,,-.- ......... - ..... -.- I" ' .' ' .. , THE HAlLY .' , NEWS AVAILABLi AT 1-------------------------:-------1· Charles Hutton & Sons ST.JOHN'S, FEB. 21, 1955 Vol. 62. . No. 41 (Price 5 Cents) AFTER MOSCO SHAKE UP SATELLIlES DISTURBED Wants Simms '\ , " Government' Changes In S en.a tors Ro:mania And Hungary Ret"e : VIENNA-AP - Govern· ment shllkeups appeared to be under .way to· day in two ,East Eur:lpean Communist C1Juntries- Romania and Hungary - in the wake ·of the changes in Moscow; Nagy might really be III and that ment.Some diplomats here said At 75 Gheorghlu-Dej'6 absence might be they believed Nagy would never purely coincidental. But, at the return' to . office and that CDlllmu· same time, the diplomats have nist strong man Matyas RakOsi OTTA WA-CP - A been expecting changes, In Hun· might take over the post or name moner's intention of intra- . gary, at least. someone else. . ducing legislation providing Nagy was the &JIOkesman for a . NAGY FRONT MAN "bacJv.to-the.Iarms" moveinent in for retirement of senators at Since 1953, when the "new Hungary. 75 is reported to have some course" of more consumer goods .Romania, was mem'bers of the upper cham . In Russia's Ughlly controlled was introduced !hrougaout the mlssmg Saturday from 1;\le list ,0[' I' sJtelllte ()[ Romania, Premier Communist empire, Nagy been top officials attending a ceremony ber ta kmg about the sam.· Gheorghe Gheorghiu·Dej did not the front m.an for, that policy In marking the 22nd anni'lersity of a thing. Senators now are turn up Saturday at one of tj:1e Hungary. WIth the "new look" ap' great railway strike. It was Gheor· appointed for life ceremonies. ' parently abancloned Moscowl ghiu·Dei himself who organized ,]nHungary, Budapcst radio an· and also by Hungary, It has been this and he has always made Prank S. FollweU nation's traditional Cor,lmunist expeclcd that Nagy would be re·: a point of attcnding tile ceremon· South) introduced his bill last !es. nounced PremIer Imre Nagy Is, moved. 1 I ies each yr.ar. His ab,lenc.. was sion but it never debattd. serlously Ill. ' I Budapest radio Nagy regarded, therefore, IS peculiar, Now. gil'Pft notice (IJI til. Wcstern dipiomats in Vienna said suHering from ! serious heart !il.1 t" SAY the least. order papcr that he In. Row' In Britain Over tends to re·jntrodllce it tllil YUT. Meanwhile, a nllmber nf I!natora· are having' private dlscusslOlHl. retirement'at 7S, the age .t which judges of the Supreme Collrt 01 Canad! ID<1 most provincial Su.- ,. (Daily News Photo) SCENE at ValJey Road on Saturday, afternoon as Messrs. Banett' and Rossiter of the Benevolent and Protective Order of E1kll, handed over the deeds of a new home to Frank Simms who lost his home" in a Decembel' fire; Mr. Banett (left) and Mr. Rossiter (right) are shown with Mr, and Simms and their six children on the veranda of the gift home. . Treatment· Of Ba ·b,·e' 81 pre':e' u , , "exploratory" by Senator Tbomu VicD, 13, (L-Quebec) 'o'to to elaborate. Other senaton lay LONDON-AP-Giving a volving lID danger. But Ihere WIlre. ministry decllned to lay dowlI hard they know nothing abollt the tftlks b b . ill' . t f loud complaints that the experi· reported to have been he-Id by ., -----_._" -. - ,--------_._._-_. a y pemc In JUS or menu were made without the know. The debate over hll'p':!lessly handl· unofficial committee. SHIPS SUNK, LIVES LOST AS GALES· WHIP EURO PE science's sake has touched ledge or eonsent of the children's capped babies invol.ved W. L·. Ding. 25 TOP 75 off a hot dispute in Britain parents. ley, chairman of the mental health About 25 of the 81 senators IIO'Ir Stephen Swinglcr the Labor committce of the Hospital Manage· in the l02'seat red chamber .r. over babies' rights. A clamor party the Issue in Parlia. ment Committees The 75 or more. There are 21 nean. arose also for the resigna· ment. He was incensed that per· associaUon manages mental hos· cies. tion 'of a mental.health ad- mission of parents bad not been pitals and deficiency lnsti· Suggestions for a retirement age sought, tutions In England and Wales. for Is not new. The Idea ministrator who suggested lain Macleod, minister of health, Dingley told a royal was proposed several ago in some cases a hopelessly agreed in general that the consent investigating prevalence and treat· during a debate on Senate reform. h d · d b b t.. of parents should be sought. ment of mental deficiency, that No action resulted but suggestion •. an Icappe new orn al.:Y "Those of tllC ellthanasia _ painless killing- for Senate changes still crop up should 'be put to death. very greatest Integrity and com. &hould be considered in some ap· from time to Ume. To Men 1'110 Died At Hong Kong HONG ffil!utml-Tem f1Olr"d ,t ceremollY It S.iwln Sunitl1Y rllmml'moratll11 the :'.200 Cllmmonwealth lind AlIIetl 11'110 dltd defendl",1 HDnll ';;nnll'dllrlnll and lifter a 8Ilrtlrbe by the ,ll1plnese late In llI!1. The tarlest number of these hnnored JIO'lthumously were about 2,000 men of the Winnipeg Grenatllars and the Royal Rines fir Clnad., wl1Dse nlmes have been .ngraved on .tone panels In the Salwan Bay memorial, .n·en milell from the colony's capital of Victoria. AmoDif 300 who watched Sir Alexander Grantham, Honll Konl (lo"ernor, unveil the memorial Were Bud.l\hl,t monks, dressed in rolorful yellow and red robes. began II flow as Scottish h31!111!les sll1lrk up • lament for tI,,· allli IIthen I, hu lIit"1 In JlI\l3nl'Se prl· ""ill It)' the l1nllel'llIl Wllr (;1'1.\1'1 Cunlluissiul1, Ihr memo "' slands on a SIIU!' of land J feel .brw(' sea level. It Is In Ihe form of a shelter bulldln(f, &1 feet lonll, al the entrance oC Ihl! Saiwan BOlY war ccmetery. Sorel To Help J rebound Ships HALTFAX-:CP1-The ,o\·ern· !l'onl Sorel was order. Sunday In steam from Syd. In the Ba!' of Chaleur where til 0 frelght"rs inbound for D&I· N.B" Ire held fasl In the H · D I I l F Members of Parliament and a pctence-regret very much, as I parently hopeless cases. One Is that members of political eavy amage It la y, "ance ° .' official were brought do. that this was not done," he RESIGNATION parlies otller than the traditional 8hi 8 k A declared Liberal and Conservative groups LONDON-AP-Storms raging along Europe's coasts pS un S into the dispute that flared over' Glamorgan (Wales) hospital .should be appointed to tile h I 1 . d h t kIt h l' ' . alleged "guinea pig" treatment of REFUSED TO . management committee dcmanded &!nate. Another Is that churche!, ave sunt two sups an ave a en at eas tree lVes. GIL 1 J 20 newborn babies at Jlristol'I\{a' mlmster ihatDingley resign as chairman of labor groups and various Gusu; of "rind up to 118 miles swept acroSs the French' a es as 1 apan terllity Hospital. The infanh were to 10 physlc.lans' the mental health committee. sions should have representation. Riviera and lashed th 'eLigurian sea off Italy Saturday . adminisleredpenicillin of two dif· expenmenls, Testifying before the roral com· Still another would ho1ve provincial d S d . By GENlo' KRAMER !erent types so that physicians On chlldrell, purcly for sCIentifIc mission, Dingley said: name snme an un ay. .,. croilld t.lJc reactions. '11lOrc pul'jlQscs and not for the good of 111 Genoa, port officials estimated TOKYO, . (APl-Thn . seaplane anyUling wrong wilh the an individual patient. ,"Some parents,' for s(!me un· qUESTIONIi l1!11liF,fI per cent o! ilie harbor's capacity D gs WI·ped Out lender Salisbury. Sound necessitating the drug. Some mcmbers of Parliament in· known have physically fixing M relir!'. knocked oUl by the continuing 0 I was ordered 10 the rescue, or 171 sistcd tilat parents have no ri.,ht and mentally abnormal children. menl. lor simalornaised que.l. slorm. They damage at ° persons aboard a sinking JapancM! INVOLVED NO DANGER 10 auUIOlizr. on chi!" We 5ay to parents: 'YOll tinns liltr "lilion lire (more six Ill' CartwrIght Ahip.one of. 25 Amall \'es5els' piA, None of tlle, babies suffered III ,1Iren. whic-hare noL\JI· aspecl..p£ huvp. broug.it Illal rllitd into thP. 1. 'WOIllrl rptirement affeet million dollars). A .1,400 - foot [lr sunk in ! gale that t:be .. merelY world :\lid it .hall' be a. burden to p.nt or only tIlose likely breath was battered In P'.e maIn A' d' H -'d I Jap;in,and'Okinaiva. , ,- I was just a Uny experiment' In· But the healtll you all the dan o(-Y1lur life.''' to be appointed in tile lulure? . Installa· nope. a e The llner President Cleveland' . 2. Would pcn5ions for present Uon, for docking tankeroS were de· . . . N .. Ii S ply IN P'd equal tIlelr MI $R,OOO an· siroyed. Genoa is Italy's biggest ST. JOHN'S. Nfid.-(CPl-Re. was standing by a second Japan.. atIona sts ay . (Peiping r.dio in R broadcast ew rest ent nual indemnit.y, which would port. sources Mlni'1fer Rowe said Sat· ese ship with 148 persons aboard heard in Tokyo asserted Red anti. receive if not retired along with Just off Brllain's Essex COBSt, urday the'two biggest settlements as it drlfted helplessly In heavy M R d Sh o aircraft fire from tile Taishans Le ° B nch a $2,000 expense allowJnce, ot only the Belgian trawler Denise Ger· In Labrad[lr. Cartwright and seas. ore e I IpS shot down one Nationalist plane 2'1011 ra a percentage o[ it? main sBnk In the Thames estuary. Hopedale, have each only one The Japanese coast guard said AD' d and another:). Kitchener Srott, ex.member of (Jw;tiees of the Supreme Court dogteam following the. cPhldemihc 11 ships were sunk or abandoned re estrove the 166th. was elected presi 1I'lrst reports were that two men oC distemper, that swept t roug and at least 14 others disabled In ing craft and armed junks and one dent of the ncr Brook 3. Would be requircr! were picked up by passing vu· the area p.ral weeks ago. the mountainous waves sweeping By SPENCER MOOSA submarine on Friday and 15 armed Canadian Legum at the electIOn to servc R minimum numher of sel, but two others were mlsslng. It was not known holY many across tbe Yellow and East China TAIPEI, Formosa (AP) - Na· junks Saturday. junks also of officel's Fehruary 17, for the Dcfore retirement, thus reo TIlo 10,072·ton New fork tanker dogs were In the !eltlemenls be· seas, It reported five seamen tionalist· planes sank a Red gun· wcre claimed damaged Saturday. year 1955. The secrelary, Fed. suiting in II. possible age limit hr.· Cemus Meadows, towed In for fore the disp.Bst struck. drowned and at least 28 missing. and "a considcrabll! number" I G. Mntthcws, carries on for vond which senators could not be went down at Genoa in Dr. Rowe sl\ld frozen parts of or wooden craft Sunday in the REDS INACTIVE 1 ' T d PI' appointcd? S dI h t hi N did d . I h d bl Once again, as on Friday amlj anot ler li car .. e a mcr. "as There is likely to be some oppo. we s mo ors p or an an an dead dogs and two live dogs af. The 9,100·ton Salisbury Sound l:Iur<1 strs g t ay of air OWS S;;lurda", the Red air force was, elected and Regmald sl'll'on from wit.!!l·n Senale ranl:s to no one aboard at the time. fected with distemper wlll be was ordered to leave Okinawa to near i.nvasion. tIlreatened I AIlANDON VESSELS i hId th d f I try Inactive althoug.!l it is' Co hourne, master at arms. : a retirement plan. But of the 4,1n.ton flown to the Dominion Inhora· help the stricken Nnnsbu Maru, a I an, e e ence m DlS relmted to ha\'1! !lllndreds 01 jets I The executivc committee clecl·i Senatnr JolIn \y, De B. Farlis Slle<1is hmolorshlp Nordanlan<1 and tory In Oltawa for He small 400·tO!1 paS1lengcr shIp From dawn until niuhlfail waves and bomber, un hases 200 milr.,! ell is .1",'. HU\I'selJ, Patrick' (L _ llritish Columbia), 76, who Ihe AUulltlc Lord were said this may l'esult in Labl'ador which was h,ltlling' the stormy uf planes IIOl1l1ded Oiled blillesc III,rlh llf 'I'aishans. : ,\licllal'I, i\lurrlo"k Sweel, Hcrhert i practises law, said retiremcnt e'mlangered for u time. dogs being regular injec· seasun 115 miles southwest of shipping' a1'uund the Tais!lall is .. 1'1:111", "h-I sll'll,'k al i i':ol'lIIan. Capl. .Jallles Wiler I i,s "damn '''Ie Nur,lanlund was Imoditd or /lntl.dlstemper vaccine. Okimawa. 1111:\1,,:10 Silllthwtsllll NUll' U!" 'I'u"huns Sahll'lhy hlll:.1allll'S \\,illdslll'. Il"I'\I'UIII All" ........ ,. . .. _ ... ,_._. __ Ilit 31111 11'0'0 .. - ..... _-- .. - ... _, chL,hulI, tlw minislry s:Ii,I. I··"rti· :.,1' CII,l'e,' Ilt'ud'llI:u'lrr, sual II 1I':'s d"l'\\" and Wi1:iall1 .I:tlllts. ....11 : 101'11 III IIw hllll. 1\ slal·t.,1 III ('if!! Nuul'lli,hun 1411 n"I'1I11 It"' ,Iud. til Ith,,'n:" 1' .. ,,,11:;,, IllIe utriCtl'S AI"t" 1'1' "T 1\'IY l'l)IfEZE" and 40'l1lau CI'CIV ahallliunell K ell d I II' 1'·ul'llIlIsa. II ha, hern p,· .. r' W " I' t ,,\ Ii' ) 'IJ ,J J ." the 'L'heu fimllell lye len . ail: fllrce .aill the glluhllal" ill 'I'ai(lI·i Ihat til. ('IIIIlll,'",;,I, \liil: wl .. ,'alls" \\ IIl'hl al' -. i froni Ihe shill and . , a l,uUU·\unllel', a liil'l!ct hit,! aHack Nalll'hbhall-Iww 'he Ilurth· ' tilt' .. bl'Y· whll (1'11111 \\ul'ld' There will be fog and occasIon. kept It atloat. '. i burst Inlo flame" ami "disap. ernmost !'lalillnalist island-befon' \Val' l. . .. : al drlnla todoy, the Torbaym." 'I'he 25 members or Ihe crew o( B I M d I It reported five Hed lanll· the l\!amla pact J1mvers meet at Huberl W. the rchl'lllg· lells us thIs mornIng Ther. will the ManUcLord were removed by ruta ur er ing ships were hit, and one was Bnngkok Feb. 23. preSident, expressed his apprecia·l· I b a hyr bl wing from the breechs buoy when It was feared . probably sunk. Ii the Nationalist claim" are lion for Ihe finc co-operatlon re., a SOth e 1/ h s h 0 111 Ion that the cargo of crude oil might ' Pilots reported eight or nine true, then the air and sca blows ceivcd from the members during nor ·us, W Ie W loom a g catctl firc', The creW returned to ar,mcd motorized junks were nr the last days around the his two yeal"s In oflice. ,At 20 m.p.h. The temperatora wlll Ute Sun<1ay. UNIONTOWN, Pa.-AP-'rhe bodies cif three men, a lIre. Tai,han, may have UP3et the Com. _____ ._._._ .. ' ___ •. I remllln h!lmv·-36 de!lree •• IThe The United States lincr Pres- a viomill1 and a girl' were foudd Sunday in a house in 8M' n1llllisl. timetable. II111itary ohserver.s in Hong i II not thin" Ident McKinley was safe, but dam· nearby German township. Four ·o{ the dead had been Other plane5 attacked militarr lNVADf. SnlALL ISLANDS 'lredict th2 .xfl'·: th.1 h bllimy. ow'rrll"!1 1ft lome lied abol'e t11e water Une by be· targets on tlle Tai!.l1ans. no\\' The NationaUsts announced Sat· pation of the lour mil:ht' I!m Ing r ... against a pier. . brutally bludgeoned. All but one had been shot. built up by Ille Communisb. urduY !llat small parties pf Chin. foreshadow An attempt to S,,"rh F.dlt"r "nl all ", Several other ships wllre ('ndan· A fourth man, \lilo told police causing much destruction, the min- ese Reds landed lasl week on four Nanchish_n. The we.re elled Saturd!y. h" h!d Je1'ed for a time, Ther the t1ta! one of the other men shotl1lm, F d SJ Istry's said. ,. nndefended BbIlut 12, miles to belie"e !ll£ Nationali,sl 'o,-n thp !'yer', IIr!1 rllh'n Italian frelghttrs GIOVI, of J.ll1 Is In critical conditio." in .Unlon· 00 . )orta De Planes ran Into Intense auti.aIr' north of N3nclushiln. The Islanrls "r about 3,000 men "1111 . tons, and the 200·ton foaster Linda. town hospital. He.ls suffering rrom ' rl craft firl!. both from Ille Taishans are Peie-ilishan, Tatshullu, Taungk. have 10 be ,dthdrawn eventually inl IlteltStalllum, but :urn!d, out FIERCE' BLIZZARDS a bullet 1I'0lind In the Jibdonmen. Mk P S anc! from the Red warships, but ilie uayu and I any bee-ause of 311pply dH./ tft ! 8 " .. ,oy II !yer The Argentine .shlp RID Bermejo, State poUce Identified the dead a es oor tart ministry 8!serted aU returned sa!· (Reuters new! agency reported ficulties. 1 RR ,:'.n q .. For Soviet Govt. H'eavy Impact On Trade Fo'ilo ws 'lbe vlol.ent winds were IIccom. : e ose renc , "'" an Neither veuel was reported In panled by freezing temperatures' F stoeuveNFDralNnkCDOeAmLkoB'IN26. froNmEWMoscoYwORsaKy' I' . Immediate dnger, The 7,100- A blizzard swept across Scolland Inn Greek Nicholas and and snow covered aU of. Britain. the bodies f{lund In Mil· are being plagued by shortages 01 .. . Ihl' 5.6oo·lon British· merchant· Sc:ot!i'olt communities in the farl ler s·home. The men bodies were 'imporlant foods.' i I .,e c II- neD f Can a d I- anD 0 II a ,r" mna easlon have been trapped I north' were Isolated illld RAF anlll fcund In bedrooms before dawn. .' '.. I FrIday \"Ithln sight o[ the I navy planes again dropped food The bodies o[ :'Ilrs. Miller and her This looks like an inauspIcIous I Quebec shore of the bay . : and animal: fodder on wcre found hOllrs hcginning for the of I . IU . Ipter In a coal bin. P emi 'Nlk I' B I' d I The er III the Caslon ,commun cs. . . r er j. 0 al u ganm an " he was within 37 miles of ·Dal· Gales slruck Ihe Rh'iera regip.n· 1 Police first learnec\ of il)e slay Communist party Nikita Khrll' , By THE C\NADIAN PRESS ol'erseas markels to competing U,I official $35 an .ounce hOU51c. 1'1,{ vcssel was Small flsbihg boals Were after Anthony Rlvak, 34,. of shchev . .Troubles. fnrm and I 'rbe price gold in Canadian S. simply hecause of a' U.S. It meant drop III ahout 100 out.' ,BollI aie turned and American and l\Iasontown, 1D10 food policies had hcen one of funds jumped by 30 ccnts an ounce difference in the exchange vaiue ofl rel·enue. The drop now bei.n!!I' ,..-----------_. en route In '. load pulpwood. warships Ig£t moorings ncar a tavern Saturday Dloht and col· olflciall.y-admitled ,reasons i las\ wcek. Wheat increased by the dollar, I A week ago till!, mmt Word that I'le Sorel had been I 10 go ' , to h 1 hpscl!. . the reSIgnation of formcr premIer I most two cents a bushel. And tllC '1'he drop In Ille exchange valur: paul tbem S33.96 an (){1Dce m Ca.! INS IDE ordered 10 ncghi the 4OO·mile I 0 h d He told police thaI Miller hall Georgi earlier this ',government made a neat $19.ooo,·! may also increase competitil'ei nadian funds. Last Friday Jlroduc.; dash to the' bay was given here a IS ,eac e ' shol him as he (Rlvak) got of! a monlh. " 000 paper profit on its official reo i position of Canadian r.xporten in I ers got. a. boo;t 10 $34.26. , !. es i' J' bu' Rivak 'told offlcers he and 'serves of United Stalc.s dollars and ,the huge U.S. market. The prICe of wheat under the' hy .1. C. Thr.akston of tbe trans.· . In Ita a man ,near P Milier had been good fricnds. ,In'Washington U.S. government golt!. . could- reduce their price:;! International Wheat Agreement PAGE \lorl dcpartmt!nt. Hc said Ihe in a hOUse llhlch. collapsed. leaders studied ,3 for. a 'lilese arc just 'some o[ the im. wilhont affecling their relurns in' also has been expres5ed in U.S, sslllnll Instruction La an old' ,,,oman was Police then wen I to. MlI1er's ,Wheat gift 10 Ihe U:S.S.R. Intendeu 'Ilacts on the economy, brought hy Canadian fu",!s. : and the 2-The Legion I:orner. asked that th" skipper make "all jdo',: 1{!II a Ublasl In·a bed on the floor possibly 10 create a dilemma for decline in the exchange valile . But for the lluporlel' ,,,nd to some. slilrt I,las tile prJCe_ . 3-Tragl cdeath Df carbon: pOS1lible spcefi.' n ur.e: k • en ?n, on found the bodies of ?lhller and . . of I:IIC Canadian dollar. The pre. exlent the consumer, It may be a I terms sllgMly. to ' I a 1\ or man 1\ as Demko. Miller bad ,been in the Kremhn mium on the dollar which at one different storY, The drop in the. a bushel fol' No. 1 Northern. ' The first 'appealed 'tde . sea. by a wave and chest and' h!.s wrists had been C bl [. M 't . time in 1952 was four cenls, exchange value means thc im. Up went the \'alue of the govern.! ror aid .FQ,day night when her r()lI'ne , slaMed. Demko had been shot In a es rom oscow say I IS dropped Friday to 1 13.16 cents, porter must pay a' little more for' ment'oS official reserves, too. The steerinl ie:-.r· broke down. She thtl chest and his head was difficult· to find any beef or ,mut· dOWn about one cent during· the hl1 lI00ds. And if he cannot afford government holds about $1,900,000,· IDt up ateam shortly after bul . Poll· ne' Rlotte'r. WIshed. tOll in food stores., ,veek and Ihe lowest In almost a to· absorb the increase lIe may ill 000 in dollars and Enlcl. usell I'lilitaln· he could mak'e' . in a bed' 011 tlle second \ floor :' year: " some ellses it to the 10 CU,h1lJ,1 any. telldency to VIOlent lit II" hUllwl.y lID Ihe Ilutily rig· Two 'men were arrelilfd aro11illl tlOllee, fmlnd budy. lIIs PORK AI.SO SCARC.: For exporlers. It .'good .In form of slightly In lIUCtU3' I • I k I I It' , N I II news In Ille shff world (Iillt for lugher prIces. trolls III Ihe l nad'!!n dollar. emerllclll'y Icar. ' " 1.1, U C oc ,':MI n III on. la been .. In some Soviet slorc! IhcI'e was mal'k'ch they have been MOKE' }'Olt )I1NE!I. On paper Ihe I'nlue in ear man. 6-Hlstorlc Signal HIII- 'Editorial, 7-Housewlvas Paga. 8-Women's Page. 9-C. of E. and R. C. en PaslDral Leiters. 3-Comlc s. I he ,!Ir 'orcl' had. planned, to Gower SII c.t .. near, the PI emiscR . In another, room Ihe·· officers not el'cn, any ]lork on sale this ing thut (he high dollar premium 'rhe Can,llllan t1l1l1ar has been funlis o( those reservt!s !nCreased the hR," , lor open 'water of the Rllz 1avern •• Pollee reo (ounci a heavy machlmsls' wrench weekend. Pork, the highest pl'iccll wnrked tbem; riding ahrwc par ever Feb' l hl' aheul, $19,000,000. 1\ IS only a !... __ ... _". -.;,.-;." ... ,._,J I.u; \lIfol' fuser! .to comment .on the amst 1 which "Ihey' Raid apparrnUY had . . AFFECTED· rliary, 1052 ... S!ncc Can. da's p;:pcr profit bCC3!lSe I'rr\'rnled the, fllllil: of' file .. nalur, of tile. charge to bepl1: used to bludgeon 'Demko. and meal In Russia, 15 usually the last they had 1(1 belt;; producers nn Ihe m;nt I! as no inlentloll of arriett,out.. ..,.. N,llid·a,alnsdhl·two:",en.FMch: , lo disappear from .torea. anti work 011 ru: 10,", Dlarket get paid. llII the 01 ai, ol·lts at'any one Ume. , ,. I /'. '.i ,. t' ',.

SHIPS SUNK, LIVES LOST AS GALES· WHIP EURO PEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · In the Salwan Bay memorial, .n·en milell from the colony's

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Page 1: SHIPS SUNK, LIVES LOST AS GALES· WHIP EURO PEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · In the Salwan Bay memorial, .n·en milell from the colony's

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1-------------------------:-------1· Charles Hutton & Sons ST.JOHN'S, NE~F~UNDLAND, ~ONDAY, FEB. 21, 1955 Vol. 62. . No. 41 (Price 5 Cents)


Simms '\

, "

Government' Changes In S en.a tors Ro:mania And Hungary Ret"e

: VIENNA-AP - Govern· ment shllkeups appeared to be under .way to· day in two ,East Eur:lpean Communist C1Juntries- Romania and Hungary - in the wake ·of the changes in Moscow;

Nagy might really be III and that ment.Some diplomats here said At 75 Gheorghlu-Dej'6 absence might be they believed Nagy would never purely coincidental. But, a t the return' to . office and that CDlllmu· same time, the diplomats have nist strong man Matyas RakOsi OTTA WA-CP - A com~ been expecting changes, In Hun· might take over the post or name moner's intention of intra- . gary, at least. someone else. . ducing legislation providing

Nagy was the &JIOkesman for a . NAGY FRONT MAN "bacJv.to-the.Iarms" moveinent in for retirement of senators at

Since 1953, when the "new Hungary. 75 is reported to have some course" of more consumer goods ~n .Romania, Gheorghiu.De~ was mem'bers of the upper cham •

. In Russia's Ughlly • controlled was introduced !hrougaout the mlssmg Saturday from 1;\le list ,0[' I' sJtelllte ()[ Romania, Premier Communist empire, Nagy ha~ been top officials attending a ceremony ber ta kmg about the sam.· Gheorghe Gheorghiu·Dej did not the front m.an for, that policy In marking the 22nd anni'lersity of a thing. Senators now are turn up Saturday at one of tj:1e Hungary. WIth the "new look" ap' great railway strike. It was Gheor· appointed for life ceremonies. ' parently abancloned ~y Moscowl ghiu·Dei himself who organized • ,]nHungary, Budapcst radio an· and also by Hungary, It has been this ~trike and he has always made Prank S. FollweU (L-Ha~tinp

nation's traditional Cor,lmunist expeclcd that Nagy would be re·: a point of attcnding tile ceremon· South) introduced his bill last !es. nounced PremIer Imre Nagy Is, moved. 1 I ies each yr.ar. His ab,lenc.. was sion but it never Wa.~ debattd. serlously Ill. ' I Budapest radio ~.id Nagy wa~! regarded, therefore, IS peculiar, Now. h~ ha~ gil'Pft notice (IJI til.

Wcstern dipiomats in Vienna said suHering from ! serious heart !il.1 t" SAY the least. Common.~ order papcr that he In.

Row' In Britain Over tends to re·jntrodllce it tllil YUT.

Meanwhile, a nllmber nf I!natora· are having' private dlscusslOlHl. ~hollt retirement'at 7S, the age .t which judges of the Supreme Collrt 01 Canad! ID<1 most provincial Su.-

,. (Daily News Photo) SCENE at ValJey Road on Saturday, afternoon as Messrs. Banett' and Rossiter of the Benevolent and Protective Order of E1kll, handed over the deeds of a new home to Frank Simms who lost his home" in a Decembel' fire; Mr. Banett (left) and Mr. Rossiter (right) are shown with Mr, and M~s. Simms and their

six children on the veranda of the gift home. .

Treatment· Of Ba·b,·e' 81 pre':e' ~=~~~~~ d~crlbtd u , , "exploratory" by Senator Tbomu

VicD, 13, (L-Quebec) 'o'to d~Uned to elaborate. Other senaton lay

LONDON-AP-Giving a volving lID danger. But Ihere WIlre. ministry decllned to lay dowlI hard they know nothing abollt the tftlks b b . ill' . t f loud complaints that the experi· role~. reported to have been he-Id by ., -----_._" -. - ,--------_._._-_. a y pemc In JUS or menu were made without the know. The debate over hll'p':!lessly handl· unofficial committee.


science's sake has touched ledge or eonsent of the children's capped babies invol.ved W. L·. Ding. 25 TOP 75 off a hot dispute in Britain parents. ley, chairman of the mental health About 25 of the 81 senators IIO'Ir

Stephen Swinglcr ~f the Labor committce of the Hospital Manage· in the l02'seat red chamber .r. over babies' rights. A clamor party rais~d the Issue in Parlia. ment Committees A~soclaUon. The 75 or more. There are 21 nean. arose also for the resigna· ment. He was incensed that per· associaUon manages mental hos· cies. tion 'of a mental.health ad- mission of parents bad not been pitals and ffi'~ntal deficiency lnsti· Suggestions for a retirement age

sought, tutions In England and Wales. for se'!1ator~ Is not new. The Idea ministrator who suggested lain Macleod, minister of health, Dingley told a royal commis~lon was proposed several year~ ago in some cases a hopelessly agreed in general that the consent investigating prevalence and treat· during a debate on Senate reform. h d· d b b t.. of parents should be sought. ment of mental deficiency, that No action resulted but suggestion •.

an Icappe new orn al.:Y "Those responsibl~':"'people of tllC ellthanasia _ painless killing- for Senate changes still crop up should 'be put to death. very greatest Integrity and com. &hould be considered in some ap· from time to Ume.

~Iemorial To Men 1'110 Died At Hong Kong

HONG KO~G ffil!utml-Tem f1Olr"d ,t • ceremollY It S.iwln '~r Sunitl1Y rllmml'moratll11 the :'.200 Cllmmonwealth lind AlIIetl r~r!OnA 11'110 dltd defendl",1 HDnll ';;nnll'dllrlnll and lifter a 8Ilrtlrbe II~ck by the ,ll1plnese late In llI!1.

The tarlest number of these hnnored JIO'lthumously were about 2,000 men of the Winnipeg Grenatllars and the Royal Rines fir Clnad., wl1Dse nlmes have been .ngraved on .tone panels In the Salwan Bay memorial, .n·en milell from the colony's capital of Victoria.

AmoDif 300 who watched Sir Alexander Grantham, Honll Konl (lo"ernor, unveil the memorial Were Bud.l\hl,t monks, dressed in rolorful yellow and red robes. 'r~31'~ began II flow as Scottish h31!111!les sll1lrk up • lament for tI,,· dc~d clef~'lIl~I'S, allli IIthen I, hu lal~I' lIit"1 In JlI\l3nl'Se prl· ,~.u '·~IIlIJS.

""ill It)' the l1nllel'llIl Wllr (;1'1.\1'1 Cunlluissiul1, Ihr memo "' i~l slands on a SIIU!' of land J .!~)() feel .brw(' sea level. It Is In Ihe form of a shelter bulldln(f, &1 feet lonll, al the entrance oC Ihl! Saiwan BOlY war ccmetery.

Sorel To Help J rebound Ships

HALTFAX-:CP1-The ,o\·ern· !l'onl i",hr~ak~1 Sorel was order. ,~ Sunday In steam from Syd. n~y In the Ba!' of Chaleur where til 0 frelght"rs inbound for D&I· b~usie, N.B" Ire held fasl In the ir~.

H· D I I l F Members of Parliament and a pctence-regret very much, as I parently hopeless cases. One Is that members of political eavy amage It la y, "ance ° .' .ol'~rnment official were brought do. that this was not done," he DE~IANDS RESIGNATION parlies otller than the traditional 8hi 8 k A ~ declared Liberal and Conservative groups

LONDON-AP-Storms raging along Europe's coasts pS un S into the dispute that flared over' Th~ Glamorgan (Wales) hospital als~ .should be appointed to tile h I 1 . d h t kIt h l' ' . alleged "guinea pig" treatment of REFUSED TO BA~ . management committee dcmanded &!nate. Another Is that churche!,

ave sunt two sups an ave a en at eas tree lVes. GIL 1 J 20 newborn babies at Jlristol'I\{a' ~ut UI~ healt~ mlmster r~f~se<11 ihatDingley resign as chairman of labor groups and various profe~. Gusu; of "rind up to 118 miles swept acroSs the French' a es as 1 apan terllity Hospital. The infanh were to l~SU~ 1Dstruct~ons 10 physlc.lans' the mental health committee. sions should have representation. Riviera and lashed th 'eLigurian sea off Italy Saturday . adminisleredpenicillin of two dif· forbld~mg expenmenls, es~ecl~l!y Testifying before the roral com· Still another would ho1ve provincial

d S d . By GENlo' KRAMER !erent types so that physicians On chlldrell, purcly for sCIentifIc mission, Dingley said: 1I0\·ernment.~ name snme ~pnRtnrs. an un ay. .,. croilld co:mpar~ t.lJc reactions. '11lOrc pul'jlQscs and not for the good of

111 Genoa, port officials estimated TOKYO, . (APl-Thn . seaplane w~sn't anyUling wrong wilh the an individual patient. ,"Some parents,' for s(!me un· qUESTIONIi l1!11liF,fI ::.~ per cent o! ilie harbor's capacity D gs WI·ped Out lender Salisbury. Sound Sunda~ ba~ic~ necessitating the drug. Some mcmbers of Parliament in· known r~asons, have physically Informant~ ~ay fixing M relir!'. knocked oUl by the continuing 0 I was ordered 10 the rescue, or 171 sistcd tilat parents have no ri.,ht and mentally abnormal children. menl. a~e lor simalornaised que.l. slorm. They estimat~d damage at ° persons aboard a sinking JapancM! INVOLVED NO DANGER 10 auUIOlizr. experim~nts on chi!" We 5ay to thes~ parents: 'YOll tinns liltr !lle~~: fo~r "lilion lire (more Ul~n six Ill' CartwrIght Ahip.one of. 25 Amall \'es5els' piA, None of tlle, babies suffered III ,1Iren. whic-hare noL\JI· aspecl..p£ huvp. broug.it Illal rllitd into thP. 1. 'WOIllrl rptirement affeet prl'~ million dollars). A .1,400 - foot abl~d [lr sunk in ! gale that las11,~d. effe~,I.s., t:be F.ysici~lDs'protes\ed ,1I"m~li.C~ trea!Jn~J1I,. ~t .. merelY world :\lid it .hall' be a. burden to p.nt ~enalors or only tIlose likely breath was battered In P'.e maIn A' d' H -'d I Jap;in,and'Okinaiva. , ,- I was just a Uny experiment' In· ~clenUflC rurlo~lty. But the healtll you all the dan o(-Y1lur life.''' to be appointed in tile lulure? h~rbor ~reakwR!er, all~ . Installa· nope. a e The llner President Cleveland' . 2. Would pcn5ions for present Uon, for docking tankeroS were de· . . . N .. Ii S ply IN P'd sellator<~ equal tIlelr MI $R,OOO an· siroyed. Genoa is Italy's biggest ST. JOHN'S. Nfid.-(CPl-Re. was standing by a second Japan.. atIona sts ay . (Peiping r.dio in R broadcast ew rest ent nual indemnit.y, which the~' would port. sources Mlni'1fer Rowe said Sat· ese ship with 148 persons aboard heard in Tokyo asserted Red anti. receive if not retired along with

Just off Brllain's Essex COBSt, urday the'two biggest settlements as it drlfted helplessly In heavy M R d Sho aircraft fire from tile Taishans Le ° B nch a $2,000 expense allowJnce, ot only the Belgian trawler Denise Ger· In Labrad[lr. Cartwright and seas. ore e I IpS shot down one Nationalist plane 2'1011 r a a percentage o[ it? main sBnk In the Thames estuary. Hopedale, have each only one The Japanese coast guard said AD' d and dama~ed another:). Kitchener Srott, ex.member of (Jw;tiees of the Supreme Court ~~ C!~~~nl~{~~~atfo~e~~r:~i:. dogteam following the. cPhldemihc 11 ships were sunk or abandoned re estrove 5e~:tfa~~~~:~k~lc~~:~~~:rlaa:JI the 166th. R~A. was elected presi ~~~ r~~~~i~~iat~I'O~~j:~!"~n~~~~:~ 1I'lrst reports were that two men oC distemper, that swept t roug and at least 14 others disabled In • ing craft and armed junks and one dent of the l,;0~ ncr Brook Bran~h, 3. Would scnator~ be requircr! were picked up by • passing vu· the area se~ p.ral weeks ago. the mountainous waves sweeping By SPENCER MOOSA submarine on Friday and 15 armed Canadian Legum at the electIOn to servc R minimum numher of sel, but two others were mlsslng. It was not known holY many across tbe Yellow and East China TAIPEI, Formosa (AP) - Na· junks Saturday. Fiv~ junks also of officel's Fehruary 17, for the ~'ears Dcfore retirement, thus reo TIlo 10,072·ton New fork tanker dogs were In the !eltlemenls be· seas, It reported five seamen tionalist· planes sank a Red gun· wcre claimed damaged Saturday. year 1955. The secrelary, Fed. suiting in II. possible age limit hr.· Cemus Meadows, towed In for fore the disp.Bst struck. drowned and at least 28 missing. b~at and "a considcrabll! number" I G. Mntthcws, carries on for vond which senators could not be ~crapplng. went down at Genoa in Dr. Rowe sl\ld frozen parts of or wooden craft Sunday in the REDS INACTIVE 1 ' T d PI' appointcd? S dI h t hi N did d . I h d bl Once again, as on Friday amlj anot ler li car.. e a mcr. "as There is likely to be some oppo. we s mo ors p or an an an dead dogs and two live dogs af. The 9,100·ton Salisbury Sound l:Iur<1 strs g t ay of air OWS S;;lurda", the Red air force was, elected treas~lcr, and Regmald sl'll'on from wit.!!l·n Senale ranl:s to no one aboard at the time. fected with distemper wlll be was ordered to leave Okinawa to near i.nvasion. tIlreatened N~nch.' I AIlANDON VESSELS i hId th d f I try slr~ngcly Inactive althoug.!l it is' Co hourne, master at arms. : a retirement plan.

But 1I1~ cr<l"~s of the 4,1n.ton flown to the Dominion Inhora· help the stricken Nnnsbu Maru, a I ~;nf~e~. an, e e ence m DlS relmted to ha\'1! !lllndreds 01 jets I The executivc committee clecl·i Senatnr JolIn \y, De B. Farlis Slle<1is hmolorshlp Nordanlan<1 and tory In Oltawa for analysl~. He small 400·tO!1 paS1lengcr shIp From dawn until niuhlfail waves and bomber, un hases 200 milr.,! ell is .1",'. HU\I'selJ, Patrick' (L _ llritish Columbia), 76, who Ihe Llb~rian AUulltlc Lord were said this may l'esult in Labl'ador which was h,ltlling' the stormy uf planes IIOl1l1ded Oiled blillesc III,rlh llf th~ 'I'aishans. : ,\licllal'I, i\lurrlo"k Sweel, Hcrhert i ~Iil! practises law, said retiremcnt e'mlangered for u time. dogs being ~Iven regular injec· seasun 115 miles southwest of shipping' a1'uund the Tais!lall is .. N"lill~,ulist 1'1:111", "h-I sll'll,'k al i i':ol'lIIan. Capl. .Jallles Wiler I i,s "damn f""li'llJll'~s."

'''Ie Nur,lanlund was Imoditd \I1111~ or /lntl.dlstemper vaccine. Okimawa. 1111:\1,,:10 lIlil~s Silllthwtsllll NUll' U!" 'I'u"huns Sahll'lhy 1II~1.'1 hlll:.1allll'S \\,illdslll'. Il"I'\I'UIII All" ........ ,. . .. _ ... ,_._. __ /I~uinst Ilit pi~I' 31111 11'0'0 hole~ ...,.-~--------.. ~--" - ..... _-- .. - ... _, chL,hulI, tlw minislry s:Ii,I. I··"rti· :.,1' CII,l'e,' Ilt'ud'llI:u'lrr, sual II 1I':'s ~ d"l'\\" and Wi1:iall1 .I:tlllts. ....11 : 101'11 III IIw hllll. 1\ slal·t.,1 III ~Iuk • ('if!! Nuul'lli,hun i.~ 1411 lIIil~" n"I'1I11 It"' ,Iud. til Ith,,'n:" 1' .. ,,,11:;,, IllIe ~~r"lllil'~ ~rul utriCtl'S AI"t" 1'1' "T 1\'IY l'l)IfEZE" and tI,~ 40'l1lau CI'CIV ahallliunell F· K ell d I II' 1'·ul'llIlIsa. II ha, hern p,· .. dll'lt·'II)l"'SI,t~IIt1\'! r' W " I' t ,,\ Ii' ) 'IJ ,J J ." the V~Iio'tl. 'L'heu fimllell ~Iarted lye len . 'J'h~ ail: fllrce .aill the glluhllal" ill 'I'ai(lI·i Ihat til. ('IIIIlll,'",;,I, \liil: wl .. ,'alls" \\ IIl'hl al' -. ~x."rl' i pumpin~ wul~r froni Ihe shill and . , a l,uUU·\unllel', ~ut a liil'l!ct hit,! aHack Nalll'hbhall-Iww 'he Ilurth· ' tilt' ~~'·I· .. bl'Y· whll I.~ (1'11111 \\ul'ld' There will be fog and occasIon. kept It atloat. '. i burst Inlo flame" ami "disap. ernmost !'lalillnalist island-befon' \Val' l. . .. : al drlnla todoy, the Torbaym."

'I'he 25 members or Ihe crew o( B I M d I Jle~red." It reported five Hed lanll· the l\!amla pact J1mvers meet at Huberl W. ~hlls. the rchl'lllg· lells us thIs mornIng Ther. will the ManUcLord were removed by ruta ur er ing ships were hit, and one was Bnngkok Feb. 23. preSident, expressed his apprecia·l· I b a hyr bl wing from the breechs buoy when It was feared . probably sunk. Ii the Nationalist claim" are lion for Ihe finc co-operatlon re., a SOth e 1/ h s h 0111 Ion that the cargo of crude oil might ' Pilots reported eight or nine true, then the air and sca blows ceivcd from the members during nor ·us, W Ie W loom a g catctl firc', The creW returned to ar,mcd motorized junks were ~el nr the last thr~ days around the his two yeal"s In oflice. ,At 20 m.p.h. The temperatora wlll Ute ~ip Sun<1ay. UNIONTOWN, Pa.-AP-'rhe bodies cif three men, a lIre. Tai,han, may have UP3et the Com. _____ ._._._ .. ' ___ •. I remllln h!lmv·-36 de!lree •• IThe

The United States lincr Pres- a viomill1 and a girl' were foudd Sunday in a house in 8M' OTH~;R TARG~;TS n1llllisl. timetable. II111itary ohserver.s in Hong KlJn~ i lem"n~I"r" II not Ih~ ~nly thin" Ident McKinley was safe, but dam· nearby German township. Four ·o{ the dead had been Other plane5 attacked militarr lNVADf. SnlALL ISLANDS 'lredict ~Iat th2 Communi~t .xfl'·: th.1 h bllimy. ow'rrll"!1 1ft lome lied abol'e t11e water Une by be· targets on tlle Tai!.l1ans. no\\' b~· The NationaUsts announced Sat· pation of the lour i~lands mil:ht' re~deY\ ~I I!m r~I!C~!tI. Ing r ... ~med against a pier. . brutally bludgeoned. All but one had been shot. in~ built up by Ille Communisb. urduY !llat small parties pf Chin. foreshadow An attempt to Invad~ Th~ S,,"rh F.dlt"r "nl all ",

Several other ships wllre ('ndan· A fourth man, \lilo told police causing much destruction, the min- ese Reds landed lasl week on four Nanchish_n. The obseTl'er~ we.re elled Saturd!y. CI~hl1~d h" h!d Je1'ed for a time, Ther 1~c1ude~ the t1ta! one of the other men shotl1lm, F d SJ Istry's eommu~ique; said. ,. nndefended i~lands BbIlut 12, miles rfPIJ~ed to belie"e !ll£ Nationali,sl 'o,-n thp !'yer', IIr!1 rllh'n "p~r Italian frelghttrs GIOVI, of J.ll1 Is In critical conditio." in .Unlon· 00 . )orta De Planes ran Into Intense auti.aIr' north of N3nclushiln. The Islanrls g~rnsoo "r about 3,000 men "1111 . tons, and the 200·ton foaster Linda. town hospital. He.ls suffering rrom ' rl craft firl!. both from Ille Taishans are Peie-ilishan, Tatshullu, Taungk. have 10 be ,dthdrawn eventually inl IlteltStalllum, but ~I :urn!d, out FIERCE' BLIZZARDS a bullet 1I'0lind In the Jibdonmen. M k P S anc! from the Red warships, but ilie uayu and Peiluri6~.'lan. I any ca~l! bee-ause of 311pply dH./ tft ! 8 l'!d!!'W~' " .. ,oy II !yer

The Argentine .shlp RID Bermejo, State poUce Identified the dead a es oor tart ministry 8!serted aU returned sa!· (Reuters new! agency reported ficulties. 1 wlt~._~_ RR ,:'.nq .. ~~@f'~_~_

~:f=:;~~~:~~:lYJ~~r~,~ H1al~:Al::brtrt41~;th~pb~e~a~ht~~:1~ For Soviet Govt. H'eavy Impact On Trade Fo'ilo ws 'lbe vlol.ent winds were IIccom. : e ose renc , "'" an Neither veuel was reported In panled by freezing temperatures' F stoeuveNFDralNnkCDOeAmLkoB'IN26. froNmEWMoscoYwORsaKy' ho(uAsePw).lveRsetPhOerr~ I' .

Immediate dnger, The 7,100- A blizzard swept across Scolland ~ Inn Greek fre'~hter Nicholas and and snow covered aU of. Britain. ~11 the bodies wer~ f{lund In Mil· are being plagued by shortages 01 .. .

Ihl' 5.6oo·lon British· merchant· Sc:ot!i'olt communities in the farller

s·home. The men ~ bodies were 'imporlant foods.' i I .,e c II-neD f Can a d I- anD 0 II a ,r" mna easlon have been trapped I north' were Isolated illld RAF anlll fcund In bedrooms before dawn. . ' '.. I • ~m"e FrIday \"Ithln sight o[ the I navy planes again dropped food The bodies o[ :'Ilrs. Miller and her This looks like an inauspIcIous I Quebec shore of the bay . : and animal: fodder on ~nowbouDlI d~ughtcr wcre found ~everal hOllrs hcginning for the '~overnment of I

. IU . Ipter In a coal bin. P emi 'Nlk I' B I' d I The ~klp. er III the Caslon ~ald ,commun cs. . . r er j. 0 al u ganm an


he was within 37 miles of ·Dal· Gales slruck Ihe Rh'iera regip.n· 1 Police first learnec\ of il)e slay Communist party bos~ Nikita Khrll' , By THE C\NADIAN PRESS ol'erseas markels to competing U,I t~e official ~ice, $35 an .ounce ~1\1 hOU51c. 1'1,{ (~rcek vcssel was Small flsbihg boals Were ov~r·i.ings after Anthony Rlvak, 34,. of shchev . .Troubles. IVlt~. fnrm and I 'rbe price ~f gold in Canadian S. c~porters simply hecause of a' U.S. ~ds. It meant ~ drop III

ahout 100 !11Il"~ out.' ,BollI aie turned and American and Frenc~1 ne&rb~' l\Iasontown, s!~ggered 1D10 food policies had hcen one of t~e, funds jumped by 30 ccnts an ounce difference in the exchange vaiue ofl rel·enue. The drop now i~ bei.n!!I' ,..-----------_. en route In '. load pulpwood. warships Ig£t moorings ncar ~ho~" a tavern Saturday Dloht and col· olflciall.y-admitled ,reasons ~or i las\ wcek. Wheat increased by ~l. the dollar, I nr~ro\\'ed. A week ago till!, mmt

Word that I'le Sorel had been I 10 go ' , to ~h~1' h o.P~~ sel\t~crt 1 hpscl!. . the reSIgnation of formcr premIer I most two cents a bushel. And tllC '1'he drop In Ille exchange valur: paul tbem S33.96 an (){1Dce m Ca.! INS IDE ordered 10 ncghi the 4OO·mile I ~ave~gtqtc ~ ~l~d ~r 0 h d el~8' • He told police thaI Miller hall Georgi ~Ialenkov. earlier this ',government made a neat $19.ooo,·! may also increase ~he competitil'ei nadian funds. Last Friday Jlroduc.; dash to the' bay was given here 'm~f a IS h~r ,eac e ' shol him as he (Rlvak) got of! a monlh. " 000 paper profit on its official reo i position of Canadian r.xporten in I ers got. a. boo;t 10 $34.26. ,

• !. es i' J' bu' Rivak 'told offlcers he and 'serves of United Stalc.s dollars and ,the huge U.S. market. Exporter~, The prICe of wheat under the' hy .1. C. Thr.akston of tbe trans.· . In Ita ~', a man ,near P ~a ~l'a~ Milier had been good fricnds. ,In'Washington U.S. government golt!. . could- reduce their ~e1ling price:;! International Wheat Agreement PAGE \lorl dcpartmt!nt. Hc said Ihe k~led in a hOUse llhlch. collapsed. leaders studied ,3 proj~ct for. a 'lilese arc just 'some o[ the im. wilhont affecling their relurns in' also has been expres5ed in U.S, iccbre~ker'~ sslllnll Instruction A~ La S~ezl~ an old' ,,,oman was Police then wen I to. MlI1er's ,Wheat gift 10 Ihe U:S.S.R. Intendeu 'Ilacts on the economy, brought hy Canadian fu",!s. : cU~'l'ency I~rms and the exc.han~c 2-The Legion I:orner. asked that th" skipper make "all ~nto~~?~ jdo',: 1{!II a Ublasl ~~II h~me. In·a bed on the fl~st floor possibly 10 create a dilemma for th~ decline in the exchange valile . But for the lluporlel' ,,,nd to some. slilrt I,las LDcress~d tile prJCe_ I~ . 3-Tragl cdeath Df carbon: pOS1lible spcefi.' ~I ~I ~. n ur.e: k • en ?n, on ~ ~!1ey found the bodies of ?lhller and . . of I:IIC Canadian dollar. The pre. exlent the consumer, It may be a I C~nadl~n terms sllgMly. to Sl.14~'1

' I el~, a 1\ or man 1\ as ~wep Demko. Miller bad ,been ~hol in the Kremhn leader~.. mium on the dollar which at one different storY, The drop in the. a bushel fol' No. 1 Northern. ' The ~lcholAOS first 'appealed ~nto 'tde . sea. by a wave and chest and' h!.s wrists had been C bl [. M 't . time in 1952 was ab~ut four cenls, exchange value means thc im. ~ Up went the \'alue of the govern.!

ror aid .FQ,day night when her r()lI'ne , slaMed. Demko had been shot In a es rom • oscow say I IS dropped Friday to 1 13.16 cents, porter must pay a' little more for' ment'oS official reserves, too. The steerinl ie:-.r· broke down. She thtl chest and his head was difficult· to find any beef or ,mut· dOWn about one cent during· the hl1 lI00ds. And if he cannot afford government holds about $1,900,000,· IDt up ateam shortly after bul . Poll· ne' Rlotte'r. WIshed. tOll in food stores., ,veek and Ihe lowest In almost a to· absorb the increase lIe may ill 000 in ~J.S. dollars and Enlcl. usell tI,~ I'lilitaln· ~'Id he could mak'e' . in a bed' 011 tlle second \ floor :' year: " some ellses 113~.l it ~Iong to the 10 CU,h1lJ,1 any. telldency to VIOlent lit II" hUllwl.y lID Ihe Ilutily rig· Two 'men were arrelilfd aro11illl tlOllee, fmlnd Frencb'~ budy. lIIs PORK AI.SO SCARC.: For exporlers. It me!!~r .'good e~US\ln!er .In Lh~ form of slightly chung~~ In the,J1~y:l()day lIUCtU3'

I • I k I I It' , N I II news In Ille shff world (Iillt for lugher prIces. trolls III Ihe l nad'!!n dollar. le~, emerllclll'y Icar. ' " 1.1, U C oc ,':MI n III on. e~ I~~ad la been CI'Ib~led" .. In some Soviet slorc! IhcI'e was mal'k'ch they have been cOll1l~ain. MOKE' }'Olt ~:OI.n )I1NE!I. On paper Ihe I'nlue in ~3lludiall

ear man. 6-Hlstorlc Signal HIII-

'Editorial, 7-Housewlvas Paga. 8-Women's Page. 9-C. of E. and R. C. Lent~

en PaslDral Leiters. 3-Comlc s.

I he ,!Ir 'orcl' had. planned, to Gower SII c.t .. near, the PI emiscR . In another, room Ihe·· officers not el'cn, any ]lork on sale this ing thut (he high dollar premium 'rhe Can,llllan t1l1l1ar has been funlis o( those reservt!s !nCreased ~C'c'lIt the hR," , lor open 'water of the Rllz 1 avern •• Pollee reo (ounci a heavy machlmsls' wrench weekend. Pork, the highest pl'iccll ha,~ wnrked a~alnst tbem; riding ahrwc par ever sinc~ Feb' l hl' aheul, $19,000,000. 1\ IS only a !... __ ~,..;_ ... _". -.;,.-;." ._~-:, ... ,._,J Sunr!~y I.u; \lIfol' I~YIDlI ·w.~Rther. fuser! .to comment .on the amst

1 which "Ihey' Raid apparrnUY had . . '~MI'ORTS AFFECTED· rliary, 1052 ... S!ncc Can. da's ~~Id, p;:pcr profit bCC3!lSe th~ ~Ilvc.rn.

I'rr\'rnled the, fllllil: ~om ,bein~ of' file .. nalur, of tile. charge to bepl1: used to bludgeon 'Demko. and meal In Russia, 15 usually the last Eit~pr they had 1(1 lill~tcn belt;; producers 5elh~~ nn Ihe Of~IClalll m;nt I! as no inlentloll of Ilqlllda.tLD~ arriett,out.. ..,.. N,llid·a,alnsdhl·two:",en.FMch: , lo disappear from .torea. anti work 011 s~!lPer.p~oll" ru: 10,", Dlarket get paid. llII the basl~ 01 ai, ol·lts r~;erves at'any one Ume.

, ,.

I /'.

'.i ,.

t' ',.

Page 2: SHIPS SUNK, LIVES LOST AS GALES· WHIP EURO PEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · In the Salwan Bay memorial, .n·en milell from the colony's

.. f·

lHED ... 'lY.NEWS, MONDAY, FEB: 21, 19.:i5 sevel'al badh disabled Veterans \ IScboul For License Deadline· \Lil~es Li:v:ng

'I of 'Vorld War I WCI'e beln~. ,:!o~k. "--- ' I . ~ T.H'.E LEG~;I'·()"'.·N, .. ' B; L. C. !II,. ... ~rv~~~%e~n~~rl~:h ~~~p ~~~e ~~ .~= . ....;;.;.:....;.;....~-.-... Retarded Children For Tourist {n Pent wm:·2 , l'lt Ith· th " . . I'" PAUT,T"'i:E RE~:':r::DY . ' CO: RN E R ' hnppy conver·at un w 0 ers . , .• esterday mormng your report· 0 . t Co' -d' p:.. storr '''r~'cr


who werc pens:oners. In the Ad. er was privileged to sit in at a pel a ors TO-~O~;~~ (C~)"':\VhCn' b~~lne£! ministration room, '-\'e came ·In scssion of .the school for retarded ,- wum:n Vi~la MacMlUan f!'1Ir.hc.

: -

__ -.---- cllntact with h Leglonarle from children' which is conducted at the, All Estahlisltmcnts Cater· w:·rk, sh~ tnkes an elev?lor home, '-_-,---'!""'"--.------ . Pbuch Cove, '.'hom we had not United Church. Orphanage with • 11' P bl" I S!IC nn:l bcr hu~band, George, T'41 IL\II" PUTTIES From It, Wi) take a few ex. seen for somp. years, There WIS Miss Mollie Dingle,' well known lUg To Trave mg u Ie, r~:il a lsth·noor p2nthome apart·

kOUdlDl t:l a'letter recently tracts: a. pleasant ~hlt.chat whUe we kindetgarten teacher in charge. ·Must Have License \ m~nt on t:!1 of Ule ,building \\'lere ~~ from J.ir,.Geo. B .. New· "!\lorc.lncl more, .World War waited' for t~e powers.that.be. There are seven pupils In the By April 1st. they hal'e their Office-one of the .ID, two more of the First Five 11 Veterans. 3ft'. coming famard . Without any affectation, we school, but yesterday two of them hrst penthouse:; In downtown Tor·

. ~un4rtd. are .,.ow accounted for. to join with their ·brothers·ln were treated with courtesy, and were away for the day, and the Wit~ the deadline for licc.nces' o:'·~~~s. ~Iacl\lillan. better known In Ami; .,.'hlt Is more gratifying, In arms In an expression of com. judging {rom tbe four, of five five pupils were just ready to sit only SIX weeks awa~', wcrd from. minin" circles as thc dynamic the pink of c.ondltlon. radeshlp tbro!lgh Legion se~'Vlce, Veterans who were on their way down to have their morning lunch the Tourist OrIice states that very \ pre,ilenl o[ the Prospectors' and

They are Re,. No. 248, Albert There are IInlllls~ak-lble signs out from InterViews, the outcome whcn we arrived, Ccw of these establishments prrs.! D~v210pcrs' As!Ociation, runs' sev'. N. llooper, an1 328, Joseph Dawe, that tbe VI te'1ln o[ the Second musl have bren successful. AI, They stood behind their chairs, enlly catering to the travelling eral mining businesses on her own. both residlne in the stlte of World War be he ex.Navy, togcther, a p:l'asant break-and and, a!ter being introduced to tbe public in Newfoundland have The coople ostensibly rented t~e MISSIoChu.;settl, U,S.A. Old Army or Air ~'oree, recognizes 1\ soothing mp.mQry! visitors, took their places quietly taken any steps to obtain tbe lic· apartment to beat the dally traffiC IOldlers ne\'er • . with the passing years more than NEWF('lUNDLAND after Miss Dingle sounded a little ence which will be necessary in problem alt~oUgh they still keep

ST. JOHN" IRANc::H ever tbat Indprhllable link wllh "The slck.vlsltlng committee melodY on the piano, They folded order to continue operations after .~~~~5~e o~c~:~~ ~:;n~'tr'!'~t~ The annual meeUn, of the St. other .'eturned men which Is the of th'e St, Jorm's Branch are do· ' their hands, said their grace and March 31st. .. Toronto's financial hub.

John's Brani!" at the Canadian prized legac 01 war service, Ing a fine job with tbelr/weekly theti hclped themselves to the bis· According to the Tourist Es· FULFn,LED OLD WISH tAIiOu, B.E.s,L., to which refer. "The claim that true comrade, visits to thedi{{erent hospitals, cuits which were passed by Mrs, tabIlshment Regulations which he· "My reason (or wanting It wali nee wu mid .. In our last conlrl. ship sprlng~ unl) 'from personal Not only do they rehew old A. B_ Perlin and Mrs. Lewis Ayre, came effective August 17, 1954,. frivolous," Mrs. MacMillan said. IlatloD, w. not attended by III rellitlonshlps t'l from prolonged friendships but they add to tbe .who were assisting Miss Dingle "No person other than the holrler I "I always had a secret longing to lull • ptherllll of Comrades service In the same unit does not circle of the sick and dl1lRbled yesterday. 0 • a licence Issued and valid un· live in a penth

Ollse." .

• lit ahoUki have been. . bear critical ~xamlnatlon. The who like to make new contacts. The children behaved well, and der these regulations shall operate TIle MacMillans first plan~ed After all, with a membership forming of tht1 Canadian Legion There Is duty 'n remembrance!" after lunch was clcared away thcy a tourlst·establlshment in New. their :Ipartmcnt for. entertai11lng

_0 U 1000 d t IU~ h t L 1 ry I d 'th bl k .. f I d II Th .' d fl' ~nd as a secondary of.hce. But thc~' w we Oftr ,an a mas ~_ proves t a. _Fe~ruary eg ona • . p ayc WI oc S, JIg saw puz· ound an . e varIOus e m· )'k't uch they hardly el'er C!IIIful ,ear, ,reater Interest ''The Legion was not ercated W, V, A INCREASE zles and several other educational' tions of "Tourist,establishment" I :e: t~.<trO o~er Ifome. IlIoU1d be shown, not only to en. solely by men who wer~ person. l\1any mem!lI'rs of the Ottawa toys which are all part of the Indicates clearly that the Regula· I ~lrs, MacMillan dropped the of· Couraae t~t.e who have worked ally known til one another, nor Parliament ar!' urging the Gov· 1 "Between these heavy earrings and Mrs, Murphy bra,- , equlpmcnt of this little school. lions arc designed to cover es· (icc. idea soon. "Our business "llthfullJ and well, but also be was Its purpnse tll help only ernment to ~rcept the Legion ,. r;inK about her new bahy. my I~rs are killing me!" _J Children in ordinary day schools tabllshment catering to the travel· means long hours and strenuous enaure that I ~apable eltecu~I\'e those belonglnJ! to specifiC units. Proposal for Vo'. V. A. Increases. ..-'~ ___ ._ .. _ ... _______ '_._.-_ ... ----- must keep up with the rest and ling public. conferences so it's nice 10 take an ."m be elected for 19" to carry or groups. 'I'he Lcglon was \\Ir, n, F. L. Hanna (L., Ed· basic rates be Increased to $60,OU "M 1" R ,. d take their places in the classroom, In order that nil cstablishmcnt elevator and relax." . , 011 the aood work, formed to help all returned lIIen monton,Strall.rona, Albcrta) Is per month fur a single W.V.A \ e et eiVe Children who are retarded find operators might familiarize them· i She got he~ start in mmlng ~o

The elecUon or o(flcers. will and to assist the w!\'cs, widows quoted: "Vetr"nns' organizations, recelptlent and $120,00 for one . T . . 'this di[ficult and because they selves with the requirements of I years. r-gO ~n n:rthe~tson;i:il~

'lake plsce L the C. of E. Synod and children uf those men be· sllch as the Canadian Legion, who Is married, and that the ceil· Early ralnlnu needed mu.ch indh:idunl allentio.n, thc Re~ulations, which.arc. design.! ~i~~~-~\·:~gth~n men~ But she wcnt Hall on tbls coming Thursday calise tbey oar! served and play· I are to be commended (or keep· Ings on total )ll'rmlsslble income . ~ understandmg, pallence and 101 c, cd to Improl'C and mamtam a set I feminine in decorating her pent-e\'enlnl, and a large attendance ed their part.' . .Ing the 'pllght of thesc peo~le to: bc Increased to $1,200 per year In Canada require special teachers and un- of minimum standards in this hcuse. II requested,. "'rhe spirit of. comradeship !thc fore," [or a single W,V.A, recipient and . • dcrstanding parents to develop to flcld, it was decided that actual en· I Color theme is dusky ro;p. " " . COMRADESHIP that Impelled the creation of thel 1\11', G. S, White, (P, "e, Hast· $2,000 per ye;,r for one who 15 HALIFAX (CP) - The com, \the best of their ability. forcement would be deferred until i throughout the six·roomed apart· . 'In altrikln' editorial, the cur. Legion was nil embracing one-llngs.:Fl'ontel:ac Ont,): I urged 'married. mander of the U.S. 7th Flect now Rccognizlng the nced.[or a spc· llarell 31st of the prescnt year. : mcnt for walls and drapes. A rent ilSUe. of "The Legionary" Ihe act of a hand of brothers that the mln;~tter, when It Is EN PASSANT patrolling the troubled waters be- cial school for retarded children All known establishments were: sendlewood rose broadlo;om blank· ."otel cotlliderable Ipace to whose only link, lit most cases, dweclded In Cbblnet council hoW We caunot claim that this hum' tween tlte Chinese mainlanc! nnd the Board of the United Church notified that thc, Regulations had \ el~ .e\'2r

y floor except kltcben and

.ComradelhlP, was that tbev had gone forth mucb the Incrr.nse In the allow· ourous hieldent Is orIginal. As the Island o[ Forn;lOsa got IllS S'~;l Orphanage bas undcrwritten this been passed by Government and ~:A%~i-Ic7'~COR

.JIt,t ane •• ampl •••• N~ L .. II' rail •• from

,100 ta ,1500., mo" MOHtIIlY PAlM.NfI 11 I 2D:-r 24

$7uol ,41.0S 1 $41.40

"..., ........ ,r.,1 ,f ..... ,. .. • .... II lilt ..... " c .... .... . ... _ ........ -1 H/agINI ....

together to take up arms In ~e. ance Is going to be, should be a matter of lQct we were told le~5 as a va~,~llImi:&:scho:lbOta o~ experimcnt and since last [all the effective enforcement would bcgin \ W;lled on two sides by window! fmce of thel~ bomeland,. very gcnerou~ lind keep In mind in an offlcc At Canadian Head. ~e t Bras r p school has becn opcn five morn· March 31st, 1955. A copy of the 1 the main living room, 40 b>' 20 leet,

tI. , , The' Importance of those that \heS'C veterans should. not quarters by 1 returned man. ~ho ~i~n, Admiral Alfred Melville ings each week, Children from all Regulations also was sent to each, i~ dramatically set off by a central close and klnd!l' ties Is becomlnll be restricted wIth a ceiling on had heard It from a Naval rating, Prldec Is the so~ of a Nova Scotia denominations will be accepted at known operator, who wa sadvised I pillar of mirrors surroonded b>' an clearer' every lia. yto Veterans of their Income but should be urged I who probabl. read it In "The sea captain, and to many people the school, but because it is im· to make application for a Iiccnce \ ir;cloor tropical. garden, A similar the Second World War. With In every posslhle way to earn as Legionary;" but here it Is, In thl., province the naval chief possible for one teacher to take in sufficient lime to have it pro- pillar sta.nds In the master bed· their mentors :lnd comrades from much as posslbie for themseh'es The driver of a car was held who guarded the successful with· care of many children the number \CeSSed and in his or her possession rOGm enclrC}~d by a dressing tabl:,

• World War I and their fellow. and their famIlies." u pby a sentry, who made It traWalth ofT C~~nes1sla~~ti°rali:~~ Is limit,cd,. . prior, to the March 31st deadline. \1 m!~e~tu~~il;n ~~n~VI:~n:r~:bl~ veteran~ ot th. Korean War they Mr. Alastair Stewart (C. C. F" plain that he could' not carry on J~~onalist s~~onghold of sFo~mo~a Appilcal10ns were. inVIted last It IS now suggested that opcrla. chairs and fat hassocks in tur· are joined together by the same Winnipeg North): "All these peo. that way. Isu sUIl just "Mel." • fall. fro~ parentst wdlshlng

d ttO ~a~e tors sb~uld nho~ dela~. ~~rther f n! quoise, gold, tangering, II'ory and

compelling sentiment, All realize pIe are asking for Is j~stlel!; they "I'm the Sergeant," shoutcd a His father and mothcr were born their children a ten ,an 0 a e forwardmg t elr app Ica Ions or \ brown. A wallpaper shot with gold the value of tbe Legion as a are not asklM too much because voice from thp. rear a ftbe jeep. at Isaac's harbor in Guy.sborn 21 applications have been receiv- licences, since to do so would only creates a shimmering effect. channel through which their I have said In the past, and I say "Oh, indeccl," llald the scntry, county but they moved to Somer- cd. A selection Board, helped by Icave themselves open to tbe lIIrs, 1I1ac~lillan's favorite i~ !he feelings can he fruitfully express. ,again, the briefs of the Canadian "Sergeant,' I rcally did not know ville, Mass., before' their SOlI was the advice of a doctor trained In penalties provided in the Tourist \ ttlel·islon. room, a smaller h~!ng ed. All expPi'lence at the sa:ne Legion have been exemplary In it was you, !1l1wever, 1 got ord born. psycbiatry dccides which children Establishments Act passed by the, room which she uses. (or relaxl~g Um eone of thr purest cmotions the sense that they ha\'e asked ers to allow no traffic to pass Admiral Pride's coosin, 1I1rs. will be accepted, but because of Legislature.· \ 01' small buffet .partles. It; II'm-known to man-true comrade. for what was fair and nothing this way, as the hrldge ahead ~10:r~ay~'~~ra~ft~~esVi~ite~a~~:~ shortage of space and sdtaf£ nlot oall l : ~~~~s b~;,~rd a \\,Id·~ sweep of Tor-ship," more, . , ." . there Is rotten But seeing it's S t' boy "H wa down o( them can be acceptc at t Ie r·. R d 111 d J I The al)artmenl Is cIIstom de·

VETERAfotS' AFFAIRS The. Speecit from the Tltrone you, Sergeant, It's a pleasure. il~~I~a I~s fsaac'~ ha~bor ~evcral phanage school,. . 1 ea y -u a eo) \ ~ignell for entertaining, SIi~I~g Last week, lIe. had occasion to states: "The government will You can pass!" times and later visited us here in Retarded children does nol' . i doors on the two bedrooms adJOIn·

\'islt the Department oC Veterans submit amendments to the War Halifax on a couple of occasions." necessarily mean mentally retard· I· For Dr Strasser ! in;: the main living room open out, Affairs on pur~ly official routine, Veterans' .\ll'lII'ance Act to raise .. Often called the "ship of the Thc admiral spcnt a summcr- ed, for some children are retard.· . making a h~ge area. And t.!J

er7 nTC

and the documentary side of It the basic ratp~ 8S well as the desert," thc c~mel is one of tbe when he. was 17:-as a deckhand on ed because or a lack or muscle co· ZURICH, Swil!~rlanr! (C~) "'7 .Il,. S'I m~~'y 11'!n!lOl\'5 th~ ?lac:'ohllans his COUSI~'.S crUise stCRmer on the ordination, tone dca[ness when. retdy·made political Job m \\·~,I S:I:: 11\1.n:; I~ one diul) \Jano~nma was easily offset by the courtesy ceiling on pcrmlssable Incomes meanest of all Animals, Its tem· Bras d'Or lakes, Mrs. O'Hara reo the' find it difficult to speak I Germany awaits Dr. Ot.to Sirafsc.r, of sunrISC, sunset allli city lIght'. Ind frlendllnes~ which appeared of recipients 01 allowances," per Is SlIlIen, ortcn flaring Into cell~ that he always had "a grcat ~ . h' I .. I former Nazi leader eXIled b)' Hit·. . on .all ~Idcs, At the entrance. 'fhe Legion has askell that tile fits oC ~ngel' and rage. . love!' for t.he sea, pro?erly, elc., ~et a~e norma .m ,IeI' in 1933, who retunled to Europe, YOll are thele when'a bewlld·

. ..;;.;~ _________ - _______ ..:. _______ - ___ .. __ .......... ,. __ ... ___ ,L ' ... _ ..... _._\ \elhgence and sO?letlmes ~uperl?r I from Canada Friday. • ered ynungstp.r in a foreign land • ·1" 'J\: .';.J: I IDltleIllfsencteh' specl'ha~ldhelp I~ avaSltl'1 .' Wcidemar W.adsaFck, "OdCtPuth

y i joyfully accepts fresh clothing .,' ~ . a ) e or ese c I ren m,. '. leader of thc Bund ucr eu ·'c, " supplied by 'he Canadian Red



t.. "


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That irreplaceable Ingredient

iI it the climate, the centuries of skill, the craftsmanship,

that weaves a texture into British W oollenl

lIetraying a superb fine quality 'feel' at the first touch'

,iL'fI it a name? It's an irreplaceable ingredient

tMt for centuries hal mcuie, and will make,

Britian Woollens fabrics forel'cr ill fashion,

.. - - --

/',., '1 , .' j-"" .:. , .............. ," 'tt': •• :.~: ., ....... .

'I ••• -;- .. .J. ,,'

• .1 , •• ... ~, '_0'

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, ,.

John's, but that special trammg; lands Ern~lIerung (League (or New: Cros. -. depends on the [ull eo.operation o( Gcrmanyi and ~ fricnd ~f St~a5~erl .... ---parents, friends and other children, fOi' 25 years, said Stras,el' ~':I\be'l port Xursie.i upcrated b~' the who must give kindness and under· c<)me ~he l~adeGr of the hun II en, Canadian ncrl Cross wclcome

t d' t th h'ldr n and not \ h~ arrives ID ermany. , ' san. mg 0 e.se c Ie" Strasser, \\·.!lo was met by his: !\"ew Canadian; a. Saint John and sne.ers and crllicl~m, Thc Ilork of a wife, Gertrud, 49, and his two chil·l Halifax. tramed teacher m speech for reo i uren, Hannelor~, 23, and Gregor,! ------'-. ----­tarded children may be undone by I :w. on hrs arrival ~ere by air, told! p.l>per men only bncfly. lie con· the taunting words of children who I I'l:porters he will spend a [wo·week i firmed, how.el'er, . ~at th~ bUl!d through laek of understanding I holidav with his famil:' on the ~ would be hiS pollllcal vehicle ID

and sympathy keep the old rcars shore 'of Lake Zurich. , Germ~n~·. . . . hid h'ld d Hc will remain in Switzerland i Ourmg a stopover ID London on

ahve 111 t e rclan eel an four weeks before goin" to Munich I the fii!!ht from Montreal, Strasser block p~ogress In develop~cnt. : til take up a political ;arzcr intcr- I was held five hours in t·!J~ airp~lrt

Know1I1g that progress IS orten. uptcd 22 ,'ear< ago when he quar-! 1!I·tention ccll under guard. BrItish slow in somc of these childrcn,! ~elied with Hitlcr and had to· fiee! authoritic" refused to permit him your reporter asked ~liss Dingle if ! Germany. . i fret' movement on British soil. she fclt that the children were pro· I 1~ YEARS IS CANADA ! Strasscr wore . a Jark beret. grcssing. She invited us 10 stay un.! Strasser has Ih'ed for the last: glasses and a long overcoat. Thcr= til closing time and watch thesc 112 years in Paradise, N.S., from l \\'a~ no onc [~om the German COli'

little ones, three six, one seven 1';~lere he has campaigned for the ! 5~1~le at Zurich on hand to greet

d 1ft b th . t right to r'(Urn to German'-. Last: hIm.

an one e even, e c clr coa 5, Novemhcr ·his German ciliicnship,l Hr said he would not make any leggins, rubbrs a~d caps, put th~m t~ken from 'him when he broke' 1 political statements .~lIt said }IC on themselves WIth only. the mill' with Hiller, was restored. hoped he. would ~e Ilr~ele~ \I lIlt imum of help, ~s any chIld wouI.d \ Under'strict Swiss.order.s nut to: th~ ~ame m,~ercst ~n :'IUnlC~1 m '?II:' need when a sticky rubber hecl IS en"agc in politics while here, Stra~· I II eek,. I II III hal e plent~ to .3.

ton much for a tightl>· fitting se; answered qu~stions from news· , then." gaiter, They not only did this but went out ami brought back the coats for the teachers and help· ers.

lIIiss Dingle assured us that they could not do tbis when thcy came to the school last fall, but more important than she said they are learning to be happy together, play together, and to be polite, and thoughtful of each other .

Lsarning academic work will come too, for afready they are learning the basic arithmetical facts that z plus 2 are equal to 3 plus 1 by playing with figures from 1 to 9 which arc constructed that by using a coloured balance the figures when combined, such as 4 and 3 will weigh exactly the same as figures Z and 5 on the other side of the balance.

They are also learning to recol\' nize their own names, printed! signs and simple words printed on i

strips of cardboard. ' Recently a parent and school I

association was formed and not, only parents of the children may! join this organization but citizens i interested In doing something for I retarded children. I

Literature 'and articles on the ~ problem of the retarded c~ild I will soon be availahle and the Com· mittee hopes that through their efforts more needy children will get a chance to live happy and useful lh'cs .

Guide Wins Award Miss Joyce Bishop of Coley's

Point, a girl guide' has won a prize offered by Mrs. B .. lIIurphy, the Provincial Lone Girl Guide Com· missioner for the best nature study j

collection. Joyce Is a member of . the Iirst Bay Roberts Company. .....------



St. Mic

Lau To' 'Loyalt:

ApProlcima of St. lIIichl SI. John's' "itation, the in the audit, School, Benr day evening

Alter grac the Assembl, ed a splcndi l

good ladies under the ca N. R. Babb were very t was fitting cash ' .

Seated at the Rector, Rev. J. O. I S. J. and M Mrs. J.P. L .n, Mr. A, Saunder., II .-rls, ~Ir. al and Mr. anc

At the ~o one [)( th :r.rlchael'~, tl

Uni1 Ratl

Gom Ol'er I

application of its rates the commii been in ef

Th Go ereascd ra the Premie allowed an cases,

A pre rates hnl'e by more t

At thl tn reducc, kilowatt some imlT

The I sittings at key centn be invited their bill! \Vas grant ,ittings, T go\'ernme and of th

A 'I)' Rest Fall! l\liIll

Page 3: SHIPS SUNK, LIVES LOST AS GALES· WHIP EURO PEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · In the Salwan Bay memorial, .n·en milell from the colony's

, '

, "- .. -.--­,'.' ST. MICHAEL'S LOYALTY DINNER r-. - .. -----

'. (Daily News Photo) SCENE AT ST. MICHAEL'S HALL AS OYER 600 PARISHIONER~ GATHERED FOR A. VERY SU~~~~S~}~~ LOYALTY DINNER ---- ._---_._-_.-_ .• - ' ----_. --

St. Michael's Parish .• Berklev Launches CampaIgn . Jj

To' Raise $100.000 Model . loyalty Dinner Is Tremendous Success Home .

Approximately 600 parlshioncrs I (Canvass Committee Chairman) . IIr SL ~lichacl's An~lican Church, who presided, In his Inlroductory Fot' $2.00 Mr. Berkley:.' St .• Iohn·s West, attended, hy in· remarks referred to the asscm· King 16 St. Michael's Ave., "italion, the Lo)·alt)· Dinner held blage as a "lamll), gathel'ing for a has become the owner of a in Ihe auditorium of St. ~Iichael's common meal." The purposes 01 $no 000 t. - S d 1'k School. Bennett AI'cnuc, on Thurs· the dinner were fully outllned and "', . uvme. o,un s :'e d3\" evcnlng last. he thanked those who prepared thc somethmg out of a fairy

After mce. said by the Rector, auditorIum and those who werc tale, doesn't it. the Issembled parishionerS enjoy· responsible lor the arrangements Mr. King "cld ticket numhe!' M a splendid dinner ~erl'ed by the and catering lor the dinner, for a 59129, which was thc winning I:ood ladies 01 SL Mary's Parish, job well done. The Loyally Dinner ticket In the Kinsmen Model under the capahle direction of Mrs. would bring to the forefront a new Home drawtm;. which took place n. R. Babh. The various tables Importance attached to our duties: Saturday night. were very tastelul1)' dccorated as Our uncompleted building Is the He purchased it and one other . was filling for such a special oc, challenge of the "Uncompleted tleket on Wallor Street In No·' c3,il . Church." That challenge we can vcmhcr. Wlnlle)" of the second

Seated .t the head table wcre mcet provldcd that wc hAve the prize-a nc'\' Consul car was thp Rector. Father Greavelt, the spirit and the faith to do so, Our Harold Peare~y Squires Avenue, llel·. J. D. Ford, Curate, the Hon. objective Is tbat of a completcd Mount Pca!'1 G1~ndalc township. f.. J. Ind !IIrs. Hcfferton, Mr. and church. Mr. Heflcrton's remarks Speaking to the Dally News, Mrs. J. P. Lu~combe, ~Ir. E. Whel· were well re~clved as were hio ap· !\Ir. King said "I didn't even have .n, ~Ir. A, E. Snow, ~Ir~. C. H. proprlate references to the various my tickets out when they were l'aundtrl, Mr. and Mrs. n. R. Rob· speakers as he Introduced each in drawing the numbers at Buck· ,.rtl, ~Ir. Ind ~lr5. J. A. Thorne, turn In the order indicaled bulow: master's Fi~ld' and announcing uri Mr. and ~lfI. J. W. Pye. 1I1u. C. H. Saunders (Hostess them all tilt' radio". I went in·

At the cone1u~Ion of the dinner, Chairman), as President of 51. side a\ld lod: II look at them and (In, nC the "old 1:1larn" oC St. Michael's Branch of the C.E.W.A., came out til !ay to Mrs. King "l\chRtl", the Hon. S. J. l!eHcI·ton (Continued on 'pa~e 14) "lITom. I ~ot the Winning ticket."

Kinu o .Wins


-Tragic ,Death near Man:

Killed Instantly W,hen Car Leaves Higllway Near Harbour Grace

Thomas Royle, aged about 45, and widely knOwn here, was instanteously killed ll!-te Saturday afternoon when n car he had purchased the day before, skidded off the slippery highroad across the'Tilton Barrens, somersaulted several times. Mr. Royle was thrown from the car and it is believer! death resulted from contact with a rock.

Two other men, Jlassengers in I' . . the car, William Burke and Mur. Widely hked. Apparently, he liad dock Cole of Victoria escaped bought the. ~ar !he prevIous day without Injury. and w~s drlVln~ It across the Bar·

Mr. Royle was married and his re.ns, Just outSIde the entrance to wife, the former Maucline Quinn Rlverhe~dd, Harhour Grace, when and one daughter, Mary, ~urvive. the acci ent occurred. They had he en living in Carbon. The f~neral of the l~te Mr. ear. Royle Will take place thl~ morn·

ing at 9 o'clock at SI. Patrick's Church, Carbonear, with_ burial also at Carbonear.

R.C.M.P. at Harbour Grace ·told the DAILY NEWS that it Is be.

Doyle Deal Closed




Mr. Royle has worked sometime ago at Argentia until an nccident cost him the sight of one eye. Later, he formed the Royle Exca· vating Company and was building lip quite a good busines.l.

John C. Doyle, Chairman of Canadian Javelin LiI:Jiited, last night informed .the Daily News by radioteI.­phone from New York that his company has comple~i!d a $30,000,000 deal :for :.the amalgamation of Javeli"

Iieved Mr. Royle wa.~ thrown (rom with the Illinois Zinc coin­the car Rnd that he mel hi! death

pany, an 80·year-old eon-He ""as widely lmown Rnd

Little Child Dies

when he atruek I rock.

Funeral Of Accident Victim

cern possessing widespread assets in the form of 'pro­ducing mines Ind sheet metal plants in the Southenl States, Mexico and Chile.'

The funeral of the lale Morle~' The new company will b. 1rn1!W1l ~lillc~', an Rccident victim took as the • Illinois International-Ir~n place yesterday at Burnt Point. and Zinc Company L~mited. ~r. TIle late Mr. Milley was killed in Doyle has been appomte~ emir­an auto accident during a sno\\'. man of the Board, while Mr.

F d 1 1£ : storm on the highroad outside !\Iorrsl Bloomberg becomes Presl·

ld our ban Mone'.la ·yearsf Goderich, Ontario. dent. . '

o Ro ert artm, SOil 0 Javelm will have controlllnll Mr. and Mrs. James Mar· interest in the reofllaniziUon and tin, William St., has died Personal will shortly be in the position to . h 't 1 r suit of speed up work on the develop-In OSpl a as a e His many friends extend con· ment of their huge iron ore de-injuries resulting from a gratulations to Mr. Grant Chalk:, posit at Lake Wabush, Labrador. sliding accident. er, on the oc~asion of his 21st. Mr. Doyle stated that Newfound.

. , birthday which he celebrated on land government geoukosit bdrr The httle boy s m9ther, Saturday, February 19. land government geologists and

fearful of the danger of Chief Forestry Supervisnr Char· other mining men had confirmed sliding on the street, had ley Ca~i11 has b~en out of town his company's estimate of l·bll-hidden the boy's slide. How. on bUSiness for hiS departmcnt. Ion tons of 65," ore In one area

. I I d th h alone It Lake Wabush. ever, le an .ano er oy H T ff borrowed one from another I eavy ra ic FJi It C II d hoy for 5 cents. Trafiic wa; heavier on the Con. g t ance e .

False Alarm City firemen were ca lied 011t to

a false fire alarm, rung in from ~ box near Mount Cashcl Orphan~gc.

ccption Bay highroad 3'csterday Thick fog ycsterday resulted In thai! at ~ny time thi~ winter. Sun- all flights . being cancelled eithcr dav drll'ers were out in full (orce in or out o( Torbay Airport. Uow· and highway ribbons were hlack I c\'cr. it's hoped th~t fij;:ht.~ may be with cars. It ~eems the thaw lured 1 able to rcsume normal !chedule! everyone outdoor.l. 1 today.

She didn't evr.n turn around Elk U ·t d T EI t· (thinking hr. was joking), so ], . 'S nl e owns ec ric said "Look I have it-59129", i howevcl··thal ,1 e dldn't sleep too time said "Don't be silly". Ho\\,··

,. • . IIlr. King said, In an interview well Saturday night· Sunday ever, Mr. King did bllY two tick'els Present

'With New Simms Dwelling Rates Are R e d U "c ed with this J1~wspapcr that 'he mnrning. Whcli YOll think about ~nd one was the winner.

"thinks I WUl mOI'e in there. This it a bit aCter thc first news you They had nevcr seen the hOllse Is a nl-w house" he said indicating have won well, Its wonderful, until yesterday afternoon. Nor did his SI. 1I11char.I's Avenue homc she said. Shr phoned her son, winning it Interfere with their l;ove,.,mWl1llnvesligltl.il~g lncl"ea~es

OHr I year ago the United Towns Electric Company made Ipp1ic~tion to the Public Utilities Commission for an upward revision of its rl1tes, and alter an enqury which took many months to complete 1 he commission granted the Increase applied for. These Increases have bren in eUect slnc Oct. Is!', lnst.

Th Government has been gravely concerned over the greatly In· creased rates Imposed as a re,ult of this dcislon, At the request of lhe Premier, the Attorney General has been Investigating the Increases ~nowcd and comparing these with actual increases made In Individual cases .

. A Jlreliminary examination has shown that while the Domestic rates ha\'e increased from 30 to 60%, commercial rates havc Increased by more than 200<;0.

At the request of the Allorney General the Company has agreed 10 reduce, pending further enquiry, Its commercial rates by one cent a kilo\l'all hour e£feclil'e from Jnn. 1st., last. This should give ~I\me immediate relief In these cases.

The Public Utilities Commission has been Instructed to hold ':llings at Carbonear. Harbour Grace, Bay Roberts, Placentia and other hy centres served by the Compan)'. Customers of the Company wili he invited to submit to the Commission for eomparitivc examination ll1cir bills from this Company both prior to' and since this Increase II as granted. Notice will be giVen of the Ume and place of tbese HlIin~!. The Commission has been direcled to make a full report to the ~"\'ernmenl 01 its findings both as a result of their original hearings • nd of these on-the·spot enquiries. . ' ,. .

only three vears old. "But I al· Graham King an employee of usual schedule. Alter attending Another steT) of unselfish com. drh'e to heir ~imms obtain a new siter was Mr. Jeff • Goodyear, ready hal'e 8n offer for It and ATC at GandcJ to tcll him yes· church yesterday morning, Mr. munity servir.e was brought to a home. The public responded Secretary of the St. John'. I think I will move Into thc new terdn~' lIlIJrnlng but says they wlll King said that he had ·to go to the happy ending on Saturday arter. generously bnd before long sur. Branch of the Canadian Legion. one-Lut I am not sure". write their chll'ghter, Olga, i\Irs. Sanatorium and the hospitals in noon when Mr R. R. Barrett, ficient fu~ds were in sight to In a brief address Mr. Goodyear

Mr. King, an employee of the Tweedln al R~l'hester. New York. the afternoon to see some people. Grand Exaltell Ruler of the St. justify the ~tartlng of negotia- thanked the Elks for their tindl! rnilwny Is quite well known in It can wait for a letter, she saId. l\Ieanwhile, the winning of the John's branch of the. Benevolent tions for a new home. interest in Simms who II a "ar the city and ~t one time was a She recalled t!1at one day, In No· car came at a Jlropititious time Order of EI!{s, and Lodge Seere. Members of the Elks negoUat· \~teran. He exprelS,d the lfat1. candidate f)r municipal honours. yemher, when the Kinsmen had for Mr. Harold Pearcey. It seems. 13ry Vincent Rossiter presented ed with one IIf Simms neighbours tude of tht. Legion to thoM who Mrs. King, his wife said she was the car downtown, her husband that only last week, his old car the deed to his new home and who had a small home for ,;ale had come to the usl!tanel . If "naturally surprised but well, ~acl said, "I .think 1 wlll buy a I broke down. Now he has R spank· property to Mr Frank Simms of and finally ~urchased It together their comrade when hi aOlt not too exelt~d". She admitted, ticket or two" .. Mrs. King, at that Ing new Consul. Valley Road. . with the land for the sum of needed it.

Brave Rescue At Bellevue

A young clghteen yenr old boy Is the. hero of Bellevue. Thco'clore McCarthy, aged eighteen ~aw that seven ycar old Sylvester L)'nch was In danger of drownIng in har· bour waters there and dlvcd into the sea.

Oil Kills Turrs '. Turrs continue to be found out side the narrows, oil coatccl and perishin·g. These birds are vic tims or oil·sllcked waters wherr tankers ·clenn Ollt their fuel tanks.

Fined· . ' Two sawmill operators were charged in court at Gander with ~utUng Umber on Crown Lands

Heedless of his own danger, the and ordered to pay fines Satur· lad brought young Lynch to shore. day.

Devotions In R.C. Churches

During Lent there will be evcn­ing devotions on Sundays at 7 o'clock, and on week.daYs (exccpt Sa turdays) at 7:30.

A special' Lenten series will be prcached in the Cathedral and SI. Patrick's by' f 0 u r Franciscan Fathers on Sunday and Wednesday evenings .

It will be mcalled that on De. $1.100. This done the Elks start· M R it tnt ttl tM cember 5 last Mr. Simms lost ed to have. the home renovated DIU r. N':~ ::at • ~:1 of 11,. his home and all lis contents In and for thiS purpo~e the public 7 :0 h d b b ribetl "ill a spectacular fire. Without a donated mat~riDls to the value of 3 7it da S~BOe: I ~'~ Of the home a little prospects of getting. $580.00, the re~ult being that the caSh adn 'ti' n n. unt e' f

I h cas Dna onl an amo one the Simms famlly were at' home was put In first c ass s ape. 11 d d 'and the mercy of friends and the The final donation wa~ received $4?0~e:1 It!OVI~:e~~~~e:014 fill' community. A~ ~oon as the situ· Saturllay when Trask Foundries thiS pP ~ I e eaT.r atioll'became known the Elks 1m· delivered to Simms a sturdy tures. a u\,> nsuranc • mediately interested thcmselves. kitchen rang'!. . ina the bulldlnr: for on. ,..r "" First In providing temporary re- On hand for Saturday's event also arranled by th •. :Ellu 10m· lief and later sponsoring a fund besides Messrs Barrett and Ros· millee .

------------------------------,-... _._--_ ............. ---- , On Friday evenings there will be Stations 'of'the Cress, followed by .&. 'CO. Branch

• I" (Daily' News Photo) A 'l)WO·DAY meeting of branch managers DC Harvey & Co., Ltd., close(l Saturday with a dinner at Frosl's Restaurant. Shown. here, left til right, arc:-Arch La~rence(Corner Broo),), Hubert Barnes (Bishop's Falls), W.· P. Saunders (Carbonear), E. R. Bugden, E. Cranif~rd, P. N. Outerhrhlge, n. N. Cook, Herbert Mills (Manager North Sydney), and. Charles Martin. Mr. H, L. Brooke5, Director, was unahlC to attend the

. . . cUnner, owing to. illness. . ,


R brief instruction.

On Mondays, Tuesdays a Ii d Thursdays, there will be Rosary and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.



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Page 4: SHIPS SUNK, LIVES LOST AS GALES· WHIP EURO PEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · In the Salwan Bay memorial, .n·en milell from the colony's

. .. ,

i "

" ,I



-News From Trinity 1~

I .~ iJ I


i(la~kes Beach Notes I • DEATHS entilled "Cinderella" will be given

CLARKE'Sr BEACH - Passed peacefully away on February 2nd after a long illness, Mrs. George Gardner, in her 83rd year. Her husband predeceased her aboul 6 years ago, The funeral service was taken by the Rev. L Davies, and Interment was in the United Church Cemetery hcre.

by the pupils. All friends are cor· dially invited to attend.

llC.s.C.C. "fORT l'O/NT" ,on Tuesda)'. I Muurlce and Ann lII~rphy." TRINITY-The R.C.S.C.C. Fort 1 Mrs. Cyril lIIscock, accompanied The late Edmund· Hunt In his

roilat, approl'rd in Ottawa. Dec. I by her mol her, Mrs. James Jes. IInrly dayc prosecuted Ihe cod 2'1UI, 11M, has arrh'l'II in Trinily 'tiral1, wl'nl 10 SI .. John's on Satur.l fishery: Ill' later succeeded his and is berthed on Ihe premises of day for, trealmenl 01 Ihe hospital. falher·in·law the lale Richard Ills­Yorris and Co. WI' mean or course :llrs. Jeslicun returned on Wcdncs. cock as mail courier between '1"ln. the Royal Canadiull Sea Cadet da)'. ity and British Harbour, In which Corp~ The name "fort ruint" is ,TURTfS . c;lpaclly he was a faithful ser· lJI apt one. We can think Df no I Tul'l's, (nr is It mUl'res?) are I'ant unUl age compelled hIm to beller name ID be applied 10 sueh I hecoming \'cry bold and brazen, 'retire, an orglmilltion. It is a l1ame rc- almosl to the point of laughing lie lea\'es to mourn. one brother, .oleDt of local history lore. at us. Many are seen in the bar. Ilarry at' Grand Falls, one sister

The Corps has a goodl)' camp Ie, bollr as far inward as Lockston, Emllla (Mrs. Holwelll al St .• Tohn's, ment of officers and cadets, hail· and II'C arc laId they are In the two sons Ernest at homc, and ina from aU the !elllements be- brook anti arollnd the stage heads I Samuel, tcacher at Bell ' Island, tween Dunfield ami Port Rcxt"n at Trani)'. and wc have no doubt, C.B., 3 daughters, LouIe al Dun· indu!iI·e. There are :!2 cadets. 'fhe some arc nCill'cr home than that. !ield, Myrtus, (Mrs, Stephen em· orficers are Eric Young. R,N" WEDDING BELLS ford), and Elhel, (Mrs, Fred Mar· Trinitr. commandIng oUlcer; l::ric ), COOPETf-PARSONS rls), both living In New York. He HOiarlh, Trinil)' J::a~t executil'e ~lr, Willis Cooper, widower oI was laid to rest In the cemetery officer; Reginald GoldslI'orth)', Ireland's Eye, and Mrs, Emily at Trlnlly on Thursday. The R.:': .. Port Rexton. dl\'i~ional om· Par~ons of Trinity, B,B., In the TrInity Benefit Club of which he eer; Le5ter Clarke. B,A,. Dunlield parish of Greenspond were married was the oldest member attended IIIpplr officer. on Thursday 3rd Inst. In St. his funeral.

There Is • coni rolling commit· George's Church, Ireland's Eye, by The late Edmund Hunt was one lu of citizcns composed o[ the the reclor, ReI'. H. SIbley. of nature's gentlemen, modest, gen· fnllo"ing. of Trinity: Elijah Bat· Mr. Maxwell Cooper, his son, tie and kind, and In measure ae· 5(111. chairmln; Ruper ~Iorri~. I'ice I','as best man and Mrs. Maxwell cording to his Ughts served Ills chairman; L. Emiry. treasurer; Cooper. maId of honour. God In word and deed unto the Gordon Locke. secretan'; H. Mr, Victor Cooper and Mrs. Jo· end. May he rest In peace, Chaulk. It. A. Parsons, F. G. Barl· hanna Cooper were usher ·and OUT OF THE PAST leU, 01 Port Rexton: L, Bannister brIdesmaid respectively. The or. THE FERRIES alld II. \'h·iln. of Trinil~' Easl: ~anlst was Mrs. Ell Toope. For nearly 100 years, the Arms Purce Jone~. I On lea\'ing Ihe church afire the of Trinity, the N.W. and the S,W.

The curps has J:ot 0[( to a )load' ceremony the)' were greeted by were sen'lced b)' ferryboats, They Ilart ill tht' spacious store loft of volley aller volley of powder guns were twin boals, Identical in lines ~Ir. F. J. ~Iorri~, ,0 gellerollsl)' which followed them all'the way and rigging of mainsail and jib. made al'ailable b~' him, In time home, after which invited rela· They were staunch and slurdlly this lolt will hal'c all the Ir"ppin~ li\'es ami fricnds made merry at bullt for the purpose of not only or a nll'al mine sweepcr, port and I Ihc wcddlng fcast. conveying people from one side ~Iarboard li~ht~. blocks and tacles I Felicitations, of the harbour to the other. but ampass and aU the resl. Forlh· OBITUARY anImals, elc., as well. The ferry coming 100 arc uniform" rilles., There passed away at DUl1[elld, of Ihe N. W. Al'm was the first and mo\'ie projcclor. Trinity, on Tuesday Blh. Insl., bal'lng startcd in 1845. One tragic

Lieut. Commander Ayrr \l'a~ one of Ihc oldest inhabitants oC happening Is a record of thi~ hm la~t Friday. He inspected the Trinity Bight In the person of Ed· ferry. She was capsized In a squall rol1'S lind was greatly pleased. lIlund lIunt at the age of B71fJ of wind In 1863, Tile ferryman, with the prOl!TCS~ hcin~ made. I' yrnrs. lie lI'as the son of the lale Hiscock was drowned. Two women

Excel!lor. "Fort Point." \\'illiam ami Miriam Hunt, II'ho passengers Mi!s Mary Hogarlh, I'ERSOS,\I, rormerly resided at TrinIty and and Mrs. RIchard Fowlow floated

)Ir. and Mr.;. E. Youn!: relurned laler rcmol'cd and settled at on the water owing to all' undcr by train on Monday from St. John"s Gos~e Cove at the bottom of the their hoop skirts, and were saved. "'here they had been attending S. W. Arm. He Ih'ed here prac. Mrs. Fowlow was carrying a baby the funeral of ~Irs. Youn~'s molher tically all his Jlfe until his laUer In her arm!, whom she also saved, Ihe laIc !llrs. Ircne Chislcll of 51. )'urs when he lived with his That bady was the lale Thomas 10hn·s. dnughter Louie (Mrs. Earle), nt Jenkins Fowlow of Trinity East,

Mr. GCDn;e Milncn o( the Royal Dunfield, where he died. so well known' by many of thls Bank of Canada Iclt by Monday's The deceased was a descendent generation. train for Catalina to spend a holi· of one of Trlnity's oldest families Those ferries operated up to dar there wilh his parents. who came here 200 years ago. lIe within recent yeara 'whell they

~Irs. William Sullivan returned was the great grandson of Ed. were supplanted by motor boals, 110me on Monday from St., John's mund lIunt, whose name appears operated on the N. W. Arm by I10here she had been allendmg the In the marrIage register thu_ Jas. Lalte of Trinity East, and on wedding of ber son, WlIliam. "Jan. 61h, 1914, married Edmund the S. W. Arm by Harry Hay ten of

Mr. Lloyd Tihbs who came to Hunt, of Christ Church, City of Trinity. attend the wedding of bis bT,olher Dorchester In Great ,BrItain, and We hal'!! ,come across anolher aupert, left for Gander by 'Irain Eleanor, daughter of the late old record of the beginning of the

ferry service on the North West Arm, It Is a trifle amusIng and reads In some parts like an ltem· hed blil of sale. Those In au· lhorlly In those days were cer· tainly maslers of order and detail, There was nolhlng laisset faire ahout them. There was nothing left out that oughl tD tie in. A case in poInt Is lhls old document which reads as folloll's: .

TIle DocU1llent On tho 15th of June, 1845, Mag·

Istrate Sweetland, J.P., F. C. K. Hepburn, J.P., and Dr. W. R .. Gill, J.P., met In the Courthouse,

"and In pursuance o[ the laws and Act for the regulation of lerrles drew up the followlJ1g rules for the 'management of the ferrics, estabtisheq on the Norlh West Arm ofl Trinity, and fixed the rates of fees to be paid, for the transit of passen· gens, anImals, vehicles and other articles, viz,: -(1) The boat shaH ply dally (Sunda)'s excepted) unlcss pre· vented by strong winds or ice, bclween the West and East sides of Trinity Harbour, taking in and landing passengers at pub­lic landing places In Harvey's Cove 'on the West Side, and Brown's Cove on the East side . (2) The hou rs to be from day· light until a quarter of an hour aUer sunsct, from October 151, to March 31st, and from 5 a,m. untll a quarter 01 an hour alter sunsct from April 1st to Scpo tcmb"er 301h .• remaining a quar· leI' hour at ,each landin:: place, except within the last hour of plying, tlurlng which lime 'the boat shall convey passengers £I'om the Wesl side to the East,

. sIde and from the East side 10 Ihe West side leaving the West side. a half hour before sunset and the East side at sunset and provided that the ferryman be aHowcd half an hour for break· fast and one hour at midday for dinner. (3) The ferryman shall Joe en· tilled to the underm~loncd fees for the transit of passen· gers after hours, viL, If only one passenger ono shilling, 1£ more tban one 6 pence each. (4) One shilling each for calves and colts under 12 months' Did.

'6 pence for sheep and pigs. 4 pence per quarter ftr beef and other quafltles of meat over 20 Ibs. weight. 1 penny p~r quarter



BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wilson of

South River welcomed' a baby son to their home on Tuesday, Feb. Bth,

ACCIDENTS On Tucsday about 12 'o'clock

noon a car, I,lwned by John Lester and another owned by H, Dewling of st. John's were In collision ncar Foley's Hill, South River. Ray Lesler a passenger, suffered a fractured nose and other Injuries and was laken to hospital III St. John's for treatment. M. Power, also a passenger, received several cuts and bruises. F. Lester, the

PERSONALS driver, escaped unhurt. Mr. J. The many friends of Mr. El'erelt Bussey, a passenger, In Mr. Dew.

Reid will be pleased to learn that ling's car, also received some euts he is Ieeling a lot be tier and and bruises. Both cars were \'ery hopes to return to his business In extensively damaged. the near future. This accIdent caused a traffic

Mrs. Selena Bendell has had an tie·up for several hours. and a operaUon at the General Hospital long line of cars and trucks form· and Is feeling as well as can be cd in both directions. Some driv· expected, ers attcmpted 10 get througb by , ,'The many friends of little Shiro using the back road, but found ley Bishop were sorry to hear that that it was hlocked by Bnow drifts she had her leg broken While out an~ was impassible. sliding. Another accident occurred late

"There was I phone can~something about a sweep­.takes ticket you had! I told him our tickets wore for

the basketball £ame and he hung u~ t" ,

Mr. Martin Whalen of Cupids on Tuesday night on the Cupids Crossing has Ilad an operation at road, when a van owned by ],I,

the General Hospital and is feel. Power, who earlier In Ihe day had ing as well as can be expected. been Injured in the accident men·

for \'e;i1. and all olher ineat under 20 pounds per qr. 1 .. penny per stone for salted befe or 'pork. Brcad and flour [or any quantity not exceeding 56 pountls, exceeding that quantity 6 pence per stone, under 7 Ibs. free and over 7 Ibs, weight 1-2 penny per lb. Salmon [resh, 1 penny each. All olher sort of {ish under 7 Ibs, weight [rce and over 7 Ibs. weight !i> pcnny per stonc, Berries under 2 gallons (rce. ol'er 2 gallons 1 penn)' per gallon, All othcr goods not enu· merated ami not exceeriing tbe weight o( 7 1b3. frec. Exceeding 7 Ibs, 2 pence per stone.

(5) No goods to be taken 10 th~ exclusion or inconvcnience of passongers, and goods o\'er 7 lbs. and under H to be can· ,sidcr~d a stone. All fees to be considered currency and to be prepaid.

Confirmed by HIs Excellency Ihe Governor, vide letter {rom the secretary dated 9th June, 1840."

Drew Thanl\s Local P.C's

The many friends o[ lIIrs, James tioned above. We understand, that McLean are sorry to learn she it skidded on hte slippery road, has been obliged to enter has. while being driven by B. Carrol of pital for treatment. Makinson!, and collided into a

Congratulations to Miss Mar· I bus that was parked by tbe road· Han. George Drew yeslerday gariet Dunne, daughter of Mr, and side. Both the van and bus were

sunt thc following message to Mrs. P. Dunne of Soulh River, on ,cxtensively damaged and Mr, Malcolm Hollelt, provincial leader her recent engagement to Thomas I Carrol received some injuries. of the Progressive Conservative Brennan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, I - -Party: Brennan of SI. John's. I r;EW MEXICAN GE~IS

1I~ly warm thanks for your kind . BIRTHD_1 Y . GREETINGS The Cerrillos hills, near Sanb and encouraging message which BIrthday greelmgs arc extended [. !Ii ~[ '11 d 'Ih In

I d 1 t . I t TI' I I II f II' E S R 'u \. h . e, I. • ., arc PI C WI n reae le me as mg 1 • liS las a le ~ 0 ~\I'Ing:- , : el, ·.c . Indian turquoisc diggin;:s. gcm. becn m~' first long almnce from ruary .1st., Florence Ncwell. feb· from wllich arr. identified by duty since I cntered public life ruary 20th; LI?y~ Boone, Fcbru· thch' peculiar colol' and hardnes!, and it was particularly heartening ary 21~t.; ~larJor!e :lloore, feb·, 10 receive a message such as yours ruary 16th, at thi, time. Kindest regards Bnd Srl~CI11L S~nVICES good wishes 10 all." Major and Mrs, Hewitt, S.A., i . EIGHT. VIRGINIAiI'S ,

Mr. Hollett had senl Mr, Drew! will be holding special sen'ices 3t i Eight Pres!d7n~~ ,of 1l1P. U~!tpd lhe following wire as he returned Ihe Sail'ation Army Hall fl'om I State~ were Vlrglllians by b~rtll: to the House of Commons, Ollall'a: Friday, February 18th to Wedncs. Waslllngton: Jerrcrson~ MadIson, "Please accept felicilatlons from day February 23rd. Everybody is Monroe. W. ':I' HarrIson, T)'ler. all Newfoundland P.C.'s on your cordially inviled to attcnd. I Taylor and Wilson. return to active leadership. May On Sunday, February 6th., at: PRINCIP~L CON;UMER your fight and recovery from reo the United Churcb, the C,G.I,T. , ,. ' 1 cent mness be symbolle of po- and Explorers groups occupied the Ihe Umted States, prlnclpa lilical future of the Conservative choir gallery at Ihe Sunday night consumer of the. platinum me,tals, party." service. The girls looked verY at. uses more platmum, palladIUm,

tractive in their uniforms and ruthenium, rhodium, iridium and Persons luffering from a their singing was very mucll en. I)smi~m than 311 other countrlcl

chronic I11nes~ may often obtain joyed. An anthem "Just as I am combmed. C. of E. Orphanage a happy and u~eful life through young, strong and' free", was ren: I -,._--

proper physlca~ and psychological dered by the full choir. Miss E, HBreiscofreeinan The following gifts and donn- guIdance. In many recorded Dale thc organist. Rev. I. Davies instant ••• 100%

tions are gratefully acknowledged: cases, the condition of chronic preached a "cry imprcssive ser· pure with nothing ~425.25-Holy Trinity Church, tnvalids has been \'astly improv· man The scrvice was very well added I No muS3

Grand Falls. "cd through tht' guidanee of the attended. Mrs. I. Davies is .the no I r 0 u n d s : $170.02-Heart's Content Par· Victorian Ort}~r of, Nurses. leader of these groups, and gives ISo del i c i 0 us!

Ish: $95,30 IIcart's Conlent, $74.72 untiringly 01 hre time to Lhe; Tim e • sa vi n g !

It's 'MATCHLESS' New Perllcan. Attendance of a V.O,:\'. nurse tl'aining of Ihese girls. I Economical I

$152,22-Gander Parish: 5116,72 in the home aller thc arrh'al of The women's world day 01 St. ~larUn';, Gander. $24.00 St. a new baby ~;1n make lire much prayer will be held again tllis George's, Gamho, ~11.~0 51. An, easier for the mother and [amIlY./ year at the Untied Church, on, drcws, Glenwood, Tile Victorian Order nurse will February 251h. All women and

5IS0.00-Burgeo Parish: $75.47 'I PI'O\'id~ instl'ucLion and dem·1 gir.ls in Ihc .di5tric~ arc inl'ited 10 .; I Burgco, 562.18 Ramea, $8.35 Fox onstrahons 0.1 the proper carc, umte for tillS serl'lce. I






It's "Matchless " The Paint of Quality

T~e' Standard ,·"Manpfactu~ing Co., . .,' /'


" ,

Limited .. '


: Fox Island. $4,00 Red Island, and handling of the baby, i On Mund~y Februal'Y 21st. a: STOCK UP TO-DAY AT YOUR

I SIS(},Otl-C.L,B, Old Comrades, ! conccrt, dance ami supper, will he : SI00,41-Curling Section of Bay Both ~lissouri and Ohio ha\'e i held at lhe Church of England I CENTREVILLE GROCER.

i of Islands, a tDIVn called Aid, J SChODl, Juniper Slump. A pIa)'

I $6T,50-Upper Island COI'C Parish: S37.4~ Upper Island Co\'e, $30.05 Bryant's Cove.'

$5T,30-Newtown, B.B, $42,5tl-St. ark's Church, Eaine

IIr.. Christmas Collection, S3(1,OO-C,E.W.A. Foxtrap: st.

.\lalthew's and 51. Mark's A,Y.P, I A., JIllmbermouth,

$26,79-Christmas Day Coliec., tion, St. Peter's Church, Hope­well.

$25,00 - r.E.A.A., Gander, Branch No. 58 $2.,00-Engll~h Hr. West. $23,0tl-Keels, B,B,; St. Geor.

ge's. $22,0tl-Klng'e Cove. $21,50-The Church of St. Law. I

rence, Porlugal Cove. I $~O.(Itl-C,E.W.A. Upper GUl'l

,lies: C,E.W.A. Kel1!grelV~, , S19.72-Seho~1 Childrcn, Bell· I ! coram, I i $16.09-SulI:Jay School, St, l.Tohn the EvaJl~elist, Coley's Pt, I : Sl1,95-SI. .\ndrelV'~ Church, i : Slh'er :r'ox IsI:1nr1. I i $10,78-SI, Matthew's Church, Illeart's Deli"ht. Christmas Col.

, lection. $10.00-C,E,Y'.A, St. Jo!eph's.

P.B" C,E,W.A., Baine Hr.; C,E. W.A" Hermila"e; Victory Lodge No, 277 L,O,B,A. St, John' •.

$8,20-LamaIlne, aqditional. $7.0tl-C.E.W.A., Pusbthroulh. $6,5tl-:Burin, $5.00-Port Redon Sunq~y

School; Miss Nina Tilley, Teaeher, Grand Falls; Jubilee Guild, :Balnt Hr,; C.E.W.A. 1I.lne Hr.; C.E.W. A. Brooklyn, Mrs. Fred Spencer, 119 Whiteway St.; C.I.W.A., Sel· dom.

$U50-WesleyVill,. $3,OO-Acldltlonal, C. of E.

School, C.taJlna, $2.50-SQndringham, B.B. $1.00-Port IU Bllas: In Memory

of Max Chafe, Petty Hr. 25c. - Addlllonal from St,

Paul's Church, trinity, T.B.· lIfrs, John W. 'Brake, Mrs. Sam·

uel White 11141 Mn. Jack Slury of Meadows, 11 paIr. of mitts Ind socks; lIfrs. Wm. Kelloway, :Baa· ger's Quay, 3 pairs mitts; E, M. Manuel, 'fwillingate, 1 barrel codfish: Mrs. E. Barnes, 34 Mer­rymeeting Rd. books, 'Skates and slocklngs: Mrs. J' Godden, 55 Newtown Rd" skltes and .kiil.

C, E, DAWE, Hon.Trellurer,

D.IAL 5201


t ,j 1 ,

'St. J

$200,00 - The lIy.

$100.00-Nfld. ed, St. Lawrenci

$55.(1(1 - Roy; collection; inelt 1118 amounts of ~10.00, Brigadic nell; $5,00, E. G. Neal; LI. J, L. M. HaIllVa)';

S50,0tl-A. E, Nfld. Tractor , Ltd.

$32.D7-Fair S31.70-Depal

Affairs collecti following am01 over: 55,0(1, D bell: $2.00, Cal Garrell.

$31.60 - ( School, Chanci

S31.50-C. c town.

530,00-1, F $28,OO-C. c

Cove. Port de $25.00 - R

collection, Inc: amounts of 0$: Capt. A. F. 1 Carroll,

$25,OO-Ben Ltd,; Fishcrll' Co. LId," POI Cafe, Bell Is Ltd,: C. of E. London. Ncw

S21.5(1-C. Sirlc.

$20,U(I-(:", E. School. Dil A. II. ~[u(ra.\' Bakery: S. n Sir Albrrt .1.

SIO,50-\:,( ear.

SJ9.4fl-r. Harbour \\'e~

S19.OO -Bay nllberts, ~17.90-C.

need. $17,85 -

School. SI6.iO-R.

Co\'e, $16,00-St

sey Dri\'c, ' School, Blu! gale.

$15.00-)1 J. B, Milchf

$14,6tl-U sons.

$ 14.15-C Harbour.

S13,50-V Harbour.

S13.08 -Bishops Fa

S12,50-l' tow,,; U. , East.


CO\·ct Fngn S11.50-l

la nrl. ~ltl,50 -

Stcphcndli School. lie;

SIU.4U-l pond. ! $10.10-\

Fox 1~lalld

$10.25-1 SIO.OU-I

Chads; U.( J. Burke, Green & I

11. Murray uels: Hon, rBokerage L. J. Brett Burn Isla~ Union; Sil B. Sheff! Grant Bu Girl Gui, Spencer C iIIe Bugd. ton; .W. W A. J. C Standard Wylic; GI No\'a; :Iii J. J. Bag James Or: cial Hock Carman\'il

Page 5: SHIPS SUNK, LIVES LOST AS GALES· WHIP EURO PEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · In the Salwan Bay memorial, .n·en milell from the colony's

. .

St. John Ambulance ,

Campaign S~OO.OO - The ~\acpherson Fam· Lower Island Cove; Harry Winsor,

IJ~·. S. O. Steele LId.; 11. G. Dustan; SIOO.OO-Nfld. Fluorspar Limit· G. W. Snow: Walter E. Wight:

~d. 51. Lawrence. Geo. J. Carter Ltd., Herring Neck. $55.00 - Royal C.1nndlan Army $D.OO-Roland Eddy, Knight's

:"lItrlion: includin~ the follow· CO\'e; U. C. School, Pool's Cove: .Il~ amounls o[ 52.00 and over: Mnryvale School; C. of E. School, UO.OO. lIrigndirr J. A. W. Ben· 5ummerslde. . :11'11: $5.00. E. Berwick: S2.00, C. $0.75-U. C. Schol, Musgrave-3. :'oical: Lt. J. It. Mklie; Capt. town. I.. ~I. Hanway: II. 11. Sills. $0.65-1Iouse io House Collee·

S50.00-A. E. IIickman &: Co.; tion, Red Island. .-\Ild. Tractor & Equipment Co., SB.55-Department o[ Finance L:li, collection, Including thc following ~~.Oi-r·air Island School. amounts of $2.00 and over: $2.00 sal.iO-Department of Veterans James Murdock.

,,(fairs collection; including the $0.51 - St. Barnabl'as School, '"lIowin& amnunts of $2.00 and Bay de Verde. 'Hr: 55.00. Dr. J. G. D. Campo $0.27-R. C. School, Presque. t'rll: $2.00, Capt. C. B. Dicks; H. $7.70-U. C. School, Garnish. liarrett. $7.50-U. C. School, Broad Cove, ~1.60 - Churcll 01 England Bay de Verde.

5('hllol. Chance COl'c. $7.25-Clarcnvllle North School. F.3l.50-C. o[ E. School, Nell" $7.00-U. C. School, Caplin

l~\'.·n. Cove; U. C. School, Point Bland· $.10.00-1. r. Perlin & Co. ltd. ford: C. of E. School Little Har. ~~8.00-C. o[ E. School, Hlhbs bour: C. of E. School, Shearstown;

Con'. Port de Gr:l\'e. C. of E. School, North River. "Ethel, I wlnt you to meet Mr. Himdlih, the inltillmen' 5~5.00 - Itoyal Canadian Navy $6.IJ5-C. of E. School, Plccaire. coll.otor~.'i bt.n in the family for y.~,:,l"

(,.l\rrtion, Including the followlns $6.75-Port Rexton School. . ' -_ .. _- .. - ". "- ._.-amounts or $2.00 ami O\'er: $3.00, 56.50-C. of E. School, Bishop's aux Basques. Commum"ty L'll'\. A. F. Pickard: $2.00. Lt. Covc; C. of E. School, Ivanhoe. $4.60-House to House Collee· t·arroll. S6.25-1'olnt EnraGee School. tion, Sally's Cove. A ~~5.00-Bcnnctt Brewing Co. $6.20-Hollse to House Collec· $4.50-R. C. School, Burke'S Planning ssoc

I.1d.; Fi~hcrman's Union Trading tion, Soulhport. Cove, Colllers: U. C. School, • ,'", LId .• rorl Union; Imverial S6.00-C. of E. School, Windsor; Georgetown. M' to H Id Calc, Bell Island; Gordon Butler U. C. School, Norman's Cove: U.C. $U5-C. of E. School, Flat ls. 1 ee m~ e ·.td.: l·. 01 E. School, ranch CO\'c; School, Old Perlican. land. What Is a Community Plannlnl L"nd~n. New YMk & Paris Lid. $5.60-5. A. School, Hickman's .$4.20 - U. C. School, Burin Association ForT What does It doT ~~1.50-C. of E. School, Jersey Harbour. North; U. C, School, G1overtown; These werr the questions dis.

Side. 55.55-R. C. School, Torbay U. C. School, Ship Island; U. C. cussed and answered by Dr. s~O.uO-e:l,hin Oib Ltd .. : C. o[ North. School, Port Nelson. Frank !\fnc1'!nnon of Charlotte.

f:. School. Dildo: JOl111 n. l'al'~on,: S5.50-U. C. School, Exploits. $4.0D-Little Harbour School, town, P.E.I., last night at II

.\. 11. ~Iurrny & ell. \.td.; E .. ,t Eml S5.30-C. 01 E. Schonl, Boyd's Twillingalc: V~ctoria ,Lod~c No. mceting sponsored by the local J;a1;rr;; :-i. n. ((llIiel', St. Alhan's; Cove. 1087, Clarenvlllc: \\. Kc.ndell, ".lmmunlty Planning A!lSocla. ~;r Alhrrt .1. Wal'h. ~5.20·-Flo\\'r.r·~ COI'e School. Muddy Hole; Gcrald U. Mayo, Rock lion In the Newfoundland Hotel

.~ln5(l-L'.C. Aeadcm)'. C.rhun· 55.10-n. C. School, Cn.lletl. Harbonr; Gllliams School, Bay of last night. r.' r. Sr..OO-·1\, S. Aitken. Bolwood; Islands, !l(argpr~t Rideout, Dark Dr. MacKinnon who is pmid.

. :1O.~O-(', 1'[ r:. Srh~ol. EII~lI~h : C. o( E. School, Brown's Cove; COl'e; C. of E. S5hool, Ba~'lcy's ent or the P.E.I. Branch of the H,rr-ollr \\'P!t. Gcorge Dunford. Grand Bank; Covc; U. C. School, Porterville, C.P.A.C. and principal of Prince

~\9.00 _. Amal;amated Sch~ol, \\,illimn rreslon, Dm'er; S. A. Willett Engineering &: Survey Co. of Wales C(lUege, was Introduced Hal' noherls. School, BUrin; C. of E. School, $3.80 - R. C. School, South by the chairman, Sir Brian Dun. ~li.oo-C. 01 .:. School, Bare· LamaJlnc; Miss S. Elsic Mayer, Rivcr. field, national president of the

nretl. Garnish; S. Cohan &: Sons, Wind· $3.50-Wesleyvllle West School; organlzatlJn. Sli,85 - Badl!cr Amalgamated snr; MagIstrate Garland Penney; C, of E. School, Coley's Point; C. No man looking back with

~th,,()1. Bons\'lsla; Magistrate B. J. All- of E. School, North Harbour; pleasure 01. his old home town SI6.iO-n. C. Schoot, King's batt, Grand Falls: J. Carpcnter, Queen's Cove School, North West says "I love the place, It ha.

CO\·C. Lcwisportc; Dr. W. H. Drover, Brook. such beautiful sewers" Dr. Mac. Sl6.00-SI. Luke's Schuol, ~!as· Bay Roberts; Leeland Wareham, $3.4D-C. of E. School, Wild Kinnon humourously remarked

~C\' Drh'c, Corner Brook: U. C. Harbour Bu[fctt; Mr. Parsons, Cove. in emphasizing the Importance of School, Blu[[ Head CO\'e, Twillin· Mrs. Jamcs Bugden '" Son, Brit· $3.27-R. C. School, Lord's Cove, planning for the cultural II well ~ale. annia; House to House Collection, $3.15-U. C. School, Happy Ad· as tire pnctical development of

$15.00-:'.lar5hall :\\otors, Ltd.; Mobile: Kim U. Kong, Carbonear; venture. a town or a city. Ita beauty and J B. :\lilchcll 1< Sun Lid, Joseph White, Hel'rlng Neck; $3.00-Shlrlcy Stratton, Main Individuality n.ust be taken Into

SI4.60-U. C. School, Robin· Stl'app's Pharmacy, Harbour Grace; Point; C. of E. School, Brig Bay; account, he pointed out, as well sons. Dr. F. D. Gill, Brlgus; J. B. Wells, Avondale North School; C. of E. as good roail~, an adequate water

$H.15-C. or E. School, BrItish Deer Lake; S. F. Forward, Lewis- School, Fox Island: Patrick Mur· ~upply and other things or fune. Harbour. porle; Anon; Thomas W. Brown, phy, Corbin; U. C. School, Heath· tlonal Impo tance.

SI3.50-U. C. School, Hickman's Lethbridge; Mrs. Shannon Clift; erlon; U. C. School, Coley's Point; He discussed the need' for ·co. Harbour. F. It. Clarke; lIIr. ad Mrs. W. StC\'· H. S. Tippie, Bay Roberts; C. Gill, operation betwecn federal, provo ~13.00 - "mnlg~matecJ School enson, Mrs. Edgar Hiscock, Mrs. Sandringham; Mrs. B. II. Shears, inclal and mUnicipal governments

Bi,h~ps Falls. A. E. Hickman, :llrs. J. Allison Mrs. A. Wareham; U. C, School, and pOinted (,ul that In a com par· SI2.50-L'. or E. Scllllol, .lames· Herder, Charlcs MacNeill, Dr. T. Elllslon: Wtil. Hiscock, Grecns· nU\'ely small prOvince like his

1',1111: li. C. Sehoul, LcwisJlorle \':. Harris, G. W. Jancs, E. B. pond; Cllarle5 Kean; ~Irs. Phil own-Prlncl! ~rI\Vard Island, that E;I;t. Foran. John F. Waish. F. W. Pen· Stack, 1'eUy Harbour: 1111'5. D. prol'incial 1;J\·(·rnment was much

~l~.tl()-l'. C. ~l'hl1()I, Nu!:gin ncj', ."rs. 11. Rilndell, Mrs. Dunstan Neal, C. Barbour, J. M. Walsh. B. closer to the people than in a (II\C. FO~1l lJi,lrict. ~lcCIlI'mac, 51. Clare Drugs Ltll., J. Bulicr, C. o[ E. School, Cape very large pruv!nce with n popu.

SI1.50-li. C. Schllnl, Winter· :-.:. Collingwood, Mrs. Jack Hlll, Anguillc, John Williams. lallon or mil1inns....,like Ontario. I .. nd. Capt. K. G. POlI'ers, Mr,. Lo\·c· 52.70-C. of E. School, Champ· There wr • hr felt, a tendency

WI.5l1 - SI. ~liehilc1's School, lace, D,·. B. J. Maher, R. J. Crum· ncy's East. ill smaller prt'l'itlces for municip' ~lcrhcn\·illr. L'ro;~in~; C. 01 E. Ille)" r:. P. Lush. A. H. Crosbie, $2.50-Mlss r:. M. Manuel, ~Ii,s alies to becon-.e over.dependent Sl'hu~l. lIcart'~ Deli~hl. Georee Summers &: Son, J. G. )Iary M. White, Mrs. W. White, on the' Provincial authority and

SI0,40-L'. 01 E. SchOOl, Greens· Anderson, John J. Butler, J. B. Miss ·H. White, Mrs. G. Burness, ----c--~-:-::-::::""::'_:_::_ ""nll, Dohson, ImperIal Optical Co., II. Abbott, Bunyan's COl'e; Claro well, II. Kelly. Mrs •. M. Wal~h, Mrs.

SlU.IO-C. of E. School, Silver Brown, 'Renon[ and Mcrcer, Chlel ence Day Point La Hage and Gas. S. Murphy, Miss Agnes 0 Dea, J. r"x 1~land. o[ Police, L. Strange; C. A. kiers School, Mrs. W. H. Baird, V. O'Dea,. Mrs. F. M~Namara,

$10.:!5-B. C. School, Glenwood. Pippy, Jr., NUd. Fuel & Engln. A. B. Morgan, House to House Peler Knee, ~r. (Badge~ s Q~a~), $IO.OO-C. o[ 1':. School, SI. eerlng Co. LId.; Acadia Gas En. Collection, Morris Brook. Slew~rt R. Kean (Pool s lsI n ),

Chadsi U.C. School, HlIlvicw; Dr. glnes; Hugh Cole, l{ennelh Bliss, $2.35-Arthur Churchill, '6outh A. II. Baird (Terra Nova), Mn. A. J. Burke, Grand Bank; E. J. JIIary Liddy Torbay' Mr. and River. Kelland, Mrs. Richard Hayes, U.C.

h' I 'I' I d M E School (Pardy's Island), S. A. lireen &: Co. Lid., Wlntcrlon; A. Mrs. Josep Wh Ie, B scay Bay, $2.00-J. H. Po lar, rs. . S h I (L h' BI ht) W J P 11. ~lurraYj Dr. J. A. Walsh, Man· E. A. Bowring, R. S. Noel, Bonne Drodge, Mrs. C. Reid, Major W. (~t 00, ~s ~ Rg c' Seh '1 ~:te \I''l~; Hon. E. S. Spencer; NUd. Bay; Mrs. J. Herder; Mrs. C. Piercey (Glenwood), Mrs. G. Cros· on~ S ove, • . F 00 F . I'Bokerlge Ltd.; E. 1.. Hlekman; Crosbie Lester LeDreW Laurence- ble Miss M. Harris Mrs. Dr. Mur. Kyran 5), Mrs. Alfred agan ( ox·

· ' I h' b .' 'F J trap), Mrs. John Blanche (Jersey L. J. Bretl; Mr~ Margaret Chaulk, town, Mrs. S. Ra p, Wa ana, phy, Mrs. Geo. McNamara, • • Sid) Mr Esth H rt (Fer, Burn Island; C. of E. School, Port Victoria Hodder, Bonavista: Mor- Lynch, Mrs. Dorothy Goodridge, e , B. er a rninn; Simon Levitz'" Son Ltd.; gan Printing Co.; Cornell Mae. Ex.Sgt. E. F. Nugent (Kelllgrews), meuse, C. of E. School (Burnside), B. Sheffman; Joseph Crocker: GlJllvray Ltd.' W. A. Munn & Co. Vincent McHugh (Marysvale) A. O. Parsons (Bonne lIay), J. R.

, , wl I DOd)' Dancy (Burin North), Raymond M. (;rant Burnell: First St. John's Ltd.; Rennie '" Horwood, Ian Captain J. F. Le • (Ho yr 'T (1 h ) Willi m Fong (;irl Guide Company, Bishop Reid, Mrs. A. G. Gosling, Mabel Penney (Wes\ern Bay), W. (:oie d~npfe, Mi~S (Loon !>pcncer College; Leo Healey; Nev· Grouchy's Limited, W. F. Can· M. Fudge (Belleoram), Mrs. A. W. 0 WDO, eman , ille Bugden Ltd.; R. A. Temple- nlns, Justice Winter, K. A. Clarke, Brett (Bridgeport), Geo. Bungay, ~ay» S~ley ~enney ~B:::e~~: Ion: W. W. Wareham &: Sons Ltd.; Chesley Handrlgan, Frank Mc· Sr. (Grand Bank), Levi Bungay (~v~ 'DOd:S• R b ~a:OOg e J (Old .\. J. Casey; Central Bakery; Namara & Co., Dominion Machin· (Grand Bank), W. T. Hartery 0 yr , 0 e A: (LII ~tandard Bedding Co. Ltd.; F. G. ery, Chalker '" Co. Lid., George (Portugal Cove), Everett Saun. Perlican),1tlrs. James n Py • Wylie; Gra~' Stores Ltd.; Terra Chalker, Nfld. Lime '" Manufac. ders (Wlnterbrook), Mrs. W. tic Harbou~), William H. Chur~~l11 :-'ol'a; :\\lS5 Violette Macphel'son, turing Co., P. W. Budgcl!, Terra Churchill, Mrs. C. LeMessurler, (St. Philip s), Wm. G.oodyear ( au~ J. J. naggs, Point Lcaminglon; Nova; Belmont Tal'crn. S. A. School (TlYlIlingate), James roc), Marvin Cume (Port , Jamcs Oq.tan; St. John's Commer. $US-C. of E. School, Herml. Rowe (Channel), Mrs. Douglas Besques), C. of E. School( Green,s cial Hockey League; Willis Tulk, tage. ShanD, Mrs. L. Kavanaga, Mrs. L. Harbour), R. C. School (Brake s l'armanvillc', Stephen _ Garland, $4.7S-The Brook School, Port Ferman, S: Elliott, Wlniford Cald. Cove), Joseph S. W:st (Ladle

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squeal" • • New. Batter tread dca/JII Jives 15 r. more skid resisWlce I~

. No tire at or near its price can makh it I Se. VI tocloyl


Cove), Mrs. C. H. DavIS, Mrs. H. B. Cylde Lake, Mrs. J. Pike, Mrs. R. Martin, Mr!. 1t~ary Boland (Cal· vert), Christina Flynn (Tack's Beach), Mrs. T. J. Ring, Ralph Levitz Mrs. Alex Butt, C. W. Main· warlng, Mrs. D. MacGory, Mrs. AI· len Bishop, H. A. Stephenson. Mrs. Cole, H. Green & Son, Mrs. Frank Adey, Mrs. J. CI()uston, Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. :r.r. Hollett, Mrs. M. Coe, Mrs. May Cochrane, Mr •. Frank Pittman, Miss E. Heale, Mrs. L. Conroy, J. J. Duff, Mrs. Cyril Carter, A. C. Chatwood, D. L. But­ler, F. J. Locke, Robert ca\nu, Mr.. James Case, Sr., C. It. Peet, Mrs. Sadie O'Brien, H. A. Mitchell, Mr. Snow, Mrs. J. J. Taylor, Mrs. Walker, John Kendrick, Mrs. G. Bradbury, W. Hoddinott, Mra. W. Blackwood, Mrs. George Black· wood, Mrs. G. MacDonald, C. E. Dnwe, A. G. Murray,. Norman Crane, Miss Hazel Blackwood, Mrs. F. Dawe, Mrs. D. JamIeson, Mrs. Helen Fraser, Mn. William Pryde, E. Antle, G. Baggs, Marl/aret Mur· phy, Jolm Clift, Miss Frances Decker; Mrs. Ron McDonald, Mrs .. J. W. Tulk, Miss' K. O'Dwyer, G. Lemessurier, R.M. Rennie, R. Vavasour. Amount5 under $2.00 .... $ '101.97 Total Acknowledged to

Date •• ..... •• ' ....... 7,929.35

TIiE DAILY NEWS, MONDAY, FEB. 21, 1955' ,. ::

expect too many 113nd'out5. lo\letown, where though It was t "When th l , happens'" he said! known for tw,mty·!ive years thati local democrdtlc govel'nment de· a new schoul. would be nceded.1 clines. It is Important for a muni· had failed t·) IJUY land on which cipallty to .:let out and do things 'It could be bUIlt. "The result Is" for Itself ard work not as a de. he said "that the school stands pendent, b\.t In co·operatlon with two miles outside the city or tile' provincial government." fourleen thousand people. Chilo

••• _1.

Elected reVl1csentatives were dren have to walk those miles under constant pressure from to ~chool 'pnd a bus .Is needed, their constituents for Immediate whleh will be an addcd expense. benefits and any political ad· Ohvlously a rlalculous situation." ministration hOL a tcndency to

"Remember" Dr. MacKinnon postpone tho~e things which said In conclusion "that whlle were not an immediate need. One of the duties IIf a Community planning Is easy In a totalitarian Planning Association was to con. country where it can be ImpoSj!d aider Immediate problem In the o? the people. It Is much more light of future development, look difficult In R democracy where for a solutlo.! and and bring It they are ask~d to accept It. A to the attention of the Municipal pressure group, IUch as a Com· authorities. munlty Planning Association, Is

necessary to make democraey It was necessary, he added, to work properly It can create

have trained town planners on public opinion which In turn the staff of a municipality and Is respected by the elected rep. then havIng got them thcre to rc e tatlv" ' make lure that thclr advice, 5 n es. modified to meet the special reo qulrementa of the citizens, should be backed by 'a stronl publle To aid disaster In any part or opinion. the world your Canadian Red

As an example o[ the unCortun. Cross Ilockplles emerlency reo ate result of lack of planning, lief lupplles tin SwItzerland, Au· Dr. MacKinnon spoke of Char. stralla, Turkey and France.

. ··..,1 ." ........... ... ..... l1li .. ..




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·.ST. JOH~'5

Page 6: SHIPS SUNK, LIVES LOST AS GALES· WHIP EURO PEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · In the Salwan Bay memorial, .n·en milell from the colony's


. !


6 .. THE· DAILY NEWS, MONDAY, FEB. 21, 195'

But the history of Citadel Hill goes Laurier: Plan To Use

The DAILY NEWS Is • morning paper established In 1~, and ·pubUshed at the Ne". Bulldlng.·~ Duckworth Street, st. John'., Newfoundland, by Robinson," Company, Limited. rEMIER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS

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back only to the foundation of Halifax as a great British overseas port a little more Ma·n Of Coura. ge King's ·Estat.e As. than two hundred years ago.· More than '150 years earlier a watcher.on Signal Hill Concert S.tage .

d h 1 k d d th f· t By w. J. ASHLEY .. -coul ave 00 e own upon e Irs Since the Second World '''ar',

ff' . i 1 t' f th B 't' ~ t d rd " OTTAWA (cp}-Symp·.IOny con·

o ICla p an mg 0 e rl ISa S an a Canadians have become incrcas- certs and drama may be heard 'in North America. ..' ingly aware of their growing im· this summer at the GaUneau hills

Citadel Hill well deserves to be pre- porlance In the world. If we ask estate of the late prime minister served by Ottawa as a notable historic ourselves how this adult status has Mackcnze Kins at Klngsmere If

monument but' the earlier an. d more been attained, we think Immedl· the plans of a gro'''' of art·lovlng Ottawans are realized,

1 f 1 h· t f Sign· al Hill J' ustifies ately 01 our recent war effort; our Two . hundred pJrsons recently

co our u lS ory 0 " Increased production, ;nd our even more the intention to make It the widening relation· 5 with other·nttended tile first public meeting I held by sponsors of the project centre of a new historic site and park. countries. amI they selected a provisional

In the harbour which it protects, men, We Newfoundlanders do not board oC directors and decided to and ships who were to take part in the great think as readily of the many great oeek a charter as a non·prollt· or· battle with the Spa. nish Armada l!heltered Canadians of the past who have garilzation. They would present pointed the way to Nationhood plays and concerts from the ver. in their fishing voyages to the new world. and guided this young . country aoda of Moorside, once Mr. King's In that harbour, Jacques Cartier took (Canada) In ,that dircetion .. This. country ·home . In another hOuse on the GOO·acre supplies before venturing on his first ex- Is no doubt understandable from prOperty Canadian pai!l.llngs would ploration of the St. Lawrence~ And on the the Ne~foundlanders' viewpoint: b~. exhibited and an art school heights of the Hill Ocurred the final baUle as they unUl 1949 were not too held. There is some hope that A.Y. between French and English in the Seven familiar with the aims' and ob:... J~ckson. famous Canadian painter, jects of politics as Rpplied to the may assist at the school. Mr. Jack. Years War. other nine proyinces, known to son 1s moving ~ nearby Carp.

These and many other great events will us as tlie Dominion of Canada. Ont., soon and .wlil b~ handy as a be commemorated when Signal Hill be- However, one man 'stands out . ~O~{~E~f T~~vlce. . comes a national historic park and the above all the others for his efforts A bailet school may also be set

-------~:-::-::::-=:::--:-:19::5::5-- hope must be that the decision to proceed to prepare his. fellow-citizens. for up, the meeting was told. The MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21, ~. b . kl . 1 their. entrance onto the stage oC· sponsors hope to raise money by

with this' project will e qUic y lmp e- world afCalrs. In 1890, he told sirning 5~()oO members ill the or·

Seaway W"I" 8rl"ng Changes mentcd. an audience In Montreal, "The day g~nlzatlon, when It is finaily named is coming when this country will and chartered.

have to take Its place among the Dlr~ctor Leo Dolan o[ the gov·

th G t L kes S· . I AT' . . . ernment travel bureau, who acted

The fist ship to enter e rea a - torm n eacup nahons of t,:c ea~th .... I want as chairman of the meeting, said by the new deep waterway' may start her my country's independence to be Ott~wa, for tM long, "haoS been ,"O~'a"e from Montreal w~th. the opening of . Popular indignation over the high price reached through the normal and known as the quietest capital city

J e. f 1959 d tl e regular progre~s o[ all the elementS in the Ivorld."· He envisioned the navigation in the spring 0 • an 1:r of tea in Great Britain has caused angry of its population towards the reall· Kingsmere festh'al as a bOOn to i, already some anxiety In that Clty demands for. price control and incited even zation of a· common. aspirai!on." summ'~r .I'isitors. . ,...hether the port will be able to meet the a "useless tea" campaign among consum: Sir Wilfred L.,urier realized . The project also ~as.the sanctIOn ...... competition that will then occur.' only too well that his cOllntrY bad of Ihe. ~ederal . DISt~lct. C01!'mis. .... n ers. • sion, 11'~l1ch looks afler· details o[

T. R. McLagan, president of Canadian The Government has pointed out that JlI'RI'e and peculiar problems to carrying out the national capital Steamship Lines, has said tha.t the port .of current prices are simply the reflection of face hefore It could really emerge plan (or ottawa nnd surrounding ~ 1 d to dIS as the great "D~minlon" which districts, Including the Klngsm.ere MontreaL is not proper Y eqUlppe - an excess of demand over supply which the Fathers of Confederation had area In Quebee, about 10 miles charge the great new lake ships whi~h al'e will riht itself in due course. Price control, dreamed about at Quebec In 1867. north of the city. replacing the smaller vessels now m use it adds, would lead to subsidies and ration- Fortunately this great leader's The only dissenting note comes and unless the deficiencies are remedied, hl

rfwhich are not desirable. personalit)' . and hack·ground were fro?, Ih~ K!ng;;mer

e Proper!y Own·

n h t db completel" u'j d t th d I' t ers Assocl3tlOn, whose dIrectors

ocean-going ships wi ave 0 procee up The tea industry claims it is not the J s leo e e Ica e have asked the federal district

the rl'''er to ports be~'ond Montreal to take '11' f tIi' d·' 1 d' t 'b t and exacting task. commission to re.strict I:.ie festi· • ~ Vl am 0 e piece an . one arge IS rI U - I,aurler 11'35 horr. at 51. Lin, a val's activities to a few plays and

the cargoes brought down by the "lakers" ing organization claimed its prom was less little l'iI1age north of Montreal. the 3rt and ballet school.s. The as' While Montreal is conerned with the tl:an a halfpenny a pound but the public Today the quaint little Laurier soelation represents residents who

competitive' position to arise when. the seem more inclined to believe the Premier home Is a National Museum-not i~ve ncar. th~ es~ate w;lich Mr. seaway is completed, here in Newfound- of Ceylon who claimed that tea prices in an imposing or monumental place, ~/n~a~!~t hIS WIll to the people land we should be thinking of new Britair, were too high. but a slmp.le country. dwelling set "Traffic 'is bad enough noW with· opportunities. Th~; controversy will undoubtedly be in a beaullful garden. To sit for out our Sunday afternoon privacy

The I'dea of a great free transhipping t'f' d' d' b 1 .. a few momenls in the cool upper b~ing invaderl by peQple coming to I'ec I le In ue course Y norma economIC room that was Sir Wilfred's bed. listen 10 band concerts," a spokes·

port in Mortier Bay or, alternatively, Bay means nor is it likely that the British room Is to feel yourself close to man said. d'Espoir, has been strongly revived with people will show any tendency to forego the spirit of greatness, for Laurier SUCCESSFUl, CO~IPANY

h d argument to support it th . d '1 f th' f 't I'S another C f Walter Herbert, director of the muc soun • elr many at Y cups 0 FIr avourl e proo 0 one of history's Canada Foundation and one of the

Two particvular virtues have been beverage, regardless of price. eternal lessons: great men of a festival's vice·presidents, said the advanced. One is that the grain and other The only alternative would appear to young nallon often come from Idea grew out of the success DC products of the Middle West could be be recourse to coffee which the English humble beginnings. t!Je barnstormers, a group of ~mi·

h 1 t th The Laurier family had come professional actors ~\ito put on a

brought by the cheap water au 0 e do not know how to brew and for the to Canada as early as the middle play or two al Kmgsmerc last free port in Newfoundland for storage and maldng of \vhich they seem to have no of the 'sevent th t i summer.

d. 'b t' 'th h t th . een cen ury- n· The elght·week program would

ultimate Istrl u lon roug ou e wm- aptitude to learn. deed one ?! them was amoni the offer II play every Thursday. Fri. ter to markets abroad. At present these,; first co~omsts of Montreal. Eight day and Saturday night, and a con· products must rcmain in storage all winter generatl,ons laler, this old Can· ccrt Sunday afternoon. Saturday br be mo\'ed only by higher cost rail trans- .Strength For To-day adian family produced a man who Rfternoons there would b~ a chilo

lJOrt. The other advantage is that the was steeped in th etradltlons of Ilis rlren'Q program, featuring th,~ Sat· country's past but wh· . urday players, an amateur .ottawa 20,000-ton ore boals going to Seven Islands ' ose e) e was group that pf()duces children'S could earn.' full cargoes to the Newfound- By EARL A. DOUGLASS turned to th~ fuutre. When Wi!· plays or the Ottawa Philharmonic L-_--------------.. , fred was a boy, St. Lin was a Orch~stra under conductor Eugene land port before moving to Seven Islands WHEN DEDICATION IS Co)lPLETE prosperous frontler vlllage, set In K~sh. for their return ore cargoes, Thus their Dwight L. Moody has sometlm~s heen called the the broad ferUle plain of the St. Mr. Herbert, in an intervie\~" es' earnings would be greatly increased and most successful evangelistic preacher In the Lawrence Valley. The Church tlmnted that about $50,000 .\\111.be lower freights would be applicable to the hlsto"" of the Christian Church. It Is believcd tower domlnnted, the little houses needed t? hir~ acting, dlr

7ctmg 'J d then as It d t d , "1 and mUSIcal talent.

iron shipments. that at least a half.mlllion people were converte oes 0 ay. \ I fred . Kingsmere ~now administered as These advantages are capable,of being as the result of Moody's preaching .. He wu an loved the nautral beauties of his a public pa~k by the FDC, will

uneducated man, a lal'man; hut he had been sound- native I'llIage, and It 15 likely be available free o[ eo.iargc for the multiplied as the idea of the free port is 1'1 converted when he was a boy, and he dedicated thnt this tie to tile earth had some- ~rl~ festival. more closely .examine.d 'and there is no j t thing to do "vllh th t ff ------:----:----:-;;::-his life to a great pro ec . ' e grea a ec· livered in Quebec, -June, 1871. doubt that in this scheme lies an· economic AS a young man he preached and had consider· tion in later years that urged him was reeeived with enthusiasm opportunity for Newfoundland which must able success, but nothing phenomlnal. Then one to devote his whole life to the ser· throughout the country. On-June be .carefully studied and brought to the day·ss he was walking along the streets of New vice of his country. 7, 1877, he succeeded Edward attention of imaginative capitalists. York City, he had a spiritual experience known. \ Wilfred's early education came Blake as chief o[ the Liberal

, , 'b opposition, though he himse a' as the baptism of the Holy Spirit. ,He describes \ partly from his mother and pari· If d vised the choice of an EngJis -It as follows: "Oh, what a day! I cannot dcscn e 1'1 from the Parish School at 51. h

It; I seldom refer to it; it Is almost too sa~red Lin. When he was 11 he was sent 1 G d th speaking Protestant; and in 1896 an experience to name. •. I can on Y say 0 en I to school at nearby New Glasgow, on the return o[ the Liberals to revealed Hlmse!! to me, and I had such an ex· where he was taught English, and . . t

I Pllwer he became Prime Mmis er perience of,hls love that I bad to ask H m to stay here too he learned something of' h f'1I

Cheap fuel in the form of coal was a his band: After' that I preached. I did not the outlook of the English.speak. oi Canada. That position e I . . t t t 'b t t th d 1 h d d ed . with remarkable distinction very unpor an con rl u or 0 e eve op- present any neW truths, and yet un re s were ing Canadians, Two years later he ment of Great Britain as a great industrial converted. 1 would not now be placed back where went to the Catholic College at until 1911.

Britain Looks Ahead·

b ( hat bl d . If Of all of the repr~5entatives of

nation in the nineteenth century. Coal is I lVas e ore t ess~ expenence you were L'Assomption where he' studied t i th t f th Id It Id

teh colonies in England on the no longer cheap and it is becoming harder 0 g ve me e reasure 0 e wor - wou for the next seven years. This occasion o[ Queen Victoria'S Gold·

be as the small dust of the balance." ducation varied as it was between every year to produce the country's re- ~I d I f h t G ddt e en Jubilee, Laurier was the most " 00 y was an examp e 0 w a 0 oes 0 an the traditions of both of Canada's quirements. So now the Government is even modestly endowed man who. puts his life remarked for the refinement of looking ahead in the belief, as a recent completely at the divine disposal. God had all great cultures. was an . Ideal pre· his manners and the' elegance of

h t.. 1 of him. '. paration for a role of leadership his diction, and was. recognized in

'0' Paris as In London as one' of t e White Paper asserts, t a nuc ear energy In Canadian life. B' ut the climax h Is the energy of the future". I - .. - of Wilfred's schooling was still to most eloquent speakers of his time

The intention of the British Government come; in 1884 he graduated with either In French or English. is to .build twelve atomic power stations Wh t ath rs Are Saying· high honours from the McGill .Whil~ a great admirer· of Eng· in the next ten years, the first of them to a· e . . ... UniverSity Law School.· Laurl~r land's' political Institutions, and a go :into operation by 1960. The initial cost was. admitted to,tIle Bar In IBst Liberal of the English rather than • th'1 . tit' t d The climate o[ Montreal, did not the eimtincntal school, he was an

01. . e' nuc ear power proJec s es Ima e PARKING HOG . suit his health so he went to the . h b to be £300jOOO,OO and this huge outlay is (Appeton Post' (Wis.) Crescent).. Eastcrn.Townshlpswhere he even- ~~e~!~t.~n~:~aa~:,~d d~5~r~~.g, ~~ expected to produce ultimately electrical A gripe of' every driver Is the' parking space tuallv settled at Arthabas.kli. This i' I'

hi f h lid I t t t ju t as someone ' opposed the 'irriperia.l.shc po ICY

-ner'rhT -ual to that now derived from five t e w 0 s es n 0 a vacan spo I . wos. to be his home for the nexl· ' t d ... II>J -"1 who I8W It first is angling to back Into It. It, of Chamberlain, and contnbu e to six million tons of coal. . . .' happened· to Miss Ruth Harmon of Madl~oll last thirty years, and In 18~7 he began more than any. other· manto prp·

The basis for this nuclear development week and . she used.a combination of temper and the 'praetice' of' lilw,' at t.he samo vent him from drawing the· colon·

is '~e.Government's convl'ctl'on that atoml'c 1 HI H time he ran a newspaper. There ies ·Int~ the "vortex or warlike "I patience to teach tile man a esson. ss armon two professions led him I·nevltab· .. .... . h h d· . h •• • 1 1 bl k d 1 t th id f til imperialiJps," to usc his expres·

power as reac e a stage were It IS vita. simp y dou e par e aga,ns e s e., 0 e ly to an intense Interest ·In public "that we should apply it commercially offender's car until he came back. He Bsked· her ffairs. slon. . . to move. Sbe pretended not to hear. He ranted, a He .had to pass through all kinds with all speed if we are to keep our posi- swore, shouted insults and abuse.. Miss Harmon But first he attended 10 some· of political and . religious dUfi­tion as a leading industrial nation and reap continued to stare straight ahead as. If ahe were business of a private nature and cultles, .and gave· evidence of the benefits that it 'lffers". alone In the world. The man stamped of with. married Zoe La Fontaine whom he qualities and tal~nts which. would

Because of the inability of the coal in- threat of calling the pollee: In 10 minutes be had met In Montreal. The wives have made him distinguished as a dustry to produce all that is n~eded, Britain eame back alone. Miss Harmon stayed Immov· of great men Ire often paid hand· speaker and a statesman In ·any bl t 1 ti f intm nt h h some compliments, but Mlle. La country of . the .world. Not the has a greater incentive than other in- a e un I me or. an appo e. w en s e Fontaine' surely received the least' of hl·s· services to Canada

. .,. •. finally pulled away, hoping that she made the dustnal nations to proceed more rapIdly m~n good arid late. for something Important. finest-lOIn marrying her,"s friend has been the splendid' contribution with the industrial production of nuclear ~:o:- of Laurier tells us, "Wilfred. had he made throughout a long life, energy and may well take a firm lead in . 'OLD MEN' IN OFFICE achieved half of his career." to the furtherance of good rela· this field of the utilization of atomic power. (Brantford Expositor) .' In 1871 he was .elected to tile tlons and ·mutual helpiulnessbe.

, " Farquhar; Oliver,' ,Ontario Liberal Leader, must Quebec Legislature, and In 1874 tween the two great races of which be running short of what lItUe ammunition he he was chosen as~lberal· member the population is ·inalnly composed.

HI'" once· had. He noW resorts to the feeble com· of the Dominion House of Com·'· The task ot' our gimeratlon to· Our Historic plaint that the ontario Conservatlver,'Governmenl mons for Drummond and Artha- daY·\s;surely· ta jUsury this gr~nd

. . , consists of ."old men who need replacing." Never baska. He was soon rccogniled as old man's confidence' in' our abil-The'famOus Citade.l Hill overlooking the heard any lulih !irlpi'about Mackenzie King when one of the most eloquent speakers. ity to set aside petty· differences

if h b . . he was Liberal Prime Mlntster of Canada, did we? In the Canadian Parliament. At and to assist In proVing, as IIC pre·

gr;at harbour of Hal ax as. een maln- Not, ai any rate, from Mr, Oliver. And what says the outset he was regarded as thr. dicted, tliat the twentieth century ... tamed by the Federal Government for he of Prime Mlnlster'St. Laurent (age 73), lit. Hon. leader of the Liberals In Quebec belongs to Canada .. The annivcr·

some time as a national historic site and .James G. Gardiner (72), Rt.Hon. C. D. Howe (69)1 province, a speech of his In de· sary of str Wilfred's death was m_uin.. .... Need we ,0 on? . fense of CathC?lIc Liberalism de: ·Feb~uary. ~~~h .. ·. .. .... ,.


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ThE Today's Y( City M.ode lurn To A

Once, in home John's, the visito thing to greet· hi of Grandfather I

ton chop whisker Photos of relal

ornate and noll', que frames were ment o[ the U\'ir

Today's young St. oJhn's arc II lil'ing rooms lod er replaced by U Cezanne and el'(

The trend is I tals smartest ho jority of homes erns In particu1 evidence of its· i

Every reader will knoW some circle who has productions of \ Ings, a nelV be; to your home.

Children toda are more ramil of the arlists II in our own day

The writer r routh, Rosa BOI

in his home folk here kne about painting

Today therc explore, to ap own-in their duel ions of th masters,

We hope ir low this chan ll', to try to e' if possible, to ers hal'e the here. Until t reader look , paintings on Grace Spark I Hill. Th~y al Ipiralion am

ing in the

Visits 1 Health

The Actir In company ster has TI

"isits to t the Sanator for :lrental Durin~ the: ellssions wil or the resl garding bu ments and

At the I has been time on re and workin Very cons have been ever, yet r continuing very great. considerinl attracting tile Dro[es

The Mil pleased II'

the tuben Province . torium ar torium ca the patie The SUCCI spotting stages as of Healtl Tubercull showlna; Moreover the coml being ad without ther, the tions thn


Page 7: SHIPS SUNK, LIVES LOST AS GALES· WHIP EURO PEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · In the Salwan Bay memorial, .n·en milell from the colony's



ousewives News • UI °e

" orne Beauti " .

They'ore Replacing Grandfathers Picture With Paintings Today's Young --_._ .. _ ... __ ..... _-

French Paintings Vsrmeer Trio Cj~ M.oderns Turn To Art

llnce. in homes her~ in st. .h.lm·s. the \'isitor found tbe first ~~:r.:: to !:reet' him was a portrait .'( Grandfathcr on th~ lI'all·nmt· 1,'n chop whiskers et al.

Photos of rclalh'~s h\ln~ in Ih~ ,';l1Jle and nnw, seem!ngh' srotes· qa,' frames were the chief auor· 1

"-:(n1 "f IIIC Ih'in~ room. I Teday's youn;: moderns hcr~ In

R (l.lhn·s ar~ turnins to art ami lj\'in!: rooms lmlar sec Grandfalh'l r~ replaced b~' Ulrlllo, Rembranut, (tzanne and el'en Picasso.

The Irend is hea\·y. In the capl· t:.L. smarlcst homes and in a rna· i~ril\' of homes of Its young mod. ~rn~' in particubr do YOlI' find c\·idcncc of its I:roll'th.

E\'e!'Y reader of this pase tOliaf \1m knoll' someone in bls or ber mrle wbo has found that in re· pr.Hluctions of world famous paint· in;s. a ncll' beaut>· can be added I ~ your home.

Children loda~', on a wider scale, .rr more familiar with the works ~r tbe artisls than they wore c\'cn in our own tla)·.

The writer rec.,lls tllat In Ilis 'oulh Ro~a Bonhcllr was a favorite in hi~ home bul ~enerally, cily !nll: here knew lillie or nothing ;.hollt paintings.

Toda\' there is a real desire to '~l'lor;. tn appreciatc art and 10 nwn-in their own homes-repro. Cl"cliolls of Ihe works of Ihe gre3t rna'lers.

A group of three prints of paintings by French artists Van Gough and Cezanne. The round wood cut is just a small plaque picked up for the excellent lines in the cut.

New BSC Sound Equipment

strengthening resistance to the IT 0 N W k is required in your home, calli all famllies. J L · discase. While much still re· f/... ee the Vlcl!, !nn Order of Nurses. Members of the Victorian Or. ames alng mains to be done to bring tuller· "V.O.N. Week" Is beIng observ. All members of. the Victorian der of Nurses are graduate reo ••• R 1 .

Visits To Health Institutions culosls under mOfe ef{ective con· cd across the country this week Order of Nurses arc graduate gistered nurses and most have VISItIng e abves

trol, the success thus far achieved to acquaint Canadians with the registered nur~es. The majority addltlonnl special quallflcatlons. Is "ery heartening, particularly to I)(}me nursing care carried out have addltlona, qualifications In The Victorian ?rder nurse pro· In St John's '

The Acting Minister of lIenlth those who were for so long obll~· by the VlclorJ:m Order of Nur. public health courses. ,vldes care an;1 Instruction In the I..

h compan~' ,,1th the Deputy Mini· ed to fight this disease with fac· scs. The Victori.lr Order of NurscE home under direction of a phy· !IIr. .Tames Laing. a former 'Irr has recently paid official i1l1tcs that can only be described Nearly one mllllon visits arc provldcs exceptional home nul's· sic Ian. resident of l~ewroundland and \'i;ils to the General Hospital, as pitifully Inadequale. made to Canadian homes each Ing care for all families wishing When home nursing care Is reo 'I now resldln!; III fhc United King. the Sanatorium and the Hospital. At the Hospital for Mcntal anr! year by members of the Victorian to avail themselves of this ·s~r· qulred, Canadians know thcy can dom arrived I,' the cily this week fnr llental and Nervous Diseases. Nervous Diseases the sltuallon reo Order of Nur~es. vlee. I turn with cont~dence to the Vic, on a visit 10 his mother, Mrs. fluring these \'i~lts ~e held dis- garding accommodation and 1m· Working umler the direction Fi~nnclal difficulties need not torlnn Ordcr· of Nurses. The I Ernest Lalllg and his Sister fuss!ons with the Superintendents prol'ement of administrative facl· of a doctor the Victorian Order dcter anyone from seeking the V.O.N. has ber-n serving Canada I Gwendolyn wh(' has not scen him ~r the respccth'e Institutions reo lilies. such as central storage for of Nurscs ~ro\"ides skilled nurs- home nursing care provided by (or over 50 venr.;, for 13 years Circumstances pre. ~ardint: both structural require· supplies, Is not nearly so enCOllr· Ing care in the home. the Victorian Ordcr of Nurses. This Is '·V.O.N. Week," ill Call·' vented him from arrMng herel mcnts and staffing personnel. aging. At present the Hospital TIle Victorian Order oC Nur. The V.O.N. will reduce or waive ada and is helng ohserved t.o to \'Islt his Illte Cather prior to

AI the General Hospital work cares for over 000 patients under ses extends its • home nursing the Icc whel'e circumstances make Canadians famlli~r ~!tn his death a few weeks· ago. has been proceeding (or some conditions o[ much overcrowding. service to all citizens without warrant. the work done by the Vlctollan , time on renovations to the living In spite of the Caet tllat consid- rd 't I d When a lIew ba'.v is, expccted Order of Nurses Mr. LaIng settled In the Umted regn 0 co fIr, race, cree or ' " Ki d 7 gad was and working quarters for the staff. erable public funds have been financial clrcumstance~. in the home, the Victorian Ord· The Victoria'l Order of N~rses I ng. om years a 0 • Il

"ery considerable Impro\'ements spent on this institution within Lady Aberdeen, wife DC Can. er nurse will provide skilled ad· was foundee, In 1897 by Lady Ab· a.ppomtcd to.~ responSible posi. ha\'e been made; much more, how· recent years, there· Is consistent. ada's governor.general from 1894 vice and Instructions In tile care erdecn and was formed to pro. lion with Bn.lsh Insulated Cal· r\·er, yet remains to be done. The Iy increasing pressure on accom. to 18118 was the loundress of the and handling of the iuCant and vide proper care for expectant lenders COllstlUction Compan.y continuing need of nurses Is stili modatlon, and at the presen time VletorJ~n Order of Nurses mother. mothers. The . care of mothers Limited at W~JlIng, Kent. He 15

\'cry great. and the Department is there Is a Waiting Ust of 300. The 117 brancbes of the Vic. The lives of many invalWs and their newly.born infants Is married and has one daughtcr, considering ways and means of In any state or pro.vlnce where torlan Order of Nurses bring have been mude happler and still one of the major s~rvlces Linda. attracting more young women to there Is anything like adequate nursing care to Canadian homes more useful through Instructions provided by the V.O.~. A few weeks ago Mr. Laing the Rrafessian. hospital provision for the men. all across the nation. nnd guidance In the home by the I The Victorian Order of Nur, and a conear,ue were named by

The Minister was particularly tally lII, there are as many patJ- The Vlctorl~n Order of Nur. Victorian Order of Nurses. ses has .117 branches across Can· their company to supervise a con. pleased with the Improvement in enls In mental hgspitals as there ses has beeH providing home Canada is still acut-ely short ~f ada, caring for upwards of 130" struellon projed at Toronto and the tuberculosis situation In the are in all other hospitals and nursing care to Canadian fami. hospital aecomodation but thIS 000 patients ~1~nuaIlY. The V.O.N. will be In that .clty for the next Pro\·lnce. The st. John's Sana- sanatorIa combined. lies for over a half-eentury, condltlon would be more scrious is a truly nallonal Canadian or· nine months. He took opportun. tanum and the :West Coast Sana· The presen facilities for star. Fees for visits of Victorian were It not for the home nurs· ganization. ity of the cccasion to stop off at torlum can now adequately handle Ing supplies were also examined Order nurses are based on act. ing care provided by the Victor· . Gander so that he. could visit the patients neellln!! treatment. and ways and means were dis. ual cost. Wherl\ the need is shown ian Order of Nurses. . his mother and sister In st John's Tile SUccess of the field work In cussed' for Improving the existing the fcc is reduced or waived. The cheerful, understanding The Canadlnn Red Cross trams and his brother Allan at Bay spottinll tuberculosis In Its' earl1 arrangements. The clinical side Thousands of Canadian moth. approach of a V.O.N. nurse to 1\I. thousands of men and women Roberts before proceeding to slAges as carried out by the Dept. or the hospital Is very aeUve, and ers each year depend on the ness can mak,' a vast difference every year in skills to protect Toronto. He will be In New. of Health a!ld the Newfoundland the out·patlent service Is being Victorian Ord~r of Nurses to pro. In the atmosphere In a home. their families and neighbors In foundland for npproximately one Tuberculosis Association Is now widely used., The curative work vide advice :llllh before and af. Any Canadian home troubled by times of emergency. week. showlnjl up in a remarkable way. of the hospital, however, Is sev. ter the arrival of new babies. illness may take advantage of the lToreover, posltlve casft found In erely hampered because space [or The home nurslng service of home nursing care provided by the community can be and are more than 100 patients is now ·the Victorian Order of. Nurses the Victorian Order of Nurses. being admitted to the Sanatorlam being occupied by various classes may be us·ed in the care of mat. Victorian Ord~r nurses make without much delay. Stili fur· of mentally det~etlve persons Who ernlly patients for the aged, the nearly 1,000,000 visits to Cana· ther, the Improving social condi. are Incurable and should prefer. injured and chronic cases. dian homes annually. This out· lions throughout Ncwfoundland are abl1 be housell elsewhere. If by rcaSOll of Illness a nurse standing service Is available to

New calculations place height of Mount Everest at 028 feet above sea level.

the 29,·.

You turn in your sleep 25 to 35 times duriag the night.

Disaster can, happen here! You are serving in any emcrgenc1 when you support the Canadian Red Cross.

sn.mOMS •. Worry Anllety Fear of fcrtaro Loss IIf appt'lIte Indlgesll"D 'Pains In ~a\'k Gtoomy spells WearlnCS$ lriitabilU1 S."dllne of Anklell

For Hew Pep and Energy use

What relief hal come to mn,. .. lI'CIrTW, anxioUJ I<OIllAll of middla age .h. IIht ... ItJlmed of wbat greAt tseistance Dr. ChMe'a Nerve Food can be to her b,. IUbliDc .... .. capo tho pitfalls whicb bl'" blOUgh' p&,.IeIII and mentAllUlleriag to eo 11W11 ol her _ .. age.

1ba demAnd IDId. by· the body at thla .. II for aD abundance of rich, reel, ~III bIoa<L' Importan~ PhYBIcal changes .,. uulII'''' which "'0 .. KftAt strain on the li«\'liiii ~ AI the ouvea ."wra there _ r., WIIJIi' an:<iety, to make IOU ftcl11nmn1, dowah~ and in dr ..... d of th. luhlr&

1M with the u.oo of Dr. Cbue'. Nern ..... you can ~tllre ricM"'" to \.h. blood azld 'lip to the nervca azld paaa ollOllJh \hit period .. comfort and wiOl full eonMence In the £ot1n.

Th. new Vitamin Bl, eontalned in Dr. a.-'I Nerve Food, .Iong with other importallt 1Iinen1 111b6lnnces, en.urea \bo gretlc!!t ""tlafr.etlDn (lOla the u.oo of thi, treatment. Appetilt and diC­tion 111'8 bnpl'OTed and wilb new 'liF comat _ energy lind confidence and II brighter outlook_ life. WhT not r;et ltAmn with "Or. ChIWI Nerve Food, tod~y1


a . GERALD s. D£~~~

Page 8: SHIPS SUNK, LIVES LOST AS GALES· WHIP EURO PEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · In the Salwan Bay memorial, .n·en milell from the colony's

I: THE DAILY NEWS, MONDAY, FEB. 21, 1955 ' • I

" ,

\ PERSONAL CHIT -CHAT cOLUMBUS L,\DlES served as Mayol o[ Corner Brook fALE.'"TINE B.UL Wes tlor Ille past relY years Is at

'G~ass Shce Makes D~bute !As New Spri~g Fashion

_ The Valentine Ball lponsored present l'lslllng here on ,business .. "y~ Columbus Ladles Association - , \ . hdd 'on Monda,' evening last at LEFT YESTERDAY , the Old Colony Club, was adlstincl Mr. and Mrs. D. Taillon of Bell sotial suecess. The event 11'11 at· Island, who were .vIsiting' SI. I tended by more than elghty'coup· John's. left yesterday to relurn lei who entered wholeheartedly to B~ll Island. Int.o the .plrlt of the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Dickey of Prizes for the .peclal Valentine Bell Island visited the city on' Jo'rl· D~nce ""on by Mr. Walsh and Mrs. day and Saturday and left, here J .. A. Ryan were presented by Miss yesterday to return home. Kathleen Hayes, President or the Association, whilst Ellinlnatlon Dance winnen IIlr. Joseph Ayan and ltiss )larlllet Harrlnstoni reo ech'ed their prizes (rom Vice Pre· sldent of the Association. 1I1rs,

'Thomas J. Whitten. Music for the occasion was p'rovlded by the Jlythm Kings ,Orchestra .and 'was of an exceptionally high standard.

ARCTIC FISHERIES IIIr. John Spenee o[ Toronto and

Mr. Earl ~[axham of Verniont, dl· rectors o{ Arc·Ue Fisheries visit· cd St, John's on, buslncss last week and were due to' leave here yesterday to return home.

LEFT FOR Jo' AR EAST Mr. Frank Stott, industrial n·

• • The Doofer F a_mily Of. Jordan whal~ •. 1t8f/)- in

~ •• edlework? Answers by EDWIN P. JORDAN, ~l.D,


Broob Needlecralt Book READERS' REMEDIES willen MAY HELP RELIEVE and see the great variety of AFTER·BATH ITelllNG

Get the latest 1955 Alice

lovely, up.to.the·minute A lew weeks ago~i1is column

GEORGE WASHINGTON'S designs created by tllis carried a brief discussion of the BIRTHDAY sel'ere itching wiUI which manY

FIIOM BELL ISLAND ~inecr, who has been working In Mr. and Mrs.. John Lyon. of New!oimdland lor the past, year

lieU hland \'Isited the cit)' during and a half. left here l'esterday by the week.end 10 attend business I the express for Gandcr where he and social meetln::s of' the Nell"I wll\ So by plane 10 England, ,Mr. fnllndland Branch oC the Canadian Stoll has accepled a position In Inslitute of ~lining and ~letallurgy. Malaya. and will leal'e lor there

By Alma SIOUI ScarberIY forclJlost needlecraft people arc afflicled following a DnlUe Doofer looked like a vcr)' d' I B f II baUI. After its PlJblication ~ev-:!ral

pretty lItUe girl from way back in cSlgner. eauti u y c~rresPJndents wrote ;n with sug· Colonial dn~'5. Mommle Doofer illustraled, these truly ge,tions, which since I do not sec \'.'a~ trying a longrufieled drcss hoI\' hey can do any harm I shall on If!!r- ancl a Colonll1lb onnet. imaginath'e i~eas will pJSS on. Sh(' was making costumes for th inspire you to send for Sel'cral wit.ll this nr!li~Uon said George WMhington's Blthday they had received gr~al reliel b~ p"l't~' at Ihe'Dooferl'llle School. many of the pa!tern~. adding tll'O 01' tlll'e~ tablcspoon;!ul

VISITED ciTY- D,ddH.DooI" WOo "'" ,. b. A.d-,.II." ,h. Ali .. H",'" " .nt',,,, b.kI", .;0'" " '". dressed liP like George Washing. n. balh water. Sel'era! said UI;11 Iher

Mr. and Mrs. John Bracken o[ tQn Mommie Doofer wauld be Mar. Pattern Feature in our had been improved by 3\,oiding


the Wabana are Company at .Be11 tl)a Washington. And Dollie Was go. clr: .. ing with n tOll'cl. m~rcly lelling

They both are ardent curlers and shorlly. p1a~'rd in the mixed bonspiel which II'U held at the SI. John'.

Island were In the city during the Ing to be Ulelr adopted daugther, pages. E"ery day brings HII'm-selves dry slowly in the bath· .~k."d ',,, ."11,,,, 0' '". .". N<lII. C,d'" It.... go'" " b. TO. • d'ff"",' d,,'...- ,oom. BY CA ICE D U" AS , ",," "', "' ,"w''', ,,'0" " Ing and Metallurgy,InsUt.ute, and ·SJlCl.'1 {un to go to ilie school house. I h' One wro!e Illat in summertime /l.'ell' Yol'i;_(NEAl-Brann new III. thi:; new EhoJ medium. 'l'hami1t

were rel!lslered. a' 'he Newlound. Because Doma ;"st couldn'! walt til eomp ementary 19h1ights (or 5h3 got relief by dressing immcdia· .,' _ • • ~ rooo , .. h'o", ~" ",'og " ," •. ,,',' ""If w" "h'''''' by ",,'

land Hotel starled sehooillext September. • tely, after the baUI and going out. , Daddle Doofer was reading h. Y'''' ""00' omfi"; ,,'0 lli, "", I m'sh' ,dd ili.,.n ",,, ", .. , ' ,., "',, til", " yom, ,"" "nw d

Done in ~. \\'o~en material called; ing it willi "inrl. And Ule colo'

('urlin;: rink on Saturday aller· Mon. --,\T S1. CURE':;-

llr!. Walter n .. mmDll4, Sull'a Street. underwellt an operation 01\ Saturda,'. Her many friends .WI ber a speed)' recovery,

u:nJRNED HOME lliss CIlra Ma)' Spencer 01

Fortune, who \\as receiving med· leal treatment !n 51. John's, len l1ere last week to return home.

IS HOSPITAL • Capt. Joseph Del,urey of SI.

~lan"5, who underwent an oper· ation It the General Hospital, Is much Improl'ed, hl~ many friends in the city. \\'111 be clad to hear.

nml TWILLISGATE lb;:islrate Geor~e Clarke o[

Twillingale Is at present visiting llie eil~' 10 attend the annual meet· inc of the Canadian Red Crog ;\'cwloundlanrl DiI'islon which be· gins on Tucsdar.

rRO~1 conSER BROOK ~tr. O. B[lyd of Corner Brook Is

at present "!siting the city on bu~· inc~s.

no~ HALIFAX )Ir. Clilford ~Iartln of Halifax i~

al p~sent \'isiling st. John's on bu~lne51 and I~ regl8lued al Ihe 'iewfoundllnd Hotel.

'S BUSINESS , Mr. Areh Lawrence, who has

DIRECTOR 69.95 ne world's most beautiful dock radio has • Aluming plutit (lbinel with con· ttistinllold control paneL SiDls ,011 10 sl~ - tllfns fuel! of - .... kes ,OU .to ... Ie - .000od. safery alarm - turD. appUaoces on and of a1laulomacicaUy.


elenlng paper by the fire place. eeorative or practical hou~e- correspondents indicted iliat this .. ,mNG ENGLAND B,by 'olli, ... "'''' "id Ofl. po" b •• ,to''''' .. , ",,~cl, ",,,.m,gl., , .. " 'm,,''''"'' pm"" .>. OM"",'''y d"".,,, Mrs. W. Forbes, Kent Place, Is fle.Goof!~ was sitting beside her hold accessories; toys J1ncomfortable until they had ob· shoes hal'\) been developed for p1i'~ fol' industrial usc.


. I' ability, softness, lightne~s, cool· 'I We fhol\' here a sandal designefJ

a present visiting relatl\'es In crib. Ooofie loved the happy baby nnd nO"eltl'es to dell'ght the tamed re lef In one way or another. B th ' 'b L' 'lit r I • . nESS. ecause e weave IS open' )' Ipare 11'1 vamp 0 g aE<S·mag'

England. . . \ very much. He ~emed to feel It Q-I have been botherad with ---' .0; hi •• ,..,ot Job " .,reh "" ,hild"" my "ot "d h"d. b".mm, "mb ", ,b~ '" ... worn "m,,,,,b" ... ".", ",.," I, ~'" ,,' "" .h. ARRIVED FRIDAY .", A,d •• by Joll'. ~"d ili' ' Co, "y~'" b, "" "d wh.' "itboo, "00"", Tb" ""go oil "m" '0 p',k "bl" ,ith m"'"

I I h d

with water and a cloth. in)! luster calf strap and heel.

Mrs. J. M. Dunford nnd Mrs. Dr. strange, beautiful blue animal with S t e cause? Rca er Dubinsky arrived In the It 1 Ihe 10V'~ly yellow polka dots very A-This symptom alone Is not c y rom very much, enough on \I'hieh to .base a diagn· \

So Slimming! Fashion Tips Grand Bank on Friday to attend As 1II0mmie Doarer sewed and os is. 1t could conccivably be re· the annual meeting o{ Red Cross, fllted Dollie's beautiful Colonial laled to p~rnieious amenia but it and arc staying at the home 01 coslume 10. her she lold the story rr:ight also be the result of c.ltanges' Mrs, Dunford's sister, Mrs. E .. L. or our wonderful first President, in. the blood circulation or the ncr-

Perhaps not so effeetil"~ in keep­ing Ule rain oil, but very smart

, crt t.'Ie nell' sr,lJare umbrellas.

Hickman, Circular Road, during Georg.~ Washington. Mommie welll I'OUS syslem. II severe it calls for their visit. on: diagonstie studies.

"And did YOII know, Dollie dar- Q-Would you please say some· ling, that the Father 01 Our Ceun. thing about chronic orthc.5latic

, Ol·crsldrts arc newcr than Ihc ; tuck.in \' ariet)' Cor sport. and ca~· : ual wear.

Spring Charmer! 11')' was the vcry first man not a h)'pl>!ension. Is it related 10 Add· kine or a rlller whose birthday Send'Z5 cents 110111 in~on's disease? M.H. n n~ celehraled by the n. cunle dllr,' f A-This inqlliry l'2fers to a ~ " or your copy of th- k' • f I I . I I In~ his li!etlme? The first time' JOn 0 ow b ood pressure whIch

I G """ W .. hi",,,', hi,.,", N ,m A Ii" 8'00" " reM.d " po"'''' " ,.". ,oop" I

I \l'a~ celebrat~d II'as at Vaiiey Forg t.he blood pressnre falls when Ihey Ilm'lng the Rel'olutionary War, NUlUremil Cntn!"!i to: stand IIpright and this may produce That was when the ColMirs were weiikne" fainting blurred I'i·;ion fit:htln:: for independence fr~1I1 0:' t·JC like. Which such ;\ person Enci;JnII. lies down the s)'mploms rlisappear

"At Valley For~e nne of Ihe ar. ' anli tl,.~ hloocl pressure returns 10 tillery bands niarch~d 10 his THE DAILY NEWS nl)l·mal. This kind of Ulinl: can hap· hp~dquartcrs and screnaried Gen. pen in a l1umber of disorders in· eral Washington, It mllst have eluding Allison's rlise.,3e -or it can chr:cr~d the General and his men del clop In Ihe absence of a(1Y def· lip "cry much. Because t.he poor Needlecraft Service, P,O. Box 163, ir,ate reason. AdcliMn'; Ilis.esc soldiers were I'ery cold and hun. . Old Chelsea Stati.on, N. Y. 11, N, Y. must be consdiered as on:~' oOe 01 gry, and he was SO sad and wor. several possihili!i2s and a remote rlcd. Poor man! But alCer hi3 onf' at ilial. ., troops 1I'0n the war aod he be. Q-I am 25 years old wiUJ two CJme our first President, they Beauty BI'l'efs children. Since the birth or the hac! big wonderful paradas' In Bp.,tween Us ' children my leg.s seem to hurt quite Philadelphia and .New York for often and I notice a number of en· his birthday. ! If thc winter weather is making larged veins on my legs. Whal "George WashlJJgton's last birthday Women YOUI' face dry and sore, trY cleans· would you suggesl? Mrs.i, was probably lJIe very happlcstj . ing with cream 01' lotion lor scveral A-One would suspect that t'ae pne he ever had. Because Ihat days, instead of soap and water, disorder in t.'1e legs is ilie result of was the day, Feb. 22, 1799, when Remove alltral:'3s wi!..; a mild skin the enlarged varicoise veins. D~p· hi, beloved adopted dauster N~llie By RUTH MILLETT 10110n or freshener, Ulen use a rich ending on their sixe and olher Curtis was married at MI. V4non nruri~hlng cream. This last, at bed· factors they might be operallng on

, Pink is vcry much In el'idencf \i. 'ii":'t:.,~-~ ; fol' r~sort wcar and beige- i~ Sll~'

, ~e"tcd n, the he,t basic color 01 : the tra I·eller. :II akc it the founda­

tion of the \\'ardrobe and he smart.

, E\'en if ~:(lU hal'e A good fi~ur" , ~ ;:ond foundation l(armeril \\,on't doan~' hnrm. in fact it will do it ;:onri. The controlie,l Iinr. is hc~t. and tha\'~ \I hal a ~oml [oundaliol1

I 1:;; rOlcnl ~h'·~!', , -, Ynll'lI h~ .'IlI"rl if ,..011' r.ho(,~r I cr.:toci f1r \'0111' new dres5-nOw P'

i letrl', ' ,

I A <mall outlay of mOlley lor '. pla~tic dish, ~JlOon aliI! cup an' sr.Hccr pays off in happinG3s fn! B. by 3S h~ plays in his chair whll. you fini,..'1 dinner; eliminates daih attrition of your own tablewear ,

their beautiful home. George Was. FIGURES SHOW THERE ARE time. Injecled, or lreat2d by eraring hlngton gave the bride away. It JOBS FOR QUALIFIED OLDER clasUc stockings or bandages. Cer· was a very' beautlCul wedding." WOIIIEN If you are one or Ule smartics talnly at Ule age of 25 one would

"My" DoUie Doofer sighed when that can set your own hair, but not want to consider suffering 4806 lAV: ·-24Vz Mommla had finished her story. Figures pubU~hed by "Lifetime want something with more body f!"Om something which ean probably ~ /IJe It f wish I could have llved back Living" that should be heartening thall cologne or waler boil \ogethar be corrected by taking acth'e steps L. t-In the days when George Wash. ntws for the not.so.young woman 101' 10 minutes 8 ounces 01 water t', remedy the ~itutation, "7' tWo eMttl' Inglon, 1.!le Father 0{ our Counlry Who wonts or needs to go back to 1 tablcspoon o{ flaxseed, strain; Q-I am 30 years old amt b()th~rer1 ,. .'. 'RY f U double lil'rd. 'fhls Is such a be:llllihll lIic~ wurk: "JIlore than half of all Amel" I'cgitable colorin:,: and pcrf,ulI 'RaY with sureness or teOllcrncs3 in buth Ihe} LA I fb lOt Ie r 11 ,,,., b".',,'y dU"," I.". '"'''' ." ,,,' ~. 0 ... ."., ,,' "" ,dd '" if ",,' ,,". '~'P " • " .. , b,,,' '. '1>" d ••. , ",. .. .. " "",,,, .Il" ... ·' f' ""!'"" • i'''~ . '" I M .. "" .. " 1>00'" , •• """ ,,," ,'," wMkb', ""''''''' "," b" "" ,,','" ''''' '" ,., .... ,y ""''' ''''00 .. ' ,." b,,' Co' II" ,. "'" ,,, " .. " ,'"rl'" ,,,,, fl.;" u, "" I"',

"",,' b.. 11 UI, ,.,,' "'''. '''' '" ., "',,' ,"", .. ,'" if "" "' " ",,,,, ,," ".',kI ,. . ,,, " ... ,. ,,, II." ''''''"'' • ,,' """,I<' ""., "',, ... ,- ""', ,,-" "!,\,,,.

\'!'U'I'C 111'eLly a~ a llicturc In Ihis c.o.o.1 tu wc~I'! Usc culorful cut· 10\'~ly II~W. dr~ss- jilfy 10 sell'. lon, no Iron Nylon; frost UIC bod· Icc with gay embroid~I'YI

Pattcrn 1338: Misses' s1ze.~ 10, 12, .14, 16, 18,. Tlssue pattern em· broidery transfers. State size,

Send 'l'\VENTl'·F1VE CENTS In eoln~ ror 0115 patterll (stAmps can· not 1m accep\e~) to ST. JOHN'S

II, h., "." "It, "" '" ",',,' .,,' '" '" iI "'h", '.11.. ".,," "" '" ,., II" w'" ti '" .",' ,,, '"'''' ,-" ,,~, .. , ,'"'' 11'1 "". ,,". I",. A ,h' ",h" ~'''''''' ,,, ""'" "" ,,, ",., .1 U. "00'" ",,", "'," "''''' "Id" ""." ",.. ""''''' • (I.. ,,,'g. ",,' ""."',, ", .. ",. A-' ",', """ "I ,. """h' ."d "'. ~ "" <1 "'I"":. ~'''' . "':':. ,.'''' ,,,,,' I "'" "" "" P' ",', "" u '~k' ,; II •• ,", j, b.. A'"", ,,' w.y" ,'n,I1 y "" ",,' ,,,' , ,'",h' , .... I "" " .. ,," ,,, "' ,,'''',,' .~ "" ," ",~. Ua'.v's \lnlv knulI'll \\'h"( (1IIIIIIe. Ille leiter claims. 1.11~t tmllloV"l·.'I' winl\' advise Villi III .sec \,UIII' lluclorl I'att~l'n 4M06: Half ~I~es H',", '1 ," ,. .. ' • ., \ lG" l~" "0" "2" 2~'" SiZe 1 It! G(J(lfie planned tu do after Ihey dl.c't hire older women. She !.llOlIld be able to niak·~ :I (,buut it. As I h~"e ~airl D great .• , ", - .• , - .", ".,..' '"'' .n .. l"~ ili.y ",," ,... Th~. '"'''' f"O" .,",rn"" ,ood Ii", 'mpu,,'''' '''OJ "eo" m,"y II,,,,, '" .Ii."., "hi.h ,,~ "k~ '" ,."d. ".'00'. r.'· i Wckome W.,un be~n very, vcry .~urprlscd. So why Is Itiliat sme older women sh~ should have a trim figure; be needs treatment Is mlleh ea~ier riC: .' .• yard contrast. . I . H·' .

OoII, .Gooll. b., j,,' .""" ., ..."" ""'''''' '0 Ii" job" ,,,tIy 'M .w" bly d' ..... ; "d ,'" ,,,,,,,."Uy .,,'.d "dy.' , h" ,.U'" , .. , 'o.~'" >1m· 0"'" tl I I tl 0 0 1 I

.~ b b' Ilk' h pIe to sCII' 15 lested for !II, Ilns. com ml'll '2rnock on Your Door

Ie c v za on a young oolus Goo. ne reason, 0 course, s u,at c usmesso e m er manncr. plctc illustrated insbllctions, II n l\ Ius from ilie Jungles of faroOf! Gun. many older women ;lre holding No prospecUve emplo~·er Is going M S TIl R'r\'FI\rE cr,'NTS (3" wilh Gifts & Greetin·.


Watch For' The·

Daily News



::a .Dlnga could lake. all at once. dewn UIO same job; they had for tll b;: imprcS03ed by a dowdy app, '.I· ,ine'rs Make end I ~':'1.·J '" II, .... go'" .. , ., ", ,,,'" to ,,,,",'" '" """ h." '0"" \h. II"",,, 0" ".0 ,,, • '00"<0". ,,," , ... m .. (.Om" ,,"'" h. I,,," p""dly Bm'"'' '"" , 'ro) "o""d, ,'"' d"k! pmhl. m • """,, • jo' .11" ""y 'ook ,boo' b", ,,,,p.d> I" Jh" ",II "". PM"' IN,' ,hbo" "d Y ''''

M>', My! ,,':e .hO'\1e he dosen't felT into the ngc group lor "older N~r will an eIllPlo~'.er be inler,os, F riends Sr~~LIYE ~NlIU~~!"BE~RA.:'1 E, ADnn Ei'S. ' Ci\'ic and Social .f

Eet into troubl,e! lI'e,men." , ted m woma II'h lot t Ik ti • 1 "

a t1. 0 • O? a a \'e _ . ~e!lrl order tl) ANNE ADA~13 :Welfare, Leader. Tiler hal'e their job3 because and II'ho wants, 111m to mel.en" to. I,' .mey take Fome per:;ua.sl.on \tJ.1 CARE OF ST. JOI .... '·S DAIL-)'

DAILY' NEWS. (hOll;~hold arts tile" luil'p. 11eld ollto '~enl.· through Ion t Ie fAd I ill b "'e 'our le~n a" <0 to Ie"· hi - U' 0'1 t!t~ -'CCOll'O


·/1 , tJ" FRONT S ' "' g , ." "... , '" 'I'" , < •• <- , .,. "I NEWS, " "0'7 sr"trw"" " , " , T~R'ON. TO, O'NT. TpRr'EI'nEtT 'p1l1aEI5nTI':! Th;K~I'~, ac~~,'OSE LOO'" ~1 far more 'mpressed by "'0 woman, pock~t comh at home wh~n he goes, TORONTO ONT P~tt··fn Dopt I..... ('d ,,, 1 _ n fl who lells him ~xactJy what ~he lout on a dale. But you had better . , . . -' .' I Cnange 0 resl enc&

NAME, ADDRESS. PATTERN YOUURSELF ,can do til an by the woman who! try if you ~uspecl he can'~ pm a I' , ' "'-1 NUMBER AND SIZE, , The oUler reason is Ulat some ~dYS she is willing to try anykind'i mirror wiUlout 111lipping out hi:;j I J<'It mOle: ha,I'l.~~b) ,s l~en!l: Arri"ah of Newcomen to Wonderful IS Ule lI'.ord.lor our 0ld2r women knoll' little about job of job. comb 10 make his nat top shnd upl ~ome t~ ~all I~ ~Olt \~ shll In t.~, I· City

new Alice Brooks Needlecralt Cat. hunting except knmving that they So. any w0I1.lan who feels thai an straighter. . "~n:e ct!~. H ) 011 mOl e 10 ano!~~r I "'"' .. I"', .", .. , ""',;,, .u'. 'job.. 0"'" " •• " , .. ,', •• b,~ •• , • p,bH. ,." "mblog "," ".tIy, ,," '00 I '''0' B.b." b"I'~1 m.m , MRS, MU'Y· CRANE ing.()ur new deslgnes are all .that They don't recoglnlze -that the iob should take a close look at her- ~er. Dnd know that along 1\ltll the I 'Phme 3564 and even morel Send 25 cents for older woinan who Is looking for a self and of willat she nas to oUer Cl!oose fast colors. Non·fast d)'cs sam~ old Momm)" ~nd Daddy, there I' MRS. CATHERINE FOSTER· 'lour copy of this t!rrlfle catalog .• job must have something definite an employer. It may not be her require cooler water, mlldcr soap a_re_o_ts_of_ne_,_v _fn_n_c_d_s_to_b_e_h_a_d. ___________ _

NOWI You'll want to order every to offer besides' the as~urance that age that is against har but waht I and shorter washing time than is wondenul design in it! she 1s willlng,to try any.thlng. !he has let the years do to her, I necessary for effective cleansing.,

, . , ' , !

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I By'the (

To the 4

!)early Beloved BI

The great his!l oE· the Centenan' tion of our C makes it Incumbe vote the Lenten year to the event anniversary we ( to the salutary : derive from our Cathedral" Chure celebrations Ih m:lrk ,this impo history oE the foundland.

This ~ Iso i~ I' lllg with Ule hI WI are about II time lor medii! tt,' and penance the gloriou! fai Clergy. and pee are led to und value more pI which is our h tit glory in, b~ Associated wit of our Cathder; of the Chure Christ, with Ih believe. ami II folloW. It is II of the pasl, Iponsibili!ies I

present. that 1 minds the stir the hi510ry Church, and that should b 101emn func Centenary wi @nd.



In ,Tune {t

'hill' to~eth! tnt'! th8 h IINhe Dedic; Ch;)rch. In t i. not my In rleI.it the h Church In Il'ill he don' manner.· \n formativi I'

is being pre energetic C(

will read 0

ariel bI N see the nan ilut BiB :BIshops: 0 lan, Flemlt the 1C0pe 0

11 with th4 cipally con

It was I Fleminl \I

St. Joho's to that til year., the all l'\e,yfOl woolien ( :;ile o[ thl lIall. It Fleming' 28, 1829, 51:allan. words of he "a Tel ~hip of memorial J~ithful, r.ncy of I

objeel n Catholic"

The , Biehop ! been toll [1(ca~ion ary. No adequail miration the fait dea\'our obstacle land fa crossed sels fivI ·"ho hil incessal and bu and wh Eplpha very \II

cclebra be off

II w; 10 Bh 'cl'ei:a~ finlshe ral.. I deserll maier! ral, il.! cDra\i, pciinli eorde' occasl ~houl,

rrrcn place year

Page 9: SHIPS SUNK, LIVES LOST AS GALES· WHIP EURO PEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · In the Salwan Bay memorial, .n·en milell from the colony's

SECTION II I The Daily News SECTION· J I I----~--~·~:~'·~~~~~·~--~ ------------~----~--Pastoral Letter

Pastoral Letter of

THE RIGHT REVEREND PATRICK JAMES, .' . By 'the Grace· of God, and Favour' of ~he Apostolic See~ Archbishop

of St. John's~ Newfoundland.


This Retreat will be for married L and single women. m'd Bishop of NetvfoltJldlwzd I

1t will open on Wednesday even· , ing. To Ihe Reverend Canons of Our ,must cease to cnjoy Ill·healtb or cd "Convcrsln,:" from the pulpit

'1'0 t.he Clel'gy,' Religiolls


Communi ties fllul of St. John's:

There will be a£ternoon and Cathedral Church, the Reverend quarrels: We must believe in the and when it is preached with c.m· La; IJ of the A ,'chdiocese evening devotions, with sermon on Clergy and faithful Laity, Greetings Forgiveness of all Sins, if we arc viclion and by example, it brings a

each occasion. In the Name of Our Lord Jesus to begin afresh as Creed !pen and soul into 'very close conlact \\ith


There will be three Retrcat Christ. women; We must earneslly covet his Sa\iour. Could Ihcre by a \ Masscs. with instruction at each. A year ago I addressed you on the grenler gifts before we can morc jo)ous result of the coming

The Retreat will close Sunday the subject of our Diocesan Central turn with lothing from cheap and Lent, than that each of us should el'enlng. Needs, and asked you to bear your hasly pleasures. We must know make Ihls Decision f~r Chri~t and

Cross with a good will and dc· Ihe Peace oC God beCore we can aHow Him to regain control.o[ our MEN'S RETREAT-March 9th I·olion. Last Lent I used Ihis face calmly the Russian H·bomb. UI'es and our hme and rur pos.

IIfoIrly BtI"'ell Brethren In Chrllt: The event was honoured by the one. We- must know Ihe Church, This position of Ihe bishop, this 10 March 13th. It will open on phrase about Cross·bearing: "know· "Faith is the subslance oC session." We cannot retain part Th. anal hlslorical Importance presence of the Most Reverend and we must love the Church. We primacy of tbe episcopal altar is Wednesday evening, and close on ing.,. that results Will follow, be· "tbings hoped for: the conlrol and then expect the fruils

(I[ Ihe Centenary of tbe Consecra, Archb[shop Hughes of New York, must know her doctrines and her brought out In stnklng fashion by Sunday evening. ~ond our wildest hopes". "evidence of things not seen". of Conversion 10 show. hon of our Cathedral Church with the I\lost Reverend Bishops teachings. We must follow the two Important pontifical functlons, There will be Ihrce Retrcat ' Beyond our Wildest hopes" i~ an I hnd a million dollars quile a" makes It Incumbent upon me to de. Charbonnel of Toronto, Connolly oC mind of the Church, as coming to the one being the ceremony of Masses, with Instruction at each. accurate dcscripllon or the finan· subslantial amollnt; but a year ago I Thc thin! lesson lIe can draw I'ote Ibe Lenlen Pastoral of this New Brunswick, and MacKlnnn of us from Our Holy Father the Pope Priestly Ordlnallon by which the cial results of our Appeal so far. it was only exisling in someonc's from the worklDg of our Appeal so 'tar 10 tbe event Whose hundredth Arlehat, Nova Scotia, which Sec and Crom our Bishops who are the bishop communicales to certain There will be el'enlng devotions, To have well over a million dollar~ Faith. far, is this: Ihnt the cause of Ex· ~nni\'mary we commemorate, and was later transferred to Antlgon· successors of the Apostles. Not chosen Ol!CS the sacerdotal dignity, with sermon. promised Cor Parochial and Dioccs· • tension or Ihe Missionary task I)f to the IIIJUtary lessons we should Ish. The reception of tbese Pre· that faith alone justifies, for "Ialth making of them his priests and co. an needs, causes heartCelt thanks Thc second thing \\e can learn the Church can fit IU very happily clrril'e (rom our reClections on tbc lates on that occasion has been nar· witbout works Is dead" (James II, labourers. From Ihe hands o[ the to God lor this blessing and 1 am from 1954 is tbat some evenls, far wilh the normal maintenance 01 l'alhfdraJ Church and from the rated In glowing terms that be· 20). Love oC God and love of our bishop ami from the Cathedral ST. PATnrCK'S, WOMEN'S RE· sure you will join wllh me in more valuable than collecting 8 our Churches. It i6 not Tc.tlly rrlrbratlon~ thaL' 11'111 worthily speak the fervent and reJlglous en· neighbour, in the details o[ our altat, they receive the power l!l TREAT - March 23rd 10 lI1arch making the chief nole of our Len· million dollars, have been takin:: natural In make a harrl ROIl fast mark thl5 Important date In the thuslasm or the people of a hun· daily living, are the practical celebrale Holy Mass, to rcmlt sins, 27th. len \vorship, Ihat oC gratitude: place 011 a large scale not confined division between ~laintenance and halory of the ChUrch In New. dred )cars ago. out of whal we believe. We must to administer tbe Sacraments, In Same programme as at the gratitude for God's 'mercy over· to a lew scattered individuals. Missions. In aelllal fact the AI'\lpal foundland. The details of the Consecration correspond with ,dll'lne gr~ce, a~d a word, to glorifY the Blessed Cathderal. !lowing: grotitude lor God sal'jng Pcrhaps I can make this clearer for Extension has heen link~~ ull

ThiS Ibn I~ vpry much In kecp, IL,c)[ performed by ~Ishop Mullock seek to do God fi holy WIll. We Trnnlty, and to diffuse the life 01 us.from sell·inlerest which i9 the by stating It is a paradox: in every r.ase with lor~I, and thP.Tf!o In!: With the hoh' ~cason of Lent arc narratcd with perfect precision must renounce 1I0rseh'es, lIe must Cbrlst Into the souls of the faith· :MEN'S RETREAT: March Mth rollt nf every sin: gratitude lor our "The Church does not so much fore visible, need~: the Tesponse ". AT!! abolll 10 ·bellln. LenL Is A 01 PontUlc[al and Ritual, The reo mortify our bodies. We must re· ful. Secondly, Irom the Calhedral tn April 3rd. generous (.How·Churchmen, who "need ) our money, as YOII need lIas justified the inclusive Appeal: lime lor medltatlon, Cervent pra'" cltallon oC Ihe prcscrlbed lIIanles nounce our pride, our seH:lol'c, and altar also, there proceeds on Holy Same programme as at the have denied thel11se!l'es valuablc "your money, as you need 10 make one has helped the tllhpr. tr, and penance. By medltaling:n and pra)'crs, the sprinkling with clothe ourselvcs with Christ, so AS Thrusday thc solemn consecration Cathedral. possessions in' ordel' to place real "a sacrificial pledge to God". Tn Ihls lact oC our experipnce, Ihe I:loriou5 faith or our Bishops holy water 01 the exterior walls, to Ill'e as true members 01 the ~Iy· of the Holy Oils. This consecraUon HIGII SCHOOL RETREATS wealUl at Christ's feet. Who would This is a phrase which is being we louch something very dc€p 1ft rlcr~' and people o[ the pasl 1\' the marking of the letter o( lhe stlcal Bod)', as living slones In that takes place in Ihc Calhedral, the Grades IX, X, XI and XII- have dared 10 helieve a )'ear ago, used widely during our campaigns. Christian Doctrine. Fnr It b also UP ltd 10 undersland better ' n~ alphabet in Latin and Greel' In the great edifice of which Christ Is the mother church o[ Ihe diocese. I March 13th to March 17th. thinking of your usual kindly re- For It is true Ihal our Church a Cact that Our Blc.~sed Lord', lalue more perfeetl) that' f:ith form of a cross upon the long Head and Corner.stonc (Ephes. II, Holy Mother Church In this solemn sponse 10 any request from the would not come to an end if we Dcath aid Passion. which we com-1Ihich il our herila c' not merel Cathedral [Joor, the consecration of 20.22). liturgical function, empbaslzes the CATHEDRAL, BOYS' ijETREAT Bishop, that it would take this did not get new bUildings: at a memorate and dwell upon each til ,101')' In, but ab!v; all to IiV;' the High Altar by B[shop Mullock, (B) Lessons from the Very Notion \lnks that bind priests and parishes -This wlll be held in 51. Patrick's form and scale: a million doUars pinch we could carryon as before. Lenl, is not only for you and me A"oclaled with the ConsecratIon and of the side altars by Bishop of th~ Catbcdral: to the person of the bishop Rnd to Hall Audltornum. It will open on Crom eight parishesc But no Christian can carryon if he indiVidually, but for all men: fDl.' of our Cathderal Is Ihe whole stor" Charbonnel of Toronto, and Bishop This brlOgs us to the pro.found the mother church. So It Is the Sunday afternoon, March 13th. There is mucb 10 thank God [or, does not take up his Cross and the salavation of our soeiallile, of

J 'I KI f Arl h t There fol I n d f It f th D d ti nrlests oC the diocese come to the and much 10 learn Crom this el(' sbare Christ's Sacrifice: he ceases homes, of business and commerce, 01 tb, Cburch as founded by J1 ac nnon 0 ca. • esso 5 an ru s 0 e e Ica on Y There will be three talks a day, Christ, with the ductrines we must Iwed Ibe [irst Pontilical Mass to be of the Cathderal Church, lessons Calhedral to receive the Holy Oils. on March 14, 15 and 16. perience 01 1954. There are Ihree to be a Chnstian if he refuses to o[ nations and their policies. 'rnat brUne, and the precepts we must celebrated in our Cathedral, by tbat are always with us, because of The Cathedral allar, then. is like things I 1I0uld stress as a result of offer his very being 10 God. And is the strllnge paradox: that WI

follow. It Is tllerdore 10 Ihe glory Bishop Connolly of New Bruns- the very nal~re of Ih~ Cathed~al the corner·stone o[ each particular The Retreat will close with :lIass our experience. if this altitude is persisted in, he cannol seek for Individual hless-01 tile past, but also to the reo wick, and the eloquent, Indeed his· Church, and lis place 1,11 any (ho· church, the rallying point ot the and General Communion on 'rhurs· •• not only censcs 10 he a Chrisllao, I ings and Jlronnses DC God, without lponslbiliti~s and obligatiuns of the lorlcal sermon preachell ~n Ihe cesc, I\hole Christian eommunnity, the day, lIIarch 17th. First, the Ilorklllg and results of but he ceasps. finding IhaL the same God wishes nresenl that I would bring to your occasion by Archbishop lInahes of Why dlles the Catholic Church symbo I of Ih~t unity that rpust railh. Now whnt h~s heen happellnng lis tn ~hal'l' Ihlb" hlt's~ings wilh our •. i d 'h t" . I hi h J New York. allribute so much Importance 10 exist hetween Ihe pastor alld his GIRLS' RETHEAT-This will be Wc have hrnken nell ground: we is this: Iilerally IhulI.uuus uf ullr ncighhoul". ~Iainlcnance eanllot m nit e IlrrlOg PIC ure W c S h P I lid In St the Dedication and Consccration 01 !lock. held in Ihe ~Iercy College Alllhtor· have started Oil a new untrod den fcilow·l!hUlclullcn h.l\c made .1 lIe· he sct1aratcd hum Extension: my the hlslory of ollr Catbedrall l' ,e re a es rem a ne . ium. 11 wll1 open on Sundav. arter· t'l I i" ti t ,. I . f ('i' t I' It· II Church, and the abiding lessons John s for several d~)'s, and these her Cathedrals? Is there not under Furthermore, Ihe liturgical cele· ral : un rOi uen, ta Is, uy us 'c· Clsllln or ltIS IV IIC I mngs It· lit , lite :inti ~lItir'. for gll",1 or III, IS

I days were marked wllh el(lraordln· lying this Ihe vcry. notion o[ the IlJrnlions of the anniversary 01 the noon, :'Iareh 13th. I fure. Therefore since II wa~ ncll', !":' anll delight. They. havc"l11i~~lt. ! hllla'l! UI' II Ith "U~. nelghbllur's thd IhOU::n:~lo~~rs ~::kl~f~er t~: ary jubilation, and a festive at mos· Church, as a living organism I Dedication of the Cathedral church There will be Ihree talks a day I \Ie bad no expene~ce 10 gn on.jll) Ih~ow~ I:ff meann~,s ~,r . token· ,life .Iesus lul'l's 1111.' IS true. So I/Ilemn ph ere, manl!esllng the gratitude of whose Head Is Chrisl, whose life nnd the titular fcast o[ the Calhcd· on March 14, 15 and 16 'I such as lie have ~vlth an annuJI 1 Chm:lamt)" and arc enl~IYIIIg the I alsll it i< true Ih.lt 'God so 1~I'ed C,nlenary will bave coml to an Ihe people 10 God Cor His great is the abiding presence oC Chrisl! rat-in our case, that of SI. John . Bazaar or a Campllma for School I ex~etlCncc ?f really lakmg thClt tbc \lorld thai Hc ,cntllis SOil". ""d, • blessings, and their rIrm and aCCec· Is Ihere not also the s)'mholism I the Baptlsl-arc both double '(easts The Retreat Will c1~se With Mass I Funds. So we had to usc the ex· I religIOn Seriously .• Senously ~es, I h .. 1I'e IIritten of the CODlersioft

J. THE EVENT WE tionate loyalty to the Church and of the altar and principally of of the first class wilh octave, and and General Communion on Thurs.! perlence of others, largely collected and thcrefore h~pplIY. The Sae~a. of thc Indil'idual eorlier In thi. . COMME~OR.ATE her represcllla!ll'cs 11 Is interest. course, the' main altar In thc I celcbraled throughout the whole day, March lith. by the 'Wclls .0r~~~lzahon fur u5'1 menls and SCfl'lc~S, the AssEocla' Letter, and used the 01:\ EI·an~eli.

In ,Tune fit thl~ ) ear 1ll5S we I ing to nole that Ihc foundation Cathedral Church. Ihe molhcr nil dioccsc. ST I' hTIlll!K'S BOYS' RE.' and ~hcn act m I' alth I can .well tlOns and ParISh : ellowshlps. have I cal words-".\ DeciSIOn for Christ", .~~11 to,ellter lolemnly comnlem, ~lone nf 51. Palrlck's Church In the I all churchcs in Ihc [hoecsc? lb I II il a facL wnrlh)' o( nole. Dcar· 1'!'REAT-Tllis will be hcld in Boll Ilma~me 1~I~l knecs somc\J~les I now a n?\~' mcamng for these: by I This must he lilli.rtl III' with J:: .Ien· ",.,1'1 the hundredth anniversary WCit End lVas laid by Archbishop there nut this symholism bl' which Iv Bclol'cil Brethrell that our PCII' I • h d' . . knocked wllh (car: that ) .11'11111:; one dCClslon. Ihe galcs oC the teusiun all.i the ~lis'lUllar)' lask . .. Nh. Dedication o( our Cathedral "uGhe~ on Seplember 17th IB~S. the'allar Is Christ and the "faithful pIc Iml'c alll'a~s c~nsidcrcd our I' CI~SS ulltonunJ' . chasms opcncrl at Ihe feet of those I Church h3"c bccn opcnedto thcm'lrOi' "1;I·Jlll:clsn.· :,,·the pl'caclulI!( ehareh. In thl. present Futoral, It II LisSONS 01" THIS (i.EAT thc Ill'lng adofnm~nls oC tbis allar? calhcllral church for what 'it'i:;- _.!l..m,e.t!Ic..~..:'.II. P!ugrammc as.1O who lIalked blindly alon~ their sci I or ,rather the gale~ are now seell of Lhe Good News i< nnt Irlli" lhe I, not my Intention 10 Ih',. ,In a~y' EVENT ,lust as th~ Bishop in every DiOCC5~ namcly Ihe mothcr church, and thd l!athcdral ParISh. _____ ._ palh; thilt lime and Ilmc again, to- he open and WeICOlllln~. If It I Go~pcl unlc;s it takes 10n;1 !n '~I!4.l1 the hl5tor~ o[ the catholic What arc thc lessons that deril'e is the Ilrst teacher, and the word cenlre o( the Archdiocese. To Ihls liturgy: the Pope. bishops. Prlcsts, n;cn's hcarts Callc~1 them as ~hcy I wcrc merel): a mailer of gl\LD~ Ir,ltholic Ordcr hnd our olf'rrcrt I hurch In Ne"roundland, This [rom 'this great cvent? ~'Irst o[ all, ol God, Is distributed primarily Icbureh all diocesan"subjccls should til accomplishing in one and the I Plctur~[1 how foohsh .Ihcy IIII!!ht, 'OI~le m?nc!·. wr should noL be su~. il'hurch is nnt trly CaLhnlie unlcss l~ilI be I\one, and In an excellent we may reler to the lessons con. (rom tho Cathedral Ihrone, so come in holy pll~rimage, as to the E Ime unity Ihe public work or Ihe li?~k I[ Ihe plans mlsflrcd. YcL I pmed 11 It endcd there. But. It I illS lInt through and (lcrmcntcd hy Inallner, In the valuable and In· talned In the sermon preached by may lIe not say that there IS in central shrine oC the diocese. Such Church, by Chrisl. with lllm. and II'alth. won and proved f.1r more I goes on 10 rca I Churchmanslllp; mdilidual Conlcrsion Iorm~tll" louvcnlr bODklet which Arclflbshop Hughes on the day of every diocese a hierarchy oC has becn the case, (or our people I ill Him. At thcse altars, over Lhe crfech.\·e.lhan Ihe u.sllal gaidC-o~r . some people, .who w~re ralh~r ~as. I This agc·old distinction. aplOng U belnl prepared by a capable and Solemn Consecration. Secondly, altars, Inasmuch as Ihe priest who I near and far have heen accuslomed surface of the whole earth, Ihe lown lumted expcrlence: what lIe ual aboutlhelr re~lgLDUS pflllle.cs, I Christians which lIe recu;;mzc shll e~crltUC tommltter, Tbere[n YO~ there are the lessons Inherent to oUers the Holy SacrlIlcc at the to converge upon the Cathedral, as r,lorlliealion of Ihe Universal havc actually seen oursell'es. ,ar~ now keenly Inlerestcd: I r~. I to day as Evangc~lcni on the one '1111 read of the pioneer .mlsslon the very nature or every yathedral parish altar, received this power upon thcir homes. Truly tlte words I Church ascends to God unceasing •. Such Faith cann?t ~est secure!) celve reporls o[ fuller Churche., I hand and Catholic on the olhrr: arlee ia Newfoundland, )OU wlll Ch h at the (oot of the Cathedral altar f the antiphon recited at the Ily. It Is by Ihese same liturgical tn a human orgamzallon: It must more workers, more fcllowshlp In each standing for something Ihat ~~ the Dames In luccesslon of the UTC. • from the .l!Jands of the Bishop. ~edleation of the Cathedral Church acts perlormed at these same al. rest on the promises of God and Ihe I'arious congrega.tlOns:. ?nd has been an essential in Ih. fir I t BJahopa, the Franciscan (A) Serl!lon of Arehblshltlt As there Is a hJerarehy of the have been verified: "The House of liars, that the ministers of the eter. the character of God. above all, more ~oy In rehglO~. Church from Ihe very beginning of Dlshopa: O'Donel, Lambert, Seal· ' Ilughes: Father Son and Hal)' Ghost th Lrd Is fOllnded upon tbe top I nal Priesthood of Christ act as His We sbould know and be more These are full frUlts of the SPlflt Ihe Gospel: this distinction Is seen lan, Flemlnl alld Mulloc:k. Within The sermon of Archbishop within 'the b~som of the ineiCabl~ ore t~e mountains, anll is exaltcd instruments In d![fusing'Lbe life oJ Camilinr with God's Promises and and they result from that Decision 10 be but two halves of the same the KOpt of thll Pastoral Letter, It Hughes on that occasion was, and mystCl'Y of the Blessed Trinity, as above all the hills, and all people Cbrlst in souls So we could say Character. !or ChflSt: once Ihe bands of s~l[. Church, and neither Is truly itself II wltb the last two we are prln· stili is, of such Importance, that there Is a hierarchy of Christ ~ 11 erne 10 it and sball say: Lhat tbe ambition o[ the Church is I cannot thmk 0/ a better mterest nrc broken at one pOint, without the other. cipaUy ecmterned, the lessons the dlstlnglushed Pre· with His Church as Head wllh ~l~ry ~o Thee. 0 'Lord". to trans[orm the Whole world into occupation for this Lent than a the Spirit is released, so that H,e So Mainlenance of the Church

It WII Bishop Michael Anthony late pointed out In 18:15 are stlll members, so may we not snr there The great lesson of this cere· one vast Iiv[ng altar, by the adher. I study of what God has actually f~ows through the rest .of a rna!! s and Extension of the Church can-~Iemlnl, who decided to erect In with us. Taking as his text, the Is a, hierarchy Indicated In the many, whose hundredth annive~. cnee of Ihe fallhful to Christ Iheir promised, a~d o~ course this is life and b~ars these f,ru~ts of keen· not and should not be .~eparalcd: :.1. Johns a IFeat Cathedral. Up classical definition of divine faith words of Christ 10 His Apostles; S3r)' we shall commemorate tlus Head. linked up With HIS Character and ness, chanly and de\oll?n. the Joint Appeal has rightly sue­I" that lime: for ove,r a .hundred as gIven b~' SI. Paul In hit Eplslle "lie thnt rcceiveth )'ou, recelveth year, is also contained in the ritual I This thoughl is expressed in the Will. Just make a shorl lisl, and T~ese res.ults arc again part of ceeded and has been proved the .'eafl, the Catholic Cathder~1 for to Ihe Hebrews: "Now faith Is the Me" (~fatl. X, 40. II is the hicr. o[ Ihe Consccreatlon: uThou, 0 Ordma,tion of a Subdeacon. To tbe it will provide much Cood for God s Promises: right melhod. ~11 l'i~l'Ifoundland ~as only a smail substance or Ihlngs to be hoped archy of the Apo~t1e, IIr of the Lord of all thhigs Who hast need candidate fol' Subdiaconate, the tbought and meditation: the pro· "1\ shall come 10 pass in these I Brelhren, In closing this letter "'K'llen Chapel, slt,uated. lin ~he for, the el'idence of things thai llishop his Sllccessor, with Ihe men of notbing, hast Willed that Thy Bishop ~n~R; "Thc altar of holy I mises of Hcalth, Forgil'eness, Rc· "dal's said the Lord, that I 11'111 may I urge thc Caint·llearted or Ih • • lIr of the present Star or tile .Sea aPllear 1I0t" (Hebrews XI, \), \lIe who rccell'e him, ol'er whom he Temple be buill (n oUr midst". Church i~ Chri.I, as John te.tifies, ~t~ration to C~rist.ilke desi.r~s and I "po~r' out my Spirit upon all stay.at·home, mll1d~ to launch out I~.II .. It ""as there that 1l1~hop Archbishop staled that onl)' (ill'lne exercises his particular mission. AS! While these words apply to the IIho SlYS .in his Apochal) pse that hVlDg, the Umty oC the SPIrit, ~he "flesh: l'our old mcn ~halll wllh fresh cournge, miD the ,,"orld· II~mm. 'us eunsecrated on Oct. faith COllld have Ipsplred and sus· Chrlsl is the Head of the Church, lery material lemple which IS our he SlW Him as n golden altar sland., Bond oC Peace, the El'erlasllUg "dream dreams and your )oung ,wide lask of our Church, which II ~, 1829, ~s Coadjutor to Bishop talned Ihe Bishop, the Clergy, and Ihe Bishop Is head of his people. I Calh~dral church, they also sign.ICy Ing before the throne. In Him and Kind of Lif~, His abiding Pre· "men shJIl see '\,isions". not ours hut Our Lord:5 Church. !i<:allin. 'Ihls Cat.hderal, 1n the the poor Usber folk of Newfound· You see then the sublime meaning that by Ihe grace of God, o[ Which through Him, the gifts ollhc faith· sence: there IS 3 great syblcct lor I hnd 10 hear HI~ marchlD% orders \\o~~& nf Bishop Fleming, was t~ land to build a Cathedral, which oC the Calhedral. Cburch, and the gr~ce tile Church is \lIe divlncly. (ul arc o!rcrcd 10 God thc Father. I each week of Lent, which we may Thus we hal'e seen In th: past I to liS a~ain 'Go )'~ inln ~\1 the he a Temple 5ull8bl~ 10 the wor W8sIhe greatest at that time In Ihe llnk between all the churches and appointed dispenser, Ihe soul nf The palls and cor[lOral~ of lills altar I \Icll study and lake palOs to real· two months .Ia~men, )oun~. ami I world and make dlSClplr. o[ ali -hip 01 the Most HI~h God, a American world. He even declared: the mother Church In every dio. the Christian bceomcs a templc ne the members oC Chrisl, namely, izc. hll these arc promlscd 10 us : oldcr, 1\ ItncSSIn~ to their VIsions nations". "'r havr nothm~ ~t hOn1~ IRrmociai ol the plcty 01 the "that, considering the means by eese. In thc word~ of Ihe greaL whcreln God dwells. Such is the liod's failhCul; \llth these thc Lord and can thcrclorc he received in: and Drcams ·nf a rcawakcned lin lose and eICr)t1l1n~ ill the world 1~l\hJul, a pledge 01 1~le perman' wli[eh It has bcc'n erected. this bishop and martyr, St. l;:naLius of e{lccl oC sanciiC)'in:: grace in thc is clothed, as it wcre, \lith precioUS real lacl. But lIe .hali nClt!lcr Church AnA rcccil'in~ a grcat rc: to l!am. Irom slnct and 101'in, rnc~' nf lIur h.oly ReligIon, Rnd an monumcnL o[ Catholic faiLh has not Anlloch: "Where Ihe Bishop IS, soul of the jus\. "We will come I ~cstments. as the PsalmisL says: IIanl them nor receive thcm Illth· ~pons~ Irollf the~r hcarcr~ I pra) obedience 10 Ihole onIH!. obJt'el.?! prIde In the fervent been !urpassed, nor perhaps equal· thcre also must his peol1lc be; jUst Lo him", said Christ, "and makc The Lord is king. He is clothed out raith; that is, we must think Ihal aU of us ~~IS Lent rna), catch Catholic '. .. led by an) thing 10 be found In the as wberc Jesus Christ is, there is our Rbode with him" (John XIV. \lith beaul~·'." and act as il they \\en our'~: they sl~ht of 1~ls \'ISlon a~d rna)' come Your [flCn'l and El5hop.

The storr. of the difficultIes annals of the Christian Church", the Cathollc Church" (5. Ign. 23). B)' Ihe salutary practices en· The lessons, then. Dearly Be- cannot be OUI'S IIllhout FalLh. We 10 R DeCISion tor ChrIst. illS call· PHILIP, NEWFOUNDLAND,

BI!hop nemlnl. bad to face has After showlllg how the Catholic Epist. ad Smyrn., n, 8J. The same joined upon U5 by the Lenten Re· loved Brethren, from Ihis import· heen .told and will be retold on the Churell, through ber teaching hler· St. Ignatius develops this heauti. gulations, and indeed by living ant Cenlenary are manifold: rever. which the ~ermon will be delivered this Sec, namely Bishop Thomas Aii earthly 5u[frings now t~ I'CClSlon of the Cathedral Cenlen· arch)', broup,h to aU generations [ul thought to the church o[ the supernatural life which should cnt memory oC the past, profound by the Most Reverend J. G. Berry, Joseph Power, Archbishop Michael bear, ary. No words of ours. could pay the deposit of divine tallh, as en· Ephesus, when he "Tltes: "1 con. be our life at all times, we shall attachment to our Cathderal Archbishop at Hali£l( .. There will Francis Howley, and Archbishop By many a salutary stroke, lI~equlle tribute or praISe and ad· trusted to her by Jesus Christ, the gratulate you, church of Ephesus, make of our lives a sort ot con· Church, and an Irrevocable attach. be a special Mass for the pupils oC Edward Patrick Roche, all contr!· By many a weary blow, thnl • mlrallon for this grea~ champion of Incarnate Son of God, the Arch· that you are united \0 your Bishop, tlnuallon of the life 'of the qhureh, ment to that faith of wbich our our schools orIered by His Excel. buted mightily to the life and ex· broke. . . Ihe raith, who for rIve years en· bishop 'Of New YDrk left' with his as the Church Is to Jesus Christ, and that altar whIch Is Cbrlst shall Cathedral Is a lasLlng monument. Icncv tile Apostolic Dclegate, who IllcnSlOn of tbe Church, and 10 lhe 101' pOII.hcd, \\uh a \\orklll3U S

dea\'oured In the face 01 many hearers, and Indeed with us of this and as Jesus Christ Is unlted to His find lis liv[ng extension In the m, OUR CELEBRATIONS TO will'address Ihe pupils. The scnes • beluly oC our Cathedral. OC my I slall, obstlClel 10 procure the grant of da 'y,. fundamental lesson of Father, so that eVerything may be members of the Mystical Body. ~IARRK CE:'>iTENARY oC funetion~ and e\'enls to com. immedi.tte predecessor, .<\l'cbbishop' 'fhc stones that fnrm that land for the Cathedral site: who Christian living, rem[ndlng them: In unity" (Id., Eplst. ad Eph., no., Just as we were anointed on the In ordN' 10 1l.!iC\·C somcthing of II mcmorale Ihis jO) lui Cenlenar.l· !loce, It has been truly said that he 1 Slorious pile: . crossed the Atlantic (n stlling ves: "that the Inculcation 01 divine faith II),. day of our' holy Baptism with the the atmosphere of the Consecra. will c1o.e Ilith nn EI'ening PnnlI. l1ractic~lly rcconstructed the calh.! Ther all lij'C flU, fralllrd In lift sels fiye times to gain his purpose, and holy charity Is the great super The Church in her basl11lcas and Chrism that sicnlCles Cbrist, so we I tion o[ our Cathedral, 50 lon~ as. I fical ~fass at which His Excellency ellral of St. John·~. To us of this In thcir appoinled place on hlgb. ,,\to hlmlelf worked ardentlylsand natural object for whIch this noble cathedrals underlines a hleraehy of must strive to be Chrlslllke, that socialed with the FranCIScan Order I the Apostolic Delegate 11111 be the generation may lIell be applied the Olhcl' words. [rnm ,tim <ame LOceSllIltl,y III the very IUperV In, Cathedral hal'thil day been con· altars. Thus tbe principal altar of we may to the glory of God be on we 'have Invited a group o[ Fran. celelnanl. It is hoped that a large words of the Gospcl: "otbers hal'e Office show us the Ul1l0n o( the and IIuIldlnr of tbl. great ed!!lee; ~rated", He urged them to live the Arcbbaslllca of the Lateran in this earth a mirror, a vision of'the clscan Fathers from the Province number of Bishops and dlgnitaflCs laboured, and )OU hal'c cnteled Church IIlt,lll!hrist, and iDlile tiS

and who finally, on the fealt of the a fervent Christian life, nourished Rome, mother of all churches of Integral liturgy of the Church. That of the Most Holy Name, New York, wi1l be present lor the occasion. into their labours" (John IV, 3B). on Ihis solcmn occasIOn tn (lour Epiphany, January 8, 1850, in a by the Blessed Eucha~lst, for God Rome and of the world, Is pre- vision shows us Christ the great to preach our Lenten,Retreats this History will also be relieved inas· We ask )OU, Dearly Belol'cd Bre'l out our hear Is 111 slron~ af[ec\Jon very weakened pbyslcal condlUon, would be with them In His hol)t eminent~ the papal altar, So also High Priest In Heaven, before the year. Delails oC these Relrcats are much as Ihe then Bisbop of Turon· thrcn, carnestly to pray that God's for the Church, the SPOl!Cii5

celebrated the' first Hol)t Mass to tabernacle. He reminded them the Calhedral altar holds a place sublime' allar o[ His own Per,son, 10 be round in the Lenlen Regula· to, Bishop Chnrbonnel, was present abundant blessmgs may come of Christ; he oUtred in our Cathedral. that even long after this material ot primacy In cVery diocese. It Is magnlCying Ihe majesty o[ His tions and announcemcnls. for the Consecration, as also the dO\ln upon all om' eHoTts 10 ccle· 0 Bride, hrlhrolhcrt in happy hour

\I \\'as Bish.op ~Iullock. lucccssor temple would perish, Ihey were to there \ that Holy :'Iother Church Eternal .·ather, and associating Il)s You already know Ihat llis Em. Bishops of New Brunswick and brnte worLhily thiS grcat evenl, so The Galher's l!lory is Ihy rlol',er: t~ Bi~hop I' leming, after being be "lil'lng stones In the evcrlalt; would h~I'e Ihe BIshop appear In angel~ .and Ills glorirled members inence Cardinal ~lcGui~an, Arch. Arichal-noll' Antigonish. that Ihe Icssons of the Cenlcnary, Thy Brldegroom's grace IS shed on 'c\'cral )'cara his. Co adjutor, who Ins (empue \I'hich i~ not reared b)' the splendour or lhe fulness of the to His Infinile homage. It shows us bishop or Toronto, will be with us You bal'c secn, Dcarl~' Bcinwl ma~ not pass, but remain with liS, I ther. finlshed an~ dedicated the Cathed, human hands" .. The I r destiny Pricsthood with which he has bcen on earth the hicrrachy sharing In to fake pari in our Centenary cele. Brethren, and 1 hope with salisfac· Ihat we may el'er be lil'ing stones ThOll Qllcrn, "II fmr, eternally, nL, It Is not the place here to would be the' elerna' abode wJth endowcd. As Cirsl adorer at Ihe the Priesthood of Christ, the brations. His Eminence will ~rril'e lion, Ibe work that Jlas been ~oing 111 thc sltucturc of the Church 0(' To Christ alhed, thy Pnnce auo'reO.I.:\' deJcrlbe In minute detail. the God In the beatific vision, In the head of his church, as first saneU. Church Mililani, associaled in on June 24tb, the feasl of 51,' John on In the Catil!'C!ral for many Chri,1. In the beauliful Office for I Bright shining t;lly o( tha material structure of Ihe Calhed· glorioUS company or the sall)ts, and tier at tbe bead of his flock, It Is Christ's work of glorlfication. the Baptist, and will be tendered a months past. It has been a ilork Lhe Dedication of a Church we lind "The grace oC OUI' Lord raJ, its altars, st~tuar~', Interior de· 01 Mary, tbe l'lmmaculnte .;Mother at the Cathedral altar the Bishop There we see the Pope at tbe head liturgical reception In the Cathed. of restoration and inleror decora· the thoughts lhat arc so appro- i ChrlSl, anrt the charil~' of G coraOoDs, and most valuable all' o[ God, ul1ller, whos'! powertul exercises tbe power of his ponti· oC the universal Cburch, standing ra\. The next day wl\] see Ihe lion, to prepare fittingly for our prlate to tbis important occasion. the cnnununicatinll ·o[ Ihe poinlinents. All Lhls WIll' be re- patronage' the 'Archblsbop conelud· f1cal dignity, offering up to Hea. before his papal altnr, We see hun· arrival o[ 11is Excellenc)' the Mosl Calhedral Cenlenary. All this i~ in To Ih~ sacriIlces and zeal o[ our Ghost be with ),011 all. Amen" corded with exactness on the cd his sermon by Invoking on all ven, In the name or all, Ihe auth· dreds of bishops at Ihe heall of Reverend (;juvonni Panico, Aposlo. keeping, ol course, with the mind bishops and people or Ihe past. we Cor. Xliii, 13). nrcaslon of th.~ .Centenary. Ralher the blessing oC Go'd In time-and entle glorl!lcallon that must ascend their flocks, eaeh blsho'p before his lie Delegate, who will also be of. of Ihe Church, and is only in can· may well apply Ihe beautiful words Gllcn at st. John's the vu.""", ... should I wish In "csrrlb~.lhe .cI~al Brelhrtn. we can slill ma~e 'our to the Blc55ed.Trlnil~·: and on the Cathedr~1 altar. It 'shows us priests neially welcomed with a Iilurgical lormity with Ihe spirit of Iaith and i of the Vesperal hymn for. the ges~ma Sundar, I-'ebruary rrremony nf Cnn~ccrHtil1n that took own. We Ir,u~t· nOl nnl)" 8lory,ln other' band, brlngin2 down [rom, standing hi Ihe altitude of sacrlflc· reception. His Eminence Cardinal sacrifice o[ our forbears. 'l'he Dedication of a Church: 105~. I'lare nn Seplember 9th In the nm- f~ltb, but 'we Inust make SlIre the throne of God divine grace Into ers before their,par[sh altar. Ther~ McGuigan 'Will offlclate at Ponllll· Church Prelales who followed I Who, kindled by Christ's IUI'e, IIllll t P. J. SKINNER, L.Ur. ~ear 1~, that our 'faith II an enllrbten~d thl! 'very soul of hI! flock, . you I have the. Ilnily: o~·: the holy cal.lt[~~." on. Sunday, June ~6th, at Bishop Mullock as Chiel Pastors of d~re I Archbishop o[ ~t.


~ , ,

1 l 1-, I ! I


Page 10: SHIPS SUNK, LIVES LOST AS GALES· WHIP EURO PEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · In the Salwan Bay memorial, .n·en milell from the colony's

,10 . THE DA!LY NEWS, MONDAY, FEI;, 21, 1955 I Macdonald ·u n~."ersity

To Hold LI·1Jfl.r,·~· . "",1 •• ']'

""llisland IkawJ;ng Scorts.

ITAFF LEAGUE "»LELEAF~2 c. :Sb.... •• • .177 133 155 m '. : Stoyles •• ..201 181 201 56~ W. Buler .; .. 135 130 158 4~\ L: liN.,. .. .. .103 107 183 311J

818 531 605·1R4~ KID WINGS:-l . r.· Archibald •• 114 187 172 473 L' .Proudfoot ... 160 108 211 479 f. LeDrew .. .1'14248 182 W IkpJacelllttl •• ,100 100 100 300

MB 841 645 183t

ItOCDTS:-3 •• JltlMa .. .262 152 133 M7 C. euwwth, ... 120 - 204 324 •• VeII., .... 313 172 181 846 J,. ,_ .. .172 129 - 30l .L .. uett •• • - 160 102 282

1181 833 700 2200

I .. IeDIIa .... 1211 110 143 J82 ... · .. Uir ..... 160 198 124 48~ '1'. bnolll •• .114 104 139 357 ......... ell\ ... 100 ·100 100 300

. 1103 1\12 1106 1521

•... ....

"You broke Sltult2', frltd 'Ul"

F ellowsbip Cluh Ca,ndleligll ~ Ceremony . With lI!iss Louise Saunder~ in C .

One of th~ highllgts In the the chair, the weekly meeting of nnventJ,On B.&P.'s club year Is the' anntal the Macdonald Fellowship Club of A national convention or thr candellght ceremony which al. lhe Y.W.C.A., was held on Thurs· Canadian Univo>rsity Liberal Feel ways takes place in February. day at lhe Club Rooms, and lhe fol· erallon is being held In the Chat. All Canadian clubs and clubs in lowing guasts were welcomed: eau I au riel Hotel In Ottawa to other Innds meet to commermo- :lliss Ella Manuel of ~orner Brook, day ;nd tomorrow. Those It· rate Internattonal Week to bring the guest speaker; MISS Maud Fer· ending from Newfoundland are specially to mind the collegnes. g~son o~ Ihe C.B.C. ottawa, and P. J. Warren, of New Perlican. In B. &, P. Clilbs throughout the MISS Elizabeth Jeffers of SI. who 'is a student at the Mem· world. St. John's. orlal University of Newfoundland

Thc 5t. Joh'l'S Buslncss & Pro. lIIiss Manuel's talk on Corner and David Sparkes of Sheal1" fesslonnl Wome'n's Club met for' Br~Ok was a very timeiy subject, town, who is at present allend· Ih eceremony on Tuesday, Febr. as It was ,on.IY a few days ago that ing law school at Oagoode Hall, uary 15th. Aftl!r' the usual busi. by a majority vote thc towns of Toronto. GueFts In attendin!! ness session, lhe president, 1IIIss ~orn.er Brook East and West, also I will be our ~presentatl\'c In the Margarct Summers, asked MiSS\ Curhng nnd Humbermouth. were House of Commons and Senate Li11lnn 5teven~on to conduct the incorporated; thus ~akin~' cornel'l and thcir ~ives. ceremon~'. On a table In front i Brook the second city In New· The conve~l:on Is called to 20 candles \\'I're arunged In a. foundland, and the twenty·eighlh' consider resolutions presented semi.circle, n~ yet unlit. IIIlss! largest in Canada. i by member organizations' also Gladys Robens, as Provincinl Miss Manuel's description o( i matters of i.,terest to the Liberal P~estdent, read the mesage from Corner Brook and its environs I Party will be discussed. Young the Founder President of the ~\\ made those of her audience who Liberals fro 'llall of the unh·ersl·

. International Federation odn the ~~ :t.il I had not been there, desirious of ties across Canada will be In al· Cirst candle \\'u~ lit by Miss LIIl!. ""-J I{) It paying a visit to our second cily; tendance, rel'resentative of the bell Oke. This was a tall candle J :2-11(' amI also, as Corner Brook has pro- students attracted to the prin· nexl the centrE standing for the ,. M;:il'~·:i:::;'::;. ~,. gressed so much within the last ciples and poliCies of IiberalislJI largest, the strongest and oldest few years, those who had been }'ederatioll of all-the National "Do you want the large bathroom lize, or the luper. there in the past, were provided '\lil '.

L\JOI'LEAG1JB CLOVER.S:-l .. K.\ .. .. .128 195 155 576 .. LlaUI1 ... .·211 190 202 Me 'i.. Tudler ••.• 130 130 262 52:! J .. autl .... 118 144 176 4an

Federation of U.&P. Clubs In the doorbell. answering s.~~?" with an incentive to return. . U ormng ____ -...-------:-------------.-- United Slates, It was (ormed in A vote of thanks to lI1iss Manuel I .

MIXED LEAUUE S'fA}'F LEAGUE 1919, and beforr II was ten years • . I . was given by Miss Jean Lewis, Devotl·onal . ' old had sent ItS amlJassadors of I Miss Doris ~,kll1ner told about \ WA TERFR 0 NT and after several matters of busi·

BOO 659 795 20M 'HAJfKOCKS:-2 J. LeDnw .... 138 - 189 325 E. L1Dtew ... 136 177 2311 548 lll'L TtlDpleton li8 287 1117 662 P. cantwell .... 160 100 - 2~0 :c. tADrew .... - 170 131 301

830 734 7112 2116 . , TVUPS:-O 'J... -.aUer .. ... 87 190 167 444 'D. Sell, ... .. - m.ll9 271 'to WiRmln ..... 87 106 -203 R. )111m,. .. •• 78 - 123 1911 5. W.~ .... 210 145 111 466

470 593 520 15~~ LfLLIES:-3 ~'. Karph, ... 166 174 141 481

. E. alne ..... 132 174 200 1I0U lit. Ryaa ..... 101 127 - 22~ J. Hunt •• .. .. 253 173 127 5~a •• Biekford ••• - - 137 131

852 648 605 1905

CARNATIONS:-3 A. Somenoa ... 150 152 99 40) \', BaUer •• ..108 123 127 358

'J;. BuUer .... 183 133 183 47J 'w. Atklll .. ..139 151 131 421 ", 580 5595201459 SNOWDlWPS:-O .. Saow ... • .. - 122 52 17~ ,K, Jl'artill •• .. 92 - 146 238 .J;. Peddle •• ..147 127 1M 4211 Eo Panons ... 115 125 117 357 ... BIckford ... 123 90 - 21"

liUICKS:-2 . INDIVIDUAL AYEHAGES goodwill to Europe At the same I her experience in one of the old ness had been discussed, the meet· B d .1. McLean ,. ,.119 194 137 4511 SECOND ROUND time clubs sprang' up In Great \1 cst Canadian Clubs. in Alberta. 'DIRECTORY ing closed with the singing of the roa casts L. Rose .. .. .. 100 193 188 571 W V k y .. 200.0 Brltnln, for "hlch another tall and l\1~ss l~all·fuss told ·of the. National Anthem. FOR MONTH OF MARCH, 1151 E. Rose .. • .. 126 210 188 324 B m

t· ",0 ke '.. .. .... 1844 candle was lit at this point. club 1\1 Stuttgart, Germany, • or .uc cr .. .. .. .., I 1 which she hf"pl'd found In 1951 ,tT DOCK !!Iarch

D. Basha •• • •• ~:! ~~ !~: 2~~~ John Parsons .. •• •• •• 11t.C , C Gr~uPsF wel'!! org~n~edt I~ I~:I y Thc stron~' bond linking ali 5.5. Baccalteu, S.S. Glencop. T d 'R· 1. Sr. Maior E. Hutchln!on. ,\/ONARCIIS:-I l,urne· Prolldfool ...... 1 .:, 1 ,anla a'l ~a~cp. ~~ t~S r a. J11~' members ot the Business and! S S. Kyie, ~I.V. Burin, and S.;;. '0 ay s eClpe. 2. Rev. (Dr.) H. M. Dawe.

I'. Da,"son .•. 116 115 1~8 361 r.1~rcncc SI;anes " " ... 173111 Nat ona c praGon lent cal.el

e profcssi~nal Women's Clubs Caxton, landing paper. Editor's Note: If the jam silua· 3. Rev. D. S. Paterson, Gran~ '. .. Vlck Tallo'l 173 b (he meeting i'l eneva a \V IIC I . 0" DOCK t" IiI' It' I F II n. Daw30n .. ..111 171 158 441' •• ... " /' .... 3'.~ the Internafi(lnal was [orlned. throughout tne world was felt ,Iv IOn IS your e IS ge 109 to a ow a s. 50:! Jean LeDrelV ., •. •• ,. 17 .. I H 1\11 A H I 1't II throu"h the words of all speak·' S.S. Nortiwrn Ranger, Dredge ebb try one, or b()th of the follow· 4. Rev. S. J. Davier.

}" Kitchen d' .. 23: 183 171 II Max Budgen .....••••. 17~.l ,( Ne ss rille un er I I~ crs " il'riestman. and S.S. Caxton. ing reciples. Guaranteed to plense. 5. Rev. L. A. D. Curti •• K. Hammon ... 22 171 173 511 ehas. "'oseworlh" .•• , •. 1;2.& I tallel' candle III the centre). In ,':i 'd I·t f tl e n\'nll ! II 'j C DOCKYARDS APRlCO'r JAl'tl 7 'Iajor C D H'lckman

690 640 640 1970 " , ~ Geneva. Paris, Budapest. Brus· le sewn pa 0 I ,,~. .. '"'. 31.1> cups water . ... . .

Wulter MacLean •. •• . •. 1.2 I I 5 I h I IJ

I I k' L d in"'" program was conducted by I Nell.ound and Fire Tug 103. • 8. Mr. J. G. Barnies. (. Id ,. Rt. liO'1 se s, toe; 0 In .e s 11 I. on 011 o· , CI' S I 'I V I,~ pound dri-~d apfICols 9 Ch J C J h ,I~ra ... unw,.... . . I d i t Ik d d 1\IIs5 ,Joan Ear'e who introduced I ~1.\. II'Istmas en. .. . I .• cup lemon juice . ap... 0 nson.

A:IlY Tucker.. .• •• 16D.' : womt~.Plonncl an( a lJc an f 1 tile members 't~ a "Buzz 5css. 'I :.fattheIV 2nd and Investigator It 7 cups (3 pounds) sugar 10. Rev. R. S. Sheppard, Grand ~!ERCURYS:-O I,. LeDrew •. .136 91 153 31m 1::. LeDrcw .••. 145 178 144 4f1i ~I. Bickford .... 183 172 126 4f!J Replacement •.. 100 100 100 301'

564 541 523 1620

FORDS:-3 }'. Trem'olett ... 208 1:!6 183 tiili j} Tcmplem~n .. 144 188 152 4G~ T. Somerlon .. 145 169 238 55:! T. Butler •• • .162 243 296 701

749 726 809 234'1

I:RUINS:-l G. Conway ." .157 139 192 41lb L. Kent. .. ..180 113 190 4r.~ II. Butier ., •. i88 168 155 511 II. Tucker .. .. .119 17 86 42'l

644 537 723 9U4 BLACK HAWKS:-2 J. Mansfleld ... 105 127 111 43~ J. Slone .. .. .171 203 191 56~ .1. Kennedy .• .180 134 174 400 R. Blackmore •• 123 130 116 36:1

669 59-4 592 1855

hugh Connors .• •• 168.Z i lInus IBe . Ogetlcr'd


er~ °l\lon" I e groups of 7 or eight I which came 'off dock on Friday. '" bottle liquid fruit pectin Falls. J I S\ 11l3!' tIe USll1ess 3n 1'0 esslUna ,. . . I 11 h . 11 R JAM K' n 111 onc...... :.; 1 Women's Cluh linked together '\ members dlsl.'ussed amongst 1 ~r J. I. Hot paraffID • ev. . • elm.

i.conard Butler .• •• 16.L. 'I I' themselves th" question "What ~I.V. ;.laxwr.lI Corkum, moored To prepare the fruit, add water 12. capt. R. W. Pond. A Id Bennett 161 7 \ by the Interl1nt ona . I '. I I II .. I • to l,-!! pound or about 1% cups 14 Rev F E Vipond .I'no. 1'1 II" .. 160:1 Then came .. he prclude to war I do you .expect (If your c u~, wllatl up or le IIID CI. d~ied apricots. Cover and let stand 5' R • A ?Ii Old • ,l.mes Arc 11 Jft e ....... 15P: 'and filloll)'. "'l'rld War 11. illallY su.gges(lUn~, we,ul~ you I~k~ to II BtIlNE JOHfo:STON & CO. LTD. four hours or overnight. Drain, 1. ev. .,. • ,~can Sellars.. •. •. 158 r. i lights fIIckerrd alld died. some! make, etc. 15 mlllUtcs 0 .J~lsy Hazel B;;]ckwood, Blackwood r€~erving liqoid. Grind aprocits or ~~. ~e~. R.~. :ab~ Wi dIor Bcrnard Sto)'lcs .. •• 15;'11 • were crushed out by forces be .. 1' buzzing brou[.'ht a. surpfls:n? I .ll;)ntcr db,charged cargo of (ish rhop fine. Mix with the liquid. Mea· .• aJor. . roo s, n . John Kcnllecl)' .. •• ' . , lIumber of sugncshons wlllcn' ' (. t • I g' lB. Rev. A. J. Barrett. l' I 155.7 . \'ont! the m~mhcl's' control. some: . 0 • _ J )!axinC' .Johnson. Johnson, mn~ i 5ure our CliPS 10 0 a ~e.r~ ar" 19. Capt. A. RIdeout meanor T lI~t e .. •• 1"4 n ! disappearcd [~!. sccurity reasons,\ werc reporterl hy the s~ol,es.wo .. ter taldng freight for Bona\'ish' s~\Jcepan. Add lem.on. JUIce. lrll Hoger Blackmore .. n ~, f II' . men of the r,I'OUps. :I!Jss Anna" . Add sugar to fruIt 10 saucepan 21. Canon A. B. S. St D'. .James Stcwart ., ., 153.fI sOlne failed fIll' lack of reI! a I· , :lli<s DOl'is Skinllcr, nnd Catalina. and mix well. Place over high heat, 22. Rev. W. Langille. John Near)' .. .. ., •• 153.1 In which to "'irn. And yet lights I T~mplclon, • - ml 1I1is< CROSIJIE & CO. LTD. bring to a full rolling boil and boil 23. Rev. Alan Gibson. John Manslleld ,. ,. •• 152.5 continued to shine. :lliss Doris \ ~ISS I D~~~~:~~sHose a . M.V. Western Explorer, Winsor. hard onc minute, stirring constant· 24. Mr. Philip Jarvis, !bhop'l Teel Par.onS .. •• •• 151 0 Skinner thcn lit the candle for rsu a ' . I d I I I!1:Jsler, arrived from Corner Brook ly. Remove from heat, and at once Falls. J.I'lmard I\ent .• •• •• •• •. 1oo.:! Canada and l\1:s~ Joan Earle and ~hcse reports conc u e! ~ Ie til moor up .indefinitely. stir in l!quid fruit pectin. Skim?f[ 25 Rev R T ?lIercer

, 1'07 :lUss Ursula KalbfusS' took turns' official progr~m, but all durllll.g Whalers Ola( Olsen and Gunn foam With metal spoon.' The~ sltr 26'. 1IIr.·RI·c·ha·rd Reeve' •. Steve Neary . I •• I. ,I ••• ,. tl I I hour tile mcmbc s 1 kl b t f f t 135' lighting the other candles as the Ie soc a Vl, arc moored up indeflOitely ant sm. Y Ilrns or Ive mmu. es 28. Sr. Major Arthur Moulton. !lnrold Butler.. .. .. .... i' names of the countries were call. were still goill!,! stro~g on ~Ug. also M.V. Keith !\e\'in, Caw I t'i ~ool s!tghtly,. to pr~\'ent fioaling Bill Butler .. •• •• •• ., 1~2., gestlons aJ1(! eth ImpreSSIOns fruit. Ladle qUickly IOto nbout 10 29. Rev. J. W. Winsor.

Highest Merage _ 200, Wm cd. 21 cand.es and gave the room . d' ." f th Can.! ~trong and )\ont lIIurray. medium glasses. Cover at once "it 30. Lt. Col. .E. Effer. vokey (Rockets) , a fcstlve glow. The International they ha recelleo rom e '\ HALLETTS LTD. ;'8 inc!! hot p~l'affin. 31. ReI". D. S. Paterson, Gran!!

mgbest Single _ 288, Bernard Australia, Austria, Belgulm, Cuba dlellght Ceremony. Lindy Barbour. Gale, master. STRAWBERRY DATE JA;\I Falls. stoyles (M. Leafs). . Canada, Denmark, Finland, [rom Fogo, dl~charged some salt 2 cups sugar . NOTE: If you find that you allDOt

Highest Three-684, Wm. Vol:e~' France, Holland, Italy, New Zen. I,ulk fish, and afterwards d's' 2 10 ounce packages qUIck· fill your position on thIs lilt would

~. cup water (llockets). land, Norway, Philippines, Souto Baby chargcd balance of 400 boxes te frozen sliced slr~\\'berrie3 you kindly arrange for I lubstitut.

S Af d t II h· ~ 2 tbsps. lemon juice . hers Rhodes,u, . Duth rica. b~ stored, an even 113 Y 5 Ippe" n, nd contact Rev. A. J. Jlarrett,

Sweden, Switzerland, Grent Bri. _ • to South America, vessel no'l' I," box (3\',) powderel\ fruit Wesley United Church Mann,

HIP taln, Unlled States. and Wcst Moving time is not a food lime I' pectin Hamilton Street, 50 that the pro-

477 46li 469 1411 .----------~--~-----------------

, '

, .. '

.!: .. -

,~:~; ~ .... _. , '. t

~t'. the feelins this fine tonic ....... It puts pep into the system be­.... dim" pep ia. the bottle! It peps apo .... at ooce. pepl your step and Bivel yoa ...... fetliq of ])dDg ali ... and welL' 't ... ~ Ulltl but a lint. aDd 11'.ves you

.. Gf PeP. Sold by all the gooclltores. Look .p) .... ~d the ,!!,!~~CK'S.

':~< . ..' . SUPPLIED BY. a . , .. . .' ., , ~ ,

. _. ;PI',·,;,-"""",;,·i, •• """.",;"., •• ,·",··,·':


FBI' " " hi , , !if " " '.Ii ':" !Ii I 32.';;:a;;J ~' ,

STEAMS Germany. Thrl'l' candles In front to clean house as far as Baby is Pcrsons suJl·ring from chronic ~:. cup dic~d pitted dates gram, "]'Iorning Devotions", may • had blackened whicks, they stood concerned. If you must go to a neW i illnesses need :lot require hospit. 1I0t paraffin continue uninterrupted through th.

MOVEMENTS for the countries where the clubs plpce: be sur~ to take alo~g thonC· a lor institutLJnal care. Regular lIIea·:;ure sugar and set aside., the month of March. had to close. two small new can. fn\'orlte toys that arc so \I?rn and \'isits by the Victorian Order of Measure thawed strawberries into ------------

5S dl t 1'1 ti t d f b~ttered. Try 10 arrange hl..~ same "urses may JJ1"kc it possible for a large saucepan. Add lemon juice Remove from heat and stir In datp, FURNESS RED eRO.. es were n~ I, ley II 00 01' ~Ici {u.rnlture asmuch as you can ~ chronic llhw;s to he cared for \' • ~'ater and powdered. fmit pectin )!ix throughly. Skim off foam whit

Fori Avalon leal'ing New York, countries wh:r.h already have likc illS beloved former home. f II . U I ml~ we1l. Piace o\'~r IlIgh heat and metal sonn. Then Iltir IDd skim bl Feb. 17, St. John N.B., Feb. 19,' clubs, but are not yet represent· _ sliccess u Y In Ie lOme. slil' until mixture comes to a hrel turns for five mlnut:!5 to cool s1lght· Hamax Feb. 22, due SI. ,John's ed by a national Federation. . ir until mixture comes to a hrd Iy, prevent floating fruit. Ladl9 Feb 24, sailing Feb. 26 'Corner l\Iiss Okc sllckr. Ihen about the New CaI,adians arc welcomed Tn 1953 thp. Canadian Red. boil. At oIlcC stir in sugar. Brin" quickly into about six medium Brook and New York). . Club in Albany, N.Y, which she by the ned C,·():~S at POl't ~lIrser. i Cr05s Blond 'fralJsfusiol1 SC1'\'ice i to 3 ful.1 rolling ~oi.1 and boil hard glasses. Cover at OIlce \lilh ;S inc~

Fort Hamilton leaving New York had joined durinll her stay there, les at Saint .Tonn and Halifax. I made 341,559 Hh factor tests. on~ mmute, stirring constantly. hot paraffin.

Feb. 25, Halifax Mar. 1. due St.. John's ~Iar. 3, sailing Mar. 5 (for Hnllfax).

Fort Hamilton leaving HaJl(a~, i\Iar. 12, due St. John's !lIar. 14 salling lIIar. 11l (Halifax and New York).

Fort Avalon leaving New York Mar. 10, St. John N.B., Mar. 12. Halllax Mar. 15, due St. John's Mar. 17, salling again Mar, 19 for Comer Brook and New York.

Fort 'Hamllton leaving Halifax Mar. 22, due St. John's !\tar 24, sailing agalll Mar. 26 (Hallfax).

Fort Ham\lt<on leavIng Halifax !lIar. 3D, duro St. John's Apr. 1, sailing again Apr. 4 (Halifax and New York).

NFLD. CAN. STEA~lSHIP Belle Isle II in port, sailing

again' Feb. 21-Bedford II due St. John's Feb.

19, 'salling again Feb. 22. Belle Isle 11 ICa\'ing Halifax Feb.

25, due St. John's feb. 27, sailing again J!'eb. 28.

Bedford 11 leavIng Halifax Feb. 25, due st. John's Feb. 28, salling agaIn lIlarch 1.

Belle Isle llieaving Halifax !liar. 4, due St, Jobn's Mar. 7, salling again lIlar. 8. .

Bedford II leaving Halifax Feb. II, due St. John'l Mar. 7. sailing again Mar. B.

Belle Isie 11 leaving Hallfall Mar, 12, due St. John's Mar, 14, &ailing again Mar. 15th. . Bedford II leavIng Halifax Mar.

o 14, due st. John's Mar. 16, sailing again ?liar. 17.

Bedford II leaving Halifax Mar, 22, due St. John's Mar 24, saillnll again Mar. 25. .

CLARKE STEAMSHIP CO. .Novapolt leaving St. John,

N.B., Feb. 15, Halifax FeJi. 18, due St. John'. Feb 21, sailing again Feb. 22. .

~ Novlport leaving St, John,. N.B., March 1, HalIfax Marcb 4, due St. Jobn's . March 7, salllnil again March 8.

Norlh Coaster leavIng St, John, N,B., Mar. 8, Hamax Mar. 11, due St. John's Mar. 14, saillna agaIn Mar. 15. .

Nov.port leRving !it. John, !II.B." Mar. 15, Ilallfax Mar.' 18, due St. John's Mar. 21. sallinS a~ain !liar: 22. .

The alert young women on constant watch as Fighter Control Operators at the RCAF's powerful radar scanner stations arc a vital part of Canada's defence team. Movements of all aircraft within range are moni­tored in the control and plotting rooms by these operators. An urudentitied plane is spotted on the screen. Is it friend or foe?

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",.,. MIl ,. _, .. _ oM,.ft .. , t.rtIotr p«IkoIon .. oonIi·, ...,OhHtI ,.Jr.." • .,r, on4 op".' flOw Cft'ojlobf. 1ft fM ae» •

.NAME ,,,I0000 prlnll_ .... ·_· ___ · __ -::I~".._ 0 ;:;:-... -) ".m ..... }, ----.--snEET AOOl£$I. ___ .•. __ . _____ ---

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ro/ lO, .od ~ ... CrooN 9 ",,,,,0Il00, '~i .""'''' " ......... Wh ... applylrtg brlftg I, ,i,th (,"lft,o'" '2l rroof of EdKOliOl'. c.., ..... ~


i i

1\ '1


WinCh •


Intercollegiate Its first stadiun day night with already champi! ~ampaign by Wales 6-1 befor, Ing home all wards .

While winnil Championship captured the G Ing champion', ogilvie Troph~' and Co., for I the least goals son .

Right winge tll'O goals ane game to brin! gools and SCI'

best. As goaH and Gold nE Carthy and Jc the honours, the twines (I

The victorl season's reeo loss-to Bishl o( Wales and seconci place, four losses.

A(\er cleCe had stumble' rear.guard a ance to fire I McCarthy in awar at 11.: St. Bon's rc challenged g Dave Adey.

Blue and four goaf SI

ed .nother Left win!

the Wallr line, sla ppel the ze(ond uppel' corn I .quare mat

City I: Bowlil liT. THER

. T. Murph: T. Wahh E. Murph: ;So Dooley

lIAI1lD " D. HI(kr~ JI. Madril. r. Snow

PARKER J. Birmln! is. Nixon I. Madde J. Simm!

HORWOC C. Ball P. Flynn W. Peddl L. Skant

O'ltEEF1 L. Goss' N.O'Ke' H Buckl! J. O'Kel


H. COWl E. Cois L. Kee

IMPERI J. Moll J. Gos 1. SuI. D. Mel

CAN. I A. Wi! S. Mol E. Wh, M. POI

. .

H.C.A. G. Br D.FIt G. W. J. C.


JOBS R.K F. Ii R. L C. L

BAN R.S A.(J M. C E. I

BAli J.1oI C. F D .

Page 11: SHIPS SUNK, LIVES LOST AS GALES· WHIP EURO PEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · In the Salwan Bay memorial, .n·en milell from the colony's

College Hockey Winds ,Up; st. Bon's Take A II Honours

Wi,! Clw!npionsllip, Scoring Crowu A.ud Goaltellding. A.1vards Pee We'e

Hockey· Inlercollc!:iatc Hockey wound up lowed lIP with his second goal at tu £irFt dadlum season on Satur· 10.25 with Prince of Wales short· ~a~' night with snappy St. Bon's, handed. already champions, topping off the Brian WakeUn also took ad\'ant· __________ _ :ampalgn by taking Prince of age for St. Bon's when he poked "'ales 6.1 before 1738 fans and tak. home a scramble shot at 10.36 to Pee Wee Hockey will resume to-In~ home all the "bacon" after. make It 3.1 for ~t. Bon's. Defence. day at the Stadium and manager .\'uds. man Jack Murphy closed out sec. WakeUn will make room today for

While winning the Macpherson ond period seorlng when he notch. all Pee Wccs who have not yet Championship Cup, SI. Bon's also cd number 4 at 14.59. been placed on teams. :~ptured the Gerald S. Doyle scor. Bill Glllics accounted for all All Pee Wee players who arc' in~ champion's award amI the the scoring In the third period registered but whose names have O~i"'ie Trophr. donated by Har\'cy when he scored a pair o[ goals at not yct appeared In team lineups and Co" for the goaltonder with 1.56 and 14.00 to sew up Ihe vic. are asked to contnct the stadium tht least goals.against for the sea. tory and the scoring crown. manager who will a~slgn them to H,n. PRESENTATION the four new teams which will be I'

Ri~ht winger Bill Gillies added At lhe conclusion of thc game, added to the Pee Wce Hockey tWO ~oa1s and an assist In the I Mr. Shcrburne McCurdr, Prcsldent League. ~amc to bring his tolal to ten lof the leaguc, presented the i\lac· TODA Y'S GAMES-ARMY ~olls and scven assists, league's pherson Cup to Caplaln Ray !\I'ur· 5.30-Tanks vs Blue Puttees. br;.!. As goallending champs, Blue ph~' o[ St. Bon's. The Gerald S. 6.00_Commandoes vs. Troopers. And Gold netmindm Ron lie· DO~'le Trophy for the scoring SATURDAY'S RESULTS Carthr and John Savage will share championship was presented by Navy Division the honour~, both having guarded Tom Doylc to Bill Gillies and the Repulse 3; York O. Summary-the ''''inrs for three games. goaltendcr's Ogilvie Trophy was Repulse: Jim Scott (2), Bill Fran·

The victor~' gavc SI. Bon's a turned over to Ron McCarthy by cis. ~I'Hon's record o( 5 II'lns and 1 Frank Harding representing lIar· Nelson 2; Briton O-Summary: Io>;.-to Bishop }"cild. Both Prince I'ey ami Co. NelROri, Don Pietras, John Gover. (>[ Wal~s and the Twin Blues share LINEUPS Sher£ield 1; Vanguard O.-Sum 'reon!1 place, with two wins and mary, Sheffield, Cyril Purcell. [nur lo!~r~. ST. BON'S-Goal. ~lcCarlll)': de· Hooel 2; Berwick O.-Summary,

Afler dcfcnceman Pcter Dickie, fence, R. Murph)', J. Murph~', Bar· Hood, David Kennedy, Huhert h;;d stumbled O\'er II St. Bon's rell, Aylward: forwards, )Iae· Hullon. rcar.~uard and r~eol'ered his hal. Donald. GIllies, Redmond, Lawlor, AIR FORCE l.EAGUE anN' to £ire the first gOll past Ron Wakelin, Mills, Daly, Furlong, Jels 2; Canso O-Summary: Jets, ~lcrarthl' in the !!ame on a break. Ryan. ' i Victor Doody, John Fisher. ~\\'al' at 11.29 of the first period, PRINCE Of' WALES - Goal, Sterllngs 2, Wellington l­SI. Bon'~ retaliated wilh six un. A~ey; defence, E. Winsor, Pctcr Summary, sterling, Gerry Seward, challen~rd Iloal~ against sub goalie DIckey, Whelan, Crane; forwards, Bill Hogan. Wellington, Jim Cur· t"la\ c Adc\'. Noel, pounder, Pat Dickic, Ash, ran.

Blue a~d Gnld led 4.1 after thc Warr, King, Garland, G. Winsor, Lancaslcrs 3; Spitfires O-Sum· fnllr ~oal second pcrlml anel add. Watson, Powell. mar)', Lancasters, Jim Hillier (2); .d ~notllcr brace in the third, Referees-Jack Connors and Joe Joe Benncll.

1,1'11 winger Bob Redmond, o[ Smith. Mosquitoes 1; j!ul'rieanes 0-the "'any ~lncDonald.B\lIrGilIies FINAL STANDINGS Summary, MosqUItoes, Sian Cuok. h'hn~. sbpp~d a long shot at 4.04 of P W J. Pis. Norlh Stars 3; Liberators I-I 8 ~r-cond period that caught the SI. Bon's ....... 6 5 1 10 Summary, North Slar, Peter lIIc· upprr corner 01 the PWC nel5 to I Prince o( Wales. 6 2 4 4 Gralh (2), Edward Galwa)': Liber· .qUlre matter. 1.1. Redmond fol· Bishop Feild ... 6 2 4 4 ators, Tom Dunne.

J. Herrick Wins Curling 'Spiel

Islanders Want Their Share Of

. . THE DAILY NEWS; MOI'oIDAY, FLo. 21, 1955 11 ~


S· '':t ,..,. ,,0

,~ I'Bernie Notches Delvecchio T (10 I,n: Big N H L Weekend~

. (Daily News Photo)

ALL.STAR UNIFORMS-Coach Jack Vinieombe of the st. John's AII·Stars admires the new rell and white uniforms which the City All·Stars will wear against the Bell Island AIl.Stars in the Senior B finals Qf All. Newfoundland hockey starting in st. John's on Thursday. Recording Secreiary Toe Byrne looks on and wonders, along

with city hocl,ey fans, who the 15 players and goalie will be.

st. Teresa's Win 6-3 ST. PAT'S MEET • CRUSADERS IN

. ,

'Wings Move Within Point Of Leading~' Canadiens


NEW YORK (CP) _ Centre \ ~lead, Calum ],IacKay, Don Marsh~ Alex Delvecchio scored twice to all, Jackie Leclair and Tom John': leae Detroit Red Wings to a 5'() son. It was Ken Mosdell night and roul of New York Rangers in a the veteran centre was presented National Hockey League game with dozens of gifts. to;:ved "by l Sunday night. br~nd new car, but In all the ·seor·

The win mO\'ed the Red Wings ing spJ'ce be couldn't get himself to withi none point of the leaglle· a point. . ler.ding Montreal Canadiens, wh'o New York's goals were seoreu were idle Sunday. by Bill Gadsby, on a sere~ned .shQt.

For the Rangers it marked the in the fir·,t period, and by LaITY end o[ a disastrous weekend. sat'l Popein. near the end of' the lam~ u:day night \J.'1ey took a 11).2 lacing wnen Andy Bathgate's goalmouD! from Montreal. ,pass wcnt in off pop~in's skate.'

The scoring came In the secondi LEAFS TIE BRUUlNS and third periods with Marcel 'Bo. TORONTO (CP) - Bostm nin, Gordie Howe and Marty Fa· Bruin's drive to overtake thr. third­velich finding the mark besides place Toronto Maple Leafs wu Delvecchio. Goalic Terry Sawchuk staJled again Saturday night as ttie nolehed his 11th shutout'ol the sea· teams played to a 1·1 tie in an son in the Detroit \·ictDry. oflen-dull National Hockey LMlIle

MONTREAL (CP) - Bernie. game. (Boom Boom) Geoffrion came out The fourth place BnJlns, 'Who!it of the scoring doldrums witlt a ven· nir.e·game undefeated streak car· ge~l1ce Saturday nigllt, blasting ried them to within four point5 of

SI. Teresa's finished out their at 6.17. homc five goals in Montreal Cana· the Leats before it was broken by !irst season in thc High School Ted Connors' first goal at 15 Third place SI. Pat's mect fifth i diens' 10·2 dnlbbing of Ncw York C!ticago Black Hawks 'Thilrsday

H"k" 1.0.", wllh th". fl., ,~,,', ,I th' ."',," ".,,' .~ "." H," C.,,, '"'gb''' ,,,',, R""n. . ~gb" ,,,.01 th, ~'" " 'l' ,,' "", '" S.,,,,,, ,'gb' ., th' th, ,,',',,' "''' ,I th' ".". ,. h"k"., 'h, ".dI,m wil' ,~"" II ." th' ... " .", ,,,gIo "~,, "., PO"". ".1, "" " .. m

In High School Hockey HOCKEY TONITE

I t t k f I . . by a Montrealor slIlce Maurlt£ th;! sccond.

Stadium when they turned back the leaguc and it gave his tcam l ~ aec a sac or t l~ Patricians M~uricc (Rocket) Richard scored There were Dashes 0{ wide opea Salvalion Army College 6.3 in an 2.1 lead. John Murph~'s goal at If they defeat thc wtnlcss Cru· rive against Delroit R~ Wings in, hockey but it was mostly a mix­exciting conIcs!. 2.33 gave SI. Teresa's a 3.l lead saders. Monlreal Dec. 28, 1944, and lVas be·


wrc of close Boston checking and The win gave the SI. Teresa's before W. Butt scored his second When they mcl in the first round liev~d thc first quintuple pedor·: erratic Toronto passing that· had

squad three'llolnts In Ihe stand. goal (or Salvation Army College Ihe Patricians, lurned back Holy mance by an,' NaUonal Hockey: t!IC 12,902 fans stomping for ae-ings and lhird place behind Holy to make it 3.2 at 9.56. Cross 6·1. Tonight's game will be League player since then. T)Je NHLI tlon. ero.. ,,' SL M "h,,\'., 1I,d fu, C". '" .",,' ,w'" ,. ,,,, lb, "I, """ ,,,,,.. g.m, I" ~,," " ""', .=-, b"k "I - SUND. Y" .....

second. 1\,lacpherso

n Macs lead thc third 'period, at 4.08 (rom Bren the week. Wedncsday's game is 1920 by Joe ~~alonc of ~e old Que' l 5 orr" owing to line diffl·cn}· '

II d d . ' bee Bulldogs In a 10·6 \l'1n over the, . "

league. Casey and at 7.38 unassisted to eanee e an Senior B hnals take Din Toronto St. Pats. \ hes '1'\'1111 Canadian Presl lad Teel Connors led thc Mundy make ,it 5.2. Then Butt o[ S. A. up the bala~c e?f the w.eek: The fil'c othcr Monlreal tallies nlg.ht no report of tile Toronto-

l'ond hockeyisls with three goals College came back with his third A St. Pat s VictOry Will tic them wcre all singles-by Bert OIm· Chicago game W;lS receive.. .

to pace them to victory. On the goal at 8.17 to make it 5·3. Tom with the Guards wilh seven points 1 .- . losing side W. Butt of Sal'vation Rossiter's goal at 10.30 sewed up apiece in second place. Vees Extended I Wes Santee Is Army College malched the errort of the 6·3 SI. Teresa's win. Connors as he scored all thr~e o~ SCORING SUJ\IJlIARY CI b D rt I 3 3 T' W' I W' I Th' d his team's goals, one In each per. First Period _ B. Cascy, F. U a s n· Ie It 1 \ Inner n If lod. Dunne (S.T.) 8:17, W. Butt S d (1 . I d M 1

W. Butt's first goal tied the (SAC). TONIGHT'S GAMES 'pee y ILzech i . Ii oor i e score at 7.27 o[ the first period Second Period-To Connors (ST) 7.30-K. of C. V5 SI. Bon·s. after Bren Casey had scored from 0:15, J. Murphy (ST) 2:33 W. Butt 9.oo-CCOF \.s REWA. Precede London Hockey .. , NEW YORK (AP1-Wes Santee F. Dunne to put SI. Teresa's ahead (SAC) 9:56. PRAGUE (Reuters)-A goal by \1'01\ the rubber match in his mile

Tird Period _ T. Connors, B. The Canadian Red Cross rlghtwinger Dick Warwick in the series againsl Gunnar Nielsen and pro. less than th~c minutes lefl in the Fred D\\'~'er Saturday night, tak· Casey (ST) 4:08, T. Connors (ST) i vdes current weekly films for gr.mc gave PenUcton Vs, Canadian I inJ! the national aau iUe n'

City Inter-Club . Bowling League liT. THERESA'5-:I T. Murph,. .. 209 2A7 T. Walsh .... 238 169 1.. Murphr .. 273 2.19 J. Doole,. ... 294 282

239 7UI 2fi7 874 197 709 263 839 9611 2927

Saturday's ?lixed Bonspl~l reo sulted In I tremendous win for the Rink skipped by Joe Herrick by ~ margin 1)[ 49 points.

7:38, W. Butt (SAC) 8:17, T. Ros.1 hospitalized v.Herans. entry in the world hockey cham.\' relatively ,low 4:07.9. siter (ST) 10.30. pion5ltips, a 3·3 tie with the Czech· 'Th.~ three runners, who ha\'l

.,11 10' .. , ;;;;d.'"1t "oW' ",,' Over Russians "'''''oy N~.~ " "p';:~~~,,~~"~~"'~:,,:': ;::::,::.:::u;::~~~m"" "hlhl·; ~:;:: ,,'":;:: U~i:~';:"kj:",;:~ the weekend that they are not • Michael's. length of l~OO miles. Warwick con\'erlerJ a pass from jocker~d aloM for almosl the en· satisfied with the arrangements In Speed SkatIlla ___ .. .----- linemale Jack Macdonald for the lirr rlistancc Saturday night, i~nor-.hm'" '''' S,,'" • hook" b "',' ". Ih" ml"'" .II~ Ih" ,., th, ,1,,,1, of B,h M, M'''' ,I

Swede Is Winner Senior B Series

1014 9:17 lIArnO a. CO.-o D. Hlekf'y ... 11l1 1411 11. Maddhl~n 176 16.~ r. Snnw ..... 250 234

Ml M7


223 486 241 :i82 3111, 799 779 1867

.T. Birmingham 257 230 199 1185 1';. NIxon .... 224 208 22l- 853 I. Midden .. ,265 209 2:11 725 J. Simms .. _ .197 207 19D 603

943 854 869 2668 HORWOOD LUMBER CO.-O C. Ban ...... 184 193 18~ 562 r. Flynn .••••• 169 184 197 530 w. P~ddl. _ ... 169 152 180 501

The Brookfield Series continues tonight with the following tcams In actlon:-

'J-9 ~Iaddlek VI Herrick Goudey \'s Oliver Angel VI McCarthy Norris vs ,'Carter

9-11 Hiscock va Atkinson Conroy vs noberts Stirling \'s Mainwaring. Kavanagh I'S Alderdice

nnals are held .In St. John'$. By STANLEY JOilNSON . CH.~MPIONSHIP TROPHY Czet'!\s had taken thc lead on a I the armcd forces to ~tt fast The Islanders defending cham.' MOSCOW (AP) _ Lanky Sh:gc :\ go~l by ZabrodskY. I p~ee.

pions In the !e~les, want to have \ Ericsson, a steel.nerved aUllcte The crowd of 15,000 in Prague's ~!c)!illcn drop~d O'lt with lour • h,m, ,,' h,m. uri .. " th., Imm 0.,,,,,.,, Sw,,,~, "",., lVi.,,, SI •• "m look "oopl!oo "I lap, 10 J!o and Dwyer, also run-


won the world spced skalmg cham. some of the Canadians' robust play, nin~ for thc armed forces, to their fans can see the games. The plonshlp in a dramatic windup to particularly their heal'y bOd)"1 01 cr. Bul. unlike the pre\,ious Sat· NAHA, ~ .. "", bu •• ,,' lb.' tho 1000<'''' "m,,"''''' H, ". ,h"kiog "" th' b",d,. Thm '''''or .. ,,, h, 1 •• S." .. ". SI. John s wl\1 be the site of the feated two o[ Russia's top skaters were fr~quent scu!!Ies among the I Nlcl~cn far behind, he didn't hal'e ",,~, h'f'" 00,,",, ,h,,'''' "',,, .. ,,. "",'m " f.m "" ...... ' """ gb " "gb' oil th," " .. n,,,,.

Negotiations over the weekend The 24.year.old Ericsson, sur. Although the game ended with I Santee passed him on b'le back. b.' .. " SL ',h,'., R."h C,I, .. ,ri~ ,",,,. " th, E,,,, ... uu. h",.h.k" .U '~', " .. "." ,11.1.' ,od lb, D""h ,,~. g. ., B,""'" ,,' B.lI 10' .. , "'''' t'.b, 8, "th,,~, .",,1.', B,ri, .",U" dL" """",,)' M th - C.' ,,,',, ,ho ",.. • •• ,,1, '" I'" &11" " ,j"", th, ., •• lI,:" SbUk"" wh, ;,"".. th'" h,b.' '''0" "'.," "" ., lb. .",h. ,h'"" Ow,'" ... ",'. m.,," hl~ countryman, OIeg Gont:!l1ar. Some of uhe Pentic!on playeI1S over Niels'~n was about fure.

enko. . whistled back. yards.

G d Att d Ericsson, who trailed Shllkov In Vs RAGGED --..--00 en ance the slandlngs after Saturday's 500 Th~ Canadians, who regarded NO TROUBLE TO

A h H ami 5,ooo·metre races, captured prospects in the world Utle play t Sc 001 ockev Sunday'~ 10,000.metre race II a beginning Friday in West Ger· HEAR BETTER

, fast 11 minute.s, 09.B seconds. Ear. the game as a severe test of their I •• Skin,s .... 147 204 240 591

1169 713 802 2184

O'KEEFE'!-l to. Gosse .... 2511 191 2t2 1159 ~. O'Keefe ••. 270 164 255 689 H Buckingham 195 lUl :!17 531 J. O'Keefe •.. 248 273 198 719

e'ru, " 1400 """ I.... h ru II" ,,, ho' ", ,,' .. ",,' " G~ m "', "'" "mowh" rngg,," Witk lito Nnr low VIsimI! been the average attendance at clwrcnko in the 1,500 metres. their play. Some observers said 81Ll0ll1 "!!':~~.

• " ~h,,1 hod", ,.m .. Ib" "".1 NARROW E~G' lb" woold h." .. '0 b,II" • ---NIC!IT LEAD f'"" '"'''' h~ lb, st.dI.m, T.,., "ld .11", .. " T'. ..,,',' ,,~."" ,.""m- ,,',,' R .. ,,", lb. ,."",, .h,m· BEL TONE HEAR'NG SERV'C' VIENNA (CP) _ Britain's brll. I ~ I ~l1C~ gave him a 'fmal point total pion, whicb b,ad representativcs at's. W. SHORT, Distributor

IInnt skating team of Jean West. at 1~ p a~'ing dates, was 22,~82 Be· o[ 1940996. Goncharenko had 195.831 Sunday nlght.s game. ,340 Wiler St. ,"'" ,,' Low,,"" """ m, ''', ... , '0 L"", " ,k.lI., ",d! ,m ""hU"'" 05,858 " h' "m. "', ,.m. ... "".. lb~gb", • "''''': "",kI' .hook .1 i b" .,ill d", m.",'" ~,,, ,,' ".i, m . b.*' " ~'" .. hh ,"h I" m .. " I., , ... , • P.O. ." .62 "'M '"

British Skaters Win Dance Tide In Vienna Series

,,' "" .. ~, ,,' ~, 11" '''''',' Aot,,' "".,' .1I"'"'' .,_ ""po"''''' Ii m, " lb. ''"' ""mi. Bill IV."i,k ,"- G .. " --i.:j---t-d I--d lill. I" "" I"rib 11m, .rid., bolb 1.,,,,,11.,,.,. ,,' 1II~' "",.. ",,""k, broll'''' ,I Dl,k, go, lb. 1 ~ ew 0 un an ,1gb, " fu, I",.,., .. ,rid fig'" "'00' pm" h~ b", "93 I" All lb." Am"'''' .. 'ri"-K,, otI,,, , .. " ,,, "" c" •• , .. , I sk~t1ng c

11amplonships came to an games to date, Including Saturday. Henry 01 Chicago, John Werket, A description of the game wal':

969 747 882 2598 C,REAT EASTERN 0IL-2 Services ,I. Cowan .... 172 268 254 694 H. Cowan ••• ,195 239 259 693' E. Col~h .... 227 191 243 661 I .. Keels •••• 217 221 378 816

811 919 1134 2864

em\. h fl f bl Minneapolis and Don McDermott, broadcast by Prague radio and':

""",.'. Ou, ""Ib" .""" .T' '"'' """." """ , E. "",~1 C""', N. J" toUot " ,,," ,01", .. ,. ' ".n., ,....., LI,." ', ... ,otI", .,lb Ib, ."ng' .",,'_, ., ,I .. , In tho 1,,," m"''' ,,' ili" .,LDWY$T DOCKEY ,CONNECTlON 'O",H C.AI1 , .. ,., •• Loo .... 0"" ... ,.h,' ."',, , .. ," , ..... wbl" w"' ,." ,Um''''''' ....... 10,000 (D,i1y N,ws Ph.'.) Th, ""'h "",m,""'" .. ,,' "RVICE VIA ,ORT AUX n" .m", tho ~ ""'" lrom 2SOO I" lb, lin' ",,', m,'''' ",", 'M" Sh"bum. Meeuro., p,,,ldcnl of lb. Inl,,,.tt,,iaf, i th" " tho "." 10 ml"l" • th. ,BASQUES-Tln,.AY elf'ht countries. • H k 'L "t th M I C I . t ." I third period the Canadians en· Train "The Caribou" lelvin,

Ah ... " m'''''' "", .. ~,,, "," 'ru" • mill'" C,,"',.. y, .. thOP "," C .. ,dI.. .e ,y "gu" p""" s • ",."".n up, '" .". g,," f, ".ild~"t ,,, !wclo,," St •• I,h,'. 5,00 ..... T".,'T, r,' W .. 'wood .M D.mm, "'" " ,hil'"'''' m.mhe~ ,I th' ,,,. wom" ,." h.on """, In R.' .ymb.,or f .. ,u, "P''''''''' 10 .oplru. Roy Mu"hy of Sf. "d ,pp","~, ",,' .,', .. ~,,, "", wID m.', ,~"tI'" • uk' ... f .. , .. " "U b.dfy "ii, ,,, Rot e,""" C,," H ..... N,n'" C, .. ,,,. Bon'. aft .. "'",uroay's fino! ,run" ,-h" ~, C,,'" took • ,., •• ,. p,rt ',~ .,,"'" _Ilh s.s. "B. ",,'""'. MI .. D~", ... "". "Th' C" .... " h'" ."" .. "vo" I" lb, S"lb eout ... "'" Imm lb. ring, ",I.g. ,1.,,,,, m'" lO, h"'" In h' ,I",

Granted a 15.mlnule rest, she reo ST. BON'S W'IN INTERCOLLEGIATE HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIP ring than hockey players," he said.

IMPERIAL T.C.-3 J. Molloy .... 343 190 257 790

J. Gosse .... 218 240 216 674

J. Bulgen .... 238 250 284 772 178 186 567

cOI'ered and returned to lenna's _ W "Canadians - you may play like

D. Meadul ... 2011 1004 8116 943 2803

CAN, LEG10N-O A. Willis .... 173 185 201 :I~9

III. Molloy .... 139 247 E. Wheeler ... 159 172 M. Power •••• 128 199

1199 803

186 :172 221 552 182 509 790 2192

~n.alr rink with her 'partner to that in Canada but here we arc "m~'" th, "m,PI"" ."".. f, Eo"",." . - - , In a drizzling rain and then gave Listeners could h~ar the crowd 1 dazzling exhlel,b5ee skat. booing after t~c game ended. In!!. -----------------------,---...... -----

The Manehesler couple's victory wa~ achieved to the tunps of two popular songs _"Birth of \ the

-H.C.A.A.-1 G. BreeD .... 237 255 228 720 D. Fllzlerald .222 286 279 787 G. Wadden ••. 251 333 262 846 J. Cart,. .... 245 260 268 773

9:15 1134 1037 3126 VICS-: . H. Dawe ..... 219 250 236 705 A. Dawe ..... 233 310 238 779 Eo Churchill .2.48 248 273 765 D. Oldford ; •• 299 272 295 866

997 1078 1040 3115

JOBS A.A.-3 R. Kleley ., •• 330 224 181 '135 F. Kirby ; ••. 246 137 279 662 R. Lane ..... 202 2.44 208 654 C. Legrow ... 235 219 222 676

1013 824 890 2727 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA-O' R. Short .••.• 188 213 220 621 A. O'Brien •.. 100 126 1:12 378 M. Osmond ... 139 1M 138 431 E. Power ., •• 321 279 251 851

748 772 761 2281 ....--

BANK OF MONTREAL-O J. McCrlndle .156 134 153 C. feltham ... 127 144 182 D. Feam , •. 196 238 144

443 453 ~78

Blues" and the qulck·step "Sb· Boom." ' }:ASY WINNERS

Miss We s two 0 d and Demmy scored seven placements-all seven judges picked them for first-and 37.03 points. I ..

'Britons also took second and thlnl plaee to make It a sweep while the United States took the next th~c SpeiR"

The Canadians were ninth at the end of the compulsory figures but dropped to 111/1 in the free skat· Ing. ,They flnlEaed with 17 place· ments' and 30.81 points.

The expert opinion expressod here on the Johnston! was: "Though Immature, 'let they ob· viously have' Ideas and showed some. very',' successful comblna· Uons. The~ should go far." , C. Wagner ... 177 212'-233-'--62-2

656 728 712 2096 MAMMY'S T.C.-3 P. Oliver .... 250 237 R. Jeans •• , .301 208 L. Go~se , ... 172 258

, . (Daily News Photo)

After winning the first hockey champillnship declared in the new Stadium, St. Bon's pose for the first portrait 223 710. ,. for' the ~AILY NEWS camera. Members of .the tealll are, front row, left t{) right:-Bill Rran, Gus Lawlor, 225 734 Gerry MIlls, Ron McCarthy (goalic), Jim Daly, BriJlll Wakelin, Ed Furlong, Back row, left to right:-Rev, 235 865 Bro, Kean (coach), Bob Redmond, Jack Murphy,' Wally MacDonahl, Ray' ;\lul'phy, Bill 'Gillies, Dave' Barrett, 188 736 1\11 Aylward, John Savage (goalie), Ted Gillies (coach),

}', Ryall .... ,,273 215 , 996 978 871 284~

. ...... -,


WI IIC'''''I I-

fires.O". '~:f .';',; 111.1' .

'Ifld~ Armature' ,Wbrks~,· Ltd"::':": BAMBRICK ST •

Page 12: SHIPS SUNK, LIVES LOST AS GALES· WHIP EURO PEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · In the Salwan Bay memorial, .n·en milell from the colony's

. , . .


he'. In.'' paid Mr. Kilkenny on this IC' tOh·hoc" cried Mr. Hammer. 1:--------------------·---------------"Crail, Sam Crall." eounl? Mr. Kilkerlny lav. you He whipped back to the desk "What'd ,DU "'ant to aet Mr. a receipt, of couue?" . drawer and drew out a short

Hammer about?" "He lave me JIOthlnll." snub· nosed . revolver. "Violence,

I 'About a man lIamed KUken· "THEN I'm lOrry, 1Ifr. Craag. Mr. Cragg? All the more reason ny," Johnny repUed. "He work. Our collectou are Instructed to to call the police."

'a;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~ here." IIlve receipt. at all times. If Miss Trout was already dial

The Theatre Page Current Comment On Movies i: and son Avenue and turned nortb. 'Well, "hat about himT" you Clnnot produce one, I'm Inll. Desperately, Johnny cried,

... Crall to teltle' In old A few minutes later, oJbnny lot Johnny pointed to the private afraid the account .tll1 .tands. "I'll payl"

office. "Hammer, that', 'Who I And .Ince this II lonl delln· • • • ':==========:;===========:-:===========' wn II fer, Important·to lOme out and gave the driver $1.00. want to see,.111 fac~" He IUd. 'quent, I must Insist upon prompt JOHHNY counted out ".7 . and • -pl- AU-o Camm'-,I gave "Can you wal' here?" ..., "';'k to OJlwlylU and I "If It ain't too long." dealy .hoved lIPID the "ooden payment." put the rest of, the money back CAPJTOL. STAR PARAMOUNT ~ time later Jell Car. 'It shouldn't be over 10 min. gate Ind Itrod, toWlrd Ham1 "Or else, whaU" in his pocket, carelessly reveal· ~ m; waltis)' playboy, utes." , mer'. private offiCI. The recep- "Or else I lhall start Imme· Ing that one packet of bills eon· ~ '01l1ld murdered In her Johnny walked a short dis. tlonln let out. a aeam, but d1ste 1)11t. Hey-w~lt a moment, slsted of hundred.. Mr. Hammer Today QartmnL Wblle o.Jhnny '11'81 lance and enlered an office build. Johnny paid 110 h~. He here'. a Dotatlon from J, J. Ah, noted Is rreedlly. IIe1q kIretI b,. the murdered Ing. He consulted the bulldlnl dl. slammed OpeD Halllmer. door yes, thl. alter. thing. consider. ,Joh,nny held It In his hand -- ---

NOlO Playin~ To-morrow

.an', fltHr to trace Lester rectory and rode u pto the ninth and found Mr. HamillII' whipping ably. It Item •• Mr. CraBI, that Heres the money. now let's ERROL FLYNN, GlENN FORD m HUMPHREY BOGART, l.ulbo., a cousin of the mur. floor. A moment laler he stood open the fllht • .hind tOp desk you pawned thll Instrument." t.lk. Your Mr. Kilkenny II In· •. GINA LOLLOBRIGIDA "THE AMEI:.ICANO" AVA GARDNER IN ''THE tend man and now the heir before a ground glass door on drawer. Mr. Hammer beamed happily. volved In the Jell Carmichael IN "CROSSED SWORDS" -- BAREFOOT CONTESSA" II CInIlchael m11llons, Sam which was lettered "Acme Adjust. Mr. Hammer ~ I lqUat, bald "That, Ilr. II wbere you made murder." _ Intrestlngly backgrounded aga· --

ment Agency" mall who preaplred eopious11. your mistake. Selling property 'Yo!"re wasting time." In!t the savallp. and scenic splen· It's a tough malter to bceom~ II lared a"ay b,. kldnappen. . He kept hi' hand in the top on did not own takes It out of 'Allee Cummin"'" Johnny said Errol Flynn returns to the dor of Brazil's famous Matto recognized 85 8 fine actress II It llilbt be ono of HVeral There was a small reception y .,." , swashbuckling glory of "Captain c1Iaraden who kIdnapped room and apparently' two private drawer. 'What do )'ou mean, the civil court and pull it into pointing to the file cards. 'Look It Blood" and "Don Juan" IS thc Grosso jungle·country. "The you're a beauti(ul girl, but Ava II1II. O1Ie or tbem II J. J. offices. A secretary with Inered. , • In like thaU" he snapped. the, criminal. Yes, Mr, CragB, up - you collected money from dashing hero of the boudoir and Amerlcano" opens tomorrow at G2rdner may be well on the way Kllken-r. I bUl collector, who Ib1y long pointed naLls was You ve lot I miD named )'ou VI overstepped )'ourseU. You her ),esterdal:. Miss Cummings tbe battling swordsman of the the Paramount Theatre with a t" making it. In Joseph L. Mall. 11& them Into thll caper. Idling with a typewriter. KI,lkenny ~:wklng for you." will pay thli bLU, - It once, happens to be the little lady in breastworks in United Artists reo cast topped by Glenn Ford, kiewict' "The Barefoot Con. : xvn "The bos II Johnny said. Have I? sLr-or I nail dap you Into whose apartment Jesl Carmichael lease, "Crossed Swords," filmed Frank Lovejoy. Cl!sar Romero tessa." Technicolor film now The cab toolt Jimmy to Madl· 'What's your name? I'll lee It 'If you haven't then I've jail" . was murdered. And your Mr. KIl· in Pathecolor, which opens to- and exotic Ursula Thiess. Much playing at the Capitol Theatre

_================--=====- giVen money to a crook." "I think it' ... lot of hooey," kenny just happens to be ·in it up day It the Star Theatre. Co-star. of this Technicolor prodUction through United Artists relea."






-----------------------------------.--LAST TIMES TO·DA Y :: 610JtGI MOJlo'TGOI\IERY In "CRIPPLE CREER,"-.'




"lIIi 'Hir/d's Most Beaut!lulAnimal1 tI

...... BlRIFOOT

Jit"IIlIl1tmtnL 1itA1TESSJ( I KIEWICZ "'!"\,,",,TECHiuCOLOR

...... ,YJllIJN R,BIlI1lI _1.'._,_.,,.._*,,,,,, ___ ._ ... __ A./so-UP.TO-THE·MlNUTE NEWS


Ev.ning Shows: 6.45 - 9,00 . MATINEII P.lI(.

. ADMISSION PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENTI DJ:NJNG-ADULTS ......... ; .... '&11 OWLDREN ......... : .... 310 1IA'l'DfII!l-ADlILTS ... : ........ IOa CHILD"EN .............. lle




Hammer's Ittltude changed. snapped Johnny. "Look, I baven't to his fat ears." , was actually filmed In South Ava has th~ dramatic role of her He actually raised his right hand 1I0t time to shlilly shaUy around." The collection agent smiled ring a, tbe voluptuous daughler America and Its authentic at· life, a gamut·runner from AAA out of the desk drawer, although "And all I want from you Is thinly, but there was uncer. of the Duke of Sidona, prC5um· mosphere Is further' helllhtened to ZZZ. he kept it near. 'You paid money $61c" Miss Trout appeared In tbe talnty in his eyes, ably in medieval Italy. is Gin. by native music and a torrid With ber performance in "Mo-to Kilkenny? On an account? doorway. "Telephone for a po- 'None of this will do you any Lollobriglda, a ravishing beauty dance by Abb~ Lane to the music r.ambo," Ava began to bre.k Your name, please?" lieeman, Miss Trout." good." whose popularity in this country. of Xavier Cugat's orchestra. !Tlrough the crust of skeptichm

"I told tbe slrl-Sam Cragg." "Yes, Mr. Hammerl" The girl "All right." said Johnny grim· has sky·rocketed after but two "The Americano" Is the story concerning her talent (there h •• Hammer went quickly over turned and headed for the phone ly, 'Look at your eards-I dare appearances in "The White Line" of a Texas cowboy who sets out never been even the IlIghte,t

a flIe of eards and extracted on ber desk. you. If Miss Cummings's name and "Fan fan the Tulip." to deliver a hprd of prize Brahma Iluestion about her beauty) and one. 'Sam Cragg, Ih yel, Ajax Johnny stepped to the door. Isn't on one of them, I'll give you In the tradition of the great bulls to a wealthy South Ameri· \\'on an Academy nomlnatloll II

Mandolin Company. You IIY you "put down that phonel" $100." swashbuckling £IIms of the pasl, can ranchero. His trlnl leads him Best Actress.

.. I •.



C gtitaID1IDBRI61DA ·1l0SSED



MATINEE 2 P.;\!.





TO·MORROW A8TRANoER TO BRAZIL ·lHdnoat ....... r





---I ....--...-.. '. LAST TIMES TO·DA Y




Hammer reached for the cards "Crossed Swords" was designed. across the anllI'Y rfivers where She hopes that her role as Marla "1'\1 just prove to you you're , .• " Crom beginning to end, as un· Brazil's "ictlou~ man·eating tiger D'Amata in "The Barefoot Con. His (ingers ran ol'er the cards, adulterated "escapism" In the fish hunger, through the tall trees lessa" will take her eVen further stopped. His eyes narrowed Ind grand manner -lavish, amusinF, of the Matto GrOllSO where ban· ~oing the road to recognition •• he shot a quick covert look.t somcwhat tongue·ln-cheek. roman dils hide, strai.ht into the dan· an actre,ls. Johnny. Then he drew out the tic .nd£illed with action, ~ord· ger zone of thl' cattle king's em· It was purely on the Ilrength card. play and excitement. pirc where he finds boths death of ft portrait photograph of h,r

"Just who are you, Mr. Cragg?" rhis fantasy is given an Air 01 and IOI·e. that she got her fint sereen (I'n. be asked slowly. authenticity by the realism oC For Gienn Ford, this Is one of tract. The picture feU Into the

"First of all, I'm not Sam the setting in which it was film· his more inte<'esting aljl;ignments hands of MGM talent 8coull, who Cragg," Johnny said. ed. The Flynn company actually and he brings to it the sincerily bot In touch with her and Irr3n,.

(To Be Conllaued) rented an entire hillside village and ruggcd appeal which has cd a screen test for her_ tut !n southern Ital)~ and turned It made him Olle of Hollywood's in which she spoke no lines Ind

B S T into A set. The "illage, Lauro, lop stars. Frank Lovejoy por. did no acting: the test was simplY oy cout roop came complete with an Eieventh Irays the ranchero with a mad a scrie~ of big, dreamy closeup', Century castle and locai peasant;! dream of powo, and Cesar Ro· Arter she was signed, she was Has Anniversary Who were perfectly. cast in "c;(· mcl'O is the bqndit wilh a sense r.iven cxtcnsil'e drama and diction tra" roles in the Iilm. of humor and II sense oC honor les~ons, and subsequently her

51. Thomas' Scout Troops cele The idea of lIlaking an Rril'Cn who guides Ford through thc ~int role, a \'ery minor part III brated thcir sixth anniversary lure picture of mediel'al Italy In. Greal Forest. Ursula Thicss, };u· apicture called "We Were DBne­Thursda:' night at Canon Wood of all placc~. 1131y is credited In ropcan beaut\', has her frst mao lng." Better parls follolred until H~ll with all the scouts, cub5 And I Errol Flynn jill' Hollywood role as the ~eno· she got her first big breRk opp~· their fathers, Mr. Foran, provin· Flynn and 32·year·old produ~e: rila who at first rescnts the -ile Clark Gable In "The Huck. cial commiSSioner, ?ltr Furlong, .J. Barrett ~Iahon brought Itallall Americana, then grows til IOI'e 5Iers." district commissioncl', and others producer Villoria Vassarottl intc I him. assoclaled witl! scouting in at· their scheme. formed Vil'i Film!' William Casth: dirccted "The tendance. ~nd 5~t about m~king "Cl'ossei Americano" irom a screen play The Red Crosl IB the Iymbol

A sumplous I1lrkey clinller was &words" in ital)·. by Guy Troslwr, with Sam Wie. of hope and mercy In peace and serretl by the '.dies and the large "Crusser! Sll'ord~." filmed in I scnthal as excculil'e producer. war. It assures people every· anni\'crsaI'Y cake was cut by the Pathecolol' and co·starring the Rodolfo IIOYo~. .Jr., Salvador wherp. of help andcomfort. In two s11)allest cubs of the paek'lllreathl~k.ingIY. beautiful Ginn I B~guez. Tom Powers and Georgc ~Ial'ch. gil'c generously to your Group singing was conducted by tl'liobrlgllla, 15 a natural Cor Na\'arro al~o ha\"C kcy roles ill Canadl3n Red Cross. aile of the older scouts. Follow. Fiynn. The script, by Milton this Robert Stillma.HIW produc· Ing dinner a \"ry colourful mO\'ie Krlms, who also dircctcd "('ross· tiOI1. was shaWl! about the RCMP, p.d Swords." calls upon Flynn to "Scaiaret and Gold", which was scale castle walls, make' hair of special apar'al to the boys. breadth escapes through upper·

MI'. Foran, in his addrcss, urg. ~lorey windr.ws, ducl to death with ed all the parents to encourage an assortment of l'iIlains and IVOJ

their sons, tho~~ 11'110 al'C eligible, a bevy of "oluptuous maiden'. to attend the World Jamboree Naturally, all this is richt up to be held th:~ year at Niagara Flynn's alley, since he is an cx' I on the Lake. ;\lr. Doug Merritt, cullent swordsman, . all·around president of thu group eommis.' nthl~te and a Voooer·oC,maldens 01

sion, proposed a vot-e of thanks I considerable repute. f

to lIlr. Foran for his C1~courag. i Literally rounliing oul the sup Ing remarks lind his brief talk! IlOrting cast in top featured role; on Lord Baden·Powell. arc Nadia Gray, the Rumania.,.

The banquet which was ably born eX.Princess Cantacuzino II'h,. !IT.C'd by Mr. Cook. was a "ery was called 10 "Crossed SI\:ord'" successful affair and, judging. from England, where she slarr~'l from their smiling faces. the for J. Arihur Rank in "Night boys I ad a very enjoyable even· WilMut Slars," and Paola Mori. Ing. the newest o[ the Italian screen

I;eauties, who is destined to en· A condominium is a govern·' list a follolring on this side of

ment jointly administered by the Atlantic tbat m~y well riv,,1 two or more po~ers, as the Suo Gina's. The leading male support dan, which 15 ruled by both Bri!: ing roles arc taken by the hand. ain and Egypt.'· I "pme Italian star, Cesare Danova,

ALSO ON STAGE TO.NIGHT Another session of the p~pular radio


The mtstakes of a

Colonial ~rnor I


Relerved: 2.00, 1.59, 1.00

~ ,


CORNWAll Today -- \

location at Florida's Cyprus Gar· (i~ns.

First of the numbcrs present. ~liss Williams and John Brom· (icld in a swimming duet amonll a myriad of floating camellias and Ilal'dcnias. A second takes piaci with Esther swimming In a glaSi lank. A third offen the slar her

I !irst comedy routine In the co~· "EASY TO LOVE" d k f I I tumc an ma e·up 0 a c O'l\D,

WITH ESnlER WILLIAMS I while the fourth number is per--- ('ol'mcd in a pool shaped like the

Four water ballets, climaxed b~' olalc of Florida. n thrilling water ski spectacle sai.! I In the breathtaking climax, 100 ncvcr to hal'e been equalled in .10:: water skicrs, led by Miss Williant<, pl'evious film, mark Esther Wii.! rre towed by eight specdboals hams' latcst M·G·~I Technicolur i .~eross the water through six gi. lIlusical, "Easy to LOl'e." Van 1 ganlic spray formations whlrb Johnson and Tony Martin co·~tar .hoot 85 feet into the air. Aft~r in the lavish picture, filmed ~r. jumping over IUoot ramps, EI'

who portrays Flynn's companicn· in'arms, and Ihe noted characlrr aclor, Roldano Lupi, IV-ho play, th~ villain.

ther is lifted by a helicopter to a height or 75 feet, then dives from a trapeze into the center 1)[ the 100 skiers sailing across the water in V·formatlon.

..... ! "'What do you.s.aywe buy a qelger c~un\er and

radium?" ------.._ ..

• Wh.n the going is tough,

Ane/ the wine/'s in a whirl, BUTTER· SCOTCH I get extra pep, . ->' twirl, , From gooe/ Bulferscofch Twirl.

.,. . -' J'



The .--


A.M. 7.0O-Wake 1

7.1o-News. 7.15-Strena 7.3O-NcW5. 7.35-Bob L 7.45-Nell's. 7.So-Bob L S.OO-News. B.05-Bob L S.30-News. U5-Bob 1 D.DO-News 9.1O-Piano 9.20-Birthl 9.ao-Tudol 9.45-Wom l

lu.OO-News lO.OI-Time IO.I5-What IO.3l1-Who lO.45-~leml 10.50-"X" 11.00-Newi H.Ol-Bili 11.15-Son~ 1I.30-The 1l.45-Davi P.:ll. 12.00-New 12.05-11011 12.10-llil l2.15-Bi11: l2.30-NcI1

12.35-Bob 1.00-NcI' 1.01-Bn~ U5-Blu 1.30-Nrl 1.:l5-5po lAO-Bar t,45-Ro: :l.OO-Nc' 2.0·I-Pel 2.15-YO 2.~O-ltcl :l.OU-:\c :1,01-lIu 4.0U-:\e -105-Sp 4.15-Ba 5.00-Nc 5.01-Bn 5.1rl-Ki

AI 1 YOl ne\~


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.:l4~ ;as c • I :36l :IS: 40,

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Page 13: SHIPS SUNK, LIVES LOST AS GALES· WHIP EURO PEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · In the Salwan Bay memorial, .n·en milell from the colony's

This I s Presented the

Page with

Compliments Of.

The Great Eastern Oil Company Limited' ---

CJON "ONII,\ Y, February 21st

A.~1. i.oo-Wake up and Live. j.1O-~cws. j.I5-SlrCngtll [or the Day. j.3(1-XCII'S. i.:l!>--Bob Lewis Sholl'. i45-~c\\'S. i.50-Boh Lcwls ShoW. I100-Xcws. ~.05-Bob Lewis Show. 1l30-Xews. S.35-Bob I.ewis Show. !'.oo-Xcws Qull. !l.IO-Pinno ;\Iood~. !I.~(I_Birlhday I'arl~'. !l 30-Tudor Princes,. lIA5-Women's News.

InOO-Xcws. 10.01-Timc oul wilh Westons. 10.1!>--\\'hal's un my ~lind? 10.3(1-\\"ho Am I. !(l.4s-~lcmory IIit or the Day. 111.50-":\" ~Iarks the Spot.. 11.I1U-XCWS. II.O\-nill lting Show. 11.I5-Song Paralic.


5.3D-Record Shop. 6.OD-News. 6.01-CJON Bulletin Board. 6.05-Recorrl Shop. U5-Sports Parade. 6.25-News. s.SO-DennY Vaughan • 6.45-Pat Dawllsh. 7.00-News. 7.01-Courtshlp and Marriage. 7.15-Second Spring. 'i.30-News. U5-The Grey Goose. B.DO-News. 8.ol-Passlng Parade. 8ol5-Melody Magic. 8.30-Take a Chance. g.on-News. A.ol-Album or Favourile~. 9.l5-Famous 'I rials. 9.45-DOSCO News.

IO.OO-Bold Venture. 10.30-Fameus Rescues. 10.45-K~nny Baker Sho\\'o 1l.~National News. 1U5-Late Night Theatre. 1l.45-Sporls Parade. 12.00-Ncws. 12.01-Houseparty. 12.30-NeIV!. 12.35-Houseparly. 12.54-News.

---J b 0 B 'd was reasonable enough. aco y n rl ge 'What should South do n~xt7

_ Surely he must show a' sign 01

--- --

THIS BID TAKES . real Ufe with 14 points opposite REAL INGEN1lITY an opening bid. A rebid of two

BY OSWALD JACOBY no·trump Is a slight underbid, a TODAY'S hand Is very difficult raise to three diamonds Is a gross

to bid "by the book II North underbid, and a jump stopper shouldn't open with • one no- that South doesn't really have.

trump with only 111 polnta In high cards. for lUeh • bid IhoWI 18 to 18 point.. The normal bid of one heart II met by • normal re­sponse of one tpade. So far 10

good. ' At this aecond turn, North it

reluctant to make the minimum bid of one no-trump. When pos. slble, this' rebid should be mlde on hands of 12 to 14 polnta; and a player who has 15 points or more In high cards should prefer a different rebid If he has • con· venlent one available. In thlli case, the rebid of two diamonds

1.30-CBC News and Weather. l.45-Doyle Bulletin. 2.00-Your Good Neighbour. 2.l5-Words and Music. 2.3D-Atlantic School Broadcast. 2.45-The Happy Gang. 3.15-Musical Kitchen. 3.30-Trans Canada Matlne .. 4.30-CBC News.

NOItTR (D) 13 .532 ,KJ'1S tK'QJ2 .AJ

WEST' EAST • Q1097 .84 "A9 ,1086U .85 .9764 • Q 10 7 5 ~ 40 K S

SOUTH .AKJI 'Q4 • A lOS .9842

North.SQulh \lUI. NDrth FoUl 50uth Weel 1 " Pas. 1 • Pass 2. Pas., a N.T. Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead ..... S

11.30-Thc De\'i! and Ihe I,ady. IIA5-Dal'id's Childrcn. 1.00-Queen and Sign orr. --- 4.35-Tlmely Tunel.

4.45-Chlldren's Story. 5.15-Muslc of tbe West.

'When the hand wu adually played, South made the jump to three no • trump anyway.. He knew tllnt he had no club stopper, but lie hoped that the opponents wouldn't lead clubs or that Norlh would have a little help in order 10 stop the suit properly.

rJI. 1:!.IlO-:\cll's. 1:.05-lIomcba!;crs Quiz. 1:l.IO-Hit o[ the Doy. :.I5-niIlY O'Connor Show. I:! :IO-XCW5. 1~.~;l-llob I.ewis Show. 1.1l0-:\CII's. 1 Ol-Iloll l,cII'i, ~hnl\'. Us-muc Slar r\eW5. 1.30-~r\l'~ ni!:cs\. l.:I5-5I'orl~ l'arndr. 1.40-Bar,t:uin Hour. !.-I5-Hoad 01 Life. ~oo-~el\'~. ~.O\-l'crry Ma~on. :':.1:>-YOUI1l! Dr. ~Ialone. :.;IO-llcd Skcl\un. :: It!l_~cws. ::.ul_lIouscwil'cS Club (prizcs).

CBN FtWNDAY, }'ebruary' Zlst -- ----8.00-CBC Ncws and Weather.

B.15-Muslcal Clock. l).oO-Morning Devotions. 1I.15-Programm8 Preview. 1I.20-Plano Playtime. \l.30-MelodY Scraphook.

IO.oo-Know Your Nnd. l0.10-Hit o[ the Day. lO.l5-Maud Ferguson. 10.25-CBC News. 10.30-Triple Tre8surt. ~ O.45-Breakfast Club. lLl5-Atlantlc School Broadcast. 1l.3U-Nlld. School Broadcast. 11.45-Rcglna !llcBrldc. 12.00-Announcers Choice. 12.15-Dinner Bell Breakdown. 12.30-Farm Broadcast. 12.45-Aunt LucY.

4.()lI-Xc\\'s. 405-511(11 Ihc Slars. 4.IS-Bullch Party. 5.00-Xc\l's. 5.01-Ranch Parl~'. ~.Ia-Kid[lic Carnil'al. .--------------------------------

1.00-Mld Day Serenade. 1.l5-Laura Limited.

Holiday Greetings

ACROSS 5 Affirmative 1 Your reply

new'paper 6 Babylonian . • deity

\\ Ishe~ you a 7 New Year" _Nell' Year

6 Church - ;!ebratlon r;:I& out. the B Shake$pearean g.d and In the king new . 9 Tardy

11 One - wllh 10 Christmas 11ft 26 FlightlesS 41 Edible n~.VJ rcsol\'Cs 12 Beeln birdS rootstock thIS day 13 Baton. 28 Post 44 Conceal

13 DI\,1:1ge 18 Born 29 Persian prince 45 Greek sod 14 ;;;IJ\I~~S 20 Fruit (pl.) 30 ScoUlsh elrl 48 Welgbtt Or t50ldc acid 21 ChemlcGI 36 Preferred India

substance (ab.) ta Italian 22 Barten 31 Type of duck courtes), Utle • c;\cr

16Sicknm (med.)

l~ }Jso 1~Crlm50n

. =0 Taku Into cuslody

:~ Vie ~ i Dril'C of! :1 Take as one's

23 Celeltlal bcln;39 Bill , 49 Summer (Fr.) 24 Sleeveim. 40 Pewler coin. 51 Seine

garment . of thailand 5: Pavln, 25 Poems 4t Encounter .ubstan~

1",--1-04-04-04--1--1 own :I~ Smell 33 Peak In Utab 1",,-+-1-~4 Tropical trees ~. ~-' ... 35 City In

Germany 35 Eyes (coli.) 33 Egotistical 40 Amount (ab.) 43 Augment 1::--1--+--10-1-H possesses . 4; Tormented so All S3 Rounded S4 Peruser :;5 Shop ~G Lock of h~lr

DOWN 1 Injury 2 Scope 3 Medicinal ball

5.3D-Fisheries Broadcast. 5.45-Klndergarten of the Air. 6.00-Share The Wealtb. 6.15-1ntermezzo. 6.25-Program Preview. 6.30-Supper Guest. 6.45-Brltaln Sing •• 7.00-CBC News and Weatber. 7.15-Curtaln Call .. 7.3D-Tops Today. 7.45-Doyle Bulletin. 8.l5-lIour of st. Francis. 8.3D-Rawhlde. 8.45-Muslcal Program. 9.0D-National Farm Forum. 9.25-Farm Forum New •• 9.30-Press Conference.

lO.OO-Hawall Call •. IO.30-CBC Symphony. 1l.3O-CBC National New.. 12.00-Close Down. ~.

VOCM MONDAY, FebruU1 %111

7.00-Breakfnt Club. '7.3D-News. 8.DO-Breakfast Club. 8.30-Hlt of the Day. 8.35-News UO-Name the Newfoundlander 8.55-GOl}lel Singer. 9.0D-Three Sonl.

West opened the five of clubs. and South had to think carefully in order to make his '·eontracl. The "normal" play is to hold up by playing dummy's jack of elubs. East then wins with the king of clubs and returns the auit, knock· Ing out dummy's ace. West aets the lead with the Ice of hearts (or tbe queen of spades) in time to let the eontract with the rest of the clubs.

South IIW that the clubs were. no threat unless West had led from a flve-eard 1U1t. If West • held K-Q·1D·x·x be would have led tbe king instead of • small club .. Hence If the elubs were divided 5-2, East surely bad at· least one honor in the suit.

Acting on this reasonable as­sumption, South won the first trick with dummy'. Ice of clubl. He then knocked out the ace of

9.15-Mao From Yesterday 9.3D-1IIusle In the Morning. 9.45-Tbe Dark God.

lO.OD-News. lO.05-Muslc from Coast to Coast. lO.30-The Song and the Star. 10.45-0rgan Enchorf •• lO.55-News. 1l.OO-Ridln' the Range. ll.~ong Time. 1l.45-Keyboard Caper •• l2.00-Tops In Pop •. l2.30-News.

hearts at once. 'The elub suit was now blocked, just as South had expected. East bad to win the next trick with the king of clubs and had to give up the lead to de· clarer.

Even if East had dropped tbec. king of club~ on the first trick. West could have taken only two clubs. South's nine of clubs would then act as a .etond stop­per In the IUlt. 12.35-Mullcal Menu •

1.3D-New •• l.45-Tunes for Today. 2.DO-Betty Grable-Harry James

Show. 2.J\5-New •• 3.0D-Dollar. on Parade. 4.0D-Nawl. 4.05-NewfoUndland Parade. UO_Homebaker'. QUiz. 4.55-News. !\.QO-Junlor Jamboree.

RADIO-TWO 1I.3D-Savlngs Program. II.OO-News aid Weather. O.05-Supper Serenade. UO-It's a Queer Old World. 8.45-News. . 7.00-The Barrelman. '7.l5-Doctor Paul. '7.3O-The Bargain Hour. 8.0D-Nfld. Wholesale . 8.l5-Hockey.

lo.gO-News. lO.45-News. . 1l.OD-Sportscast. l1.15-Fantasy Bandstand. 12.QO-News. . 12.01-Fantasy Bandstand. l2.30-News. 12.35-Fantasy Bandstand. 1.DO-Newl In .. Minute and


The protection of the President of the United States is under the jurisdiction of the United States Secret Service.

A rame Ilmllar to mumble­the.peg II played with a table fork In some parts of Ireland.

IBERACE 4 Greek leiter ........... -_ .... ........ 11'-' .... ' • .;it'')[''

• • •

America', veal keyboard virtUMo-in a brillUlnl

11: hour 0/ sparkling melody mullM,'

i.V • .. : O· .' iC •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

· M 10100 to 10130· .! p.m, Wednesday • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••

John Clouston Limited .


BUGGS !:'"


_. __ TH_E_D_A_IL_Y_N_EW_S~,_M~O~~~DA~y~,~FE~B~t2~1~,~19~5~'~13 By LEON SCHLESINGE(-

00 ,f\~ti 'Wi";:, '?OO~ 'i)t.E'I~ ,'=> Pi\' \~t. f\\~90~\ OOIN ,1N!".\\\~c;, 10 "'I"i:\.\. \\\~ ~~=."",""O !

Page 14: SHIPS SUNK, LIVES LOST AS GALES· WHIP EURO PEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · In the Salwan Bay memorial, .n·en milell from the colony's

.' ..' . 14 THE DAilY NEWS, MONDAY, FEB. 21,1955

.. . '. I R.oy~l TrUst Cigarette. Bu tts SetS NeW Records

Cause· Of Fire That Killed 11

MONTREAL, Feb. 17 - At the Fifty-fifth Annual Meeting of. Shareholders of 'The Royal Com­pany held here· today, the· Presl­Vlce.Presldent and General Man· ager, J, Pembroke, Bubmltted··· a joint report on behalf ilf the

MONTREAL-CP-Live cigarette butts, tossed into Board of Directors, showing sub­• wooden garbage chute piled with papers and other, stantlal growth of busine~s and refuse at the bottom, 'caused the apartment-building fir~ higher gross Income. in 1954. that took 11 li\'es, police said Friday. Gross Profit was reported as

Lleut. Joseph Laroche. head of $1,458,000 against $1,349,000 the the police departmMt's lire inves· St Mi h l' previous year. With provision for ti&Jtion bureau, said t..'te chute was • C ae S taxes up $162,000 at $632,000. Net a con\~rtet! dumb.walter. It was. profit was $826,000. next to a wooden staircase and in CollectIon The Company's Own and Guat'-ftoot of the only rear exit on.the anteed Account Assets at $74,· fI'OCInd floor. continued from page 3) 476000 were $9,029,000 In excess

A second chule, built as a servo paid tribute to' St.: Michael's work· of 'liabilities. Assets under Ad· Ice e1entor, was also used for ers for their untiring ellorts at this ministration valued conservative­I~~:id the c:hule where the fire dinner and at other Church func· I yat $1,315:000,000, showed I net lltarted was made of thin wood alK! lions. She thanked the hostesses gain of $123,090,000. lined with flimsy tin. . for the valuable assistance they The Company continues to grow

Lleut. Laroche said the city had rendered. steadily year by year, and to es-mi~t b Ite action against the Mr. 1. P. LUKolll~e, M.B.E., Hon tabUsh new records 111 the Cana· O\\~r c{ the building If the con· General Chairman of the Canvass, dian trust company field, states \t!lSIon Into &arbage outlets wa~ was the first speaker. He spoke on the ~port. Assets under Admin· mide ~Qbs>."quent to present cit) the subject, "Our Church History," istration increased $313,000,000 reJ;U!allons •. Ther stipulate COIl' outlining the history of SI. I 1949 'h th Company crete or bnck construction. s nce Vi en e

At the bottom of the former Michael' Church and Its forerun· completed its first fifty years, dcmb.waitcr o.'tule four feet of ners: The little school chapel on wblle gross income was up $2,078,· t:ewspapers and ashes were found. New Gower Sireet In the 1880'S, 000 at· $6 287 000 and net proIlt At least six cigaret butts had be~n and the "lIIlsslon Room" on Gilbert was hlghe~ b~ $303,000. !M~ed ~own the chute without be· and Springdale Streets in the The Capital of the Company tng e:dinguish~, said the officer. 1890'sj then In 1904 the present baving been Increased by $~O,OOO, • T.le bu~ "III be used as off!· Church on Casey Street-all tern· and the $20 par value shares bav·

C:1~1s. exhlhlls when the lire com· porary locations. He continued "In i b bdi Id d I t $5 b T,lImoners' court meets n~xt Tues ' ng een su v e nos ares, I!ay. the near future, please God, we the Company will offer sharehold·

shall move to a permanent and ers rights to subscribe for 50,000 beautiful House of God on Le- shares on the basis of 1 share at Marchant Road •.• " The struggle $20 for every 8 shares held. An· which the Parish has had since ob· other 10,000 shares will be offer· talning parochial status in 1922 ed to senior employees, and 40,· was dealt with and some of the 000 shares will be held In re· Individual personalities who have serve. The Shareholders fixed the pla~'ed such an Important part in value of the $5 par value shares the Church's de\,elopment were at $30 for the ensuing year, equlv·

Sunda~' was ohserved as Unh·cr. mentioned by name. Mr. Luscombe alent to $120 on the former $20 Jitl' Day Ihrou~hout many part~ of concluded: "There(ore, with a sharcs, valued last year at $105. CanRda ~nd )Icmorial Unh'cr~lty strong conviction 01 the worthiness With a view to facilitating and ~tudrnt~ oh;;l'rl'ed the day by at. of our cause we. shall go forward expanding operations in the U.K., trnding ~rr\'ires at thc city chur, with a firm faith, lIith courage and a wholly·owned subsidiary has c:he~. determinallon, God helpln~ us, to heen incorporated under the

Students Of Memorial U. Attend Service

At 7.45 a.m. mcmbcr~ or the carry it through to Ihe completion name of The Royal Trust Co., of Newman Cluh 01 ~Icmorial Unl. of our lask." Canada to take over the business "e!'!iit,. attend I'd lla~s at Ihe R.C. 1I1r. E. Whebn spoke or "Our or tbe London Branch, which was Cathedral and brrakfast at thc Needs." emphasizing the great opened in 1929 after operating as Ne'.Tfoundland Hotel aller Mass. need for better gil'lng. "Why do an Agency from 1911.

. . \., "

Open House At MemorialU.

Find Wrerkage TW A Airliner

I'Piaay fails, . Faure Tries Form French Govt.

BLIND HOLD-Normim Balot, left, can't see his wrestling op­ponent. Ezra Kulko, but this 21.year·old blind City College of New York wrestler still docs well enough to pace hIS team. He'.

a B student, too. (N1i;f.) . _____ ._.e_

V.O.N. Week Report Of St.

'fhls afternoon ~Iemorial Uni· versity Is observing Open House, and all members of the commun, ity are welcome to go to the uni· versity and visit the various de· partments.

The places open for Inspection are the laboratories, the library, and the gymnasium and the com mittee in charge of laking care of the plans for. the day has drawn up a schedule allotting five min· utes for each place. This time Umlt Is necessary as there arc fourteen places to be seen.

Open house will continue from 3 to Ii p.m. and from 7.30 tD 9 p.m.

The following programme lists the order In which the laboratories are to be visited: 1, Enginr~ring; 2, Boalogy, on the. first floor, then on to the library; the gymnasium, where games wlll be in progress, basketball in the afternoon and badminton In the evening. The physics laboratory on the second floor, and the education depart· ment, where teaching aids for primary and elementary grades will be exhibited.

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., AP­The smouldering wreckage of a lll'o.cngined Trans·World airliner was found Sunday where it ram· med into a towering cliff about 15 miles after takeoff here Saturday.

An air force colonel Wll0 hovered over the scene in a helicopter positively identified the ill·fated craft and said there were no sur· vlvors among the 13 passengers and crew of three,

The plane left ,here at 7 a.m. iIIST Saturday, bound for Santa Fe, 70 miles northeast. Its ultimate destination was Baltimore. The last heard from veteran pilot I. R. Spong of Prairie Village, Kan., was three minutes later, saying all \';as well.

Col. William L. Gibson of the air rcscue service al Lowry air force base, Denver, Col., flew over the spot on the west face 01 the Sandia mountains Sunday.


The monitor room containing Carnegie Art Collection and music recordings.

He said his cralt got within 100 feet of the wreckage and he saw no possibility of survivors. He said the trail section was all that remained of the Martin 404, which apparents hit and exploded in a stecp last·second climb. The tail remnant was perched on a rock pinnacle. Another section of the biology

laboratory comes next, then the second section 01 the physics laboratory on the second Iloor.

Capt. Joseph Cosgrovc, com· mander of an air rescue service plane, said the crash scene "was a splotch of black. It appeared the planc had blown up and blackened the surrounding rocks jet black."

PARIS, Reuters-E~gar Faure Sunday tried to woo the Soclalisl parly into what he hopes w!1l be France's 21st government since· the end of the Second World War.

The outgoing .foreign minister, who ha{ been asked by Presldenl ijenc Cotylo try. to end more than two weeks' quest for a new French government, made his bid 10 the Socialists Sunday morning in talks with Christian Pineau'.

Pineau wa~ rejected by the Na· tional Assembly as a premier early Saturday after trying to form a left.wing coalition government. After talking with Faure Sunday, he said the Socialist leaders will meet today to talk over the ofler.

Political obser\'ers in Paris he· lie\'e there Is little chance that the Socialists will enter a government headed by the 46-year·old Radical party leader. It even [I bel1e\'ed 'unlikely that they will \'ote for him If and when he asks the l!sembly to invest him In office.


Faure began· his searcb lor po­litical aligriments 15 days after the assembly threw out Premier Pierre Mendes.France, also a Radical So· cialist. Since then, Conservath'e ex.premier Antoine Pi nay, Popular Republican Pierre pflimlin and Pineau have tried In vain to win the appronl of the fickle deputie~.

Canadians who have bad the Mary's Collection benefit of home nursing care by The canvas fund campaign of the Victorian Order of Nurses the parish of St. Mary the Virgin will find it diffl~ult to believe has reached the amount of $163" that . the foun.dlng of this. out· ,466.00 it was announced by E. standing o~gamzation was Widely A. Snow Chairman of the Renov· opposed by certain factions In the aUon and Extension Canvas country, Fund, at a meeting o[ the com·

Toda)', when the V.O.N. Is a mittec held on Saturday even· household word connoting cheer· Ing . ful, efficient nursing s?rvlce In The mecUm;, held lit Canvas the borne, It Is virtually lmposslblc Headquarters v'as II victory mce\. to think of anyone opposing the lng, ~incc the objective $110,· establishment of this nursing or· 000.00 had been passed some der. . fivc days afte· thc (und was of·

Back to the first floor the new geology department will have about len displays.

The basement floor contains the household science department.

The University annex contains the chemistry laboratories and lhe physics laboratory for electricity and magnetism.

From • to 5.30 p.m. colfce will be sp.rved In the auditorium of the annex, and Mrs. 111. Cochrane and Mrs. Audrey Hickey will be Ihe hostesses. Students 0[' tnc University will be on hand to meet Ihe visItors.

He described the area as a series of perpendicular spires with the tail section impaled on one. He said he believed the only per· sons who could reach the wreck· age would be professional moun· tain climbers.

Loose Dandruff Itching Scalp-Try This SImple Home Trulmrnt

FO'r Quick Ease and Comfort

UN" I, I tIean powerful ptDt'tratiPl, oil that brlng!l .ptedy relief from ttl, almost unbearable Itchtng and dltcom· rent.

Thai Ihe V.O.N. did encoun!er ficinlly npcned, February 9th, opposition and grave d.U£lculbes 1955. from the very outset of Its Iound· The meeting was under the Ing in 1897 is a matter of record. Chairmanship of Mr. E. A. Snow The V.O.N. was established by 1 replacing the Hon. R. F. Sparkes, Lady Aberdeen, wife of the then Teams Capta!n Chairman, who Canadian Governor General, but was absent du'!!o illncss. throughout the entire canvas "a even ber distinguished per.s~n was The Chairman expressed his job well dO:le" he said.

CALL fOR CLIMBERS The w~cckage' was found just

south of lO,692·ioot Sandia peak. It was scaUercd over thousands o[ ,'3rds.

Don't . dlr "ith 11", .. n.II.. Utll 0Il1, .en'ell to Iprl!ad the trouble. Ju!l Ullt equal part. 01 ~100NE·S· EMERALD 011. and allY< 011. Apply genlly with tho lingertlps to the roots of the hair at lu'! once a day. Ind .hlmpoo evl!'l'1 fourth dar. You'lI find this Ire ... tment nllt onh .oolhes and relle, .. the lIchlltr but help, promote morc rapId heallnf-Joose noal­In, dandrull become. • lhln« of tho palSt. Scalr clears up and hair btJiM to Ihlcken. Thousand. of bom .. are sold e\"rry )"ear to lin sufferers ."IIt. IUl11 rellel Irom the lIthln, dlslre .. 01 .kln

not sufficient to dispel CTltlcism, thanks to til" members of the I It ~as announced that the Di· Lady Aberdeen's proposals ·that Canvas Committee for the won. rector of the Canvas 11'111 malIC

a band of nurses should give care derful achie"~'nent and succcss his final report to the committec In the home and In small cot~age of their efforts, realizing such a at II meeting to be held this

~Iore than 50 planes and hun· Ir"i:~"~.n oblaln Emerald 011 In 1110 dreds of ground searchers had co\,· ,original boUle 01 any drug .Iorr.

ered a 10,OOO·5quare·mile area I ~lacDonald Wholesale Drugs I.ttl. hunting for the plane. I St .. John's . . .Dlal 5iOZ

Police put out a c.1! asking for "olunlcer expert mountain climb· ers. At this time 01 year, snolV and ice cloak thc western clii! lace of the Sandia mountains.

hospitals were received with ~Itlle excellent respl)~se. evening.

Re\'. R. T. McGralh was the cele- we need a new Church?" The To an important, degree, slates brant of the ma~s and also de. answer Is ob\'ious. We hn"e nearly the Report the vast expansion of li"cred a mc~satle frOM His Grace 600 persons at the Loyalty Dinner the "trust' company Idea" simply Archbi$hop Skinner at the break. but he reminded them that seating reflects the realization by more fp.~t. ral Gushue, prcsident of the capacity of our present Church is and more people that such com· ~cl\'m3n Cluh and 4th year edu- aboul 400. We therefore need a plex personal problems as execu· cation student was the chairman new Church NOW't!!not In the fu· torshlps trusteeships, succession :for the morning, and He,'. Father ture and should work with that duties, taxation and Investments Alphonsus Penny of St. Joseph's thought In mind, by showing where require the services of specialists Jlari~h ::ave the addms. Members our faith lies and giving tangible wllh wide knowledge and extcn· 01 the !aCUIt>', administrath'e staff expression o[ that falth·d"we b~l1d sive experience. How a trust com· and Dr. and ~[rs. A. G. Freckcr not for Ihe present an ou~~e ves pany functions lto relieve those

acclaim except by a comparatively 'l'he Rector of St. Mary's the ----------small group of men and women Rev. R. R. B~bb, then addressed r---------------------------------""1 who saW the urgent need for this the members, and expressed his servlcc. ' , personal 'gratitude to all· for the

also attended the sCr\'ices. but lor generations to come. . harried and beset by these And

At that time in Canadian history, 'manner In ':'hleii they had worked only 30 years alter Confederation; \ the population was small and wide· Iy spread. Lack of medical service set of the Toronto session,· Dr. In many communities resulted In a Worccster was asked how much he heavy death rate. This was parti· was being paid for working for cularly true In the case of nelV the Aberdeens. This set the early births with many babies and moth· tone of the meeting but Dr. Wor: ers being lost for lack of proper cester, an able speaker, was able

At 11 a.m. 5ervlccs were held at The ,next speaker, Mr, J, W, Pye, similar problems is gradually be-

G . St t U 't d d th Ki k dealt ,ery effectively with the sub· coming more widely known.

oller ree m c an cr. j t "0 PI " [or meeting our At Gower Street Church, Dean G.' ec ur an - Mr. Clarkson announced that Hickman represented the faculty needs. Our resolve is 10 complete )tr. R. P. 'Jellettwas retiring as in place of Dr. Gushue, the presl. the new Church, the exterior o[ Chairman of the Board, and would

d t 'h . III D HI k ~ Which has been finished. To carry be appointed Honorary President

en .... 0 I~ • r. e man Tea" It t d t I $100000 . the first lesson and ~liss Ethel He o~aldw~h~e~oUl~ ~~ s~one if w~ In place of Mr. Hunty R. Drum· ion!'!, 4th year educahon studenl mond, who was giving up that read the second lesson. are willing 10 make a pledge in ac· office. Mr. Clarkson said It was

D W F h ~ d 111 DEI cordance with our ability to give. proposed that he would be ap· r. • or e., an r.. a nn We musl face squarely what God d

o[ the Unh'erslty faculty read the t S If' I I giving' pointed Chairman of the Boar ; . means 0 us. acr IC a • J P b k Id b It!S5on at the Kirk and Dr. North· Y h II h ' t giv until it that Mr. • em ro e wou c over lead in pm'er. es, ~e s ~ a\ e 0 e appointed President; and that Mr.

'n i th fl th Y feeb "Dod. The campaign will lasl J 111 Wells would be appointed Ur ng e a ernoon e Dung 150 weeks and Mr. pye urged the . •

Prople's Bible • Class at Gower Importance of weekly pledges. General Manager. S~reet had as lis special speaker, These pledges must not, however, BOARD OF DIRECTORS ~r. C. Andrcws, professor. o{ interfere witb our regular weekly ELECTED ~lOl.nllr who look. as h!~ subJcet, church offerings. William A. Arbuckle, Gordon Science and Rch~lon. Mr. Ernest Snow, who spoke R. Ball, LaMonte J. Belnap, .The 11 a.m. scn'lce .t the next: is a grandson of the late Mr, Geo~ge W, Bourke, George A,

rhureh IIf 51. John the Baptist wa~ Abraham Snow, one o[ the found· Campbell, Ross Clarkson, Norman ,~$(I. nb~en'ed u. university. ser· ers o[ St. Mlchael's Chllrch. lie J. Dawes, Shirley G. Dixon, Hunt· "I~e ~nd Professor. Gibson, \'~ce. described the canvas.~. A sacrificial ley R. Drummond, The lion. Char· llnnclpll of Queen 5 TheologIcal pledge will produce a lasting and les A.Dunnlng, James A,· Eccle~, Colle!:e was the special speaker. spIritual feeling and makes us Pcrcy M. Fox, B. C. Gardner, G.

At 7 p.m. members of the stu· work and I/Ive with such de"otlon Blair Gordon, Hugb G. Hilton, d~nt ~y look part in th~ ser· that we will learn to lo\'e and George W. Huggett, Richard G. "c~ which ",as. hcld al th? Sal· know each other belter and, by Ivey, Robert P. Jellett, Frederick nlton Army Templc, Sprmgdale combining our weaknessess we will Johnson, Duncan K. MacTavish, Sireet. Captain otto Tucker, 4th become strong both spiritually and W. A. Mather, . T. Rodgle Mc· ),elr stud~nt, Captain B)ltler and financially. . Lagan, The Hon. S. C. Mewburn, Mr. Eldon Swyer, IU students In Mr. Roy R. Roberts explained H. C. F. powell, The Hop. AI· tbe laculty of education helped how to make a pledge-one that Is phonse Raymond, Henry F, Sel, with the service, and many of the large enough. Everyone must ask lers, Charles F, Sise, Walter M. It~.dents attended. himself the question: "What Is a stewart, Austin C. Taylor and

sacrificial pledge to me?" We have Jules R. Timmins.

Injured In Accident

given enough when we have talked At I subsequent meeting of the it over with Our Master and we are Board, Officers were eJected as able to discuss It with our fellow follows:-Ross Clarkson, Chairman parishioners. Mr. Roberts announc· of the Boardj J, Pembroke, Presl· ed the Initial pledges received dent; J. A. Eecle!, B., C. Gardner from some members 01 the Can· and G. R.· Ball, Vice·Presidents. vass Committee. The tolal oWas ap· proximately $20,000. City SJreets .


carc. to win over his audience. It was the particular concern of With the backing of the Toronto

Lady Aberdeen that. mothers and and ottawa medical men ASsured, Infants should have the benefit of the Victorian Ordcr of Nurscs had nursing care and advice and, Irr overcome what was perhaps its deed, that this beneflt should ex· most serious challenge. In' 1898 tend to the whole family. With this Queen Victoria granted the Order', In mind, Lady 'Aberdeen called charter. for formation of the organization The work o( the Order, however, which was to become the Vic· had actually started in 1897 with torlan Order of Nurses. the admission of 12 nurses into

A number of newspapers were the Order and tile request of a highly crItical of the proposal. number of Canadian communities Certain members 01 the medical for the V.O.N nursing' service. profession opposed the plan, ap· From these small beginnings, parently feeling it was not prac· the V.O.N has become II national tical to have young women going Institution with 117 branches Into all sections of the community, across the country. T..ast year administering to the sick. V.O.N. nurses made close to 1,·

In his history of ,the V.O.N., 000,000 'vlslt! to Canadian homes, John Murray Gibbon relates that treating some 130,000 patients. It required the assurances of the This week, Frebuary 20 to 26, noted Harvard professor, Dr. AI· Canada observes "V.O.N. Week" fred Worcester, to overcome the a p'eriod set IIside to acquaint fears of the doctors. citizens with the work and achieve-

Dr. Worcester, who had done ments of the Victorian Order of pioneer work In providing nurs· Nurses. ing services In the United States, During the course of the week was Invited by Lady Aberdeen to Canadians will learn that the address members of the medical V.O.N. aim is to provide nursing profession at meetings In Ottawa care In the home, without regard and Toronto. He e~eountered op· to color, race, creed or ability to position but was able to wIn the pay. lrr the highe!t traditions of support of tbe Ottawa doctors. the nursing profession, the Vic·

It was not so easy In Toronto, torian Order of Nurses answers all author Gibbon notes. At the out- calls for assistance.

One man was Injured In an acci· dent near Fox Harbour yesterday. Apparently a car struck a rock on the highroad near there. Thomas Howe, the driver came up against the "'indshielc1 and sustained some f.~lal lacerations.


In the words o[ lhe Chairman, we usu"ally "keep the best wine for the last", 'and so it was indeed fit· ling that the closing remarks should be given by Father Greavelt

New Pet' l"1olumn· who had apent 28 years as Reclor ., ...:. 'of the Parish. The Rector express· Tltls week, a new column "Pets

ADd Their Care" written locally and 'eJClusively for the '. DAlLY NEWS wUl appear .onee a week. U lOU have a lovable. mutt In your home or a champion poodle, you .. W want to read this column. ~. lUre to walch lor it.

ed tbe great joy it was to him to see so many of his parishioners. It was an Inspiring sight. By God's graee we would reach our ohject· ive, and he said to the gathering: "Someone has said that we should be able to hold servIces In the new Church by next Christmas." "Why

The thaw h~s now bared most city streets of snow·and.reyealed the potholes, Sometime ago city el\glneer Ron Martin pointed out that what Is saved by less snow clearing expenses Is lost in the rising amount of road deterioration which comes as a natural .result o! such thaws. Empire Avenue was In terrible condition yesterday and It was typical of many streets. .'

/iKSURAK~E . ACEY 'Ilesklent' Mananr

~: s~n~ELrri " GUARANTY C,!" . . lit. 'Pltone 1035 tn Water

.~- ,

Diameter of the earth at the " equ·ator in Gray and Black," Is . popularly known as ' "Whistler's

. '. Mother." .

. . can't we do It by next Fa1l?" This . was greeted with prolonged ap· ". plause. It',was clear that. the nec~ ,. tot', remarks made a deep impres'

sion :on those' present. The' gather· ling was then' asked to 'sland and

. rePeat with him the Canvllss .' .Prayer and requested to, use it . .' dally throullhout the Canvass. Fol·

lowin& the blessing by the Rector . thi parishioners dispersed:' . .\

"Are you the 'Sweetie Pie Simpson' who ordered the , business cards?'" .

.~ . ," ._---

JOh11' Ross Robel-tson Of John Ross Robertson as of Sir Christopher Wren, it may be said if you

8eck his monument look around you". John Ross Robertson's greatesflnonu­ments are two that served and continue to sen'c the public ..• the Toronto Telegram and the Sick Children's Hospilal. To perpetuate his name and memory a school has been named after him and children have gathered on the anni~ersary of his death to commemorate his pnssing. .

John Ross Robertson was born on Decemher 28th, 1841, ju'st.se\·en YMrs after the Town of York had become the City of Toronto and died lIIay 31st. 1918. Early in liCe his bent toward journalism becamp' apparent. While attending UpJ?Cr Canada College he founded and published "The College Times" and later. whlie still a student at the Model Grammar School, published "Young Canada".

His first contact with daily newspaper work was with the Daily Lender. Then eame the job oC City Editor of the Globe. Following this he spent three years in London, England. as that paper's representative. On his relurn in 1876 he founded the Evening TeJegmm.

A tragedy in his own home directed his attention to the need of medical care for little children. While the Hospital for Sick Children was then in emtenee, Mr. Robemon threw his dynamic personality into the work and brought it new life ••• the result being that the hospital became a model oC it. kind on the Con­tinent. He then established the Lakeside Home at the Toronto Islavd sa a aummer place Cor the children in the hOllpital. At his death be left an annuity oC . '10,000 to the hOlpitaland, after the death of his wife and children, directed that the Telegram shoUld· be IIOld and the proceeda used for ita upkeep and main-tenance. ' -

Mr. Robertson was n ~e\'otcd Imperialist but always shunned honours. In 1917 he refused 8 knighthood and ~enatorship. His keen inlerest in thin~s hislorical has taken permanent form in Ihe collection oC Canadian historiml pictures which is housed at the College Street Reference Library in Toronto. I.n thincs athletic he is best remembered by th~ title "Father of ~maleur Hockey.'n Ontario". From 1899 10 1!l05 he was yrcsldent of the Ontario Hockey ASSOCla. tion. He has been named to "Hall of famc" at Kingston~ Ontario.· .

SimJlle and sincere. John Ros~ Roberlson fou~ht for thin~s he beli~\'ed to be. right. His motto "\ shall pass through thi~ world but once" is.nmply,ll,;!slratrd by his life of devotion to children and his many kindnesses to others. fhs works ''''''e indeed followed him M living monuments to the service of humamty ..

One or .. ,eritl fe.lurin, Ca.nAdi&n EC!i~u a.nri Publi,htr!


r I:

I J \


\ , , ,


·1 ,

1-1953 6·Cyli Low milea:



-Toda' 1

20 He~ Butc


for fam

Mrs. ' J44


Then gl The Ro fers tI­new p and se you de wages trode, (29 w ficatio or be Naval DAY 'Phonl feb21,~

= NEI Drop

Avail ment week


2% Fo

literc TC



Page 15: SHIPS SUNK, LIVES LOST AS GALES· WHIP EURO PEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · In the Salwan Bay memorial, .n·en milell from the colony's


1-1953 6,C)'lillucr VAUXll,\LL Low mllcagc •.. Hcater



Today, Monday, 1.30 p.m.

20 Head Choice Butcher's Cattle


AN ACCOUNTANT' .'. Good salary to qualified applicant.

Apply by letter

stating experience to

BOX 999 c/o THE DAILY NEWS feb21,01


L,ARGE COMPAN.Y • requires


5 Day Week

• Attractive Salary and Opportunity

for Advancement.

• Liberal Benefit Plans.

j,':, .


FAIR';:AND ·BINGO-, '-';i. • . ".

'1(: of C •. A~:.·htorium ..•.... '

To.jNigbt:,'af8.30·:o'clock I~·'· . '.' ' : . .

TO·NIGHT'S . SPECIAL-Game No.' 20 • $200.00. .' '. :~1,: , ' .• ' • '.: .' •

.. ' BINGO' SOc .. PER CARD , '. .. . . ~

MemoriaLUniversityof • . N,ewfoundland

i .

O:PENHOUSE The President, F~cultyand Sludents cordially invite the public to attend an OPEN. HOUSE to be held at . the UNIVERSITY

On Monday, Feb. 21st, . in the AFTERNOON FROM 3 to 5 and in the EVENING FROM 7:30 fo 9.

, Conducted tours will . be arranged to visit the laboratories, library and gymnasium. Special displays will be exhibited and equipment in the laboratories will be demonstrated. feb19,21

Wanted Taxis

WANTED TO RENT-Dwelling FOR QUICK aIId BeUer Service house, With ShOp or Z bedroom the HUB TAXl, near ~e Railway

tcb21,22 apartment. Apply Bolt 39 c/o at any time. to any place, call ;;;,:;;;,:;;;;;;;;;,:;;;,:;;;,:;;;,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Dally News. feb19.21 Station. Dial 2011.

Apply, giving qualifications, to


Stamps Dry Cleaning .-:---~

PAPER worth more than weight CRAFT CLEANERS LTD .. wbere in diamonds? True enough of 'Ihe charm ot newness Is restored. plenty of old stamps. Scnd 30c. Dial 6985. 14 Hamilton Sl celll.l)' for my "How to Value old stamps" pamnhlct.-K. Blleski, ----------Station "B", Winnipeg, Man. Miscellaneous

.,. ~ ~. . . . . .

Battalion Parade !' .

All available m~mbers'of Avalon Baltalion 'will pt\ade at the Armoury at 2.30 p.m; TUESDAY, February 22nd, for the purposeot attending I the funeral of the late SGT. MAJOR SYDNEY BURSELL.

T~e Junior Training Corp's are not to parade.

Should adverse w~alher change present plans a radio announcement will be made on Tuesday at 1 p.m.

HERBERT H. WINTER, Captain and Adjutant.



February 22nd OLD COLONY CLUB

Leo Michaels Orchestra

Dress Informal Tickets 3.00 double

Tickets for this lasl Dance before lent are on general sale at Old Cqlony, Blue Puttee and Lodge quarters,

'Phone 5609. fcb18.21


GRAND DRAWING 1st Prize T.V. SET-Won by Ticket No. 386BO,

Claimed by Rev. Fr. Sulivan. 2nd Prize $50.00-Won by Ticket No. 43348.

Unclaimed 3rd Prizes $50.00-Wan by Ticket No. 12382.

CJaimed by Mr. W. F. Whittle, City.



PRINCESS BEAUTY PARLOUR. ===================


for family of three adults


Mrs. W. J. ~urphy 144 Military Road

IPhone 6306

Apply by letter to

BOX 38 c/o Daily News Ceb7,mon,wed,fri,tf

Smith . Corona



13 LeMarchant Road. Dial 4310. We specialize ill hair stylln~ and I!tting, also tinting and cold

GET THE FACTS! Write Inter. waves. Opcn nights by appoint· national Corrcspondcnce Schools. mcnt. nov24,lmth Canadian •. Id. 209 Argyle Sl. Sydney, N.S. leb3.cod,t( ALL "'OOL MATlR£SSES re

picked re'coveredj springs. day • oeds rewired: inner spring mati·

MUSical Instruments resses reconditlooed. Write Phone 3891. wire H. J. Keals. I~ Mount

GIBSON GUITARS-Horner But Royal Avenue. . ton Stop Accordcons and Har foUR !fea~e raDlp', two W'B~ montc~s, Richmond Saltophones, rack, to serve you. Greasing. oU Boose~ CIBrlnets . .,..Charles Hut. chang~ lind 'Washing whlle·u·waIL ton & Sons, P.O. ~O·E, St. Cars callee:' for aod deUvered for Johll'L . these aDd gener.\) repairs-Terra ---------- Nova Mott'rs Ltd .• rear Newfound

Insurance land Hobl. oCUUI

INSI1RE DOW with Furness Withy It Company. LtlI .• for Auto. Fire, Transportation. Marine. 'Phone 2073 or Rex KeDand, sou.


Our Office a·nd Warehouse


1 p.m •. on Mon'days

Youden's Who,lesale Ltd. 234 NEW GOWER STREET

Furness, Withy & Company Ltd.

DEPENDAbl.E FIRE INSUR ANCE-Don't risk your valuable. to • save" a few dollars. Our falr.rate. reliable polley gives Immediate protcctlon. Phon 6921 or write J. J. Lacey. P. O.

ROBERT DAWE " SON. Fire and Box 506. E~p1tf 1" ___________________ •

LI .• ft.utomoblle Insurance. Be safe.

Looking For a Good' Job? with

Travel, Adventure, Good Pay

verpool 8t. JohD·. BoatoD BaUils lit loQ'. be s'lre, Insure. Telephone 2882. WANTED TO BUY - Comics &0 • &0 DIx. &I tu 10 Co P.O. BOll 85, Royal Bank Cham magazines. pocket books, guitars.

8l. John ~ BoItOD Hallflll 81 John'a LlverpoDI bers. St. John's. . Ip15,6m accordions. 16 l\IM film. sewing I "Nova Scotia". • Feb. 18 Feb. 22 Feb. 25 machines, typewriters, clothes. ::~g~Rfoundlanr .r'eb. 23 Mar. 2 Mar. 8 Mar. 12 Mar. 1t Contad STAN FOWLER, ReDOa footwea'·.-John D. Snow. New "N Scotia .. !lIar. 12 l\[ar 10 Mar 25 Mar 29 Apr 1 BulldJDi. for Fire, AutomobUe and Gower St jan26.1m

ewColmdland" .!\Iar 3U Apr. 8 Apr. 12 Apr: 16 Apr' 19 Plate Glass Insurance. ClaiD)s ___ ,_. __ ~_--_ • prompUy settled. 'Phrme 5531-

Perlllns tOlltemplatlng passage to Europe shOUld make booldn". P.O. Box 83, Ip1,1m Male Heln. Wanted well in advance. . 6 I'" _

Air P INSURANCE - BowrillB BraUlen CAN YOU USE EXTRA CASH1 n'ssages :rrangr.d by B,O.A.C. - K.L.M. _ SCkndlnavlan Air. Limited, Insurance Department- Here's an easy way to make an u::es - III Anlerlcan Airways - T.W.A. and con,necting AIr. rlre, AutomobUe. Marine and aU extra $20 to $30 a week. You

ea. CasllaltJ Unes. Tdepbone 3131. . need no experience. We show CDIIlIult us regardlng your travel problem,. J. B. MITCHELL " SON, LTD. you how quickly and easily. Full

for efficient service and prompt details, no obligation of COUIW FURNESS .TRAVEL OFFICE letUement of insurance Claims. -write today-Dept. 829. Blake·

NEWFOUNDLAND HOTEL .. BONE 5811 Dial 2128-2128. feb17.6m Walker Co., '1030 St. Aleltander Then go places with the Navy. ===============;;;;;;~: CONTACl' A. I. MCKMAN co. St., Montreal, P.Q •. !eb7,14.21,28 The Royal Canadian Navy of. FlST LTD., mauranee Agenll. 'Phones SEND FOR FREE OUTFIT AND fers the, opportun'lly to visit FREIGHT SERVICE U32·3+S-8. P.O.B. 984, for your START A QUICK.CASH SPARE Inaurauce requirement:. m20 OF FULL TIME CLOTHING new places, see new things, BUSINESS. Sell made·to·meaS· and serve your country while FROM. • Venetian Blinds ure clothes from maker to wear·

er-we shOW you how to do it. you do it. You can earn good ST JOHN N B It HOURS DELlVEJ.., "elletl.. Everybody wears clothes. Get a wages while you learn a new' • I' • ,Blinds, Flexalwn.· Aluminum, new Spring linc, over 200 woollen

LARGE OFFICE • requires


Age 25·30


Liberal Benefit Plans ....


BOX 11 c/o THE DAILY NEWS t d A I" 17 HALIFAX N S Steel, plut!e, eotton bpea. Manu- patterns, and get your. own ra e. ge Imlts: ta 25 I ., Jfactured' by Keameys LbnIted. clothes free I Write Dept. 5528,

(29 with certain trade quali-.TO

&54 Water Street.. Phone 8511. Good wear Clothes, Box 652. Mon· L_f_eb_2_1._22 ________________ ....J fieations). Education: Grade 8 treat, P.Q. . ieb7,14,21,28

~ beltter. See or wffrite your ST. . JOHN'S, Retreading . Sound Movies, ova Recruiting 0 icer TO-, })on't take chances. Have your 16 S I'

DAY at 123 Water Street, !ar equipped for winter driving. mm upp les 'ph 80366 rlres rebuilt in snow·mur} design --.--------

one • t USED TIRE SAUlS, 86 t-:amU,' Religious films In 16 mm sound, feh21. ton .St, .. ,. nov6.lmth sultl\ble for youth groups •. church I

NEED A HOME? Drop in and look over our fine



organization,; parents, teachers associations, etc. Large selections readily' available from our Ubrary here at St. John's. Phone

SI.nde, tabl.ts are .ffectlve. 3 for . catalougue today. General weeks' supply $2. 9 weeks $5j at Fllms Limited,. 445 Water Street.

, McMurdo·s. Kennedy's. and Dial 5757. Ceb4,lm 1:=== .... I11III Ava'l bl n low dou.n p v From From Arriving Treatre, Drug Stores. St. John's; Enter·t.lnment 'fllms .In 16mm - .. I a eo.... a, . Saint John; N.B. Halifax. N.S. St. John's.Nfld. HJ STABB & CO ment with terms from $15.60 s.s. Novaport .. Tue. Mar. 1st, Frf Mar. 14th Mon. Mar. 7th Strapp 5, Harbour Grace.' sound. ,Largest library In Nfld I 55' • '57 Water street.

kl 20th Century·Folt, Paramount' st. John's wee y. . For FrelgJ1t Reservations Barber Shop. Pictures •. News Reels, Cartoons,'




Baird Motors Ltd. 2J.l miles out Torbay Road. Contact Sportscopes, elc. . Catalogues on . .

I1IE CENTRAL BARBER'SBOP- request .. General Films Limited, SLENDOR' TABLETS. arc effee. Merrymeeting Road




~ . F(") RI Rf C; F'll. y a T I ()Ii<:


..... . ,

' ..



The mcmbcr~ of the Holy Name' Society of St. Patrick's parish " will please note Ihat the February' meeting of the society has been" cancelled. ,.' .

The ncltt meeting will be held . In March. . fcb21.22 R. J. CURTI8.

STADIUM MONDAY, February 21st 4.oo·5.30-CHILDREN'S


S.30·6.00-Tanks V5.

Blue Puttees r 6.oo·6.30-Commanders

vs. Troopers SENIOR HOCKEY

8 p.m.-Holy Cross VI. , , St. Pat's i;

TUESDAY, February 22 .. I.' i 9.00-11.00 p.m.-Adult 1 j;l.>;:\.:~@.':

. Skating I WEDNESDAY, Feb. 23rd II 9.00·11.00 p.m.-Adult ,:

_ Skating

• ___ .:::=_--_-.: I I

WANTED Fer Federal Government at ':


Meat Inspection" .',

! I

I •

Assistant I Safaru: $237.50 • 275.00 ' .• I




J23 Wafer Street, St. John's,':



DENTIST I 331' Duckworth St. I' . HAS RESUMED PRACTICE ! feb21,28mar7 . (

! '

j Employment Information'

FREE INFORMATION nill.bl •• about Canadian. U.S.A. and',' Foreign job opportunities paying' hIghest salaries. WrIte Imme, . diately. Dept. 86W National Em,. ployment lllfo. Servo 102Q Broad; Newark. N.J.. U.S.A. . janl0.17.24,31.Ceb7.14,ZI.28 mar7.14.21,2B.

For further Information .and, . R. SELLARS Fast efficient, sanital')' serylee. An 445 Water Street .. Dial 5757. ttve, 3 weeks supply $2; 9 weeks literature contact mod,ern equipment, five barbers. feb4.1m '. $5: at Elizabeth Drug, Fleming's DIAL 80378-9 I CLASSIFIED ADS ·,:d

TORBAY TRAILER SALES Special Itepreseatatlve The least possible walling. 24 New .. I Pharmacy. Hotel Drug store, st'feb21,tr j RESULTS" Gower St., opp. AdelaIde' Motors ADVERTISE IN "THE NEWS John's; Fraser's,Bay Roberts ...... ________ ., '. GET, .

ept27.mons.tl T.I. 5483. P.O. BDX E·5182 Ltd.. Jy9,1n,to, '. . feb16,(h) '.



. .

For 50 long as there is· human ~uffering. then so

long does the charter of

. the Red Cross require to

be honoured by the·work·

of mercy.


Ready! ...

. . .I

'M"" .... A'·: :". ·R·· ·C· ·:H··· ::'.:',-".:. ~:~ , .. ~ .' ,.

I, •• ' ..

is CAMPAIGN MONTH:'! ~ . . .' ,':: ~ ~ .. '.. ".! ;

Page 16: SHIPS SUNK, LIVES LOST AS GALES· WHIP EURO PEcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL... · 2014-08-04 · In the Salwan Bay memorial, .n·en milell from the colony's



. , • "Tripleis" til- • '



, liMY LADDIE" TINNED PEAS, 24-20 0%.

P.E.I. POTATOE$, Due, This Week'

WMS Lays~lans .. For Annual ' Meej~ng'''' ..

A1' THE ~g~ SIGN: D~TUE \ ANDCO. 00 KI L,""T~D '0 I

PORT UNION, Feb. 14-lndica.! lI.oll5 that the Women's' Missionary Society, Bonavlsta Presbyterial; had a successful year during 1954 were conlained in prcllmlnaryreporls tabled at the executive meeting' at ' .' d Bonavisla In January. . No Price, for Free am

The Society reported that not al\ Philip Gibbs ........... 3.50 reports were received r~r that I To.morrow the meeting, whleh was held' in (he U.C. Sunday Scbool room, but that those received" were encouraging and showed that bllocatlon had

New 'Moon Shirley Barker ............. 4.25 I

The Cornerstone . been reached. , The executivc mel to preparc Zoe Oldenbourg ........ 5.00

plans for Ihe annual meeting; A Wo'rld of Love . which will· take place at Hillview,.

'T.B., in 'May, date to be announced Elizabeth Bowen ....... 3.95 later. Present at the meeting were Suits of Parral

MarguerileSleen ........ 2.50 Benton's Row

Frank Yerby ............. .4.00 Blue Hurricane

F. Van Wyck Mason ... .4.25 The Whisper in the Gloom

. Nicholas Blake .......... 2.50

Mrs.· Roliert Horwood, Clarenville; Mrs. Frances Frailton, Mrs. Benj. Cuff Miss Deborah Ha·rris,. Mrs. Ern~st Anthony, Mrs: Wilson Whlf· fin, and Mrs.' (Rcv.)W: D.' Sla.n· ford, all of Bonavlsla; JIlrs. Simeon Goodyear,'Mrs. Mark Johnson, Mrs. Eric Fisher, Litlle. Cataline; Mrs. (Rev.) A. G. Kelloway, Mrs. Lewis Cloutefj, of ,Elliston; 'Mrs, ' J.n. Parsons, Port Union. . , Tibetan Marches

Tha executive regrets their re·· Andre Migot ................ 3.75 cording secretary,. Mrs. F;va Paul, . ' wail taken 111 and Is now, at the Flesh and Blood Sanatorium In St. John's. We arc' .. 'Francois Mauriac ........ 2.75 very glad to learn she Is Im~ro~ing Theology of The and hopes to be. With us 81latn 5f!On , ' .



POULTRY .and DA~RY MEN BONFIX.TONIC CONDITIONER •. A special Poultry tune·up and

intestinal Medicine to promote Health and Vigor and alleviate

unthrifty symptons ••• "SIMPL Y GIVE IT I'N WATERII.


for young Calves.

ROTENONE INSECTICIDE , , for all Livcstod~, Poultry and Fur

bearing Animals, --SALT LICKS •• 5 lb. Blocks •• 6 Blocks to case.

AGENTS. 'PH9NES 5143. 5144

L-~~---------------. and wewlsh' her'. speedy reeov· New Testament

: Fl-xiblc'fingcrs and II'rist.~ make tllell'e times. There arc several after Ihe olherd, Wp·ll.Il\ltllthe flng::sr:: crY't P I' 't' h b t k . RudolF Bultmann · ......... 1.75 -=================--------------1 .• h; E . I b ,. tl l will help fingers Shaking the oUtcr han. u em ~ n. all 5 pes as een a en R h f Th Sk .-'tlr ,ra~d;!1 anc.:;. xt'rc sr'loto\'~I\~ \1.13a~Os -}~for tJtem too. Anlllhcr nood back at you can then lel them snap. by Mrs. I,Vl1son Whiffln. It lVas also eac or e y , done anl'lImp •. krtp I:tcm, ' • .. U\I ~l ,. Th !.sc can be done r h II 2 5 • , .ood fxrrrhr for II'ri;ts 15 10 let rxcrclse Is to lay the hand, p al1) bac,;. esc ex~rc ,5 • noted that our supply secretary, Pau Brick i ............... 7 I 'l~tm lIand relaxed. Ihen shake. down. on a table or book. then rals~ nl oeld minutes, or whllc ~ou aCe Mrs. (ReV.) LeGcow,' had to leal'c AI t d . t' t :1:Itcm f\'~ry which way. len IIrllho Ihllmh aOlI eac~ Im;(er, one watching TV. . . . Ihe Presbylerial to resume duties n n ro \,Ie Ion 0

.. elsewhere. Her post was laken over American Politics




The wide variety of handy HC?OK' FIX­

TURES and ACCESSORIES that we now

have'in stock, means you can put them to

practical U58 in every room in your home.

by'Mrs. Ernest Anthony. . D, W. Brogan ............. 3.75 During the past year SIX young· .

cr groups have been organized at O· k & C Ltd Bonavlsla - three Mission Bands; Ie so. . Iwo Explorers, and one C.G.I.T. ' Group. 11 Is expected others will 'HE BOOKSELLERS follow. ,hOtle 3J91 - 4425

The executive visiting members . wish to thank the ladies of Bona· vista for their very nice iupper, which was enjoyed by all. (0 a dose around midnight. A

thoroughly enjoyable evening was

SiO.S. Valentine Party., ' , ..

The second annual Valentine Party was held .t the Sisters of Service ncsidcnllal Club for girls, 7 Garrison Hill, on Sunday e\'en· ing Frebrum 1:1. About flIty yo)!ng people ~ttcnded. Dancinl: comprised' lhe hest part Dr· the ,vening, with an occasional Sing· Song In beliv.een. Lunch 'Was ~erv· ed around 11 p.m., and with the singing of the hymn to' Our Lady "Hall.Queen oC Heaven," the even· ing;, ~nttrtalnment . "'n broUBh~

. :


had b) everyone present, and the "iris and their friends are looking forward lo the next entertainment, which Is planned (0 take place shortly after the Lenlen Season.

.. BUSIEST RAILWAY Busiest railway In the "'orld I~

British Railways, whose daily tuk i5 to rarry :1,000,000 jlascsengcrs and haul 1,000,000 tons o[ freight, '~~quirin, operation or 40,000 trains every day, -----

)teller is the namlt of 1\ town in' North Carolln! and Another ill Kentucky. ,

'i'be month of March II lI.ed Cross month. Your Canadian Red Cross needs $5,494,100 In 191111 •.

BIRTH -----pYE-Born at the Grace Ma­

ternity Hospital, SU)lday, BF1!bt· ruary 20th, to Joyce and er Pye, a daughter.


Everything in Heating Supplies KYDDRHtmE • OIL FURNACES •


"rm • COAL FURNACES ., .,-ry"","'-








• A Full Line of



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Get tho relief Jail ,...", .".hea pUn .uikrsl Trr SLOAN'S.It'. po"e:£ul. Doa'i rub. Jail pal It 00. R .... rch .how. It


ROYL~Thomas Royle accld· L __ ~----------------------------' entlY' killed In motor accident Saturday, February 19th, leaving

Just Arrived Another . large s~ipment of,

·ENGLI·SH. L .. OCKS in Chrome' and BrC!ls finish.




B.C. DOORS - '

in' all standard: sizes'aridpaJterns; ,

, If you are building wi can s~pplY ariythh1g in BuilCiing Supplies

that you netd, from CEMENT.to your 'PAINT finish., .. . ". . . . . . - '., , ..

'.: . I'


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A •. H. MURRAY & CO., ~TD.·

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" '8~i'di;'9 .SII/:'Plies Dep~rt~ent ST.' .JOHN'S .

" .

A\JoCorAnbrhll.RheumatislD, . LumbalO plln •• SLOAN'S ald. hibrinlliollir.usrrr relieC Tau Wind '

to . mourn wife and daughter. father and mother, 5 brothers, Patrick at Long Island, New York; Josep11,. John, George and James o( this city. Funeral at Cnrbonear with Heq1liem Mass 10 o'clo('k Munday.

70' j,,,,,,, IrN,'t. "II iN .,./itl'i", ,,,j,,, .


I • HUUSI·:t.l,-I':ISs~i.I peal'dully I away lit his lute l'eSiliellce 011 ~1I1Ii.luy lIIol'nll1~. }'t!bl'OUI'y 20Ih,. ~Yllllt'Y UUl'S~\l, UKCII 7:1 ycal's:, 1(o!l\,i1l!! to IIlII1I1'II, ht'~li.I,,~ his IUI'i1lg wife Ute [umter Ja1l~1 \lar1lt's, titree SUIIS, the Hev. LINIMENT Jlem'y III E1Igland, jo'l'cd alld,

. . Sydney In St .• John·s, and . !.Iv 0 , fOI A'~~S "'~.o:, Il'tI.\.·

'.'l'RADJo: SUPPLIED BY daughters,' Olive (1\11'5. George, - ". . ~ Mercer)' Violet (1\11'5. Arthur i

. ",~ Ebsary)' in St. ,John's, seven!

YL~ nrandchildren. Funeral on Tues· ~ ......... ".''' ... ''''.' 'GERALD S. DO I day at 3 p.l.:. (l'Itontreal and Eng· , .% 3:£. : lislt papers. please COpy).

.....- feb21.22 ----'"----- '. .-"--_."_.-_-...... . . ..' .. . - t;;.-';;-';;;:"-:":'~-------". ,


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, ..... _'., ... 4,........ .. r... •• T.III.".,.U~ •. ~eft, .. "I. ".

: 1t"1 wouldn't want your job If an .t~~i1i~.mb ,fell-with &II " ' . .:'. that mess to cleati/up!. . . .. :'. .

" • ':J

. ' .. ''':.-...._--~ ". ' .







!GEORGENEAL LIMITED I PHONE 2264 - 3420 - 4440' i .


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