', tm. oniy,

I; 1. B. Shave ol the ProgressiveDunkard Church will hold an alldsjsmeet in ,

¦'- next Sunday,Juiy 14th. Ile exj D

liere to do the | \ llhave t,

lieurim: i ":"- p

A\ arkets,




cultural Implements,


< »i i.l.iDoancke


IMPORTANTNotice!donday, July 22J, I90I,

v NV Vl.KKli, II'.

I KG IN I \. Tn Wu ;





... (i

1111 >'.


'.ii tt<>laid ! »;»h

t upi . the dclow and cnildren »-t l»;i\ i*l

luhabitantd ol tin-lt is <¦¦¦.. That tb »

dui plist" pro!

lr Int.inc h. h spap. 1 pi

|< :ili . lint)'. < tu C ii \s. .

I A enpjn . dlNII ol tli. 1 lill ll'

11. 11a rry 11 ..

A i[arr? Il nu

\\ ill ni a IV di »n, |>. i|


mm bepobtOK Tl IK

KGINIA< ON nn l"\ Al.


iiibe thinking people «»t the Cen1weah h eamud afford t-- ii isa am

e >[¦ lil.- rsli ms The lits.h prints th<' . i"<-' . ¦¦'" -:- * ilhoul

v. ,,,1? v,,,, ,| f,.f h ,,,,]-ontrad v\ it li the ( ii .¦..

I for the |» i|n r tel.IV.

SUIISCRIPTION PlilCK0 nih-, v ssh In advene*. - -













ill,-. .Ml

t inartiurn¦ll1 |.iadilau



ELECTRIC LUiHTS.The contract fi>r prating in nn

eleen-<. light plain si WoodstockWM uiul. r e.»ii>i'h i itioi ,

I ut wi¦'«¦-. <l si the h dir of fi lng lo press,Th«* C4»niniii t'\ lining

ia! lu- s.

Situations SecuredS»a#*»A^^^ t'.r ^: t :¦..-.¦ W rite

^^ I i\w .md *]¦. ... fifers

¥ Massey !Sn.ngV:P. Louisville. Ky. Montgomery. Ala.

"J I* Houston. Tex. Columbus. Ga.Ri hmo..rt Va Birmingham. Ala Jacksonville. Fla.

I i c. it lor lil i », li ti.11 .

A trial for "blasphemy." which In

but otu t th* lunionlaw. taken | Ini v In Astit unty.A ; ' :...;. «.:i a :¦

Sutidnj \\ .:.t t«. [total and. amidsiioutfiu: »nd Im uh |ira.viiur, went

uf bu pt ixllt is the si !. Ka-

DON'T WAIT.If you knew how SCOTT'S

EMULSION would build youup, increase your weight,strengthen your weak throatand lungs and put you in con¬

dition for next winter, youwould begin to take it now.

-^ iSCOTT & BOWNE. Chemists.



.Multiply with incrediblerapidity, and act in enormousnumbers, liven with all thestudy on the question, westill know but tittle aboutthe transmission of germsir-(in one body or locality toanother. Therefore the nerdf >r disinfectants exists ineveryday life as well as intimes of sickness. To besafe use some refiable dis¬infectant. We are preparedto advise you.

B. SCrniTT,Druggist

Woodstock, Vs.

t Crude Carbolic Acid Ml cts. ptPure Carbolic Acid 5 cts <>/

Chloride lime 15 cts. lb.Copperas. 5 cts. lb.Creolin 75 cts pt.Kromo Chloralum 50 cts. pt

Lt.. S *«?.?.?. SSSSjSJSjSJSsBSjSJ a)*e

Our Loss isYor Gain

W inti J to Ia-

Millinery and Shoes."" j^We must have room lor fall goods. Trimmed Intfl from >0e

up. Slippers 75c up. Ri -j" ctfully,


New Barbar Shop.M

C. W. BROOKS,"Tm Uaruek'1


.en. i. 'I- ''


BARBER SHOP.I ur St., M t> k, Va.

Warden Fravel, Propr.

June II

Preparatory Silo! of Law|h<>i

lett*~ IO V :;. ,-« -

Session of 1901-2 bogiriaOct. 2d.

nilma! iii MM m\i:n> h i\\ i.M.Ntui k, \ Irgtala,tt.

Tn Farmers and Breeders.UK UKS1 OPPOBTI MTV KVKK 0KFK11-i.i» HIE kkkm-kk- <-i riiisaci riON.

I he tandard-bred Trotting StallionUPREMACY RECORD 2:29 trial 2:17i.nt brothel to ure «>t tho yr.at ronitujtitt.iti Saw I land sired bj full brother t«>rc ol Th.- Abbott I.1KJ l I. The Woi I'., t

. i*ord, ate. v

AI*o brother in blood to Boreal 2:15 whotinda in K¦ L| fee. All

r,iy. Boralmoa <\

Viii make this aeason at Woodstockand ul Nkw Makk.kt, Va.

['I'KKM %C ^ Ui il bj Bbli Boi i19 I »-<'.'! . Ul v* li. ii S \rai-re ol at...ut twentj In2-10 although irasuni up at -«s en \ ears old. i ki

l£t,*ireol I*in -:.'*' list and H>t»IU,the world* irrcateftt brood mare. Mi.ul seventeen coln* nttd fifteen ol thal iium

tted in i ineludini.li m.

ord.Isl Jam mimi a|\IS, bj AU ant.. I ¦.> \i*\tlufUROHOr Wi i.k> ..'- >m <>t omi WI |q

1 ALMA V >

in 2 .;... . M uulii .nani.-.at bi<hm1 hi ire Mir.

M .lam i \ , .4kr (dam «>t 2 i. i:aoim«Ifn -.-t-dam "i td llaopj i; --. m ,»u<iiu dam of 2 in .'.»» bj riappj Mediumsitu \ Hank* i ant]ld dam.i Mani rn .-i

i*Utl fd un* >'t I*. \t.

MBV RI ION,>i mau »' > Ls a rid N Baj w uhivk point*; foalded J

. Lav Him oufoi nneut, ii.Mi.1 hone, beat v muscled,

unfljr built, with Ihe eal of Ilound, without ,ni in*

t record i» u>> saeaaun nf bia(breeding is "punkoold," combining tinen .( 'li in .*! prepou :it produi

Iform. tl '. Thei.i¦. rio*aaK,'aiid'WiLKaa'famllieea*i Umat< >t ..I trot tlns families hi?»i BauCl u> i. B»:t t>" famil)-i r i -t braneh ol thc Sleetion< I

"Wilki - N * M ISfi P > in . :,.

iteat bcanch nf Wilke* family. 5uprrmac>»l.|tic«* theale TWO OM NAMCBtB* Ol

i \\<« ..ki- mi- ~i i mil U Th <f BC wi!.i v uni extreme speed wm

formlti than can be no question of doubt.Individuality render* bira va bia bli¦oduccrol lu-i cia** roadsters, tod horse*tpted t«' all ¦ macy ii withoutlt. has tittf th.- Itu.*? !i-i>- tdtlorj p.tKMS> : Sio insurance.>r full pedegTeeand partlcnlars .« im»I"»>r nd. I rc**



MediciDe Dentistry Phannacv]Taugh. by 56 Teachers-

I- pajj . -


Universiy College of.Medicine,


W A N T I; I).

ti *ia


R K. riES WANTED.I will pt) bighest cs*h price f«»r



I Noitment req I.

Wmto li V ar*.

- Ut, 12»

FOR RENT OR BALEA Fossil house, in Woo

FOR RENT.Elouee anJ Icsmith shop,

Woodstock. AppJ L. w"i8M ill


j.'.H younj stock ewes Do uolto Imvlng in -mal! lori

I, H. (J KAHILI..w*ood»to k, Vs

Pttio SjniWaloT Ice.>ur lei aragon Pl UK» D :.¦.' ta


Orderit lt arin* r wnhs.un'l li

H- Speet I ll



WOOIHTOTK, VlRGIXIA'arm.*. Orssing, slinsrsl Landsown Ti pert] U m (ht, Sold, Rs

IT <! Snd Kellie.Il%" Tl SJfS Bl ASOHA i <

apr. Ste.tl.

I un prepared t. li iild \\ Ai«< »NS,tali kinds :»t tn_\ wagon mskingstablishmen! on South Main street,rVAGONS. BUGGIES. Ac.

Irfiiiii'il mi Sinn fioliw,\M' BY

FIRST CLASS WORKMEN.all to Sff/ nu. I I bTtpsrtd t" 'lctod WOI k and gSUU - lissV lion,segiessndwagonspsJissd sid tris**sd.£?' Wagons bossed at Kbersl rsjti -.



COAL_COAL/All kind? of coal for pale ApplyOman's warenouse hy phone or in pel

i. M. H. Hottsl' \\11 order* left at UV R. Joe Barbellre will reeeive prompt attenlior.sa 1ft