PUBLIC SUMMARY REPORT NEW PLANTINGS ASSESSMENT SIME DARBY (LIBERIA) PLANTATION Inc Bomi and Grand Cape Mount Counties, Republic of Liberia Report Author Charlie Ross – May 2011 [email protected] Tel: +61 417609026 BSi Group Singapore Pte Ltd (Co. Reg. 1995 02096‐N) BSi Services Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Co.Reg. 804473 A) 3 Lim Teck Kim Road #10‐02 Suite 19.05 Level 19 Wisma Goldhill Singapore Technologies Building 65, Jalan Raja Chulan SINGAPORE 088934 50200 Kuala Lumpur Tel +65 6270 0777 MALAYSIA Fax +65 6270 2777 Tel +03 2032 2252 (Hunting Line) Soon Leong Chia: [email protected] Fax +03 2032 2253 www.bsi‐asia.com

SIME DARBY (LI BERIA) PLANTATION Inc Summary Report...Public Summary Report New Plantings Assessment Page 1 Prepared by BSi Group Singapore Pte Ltd for Sime Darby (Liberia) Plantation

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Page 1: SIME DARBY (LI BERIA) PLANTATION Inc Summary Report...Public Summary Report New Plantings Assessment Page 1 Prepared by BSi Group Singapore Pte Ltd for Sime Darby (Liberia) Plantation



Bomi and Grand Cape Mount Counties,Republic of Liberia

Report Author

Charlie Ross – May [email protected]

Tel: +61 417609026

BSi Group Singapore Pte Ltd (Co. Reg. 1995 02096‐N) BSi Services Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Co.Reg. 804473 A)3 Lim Teck Kim Road #10‐02 Suite 19.05 Level 19 Wisma GoldhillSingapore Technologies Building 65, Jalan Raja ChulanSINGAPORE 088934 50200 Kuala LumpurTel +65 6270 0777 MALAYSIAFax +65 6270 2777 Tel +03 2032 2252 (Hunting Line)Soon Leong Chia: [email protected] Fax +03 2032 2253www.bsi‐asia.com

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1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................. 1Abbreviations Used ............................................................................................................................... ............... 1

2.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS .............................................................................................................................. 12.1 SEIA and HCV Reports................................................................................................................................12.2 Legal Documents .......................................................................................................................................12.3 Location Maps ...........................................................................................................................................12.4 Area of New Plantings and Time‐Plan for New Plantings .......................................................................... 1

3.0 SEIA AND HCV MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING PERSONNEL.......................................................................1–53.1 Organisational Information and Contact Persons ...................................................................................... 13.2 Personnel Involved in Planning and Implementation................................................................................. 13.3 Stakeholders Consulted............................................................................................................................. 5

4a SUMMARY OF MANAGEMENT AND MITIGATION PLANS (SEIA) ..................................................................... 5

4b SUMMARY OF MANAGEMENT AND MITIGATION PLANS (HCV)...................................................................... 6

5.0 INTERNAL RESPONSIBILITY............................................................................................................................ 7


1 Project Location....................................................................................................................................................22 Landscape Level ................................................................................................................................................... 33 Location of Towns and Settlements with HCV 5 and HCV 6 Attributes ................................................................. 4

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Public Summary Report – New Plantings Assessment Page 1

Prepared by BSi Group Singapore Pte Ltd for Sime Darby (Liberia) Plantation Inc

1.0 Executive Summary

Sime Darby (Liberia) Plantation Inc. (Sime Darby)plans to develop 10,000 ha of land to oil palm atBomi County and Grand Cape Mount County,Liberia. This development is a new planting thatstarted in 2009 with reconnaissance fieldwork. ASocial and Environmental Impact Assessment(SEIA) and a High Conservation Value (HCV)Assessment were completed in 2011 whichrecognised the following:

• There was no primary forest identified• All areas required to maintain or enhance

one or more HCV• There was no peat soil identified• All local peoples’ land

Maps have been prepared and presented in theSEIA and HCV Reports to identify all of the abovefindings.

Abbreviations Used

CITES Convention on International Trade inEndangered Species

EIA Environmental Impact AssessmentEPA Environmental Protection AgencyHCV High Conservation ValueIUCN International Union for Conservation of

NatureRSPO Roundtable on Sustainable Palm OilSEIA Social and Environmental Impact

AssessmentSIA Social Impact AssessmentSOP Standard Operating Procedure


2.1 SEIA and HCV Reports

“Social and Environmental Impact Assessmentfor10,000 ha of Sime Darby Plantation”, prepared byGreen Consultancy Inc, Liberia.

“Assessment of HCV sites within Sime PlantationsLiberia Inc.” prepared by Dr Yap Son Kheong, S.K.Yap Forestry and Landscape Advisory Services,Malaysia

2.2 Legal Documents

Environmental Permit No: EPA/EC/ESIA/001‐0410,Issue Date 21/04/2010, EPA Liberia.

Evidence of Land Tenure: Lease of land issued byGovernment of Liberia in April 2009 for a period of

63 years with an option of renewal for 30years; Maps and Boundary Markers.

2.3 Location Maps

Maps showing the project location, landscape leveland property level for the new development areaare included as Figures 1, 2 and 3 in this SummaryReport. The SEIA Report includes additional mapsshowing the topography, drainage and land use.

Preliminary maps have been prepared of the newdevelopment and include areas set aside forriparian reserves, roads, housing and layout of oilpalm blocks.

2.4 Area of New Plantings and Time‐Plan forNew Plantings

The area of the new plantings is 10,000 ha. Thenew development will commence following thecompletion of the RSPO public notification periodfor review by stakeholders and is planned forcompletion within two years of thecommencement date.


3.1 Organisational Information and ContactPersons

Sime Darby (Liberia) Plantation Inc is based inMonrovia, Republic of Liberia.

Contact Person: Mr Azmi JaafarPhone: + 231 880624228Email: [email protected]

3.2 Personnel Involved in Planning andImplementation

The SEIA was carried out by Green Consultancy Incof Liberia, whose senior staff Mr Solomon Wrightand Mr Abraham Tumbey are licensed by the EPALiberia as EIA evaluators.

The assessment of HCV sites was led by Dr. S.K.Yapwith the assistance of a team of biologist, forester,social scientist and GIS scientist:

Dr. S.K.Yap Team Leader, EcologyMr. Roslan Yaacob, GISMr. Solomon P. Wright, SocialMr. E. Abraham Tumbey Jr., Geology/soilMs Patience Awhavbera Flora/FaunaMr. Ezekiel H. Kpehe Forestry

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Project Location

Figure 1: Project Location

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Figure 2: Landscape Level

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Figure 3: Location of Towns and Settlements with HCV 5 and HCV 6 Attributes

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3.3 Stakeholders Consulted

Government Departments

Environmental Protection AgencyMinistry of AgricultureForestry Department AuthorityGrand Cape Mount CountyBomi County

Public Meetings at Local Communities:

Grand Cape Mount County

Sinje VonzuahnDama MadinaKon MooreGbar

Bomi County

Gaya Hill ZarmeyanGbasomoe BaajaBeafinie GoboVincent BalaClaymotuah


The SEIA was completed in February 2010. TheSEIA firstly collected baseline information on thebio‐physical characteristics of the newdevelopment area, using data from existingsources where possible on climate, topography,soils, drainage, vegetation, fauna and land‐use.The information from existing sources wassupplemented with data collected by fieldwork.

The SEIA considered the environmental impact ofland development, such as vegetation clearanceand land disturbance for construction of roads,bridges, housing and the oil palm estate; waterwithdrawal for domestic water supply tohousing and a palm nursery and the treatment anddisposal of wastewater and solid wastes.

The environmental impact component of the SEIAconsidered the characteristics of the concessionbefore development, including the topography,soils, drainage, vegetation and land use whenevaluating the impacts. The SEIA considered thepotential negative as well as the beneficialenvironmental impacts of the development and onthe surrounding areas. The topography of the landis rolling to undulating. The dominant soils arelithosols, with surface deposits of laterite at somelocations. The concession is drained by smallstreams that join the Lofa and Mahe Rivers thatflow southwards.

Sime Darby will implement the SOP for NewDevelopment that is described in the Sime DarbyAgricultural Reference Manual (2008), with theobjective of achieving the same standard as itsother operations in Malaysia and Indonesia. TheDevelopment Plan includes impact mitigationstrategies such as the alignment of the roadnetwork in relation to the topography as wellriparian buffer zones and protecting these fromdisturbance.

The Development Plan includes details of the soilconservation practices that will be implementedsuch as construction of planting platforms andterraces if necessary. Legume cover crop will beplanted immediately following land clearing toestablish groundcover vegetation. Sime Darbyrecognises that construction of roads is animportant source of sediment erosion by rainfallrunoff. To mitigate the erosion of sediment fromroads, close attention will be paid to watermanagement and road drainage. Roadside “turn‐out” drains will be constructed a regular intervalsrelated to the slope length for channelling rainfallrunoff into the adjacent field. Sediment trapswhich will also serve as water infiltration pits, willbe constructed approximately 15 m from streamcrossings. The sediment traps will intercept therunoff and direct the water away from the stream.In addition, roads will be surfaced with lateritewhich is available from deposits within theconcession, to form a durable, erosion resistantsurface.

The Development Plan includes Sime Darby’scommitment to implement the zero burning policythat it has applied consistently at its operations inMalaysia and Indonesia. Land clearance willinvolve windrowing of vegetation along the palminter‐row. The implementation of zero burningwill include training and awareness of theworkforce and provision of appropriate fire‐fighting equipment.

The SIA component of the SEIA commenced with ascoping study involving consultation with all of thecommunities that would be affected directly aswell as indirectly by the development.Consultation involved public meetings at each of16 communities. At the public meetings, SimeDarby representatives and the SEIA consultantsdescribed details of the proposed developmentand the changes that are likely to occur. Theconsultants recorded details of the meetingdiscussions, including concerns raised by localpeople as well as their aspirations such as theopportunity for employment and improved accessto education and health services.

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Records of the public meetings are held on file anda summary of each meeting and photographicrecord are included in an appendix of the SEIAReport. In addition to consulting with localcommunities, the consultants met with relevantGovernment Departments to discuss the oil palmdevelopment and the environmental and socialimpacts and impact mitigation strategies.

The SIA component of the SEIA took into accountthe requirements of Government and the feedbackreceived from local communities on their concernsabout the new oil palm development and theiraspirations for improvements to their livelihoods.The information from the consultations has beenused to develop impact mitigation strategies aswell as to enhance beneficial outcomes foraffected communities and people.

The oil palm development concession shares aborder with an existing Rubber Plantation whichemploys a considerable number of local people.The land within the Sime Darby concession hasbeen cleared and used extensively for shiftingcultivation. Sime Darby will compensate peoplewho currently reside within the concession withrelocation to newly built housing as part of thecompensation package.

Sime Darby will implement its SOPs forconsultation and negotiation of compensation withlocal people. For situations where disputes arise,Sime Darby will apply the dispute resolutionmechanism, consistent with its Social Policy. Thedispute resolution mechanism will becommunicated to affected parties through opendiscussions with the aim of reaching consensualagreement on the mechanism and lines ofcommunication.

Sime Darby’s dispute resolution mechanisminvolves talking with the affected parties with theaim of solving the issue through discussions. Ifresolution is not achieved through discussions,then Sime Darby will negotiate with the localpeoples’ representative institution of their choice.Sime Darby will keep records of all such discussionsand meetings relating to dispute resolution.Provided that Sime Darby follows theseprocedures, the development is considered to beconsistent with the principle of Free, Prior andInformed Consent (FPIC).

The Development Plan includes information on thehousing accommodation that will be constructedfor the resident workforce. Permanent houses willbe built and supplied with water, electricity andsanitation services. Resident workers and theirfamilies will have access to facilities for health,

recreation and places of worship. The Planincludes information on the company’s programsfor training and occupational health and safety fordeveloping a skilled workforce and a safeworkplace.

The Environment Protection Agency of Liberiaapproved the SEIA and issued an EnvironmentalPermit on 21 April 2010 for development of the10,000 ha of land to oil palm.


In the absence of a HCV Toolkit for Liberia, whichhas to be developed through a series ofconsultative processes with local data,classification and expert opinion, the genericProforest HCV Tool Kit was adapted for the presentstudy.

The Assessment did not identify any primary forestat the concession or any protected species ofvegetation. From the assessment it was noted thatthe proposed site had been cleared of the naturalvegetation for the previous rubber planting, as wellas the many areas of shifting cultivation conductedby the local communities. Secondary vegetationhad covered the area owing to the absence ofmaintenance during the country period of civilunrest.

From the assessment of the 10,000 ha of theproposed oil palm plantations it was observed thatthere was low biodiversity in both flora and faunaowing to the clearing of the natural forests duringthe previous plantation establishment as wellas the many sites of slash and burn cultivationfor cassava and corn conducted by thelocal communities. There were no sites withsignificant HCV attributes except for the riparianbuffer belts (HCV 4.2) and the towns within theproject sites (HCV 5 and HCV 6).

There were demonstrated efforts to protect of thewaterways with well defined riparian buffer belts(HCV 4.2). These waterways were of importance tothe local communities as source of water as well astransport system. The many towns within andaround the project area had been identified andconsultations held with the inhabitants during theassessment. The planted sites around thesecommunities would be excluded from theplantation activities and protected under HCV 5.Sites of religious significance had also beenindentified and demarcated for protection underHCV 6.

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The majority of the concession has been used forshifting cultivation and is covered by pioneerspecies and secondary regrowth. Remnantsecondary forest occurs along the Lofa and MaheRivers. Inspection of a satellite image of the areaindicated land use consistent with disturbance byshifting cultivation and remnant forest along themain river.

The assessment did not identify within theconcession any rare, threatened or endangeredspecies of fauna that are listed by IUCN or CITES.However three species of mammal that areprotected under Liberian law, such as WaterChevrotain, locally known as “Water Deer”, BlackDuiker – (Cephalophus niger), Royal antelope,locally known as “Foolish Deer”, were identified atthe secondary forested habitat along the Lofa andMahe Rivers. The low‐lying floodplain along theriver that forms a border with the concession willnot be developed, but will be set aside as a riparianbuffer zone and will be protected fromdisturbance.

The assessment includes the identification of allsurface water resources within the concession andrecommendations for the establishment of bufferzones and the measures to be taken to protect andmaintain the quality of the surface water andriparian vegetation.

The assessment did not identify any HCVs at areasnear the concession. A Rubber Plantation sharesthe south‐east boundary with the concession andthe surrounding land hosts the 16 villages whoseinhabitants use the area for land‐extensive shiftingcultivation.

A map is available showing the buffer zoneadjacent to the Lofa River that will be set aside andprotected from disturbance. The area of land thatwill be set aside from development isapproximately 500 ha.

The main objective of monitoring is to determinewhether HCV management objectives are metas well as providing the management withup‐to‐date information on the HCV under its care.This allows intervention or ongoing adjustment ofoperation plans. Monitoring plans are derivedfrom management objectives and written into themanagement plan.

Data gathered during the HCV assessment are usedto determine what should be the generic andspecific objectives of the monitoring program. Aset of measurable indicators for each key value isto be developed. Monitoring activities can includesocial and biological surveys and direct and indirectobservation.

The Results from the SEIA and HCV assessmentshave been incorporated into planning andmanagement for the new plantings and relateddevelopment that:

• is based on the free, prior andinformed consent of local peoples whoselands are affected;

• provides for the maintenance or enhancementof all identified HCVs.


BSI Group Singapore Pte Ltd3 Lim Teck Kim Road #10‐02Singapore Technologies BuildingSingapore 088934Product Manager: Mr Soon Leong ChiaPhone: +65 6270 0777 Ext 115Fax: +65 6270 2777Email: [email protected]

BSi is a leading global provider of managementsystems assessment and certification, with morethan 70,000 certified locations and clients in over100 countries. BSi Standards is the UK’s NationalStandards Body. BSi Group Singapore providesindependent, third party certification ofmanagement systems. BSi has a Regional Office inSingapore and an Office in Kuala Lumpur.

Signed for on behalf of:Sime Darby (Liberia) Plantation Inc

Mr Azmi JaafarHead, Liberia Project

Date: 2011

Signed for on behalf of:BSi Group Singapore Pte Ltd

.............................................................Charlie RossLead Auditor

Date: 16 May 2011