CHEMISTRY SUBJECT SYLLABUS (Specialization Field Of Mathematics And Natural Sciences) Unit Education : High School Class/Semester : XII/2 Core Material : Fat Time Alocation : 1 x 4 learning time Core Competencies CC 1 : Live and practise the teachings of the religion adhered. CC 2 : Living and practising honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (mutual, cooperative, tolerant, peaceful), polite, responsive and pro-active attitude and showing as part of solutions to various problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural environments as well as in putting yourself as a reflection of the nation in the Association world. CC 3 : understanding, applying, analyzing and evaluating the factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural, and Metacognition based on a sense of curiosity about science, technology, art, culture, and Humanities with insight into humanity, nationality, State of the Union, and the associated cause civilization phenomena and events, as well as apply the procedural knowledge in a specific field of study in accordance with their aptitude and interest in solving problems. CC 4 : process, others are allegorical;, menyaji, and created in the realm of concrete and abstract domains associated with the development of which he had learned in school independently and act effectively and creatively, and are able to use the method according to academic rules.

Silabus Lemak ( Ing)

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(Specialization Field Of Mathematics And Natural Sciences)

Unit Education: High School

Class/Semester: XII/2

Core Material: Fat

Time Alocation: 1 x 4 learning timeCore Competencies

CC 1: Live and practise the teachings of the religion adhered.

CC 2: Living and practising honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (mutual, cooperative, tolerant, peaceful), polite, responsive and pro-active attitude and showing as part of solutions to various problems in interacting effectively with the social and natural environments as well as in putting yourself as a reflection of the nation in the Association world.

CC 3: understanding, applying, analyzing and evaluating the factual knowledge, conceptual, procedural, and Metacognition based on a sense of curiosity about science, technology, art, culture, and Humanities with insight into humanity, nationality, State of the Union, and the associated cause civilization phenomena and events, as well as apply the procedural knowledge in a specific field of study in accordance with their aptitude and interest in solving problems.

CC 4: process, others are allegorical;, menyaji, and created in the realm of concrete and abstract domains associated with the development of which he had learned in school independently and act effectively and creatively, and are able to use the method according to academic rules.

Basic CompetenciesSubject MatterLearningPenilaianAlokasi WaktuLearning Resources

1.1 Aware of the regularity properties of colligative in aqueous solution, redox reactions, the diversity of the nature of the elements, compounds macromolecules as a manifestation of the greatness of God the Almighty and the knowledge about the existence of such orderliness as a result of creative thinking the human truth is tentative.Structure, nomenclature, classification, properties, and uses Fat

Mengamati (Observing):

Dig up the information by way of seeing/reading/watching/listening about the structures, nomenclature, properties, classification, and uses FAT.

Menanya (Questioning)

Ask a question about the structure of fat, fatty, nomenclature of fat hydrogenation reactions, the difference in fat and oil, the composition of fatty acids in oils and fats.

What causes obesity in humans

Mengumpulkan data (Experimenting)

Discuss the IUPAC rules for naming of fat

Collect data about the structure of fat, fat hydrogenation reactions, the difference in fat and oil, the composition of fatty acids in oils and fats.

Discuss the usefulness of fats and oils

Mengasosiasi (Associating)

Connecting structure of fat (e.g. structure of omega-3, omega-6, omega-9 fatty structures, etc.) with human health.

Mengkomunikasikan (Communicating)

Present the nature, uses and effects of fat for human health.

Tugas:Writing articles/leaflet/brochure about "Traits and uses fat for man"




Articles written

Written tests

An understanding of structures, nomenclature, properties, classification, and uses FAT1 mgg X 4 jpClass XII Chemistry Book

CD Carbon Chemistry

Chemical site about Carbon Chemistry

1.2 Thanks to the abundance of the main group elements and the transition in the nature of Indonesia as mine is the grace of God the Almighty that is used for the prosperity of people of Indonesia.

2.1 Demonstrate scientific behavior (have curiosity, discipline, honest, objective, open, able to distinguish between fact and opinion, tenacious, meticulous, responsible, critical, creative, innovative, democratic, communicative) in designing and conducting experiments as well as discuss the attitude embodied in the everyday.

2.2 Shows the behavior of the cooperation, polite, tolerant, peace-loving and caring environment and efficient in utilizing natural resources.

2.3 Shows the behavior of the responsive and pro-active as well as wise as a manifestation of the ability to solve problems and make decisions.

3.10 Analyzing structure, nomenclature, classification, properties, and uses FAT

4.10 Others are allegorical; and analyze the structure, nomenclature, classification, properties, and influence of fat for the human body.