Shine Part III Experimental

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  • 8/14/2019 Shine Part III Experimental



    The Progenies of Dreams

    This is the land of the Pomo. With its rolling hills and low mountains, its beauty is

    both contained and enduring. While other lands bow to the bulldozers blade and the

    builders blueprints, these lands stand strong and stay true to natures sublime design.

    The animals loosed in the Mendocino forest seemed to have their own agenda.

    Over a period of two years, the little Hopland band of Indians reported animals of

    dissimilar descriptions, which behaved much like wolves but were bolder and clearly

    unafraid of humans.

    Seldom seen was the particular creature that gave them the greatest concern.

    Being the most remarkable one of the pack, it was obviously different from the rest.

    Horrifying to encounter, it became the topic of every home.

    Until the first attack in the casino parking lot, the animals had shown no

    aggression. The simple explanation was that they only to wanted to be seen. Then once

    the first blood spilled, the reservation was in near panic. Some of the families moved into

    town to get away from the threat, but the majority stayed, hoping for a solution.

    The younger generation listened to their elders, some for the first time.

    Reaching out for an explanation, they wanted to hear the ancient lore passed down from

    previous generations. The upside of it was that it drew families and neighbors closer

    together and gave them a common concern.


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    One particular woman still living on the reservation, Angeni Darkcloud, long

    held the respect of the community because of her age and her wisdom. She was as much a

    person of lore as were the persons of antiquity from which her stories came. From the

    dreams and visions of the ancients, she imparted wisdom. Yet more effectually, from her

    knowledge of God, she reassured the people.

    One of the most lucid perceptions of wisdom that she purported was that a strong

    warrior would come. This promised warrior would return from a distant land to rid the

    woods of the frightful dogs, bringing tranquility back to the band.

    People talked openly about the prophecy, because they believed that somewhere

    in it was the answer. Some felt that such lore was pure superstition, while others believed

    that some dreams are from God, and that His ways are mysterious. They debated the

    meaning of each nuance of the old womans telling, but they lowered their voices to a

    whisper whenever they mentioned the name of the person to whom they thought the

    prophecy referred; the strong warrior who would come, and evidently had returned,

    whose name was Shine.

    Chapter 1

    Big Earl Farley awoke at a few minutes after 5 oclock that Saturday morning. He

    drew back the drapes only to see a well-lit parking lot full of vehicles. He padded across

    the room to the bathroom area and saw himself in the mirror. He was pleased to see that

    his features were those of the OldEarl, the antique dealer.

    After a leisure shower and shave, he dressed in his cream western suit. From his

    suitcase, he withdrew the holster and gun. Strapping the gun belt around his thick girth,


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    he stood before the mirror again. He needed one more thing this had to be right. Above

    his clothes, hanging in the closet was an oversized Stetson. Fitting it on his round head,

    he tipped it slightly and stood back to take a look-see. It put old Earl in a traveling mood.

    Earl bounced his 400 plus pounds lightly out of the room and threw his bags into

    the Ford. Early mornings always made Earl feel exuberant. Apart from the lights around

    the motel, it was still dark. It was yet another 40 minutes or so until daybreak.

    He was practicing his quick-draw when a cat, black with white markings, darted

    from between the cars to the sidewalk. Here Kitty, Kitty, he cooed, beckoning the leery

    cat closer. It looked up at him and meowed. Here Kitty. It started to approach him, but

    then hesitated. Sensing the danger, the cat arched its back and hissed at him, showing

    his sharp white teeth.

    Oh, so you want a fight, huh? Earl said. Standing with his boots planted wide,

    he pulled his coat back, revealing the handle of his six-shooter. Make your move, he

    dared the cat. It backed up until it was almost to the wall when it hissed again. Earl drew

    and fired from his hip, missing the animal by at least three feet and hitting the motel wall.

    The cat leaped straight up in the air and hit the ground running. It moved so fast that Earl

    didnt have time to take aim, but he fired anyhow, taking out a motel window.

    Angered, he sprinted like an angry bear along the sidewalk in the direction the cat

    had gone. Then walking slowly and with absolute focus like a cattleman looks for

    coyotes, he eyed the landscape and watched for movement on the ground.

    Through the glass doors, Earl could see the night clerk dozing in a chair. He had

    not heard the shots, and evidently, nobody had called the front desk to find out what was

    going on.


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    Then he spotted the cat on the roof eave above the office door. Aiming this time,

    he fired, feeling the big revolver buck in his hand. The slug hit the broad fascia five

    inches below the cat, putting the stricken animal again into overdrive. When Earl looked

    for it again, it was gone.

    He moseyed back to his station wagon, clearly disappointed that he had missed

    three times. A few people awoke, and gathered at the glass exit door, curious about the

    gunshots, but too frightened to leave the building to investigate. He pulled his coat back

    over the gun and opened the car door.

    A man, still half-asleep, pushed open the motel door to ask, Hey, were those

    gunshots? Did you see anybody shooting out here?

    Best I could tell it looked like a drive by, Earl reported. Seen the guy they were

    shooting atfollowed him around to the office to see what theyre up to, but he got away

    over the fence. Just a bunch of stupid druggies. If I caught that cowboy, Id a held him

    still so they could a put a bullet in his worthless head, but the sucker got away.

    You sure have got more guts than me, the man said. Then he noticed Earls

    oversized body and realized that what he said could be taken the wrong way, stuttered, I

    didnt mean it the way it sounded. I just meant tha...

    He didnt finish the sentence. Earl was changing shape. He slapped his coat back

    away from the gun, drew, and fired. The shot hit the man in the belly and rocked him

    back. Landing on his posterior with a thud, he sat looking up at Big Earls smoking gun.

    He watched balefully at Earl as Earl changed into something else. His eyes began to lose

    their focus, and in only a few seconds, he fell forward onto his face, dead.


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    Earl the Otherheld the barrels muzzle up to his grinning snout and blew the

    smoke away. Yaall go back to bed and get some more sleep, ya hear? he called out to

    the gawkers behind the exit door who stood with their noses pressed against the glass.


    As Earl snickered with unrepressed mirth most of the way, the big Ford took him

    to Hopland in less than ten minutes. He was hungry enough to eat a horse or a dog or

    a cat or a bucket of slop. Without slowing, he raced through the little town and headed

    east to the casino. The morning was dark and still. Earl felt his body begin to relax. He

    allowed himself to become Earl the Cowboy again reluctantly, but willingly. There was

    plenty of time; his main performance could wait a few days.

    Earl was not too worried about the witnesses at the motel where he had shot the

    man, after all, who would believe anybody who described the likes of him? The police

    would assume that either the killer was someone wearing a Halloween mask, or the

    witnesses were simply lying. He took the old six-shooter out of its holster and laid it on

    the seat beside him, caressing its graceful contours as if it were a beloved pet. Its smooth,

    warm metal was to him like a powerful living thing.

    Earl knew that eventually there would be a manhunt, but the thing in him that was

    driving him, forced him onward. He punched the gas pedal again and the big red Ford

    squatted down and jetted up the hill, its tires screaming around every turn. He turned on

    the radio and swayed his head to the music.

    I'm reckless and feelin' no pain

    You know I've got no need to control


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    Livin' with the danger

    I'm always on the edge now

    With million dollar visions that I hold

    With only a smattering of vehicles in the casino parking lot, Earl took up two

    spaces with his station wagon. He hid the gun under the seat and grabbed his Stetson.

    Stepping out onto the pavement, he locked the cars doors and headed briskly into the

    casino, moving effortlessly for a man of his size.

    The caf was even emptier than the lot outside. As Christmas music

    played in the background, he seated himself in a booth by a window and waited. In less

    than a minute a waitress, whom he had only seen twice before, handed him a menu and

    sat a coffee mug before him. She filled his cup and took out her pad, ready to take his

    order. Magic! Pure magic! Bippitty bam boom! The menu, the cup, the coffee, and the

    pen and pad all in one smooth motion the mystical hands of a blackjack dealer or a

    gunslinger! Earl watched fascinated.

    When the food arrived, he tucked a napkin under his collar and tasted the biscuits

    and gravy. With an approving expression, he ate slowly. Any other time he might have

    eaten with less decorum, but he needed time to allow his environment to become a part of

    him; after all, he planned to be a part ofit.


    A barking dog awakened Jolon Dasen that same December morning. The Dasen

    home, passed down from his grandparents, sat on an acre of wooded land on the eastern


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    perimeter of the reservation. Built more on the style of a cabin, the three-bedroom house

    served his family in very practical ways.

    There were two houses on the property. His grandfather built the old home some

    sixty years earlier. Tom Dason, Jolons father, kept it in good shape, not willing to tear it

    down because of its significance to him.

    Situated beneath two tall oak trees and almost hidden from the main road, they

    often used the old place for family gatherings. Much of Jolons childhood he spent

    playing there and dreaming there. He and his brother Paco, who was five years older,

    liked to stay the night in the old cabin, just for the fun of it. Jolon missed Paco, who was

    in his second year at Humboldt State University in Arcata, California studying

    architecture, and wished for him to move back home.

    His father opened the bedroom door. You awake yet, Jol?

    It took the boy a few seconds to bring his eyes into focus. Sitting on the side of

    the bed, he was trying to rub the sleep from his eyes when he answered, Yeah, Dad, Ill

    be right there.

    You might want to hurry, son, Tom added, There are a couple of the

    Moondogs out there now. Tom went back into the kitchen.

    Jolon hurried to get dressed, and then he joined his father in the kitchen. He

    pulled on a pair of heavy cotton socks and carried his hiking boots with him down the

    hall. Where did you see them?

    Over there, Jol. Look out that window. I saw them under the trees.


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    The boy went back into the front room and pulled the curtain aside. There, where

    his father had indicated, were the two dogs in the early morning light. They sat perfectly

    still, looking directly at the house as if they were studying it.

    Why do you suppose theyre looking at our house? Jolon wondered aloud. He

    felt a chill, remembering his encounter with the leader of the pack.

    Dont know, Son, Tom answered. He was putting some pancakes onto the two

    plates on the counter top. Turning off the burner under a black skillet, he dished out

    scrambled eggs and then set a platter of bacon on the table. Theyve been there for the

    past fifteen minutes. I dont know how long before that. He put the food plates on the

    table and poured two cups of coffee.

    Dont you think its strange, Dad, that they all look so different, yet they all act

    the same? Without waiting for an answer, the boy washed his hands in the sink. It

    seems like theyre following orders, but that doesnt make any sense, since they live more

    by instinct.

    Yes, Ive noticed that, Tom responded thoughtfully. Youre right; it sure

    doesnt make any sense to me. They sat at the table and continued their conversation as

    they ate.

    Well, Tom continued, one thing we know is that they wont be any trouble to

    anybody until tonight. Then again, if it stays cloudy this way and the moon doesnt show,

    its not likely that they will turn on anybody until the weather changes.

    Jolon was spreading jelly on his toast as he said, The sooner we locate their den,

    the better. From what Grammy Angeni said about that prophecy, they will turn on women

    and children too. When I asked her what we could do to keep that part of the elders


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    dream from happening, she said the only way is to kill all of the dogs or find them homes

    of kindness. Do you think thats right, Dad? Chewing on a piece of bacon, he waited for

    his father to respond.

    Tom took a sip of coffee and put the cup down. He leaned over to the window and

    pulled the curtain back. The dogs still had not moved.

    Son, Ive never known Grammy to be wrong, he said. Shes a lot more than

    just an old woman with a good memory. She knows things. Her brother, Andrew hes

    pretty much the same way.

    What do you mean, she knows things, Jolon asked.

    Well, have you ever noticed that she always has the right number of dishes on

    the table whenever you go over there?

    I guess so, the boy replied, but I just thought she saw us coming. How else

    would she know how many of us there were?

    Think about it, Son, Tom said. How long does it take for me to get breakfast

    ready? How about you? How long does it take for you to fix breakfast and set the table?

    I never thought about it. It takes me about half an hour maybe longer.

    So do you think that she saw you coming half an hour before you got there,

    Tom questioned. Does that make any sense to you?

    Jolons brow furrowed as he considered what his father was saying. I see what

    you mean, Dad, the boy agreed.

    They finished their meal and sat for a while drinking more coffee. Quietly, as if it

    were a sacred subject, Tom continued, Jol, you really loved Old Ringer, didnt you? He


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    was the only dog you ever had. Jolon nodded his agreement. Well, you remember how

    he was killed, dont you?

    Yeah, Dad, Old Jake Givens mistook him for a coyote. He was getting into Old

    Jakes garbage so he shot him. I wont ever forget that. I was really mad. He set down

    his cup. I wasnt mad at Jake I was mad at myself for not watching out for Old


    So what did Grammy do then? Tom asked.

    She came over with a cake that she made for me and a poem. She had written a

    poem about me and my dog. I still have that poem.

    So when did she bring the cake and the poem to you.

    Right after it happened.

    How long before she brought it? he pressed on.

    My gosh, Dad, it was only about ten minutes!

    Tom leaned back in his chair with a satisfied smile. I rest my case.

    His dad seemed to have a way of explaining things so that he came to understand

    them on his own gave him reasons to believe the things he believed.

    She just knows things, the boy said, astonished at the weight of what he had just

    come to realize.

    That she does, Son, Tom agreed. That she does.


    With Christmas only days away, an air of celebration on the Hopland reservation

    was rekindled, and perhaps rediscovered. Sparkling lights and decorations, going up at


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    every building and home, affirmed that the residents uncertainties would not be forever.

    Even in the casino, along with festive lights and decorations, Christmas music replaced

    the usual dirge of country western fare.

    Sonny and Terry unloaded their two motorcycles near the Russian River Bridge.

    For the next five minutes, they went over the plans with Shine. It was to be a fun day for

    them. Their only assignment was to observe the wineries and take pictures with a camera

    Shines grandfather had let them use. If they spotted the white van, they were to watch

    where it went and report it to Shine.

    The boys were eager to get started. They strapped on their helmets and straddled

    the bikes. As they raced along the river road, Shine got back into the old Willys pickup

    and headed back to his grandfathers place.

    For the first half hour, Sonny and Terry explored along the river, leaving the road

    occasionally to take pictures of the buildings and parked vehicles on the other side. They

    worked their way farther south until they came to a wooded area. There they left their

    motorcycles among the trees and got out their bows.

    They looked for something to use as a target, and finally found some discarded

    soda cans along the roadside. With the cans lined up on the hillside, they stepped off

    about thirty paces and then spent the next hour shooting at their improvised targets.

    It was shortly after eleven A. M. when they started up their bikes to go exploring

    again. They cut across fields and vineyards, stopping from time to time to take pictures of

    farm structures and narrow roads to explore at another time.


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    The boys were turning around to head back to town when a tan colored dog with a

    white patch on its chest crossed in front of them. They braked to a stop and grabbed their


    Maybe its just a ranch dog, Terry speculated. It might not even be one of the

    moondogs. They laid their bikes down and went over to where the dog had gone into the

    bushes. With their arrows already notched, they moved slowly, watching for any sign of

    the dog.

    Sonny nudged Terry and gestured to a clump of bushes to their right. There it

    stood, watching them. The boys stood dead still and waited to see what it would do.

    I think youre right, Terry, Sonny said. It doesnt look like its going to attack,

    or anything. He squatted down on the side of the road and talked to the dog. Here, boy

    its ok, were not going to hurt you.

    The dog stepped out from behind the bushes, its tail wagging happily, and trotted

    over to Sonny. He held out his hand and let it lick his fingers. He rubbed its neck and

    back and told him what a good boy he was.

    Its a girl dog, Terry said. She must belong to one of the ranches out here.

    I want to take her picture, anyway, Sonny said. We should tell Shine. He said

    even if something doesnt seem important, we need to tell him anyhow.

    I just thought of something, Terry said. The pup that Becky found in the

    woods has a tattoo on its ear. The dead mother dog did too. See if shes got one.

    Sonny examined her ears, first the left one and then the right. There it was; the

    telltale tattoo on the underside of its right ear.


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    Its a moondog alright, he announced. The tattoo is hard to read though. Its

    got hair growing over some of it.

    Terry knelt down beside them and watched. Sure enough, in what looked like an

    indelible ink was the code.

    Have you got a pen? We should write it down.

    No, but we can take a picture of it, Terry answered. Hold it where I can get a

    good shot of it. He pulled the digital camera out of Sonnys coat pocket and turned it on.

    It says, HJF G031202F, Sonny said. I wonder what that means.

    I dont know, Terry answered, snapping a picture, but theres one thing we

    know for sure. This dog is one of the pack.

    She sure dont act like a killer, Sonny said. We could take her home with us

    and keep her as a pet. She would be an awesome guard dog. As if she understood what

    Sonny was saying, she whined and wagged her tail, pressing her head against his leg for

    him to pet her more.

    We cant, Sonny, Terry responded sadly, shes a moondog, and when shes in

    the moonlight, she will be dangerous again.

    Maybe, but what if thats just a myth, Sonny said. What if she acts different

    when shes not with the pack? Look how good shes acting now, she likes me. Look at the

    way she wants me to pet her.

    I know, but do you know what I think? Terry paused to rearrange his thoughts.

    I think theyve all been trained to attack people at night like the moon is the signal.


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    Suddenly the dog heard something and jerked her head up to look. In the distance,

    they saw the top of a white van visible above the vineyard. She pulled loose from

    Sonnys hands and hied off in that direction.

    Thats the van weve been watching for! Sonny exclaimed. Lets go check it


    He ran to his motorcycle and was about to start the engine when Terry said, No,

    Sonny! We cant let him know that were following him. Remember, were just supposed

    to take pictures and report what we see. If he knows that were watching him, itll blow

    our cover.

    Lets wait till the van leaves, then, Sonny said, and maybe we can get close

    enough to see which way he goes.

    Terry snapped a few pictures of the vineyard and the van, and then he zoomed in

    for a closer picture. There was not much to see since only the top of the van was visible.

    They waited until the van turned around and headed south, before they started their bikes

    and raced up the dirt road.

    Chapter 5

    Earl laid a tip on the table for the waitress and then stood in front of the cash

    register until the same waitress came to take his money. That done, he went back to the

    gaming areas and over to the only blackjack table that was open.

    There were two other guests there. A tired man in a white shirt and a black tie,

    numb from working all night, was apathetically dealing the cards. Earl sat on one of the


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    high stools and played a few hands. He played slowly and deliberately, all the while

    listening in on their conversation.

    Its about time somebody did something about them, the man two stools over

    was saying. Theyre all hush-hush about it, but you cant hide something like that. He

    was a short, balding man in a dark blue polo shirt and gray slacks. Earl noticed his bushy

    eyebrows and thick glasses that gave him an owlish appearance.

    Next to him was a Pomo Indian who, unlike the owl, had not been up gambling

    all night. Gambling all night was for suckers. Jim, on the other hand, had only been in the

    casino for an hour or so, because he liked to play early in the morning when he was fresh.

    He figured it gave him an edge, and he seemed to be proving it by the chips he had

    stacked on the table before him.

    Thats the trouble with you city boys, Ray, youre all advice, but you got no idea

    whats goin on. You have to be careful when youre dealing with spirits. You get them

    riled and they come lookin for you. He tapped for another card.

    It sure wasnt spirits that killed that guy last week, Ray replied. I saw it on the

    news. They said it was a pack of dogs that did it.

    Have you ever seen one of them dogs? Ray asked. You go stand by the road

    when the moons shinin and youll see for yourself.

    Jim, are all of you people that superstitious? Spirits! What a crock!

    What do you mean, you people? Jim demanded quietly. Do you think us

    Indians arent as smart as people like you?

    Earl whispered to Jim, Hes prejudiced, Jim. He thinks Indians are stupid. I

    wouldnt let him get away with that if I was you.


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    Well, anybody that believes in ghosts or spirits these days has to be pretty dumb.

    I guess you cant help it though, Jim, growing up here on the reservation, Ray ran on,

    clueless of the anger building up in the broad shouldered Native American seated beside


    Ray was studying his cards when Earl whispered, Id bust him in the mouth for

    saying that, Jim.

    Jim was not there to start a fight, but Ray had no business coming to his

    reservation and mouthing off like that. He tried to concentrate on his cards, but made the

    mistake of letting Rays comments upset him. Maybe Earl is right. Maybe Ray needs

    taught a lesson. On the other hand, the tribal council did not take kindly to fighting with

    the guests. In just three more rounds of reckless betting, Ray had lost all of his chips back

    to the house.

    Chapter 6

    Sorry about that, Jim. Its not your fault that youre losing, Earl whispered,

    Its that moron there. Somebody needs to shut him up. If I was you, Id bust his mouth.

    Earl was enjoying his private game of pitting Jim against the insolent antagonist.

    For Ray to needle Jim like that wasnt too smart, not at all, being that Jim was

    losing heavily. But Ray couldnt help but take it a little farther. I hope youre better at

    chasing ghosts than you are at playing blackjack, Jim, he said. One of those spooky

    mutts just migh..

    He didnt get a chance to finish his ill-timed remark. Jims fist caught him solidly

    on his mouth, taking out a few teeth and knocking him off the stool and onto the floor.


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    Earl stood and picked up his winnings. He was up by two hundred and eighty

    dollars. He gathered his chips and went to cash them in, leaving Jim sitting on Rays

    chest, angrily flailing him with his fists. Earl had a knack for setting people against one

    another. Something about mayhem appealed to Earls nature, so thinking about the

    coming chaos excited him to no end.

    When Earl was a boy of twelve in Texas, he did not mind going to that little rural

    church that his parents attended. He liked the preacher. Reverend Stoner was an

    entertaining orator not that he spoke well, because he was self-trained. No, it was

    because the good Reverend was most eloquent when he preached about his favorite

    subject doomsday. One day the world will be destroyed, he preached, and there will

    be blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness and the

    moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day Earl not only believed it; he

    wanted to be a part of it to hurry it along. There was no redemption in Earls gospel,

    only recompense.

    He crossed the parking lot to his station wagon and got in. The morning had

    proven to be the beginning of a beautiful day, but Earl had no happy tune to whistle. His

    was not the calling to bring cheer, but only to fulfill a private vision.

    Chapter 7

    Once they cleaned up after breakfast, Tom pushed back the curtain and looked

    outside. The dogs had lost interest in watching their house. They had moved farther back

    into the trees. Tom didnt ask the boy where he was planning to go; he knew. It did not

    seem right for Jolon to go out there alone. Scheduled to work that weekend, it was


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    difficult for Tom to go along. Torn by his dual responsibilities, he knew that he had little

    choice. Instead of lecturing his son to be careful, he just said, Jolon, you plan to take

    your Winchester, I guess.

    Jolon nodded Yes, and stood up. He said, Dad, I sure wish you could go with

    me, but I know that you cant. If Paco were here, I would sure feel better with him along,

    but Ill be okay.

    If he could, he would. Thats for sure. You and Paco have been all over this

    mountain though, so youll do okay. He reached out to his son and hugged him for a

    moment. Just dont hesitate to shoot if you need to, Son, he said. I want to see you at

    home for dinner.

    They probably wont bother me in the daytime anyway, Dad, Jolon said,

    wanting to set his father at ease. Ill pack a lunch and leave a note for Mom so shell

    know where Ill be.

    Carrying his lever action 30-30 carbine, Jolon stepped out the back door and

    closed it behind him. Eighty or so yards away, the strange acting dogs turned to look his

    way, and then loped farther up the hill. The larger of the two, the gray one, was tall and

    coyote-like with thin legs and a plumed tail. The second dog was light brown almost

    white - with an unusually large head and resembled a Labrador Retriever. Jolon stayed at

    a distance and used his ears and his eyes to keep track of them. Every so often they

    turned to watch their follower, and then picked up their pace across the hill and up the


    They were in open view, following a trail across the side of the hill. He quickened

    his pace so as not to lose track of them. It was nearing 7:30 A.M. and his hands and face,


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    exposed to the frigid air caused him to wish that he had worn gloves. It would not be long

    until the wind would pick up, but it should be warmer by then. Frequent rain had washed

    the air, making it as clear as crystal, even this early in the morning.

    Jolon stopped beside a stand of small fir trees and watched uphill. The dogs were

    out of sight, so he would have to hunt by guesswork and by any signs they may have left.

    Taking the trail where he had last seen them, he continued his ascent of the wide, forested


    To his right, much farther up the slope, a deer suddenly bounded through the

    brush and down toward him. It failed to see him, but veered to the side, choosing another

    trail. Expecting to see the dogs in pursuit, he waited. The dogs were evidently not

    interested in the deer, but continued on their journey. He listened, but the woods were

    silent, except for a woodpecker, which pecked away at a tall redwood tree, indifferent to

    the boy, or the dogs, or any other creatures below.

    Moving on and upward, he climbed over a log and up the trail until he came to a

    rise where he could see much of the mountainside. It was a place familiar to him. He and

    his brother had been there often. They had named the spot, Lookout Mountain, although

    it was, for the most part, only a rocky hill on the side of the mountain.

    The hike up the mountainside had made him hungry. He sat on a moss-covered

    rock and set his backpack beside him. From it, he took one of the three roast beef

    sandwiches and, as he ate, he examined the open areas above him. Whenever they

    crossed there, he would have their location again.

    It was after 9:00 A. M. and the sun felt good against his face. He thought about

    the old man, and the little dog, Peaches. One of these days, he would have another dog.


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    He had Old Ringer so long that he did not remember him ever being a pup. He had

    however, heard stories of how it just showed up one day and attached itself to him,

    following him around the yard and in the house. Paco, his older brother was the one who

    named him Ringer, because of a black patch around the pups left eye. Sure, he was a

    mutt, but he was aspecialmutt.

    According to family stories, the Old was added to the dogs name soon after

    Jolon was four years old. They had gone to the river to fish for salmon when Jolon

    slipped on the muddy bank and fell in. His mother yelled an alarm and Ringer jumped

    into the fast current and swam after him. He caught up with him biting down on Jolons

    jacket, started swimming to shore.

    The swollen river was muddy and swift. Tom Dasen ran along the bank of the

    river looking for a place to retrieve his son, but Ringer had him pulled out of the water by

    the time Tom found a place to rescue the boy. So his name wasnt justRingerany more. It

    became then, and for the rest of his life, Old Ringer, the most affectionate term ever used

    for a dog.

    Jolon was just finishing his sandwich and closing up his pack when he heard a

    bush move on the trail behind him and a chilling growl.

    Chapter 8

    That afternoon, 50 miles away, Sergeant David Simmons sat up in the hospital

    bed and said, There! On the news!


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    Whats on the news? Leilani responded, startled by Daves sudden outburst.

    They watched as the newscaster told of a bizarre shooting that took place early that

    morning in Ukiah. Dave used the remote to turn up the volume.

    were wakened by gunshots around 5:30 this morning. Upon investigation,

    Lieutenant Crawford Mullins of the Ukiah Police Department determined that someone

    did indeed fire four shots with one fatality. The first three shots hit the motel, and one

    shot hit a motel guest in the abdomen. The gun used by the assailant appears to have

    been one of a large caliber. Paramedics who were on the scene, reported that the victim

    was already deceased when they arrived. Witnesses reported that the assailant was a

    very large man wearing a white western suit. When one of the guests confronted him, he

    drew his gun and shot the man at point blank.

    The news camera panned in on bullet holes in the side and front of the motel, and

    blood stains on the step where the victim died. The news reporter interviewed one of the

    guests who said, It was cold blooded murder. He just pulled the gun out of its holster

    and shot him. I wanted to help him, but there wasnt anything anyone could do for him.

    Can you describe the gunman? the reporter asked.

    I can, but nobody will believe me. I told the officer, but he didnt seem to take me


    Lets try it, Carl your name is Carl isnt it?

    Its Carlos. Carlos Miguel.

    Carlos, would you tell us what you can about the shooter?


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    Yes, he was big three or four hundred pounds. Im 5 foot 10, and he was at

    least six inches taller than me. He was wearing fancy boots and a white cowboy outfit

    and one of those big cowboy hats.

    Did you get a good look at his face?

    Well, thats the part nobody believes.

    Why not?

    Because he had a pigs face.

    Was he wearing a mask?

    No, thats what the police think. But it wasnt a mask. I was right over there

    behind that glass door, maybe 20 or 25 feet away. It couldnt have been some makeup

    thing either, because I saw his face change. It grew a snout and weird pig-like ears.

    Did you hear him say anything?

    After he shot that guy, he did. He told us to go back to bed and go to sleep.

    Thats all you heard?

    Thats all. I know him and that guy he shot were talking, but I dont know what it

    was about. As far as I know, he was just trying to find out who was doing the shooting.

    To the camera, the news reporter said, The authorities are not releasing the

    name of the victim at this time. There will be another report

    Thats the guy that ran me off the road! Dave exclaimed. It all fits.

    But what could cause his face to do that? Leilani wanted to know. It must be

    some illusionary thing or a really lifelike mask. Do you think he does that to scare



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    I dont know how he does it, and right now I dont care. All I know is that hes

    dangerous, and someone has to stop him.

    He started to get out of the bed when Leilani said, No, Dave! You cant yet. They

    said that you need to rest for at least another week! She stood in front of him, unwilling

    to relent.

    I have to, Leilani! he almost shouted. That mans on a killing spree! He has to

    be stopped! With an IV still attached to his arm, he swung his feet onto the floor, but

    when he tried to stand his legs buckled and he fell back onto the bed. Hot currents of pain

    shot through his back and shoulders, causing him to tremble and clinch his teeth. He felt

    crippled and defeated, and he knew what he needed to be doing, but he felt utterly


    Leilani straightened the blankets over him and caressed his face softly. It will be

    okay, she said, Ill call Sergeant Evans and you can talk to him. Dont worry,

    Sweetheart, there are others who can handle it. Your job right now is to get better. The

    children and I need you! Honey, you have to heal up before you can go back to work


    He knew she was right, and that was a hard thing for him to admit. It really made

    no sense to take on that kind of responsibility. His only hope was to pass on what

    information he had to Eric. He nodded, saying, Yes, I know youre right. Maybe you

    should call him.

    Chapter 9


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    Recent rains had left large puddles in the dirt road, making it impossible to stay

    out of the mud. In their haste, they plowed through them, sending sprays of muddy water

    everywhere. By the time they got to the end of the vineyard, the van was turning onto an

    eastbound road past a ranch house. They gave up the chase. Better to wait another day

    than be discovered spying. Terry took several pictures of the van disappearing in the


    Excited by the success of their first day out, Sonny and Terry started up their

    bikes again and raced back toward town.

    A few minutes after the noon hour they spotted Andrew Darkclouds old pickup

    parked near the grocery store. Sonny and Terry left their motorcycles on the parking lot

    beside it. They found Shine in the post office collecting his mail from a box he had rented

    there. Back at the truck, Shine put his mail in the glove box, and then he and the boys

    loaded up the bikes.

    The tantalizing aroma of grilled onions drew the hungry trio to the hamburger

    shop next to the Feliz Creek Bridge. There sat at an outside table where they could talk in

    private. The boys couldnt help but watch the vehicles slow down to the 35 mph limit and

    ease through town, as if the van they had been looking for may emerge any minute. Still

    wound up from the mornings discoveries, they filled Shine in on the days events.

    Shine listened intently. He was especially interested in the brown dog they found

    and the direction the white van went. The pictures Terry had taken should yield some

    pertinent information.

    That man in the van probably didnt see you, and thats good. The thing we dont

    want is for him to find out that hes being watched. Not only would it warn them that


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    were coming, but it would put you guys in danger. You have to keep your distance, like

    you did today. If it ever looks like hes onto you, youll have to get out of there as fast as

    you can.

    Im not afraid of that guy, Sonny boasted. Were pretty good with our bows

    now. We could take him out!

    I know that, Sonny, Shine said, but you arent just dealing with one man.

    Chances are that they have a small regiment of trained men. We cant forget about the

    dogs, either. If they are trained to attack, and I believe that they are, he could set them on

    you any time you got in his way. Good investigation is good planning. Its a lot like

    chess; you have to anticipate all of the enemys moves.

    Yeah, Terry offered, we have to try to think like they think. That way, well be

    ready for em.

    Our best chance of keeping Sarah safe is to let them feel like they have all the

    time in the world. What Im trying to impress upon you guys is that there are lives at

    stake. We arent dealing with amateurs, and theyve already proven that they can be

    vicious. Anyway, I think that you should watch the same area tomorrow. Id like to get a

    fix on where that van goes within the next three or four days.

    What if we go ride around all of the wineries and see if we can spot him

    sooner? Terry asked. They wouldnt pay much attention to a couple of guys riding


    Its been done, Shine said. I have scouted out all of the wineries within fifteen

    miles of Hopland and they all look pretty much like the real deal, so the best hope we

    have is that the van leads us to the right place.


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    How many wineries are there? Terry asked.

    If you count the whole area from here to Redwood Valley there are at least

    thirty, Shine answered.

    Why dont we just get the cops and search every winery, Sonny asked,

    wouldnt that save a lot of time?

    So it would seem. But even the police cant search property without a warrant,

    and thats harder to get than you might think. Shine inadvertently touched the scar on his

    neck, a habit that he had not yet realized. No, if I mess this up, Sarah might pay the price

    for it.

    Meanwhile, in the canescent stillness, abundant cold flakes of snow are falling

    silently like white crystal feathers upon the mountainside where Jolan is crouched

    listening. The woods are filling up with snow, embellishing both bough and bush with

    Winters wonder. He hears not a sound. He lets his breath out slowly, only his eyes move,

    raking the bushes for some sign. Danger is in there somewhere, wild and waiting for the

    perfect moment to pounce. The rifle in his hand feels cold and inadequate.

    Bravery, his father had explained, was not the absence of fear, but rather the

    willingness to face ones fears and take the appropriate action. There would be times

    when a person needed to stay and fight, and other times when it would be wiser to run.

    This was a time when running away was the wrongthing to do. Whatever it is in that

    thicket, Jolon knows that he must not turn his back to it, so he waits.

    Chapter 10


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    Ernie pulled up to the gas pumps at the Talmage store and fueled up. While the

    tank was filling, he put on a floppy hat and pulled it down to hide as much of his face as

    he could. He went into the store and selected the things he would need for the next few

    weeks. There were several Hispanic men gathered there who watched him, curious about

    the bandages on his face and hands, but making no mention of it. He paid for the

    groceries and lugged the three cardboard boxes to the truck.

    Ernie took the Old River Road at Talmage and wound his way along the river

    toward Old Hopland. There were few vehicles on the road and he felt confident that he

    wouldnt be discovered not right away.

    Nearing Old Hopland, he turned east on University Road, and continued along the

    steep hillsides through the night. Even though the winding road was in good repair, he

    could only drive about twenty miles an hour. As he climbed higher up the mountain, the

    road became slippery with mud. Scatterings of rocks, many as large as a lunchbox, lay on

    the road. He geared down, and changing to four-wheel drive, continued slowly upward.

    He turned off University Road and onto a road that was unmarked. The first two

    hundred feet were smooth, but from that point, erosion had made the narrow road almost

    impassable. He steered around the deep ruts, careful not to venture off onto the soft dirt

    on the side. In places, bushes and tree limbs had grown up over the road so thickly that it

    all but obscured it. With little regard for scratching the paint, Ernie continued slowly on,

    the brush scraping the sides of the truck.

    After about a mile, he came to a cable across the road. He brought the pickup to a

    stop and climbed out of the cab. Leaving the headlights on, he took a bolt cutter and

    removed the lock. Dropping the cable, he drove his pickup past it.


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    Putting the cable back was easy. He replaced the old lock with his own, and

    continued deeper into the woods. In a few days, rain would wash away the tracks and he

    would be reasonably safe.

    Once past the cable, the road became remarkably better, circling around the side

    of the hill and up over another. Patches of snow sculpted by the afternoon sun lay like

    sleeping ghosts along the roadside, engendering in the landscape the numb sense of

    unmerciful fate.

    Coming to a wide, level place in the road, he stopped the truck and shut off the

    engine. The bandage taped across his face had come loose and was hindering his

    breathing. He took the bandage off and dropped it onto the floor. From the glove box, he

    extracted a bottle of pain medicine and shook two of the white pills into his bandaged

    right hand. Popping them into his mouth, he chewed them and reached for a bottle of

    water from the cup holder. He washed the pills down and rolled the window down an


    From where he had stopped, he could see the headlights of any vehicle that might

    come up the mountain. That was not very likely, of course, but it never hurts to be

    vigilant. He pulled a blanket from behind the seat, and lying on his side, pulled it over

    him. His coat folded for a pillow, Ernie slept.

    Chapter 11

    Snow like cold white dust had fallen upon the truck when Ernie awoke. From the

    light of daybreak he guessed it to be about 6:30 A. M. At first, he wondered what he was

    doing there, high on the mountainside, sleeping in his pickup. He lay still for a few


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    minutes in the frigid cab, clearing his mind. This was never what he had wanted. After all

    that he had done for his community, you would expect them to understand. However, he

    knew that they would not.No way, Jose.

    He tried to sit up, but his body did not want to cooperate. He had never been so

    stiff and sore before. Pains shot through his legs and back causing him to wince. The

    bandages on his face and neck and hands had clotted with blood. He waited three or four

    minutes and then tried again, carefully placing his feet on the floor and shifting to an

    upright position.

    A cup of black coffee would be good, but that would have to wait. He opened the

    door and stepped out onto the road. In spite of the cold and the pain, it felt good to stretch

    his legs and arms. The next half-mile would be the most difficult.

    He got back in the truck and started it up. About a hundred feet ahead the road

    forked. Instead of staying on the lower, smoother road, he stopped and geared down into

    low range, choosing the less traveled course. The left fork made an abrupt climb up and

    over a low, forested ridge. He took his time easing up the hill so as not to slip off the

    road. With the engine roaring and the tires slipping and throwing rocks and mud back

    downhill, he progressed slowly over the slippery incline.

    Though the last leg of the trip was only about two miles, it took several minutes to

    reach his destination because of the condition of the road. At last he came to a narrow

    meadow where under a canopy of trees sat an aged camp trailer. The door would not be

    locked. Ernie was the only person who had been there within the past three years. He

    would not have known about its existence if he had not seen the property for sale on the

    Internet. The map that he downloaded and printed made finding it a breeze.


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    Archie Reeves had owned the property for the better part of fifty years. Now that

    he had died, the property was in probate. His heirs were two daughters who lived in

    Southern California, and they certainly would not be coming around.

    He stopped the pickup beside the trailer and got out. The trailer door opened

    easily, as he knew it would, and he stepped inside. First things first, he lit the propane

    stove and cranked open the side windows to air it out. The sooner he could get everything

    in place the better. For the next several minutes, Ernie unloaded the pickup and put the

    groceries away.

    Once his initial chores were finished, he closed the windows and lay back on the

    bed. If it had been any other reason for being there, he would have even enjoyed it, but in

    his present condition, and circumstances being what they were, there was little pleasure

    for him.

    In a couple more weeks, he would be saying goodbye to California, but he had a

    few things to do first. He pulled the blanket over himself and slept.

    Chapter 12

    Without intermission, the snow falls and settles upon the landscape while two

    children and a pup trudge steadily along the forest trail. They are not strangers here, but

    most of their earlier adventures had not been in such uncharacteristic weather.


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    Maybe we should go back, Willy says, were a long ways from home and we

    might get lost. They had been walking for more than two hours and the boy was

    beginning to worry, especially about the thought of killer dogs lurking behind every bush.

    We wont get lost; Maska will know the way back home. See, hes following a

    scent, so he can do the same thing when we go back. Maska is about fifty feet in front of

    them, evidently following the trail of some of the pack. Becky calls the pup back to them

    and holds him there. We dont have to be afraid as long as weve got him with us.

    Besides, my dad said that Grampa Darkcloud thinks that there is a den or a cave up here.

    Wouldnt it be fun if we found it?

    Yeah, but Maska cant fight off those dogs. Hes too little and I know that we


    But they wont fight him, she reasons, Hes part of their family.

    Willy believed that too, but still

    Lets go until we reach the top up there so we can see all around, Becky said.

    Then we can start for home.

    That seems to please Willy. They resume their trek, following Maska along the


    They hike about ten more minutes when Maska stops dead still. He is looking at

    something up the trail. Becky is first to notice and whispers to Willy, Wait.

    The boy, already spooked because they were so far from home, whispers back,

    What? What is it?

    I think Maska sees something.

    Yeah. Maybe we should run? Think we oughtta run, Becky?


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    Becky held up her hand to him to be quiet, whispering, Come on, Willy.

    Maska stays put, waiting for them to catch up. The woods are quiet there is not

    a sound. They creep on up the trail and stop when they reach the pup. Maska isnt

    moving. They stand there for a minute or so, and then Maska begins stalking cautiously

    on. Willy and Becky follow a few steps behind.

    Chapter 13

    Its Jolon! Willy exclaims, relieved to identify the source of Maskaa caution.

    Hey, Jolon, whatcha doing up here? Were looking for the d.

    Jolon motions for him to be quiet. Theres something in the brush, Jolon warns,

    gesturing with the barrel of his rifle. I heard it growl, so I was afraid to move. You guys

    shouldnt be here.

    What do you think it is? Becky whispers. Frightened, she moves closer to Jolon

    and hunkers down beside him. Willy looks all around, and then picking up a rock, the

    only weapon he could spot, joins the other two.

    It must be one of the dogs, Jolon whispers, his voice dry and strained. If its

    just one, I can shoot it, but if theres more, I might not be able to get the all.

    What if we run? Willy suggested. Maybe if we do theyll leave us alone.

    Maybe, Jolon agrees. Right now I think we should wait. If theres trouble, Id

    rather be facing it than running from it. I havent heard anything for the past five or ten

    minutes, so whatever it is, it may already

    Suddenly he feels a heavy weight hit him on his back! There is an angry snarl as it

    bites into his backpack! Startled, Jolon quickly pulls free of the pack and lets the


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    mountain lion have it. The lion, seeing its mistake, drops the pack and springs at Jolan


    Just then, from the opposite direction, a mottled gray beast flashes past the boy

    and meets the lion in mid-air. The animal is snarling and ripping at the big cat with its

    copious teeth. As one big ferocious ball of anger, they roll across the trail, biting and


    The lion tears free and leaps onto a tree. As it tries to climb higher, the beastly dog

    springs up and bites into the cats back leg. Pulling the cat back to the ground, it pounces

    upon the cat. Not giving up easily, the lion slashes at its adversary, opening a series of

    gashes on the dogs flanks.

    The dog twists around, and fastening its jaws onto the cats neck, violently shakes

    the animal from side to side, sinking its teeth deeper and deeper. Hissing and clawing, the

    lion tries to retaliate, but is unable to do any real damage to the maddened dog. In less

    than two minutes, the battle is over.

    The big beast stands over the dead lion, growling, watching for any movement.

    Then satisfied that the cat was dead, it turns its massive head around and stares at the

    three youths.

    Dont move! Jolon hisses to Becky and Willy. Stand perfectly still. His rifle

    ready with the hammer pulled back, he waits. The beast is looking at him squarely in the


    Their hearts pounding, the kids move behind Jolon again, never taking their eyes

    off the beast. They have seen its prowess, and wonder if even a shot fired from Jolons

    30-30 could stop it. Nobody moves. Jolon is silently praying, Oh God help me help me


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    dont let him see how scared I am! He is afraid that he might pass out and he cannot think

    of anything worse. He has never been that scared, not even when he ran from that same

    animal before. The few moments he waits seem like hours.

    Then the moondog walks slowly past Jolon to Becky and sniffs at the pup she is

    holding in her arms. She can feel herself trembling, yet she stands perfectly still. It is

    standing almost as tall as the girl and its head is grossly oversized, its incessantly exposed

    teeth make it appear ever angry.

    Maska, obviously recognizing the beast, wiggles in her arms, his tail swishing

    happily from side to side. The beast licks the pups head, and then Beckys hand. He

    moves over to Jolon and licks his hand, whimpering sadly. The boy lowers the rifle and

    strokes the big dogs injured head.

    Just now, they hear an animal howling in the distance. The beast lifts his head, his

    ears perked. Without looking back, he turns and leaves them, loping up the trail and out

    of sight.

    Chapter 14

    The North Wind has blown patches of brown dead leaves onto the sidewalks of

    the hospital. A worker with a blower, its small gas engine, barking like a power saw, was

    clearing the leaves away. They pushed open the wide glass door and walked down the

    hall to the elevator. Sergeant Eric Evans pressed the up button and waited.


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    They got off the elevator on the seventh floor and found room 514. Dave

    Simmons was sitting in a chair beside his bed with a notepad in his lap.

    Excuse me for not standing, Dave said, smiling, but Ive had to be lazy for the

    past couple of weeks. Eric ignored his outstretched hand and leaned down to give him a

    hug. Shine simply took his hand and shook it warmly.

    This is Special Agent Samuel Darkcloud, a Federal Marshal. I think the two of

    you should meet to compare notes since you both have an interest in this case.

    Forget the title, Dave, Shine said. Just call me Shine. Everybody else does.

    Evans sat on the side of the bed and Shine took a seat adjacent to Dave.

    Sounds good to me, Shine. How is it that you have an interest in this same guy?

    Its not just him, Dave. Actually, I dont know much about that just whats been

    on the news. Im mainly interested in those monkeys with the luminous bodies that you

    reported. It sounds like it ties in with another situation up in Mendocino County.

    Ah, the two little soldiers! He picked up a folder on the floor beside his chair

    and opened it. Withdrawing the photographs, he handed one to Shine, and another one to

    Evans. While they were studying the pictures, he continued. Jerry Bailey works the

    swing shift at the Golden Gate Bridge. He took the pictures with his cell phone and

    downloaded them onto his computer. I asked him for the pictures because they were so

    unusual. When he heard that I was here in the hospital, he drove them up to me.

    What do you know about the driver? Shine asked.

    It took a bit of doing to find out who she is, but the camera at the toll booth

    recorded the license plates. He just ran through the film until the BMW came up. Those


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    are actually good prints to come off a cell phone. He handed Shine another page which

    was a printout of the drivers DMV information.

    Teresa Vadoma, Shine read. Know anything else about her?

    We did some checking, Evans said. She has a Bay Area address. Her parents

    are immigrants from Romania. She was born there, their family moved to California in

    the late seventies. It seems she has a degree from SFU in marketing and business

    several arrests going back fifteen years. Domestic violence, two DUIs, she did three and a

    half years for embezzlement. Lets see, she was arrested four years ago for attempted

    murder, but the charges were dropped for lack of evidence. Shes divorced no kidding! I

    wonder why?

    So Im curious, Shine. Tell me what youre working on thats got you interested

    in monkeys that light up?

    Within the last few months there have been luminous dogs showing up at a

    casino just out of Hopland, Shine said. Recently there have been some fatal attacks. We

    know that there is a laboratory hidden in the basement of a winery somewhere in that area

    where they have been experimenting with jellyfish genes. Weve known for a long time

    that those genes when introduced into mammal embryos, causes the subject to glow

    under fluorescent light. The crazy thing is that these animals are reacting to moonlight in

    the same way they should be reacting to ultraviolet light.

    But why do I get the idea that this crazy pig man is part of it? Dave said. I

    dont know how he ties in, but Ill bet you a dollar for a donut he does!

    Gut feeling, huh? Shine said.

    Thats all Ive got, Sir, Dave replied. Just a gut feeling.


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    Ill accept that, Dave, Shine said. Meanwhile, someone is trying to scare a lot

    of good people away from their homes. We will find out sooner or later who it is, but I

    sure rather find out sooner. He handed Dave the photograph back. Dave shook his head,

    No, you keep it, Shine. I have a couple more Ill hang onto. But Im hoping that

    you will keep me up to date on the pig man if you run across him.

    Shine hesitated. Wait! he said. There is something. One of the women who

    deals blackjack at the Sho-Ka-Wahcasino said something. A man a bigman she said

    he resembled a pig and it rattled her so badly that she had to leave the table. Thats it!

    Thats the man!

    I told you, Man! Dave said, not attempting to hide his excitement. I told you

    its all connected!

    Follow your gut! Shine smiled.

    You betcha, Buddy! Dave exclaimed with more than a little satisfaction.

    Follow your gut every time!

    Chapter 15

    The big Ford station wagon stopped beside the winery. Two toots on the horn and

    a door beside the loading dock began to roll up. Earl waited until the door locked into

    place and then drove into the cavernous cellar. He parked beside a white van and got out.

    With his six-shooter hanging low on his hip, he tipped his Stetson a bit to the side and

    started toward the stairs.

    Morning, Mr. Farley, a man in the shadows called out.


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    Mornin, Ralph, Earl returned the greeting. You doin okay there? Without

    waiting to hear the security guards reply, Earl continued up the stairs to the main floor

    entry. Apollo, the winery clerk, met Earl at the door.

    Good morning, Sir, he said, opening the door wide for Earl to enter. Earl

    walked on past him, and then turned suddenly, drew his revolver and aimed it at the

    precautious man.

    Fastest gun in the West! Earl crowed. I could blow a mans head clean off with

    this thing!

    Apollo went along with it, pretending that it was only a joke, but he could see the

    ends of the shiny bullets in the cylinder and knew that the gun was fully loaded. I wont

    argue with that, he replied, but Im pretty much attached to my head. I just hope that

    you wont shoot an unarmed man.

    Dont count on it, Earl thought to himself, dont count on it. He led the way to

    Apollos office and lowered his bulk onto a chair behind the desk. Apollo followed him in

    and stood near the door, as if he might just have to hightail it away from this crazy boss

    any minute.

    Set yourself down, Apollo, Earl said, gesturing to a chair across from the desk.

    We gonna have us a set-down talk. You okay with that?

    Sure, Mr. Farley, the man said. I got all the time in the world. He pulled the

    chair back away from the desk and sat. Speaking of which, he began, Were finally

    making some money on that new supply of wine we brought in from Modesto. Its been

    relabeled and we jacked up the price. Its been our best seller. Its going for $28 a liter;


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    thats more than a 400% profit. These dumbyayhoos that pass through here dont know a

    Sauvignon Blanc from a Zinfandel. This wine business is a suckers game.

    Then raise it to $32, then if sales drop off, put it on sale back at $28 and let them

    think theyre gettin a bargain. Next thing you know theyll be lined up at the door

    begging for more. How we doin with inventory?

    Were low, but I got a truck coming Tuesday. We wont miss a beat.

    You hear much from the reservation?

    I hear things are getting a bit testy since that guy got chewed up. Somethings

    going on. Theres a rumor that theyre bringing in some expert, but nobody knows for

    sure who that is, or they wont say.

    Thats not good, Earl said. Were gonna have to find out somehow. You got

    any ideas?

    Well, sometimes a woman has better luck at something like that. Maybe Teresa

    if she could get off of her high horse long enough to do something useful. Apollo wasnt

    sure why he fell into the habit of talking like a Texan when he was around Earl, but Earl

    never seemed to mind.

    Ill talk to her, Earl said. Do you have any idea why shes late today?

    I have a pretty good idea, Apollo answered, but you might not like it. He

    didnt try to hide his dislike for the woman, mainly because she felt the same way about

    him. He sometimes thought that the boss enjoyed pitting them against one another. No

    matter, a few more weeks and they would be closing down this monkey business anyhow.

    You think I dont know about her bad habits, Polly? Earl said sarcastically.

    Thats one reason I keep her on a string. People can be persuaded in different ways. Its


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    easy to persuade a druggie, you just wave some dope in front of them and theyll jump

    off a bridge if you tell them to.

    Apollo ignored Earls attempt to upset him by calling himPolly. He didnt trust

    Earl enough to turn his back on him, but they needed each other. If you want to stay alive

    in this business, you learn to pick your fights, and you learn who not to pick fights with.

    Youre smart, Boss, he replied. Youre smart. Ill give you that!

    I need that casino, Apollo! Earl said ardently. Ill do whatever it takes to get it!

    Once I get my foot in the door, the rest will be a piecea cake. Its the money, Polly, and

    youre going to get your part of that! Theres billions to be made, this is just the

    beginning. Theres over 350 Indian casinos in this U. S. of A., and last year alone they

    netted over 14 billion dollars!Billions, Polly! And it all starts right here!

    Apollo had to admit, the boss always got him fired up. He had no idea how many

    millions of dollars Earl had squirreled away as they spoke, but he was pretty sure that it

    was in the nine digits. To think that soon he would have that kind of money made him

    disregard all caution. The boss could call him Polly, or Wally, orGolly for all he cared, so

    long as he got his cut of the pie.

    The front door opened and Teresa tap-tapped across the plank floor and down the

    hall with Freddie and Frieda scampering behind. She failed to realize the disruption that

    she induced at her entry, for in her prevailing state of mind she was the epitome of

    elegance and grace. She jerked the office door open and said, Mr. Farley, its so good to

    see you! I have great news!

    She circled behind the desk and leaned over to give him a hug. Frieda scurried

    across the floor and jumped upon the desk, while Freddie tipped over the waste basket


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    and started scattering its contents all over the floor. Apollo stood near the door, unwilling

    to be associated with the womans peculiar behavior.

    Earl let the woman hug him, and then said, Well, Darlin, good news right now

    would be for you to lock up them two flea pickers you got, then maybe we can get down

    to binness. He swung his ham-like arm across the desk and sent Frieda flying into the

    wall. She landed with a bang and ran to hide behind the file cabinet.

    Oh, Im so sorry, she apologized, her arm still around the big mans shoulders,

    Ill go put them in their room. She coaxed Frieda out from behind the file cabinet and

    grabbed Freddie by the arm. While she took them to the cage in one of the back rooms,

    Apollo picked up the trash that they had scattered on the office floor.

    All in a days work, Apollo muttered. All in a days work.

    Just a few more weeks, Apollo, Earl said quietly. If the good news shes got is

    what I think it is, were ready to move on to the next phase now. We still need her a little

    longer, though.

    Apollo nodded. Standing at the door, the wastebasket in his hand, he said, If

    were finished, Boss, I need to get busy. Ill be out front if you need anything.

    Earl waved him on, and leaned back in the chair, waiting for Teresa to return. He

    heard the toilet flush on the other side of the wall. When she returned to the room he said,

    Come on in and shut the door, Teresa, we got a lot to talk about.

    Chapter 16

    It was 8:00 A. M. on Wednesday when people started showing up at the tribal

    center. James Talltree had called the ad hoc meeting to try to piece together the events of


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    the past few weeks. Dogs from out of the woods kept showing up from time to time.

    Several animals had been shot, all of which turned out to be pets on the reservation. That

    alone incited anger and confusion among neighbors. More families had moved from the

    reservation, and others were seriously considering it. Nobody tried to talk them out of it,

    because it was a valid option.

    Talltree had arranged for a breakfast buffet, so the first ones to arrive had already

    begun to eat. There were two tables pushed together to make enough room for a dozen

    chairs. By ten minutes after the hour, everyone was present except for Shine.

    Andrew was the last to help himself to the buffet. He sat his plate and coffee cup

    down at the end of the table. There were nine people present, not counting Shine, who

    would arrive later, and Andrew himself. He took his time eating, thereby giving the others

    ample time to talk among themselves. These were the people on whom he would rely

    during the next few days or weeks.

    He was especially impressed with Jolon. Rare was the youth that possessed such

    courage and wisdom. One day he would lead this Pomo Band, of that Andrew was


    Tom Dason sat at Andrews left. Tom was born on the property where he currently

    resided. He was a man committed to his family and friends, a man willing to go to the

    wall for something he strongly believed. Seated beside Tom was his son, Jolon, then

    Sergeant Elliot Hess, the head of Tribal Police and Vern Crow. At the opposite end of the

    table was James Talltree, the Tribal Chairman..


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    At Andrews right were Abe Chambers, Leon Bates, Warren Borman and Roberto

    Nunez, who was the night shift manager of the casino. There was no repartee among the

    fun loving men, but rather a somber sharing of relevant information.

    Tom and his son Jolon immediately gathered up the dishes and carried them to the

    kitchen to be washed later. James distributed note pads and pens to all the men. Once that

    was done and every one was seated, the conversation ceased and they turned their

    attention to the chairperson. James Talltree stood to greet the men and introduce Andrew

    Darkcloud. The old man laid aside his fork and blotted his mouth with a napkin.

    Thank you all for coming, Andrew said, meeting the gaze of each one. Each of

    you was asked to be here because we believe that you are involved in this situation. We

    need you to help get us through this. James, our Tribal Chairperson, has asked me to

    speak to you today on behalf of the Tribal Council. We would like to hear what each of

    you has to say. Right now, I want to update you on what we know thus far, as well as

    some speculations.

    The first report of ghost dogs, ormoondogs, as they are being called, came from

    Joseph Creel on March the 3rd of this year. The dogs were seen even before then, but

    nobody paid much attention until they saw them glow in the moonlight. By now weve all

    seen the phenomenon at one time or another. The men nodded and voiced their


    We now believe that we know what makes the animals glow in the moonlight.

    Andrew hesitated a moment to give the men a chance to speak if they desired to.

    When no one did, he continued. Some years back, it was learned that selected

    genes of a species could be introduced into another species. To illustrate the point,


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    science has been successful in incorporating spider genes into goats and using the milk in

    making the strongest body armor possible.

    Following that, and many other such experiments, there were experiments with

    jellyfish genes. Certain phosphorus genes from jellyfish incorporated into animal

    embryos, usually mice or rats, caused them to glow under ultraviolet light. You might

    have read about that; it was in the news several years back. Some of the men nodded

    their agreement. He was about to continue when Leon raised his hand.

    Im following you okay about the phosphorus genes being incorporated into the

    animals, but what Ive been trying to figure out is how the phenomenon happens with the

    moonlight. As far as I know, the moon doesnt emit ultraviolet light. It just doesnt seem


    I dont have the answer to that, Leon, the old man admitted, I just know that

    the moonlight triggers something in those particular animals. Every report we have

    confirms two things: that they only glow in the moonlight, and that their aggression is

    only seen when that occurs.

    Im just not sure about that, Vern Crow cut in. My daughter Becky and her

    little friend Elizabeth Lewis petted one about eight oclock one night. They said the moon

    was up and the dog was glowing at the time. She said it came right up to her and it didnt

    seem dangerous at all.

    What we think, Andrew said, is that it has to do with training. The only

    aggression that we have noted has been when the Alpha dog is present. They seem to take

    their orders from him. He seems to be the key, but we cant be sure.


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    Jolon raised his hand to speak. Ive seen that big one twice. I already told you

    guys about him killing that mountain lion, but theres something else. I think he did it to

    protect Beckys pup and maybe Becky and me, too. After he made sure the mountain

    lion was dead, he came up to us and licked our hands. He even let me pet him. Boy that

    was sure scary!

    The first time you saw him, Jolon, Andrew said, what do you think made him

    try to attack you?

    It was when the moonlight was on him, Jolon answered. There was something

    about that.

    Why do you think he was so friendly to you and went after the big cat when it

    jumped you Saturday?

    It was during the day and it was snowing. The moon didnt shine on him then.

    He saw I was in trouble and he did what a good dog would do but he did it better

    because hes so much more powerful than most dogs are.

    Thats right, Vern added. Old Man Givens used to hunt cats with his hounds. I

    heard him tell that one time he had three hounds corner a mountain lion on the far side of

    the mountain and it killed two of his dogs. The third one was so torn up he never hunted

    that dog again. Me and Tom went with Jolon Sunday and skinned out that young cat. We

    didnt have any way to weigh him, but Id say it weighed 125 or 130 pounds. The biggest

    one weve seen in these parts was about 160 pounds.

    Again, something happens to the moondogs when the moon is shining.

    Otherwise they are just like ordinary dogs, Andrew said. Then I wonder too, if its

    handler is communicating with it some way giving it orders.


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    But that one is the leader of the pack, Abe interposed. If we kill the big one,

    wouldnt that shut down the pack?

    So it would seem, the old man said. But what if theres a second one to take its

    place? The next phase of their plan could be worse than the first. We have to confront the

    threat at its roots, and its roots go back to the people who are behind this terrorism.

    Chapter 17

    Youve all met Abe Chambers, Andrew said, and you may know that we have

    evidence that his daughter was abducted about three years ago. Her name is Sarah. Dr.

    Sarah Chambers has had extensive training in genetic research. Again, he paused to give

    them a moment to assimilate the information.

    Sarah, as we speak, is being held in a makeshift laboratory somewhere near

    Hopland. Earlier this year she was able to call her father and tell him where to find a note

    that she had written. Why she didnt give him the information on the phone, we arent

    sure, but we have a copy of that note. He turned on the Power Point and projected the

    images onto the screen, showing the series of numbers and letters.

    Its written in a code not a difficult one, but one that cant be quickly

    deciphered. Once we found the key to the code, we translated the note to this.



    The men around the table were copying the note onto pads the old man had placed

    on the table. Abe and his friends already had the information, but they waited patiently

    for Andrew to continue.


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    As you can see, the dogs mentioned in Sarahs code are without a doubt the same

    ones that weve been dealing with. We know that some very evil people have bred these

    dogs and have brought them here. Then, of course, there is that last part a warning that

    there could be serious consequences both to Sarah and to whomever attempts to rescue

    her. Any questions?

    Yes, Tom said. Why not just go to every winery thats close to the river? How

    hard is that?

    You asked, Why not, the old man began, and Ill try to answer that. There is

    still any number of things that we dont know yet. For instance, who is behind this and

    why? Its as simple as that. Who and why. If those people are serious enough to kidnap a

    scientist and successfully keep her for three years, wont they have a strong security force

    of their own? My friends, we must be cautious. The bottom line is this: if those people

    find out about us, they will destroy any evidence that can be used against them, including


    I have a question, Roberto interrupted. Everyone around the table, including

    Andrew, was interested to hear what the man had to say. He had earned their respect the

    night he prevented more bloodshed by coaxing the pack of moondogs off the reservation.

    That night the pack attacked and killed a man, and might have attacked others if it were

    not for Robertos brave action. Thus far, he had said very little during the meeting. Since

    there has been a kidnapping, why isnt the FBI involved in this? Isnt that what theyre

    for? They need to be doing their job and breaking down some doors about now, it seems

    to me.


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    Every eye in the room moved from Roberto back to Andrew Darkcloud, ready to

    hear his response. The old man, still standing, was leaning forward and resting his hands

    flat on the table. He slowly returned each ones gaze and chose his words carefully. The

    door closed and locked, a guard stood just outside to prevent anyone from interrupting

    the meeting.

    Chapter 18

    The FBI has been involved from the very beginning, Andrew said. At this

    juncture I am not at liberty to tell you much about their activities, but I can tell you this:

    They know everything that we know, and they have a presence here much closer than you

    may realize.

    Vern raised his hand to speak. You all know the kids found an injured dog about

    a mile from here that had a tattoo on its ear. They went back later and found her pup, and

    it had the same kind of a tattoo. Does anybody know yet where that came from and what

    it means?

    Not only that, Tom Dason added, but the kids saw a couple of men there

    nobody from around here though. Its pretty clear that somebody wants to scare us off

    the Rez.

    Okay, Andrew said, one thing at a time. Yes, we do know what the tattoos are

    for. The first three letters are Hopland Jellyfish Gene, the numbers are their dates of birth,

    and the last letter distinguishes the dogs placement in the litter. The old man punched a

    few keys on the laptop on the table and on the screen, they saw:


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    HJG031202F // Hopland Jellyfish Gene // March 12, 2002 // Sixth of the litter

    Warren, who had been quiet for most of the meeting, started to speak up, but then

    hesitated. He had the habit of listening because that was usually more informative than

    talking. The old man caught it though, and said, What is it, Warren? You were about to

    say something.

    Warren was still slow to speak, not certain if it were his place to make such an

    observation. Yes Sir its just a thought maybe its not relevant, but I keep wondering

    why they used the letterHin the acronym. Why is it even needed since they know all

    their dogs are from Hopland.

    Yes, and what doyou think the reason for that is? Andrew urged. They waited

    for Warren to get his thoughts together, curious as to what he was thinking.

    I can only think of one reason, Warren began. These arent the only dogs that

    they plan to use. Somewhere they might be training dogs for other places. Somebody

    whoever is behind this wants to take over the reservation. This property is valuable to

    them. I dont know why. Maybe its just the casino that theyre after, and maybe its all

    the acreage they want. Whatever it is, they are willing to kill for it. If they can reduce the

    value of the property by scaring people off, they hope to buy it for a fraction of its real

    worth. He paused for a moment and then continued.

    But thats only part of it. I think we are going to start hearing about moondogs

    showing up on otherreservations, especially where there are casinos. This terror is

    unleashed on Hopland now, but it could happen at any number of places. That Hin the

    identification code is for Hopland, but next it could beRVfor Redwood Valley, orWfor

    Willits. What Im saying is that we need to consider this a possibility He took a drink


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    from his water glass and then held it as if he was studying its contents. It has to be about

    the money. Im afraid that unless its stopped here, we wont be able to stop it at all.

    The old man took a note pad from his jacket and jotted down some of what

    Warren had said. When he looked up, the unusually quiet circle of men were waiting to

    hear his response.

    Holding the pen and pad in his hands, he said, Gentlemen, what we just heard is

    the reason why we are here. We need your input, if we are going to see all the facets of

    the situation. If Warren is right, and Im thinking that he is, we have all the more reason

    to be alarmed. Killing the dogs alone will not solve our problem. It is very possible that

    more genetically altered dogs are being bred somewhere.

    Now back to the second part of your question, Tom, he said. Obviously the

    two men the kids saw in the woods are part of this whole mess. I myself have witnessed

    such a man on the south slope of my property, who appeared to be an animal handler. The

    children who found a dead dog, found a micro-transmitter under its skin. Evidently, these

    are used to track the animals. He took the small glass instrument from his shirt pocket

    and laid it on the table for them to inspect. Shine saw the same dog trainer driving a van.

    Others saw the same van on this property. We have been keeping an eye on him. There is

    a good chance that we will know where their base of operation is within two or three


    The FBI is very good at keeping secrets, Andrew continued. It is vital that we

    do the same. I know that alone we dont seem like much of a force, but know this and

    keep it confidential we are not working alone.


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    Theres something else, Jolon offered. I keep thinking about this glow-in-the-

    dark thing they do. We know how it works well sort of, anyhow but there are some

    people that believe its a bad omen a warning that a lot of people are going to die.

    Those who think that call themspirit dogs orghost dogs. They believe that you can kill a

    regular dog, but not if its a spirit. So far, the only dead moondog we know of is the one

    the kids found in the woods. The dogs that have been shot and killed were ordinary pets

    killed by mistake.

    Hes right about that, Elliot agreed. So far, fourteen families have moved from

    the Rez. Yesterday six families I know of were loading up to move. All of the ones Ive

    talked to believe that you cant stop them, because they are spirit dogs.

    The men around the table were deep in conversation when suddenly the door

    burst open and Shine rushed into the room, directly followed by Sonny and Terry. He

    stood beside his grandfather and announced, Guys, weve got another problem!

    Chapter 19

    It was about 1:30 A. M. Wednesday and the activities within the casino were

    tapering off when Hershel Miller noticed the time. He suggested to his buddy, Bogie

    Blaggard, that it was time to leave. Hershel, who worked at an auto repair shop in Ukiah,

    had to be to work at 8:00 that morning. They paid their bar tab and headed toward the exit


    Hershel, a man in his late 50s, had not missed a days work in thirteen years. Sick

    or well, rain or shine, he was always on time and put in a full days work. The years had


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    not been good to him though. Hard work and hard drinking had done a job on him. It

    was an auto accident, however, that left him with a limp.

    Bogie, on the other hand, had never worked two consecutive days in his life. His

    meal ticket was a woman who had a good job at the courthouse in Ukiah. Although he

    was some ten years younger than Hershel, he did not need a ruptured spleen or a twisted

    leg to slow him down. Some men are afraid of heights, others of lightning, but what