Quasar Management Services Pty Ltd Enertren M Panel Structural Cladding Professional Engineers Opinion Q11062101-2 12/9/11 Rod Johnston Page 1 Enertren M Panel Structural Cladding Professional Engineers Certification Rod Johnston B Tech, M Eng Sc, MICD, CP Eng, NPER, MIE Aust, RPEQ p: 0407 2128 926 [email protected] Quasar Management Services Pty Ltd Incorporated in NSW ABN 21 003 954 210 49A Parklands Road, Mt Colah NSW 2079, Australia p: +61 2 9482 5750 www.electronicblueprint.com.au f : +61 2 4360 2256 [email protected] Sigma Panel (M Panel) www.soovee.cn

Sigmapanel(m panel) structural test

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Page 1: Sigmapanel(m panel) structural test

Quasar Management Services Pty Ltd Enertren M Panel Structural Cladding Professional Engineers Opinion

Q11062101-2 12/9/11 Rod Johnston Page 1


M Panel Structural Cladding

Professional Engineer’s Certification

Rod Johnston B Tech, M Eng Sc, MICD, CP Eng, NPER, MIE Aust, RPEQ p: 0407 2128 926 [email protected]

Quasar Management Services Pty Ltd Incorporated in NSW ABN 21 003 954 210 49A Parklands Road, Mt Colah NSW 2079, Australia p: +61 2 9482 5750 www.electronicblueprint.com.au f : +61 2 4360 2256 [email protected]

Sigma Panel (M Panel)


Page 2: Sigmapanel(m panel) structural test

Quasar Management Services Pty Ltd Enertren M Panel Structural Cladding Professional Engineers Opinion

Q11062101-2 12/9/11 Rod Johnston Page 2

Contents Professional Engineer’s Certification

Appendix A – Product Description

Appendix B – Professional Engineer’s Certification

Appendix C – Tests

Appendix D – Rod Johnston – Qualifications and Experience

Sigma Panel (M Panel)


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Q11062101-2 12/9/11 Rod Johnston Page 3

M Panel Structural Cladding Professional Engineer’s Certification

Scope This Professional Engineer’s Certification deals with the structural properties of M Panel Structural Cladding, which satisfy, or assist in satisfying, directly or indirectly various parts of the Building Code of Australia (BCA). Basis This Professional Engineer’s Certification is based on the current published technical information, manuals, test reports and the like, including those that are reproduced in this Professional Engineer’s Certification. This Professional Engineer’s Certification is valid only for materials and construction complying with that technical information. Validity This Professional Engineer’s Certification is valid for:

a period of five years from the date of publication; or

until superseded by more recent technical information or by other certification, such as CodeMark third-party certification;

whichever occurs first. Product Description Product Descriptions of Structural Cladding are set out in Appendix A. Professional Engineer’s Certification A summary of the Professional Engineer’s Certification, is set out in Appendix B. Tests Relevant tests, like data and comments are set out in Appendix C.

Rod Johnston B Tech, M Eng Sc, MICD, CP Eng, NPER, MIE Aust, RPEQ p: 0407 2128 926 [email protected]

Quasar Management Services Pty Ltd Incorporated in NSW ABN 21 003 954 210 49A Parklands Road, Mt Colah NSW 2079, Australia p: +61 2 9482 5750 www.electronicblueprint.com.au f : +61 2 4360 2256 [email protected]

Sigma Panel (M Panel)


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Q11062101-2 12/9/11 Rod Johnston Page 4

Appendix A - Product Description The M panels supplied by the client for testing were composite panels of

Construction Two 6mm Magnesium Oxide boards with Magnesium Sulphate and lightweight aggregate infill.

Length 3,000 mm

Width 900 mm

Nominal thickness 75 mm

No connections were supplied. A bolted pole-plate connection was fabricated for the eccentrically loaded compression test.

Sigma Panel (M Panel)


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Appendix B – Professional Engineer’s Certification

Connections This report does not cover the strength of structural connections, which are yet to be designed. Structural connections shall be designed, detailed, tested and analyzed before final design recommendations and manuals are prepared.

Flexure The design bending capacity is 2.43 kN.m per metre length. Table 1 demonstrates that M Panels spanning up to 3.0 m may be used in Wind Classifications N1 and N2 for all parts of walls (both within 1.2 m of a corner and beyond). For other applications, the permissible span should be read from Table 1.

Table 1



to AS 4055


Span, H


Average Pressures

N1 3.00

N2 3.00

N3 3.00

N4 2.95

N5 2.43

N6 2.09

C1 3.00

C2 2.54

C3 2.09

C4 1.80

N1 3.00

N2 3.00

N3 2.94

N4 2.41

N5 1.99

N6 1.71

C1 2.55

C2 2.09

C3 1.72

C4 1.48

Local Pressures (Within 1.2

m of the corners)

Sigma Panel (M Panel)


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Q11062101-2 12/9/11 Rod Johnston Page 6

Compression M Panels may be used to support vertical loads in the following circumstances:

Minimum permissible thickness of panel 75 mm

Maximum height of panel 3,000 mm

Walls shall consist of single panels that span vertically from the support to the point of load application, and shall not incorporate any horizontal joints.

Side-sway shall be prevented by an effective combination of bracing , cross walls and/or diaphragm roofs or floors.

Walls shall be fixed to horizontal supports to resist out-of-plane bending. The out-of-plane bending moment that is coincident with the vertical load shall not exceed 1.2 kN.m per metre length along the wall.

1. Concentric Load Capacity

Maximum design concentric load 50 kN per metre length along the wall

Maximum permissible eccentricity 0 mm

This capacity is only permissible when supporting roofs or floors that apply vertical load through a spreader incorporating a centrally located effective pin joint. That is, the load can only be applied concentric with the panels, and is spread uniformly across the panel thickness.

2. Face Load Capacity

Maximum design face load (up to 50 mm eccentricity) 10 kN per metre length along the wall

Maximum permissible eccentricity 50 mm from the face

This capacity is only permissible when supporting roofs or floors that apply vertical load through a steel angle seat (or pole plate) at an eccentricity not more than 50 mm.

It should be noted that:

Typical floor loads are of the order of 30 kN per metre length per suspended floor; and

Typical roof loads are of the order of 10 kN per metre length.

Racking Shear For panels supported 3.0 m high, the following design in-plane racking shear capacities are applicable:

1. Single panel 900 mm long 4.7 kN

2. Two panels 1,800 mm long 10.2 kN

Materials Safety This Professional Engineer’s Opinion does not cover any analysis for constituents, toxicity or safety. It is recommended that these be investigated and a Materials Safety Data Sheet be prepared by others.

Sigma Panel (M Panel)


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Q11062101-2 12/9/11 Rod Johnston Page 7

Appendix C Tests

Sigma Panel (M Panel)


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Flexural Strength of Panels Purpose The purpose of the tests is to:

1. Determine the load/deflection relationships of the panels in out-of-plane bending.

2. Determine the characteristic ultimate out-of-plane bending strength of the panels.

3. Determine the design out-of-plane bending strength of the panels, in accordance with AS/NZS 1170.0 Appendix B3.

4. Develop a general method of theoretical design for out-of-plane bending, which is supported by the tests.

Test Principal The principal is to subject the middle third of single panels to a uniform bending moment, using a four point flexure test, with vertical load applied to horizontal panels at the third points. Sample Size

Sample F1 Test a sample of 5 specimens.

Specimen Dimensions

Specification F1 Each specimen consists of a single panel 3,000 mm x 900 mm x 75 mm nominal thickness (two 6 mm MgO boards with concrete infill).

Test Method

1. Support panels in a horizontal position on two rollers, such that they span approximately 2,900 mm.

2. Apply a vertical load through a pair of bars, at the third points (i.e. 967 mm apart)

3. Record and plot loads and deflections continuously, including first crack, yield and ultimate.

4. If the panels appear weaker in one orientation, test in the weak orientation. Note: For houses, outward suction is usually the worst case, but only just. Installers will not be able to reliably orient the panels in a particular direction, particularly if that direction changes from site to site. Therefore, the design must be in the weakest direction.

5. Calculate the bending moments corresponding to the ultimate failure, taking account of both applied load and self weight.

Sigma Panel (M Panel)


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Q11062101-2 12/9/11 Rod Johnston Page 9

Sigma Panel (M Panel)


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Q11062101-2 12/9/11 Rod Johnston Page 10

Prototype Analysis The following table provides the results of the prototype tests, and the calculation to determine the design strength. Please refer to the University of Newcastle Report 543A for the comprehensive data.

Table F1 Property

Panel Flexure


University of Newcastle (Australia)

Report No


Report date

August /2011

Product tested

M Panels


78 mm thick composite of 6 mm MgO Board and

cementicious core

Test standard


Analysis standard

AS/NZS 1170.0

Measured values 1 kN.m/m width 3.763

2 kN.m/m width 3.547

3 kN.m/m width 3.733

4 kN.m/m width 3.658

5 kN.m/m width 3.690

Number in sample N - 5

Calculated mean M mean kN.m/m width 3.678

Calculated standard deviation M SD kN.m/m width 0.084

Calculated coefficient of variation vcalc % 2.3%

Coefficient of variation v % 15.0%

Variability factor kt - 1.460

Minimum value M min kN.m/m width 3.55

Factored design value ϕ M kN.m/m width 2.43

Theoretical Analysis

Fig F1- Typical Load/Deflection Plot

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1. This analysis is consistent with the small-scale flexure tests.

2. Behaviour is linear elastic up to a plateau where increasing deflection finally results in brittle failure.

3. The failure is most likely progressive debonding between the MgO board and the core, followed by rupture of the extreme fibre. The mean lateral modulus of rupture is 3.63 MPa.

4. This corresponds to a force in the 6 mm MgO boards of 20.1 kN/m width.

5. The shear stress at the interface between the MgO boards and the core is 0.018 MPa.

Specimen length 3.000 m

Span 2.900 m

Load position 0.967 m

Self weight 1.177 kN

0.900 m

Thickness of MgO boards 6 mm

Specimen, assuming homogenous material





Max shear





moment of



moment of


Lateral MORForce in

MgO board

Shear flow

at interface

Shear stress

at interface

W M V Z I Q T F q v

kN kN.m kN mm3 mm4 mm3 MPa kN N/mm MPa

6.15 3.39 3.08 912,600 35,591,400 194,400 3.711 18.50 16.8 0.0187

5.75 3.19 2.87 912,600 35,591,400 194,400 3.50 17.44 15.7 0.0174

6.10 3.36 3.05 912,600 35,591,400 194,400 3.68 18.35 16.6 0.0185

5.96 3.29 2.98 912,600 35,591,400 194,400 3.61 17.98 16.3 0.0181

6.02 3.32 3.01 912,600 35,591,400 194,400 3.64 18.14 16.4 0.0183

One metre width, assuming homogenous material

Ultimate LoadBending


Max shear





moment of


First moment

of flange



Force in




flow at



stress at


W M V Z I Q T F q v

kN kN.m kN mm3 mm4 mm3 MPa kN N/mm MPa

6.84 3.76 3.42 1,014,000 39,546,000 216,000 3.71 20.555 18.668 0.0187

6.39 3.55 3.19 1,014,000 39,546,000 216,000 3.50 19.373 17.445 0.0174

6.77 3.73 3.39 1,014,000 39,546,000 216,000 3.68 20.388 18.495 0.0185

6.62 3.66 3.31 1,014,000 39,546,000 216,000 3.61 19.977 18.070 0.0181

6.68 3.69 3.34 1,014,000 39,546,000 216,000 3.64 20.153 18.252 0.0183

Sigma Panel (M Panel)


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Application Table F2 sets out the applicable wind loads base on the design bending capacity determined above. Table F2

This table demonstrates that M Panels spanning up to 3.0 m may be used in Wind Classifications N1 and N2 for all parts of walls (both within 1.2 m of a corner and beyond). For other applications, the permissible span should be read from Table F2.

Wind Loads for Domestic Houses

Width of each panel B 900 mm

Design bending

moment capacity ? M 2.43 kN.m/m width

Maximum permissible

span Hmax 3.000 m

Wind Classification to

AS 4055

Ultimate Wind

Speed, Vu


Walls Net


Coefficient Cp,u

Walls Net

Pressure, p



Span, H


Average Pressures

N1 34 1.00 0.69 3.00

N2 40 1.00 0.96 3.00

N3 50 1.00 1.50 3.00

N4 61 1.00 2.23 2.95

N5 74 1.00 3.29 2.43

N6 86 1.00 4.44 2.09

C1 50 1.35 2.03 3.00

C2 61 1.35 3.01 2.54

C3 74 1.35 4.44 2.09

C4 86 1.35 5.99 1.80

Local Pressures (Within 1.2 m of the corners)

N1 34 1.50 1.04 3.00

N2 40 1.50 1.44 3.00

N3 50 1.50 2.25 2.94

N4 61 1.50 3.35 2.41

N5 74 1.50 4.93 1.99

N6 86 1.50 6.66 1.71

C1 50 2.00 3.00 2.55

C2 61 2.00 4.47 2.09

C3 74 2.00 6.57 1.72

C4 86 2.00 8.88 1.48

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Extracts from AS 4055

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Sigma Panel (M Panel)


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Compressive Strength of Panels Purpose The purpose of the tests is to:

1. Determine the load/deflection relationships of the panels in vertical compression.

2. Determine the characteristic ultimate vertical compressive strength of the panels.

3. Determine the design vertical compressive strength of the panels, in accordance with AS/NZS 1170.0 Appendix B3.

4. Develop design rules for vertical compression, which are supported by the tests. Test Principal The principal is to subject wall panels to vertical compression, in two situations:

Concentric load; and

Face load, applied through a typical pole plate arrangement. Sample Size

Sample No C1 Sample of 5 specimens Panel height 3,000 mm Panel width 600 mm Load application Concentric

Sample No C2 Sample of 5 specimens Panel height 3,000 mm Panel width 600 mm Load application Face load, applied through a typical pole plate arrangement.

Specimen Dimensions Each specimen consists of a single panel 3,000 mm x 600 mm x 75 mm nominal thickness (two 6 mm MgO boards with concrete infill). Test Method

1. Support panels in a vertical loading frame, spanning approximately 3,000 mm.

In the case of the concentric load test, the walls will be vertical.

In the case of the face-loaded test, the walls may be tilted such that load (applied 50 mm from the face and reacted at the centre of the base) is vertical.

2. Apply a vertical load until the panel fails, in crushing, buckling or prying of the load plate.

3. Record and plot loads and deflections continuously, including first crack, yield and ultimate.

4. Calculate the failure loads, bending moments corresponding to the ultimate failure, taking account of both applied load and self weight.

Sigma Panel (M Panel)


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Sigma Panel (M Panel)


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Prototype Analysis The following table provides the results of the prototype teats, and the calculation to determine the design strength.


Concentric Panel Compression

Eccentric Panel Compression


University of Newcastle (Australia)

University of Newcastle (Australia)

Report No

543B 543B

Report date

August /2011 August /2011

Product tested

M Panels M Panels


78 mm thick composite of 6 mm

MgO Board and cementicious core

78 mm thick composite of 6 mm

MgO Board and cementicious core

Test standard


Analysis standard

AS/NZS 1170.0 AS/NZS 1170.0

Measured values 1 kN/m 275.6 33.0

2 kN/m 239.2 30.7

3 kN/m 347.9 36.7

4 kN/m 334.3 31.8

5 kN/m 256.7 32.6

Number in sample N - 5 5

Calculated mean P mean kN/m 290.7 33.0

Calculated standard deviation P SD kN/m 48.0 2.3

Calculated coefficient of variation vcalc % 16.5% 6.9%

Coefficient of variation v % 16.5% 15.0%

Variability factor kt - 1.523 1.460

Minimum value P min kN/m 239.2 30.7

Factored design value ϕ P kN/m 157.0 21.0

Additional reduction factor ϕ' kN/m 0.32 0.50

Factored design value Φ’ P kN/m 50.0 10.0

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Theoretical Analysis

Fig C1 - Typical Load/Deflection Plot (Concentric Load)

Fig C2 - Typical Load/Deflection Plot (Eccentric Load)

Sigma Panel (M Panel)


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Calculation of vertical load corresponding to the design bending moment capacity Design bending capacity ϕ M = 2.43 kN.m / m Refer to Flexure Tests Nominal panel width T = 75 mm Load position (from panel edge) e1 = 50 mm Eccentricity e = 50 + 75 / 2

= 87.5 mm Vertical load causing bending moment P1 = ϕ M / e

= 2.43 x 1,000 / 87.5 = 27.8 kN / m

This corresponds approximately to the value or 21.kN / m width, which is the design capacity determined from the eccentrically loaded panel compression tests, analysed using AS/NZS 1170.0 Clause B3. An additional capacity reduction factor of 0.5 is applied to cater for vagaries surrounding the determination of the eccentricity of load application.

Sigma Panel (M Panel)


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Design Recommendations There is:

Only one set of concentrically loaded panels available (with a thickness/height of 40.0); and

One set of eccentrically loaded panels available (with a thickness/height of 39.3 [height of 2,950 mm is from the bottom to the load point] and an eccentricity of 87.5 mm from the panel centre [50 mm from the face] )

Given that there is only limited data available, limiting slenderness, limiting eccentricity and corresponding load capacities are specified, rather than developing a full general design formula. M Panels may be used to support vertical loads in the following circumstances:

Minimum permissible thickness of panel 75 mm

Maximum height of panel 3,000 mm

Walls shall consist of single panels that span vertically from the support to the point of load application, and shall not incorporate any horizontal joints.

Side-sway shall be prevented by an effective combination of bracing , cross walls and/or diaphragm roofs or floors.

Walls shall be fixed to horizontal supports to resist out-of-plane bending. The out-of-plane bending moment that is coincident with the vertical load shall not exceed 1.2 kN.m per metre length along the wall.

3. Concentric Load Capacity

Maximum design concentric load 50 kN per metre length along the wall

Maximum permissible eccentricity 0 mm

This capacity is only permissible when supporting roofs or floors that apply vertical load through a spreader incorporating a centrally located effective pin joint. That is, the load can only be applied concentric with the panels, and is spread uniformly across the panel thickness.

4. Face Load Capacity

Maximum design face load (up to 50 mm eccentricity) 10 kN per metre length along the wall

Maximum permissible eccentricity 50 mm from the face

This capacity is only permissible when supporting roofs or floors that apply vertical load through a steel angle seat (or pole plate) at an eccentricity not more than 50 mm.

It should be noted that:

Typical floor loads are of the order of 30 kN per metre length per suspended floor; and

Typical roof loads are of the order of 10 kN per metre length.

Sigma Panel (M Panel)


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In-plane Shear Strength of Panels (Racking Test) Purpose The purpose of the tests is to:

1. Determine the load/deflection relationships of the panels for in-plane shear strength.

2. Determine the characteristic ultimate in-plane shear strength of the panels.

3. Determine the design in-plane shear strength of the panels, in accordance with AS/NZS 1170.0 Appendix B3.

4. Develop a general method of theoretical design for in-plane shear strength, which is supported by the tests.

Test Principal The principal is to subject walls (consisting of either one or two panels) to racking loads, to determine their resistance. Sample Size

Sample No S1 Sample of 5 specimens Panel height 3,000 mm Panel width 900 mm Load application Horizontal

Sample No S2 Sample of 5 specimens Panel height 3,000 mm Panel width 1,800 mm (Two panels with typical joint connecting them) Load application Horizontal

Specimen Dimensions Each specimen consists of a either one or two panels, 3,000 mm x 900 mm x 75 mm nominal thickness (two 6 mm MgO boards with concrete infill). Test Method

1. Support panels in a vertical loading frame, spanning approximately 3,000 x either 900 or 1,800 mm.

2. Apply a horizontal in-plane load until the panel fails, in panel rupture or local crushing at the support.

3. Record and plot loads and deflections continuously, including first crack, yield and ultimate.

4. Calculate the failure loads, bending moments corresponding to the ultimate failure, taking account of both applied load, self weight and vertical anchorage load.

Sigma Panel (M Panel)


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Test Data The test results shall be reported in the following format. Prototype Analysis The following table provides the results of the prototype teats, and the calculation to determine the design strength.

Sigma Panel (M Panel)


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Panel Racking Shear Panel Racking Shear


University of Newcastle

University of Newcastle

Report No

543C 543C

Report date

August 2011 August 2011

Product tested

M Panels M Panels


78 mm thick composite of 6 mm

MgO Board and cementicious core

78 mm thick composite of 6 mm

MgO Board and cementicious core

Test standard


Analysis standard

AS/NZS 1170.0 AS/NZS 1170.0

Measured values 1 kN 9.020 17.015

2 kN 8.045 19.363

3 kN 8.161 18.928

4 kN 9.021 19.806

5 kN 7.928 25.690

Number in sample N - 5 5

Calculated mean V mean kN 8.435 20.160

Calculated standard deviation V SD kN 0.541 3.269

Calculated coefficient of variation vcalc % 6.4% 16.2%

Coefficient of variation v % 20.0% 20.0%

Variability factor kt - 1.670 1.670

Minimum value V min kN 7.93 17.02

Factored design value ϕ V kN 4.7 10.2 Design Design should be based on the values derived from the prototype tests.

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Compressive strength of M Panel

Product tested

M Panel cut to give unconfined values


Composite pane

Test standard

AS/NZS 4455.4

Analysis standard

AS/NZS 1170.0 App B

Number in sample


Sigma Panel (M Panel)


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Compressive strength of concrete in vertical cores

Product tested

Cores cut from finished panels


Concrete cores of core material

Test standard


Analysis standard

AS/NZS 1170.0 App B

Number in sample


The mean confined compressive strength of the cores is 2.0 MPa. The height to thickness ratio is 2.92. Using a conversion factor of 0.844, this corresponds to an unconfined compressive strength of 1.67 MPa. Thus the core is considerably weaker than the overall section (Mean unconfined strength of 4.52 MPa), of which the major contributing factor is the strength of the two MgO boards.

Sigma Panel (M Panel)


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Compressive strength of concrete in horizontal cores

Product tested

Cores cut from finished panels


Concrete cores of core material

Test standard


Analysis standard

AS/NZS 1170.0 App B

Number in sample


These tests give an unconfined compressive strength 1.42 MPa. Although the confined compressive strengths are the same in Test Series 2 (cylinders tested in the vertical strength and Test Series 2 (cylinders tested in the horizontal strength, this is only 85% of the unconfined value given in Test Series 2. This is possibly due to natural variability, but is more likely due to the inappropriate nature of the conversion from confined to unconfined, which has been developed fro high strength concrete. Therefore, the values for confined compressive strength will be used.

Sigma Panel (M Panel)


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Lateral modulus of rupture of panels

Product tested

M Panels


Provides flexural strength

Test standard


Analysis standard

AS/NZS 1170.0 App B

Number in sample


Sigma Panel (M Panel)


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These tests demonstrate consistency with the full-scale flexure tests and low coefficient of variation.

Specimen, assuming homogenous material





Max shear





moment of



moment of




Force in

MgO board

Shear flow at


Shear stress

at interface

W M V Z I Q T F q v

kN kN.m kN mm3 mm4 mm3 MPa kN N/mm MPa

1 7.020 0.59 3.51 165,333 6,613,333 34,410 3.55 3.05 18.3 0.1178

2 6.017 0.50 3.0085 153,166 5,896,885 33,015 3.29 2.82 16.8 0.1087

3 6.005 0.50 3.0025 153,166 5,896,885 33,015 3.28 2.81 16.8 0.1085

4 6.758 0.56 3.379 161,226 6,368,420 33,945 3.50 3.01 18.0 0.1162

5 6.252 0.52 3.126 157,170 6,129,630 33,480 3.33 2.86 17.1 0.1102

6 6.166 0.52 3.083 157,170 6,129,630 33,480 3.28 2.82 16.8 0.1086

7 6.127 0.51 3.0635 157,170 6,129,630 33,480 3.26 2.80 16.7 0.1080

8 6.183 0.52 3.0915 145,313 5,449,219 32,085 3.56 3.04 18.2 0.1174

9 5.732 0.48 2.866 157,170 6,129,630 33,480 3.05 2.62 15.7 0.1010

10 6.555 0.55 3.2775 161,226 6,368,420 33,945 3.40 2.92 17.5 0.1127

Mean 6.282 0.53 3.14 156,811 6,111,168 33,434 3.35 2.87 17.2 0.111

SD 0.386 0.032 0.193 0.16 0.13 0.81 0.005

COV 6.2% 6.1% 6.2% 4.7% 4.7% 4.7% 4.7%

One metre width, assuming homogenous material

Ultimate LoadBending


Max shear





moment of




of flange



Force in




flow at



stress at


W M V Z I Q T F q v

kN kN.m kN mm3 mm4 mm3 MPa kN N/mm MPa

1 45.29 3.79 22.65 1,066,667 42,666,667 222,000 3.55 19.697 117.826 0.1178

2 38.82 3.25 19.41 988,167 38,044,417 213,000 3.29 18.175 108.669 0.1087

3 38.74 3.24 19.37 988,167 38,044,417 213,000 3.28 18.139 108.453 0.1085

4 43.60 3.64 21.80 1,040,167 41,086,583 219,000 3.50 19.427 116.199 0.1162

5 40.34 3.37 20.17 1,014,000 39,546,000 216,000 3.33 18.421 110.156 0.1102

6 39.78 3.33 19.89 1,014,000 39,546,000 216,000 3.28 18.169 108.641 0.1086

7 39.53 3.31 19.76 1,014,000 39,546,000 216,000 3.26 18.054 107.954 0.1080

8 39.89 3.34 19.95 937,500 35,156,250 207,000 3.56 19.640 117.437 0.1174

9 36.98 3.09 18.49 1,014,000 39,546,000 216,000 3.05 16.894 100.994 0.1010

10 42.29 3.54 21.15 1,040,167 41,086,583 219,000 3.40 18.845 112.708 0.1127

Mean 40.53 3.39 20.26 1,011,683 39,426,892 215,700 3.35 18.5 110.9 0.111

SD 2.493 0.208 1.246 0.16 0.87 5.22 0.005

COV 6.2% 6.1% 6.2% 4.7% 4.7% 4.7% 4.7%

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Tensile strength of M Panels

Product tested

M Panels


Tensile strength of composite

Test standard


Analysis standard

AS/NZS 1170.0 App B

Number in sample


Failure has been by local crushing rather than by tensile splitting.

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Static chord modulus of elasticity of concrete


Product tested

Cylinders made during construction


Concrete cylinders of core material

Test standard


Analysis standard


Number in sample


Modulus of elasticity / Unconfined compressive strength

= 1598 / 1.67 = 956

This relationship is reasonably consistent with the formula given in AS 3600.

Density 1,000 kg/m3

Characteristic compressive strength of concrete f'c 1.50 MPa

Mean strength / characteristic strength km/c 1.33 -

Mean compressive strength of concrete f'cm 2.00 MPa

Modulus of elasticity Es 1,917 MPa

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Appendix D Rod Johnston – Qualifications and Experience Name Rodney Kentwell Johnston Residential Address 80A The Scenic Road, Killcare Heights NSW 2257, Australia Business Address 49A Parklands Road, Mount Colah NSW 2079, Australia Nationality Australian Date of Birth 28

th September 1950

Tertiary Qualifications (Engineering)

Master of Engineering Science (Structural & Foundation Engineering) Bachelor of Technology (Civil Engineering)

Tertiary Qualifications (Community Development)

Master of International and Community Development Building Qualifications Qualified Building Supervisor (NSW 18087-S) Trade Qualifications Apprenticeship in Boilermaking Training Qualifications

Train the Trainer (University short course) Professional Associations Member, Institution of Engineers, Australia (MIE Aust) Chartered Professional Engineer (CP Eng) National Professional Engineers Register, Membership No 377019 (NPER) Registered Professional Engineer, Queensland (RPEQ) Association of Consulting Structural Engineers (ACSE) Association of Consulting Engineers, Australia (ACEA) Australian Building Codes Board Rod Johnston represents the Association of Consulting Engineers Australia (ACEA) on the Building Codes Committee (BCC), the peak technical advisory committee to the Australian Building Codes Board, which prepares the Building Code of Australia (BCA). He therefore has an intimate knowledge of the BCA and its requirements. He has served on the following committees and working groups, assisting the Australia Building Codes Board to prepare amendments to the Building Code of Australia for energy saving.

Technical Committee (Residential)

Technical Committee (Commercial)

Building Fabric (Housing) WGH 5 - Chairman

Building Fabric (Commercial Buildings) WGC 2

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Company and Association Boards Quasar Management Services Pty Ltd - Chairman & Principal Consultant (1990 – Current) Consulting structural and civil engineering firm, specialising in the provision of the following services associated with the design of concrete, masonry and steel structures, including residential buildings and retaining walls:

Preparation of design manuals and design aids

Technical problem solving

Expert witness

Quality management systems. Design Detail Deliver Pty Ltd(Trading as Electronic Blueprint) - Chairman (2000 – Current) Company providing web-based services in Australia and overseas, in the following:

Design and construction specifications and construction details

Consultancy associated with building product certification, including CodeMark

Technical education, training for residential building design and construction.

Engineering design software Building Product Certification Pty Ltd - Chairman (2009 – Current) Company specializing in:

Production of design and constructions manuals for building products

CodeMark consulting for building products

Sustainability of building products Partner Housing Australasia (Building) Incorporated

1 - President (2002-Current)

Charitable home builder organization providing professional design and construction services for affordable housing in Australia and Asia-Pacific region. Previous Board Positions Habitat for Humanity Australia Inc - Director 2003-2005 Charitable home builder organization providing affordable housing throughout Australia. Association of Consulting Structural Engineers (NSW) - Director (2004 – Current) Professional association for consulting structural engineers, affiliated with the Association of Consulting Engineers, Australia. Local Government Elected Councillor Hornsby Shire Council - Councillor from 1987 to 1991. Deputy President 1990-1991 Local authority (Area 510 sq. km, approximate population 120,000, northern Sydney)

1 Previously Trading as Habitat for Humanity Western Sydney Inc.

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Engineering and Building Experience From 1968 to 1980, Rod Johnston was employed in the building and construction industries in Australia, United Kingdom and Zambia in roles which included structural design engineer, draftsman, registered builder, contract controller, estimator and tradesman. From February, 1980 to July, 1981, he was employed by the Cement and Concrete Association of Australia as the Masonry Development Engineer (seconded to the Concrete Masonry Association of Australia). In this role, he was responsible for technical advice to builders, engineers and manufacturers on matters relating to masonry design and construction. From July, 1981 to May 1990, Rod Johnston was employed by Amatek Limited (formerly Monier Limited and now part of Rocla) as Project Manager, Manager Engineering and Construction and Technical Marketing Manager in the Masonry Division. During this period, duties included management of pavement and retaining wall construction, research and development for the manufacture and use of concrete masonry, coordination of university testing of masonry systems, quality assurance, technical advice to engineers, architects and builders and service on many masonry related SAA technical committees which are listed below. Since May, 1990 to the current date, Rod Johnston has been the chairman/managing director of Quasar Management Services Pty Ltd, a consulting structural and civil engineer, specializing in:

design of concrete, masonry and steel structures, including residential buildings and retaining walls,

preparation of design manuals and design aids for the masonry industry,

technical problem solving and expert witness. He is also chairman of Electronic Blueprint, a company specialising in design and construction software, education, training and specialised building products for residential building. Australian Standards Technical Committees Active member of Standards Australia Technical Committees, preparing the following standards: AS/NZS 1170 Loading codes AS 2870 Residential slabs and footings AS 4678 Earth retaining structures AS 3700 Masonry structures AS 4773 Draft standard for masonry in small buildings AS/NZS 4455 Masonry units and segmental pavers AS/NZS 4456 Masonry units and segmental pavers - Methods of test AS 2904 Damp proof courses and flashings AS 2701 Sampling and testing mortar AS/NZS 2699 Built in components for masonry construction AS 3727 Guide to residential pavements AS/NZS 4586 Slip resistance classification of new pedestrian surfaces AS/NZS 4663 Slip resistance classification of existing pedestrian surfaces AS/NZS 4960 Draft standard for segmental pavements (currently being prepared) HB 197 An introductory guide to the slip resistance of pedestrian surface materials AS 2627.1 Thermal insulation of dwellings - Thermal insulation roofs and walls

Chairman of Standards Australia Committee BD/26 for masonry units and test methods.

Chairman of Standards Australia Committee BD/97 for residential masonry construction.

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