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  • 8/14/2019 silt fence_Auckland.pdf


    erosion&sedimentc o n t r o lG u i d e l i n e s f o r L a n d D i s t u r b i n g A c t i v i t i e s i n t h e A u c k l a n d R e g i o n

    A u c k l a n d R e g i o n a l C o u n c i l S e d i m e n t C o n t r o l : 2 1 2

    2.2 Silt Fence


    A temporar y barr ier of woven geotextile fabric used to

    intercept runoff, reduce its velocity and impound

    sediment laden r unoff from small areas of disturbed soil.


    To detain flows from runoff so that deposition oftran sport ed sediment can occur thr ough settlement. Silt

    fences can only be used to inter cept sheet flow. Do not

    use them as velocity checks in chan nels or place them

    where th ey will intercept concent rated flow.


    o On low gradient sites or for con fined ar eas where

    the contribut ing catchmen t is small, such as short

    steep batter fills and arou nd watercour ses.

    o To delineate the l imit of dis turbance on an

    earthworks site such as riparian areas or bush


    o To store runoff behind the Silt Fence without

    dam aging the fence or the submerged area behind

    the fence.

    o Do not in stall Silt Fences across water cour ses or

    in ar eas of concentrated flows.

    Designo Ensure Silt Fence height is a min imu m o f 400m m

    above groun d level.

    o Place supp ortin g posts/warat ahs for Silt Fences no

    mor e than 2m apart un less additional support is

    provided by tensioned wire (2.5mm HT) along the

    top of t he Silt Fence. Where a stron g woven fabr ic

    is used in conjunction with a wire suppor t, the

    distance between posts can be extended up to 4m .

    Double the Silt Fence fabric over and fasten to t he

    wire and posts with wire ties or cloth fastening clipsat 150mm spacings. Ensure supporting posts/

    waratahs are emb edded a min imum of 400mm into

    the ground .

    Plate 2.2 Silt Fence

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    erosion&sedimentc o n t r o lG u i d e l i n e s f o r L a n d D i s t u r b i n g A c t i v i t i e s i n t h e A u c k l a n d R e g i o n

    A u c k l a n d R e g i o n a l C o u n c i l S e d i m e n t C o n t r o l : 2 1 3

    o Always install Silt Fences along th e contou r. Wher ethis is not possible or where there are long sections

    of Silt Fence, install short Silt Fence returns

    projecting up slope from the Silt Fence to min imise

    concentration of flows. Silt Fence returns are a

    minim um 2m in length, can incorporate a tie back

    and are generally constr ucted by continuin g the Silt

    Fence around the re turn and doubling back,

    elimin ating joins.

    o Join lengths of Silt Fence by doub ling over fabric

    ends around a wooden post or batten or by staplingthe fabric ends to a batten and butting the two

    batten s together as shown in Figure 2.2.

    o Maximum slope lengths, spacing of return s and

    angles for Silt Fences are sh own in Table 2.2.

    o Install Silt Fence wings at either end of the Silt

    Fence projecting upslope to a su fficient height to

    prevent ou tflanking.

    o Where imp ound ed flow may overtop th e Silt Fence,

    crossing natu ral depression s or low points, ma ke

    provision for a r iprap splash pad or other outletprotection d evice.

    o Use of Silt Fences in catchmen ts of m ore th an 0.5ha

    requires careful consideration of specific site

    measures, and other control m easures maybe better,

    such a s Super Silt Fence.

    o Where water may pond behind the Silt Fence,

    provide extra suppor t for th e Silt Fence with tie

    backs from the Silt Fence to a centr al stable point

    on the upward side. Extra support can also be

    provided by stringing wire between support stakes

    and connecting the filter fabric to this wire.

    o T h e f a b r i c c lo th mu s t me e t t h e f o l l o win g

    requ irem ents for Geotextile fabr ic.

    Tension Strength: 0.345 p a (m in im um )

    Tensile Modulus: 0.140 p a (m in im um )

    Apparen t Open ing Size 100mm

    Table 2.2 Silt Fence Design Criteria

    Slope Steepness % Slope Leng th (o) (Maximum) Spacing of Returns (o) Silt Fence Leng th (o) (Max imum)

    Flatter than 2 % Unlim ited N/ A Un lim it ed

    2 1 0 % 4 0 6 0 3 0 0

    1 0 2 0 % 3 0 5 0 2 3 0

    2 0 3 3 % 2 0 4 0 1 5 0

    3 3 5 0 % 1 5 3 0 7 5

    > 5 0 % 6 2 0 4 0

    Construction Specifications

    o Use Silt Fence material app ropr iate to th e site

    c o n d i t i o n s a n d i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e

    manu factur ers specification s.

    o Excavate a trench a minim um of 100mm wide and

    200mm deep alon g the prop osed line of the Silt

    Fence. Install the support posts on the down slopeedge of the trench and Silt Fence fabric on the

    upslope side of the support p osts to the full depth

    of the trench, then backfi l l the trench with

    compacted soil.

    o Use suppor t ing pos ts o f tana l i sed t imber a

    minimu m of 50mm square, or steel waratahs at least

    1.5m in length.

    o Reinforce the top of the Silt Fence fabric with a

    wire supp ort m ade of galvanised wire of a minim um

    diameter of 2 .5mm. Tension the wire using

    permanent wire s tra iners a t tached to angled

    waratahs at th e end of the Silt Fence.

    o Where ends of Silt Fence fabric come together,

    ensur e they are overlapped , folded an d stapled to

    prevent sediment bypass.

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    erosion&sedimentc o n t r o lG u i d e l i n e s f o r L a n d D i s t u r b i n g A c t i v i t i e s i n t h e A u c k l a n d R e g i o n

    A u c k l a n d R e g i o n a l C o u n c i l S e d i m e n t C o n t r o l : 2 1 4

    Maintenanceo Insp ect Silt Fences at least o nce a week an d after

    each rainfall. Make any necessary repairs when

    bulges occur or when sediment accumulation

    reaches 50% of the fabric height.

    o An y a r e a s o f c o l l a p s e , d e c o mp o s i t i o n o r

    ineffectiveness need to be imm ediately replaced.

    o Remove sediment deposits as necessary to continueto allow for adequate sediment storage and reduce

    pressure on the Silt Fence. Ensure that the sedim ent

    is removed to a secure area.

    o Do not rem ove Silt Fence mat erials and sedimen t

    deposition until the catchment area has been

    appr opr iately stabilised. Stabilise the area of th e

    rem oved Silt Fence.

    Figu re 2.2 Silt Fen ce

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    erosion&sedimentc o n t r o lG u i d e l i n e s f o r L a n d D i s t u r b i n g A c t i v i t i e s i n t h e A u c k l a n d R e g i o n

    A u c k l a n d R e g i o n a l C o u n c i l S e d i m e n t C o n t r o l : 2 1 5

    2.3 Super Silt Fence

    Plate 2.3 Super Silt Fence


    A tempor ar y bar rier of geotextile fabric over chain link

    fence that is used to intercept flows, redu ce their velocity

    and impound sediment- laden runoff from small

    catchment areas.


    To redu ce run off velocity and allow the dep osition of

    transpor ted sediment to occur.

    A Super Silt Fence provides much m ore robust sediment

    control than a stan dard Silt Fence and allows up to four

    times the catchment area to b e treated by an equivalent

    length of stan dard Silt Fence.


    o Provides a barrier that can collect and ho ld debris

    and soil, preventing the mater ial from entering

    critical areas, watercourses and streets.

    o Can be u sed where the installation of an Earth or

    Topsoil Bund would destroy sen sitive areas such as

    bush and wetlands.

    o Should be placed as c lose to the contour as

    possible. No section of the fence shou ld exceed a

    grade of 5% for a d istance of more th an 15m.


    When consider ing Super Silt Fence installation for larger

    catchm ents (gr eater t han 0.5ha) as in Table 2.3, carefully

    consider the specific site cond itions and oth er altern ative

    contro l measu res available. Base the length of t he Super

    Silt Fence is based on the lim its shown in Table 2.3.

    Limits im posed by ultraviolet light affect the stab ility of

    the fabric and will dictate the maximum per iod that the

    Sup er Silt Fence may be u sed.

    Where ends of the geotextile fabric come together,

    overlap, fold and staple the fabric ends to prevent

    sediment bypass.

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    erosion&sedimentc o n t r o lG u i d e l i n e s f o r L a n d D i s t u r b i n g A c t i v i t i e s i n t h e A u c k l a n d R e g i o n

    A u c k l a n d R e g i o n a l C o u n c i l S e d i m e n t C o n t r o l : 2 1 6

    Table 2.3 Super Silt Fence Design Criteria

    Slope % Slope Length (o) Super Silt Fence

    ( m axim u m ) Leng th (o) ( max i mum)

    0 1 0 Unlim ited Unlim ited

    1 0 2 0 6 0 4 5 0

    2 0 3 3 3 0 3 0 0

    3 3 5 0 3 0 1 5 0

    > 5 0 1 5 7 5

    Construction Specifications

    o Use a Silt Fence fabric that is appr opr iate to the

    s i te cond i t ions and f it s the man ufac tu re r s


    o Excavate a trench 100mm wide by 200mm deep

    along th e line of the Super Silt Fence.

    o Position th e posts (No. 3 rou nd s, No. 2 half roun ds

    or waratahs) at no greater than 3 ocentres on the

    downslope side of the tr ench. While there is no needto set th e posts in concrete, ensure t he 1.8m long

    p o s t s a r e d r i v e n t o a n a p p r o p r i a t e d e p t h

    (1m m inimum).

    o Insta ll tension ed galvanised wire (2.5 m m HT) at

    400mm and again at 800mm above ground level

    using permanent wire strainers.

    o Secure chain link fence to the fence posts with wire

    ties or stap les, ensur ing the chain link fence goes to

    the base of the trench.

    o Fasten t wo layers of geotextile fabr ic securely tothe Super Silt Fence with ties spaced every 60cm at

    the top and mid section of the Super Silt Fence.

    o Place the two layers of geotextile fabric to th e base

    of the trench (a minimum of 200mm into the

    ground ) and p lace compacted backfill back to the

    original grou nd level.

    o When t wo sections of geotextile fabric adjoin each

    other, ensure th ey are doubled over a m inimum of

    300mm, wrapped aroun d a batten an d stapled at

    75mm spacings to p revent sediment bypass.

    o The geotextile fabric must meet the following


    Tension Strength 0.345 pa (m in imum )

    Tensile Modulus 0.140 pa (m in imum )

    Apparent Opening Size 100 500mm


    Inspect regularly and before and after storm events.

    Undertake maintenance as needed and remove silt

    buildup s when bulges develop in the Super Silt Fence or

    when sed iment deposition reaches 50% of the Super SiltFence height.

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    erosion&sedimentc o n t r o lG u i d e l i n e s f o r L a n d D i s t u r b i n g A c t i v i t i e s i n t h e A u c k l a n d R e g i o n

    A u c k l a n d R e g i o n a l C o u n c i l S e d i m e n t C o n t r o l : 2 1 7

    Figu r e 2.3 Su p er Silt Fen ce

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    erosion&sedimentc o n t r o lG u i d e l i n e s f o r L a n d D i s t u r b i n g A c t i v i t i e s i n t h e A u c k l a n d R e g i o n

    A u c k l a n d R e g i o n a l C o u n c i l S e d i m e n t C o n t r o l : 2 1 8

    2.4 Hay Bale Barrier


    Tempor ary barr iers of hay bales used to intercept and

    direct sur face ru noff from sma ll areas.


    To intercept or direct sediment laden r unoff from sm all

    areas to a sediment r etention facility so that d eposition

    of tran sport ed sedim ent can o ccur. Hay Bale Bar riers d o

    not filter sediment.


    o Hay Bale Barriers are n ot prim ary sediment contr ol

    measures. They easily deteriorate and require

    frequent maintenance.

    o Only use Hay Bale Barr iers to meet short t erm needs

    of less than one m onth duration.

    o Only use Hay Bale Bar rier s to int ercept sh eet flow.

    Do not use th em as velocity checks in channels or

    place them where they will intercept concentrated

    flow. They do not act as filters and are easily

    overtopped or scoured out.

    o Do not use with a catchm ent area of more th an

    0.2ha per 100o

    length of ha ybales.o Do not use Hay Bale Barriers on slopes exceeding



    Not Applicable.

    Plate 2.4 Hay Bale Barr ier

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    erosion&sedimentc o n t r o lG u i d e l i n e s f o r L a n d D i s t u r b i n g A c t i v i t i e s i n t h e A u c k l a n d R e g i o n

    A u c k l a n d R e g i o n a l C o u n c i l S e d i m e n t C o n t r o l : 2 1 9

    Figu re 2.4 H ay Ba le Ba rr ier

    Construction Specificationso Place Hay Bale Barriers along the contour with

    bales in a row with the ends tightly abutting

    adjacent bales.

    o Dig each bale into the groun d 100mm and place so

    the bale bindings are horizontal.

    o Do not place bales more th an on e bale high.

    o Secure bales in place by two stakes dr iven thro ugh

    the bale 300 to 400m m int o the grou nd . Drive the

    first stake toward the previously laid bale at an angle

    to force the b ales togeth er. Drive stakes flush with

    the top of th e bale.

    MaintenanceInspect Hay Bale Barr iers frequent ly and after each r ain

    event. Undert ake mainten ance as necessary.

    Remove all bales when the site has b een fully stabilised.

    Stabilise the tr ench where the bales were located an d

    grade flush.

    F l o w

    S t r i n g B i n d e r

    U n d i s t u r b e d G r o u n d

    1 0 0 m m V e r t i c a l F a c e

    Bedding Detail

    A n g l e f i r s t s t a k e t o w a r d

    t h e p r e v i o u s l y p l a c e d b a l e

    E n t r e n c h b a l e s a m i n i m u m o f

    1 0 0 m m i n t o t h e g r o u n d

    T r e n c h c u t i n t o g r o u n d

    2 R e - b a r s o r 5 0 m m x 5 0 m m s t a k e s

    d r i v e n 3 0 0 m m m i n i m u m i n t o t h e

    g r o u n d . S t a k e s a r e t o b e d r i v e n

    f l u s h w i t h t h e t o p o f t h e b a l e s

    B o u n d b a l e s

    p l a c e d a l o n g

    c o n t o u r

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    erosion&sedimentc o n t r o lG u i d e l i n e s f o r L a n d D i s t u r b i n g A c t i v i t i e s i n t h e A u c k l a n d R e g i o n

    A u c k l a n d R e g i o n a l C o u n c i l S e d i m e n t C o n t r o l : 2 2 0

    2.5 Stormwater Inlet Protection

    P lat e 2.5 Sto rm water In let Pr otect ion


    o Do not use Stormwater Inlet Protection as a

    primary m ethod of treatment instead of other

    sediment retention facilities.

    o Use only in sma ll catchm ents of less than 0.5 ha.

    o Use only where the catchment area to an inlet is

    disturbed and it is not possible to temporar ily divert

    the storm drain out fall into a sediment retention


    Stormwater Inlet Protection only offers limited t reatment

    of sedimen t-laden water, because of the concentr ated

    flows arriving at them. Stormwater systems are, by

    design , very efficient at con duct ing flows away from

    inlets, and therefore, once any sediment reaches the

    storm water system, it will be discharged directly to the

    receiving environment .

    Therefore, the n eed to u se Stor mwater Inlet Protection

    can indicate poor erosion and sedim ent control and/or

    inadeq uate stabilisation on th e site.


    There are various design options for reducing sediment

    inputs to the storm water cesspits.

    Silt Fence Design

    A Silt Fence can be er ected arou nd the inlet (see Part B

    Section 2.2). This meth od is app ropr iate where cesspits

    have been connected to a stor mwater system an d are

    collecting ru noff from distur bed soil surfaces.

    Filter Media Design

    Two common methods use geotextile and scoria or gravel

    to tr eat sedimen t laden flows. All points where r un off

    can enter th e cesspit must be pr otected with suitable

    geotextile fabric.

    o Wrap geotextile fabric arou nd the cesspit grate as

    a bar rier to flow directly from the roadside gutter.

    Pay special attention to th e inlet above the grate

    back of the cesspit wh ere a geotextile fabric sockfilled with gravel must be placed to intercept ru noff.

    o Lay coarse geotextile fabric over the cessp it an d

    up on to the kerb with a layer of aggregate material

    to act as a pr imary filter and to hold th e fabric in


    A barrier across or ar ound a cesspit (stormwater inlet).


    To intercept an d filter sedim ent-laden r un off before it

    enters a reticulated stor mwater system via a cesspit,

    thereby preventing sediment -laden flows from enter ing

    receiving environments. The protection m ay take various

    forms dependin g upon the type of inlet to be protected.

    Storm water Protection is a secondar y sediment control

    device. It must on ly be used in con junct ion with oth er

    erosion and sediment control measures.

    If good erosion and sedim ent control measures are inplace on the site, then Stor mwater Inlet Protect ion will

    not be required.

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    erosion&sedimentc o n t r o lG u i d e l i n e s f o r L a n d D i s t u r b i n g A c t i v i t i e s i n t h e A u c k l a n d R e g i o n

    A u c k l a n d R e g i o n a l C o u n c i l S e d i m e n t C o n t r o l : 2 2 1


    Check Dams

    Place a series of low sandba g check dams u p th e gutter

    from cesspits to act as a series of sediment tr aps. The

    checkdams requ ire a spillway lower than the kerb to

    ensure that runoff does not encroach onto the ber m area

    and cause scourin g. Const ruct checkdam s out of up to

    six sandbags laid end to end with no gap s in an arc away

    from the kerb and up the road to create a series of

    impound ment areas.

    Excavated Inlet Pr otection

    Excavating aroun d a stor mwater inlet creates storage

    capacity where suspended m aterial can settle out. Ensure

    that seep age holes allow for filtered dewatering, and th at

    the capacity provided arou nd t he inlet for storage is a

    minimu m of 1% of the catchm ent (1m3of capacity per

    100 m 2of contr ibuting catchm ent).


    Maintenance requirements for cesspit protectionmeasures are high because they clog easily. When clogging

    occurs, remove accumulated sediment and clean or

    replace the geotextile fabric an d aggregate.

    Inspect all Stormwater Inlet Protection measures

    following any rainfall event and m aintain as n ecessary

    to en sure they oper ate effectively.

    Stor mwater Inlet Protection pr ovides at best limited

    sediment retent ion. Do not use it as a prim ary meth od

    of sediment contr ol. Use add itiona l measures up -slope,

    such as topsoil bunds an d cut-off drains, to m inimisethe volume of sediment reaching any stormwater

    inlets. Cesspits mu st at all times re main able to convey

    flow from the site to pr event large concent rated h ighly

    erosive flows from bu ilding up and causing washouts

    in secondary overland paths.

    Construction Specifications

    Constr uct Silt Fences for Storm water In let Protection a s out lined in Part B Section 2.2 of these Guidelines.

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    erosion&sedimentc o n t r o lG u i d e l i n e s f o r L a n d D i s t u r b i n g A c t i v i t i e s i n t h e A u c k l a n d R e g i o n

    A u c k l a n d R e g i o n a l C o u n c i l S e d i m e n t C o n t r o l : 2 2 2

    Figure 2.5 Stormwater Inlet Protection Filter Media Design

    2.6 Earth Bund

    Plate 2.6 Ear th Bund


    A te mp o r a r y b e r m o r r i d g e o f c o mp a c t e d s o i l

    (including topsoil) constru cted to create imp oun dm ent

    areas where ponding of runoff can occur and suspended

    mat erial can settle before r unoff is discharged.


    Used to intercept sediment-laden r unoff and redu ce the

    amount of sediment leaving the site by detaining

    sediment-laden runoff.


    Earth Bunds can be constructed across disturbed areas

    and ar ound constr uction sites and subd ivisions. Keep

    them in place until the disturbed areas are perm anently

    stabilised or adeq uately replaced by other m eans. Earth

    Bun ds can assist the settling of sedime nt-laden r un off.

    Earth Bun ds are par ticularly useful for cont rolling runoff

    after topsoiling and grassing before vegetation becomes

    established. Where works are occurrin g within t he berm

    area, compact the topsoil over the berm area as a bun d

    adjacent and parallel to the ber m. This will act as an

    impoun dm ent area while also keeping overland flow

    away from the constru ction area.


    o Earth Bund s need a constructed outlet structure

    and spillway as designed for Sedim ent Retention

    Pond s (Par t B, Section 2.1 of these Guidelines).

    Altern atively, constr uct an outlet of perforated pipe

    connected to a non -perforated pipe that passes

    through t he Earth Bund and either d ischarges to

    the gutter or d irectly to a stor mwater inlet. Ensure

    that the section of pipe within the impoundm ent

    area is suppor ted by mean s of a rigid post, allowingfiltrat ion to occur.

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    erosion&sedimentc o n t r o lG u i d e l i n e s f o r L a n d D i s t u r b i n g A c t i v i t i e s i n t h e A u c k l a n d R e g i o n

    A u c k l a n d R e g i o n a l C o u n c i l S e d i m e n t C o n t r o l : 2 2 3

    o Ensur e the top opening of the perforated pipe is100 mm lower than the st abilised spillway.

    o Ensure the section of pipe leading thr ough the Earth

    Bun d and cont inuing down slope below the Earth

    Bund is non-perforated.

    which may cause overtop ping. Check any discharge points for signs of scour ing and install furt her arm our ing or other

    o Constru ct the Earth Bund such that th e maximumcontributin g catchm ent do es not exceed 0.3 ha.


    Inspect and m aintain Earth Bund s regularly and after

    each rainfall event to check for accumulated sedim ent

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    erosion&sedimentc o n t r o lG u i d e l i n e s f o r L a n d D i s t u r b i n g A c t i v i t i e s i n t h e A u c k l a n d R e g i o n

    A u c k l a n d R e g i o n a l C o u n c i l S e d i m e n t C o n t r o l : 2 2 4

    stabilisation if scouring is evident .

    Figu re 2.6 Ear th Bu nd

    2.7 Sump / Sediment Pit

    Plate 2.7 Su mp / Sedim en t Pit


    A temp orar y pit which is constr ucted to tr ap and filter

    water before it is pu mped to a suitable discharge area.


    To tr eat sediment-laden water that h as been r emoved

    from areas of excavation, or areas where ponded

    sediment laden-water can not drain by other m eans.


    o When water collects dur ing the excavation ph ase

    of constru ction.

    o Particularly useful in urban areas dur ing excavation

    for building foun dation s.


    May also be used to de-water sediment retentionmeasures.


    The design is based on a per forated vertical standpipe

    placed in the centre of a pit which is then backfilled

    with aggregate.

    o Determine th e num ber of Sum p/Sediment Pits and

    their locations on site in accordance with the

    required dewatering facilities and procedures

    outlined below.

    o Pump water from the centre of the pipe to a suitable

    discharge area.

    o Direct the discharge to an appr opriate out let.

    o If the water is pumped directly to a receiving

    environm ent, then wr ap a geotextile fabr ic aroun d

    the s tandpipe to help achieve a c lean water

    discharge. When a geotextile fabric is used, the

    surface area of the standpipe will need to be

    increased and the pumping rate decreased to

    prevent th e geotextile becoming ra pidly blocked.

    o Sum p/Sediment Pit dimensions ar e variable, but

    require a minimum depth of 1m an d a m inimum

    volum e of 2m3.

    o Construct the s tandpipe from 300 600mm

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    erosion&sedimentc o n t r o lG u i d e l i n e s f o r L a n d D i s t u r b i n g A c t i v i t i e s i n t h e A u c k l a n d R e g i o n

    A u c k l a n d R e g i o n a l C o u n c i l S e d i m e n t C o n t r o l : 2 2 5

    diameter pipe with a grid of 10 mm diameterperforations at 60mm spacings along the stan dpipe.

    o Place a base of 50mm aggregate in the Sump/

    Sedim ent Pit to a depth of 300mm .

    o After placing the sta ndp ipe in position , backfill the

    area with 50mm aggregate.

    o Extend t he stan dpip e 300m m abo ve the lip of the

    Sum p / Sediment Pit with th e aggregate extended

    100 mm above the anticipated standing water



    Undertake ongoing checks throu ghout the use of theSum p/Sedimen t Pit to ensur e effective oper ation .

    For isolated areas where dewatering must occur to

    facilitate progress, other method s may be appr opriate.

    These alternat ives include th e following.

    o Pump ing accum ulated sediment-laden water to a

    sediment retention pond.

    o Constru cting a Silt Fence and pum ping water to

    behind th e Silt Fence to be retained for tr eatment.

    Do not let water to b e treated enter the Silt Fence

    as a concentr ated flow or out flan k the Silt Fence.

    o Discharge accum ulated sediment laden water to

    land where soakage may occur. Ensure that th is untreated sedim ent-laden r un off cannot ente r to a storm water

    t t