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  • 8/6/2019 shurjeel2011


  • 8/6/2019 shurjeel2011



    PEL is one of the oldest manufacturing uni t of home appl iance in

    Pakistan. It manufactures => A.C => deep freezer => Refrigerator .

    The products manufactured by PEL have been of high star ted qual i ty

    through out the years. PEL was establ ished with Technology

    Collaborat ion of AEG Germany in 1956, 1980 PEL expanded into

    consumer domest ic market with introduct ion of window by PEL A.C.

    into October 1978 PEL was taken by sagol family. According A then

    PEL is Now a company on the goes on.

    The head of HR department is cal led HR manager. I t has 180

    employees working in i t . Among whi ch 27 are doing cler ical job.

    PEL has cont inued on the path of recovery and the business in both i ts

    divisions power and home appl iances have grown. Efforts for

    improvement in product ivi ty, qual i ty of our products and diversif icat ion

    have yielded posi t ive resul ts and the company has earned a net profi t

    af ter tax of Rs.94.100 mil l ion ( last year 59.000 mil l ion) . Since the

    company had suffered losses in the past , which had eroded i ts equi ty

    leaving huge bank borrowings, the dept servicing remains a major burden on i ts operat ions. Simultaneously increasing business volumes

    requir ing addi t ional working capi tal have not al lowed the much needed

    ease in i ts cash f lows which could offer a smoothness in i ts operat ions.

    Business in Power Division is propel l ing posi t ively and is expected to

    grow further in the ensuring years. PEL is exploring export market for

    our Power division products, Crystal brand Refrigerator launched in

    1998 has developed into a major source of our consistent growth. This

    trend is expected to cont inue in the fol lowing years. On the other hand

    air-condi t ioner sales have not reached desirable levels due to someserious weakness in import procedures and smuggled goods, shrinkage

    in the size of market and working capi tal constraints. The

    cont inuous gain in the value of US dol lar upto the September 11,2001 incidence (which is now a decl ining trend) has resulted infurther negat ive impact on Rupee-Dollar pari ty. The decrease inthe value of Rupee could not be ful ly covered up in the pr ices ofour products due to low purchasing power result ing in reduct ion of

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    gross margins. The company wil l thus have to maintain i ts thruston high volumes alongwith further reduct ion in costs and improvedquali ty measure to consistent ly maintain the prof i t path in thefuture.

    In order to achieve less dependabi l i ty on single customer bases

    company is moving towards a st rategy of diversif icat ion of i ts product

    and customer base. As a resul t Appliances Division is being

    strengthened whereby market ing network has been widened with a focus

    on st rengthening sales team as wel l as the dealers network. Concept

    of 3S introduced earl ier is working sat isfactori ly in our After Sales

    Service network. A special focus is being given on widening the product

    range introducing new models, sizes, colours and new finishes. The

    demand of appl iances products especial ly refr igerators which is growingat a rapid pace is augmented mainly by increased role of consumer

    f inancing through the f inancial inst i tut ions and the convent ional hire

    purchase sche mes by the retai lers.

    PEL is the only authorized distributor of Carrier products, services and spare parts in

    Pakistan. PEL's HVAC organizational strength in Pakistan is consisting of reputedmanagers, high caliber engineers and well trained experts. PEL in the capacity of

    solution provider for HVAC & Controls is always available to guide and advise our

    esteemed clients and assist the consultants with providing design tools like HAP etc.,

    new concepts with value engineering optimization and specifications for HVAC system

    design; application and product selection.

    Pak Electrons Limited (PEL) is the pioneer manufacturer of electrical goods in Pakistan.

    It was established in 1956 in technical collaboration with M/s AEG ofGermany. In

    October 1978, the company was taken over by Saigol Group of Companies. Since its

    inception, the company has always been contributing towards the advancement and

    development of the engineering sector in Pakistan by introducing a range of quality

    electrical equipments and home appliances and by producing hundreds of engineers,

    skilled workers and technicians through its apprenticeship schemes and training

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    The company comprises of two divisions:

    y Appliances Divisiony Power Division



    Products manufactured in Power divis ion are Transformers,Energy Meters and Switch gears. Business in this divis ion hassuffered badly in pervious years due to problems in WAPDA andKESC. The most needed upgradat ion of WAPDAs distr ibut ionpi l ferage was started by the new management. The energy meter

    product ion of single phase and three phase are moving toward anopt imum level. P lans for further improvement in product iv i ty andquali ty of our meters are also in progress. Our shares for thesupply of distr ibut ion transformers to WAPDA has taken aquantum leap recent ly. Accordingly, PEL is planning to increaseour product ion capacity of t ransformer plan through thetechniques of improved product ion operat ions includingmanpower ut i l izat ion, product innovat ion, process reengineering.We are expect ing to obtain the product ion capacity level of 2000transformer per annum. A break through in the Switch gear

    business has been already achieved. PEL has successful lysuppl ied a large order of Switch gear f rom WAPDA againstInternat ional Tender. Since ent ire business of Power Division isnow being carr ied out against L /C, internat ional tenders oradvance payments, chronic problem of delayed payments hasalso been resolved.


    Business in appl iances division has shown mixed t rend but the Company

    is f inal ly on the r ight t rack. Crystal Refr igerator with Aero designand Danfoss compressor with performance cert i f icat ion by Danfoss

    Germany was launched in the February 1999. This has been received

    very wel l in the market and our refr igerator sales have shown an

    increase of ver 125% since 1999. This thrust is expected to cont inue in

    the fol lowing year as a resul t of companys innovat ive approach in

    product development coupled w ith an aggressive market ing st rategy.

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    Deep Freezer tested and cert i f ied by Danfoss Germany and

    with improved aesthet ics has also been wel l received by the market . We

    have already been supplying our Deep Freezers to Coca-Cola

    internat ional and lever Brothers and intend to cont inue our focus oninst i tut ional sales of this product .

    Sales of window Air-condi t ioners is almost at the same level of

    last year but have not reached the desired level with a pressure on

    prices and exchange rates impact causing increase in losses to the

    subsidiary PEL Appliances Limited. Main reason of this si tuat ion is a

    huge influx of imported product as a resul t of change in custom

    valuat ion recorders al lowing imports at during prices and underinvoicing. In addi t ion supply of smuggled air-condi t ioners also

    cont inued even after Governments announcement to impose controls on

    such act ivi t ies. This is expected to discont inue af ter old stocks of

    smuggled goods are exhausted and fresh suppl ies are not al lowed.Thecompany in order to address the above situat ion has embarkedupon a major plan to improve product q ual i ty, widen product range,introduce power ef f ic ient models, add competi t ive features l ikeremote control, added f i l ters etc. And to improve the productaesthet ical ly. After consistent ef forts in the recent years PEL havebeen able to develop a new range of models under the brandsname of Energy Saver . The cool ing and balanci ng i f this machineis tested & cert i f ied by Copeland of USA. This has received a veryposit ive response from the market due to i ts ef f ic ient energysavings, cool ing, low noise, compact size, nature fr iendly features.PEL ant ic ipates that the company wil l make a break through in thevolume of Energy Saver as what we have successful ly performedin case of Crystal brand Refr igerators. In addit ion a major exerciseis being done to reduce material cost and improve manufactur ingprocess. Technical support and know how is being obtained frominternat ional companies and foreign laborator ies to achieve this

    object ive.

    PELAPPLIANCESLTD. Deep Freezers and window air-condit ioners are the products of

    subsidary PEL I t is expected that PEL Appliances L imited should

    move into a healthier si tuat ion in the ensuing years.

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    History and background

    Pak Elektron was setup in 1956 as a Public Limited Company with the object of

    initially producing transformers, switchgears, and electric motors. AEG experts

    and PEL personnel carried out the designing and production of this equipment

    jointly. After the conclusion of joint venture agreement with AEG Saigol Group

    acquired the PEL COMPANY in October 1978.The company floated its shares to

    the general public and was listed on Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) and Lahore

    Stock Exchange (LSE).

    In 1980, Appliances Division was established and in 1981 it started the production

    of Window Type Air Conditioners with the technical collaboration of General

    Corporation of Japan. These air conditioners were well received in the market for

    its quality. Subsequently in 1987 the production of Refrigerators and Deep

    Freezers was started.

    In 1993 the company has started the assembly of Compressors for Refrigerators

    and Deep Freezers under technical collaboration with Messrs. NECCHI

    COMPRESSORI ofItaly.It was in early 70s that PEL became known in overseas

    markets due to its quality. The company started its export to countries like Saudi

    Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Qatar etc. Later on PEL supplied electrical equipments to

    various other countries in the Middle East, Far East and Africa with great success.

    PEL (Pak Elektron Limited) is the flag holder of the Saigol Group of Companies.

    Pak Elektron Limited (PEL) is the pioneer manufacturer of electrical goods inPakistan. It was established in 1956 in technical collaboration with M/s AEG of

    Germany. In October 1978, the Saigol Group of Companies bought the company.

    Since its inception, the company has always been contributing towards the

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    advancement and development of the engineering sector in Pakistan by introducinga range of quality home appliances.

    In the year 1980 the company expanded into consumer products with the

    introduction of Window Type Air Conditioners and today also manufactures Split

    Air Conditioners, Refrigerators, Microwave ovens, Deep Freezers and

    Compressors etc. PEL products right from the beginning have been of a high

    standard and the name PEL is synonymous with QUALITY all over Pakistan.

    Since its inception, the company has been acting as an institution working for the

    advancement and development of engineering know how in Pakistan. The

    company has produced hundreds of engineers, skilled workers and technicians

    through its apprenticeship schemes and training programs.

    In October 1978, the company was taken over by the SAIGOL GROUP, which is

    one of the leading industrial groups in PAKISTAN, having diversified business

    activities in the fields of: Textile, Engineering, Banking & Finance, Fuel &

    Energy, Trading, Automobiles.

    Vision Statement

    To excel in providing engineering goods and services through continuous


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    Mission Statements

    To provide quality products & services to the complete satisfaction of our

    customers and maximize returns for all stakeholders through optimal use of


    To focus on personal development of our employees to meet future


    To promote good governance, corporate values and a safe working

    environment with a strong sense of social responsibility.

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