Extension Features The ShopperApproved® extension integrates ShopperApproved® customer reviews, ratings, and search engine optimization into Magento (2.x) stores in order to improve search standing, garner customer trust, and gather customer feedback. After the initial configuration of ShopperApproved® account credentials is complete, the following will be set up out of the box for your Magento store: Integration of product reviews - ShopperApproved® reviews of products can be seen and gathered on product pages. Survey Integration - The ShopperApproved® survey will display after checkout has been completed. Store and Product rating SEO - Schema code for Search Engine Optimization will be added to product and product category pages. This will allow the search engines to crawl these pages and add ratings to search engine results. Review History - A central review page will be created to display recent reviews (up to 100 reviews). ShopperApproved® Product Feed - Magento store administrators can create a product feed to upload a list of products for ShopperApproved® to feature for customer reviews. This can also be used to update the products featured by ShopperApproved® as the store’s catalog changes. A store owner may also add ShopperApproved® seals and widgets as part of their page content. A configurable widget is available to guide the store owner in selecting the style of the seal and where to place it within the site content. Setup Your Account In your store’s Configuration, you will need to set your ShopperApproved® Account information. A Magento exclusive 30 day trial of product reviews is available only through the in-extension account set up. Shopper Approved® Extension Features Version 1.5

Shopper Approved® Extension Features

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Page 1: Shopper Approved® Extension Features

Extension FeaturesThe ShopperApproved® extension integrates ShopperApproved® customer reviews, ratings, and search engine optimization into Magento (2.x) stores in order to improve search standing, garner customer trust, and gather customer feedback.

After the initial configuration of ShopperApproved® account credentials is complete, the following will be set up out of the box for your Magento store:

• Integration of product reviews - ShopperApproved® reviews of products can be seen and gathered on product pages.

• Survey Integration - The ShopperApproved® survey will display after checkout has been completed.

• Store and Product rating SEO - Schema code for Search Engine Optimization will be added to product and product category pages. This will allow the search engines to crawl these pages and add ratings to search engine results.

• Review History - A central review page will be created to display recent reviews (up to 100 reviews).

• ShopperApproved® Product Feed - Magento store administrators can create a product feed to upload a list of products for ShopperApproved® to feature for customer reviews. This can also be used to update the products featured by ShopperApproved® as the store’s catalog changes.

A store owner may also add ShopperApproved® seals and widgets as part of their page content. A configurable widget is available to guide the store owner in selecting the style of the seal and where to place it within the site content.

Setup Your AccountIn your store’s Configuration, you will need to set your ShopperApproved® Account information.

A Magento exclusive 30 day trial of product reviews is available only through the in-extension account set up.

Shopper Approved® Extension Features Version 1.5

Page 2: Shopper Approved® Extension Features

Shopper Approved® Extension Features Version 1.5

If you already have an account and want to import your review, you can enter it in the Shopper Approved® Setup section (below). Enable the Module once you are ready for Shopper Approved Reviews to begin displaying, typically after the import of existing review is complete.

Setup Product ReviewsThese additional product configurations will improve what can be done with your reviews, but are not required.

Configure Product Feed

The product feed should be configured to match your wants and needs. The options displayed below will work well for most stores.

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Shopper Approved® Extension Features Version 1.5

Clicking on the Feed Generation Page will allow additional information and fine tuning that should be done prior to using extension or importing product reviews.

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Shopper Approved® Extension Features Version 1.5

Existing Reviews

A file of all existing reviews in Magento can be generated for import into the extension.The Shopper Approved on boarding team will be notified to help you with their authentication and import. By default, this is an overnight process that is capable of handling up to 21,000 reviews per night, but can easily be scaled and configured to fit your needs. If the existing review file is deleted, it will restart the process unless you disable Enable Export File Sync.

Control Your ReviewsAdditional advanced configurations are available for you to have full control of your reviews. They come out of the box ready for a typical Magento store.

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Shopper Approved® Extension Features Version 1.5

Fulfilling ShopperApproved® Best PracticesThe extension will automatically create the following elements during installation to meet the recommended ShopperApproved® best practices. Additional configurations are supported.

Review History Page

During installation, a new customer review page containing up to 100 customer site reviews is added. This will be the first thing people see when searching for reviews of your site and will improve the site’s search ranking by providing customer-created content to search engines. It provides data so that an aggregate rating of the site can be displayed alongside search results.

This review page can be found at <SITE DOMAIN>/customer-reviews.

For example, https://shopperapproved.engine23.com/customer-reviews

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Shopper Approved® Extension Features Version 1.5

Category Page

A review widget is placed at the bottom of product category pages as part of the best practice configuration. This element contains schema code that will be picked up by search engines such as Google, and will improve the site’s search ranking and provide data so that search results will include the overall Shopper Approved site rating.

For example,

Schema code and Google search result with rating:

Product Page

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Shopper Approved® Extension Features Version 1.5

The product page review integration displays the product’s rating and reviews, provides customers a way to leave reviews, and creates microdata scheme code that will be picked up by search engines such as Google. The microdata code will include the ShopperApproved® product ratings so that they can be displayed within search results.

The number of reviews displayed here, and whether the display will fall back to showing site reviews in case of no product reviews, is currently configured within your ShopperApproved® account.

An example of product review integration, with overall product rating and list of reviews is found below:

The example google search result for the same product, along with rating and reviews counted:

Order Confirmation Page

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Shopper Approved® Extension Features Version 1.5

The extension also automatically integrates a merchant review survey after checkout. This allows customization of review messaging and analytics.

Example of ShopperApproved® survey:

Example of embedded data for an order confirmation page:

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Shopper Approved® Extension Features Version 1.5

Additional Optional Features


The following additional widgets can be added throughout the site using the administration panel. These can be placed in any of the several dozen container locations, such as the header or the footer, as well as on specific pages or all pages. They can also be added anywhere via the layout update option.

Badge Widget

Badges can be set to predefined styles and colored to match your theme.

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Shopper Approved® Extension Features Version 1.5

Carousel Widget

A list of reviews can be customized to fit your strategy and the visual look of your site.

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Shopper Approved® Extension Features Version 1.5

ShopperApproved® Portal OnlyThe Magento ShopperApproved® extension does not control any account-configured options, such as:

• Review survey questions and options• Survey follow up email content and scheduling• Survey destination configuration• Video testimonial configuration or YouTube authorization• Social media feed syndication

These options are controlled at the account level on the ShopperApproved® website portal and are not currently accessible by the extension.

Things to Keep in Mind

Custom Magento ThemesOut of the box, the extension is completely compatible with both the Blank and Luma themes that come installed with Magento 2. As Magento is extremely customizable, we can not anticipate and account for all store configurations and themes. Additional style customization may be required for items that are covered by the extension. This may include the appearance and placement of product reviews, review pages, badges, and logos. We recommend testing prior to production release in order to account for these possibilities.

Html/Javascript OptimizersCertain server environment modifications and optimizations can potentially affect the delivery and look of ShopperApproved®. Software and services such as the Google Pagespeed Module and CloudFlare’s RocketLoader for JavaScript are two such examples that will rewrite HTML and/or JavaScript code before serving the content. In some cases using these or similar services could stop ShopperApproved® from properly loading or rendering content, if not configured correctly.

CustomizationThis extension has been developed in accordance to Magento 2 best practices to be extensible by Engine23 eCommerce Agency. For customizations, please contact the development support team at shopperapproved@ engine23.com or (800)-498-0473.