City of Owen Sound Site Plan Approval SITE PLAN SUBMISSION AND APPROVAL GUIDELINES May, 2004 City of Owen Sound 808 2 nd Avenue East Owen Sound, ON N4K 2H4 (519) 376-1440

SITE PLAN SUBMISSION AND APPROVAL … · Grouping or woodlots..... 6 Site Development Information ... and maintain the site and building regulations of the Zoning Bylaw and also ensure

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City of Owen Sound Site Plan Approval



May, 2004

City of Owen Sound 808 2nd Avenue East

Owen Sound, ON N4K 2H4 (519) 376-1440


SITE PLAN APPROVAL ............................................................................................ 1

Mandate and Benefits of Site Plan Approval................................................................................ 1

REQUIRED ELEMENTS OF A SITE PLAN............................................................ 3

Prior to submitting a site plan ....................................................................................................... 3

Required Elements of a Site Plan.................................................................................................. 3

OTHER SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS................................................................... 5

Accessibility .................................................................................................................................... 5

Curbing........................................................................................................................................... 5

Existing Tree Preservation – Tree survey plan............................................................................. 6 Individual trees.......................................................................................................................... 6 Grouping or woodlots ............................................................................................................... 6 Site Development Information................................................................................................. 6 Hoarding .................................................................................................................................... 6

Garbage Enclosures ....................................................................................................................... 7

Signage ........................................................................................................................................... 7

LANDSCAPE PLAN .................................................................................................... 8

Landscape Plan Requirements .................................................................................................... 10

Landscaping of parking areas ..................................................................................................... 10

Landscape Standards – Plant Material and Landscape Specifications..................................... 11

Landscape Plan Checklist............................................................................................................ 12 PROCESS SUMMARY....................................................................................................................13

City of Owen Sound Site Plan Approval

SITE PLAN APPROVAL Under Section 41 of the Planning Act the City of Owen Sound has passed a Bylaw to designate the City a site plan control area. The following types of development are subject to site plan approval:

Industrial, commercial and institutional development Multiple residential development in excess of 4 units

Site plans are required for new projects and re-development projects. There are exceptions to this general list (i.e. low density residential and additions less than 30 square metres). Contact the Community Services Department, Planning Division 519.376.1440 or email to determine if a particular development project is subject to site plan approval. This manual will clarify expectations and requirements and is designed to assist applicants with the site plan approval process in their pursuit of a building permit. Mandate and Benefits of Site Plan Approval

Site Plan Approval is a key component in implementing the City’s Official Plan as well as secondary plans and master plans, including the Downtown and Harbourfront Master Plan, West Harbour Master Plan as well as the City’s Zoning Bylaw. Council considers site plan control to be necessary to ensure that development achieves an acceptable level of urban design and provides appropriate facilities to ensure its proper operation. Council may apply conditions under the Planning Act to the approval of a site plan. Road widening and easements may be required as a condition of approval.


City of Owen Sound Site Plan Approval

The Planning Act regulates what may be requested through site plan approval including:

Location of buildings and structures Massing/conceptual design of buildings Relationship between buildings Provision of public space Additional site design issues including access, accessibility, parking, loading

facilities, waste handling facilities, walkways, lighting, fencing, landscaping and grading.

Accessibility for all persons under the Ontarians with Disabilities Act Properly planned development will reflect the goals and objectives of the Official Plan and maintain the site and building regulations of the Zoning Bylaw and also ensure that development:

Is safe, functional and attractive Creates a positive image Is efficient & cost effective Minimizes impacts on adjacent property Has adequate municipal service


City of Owen Sound Site Plan Approval

REQUIRED ELEMENTS OF A SITE PLAN Prior to submitting a site plan The following items are suggestions prior to making a formal submission for site plan approval:

Have a preliminary development meeting – Development Coordination Meeting. It is advisable for the applicant or the consultant for the applicant including planner, engineers, landscape architects to review and discuss the proposed project with appropriate City staff – including Community Services, Planning Division and Operations, Engineering Division. A preliminary meeting with staff from the Building Division is also recommended.

In order that staff can serve you better, please contact the Community Services Department, Planning Division to arrange for this meeting 376-4440 ext 231.


Obtain a municipal address. All site plan applications require that the property have a municipal address and be accompanied by the legal deed for the property.

A preliminary site

review will determine if there are slopes, watercourses, trees or

other natural features on the site that may require further review or study. This should be identified early in order that these issues can be included in the site plan approval process. If natural features are identified, it may be beneficial to include staff from the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority in the preliminary development meeting.

Required Elements of a Site Plan A qualified planner, professional engineer, architect or landscape architect must prepare site plans. Site plans lacking professional content take longer to process and may not include the level of detail required for approval. The applicant or agent is to submit a complete site plan submission that includes the following information:

• A completed application form (see appendix A)


Sticky Note
Unmarked set by mpotter
Text Box
Pre-consultation is required. Please contact the Planning Division 519-376-4440 x. 1232 for submission requirements and fees for this mandatory process.

City of Owen Sound Site Plan Approval

• Municipal address • Deed • Application fee (see appendix A). Fee payment by cash or cheque (payable to

the City of Owen Sound) only. • A letter of authorization from the Owner (if the applicant is not the Owner)

indicating that the applicant/agent has permission to act on behalf of the Owner for the processing of this application.

• Ten (10) copies of all plans (folded) as well as one (1) copy of each plan reduced to 11”x17” and one digital copy of the file submitted by CD.

• Engineering application form and fee (appendix B). NOTE: The City has separate engineering site plan requirements that contain specific engineering standards.

• Site Plan Drawing requirements. The following is a checklist of the required information:

Site plan to scale (metric preferred) Key plan showing the location of the property with a directional north arrow Applicant and owner’s name and contact numbers Project name, municipal address and legal description Site plan and building statistics including:

- zone - lot area - lot coverage – proposed and permitted - gross floor area – proposed and permitted - landscaped area – proposed and required - parking and loading spaces – proposed and required - accessible parking spaces

Property dimension Adjacent land uses and zones, existing structures if possible Bus stops, above ground utilities, sidewalks Building setbacks to lot lines and rights of way Existing or proposed easements Size and location of parking spaces, parking aisles and accessible parking

spaces All entrance/exits with widths and radii Landscaping details with dimensions Existing and proposed grades Finished floor elevations of existing and proposed buildings Retaining walls Building entrances with spot elevations to indicate flush thresholds Existing natural features Type and location of all hard surface areas/walkways/stairs/ramps Garbage and recycling handling faculties Professional stamp Sign locations, dimension and setbacks and elevations


City of Owen Sound Site Plan Approval


Barrier free design requires that the building be accessible to persons with disabilities and shall conform to the Ontario Building Code, Section 3.7, Ontario Regulation 114-89 and 115-89.

Accessible parking spaces will comply with the requirements of Section 4 of Zoning Bylaw 1985-80, as amended.

The principle entrance of every office, commercial, industrial or multiple residential building shall open to the outdoors at sidewalk level or to a ramp. Flush thresholds are required at the entrances.

Accessible parking spaces must be located as close to the main entrance as possible, preferably within 30 m. The space should be accessible to a walkway, preferably without requiring a person to pass behind or between parked cars or across traffic

Every barrier free entrance shall provide an unobstructed width of at least 1.1 m for passage of wheelchairs

Curb cuts or ramps for all walkways must be provided from the public right of way to the main entrance to the building to allow access for all persons

The slope of a ramp must not exceed 1:12

Landing used for turning and intermediate landing used for rest including top and bottom are to be a minimum of 1.5 square metres and the length of each ramp section should not exceed 9 m

Signage designating access-ible spaces are required on each accessible parking space


Continuous 15 cm high barrier type poured concrete curbing will be required in the following areas: - between vehicle routes/parking stalls and landscape areas - major internal vehicular routes are to be defined with minimum 3 m wide raised

and curbed traffic islands - vehicle access should be defined to a site with a minimum 3 m wide landscape



City of Owen Sound Site Plan Approval

Existing Tree Preservation – Tree survey plan The purpose of a tree survey plan is to identify the existing vegetation on site and determine what can be preserved on the lands subject to a development proposal. It is recommended that the applicant speak to the Planning Division to determine if a tree survey plan is required. If it is determined that a tree survey is required, the following information is generally required:

Individual trees - location of each tree exceeding 100 mm: 100 – 200 mm measured 300 mm

from the ground and greater than 200 mm measured 1.4 m from the ground - existing grade at base of trunk - species of specimen - limit of canopy - state of health of tree - indicate whether the tree is to be retained or removed (including reasons for

removing if tree is to be removed) - the retention of trees greater than 15 cm in diameter in front and rear yards is

critical. Grouping or woodlots

- location of the outermost trees and existing grade at base of trunk

- limit of canopy and grade at that point - predominant species within the zone to

be preserved - average diameter of trees within the

zone measured 1.4 m above ground - general condition of trees in the zone

Site Development Information

- detailed layout of site showing building locations, driveways, parking areas, walkways etc;

- existing and proposed grades - location and type of services and utilities - construction area requirements (area around the proposed buildings required

for excavation of foundations and access during construction)

Hoarding - the applicant is responsible for ensuring that tree protection hoarding is

maintained throughout all phases of demolition and construction in the location and condition approved

- no materials (building material, soil etc) should be stockpiled in the area of hoarding


City of Owen Sound Site Plan Approval

Garbage Enclosures

Garbage enclosures are required for all external garbage storage area Enclosures are to be detailed in a material similar to the building or a

complimentary material Enclosures will be a minimum of 2 m high with swinging gates for collection The enclosure design shall screen the contents of the interior from surrounding

land uses Signage

All signage will be in accordance with the City’s Sign Bylaw (Bylaw 1986-193 as amended) and shall have a sign permit prior to construction

In the downtown, projects that employ natural materials in signs with external lighting are preferred. Wood signs with wrought iron detailing and support are encouraged where located at the storefront level to avoid disrupting the window rhythm of the upper façade

Signs that enhance architectural characteristics of the building are encouraged, especially in the downtown area


City of Owen Sound Site Plan Approval

LANDSCAPE PLAN The City of Owen Sound has approved policies relating to trees in the City; specifically there is a Boulevard Tree Replacement Program, Memorial Tree Planting Program, Greenspace Tree Planting Program and Boulevard Tree Request Program. In 2002, through the Public Works Advisory Committee, the City approved a policy regarding the Planting of Native Tree Species that identifies a pre-selected list of native trees for future municipal tree plantings within the City. Developers should be cognizant of these trees in the preparation of landscape plans. A copy of the Native Tree list is attached as a Appendix C to this guideline. Landscaping should be designed to enhance the presence of each building and develop a park like setting. Landscaping should be used as a major visual element to unify the proposed building, existing streetscape and the surrounding environment as an entity and functionally for directing the circulation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. It must mitigate the visual impacts of parking areas, loading docks, garbage and storage areas etc.


City of Owen Sound Site Plan Approval

The following general guidelines apply: • The landscaping plan will include elements of the tree survey plan where

applicable • Encourage excellence in landscape design in consideration of the distinct

character of this community and the natural features of this landscape • Preserve existing trees, woodlots and natural features wherever possible in

accordance with the tree inventory and preservation plan • Use a diversity of plant material, utilizing native species in accordance with City

policy and naturalizing appropriate areas • Ensure the integration of storm water management features • Preserve the heritage of resources including archeological sites and landscapes

of historic significance • Contribute positively to the overall image of the City • Provide landscaping at the streetline which contributes to the continuity of

landscaping between adjacent properties • Maintain unobstructed visibility to building entrances, key architectural features,

signage and public spaces. Locate plant material in a manner that provides adequate site lines for both motorists and pedestrians

• Group trees and shrubs to frame building elevations and add visual interest to blank facades and open spaces

• Install landscape elements that provide colour and decoration, having regard for seasonal changes

• Install plant material to soften building elevations, maintain a pedestrian scale and provide definition to public walkways and open spaces

• Provide landscaping to screen and buffer parking areas, open storage and other site service elements

• Provide protection from excessive summer sun and cold winter winds, especially adjacent to outdoor areas where people congregate. As a general guide, deciduous trees on south facing public spaces and coniferous trees on exposed north facing spaces.

• Stabilize steep embankments (where existing) with ground cover and trees • Select plant materials that are ecologically sound, appropriate for the existing

and future site conditions and suitable for all seasons • Incorporate drought resistant plant material in order to reduce long term

maintenance requirements and conserve water • As per City policy, native plant materials should be utilized where appropriate

and avoid the use of invasive plant species


City of Owen Sound Site Plan Approval

Landscape Plan Requirements • A landscape plan will be required • All plans will be to scale and have the location of the site with a north arrow • Planting detail including installation and support will be illustrated on landscape

plan • The landscape plan must conform to the site plan • All landscape plans must be prepared by a member of the Ontario Association of

Landscape Architects (OALA) or a landscaping professional satisfactory to the Community Services Department

• Landscape plans must take into account adjacent lands and topography Landscaping of parking areas Parking areas are the least offensive of the required service functions and they may be exposed to the street provided that adequate landscape screening is provided.

In order to maintain well landscaped lots it is preferable to create a continuous landscaped area between the street line and the building, uninterrupted by parking for a portion of the frontage. This landscape connection should be at least as deep as the minimum front yard setback but additional space would provide a greater effect. It is recognized that that functional requirements may make it impossible to achieve this type of layout. Sketches attached in Appendix D identify some of the following concepts.

• There should be a continuous landscape connection with no parking areas or

driveways for commercial and industrial development for at least 30% of the site frontage with a depth equal to or greater than the minimum setback

• Where a single row of parking is necessary at the front of the building, a landscape area should be provided across the face of the building closest to the street and at least 25% of the site frontage should be free of parking stalls

• Where a double row of parking is necessary in front of a building, a landscape area of 2 metres in depth should be provided across the whole site and 25-35% of the site frontage should be kept free of parking


City of Owen Sound Site Plan Approval

The following information will document the following information: • Locations of all proposed plant material, planting beds and sod areas • A plant list clearly labeled with a key system with the following information:

botanical and common name, species and or variety, size, quantity, spacing, planting detail and specifications etc.

• Existing vegetation to be retained or removed in accordance with tree preservation plan must be identified.

• Location of storm water management landscape features • Location, height and material of all fences, screen walls and retaining walls. • Existing and proposed grades along the property line and elevations at the base

of trees to remain. Finished floor elevations of all buildings. • Location and material of all hard surface areas • Any special snow storage areas

Landscape Standards – Plant Material and Landscape Specifications

• All plant material must conform to the Canadian Nursery Trades Association specifications and standards

• All sod to conform to the Canadian Nursery Sod Growers specifications • Minimum acceptable size for plant material are:

deciduous trees – 60 mm caliper coniferous trees – 175 cm height shrubs – 60 mm height

• Shrubs required for screening must have a minimum height of 125 cm. All trees should be wire basket, B & B or container grown

• Deciduous trees planted in a row will be centered at 11 metres maximum. Smaller flowering trees and ornamentals will be centered at 5-7 metres maximum

• Where existing trees on a City (or County) road allowance are removed the trees must be replaced to the satisfaction of the City of Owen Sound

• Coniferous trees will be centered at 4-8 metres depending on desired effect • All shrubs are to be planted in continuous planting beds • Planting beds will be mulched to a minimum depth of 75 mm and will be

maintained weed free. All mulch will be shredded bark except for planting beds located against buildings

• Plantings consisting of trees and shrubs will be a minimum of 50% coniferous plantings

• Where landscaped planting areas are abutting public roads, a minimum buffer width in accordance with the Zoning Bylaw must be maintained from inside the property line

• All berming and finished grades should be at a maximum slope of 3:1 for maintenance and erosion purposes

• Landscape areas (not including grass areas) should be designed to be maintained free from snow storage


City of Owen Sound Site Plan Approval

Landscape Plan Checklist

Title block, name of development, architect, legal description and municipal address

North arrow, scale 10 copies as well as 1-11”x17” and 1 CD version property dimensions and adjacent property land

uses and zoning existing or proposed buildings, entrance/egress

points location and width of existing and proposed

streets and sidewalks existing and proposed utilities tree retention plan information landscaping materials – location, size, etc (i.e. all

plants, paving, benches,, screens, fountains, statues, earthen berms, ponds including depth of water, or other landscape features)

proposed plant materials – location species spacing (if applicable), size (at time of planting and maturity)

existing and proposed topography with slope indicated parking computations showing required and provided parking spaces Distance of trees/shrubs from sidewalks, curb, screening walls and utilities Screening – materials, location, type and height Legend if abbreviations or symbols are used Description of maintenance provisions Detailed structural designs of entryway features Layout and description of irrigation, sprinkler or water systems including

placement of water sources, irrigation connections, meter locations and size with check valve vaults

Additional information necessary for clarity


City of Owen Sound Site Plan Approval


Consult with Planning, Building & Engineering staff regarding proposal. Prepare a draft site plan incorporating all elements required

by the city and submit draft for preliminary comments.

Formally submit a final site plan including all Planning & Engineering forms (found in Appendix with required fees). See Page 4 for required elements of a site plan.

For complex developments, additional studies may be required, including but not limited to: soil or slope stability studies, flood plain analysis, traffic counts & traffic impact studies, servicing

capacity analysis, and environmental reports including a Record of Site Condition where a brownfield is being developed.

The application is reviewed by the Planning & Development Dept. considering zoning, site layout, landscaping, parking layouts, lighting, garbage storage, etc. Then, the plan is circulated to the Engineering Dept. (lot grading & drainage, traffic movement, sanitary & storm sewer servicing, and environmental issues), the Fire Dept. (fire routes, hydrants, and emergency access), the Police Dept. (public safety), and the Conservation Authority (erosion, nearby water courses, and storm water management). Generally a two week

commenting period is allowed.

When all comments are received, the applicant is advised of any recommended changes. Once changes have been made, the site plan is submitted, along with a report on the site plan by Community Services (Planning Division), to City Council

for consideration.

Council may approve the site plan subject to conditions, such as a development agreement and security in the form of a letter of credit. These conditions must be satisfied before work can begin.

Once all conditions have been met, a building permit can be issued and work can commence. Once the project is completed as required, a certificate

of compliance should be requested from the City to confirm the project has been completed acceptably. The performance security will then be returned. It is required that the completed works be maintained in accordance with the

originally approved plans.



S.P. NO: OPS-3

PAGE NO. 1 of 3

DATE: Febnrary 6,2002

Municipal Tree Selection- Ptranting of Native TreeSpecies

DEPARTMENT:OperationsDIVISION:R¡blic Works


The city of owen Sound's Tree Planting operating policy, schedule uA,, By [.awt994'O2O, requires the preparation of lists of treei acceptable for planting inpublic places within the City.

Planting of native tree species is ìd.entified. as a best management practice.

It p"tt of the implementation of this best management practice tJle attachedlists;

. Boulevard Trees, dated February 6,2002 artd1 Park and Greenspace Trees, dated FebruarSr 6,2OO2

shall be the approved Municipal Tfee Lists for trees planted on municipalpropert5r in the City of Owen Sor¡nd.

Gity of Owen SoundNative Species Tree SelectionPark and Greenspace Trees

February 6, 2002

'- ldentified as natlve ïî2OO1-2OO2 Natlve PlantResource Gulde for Ontarlo

greenspacelrees PWAC_20020206

U UxbrldgeC Conan


Gity of Owen SoundNatlve Species Tree Setection

Boulevard TreesFebruary 6,ZOO?

U UxbridgeC Gonan

'- ldentified ae nat¡ve in2}Ol-2002Native ptântResource Guide for Ontario









Community Services DeparhentCity Hall808 2nd Avenue EastOwenSound,ON N4K2H4

Brlck Plci ¡¡d Ùloueht l¡on Fencs

*YrY^*nBrlck Plcr Spcclf,cetlon¡

Dessíptíor¿.- Custom brick piers for fencing, t]¡pe S gey mortar usêd,Hydrozn Enviroseal 7 masonry repellancy agent to beapplied to piers.

Manafacturcn Richland Moulded Brick

Sttpplbr/Sates Rep.: Sincoe Block, 2OT Tiffiln St., Ba¡rie, ONTek 800-487-3704 Fax 705-725-T195

Catalogae No./Desc.; clay brick, mix of four color¡rs: 30% "UpperCanrada', 5O% "Niagara Ont.", 10% "Old Yorlf,10% "English Rose"

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SPECIFICATIONDowntown Decorative


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Sample Picture

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Please complete and submit the following application with the appropriate fee (see below), copy of deed to the subject lands, and ten sets of plans to the Planning & Development Division to apply for site plan approval from City Council.

Pre-consultation1 $500

Residential (Major) $2,500 base fee plus $50/dwelling unit (up to a maximum of $5,000)

Commercial (Major) $2,500 base fee plus $50/100 m2 gross floor area (up to a maximum of $5,000)

Residential or Commercial (Minor)2 $800

1 A pre-consultation submission and fee are required prior to submitting a formal site plan application. Please contact the Planning Division to determine what is required. 2 A Minor Site Plan approval Application for Residential or Commercial development includes any any classes of development that may be considered by the delegate as further described in the Site Plan Control By-law 2011-034, as amended OWNERSHIP INFORMATION: REGISTERED OWNER (Be certain to write name accurately): AUTHORIZED SIGNING OFFICER(S) (If Owner is Company): ADDRESS AND PHONE # OF OWNER OR AGENT TO WHICH CORRESPONDENCE IS TO BE SENT: IF THERE IS A PENDING PURCHASE PLEASE INDICATE THE NAME, SIGNING OFFICERS (If Applicable), ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER OF PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER: DESIGN FIRM (Planner, Architect, Engineer, etc.): FIRM NAME, CONTACT, ADDRESS AND PHONE # OF FIRM: PROPERTY INFORMATION: MUNICIPAL ADDRESS: ANTICIPATED START DATE: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS (Previous Development Agreements, Unusual Site Conditions or other information to assist in review of site plan): OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE RECEIVED: FEE RECEIVED: RECEIPT NUMBER: SITE PLAN FILE #: INITIALS: This application will be used by the Planning & Development Division for administrative purposes and will be distributed to other City Departments and agencies for comments. All information of a personal or private nature is protected by the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. SO 1989. Information on this application may be subject to disclosure under the Act if circumstances warrant.

City Hall 808 2nd Avenue East Owen Sound, Ontario PH: 519-376-1440 FAX: 519-371-0511


This brief overview cannot cover every variable that might arise during preparation of plans for a development project. Procedures may be somewhat different depending upon the nature of the development project. City staff can assist in determining what specific requirements will apply. To obtain a building permit, the Developer will need to obtain approval from a variety of City Departments. The following outlines briefly the process used in Owen Sound and the contacts the Developer will need to make to address the requirements of the development project. SITE PLAN APPROVAL * The site plan development and approval process is administered by the City's Planning Division, who

can provide information on the City's standards and plan requirements. * Site Plan Approval is given by City Council except where delegated to the Director of Community

Services. If a development agreement is required, the City requires that it be executed and required securities posted, prior to issuance of a building permit.

* Prior to submitting a formal application, a pre-consultation submission and fee will be required. Please consult with the Planning Division. Contact:

Owen Sound Planning Division 808 2nd Avenue East

Owen Sound ON N4K 2H4 Phone (519) 376-1440 FAX (519) 371-0511

BUILDING PERMIT * The City's Building is responsible for reviewing plans in context with Building Code and City By-laws;

the City’s Fire Department is responsible for reviewing plans in context with Building Code and the City's Fire Route By-Law.

* No building permit will be issued until plans have been approved by the City's Planning Division, Engineering Division, Fire Department, and Hydro One. The Developer is strongly encouraged to circulate the plans to various departments for approval prior to a building permit application being made; doing so will save time when a building permit application is made.

* Details on the City's Development Charges By-law can be obtained from the Building Division. * Contact: Owen Sound Building Division Owen Sound Fire Services 808 2nd Avenue East 1209 3rd Avenue East Owen Sound ON N4K 2H4 Owen Sound ON N4K 2L6 Phone (519) 376-1440 Phone (519) 376-2512 FAX (519) 371-0511 FAX (519) 372-0757 MUNICIPAL SERVICES * Service details are needed for Site Plan Approval and prior to issuance of a building permit. * The Developer is responsible to obtain necessary approvals. * The City's Engineering Division is responsible for water, sanitary and storm sewers, grading and

drainage, roads and access, sidewalks, street lighting, and other municipal hard services. The Hydro One is responsible for hydro (electrical) services.

* Contact: Owen Sound Engineering Division Hydro One Networks 1900 20th Street East P.O. Box 5700 Owen Sound ON N4K 5N3 Markham ON L3R 1C8 Phone (519) 376-4530 Phone (800) 235-7049

FAX (519) 372-1209

OTHER SERVICES * The Developer is responsible for making arrangements for telephone, gas and cable TV.

Union Gas Bell Alliant Rogers Cable Systems P.O. Box 340 P.O. Box 400 1 Sperling Drive Waterloo ON N2J 4A4 Owen Sound ON N4K 5P7 Barrie ON L4M 6B8 Phone 1-888-774-3111 Phone (519) 371-3125 Phone(705)737-4660 x.6925

OTHER AGENCIES * Site Plan Approval or the issuance of a building permit does not preclude the Developer's

responsibility to obtain any permits or approvals required by other government agencies.

Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Ministry of Natural Resources 101 17th Street East, 1450 7th Avenue East Owen Sound ON N4K 0A5 Owen Sound ON N4K 2Z1 Phone (519) 371-2901 Phone (519) 376-3860 Ministry of Transportation Niagara Escarpment Commission 1450 7th Avenue East 99 King Street East, Box 308 Owen Sound ON N4K 2Z1 Thornbury ON N0H 2P0 Phone (519) 376-7350 Phone (519) 599-3340 Grey Sauble Conservation Authority Grey Bruce Health Unit 237897 Inglis Falls Road, RR 4 101 17th Street East Owen Sound ON N4K 5N6 Owen Sound ON N4K 0A5 Phone (519) 376-3076 Phone (519) 376-9420

Last revised: 01/12/2017


1900 20th Street East OWEN SOUND ON N4K 5N3

(519)376-4530 FAX (519)372-1209


Please complete all applicable sections of this form. A legal survey of the property, design drawings and reports signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice in the Province of Ontario may be required as part of a complete application. Four (4) copies of relevant drawings are required with the application.


Application Type (Check One) Site Plan Control (Minor Works) Site Plan Control (Major Works) Plan of Subdivision

Official Plan Amendment Zoning By-Law Amendment Minor Variance Consent to Sever Property Information

Street No. Street Name: Unit No. Municipal Address: Registered Plan Number: Lot Numbers: Roll Number:

Owner Information PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION (Check one) Person(s) Company Surname: First Name: Registered Land Owner: (if Company) Company Officer: Name: Surname: First Name: Position: Application Contact: Street No.: Street name: Postal Code: Address: No.: Fax: email: Telephone: ( ) ( )

Engineering Consultant Firm: Surname: First Name: Position: Application Contact: Street No.: Street name: Unit Number Address: Municipality: Province: Postal Code: No.: Fax: email: Telephone: ( ) ( )

Applicant Information Designate to which all correspondence will be sent: Owner Engineering Consultant Application Submitted by (Please print): Title: The applicant acknowledges and agrees to deposit with the City the total estimated fee of: Signature: Date: (refer to back of form)

FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Received: Fee Received: Fee Required:

Application Complete: Yes No Receipt #:

Date Application Approved: Approved by:

Q:\DGoetz\Forms\COS Rev Eng fee application.doc Rev. February 2012


Typewritten Text



Site Plan Control (Minor Works)

Residential development: single dwelling residential infilling, duplexes, single dwelling as part of a plan of subdivision (plot plans), expansions / additions to existing buildings and facilities/pools / outbuildings

Engineering Review $250.00

Engineering review for construction comprising < 23 square metres (250 sq. ft.)


Site Plan Control (Major Works)

Residential development with two to five dwellings, apartments, condominiums, townhouse developments, institutional, commercial, industrial development or expansions

Administration and Records $500.00

Detailed review of lot grading and drainage, municipal servicing, road works, slope hazard review, spot field inspections, engineering servicing agreement when required, (see Notes 2 and 8)

Detailed Review and Approval of on-site and off-site works

4% of value <= $100,000 plus 2% thereafter of Total Development Cost (see Notes 1,8)


Plan of Subdivision

Residential subdivisions with more than five dwellings

Administration and Records $500.00

Detailed review of lot grading and drainage, stormwater management, watermain, sanitary and storm sewers, roadworks, streetlighting, landscaping, slope hazard review, spot field inspections, engineering servicing agreement, (see Notes 2 and 5)

Detailed Review and Approval of on-site and off-site works

4% of value <= $100,000 plus 2% thereafter of Total Development Cost (see Notes 1,4,8)


Official Plan Amendment Engineering Review $500.00

Zoning By-law Amendment

Engineering Review $300.00

Minor Variance Application

Engineering Review $300.00

(see Notes 3,4,5)

Consent to Sever Application

Engineering Review $350.00

(see Notes 3,4,5)


NOTES: 1) Total Development Cost includes: estimated construction value of on-site and off-site works (excluding dwellings), plus 5% contingency costs, plus 7% for engineering design, administration and inspection costs, plus Applicable Taxes.

2) Construction inspection and certification for compliance of lot grading and municipal servicing to City Standards is the responsibility of the Developer or owner and technical peer review by external Consultants shall be an additional cost and also the responsibility of the Developer.

3) Application for Site Plan Control and Plan of Subdivision shall be processed under the respective categories in addition to the Consent Applications and Minor Variance Applications.

4) Site Plans of individual dwellings will each require an additional application under Site Plan Control (Minor Works) 5) Work required verifying services by camera investigation and field inspection by the City’s Public Works Division shall be an

additional fee. 6) Fees may be exempt for locations approved by City Council as shown on the approved Community Improvement Plan, for

the purposes of encouraging redevelopment in the Downtown and Harbour areas. 7) Engineering Servicing Agreements may be required for any development for off-site servicing works. 8) If a Street Occupation Permit or Special Services Application is required it shall be an additional fee upon application.

** The approved Design Drawings will be released for construction upon full payment of the calculated fees.

DECLARATION OF DESIGNER (required if Consulting Engineer not retained by owner)

I, ___________________________________________ (PRINT NAME)

declare that I am the property owner of the residential lands described overleaf and that the submitted designs are my drawings. I assume full responsibility for the depicted design and accuracy of the information shown.

It has been explained to me by City staff that a qualified professional should be retained to produce engineering design drawings for this project.

I certify that:

1. the information contained in this submission is true to the best of my knowledge;

2. the submitted design has been created with regard to the provisions within City of Owen Sound Property Standards Bylaw No. 1999-030 (as amended) and Zoning Bylaw 2010-078 (as amended).

Date: _________________ _________________________________________


Appendix A – Schedule 4

R.R.#4, 237897 Inglis Falls Road, Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 5N6 519 376-3076 fax 519 371-0437 www.greysauble.on.ca

Planning Services Fees

Property Location

Municipal Address: _____________________________________________________________

Registered Plan Number: _____________________________ Lot Number/s: ______________

Assessment Roll Number: ________________________________________________________

Owner Information

Owner Name: __________________________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________ City:


Postal Code: _____________ Phone Number: ___________________ Fax: ________________

Cell Number: _____________________ E-mail: ______________________________

Agent Information (if different from owner)

Applicant Name:


Address: _________________________________________ City:


Postal Code: _____________ Phone Number: ___________________ Fax: ________________

Cell Number: _____________________ E-mail: ______________________________

The owner/agent acknowledges and agrees to deposit with the Grey Sauble Conservation

Authority the total estimated fee of: (See back for Fee Schedule)

________________________________ ________________________________

Signature Date

For Office Use Only

Date Received: Fee Received: Fee Required:

Application Complete: Yes No

Receipt Issued: Yes No

Date Application Approved: _________ Approved By:


GSCA Planning (fees approved by GSCA Board of Directors Nov. 8, 2017) pg. 2

Grey Sauble Conservation Authority

Fee Schedule Application Type Fee Amount

Minor Variance $180

Site Plan – Minor* $250

Site Plan – Major* $550

Consent to Sever $240

Official Plan Amendment $240

Zoning By-law Amendment $240

Pre-circulation consultation –Small Development


Pre-circulation consultation –Large Development


Plan of Subdivision or Condominium

$70 per lot or block (minimum $560/maximum $6690)

Red-Line Revision – Minor $180

Red-Line Revision – Major $550

Total Fee Notes:

1. Fees are collected by the City of Owen Sound on behalf of the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority.

2. The fees are for the review of planning applications and do not preclude the requirement for the payment of permit fees under Ontario Regulation 151/06 where applicable.

3. Additional technical review fees may also apply. (see attached Schedule 3(b)) 4. Fees for multiple applications made at the same time for the same parcel and for the

same development proposals for Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, Minor Variances and Consents will be discounted as follows: - First Application – full fee per lot or application - Additional Applications – 50% of full fee per lot or application

5. * Site Plan - Minor - includes developments for single family dwelling and/or small scale commercial/industrial proposals * Site Plan - Major - Includes developments for major Commercial/Industrial and/or multiple residential developments

6. Pre-circulation Consultation – Small Development - developed area is for single family dwelling or small scale commercial/industrial area less than 1 hectare in size. Large Development - Multiple residential, multiple unit commercial/ industrial and/or developed area greater than 1 hectare in size.

7. Red-Line Revisions apply to applications for subdivision.

GSCA Planning (fees approved by GSCA Board of Directors Nov. 8, 2017) pg. 3

Planning Agreement --Technical Review Fee Schedule Effective January 1, 2015.

APPENDIX A - SCHEDULE 3 (b) in municipal Planning Agreements

Technical Clearance Flat Fee


1. Scoped Site Environmental Impact Studies for proposed mitigation measures related


2. Full Site Environmental Impact Studies for proposed mitigation measures related to any natural heritage features (refer to Appendix A, Schedule 2)


3. Sub-watershed Study/Master Drainage Plan or Tributary Study $510.00 4. Storm water management studies and proposed facilities. $1,280.00 5. Scoped Site Impact studies and proposed mitigation measures for any proposal that is potentially impacted by natural hazards (flooding, slope stability, shorelines)


6. Full Site Impact studies and proposed mitigation measures for any proposal that is potentially impacted by natural hazards (flooding, slope stability, shorelines)


7. All technical clearance fees are subject to the Supplementary Fee, where applicable, in addition to the flat fee

See Note 5 below

Notes and Definitions: 1. For the purpose of this fee schedule, Scoped Site studies are generally recommended in

situations where the nature of the natural feature or hazard is well documented, similar development has been previously proposed, modeled and analyzed, impacts are not expected due to the location or nature of a proposed development, and mitigation options have been developed.

2. For the purpose of this fee schedule, Full Site studies are generally recommended in

situations which are more complex, where information is lacking, or where the risk or significance of the impact is high.

3. Where the Authority has identified the need for technical clearance through its

comments to the Municipality the applicant will obtain the clearance directly from the Authority and will submit the appropriate fee as specified in the schedule of fees directly to the Authority.

4. Where a Conservation Authority development permit approval is required in addition to

the planning approval, the fee for the Conservation Authority permit may be discounted at the Authority’s discretion.

5. For the purpose of this fee schedule, the Supplementary Fee applies when the

Conservation Authority chooses to use specific technical assistance from another source to supplement their review of a technical document, and hereby direct costs are incurred by the Authority. This fee is in addition to the flat rate fee and is to be paid by the proponent directly to the Authority. The Supplementary Fee charged to the proponent is equal to the costs invoiced to the Authority by the other source for that specific review.