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Siebel Interview Q&A

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1. What is detailed category in configuration, and its use?ANS. In an application, we see a page tab let say Account. Below that we have let say My/My Teams/All Accounts. Each has a form applet showing account name, address etc. Related to this we have several tabs like account address, account profile…clicking on which show us accounts detail in that specific area.

So the Account is Aggregate category. My /my teams/all is Aggregate View…These tabs which will show details of Account is Detail Category. So any child object of an aggregate category showing details of an entity is Aggregate category

2. How will you do validations in escripts and in configuration?

ANS. In Tools select the object definition, right click and select validate. this is used to check the correctness of values of a particular object before going to store.

in escripting, once we write script then we can do validation by check syntax option.

3. Siebel 7.7 How do you add Button Icon in an Applet? Like New,Query,Delete.I want Activate Button also .

ANS. You can add those buttons by creating controls under that applet

and specifying a method name under that.

you can get a Dropdown box for method Name and select from that..

4. What is difference between s_opty_x and s_opty_xm tables.

ANS. s_opty is a base table for which

 s_opty_x is an extension table with 1:1 relationship

 s_opty_xm is an extension table with 1:M relationship


5. What difference between join specification and join definition?ANS "Join" object specifies the table name and "Join Specification" object specifies the Primary Key Foreign Key relationship


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6. What is force active property?ANS. Force Active property for a field makes it accessible in scripting even if it is not in UI.

7. What is Symbolic URL in Siebel.ANS. Symbolic URL allow you to configure Portal Agents in several ways. You use Symbolic URL Arguments for two purposes, to define data to be sent to an external host and to submit commands to SWE that affect the behavior of Portal Agents.

8. What value will get stored in the database when a field has both predefault value and post default value

ANS. Answer is Predefault Value.

Explanation: When user clicks the new record button,predefault value will get populated in that field, post default value will get stored only when user doesn’t type any value in the field and saves the record. Since already value has been populated by predefault property, it will get stored in the database

9. Difference between LOV and Picklist??

ANS. LOV is to store the values for the picklist  in the application admin and where as picklist is used to select the value from the list of values

10. How to run Genbscript.exe?

ANS. The syntax for running genbscript is:

When you run genbscript.exe, all browser scripts in the repository are generated. They are placed in a directory that you specify using the destination directory parameter (dest_dir). The genbscript.exe utility is located in: siebsrv_root/bin or client_root/bin

genbscript config_file dest_dir [language]

For example:

genbscript c:\sea15022\client\bin\enu\uagent.cfg c:\sea15022\client\public\enu enu

11. What is Detail Applet and Association Applet?

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ANS. Detail applet is nothing but Form Applet, Association applet is used to implement M:M relationship.


Detail applet word is used in the context, when there is a Master Detail relation. in this case there will be one master and many child records. so, we usually show these child records in list applet and not in form applet

12. What is the difference between MVG applet And a pick Applet?

Ans.MVG is nothing but to display the child records for the parent table ,and for pick applet to update join fields


Pick applet is used when there is 1:1 relationship and MVG is used when there is 1:M r/n.


pick applet is used for M:1 relationships. basically we use pick applet to change the stamping of the

foreign key in the base table by picking a different record other than existing (modifying join column).

13.what is applet toggle how many types are there?Ans. Applet toggle identifies one or more alternate applets to use in displaying the

data of a business component. They are 2 types static and dynamic

14. How to call external webpage from Siebel application

ans. This can be done through scripting..

For an example:

In preinvoke method for a button click,


will open a webpage for a given url in URLNAME variable

15. what is the maximum number of applets can be there in a view

ans. There can be eight applets at most.

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8 is max and that also depends on the web template you are using


There can be eight applets at most in Siebel6.

There can be 16 applets at most in Siebel7.7

16.whats the difference between siebel 7.5 and 7.8? if we upgrade the application to 7.8from 7.5 what are the areas we need to give importance from QA(Testing) point of view?

ANS.Various Areas are -->

1. Workflows to be activated

2. All server components ( including repeating component)

3. All Interfaces

4. Third party software integration ( Humming Bird, ChartWork Server, IBM-LDAP, Actuate etc)

5. Actuate reports

6. Copy/Reprice Quote Functionality

7. Assignment Manager


Siebel 7.8 is different from version 7.5 in many ways. some of them are;

1. Product Configurator. This was one of the major changes in Siebel 7.8 , now versioning of the products is supported and same product can have multiple versions available. only one version is active at a time.

17. What is the use of the indirect multivalue link and how do you configure it?

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ANS.consider there are 3 bus comps. in that say there is no relation ship between the 1st and 2nd bus comp and there is relation ship between 2nd and 3 rd bus comp. but some fields are necessary  from the 2nd bus comp. it will be fetched through the relationship from 1st and 3rd bus comp. this is called indirect MVL.

18. How do you display the no. of records in a picklist(combo box/drop down) not the records in the pickapplet, in just 3 rows and not 5 rows(which is the default)?

ANS. Set the HTML no of rows to 3

19. How do you import LOV\'s

ANS. With regard to my question above, please specify how we can import data without EIM.  Is it possible to do it using siebel tool/client?


Without EIM cannot importing the data it’s by the siebel tool.


we can use siebel VB scripting

insert method


You can export LOVs using Application Deployment Manager.

20. What is Seibel Admin Mode View? How to create one?

ANS. Admin Mode View is nothing but, it has Admin Mode Property set to true. It will override all the visibility rules

21.What is Siebel Admin Mode View? How to Create this?

ANS. Admin Mode property set to TRUE in View object definition.

Admin Mode view overrides the property of Business component. This view allow the user to do update, insert, and delete etc. which may not be available

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in other view of same BC. Because admin mode view overrides the No update, No insert ,No delete BC property. used for administration purpose

21. What is the purpose of 1:M extended table?

ANS. 1. we can use it in parent child relationship where the child entity is lonely related to the parent table.

2. or we can make it as a intersection table by adding the foreign key of another table's primary key in the 1:M extended table

22. What is Siebel Gateway?

ANS. Siebel Gateway is the name server which controls the Enterprise Server.

23. How can you do the data cleansing in EIM?

ANS. EIM Does not support data cleansing

24. How can you resolve Foreign Key in EIM?

ANS. Populate all User key columns which will resolve foreign key. still u have doubt let me know

25. What is the use of Item Identifier.

ANS. with regard to control properties in applet it identifies, how to move through tab button.


by this property we can arrange/change the order of the page tab/view tab


nope.. it’s an ID of control tag in the applet.. but for the tab sequence its HTML sequence Property

Note: it’s as per 7.7 version.


26. what is the use of LDAP user ?

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ANS It is used as a third party authentication for an end user which can be modified to have a single sign on to multiple application apart from Siebel.

27. Where does the Primary Field of an MVG stored?

ANS. Primary Id Field will be stored in the Parent BC.

28. What is the difference between Links and Multi Value links?

ANS. Link is used for Master Detail View of two BCs. where as MVL is used to view the child records using MVG. MVL uses Link to get the records from the child BC.


I want to have some real time business scenarios for my project....can anyone provide me

29. What is foreign key table in Siebel?

ANS. foreign key table is the property for a column in the table. it specifies for a column from which table this reference has been came


This is one of the properties of the column in a table. It specifies the table to which this column is a foreign key

30. Why do you need Primary in MVG?

ANS. for a multivalue field there is a field called SSA Primary Field available in the parent BC. this field stores the primary child. which avoids querying on the child BC for displaying the value in the MVG. this is for performance improvision. this creates 1:1 Link.


Multi value group applet is a dialog box which displays and maintains a set of records from another BC associated with currently displayed BC record. One record in the MVG applet is made primary. The record with primary check box ticked is the one which gets displayed in the originating applet controls.


A Primary creates a M:1 relationship b/w the Parent and the Child record.

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Thus it increases the performance by allowing a single query using the SQL join to display both the Parent and the Child records in parent Applet.

Without primaries, each MVG needs a separate query to display a child record in the parent Applet. With Primary, using a single query, you will be able to display both the parent and the child records.

31. when do we use genbscript.exe?

ANS it creates the class files for the JavaScript (browser scripts).


Whenever we make changes to the UI level...it is advisable to run genbscript.exe


genbscript stands for generate browser script. genbscript is used to generate browser scripts from command line interface

32. If a view has Admin Mode Property = TruthenwhatwillhappentoUserProperties we write on them

ANS. If a view has adminmode property true then The administrator see all the views---------mani


The User Properties won't work for that view.


That’s Right , I don’t think it will work practically in 7.7, I set true read only field at applet level and I tried at bc level also but , the out put which I’m expecting is coming .

IF any body can help me out , I will be thankful



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When a view has its Admin Mode Flag property set to TRUE, it over-rides the Read-Only properties set at the Business Component level only, and not at the applet level

33. When do you use "CanInvoke(False/True)" method in scripting.

ANS. We use it before invoking a method in PreCanInvoke Event and verify a condition. Based on the result, we can make the method Invoke =True/False. It is just like validating a condition before invoking the method.


To enable/disable the menu items and buttons on the applet if the required condition is met

34. When do you use Property Sets in Siebel

ANS. Property Sets are the Hierarchical structures of Variable Names and Values. These Property Sets can be used in Workflow processes Parameters or for any input or output Parameters in scripting.

Ex: var input = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();

     var output = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();

after this we can store sets of Variables and their values.

35. What is Client Business Service?

ANS. We can see the Business Services Client also. These are called Client Business Services we can see them in Business Service Administration Screens. We can write the script for the BS in the client itself. After writing the BS there is no need to compile those BS's.

36. When do we go for Dynamic PickList and for Pick Applet?

ANS. We go for Dynamic Picklists When we want to update joins( as normally joins are not updatable). We go for a pick applet when we choose a dynamic picklist. Pickapplets help you that the whole list applet of the Bc whose field is joined to the parent. Where as in static picklist you can only choose from predefined values but can’t update with any other values.

37. what is eapps.cfg file. and what is its significance.

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ANS. eapps.cfg file means swse.

This significance is which application should point to which object manager


eapps.cfg is the single configuration file for all siebel applications. It contains configuration information, login and security settings. It contains connect string for each siebel application

38. is it possible to have multiple database servers for one gateway server.

ANS. YES, But it needs multiple enterprise servers, for multiple database. As not more than one database, could be added to an enterprise server, these intern could be connected to a single Gateway Server

39. what is the function of SWSE on the Web Server? what is it?

ANS. SWSE(Siebel Web Server Extension)'s function is to accept the siebel requests and pass it on to Gateway server where the server manager decides, to which siebel server component should this request go

40.What is the "Parent Category" property for a Screen View?

ANS. This Parent Category specifies the view heading for a bunch of views related. the views belongs to this Parent Category will be shown as View Tabs below the master applet

40. what is horizontal and vertical in siebel?

ANS. Siebel Horizontal application is general to every industry. where as Vertical is specific to a industry. such as eAutomobile, eInsurance, eBanking etc.


These are the types of applications. Example for Horizontal applications is transport. Here are examples for vertical applications are Eservice Call center application etc.

41.Why do we use Symbolic Strings in Siebel 77

ANS. For up gradation and language conversions.....


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In Siebel the text that is displayed on the screens and views are stored in the repository and compiled to an SRF file. This includes the names of every screen, views and fields. When you display a page the server uses the SRF file to determine which fields to show and what test (strings) are associated with each field. This model of keeping the strings from the view definition is called symbolic strings.

usesReduces the redundancy Simplifies maintenance because only you have to maintain one string for a given TermReduces the localization costs, Time and inconsistencies.

41. How do you specify a view to be displayed as aggregate view in Siebel 7.7

ANS. when add the View to the Screen you have a property called Type in which, you have to select "Aggregate View".


when adding view to screen specify the type as aggregate view. But Before that you should create the parent category. Then add this parent category to aggregate view.

42. When you have Pre Default Value and Post Default value for a Field, which one will be stored in the Database

ANS. Please tell me how to add questions in latest Questions at home page


Pre Default Value will be defaulted when new record is created. Post Default Value will be defaulted if there is no value specified for the field. so, Pre Default Value will be stored in the Database. You can add questions by clicking the hyperlink on the above bar "Ask Question".

43. What is All Mode Sort?

ANS. This property determines whether or not siebel will override the sort specification and if so determines the sort that will be applied to the BC for All or Manager's view. The values are TRUE, FALSE or NORMAL

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NORMAL-usesBCdefinedsortspecificationTrue --Overrides the BC sort and Uses theU1index False - Removes all sorting

44. What does Business Component User Mode indicate

ANS. Business Component User Mode specifies the Visibility setting for the BC. Like "All", "Personal", "Manager", "Organization

45. what is the link specification

ANS. To predefault parent bc field in any of his child bc, this property must be set to true.


Link spec uses parent type default values & gets the value for the child record

46. What is the difference between "PickList Generic" and "PickList Hierarchical" Business components?

ANS. PickList Generic" BC is used for Static Picklists. "PickList Hierarchical" is used for Hierarchical PickLists

47. What is an extension table and how is it related to base table?

ANS. Extension table may be 1:1 relation table to the base table or a 1:M relation to the base table. 1:1 extension table and the base table are logically considered as a single table. Par_row_idwillbetheforiegnkey.   OR

Extension tables are 1:1 or 1:M extensions of Base tables, like S_PARTY (base) has S_CONTACT etc. For  a 1:1 extension there is implicit join but for a 1:M extension. You can only extend a base table. For 1:1 there is a PAR_ROW_ID to ROW_ID join and for a 1:M there is 3 different columns that represents a unique record. 

48. What are Pre defined Queries?

ANS. if anyone has worked on the siebel application they will understand this more easily. assume that u have enabled call center in your siebel application and once u login to this application and then click on various link in the application, we find at the top right hand corner a list box of some statements. these statements are called

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pre-defined queries, which will help the customer in accessing the records faster this reducing the interaction of the business component with the database.


Pre Defined queries are some thing which helps us to navigate directly to particular screens or views. it helps in accessing the screens or views in faster manners


Custom Queries that are relevant to your business,

Sitemap>Application Administration>Pre Defined Queries> Query on object, Name and the Query itself (SQL

49. How do you assign responsibilities to employees in Siebel?

ANS. In Administration Group > Employee there is a field called Responsibility there add your new Responsibility, make as Primary and remove the old one


Go To Sitemap->UserAdministration->Employees

In the Employee Applet Query for the required Employee and there in u will find a Responsibility field just click that to find the required responsibility and add it. If required set it to primary.


Go To SiteMap->UserAdministration->Employees

In the Employee Applet Query for the required Employee and there in u will find a Responsibility field just click that to find the required responsibility and add it. If required set it to primary

50. How do you set up employees in Siebel?

ANS. Create the users first, then assign them some responsibility and position. then create the database login


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The Employee is also a USER who must be assigned with a valid position. Since the Position maps to the Division which in turn maps to a Organization the Data visibility is maintained through this position and the Responsibility of the user.

51. What is the difference between an organization and division in Siebel

ANS. These are the hierarchical levels in the siebel, under organization the divisions will come


Organizations can be used to control data visibility, Divisions cannot


Organizations can be used to control data visibility, Divisions cannot. Divisions can be used to set Default Currencies


. An organization is divided into several divisions according to the organization set up. If your enquiry requires more specific information mail me to this address [email protected]

52. what is the difference between Join and Link?

ANS. Join:

(i)It defines M:1 relation between a field in BC to the Column in table.

(ii)Source Field is the Foreign key field in BC while Destination column is the Primary Key column in Table.


(i)It defines 1:M relation between a field in parent BC to the field in the child BC.

(ii)Source Field is the Primary Key field in Parent BC while Destination Field is the Foreign Key field in child BC.


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JOIN: gives relationship between two tables. LINK: Gives relationship between two BCs.in link child Bc is included under parent Business Object


Join is between BC and table and is used to retrieve no or atmost one record. where Link is between two BC's which will retrieve more than one record for a parent record

53. What is the difference between EIM and EAI?

ANS. EIM : is used for importing or deleting the large data

EAI : is used to integrate the Applications


EIM : It is batch mode Integration. When data volume is large then we have to go to EIM

EAI : It is real time Integration. When data volume is small then we have to go to EAI


EAI: is used when there are frequent changes in the database. Also when the data is small.

EIM:  is used when there is large data(eg. at the time of implementation) .also when There is no need of real-time-feeds.

54. How do you import List of Values?

ANS. Depends on any Hierarchies, but using EIM_LST_OF_VAL(for EIM load) import parents first then children, otherwise you will receive failure message.

55. When do we go for BC level user properties

ANS: when we need to set or reset the properties at runtime

56. What is implied Join. Where do we find it ?

ANS. Join between two Tables. Join Object defines The Relationship Between

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a Bc and a table. Join allows Bc to get Column from table rather then base table.

In Mvg Applet we can find the join, It uses Foreign key to get the Row.


Implied joins are between Base Table and Extended Table. These are typical 1:1 joins. There is no need to create explicit join objects for them. If you go to the Flat Tab in Object Explorer, all the joins which have the alias name same as the table name are Implied Joins.


Implied joins are also called implicit joins. Its a join existing b/w a Base table and its extension table.

57. How do you recognize that a particular table (Base table ) can be extended?

ANS. If the table property is Private, then we can not extend the table. If it is Public, we can.

58. What are the different types of Columns.

ANS. Columns: 1.Data (Public), 2.Data (Private), 3.Denormalized, 4.Extension, 5.System

59. what are different types of Tables?

ANS. Base Tables and Interface Tables


3 type of tables:

Data , Repository & EIM tables


There are 4 types of tables in siebel

1) Base Table (Ex: s_contact, s_user)

2) Extension table ( Ex: s_contact_x)

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3) EIM tables

4) Intersection Tables (Ex: s_org_bu)


a. data tables

      1. base tables


b. repository tables

c. interface tables

60. How many type of siebel Data model extensions are there?

ANS. standard and custom extensions

61. What is the difference between Master- detail view and MVG.

ANS. master detail view displays the parent and child applets. this is the different view. with MVG, we can see the child records without going for another view. this will be achieved by MVG applet.


Following are the main advantages:-

1) MVG Makes effective use of the space.

2) Multiple set of detail records can be viewed from a single view


Master-detail view displays the child records in different applet for a given parent record, where MVG displays the child record(s) in the same applet.

62. What does position represents in Siebel?

ANS. In siebel, Based on the position of the employee, the records will be displayed


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Position determines which records can be accessed by which users.

This is in contrast to Responsibility, which gives View Access.


Responsibility gives access to views, where as position gives access to data in those views.

63. What happens if you create an employee in Siebel application and forget to create

ANS. The employees would not be able to log in as you have to create a database login and password for the employee to login into the client application.

64. What is Virtual BC?what is the use of vbc?

ANS. Vbc are mainly used to load data in siebel database from external source


Virtual Business Component is used to display the data from another Legacy database table, in the Siebel screen.


If we want to show data in the applet from other than siebel data base we use VBC.

65. How is load balancing maintained in Siebel?

ANS. Image Cache is the component in Web Server that reduces load on Siebel Servers and file system


Load balancing is maintained by the Gateway server using the third party software Resonate Central Dispatch.


in 7.5 its achieved with resonate. In 7.7 and above it is only achieved by Siebel for web client requests through a round robin mechanism. This uses a load balance config file that defines the app servers for a specific server alias. The alias are represented in the eapps.cfg file in place of physical server/gateway names.

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Multiple aliases may be present in the load balance config file and be used to accomplish different load balance scenarios for different object manager urls.

66. Is it required to install gateway server before installing a Siebel server?

ANS. Yes, Because one Gateway Server can have multiple Siebel Servers

67. What does install.ksh and imprep.ksh files do?

ANS. Imprep.ksh : This is a database unix shell script provided by siebel for importing all your sif files in siebel repository. It is automatically run while installing siebel and it prepares Repository file in tools. Install.ksh : contains all manually applied installation files.

68. What is seed data in Siebel?

ANS. Data created in the Siebel database during Siebel application installation Process. 


The data that siebel supplies as a part of siebel vanilla application is seed data.


Data which is loaded during Siebel installation is called Seed data.


it is siebel supplied data means from vanila application

69. How is Siebel 7.x data model is different from Siebel 6.0 data model?

ANS. The main differnece is the S_PARTY Table is introduced in Siebel 7.x data model


S_PARTY is the base tables and S_CONTACT,S_ORG_EXT,S_POSTN, S_USER are now extension tables. Siebel 6.x was dedicated application while from Siebel 7.x onwards we can access Siebel application via web.

70. How does your b/c and view related?

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ANS: View contains applets which are related to b/c. Collection of b/cs is b/o.


Views contain Applets. Applets are based on Business Components. One view can have several applets. Each applet will be based on only one Business Component.

71. How is tools architecture constructed in Siebel?

ANS. In siebel tools Type gives parent child relationship and Flat displays all the siebel objects and Detail gives all the records in object

72. How do you control visibility in Siebel?

ANS. From the developers and administrators perspective you have to assign views, responsibilities for particular position. For applet level visibility , we can change the boolean value in applet -> controls.


visibility will be controlled by Position and Responsibility in Siebel. Position dictates the Data level visibility and the Responsibility dictates the view level visibility.


how do you implement data level visibility using positions


The following components determine the data within a view to which a user has access.

                      Business component view mode.       A view can have several applets—lists, forms, or trees. Each applet is based on a business component. The business component's view mode determines the allowable parties on which access control can be based for that business component. The business component's view modes also determine how the association with the party will be determined, for example "owned by" or "created by."

                     Applet visibility properties.

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                     View visibility properties.


The following fields in the BusComp View Modes list in Siebel Tools determine allowable visibility for a business component.

Owner Type. This field specifies the party type, with one exception (described in the following list), that is used to determine whether a user is associated with a record. The allowable owner types are:

Person. Access control can be based on the user's Person record. Position. Access control can be based on the position of the

user. Organization. Access control can be based on the organization

of the user, as determined by the organization to which the user's current position belongs.

Group. Catalog Category.

73. What do you mean by virtual business comp. in Siebel?

ANS. A BC which is not Based on any Siebel Base Tables and which get data data from other external systems instead of getting data from underlying siebel Base table

74. What is Resonate?

ANS. Resonate is third party software development tool, which is used for distributing the client request to the least laden siebel server


Resonate is a third party software tool. which, balances the load among the Siebel servers by priority wise or classification.

75. What is s_party table?

ANS. Release 7.x introduces the concept of a party table (S_PARTY), in which all persons and organizational units are held. With the new model, Accounts, Organizations, Internal Divisions, Contacts, Employees, Positions, and Households are all considered parties and can be referenced from the same table, S_PARTY.


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It is a base table for all party entities, now the s-org_ext,s_contact becomes the extension tables for s_party


s_party table is base table for all person and organization related base table. for example s_org_ext is the extension table of s_party. s_contact is the extension table of s_party.


S_PARTY Table is the Base Table for all the Party related tables.





and etc.

the party tables can have the implied joins. the party related BC's have the S_PARTY as the base table. so, any of these tables are extension tables.

76. What is Siebel file system?

ANS. It is a shared directory that stores compressed files used by Siebel applications. Examples:Productliterature,salestools,presentations Read/write access is controlled by the File System Manager component on Siebel Server. 

77. What is the new layer in Siebel 7.x version?

ANS. Physical User Interface Layer

78. Why is it not recommended to modify existing base tables?

ANS. During up gradation it will cause problem if we extend base tables. More over if it is necessary u can go for extension tables


modifying base tables would affect the performance of the siebel application

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79. the employee in the database?

ANS. the employee details will be stored in contact (his personal information), employee (his position, organization) and user (his user ID, password and other details) entities.

80.Why do you need to create employees at the database in Siebel?

ANS. To enable the employee to connect to the database using the Application and have database access, the user corresponding to that employee should be created in the Database.

80. What is position type field in position applet?

ANS. Position type field is a picklist in position applet

81. What does an opportunity, account contact do in Siebel?

ANS. In siebel, opportunity account and contact are the business entities. and these entities have relationships for example one account has many opportunity etc., the relationships are one to one or one to many, many to many. These business entities are very essential to configure siebel application.

If your enquiry needs more specific answer your can contact me at [email protected]

82. How is the opportunity related to an account?

ANS. the relationship between account to oppty

is 1:m


opportunity to account M:1 and account to opportunity 1:M

83. What is the relationship between a view and a b/o?

ANS. View references the business object. Every view is associated with a particular business object.

84. How do you create extension table to an interface table in Siebel?

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ANS. Extension tables are created only for base tables. I think we can not extend the interface table.

85. Can you create an extension table with an intersection table

ANS. We can not create an extension table with an intersection table 

86. How do you create intersection table?

ANS. In Tools select new object wizard in that select Table enter the name of the table starting with CX_ and select the project and specify the type of table i.e. an intersection table for the two existing tables

Then it will ask the first Parent Table and foreign key column name for the first parent table in the same way fill the second parent table and FK column.

87. What is name server? What does it do?

ANS. Gateway server is name server. It acts as a single entry point for assessing enterprise server. Dynamically registers siebel server and connection brokering. Stored in sibens.dat file in a shared document.


Name server is the part of gateway server that dynamically registers all servers in enterprise, serves a connection broker across the enterprise.

88. How is Siebel 7.x architecture different from Siebel 6.x? How is Siebel 7.x architecture different from Siebel 6.x?

ANS. In siebel 7.x it was defined as 1.Physical user interface2.Logical user interface3.Business layer4.Data layer5.Third party RDBMS The main difference is , In siebel 6.x Physical interface was not achieved. In Physical Interface includes web templates, cuss sheets

89. How will you improve your performance in views?

ANS. we can improve the performance by the picklists in a view


The basic factors for performance decrease in views will be. more number of applets. which led to many links. and more joined fields in a single applet. MVG's which do not have the primaries set.

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90. How will you edit the joined fields values in join?

ANS. Configure picklist to edit value in joined field.


Using picklists and MVGs. MVGs require join field and link as prerequisites unlike picklists where just a join is enough.


Using picklists and MVGs. MVGs require join field and link as prerequisites unlike picklists where just a join is enough.

91. What is constrainted picklist? Where you will drop the constraints?

ANS. Constrainted picklist displayed value based on constraint used.

Add field to constraint in pickmap of a field where picklist has configured in BC and set constraint option of added field to true.

92. What is the use of catch in escript?

ANS. The catch clause is used to handle the exception. To raise an exception, use the throw statement. When you want to trap potential errors generated by a block of code, place that code in a try statement, and follow the try statement with a catch statement. The catch statement is used to process the exceptions that may occur in the manner you specify in the exception_handling_block. The following example demonstrates the general form of the try statement with the catch clause. In this example, the script continues executing after the error message is displayed: try { do_something; } catch( e ) { TheApplication().RaiseErrorText(Clib.rsprintf( "Something bad happened: %s

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",e.toString())); }


1. When i run load runner scirpt of Siebel application we are getting Siebel_row_id error.

please let me know how to solve this issues.

ANS. Scan action correlation can resolve you problem .

Each Time you run the application the server will create new session id

2. what is link specification

ANS. The field value passed as the default value to  the child business component when the link spec is specified

3. What is the primary difference between Siebel 7.5.2 and 7.7 Versions ?

ANS. We are having lot of differences between siebel 7.7 and 7.5.2. the primary difference among them is " Symbolic strings are available in Siebel 7.7 and not available in 7.5.2".

hence the future scope for up gradation like things are high in siebel 7.7.


The other diff is Workflow has been shifted to Tools so has become a part of srf.


what is functionality of symbolic strings

4. In i view I have two applets(List and Form)When i change any record in List Applet immediately Form Applet should become blank. How it is possible? Plz Explain thru Configuration and Script

ANS. When you create the Applets(list and Form) based on single(same) BC, you have to configure which fields you want to display in that applet. That fields only display in that applet.

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      If you display one field in both List and form applet means when you enter value in list applet that will automatically display in form applet.

5. what is different between bounded and unbounded picklist?

ANS. We can enter free text incase of Unbounded Picklist. But, incase of Bounded Picklist, we can not enter free text.


We can enter free text incase of Unbounded Picklist. But, incase of Bounded Picklist, we can not enter free text.

6. Optimization techniques in EIM

ANS. ) Limit base tables and columns to be processed by using : only base Tables, ignore base Tables, only base Columns, ignore base Columns.

2) Always delete batches from EIM tables upon completion. Leaving old batches in the EIM table wastes space and can adversely affect performance. For other suggestions on working with batches.

3) Run independent EIM jobs in parallel. Two or more EIM processes can be started simultaneously by using the Siebel Server Manager.

4) Trace Flag Settings, using Synonyms, primary key only Parameters

Limiting the Number of Records and Rows for Merge Processes.

like this many techniques are there which will optimize the EIM process  

7. what is siebm

ANS. siebmtsh.exe is a process created when you bring up siebel servers, depending on the number of object managers that are enabled the number of siebmtsh.exe processes increases.tsh.exe

8. Dynamic Picklist is used to Update Join Fields? How?

ANS. Actuavally we cannot modify the join fields we cannot do any modifications and updations on that fields to do these things we create the dynamic picklist or pickapplet.dynamic picklist to modify (to enter new records )in the join fields

9. what is Localization?

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ANS. Modify the object definitions in the  local repository

10. What is complex join? Difference with Foreign key Primary Key join?

ANS. Complex joins are joins which have following diffrences from a PK-FK joins

# Complex joins can have conditional mappings like >,<,>=,NOT,AND,etc apart from '=' whereas the PK-FK joins are always '='.

# PK-FK joins are always (1-N), whereas complex joins can have (1 - 0,1) and (0,1 - N) kind of relationships


complex join:- complex join are used in physical layer in between two tables where ever that do not involved primary key and forgin key relationship.

Foregin Key:- by using the forgin key we can define the joins between two tables. joins between is 1:M or M:M. if we want to define many:many relationship we have to use bridge tables.


you mentioned that  PK-FK is always 1-N and  complex joins can have (1-0,1) and (0,1-N).

as per my knowledge i understand that 1-N is one -- many relation .

can you tell me what is these relationships (1-0,1) and (0,1-N)


1-N), whereas complex joins can have (1 - 0,1) and (0,1 - N) kind of relationships

11. what is the difference between 1:1 and 1:M extension tables

ANS. 1:1 extension table is like an extension to the base table. if we do not have the required table space in the base table for creating new extension columns, we will use the 1:1 extension table's columns using an implicit join.

in contrast, 1:M extension tables are used for parent child relationship with the base table. where the 1:M extension has only related to the base table. for

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example, for a contact (S_CONTACT) there will be a number of specialties in the extension table(S_CONTACT_XM) with the parent child relationship.


In Siebel for the base tables like S_CONTACT suppose you have 3 address for a particular contact. A person is working at 2 places plus his home address. Now you can not store this is in S_Contact as every contact has a unique row id and that can not be repeated. So you have S_CONTACT_XM. i.e an extension table to S_CONTACT but with 1:M relation. 

12. I have created Hierarchical Picklist. IN parent all the values are displayed. when the values selected in the parent its displays proper value in the child picklist.

ANS. The search specification for the parent pick list should be "Parent Id is Null".

13. difference between Fields and single value fields

ANS. multivalue field has the child values from a child BC for the parent record configured through MVL. single value field will be either from the base table or joined table.


can explain you the Difference between Single Value Field (SVF) and Multi Value Field(MVF)

SVF- a field in BC which references a column in a table

MVF- a field in parent BC which references a field in child BC

Field-Identifies and defines a field in a business component. All fields making up a business component record contain entries from both Single Value Field and Multi Value Field object types.

14. How can a particular user among four users with same responsibility can have access to particular view and this view should not be visible to other users?

ANS. yes by assigning the position and giving a unique, user id he can access the data

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The new views which are to be restricted from the other 3 users can be grouped up in a separate responsibility and then the 1st user can be assigned that the newly created responsibility. This will save time and will ensure smooth operations as well.


think this is possible only by scripting. given view's item identifier should be '0'. we need to capture the USERID of the particular user. if that user id matches the login name then we need to change this view's item identifier to any other number other than zero.

this script should be written at application level.


The views can also be restricted by personalization...where all the 4 users will have the same responsibility ...but only a single user can see a specific view.

15. How we will create Drilldown in Form applet..........Please explain

ANS. Usually Drilldowns will be in List Applets only. But, in Siebel 6 there are Drilldowns on Form applets also. But, these are not similar to those in List Applets. in order to go to the target view we need to right click on the applet, on the menu shown we can find the available Drilldowns with Title as "Go To XYZ View".


It is possible through scripting either Siebel VB/ eScript.

16. What is TPM ?  

ANS. It is something related to Siebel Trade promotion Management


TPM = Total Productivity Management. Its a manufacturing term..

17. What is the difference between MVG & Dynamic PickList?

ANS. A new value could be added through an MVG where as Dynamic Pick Applet could only be used to pick a value from a pick applet which

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could be constrained to show relevant data. A value entered through an MVG will show up in a Dynamic Pick Applet if the Dynamic Pick Applet is based on that MVG.


MVG---More than one value associated with Single field

Dynamic Pik list---It drawn value from the BC

1. What is foreign key table in Siebel? 2. Why do you need Primary in MVG? 3. When do we use genbscript.exe? 4. If a view has Admin Mode Property = True, then what will happen to User Properties we write on them.? 5. When do you use "CanInvoke(False/True)" method in scripting. 6. When do you use Property Sets in Siebel. 7. What is Client Business Service? 8. When do we go for Dynamic PickList and for Pick Applet? 9. Pick Applet, Dynamic Picklist: which will be better if performance issue is considered. 10. How do you create the siebel developer client (mobile client) 11. What is eapps.cfg file. and what is its significance. 12. Is it possible to have multiple database servers for one gateway server.

13. What is the function of SWSE on the Web Server? What is it? 14. What is the "Parent Category" property for a Screen View? 15. What is horizontal and vertical in siebel? 16. Why do we use Symbolic Strings in Siebel 77 17. How do you specify a view to be displayed as aggregate view in Siebel 7.7 18. When you have Pre Default Value and Post Default value for a Field, which one will be stored in the Database 19. What is All Mode Sort? 20. What does Business Component User Mode indicate