Thank you Miss Speaker. A very good day to the honorable adjudicators, ever-accurate timekeepers, my fellow ministers of the Gov, our worthy opponents and last but not least members of the house. We the Gov strongly agree with our motion today that is “This house would abolish single sex schools” based on the case line that such schools impede an individual’s true potential. Moving on to my second task that is to rebut the misleading information given by the 1 st speaker. The opposition leader had stated that _____________________ but the fact is ________________________ _____. Now, allow me to convey you with our second argument that is Moving on to our third argument, In a nutshell, I would like to reaffirm our stand that we, the government strongly agree with the motion today that is “Higher Education Guarantees Success in Life” based on the case line that it instills many positive values in moulding a person’s characteristics. With that, I rest my case. TQ. Thank you for agreeing with our definition my dear opposition because your definition of the My dear opposition, your understanding of the definition is slightly different than ours. Our definition of the word

Single Sex Schools (GOV)

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Advantages of Single Sex School

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Page 1: Single Sex Schools (GOV)

Thank you Miss Speaker. A very good day to the honorable adjudicators, ever-accurate timekeepers, my fellow ministers of the Gov, our worthy opponents and last but not least members of the house. We the Gov strongly agree with our motion today that is “This house would abolish single sex schools” based on the case line that such schools impede an individual’s true potential.

Moving on to my second task that is to rebut the misleading information given by the 1st speaker. The opposition leader had stated that _____________________ but the fact is _____________________________.

Now, allow me to convey you with our second argument that is

Moving on to our third argument,

In a nutshell, I would like to reaffirm our stand that we, the government strongly agree with the motion today that is “Higher Education Guarantees Success in Life” based on the case line that it instills many positive values in moulding a person’s characteristics. With that, I rest my case. TQ.

Thank you for agreeing with our definition my dear opposition because your definition of the words ‘higher education’, ‘guarantees’, ‘success’ and ‘life’ are exactly the same as ours. Therefore, our team’s definitions stand.

My dear opposition, your understanding of the definition is slightly different than ours. Our definition of the word

Therefore, our team’s definitions stand.

Page 2: Single Sex Schools (GOV)

Dysfunction member of society

Members of the house, it is no doubt that single sex schools will develop socially awkward students especially towards the opposite gender. Generally, most of the time single sex schools students socialize with the same gender since we spend more time in school rather than being in the public or with our family.

In all-girls schools, girls interact with girls and vice versa. Plenty of time is spent with the same gender, making them uncomfortable mingling with the opposite gender. Yes, we do agree that to certain extend, some single gender school graduates can mingle with the opposite sex normally after graduating but the population of such students are too little my dear members of the house. I can ensure you that this phenomenon is happening since I too am a student of a single sex school and I can witness my seniors facing difficulties to interact with boys in the university.

Awkward interaction includes uncomfortable interaction with the opposite sex and also within the same sex. The way boys and girls socialize are different ladies and gentlemen. Boys are usually manly while girls are usually feminine. The way they talk, their maneuver, and their conversation topic are totally different. As such, if a girl from an all-girls school talk to a boy at the university in a gentle way that she used to do during her school days, the boy might thought that the girls is flirty. In my humble opinion, that would be so awkward.

We need to realize that education is not just about passing the examination with flying colours and putting themselves in a top notch university but about preparing them for adult life, and that include working alongside the opposite sex. The real world is co-educational and co-educational schools do the students a better service by allowing them to work alongside each other rather than doing it for the first time at the university. In short, co-educational schools better reflect the diversity of our society.

Besides, good communication skills are prerequisite in order to survive in the real world. I would like to stress once again that the real world is co-educational. To say that a single person can survive in reality just by interacting with the same sex is absurd, ladies and gentleman. There’s not a job that employ women only or men only. By hook or by crook, interaction among opposite sex is unavoidable. Lacking in teamwork or cooperation among opposite gender could cost you a lot. As such, you would be a dysfunction member of the society where you are unable cooperate with others. Would your work be completed without the help of others? I doubt that.

Therefore, we would like to stress again that single sex schools will lead to hindrance in development of the students’ social interaction.

Page 3: Single Sex Schools (GOV)

Boys and girls complement each other in many ways

Moving on to our third argument that is boys and girls complement each other. Having said that, we need to accept the reality that boys and girls really do complement each other. God made men and women dependent on each other for the full flowering of their potential. Because their natures are somewhat different, they can complement each other; because they are in many ways alike, they can understand each other.

Working together in the classroom and on homework assignments provides boys and girls the opportunity to learn from each other intellectually, as well as socially.

A co-educational school is very successful in challenging sexist attitudes compared to single sex school. Many subjects in secondary school allow for considerable classroom discussion and debate. In a co-educational school both the female and male perspectives will be explored in such discussions and this is a very important learning experience for all. This is what we call as sharing ideas.

Members of the house, friendships develop in a very natural way in co-educational schools. This happens because there are so many activities, societies and clubs in the school in which girls and boys take part in a pleasant, well-supervised environment. Friendships develop naturally and genuinely because the mixing is a by-product of the event. This friendly atmosphere continues into the classroom allowing young people to express their views openly and assertively.

For both girls and boys co-education provides a more realistic way of training young people to take their places naturally in the wider community of men and women. It helps to break down the misconceptions of each sex about the other and provides an excellent foundation for the development of realistic, meaningful and lasting relationships in later life. This is how they complement each other where both genders can gain profits from each other. And therefore, single sex school should be abolished.

Page 4: Single Sex Schools (GOV)



PROOF:1. Men and women excel in different area.

Men and women do think differently, at least where the anatomy of the brain is concerned, according to a new study.

Psychology professor Richard Haier of the University of California, Irvine led the research along with colleagues from the University of New Mexico. Their findings show that in general, men have nearly 6.5 times the amount of gray matter related to general intelligence compared with women, whereas women have nearly 10 times the amount of white matter related to intelligence compared to men.

In human brains, gray matter represents information processing centers, whereas white matter works to network these processing centers.

The results from this study may help explain why men and women excel at different types of tasks, said co-author and neuropsychologist Rex Jung of the University of New Mexico. For example, men tend to do better with tasks requiring more localized processing, such as mathematics, Jung said, while women are better at integrating and assimilating information from distributed gray-matter regions of the brain, which aids language skills.

In so doing they learn that 'equality' does not mean 'sameness' - that men and women often have different perspectives on the same issues and that each approach has a great deal to offer the other.

Rebut: SSS provide higher academic achievement.

Members of the house, advocates of single-sex schooling sometimes make hefty claims about the academic advantages of co-educational schools, pointing to statistically significant disparities in examination results. But in reality, such differences may be due to the socio-economic background of the pupils at the school or the selectivity of the intake.