Simulation of Created Design Documentation on the simulation process of a basic injector-separation channel model design

Simulation of Created Design Documentation on the simulation process of a basic injector-separation channel model design

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Simulation of Created Design

Documentation on the simulation process of a basic

injector-separation channel model design

The Simulation Process

In this simulation, a sample will be passed into the injector, and ‘Injected’ into the separation channel

This is where the different species of the product will begin to separate from each other

A signal of when each species passes a detector will be taken and plotted

Getting to the Simulation Window

In order to simulate the design, the simulation window named “Cadence Analog Design Environment” needs to be opened

To do this, go into the toolbar menu: Tool-> Analog Environment

Getting Variables

The Variables that were used when adding the objects need to be added into the simulation variables

This is done by selecting Variables -> Copy From Cellview from the toolbar, this will pick all the variables in the schematic

Editing Variables - I

Now the values of those variables need to be changed To change them select Variables -> Edit from the toolbar, or

click on the following side toolbar button

Editing Variables - II

To change the values, type the value into the Value (Expr) field and click on Change

Then select the Next variable from the table and continue

Enter the following table of values, V1D and V3D

need to be close to V4D value to prevent much of a voltage difference between the two

V4L 12.5

V4D 3000

V3L 0

V3D 2900

V2L 52.5

V2D 0

V1L 22

V1D 2900

mu0 50000

mu1 40000



D1 400

D0 400

Selecting Outputs

In order to neatly see the results from the simulation, outputs are needed

To select output, in the toolbar menu, go to:

Outputs -> To Be Plotted -> Select On Schematic This will open up the schematic window again

Selecting the Pin

In the Editor window, the values of wire that is selected will be plotted in a graph when the simulation is run

So, select the ‘conc<0:1>’ output pin on the first detector and the ‘conc_out<0:1>’ output pin on the second detector

Output Plots

When the conc<0:1> pin is clicked a box pops up and when it is clicked again, conc<0> and conc<1> get highlighted, click OK, the two come under Outputs follow the same procedure for conc_out too

Choosing the Analysis

To select the simulation type, click on the “Choose Analyses...” button on the side toolbar

The DC Analysis

In the “Choosing Analyses” window, select dc, Enabled, and Save DC Operating Point and click OK

The First Simulation

Once all the values have been inputted, click on the toolbar menu: Simulation->Netlist and Run on the toolbar menu or click the “Netlist and Run” button on the side toolbar

The Log File

After this simulation has been run, a log file will appear This file is the results of the simulation and has some values

that need to be inputted into the design

Edit the Properties

Some properties of the injector need to be changed To do this go to: Edit -> Properties -> Objects… q

Editing Properties

Input the values from the log file of the currents and concentrations into the corresponding properties of the injector, i.e.,

current 1 = cur_I1 etc One change that needs

to be done to the values is that they should all be inputted as positive numbers

Another Analysis

Another Analysis needs to be done, so go to the “Choose Analyses” Window again

Transient Simulation

In the “Choosing Analyses” Window, Select tran and Enabled, then set the Stop Time to ‘1.5’, check conservative, and click the Options... button

Editing the Transient Simulation

In this window, Set the start field to 0, and set the values of the step and maxstep fields to ‘.001’

Then click OK and get back to the simulation Window


Once all of the values are inputted, the only thing left to do is to simulate

This can be done by clicking on the Netlist and Run on the side toolbar button

This simulation may take a little longer than the previous one

The Final Output

After the Simulation finishes, a ‘Waveform Window’ will appear with the desired plot on it

This plot shows the outputs at the selected pin

Understanding the plot

Click on the Curves-> Edit and we will be able to set some outputs to off and on to better understand the plot

Increase the number of data points by going to “Cadence Analog Environment window” selecting Analysis in the side toolbar and clicking Options and changing the step and max step to get a more accurate plot

Changing the voltages may increase or decrease the time the species tested need to approach the detector

Change in the mobilities might separate or reduce the space between the two species

Finishing up

Now we will save the current state of the simulation Go to Session->Save State … and save it as state2

Finishing up

Now we can close all the open windows