Shoghi Effendi's Equivocation on the Third Reich - Hitler & Shoghi Pt.1

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"There is nothing more contrary to the spirit of the Cause than open rebellion against the governmental authorities of a country, specially if they do not interfere in and do not oppose the inner and sacred beliefs and religious convictions of the individual. And there is every reason to believe that the present regime in Germany which has thus far refused to trample upon the domain of individual conscience in all matters pertaining to religion will never encroach upon it in the near future, unless some unforeseen and unexpected changes take place. And this seems to be doubtful at present." (The Light of Divine Guidance, Vol. I, p. 54)

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Shoghi Effendi's equivocation on the Third Reich: Hitler & Shoghi pt

Shoghi Effendi's equivocation on the Third Reich: Hitler & Shoghi pt.1

by Zulfiqar11015-Sep-2009 "There is nothing more contrary to the spirit of the Cause than open rebellion against the governmental authorities of a country, specially if they do not interfere in and do not oppose the inner and sacred beliefs and religious convictions of the individual. And there is every reason to believe that the present regime in Germany which has thus far refused to trample upon the domain of individual conscience in all matters pertaining to religion will never encroach upon it in the near future, unless some unforeseen and unexpected changes take place. And this seems to be doubtful at present." (The Light of Divine Guidance, Vol. I, p. 54) Read full letter,



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Recently by Zulfiqar110CommentsDateShoghi Effendi's bigotry4Sep 14, 2009BIA guidelines for posting to Internet Forums2Sep 11, 2009Baha'i Harrassment on Facebook-Sep 10, 2009

Abbas Effendi predicted the formation of IsraHELL in 1897by Death_To_Fascism on Thu Sep 17, 2009 07:48 PM PDT[Crossposted to USENET] Coming right off the heels of the First International Zionist Congress held in Basle, Switzerland in 1897. Coincidence? Nope.

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Here you goby Death_To_Fascism on Thu Sep 17, 2009 07:40 PM PDT(The Light of Divine Guidance, Vol. I, p. 54) Buy new glasses Faryar. Your current ones fail you... (The Light of Divine Guidance, Vol. I, pp. 53-56) 11 February 1934 Dear Baha'i Brother, I am charged by the Guardian to thank you for your letter of Jan. 30th as well as for the enclosed pamphlet containing the address delivered by Herr Hitler on Oct. 14th, 1933, on the subject of Germany's attitude towards peace, all of which he read with deepest care and sustained interest. He wishes me to convey to you and to all the members of your German National Assembly and through them to all the followers of the Faith in Germany his views on the present conditions in that land, and particularly in their relation to the nature and scope of the Baha'i activities of our German believers. At the outset it should be made indubitably clear that the Baha'i Cause being essentially a religious movement of a spiritual character stands above every political party or group, and thus cannot and should not act in contravention to the principles, laws, and doctrines of any government. Obedience to the regulations and orders of the state is indeed, the sacred obligation of every true and loyal Baha'i. Both Baha'u'llah and Abdu'l-Baha have urged us all to be submissive and loyal to the political authorities of our respective countries. It follows, therefore, that our German friends are under the sacred obligation to whole-heartedly obey the existing political regime, whatever be their personal views and criticisms of its actual working. There is nothing more contrary to the spirit of the Cause than open rebellion against the governmental authorities of a country, specially if they do not interfere in and do not oppose the inner and sacred beliefs and religious convictions of the individual. And there is every reason to believe that the present regime in Germany which has thus far refused to trample upon the domain of individual conscience in all matters pertaining to religion will never encroach upon it in the near future, unless some unforeseen and unexpected changes take place. And this seems to be doubtful at present. For whereas the friends should obey the government under which they live, even at the risk of sacrificing all their administrative affairs and interests, they should under no circumstances suffer their inner religious beliefs and convictions to be violated and transgressed by any authority whatever. A distinction of a fundamental importance must, therefore, be made between spiritual and administrative matters. Whereas the former are sacred and inviolable, and hence cannot be subject to compromise, the latter are secondary and can consequently be given up and even sacrificed for the sake of obedience to the laws and regulations of the government. Obedience to the state is so vital a principle of the Cause that should the authorities in Germany decide to-day to prevent the Baha'is from holding any meeting or publishing any literature they should obey and be as submissive as our Russian believers have thus far been under the Soviet regime. But, as already pointed out, such an allegiance is confined merely to administrative matters which if checked can only retard the progress of the Faith for some time. In matters of belief, however, no compromise whatever should be allowed, even though the outcome of it be death or expulsion. There is one more point to be emphasized in this connection. The principle of obedience to government does not place any Baha'i under the obligation of identifying the teachings of his Faith with the political program enforced by the government. For such an identification, besides being erroneous and contrary to both the spirit as well as the form of the Baha'i message, would necessarily create a conflict within the conscience of every loyal believer. For reasons which are only too obvious the Baha'i philosophy of social and political organization cannot be fully reconciled with the political doctrines and conceptions that are current and much in vogue to-day. The wave of nationalism, so aggressive and so contagious in its effects, which has swept not only over Europe but over a large part of mankind is, indeed, the very negation of the gospel of peace and of brotherhood proclaimed by Baha'u'llah. The actual trend in the political world is, indeed, far from being in the direction of the Baha'i teachings. The world is drawing nearer and nearer to a universal catastrophe which will mark the end of a bankrupt and of a fundamentally defective civilization. From such considerations we can well conclude that we as Baha'is can in no wise identify the teachings of Baha'u'llah with man-made creeds and conceptions, which by their very nature are impotent to save the world from the dangers with which it is being so fiercely and so increasingly assailed. The Guardian hopes that these brief explanations will be sufficient to guide our German National Assembly in their efforts to safeguard and promote the interests of the Faith, and that through them they will be given a new vision of the Cause and a fresh determination to carry forward its message to the world at large. With greetings and best wishes to you and to all the friends in Germany,... [From the Guardian:] Dear and valued co-worker: I wish to add a few words in loving appreciation of your strenuous, your intelligent and devoted efforts for the spread and consolidation of our beloved Faith. May the Almighty bless your endeavours, deepen your understanding of the essentials and requirements of our beloved Cause, and enable you in these difficult and challenging days to promote its interests and consolidate its institutions, Your true brother, Shoghi (The Light of Divine Guidance, Vol. I, pp. 53-56)

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where is this from?by faryarm on Thu Sep 17, 2009 03:25 PM PDTYou have not given any reference or link for authenticity.Please give referncethank you

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Did Abdulbah prophesied ww1 ???by abdAllah on Thu Sep 17, 2009 02:48 PM PDTThanks Mr. Sen McGlinn for your surprise visit and clarification, how ever, I already did admit thatI hadunintentionally mixed uptwo predictions, any way,than in your opinion how much ofthese words blew which attributed toabdulbaha about 1914 ww1arecorrectand which parts arenot correctand orpossibly baseless? or, would you approve that these words totally aren't of abdulbaha's at all ?: Oh,dear friends! the world of humanity is facing in the future a most portentous danger and supreme calamity. the continent of Europe has become like unto a gunpowder magazine and arsenal. under which are hidden combustible materials combustion will be dependent upon the sudden and unexpected enkindlement of one tiny spark which shall envelop the whole earth with a world wide conflagration causing the total collapse of European civilization through the furious wild raging.fiery tongues of war. therefore, o ye well-wishers of the world of humanity . endeavor by day and by night so that these inflammable materials may not come in touch with the burning fire of racial antipathy and hatred." thanks again for your effort and research Mr.McGlinn

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prophecy of WW1by Sen McGlinn on Thu Sep 17, 2009 10:04 AM PDTHi abdAllah Actually I do locate the source of those words on my blog entry, it's about halfway down. It's not authentic Bahai scripture, because there are no Persian notes of what was said, just English notes of what the interpreter said Abdu'l-Baha was saying. However as I point out in the blog entry, Abdu'l-Baha said very similar things in Tablets of the Divine Plan and spoke about the danger of the Balkans igniting Europe in several places. The words I was tracking down in that blog entry are those printed in Esslemont's book Baha'u'llah and the New Era: :We are on the eve of the battle of Armageddon referred to in the 16thchapter of Revelations. The time is two years hence, when only a sparkwill set aflame the whole of Europe. The social unrest in allcountries, the growing religious skepticism antecedent to themillennium, already here, will set aflame the whole of Europe as isprophesied in the 1st of Daniel and in the Book of John. Before 1917 kingdoms will fall and cataclysms will rock the earth." I have dmonstrated that this is like the 'whispering game' story, where the words are distorted as they are passed from one person to another. The last sentence is baseless (and so is what Corinne True added to her version, predicting the Most Great Peace by 1917). But Abdu'l-Baha was certainly talking about the Balkan danger, European militarism and the coming war while he was in North America. ~~~~~~~ What I can do, is keep my armfrom bringing others any harm.How can I give the enviers ease?They are themselves their own disease.(Sa'di, Gulestan 1:5)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~http://senmcglinn.wordpress

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Return of Jews to Israel predicted in Bible & faryarm on Thu Sep 17, 2009 08:18 AM PDTThe return of the Jews to the Holy Land is an age old prohecy from the BibleAll Jews return from exile to Israel (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5)as well as the Quran.THE QUR'AN SAYS:"To Moses We [Allah] gave nine clear signs. Ask the Israelites how he [Moses] first appeared amongst them. Pharoah said to him: 'Moses, I can see that you are bewitched.' 'You know full well,' he [Moses] replied, 'that none but the Lord of the heavens and the earth has revealed these visible signs. Pharoah, you are doomed.'""Pharoah sought to scare them [the Israelites] out of the land [of Israel]: but We [Allah] drowned him [Pharoah] together with all who were with him. Then We [Allah] said to the Israelites: 'Dwell in this land [the Land of Israel]. When the promise of the hereafter [End of Days] comes to be fulfilled, We [Allah] shall assemble you [the Israelites] all together [in the Land of Israel]."So actually the return of the Jews and formation of Israel was predicted in the Bible as wel as the Holy Quran.Abdul Baha's statement jis based on these christian as well as Islamic prophecies.or did't you know.faryarm

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you are right ,got little mix upby abdAllah on Thu Sep 17, 2009 07:49 AM PDTyou are right faryar I got them mixed up, Sen researched about failed 1917 =1335 Bahaullah prophecy he wrote : " the 1917 prophecy I am looking at is printed in Bahau'llah and the New Era, which means that it has been translated into many languages and become part of the Bahai lore around the world. Bahaullah and the New Era is also included in the search engine Ocean, so it appears official and is widely used. As of today (6 February), this prophecy is on the wikipedia page for Bahai prophecies. As such it is used by skeptics as an example of failed prophecy on the part of Abdul-Baha. One could of course argue that 1917 was an important year in world history, and rather cataclysmic," than he proved that Bahaullah never said such to begin with, therefore based on his findingwhat is written in "Bahaullah and NEW ERA" is baseless. sorry about mixing themup.

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Egyptian caseby Zulfiqar110 on Wed Sep 16, 2009 11:30 PM PDT[Crossposted to USENET] The Egyption Supreme court has finally granted them the right to have ID cards... The Egyptian Supreme Court initially turned down the request to issue exclusive ID cards to you Baha'is and on solid legal bases and arguments. Then through your intense Washington and Western European taxpayer & privately funded lobby efforts, you had the hand of the Egyptian government twisted hard enough to get it to backtrack and grant your stinkin exclusive ID cards. Since Egypt receives major financial subsidies annually from the United States, its only major industry being tourism, it isn't difficult to see through the political farce and pork barrell parti-baazi that had the Egyptian government and Egyptian Supreme Court back-flip 180 degrees from its original position. And of course Egypt is a corrupt dictatorship where under the table anything can happen, including governments and the highest legal bodies of the land miraculously changing their earlier, definitive rulings. And that is the only way you got your way here; not through the goodness of the Egyptian court or government, but by blatant international political and financial corruption and arm twisting.

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@ ABDALLAH - Abdu'l-Bah predicted the formation of Israelby Allahu_Abha on Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:54 PM PDTMr. AbdAllah read this also : This Baha'i Mulla (Abdul Baha) also predicted the formation of Israel.

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Abdallah, the Reference is correct and faryarm on Wed Sep 16, 2009 08:48 PM PDTPerhaps you may be refering to another quote? Pleese refer to These talks are well documented and published Talks; This one in particular is in the Bahai refernce library and not the "1917" prophecy in question. It is part of a talk given by Abdul Baha on 26 October 1912 at a Hotel in Sacramento, California and Sen also refers to and confirms its existence. "The issue of paramount importance in the world today is international peace. The European continent is like an arsenal, a storehouse of explosives ready for ignition, and one spark will set the whole of Europe aflame, particularly at this time when the Balkan question is before the world. Even now war is raging furiously in some places, the blood of innocent people is being shed, children are made captive, women are left without support, and homes are being destroyed. Therefore, the greatest need in the world today is international peace. The time is ripe. It is time for the abolition of warfare, the unification of nations and governments. It is the time for love. It is time for cementing together the East and the West." Historical events during that time point to the fact that Abdul Baha must ahve had some sense of a major upheaval in the world; one that would come to HIs own door step in Haifa Palestine; because upon on his return back to Haifa, he sends home all the pilgrims and decreases the number of Bahais in the area. In anticipation of the event, he plants corn in every available field and stores grain forthat "rainy" day. Well, that rainy day arrived in Palestine, when World War I broke out and the Holy Land was plundered by invading German and British armies. The outcome of which threatened the population with disease and famine. This is when Abdul Baha's foresight saved the population from famine and hunger; the Grain was used to feed the hungry. For this The British Victors in recognition of his humanitarian "service" honouredhim with the title of Sir; A reluctant title, which he only accepted as a matter of respect and never used in his lifetime. This Title has of course become a favourite of Anti Bahai campaigns. faryar

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Yes, words of Mona 19 on Wed Sep 16, 2009 07:22 PM PDTToday the European continent is like an arsenal. It is a storehouse of explosives, ready for just a spark, and one spark could set aflame the whole of Europe, particularly at this time, when the Balkan question is before the world. The Promulgation of Universal Peace, Pages 376-380 and again in Tablets of the Divine Plan, Pages 21-23 Baha'u'llah's reference to two wars on the banks of the Rhine, to the lamentations of Berlin, and to a popular revolution in Tehran, are all found in the Kitab-i-Aqdas After the First World War Abdu'l-Baha made reference to a second world war, promised that the "movement of the left" would grow in importance, and stated that the Balkans would continue to be unstable (Advent of Divine Justice, 89) Both Baha'u'llah and Abdul-Baha on many occasions foretold the coming of the Great War of 19141918 (Baha'u'llah and the New Era, Pages 243-244) Mona

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A good example of distortionby faryarm on Wed Sep 16, 2009 07:13 PM PDTA good example of distortion is right here in your statement:"Loyalty to corrupt and totalitarian systems of government "where as the Bahai principle is to loyalty toany government, where ever a Bahai resides; but loyalty does not mean that Bahais gave up thier personal beliefs and practices.

Can anyone imagine, what Bahais would be be accused of, and how much more persecution they would suffer, if they were not obligated by this principle of loyalty and non partisanship.."The principle of obedience to government does not place anyBaha'i under the obligation of identifying the teachings of hisFaith with the political program enforced by the government. Forsuch an identification, besides being erroneous and contrary toboth the spirit as well as the form of the Baha'i message, wouldnecessarily create a conflict within the conscience of everyloyal believer.""how could the Baha'is have survived in Latin-America and Africa under the regimes they did?"The same way they have survived the last 160 years in Iran; in South Africa under the Apartheid, In Egypt, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, China, and the soviet union.Under Muhammad Reza Shah, they were loyal, but refused to participate in the mandatory "RASTAKHIZ" political party.Under the South African Apartheid Regime, they were loyal citizens, but refused to compromise their principle of Race Unity; White and Black Bahais regular met together.Recently in Egypt , they refused to lie about their religion in order to get Govt ID cards, despite the order to do so. They stood by Principle and refused to lie.The Egyption Supreme court has finally granted them the right to have ID cards.Under the Islamic Republic, The Bahai Faith and its administrative bodies were banned. The Bahais complied,but refused to stop practicing their faith; when it came to forceful recantation of their beliefs and faith under arrest, imprisonment and threat of execution, they stood by principle and most refused to recant their faith.Consistency and stand on the truth of one's belief has its rewards.But that does not make people like you very happy, it exposes your hopeless, empty opposition and your spiritual destitute.Sophia, the one who is kidding is the one whose "words never fails to expose them."Say hi to Nima.faryarm

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Abdulbaha prophecy of WW1, true or false ?by abdAllah on Wed Sep 16, 2009 06:24 PM PDTthanks Mr. Faryar If you know Mr.SenMcglinn (Bahai researcher NZ),he has researched about these words and found nothing to support these words to be of AbdulBaha, "The European continent is like an arsenal,a storehouse of explosives ready for ignition,and one spark will set the whole of Europe aflame,particularly at this timewhen the Balkan question is before the world" is there any thing that he missed you think ? if he did pleas clear these to me. thanks

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Dear Tahirihby Shepesh on Wed Sep 16, 2009 05:37 PM PDTFine I can see your point when it is part of a fair discussion with open minded and mature people. But this is not, people here are just trying to bully. They are unkind and use offensive language and insults to intimidate those that are different.You have to ask yourself the motives of such persons. If they do not want to be part of a religeon then noone is forcing them. People are free to chose their religeon. Why oppress others? To respond to repeated allegations of this person (he obviously has an axe to grind and is not open to sense)is like rising to the bait to a schoolground bully. A total waste of time.

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1912 ,Abdul-Baha on War in Europe. by faryarm on Wed Sep 16, 2009 05:26 PM PDTAbdul-Baha, the son of Baha'u'llah, after being freed by the young turks rebelion in Palestine in 1908 , travelled to the west. In 1912 He arrived in New York to attend the Mohonk Peace conference; In many of his meetings he spoke of the need for an international agreement and peace, warning that Europe is an armed camp. As early as 1875 'Abdu'l-Bah wrote that all the sovereigns of the world must make a binding treaty, what he called a "Most Great Covenant." In this peace pact the borders of every nation should be clearly fixed, the principles of international relations should be definitely settled, the amount of armaments should be agreed upon, and all international agreements and obligations should be ascertained. If any government later violates any provision, then all the governments on Earth and all humanity must unite to make it submit. In this way the sick body of the world may recover from its ills and remain safe and secure. During his tour of America on October 26, 1912 in Sacramento, California, 'Abdu'l-Bah prophetically warned of an imminent European war.The issue of paramount importance in the world todayis International Peace.The European continent is like an arsenal,a storehouse of explosives ready for ignition,and one spark will set the whole of Europe aflame,particularly at this timewhen the Balkan question is before the world.7 Here is the entire Talk given on 25 October 1912 Talk at Hotel SacramentoSacramento, CaliforniaIn 1914 'Abdu'l-Bah warned that nations were increasing their military and naval budgets, forcing other nations into a crazy competition because of their supposed interests. The duty of nations is to check aggressors rather than remain neutral; world unity requires that every other nation unite against any aggressor. During the World War he lived at his home in Haifa while he encouraged establishing spiritual assemblies in Persia and America as elected bodies to supervise publications, education, and devotional services. After the war 'Abdu'l-Bah received a letter from the executive committee of the Central Organization for a Durable Peace at The Hague. In his reply he warned that the League of Nations was incapable of establishing universal peace, and he described the stronger plan of his father Bah'u'llh that called for the elected representatives of all nations to choose a Supreme Tribunal. If any government should be negligent, then all the rest of the nations using the Supreme Tribunal should rise up against it. 'Abdu'l-Bah lamented that the noble purposes of the League of Nations would not be fulfilled, though he supported its efforts. In a second letter to the committee in July 1920 he wrote:Today the most important problemin the affairs of the world of humanityis that of the Universal Peace,which is the greatest meanscontributing to the very life and happiness of mankind.Without this most luminous realityit is impossible for humanity to attainto actual comfort and proficiency. I hope this answers your question best faryar

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another prophecy ????by abdAllah on Wed Sep 16, 2009 05:02 PM PDTMr. faryar Didn'T Mr. Abdullah also predicted WW1, 2 years befor war began ? do you also have record of that prophecy? thanx

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at least you're all consistentby sophia on Wed Sep 16, 2009 04:28 PM PDTFaryar wrote:

"This further proves that Bahais Have been Absolute and Consistentin their stand on Principles.This loyalty to government and law of the state, was true under Hitler, True under the Pahlavis relative freedom, and True under Khomeini, all the way up to today's brutal Khamenei Regime.Such consistency , steadfastness and belief in the ultimate good, ,in the face of a history of opposition can but be one reason why the Bahai Community is finally gaining the kind of support and admiration from a previously silent public; much to the horror of its enemies, whose actions and words never fails to expose them." You are seriously kidding yourself Faryar. Well, at least you're consistent if nothing else. Loyalty to corrupt and totalitarian systems of government is nothing to be proud of, and your highlighting of the virtues of 'consistency' does nothing to strengthen your moral case- but then again, if you don't play both sides, how could the Baha'is have survived in Latin-America and Africa under the regimes they did? What's particularly funny is when the Baha'is OWN WRITINGS are put up as a blog and people come out calling them a DISTORTION. I guess it's all "taken out of context", eh?

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Dear Shepesh, with all due respect but faryar is Tahirih on Wed Sep 16, 2009 03:21 PM PDTAs Bahais we should provide correct information for the fair minded readers ,when this person posts wrong and poisonous information about the bahai faith. I believe faryar is right since not too many of our dear hamvatanan would go to find the right information. keep up the good work faryar jan, I am very busy not able to be doing it. Tahirih

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Dear Faryarmby Shepesh on Wed Sep 16, 2009 02:24 PM PDTI have told you before NOT to respond to or be provoked by the offensive blogs created by this misguided and malicious person. These people only do this for attention so do not waste your time and energy on someone who is imbalanced or spiteful. Nobody hold this individual in high regard except for his various fabricated aliases, andhe does not take part in discussions other than the slander of religeous minorities Bahais. Bahais are respected world wide but sadly only persecuted in Iran by the vicious fascist regime. This regime has now started to persecute its own free-thinkers and intellectuals. Bahaishave nothing to prove to anyone. Kind regards.

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The Guiding Vision of Shoghi Effendi;One Year before World War 2by faryarm on Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:57 AM PDT

Then in 1938, One Year before World War IIShoghi Effendi, The Great Grand son of Baha'u'llah, the translator, the interpreter and the Guardian of the Bahai faith in a letter to American Bahais, wrote in no uncertain terms about the coming of another Great World conflagration, The Second World War."....The world is moving on. Its events are unfolding ominously and with bewildering rapidity. The whirlwind of its passions is swift and alarmingly violent. The New World (USA) is being insensibly drawn into its vortex.The potential storm centers of the earth are already casting their shadows upon its shores. Dangers, undreamt of and unpredictable, threaten it both from within and from without. Its governments and peoples are being gradually enmeshed in the coils of the worlds recurrent crises and fierce controversies.The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are, with every acceleration in the march of science, steadily shrinking into mere channels. The Great Republic of the West (USA) finds itself particularly and increasingly involved.Distant rumblings echo menacingly in the ebullitions of its people. On its flanks are ranged the potential storm centers of the European continent (Germany) and of the Far East. (Japan)On its southern horizon there looms what might conceivably develop into another center of agitation and danger. (war in the pacific ?)Then he (1938) well before the start of the War in 1939 and before even the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour in Dec 1941, writes about America's involvement in the War."The world is contracting into a neighborhood.America, willingly or unwillingly, must face and grapple with this new situation. For purposes of national security, let alone any humanitarian motive, she must assume the obligations imposed by this newly created neighborhood."Shoghi effendiDecember 25 1938full text purpose of this, is simply to show the reason and the faith , and why the Bahais are so resolute and firm in their beliefs; as they believe that , there is a Guiding Will much greater than ours as mere mortal humans, and that we are mere instruments of that Will; either for the good of humanity or the opposite; the agents of peace or dissension !

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Proof of Bahais Consistent Stand on Beliefs and faryarm on Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:07 AM PDTThis further proves that Bahais Have been Absolute and Consistentin their stand on Principles.This loyalty to government and law of the state, was true under Hitler, True under the Pahlavis relative freedom, and True under Khomeini, all the way up to today's brutal Khamenei Regime.Such consistency , steadfastness and belief in the ultimate good, ,in the face of a history of opposition can but be one reason why the Bahai Community is finally gaining the kind of support and admiration from a previously silent public; much to the horror of its enemies, whose actions and words never fails to expose them.It should be note that the following letter was dated Feb 11 1934, five years before the start of Second World War, and well before Hitler and the Nazis began carrying out their anti Racist policies, showing their true face.One can only marvel at Shoghi effendi's foresight and Vision in his wisdom and guidance. He not only was able to see the situation developing , but goes on to forsee the results of what he calls a "Catastrophe"."The wave of nationalism, so aggressive andso contagious in its effects, which has swept not only overEurope but over a large part of mankind is, indeed, the verynegation of the gospel of peace and of brotherhood proclaimed byBaha'u'llah."In that letter dated Feb 11 1934,The Guardian of The Bahais Faith writes:At the outset it should be made indubitably clear that theBaha'i Cause being essentially a religious movement of aspiritual character stands above every political party or group,and thus cannot and should not act in contravention to theprinciples, laws, and doctrines of any government. Obedience tothe regulations and orders of the state is indeed, the sacredobligation of every true and loyal Baha'i. Both Baha'u'llah andAbdu'l-Baha have urged us all to be submissive and loyal to thepolitical authorities of our respective countries."There is one more point to be emphasized in this connection.The principle of obedience to government does not place anyBaha'i under the obligation of identifying the teachings of hisFaith with the political program enforced by the government. Forsuch an identification, besides being erroneous and contrary toboth the spirit as well as the form of the Baha'i message, wouldnecessarily create a conflict within the conscience of everyloyal believer." For reasons which are only too obvious the Baha'i philosophyof social and political organization cannot be fully reconciledwith the political doctrines and conceptions that are current andmuch in vogue to-day. The wave of nationalism, so aggressive andso contagious in its effects, which has swept not only overEurope but over a large part of mankind is, indeed, the verynegation of the gospel of peace and of brotherhood proclaimed byBaha'u'llah. The actual trend in the political world is, indeed,far from being in the direction of the Baha'i teachings. Theworld is drawing nearer and nearer to a universal catastrophewhich will mark the end of a bankrupt and of a fundamentallydefective civilization. From such considerations we can well conclude that we asBaha'is can in no wise identify the teachings of Baha'u'llah withman-made creeds and conceptions, which by their very nature areimpotent to save the world from the dangers with which it isbeing so fiercely and so increasingly assailed. The Guardianhopes that these brief explanations will be sufficient to guideour German National Assembly in their efforts to safeguard andpromote the interests of the Faith, and that through them theywill be given a new vision of the Cause and a fresh determinationto carry forward its message to the world at large. With greetings and best wishes to you and to all the friendsin Germany,...One can only marvel at Shoghi effendi's foresight and Vision in his wisdom and guidance. He not only was able to see the situation developing , but goes on to forsee the results of what he calls a "Catastrophe".Unfortunately Many German Bahais are known to have been the victims by the Nazis for their beliefs.I have to thank Zulf110, previously known as Nima Hazini, Wahid Azal, Nur and too many other possible names to mention, for posting this, since it clearly shows the Bahais (this time in war time Germany) history and struggle and peaceful stand against violence; though the blogger's intentions as always are to DISTORT, be malicious and dishonest.faryarm