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Sin City : Analysis

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Sin City: Analysis

Within the first few seconds of the opening scene, we see a high angle long shot, overlooking New York city, from a roof. The shot allows the audience to see the film is going to be set in a bustling city, such as New York. Along with the non-diegtic noir style soundtrack, these two aspects alone set the perfect scene for a noir film. The use of black and white contrast aswell, as oppose to colour, giving the scene a feeling of mystery and indulges the audience, another popular aspect used within noir films.

Staying within the same shot as previously discussed, we see a female character walk to the edge and lean on the balcony. Here, use of an alerting red highlights the females dress, contrasting against the black and white theme of the scene in play. We can also hear ambient sounds of sirens and sound prespective is used to emphasis the female's heels. A few seconds into this shot, after the entrance of the female, we hear a male voice over narration, consisting of the female. The aspects of sirens,heels and voice over narration all relate to the noir style theme.

The next shot is a medium close up,showing only the upper body of the female, all highlighted in red, with a darkened figure of a man behind. Again, the use of red beams from the female. This could emphasis either lust, dominance or blood which all link into the

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typical femme fatal figure used traditionally in film noir. The bright light from the windows behind are used delibratley to cast a dark shadow from the walking male. Sound prespective is also used on the non-diegtic soundtrack, to empahsize the contrast of the soft piano against the high note of a saxophone; both instruments related to the noir period. The use of shadows and adjustment of lighting is another aspect highly associated with film noire, as it adds intensity and mystery to the film.

This close up, over the shoulder shot, allows the audience to see that the females lips are also highlighted with a deep red. Again, this could suggest that the female is of high desire or she is a corrupt character with a lust for blood or murder; both themes that are closely linked with the film noir style. We can also see she is holding a cigarette, an icon normally associated with the noir genre. The shallow focus centres the femme fatal character, allowing the audience to know she is either of great importance in some way;maybe a main character in the plot or even a victim of a crime. The soft, jazz music continues in the background as the male converses with the female in his stereotypical, strong New York accent, another asset adding to iconography of film noir.

A long shot opens the next part of the opening sequence, when the characters have now turned into white silhoutte's of the two becoming close and intimate. As they kiss, the saxophone is emphasised again above the rest of the background music, somewhat becoming a sound motif for the theme of love/list.The theme of lust strikes the audience here, as they become close and touch; a theme commonly associated with film noir. The use of a silhoutte also links in firmly with the film noir genre, as it is frequently used in this area of genres. The dark skyline and heavy rain are brought forward with the use of contrasting white, to enhance the darkness and draught of the city, highlighting a

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theme of mystery and love, common themes used within the film noir genre.

A close up introduces us to a passionate kiss between the male and female. This shot, yet again, highlights the theme of lust and passion but could also show fear and holding onto each other via intimacy. Just before the kiss, we hear the male say “That i'll save her from whatever she is scared of and take her far, far away” This dialouge displays the protective nature of the male, showing a hero-like character, vowing to save the vunerable female from her fear. This type of character is associated highly with the film noir genre.

Next, a high angle shot is used to allow the audience to view the current situation. It also allows us to see the mise en scene used e.g. a elegant red dress and high heels on the female and smoothly brushed hair and a smart suit on the male, setting the time frame of the 1940's and linking in again with the film noir genre. The lightining and heavy rain potray a gloomy scene, and we know this as we recollect that the female has just been killed. The red dress emphasises the death, as it lays as limpless as the female and now could represent blood/death. The pistol with a silencer attachment is in clear view, another icon that is commonly associated with the noir genre. The sudden death of the female and the fact her “lover” has killed her adds immediate emphasis on the storyline and intruges the audience into a state of mystery, a common aim where film noir is traditionally used.