Passenger Solutions SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide Revision: 3.0 Revision Date: 2009-Aug-31 Copyright © SITA Information Networking Computing USA Inc 2009. Confidential. All Rights Reserved.

SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide...The SITA Web Services Java Demo described in this document provides a working example of how SWS can be used to access, display, and in some cases

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Page 1: SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide...The SITA Web Services Java Demo described in this document provides a working example of how SWS can be used to access, display, and in some cases

Passenger Solutions

SITA Web Services

Java Demo


Revision: 3.0

Revision Date: 2009-Aug-31

Copyright © SITA Information Networking Computing USA Inc 2009. Confidential. All Rights Reserved.

Page 2: SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide...The SITA Web Services Java Demo described in this document provides a working example of how SWS can be used to access, display, and in some cases
Page 3: SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide...The SITA Web Services Java Demo described in this document provides a working example of how SWS can be used to access, display, and in some cases

Copyright Notice

Copyright © SITA Information Networking Computing USA Inc 2007 – 2009 Confidential Information

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The information contained in this document is the property of SITA. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means; mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of SITA. Under the law, copying includes translating into another language or format. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.

The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice and does not carry any contractual obligation for SITA. SITA reserves the right to make changes to any products or services described in this document at any time without notice. SITA shall not be held responsible for the direct or indirect consequences of the use of the information contained in this document.

Copyright © SITA Information Networking Computing USA Inc 2009. Confidential. All Rights Reserved.

Page 4: SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide...The SITA Web Services Java Demo described in this document provides a working example of how SWS can be used to access, display, and in some cases
Page 5: SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide...The SITA Web Services Java Demo described in this document provides a working example of how SWS can be used to access, display, and in some cases

SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide Table of Contents Revision Date: 2009-Aug-31, Revision: 3.0 Page i

Copyright © SITA Information Networking Computing USA Inc 2009. Confidential. All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1

2. Installing the SWS Java Demo....................................................................................... 3

2.1. Preliminaries ........................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1.1 Check the Java Runtime Environment Level ............................................................................... 3 2.1.2 Change Java Security Permission............................................................................................... 4

2.2. Installation............................................................................................................................................... 6 2.3. Certificates .............................................................................................................................................. 7 2.4. Recompiling the Application.................................................................................................................... 8 2.5. Opening the Demo.................................................................................................................................. 8 2.6. Overview of the Java Demo Screens.................................................................................................... 10

2.6.1 Opening Screen......................................................................................................................... 10 2.6.2 Input Dialog Forms .................................................................................................................... 12 2.6.3 Response Screen ...................................................................................................................... 13

2.7. Running a Simple Transaction .............................................................................................................. 14

3. SITA Airfare Price/Shop Transactions ........................................................................ 19

3.1. Airfare Price - Calculate Currency Transaction ..................................................................................... 19 3.2. Airfare Shop - Calendar Transaction..................................................................................................... 21 3.3. Airfare Price - City Pair Mileage Transaction ........................................................................................ 22 3.4. Airfare Price - Excess Baggage Transaction......................................................................................... 24 3.5. Airfare Price - Fare Display Transaction ............................................................................................... 24 3.6. Airfare Shop - Flight Transaction .......................................................................................................... 27 3.7. Airfare Price - Interline Agreements Transaction .................................................................................. 29 3.8. Airfare Price - Mileage Transaction....................................................................................................... 31 3.9. Airfare Price - Passenger Facility Charge Transaction ......................................................................... 33 3.10. Airfare Price Transaction....................................................................................................................... 35 3.11. Airfare Price - Rate of Exchange Transaction ....................................................................................... 37 3.12. Airfare Price - Routing Transaction ....................................................................................................... 38 3.13. Airfare Price - Rules Transaction .......................................................................................................... 40 3.14. Airfare Price - Tax Text Transaction ..................................................................................................... 43

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SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide Table of Contents

Revision Date: 2009-Aug-31, Revision: 3.0

4. Check In Transactions.................................................................................................. 45

4.1. Air Check In Transactions ..................................................................................................................... 45 4.2. Air Seat Map Transaction...................................................................................................................... 47

5. Reservations Transactions .......................................................................................... 49

5.1. Air Availability Transaction .................................................................................................................... 49 5.2. Air Book Transaction............................................................................................................................. 51 5.3. Air Book Cancel Transaction................................................................................................................. 53 5.4. Air Book Modify Transaction ................................................................................................................. 54 5.5. Air Details Transaction.......................................................................................................................... 55 5.6. Air Flight Information (Flifo) Transaction ............................................................................................... 57 5.7. Air Schedule Transaction...................................................................................................................... 59 5.8. Read PNR Transaction ......................................................................................................................... 61

6. Ticketing Transactions................................................................................................. 63

6.1. Air Demand Ticket ................................................................................................................................ 63 6.2. Ticket Void ............................................................................................................................................ 63

7. Utility Transactions....................................................................................................... 65

7.1. Echo Transaction .................................................................................................................................. 65 7.2. Ping Transaction ................................................................................................................................... 65 7.3. Screen Text Transaction....................................................................................................................... 66 7.4. Sign In Transaction ............................................................................................................................... 67 7.5. Sign Out Transaction ............................................................................................................................ 67

8. Debugging ..................................................................................................................... 69

9. Support .......................................................................................................................... 71

10. Appendix A. Contents of Directory SWSJAVADemo ................................................ 73

10.1. Transaction folders in SWSJavaDemo ................................................................................................. 74 10.1.1 Airfare Transaction Folders ....................................................................................................... 74 10.1.2 Check-In Transaction Folders.................................................................................................... 74 10.1.3 Reservations Transaction Folders ............................................................................................. 74 10.1.4 Ticketing Transaction Folders.................................................................................................... 75 10.1.5 Miscellaneous Transaction Folders ........................................................................................... 75

10.2. Other folders in SWSJavaDemo ........................................................................................................... 75

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10.2.1 Contents of folder SWSJavaDemo/bin ...................................................................................... 75 10.2.2 Contents of folder SWSJavaDemo/classes ............................................................................... 75 10.2.3 Contents of folder SWSJavaDemo/doc ..................................................................................... 75 10.2.4 Contents of folder SWSJavaDemo\lib ....................................................................................... 78 10.2.5 Contents of folder SWSJavaDemo/src ...................................................................................... 79

11. Glossary......................................................................................................................... 81

12. Index............................................................................................................................... 83

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SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide Revision History Revision Date: 2009-Aug-31, Revision: 3.0 Page v

Copyright © SITA Information Networking Computing USA Inc 2009. Confidential. All Rights Reserved.

Revision History

Revision Date Changes

2.0 01 May 2007 Customer release.

2.2.1 10 Jul 2009 Added new certificate handling. Added Airfare Shopper information and screen transactions. Updated screens added. SITA Product names updated. Re-branded. Updated Java Runtime Environment version number.

3.0 31 Aug 2009 Customer release.

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SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide Introduction Revision Date: 2009-Aug-31, Revision: 3.0 Page 1

Copyright © SITA Information Networking Computing USA Inc 2009. Confidential. All Rights Reserved.

1. Introduction

SITA Web Services provides Internet access to many of SITA’s passenger service applications, including SITA Airfare Price, Departure Control Services, Reservations, and Ticketing. Web Services uses secured XML transactions which are based on the industry standard format defined by the Open Travel Alliance (OTA).

The SITA Web Services Java Demo described in this document provides a working example of how SWS can be used to access, display, and in some cases update, data that is maintained by SITA’s passenger service applications.

Java Demo uses support libraries for XML management, document type conversion, XSLT for data presentation and WS-Security for security. It is set up to communicate with SITA’s development computer systems through the SWS test service. It has limited access to functionality and data. It is intended to show some basic examples of SWS transactions and how the transaction requests are created and their responses could be managed.

The following items are required to run the SITA Web Services Java Demo:

Operating System - This version of the Java Demo was developed to run on the Windows operating system.

Web Browser - The Java Demo web page is written for Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher. SITA has not extended Java Demo to support all browsers due to differences between Internet Explorer (IE) and other browsers in the way they handle HTML, DOM, and XSLT management.

Java Runtime Environment - The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) should be at level 1.6 or higher.

Security - SITA Web Services and the Java Demo follow the standards for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connections. All transactions are encrypted and connectivity is only allowed using a valid SITA provided digital certificate and authentication ID.

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SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide Introduction

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Page 13: SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide...The SITA Web Services Java Demo described in this document provides a working example of how SWS can be used to access, display, and in some cases

2. Installing the SWS Java Demo

2.1. Preliminaries

2.1.1 Check the Java Runtime Environment Level Before installing the SWS Java Demo, SITA recommends that you determine the level of Java Runtime Environment (JRE) in use on your computer.

To determine the JRE, follow these procedures:

1. Open a Command Prompt window Click “Start”, “Programs”, “Accessories”, “Command Prompt”

2. Enter: java –version

Command Prompt

3. To close the Command Prompt window, enter: exit

For the SWS Java Demo to work correctly, the java version must be 1.6 or higher. If it is not, SITA recommends downloading the latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE) from the Sun Microsystems web site, and following Sun’s Java installation instructions. The URL is: http://www.sun.com.

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2.1.2 Change Java Security Permission In order for the SWS Java Demo secure connection to work, it is required that the user allows Java to write to the SSL truestore properties. Ensure that Java Run Time Environment (JRE) allows this by determining the location of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) files on your computer, and what JRE versions are installed:

Click on “Start”, “Settings”, and “Control Panel”.

Double-click the “Java” icon.

Next click on the “Java” tab, and select ”View” in the section titled “Java Applet Runtime Settings”.


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For each of the JRE versions found in your “Java Runtime Settings” window, perform steps 1 – 5 below.

1. Navigate to the directory listed in the “Java Runtime Settings” window.

C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_07

2. Navigate to the \lib\security directory.

C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_07\lib\security

3. Open the file “java.policy” using the editor of your choice.

Java Policy

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4. Immediately following the text “grant { “ add: permission java.security.AllPermission;

Java Policy

5. Save the result.

As explained above, if multiple versions of the Java Runtime Environment are installed, SITA strongly recommends that all versions be updated.

2.2. Installation The SWSJavaDemo.zip file contains the entire java project. This includes all source code, binary, and run-time files needed to run, debug, or code the demo.

To install the Java Demo simply extract the SWSJavaDemo.zip file by double-clicking it. This will open WinZip.

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Follow these steps to install the Java Demo:

1. Select the “Extract” icon.

2. Then select a directory where you want the expanded files to go, and click on the “Extract” button. This will create a subdirectory called SWSJavaDemo in that directory. For example, if you extract the zip file into your root directory, the Java Demo will be created in the directory C:\SWSJavaDemo.

Notes: When extracting the SWSJavaDemo.zip file, by default WinZip places the results in a directory on your Windows Desktop. Java Demo does not work when executed from a Desktop directory. Extract the demo into a directory on your “Local Disk (C:)”.

When extracting the SWSJavaDemo.zip file, it is important that there be no spaces in either the directory name to which it is extracted, or in any of the directories in its path. For example, you should not extract the demo into the directory “Program Files” or any of its subdirectories.

2.3. Certificates Java applications expect to retrieve certificates from a Java Key Store (JKS). Java Development Kit (JDK) comes with a utility called Keytool which can be used to create a new Key Store. However, Keytool does not allow importing an existing private key for which a certificate already exists. Follow these procedures to create the new Key Store:

1. Download openssl from: http://www.openssl.org/related/binaries.html

2. Create a private key (key.pem): openssl genrsa -out key.pem

3. Create a signed certificate. Create a certificate signing request (cert.csr)

openssl req -new -key key.pem -out cert.csr -outform DER

4. Create a certificate by either of the following methods:

a. Send the certificate (cert.csr) to a certificate authority (ca) and receive a cert.der


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SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide Installing the SWS Java Demo

Revision Date: 2009-Aug-31, Revision: 3.0

b. Create a Self Signed Certificate

1) Create a Self Signed Certificate (cert.der)

openssl req -new -x509 -key key.pem -out cert.der -days 365 -outform DER

2) Send SITA the signed certificate (cert.der). To convert it from PEM enter:

openssl x509 -in cert.pem -inform PEM -out cert.der -outform DER

3) Convert the private key (key.pem):

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in key.pem -inform PEM -out key.der -outform DER

4) Next, use ImportKey as follows: java ImportKey key.der cert.der

There should be a proper JKS file containing the private key and certificate in the home directory under a file called Jeystore.ImportKey, using 'importkey' as alias and also as password.

Copy this file keystore.ImportKey into the SWSJavaDemo/classes directory.

2.4. Recompiling the Application If it necessary to make changes to the java class files, you will need to recompile the application.

The build instructions are in an ANT script called build.xml, which is contained in the SWSJavaDemo directory.

The Java source is contained in SWSJavaDemo/src/aero/SITA/xmlres/javademo/RXAJavaDemo.java.

2.5. Opening the Demo After the ZIP file has been extracted, the Java Demo will be available. Java Demo can be started in one of two ways.

1. Navigate to the directory containing the Java Demo, and execute (double-click) the file “index.htm”.


2. From within Internet Explorer select File, Open, and navigate to the directory containing the Java Demo. Select the file “index.htm” and click “OK”.

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Internet Explorer displays the following web page:

In order for the Java Demo to work correctly, pop-ups must be allowed. In the example above, note that the drop-down menu is empty (to the left of the link “SITA Support Desk”), and that above it there is an information bar with the words: To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer. Click here for options…

Follow these steps If you see this:

1. Click on the information bar. Windows will display a choice box. Select the “Allow Blocked Content” choice. This will generate a warning dialog box.

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2. Select “Yes”. The drop-down menu should now be populated.


Once this page displays correctly, SITA recommends that you bookmark it by clicking “Favorites”, “Add to Favorites”.

2.6. Overview of the Java Demo Screens

2.6.1 Opening Screen The SWS Java Demo has been supplied with a very basic Graphical User Interface. Its purpose is to present a demonstration of all of the transactions available through SITA Web Services. As a practical matter, an actual implementation should probably have screens devoted to specific users (e.g., Check In agents, Reservations agents, Ticketing agents, etc.). In addition, it seems likely that an actual implementation would suggest an ordered process through the transactions.

The introductory screen of the Java Demo has ten areas of interest, as shown in the following descriptions and screen image.

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1. Transaction Drop-Down List – This is a user selectable list of all transactions currently

supported by Java Demo. By selecting “FreeForm” in the Transaction Drop-Down List the user is presented with an empty XML Request Area (#7 below), where the user can manually enter an XML request. By selecting any other transaction in the Drop-Down List the user will be presented with an Input Dialog Form (see The Input Dialog Forms section), and an XML Request Area (#7 below), both populated with sample input. Each transaction request provides default element data that works without change; however, the user is free to modify this.

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2. Link to the SITA Support Desk – Opens a browser to the SITA Support Web page where users can search the knowledge base for answers to questions, download support articles, and submit service requests. Note that a User-ID and password are required.

3. Link to the User Guide – Opens an earlier version of the SITA Web Services User Guide in a new browser. This guide can help the user understand each web service transaction definition and how it is used.

4. Link to the Open Travel Alliance – Opens the Open Travel Alliance (OTA) web page in a new browser. OTA is an independent group which has defined a series of standardized XML messages for the travel industry. All SITA Web Services transaction formats are based on the OTA standard.

5. Link to Help – Opens the SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide (an earlier version of this document) in a new browser.

6. Link to AXI Doc Links – Opens the SITA Airfare XML Interface (AXI) Product Integration Service web page in a new browser. It contains a complete description of the SITA Airfare transactions accessible through SITA Web Services.

7. XML Request Area – Contains the XML formatted input that will be submitted for processing. The area is fully editable. If the “FreeForm” transaction is selected this area will be empty, allowing users to input XML from scratch. If any other transaction is selected this area will contain sample XML specific to the requested transaction. This XML can be edited directly, or it can be changed by updating fields in the yellow Input Dialog Form.

8. XML Submit Request Button – Submits the XML request contained in the XML Request Area for processing.

9. XML Response Area – Contains the XML response to any requests that were submitted.

10. Graphical/Tabular Response Button - Opens a new browser containing a human readable presentation of the XML found in the XML Response Area (# 9 above).

2.6.2 Input Dialog Forms When a transaction is selected from the Transaction drop down list, an Input Dialog Form will display. Each dialog form is specific to the transaction selected and contains data items. Changing the value in a data item will update the contents of the XML Request Area. All fields are string types but may require specific formatting; for example, dates require a format of yyyy-mm-dd.

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Typical Input Dialog Form:

In order for the changes to be reflected in the XML Request Area, it is necessary to tab from the changed field to the next field. Otherwise the XML Request Area will not be updated.

2.6.3 Response Screen If the applet loads correctly and the transaction processes successfully, it should be followed with a response screen similar to the example that follows.

All successful transactions will display a response screen. These screens are intended to provide an example of how the transaction results might be presented.

The demo does not provide all possible request and response data for each transaction. Instead, it is a limited example of how the service requests and responses might be displayed. SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide Installing the SWS Java Demo Revision Date: 2009-Aug-31, Revision: 3.0 Page 13

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2.7. Running a Simple Transaction Open the drop-down menu. Find the transaction “AirAvail” and click on it.


1. In the Input Dialog Form date field, enter a date. The date chosen must be in the future, and the default is tomorrow’s date.

2. Tab down to the “Submit” button and click it.

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After clicking the Submit button, a Java Applet wait graphic displays to the right of the Input Dialog Form.


If the Java Applet wait graphic does not display, there may be an error loading. Check for errors by clicking the error icon that displays in the bottom left of your IE browser status bar.

Correct any error or use the SITA Support Desk to search for a solution or request help using the service request.

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3. If the transaction processes successfully, a new IE browser will display with a formatted list of flights.


In addition, the original IE browser screen should show both the XML request in the XML Request Area and the XML response in the XML response Area.

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Original IE browser

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3. SITA Airfare Price/Shop Transactions All Airfare transactions are described in greater detail in the document SITA Airfare XML Interface, Interface Specification.

3.1. Airfare Price - Calculate Currency Transaction The SITA_AirfareCalculateCurrencyRQ transaction converts monetary amounts from a given currency into another currency using the specified rate type or exchange rate.

If the request specifies an amount, then Airfare will convert the amount using the specified currency type, returning the converted amount and rounding details, both as fare and as a tax.

If the request does not specify an amount, Airfare will return all available exchange rates.

Request Elements

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3.2. Airfare Shop - Calendar Transaction The SITA_AirfareCalendarShopRQ transaction provides the cheapest available price matching the user’s travel requirement for each date combination over a range of days.

Request Elements


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3.3. Airfare Price - City Pair Mileage Transaction The SITA_AirfareCityPairMileageRQ transaction allows the requestor to retrieve Ticketed Point Mileage and Maximum Permitted Mileages for all existing global routes between the specified city pairs.

Request Elements

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3.4. Airfare Price - Excess Baggage Transaction The SITA_AirfareExcessBaggageRQ transaction calculates excess baggage charges.

Request Elements


3.5. Airfare Price - Fare Display Transaction The SITA Airfare Price Display returns all applicable fares for the request parameters.

The SITA Airfare Price Display request implements and extends the OTA_AirFareDisplayRQ to add:

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Retrieval or exclusion of fares by one or more SITA Automated Rules fare types

Exclusion of fares by SITA Automated Rules category codes

Historic fare displays

The SITA Airfare Price Display response implements and extends the OTA_AirFareDisplayRS to add:

Non-sellable fare indication

Time and flight restrictions indicators

Penalties information

First and last ticketing dates

Route tariff and number

International fare construction information

Request Elements

The demo provides an illustration of how to request the transaction. There are many combinations of optional field values that can be used in order to get results. See the SITA Web Services User Guide for more information.

This is a fares service request and is provided by the Airfare XML Interface (AXI). Additional information on the AXI product can be provided by SITA to demonstrate additional AXI transactions available through the AXI Service.

Airline codes follow the 2-3 alphanumeric IATA standard airline identifiers.

Origin and Destination codes follow the standard IATA 3 alpha city/airport code.

Date entries should always use the yyyy-mm-dd (year-month-date) format and optionally can include a Thh:mm:ss (Thour:minute:second) time format.

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Note: A review screen displays the current XML request string if there are changes to any field in the demo. All changes to field values during a demo session are maintained for the remainder of the session. No field validations are included in this example.


Request and Response XML strings are provided under the results. These strings show the full XML request and response data as they were passed and received from SWS.

Results used in the response display may not include all the data returned. The demo only provides an example response of the returned information.

For more information on transaction response data, see the SITA Web Services User Guide.

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3.6. Airfare Shop - Flight Transaction The SITA_AirfareFlightShopRQ transaction provides the cheapest available travel options for the given carrier and market.

It is important to realize that shopping is not intended to replace pricing. The Airfare shopping interfaces return only a subset of the information returned in an Airfare Pricing response.

Request Elements

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3.7. Airfare Price - Interline Agreements Transaction The issuance and acceptance of airline documents is based on Interline Agreements. The SITA_AirfareInterlineAgreementsRQ transaction permits the requestor to check the type of interline agreements issued by and accepted by one or more carriers.

Request Elements

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3.8. Airfare Price - Mileage Transaction The SITA_AirfareMileageRQ transaction provides ticketed point and maximum permitted mileage information for the requested itinerary.

Request Elements

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3.9. Airfare Price - Passenger Facility Charge Transaction The SITA_AirfarePaxFacilityChargeRQ transaction returns US Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) information.

Request Elements

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3.10. Airfare Price Transaction The itinerary pricing transaction allows the client to price a PNR returning the lowest price for the specified passengers and itineraries. The itinerary pricing request is similar to the Airfare terminal FSI entry.

The SITA Airfare Price request implements and extends the OTA_AirPriceRQ to add:

PNR booking stamp Plating (ticketing) carrier

Point of ticketing Currency override indicator and rates

Alternative ticketing dates Segment specific, global indicator and fare breakpoints

Multiple specified fare basis

The SITA Airfare Price response implements and extends the OTA_AirPriceRS to add:

Functional Control Character

Subject to government approval indicator

Ticket endorsements

Segment specific global indicators, NVA, NVB, free baggage allowances, IT/BT fare indicator and Stopover indicator

Request Elements

The demo provides one example of many on how to request the transaction. There are many combinations of optional field values that can be used in order to get results. See the SITA Web Services User Guide for more information.

This is a fares service request and is provided by the Airfare XML Interface (AXI). Additional information on the AXI product can be provided by SITA to demonstrate additional AXI transactions available through the AXI service. SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide SITA Airfare Price/Shop Transactions Revision Date: 2009-Aug-31, Revision: 3.0 Page 35

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Flight numbers are 3-5 alphanumeric and never include the airline code.

Airline codes follow the 2-3 alphanumeric IATA standard airline identifiers.

Date entries should always use the yyyy-mm-dd (year-month-date) format and optionally can include a Thh:mm:ss (Thour:minute:second) time format.

Number in party is the number of passengers that will travel.

Booking class types are standard and extended types. Use the available classes defined in the flights availability response.

Stop Quantity provides the number of stops to the destination.

Note: Changes to any field in the demo will result in a review screen displaying the current XML request string. All changes to field values during a demo session are maintained for the remainder of the session. No field validations are included in this example.


Request and Response XML strings are provided under the results. These strings show the full XML request and response data as they were passed and received from SWS.

Results used in the response display may or may not include all the data returned. The demo only provides a simple example of how the response might be used to display the returned information.

For more information on this transaction response data, see the SITA Web Services User Guide.

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3.11. Airfare Price - Rate of Exchange Transaction The SITA_AirfareRateOfExchangeRQ transaction returns current or historic Bankers Buying Rate (BBR), Bankers Selling Rate (BSR), and IATA Clearing House rates of exchange for one or more specified currencies.

Request Elements


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3.12. Airfare Price - Routing Transaction The SITA_AirfareRoutingRQ transaction returns routing information for the specified carrier, route-tariff, and routing number.

Request Elements

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3.13. Airfare Price - Rules Transaction The rule text message returns one or more SITA automated rules textual conditions and regulations for the specified fare organized by category names.

The SITA Airfare Price Rules Text request implements and extends the OTA_AirRulesRQ to add:

Historic rules retrieval

Retrieval of rules data using cookies returned by the fare display and pricing responses.

The SITA Airfare Price Rules Text response implements but does not extend the OTA_AirRulesRS.

Request Elements

The demo provides one example of many on how to request the transaction. There are many combinations of optional field values that can be used in order to get results. See the SITA Web Services User Guide for more information.

This is a fares service request and is provided by the Airfare XML Interface (AXI). Additional information on the AXI product can be provided by SITA to demonstrate additional AXI transactions available through the AXI service.

Date entries should always use the yyyy-mm-dd (year-month-date) format and optionally can include a Thh:mm:ss (Thour:minute:second) time format.

The Fare Reference is a specific code used to identify the fare type for the flight in the request.

Origin and Destination codes follow the standard IATA 3 alpha city/airport code.

Reference 1 and 2 (Ref1 and Ref2) are used to identify the original price provided from the AirfarePrice request. Price references are stored in a local cookie file and referenced to validate price guarantees.

The subsection provides a specific fare rule that you wish to include in the response.

Airline codes follow the 2-3 alphanumeric IATA standard airline identifiers.

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Note: Changes to any field in the demo will result in a review screen displaying the current XML request string. All changes to field values during a demo session are maintained for the remainder of the session. No field validations are included in this example.


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Request and Response XML strings are provided under the results. These strings show the full XML request and response data as they were passed and received from SWS.

Results used in the response display may or may not include all the data returned. The demo only provides a simple example of how the response might be used to display the returned information.

For more information on this transaction response data, see the SITA Web Services User Guide.

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3.14. Airfare Price - Tax Text Transaction The SITA_AirfareTaxTextRQ transaction returns tax codes, names and tax text for taxes that apply for the given the country, airport, city and/or tax code.

Request Elements


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4. Check In Transactions

4.1. Air Check In Transactions The Java Demo Air Check In transaction checks in a single passenger on a specific airline, flight, flight-date, itinerary, and class of service. If successful, the data returned includes the passenger’s assigned seat.

The SITA Air Check In transaction implements the OTA_AirCheckInRQ and OTA_AirCheckInRS.

Request Elements

Note: In order for this transaction to work, it is necessary to know an active flight number in the SITA partition (airline code XS) of the SITA’s “QAA” (development) system. Additionally, it is necessary to know a passenger name booked on that flight, and that passenger’s booked class of service.

The demo provides one example of many on how to request the transaction. There are many combinations of optional field values that can be used in order to get results. See the SITA Web Services User Guide for more information.

Date entries are always in the yyyy-mm-dd (year-month-date) format and optionally can include a Thh:mm:ss (Thour:minute:second) time format.

Origin and Destination codes follow the standard IATA 3-alpha city/airport code.

Airline codes follow the 2-3 alphanumeric IATA standard airline identifiers.

Flight numbers are 3-5 alphanumeric and never include the airline code.

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Booking class types are standard. Use the available classes defined in the flights availability response.

If the input Passenger Title, Passenger Given Name, and Passenger Surname do not match exactly with a passenger name stored in the system for the specified flight and date, the response will be the error “NOREC PSGR”.

Note: Changes to any field in the demo will result in a review screen displaying the current XML request string. All changes to field values during a demo session are maintained for the remainder of the session. No field validations are included in this example.


Request and Response XML strings are provided under the results. These strings show the full XML request and response data as they were passed and received from SWS.

Results used in the response display may or may not include all the data returned. The demo only provides a simple example of how the response might be used to display the returned information.

For more information on this transaction response data, see the SITA Web Services User Guide.

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4.2. Air Seat Map Transaction The Air Seat Map transaction requests seating information for a specific airline, flight, flight-date, itinerary, and class of service.

The information returned includes basic information about cabin layout, such as number of seats across, and any row characteristics. It also includes individual seat information such as seat availability and seat characteristics.

The SITA_AirSeatMap transaction implements the OTA_AirSeatMapRQ and OTA_AirSeatMapRS.

Request Elements

Note: In order for this transaction to work, it is necessary to know an active flight number in the SITA partition (airline code XS) of SITA’s “QAA” (development) system.

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Request and Response XML strings are provided under the results. These strings show the full XML request and response data as they were passed and received from SWS.

Results used in the response display may or may not include all the data returned. The demo only provides a simple example of how the response might be used to display the returned information.

For more information on this transaction response data, see the SITA Web Services User Guide.

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5. Reservations Transactions 5.1. Air Availability Transaction The Air Availability Request message requests Flight Availability for a specific city pair, on a specific date, for a specific number of passengers, and class of service. The request can be narrowed down to display further availability for a specific airline, specific flight, or a specific booking class on a specific flight.

The Air Availability Response message contains Flight Availability for a specific city pair on a specific date. A set of Origin Destination options is returned with each containing one or more flights for the original city pair.

Request Elements

The demo provides one example of many on how to request the transaction. There are many combinations of optional field values that can be used in order to get results. See the SITA Web Services User Guide for more information.

Date entries should always use the yyyy-mm-dd (year-month-date) format and optionally can include a Thh:mm:ss (Thour:minute:second) time format.

Origin and Destination codes follow the standard IATA 3 alpha city/airport code.

Note: Changes to any field in the demo will result in a review screen displaying the current XML request string. All changes to field values during a demo session are maintained for the remainder of the session. No field validations are included in this example.

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Request and Response XML strings are provided under the results. These strings show the full XML request and response data as they were passed and received from SWS.

Results used in the response display may or may not include all the data returned. The demo only provides a simple example of how the response might be used to display the returned information.

For more information on this transaction response data, see the SITA Web Services User Guide.

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5.2. Air Book Transaction The Book Request message requests to book a specific itinerary for one or more identified passengers. The message contains optional pricing information, allowing the booking class availability and pricing to be rechecked as part of the booking process.

Optional request information can include:

Seat and meal requests

Special Service Requests (SSR)

Other Service Information (OSI)


Fulfillment information-payment

Delivery details

Type of ticket desired

Request Elements

The demo provides one example of many on how to request the transaction. There are many combinations of optional field values that can be used in order to get results. See the SITA Web Services User Guide for more information.

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Date entries should always use the yyyy-mm-dd (year-month-date) format and optionally can include a Thh:mm:ss (Thour:minute:second) time format.

Origin and Destination codes follow the standard IATA 3 alpha city/airport code.

Airline codes follow the 2-3 alphanumeric IATA standard airline identifiers.

Flight numbers are 3-5 alphanumeric and never include the airline code.

Booking class types are standard and extended types. Use the available classes defined in the flights availability response.

Passenger type codes are consistent with the SITA Res host system.

This AirBook example provides the first of four names submitted for the booking for simplicity. The additional passenger names will be displayed on the Read command using the booking reference returned from this transaction.

Note: Changes to any field in the demo will result in a review screen displaying the current XML request string. All changes to field values during a demo session are maintained for the remainder of the session. No field validations are included in this example.


Request and Response XML strings are provided under the results. These strings show the full XML request and response data as they were passed and received from SWS.

Results used in the response display may or may not include all the data returned. The demo only provides a simple example of how the response might be used to display the returned information.

For more information on this transaction response data, see the SITA Web Services User Guide.

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5.3. Air Book Cancel Transaction The cancel message is used for canceling PNRs. Cancel cannot be used for canceling part of a booking. Air Book Modify should be used for canceling individual segments.

The response will return a confirmation of the cancellation and contains the reference of the items being cancelled – in this case, the PNR Record Locator.

Request Elements

The demo provides one example of many on how to request the transaction. There are many combinations of optional field values that can be used in order to get results. See the SITA Web Services User Guide for more information.

Booking reference numbers should a valid booking reference number returned from a completed AirBook request.

Comments are required and provide a reason for cancellation.

Note: Changes to any field in the demo will result in a review screen displaying the current XML request string. All changes to field values during a demo session are maintained for the remainder of the session. No field validations are included in this example.


Request and Response XML strings are provided under the results. These strings show the full XML request and response data as they were passed and received from SWS.

Results used in the response display may or may not include all the data returned. The demo only provides a simple example of how the response might be used to display the returned information.

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5.4. Air Book Modify Transaction The Book Modify Request message modifies an existing booking file. The message contains all elements of OTA_AirBookRQ plus a general type of modification, i.e., name change, split, cancel or other is indicated with the attribute ModificationType. The change transaction on the different elements is either indicated with the existing attribute Status (for air segments, SSRs and seat requests) or with attribute Operation of Type ActionType for the other elements (i.e., Other service information, remarks, AirTraveler Elements). In the AirBookModifyRQ element all the data to be changed is submitted and in the AirReservation element all existing data may be submitted. This allows the receiving system to perform a consistency check before updating the booking file. In order to keep the message small, this can be omitted.

Changes to a booking may result in required updates of the ticket (e.g., revalidation), imply charges for a change, the pricing may change or some fees may need to be collected.

Request Elements

The demo provides one example of many on how to request the transaction. There are many combinations of optional field values that can be used in order to get results. See the SITA Web Services User Guide for more information.

Booking reference numbers should a valid booking reference number returned from a completed AirBook request.

Passenger type codes are defined as they are on the SITA Reservations host system.

Traveler Reference Number is the passenger name position displayed in the PNR. See the Read response example.

The example for AirBookModify uses transaction type 3 for passenger clear. This example requests to clear the passenger at position 3 with name Lisa Simpson from thePNR using the booking reference provided. This is only one of several AirBookModify transaction types that can be used to change an existing PNR.

Note: Changes to any field in the demo will result in a review screen displaying the current XML request string. All changes to field values during a demo session are maintained for the remainder of the session. No field validations are included in this example.

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Request and Response XML strings are provided under the results. These strings show the full XML request and response data as they were passed and received from SWS.

Results used in the response display may or may not include all the data returned. The demo only provides a simple example of how the response might be used to display the returned information.

For more information on this transaction response data, see the SITA Web Services User Guide.

5.5. Air Details Transaction The Air Details Request message requests flight leg and code share information for a specific flight on a specific date between a city pair.

The Air Details Response message returns all detail information for a flight/date and city pair. This response comprises information such as:

Arrival/Departure Times Flight Information Indicator

Equipment Code Total Ground Time at an Intermediate City

Meal Codes Codeshare information

Elapsed Time On time percentage

Duration info (total and ground) Electronic Ticketing eligibility.

Number Of Stops

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Request Elements

The demo provides one example of many on how to request the transaction. There are many combinations of optional field values that can be used in order to get results. See the SITA Web Services User Guide for more information.

Date entries should always use the yyyy-mm-dd (year-month-date) format and optionally can include a Thh:mm:ss (Thour:minute:second) time format.

Origin and Destination codes follow the standard IATA 3 alpha city/airport code.

Airline codes follow the 2-3 alphanumeric IATA standard airline identifiers.

Flight numbers are 3-5 alphanumeric and never include the airline code.

Note: Changes to any field in the demo will result in a review screen displaying the current XML request string. All changes to field values during a demo session are maintained for the remainder of the session. No field validations are included in this example.


Request and Response XML strings are provided under the results. These strings show the full XML request and response data as they were passed and received from SWS.

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Results used in the response display may or may not include all the data returned. The demo only provides a simple example of how the response might be used to display the returned information.

For more information on this transaction response data, see the SITA Web Services User Guide.

5.6. Air Flight Information (Flifo) Transaction The AirFlifo message is a request for updated information on the operation of a specific airline flight. The request requires the airline, flight number and departure date. The departure and arrival airport locations can be also be included.

It returns information updated by airline on flight status. If the airline has not updated the flight information, the flight schedule is displayed.

The AirFlifo response includes real-time flight departure and arrival information. The following flight operation data is included in the response:

Departure airport Airport location for diversion of flight

Arrival airport Current departure and arrival date and time

Marketing and operating airline names, when applicable

Scheduled departure and arrival date and time

Flight number Duration of flight

Type of equipment Flight mileage

Status of current operation Baggage claim location

Reason for delay or cancellation

Request Elements

The demo provides one example of many on how to request the transaction. There are many combinations of optional field values that can be used in order to get results. See the SITA Web Services User Guide for more information.

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Date entries should always use the yyyy-mm-dd (year-month-date) format and optionally can include a Thh:mm:ss (Thour:minute:second) time format.

Airline codes follow the 2-3 alphanumeric IATA standard airline identifiers.

Flight numbers are 3-5 alphanumeric and never include the airline code.

Note: Changes to any field in the demo will result in a review screen displaying the current XML request string. All changes to field values during a demo session are maintained for the remainder of the session. No field validations are included in this example.


Request and Response XML strings are provided under the results. These strings show the full XML request and response data as they were passed and received from SWS.

Results used in the response display may or may not include all the data returned. The demo only provides a simple example of how the response might be used to display the returned information.

For more information on this transaction response data, see the SITA Web Services User Guide.

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SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide Reservations Transactions

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5.7. Air Schedule Transaction The Schedule Request message requests flight schedules for a defined city pair. The request may be narrowed as well to request schedules for a specific airline or specific flight.

SITA Res has the ability to display flight details of scheduled flights for any city pair up to approximately 5 years (1800 days) into the future. Flights are displayed whether or not the flight is available.

The OTA Schedule Response message will contain flight schedules for a given city pair. A set of OriginDestinationOptions is returned, each of which contains one or more (connecting) flights that serve that city pair.

Request Elements

The demo provides one example of many on how to request the transaction. There are many combinations of optional field values that can be used in order to get results. See the SITA Web Services User Guide for more information.

Date entries should always use the yyyy-mm-dd (year-month-date) format and optionally can include a Thh:mm:ss (Thour:minute:second) time format.

Origin and Destination codes follow the standard IATA 3 alpha city/airport code.

Note: Changes to any field in the demo will result in a review screen displaying the current XML request string. All changes to field values during a demo session are maintained for the remainder of the session. No field validations are included in this example.

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Request and Response XML strings are provided under the results. These strings show the full XML request and response data as they were passed and received from SWS.

Results used in the response display may or may not include all the data returned. The demo only provides a simple example of how the response might be used to display the returned information.

For more information on this transaction response data, see the SITA Web Services User Guide.

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SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide Reservations Transactions

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Page 71: SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide...The SITA Web Services Java Demo described in this document provides a working example of how SWS can be used to access, display, and in some cases

5.8. Read PNR Transaction This message allows the user to retrieve a PNR by its locator code.

Any actionable segment (except for flights removed from the system) in the itinerary can be used for the retrieval. A segment remains in the active portion of the PNR until three days after the segment is flown.

Request Elements

The demo provides one example of many on how to request the transaction. There are many combinations of optional field values that can be used in order to get results. See the SITA Web Services User Guide for more information.

Booking reference numbers should a valid booking reference number returned from a completed AirBook request.

The Read request using a specific Booking Reference number that will result in returning an AirBook response. Read requests can also use other elements that will return a ResRetrieve response that may list multiple matches. See the SITA Web Services User Guide for more information.

Note: Changes to any field in the demo will result in a review screen displaying the current XML request string. All changes to field values during a demo session are maintained for the remainder of the session. No field validations are included in this example.

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Request and Response XML strings are provided under the results. These strings show the full XML request and response data as they were passed and received from SWS.

Results used in the response display may or may not include all the data returned. The demo only provides a simple example of how the response might be used to display the returned information.

For more information on this transaction response data, see the SITA Web Services User Guide.

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SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide Reservations Transactions

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Page 73: SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide...The SITA Web Services Java Demo described in this document provides a working example of how SWS can be used to access, display, and in some cases

6. Ticketing Transactions

6.1. Air Demand Ticket The Java Demo Air Demand Ticket transaction generates an electronic ticket for a single passenger on a specific airline, flight, flight-date, itinerary, and class of service. If successful, the data returned includes the passenger’s assigned ticket number.

It is necessary to have the reservations PNR record locator available before doing this transaction. See the Air Book Transaction section for details.

Note: This transaction can only be used on flights where e-ticketing is available.

Request Elements


6.2. Ticket Void Currently, a ticket can be voided by cancelling the PNR. See the Air Book Cancellation Transaction section for details.

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SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide Ticketing Transactions

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7. Utility Transactions

7.1. Echo Transaction The Echo transaction is not currently supported in Java Demo.

7.2. Ping Transaction The OTA_PingRQ message should reply with the string sent. This is a test message to validate the service is up and running.

Request Elements

The demo provides one example of many on how to request the transaction. There are many combinations of optional field values that can be used in order to get results. See the SITA Web Services User Guide for more information.

The text is free form and can contain any test echo string you wish.

Note: Changes to any field in the demo will result in a review screen displaying the current XML request string. All changes to field values during a demo session are maintained for the remainder of the session. No field validations are included in this example.


Request and Response XML strings are provided under the results. These strings show the full XML request and response data as they were passed and received from SWS.

Results used in the response display may or may not include all the data returned. The demo only provides a simple example of how the response might be used to display the returned information.

For more information on this transaction response data, see the SITA Web Services User Guide.

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7.3. Screen Text Transaction The OTA_ScreenTextRQ message allows the user to send any command string to the host and get the host reply in a page and line separated response. It is intended as a one-off to provide any required missing functionality not currently found in SWS defined OTA transactions. All transaction requests are limited to the user assess rights on the SITA Res host service.

Request Elements

The demo provides one example of many on how to request the transaction. There are many combinations of optional field values that can be used in order to get results. See the SITA Web Services User Guide for more information.

The text is free form and should only represent a valid SITA Res host transaction.

Note: Changes to any field in the demo will result in a review screen displaying the current XML request string. All changes to field values during a demo session are maintained for the remainder of the session. No field validations are included in this example.


Request and Response XML strings are provided under the results. These strings show the full XML request and response data as they were passed and received from SWS.

Results used in the response display may or may not include all the data returned. The demo only provides a simple example of how the response might be used to display the returned information.

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SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide Utility Transactions

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7.4. Sign In Transaction The SITA_SignInRQ message allows the user to create stateful transactions. This keeps the SITA Res host session open to allow a series of transactions that are dependent on each other and which must be executed in order. The response contains PID information that needs to be supplied to each of the subsequent transactions to link onto that session.

Request Elements


The sample transaction returns a blank screen.

7.5. Sign Out Transaction The SITA_SignOutRQ message allows the user to close stateful transactions. This closes the SITA Res host session that was opened by a SITA_SignInRQ and the PID information needs to be supplied to identify the session to close. The response contains a SUCCESS message if successful.

Request Elements


The sample transaction returns a blank screen.

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8. Debugging Debugging the applet source can be done two ways.

1. Using System.out.println(“Test method called”) statements will produce output to the java console that can be opened using the IE 6.0 menu Tools/Sun Java Console or by selecting the Java Console icon located in the system tray.

2. Use of the method TextAppends in the source code will provide output to the data area of the demo page.

text.append("Test method called.\n");

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SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide Debugging

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SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide Support Revision Date: 2009-Aug-31, Revision: 3.0 Page 71

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9. Support Customer support for SWS will be managed through the SITA Service Management portal. All customers are required to have access to the service desk at: https://portal.sita.aero.

This can also be accessed by selecting the “SITA Support Desk” link on the header of the demo application. See the SITA Web Services User Guide for more information on how to use and submit support requests.

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SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide Appendix A. Contents of Directory SWSJAVADemo Revision Date: 2009-Aug-31, Revision: 3.0 Page 73

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10. Appendix A. Contents of Directory SWSJAVADemo Once the file SWSJavaDemo.ZIP has been expanded, there will be a new directory called SWSJavaDemo. It will contain the following folders and files.

Files in the directory SWSJavaDemo











Header. HTM

index. HTM: Default start up page (SELECT THIS TO START DEMO)

LocalIndex. HTM

LocalRXAWebDemo. HTM










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SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide Appendix A. Contents of Directory SWSJAVADemo

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10.1. Transaction folders in SWSJavaDemo The transaction folders contain files necessary to perform a specific transaction. Each folder is named for the transaction it supports, and contains a sample XML request, an XSL style sheet

to display the result, an HTML file to display the query fields, and a CVS folder which contains files named “Entries”, “Repository”, and “Root”.

10.1.1 Airfare Transaction Folders AirfareCalculateCurrency














10.1.2 Check-In Transaction Folders AirCheckIn


10.1.3 Reservations Transaction Folders AirAvail








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10.1.4 Ticketing Transaction Folders AirDemandTicket

10.1.5 Miscellaneous Transaction Folders Ping


10.2. Other folders in SWSJavaDemo bin :Empty folder

classes :Contains class definitions

doc :Contains SWS and Java Demo documentation

lib :Contains library .jar files

src :Contains java source code

10.2.1 Contents of folder SWSJavaDemo/bin The bin folder is currently empty.

10.2.2 Contents of folder SWSJavaDemo/classes crypto.properties– WS-Security settings.

The directory classes/aero/sita/xmlres/javademo contains

PasswordProvider.class– Password handler

PasswordTable.class – Password hash table

RXAJavaDemo.class– Service connection and call

10.2.3 Contents of folder SWSJavaDemo/doc SITA Web Services User Guide v.2.0.htm

SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide_1.0.htm

The directory doc/ Web Service User Guide v.2.0_files contains









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The directory doc/ Web Service User Guide v.2.0_files contains:

























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10.2.4 Contents of folder SWSJavaDemo\lib activation.jar
















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10.2.5 Contents of folder SWSJavaDemo/src Any changes to the source code modules will require a new RXAJavaDemo.jar to be created and placed in the lib directory.

config.properties– WS Configuration settings

crypto.properties– WS-Security settings.

The directory src/aero/sita/xmlres/javademo contains

PasswordProvider.java– Password handler

PasswordTable.java– Password hash table

RXAJavaDemo.java– Service connection and call

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SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide Glossary Revision Date: 2009-Aug-31, Revision: 3.0 Page 81

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11. Glossary

- H -

HTML – Refers to Hypertext Markup Language.

- I -

IATA – The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is the world organization of the scheduled airlines. Its Members carry the bulk of the world’s scheduled international and domestic air traffic, under the flags of over 125 nations and membership presently totals over 235 carriers.

IE – Internet Explorer

- J -

JRE – Java Runtime Environment

- P -

PNR – Passenger Name Record

- S -

SRWS/SWS – SITA Web Services

- X -

XML - - eXtendable Markup Language

Style Symbols

Example indicator

Start of Entry indicator

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SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide Glossary

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SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide Index Revision Date: 2009-Aug-31, Revision: 3.0 Page 83

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12. Index

HTML ....................................................... 81

IATA ......................................................... 81

IE.............................................................. 81

Java Runtime Environment........................ 1

JRE .......................................................... 81

Operating System.......................................1

PNR ..........................................................81


Web Browser ..............................................1

XML ..........................................................81

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SITA Web Services Java Demo Guide Index

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