Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez School for Professional Studies Florida Campuses Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo EDUC 171 Human Growth and Development Crecimiento y Desarrollo del Ser Humano © Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, 2011 Derechos Reservados. © Ana G. Méndez University System, 2011. All rights reserved

Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez School for ... 171 DLP... · etapas de desarrollo. Se incluye el estudio del desarrollo físico, motor, sensorial, del lenguaje, psico-social,

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Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez

School for Professional Studies

Florida Campuses

Universidad del Este, Universidad Metropolitana, Universidad del Turabo

EDUC 171

Human Growth and Development

Crecimiento y Desarrollo del Ser Humano

© Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, 2011

Derechos Reservados.

© Ana G. Méndez University System, 2011. All rights reserved

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Preparado con la colaboración de:

Idali Medina, M.Ed., Especialista en Preparación de Módulos,

Nancy Arcelay, Evaluador de Contenido

Jacqueline Centeno, Evaluador de Idioma Inglés

Paola Maino, Evaluador de Idioma Español

Daniel Poremba, Evaluador Diseño Instruccional

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GUIA DE ESTUDIO .......................................................................................................... 4

STUDY GUIDE ................................................................................................................ 16

TALLER UNO.................................................................................................................. 28

WORKSHOP TWO .......................................................................................................... 33

TALLER TRES ................................................................................................................ 38

WORKSHOP FOUR ........................................................................................................ 43

TALLER CINCO/WORKSHOP FIVE ............................................................................ 47


DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION ............................................................................. 52




LA CLASE........................................................................................................................ 71


........................................................................................................................................... 72


........................................................................................................................................... 73

ANEJO G/APPENDIX G REFLECTIVE JOURNAL RUBRIC ..................................... 75

ANEJO H/APPENDIX H CASE STUDY ....................................................................... 76


........................................................................................................................................... 77


ANEJO K/APPENDIX K PORTFOLIO .......................................................................... 79

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Título del Curso: Crecimiento y desarrollo del ser humano

Codificación: EDUC 171

Duración: 5 semanas

Prerrequisito: Ninguno


El curso es un análisis basado en los estudios de psicología educativa de los

procesos de crecimiento y desarrollo humano. Se estudian los cambios que

ocurren en el ser humano desde el momento de la concepción y a lo largo de las

etapas de desarrollo. Se incluye el estudio del desarrollo físico, motor, sensorial,

del lenguaje, psico-social, emocional, moral, creativo, pensamiento crítico y

solución de problemas. Se estudian los cambios psicológicos que ocurren como resultado

de las diferentes etapas del desarrollo, los factores hereditarios y ambientales que

motivan la conducta del ser humano.

Objetivos Generales de Contenido

Al terminar el curso el estudiante será capaz de:

1. Conocer y entender el crecimiento y desarrollo del ser humano.

2. Definir la terminología utilizada durante el estudio del crecimiento y desarrollo


3. Explicar y formular el papel de la psicología en la educación y aplicarla a la


4. Explicar y formular las aportaciones a la psicología de personas, grupos y escuelas a lo

largo de la historia de la humanidad.

5. Ubicar, clasificar y explicar las etapas del desarrollo de la niñez.

6. Revisar y explicar las etapas propuestas por los diferentes teóricos del

Desarrollo psico-social.

7. Explicar los aspectos relacionados al desarrollo físico, motor, sensorial, sexual, moral

y del lenguaje del ser humano.

8. Distinguir y relacionar las principales etapas del desarrollo humano (pre-natal,

infancia, niñez, adolescencia, adultez y vejez) con las prácticas educativas.

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Objetivos de Lenguaje Generales

Al terminar el curso el estudiante será capaz de:

1. Escuchar: Entender inglés y español por medio de respuestas a estímulos

auditivos tales como videos, presentaciones y participación en clase.

2. Hablar: Comunicar ideas y opiniones, presentar y discutir verbalmente en inglés

y español.

3. Leer: Resumir/parafrasear las ideas principales después de investigar, leer y

analizar selecciones en inglés o español.

4. Escribir: Resumir ideas principales, escribir diarios reflexivos, ensayos,

entrevistas y trabajos de investigación usando estructura gramatical, ortografía, y

deletreo correcto siguiendo las reglas de APA.

Proyecto de Experiencia Clínica El estudiante deberá contactar a una escuela y pedir

autorización para poder observar una clase y funciones administrativas de la escuela. Los

estudiantes tienen que usar el Instrumento de Observación y la Plantilla (Apéndices B y

C) y demonstrar que han cumplido con el mínimo de 8 horas en el plantel escolar.

Textos Recomendados y Recursos

Papalia, D. (2010). Desarrollo Humano. (11ͣ ed.). México: McGraw-Hill. ISBN

6071502993 $45.00.

Beckett, C, & Taylor, H. (2010). Human Growth and Development. (2nd ed.). Thousand

Oaks, California: Sage Publications. ISBN 1847847871794 $100.

Sudbery, J. (2010). Human Growth and Development: An Introduction for Social

Workers. Londres, UK: Routledge. eText ISBN 139780203871942 $25.97.

(Biblioteca Virtual SUAGM)

Marciales-Vivas, G. (2009). Educación, sujeto y desarrollo humano. Bogotá,

Colombia: Editorial Pontifica de la Universidad Javeriana.. ISBN 1657-9267

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Requisitos del Laboratorio de Lenguaje o Laboratorio Electrónico: (Tell Me More, Net

Tutor, Wimba Voice, Biblioteca Virtual y Voice E-mail)

Requisitos Mínimos de Laboratorio de Lenguaje: Los estudiantes deben

demostrar que ellos han cumplido con las horas de uso en el laboratorio de

lenguaje por curso. El facilitador podría requerir más horas de práctica basada en

las necesidades para las destrezas auditivas, orales, de lectura y escritura en

cualquiera de los lenguajes mencionados. El total de horas de práctica va a estar

incorporado en la sección de actividades del módulo.

Descripción de la evaluación

Participación en clase (100 puntos)

• Demostrar responsabilidad por su proceso de aprendizaje

• Traer materiales asignados

• Participar en los procesos de discusión y actividades de grupo

• Entregar los trabajos a tiempo

• Demostrar calidad en los trabajos presentados (letra legible, nitidez, sintaxis

y ortografía adecuada)

Cumplir con las horas asignadas de e-lab

• Es requisito asistir para aprobar el curso. Las ausencias afectarán su nota

final (10 puntos por asistencia y 10 puntos por participación diarios).

Presentación Oral (100 pts.) (Talleres 2-3-4-5) (Apéndice D)

• Trabajo de grupo

• Cada miembro presentará un sub tema

• Es requisito la utilización de medios audiovisuales y de estrategias de

presentación variadas. Ejemplo: presentaciones audiovisuales tales como PowerPoint,

Simulaciones, Dramas, Debates,

Competencias académicas, Grabación de vídeos, y entrevistas, entre otros.

• Debe ser creativo

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• Preparar y entregar una guía escrita para cada participante del curso

• Tiempo estipulado para la presentación de grupo: 20 minutos (puede variar

dependiendo de la discusión)

• Las presentaciones comienzan en el segundo taller y finalizan en el quinto


• El resto del grupo deberá realizar las lecturas relacionadas con los temas

que se discutirán en cada taller para garantizar una participación activa.

Estudio de caso (100 puntos)(Taller 5) (Apéndice H)

ESOL Estándar 2

El propósito del estudio de caso es aplicar las teorías aprendidas e identificar

factores que inciden en el crecimiento y desarrollo del niño, desde la concepción hasta la

etapa de los seis años. Dicho estudio se llevará a cabo a través de entrevistas con un

niño/a de seis años de edad o menor, con el padre, madre y/o encargado. Debe presentar

un análisis crítico de las entrevistas realizadas, alternativas viables y ofrecer

recomendaciones. Las preguntas realizadas durante las entrevistas deben ser redactadas

por el estudiante de acuerdo a la situación particular del niño/a identificado y deben

incluirse en el informe escrito como un Apéndice.

NOTA: El estudiante deberá obtener permiso de la oficina del Directorio de Revisión

Institucional (Institutional Review Board IRB) antes de entrevistar a una persona de la

tercera edad.

Ensayo (100 puntos) (Taller 1)

ESOL Estándar 1

Redactar en español un ensayo de dos páginas de largo explicando el por qué es necesario

que los docentes tengan conocimiento del desarrollo y crecimiento humano. Utilice el

formato APA con citas y referencias.

Diario reflexivo (100 puntos) (Talleres 1-5) (Apéndice G)

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El estudiante redactará un diario reflexivo al finalizar cada taller con el fin de reflexionar

críticamente y escribir sobre los conceptos, sentimientos y actitudes relacionados a los

procesos de aprendizaje. Cada diario deberá ser escrito en el idioma del taller y tendrá un

valor de 20 puntos.

Entrevista a una persona de la tercera edad (100 puntos) (Taller 5) (Apéndices I y J)

El propósito de la entrevista es aplicar las teorías aprendidas relacionadas a

la autorrealización en la adultez e identificar el impacto del envejecimiento

en la vida de una persona. Debe desarrollar un informe escrito resumiendo su análisis de

la entrevista. La entrevista debe ser hecha y escrita en español.

En el Apéndice I se incluyen las preguntas guía para llevar a cabo la entrevista

y la matriz valorativa para evaluar la tarea. El estudiante, de ser necesario,

puede incluir preguntas adicionales que le permitan obtener datos

relevantes que le ayuden a aplicar los conceptos

presentados en el curso. Éstas deberán ser incluidas con el informe de la entrevista.

NOTA: El estudiante deberá obtener permiso de la oficina del Directorio de Revisión

Institucional (Institutional Review Board IRB) antes de entrevistar a una persona de la

tercera edad.

Portafolio(100 puntos) (Taller 5) Por favor mire y lea los apéndices K.

Criterio Puntaje Porcentaje

Asistencia y Participación

en clase

(40 puntos por clase)

200 20%

Presentacióon Oral

(talleres 2-5)

100 20%

Ensayo (taller 1) 100 10%

Estudio de caso (taller 3) 100 10%

Diarios (cada taller) 100 15%

Entrevista (taller 5) 100 10%

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Laboratorio de Idiomas/E-

Lab y Portafolio (Taller 5)

100 15%

Total 800 100%

Escala de evaluación

100-90% = A 89-80% = B 79-70% = C 69-60% = D 59-00% = F

Descripción de las Normas del Curso

1. Este curso sigue el modelo “Discipline-Based Dual Language Immersion

Model®” del Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, el mismo está diseñado para

promover el desarrollo de cada estudiante como un profesional bilingüe. Cada

taller será facilitado en inglés y español, utilizando el modelo 50/50. Esto

significa que cada taller deberá ser conducido enteramente en el lenguaje

especificado. Los lenguajes serán alternados en cada taller para asegurar que el

curso se ofrece 50% en inglés y 50% en español. Para mantener un balance, el

módulo debe especificar que se utilizarán ambos idiomas en el quinto taller,

dividiendo el tiempo y las actividades equitativamente entre ambos idiomas. Esto

no aplica a los cursos de lenguaje que deben ser desarrollados en el idioma propio

todo en inglés o todo en español según aplique.

2. El curso es conducido en formato acelerado, lo que requiere que los estudiantes se

preparen antes de cada taller de acuerdo al módulo. Cada taller requiere un

promedio de diez (10) horas de preparación y en ocasiones requiere más.

3. La asistencia a todos los talleres es obligatoria. El estudiante que se ausente al

taller deberá presentar una excusa razonable al facilitador. El facilitador evaluará

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si la ausencia es justificada y decidirá como el estudiante repondrá el trabajo

perdido, de ser necesario. El facilitador decidirá uno de los siguientes: permitirle

al estudiante reponer el trabajo o asignarle trabajo adicional aparte del trabajo a

ser repuesto.

Toda tarea a ser completada antes del taller deberá ser entregada en la fecha

asignada. El facilitador ajustará la nota de las tareas repuestas.

4. La asistencia y participación en clase de actividades y presentaciones orales es

extremadamente importante pues no se pueden reponer. Si el estudiante provee

una excusa válida y verificable, el facilitador determinará una actividad

equivalente a evaluar que la sustituya. Esta actividad deberá incluir el mismo

contenido y componentes del lenguaje como la presentación oral o actividad a ser


5. En actividades de grupo el grupo será evaluado por su trabajo final. Sin embargo,

cada miembro de grupo deberá participar y cooperar para lograr un trabajo de

excelencia, pero recibirán una calificación individual.

6. Se espera que todo trabajo escrito sea de la autoría de cada estudiante y no

plagiado. Se debe entender que todo trabajo entregado esté citado apropiadamente

o parafraseado y citado dando atención al autor. Todo estudiante debe ser el autor

de su propio trabajo. Todo trabajo que sea plagiado, copiado o presente trazos de

otro será calificado con cero. El servicio de SafeAssignTM de Blackboard será

utilizado por los facilitadores para verificar la autoría de los trabajos escritos de

los estudiantes. Es responsabilidad del estudiante el leer la política de plagio de

su universidad. Si usted es estudiante de UT, deberá leer la Sección 11.1 del

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Manual del Estudiante. Si es estudiante de UMET y UT, refiérase al Capítulo 13,

secciones 36 y 36.1 de los respectivos manuales.

Se espera un comportamiento ético en todas las actividades del curso. Esto

implica que TODOS los trabajos tienen que ser originales y que de toda referencia

utilizada deberá indicarse la fuente, bien sea mediante citas o bibliografía. No se

tolerará el plagio y, en caso de que se detecte casos del mismo, el estudiante se

expone a recibir cero en el trabajo y a ser referido al Comité de Disciplina de la

institución. Los estudiantes deben observar aquellas prácticas dirigidas a evitar

incurrir en el plagio de documentos y trabajos.

7. Si el facilitador hace cambios al módulo o guía de estudio, deberá discutirlos y

entregar copia a los estudiantes por escrito al principio del primer taller.

8. El facilitador establecerá los medios para contactar a los estudiantes proveyendo

su correo electrónico, teléfonos, y el horario disponibles.

9. EL uso de celulares está prohibido durante las sesiones de clase; de haber una

necesidad, deberá permanecer en vibración o en silencio.

10. La visita de niños y parientes no registrados en el curso no está permitida en el

salón de clases.

11. Todo estudiante está sujeto a las políticas y normas de conducta y

comportamiento que rigen al SUAGM y el curso.

Nota: Si por alguna razón Ud. no pudiera acceder a las direcciones electrónicas ofrecidas

en el módulo, no se limite a ellas. Existen otros motores de búsqueda y sitios Web que

podrá utilizar para la búsqueda de la información deseada. Entre ellas están:


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Para comprar o alquilar libros de texto o referencias nuevas o usadas puede visitar:


http://www.bookswim.com/ (alquiler)

http://www.allbookstores.com/ (compra)


Estas son sólo algunas de las muchas compañías donde puede comprar o alquilar libros.

El/la facilitador(a) puede realizar cambios a las direcciones electrónicas y/o añadir

algunas de ser necesario.

Si el facilitador o el estudiante requirieran o deseara hacer una investigación o la

administración de cuestionarios o entrevistas, deberán referirse a las normas y

procedimientos de la Oficina de Cumplimiento y solicitar su autorización. Para acceder a

los formularios de la Oficina de Cumplimiento pueden visitar este enlace

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http://www.suagm.edu/ac_aa_re_ofi_formularios.asp y seleccionar los formularios que


Además de los formularios el estudiante/facilitador puede encontrar las instrucciones para

la certificación en línea. Estas certificaciones incluyen: Institutional Review Board

(IRB), Health Information Portability Accounting Act (HIPAA), y Responsibility

Conduct for Research Act (RCR).

De tener alguna duda, favor de comunicarse con la Coordinadoras Institucionales o a la

Oficina de Cumplimiento a los siguientes teléfonos:

Sra. Evelyn Rivera Sobrado, Directora Oficina de Cumplimiento

Tel. (787) 751-0178 Ext. 7196

Srta. Carmen Crespo, Coordinadora Institucional Cumplimiento – UMET

Tel. (787) 766-1717 Ext. 6366

Sra. Josefina Melgar, Coordinadora Institucional Cumplimiento – Turabo

Tel. (787) 743-7979 Ext.4126

Dra. Rebecca Cherry, Coordinadora Institucional Cumplimiento - UNE

Tel. (787) 257-7373 Ext. 3936

Filosofía y Metodología Educativa

Este curso está basado en la teoría educativa del Constructivismo.

Constructivismo es una filosofía de aprendizaje fundamentada en la premisa, de que,

reflexionando a través de nuestras experiencias, podemos construir nuestro propio

conocimiento sobre el mundo en el que vivimos.

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Cada uno de nosotros genera nuestras propias “reglas “y “métodos mentales” que

utilizamos para darle sentido a nuestras experiencias. Aprender, por lo tanto, es

simplemente el proceso de ajustar nuestros modelos mentales para poder acomodar

nuevas experiencias. Como facilitadores, nuestro enfoque es el mantener una conexión

entre los hechos y fomentar un nuevo entendimiento en los estudiantes. También,

intentamos adaptar nuestras estrategias de enseñanza a las respuestas de nuestros

estudiantes y motivar a los mismos a analizar, interpretar y predecir información.

Existen varios principios para el constructivismo, entre los cuales están:

1. El aprendizaje es una búsqueda de significados. Por lo tanto, el aprendizaje debe

comenzar con situaciones en las cuales los estudiantes estén buscando activamente

construir un significado.

2. Significado requiere comprender todas las partes. Y, las partes deben entenderse en el

contexto del todo. Por lo tanto, el proceso de aprendizaje se enfoca en los conceptos

primarios, no en hechos aislados.

3. Para enseñar bien, debemos entender los modelos mentales que los estudiantes

utilizan para percibir el mundo y las presunciones que ellos hacen para apoyar dichos


4. El propósito del aprendizaje, es para un individuo, el construir su propio significado,

no sólo memorizar las contestaciones “correctas” y repetir el significado de otra

persona. Como la educación es intrínsecamente interdisciplinaria, la única forma

válida para asegurar el aprendizaje es hacer de la evaluación parte esencial de dicho

proceso, asegurándose que éste proporcione a los estudiantes con la información

sobre la calidad de su aprendizaje.

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5. La evaluación debe servir como una herramienta de auto-análisis.

6. Proveer herramientas y ambientes que ayuden a los estudiantes a interpretar las

múltiples perspectivas que existen en el mundo.

7. El aprendizaje debe ser controlado internamente y analizado por el estudiante.

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Course Title: Human Growth and Development

Code: EDUC 171

Time Length: 5 weeks

Prerequisite: None


The course is an analysis based on studies on educational psychology processes of

growth and development. It studies the changes that occur in the human being from the

moment of conception throughout the stages of development. It includes the study of

physical, motor, sensory, language, psychosocial, emotional, moral, creative, critical

thinking and problem solving developments. It studies the psychological changes that

happen as a result of the different stages of development, hereditary and environmental

factors that motivates the conduct of the human beings.

General Objectives

1. The future teacher will learn and understand the growth and development of human


2. Define the terminology used during the learning of the growth and development of

the human being.

3. Explain and formulate the role of Psychology in education and establish its

application in schools.

4. Explain and formulate the contribution of people, groups and school to the study of

psychology throughout the history of humanity.

5. Classify and explain the stages of childhood history.

6. Revise and explain the stages proposed by theorists of the psychosocial development.

7. Explain the physical, motor, sensory, sexual, moral and language aspects of the

human being.

8. Distinguish and relate the principal stages of the human being, (pre-natal, infancy,

childhood, adulthood, and late adulthood.

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General Language Objectives

1. Listen: Understand English through responses to auditory stimuli such as videos,

facilitator presentations, class participation, etc.

2. Speak: Communicate ideas, opinions, presentations, and discussion orally in

English. Ask questions for clarification.

3. Read: Summarize/Paraphrase main ideas after researching, reading and analyzing

selections in English.

4. Write: Summarize main ideas; write journals, essays, interviews and research

projects using correct structure, grammar, spelling and composition in English and


Recommended Texts and Resources

Papalia, D., (2010). Desarrollo Humano. (11ͣ ed.).Mexico: McGraw-Hill. ISBN

6071502993 $45.00.

Beckett, C, & Taylor, H., (2010). Human Growth and Development. (2nd ed.). England:

Sage Publications. ISBN 1847847871794 $100.

Sudbery, J., (2010). Human Growth and Development: An Introduction for Social

Workers. Routledge. eText ISBN 139780203871942 $25.97.

(Virtual Library SUAGM)

Marciales-Vivas, G. (2009). Educación, sujeto y desarrollo humano. Editorial Pontifica

de la Universidad Javeriana. Bogotá, Colombia. ISBN 1657-9267

E-Lab (Language Lab) Requirements (Tell Me More, Net Tutor, Wimba Voice, Virtual

Library, & Voice e-mail

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Language Lab Minimum Requirement: Students must demonstrate that they

have complied with the hours of language lab usage for each language per course.

The facilitator may require a higher number of hours for language lab practice

based on the language needs for listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in

either or both languages. The total amount of practice hours will be integrated

within the activities section of the module.

Evaluation’s description

Student’s participation (100 points) (Workshops 1-2-3-4-5)

• Demonstrate responsibility for the learning process

• Bring the assigned materials

• Participate in the discussion processes and group activities

• Hand in the assignments on time

• Show quality in the assignments (legible letter, clearness, syntax and adequate spelling)

Oral Presentation (100 points)(Workshops 2-3-4-5) (Appendix D)

• Team work

• Each member will present a sub topic

• It’s a requisite to use audiovisual techniques and materials and varied presentation

strategies. Example: Power Point, Simulations, Dramas or Role playing, Debates or

discussions, Academic competitions, video recording, interviews, etc.

• The group should be creative

• The group will have 20 minutes for the presentation. (this can vary according to the


• Prepare a handout for each classmate.

• The presentations will begin on the second workshop and will finish on the Fifth


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• The rest of the students should read related literature on the topics to be discussed in

each workshop to guarantee an active participation.

Case study (100 points)(Workshop 3) (Appendix H)

The purpose of the case study is to apply the studied theories and identify the

issues that negatively impact child’s growth and development from

conception until six years.

The study will be conducted by interviews and observation of a six year-old or younger

child, his father, mother or person in charge. The student should present a critical analysis

on the collected data, with alternatives and recommendations.

The questions to be used in the interviews should be written by the student in

accordance to the specific situation of the selected child.

The questions used for the interviews should be included as an Appendix in the

written report.

Essay(100 points)(Workshop 1)

Explain why teachers need a working knowledge of human development. Use proper

APA format.

Reflective Journal(100 points)(Workshops 1-5) (Appendix G)

• The student should write a reflective diary at the end of each workshop. The purpose is

to make a critical reflection and write over the concepts, feelings and attitudes related to

the learning process in the classroom. A self-analysis and self-evaluation of student’s

execution should be included. Each journal will be 25 points.

Interview to a Late Adulthood Person (100 points)(Workshop 5) (Appendices I and J)

• The purpose of the interview is to apply the learned theories related to the

self-realization in adulthood and identify the impact of aging in an

Individual’s life.

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• Appendix F includes some guided questions for the interview and the rubric to evaluate

the given task. The student, if necessary, may include additional questions to get relevant

data that may result in the application of the concepts developed in class. The additional

questions should be part of the written report to be handed in.

• The written report must include the results of the interview, a critical

analysis, alternatives and recommendations.

Criteria Punctuation Percentage

Class attendance and


200 20%

Oral presentation 100 20%

Essay 100 10%

Case study 100 10%

Journals 100 15%

Interview 100 10%

Portfolio 100 15%

Total 800 100%


100-90% = A 89-80% = B 79-70% = C 69-60% = D 59-00% = F

Description of Course Policies

1. This course follows the Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez Discipline-Based Dual

Language Immersion Model® designed to promote each student’s development as a

Dual Language Professional. Workshops will be facilitated in English and Spanish,

strictly using the 50/50 model. This means that each workshop will be conducted

entirely in the language specified. The language used in the workshops will alternate

to insure that 50% of the course will be conducted in English and 50% in Spanish. To

maintain this balance, the course module may specify that both languages will be

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used during the fifth workshop, dividing that workshop’s time and activities between

the two languages. If students have difficulty with asking a question in the target

language in which the activity is being conducted, students may choose to use their

preferred language for that particular question. However, the facilitator must answer

in the language assigned for that particular day. This should only be an exception as it

is important for students to use the assigned language. The 50/50 model does not

apply to language courses where the delivery of instruction must be conducted in the

language taught (Spanish or English only).

2. The course is conducted in an accelerated format and requires that students prepare in

advance for each workshop according to the course module. Each workshop requires

an average ten hours of preparation but could require more.

3. Attendance at all class sessions is mandatory. A student that is absent to a workshop

must present the facilitator a reasonable excuse. The facilitator will evaluate if the

absence is justified and decide how the student will make up the missing work, if

applicable. The facilitator will decide on the following: allow the student to make up

the work, or allow the student to make up the work and assign extra work to

compensate for the missing class time.

Assignments required prior to the workshop must be completed and turned in on the

assigned date. The facilitator may decide to adjust the grade given for late

assignments and make-up work.

4. Student attendance and participation in oral presentations and special class activities

are extremely important as it is not possible to assure that they can be made up. If the

student provides a valid and verifiable excuse, the facilitator may determine a

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substitute evaluation activity if he/she understands that an equivalent activity is

possible. This activity must include the same content and language components as the

oral presentation or special activity that was missed.

5. In cooperative learning activities, the group will be assessed for their final work.

However, each member will have to collaborate to assure the success of the group

and the assessment will be done collectively as well as individually.

6. It is expected that all written work will be solely that of the student and should not be

plagiarized. That is, the student must be the author of all work submitted. All quoted

or paraphrased material must be properly cited, with credit given to its author or

publisher. It should be noted that plagiarized writings are easily detectable and

students should not risk losing credit for material that is clearly not their own.

SafeAssignTM, a Blackboard plagiarism deterrent service, will be used by the

facilitators to verify students’ ownership of written assignments. It is the student’s

responsibility to read the university’s plagiarism policy. If you are a UT student, read

Section 11.1 of the Student Manual, and if you belong to UMET or UNE, refer to

Chapter 13, Sections 36 and 36.1 of the respective manuals.

Ethical behavior is expected from the students in all course related activities. This

means that ALL papers submitted by the student must be original work and that all

references used will be properly cited or mentioned in the bibliography. Plagiarism

will not be tolerated and, in case of detecting an incidence, the student will obtain a

zero in the assignment or activity and could be referred to the Discipline Committee.

7. If the Facilitator makes changes to the study guide, such changes should be discussed

with and given to students in writing at the beginning of the first workshop.

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8. The facilitator will establish a means of contacting students by providing an email

address, phone number, hours to be contacted and days.

9. The use of cellular phones is prohibited during sessions; if there is a need to have one,

it must be on vibrate or silent mode during class session.

10. Children or family members that are not registered in the course are not allowed to

the classrooms.

11. All students are subject to the policies regarding behavior in the university

community established by the institution and in this course.

Note: If for any reason you cannot access the URL’s presented in the module, do not stop

your investigation. There are many search engines and other links you can use to search

for information. These are some examples:













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To buy or rent new or used textbooks or references you can visit:


http://www.bookswim.com/ (rent)

http://www.allbookstores.com/ (buy)


Estos son sólo algunas de las muchas compañías donde puede comprar o alquilar


The facilitator may make changes or add additional professional educational web

resources, if deemed necessary.

Note: If the facilitator or the student is required or wants to perform a research or needs

to administer a questionnaire or an interview, he/she must comply with the norms and

procedures of the Institutional Review Board Office (IRB) and ask for authorization. To

access the forms from the IRB Office or for additional information, visit the following

link: http://www.suagm.edu/ac_aa_re_ofi_formularios.asp and select the forms needed.

Furthermore, in this website the student/facilitator will find instructions for several online

certifications related to IRB processes. These certifications include: IRB Institutional

Review Board, Health Information Portability Accounting Act (HIPAA), y

Responsibility Conduct for Research Act (RCR).

If you have any question, please contact the following Institutional Coordinators:

Mrs. Evelyn Rivera Sobrado, Director of IRB Office (PR)

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Tel. (787) 751-0178 Ext. 7196

Miss. Carmen Crespo, IRB Institutional Coordinator– UMET

Tel. (787) 766-1717 Ext. 6366

Sra. Josefina Melgar, IRB Institutional Coordinator – Turabo

Tel. (787) 743-7979 Ext.4126

Rebecca Cherry, Ph.D., IRB Institutional Coordinator - UNE

Tel. (787) 257-7373 Ext. 3936

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Teaching Philosophy and Methodology

This course is grounded in the learning theory of Constructivism. Constructivism

is a philosophy of learning founded on the premise that, by reflecting on our experiences,

we construct our own understanding of the world in which we live.

Each of us generates our own “rules” and “mental models,” which we use to make

sense of our experiences. Learning, therefore, is simply the process of adjusting our

mental models to accommodate new experiences. As teachers, our focus is on making

connections between facts and fostering new understanding in students. We will also

attempt to tailor our teaching strategies to student responses and encourage students to

analyze, interpret and predict information.

There are several guiding principles of constructivism:

1. Learning is a search for meaning. Therefore, learning must start with the issues

around which students are actively trying to construct meaning.

2. Meaning requires understanding wholes as well as parts. And parts must be

understood in the context of wholes. Therefore, the learning process focuses on

primary concepts, not isolated facts.

3. In order to teach well, we must understand the mental models that students use to

perceive the world and the assumptions they make to support those models.

4. The purpose of learning is for an individual to construct his or her own meaning, not

just memorize the "right" answers and regurgitate someone else's meaning. Since

education is inherently interdisciplinary, the only valuable way to measure learning is

to make the assessment part of the learning process, ensuring it provides students with

information on the quality of their learning.

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5. Evaluation should serve as a self-analysis tool.

6. Provide tools and environments that help learners interpret the multiple perspectives

of the world.

7. Learning should be internally controlled and mediated by the learner.

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Objetivos Específicos de Contenido

Al terminar el Taller Uno el estudiante será capaz de:

1. Definir e interpretar los conceptos básicos de crecimiento y desarrollo humano.

2. Identificar los factores ambientales que afectan el proceso y la formación de un


3. Exponer y analizar la influencia de la herencia y del ambiente en el desarrollo y

formación de un niño

Objetivos Específicos de Lenguaje

Al terminar el Taller Uno el estudiante será capaz de:

1. Escuchar: Escuchar y comprender los conceptos discutidos en grupo para luego

utilizar el conocimiento al presentar.

2. Hablar: Expresar ideas relacionadas con el tema del taller usando el lenguaje

adecuado con uso correcto de gramática y sintaxis.

3. Leer: Leer y comprender la lectura de manera de poder definir conceptos y recaudar

información necesaria para escribir un ensayo analítico.

4. Escribir: Escribir un diario reflexivo usando vocabulario, gramática y estilo


Enlaces Electrónicos:

Biblioteca Virtual


Etapas del desarrollo humano de Eric Erickson




Fundamentos del desarrollo de niño

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Jean Piaget



Etapas del desarrollo del niño


Hitos del desarrollo



Cuadro de resumen de las etapas de Erickson


Ciclo vital




Asignaciones antes del Taller a realizarse en español:

1. Leer los URL, libros de textos y otros materiales de referencia recomendados. Prestar

mucha atención a las matrices valorativas en la sección de los apéndices, ya que éstas

serán utilizadas para evaluar el rendimiento del estudiante.

2. Buscar las definiciones de los siguientes conceptos y traerlos a la clase para ser


a. Crecimiento

b. Desarrollo humano

c. Ciclo vital

d. Herencia

e. Ambiente

3. Leer la información sobre los siguientes asuntos relacionados con el crecimiento y el

desarrollo humano.

Crecimiento y desarrollo de los niños

Factores que influyen en el proceso de desarrollo

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Etapas del desarrollo



4. Mire el siguiente video y escriba un resumen de los temas más importantes

presentados en éste. El resumen debe ser de 2 a 3 páginas de largo y escrito en


Teoría de desarrollo de Piaget



Vocabulario Clave de la Lección Crecimiento

1. Desarrollo humano

2. Ciclo vital

3. Herencia

4. Ambiente

Lista de Materiales Suplementarios para el Taller

1. Tutorial de APA en Blackboard

2. Repaso del uso de Blackboard

3. Demonstración de la herramienta de SafeAssign.

4. Incorporación de TELL ME MORE , WIMBA VOICE o NETUTOR

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Componentes de SIOP (Sheltered-InstructionObservationProtocol). Coloque una marca

de cotejo en la (__) en todas las estrategias por componente que se usaran en el taller.

Actividades Integradas:

1. El facilitador y los estudiantes se presentarán mediante una actividad de rompe hielo

sugerida por el facilitador.

2. Se analizarán las actividades y los criterios de la evaluación.

3. Se seleccionará un representante estudiantil.

4. Los estudiantes reunidos en grupos analizarán las definiciones del crecimiento, del

desarrollo humano, del ciclo vital, de la herencia y del ambiente, y crearán un

organizador gráfico con esta información.

B. Scaffolding


__xPráctica Dirigida

__x Práctica Independiente

__x Instrucción Comprensible

C. Opciones para Agrupamiento

___ Grupo Completo

__x Grupos Pequeños

___ Pares

__x Trabajo Independiente

D. Integración del Proceso

___x Escuchar

___x Hablar

___x Leer

___x Escribir

E. Aplicación

___x Actividades Dinámicas de Aplicación

___xSignificativas y Relevantes

___x Rigurosas

___ xAlineadas a los Objetivos

___x Promueven Participación

A. Preparación

___Adaptación de Contenido

__x Enlaces al Conocimiento Previo

__x Enlaces al Aprendizaje Previo

__x Estrategias Incorporadas

Estrategias de CALLA (Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach)

__x Cognoscitivo


__x Socio/Afectivo

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5. Cada grupo presentará una definición para luego compartir con el resto de la clase.

Todos pueden añadir a la definición.

6. El facilitador presentará una película sobre el desarrollo humano.

7. Se organizará un panel educativo para discutir la película.

8. La clase será dividida en pequeños grupos para discutir los siguientes temas:

Etapas del desarrollo



Crecimiento de los niños y desarrollo y los factores que influencian este proceso.

9. Cada grupo presentará sus resultados.

10. Explicar las actividades para el taller dos.

11. Dividir a los estudiantes en 4 grupos (más o menos de acuerdo al número de

estudiantes) y asignar un taller del 2-5 para que hagan la presentación oral. El grupo

escogerá un tema de su taller asignado para desarrollar la presentación. Analizar la

matriz valorativa que se usará para evaluar esta asignación (Apéndice D).


1. Escrito - Diario reflexivo; resumen de los temas más importantes presentados en el

video; ensayo de dos páginas de largo explicando por qué es necesario que los

docentes tengan conocimiento del desarrollo y crecimiento del ser humano.

Aplique el estilo de APA en todas sus asignaciones escritas.

2. Oral/Auditivo – Auto presentación a la clase y participación en la discusión de la

clase y en las actividades en grupo.

Cierre del Taller

1. Individual: Los estudiantes escribirán en su diario reflexivo lo que aprendieron

hoy y qué ideas o conceptos aun no tienen claros.

2. Grupal: Reunidos en pequeños grupos los estudiantes ilustrarán los cinco temas

más importantes que aprendieron hoy en la clase.

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Specific Content Objectives:

1. Define and interpret the following concepts:

Prenatal development

Neonatal development

Physical development

Intellectual development

Mental development

Whole child

2. Detail and analyze specific characteristics typical of the prenatal and neonatal


3. Identify the main changes in the development stages.

4. Identify and analyze aspects and factors that influence the process of development.

5. Analyze the process of growth and development of the newborn in family and

daycare situations.

Specific Language Objectives:

1. Listen to the selected film or reading and apply new concepts when discussing the

examples observed in the selected film.

2. Effectively use the skills of communication in group discussions.

3. Summarize the main ideas of the workshop using correct grammar when speaking.

4. After reading an ample variety of printed resources, identify and analyze different

stages of prenatal and neonatal development.

5. Write a journal using correct grammar and punctuation.

Electronic Links (URLs):

Virtual Library


Jean Piaget


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Human development: Prenatal stage


Stages of Prenatal Development


Development of the child and the education




Understanding the physical and mental development of the child


Prenatal development


Native and neonatal Pre-development


The whole child


Development of the child


Assignments before the Workshop:

1. Search for the definitions of the following terms:

Prenatal development

Neonatal development

Physical development

Mental development

Whole child

Intellectual development

2. Look for information related to the growth and development of children. Bring that

Information to the classroom.

3. Choose one of the videos offered in this URL and watch it. Be ready to share it in


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Prenatal development



Key Vocabulary: (Must reflect objectives and important concepts of the workshop)

1. Prenatal development

2. Neonatal development

3. Physical development

4. Mental development

5. Whole child

6. Intellectual development

List of Supplementary Materials for the Workshop

1. www.youtube.com

2. Handout made by the group presenting their topic.

3. Materials to make a collage (magazines, scissors, glue, markers, chart paper)

4. TELL ME MORE, WimbaVoiceorNETutor .

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SIOP Components - Place a checkmark on the (___) for ALL strategies that will be used

in the workshop.

Integrated Activities of Content and Language to achieve Content and Language


1. Brief review the material covered in Workshop One.

2. The class will be divided in groups and each group will be assigned a theme for a

collage poster.

3. The students will place collage posters around the room with the assigned terms.

4. The students will walk by the posters writing information related to the topics.

5. The students will analyze the written information and will write the definition of

the term based on the visual.

B. Scaffolding

___x Modeling

___xGuided Practice

___ xIndependent Practice

___ xComprehensible Input

C. Grouping Options

___ xWhole Class

___x Small Groups

___ Partners

___x Independent Work

D. Integration of Processes


___x Speaking

___ xReading

___x Writing

E. Application

___x Hands-on

___x Meaningful/Relevant

___ xRigorous

___x Link to Objectives

___xPromote Engagement

A. Preparation

__x Adaptation of Content

__x Links to Background Knowledge

__x Links to Past Learning

__x Strategies Incorporated

CALLA Strategies (Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach)

___ xCognitive

___ xMeta-cognitive

___x Social/Affective

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6. Today´s group will present orally their chosen topic.

7. The students will share their ideas about video/reading about the prenatal

development given in class. They can also use the information they researched

prior to the class.

8. Facilitator will present Power Point on growth and development of the newborn in

family and daycare situations.

9. Discuss the assignments for Workshop Three


1. Individual –Research for your case study:

ESOL Standard 2

The purpose of the case study is to apply the studied theories and identify the

issues that negatively impact a child’s growth and development from conception

until six years. The study will be conducted by interviews and observation of a six

year-old or younger child, his father, mother or person in charge. The student

should present a critical analysis on the collected data, with alternatives and


The questions to be used in the interviews should be written by the student in

accordance to the specific situation of the selected child.

The questions used for the interviews should be included as an Appendix in the

written report.

2. Group – Prepare oral presentation.

3. Written – Journal, Case Study

Journal Topic: What factors do you believe are most influential for the

development of a newborn child?

4. Oral – Practice Presentation. Class Participation. Speak to parents of child in case


Lesson Wrap-Up

1. Individual – One minute to make a list of factors that influence the development

of the newborn child. Share.

2. Group – Ask questions to clarify any doubts related to assignments.

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Objetivos Específicos de Contenido

Al terminar el Taller Tres el estudiante será capaz de:

1. Identificar y explicar las características y los cambios fundamentales en el desarrollo

cognoscitivo, socioeconómico y físico de los niños.

2. Identificar y analizar los factores y los aspectos que afectan este proceso.

3. Comparar y poner en contraste el desarrollo físico, cognoscitivo y socioeconómico

desde el nacimiento a los 6 años.

Objetivos Específicos de Lenguaje

Al terminar el Taller Tres el estudiante será capaz de:

1. Escuchar: Escuchar y comprender la presentación de la clase y las auto-

presentaciones de los compañeros de clase.

2. Hablar: Explicar las características y los cambios fundamentales en el desarrollo

cognoscitivo, socioeconómico y físico de los niños.

3. Leer: Leer las lecturas asignadas para este taller e investigar más a fondo sobre los

factores y aspectos que afectan el desarrollo humano.

4. Escribir: Resumir las ideas principales de las lecturas relacionadas con el desarrollo

humano; redactar un informe que compare y contraste el desarrollo físico,

cognoscitivo y socioeconómico del ser humano desde el nacimiento hasta los 6 años.

Enlaces Electrónicos: Biblioteca Virtual


Exploración del Desarrollo de Niño


Desarrollo cognoscitivo


Niñez temprana


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Updated 07/22/2011

El niño entero


Desarrollo de niños


Jean Piaget



Etapas del desarrollo del niño


Hitos del desarrollo



Cuadro de resumen de las etapas de Erickson


Ciclo vital


Pasos del estudio de caso


Asignaciones antes del Taller en español: Buscar información sobre:

El desarrollo físico en la niñez temprana

El desarrollo cognoscitivo en la niñez temprana

El desarrollo social en la niñez temprana

El ciclo vital

El desarrollo del lenguaje

2. Venir preparado para compartir y para discutir la información en clase.

3. Escribir un resumen de las ideas principales de las lecturas relacionadas con el

desarrollo humano.

4. Ver un vídeo o leer un artículo relacionado con las etapas del desarrollo y tomar

apuntes de las ideas y conceptos más importantes presentados en éste.

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5. Redactar un informe que compare y contraste el desarrollo físico, cognoscitivo y

socioeconómico del ser humano desde el nacimiento hasta los 6 años.

6. Finalizar el caso de estudio y venir preparado para discutirlo en clase.

Vocabulario Clave de la Lección

1. Desarrollo cognoscitivo en niñez temprana

2. Desarrollo social en niñez temprana

3. Desarrollo social en niñez temprana

4. Ciclo vital

5. Desarrollo del lenguaje

Lista de Materiales Suplementarios para el Taller

1. Fotos del estudio de caso

2. Artículos de lectura sobre desarrollo en niñez temprana

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Componentes de SIOP (Sheltered-Instruction Observation Protocol). Coloque una

marca de cotejo en la (_√_) en todas las estrategias por componente que se usarán en el


Actividades Integradas:

1. Revisión del material del Taller Dos.

2. Los estudiantes harán su presentación oral.

3. Una sesión de preguntas y respuestas seguirá la presentación.

4. Los estudiantes compartirán su experiencia relacionada con el desarrollo físico,

intelectual y socioeconómico de los niños.

5. Los estudiantes presentarán un breve resumen sobre su estudio de caso. .

B. Scaffolding

___ Modelaje

___x Práctica Dirigida

___x Práctica Independiente

___ xInstrucción


C. Opciones para

Agrupamiento ___x Grupo Completo

___ xGrupos Pequeños

___ Pares

___ xTrabajo Independiente

D. Integración del

Proceso ___x Escuchar

___x Hablar

___x Leer

___x Escribir

E. Aplicación

___x Actividades Dinámicas de


___xSignificativas y Relevantes

___x Rigurosas

___ xAlineadas a los Objetivos

___ xPromueven Participación

A. Preparación

___xAdaptación de Contenido

___ xEnlaces al Conocimiento Previo

___ xEnlaces al Aprendizaje Previo

___ xEstrategias Incorporadas

Estrategias de CALLA (Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach)

___ xCognoscitivo

___ Meta-cognoscitivo

___ xSocio/Afectivo

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6. El facilitador dirigirá una discusión acerca de cómo la cultura y el lenguaje del hogar

influyen en el desarrollo del lenguaje del niño.

7. El facilitador explicará las actividades a realizar previas al Taller Cuatro.


1. Individual: Diario Reflexivo; Portafolio.

2. Grupal: Participación en las actividades en grupo.

3. Escrito: Estudio de Caso; resumen del video; resumen de las lecturas; informe

comparativo del desarrollo humano desde el nacimiento hasta los 6 años de edad.

4. Oral/Auditivo: Participación en la discusión de la clase y en las actividades en

grupo; presentación oral.

Cierre del Taller

1. Individual: Cada estudiante escribirá en su diario una reflexión de la clase.

2. Grupal: Trabajando en pequeños grupos los estudiantes crearán un organizador

avanzado en donde expliquen las características y los cambios fundamentales del

desarrollo humano desde el nacimiento hasta los 6 años.

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Specific Content Objectives:

1. Define the following concepts

Social changes



Risk conduct

Prevention program

2. Analyze the physical, intellectual and social changes typical in the pre-adolescence

and adolescence

3. Identify the factors that influence this process.

4. Analyze the strategies to educate and to motivate the adolescents to prevent or to

change behavior.

Specific Language Objectives:

1. Listen to a presentation and take notes.

2. Orally present/display the topic assigned with correct diction and clarity in the


3. Summarize the main ideas using correct grammar and spelling after reading an ample

variety of printed resources.

4. Apply all the grammar rules to the assigned written works.

Electronic Links (URLs):

Biblioteca Virtual


Adolescence and prevention: risk conduct



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Adolescent Stages of Development


The adolescence





Development of the adolescents


Pregnancy in the adolescents


The different stages from the adolescence


Stages of the mental development


Stages of emotional development


Assignments before the Workshop:

1. Look for information on the physical, social, mental and emotional development in

the pre-adolescence and adolescence.

2. Investigate existing programs of prevention that work with behaviors of high risk

between the adolescents.

3. Bring the material compiled to the classroom to be discussed and shared.

4. Look for information on the theories of Piaget and Erickson.


Key Vocabulary:

1. Adolescence and stages of development

2. Prevention

3. High risk behaviors

4. Mental development

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5. Emotional development

List of Supplementary Materials for the Workshop

1. Teenage magazines

2. List of interview questions

SIOP Components

B. Scaffolding

___x Modeling

___x Guided Practice

___ xIndependent Practice

___xComprehensible Input

C. Grouping Options

___ xWhole Class

___ xSmall Groups

___ Partners

___ xIndependent Work

D. Integration of Processes

___ xListening

___x Speaking

___x Reading

___x Writing

E. Application

___x Hands-on

___x Meaningful/Relevant

___x Rigorous

___x Link to Objectives

___x Promote Engagement

A. Preparation

___ xAdaptation of Content

___ xLinks to Background Knowledge

___ xLinks to Past Learning

___ Strategies Incorporated

CALLA Strategies (Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach)

___x Cognitive

___x Meta-cognitive


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Integrated Activities of Content and Language to achieve Content and Language


1. Review the material studied in Workshop Three.

2. Define the concepts of pre-adolescence and adolescence.

3. Students in charge of the oral presentation will complete this activity.

4. The class will be divided in 3 groups. Assign the following topics: physical

development, social development, and emotional development in the adolescence.

5. Each group will prepare a presentation about the topic relating the theories of Piaget

and Erickson to the development of the adolescents.

6. Share in class the prevention programs. Conduct a socialized discussion on these


7. The class will be divided in small groups in each one the students will share their

experiences regarding prevention programs.

8. The facilitator will discuss the assignments previous to Workshop five and review

progress of e-lab and portfolio.


1. Individual- : Journal, Portfolio

Diary Topic: Adolescence problems can be prevented if….

2. Group - Presentation

3. Written – Journal

4. Oral – Participation, Presentation

Lesson Wrap-Up

1. Individual – Make a flow chart of stages of adolescence

2. Group – Compare and contrast Piaget and Erickson’s theories

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Taller Cinco/Workshop Five

NOTA: Este taller es bilingüe. Tanto, el

Facilitador como los estudiantes, deberán

utilizar el idioma asignado para cada tarea

y actividad. No mezcle los dos idiomas!



NOTE: This is a bilingual workshop.

Both the facilitator and student must use

the language assigned for each homework

and activity. Do not combine the two

languages! LANGUAGE OF



Objetivos Específicos de Contenido

Al terminar el Taller Cinco el estudiante será capaz de:

1. Analizar el proceso de la auto-realización en la edad adulta.

2. Discutir el impacto de la edad avanzada en la vida de una persona.

3. Comparar y contrastar las etapas de la edad adulta.

Objetivos Específicos de Lenguaje

Al terminar el Taller Cinco el estudiante será capaz de:

1. Escuchar: Escuchar y comprender la presentación y las discusiones de la clase.

2. Hablar: Expresar las ideas en español relacionado al tema de la presentación

3. Leer: Leer y comprender las lecturas asignadas para esta clase y tomar apuntes de

las ideas y conceptos más importantes presentados en éstas.

4. Escribir: Escribir un diario reflexivo utilizando vocabulario, gramática y estilo


Enlaces Electrónicos:

Biblioteca Virtual


Edad adulta


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Sociology of death and dying


Los ancianos


Causes of depression in the elderly


Fear of Old Age



Factores psicológicos en la etapa de la vejez


Edad avanzada


Late Adulthood


Developmental Stages of Erik Erikson


Depresión en la vejez


Asignaciones antes del Taller:

1. Encontrar información relacionada con la edad adulta temprana, intermedia y

avanzada y desarrollar un gráfico en español que las ilustre.

2. Terminar su portafolio. Recordar incluir la introducción, contenido, y la conclusión.

3. Complete an interview to a senior. The interview should not have more than 5

questions. Prepare a brief summary to present in class.

Vocabulario Académico Clave

1. Edad Avanzada

2. Etapas de la edad adulta

3. Depresión

4. La tercera Edad

5. Auto-realización

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Lista de Materiales Suplementarios

1. Visuales para apoyar la presentación oral

2. Artículos sobre ancianos

3. Lista de ayudas para personas de la tercera edad en el estado de la Florida

SIOP Components - Place a checkmark on the (__√_) for ALL strategies that will be used in the










B. Scaffolding

___x Modeling

___ Guided Practice

___x Independent Practice

___ Comprehensible Input

C. Grouping Options

___ xWhole Class

___x Small Groups

___ Partners

___ xIndependent Work

D. Integration of Processes

___x Listening

___x Speaking

___x Reading

___x Writing

E. Application

___x Hands-on

___x Meaningful/Relevant

___x Rigorous

___ xLink to Objectives

___ xPromote Engagement

A. Preparation

___x Adaptation of Content

___ xLinks to Background Knowledge

___ Links to Past Learning

___ xStrategies Incorporated

CALLA Strategies

(Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach)

___ xCognitive

___ Meta-cognitive

___ xSocial/Affective

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Actividades Integradas de Contenido y Lenguaje para lograr los objetivos del taller

Actividades en español:

1. Revisión del material tratado en el Taller Cuatro

2. Los estudiantes formarán un panel educativo para discutir las etapas de la edad adulta


3. Los estudiantes en un foro abierto compartirán la información recogida en su entrevista.

4. Escribir una lista de factores comunes discutidos en las entrevistas.

Integrated Activities of Content and Language to achieve Content and Language


Activities in English:

1. Students will present their oral presentation in front of the class.

2. A questions and answer session will follow the presentation.

3. Students will briefly share their research about late adulthood.

4. The student representative will complete the class evaluation process.

5. Students will hand in their interviews and portfolios to the facilitator. Students can

volunteer to read their portfolio introduction.


1. Individual: Reflective Journal and Portfolio.

2. Group: Class participation and participation in group activities.

3. Written: Interview to a senior; graphic organizer illustrating human development during

the early, intermediate, and the late adult period.

4. Oral: Oral Presentation; class and group activity participation.

Lesson Wrap-Up

1. Individual- Read final journal

2. Group – Design a comparative list of things enjoyed in the class and things that you

suggest be changed or improved.

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Apéndice A/ Appendix A

Niveles Nacionales de Dominio de Idioma para la Instrucción Individualizada

National Proficiency Levels for Differentiated Instruction

Rescatado de: WIDA Consortium http://www.wida.us/

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“Can Do” Listening Rubric

National Proficiency Levels Criteria


Identifies objects

Names concrete objects

Points to picture/object of the word heard

Follows simple commands

Repeats words or simple phrases

Understands simple messages – gestures, pointing


Draws a picture

Requires continuous repetition

Follows verbal dictations

Checks-off words that were heard

Repeats information heard to determine comprehension

Understands slow speech and multiple repetitions

Developing Understands more details of spoken language

Needs limited or no repetition and slow speech

Understands basic academic vocabulary which is frequently used in class discussions

Understands class discussions with some difficulty

Understands most of what was said

Expanding Needs limited or no repetition at normal speed speech

Understands academic vocabulary used in class discussions

Understands class discussions with little difficulty

Understands nearly everything said

Bridging Needs no repetition at normal speed speech

Understands elaborate academic vocabulary used in class discussions

Understands class discussions with no difficulty

Demonstrates a native-like English speaker’s understanding of what is said

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“Can Do” Speaking Rubric

National Proficiency



Starting Names concrete objects

Responds a simple yes or no to questions

Repeats words or simple phrases

Uses one word commands

Mispronounces words making it difficult to be understood

Breaks speech into parts making comprehension difficult

Uses limited or no vocabulary to support message

Emerging Uses a few more words to respond to questions although grammatically incorrect

Uses one-, two-, and multiple-word commands

Uses verb tenses interchangeably

Misuses words in daily speech

Repeats spoken words or phrases to improve understanding due to pronunciation flaws

Uses grammar and word order incorrectly

Uses vocabulary (emerging stage) to support oral messages

Developing Responds using longer phrases/sentences

Initiates and carries out conversations; however, there may be interruptions due to thinking

of the correct words to say

Applies grammar and word order correctly most of the time

Demonstrates correct use of basic academic vocabulary which is frequently used in class

discussions and/or oral assignments.

Speaks with some hesitation

Uses vocabulary to support oral messages

Speaks with less difficulty, but listener must pay close attention to pronunciation.

Expanding Responds using elaborate phrases/sentences

Uses and interprets idiomatic expressions

Converses more fluently in social settings

Uses academic vocabulary frequently in class discussions

Participates in class discussions using academic content with slight hesitation

Misuse of grammar and word order seldom occurs and does not interrupt meaning

Pronounces most words accurately and clearly

Bridging Speaks fluently

Uses elaborate academic vocabulary in all class discussions correctly

Participates in class discussion using academic content without hesitation

Uses appropriate vocabulary to support oral messages at all times

Uses correct grammar and word all the time

Speaks with native-like pronunciation and intonation

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“Can Do” Reading Rubric

National Proficiency



Starting Lacks comprehension of a wide array of written material (not developed)

Lacks ability to interpret graphs, charts, tables, and forms in textbooks (not developed)

Struggles with use of pre-reading and reading skills (not developed)

Lacks ability to apply reading strategies in order to guess meanings of unfamiliar words from context (not


Struggles with use of strategic reading skills (in order to plan his/her reading assignments, diagnose deficiencies,

resolve deficiencies independently or with the help of others, etc.) (not developed)

Emerging Improving comprehension (slowly emerging) of a wide array of written material (e.g., fictional and non-fictional

texts that bridge personal, professional and academic themes, news articles, short stories, short novels, etc.)

Demonstrates correct interpretation of basic graphs, charts, tables and forms in textbooks

Applies limited pre-reading (e.g., activation of prior knowledge, semantic maps, etc.) and reading skills (e.g.,

skimming, scanning, inferences, paragraph frames, DRA, SQ4R, etc.) (slowly emerging)

Struggles with ability to use limited reading strategies to guess meanings of unfamiliar words from context (e.g.,

definition, restatement, examples, surrounding words, etc.) is

Strives to understand (even when not successful) the relationship between ideas (e.g., time, logical order,

comparison/contrast, cause/effect), and reading patterns in order to identify literary genres (as listed above)

Applying successful reading skills (as listed above) are still emerging

Developing Comprehends a wide array of written material (as listed above)

Interprets basic graphs, charts, tables and forms

Applies correctly pre-reading and reading skills (as listed above)

Applies correct use of reading strategies to guess meanings of unfamiliar words from context (as listed above)-

evidence of emerging.

Understands the relationship between ideas (as listed above)-evidence of emerging..

Uses strategic reading skills (as listed above) that are evident.

Expanding Comprehends a wide array of level-appropriate written materials (as listed above) with mature accuracy

Interprets increasingly complex graphs, charts, tables, and forms accurately

Applies pre-reading and reading skills (as listed above) very strongly

Applies strategies to guess meanings of unfamiliar words from context (as listed

above) which is clearly evident

Identifies signal words to understand the relationship between ideas (as listed above), and reading patterns to

identify literary genres (as listed above)- emerging strongly

Understands the relationship between ideas (as listed above)-strongly evident.

Uses strategic reading skills (as listed above) with mature accuracy

Bridging Comprehends various types and lengths of level appropriate written materials (as listed above)-fully developed

Interprets complex graphs, charts, tables, and forms accurately

Applies pre-reading and reading skills (as listed above)-fully developed

Applies reading strategies to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words in a text (as listed above) with accuracy

Understands the relationship between ideas (time, logical order, comparison/contrast, cause/effect)

Demonstrates fully developed strategic reading skills (as listed above)

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“Can Do” Writing Rubric





Starting Lacks clear writing and focus.. Details are limited or unclear. There’s no clear distinction to what is important and what is supported.

Lacks engaging and drawing a conclusion. Paper simply starts and ends. Lack of transitions make it difficult to understand the paper.

Writes with limited use of vocabulary or specific words to transmit meaning of the essay. Misuse of parts of speech makes it difficult to

understand the writing.

Rambles- use of incomplete sentences that are too long to understand. Sentences follow a simple structure and or style.

Struggles with spelling, punctuation capitalization and other writing conventions. This makes it very difficult to understand the writing.

Lacks strategic writing skills (e. g., knowledge of the writing process; declarative, procedural and conditional knowledge; and strategies for

inquiry, for drafting [such as investigating genre, considering audience, and responding to purpose], and for product revision) that are clearly not


Emerging Writes sentences that are still unclear there seems to be a guide to a focused topic; however, it may drift at times. There is an attempt in details to

support main idea. Reader can still feel confused.

Attempts to write an introduction and or conclusion. Use of transitions helps, but paper is in need of more details.

Struggles with some vocabulary terms that are used inappropriately. Greater command of the parts of speech is developing,.

but many words are still used incorrectly.

Attempts to create a style of sentence structure here and there; although, for the most part it sticks to one style.

Shows need of improving spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and other writing conventions. It is still difficult to read the writing; but there \

are signs of improvement.

Demonstrates emerging strategic writing skills.

Developing Writes with an unclear focus. Writing appears to be on one topic, but shifts to another topic at times. Support of main idea is lacking. Reader

is left with unanswered questions.

Attempts to write a proper introduction and conclusion however, both are dull or unclear. Transitions help connect ideas although at times they

distract the flow.

Selects and uses words appropriately; however, they are not higher level and need more vigor.

Formulates well-written sentences; however, style and structure of sentences are repetitious.

Demonstrates control of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and other writing conventions. However, the writing could read and sound better

by improving conventions.

Utilizes strategic writing skills properly (now evident).

Expanding Writes with a focus in mind; however, there is room for improvement. Needs more relevant details to support the main idea.

Some readers’ questions can be answered, while others are left with doubt.

Uses a proper introduction and conclusion, however, some improvement is needed. Needs to continue using transitional words are properly in

order to allow the proper flow of ideas.

Selects and uses vocabulary words that are much more livelier and appropriate. Some common wording can be improved.

Writes with a definite style, and sentence structure is “catchy” with few mistakes.

Demonstrates good control of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and other writing conventions. Mistakes are few and nothing distracts from

the writing.

Applies mature strategic writing skills.

Bridging Writing is clear and focused on a narrowed topic. Details are relevant and accurate, and they support the main ideas. Reader’s questions are answered

Writing has a clear introduction that’s hooks the reader and conclusion that leaves a lasting impression. Use of transitions helps the reader to

connect ideas. Reading flows and not dull.

Words used in the writing are specific and accurate. Vivid verbs and modifying words are present. Words used enhance the meaning of the


There is a variety in length and structure of the sentences. The style of sentences varies on how they begin. Sentences create fluency and rhythm.

Excellent control of spelling, punctuation capitalization and other writing conventions.

Strategic writing skills are fully developed.

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School for Professional Studies

Florida Campuses


Part I: Matrix: Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs)

Student Intern:



Classroom Teacher:


Professional FEAP




of Competencies

(Total of 4 Hours)

Observed Not Observed

( √ ) ( √ )

Observation Notes: Describe the relevance of the competency evidenced

(observed) to the main core educational topics

discussed in your current education course.

#1 Quality of Instruction The effective educator consistently:

a) models and promotes the importance of education and academic achievement to all students;

b) plans and designs lessons to achieve student mastery;

c) selects appropriate strategies to be used as formative assessments to monitor learning;

d) uses diagnostic student data to design instruction

e) develops learning experiences that require students to demonstrate a variety of relevant skills and competencies;

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Instructions: The student must place a checkmark (√) under the heading for Observed or Not-Observed for each Educator Accomplished Practice

Competency (10 pages).

School for Professional Studies

Florida Campuses

Student Intern Name:__________________________ Date: Professional FEAP


Classroom Observation

of Competencies

(Total of 4 Hours)

Observed Not


( √ ) ( √ )

Observation Notes: Describe the relevance of the competency evidenced

(observed) to the main core educational topics

discussed in your current education course.

f) appropriately sequences

lessons and concepts to ensure

coherence and required prior


g) uses higher-order questioning techniques;

h) uses varied instructional strategies and resources, including appropriate technology, to teach for student understanding;

i) delivers engaging, challenging, and relevant lessons;

j) differentiates instruction based on an assessment of student learning needs and a recognition of individual differences in students;

k) respects and embraces students’ cultural and family background;

l) demonstrates behaviors that are consistent with fairness and equity;

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School for Professional Studies

Florida Campuses

Student Intern Name: Date:

Professional FEAP


Classroom Observation

of Competencies

(Total of 4 Hours)

Observed Not Observed

( √ ) ( √ )

Observation Notes:

Describe the relevance of the competency evidenced

(observed) to the main core educational topics

discussed in your current education course.

m) utilizes student feedback to monitor instructional needs;

n) demonstrates behaviors that are consistent with fairness and equity;

o) utilizes student feedback to monitor instructional needs.

#2 Knowledge of Subject Matter The effective educator consistently:

a) demonstrates deep and comprehensive knowledge of the subject taught;

b) identifies and modifies instruction to respond to gaps in students’ subject matter knowledge;

c) provides instruction to address preconceptions or misconceptions;

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Updated 7/22/2011

School for Professional Studies

Florida Campuses

Student Intern Name: Date:

Professional FEAP


Classroom Observation

of Competencies

(Total of 4 Hours)

Observed Not Observed

( √ ) ( √ )

Observation Notes:

Describe the relevance of the competency

evidenced (observed) to the main core

educational topics discussed in your current

education course.

d) designs and modifies instruction to deepen students’ understanding of content area and advance student learning;

e) selects and sequences engaging, relevant, standards-based content, and then designs and teaches lessons that are relevant to students’ learning needs;

f) relates and integrates the subject matter with other disciplines during instruction.

#3 Continuous Improvement

The effective educator consistently:

a) engages in targeted professional growth opportunities and reflective practices;

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Updated 7/22/2011

School for Professional Studies

Florida Campuses

Student Intern Name: Date:

Professional FEAP


Classroom Observation

of Competencies

(Total of 4 Hours)

Observed Not Observed

( √ ) ( √ )

Observation Notes:

Describe the relevance of the competency

evidenced (observed) to the main core educational

topics discussed in your current education


b) uses a variety of data,

independently and in

collaboration with

colleagues, to evaluate

learning outcomes and to

adjust planning and


c) designs purposeful professional goals to strengthen the effectiveness of instruction based on students’ needs;

d) examines and uses data-informed research to improve instruction and student achievement;

e) implements knowledge and skills learned in professional development in the teaching and learning process.

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Updated 7/22/2011

School for Professional Studies

Florida Campuses

Student Intern Name: Date:

Professional FEAP




of Competencies

(Total of 4 Hours)

Observed Not Observed

( √ ) ( √ )

Observation Notes:

Describe the relevance of the competency evidenced

(observed) to the main core educational topics

discussed in your current education course.

#4 Learning Environment The effective educator consistently:

a) integrates learning activities that incorporate current information and communication technologies;

b) adapts learning environment to accommodate the differing needs and diversity of students;

c) utilizes current and emerging assistive technologies that enable students to achieve their educational goals;

d) creates and maintains an atmosphere of respect for all areas of diversity.

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Updated 7/22/2011

School for Professional Studies

Florida Campuses

Student Intern Name: Date:

Professional FEAP


Classroom Observation

of Competencies

(Total of 4 Hours)

Observed Not Observed

( √ ) ( √ )

Observation Notes:

Describe the relevance of the competency

evidenced (observed) to the main core educational

topics discussed in your current education course.

#5 Assessment

The effective educator consistently:

a) analyzes and uses data from multiple assessments and measures to diagnose students’ learning needs, inform instruction based on those needs, and drive the learning process;

b) designs and aligns formative and summative assessments that match learning objectives and lead to mastery;

c) uses a variety of assessment tools to monitor student progress, achievement and learning gains;

d) modifies assessments and testing conditions to accommodate learning styles and varying levels of knowledge;

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Updated 7/22/2011

School for Professional Studies

Florida Campuses

Student Intern Name: Date:

Professional FEAP


Classroom Observation

of Competencies

(Total of 4 Hours)

Observed Not Observed

( √ ) ( √ )

Observation Notes:

Describe the relevance of the competency

evidenced (observed) to the main core educational

topics discussed in your current education course.

e) shares the importance and outcomes of student assessment data with the student and the student’s parent/caregiver(s);

f) employs technology to organize and integrate assessment information.

#6 Communication

The effective educator consistently:

a) conveys high expectations;

b) supports, encourages, and provides immediate and specific feedback to students to promote student achievement;

c) models and teaches clear, acceptable oral and written communication skills;

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Updated 7/22/2011

School for Professional Studies

Florida Campuses

Student Intern Name: Date:

Professional FEAP


Classroom Observation

of Competencies

(Total of 4 Hours)

Observed Not Observed

( √ ) ( √ )

Observation Notes:

Describe the relevance of the competency

evidenced (observed) to the main core

educational topics discussed in your current

education course.

d) fosters two-way

communication with

students and

parent/caregiver(s); and

e) collaborates with the home, school, and larger communities to support student learning and continuous improvement.

Professional Responsibility and Ethical Conduct The effective educator adheres to the Code of Ethics and the Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession of Florida pursuant to State Board of Education Rules 6B-1.001 and 6B-1.006, F.A.C, by fulfilling the expected obligations to students, the public and the education profession.

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Updated 7/22/2011

School for Professional Studies

Florida Campuses

School Site Supervising Teacher: __________________________________________

Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ______________




Internship Course Facilitator: _____________________________________________

Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _______________




Student Intern: _________________________________________________________

Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _________________


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Updated 7/22/2011

School for Professional Studies

Florida Campuses


Part II: School: General Operation Activities (1 page)

Student Intern: School:


Place a checkmark (√) under the appropriate activity or type of meeting you participated in during

your School Clinical Experience at the assigned school. You must comply with a minimum of four

hours for this requirement. IEP










r Conference






Other: Total


COMMENTS: Specify the activity for which you are entering comments. You will refer to this document to complete the final report for the Education






Internship Course Facilitator’s Signature: _____________________ Date: ________________

Student Intern’s Signature: ________________________________ Date: _______________

CODES: IEP=Individual Education Program, LEP=Limited English Proficient Program, RTI=Response to


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Updated 7/22/2011

School for Professional Studies

Florida Campuses


Student Intern:

Signature: Date:

School Site Supervising Teacher:

Signature: Date:

Internship Course Facilitator:

Signature: Date:

Observation Notes (narrative description of lesson)






ESOL COMPETENCIES (Check ALL that are observed)

___ Planning Practices

___ Instructional Methods/Strategies

___ Instructional Materials

___ Assessment by L2 Level

___ Accommodations by L2 Level

___ Learning Styles/Differentiation

___ Cultural Sensitivity

___ Addresses L2 proficiency Levels


(Check ALL that are observed)

___ Instructional Design, Lessons, and planning

___ Learning Environment

___ Instructional Delivery and Facilitation

___ Assessment

___ Continuous Professional Improvement

___ Professional Responsibility and Ethical Conduct

Exemplary Practices

Observer’s Name: ________________________

Observer’s Signature: _____________________

Date: __________________________________


Reflective Comments

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Apéndice D/Appendix D


Nombre del estudiante______________________________



Taller 1

Taller 2

Taller 3

Taller 4

Taller 5

Asistencia y puntualidad

a clases (20 puntos por clase)

Demostración del dominio de

los temas discutidos en clase

(4 puntos)

Cumplir con las tareas

asignadas en clase (4puntos)

Participación en trabajo

colaborativo (4 puntos)

Destrezas de comunicación

verbal adecuadas (4 puntos)

Puntualidad en la entrega de

trabajos (4 puntos)

Total puntos /taller

Cada criterio se analizará basado en la siguiente escala:

4 = excelente; 3= muy bueno; 2 = bueno; 1 = regular; 0 = deficiente

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Apéndice E/Appendix E


0-Deficiente 1-Regular 2-Muy bueno N/A No Aplica

Criterios Valor Puntos Obtenidos

Contenido 70%

1. Identifica el propósito, los objetivos e ideas



2. Las ideas y argumentos de la presentación

están bien fundamentadas en los recursos

presentados, consultados o discutidos en clase


3. La presentación de las ideas es organizada

y coherente.


4. El escrito incluye todas las partes o

elementos del tema o tarea asignada.


5. El autor demuestra dominio del tema o

materia de la presentación.


6. El punto de vista del autor se presenta de

manera clara y contundente.


7. El escrito demuestra sustancia, lógica y



Lenguaje 30% 8. Utiliza vocabulario correcto y apropiado.


9. Se utiliza un lenguaje apropiado con

corrección sintáctica gramatical.


10. El escrito es claro, enfocado e interesante.

Utiliza el estilo APA correctamente.


Total= 100 puntos

100 /100

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Apéndice F/Appendix F


NOMBRE:___________________________ NOTA FINAL:____________

FECHA:______________________ TITULO:__________________________


Valor Puntos Obtenidos

1. Realiza una introducción efectiva del tema. 10

2. Identifica el propósito, los objetivos e ideas

principales que se incluyen en la presentación. 10

3. Proyección efectiva, postura corporal adecuada, y

manejo de la audiencia. 10

4. Las ideas y argumentos de la presentación están bien

fundamentados en los recursos presentados,

consultados o discutidos en clase.


5. Capta la atención e interés de la audiencia y/o

promueve su participación, según aplique. 10

6. El resumen de los puntos principales y/o la

presentación de las conclusiones es claro y



7. Uso efectivo de la tecnología, ayudas visuales,

drama o ejercicios de acuerdo al ejercicio y el tema

presentado, según aplique



8. Se utiliza un lenguaje apropiado con corrección

sintáctica y gramatical. 10

9. Dicción clara, sin muletillas o barbarismos y tono

adecuado. 10

10. La presentación es organizada y coherente y Puede seguirse con facilidad.


Total Puntos 100






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NAME:__________________________ FINAL GRADE: ___________________

DATE:____________________________ TITLE: ________________________

CRITERIA Valor Puntos Obtenidos

1. Performs an effective introduction of the theme

to be discussed. 10

2. Identifies purpose, objectives and principal ideas

included in the presentation. 10

3. Effective projection, adequate body posture and

audience management. 10

4. The presentation ideas and arguments are based

in sources presented, consulted or discussed in



5. Captures audience attention and interest and/or

promotes participation, depending on which



6. The summary of principal points and/or the

presentation of conclusions are clear and



7. Effective use of technology, visual aids, drama

or exercises depending on the theme or exercise




8. Utilized appropriate language with syntactical

and grammatical correction. 10

9. Clear diction, without pet phrases, barbarisms

and with adequate tone. 10

10. Presentation is organized, coherent and can be

easily followed. 10

Total Points 100





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Updated 7/22/2011

Apéndice G/Appendix G

Reflective Journal Rubric

This rubric will be used each week. You should have at least one entry every week.

Student’s Name_________________________________________________

Week _______________

This is what I will be looking for:

Criteria MaximumPoints Actual Score

Student turned in the journal on BB

on time.

4 points

Student answers questions without

deviating from the topic; ideas are

well connected and follow a


4 points

Student used critical thinking to

express ideas and projects with a

deep understanding of the topic

discussed in class.

4 points

Sentences are written using

appropriate syntax, punctuation, verb

usage and grammar.

4 points

Journal is typed following APA


4 points

TOTAL Out of 20

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Updated 7/22/2011

Apéndice H/Appendix H


Criteria Value Points Student Score Content 70% Identifies all of the

main issues in the

case study


Makes appropriate

and powerful

connections between

the problem and the



Makes realistic and




Language 30% Writing is totally free

of grammar and

spelling errors.


Very clear and

concise flow of ideas

using the English

Language. Applies

APA style correctly.


Total: 100 /100









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Updated 7/22/2011

Apéndice I/Appendix I

Entrevista a una persona de la tercera edad

65 años o más

(Valor 75 puntos)

Al realizar una entrevista, el entrevistador debe tener una conversación informal previa que le

ayude a establecer una relación de cordialidad con el entrevistado. Esto ayudará a que éste se

sienta en confianza y ofrezca información verídica y confiable que aporte a los fines previamente


A continuación está una lista de preguntas guía para realizar la entrevista. ¡Mucho éxito!

Datos demográficos

1. ¿Cómo, dónde y con quien vive usted?

2. ¿Qué significado tiene la vida para usted?

3. Describa el lugar donde vive, la composición familiar y la percepción de sí mismo.

4. ¿Cuál es su rutina de vida?

a. Alimentación

b. Medicamentos

c. Tratamientos médicos (si alguno)

d. Recreación

e. Inversión de tiempo

f. Otras necesidades o tareas que le gusta realizar

5. ¿A qué se dedicó?

6. ¿Se jubiló? ¿Cuándo y por qué?

7. ¿Cómo se sintió en ese momento?

8. ¿Cuál fue su aportación más valiosa a la vida?

9. ¿Qué le produce felicidad?

10. ¿Qué le hubiese gustado hacer que nunca pudo hacer? ¿Razones?

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Apéndice J/Appendix J


Criterios Valor Puntos


Contenido 70%

1. Identifica el propósito, los objetivos e ideas



2. Las ideas y argumentos de la presentación están

bien fundamentadas en los recursos presentados,

consultados o discutidos en clase


3. La presentación de las ideas es organizada y



4. El escrito incluye todas las partes o elementos del

tema o tarea asignada.


5. El autor demuestra dominio del tema o materia de

la presentación.


6. El punto de vista del autor se presenta de manera

clara y contundente.


7. El escrito demuestra sustancia, lógica y



Lenguaje 30%

8. Utiliza vocabulario correcto y apropiado.


9. Se utiliza un lenguaje apropiado con corrección

sintáctica y gramatical.


10. El escrito es claro, enfocado e interesante.


Total: 100 /100

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Updated 7/22/2011

Apéndice K/Appendix K


Guidelines to prepare the portfolio

1. Determination of sources of content

2. The following, but not limited to, documentation will be included:

a. Projects, surveys, and reports.

b. Oral presentations

c. Essays: dated writing samples to show progress

d. Research papers: dated unedited and edited first drafts to show progress

e. Written pieces that illustrate critical thinking about readings: response or reaction


f. Class notes, interesting thoughts to remember, etc.

g. Learning journals, reflexive diaries.

h. Self-assessments, peer assessments, facilitator assessments.

i. Notes from student-facilitator conferences.

3. Organization of documentation

Documentation will be organized by workshop, and by type of assignment within workshops.

Workshops will be separated from one another using construction paper or paper of different

colors, with tabs indicating the workshop number.

4. See the Performance Portfolio Assessment Handbook for additional information.